PDD. It’s pretty pathetic. But her weird word of famous females is nuts. Jenna acts as if she’s 14 NOT 40. She’s the most immature, middle-aged person we’ve ever met.
Sorry all, my phone had a glitch. Here's my earlier comment, slightly amended.
"You know, I thought about Wog driving two states to get to a concert that her Boston friend basically had to step around the corner to see, with hardly any effort expended, besides wearing a sparkly red razzle dazzle outfit.
I thought how B was probably far too busy to waste time purchasing TS tickets (most working people are). Wog - someone who had nothing better to do - waited and waited for tickets. Wog did the legwork, ran the errand, and then was stupendously grateful B could front the cost of the tickets and let her crash for the night.
For someone attending their concert of a lifetime you'd think she would make a little effort in the wardrobe department. She looked positively frumpy. Who would hook up with that?
What is Jenna wearing!?! Gotta admit, I thought the lemur dress was going to make an appearance. Or something colorful. Instead she wore that same old hat and an all black outfit and what looks like a black trench coat. She looks like she is going to shovel the driveway, not go to a TS concert LOL
I thought that she’d break out the hideous cowgirl skirt that hasn’t been seen again. I’m sure that she wanted to meet Taylor in person after the concert, and invite her to go falcon hunting in Cambridge. Like Jenna once did a few years ago. LOL!!!
When I saw her outfit - same worn Indiana Jones hat, black TS shirt, below-knee leggings and black raincoat - all I could think was I hope she put those clothes in the *freezer* to freshen them up before heading to the concert. Whew - what that hat must smell like.
And, for the record, the lemur dress would have been a big improvement. I know she doesn’t get out much, but scheese, her outfit belonged on a troll that guards the bridge - not a concert goer. PDD
There’s that gross “gaping maw.” At least, Rebecca looks like she’s dressed for the occasion. Jenna didn’t put any effort into her appearance as always. She looks sloppy in old sandals, and uncomfortable in her own skin.
That one story that begins with Friday fishing also shows her at the concert having alcohol-induced convulsions to the music. Seriously, check it out. Feeling secondhand embarrassment. I'd leave the show if I were sat next to that.
Glad you're enjoying the link. Ive noticed anonymous IG viewers come and go, so if this one quits, Google to find another. Use caution though, as some links ask for money or are questionable. PDD
That video showing her making a fool of herself in the seats shocked me since it shows how fat and jowly she is and how much she alters her online appearance with editing tools
I’m shocked that she hasn’t tweeted about picking up vibes that Taylor Swift really is a lesbian, because Jenna’s gaydar detected it from far away in the stands.
“Good morning! Okay, so the pending sale of a logo spot and pet portrait both declined when I followed up after the weekend, so if anyone wants their spots, I can offer you the same sale rate. Send a DM! Trying to make enough to make the April Mortgage soon as possible!! Dm!”
“Logos are usually $200 but I will offer one bought today at $150. Pet portraits are 2 for $100. All money goes towards catching up on the mortgage, feed, hay, and hopefully piglets soon as possible. Sales are so hard, and most people that ask, never buy. I need to keep promoting.”
Just more justifications for her whining and begging. Get a job, slob.
“In full disclosure: I did spend $65 Sat. Some folks don't want to support me if I spend money on anything BUT the farm. But I got to see TAS sat and managed to not have to buy the ticket, pay for the gas (friend drove us), and crashed at an ex's.... I did get a shirt and snacks.”
Her fake “full disclosure” is a bunch of bull. Pathological liars always give out too many nonessential details to make their fabrications appear believable. But it has the opposite effect. The “some folks don’t want to support me…” is a slam on us calling out her crap.
Note to newbies. Her starting sentences with “okay,” “so,” and “hey,” almost always precede a barrage of begging. It’s a nervous tic of Jenna’s that we’ve observed for years.
Anonymous 10:03. I really doubt that they dated more than a few times. Be ca is far too attractive and accomplished to settle for a slothful girlfriend. Clearly, it didn’t work out. The same way that Shannon dumped Jenna.
10:36, you’re certainly right that it was brief. and to ask someone if they count as an ex, B would have looked like a dick to be like ”i‘m no ex“, but it’s canon now
*Wog arranged for pricey Taylor Swift concert tickets, and she moved near the front of online sales because she spent a sh**load of $$$ on expensive Taylor Swift merchandise.
*She posted multiple times that a friend fronted the money and that she hoped to find a lesbian date to bring to the concert. She asked for dates online. Unsuccessfully, I might add.
*NOW that she's back to Monday moaning, she's changed her story. The pricey Taylor Swift Tickets were FREE and she *sniff* only spent $65 on teensy souvenirs. Why are people SO mean to her???
OMG. Anon, don't bother correcting any idiot-fans who fell for this latest scam. Next she'll say she found the concert tickets at the dump.
If B ended up giving the tickets to perennial-victim Wog, you know its because Wog played her usual sadsack story. Lord, have mercy. Has she no shame??? (Never mind. We know the answer to that.)
The concert definitely wasn't free; the only question is if her ticket was paid for, or gifted, perhaps as payment for Wog doing all the dirty work of getting the ticket - you know, like staff.
No doubt Wog will follow IRS rules in reporting this $$$ gift to the IRS.
she originally phrased it so it sounded like she would pay for her own ticket but in the time since, she’s twisted it slightly so now it’s unknowable. her specialty
Monday morning. Back to reality. Begging for donations, shares and sales. Cash needed for mortgage... feed... hay... piglets... But don't you dare question how she spends your donated $$$ and pity sales to "keep this farm going." PDD
“I know but I worry people will think I am spending money on a vacation instead of a bill. This was a once in a lifetime thing, I was so lucky to see it! And free!”
What blatant lying. She doesn’t “worry” about people’s perception about her begging, but now feigns fake concern about appearances. What a conniving criminal.
Jenna is so disingenuous it’s sickening. She knows that the issue really isn’t what she spent at the concert. But by falsely focusing on this lie, she hopes that the real concern of begging will be overlooked. It won’t.
Jenna’s trying to convey this message with her stupid details tweet: “Look at how scrupulously honest I’m being about my minor expenses. You can trust me to be accountable. So please Venmo me more money!!!” I’m surprised that she didn’t add in the exact cents, too.
Jenna purchased 2 TS tickets. Jenna couldn’t find a date and a local paid her for 1 ticket and provided the ride. Jenna paid $65 for snacks, souvenir and everything else was free. Makes total sense.
I’m super confused. Jenna said multiple times that she purchased 2 tickets with the hopes she would get a date ( to go to a concert with her ex... )
A date never materialized so someone local bought the ticket. Night of concert comes and goes and suddenly it was practically a free night for Jenna. Other than snacks and souvenirs.
A few targeted questions.
On her weekend away, she stayed with Becca and got a ride from local. She didn’t kick in for gas for the ride?
Other than “snacks” did Jenna not eat anything for the weekend? Even if Becca purchased food, you would think Jenna would have some expense... tip? Delivery? A box of donuts for her gracious host??
If Jenna found a date, was Becca going to pay for both of the tickets she ordered?
How is Jenna ok with an “ex” who is a teacher, paying for her ticket? I would never do that to a friend. A cup of coffee, sure A pricy ticket- no way.
My daughter has a friend whose parents are connected in a way that they receive tickets Free for various entertainment events. My daughter is often asked to join them. I ALWAYS offer to pay for her ticket ( they say no because they are free) and send her with parking money to give the family, snack money to offer to treat etc. I would never want her to be entitled like Jenna!!!!
I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating. Her whole life is lies. Jenna’s cognitive abilities have drastically declined due to drinking and smoking weed. She’s literally, unable to track her lies now.
Let’s be real here. No one would buy her such an expensive ticket. It wasn’t a gift from either her family or friends. None of her elaborate fabrications can explain and justify it. And it’s weird that she’s been suspiciously silent about what was supposed to be such an amazing experience.
I keep wondering and looking - who looked after the animals while she was gone? Did ANYONE? That seems like something to call someone about (agricultural services? I am not an American)...that a farm was left and the animals left with no one to look in on them. -Daffodil Anonymous
"Speaking of Taylor, can you believe I got tickets!?
Fans with a long history of buying music and merchandise off her website got entered into a lottery for the pre-sale. I've been playing her cassettes in my truck and records on my turntables for years. I had the chance for tickets for the Boston show and the code needed to buy them. An ex (do they count as an ex if you only dated three months?) fronted me the money for tickets if I could get them and I fucking did. I sat with Ticketmaster for 5 hours in that death rattle of a queue, but I got us in, and this May I will see Taylor live for the fist time in my life. I bought myself two tickets. I thought I'd be taking a date, but per my earlier confession about my failure at that all winter - I am going with another local homesteader (and good friend!) who is also a fan and has a more reliable car for the trip to Massachusetts." PDD
“Fronted the money “ for something means, even in the best case scenario, money you are fronted that you have to pay back later. It doesn’t mean “free tickets” as she is now making it sound, after the fact, because she is afraid donations will dry up when people find out she actually bought two tickets herself.
Anonymous 3:54. Exactly. Any normal adult understands the concept of fronting funds. It wasn’t intended to be a gift. Otherwise, she would’ve gloated about it. All Jenna cares about is continuing to use her manipulative marketing for mooching more money.
