I believe….I’ll have another beer.
I don't believe that melt and pour soap needs to be cured.
I don't believe that she is even selling any soap.
I don't believe she would make actual homemade soap without taking pictures of some portion of the process.
I don't believe the temperature in her house is too hot to cure soap anyway.
Becca the “gay bestie” will be at CAS soon. Jenna must label all things gay so we know she is gay. And single, and poor.
ReplyDeleteAnd also driving her “little gay car!”
DeleteAnd... another trout sticker, this one on her car. ( on IG). She has another blaaahhhg post up and she says it’s for people who like to read about lesbians and fishing. Maybe it’s a good thing I can’t access her dispatches!
ReplyDeleteOh and IG has their own Twitter called “threads” and Jenna just posted that she’s on there so.. another avenue for begging.
Of course, the “scrappy little lesbian” who’s addicted to being a beggar and attention whore, has to be a brainless sheeple with flocking to a new platform.
DeleteThat fish sticker looks a lot like that trout w/antlers drawing she did.
DeleteShe posted another curious Orvis themed photo of a trout with the caption “dinner” saying she had a good night on the river but, here is her rod and reel with the Orvis name front and center. I swear she is up to something with all these suspicious Orvis posts. She must be scheming to get back on their hood side somehow, or get noticed by their PR team.
ReplyDeleteIf she spent half the time working a job as she does working on her crazy schemes she would be financially solvent. She never learns.
DeleteI’ve already suggested on the last post that she’s trying to become an influencer for Orvis. They’d be remiss in not doing due diligence on her rotten reputation. And additionally, Jenna’s quit her career with them years ago. I don’t think that they’d give her a second chance. She’s repulsive on every level, and the antithesis of appealing to consumers.
DeleteYes! Noticed all the Orvis name dropping lately.
DeleteI knew that it was just a matter of time until the lying, lazy loser tried to do anything other than just get a job.
DeleteI'm thinking her next book proposal will be how fly fishing changed her life.
“Tomorrow is my birthday and to celebrate I want to be caught up on the mortgage for the first time in OVER TWO YEARS!! And it’s possible if I can get in enough sales today! So please share, or please, consider supporting a farm that needs it and is so close to catching up!”
ReplyDeleteYou can fuck all the way off, Jenna. Using manipulative marketing as a tactic with your birthday as “bait” is disingenuous. You’ve earned every bit of your rotten reputation.
I’m ready for “Rachel Keane” to shill her shit for free with hokey hashtags as usual.
DeleteWe keep track of the truth. Jenna hasn’t been “caught up” for many years not just “over two.” That’s another bunch of bull from a blatant liar.
DeleteJenna is a sociopath who tries to elicit empathy from normal people to make a pity purchase. But what she’s really “angling” for are free funds for nothing.
DeleteIt’s unbelievable that she’s trying to leverage people into giving her money using a birthday tomorrow as an excuse. She’s shameless, with zero morals, and has no scruples about stealing.
DeleteIt’s like when she used Christmas as a reason to heckle Glennon Doyle on Twitter about her rejected memoir. Jenna relentlessly harassed her for weeks.
DeleteOMG, she is begging online strangers for birthday money?!? This is a new low for her. The bar is in hell at this point. Shove yer bday up yer ass Jenna.
DeleteJen is almost 41
ReplyDeletebut begs online each day.
What a lying, lazy loser
and even her “car is gay!”
The begging Pig Shocker
Deleteis clearly off her rocker
She asks strangers for cash
cuz she has no class
And on her birthday, says to grandma
"Stick that $5 card up your ass!"
Jenna’s very self-entitled
Deleteand her greed says “Give me money!”
But begging on her birthday
isn’t frankly, even funny.
She's always soooo close.
ReplyDelete“This farm needs a miracle” on her birthday!
DeleteNO ONE, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE: How close are you to making the July mortgage?
DeleteJENNA (All thru out July): Soooo close. Soooooo, soooooo, soooooo, oh, oh, ohhhhhh, ohhhhhhh...OMG...ohh ohhh sooooo clo...ssssss...ohhh ohhhh ohhhhh...OMG, OMG...almost ther...ahhh...yes, yes, ohhhh, ohhhhhh, oh oh oh oh OH OH OH OH YES YES YES (Aug 1st) OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
Anon7. I’m literally, laughing out loud. She’s always “sooo clooose!!!”
