I've never read so many words that said nothing.

I must admit I didn’t finish her yammering prose.  I tried.  I also found myself rooting for a lightning strike.  I'm even a fan of fishing….been doing it for years.  But reading her crap has caused the death of several of my very favorite brain cells.
Written works are supposed to make the reader "feel" something.  I feel that I could care less about anything she does or that she thinks walking out her front door is an adventure.  Grow up.


  1. I too was hoping for a lightning strike.
    I did feel something while I was reading. I felt confused. To me her writing is confusing and hard to follow. I see glaring grammatical errors without even looking for them. And the mis-use of the question marks in her blurb at the bottom, after the post, is just unbelievable, how could anyone write like that and have the gall to call themselves a writer!

    1. It made me feel bored. Like, write something interesting already! I kept reading it waiting for something, anything interesting to happen. I was profoundly disappointed, but not surprised.

  2. Replies
    1. Purple prose indeed. And it made me realize that she could have written all that word salad about any subject. For example, I'll take some excerpts and replace fishing with grocery shopping:

      "The day is wild. The air is electric, and the hairs on my arms are standing straight up. In just minutes I will arrive at the new Trader Joe's in my amazing little town. But right now, in this moment, time has stopped cuz I'm stuck at a traffic light, but I am a vessel for hope.

      If I was at my usual grocery store, I'd already be done shopping. But here I am, a different woman entirely, cuz this is a Trader Joe's I'm going to! I left my home just before noon. I did it in pursuit of a small and amazing little store that I may or may not find. But then there it is, in all it's glory!

      As I jump out of my truck, Gloria Swanson, the wind picks up and the Grand Opening coupon has fallen out of my hands and blows across the parking lot. NO!!! I grab for it frantically like I’m in one of those air-blown money booths. Got it!! Now to find a shopping cart. Aisle after aisle and no luck. It seems unbelievable that a cart wouldn’t be there, in this perfect parking lot.

      I keep looking to nothing and finally, I see the flash of familiar steel! But I need to grab it before someone else does, so I start to run. My heart starts to pound. My eyes narrow. I am both running and praying, but still, the joy washes over me like the first drop in a roller coaster just as I grab the lucky cart. I feel goosebumps explode all over my arms as the voices in my head break out in a deafening roar.

      There are birds in the trees above me and I hear them chirping their congratulations. And once again, I am humbled and in awe that this experience was always waiting for me. That this magic cart, this amazing store, this way of being a part of society was always here. Somewhere someone just won the lottery but wishes they could know THIS joy. This store is small but beautiful. And if I can shop and eat my groceries in the same day, I’m thrilled to be a part of the human experience."

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindJuly 28, 2023 at 3:19 AM

      Anon7, PERFECTION!!!

    3. Anon7 1:01: Great job! I enjoyed reading your piece, at least it had humor. And she could have kept the groceries and not have to return them to the store.
      Anon 6:09 pm

    4. Wonderful shopping story! Lol

      I’m just going to say right now that she’s not going to publish anything about fly fishing. Maybe... just maybe an article for some free fly fishing newsprint available outside a Bass pro shop. Maybe!??

      My issue with Jenna always has and always will be her insincerity. She is so all over the place, she lies, she deletes stuff. She just flops around to this and that wanting to write a best seller about any topic she enjoys for a minute.

      What happened to her memoir about being gay and having sex with women? Supposedly her agent didn’t want it. Seems like she used it to write blog posts for a couple of weeks and then had nothing else to say.
      So now she’s going to write river diaries?
      Common denominator is that she is writing about what she knows and experiences which is very small. She is small minded and has such a small life, it is very hard for people to relate. Who at 41, doesn’t pay their bills, refuses to work, and can spend all day fishing? No one except Jenna that’s who!!

      I don’t want to hear about her ankle anymore. It’s fine.

      I don’t want to hear about car trouble anymore. She makes a 4 hour round trip for a date.

    5. You nailed it Anon7! What a writer you are! I was all caught up in your shopping experience and can't wait to go to my Trader Joe's.

    6. Anon7. That was great! Jenna has even called her own existence “my dumb small life.” For once, she was right. She’s the Cambridge Queen of Con.

    7. I gave up before the part about dating someone. Her writing is so BORING. Try editing out some of the tedious detail darlin’ and learn punctuation.

    8. You cracked me up with your truck name...Goria Swanson. Hilarious!!

    9. Please tell me you're going to write a book or at least host some workshops so I may learn how to capture some of your magic Trader Joe's shopping days for myself. I have a serious case of Storeheart, and no one else understands my desire to live the Trader Joe's life.

    10. Hot flash! Another OG shamster! So good to “see” you!!

    11. Aw, thanks! I still check in here once in awhile. Gotta stay abreast of the latest!

    12. Thanks guys! I had fun writing that. (And good to see you, HFH!)

  3. Btw that looks suspiciously like a brand new net to me.

  4. Down to 4,719 on Twitter, and dropping almost daily. No one wants to follow a lying, lazy loser like Jenna.

    1. Anyone notice that one of her drawings she posts as advertising is from 2004? The brown dogs/foxes/something in a circle says 2004 in the lower right hand corner. If you have to post art from almost 20 years ago because you don't have anything better, that's pretty pathetic.