“And if you just want to contribute towards the blog, which is over 15 years of free content, my venmo is Jennawog and honestly, $1 a reader would change my whole summer and have me already buying firewood. It's just so damn hard to make sales now.”
It’s just more manipulative marketing to filch free funds for nothing.
The poor, desperate “scrappy little lesbian” is begging for only dollars now. Her parents must be SO proud of their able-bodied, college-educated, dimwit daughter.
I just saw her ridiculous rebuttal to our critical comments. Her lies about receiving frequent foreclosure letters are fraudulent. Just like Jenna. What a conniving, criminal cunt.
It’s no wonder why her body is obese and she has a jowly, fat face. I thought that “nothing tastes good anymore,” and that her “threadbare clothes” were hanging on her frame.
Wow. Jenna couldn’t wait to waddle her fat ass over to the beanbag chair tonight, and set the record straight. She really told us the truth. “Sure, Jen.”
SFF. She’s a rotten writer. I loathe her stupid word salads, and overwrought purple prose thats meaningless. And she always ends her pathetic posts in an annoying, wistful way that’s completely fake. Like her weird whining on about having hope, but it’s really code for wanting more money from followers.
Jenna must be joking about doing any careful editing. She rarely proofreads anything, and her writing is filled with major mistakes in grammar. Her stupid syntax is often stilted, too. She’s also clueless about proper punctuation, and still can’t correctly use either commas or question marks.
Side Note: I wish I didn't feel so guilty about going to see that show. It meant so much to me and it didn't cost me anything but the souvenirs, but I am so worried people will see the pictures on Instagram, or hear I went, and think I am being frivolous when behind. And then hire someone else when they need a logo or choose a pork source...}
Another Side Note: I am going to keep writing here regardless if you support it or not, but if you'd like to encourage more frequent posts, you can venmo me a tip at jennawog. That's not a threat, or meant to imply I won't write if people don't contribute. It just takes time away from things that either aid in making a living or medicate in distressing from it. So I'm putting it out there you can contribute if you want to and it isn't a hindrance. And if people do, I'll write more, because I want to make money as a writer again.
Her “making money as a writer” was over many years ago. That old ship has sailed and sunk. Due to her rotten reputation. And “medicate in distressing from it” sounds strange and completely crazy.
Her bizarre choice of ick pic for the post was way weird. It’s her ugly man hand with its fat, filthy fingers coated in chipped polish. What a total turn-off to potential partners.
Where to start with the new blog. First of all, the mortgage story doesn’t match up. Second the tickets story doesn’t match up. Third, her grammar and punctuation are both horrendous. How does she find any work writing for anyone, is beyond me. Fourth, she is really milking this “pity me, woe is me, I’m so sad that I am getting called out when I have given this story about how everything is given to me for free” shit. And I can go on. The purple prose and work salad are a hallmark of her writings. If you go read the Amazon reviews of her former books, that is one of the most common threads.
Anonymous 7:06. Exactly. Jenna’s fraudulent victim narrative is a crook of crap. I’ve said the same things about her rotten writing for years. And did in another comment here.
Anonymous 7:06. Here’s my comment which was posted above:
AnonymousMay 22, 2023 at 6:55 PM
Jenna must be joking about doing any careful editing. She rarely proofreads anything, and her writing is filled with major mistakes in grammar. Her stupid syntax is often stilted, too. She’s also clueless about proper punctuation, and still can’t correctly use either commas or question marks.
Robin (she/her) @bunnytoes1 · 11h If they were making donations it would make sense, but when you pay for a product or piece of art you don’t get to decide where the money goes. That’s ridiculous.
Guess what, Robin- she gets a lot of “donations” for no product. Just read the now deleted comment by Joy who donated $400 so Jen would not sell her fiddle, only to find Jen selling her fiddle again for another $200. There have been comments in the past from others who also donated toward a stated purpose, only to see their donation go to completely frivolous purchases. Take Jenna’s whining with an ocean of salt. Where there is smoke, there is fire.
So Becca fronted the money ( that Jenna didn’t have for two tickets). Then while Jenna is not paying her bills or mortgage ( but definitely going out for ice cream) a complete stranger says to themself. “ I am so thankful the Jenna, a lonely lesbian gay queer, living in the side of a mountain with frozen pipes and no heat person, showed me how great TS is so therefore, I need to pay for her ticket so she can enjoy the show!”
What!? Insanity. Did she give the money to Becca for the ticket or hold onto it for snacks and merch?
So sketchy. She was better off not saying a word and just resuming farm begs as usual!!
I agree Anon 4:03, but also didn't she write somewhere that she gave the "couldn't find a date" ticket to the friend as compensation for the friend driving them in her car with her gas? You're so right, she would've been better off not saying anything. She keeps coming up with new stories but can't keep anything straight. And... if the concert was free to her she's a leech.
Anon 5:22 - yeah, Lowes, Home Depot, Walmart etc. all have mowers for sale. She'd be better off buying a new one instead of someone's castoff. But she doesn't really want to buy it, she wants someone to give her one, as is her history. $65.00 would go a long way toward a shiny new mower!
Do y’all remember not too long ago where she said she bought a brand new push mower? So what did she do, used and abused it, failed to maintain it properly, and now it’s already trashed? Smfh. Some “farmer”.
“I’m proud that I'm only 2 months behind on the mortgage after the past 13 years of owning this house. That’s a lot of proof positive that I will continue figuring this out. Or, at least remain too stubborn to quit.”
Let it sink in that Jenna’s bragging about being “proud that she’s ONLY 2 months behind on the mortgage.” Her level of delusion is beyond belief. She should be ashamed of being a beggar, but rigidly refuses to go and get even a part-time job.
Why doesn't the world's worst farmer hand-graze her horses to mow the grass? Or, she can relocate or "add" new electric fence sections so sheep can graze the front yard. We have a neighbor whose dairy cow often mows their grass.
Anon 8:03, lol, she didn't actually DO anything. She was going to (figure out) "how to turn the lawn into grazing for the horses and sheep with the fencing supplies you already have."
She hardly ever DOES; she talks it to death and hopes someone else will do it for her, or send her enough $$$ so she can hire someone to do it.
Now, I get that at this point her readers must be the dumbest fcuks on the planet, but does no one understand how simple it is to run electric wire (or grid) fencing? There's no need to "figure it out"; you just do it.
It reminds me of the time she bragged about improving the lighting at the pig barn (she replaced a bulb) or when she crowed she'd changed its ventilation (she opened barn door and leaned a gate across it).
As Anon says, "Her life is lies.", and as PT Barnum said, "There's a sucker born every minute."
If someone really did pay for her taylor swift ticket as a thank you for her instagram stories then her followers truly are the dumbest people we could imagine.
But I'm sure that was a lie. It doesn't make sense if it were true, why would someone DM her and offer to pay for her ticket? Wouldn't she be crowing about that the second that happened?
No it makes far more sense for her to lie about it happening so she can justify going in the first place while simultaneously claiming her mortgage is two months behind. She can't sell the tickets you see because someone else bought them already and *gave them back to her*.
Which is what apparently happened with that ukulele which she had advertised for sale (she never offered the concert tix for sale) and a follower paid for the uke and gave it back to Jenna so she could enjoy playing it. Then called her out on social media when Jenna tried to sell it a second time.
I bet that incident is what gave Jenna the idea to pretend someone paid for her ticket and gave it back to her.
Regardless, even if a follower had paid for something there's nothing stopping her from trying to sell it a second time, like the uke, and then tell the first follower they're "not cool" for calling her out!
...."60,000 women singing in a storm" ?? and pre-teen and teen girls with their dads, plus husbands and boyfriends. She wants so badly to make it a Gayfest when it was all just fans of TS. FFF makes so much stupid noise. Did you know she's gay?
She is such a fcking gaslighter. Can not stand her. If something doesn’t fit her current, self-serving agenda- she just tries to lie it into existence.
Anonymous 12:53. We hate her, too. Jenna not only is a sociopathic predator, she’s shamelessly lies about everything. And gaslighting others to try and hide her own crap is despicable behavior.
I'm so confused after reading her post and the explination of the tickets. I remember the day she wrote that she got through after 5 hrs. on the phone and bought the tickets (only one in America who could without a credit card) blahblah blah. And if I remember correctly it was 3 tickets. But now the story is all over the place can't tell if it was 2 tickets or 3 and someone this and someone that an an X thrown in for good measure. Phewwwwww I guess if you confuse people enough they won't ask questions. We did hear at the Phila. show a bottle of water was $10. a beer $20. and a Tshirt was 45 and a sweatshirt was $75. ticket prices were through the roof.
My memory is she claimed to have purchased 3 tickets. One for herself, one for her ex, and one for her future love interest whom she had not met that she supposedly "traded" with a neighbor in exchange for a free ride. Pretty sure she could've gotten more than the cost of a tank of gas for that ticket, given how strapped she claims to be.
This reminds me of the "free camping trips" with Shannon - free because they already owned the equipment and the gas was already in the car!
“Yesterday I was able to make the April mortgage and pick up three lambs that took 4 weeks to pay for, but I got it done! Onward to covering May! And if I'm lucky, I might even catch up for the first time in over a year! That is so hopeful to me!”