DeleteHD. Jenna’s left another vile, crappy comment at the end of your last post.
ReplyDeleteI’ve made this observation before. Jenna has a very low rate of engagement considering the number of followers that she has on all platforms. My mom gets many more positive responses on just her cat pics, but she’s not an animal abusing beggar.
ReplyDeleteI’ll bet she sent that card to herself. Just like the job app. Naturally, her nasty nail polish is chipped as usual.
Jenna’s also the type to throw herself a surprise birthday party, and then lie about friends doing it.
DeleteWow, the slim face filter sure is evident in the pic by the river with hat, sunglasses and reel.
DeleteAnonymous 5:06. Jenna is jowly in real life. We’ve met her many times. The filters on her fake fat face aren’t fooling anyone.
DeleteNew blog.
ReplyDeleteSo according to the blog, June mortgage is not paid. Is this a typo? Or did she not pay it, because she bragged previously that she paid June with truck sale money And was paying for the month she’s in for the first time in 2 years. More Jenna math!
Guess what?
It’s almost the middle of the month so we have...
Drumroll please.
CAR trouble! Yes ladies and gents, lesbians of all ages, we have ourselves a good old fashioned car problem. Jenna does not miss the chance to let us know it is her ONLY car. She has to figure out a way to pay for it though, with hope.
Handmaiden Becca is at her elbow treating her like a queen and helping her with farm stuff.
The most insufferable blog post I e had the misfortune of reading in some time folks! I’ll tell you that much for free!
i like how she’s happy to buy into the stereotype that queer women have subarus, but she hasn’t learned to work on it. she’s missing out on half the stereotype!
DeleteI wish I could afford a Subaru. Maybe I can't because I'm straight, have a real job and pay my mortgage on time. Oh well, if only I could be more like Jenna!
DeleteNew bleg post with cat trouble (how dare it break down on her birthday!) , and polar swings from things have never been better, to, see below for a quote. Oh also, yet again, there has NEVER and absolutely never before been a better time to support “this farm”. Come on, y’all, she tells us this every freaking month. Get off your rushes and finally support her!!! 🤣
ReplyDelete“I need to be stacking wood by Lughnasadh, which is three weeks (or less?!) by now - so if you ever wanted to invest in a logo or support this farm, please do. It's never been this hard to make it, and I know that's true for a lot of people, but I feel like there's finally a reason to keep going on this farm now. A new book idea (the river diaries), a farm still comfortable in the middle of summer, and while I am terrified of figuring out hay and firewood, I have figured it out every year before and that's proof positive I can keep doing this if I don't let fear overtake me.
So, please, support the farm if you're in a better position than I am. “
If she's so 'terrified' of figuring out how to pay for hay and firewood, I have an easy solution: stop having farm animals. Get rid of her hay-eating animals. Re-home them to a sanctuary (bc I doubt anyone wants to buy her horses - they are too old!). I don't know how much she's making on "pork shares" (bc her finances are always so opaque), but I would guess she's breaking even. Financially, that doesn't make sense for her to do then - all that time and effort to sell shares (or pretend to), feed & care & butcher only to break even? When she's desperate to make money? She needs to stop the madness: the market is clearly not there for her pork and her hay-eating animals are just money pits. She'd make more with an egg stand but I hope to high Heaven she never gets chickens again. Ugh I hate to see this mismanagement!
Delete- DaffodilAnonymous
If she's so 'terrified' of figuring out how to pay for hay and firewood, I have an easy solution: stop having farm animals. Get rid of her hay-eating animals. Re-home them to a sanctuary (bc I doubt anyone wants to buy her horses - they are too old!). I don't know how much she's making on "pork shares" (bc her finances are always so opaque), but I would guess she's breaking even. Financially, that doesn't make sense for her to do then - all that time and effort to sell shares (or pretend to), feed & care & butcher only to break even? When she's desperate to make money? She needs to stop the madness: the market is clearly not there for her pork and her hay-eating animals are just money pits. She'd make more with an egg stand but I hope to high Heaven she never gets chickens again. Ugh I hate to see this mismanagement!