    2. Whenever people unfollow her, Jenna has a knee-jerk reaction, and does the same to them. I find it funny, because she’s so juvenile. “Hoo!!!”

    3. 4,716 now. She’s lost 3 more followers today. How’s that begging working out for ya, Jen? It looks like people are sick of it. “Hoo!!!”

    4. It’s a new low of 4,705 now. Her account has dropped down by 11 more followers. “Hoo!!!”

    5. And now it’s dropped down to 4,702 since yesterday. How’s that blatant begging working out for ya, Jen? “Hoo!!!”

    6. 4,701 today and dropping. “Hoo!!!”

  5. I tried to read it all, I really did. Usually I can make it through her blog posts but not this time. Way too much prose and not enough substance. I can easily see an editor say, "alright, cut it in half and get rid of all the crap" or just not bother with it at all. This is how she can claim she writes 10,000 words. It's just that 8,000 of them don't need to be written.
    She also mentioned that she was willing to trespass if that's what it took to get to a good spot. That is not okay. She's like a toddler, willing to kick and cry and do whatever it takes to get her way.

    1. Jenna is a huge hypocrite. She throws a fit when people drive by on her public road. Yet she considers it okay if the cunt trespasses on private property.

  6. A Legend in Her Own MindJuly 28, 2023 at 8:53 AM

    River Diary should be named "Drivel Diary". What a load of self-satisfied crap, as she tries to make yet another mundane activity seem so, so sPeCiAL.

    Thank God, Anon7 did a much better version 👍.

    Nevertheless, I waded through the uninteresting verbiage to find these gems:

    ➡️ "I am a vessel for hope". Yeah, yeah. This makes sense, as there's nothing inside of her: no center, no core, no sympathy and no empathy.

    ➡️ And what about her proclivity for trespassing onto other people's property to fish their waters? You know, the person who hates people driving on main street, looking at her? She writes "if it’s not public and I don’t see any signs posted, (I) dabble with tresspassing."

    ➡️ Bad writing alerts throughout: "I want to know the truth so bad it could crack a rib" and "the joy washes over me like the first drop in a roller coaster."

    ➡️ Or this beaut (which shows why no agent will take her seriously): "I take in the colors (of the fish) like he’s a fresh 64-pack of crayons, the good kind with a sharpener in the back."

    Want more? He had "orange fins that are so bright it reminds me of something tropical, like a clown fish."

    ➡️Lastly, this is why I consider her a disturbed individual, one who brings no value to the universe: she reflects: "I wonder how many fish I need to trap to become a bodhisattva? To know peace? To have enough?"

    Eeww. There will never be enough fish (or hawks, farm animals and TS trinkets) to fill that hollow space inside her. She needs serious therapy.

    1. Should titled " RIver Diarrhea",

    2. PDD. “Drivel Diary” succinctly sums up her crap. Jenna is the antithesis of an evolved “bodhisattva.” She’s barely primordial ooze in a human, feral form. Her putrid purple prose is rotten writing. It’s no wonder why her memoir was rejected by an agent.

  7. Question for more serious anglers here: I don’t fly fish but I know some folks that do - isn’t the gear kind of expensive compared to a regular fishing set up? Just curious.

    1. My daughter belongs to a fly fishing club and yes, it is a very pricy hobby. Everything from the equipment- rods and reels, to the nets, fly vests, waders, and don’t even get me started on the flies. Pliers for every task. It is very expensive. Not to mention those who do it legally purchase a permit and separate trout stamps.

  8. She apparently broke a sliding glass door with a power washer. Get ready for the beg-a-thon. Also wondering if this will impact her date weekend or will she board it up and head out anyway. Oh the drama 🤣🤣🤣

  9. Looks like I totally called it. The newest dispatch is titled Call For Support. No mention of the broken window. Instead it's all about winter prep. Like she ever starts preparing for winter in July. It doesn't occur to her that people read her on more than one platform. What an idiot. I'm going to check out Twitter too.

    1. SFF. This bears repeating. Her patterns are predictable once you start to see them. Jenna can barely make if for a week without begging, and using manipulative marketing to elicit empathy from followers.

  10. On IG since she will probably delete. Jenna broke her glass sliding door with the power washer. Something new to beg for??

  11. Well, we knew it wasn’t possible for JW to get through the end of the month without a begging article and sure enough, it’s her latest dispatch. She admits she has no credit card or backup plan. She also carefully avoids talking about her many leisure activities and expensive hobbies. Yup, people should send money to fund her lazy lifestyle. Sorry, Jenna, you are not a hard working farmer. Not a single reason anyone should send you money to pay for hay and firewood, you know what the backup plan is. Get off your lazy duff and get a job.

    1. Jenna has had support for her lie-style, and it’s only enabled her blatant begging. She doesn’t deserve donations now.

  12. A Legend in Her Own MindJuly 28, 2023 at 12:33 PM

    She broke her living room glass door slider (outer glass) by using a power washer on it. Yes, she is an idiot.

    1. PDD. She might’ve already deleted her latest lying for more manipulative marketing. I can’t see it on her Instasham account now.