No one cares, cunt. You’re still a lying, lazy loser.
“The new lambs are doing well! Piglets delivered tomorrow (seller is letting me pay for them in installments because networking and community is EVERYTHING for scrappy operations like mine! This is the most encouraged I've felt in months!”
I think that her stupid “scrappy” is code for being a begging, conniving criminal.
Jenna acts as if it’s an admirable accomplishment to make mortgage payments that are behind by two months or more. She should be ashamed of herself, but that would require having a conscience.
HOW MUCH DID SHE SPEND ON LAMBS? Was it, oh I don't know, the cost of a MORTGAGE PAYMENT!!!???
Whatever. I think she finds that constant doom and gloom is bad for optics, but if she admits she has the bills covered the extra money stops coming. Even $4 is an extra bag of sour fish gummies she would have otherwise had to buy herself!
“Still offering these rates in the thread below! April is paid and trying to make May soon as possible so I'm not always earning towards the past and can start saving for the future! Dm or visit website in profile to message me and order!”
Anonymous 3:53. And that’s around $4, per her ridiculous request for only one dollar from readers. But I don’t buy her bull. It’s just more manipulative marketing to appear popular.
Her very low rate of engagement on both Twitter and Instagram, is indicative of having very few faithful followers. Except, for Pember Patty and Creepy Kelly. But he hasn’t been responding for awhile. I can’t count “Rachel Keane,” because that’s Jenna’s other alternate account.
Oh, look. Pictures of lambies. Don't think about her spending $100s on Taylor Swift tickets, while crying she doesn't have enough money for her (sniff, sniff) late mortgage. And then LYING about it.
On IG: shows a video of a TS flag. Says she wants one for her barn. How long until Ms. “I have no money” received one from a stranger on the internet who is so happy that Jenna introduced them to TS??
On IG she states that she is taking a stand and she will write blog posts when she gets paid via Venmo. She said two people venmo’d her yesterday so here is the post. She wants to be paid for her writing so this is her newest scam 😂😂
Yeah, other farmers would have assured that new lambs were kept inside safe fencing, with a secure shelter - not something farmers slapped together "with some hay and hoped they (lambs) would find it on their own."
What could go wrong??? Almost anything when dealing with a LAF faux farner.
When I read her STUPID comment about how other farmers would just go back to sleep after hearing a new lamb in distress, I just about lol-ed, except it is such a disgusting, misguided, and ignorant comment from the last person in Cambridge who should be calling themselves or comparing themselves to a real farmer. Other farmers would not drag a purchase of three lambs over four weeks- that is your first indication that you can’t afford them. Other farmers would breed their own stock for babies. Other farmers would not foolishly get more pets aka livestock when they supposedly are facing foreclosure. Other farmers will have secure fencing before taking on more animals. Other farmers will not dare go to bed until their new babies are safely in and closed up. Other farmers will make sure their new animals are comfortable, not having to “escape” in the middle of their first night in property, likely searching for something that was not provided for them. I can keep going.
reminds me of when she was trying to spin a weekday movie theater as a “farmer‘s matinee”. oh, so that’s what farmers do with their days? good to know…
She asks for "just a dollar" knowing that most people would give more than that, that low amount just ropes them in. (like the one here that says "manipulative marketing" - her specialty. She's just on a high from the recent handouts she got. She'll come back down.
At least she is finally acknowledging that she ran out of steam and needs to get her lazy ass back in gear and actually DO something to "earn up" the donations that she begs for:
"There's more of a sense of accomplishment now, because there's no longer the audience there once was. There isn't the hype of books and publishing events."
BTW, Jon Katz also asks for people to $upport his blog posts, but somewhat recently, he claimed he was a few months late paying his blogging bill and had the audacity to ask for money for that! He wants people to not only pay for content, but also his ability to bring it to them. Nuts. And I'll bet Jenna won't be far behind in asking for that too.
Well, I see she has finally turned her blog into a beg fest. I guess it was inevitable. How demeaning to offer your content for a single dollar. Talk about low self esteem. I am considering changing my name from SlimFaceFilter to VenmoMe.
“Still offering this sale, trying to make as many as possible to catch up and not always be a month behind. Just* made April's mortgage and that was because of luck, honestly! So please share this or consider supporting if you're in better shape than I am! (and want to/like pets)”
It’s more manipulative marketing from the Cambridge Queen of Con. Trying to elicit empathy by mentioning “pets,” like the sociopathic predator that Jenna is. (But they’re really livestock, so it’s another lie.) She’s been “behind” in making mortgage payments for years. It’s nothing new, and has become a chronic condition.
Jenna, I'm in way better shape than you but I won't toss a single penny your way because you are a cruel pig-shocking beggar who needs to grow a heart and get a JOB.
I've been reading her blogs for a very long time. It always cracks me up how she makes it sound like Gibson is an amazing trained border collie. If you followed her Vermont blog, he had TWO lessons. I don't remember why she stopped. Friday has never had any lessons. All this BS about how both the border collies would have responded to a sheep outside the fence, she lies because she knows she doesn't have to prove it. Yet.
She reminds me of the old 1945 movie Christmas in Connecticut about a food writer who lies about being the perfect housewife. Her Twitter shows she will get a thousand views on her tweets and only 4 "likes." It's because most of her followers know it's all a big lie.
Years ago, there was a laughable video of her "working the herding dogs". It was on par with a video showing her terrible fiddling at the local brewery. She offered $$$ classes on raising chickens, rural living, horsemanship, fiddling and animal husbandry.
Now, no one cares if a person is a beginner or isn't competent at a particular skill. We've all been there. But it's begging for snarky comments when an individual pretends to be highly qualified & competent, clearly isn't, and then hypocritically takes $$$ from unsuspecting souls.
Incidentally, since she is ALWAYS yammering on about the 10+ years of writing on her blegs, why does she no longer promote her YouTube channel? She made almost 400 videos yet never mentions them anymore or puts a YouTube link on her Twitter, Instagram or bleg. Wonder why?
So according to what I read above, the Pig Shocker told 3-4 different stories about the tickets:
PDD wrote: "She posted multiple times that a friend fronted the money and that she hoped to find a lesbian date to bring to the concert. [...] NOW that she's back to Monday moaning, she's changed her story. The pricey Taylor Swift Tickets were FREE"
Anon 11:19 wrote: "Jenna purchased 2 TS tickets. Jenna couldn’t find a date and a local paid her for 1 ticket and provided the ride."
Anon 3:21 wrote: "Jenna said multiple times that she purchased 2 tickets with the hopes she would get a date [...] A date never materialized so someone local bought the ticket. Night of concert comes and goes and suddenly it was practically a free night for Jenna."
PDD wrote: "An ex fronted me the money for tickets if I could get them and I fucking did. I bought myself two tickets."
Anon 6:37 wrote: "She edited her blarg. Now an IG follower paid for her ticket as a “thank you” for introducing her to TS."
WIW wrote: "My memory is she claimed to have purchased 3 tickets. One for herself, one for her ex, and one for her future love interest whom she had not met that she supposedly "traded" with a neighbor in exchange for a free ride."
AND THEN she wrote ANOTHER explanation on her bleg:
"A more financially-secure friend that didn't get a pre-sale code said If I could get her 2 tickets, she'd pay for mine. Her word was good. I ended up buying one ticket for a date I hadn't met yet."
***record scratch*** Her friend wanted TWO tickets? Jenna said the two tickets were for herself and an imaginary date.
"In the end, I didn't find a date, but my friend Jessie is a fan of Taylor so I offered her my second ticket and in return she offered to drive her newer car and cover the gas to get to Boston."
What second ticket did she have??? I thought the second ticket was for her friend?
"Shortly after that, a follower on IG offered to pay for my ticket as a thank you for introducing Taylor into her life through my relentless story campaign."
Sooooo...lemme see if I have this straight...her friend originally bought Jenna's ticket. And then some stranger paid for her ticket? I thought her friend paid for it? So this ticket was bought twice?!?
omg this is hilarious, because a few days ago she was claiming a fan of her instagram stories reimbursed her for her ticket. Now she's claiming Becca paid for her ticket? I'm pretty sure when she bought the tickets she claimed she used Becca's credit card to buy three and Becca paid just for her own, so Jenna bought TWO tickets and was sitting on two tickets while also complaining about the unpaid mortgage.
Suddenly in the final hour, as usual, the story has changed yet again!
The stupid story is a crock of crap as usual. Jenna has deliberately created layers of deception, because she refuses to accept any adult accountability for her lie-style.
Twitter Twaddle: "I live in a very small town of under 3,000 people, we still have an amazing annual Pride celebration"
I thought she said she didn't feel safe being an LGBT+ person in her very small town? Cuz that's what she said on her old bleg, where she wrote a post about how being an unmarried lesbian terrified her:
"When straight men find out I'm alone they either take a step closer or a step back, but never remain in place. I am not claimed and therefore fair game to chase or a distasteful thing that should be avoided. Either way, I am not safe."
"When straight women find out they change their tone. Almost 90% of the time it's a faux you-go-girl-approval masking their discomfort. I don't take it personally, but it is as loud as a stop sign. I am not claimed and therefore undesirable for partnership or a possible threat to their marriage. Either way, I am not safe."