Delete- DaffodilAnonymous
Also, shamstes called it here first, the new book she is going to be “righting “ is a the River diaries. Who now wants to bet she is going to try and ensnare Orvis to somehow pay her to “rite” it?
ReplyDeleteOh, and if you ever, ever wan the s to see a MOST blatant and infuriating wrong usage of the blessed question mark, look no further than her newest bleg post. Damn, someone needs to teach this girl how to write.
Sorry for all the autocorrect mess, that’s what I get typing on a tiny phone keyboard with no glasses!
DeleteHer writing is rotten, and rife with major mistakes. Jenna deliberately refuses to use proper punctuation, and take time to edit. It’s no wonder why her memoir was rejected by an agent.
DeleteClassic Bleg. No empathy or sympathy for the people affected by torrential rains in upstate NY/VT. While people in "her" community (Cambridge, NY) publicly offered assistance, she offered... nothing. Instead the latest post was all about her, how special she is and her never-ending financial problems. Do send her your cash because "this farm" needs it.
ReplyDeleteBtw, who else finds the car story humorous? She was charged $300 to repair a leaky coolant hose? Either they're a ripoff auto repair shop or they really hate her.
I also love that she's too much of an idiot to check her own hoses (a skill I learned while in high school), and she obviously doesn't own duct tape to repair the hose - lol, some homesteader.
PDD, back in town
“Well, my Subaru overheated yesterday and steamed. Good news, my mechanic got it in an it's just a coolant hose leak. Bad news, it's still $300 so I need to make a few more sales on top of what I need for last month's mortgage. It's always something, but I will figure this out.”
DeleteRight. “Sure, Jen.” We wish that her followers would “figure out out” that she’s a lying, lazy loser.
PDD. How was your trip? I’d be interested in hearing where you went on vacation. Unlike the FFF, you probably have a passport.
Edit: “figure out”
DeleteWhy does she always use the phrase "figure this out" ? makes no sense to me. That terminology implies she has funds or credit that she has to move around or access, or that she has to ask for more hours at work or get a 2nd job etc. Those things are what most people would do if they had to "figure out" how to cover expenses.
DeleteI believe she uses the phrase to mean "figure out" what her next scam, crisis, or pitch will be. I can see her sitting in her hammock saying "lets see now, what haven't I asked for lately? what do my foolers always give me donations for, how far in advance can I sell my pigs? (of course, if she is ever foreclosed on or drops dead 1-2 yrs from now, no pork for you, suckers!) What bleeding heart strings can I pull on for free funds? What can I say I need for the animals or house even though I spend freely on myself and get only the best name brands and expensive non essentials for me to enjoy, etc. etc. If only her enablers would read between the lines and think about what she says and does they'd see a different picture - one she didn't draw and can't sell!
Anonymous Newbie. That’s a good point. She hasn’t “figured it out” yet at age 41. Welcome to her shit-show and lie-style. How did you discover this blog? If you don’t mind me asking. Thanks.
DeleteAnon 6:08. I just happened across it a few years ago by chance (i've been read only until now), when I wanted to start looking into her more. I almost fell for her "woe is me" song and dance, thinking even a little bit would help her out. But i was always wary thinking things didn't ring true. I have never donated or purchased anything (she doesn't offer anything I would want anyway). I love you guys and gals and what you are doing.
Where did she post the $300 repair bill? She could very well be lying about that.
ReplyDeleteJW is shilling on instagram for logos with that silly “hey hey”lead in, and one poster said she is interested, but JW didn’t even bother to reply, because you have to “dm” her website for info, so I guess JW is not really desperate to feel “safe” which she emphasizes in her birthday post, if she’s too lazy to even contact someone who is interested. And what kind of a dummy would giver her the logo fee when she can’t start for 8 weeks, if then. And what kind of shady merchant doesn’t have an 800 number for people to call. Oops, that’s the point right, Jenna. Send you money so you can sit around on your ass or go fishing, instead of running a business in the right way. Hope that interested person will check here before sending her any cash.