  13. The dumbass with the thinking skills of an adolescent gnat has broken her glass storm door with her pressure washer. Given the fact that her house is falling down one wonders why she’d bother to replace it. It’ll be the last thing standing when the floor gives way dropping JWog, two dogs, three cats and the raptor tethered to a floor lamp into the crawl space. Just leave it, darlin’. $800 will buy a boatload of TS merch…..

  14. What? Contributions to the blog, she says, are the only way she can tell if people like her writing? Contributions in the form of $$$$, obviously. Damn, darlin’, open up comments on your blog like everybody else does. Get a dialogue going. We’ll tell you about your writing. It’s dreadful. Absolutely awful, but you’re not looking for constructive criticism, you’re looking for cash and we know it.

    1. She’d rather whine than work. Her whole life is lies.

  15. A Legend in Her Own MindJuly 28, 2023 at 6:00 PM

    Fresh begs on twitter.

    "If you want to support my writing or farm I am in no position to decline the kindness. I’ve been playing catch up since my ex left and it’s been so hard to make sales. Anything can make a difference."

    Free funds - they mean so much to someone who hates to work for her money.

    1. What a blatant liar. Her faux farm has never been solvent. By her own admission. Jenna is a predator and criminal. This “catch up” crap is a chronic condition. It’s more manipulative marketing to filch free funds for nothing.

    2. Yet she’s unwilling to do the one thing that would help her finances. She won’t go and get a job. Jenna is responsible for creating every bit of “fear” in her lazy loser lie-style. Shannon’s been gone for a few years now. Her leaving has had nothing to do with being late in making mortgage payments every month. But blaming that rather than herself is easier for the filthy feral failure.

    3. I can’t believe that she has the audacity to blame Shannon’s leaving for her financial woes. They’ve lived together for barely a year before breaking up. She’s not telling the truth about their timeframe, and implying that it’s a lot longer, just to come across as being destitute. Jenna alone is responsible, for her fuck-ups, and no one else.

    4. It’s also bizarre how she’ll never refer to Shannon by her name. It’s always “my ex.” It’s very rude and disrespectful. Considering, that her faux farm was never in better shape than when SD lived there.

    5. For a gal so against the patriarchy she sure is acting like a little damsel in distress about her “girl” leaving and not being able to pay her bills.
      Get it together “darlin”

      If you can’t pay your bills with future pork shares and designs, get a job!!!!

      Shannon’s probably having all night lesbian period sex ( all Jenna’s claims that women are better than men because of this) with someone who actually works!!!

      Maybe the new ADK girl can help pay the bills???

      Jenna has been sporting a new look on IG of a dusty purple rag on her head. She also grew some giant zucchini. Wow.

    6. Her life was effed up and she has been delinquent in paying bills since she left her job at Orvis, and the unfortunate GF being there or having left her ass has little to do with anything.

  16. I don't understand how some people don't have shame. It's unreal to me. Does she get off on people complaining about her behavior? She must, right? This is a kink?

    1. I wouldn’t call it a kink. Jenna has an asinine aversion to authority that’s pathological at this point. It’s not normal to be this extreme. She’s also shameless. Unfortunately, sociopaths lack a conscience for caring about anything but what they want.

    2. Negative attention is better than no attention and she’s an attention whore. It’s a kind of sickness. Regarding mentioning her ex, I have always felt that she tries to give herself some cred in the relationship department by mentioning that once upon a time she was in a relationship ship albeit short lived. It must be devastating to feel that no one wants to be with her and I believe mentioning Shannon gives her a bit of solace and a wee bit of self worth. At 41 is appears she has had one short lived affair. How very sad for her and yet she refuses to change her approach to life and personal responsibility.

  17. My house is falling apart, but hey, spending the entire afternoon fishing is more important. I will just tell everyone I broke the window power washing and watch the money fly in. But first another post about risk of foreclosure. That always seems to work, right?

    1. Whenever big baby Jenna doesn’t get her way, like receiving free funds for doing nothing, she resorts to blatant begging and lying. She’s a master manipulator at trying to elicit empathy from followers. Her fake fear of foreclosure story has been used for years.

  18. Nailed it with damsel in distress. For all her posturing about being a strong woman, she is nothing but a damsel in distress. Always raising the alarm, always begging for help, she has never stood on her own two feet.

    She is the quintessential damsel in distress. Help me, help me, help me.

    1. I’ve often called her that. She’s the stupid, damsel in distress who’s falsely “cried wolf” so many times that no one buys her bull. Jenna is also weak not strong.

  19. Power washer? what??? When??? How??? Why??? She's crazy! I don't even know where to begin. When and where did she get a power washer? and why? Not to do her house apparently. Don't they need a water source, like the type needed for a HOSE? Is she running it down the stairs from the upstairs bathroom, out the back door and around to the sliders? Why not get a squeegee to do the glass? She must be trying to spruce the place up for the new, soon to be "ex" aka "victim" to visit. I'm not the brightest bulb but I don't think I'd go at expensive glass sliding doors with a POWER washer! duh! (if it's even true). My darlin' dimwit, get a squeegee, some rags, and a bottle of windex. Housekeeping 101.

    1. Her whole life is lies. I doubt the dumb story is even true, because it makes no sense. Even for Jenna. It’s just more manipulative marketing for free funds.