"But the unspoken assumption is women my age should be straight, married, and raising a family. Not doing those things waves warning flags and every year the flags wave harder. [...] I'm one step away from neighborhood kids telling each other I'm a witch and daring to knock on my door at Halloween."
"I drive a big ol' red pickup with a rainbow decal on it and everyone knows what that means. [...] Reactions were mixed. [...] Small things started to happen. Not just because of that sticker, but because word gets around in a small town like fog on a cold night. People that used to wave when I drove by stopped waving. Women at red lights go out of their way to avoid eye contact with me, as if looking a gay woman in the wild will be met with a leer? Men blatantly stare like a hyena is driving a truck. No one paid attention to me before that sticker. I used to be a part of the background and now I'm one of "them."
"I avoid talking to other single women at all costs. I am afraid that anything I do or say will be seen as hitting on them, any sort of kindness or compliment or eye contact will be rejected, that I disgust them. They terrify me."
OK THEN, DARLIN' -- Go hang out with all those HATEFUL ANTI-PRIDE folks at your town's AMAZING Pride festival!!
FULL BLEG POST HERE: https://coldantlerfarm.blogspot.com/search?q=selfish
Her fake take on this is so stupid. I live locally... there are plenty of gay and straight women who are not married, don’t have kids, who own homes, or gasp... FARMS! I work with someone who is single, female, and just bought herself a tractor. No one is whispering behind her back or thinking she is a threat.
We did have an issue not far from here with a town that did not want a drag queen at story hour, but you didn’t see her outraged about that. You don’t see her doing anything local to support LGBTQA+ people or rights. You don’t see her volunteering at her local Pride events. She could set up a table and sell her shit. But she’s happy to tell the 4 people who read her Twitter to do it!!!
“Good morning! New blog post! Dancing rabbits, which was encouraged by five different readers! Thank you!!!”
No one has “encouraged” this cunt to do more rotten writing. She’s a pathological liar who fabricates crap for manipulative marketing to appear popular.
yeah she's claiming she was paid $5 for the blog post. I wonder how long she's going to claim she's getting money for them? Seems this phrasing works better than "donate to support my framework!" This is more of a casino pull, "for $1 I'll write a post tomorrow!"
“Many of us have left paths we would’ve explored untaken, lives we would’ve enjoyed unlived. Jenna’s blog offers a window into one of the paths I would’ve loved to explore. I hope you’ll give it a look”
Yeah, Jenna’s “paths” have been so successful. She’s a middle-aged moron who’s still behind by months in making mortgage payments, and begs online daily for donations.
Anon 4:10, lol, now Merlin is OVER 30 years old. At this rate, he'll be 40 in a month, and she'll brag about keeping him alive.
That story about Mabel shows what an incompetent horse handler she is. She has the mare's color wrong, trots out horse💩 generalizations that are bogus, likely doesn’t understand proper bitting (get her teeth checked, dummy) and admits mare doesn't like or respect her (turning around / kicking out are sure signs of that). Look for Pember Patty or someone else to come bail her out.
And now we know. Deep down, Mabel is a Shamster! PDD
I know it's been commented on, but that's a lot of lettuce, and if she gardened this year same as she has in the past, all from starts, which I find really silly. I almost never buy starts. Unless I see something weird i can't live without.
Jenna brags about eating multiple containers of ice cream for dinner, and also driving to get more cones. We’ve also seen her in person this spring around town. And her fat frame is still stocky. She’s hardly living on vegetables.
It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePDD. It’s pretty pathetic. But her weird word of famous females is nuts. Jenna acts as if she’s 14 NOT 40. She’s the most immature, middle-aged person we’ve ever met.
DeleteEdit: weird worship
DeletePDD. I’ve just responded to a good comment that you’ve deleted.
DeleteSorry all, my phone had a glitch. Here's my earlier comment, slightly amended.
ReplyDelete"You know, I thought about Wog driving two states to get to a concert that her Boston friend basically had to step around the corner to see, with hardly any effort expended, besides wearing a sparkly red razzle dazzle outfit.
I thought how B was probably far too busy to waste time purchasing TS tickets (most working people are). Wog - someone who had nothing better to do - waited and waited for tickets. Wog did the legwork, ran the errand, and then was stupendously grateful B could front the cost of the tickets and let her crash for the night.
I mean, how pathetic is that?"
Thanks for reposting. I agree with what you wrote.
DeleteOops, I forgot to add: if I was another person's errand girl or lackey at age 40, I'd be fcking embarrassed.
For someone attending their concert of a lifetime you'd think she would make a little effort in the wardrobe department. She looked positively frumpy. Who would hook up with that?
DeleteSFF. I didn’t see what she wore yet. But Jenna has no sense of style.
DeleteYeah, was wasting money on tickets worth missing the April mortgage? Oh wait, she would've missed it regardless, so never mind.
DeleteWhat is Jenna wearing!?! Gotta admit, I thought the lemur dress was going to make an appearance. Or something colorful. Instead she wore that same old hat and an all black outfit and what looks like a black trench coat. She looks like she is going to shovel the driveway, not go to a TS concert LOL
ReplyDeleteI thought that she’d break out the hideous cowgirl skirt that hasn’t been seen again. I’m sure that she wanted to meet Taylor in person after the concert, and invite her to go falcon hunting in Cambridge. Like Jenna once did a few years ago. LOL!!!
DeleteJenna - The 80s called. They want their culottes back.
DeleteAnon 5:52 - I agree...the cowgirl skirt woulda been a much better choice. But then people might assume she's straight. Can't have that!
When I saw her outfit - same worn Indiana Jones hat, black TS shirt, below-knee leggings and black raincoat - all I could think was I hope she put those clothes in the *freezer* to freshen them up before heading to the concert. Whew - what that hat must smell like.
DeleteAnd, for the record, the lemur dress would have been a big improvement. I know she doesn’t get out much, but scheese, her outfit belonged on a troll that guards the bridge - not a concert goer.
ReplyDeleteThere’s that gross “gaping maw.” At least, Rebecca looks like she’s dressed for the occasion. Jenna didn’t put any effort into her appearance as always. She looks sloppy in old sandals, and uncomfortable in her own skin.
It’s “Beauty and the Beast,” just like Jenna and her sister were called in high school.
DeleteNote that she made sure to wear an brace on her bRoKEn AnKLe
DeleteAnd she wore river sandals? In the rain? At a concert? Almost like she wanted everyone there to know she's just as big a lesbian as Taylor is.
DeleteFrom the last thread, Anon 7:36 posted this link:
ReplyDelete"Try instanavigation.com
Search coldantlerjenna
You should see stories and posts, without giving her hits"
Neat link, thanks!
That one story that begins with Friday fishing also shows her at the concert having alcohol-induced convulsions to the music. Seriously, check it out. Feeling secondhand embarrassment. I'd leave the show if I were sat next to that.
DeleteGlad you're enjoying the link. Ive noticed anonymous IG viewers come and go, so if this one quits, Google to find another. Use caution though, as some links ask for money or are questionable.
Anon 7:36 thanks too from me for the instanavigation link!
DeleteAnon 7:36 = PDD, so thank you . I hope you enjoy the link.
Delete(My phone has been acting up and I can't always properly sign in.)
According to her IG stories she thinks the show was the most magical one ever due to the "epic" rain storm that heroic, brave Taylor sang throughout.
ReplyDeleteAnd since the begging will resume tomorrow, here's what I have on my Begging Bingo card:
Thanks! That inspired my poem below.
DeleteJen went to the concert
ReplyDeletebut it didn’t change her life.
She’s still a lazy loser
who will never have a wife.
Delete"I drank Taylor's rainwater" is one of your BEST!
PDD. I appreciate your compliment. Thanks!
Delete“Hello! I went away this weekend for an overnight trip, first night away since summer 2021! Anyway, I'm back and catching up on emails!”
ReplyDeleteNo one cares, cunt. It’s back to begging now. Funny, how you didn’t mention the concert.
Jenna’s always “catching up” with something, but she’s been behind in life for years.
Delete“Sure, Jen.” You’re SO popular that it takes awhile to weed through the three spam messages in your email.
DeleteThat video showing her making a fool of herself in the seats shocked me since it shows how fat and jowly she is and how much she alters her online appearance with editing tools
ReplyDeleteSFF. Exactly. We’ve seen her around town, and she is “fat and jowly” in real life. It’s a crock of crap when Jenna’s bragged about her losing weight.
DeleteIt’s back to begging as predicted. She’s retweeting her desperate pleas for free funds.
ReplyDeleteI’m shocked that she hasn’t tweeted about picking up vibes that Taylor Swift really is a lesbian, because Jenna’s gaydar detected it from far away in the stands.
ReplyDelete“Good morning! Okay, so the pending sale of a logo spot and pet portrait both declined when I followed up after the weekend, so if anyone wants their spots, I can offer you the same sale rate. Send a DM! Trying to make enough to make the April Mortgage soon as possible!! Dm!”
ReplyDeleteGFY, Jenna.