ReplyDeleteThe 3 hours she spent fishing per one of her latest dispatches, she could have gotten started on a new logo right away. I don't believe she is that booked up that far ahead with work projects. ( I can get in to see my doctor be that!) She schedules in plenty of downtime, relying on others to make her feel safe. She could also learn to check her own coolant in about 5 minutes, even I can do that!
DeleteI’ve commented before that there are three “lead ins” that almost always begin her begging: “Hey, hey,” “So,” and “Okay.” Her patterns are predictable once you start to see them.
DeleteI want to also add that “Well” is another “lead in.”
DeleteJust read the latest ‘dispatch’. The only thing true about the whole article was when she said “I am not above asking for help”.No shit” 🤣🤣🤣. The other thing that strikes me is how pretentious she sounds referring to Lughnasadh instead of just calling it August. How will people know when to send the money if they have no idea when you need it, moron. Poor marketing if only a select few understand the message. She should have taken a business course years ago.
ReplyDeleteSFF. All she’s done for years is always “asking for help,” begging online, and using manipulative marketing to try and elicit empathy from followers for free funds. Rather than work like a normal adult does to support herself.
DeleteI thought this was interesting:
Delete"but I feel like there's finally a reason to keep going on this farm now"
What fresh bullshit is this? Finally a reason? She has always had a reason: To avoid getting a real job.
yeah, she says “finally a reason” and then lists the exact same points she always lists: new book, loves summer, terrified of winter, always made it so always will.
Delete“Hey hey! Offering $50 off logo designs now or $100 of a spot you buy now to start in 8 weeks! You get a deal and I get to keep living here, and this farm really needs support right now so if you need design work and want to support a small queer farm - send me a DM! Or visit the website for more info!!!”
ReplyDeleteYou can fuck all the way off, filthy feral failure. If you needed money that badly, then you’d start the projects quickly. You just want free funds up front, so that you can stuff your fake fat face with ice cream cones, and then wait to work on them. The “deals” aren’t steals. Using your sexual preference for manipulative marketing is disingenuous.
But starting work right away would cut in to her precious fishing time!
DeleteI agree Anon 4:49. She should be starting right away on any work she has or gets. Get up early, stay up late, do what she needs to do to get them done! And we know she has expensive tastes, the best ice cream, cheeses, fishing equip. etc. for her while the pigs get donuts and she always threatens shortage of hay and animal feed. Because a farm is "queer" makes no difference to anything.
DeleteI am sad. BUT! I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.
ReplyDeleteMore manipulative tactics. Just like when she says, "I may be poor but I'm so wealthy in life!"
DeleteAs I’ve said many times. One can’t be both victim and victor at the same time.
ReplyDelete“Funny story….”
But then doesn’t proceed to tell what it was.
Probably cuz she came down from her high and realized it really wasn't funny.
DeleteYes I noticed that. She even promised a blog story about it for yesterday. No story up as of yet. Not that I am that desperate to make my eyeballs bleed..
DeleteThis great comment was written tonight by Woe is Wog on Reddit:
Great comment, indeed! WIW, you are a really good writer. And this:
Delete"they approach the front door and see the peeling pepto-bismol pink paint of the storm door"
I remember we were all trying to name that color, and you nailed it! Very apt description since everything that comes out of her mouth is verbal diarrhea.
There’s always a new scam for Jen
ReplyDeleteher “gay car” now needs work.
What a lying, lazy loser
and a con cunt kind of jerk.
Conning and begging are all she knows
DeleteHonesty and hard work are her foes
Where this shit show ends, nobody knows
Her getting a job, the chances are low
And any money she gets she just blows
Thanks WW you just helped me see a new pattern...
DeleteJenna has been posting a lot about her vehicles lately. First, selling truck drama, then a lot about having a gay Subaru ( including pics) Now this Subaru needed tires to pass inspection..She supposedly used truck sale money to pay for. Now a coolant hose issue. Interesting how this gay truck is so prevalent... since it needs lots of work and she is begging again. I will keep my eye open for more patterns like this because now I see it!! Another tactic.