    2. Clearly the power washer was the easy way to clean the window. God forbid she should use good old fashioned elbow grease. And don’t tell me she doesn’t own a hose. The hauling buckets story is too unbelievable for words. Not even Jenna is that stupid plus she is far to lazy haul buckets. There is no way you can use a power washer WITHOUT A HOSE. She keeps stepping on her own words. Hard to keep all the lies straight, I guess.

  20. notice she posted proof of this expense that ACTUALLY happened, just like she posted pics of the dented car when she hit a deer. When a thing actually happens, she posts proof.

    Never once seen a dental bill or xray, a foreclosure threat, etc.

    1. Jenna only posts proof, because she’s called out on her crap here.

    2. I didn’t see the proof post anywhere. Maybe she’s deleted it like usual.

    3. Just the pic of the broken glass door

  21. Even if she posted "proof", I wouldn't believe it. She's a graphic artist and can forge documents or photoshop pictures.

    And even if by some chance the "proof" she posted was real, why on earth should anyone feel obliged to send her money???????

    For crying out loud, get a job Jenna, and stand on your own two feet! This damsel in distress persona of yours should have been ditched a long time ago.

    1. Exactly. That was well-put. Jenna has never “stood on her own two feet.” And she’s now middle-aged. The slug has spent her lazy lie-style leaning on other people’s support for free funds.

  22. Does anyone know why Twitter feeds that can be seen by anyone shows old posts instead of current ones?

    1. We’ve been wondering the same thing.

    2. Maybe Musk has messed up the algorithms of timelines.

    3. Tomorrow is the last day of the month. She is very quiet this weekend (traveled to the Adirondacks for a date??) What kind of begging can we expect??

    4. Anonymous 4:02. I’m sure that there’ll be a barrage of begging for mortgage money. After all, she needs more gas funds for her long distance dating. Jenna would rather whine than work.

  23. Assuming JWog has a live one on the line - as in a girlfriend in the Adirondacks - the obvious way out of the mess she’s made of her farm, her writing, and her life, while saving face at the same time, is packing up the ol’ UHaul tomorrow and abandoning the whole mess for love. She’d still be a massive failure, of course, but she’d never acknowledge it.

    1. Unless she took a long look at Wog and ran for the hills. No pics = it never happened.

  24. Please, please, with a greasy pizza on top, can anyone who has access to her “x” account posts let us know if she begs today? On IG, it’s TS and look at this tiny fish I tortured as usual!!!

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindJuly 31, 2023 at 3:10 PM

      From Twitter earlier today:
      "Last day to make this dream possible & not go into another month behind on the mortgage. It'll take a heroic amount of sales, I could still make it happen, or at least be in a position to not hit another late fee. Help if you can, RT if you can't? THANK YOU!"

      Oh, and alter-ego Rachel Keane showed up to pitch, pitch, PITCH for her bestie.

    2. Oh now we have late fees?

    3. “Rachel Keane,” Jenna’s other alternate account, always shills shit for free with her hokey hashtags. She’s never mentioned late fees once until now, because we’ve called her crap out about them many times. Her ridiculous rebuttals are always related to what we’ve said on this site. “Dance, little monkey, Jenna!”

  25. On IG this morning she is ignoring the fact that it’s the last day of the month. Girl is out there fishing and hooking immature baby trouts like it’s nobody’s business. How is that legal? That poor trout looked dead, or at the least hooked very savagely from which it may not recover.

  26. "If you just want to help or contribute to the writing (beautiful nature diaries of fly fishing up now) You can do so!! I am in no position to refuse any form of monetary appreciation for the words I share."
    Is she actually saying that her lengthy unnecessary garbage writing is a "beautiful nature diary"? Excuse me while I blow coffee through my nose, laughing! A picture of a dead fish in a net is NOT a "nature pic".

    1. Jenna doesn’t want to be “in a position” where she can support herself without being a blatant beggar. No one wants to “help” and “support” an obese, ugly, stinky, lazy loser who refuses to accept any adult accountability for her actions.

  27. Oh the last day of the month so we know she will pull it off paying the mortgage at the last minute like she does each and every month. Such a hard working girl.

  28. 'Beautiful Nature Diaries'. Talk about self aggrandizement. Has she read her own writing? She fancies herself a Mary Oliver when in reality she is a pretentious hack. It's no wonder she can't get published. Her writing career was clearly a flash in the pan.

    1. SFF. She’s the absolute antithesis of Mary Oliver, and her brilliance with words. Jenna’s writing is rotten on every level.

  29. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 1, 2023 at 3:05 AM

    From IG on the last day of July:

    "31 July 2023 19:08:32
    Hey! Did you know that one of the ways this farm pays the bills is animation style pet portraits? And did you know, that you can order one today and help keep a gay little farm going into fall? Because this place needs to save for hay and winter heat in the form of firewood, and deliveries will be coming each week and I’m hoping to earn the money through drawing your pets! So send a message, or visit the website in my bio and put your fun money towards keeping us fed and warm..."

    Methinks "this farm" should get a job!


    1. Put your fun money towards keeping her fed and warm? How dare she suggest anyone give their hard earned fun money to her. Why doesn’t she just demand their kid’s college funds as well. Get a job, Jenna, and earn your own damned fun money.