“Logos are usually $200 but I will offer one bought today at $150. Pet portraits are 2 for $100. All money goes towards catching up on the mortgage, feed, hay, and hopefully piglets soon as possible. Sales are so hard, and most people that ask, never buy. I need to keep promoting.”
DeleteJust more justifications for her whining and begging. Get a job, slob.
“In full disclosure: I did spend $65 Sat. Some folks don't want to support me if I spend money on anything BUT the farm. But I got to see TAS sat and managed to not have to buy the ticket, pay for the gas (friend drove us), and crashed at an ex's.... I did get a shirt and snacks.”
DeleteHer fake “full disclosure” is a bunch of bull. Pathological liars always give out too many nonessential details to make their fabrications appear believable. But it has the opposite effect. The “some folks don’t want to support me…” is a slam on us calling out her crap.
Note to newbies. Her starting sentences with “okay,” “so,” and “hey,” almost always precede a barrage of begging. It’s a nervous tic of Jenna’s that we’ve observed for years.
DeleteLOL!!! at the mention of an “ex’s” again. Jenna’s had one romantic relationship in her life with Shannon, and she was dumped by her for good reason.
DeletePeople don’t want to “support” a lying, lazy loser like Jenna. Her faux “farm” is a hobbyist homestead at best.
Deletetbf, she referred to Becca as an ex and Becca agreed to it in instagram comments at one point.
DeleteAnonymous 10:03. I really doubt that they dated more than a few times. Be ca is far too attractive and accomplished to settle for a slothful girlfriend. Clearly, it didn’t work out. The same way that Shannon dumped Jenna.
DeleteEdit: Becca
Delete10:36, you’re certainly right that it was brief. and to ask someone if they count as an ex, B would have looked like a dick to be like ”i‘m no ex“, but it’s canon now
DeleteJust an observation. The cat is lying on her wet clothes. After all these years she doesn't even have a clothesline.
ReplyDeleteperhaps she could use a hose; oh right she doesn’t have one of those either
DeleteLet me see if I have this straight.
ReplyDelete*Wog arranged for pricey Taylor Swift concert tickets, and she moved near the front of online sales because she spent a sh**load of $$$ on expensive Taylor Swift merchandise.
*She posted multiple times that a friend fronted the money and that she hoped to find a lesbian date to bring to the concert. She asked for dates online. Unsuccessfully, I might add.
*NOW that she's back to Monday moaning, she's changed her story. The pricey Taylor Swift Tickets were FREE and she *sniff* only spent $65 on teensy souvenirs. Why are people SO mean to her???
OMG. Anon, don't bother correcting any idiot-fans who fell for this latest scam. Next she'll say she found the concert tickets at the dump.
If B ended up giving the tickets to perennial-victim Wog, you know its because Wog played her usual sadsack story. Lord, have mercy. Has she no shame??? (Never mind. We know the answer to that.)
The bottom line of course is how could she purchase so much online TS merch without a credit card. She must think people are as stupid as she is.
DeleteThere’s NO WAY that the concert was free. This is one of her biggest lies. And that’s saying a lot.
DeleteThe concert definitely wasn't free; the only question is if her ticket was paid for, or gifted, perhaps as payment for Wog doing all the dirty work of getting the ticket - you know, like staff.
DeleteNo doubt Wog will follow IRS rules in reporting this $$$ gift to the IRS.
she originally phrased it so it sounded like she would pay for her own ticket but in the time since, she’s twisted it slightly so now it’s unknowable. her specialty
DeleteAnon 11:38, same as I remember.
Deleteat least now we know whether she was claiming B bought it or a charitable fan. i thought she would claim the former.
DeleteMonday morning. Back to reality. Begging for donations, shares and sales. Cash needed for mortgage... feed... hay... piglets... But don't you dare question how she spends your donated $$$ and pity sales to "keep this farm going."
“I know but I worry people will think I am spending money on a vacation instead of a bill. This was a once in a lifetime thing, I was so lucky to see it! And free!”
DeleteWhat blatant lying. She doesn’t “worry” about people’s perception about her begging, but now feigns fake concern about appearances. What a conniving criminal.
Jenna is so disingenuous it’s sickening. She knows that the issue really isn’t what she spent at the concert. But by falsely focusing on this lie, she hopes that the real concern of begging will be overlooked. It won’t.
DeleteJenna’s trying to convey this message with her stupid details tweet: “Look at how scrupulously honest I’m being about my minor expenses. You can trust me to be accountable. So please Venmo me more money!!!” I’m surprised that she didn’t add in the exact cents, too.
Deletenailed it, 10:57
DeleteAnonymous 11:32. Thanks. We’ve also lived locally in Cambridge for years, and keep track of her history in our files. It’s for future reference.
DeleteIt’s just all Jenna math.
ReplyDeleteJenna purchased 2 TS tickets. Jenna couldn’t find a date and a local paid her for 1 ticket and provided the ride. Jenna paid $65 for snacks, souvenir and everything else was free.
Makes total sense.
“If anyone is up in arms about you seeing TS for $65, they should go kick rocks. I’m willing to bet they spend some of their money on fun stuff.”
ReplyDeleteThis poor, deluded sycophant still doesn’t get that Jenna is a lying, lazy loser.
AND - if I want to spend money on fun stuff, I EARN IT MYSELF.
DeleteI’m super confused. Jenna said multiple times that she purchased 2 tickets with the hopes she would get a date ( to go to a concert with her ex... )
ReplyDeleteA date never materialized so someone local bought the ticket. Night of concert comes and goes and suddenly it was practically a free night for Jenna. Other than snacks and souvenirs.
A few targeted questions.
On her weekend away, she stayed with Becca and got a ride from local. She didn’t kick in for gas for the ride?
Other than “snacks” did Jenna not eat anything for the weekend? Even if Becca purchased food, you would think Jenna would have some expense... tip? Delivery? A box of donuts for her gracious host??
If Jenna found a date, was Becca going to pay for both of the tickets she ordered?
How is Jenna ok with an “ex” who is a teacher, paying for her ticket? I would never do that to a friend. A cup of coffee, sure A pricy ticket- no way.
My daughter has a friend whose parents are connected in a way that they receive tickets Free for various entertainment events. My daughter is often asked to join them. I ALWAYS offer to pay for her ticket ( they say no because they are free) and send her with parking money to give the family, snack money to offer to treat etc. I would never want her to be entitled like Jenna!!!!
I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating. Her whole life is lies. Jenna’s cognitive abilities have drastically declined due to drinking and smoking weed. She’s literally, unable to track her lies now.
DeleteLet’s be real here. No one would buy her such an expensive ticket. It wasn’t a gift from either her family or friends. None of her elaborate fabrications can explain and justify it. And it’s weird that she’s been suspiciously silent about what was supposed to be such an amazing experience.
DeleteI keep wondering and looking - who looked after the animals while she was gone? Did ANYONE? That seems like something to call someone about (agricultural services? I am not an American)...that a farm was left and the animals left with no one to look in on them.
Delete-Daffodil Anonymous
ReplyDeleteFrom Faux Farmer's own writings:
"Speaking of Taylor, can you believe I got tickets!?
Fans with a long history of buying music and merchandise off her website got entered into a lottery for the pre-sale. I've been playing her cassettes in my truck and records on my turntables for years. I had the chance for tickets for the Boston show and the code needed to buy them. An ex (do they count as an ex if you only dated three months?) fronted me the money for tickets if I could get them and I fucking did. I sat with Ticketmaster for 5 hours in that death rattle of a queue, but I got us in, and this May I will see Taylor live for the fist time in my life. I bought myself two tickets. I thought I'd be taking a date, but per my earlier confession about my failure at that all winter - I am going with another local homesteader (and good friend!) who is also a fan and has a more reliable car for the trip to Massachusetts."
PDD. Thanks for busting the bitch again. I recall that crap.
Delete“Fronted the money “ for something means, even in the best case scenario, money you are fronted that you have to pay back later. It doesn’t mean “free tickets” as she is now making it sound, after the fact, because she is afraid donations will dry up when people find out she actually bought two tickets herself.
DeleteAnonymous 3:54. Exactly. Any normal adult understands the concept of fronting funds. It wasn’t intended to be a gift. Otherwise, she would’ve gloated about it. All Jenna cares about is continuing to use her manipulative marketing for mooching more money.
Delete“And if you just want to contribute towards the blog, which is over 15 years of free content, my venmo is Jennawog and honestly, $1 a reader would change my whole summer and have me already buying firewood. It's just so damn hard to make sales now.”
ReplyDeleteIt’s just more manipulative marketing to filch free funds for nothing.
The poor, desperate “scrappy little lesbian” is begging for only dollars now. Her parents must be SO proud of their able-bodied, college-educated, dimwit daughter.
DeleteAt $1 a reader she’d make around $5. Her writing is rotten. LOL!!!
DeleteWelp, new blahg post. It’s a doozy. She was GOING to get an ice cream but.. whomp whomp she got a foreclosure notice so decided it was irresponsible.
ReplyDeleteI just saw her ridiculous rebuttal to our critical comments. Her lies about receiving frequent foreclosure letters are fraudulent. Just like Jenna. What a conniving, criminal cunt.
DeleteIt’s no wonder why her body is obese and she has a jowly, fat face. I thought that “nothing tastes good anymore,” and that her “threadbare clothes” were hanging on her frame.