Anonymous 4:44. You’re welcome. It’s just more manipulative marketing for free funds from followers. As I’ve said for years, her patterns are predictable once you start to see them.
DeleteDid she have a falling out with her friend Patty? From the latest bleg post: "Really a 180 from last year, where I spent my 40th alone"
ReplyDeleteIn the past, she always mentioned Patty in regards to her bday. Patty would do things like take her for a horsey carriage ride, take her for ice cream, treat her for dinner, bought her a membership to some equestrian club, etc. But this year, and last, no mention of Patty at all.
Also, Patty would make comments on her IG and Twitter from time to time. But I haven't seen any comments from her in a long time. Nor has Jenna mentioned her in quite awhile. Hmmm...
I noticed that too.
DeleteI can only hope PP has tired of years of manipulation. She gave and gave, provided a huge amount of help to FFF, and (as I remember) *cough* loaned her money for the car that crashed into a deer. (Btw, did FFF pay back that loan? I'll bet not).
We've all seen that PP has strong enabling tendencies, and she probably felt cool, hanging out with a younger wanna-be hipster, but history shows she was repeatedly used by Wog.
Maybe PP's husband (like Jon Katz's wife) tired of the giant sucking sound and offered a counterpoint.
Perhaps PP realized Wog mostly interacted with her when she needed something.
Maybe having grandchildren around a kinda creepy woman who fantasized about sex with teenage Buffy characters became "odd".
Or maybe PP tired of the unjustified resentment from Wog about PP vacations. Wog's financial irresponsibility is her fault alone.
Anon 7, my take on this is, it was a phase for Wog like everything else. Things she jumps into with both feet and then very quickly grows bored with and abandons. See the following exhibits:
-paid version of secret blog
- csa
-fiddle camp, antler whatever, lessons
-her mail order wheat growing scan
-flower farm
-prepper phase
-rude and offensive to all vegetarians, a full in carnivore
-marathon runner
-a score of old friends whose names are never uttered again
-Buddha follower
-cook from scratch (remember the crappy recipe she contributed to a very pretty but crappy book on pies?)
-patty’s bff
Anon7. I think that Becca is her bestie, because she’s also gay. In case you didn’t know that Jenna is a lesbian. (Said with a smirk.)
DeleteGood question. Also MIA is the photographer who did an entire show of Jenna’s scary “farm”. Miriam Romais (sp?) ?
DeleteShe used to comment all the time and I haven’t seen any mention of her in a while. Maybe it took longer than usual, but they finally got tired of her taking and never giving.
I bet she is one of those “friends” who does nothing but complain and shows zero interest in how the other person is doing. Patty has a disabled son. I wonder how often Jenna genuinely asked how he is doing or visited him. I’m betting never.
Agree, and what happened to those game nights with friends? Mind you we only ever saw the game board. The alleged friends were MIA. Probably just Jenna playing with herself (pun intended).
DeleteJenna having a fall out with Patty over an unpaid car loan is a damn good theory, PDD. That's probably it. Also, Patty being just a phase in her life makes sense too. Great list, BTW. And I kinda remember seeing the Miriam chick comment not toooo long ago, but am not sure. But one thing that has always bothered me: Jenna has never mentioned Patty's son on any of her social media. Even worse, she has never re-tweeted any of Patty's tweets regarding her son and things like his xmas card drive. He might as well not exist for Jenna. And perhaps that pissed Patty off.
DeleteSFF - Good point about game nights. Most of her pics/posts are staged so I wouldn't be surprised if those were bullshit too.
DeleteWe discussed what patty might possibly be getting out of this friendship. For a long time I figured Jenna was Patty's only friend too. They had both become outcasts of the community due to their own actions, and Patty is caring for her disabled son which is gruelling and soul-sucking work at times, no matter how much you love them.
DeleteSo I figured proximity and circumstances had thrown the two together.
Maybe it was the unpaid car loan, the unpaid borrowed hay, the constant imbalance of a friendship without reciprocity.
But I think Jenna said some shit to Patty about her kid. If her son is getting worse, someone who struggles with empathy or who is neurodivergent is more likely to state some "fact" or "hot take" as they see it. We know Jenna has a track record of doing this on social media.