    2. It looks like she’s deleted the stupid post after being called out on her crap again here. We pull her puppet’s strings.

  30. "....put your fun money towards keeping us fed and warm..." She wants me to put MY fun money into her lazy loser lifestyle? How about NO.

    1. That’s a polite fuck no for me.

    2. What a self-entitled, repulsive cunt. Jenna is 41 now, and still refuses to accept any adult accountability for her actions. This won’t end well for her future. I’m glad that others are here are using my lazy loser lifestyle phrase. It describes her miserable existence.

    3. Edit: I’m glad that others here are…

  31. My fun money is going towards... fun. Not paying Jenna’s bills.

    1. We’d literally, flush our funds rather than give Jenna even a penny.

    2. I’ve said this many times before, but it bears repeating. It’s no one else’s responsibility to “support” an able-bodied, college-educated woman who would rather whine than work. Especially, since she’s now middle-aged, and has “cried wolf” so many times that no one buys her bull.

  32. Jenna is posting lots of TS crap today. She’s also posting lots of gay stuff since August 1 is some kind of lesbian celebration that connects to TS.

    Are your bills paid, Jenna?

    1. Jenna is a world renowned authority on Sapphic celebrations! Since she’s been a lesbian for SO long. She doesn’t seem concerned about either her late mortgage payments, or any other “bills being paid,” because her fake fear of foreclosure is a crock of crap.

    2. I think she is doing all that TS loud posting to be on the radar of that community, just in case someone with means wants to pay her bills.

  33. In the ‘things that make you go hmmm’ department, Jenna is advertising a logo for Well Read Farms which doesn’t appear to exist. There is, however, a Well Read Farm (no S at the end) that has an adorable logo but not the one Jenna is promoting. Why does she bother designing fake logos that nobody requested? Or did she submit this design and it was rejected so she dropped the S at the end and lied about it being legit? It’s become a thing for me to look up the logos she advertises and for the most part the businesses don’t exist or have no online presence. What a colossal waste of time and totally deceptive advertising to make prospective clients think she has a thriving business and satisfied customers. What a con.

    1. SFF. That’s why we call her the Cambridge Queen of Con. Jenna did the same thing on her old blog with putting supposed sponsors on on the sidebar. They’ve also turned out to be fraudulent, and just posted to appear popular. When she wasn’t.

    2. Edit: on the sidebar.

    3. Why would she showcase this logo, one of the worst of a very bad lot? She clearly couldn’t figure out how to put a book in a cow’s hoof - well, who could ? -
      but that wasn’t going to stop her. Slapdash. That’s our gal!

    4. Twice, in the past, we looked up all her logos and found that less than 50% of her logos were legit. Like a lot less.

  34. If anyone has an abundance of fun money, it’s her. I’ve lost track of all the crap she’s spent her fun money on.

    1. Her whole life is lies.

    2. Just unbelievable that she expects people to spend their fun money on her, while she spends most of hers on Taylor.

    3. Anon7. It’s even more “unbelievable” that anyone would support a lying, lazy loser like Jenna.

  35. “Hey hey, Jenna!” Please “put your fun money towards keeping us fed and warm” this winter. We wanted to try begging you for a change.

  36. Have you all read her latest dispatch? More rotten writing to be sure. She writes: "You don't get 100% of the opportunities you don't ask for" I'm not college educated like she is, nor am I a writer like her, but it doesn't sound right to me; Isn't that a double negative or something like that? She's also pitching her crap to sporting and fishing mags. Maybe some of you clever people could contact some of them and warn them about her. She's been fly fishing for about 6weeks and wants to write about it like she's an expert. Even her subjective musings are boring and not worthy of publishing. The world doesn't need more of her writings out there!
    Just Some Thoughts.

    1. Yup. And this:

      "Today my personal celebration will be in the forest, walking along the stream and fishing for brook trout."

      How, just HOW, does wasting time like that help pay her bills?

    2. On IG she said she spent hours fishing yesterday. Hours where others drive by in minutes ( she says). Yes, drive by on their way to work!

    3. Her rotten writing is rife with major mistakes. Unfortunately, Jenna’s “personal celebration” will never be getting off her fat ass and working. I’d contact the mags. But I have to know the names of where she’s pitching potential stories. Since I can’t see her Twitter account now, due to Musk messing up timelines.

  37. So, are we to assume that the July and August mortgages got paid because on IG there is a literal vomit of TS content, hours upon hours upon hours of fishing (for immature baby trout) and lasting around a river, and pricy for pay yoga classes. I mean, I would be engaging in neither if my bills weren’t paid.

  38. Kaz wrote this on his blog today about Trump, but who else does it remind you of, to a T?

    “These are some of the symptoms and traits of a sociopath as gathered from mental health websites and two books: lack of empathy, impulsive behavior, attempting to control others with threats and aggression, using intelligence and charm to manipulate others, not learning from mistakes or punishment, lying for personal gain, addicted to superficial relationships, refusal to take responsibility, as in not paying bills. “

    1. Katz is in no position to attack Donald Trump, as he is a neurotic, racist bigot who constantly attacks white Christian men in his columns over and over. He is repulsive in every way and it is beyond my comprehension how he managed to get married. He also begs for money for writing his blog.