DeleteI do believe some of us called it! Foreclosure notice to come as soon as she returns from the concert.
DeleteWow. Jenna couldn’t wait to waddle her fat ass over to the beanbag chair tonight, and set the record straight. She really told us the truth. “Sure, Jen.”
DeleteAnonymous 4:45. A few of us called it. It was predictable because her patterns are very obvious by now.
DeleteThe new blog post is a load of horseshit in purple prose. It would be laughable if it wasn’t so pathetic.
DeleteSFF. She’s a rotten writer. I loathe her stupid word salads, and overwrought purple prose thats meaningless. And she always ends her pathetic posts in an annoying, wistful way that’s completely fake. Like her weird whining on about having hope, but it’s really code for wanting more money from followers.
DeleteEdit: that’s meaningless
DeleteShe edited her blarg.
ReplyDeleteNow an IG follower paid for her ticket as a “thank you” for introducing her to TS.
She swears every word is true. It cost her hardly a penny to see this concert!!
“I post these and then keep editing. It’s better now”
DeleteNo, it’s not. Her “editing” is just more blatant lying.
Jenna must be joking about doing any careful editing. She rarely proofreads anything, and her writing is filled with major mistakes in grammar. Her stupid syntax is often stilted, too. She’s also clueless about proper punctuation, and still can’t correctly use either commas or question marks.
DeleteThis is at the end of her blah blah blog post.
ReplyDeleteSide Note: I wish I didn't feel so guilty about going to see that show. It meant so much to me and it didn't cost me anything but the souvenirs, but I am so worried people will see the pictures on Instagram, or hear I went, and think I am being frivolous when behind. And then hire someone else when they need a logo or choose a pork source...}
Another Side Note: I am going to keep writing here regardless if you support it or not, but if you'd like to encourage more frequent posts, you can venmo me a tip at jennawog. That's not a threat, or meant to imply I won't write if people don't contribute. It just takes time away from things that either aid in making a living or medicate in distressing from it. So I'm putting it out there you can contribute if you want to and it isn't a hindrance. And if people do, I'll write more, because I want to make money as a writer again.
Her “making money as a writer” was over many years ago. That old ship has sailed and sunk. Due to her rotten reputation. And “medicate in distressing from it” sounds strange and completely crazy.
DeleteHer bizarre choice of ick pic for the post was way weird. It’s her ugly man hand with its fat, filthy fingers coated in chipped polish. What a total turn-off to potential partners.
DeleteWhere to start with the new blog. First of all, the mortgage story doesn’t match up. Second the tickets story doesn’t match up. Third, her grammar and punctuation are both horrendous. How does she find any work writing for anyone, is beyond me. Fourth, she is really milking this “pity me, woe is me, I’m so sad that I am getting called out when I have given this story about how everything is given to me for free” shit.
DeleteAnd I can go on. The purple prose and work salad are a hallmark of her writings. If you go read the Amazon reviews of her former books, that is one of the most common threads.
Word salad*
DeleteAnonymous 7:06. Exactly. Jenna’s fraudulent victim narrative is a crook of crap. I’ve said the same things about her rotten writing for years. And did in another comment here.
DeleteAnonymous 7:06. Here’s my comment which was posted above:
DeleteAnonymousMay 22, 2023 at 6:55 PM
Jenna must be joking about doing any careful editing. She rarely proofreads anything, and her writing is filled with major mistakes in grammar. Her stupid syntax is often stilted, too. She’s also clueless about proper punctuation, and still can’t correctly use either commas or question marks.
ReplyDeleteRobin (she/her)
If they were making donations it would make sense, but when you pay for a product or piece of art you don’t get to decide where the money goes. That’s ridiculous.
Guess what, Robin- she gets a lot of “donations” for no product. Just read the now deleted comment by Joy who donated $400 so Jen would not sell her fiddle, only to find Jen selling her fiddle again for another $200. There have been comments in the past from others who also donated toward a stated purpose, only to see their donation go to completely frivolous purchases.
Take Jenna’s whining with an ocean of salt. Where there is smoke, there is fire.
That response by Robin was stupid. Clearly, she’s clueless about Jenna’s rotten reputation.
DeleteAn Internet stranger decided to pay for her $$$ Taylor Swift concert ticket(s)???
Wog was "this close" to saying she found the tickets at the local dump.
Her blatant lying has become ludicrous lately.
DeleteSo Becca fronted the money ( that Jenna didn’t have for two tickets). Then while Jenna is not paying her bills or mortgage ( but definitely going out for ice cream) a complete stranger says to themself. “ I am so thankful the Jenna, a lonely lesbian gay queer, living in the side of a mountain with frozen pipes and no heat person, showed me how great TS is so therefore, I need to pay for her ticket so she can enjoy the show!”
ReplyDeleteWhat!? Insanity. Did she give the money to Becca for the ticket or hold onto it for snacks and merch?
So sketchy. She was better off not saying a word and just resuming farm begs as usual!!
And.... she’s asking on IG if anyone has a mower for sale.
DeleteI agree Anon 4:03, but also didn't she write somewhere that she gave the "couldn't find a date" ticket to the friend as compensation for the friend driving them in her car with her gas? You're so right, she would've been better off not saying anything. She keeps coming up with new stories but can't keep anything straight.
DeleteAnd... if the concert was free to her she's a leech.
Anon 5:22 - yeah, Lowes, Home Depot, Walmart etc. all have mowers for sale. She'd be better off buying a new one instead of someone's castoff. But she doesn't really want to buy it, she wants someone to give her one, as is her history.
Delete$65.00 would go a long way toward a shiny new mower!
Anon 5:26. You are totally correct! She did say that she gave the ticket in Exchange for the ride. I can’t keep her stories straight either!! Lol
DeleteDo y’all remember not too long ago where she said she bought a brand new push mower? So what did she do, used and abused it, failed to maintain it properly, and now it’s already trashed? Smfh. Some “farmer”.
DeleteShe could have come out ahead if she'd just sold the ticket. Mortgage payment plus money for gas. Why isn't she driving her own car?
Delete“I’m proud that I'm only 2 months behind on the mortgage after the past 13 years of owning this house. That’s a lot of proof positive that I will continue figuring this out. Or, at least remain too stubborn to quit.”
ReplyDeleteLet it sink in that Jenna’s bragging about being “proud that she’s ONLY 2 months behind on the mortgage.” Her level of delusion is beyond belief. She should be ashamed of being a beggar, but rigidly refuses to go and get even a part-time job.
Jenna even admits that “she’s too stubborn,” like it’s a virtue not hindrance, but then never makes any attempts to change her behavior.
Delete“Good morning from the farm! Sun is out, picking up lambs this afternoon, and even getting a little less pasty thanks to the sunshine. Encouraging!”
ReplyDeleteNo one cares, cunt. Your faux “farm” is a hovel, and you’re still a “pasty” loser.
And adding more unneeded livestock to your pet props collection is crazy. You’ve never been an authentic farmer, and it’s not going to happen now.
DeleteWhy doesn't the world's worst farmer hand-graze her horses to mow the grass? Or, she can relocate or "add" new electric fence sections so sheep can graze the front yard. We have a neighbor whose dairy cow often mows their grass.
ReplyDeleteReally, her stupidity is astounding.
well u see, such animals as u mention eat HAY. which she must PURCHASE.
DeleteOn her blog... pre edit? It said she moved some fencing she had on hand since her mower is broken. Not sure what happened since yesterday lol
DeleteAnon 8:03, lol, she didn't actually DO anything. She was going to (figure out) "how to turn the lawn into grazing for the horses and sheep with the fencing supplies you already have."
DeleteShe hardly ever DOES; she talks it to death and hopes someone else will do it for her, or send her enough $$$ so she can hire someone to do it.
Now, I get that at this point her readers must be the dumbest fcuks on the planet, but does no one understand how simple it is to run electric wire (or grid) fencing? There's no need to "figure it out"; you just do it.
It reminds me of the time she bragged about improving the lighting at the pig barn (she replaced a bulb) or when she crowed she'd changed its ventilation (she opened barn door and leaned a gate across it).
As Anon says, "Her life is lies.", and as PT Barnum said, "There's a sucker born every minute."
If someone really did pay for her taylor swift ticket as a thank you for her instagram stories then her followers truly are the dumbest people we could imagine.
DeleteBut I'm sure that was a lie. It doesn't make sense if it were true, why would someone DM her and offer to pay for her ticket? Wouldn't she be crowing about that the second that happened?
No it makes far more sense for her to lie about it happening so she can justify going in the first place while simultaneously claiming her mortgage is two months behind. She can't sell the tickets you see because someone else bought them already and *gave them back to her*.
Which is what apparently happened with that ukulele which she had advertised for sale (she never offered the concert tix for sale) and a follower paid for the uke and gave it back to Jenna so she could enjoy playing it. Then called her out on social media when Jenna tried to sell it a second time.
I bet that incident is what gave Jenna the idea to pretend someone paid for her ticket and gave it back to her.
Regardless, even if a follower had paid for something there's nothing stopping her from trying to sell it a second time, like the uke, and then tell the first follower they're "not cool" for calling her out!