Some offhand comment like, "At least it will be a relief when he dies" or something like that could be the thunderclap to end a 10 year friendship.
After all Patty did for Jenna, especially scraping her off the ground when Shannon left, when Patty was do concerned about how Jenna was feeling, and Jenna couldn't do the same for her, at Patty's emotional low?
That's my theory.
Neurodivergent folks often have NO IDEA why they can't keep friendships, and maybe Patty finally hit her limit, preferring to be alone than with Jenna.
Another great theory that makes a lot of sense. I could see her going over to Patty's and not even bothering to ask how Ryan is doing. Cuz she obviously does not care.
DeleteJenna wears out her welcome everywhere. Locals like Jon Katz and the spiritual group seem to shun her now, because they know what a user she’s been.
DeleteJust realized I forgot to address the crux of this new thread by HD: The supposed curing of her soap. I agree that she's full of shit as usual. I've been following the CAF shit show for a few years now and the Pig Shocker always talks about how hot the summers are. Yet this is the FIRST TIME she has complained about not being able to cure soap due to weather. Total lie. Has to be.
ReplyDeleteI bought soap from her (once) and she told me not to use it for a while since it had to cure. WTF.
Delete⬆️Much professional⬆️
DeleteSo... remember when Jenna claimed she went to Taylor Swift for free? Remember there was a very confusing and convoluted story that she only paid for her souvenir t shirt and snacks?
ReplyDeleteOn IG stories she states that she paid $169 for Eras tickets. Love that she can’t help but out herself over and over. We ALL knew it was BS that people were buying her tickets out of the goodness of their hearts.
We knew that it was a crock of crap. Her whole life is lies.
DeleteJenna also had a fallout with the editor of the failed book, Birchthorn. The two of them used to be friends, but you can read the editor’s comments on the Kickstarter website. Basically, when Jenna got the kickstarter money, she lost all interest in writing the book. After being strong armed by the Birchthorn backers, and after many delays, she left it in the hands of her editor while she floated in the river.
DeleteThe Kickstarter comments clearly show how angry Heather was with Jenna. And with justification.
“Still working to catch up on June and start saving for firewood and winter hay. Every sale helps! Commissions open for logos and illustrations!”
ReplyDeleteRight. “Sure, Jen.”
“mailed anywhere in the world, FREE! Just pay me $40 to adopt this rare antlered possum and he'll arrive at your door in a few days! Lucky you!!!!”
ReplyDeleteNo one wants to buy a creepy critter that looks like a stupid scribble.
“ I have seen the sketch for my fairy stag AND I LOVE THEM and eagerly await their arrival.
ReplyDeleteYou should comission Jenna yourself”
She must be the new “Rachel Keane.” And it’s spelled “commission,” cretin.
It’s another stupid, sycophant supporter to shill shit for free.
Delete“Over $750 in unexpected bills (car related) so I'm back to where I was last month. Trying to catch up to June to keep the farm safe from foreclosure before August. This is a GREAT time to support this farm or if you have any ins with any luck dieties, put in a good word for me!”
ReplyDeleteGFY, Jenna. It’s spelled “deities,” dimwit. Your “cry wolf,” fake fear of foreclosure is just more manipulative marketing. You’re trying to elicit empathy from followers to make a pity purchase. Get a job, slob.
Although she could use “luck” with “dieting.”
DeleteBut wait. Wasn’t the car coolant hose bill $300? Somewhere else she said $349. Now it’s double that?? Wog -onimics. Smfh
Delete“Hey, this birthday girl is a lesbian trying to make it work in a pretty crap world. I'm on her wait list for art, and happy to be on it. You should get in on it too!”
ReplyDeleteMore from the “Rachel Keane” clone. There’s no “wait list for art.” LOL!!! What a dumb cunt. She deserves to be taken advantage of by Jenna. Yeah, the poor widdle birthday bitch is just “a lesbian trying to make it in a crap world.” Instead of being an animal abusing beggar, pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer.
Wait list for art?? When she constantly cries she has had NO sales?
DeleteI spit out my iced water, I lol-ed so hard.
“I think this river diary project is going to turn into something !”