    2. Anno. 3:33 I agree with everything you had to say. He is a big old buffon if you ask me who loves himself greatly.

    3. No matter what you think of Katz, he is right. Trump is a sociopath. If Biden caused an insurrection, would Republicans shrug it off? I think not.

    4. I agree with the above assessments of Katz but also it’s funny how what he wrote seems to be written also about Wog.

    5. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 3, 2023 at 4:34 AM

      Not surprising. Narcissists, manipulators, psychopaths and con artists share personality traits. Their ability to manipulate people and their transactional natures (especially lack of empathy) allow them to succeed in business, entertainment and politics.

      Wog's limiting factor is her lack of personal charisma, which is why she concentrates on influencing people remotely. I'm told that with few exceptions, people find her unappealing.

    6. I also agree about Katz being “repulsive in every way.” (Just like Jenna.) I’m speaking from the personal experience of knowing him from living in Cambridge for years. His begging for blog donations is disgusting, too.

  39. “This is common knowledge among friends, but I haven't actually stated this publicly and I think it's about time I do. I'm Bisexual!” 6/17

    No one cares, cunt. But it’s strange how now she’s just a lesbian, and appears to loathe men, but before has admitted on Twitter to being bi.

    1. Bad news for men I'd say.

    2. HD. I wrote the comment, and your response made me laugh. Thanks!

    3. I’d imagine that most men and women wouldn’t be attracted to an obese, ugly, stinky, lazy loser like Jenna. So her being bi makes no difference at all in terms of potential partners.

  40. More pandering to Orvis in IG stories as she announces that she is about to go waste the morning away with the fishies, and splashes the Orvis logo front and center.

    1. We’ve already contacted upper management at Orvis with links and information about not to trust Jenna. I think that they’ll listen.

  41. “Logos are HALF price right now if you buy your spot to start designing in 2 months. It’s a win/win - you save $100 and I get income to buy firewood for winter heat. Goal is to sell 2 today and I’m only offering 5 spots so message me soon! Support a queer single woman’s farm and make your own business look better in the process!”


    GFY, Jenna.

    1. What a con cunt. She wants free funds up front for work that won’t be done for a few months. It’s more important for the hag to go fishing, and fumble about at being an Orvis influencer. As if that’d ever happen.

    2. I agree with Katz being a pompous, overbearing , opinionated writer.
      It is disgusting that he also wants monetary support for his blog.

    3. So if sales are slow, why do clients have to wait two months??? As usual, nothing adds up.

    4. Anon 10:16, Exactly! She'd be fishing on the money I paid her i while I have to wait 8 wks for my whatever I ordered. I'd be thinking why isn't she home starting my project? Anyone who hires her is as crazy as she is.

    5. She uses cut and paste artwork, mostly in one colour, why in the hell should anyone wait two months for that? She could literally start a new client daily, make up some options to show them in the morning, after chores, take a nice lunch break, maybe fish, ride a horse or play with a hawk for an hour or two, then spend the afternoon following up with clients from earlier in the week, tweaking designs, making changes, sending final drafts, before making herself a nice home cooked meal and having her evenings to herself. She could easily work on 20-30 clients per month and still have lots of time for “this farm” and her leisure activities and hobbies. (Not that I believe she could hook that many clients) but why in the hell would she make people wait 2 months!? Humans are impulsive creatures who crave instant gratification. By the time we make up our minds that we want a logo and have the funds to get one done, we want it yesterday!!

  42. JW is running out of persuasive words to convince people to give money. Let’s see, there’s a give up fun money, give up dinner money, make your business look better, help a lesbian, support a queer single woman, help a bisexual, help a person who gets no help from family, no inheritance, and other ridiculous excuses.

    1. And give up direct deposit money.

    2. And don't forget her "Its nEvEr BeEn hArDeR tO mAkE iT" ploy.

    3. Anon7. Her pathetic, ploys for pity are just more manipulative marketing for free funds.

  43. She says on IG that the pride flag and TS banner on her barn are her whole personality. FFS, you're 41 years old. Four decades on this earth and that's all you have to offer? Grow up and behave like a functioning adult. It's beyond embarrassing. Have some self respect.

    1. SFF. Jenna’s an immature, middle-aged moron who acts as if she’s 14 not 41. Her “whole personality” is defective.

  44. Another thought. She makes them wait two months hoping they’ll forget. And she’s counting on them not bothering to pursue her for $100.

    1. I have never understood the two month wait bullshit. And I don't think she has ever offered a reason why. It can't be because she is busy doing other logos, as she herself has complained about low/no sales. And she wastes a fuckload of time on a variety of recreational activities.

      So hoping that people will forget HAS to be the answer. Nothing else makes sense.

    2. I think that the long wait is for two main reasons: Jenna is a very slothful person, and she also wants to appear popular, and in-demand for clients. I’ll also repeat what was said above: “She wants free funds up front for work that won’t be done for a few months. It’s more important for the hag to go fishing, and fumble about at being an Orvis influencer. As if that’d ever happen.”

  45. Did I miss something? Is she saying she’s bisexual now?

    1. SFF. I posted an old tweet yesterday that was from 2017 saying that she was bi.

    2. WW - thanks for clarifying.

    3. No problem! BTW: I also appreciate your intelligent and entertaining comments.

  46. 4,700 and dropping almost daily. But “this faux farm has never been better!!!”