WiW. I agree with what you wrote. FYI: I think that it was a fiddle she tried twice to sell not a ukulele.
Delete...."60,000 women singing in a storm" ?? and pre-teen and teen girls with their dads, plus husbands and boyfriends. She wants so badly to make it a Gayfest when it was all just fans of TS. FFF makes so much stupid noise. Did you know she's gay?
ReplyDeleteShe is such a fcking gaslighter. Can not stand her. If something doesn’t fit her current, self-serving agenda- she just tries to lie it into existence.
DeleteAnonymous 12:53. We hate her, too. Jenna not only is a sociopathic predator, she’s shamelessly lies about everything. And gaslighting others to try and hide her own crap is despicable behavior.
DeleteMeant 11:53
DeleteI'm so confused after reading her post and the explination of the tickets. I remember the day she wrote that she got through after 5 hrs. on the phone and bought the tickets (only one in America who could without a credit card) blahblah blah. And if I remember correctly it was 3 tickets. But now the story is all over the place can't tell if it was 2 tickets or 3 and someone this and someone that an an X thrown in for good measure. Phewwwwww I guess if you confuse people enough they won't ask questions. We did hear at the Phila. show a bottle of water was $10. a beer $20. and a Tshirt was 45 and a sweatshirt was $75. ticket prices were through the roof.
ReplyDeleteJenna deliberately manipulates her stupid stories to cause confusion. Clearly, she’s bought the tickets, and is lying to appear innocent.
DeleteMy memory is she claimed to have purchased 3 tickets. One for herself, one for her ex, and one for her future love interest whom she had not met that she supposedly "traded" with a neighbor in exchange for a free ride. Pretty sure she could've gotten more than the cost of a tank of gas for that ticket, given how strapped she claims to be.
DeleteThis reminds me of the "free camping trips" with Shannon - free because they already owned the equipment and the gas was already in the car!
“Yesterday I was able to make the April mortgage and pick up three lambs that took 4 weeks to pay for, but I got it done! Onward to covering May! And if I'm lucky, I might even catch up for the first time in over a year! That is so hopeful to me!”
ReplyDeleteNo one cares, cunt. You’re still a lying, lazy loser.
“The new lambs are doing well! Piglets delivered tomorrow (seller is letting me pay for them in installments because networking and community is EVERYTHING for scrappy operations like mine! This is the most encouraged I've felt in months!”
DeleteI think that her stupid “scrappy” is code for being a begging, conniving criminal.
Jenna acts as if it’s an admirable accomplishment to make mortgage payments that are behind by two months or more. She should be ashamed of herself, but that would require having a conscience.
DeleteThere is no mortgage crisis and there never was one. She cries poor every month to get free funds. She has income from somewhere.
DeleteAnonymous 6:05. Exactly. Her whole life is lies.
DeleteHOW MUCH DID SHE SPEND ON LAMBS? Was it, oh I don't know, the cost of a MORTGAGE PAYMENT!!!???
DeleteWhatever. I think she finds that constant doom and gloom is bad for optics, but if she admits she has the bills covered the extra money stops coming. Even $4 is an extra bag of sour fish gummies she would have otherwise had to buy herself!
Anyone know the going rate on lambs in NY?
Probably 150ish each. Pure Katahdins are that price but mixes might be a bit cheaper.
Delete“Mower broke”
ReplyDeleteOf course, it did. “Sure, Jen.”
Commence begging again for a new one on Instagram.
Delete“Still offering these rates in the thread below! April is paid and trying to make May soon as possible so I'm not always earning towards the past and can start saving for the future! Dm or visit website in profile to message me and order!”
According to her NeW blahg, she got Venmo money from 4 people to keep writing!!!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 3:53. And that’s around $4, per her ridiculous request for only one dollar from readers. But I don’t buy her bull. It’s just more manipulative marketing to appear popular.
ReplyDeleteHer very low rate of engagement on both Twitter and Instagram, is indicative of having very few faithful followers. Except, for Pember Patty and Creepy Kelly. But he hasn’t been responding for awhile. I can’t count “Rachel Keane,” because that’s Jenna’s other alternate account.
ReplyDeleteOh, look. Pictures of lambies. Don't think about her spending $100s on Taylor Swift tickets, while crying she doesn't have enough money for her (sniff, sniff) late mortgage. And then LYING about it.
ReplyDeleteNo wonder SD left her sorry a$$
On IG: shows a video of a TS flag. Says she wants one for her barn. How long until Ms. “I have no money” received one from a stranger on the internet who is so happy that Jenna introduced them to TS??
ReplyDeleteNow now, anon. You are just being plain mean to the girl. Why, don’t you know they have TS flags at the town dump?
Delete“New blog post! Escaped lamb in the night!”
ReplyDeleteTwo posts in a row! That’s a record for the lying, lazy loser. It’s no wonder why even new livestock wants to escape her hovel.
“Maybe there are farmers that would hear that and go right back to sleep, deal with it in the morning. I got up and got dressed again.”
DeleteShe’s not like those other lazy farmers.
On IG she states that she is taking a stand and she will write blog posts when she gets paid via Venmo. She said two people venmo’d her yesterday so here is the post. She wants to be paid for her writing so this is her newest scam 😂😂
DeleteYeah, other farmers would have assured that new lambs were kept inside safe fencing, with a secure shelter - not something farmers slapped together "with some hay and hoped they (lambs) would find it on their own."
DeleteWhat could go wrong??? Almost anything when dealing with a LAF
faux farner.
No one is paying a penny for her rotten writing, let alone a dollar.
DeleteWhen I read her STUPID comment about how other farmers would just go back to sleep after hearing a new lamb in distress, I just about lol-ed, except it is such a disgusting, misguided, and ignorant comment from the last person in Cambridge who should be calling themselves or comparing themselves to a real farmer.
DeleteOther farmers would not drag a purchase of three lambs over four weeks- that is your first indication that you can’t afford them. Other farmers would breed their own stock for babies. Other farmers would not foolishly get more pets aka livestock when they supposedly are facing foreclosure. Other farmers will have secure fencing before taking on more animals. Other farmers will not dare go to bed until their new babies are safely in and closed up. Other farmers will make sure their new animals are comfortable, not having to “escape” in the middle of their first night in property, likely searching for something that was not provided for them.
I can keep going.
Anon 10:56 - yes to everything you said above about what real farmers would have done. The audacity of this citidiot is astounding…
Deletereminds me of when she was trying to spin a weekday movie theater as a “farmer‘s matinee”. oh, so that’s what farmers do with their days? good to know…
DeleteShe asks for "just a dollar" knowing that most people would give more than that, that low amount just ropes them in. (like the one here that says "manipulative marketing" - her specialty.
DeleteShe's just on a high from the recent handouts she got. She'll come back down.
At least she is finally acknowledging that she ran out of steam and needs to get her lazy ass back in gear and actually DO something to "earn up" the donations that she begs for:
Delete"There's more of a sense of accomplishment now, because there's no longer the audience there once was. There isn't the hype of books and publishing events."
BTW, Jon Katz also asks for people to $upport his blog posts, but somewhat recently, he claimed he was a few months late paying his blogging bill and had the audacity to ask for money for that! He wants people to not only pay for content, but also his ability to bring it to them. Nuts. And I'll bet Jenna won't be far behind in asking for that too.
Well, I see she has finally turned her blog into a beg fest. I guess it was inevitable. How demeaning to offer your content for a single dollar. Talk about low self esteem. I am considering changing my name from SlimFaceFilter to VenmoMe.
ReplyDeleteExactly. I’ve made a comment above about her new post.
DeleteSFF - Sooooo many choices: VenmoMe, PayPalMe, KickstarterMe, KivaMe. And I still can't believe she's never tried to scam via GoFundMe.
Delete“Still offering this sale, trying to make as many as possible to catch up and not always be a month behind. Just* made April's mortgage and that was because of luck, honestly! So please share this or consider supporting if you're in better shape than I am! (and want to/like pets)”
ReplyDeleteIt’s more manipulative marketing from the Cambridge Queen of Con. Trying to elicit empathy by mentioning “pets,” like the sociopathic predator that Jenna is. (But they’re really livestock, so it’s another lie.) She’s been “behind” in making mortgage payments for years. It’s nothing new, and has become a chronic condition.
And using the * for emphasis makes no sense as usual. Her “luck” is always mooching money from stupid sycophants.
DeleteThat’s exactly what I think, too. “Luck” is her code word for unexpected, unearned, undeserved, funds.
DeleteJenna, I'm in way better shape than you but I won't toss a single penny your way because you are a cruel pig-shocking beggar who needs to grow a heart and get a JOB.
DeleteI've been reading her blogs for a very long time. It always cracks me up how she makes it sound like Gibson is an amazing trained border collie. If you followed her Vermont blog, he had TWO lessons. I don't remember why she stopped. Friday has never had any lessons. All this BS about how both the border collies would have responded to a sheep outside the fence, she lies because she knows she doesn't have to prove it. Yet.
ReplyDeleteShe reminds me of the old 1945 movie Christmas in Connecticut about a food writer who lies about being the perfect housewife. Her Twitter shows she will get a thousand views on her tweets and only 4 "likes." It's because most of her followers know it's all a big lie.