ReplyDeleteTime to heckle and harass Glennon Doyle again to read her rotten writing.
“Thanks, but I just got the call from the mechanic the car is ready and my bill is $349..... so..... they replaced the hose. Good to know though!”
ReplyDeleteShe didn’t really want advice, just more free funds for nothing. One of her tactics is to give the exact amount of a supposed bill to appear more truthful. This “tell” is a classic technique used by pathological liars like Jenna. And the unnecessary usage of ellipses looks stupid as usual. It gives the impression that she was pausing to create more fabrications.
So little Miss Winner-of-the-Apocalypse can't replace a hose? That is one of the easiest car repairs. And I doubt it cost $349. Calling total bullshit on that one.
Delete“No sales yesterday but TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY! Let's help make this dream of solvency possible!!!! And if you don't want to buy anything but want to pitch in I am jennawog on venmo!! And happy to accept any contributions towards my free writing!”
ReplyDeleteI’m catching up on her stupid tweets since they’re suddenly visible again. What a conniving piece of shit. “This faux farm” has never been solvent in over a decade of having her hovel. By her own admission. She’s just shamelessly money mooching, and using her birthday as “bait” for “fishing.” And it’s making her mortgage payment the responsibility of others by writing “Let’s.” Jenna is always “happy to accept” free funds by begging.
What responsible fully grown adult asks online strangers for bday money? I swear, if I didn't know better I'd peg her for a desperate crackhead.
DeleteAnon7. You might not be that far from the truth. Jenna’s even admitted to having a very addictive personality. She’s been overly indulgent with weed, booze and food. Plus, she’s a financial fuck-up, and stupidly spends funds on unnecessary purchases all of the time.
DeleteWhat happened to her June payment? She keeps saying she needs to pay June. She sold the truck and claimed she was “paying for the month she’s living in for the first time in 2 years. “. Now suddenly, no?
ReplyDeleteJenna math.
Her whole life is lies.
DeleteHD. Is Jenna still trying to leave vile, crazy comments?
ReplyDeleteNothing has ever come through. It shows it’s being moderated so I believe she cancels it before it goes to me.
Nothing has come through.
That’s what we thought. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
Every floor in this house has shifted up and down in the past 6 months in this 1860s-built house. I can't afford to do anything about it but the anxiety it causes with every footfall will certainly kill be before the house falls down. The American Dream!
It’s “kill me” not “be.” She doesn’t deserve to either have a home, or get another book deal.
DeleteAlso, “this house” instead of “my house” removes responsibility from her and puts it on her few readers. Not to mention a writer would not be caught dead saying “this house “ twice in the same sentence. Sloppy, sloppy writing.
DeleteAnonymous 5:43. Exactly. It’s just the same as her constantly writing “this farm” as a way to deflect from herself. Her writing is rotten and rife with multiple mistakes, because she doesn’t care enough to take time to edit.
DeleteDoes she EVER have any good news? I'll bet Shannon grew tired real quick hearing Jenna bitch and moan non-stop about every little problem...whilst sitting on her ass doing nothing about it.
DeleteAnother new sticker on her car about fishing. Can someone make a hipster sticker of a shark with a rainbow fin that says “ get a Jawb” ?
ReplyDeleteI know stickers aren’t expensive but they are around $5 each. She’s bought 3 sticker in the past week all while whining about bills and not having firewood or feed for winter. If she was going about her life, I wouldn’t think twice about her little purchases but they add up and she’s always whining!!!
"get a Jawb"
DeleteI'm dead. Lmao.
Agree. Get a jawb. Hilarious and clever. Someone should make this their handle
DeleteGet a jawb, slob.
Delete4,729 and dropping again. Jenna’s boring non-tent, and constant begging isn’t worth following.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone heard about her sleep over date this past week? She isn't posting anything on Twitter and I don't have a clue about Instagram. Must have been a big old bust if she isn't boasting about it.
ReplyDeleteI guess that the breakfast bread made by “an ally neighbor” wasn’t a smashing success with the supposed date.
DeleteOtherwise, she’d be bragging about having “all night lesbian sex during a thunderstorm with a lantern flickering!!!”