    1. 4,699 and continuing to decline daily. “Hoo!!!”

    2. 4,698 today and dropping. How’s that lazy loser lie-style paying off for ya, Jen? “Hoo!!!”

    3. She’s lost another follower today: 4,697. I like to keep track of the decline for fun.

    4. Down by one more this morning: 4,696. “Hoo!!!”

  47. So she offers 5 spots for $100 logos that will allegedly be started in two months, even though she whines about sales being slow. Let's say she gets her $500. She spends the money immediately on who knows what. Two months go by. Clients begin to press her for their logos. Based on reports from previous clients, their emails go ignored. They continue to contact her, and maybe she gets back to one or two of them, saying she's been busy. Maybe her "server crashed" and she "lost" their information. Maybe they didn't send her enough "reminder" emails. Months and months go by with no product. The clients have no recourse because they paid her through dm, most likely as a donation. It's not worth it to file in small claims court because of the fees. So the client chalks it up to a bad experience and walks away. They have no logo, but she has their money.

    We know this because many former clients have reported this happened to them.

    1. Yup, she’s got quite a nice little scam going there. In Canada we have the Better Business Bureau where consumers can report disreputable businesses. Surely there is something similar in New York State.

    2. On IG stories she is vomiting TS content and stalking Glennon Doyle and her wife’s account again but also saying she “only” has three of those hundred dollar logo spots left. Either she hooked two dumdums, or she is lying in order to create a fake sense of urgency and scarcity.

    3. Jenna is a real criminal and predator. We hope that she loses everything. She doesn’t deserve to have a home.

    4. Twitter just reinstated Kayne West's account, providing he follows a few rules, one being that he doesn't try to use his account to make money.

      Which is exactly what the Pig Shocker uses her account for. Wonder if anyone has ever reported her for that?

    5. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 7, 2023 at 5:18 AM

      SFF, I agree with you. I believe she plys her "trade" around the edges of what's acceptable, usually in amounts that are small enough to be ignored by people with better things to do. For example, paying her via "friends" or as donations provides fewer safeguards to users. Having clients wait at least 2-3 months for work to begin cuts into PayPal's 180-day dispute window. In the US, we have a Better Business Bureau, but to my knowledge, it's used for reporting issues, not obtaining refunds. For refunds, people normally work through Small Claims Court. Each state has its own costs for filing; in some cases, the cost to file & manage a claim outweighs the money lost in a bad transaction.

  48. On IG- Jenna is looking to sell or barter a logo for an iPhone X. iPhones are more than $100... darlin’

    1. What a crock of crap. She bartered last year for an iPhone, and met someone in Bennington for it. Then she bragged about it, and related the sale to being gay. I doubt that she needs another one so soon. Her whole life is lies.

    2. Maybe she dropped it in the river trying to take yet another selfie. Fitting the Orvis logo in the frame alongside her fat face could be tricky while holding a fishing rod.

    3. Can the authorities check on the welfare of her animals??
      Horses have no shelter, and I don"t know if they have ever been
      assessed by a vet, manure all over, horrendous conditions.
      She is not responsible for her home, animals, or herself. Jenna needs intervention
      as her life on a daily basis is spiraling out of control. Intervention can be mandated
      thru the court system in NY state.

    4. Didn't she just post a video of herself in a tree hanging over her pond filming with her phone? Dumbass probably dropped it in the water.

    5. Molson,
      Have you personally seen her property? I wish I could but I'm in Maryland.

    6. Molson
      Have you personally seen her property? I myself would drive by but I live in Maryland

    7. We’ve driven by her hovel many times when we’ve lived in Cambridge. Recently we were visiting friends, and took a look. Jenna has depreciated what was once an attractive property. It’s now a depressing reflection of her degradation as a lying, lazy loser. Maybe it’s time for us to call the appropriate authorities again to do an inspection. I agree about needing an intervention, but she’s too stubborn and stupid to seek help. Her huge ego won’t allow it. She’d literally, rather sink with her ship.

  49. Has she been begging? She’s been mainly posting tiny fish, TS and gay stuff on IG. No begging.

    1. Doesn't she primarily use Twitter for begging?

    2. I don’t think that she’s capable of quitting begging. But maybe Jenna’s steady decline of followers is finally sinking into her thick head.

    3. I can’t see anything but old posts on Twitter. I am not on it so maybe that’s why. Before it got screwed up, I was able to scroll accounts that I casually follow with no problem and without needing to sign in. That has changed.

    4. SFF. Twitter has been her main platform for begging.

      FYI: You might’ve missed the compliment that I gave you the other day. It’s above. I just want to make sure that you see it:

      “No problem! BTW: I also appreciate your intelligent and entertaining comments.”

    5. Anonymous 2:58. A lot of us here are having the same issue with only seeing old tweets. It’s not just Jenna’s either. Maybe Musk has messed up the algorithms of timelines. It appears that he’s ruined the platform.

    6. I think the authorities should be called to access this inspection. The only way
      Jenna will receive help she doesn't want is thru court mandate, which at this
      time seems unrealistic.