Years ago, there was a laughable video of her "working the herding dogs". It was on par with a video showing her terrible fiddling at the local brewery. She offered $$$ classes on raising chickens, rural living, horsemanship, fiddling and animal husbandry.
DeleteNow, no one cares if a person is a beginner or isn't competent at a particular skill. We've all been there. But it's begging for snarky comments when an individual pretends to be highly qualified & competent, clearly isn't, and then hypocritically takes $$$ from unsuspecting souls.
Found some videos -- and I apologize in advance for the sound of her voice:
DeleteI think this is the one:
Or maybe this one:
Neither she or the dog knows what they're doing here:
As for the fiddle playing:
Incidentally, since she is ALWAYS yammering on about the 10+ years of writing on her blegs, why does she no longer promote her YouTube channel? She made almost 400 videos yet never mentions them anymore or puts a YouTube link on her Twitter, Instagram or bleg. Wonder why?
DeleteAnonymous 3:14. I’ve also commented on her very low rate of engagement. It’s pathetic how the same stupid sycophants always respond.
DeleteAnon7. I think it’s because Jenna knows that her unattractive presence is a total turn-off.
DeleteSo according to what I read above, the Pig Shocker told 3-4 different stories about the tickets:
ReplyDeletePDD wrote: "She posted multiple times that a friend fronted the money and that she hoped to find a lesbian date to bring to the concert. [...] NOW that she's back to Monday moaning, she's changed her story. The pricey Taylor Swift Tickets were FREE"
Anon 11:19 wrote: "Jenna purchased 2 TS tickets. Jenna couldn’t find a date and a local paid her for 1 ticket and provided the ride."
Anon 3:21 wrote: "Jenna said multiple times that she purchased 2 tickets with the hopes she would get a date [...] A date never materialized so someone local bought the ticket. Night of concert comes and goes and suddenly it was practically a free night for Jenna."
PDD wrote: "An ex fronted me the money for tickets if I could get them and I fucking did. I bought myself two tickets."
Anon 6:37 wrote: "She edited her blarg. Now an IG follower paid for her ticket as a “thank you” for introducing her to TS."
WIW wrote: "My memory is she claimed to have purchased 3 tickets. One for herself, one for her ex, and one for her future love interest whom she had not met that she supposedly "traded" with a neighbor in exchange for a free ride."
AND THEN she wrote ANOTHER explanation on her bleg:
"A more financially-secure friend that didn't get a pre-sale code said If I could get her 2 tickets, she'd pay for mine. Her word was good. I ended up buying one ticket for a date I hadn't met yet."
***record scratch*** Her friend wanted TWO tickets? Jenna said the two tickets were for herself and an imaginary date.
"In the end, I didn't find a date, but my friend Jessie is a fan of Taylor so I offered her my second ticket and in return she offered to drive her newer car and cover the gas to get to Boston."
What second ticket did she have??? I thought the second ticket was for her friend?
"Shortly after that, a follower on IG offered to pay for my ticket as a thank you for introducing Taylor into her life through my relentless story campaign."
Sooooo...lemme see if I have this straight...her friend originally bought Jenna's ticket. And then some stranger paid for her ticket? I thought her friend paid for it? So this ticket was bought twice?!?
omg this is hilarious, because a few days ago she was claiming a fan of her instagram stories reimbursed her for her ticket. Now she's claiming Becca paid for her ticket? I'm pretty sure when she bought the tickets she claimed she used Becca's credit card to buy three and Becca paid just for her own, so Jenna bought TWO tickets and was sitting on two tickets while also complaining about the unpaid mortgage.
DeleteSuddenly in the final hour, as usual, the story has changed yet again!
The stupid story is a crock of crap as usual. Jenna has deliberately created layers of deception, because she refuses to accept any adult accountability for her lie-style.
DeleteTwitter Twaddle: "I live in a very small town of under 3,000 people, we still have an amazing annual Pride celebration"
ReplyDeleteI thought she said she didn't feel safe being an LGBT+ person in her very small town? Cuz that's what she said on her old bleg, where she wrote a post about how being an unmarried lesbian terrified her:
"When straight men find out I'm alone they either take a step closer or a step back, but never remain in place. I am not claimed and therefore fair game to chase or a distasteful thing that should be avoided. Either way, I am not safe."
"When straight women find out they change their tone. Almost 90% of the time it's a faux you-go-girl-approval masking their discomfort. I don't take it personally, but it is as loud as a stop sign. I am not claimed and therefore undesirable for partnership or a possible threat to their marriage. Either way, I am not safe."
"But the unspoken assumption is women my age should be straight, married, and raising a family. Not doing those things waves warning flags and every year the flags wave harder. [...] I'm one step away from neighborhood kids telling each other I'm a witch and daring to knock on my door at Halloween."
"I drive a big ol' red pickup with a rainbow decal on it and everyone knows what that means. [...] Reactions were mixed. [...] Small things started to happen. Not just because of that sticker, but because word gets around in a small town like fog on a cold night. People that used to wave when I drove by stopped waving. Women at red lights go out of their way to avoid eye contact with me, as if looking a gay woman in the wild will be met with a leer? Men blatantly stare like a hyena is driving a truck. No one paid attention to me before that sticker. I used to be a part of the background and now I'm one of "them."
"I avoid talking to other single women at all costs. I am afraid that anything I do or say will be seen as hitting on them, any sort of kindness or compliment or eye contact will be rejected, that I disgust them. They terrify me."
OK THEN, DARLIN' -- Go hang out with all those HATEFUL ANTI-PRIDE folks at your town's AMAZING Pride festival!!
FULL BLEG POST HERE: https://coldantlerfarm.blogspot.com/search?q=selfish
Jenna tries so hard to be a super special snowflake, but she’ll always be a “short/square” poser who begs online for a living.
DeleteHer fake take on this is so stupid. I live locally... there are plenty of gay and straight women who are not married, don’t have kids, who own homes, or gasp... FARMS! I work with someone who is single, female, and just bought herself a tractor. No one is whispering behind her back or thinking she is a threat.
ReplyDeleteWe did have an issue not far from here with a town that did not want a drag queen at story hour, but you didn’t see her outraged about that. You don’t see her doing anything local to support LGBTQA+ people or rights. You don’t see her volunteering at her local Pride events. She could set up a table and sell her shit. But she’s happy to tell the 4 people who read her Twitter to do it!!!
yep. queer folks are everywhere and always have been. Jenna's main character syndrome is wild.
Delete“Good morning! New blog post! Dancing rabbits, which was encouraged by five different readers! Thank you!!!”
ReplyDeleteNo one has “encouraged” this cunt to do more rotten writing. She’s a pathological liar who fabricates crap for manipulative marketing to appear popular.
Her overuse of multiple exclamation points indicates hysteria.
DeleteI think that “encouraged” is her code for cash.
Deleteyeah she's claiming she was paid $5 for the blog post. I wonder how long she's going to claim she's getting money for them? Seems this phrasing works better than "donate to support my framework!" This is more of a casino pull, "for $1 I'll write a post tomorrow!"
Delete“Many of us have left paths we would’ve explored untaken, lives we would’ve enjoyed unlived. Jenna’s blog offers a window into one of the paths I would’ve loved to explore. I hope you’ll give it a look”
ReplyDeleteYeah, Jenna’s “paths” have been so successful. She’s a middle-aged moron who’s still behind by months in making mortgage payments, and begs online daily for donations.
How long do you think this "pay me a dollar for a blog post" thing will keep up? How many people will want to pay her a dollar a day?
ReplyDeleteIt won’t last long.
DeleteIf she is true to form she will take the money and not bother with the writing. Isn't that how she operates?
DeleteSFF. Exactly. Just like Jenna’s done with her wool and pork “shares.”
Delete“New Blog post! Mowers & Mares! Please click!”
ReplyDeleteNo one wants to “click,” cunt. No bragging about how many people “encouraged” this stupid post?
She says four. The post is so full of spelling and grammatical errors. And purple prose. And lying about Merlin’s age again.
DeleteAnon 4:10, lol, now Merlin is OVER 30 years old. At this rate, he'll be 40 in a month, and she'll brag about keeping him alive.
DeleteThat story about Mabel shows what an incompetent horse handler she is. She has the mare's color wrong, trots out horse💩 generalizations that are bogus, likely doesn’t understand proper bitting (get her teeth checked, dummy) and admits mare doesn't like or respect her (turning around / kicking out are sure signs of that). Look for Pember Patty or someone else to come bail her out.
And now we know. Deep down, Mabel is a Shamster!
I hope that those who are celebrating Memorial Day have a happy holiday. Jenna deserves to be alone and miserable.
ReplyDeleteAh but did has her yoga friends ... the horse and the chickens.
Delete*she has* darn auto correct
DeleteI know it's been commented on, but that's a lot of lettuce, and if she gardened this year same as she has in the past, all from starts, which I find really silly. I almost never buy starts. Unless I see something weird i can't live without.
ReplyDeleteI thought the same thing. Her obese body tells us she doesn't eat that many salads but it makes a deceptive photo op.
DeleteJenna brags about eating multiple containers of ice cream for dinner, and also driving to get more cones. We’ve also seen her in person this spring around town. And her fat frame is still stocky. She’s hardly living on vegetables.