  50. Hey WW, thanks for the compliment. Jenna is an interesting case study in disfunction.

    1. You’re welcome. There are many good commenters here. Sometimes it’s nice to receive appreciation. I’ve said the same praise to PDD, Anon7, WiW and others.

    2. Oh, and also HD, our chief shamster. We wouldn’t be here if not for her efforts.

  51. Don’t you worry your little heads with her bills, they must be paid. On IG stories she is lazying in the hammock with a very pricey beer substitute and also streaming all sorts of things on Netflix, and her new “tradition”, soccer (for which she cared absolutely none as of less than two weeks ago)

    1. It’s funny how Jenna is now suddenly, a soccer fan. She’s just doing it because of the queer connection in her muddled mind.

    2. Whatever will she do now? The American women were eliminated this morning. Guess she’ll have to find another ‘queer’ pastime.

    3. SFF. Jenna will just jump on the next trend that might lead to free funds.

    4. How about Pickleball? Isn’t it the fastest growing sport in North America? I’m sure she can find some celebrity pickleball players to harass online 🤣🤣🤣

  52. August's Twitter Beg - some things never change:

    "Still working on the July mortgage, still behind, but gainfully clinging to hope! Send me a DM and help be my sale of the day! Everything and anything helps, a share, a RT, heck drop a picture of your cat just anything but ignore this farm's waving digital stand!"

    1. What a con cunt. She’s been behind on her mortgage payments for years. It’s nothing new. Her writing is rotten. Don’t you dare “ignore this farm’s waving digital stand!” GFY, Jenna. You’re a lying, lazy loser.

    2. She’s a shameless, pushy parasite who would rather whine than work to support her fat ass.

  53. So she made the June payment after all? Amazing. Slow clap.

    1. It must be another “miracle!!!”

    2. Each and every month she sings the same sad song. It’s blatant lying pretending to be poor, when Jenna just refuses to get a job. Anyone who enables this middle-aged moron deserves to lose their money.

  54. She just posted - she now has a part time job and is trying to the-home her horses. Finally.

    1. Her whole life is lies. I doubt that she’s got a job.

    2. Funny, how we’ve been saying for years that she should get a job. But Jenna has refused to do it. Now, it finally happens. We wonder if continuing to lose more followers has influenced her decision.

  55. If rehoming a senior horse is anything like rehoming a senior dog...it's not as easy as she thinks it will be. That said, I'm glad she is FINALLY willing to let go and make changes that aren't her #1 choice.

    1. We’ll believe it when it happens with her horses. Otherwise, it’s just a crock of crap for more manipulative marketing.

    2. She’s said the same thing about getting a roommate many times, but it’s never happened yet. If her mouth is moving, then Jenna is lying again.

  56. I just waded through her latest dumb drivel of rotten writing, and nothing has changed. Jenna still has her hands out for help. She always want people to “send her luck and positive wishes.” When she’s doesn’t deserve it.

    1. Edit: When she doesn’t deserve it.

    2. I noticed that she didn’t mention what kind of job she has. Even if it’s true, Jenna won’t last long. I pity the person who’s hired her. She has an aversion to authority that’s pathological at this point.


  57. Poor widdle Jenna can’t “unclench” her jowly “jaw.” No one cares, cunt. Your “dumb small life” is a meaningless existence.

  58. Well I will believe these big changes when I see them. I might be negative but I really think Jenna is underestimating how much work needs to be done to “feel safe” in her 40’s.
    The fact that she wrote about answering 5 emails and then says she couldn’t take anymore emails and had to go fishing is telling. 5 emails. 5!!!

    Part time work and her 6 side hustles are not going to cut it. She needs a solid plan. I heard from someone over her way that hay is going to be very expensive this winter due to all the rain and flooding. That might be why she’s thinking of rehoming her horses.

    Discrepancies: didn’t she buy new tires for the Subaru when she sold the truck? Now she is talking about snow tires she needs... not to get picky but I live local and you can totally get by with good all seasons and not need to swap out. Seems like an unnecessary expense when she can’t pay bills!!

    Also going on about her safe car.. darling... take a seat, your car wouldn’t pass inspection a month ago!!!

    1. Exactly. That was well-put. You’re being realistic not “negative.” We’ve also lived in Cambridge, and I agree about the tires. She can’t keep track of her lies. Jenna’s just doing a set-up in advance for more manipulative marketing in the fall. Along with needing firewood funds again, because she refuses to either use her functional furnace or space heaters. The pampered princess just can’t cope with any adult responsibilities, like answering emails. Yet she’s bragged about “riding her horse into the apocalypse!” With her obese body it’d be like waddling. Especially, if they’re “re-homed.”

    2. Edit: use either

  59. All I can say after reading her latest dispatch is it looks like the new girl didn’t work out. It’s about what I expected. Ditching the horses was a surprise. Doubt it will happen. She’s trolling for sympathy and ‘donations’. Whoever said she is teeing up a new con has got it right.

    1. SFF. I’ve said that about the “new con” above by mentioning her “doing a set-up in advance…”We’ve been watching how Jenna operates for years. Her patterns are predictable. Once you start to see them.

    2. I hope that “the new girl” did her due diligence, read about Jenna’s rotten reputation, and then dumped the filthy feral failure. Just like Shannon did a few years ago.

  60. HD. New post please? Thanks.


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