Memorial Day Weekend

Every time she gets all excited and starts writing more on her blog, the more obvious it is that she is a yayhoo.  At least it gives us more to discuss…hahaha.
Keep going Jenna you’re a genius. Lol.


  1. “New post today! How to become a manipulative marketer, and lazy, lie-style loser like me! This was encouraged by no one!”

    1. My satire on her stupid tweets.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindMay 28, 2023 at 5:31 AM

      I'll play.

      "New Post Today! How to admit to the world that your horse hates you."


    3. PDD. Thanks for adding to my comment. I always appreciate your humor!

    4. “New blog post. Its a doozy. Coming out, sex, and Taylor Swift. Read for too much information about a stranger.”

      LOL!!! “Guys?!” We’ve called her stupid new post in our comments. No one cares about your “dumb little life,” lazy, lie-style loser. Go stuff your fake fat face with another ice cream cone.

    5. She’s trying to make Taylor Swift a religion. What a whack job.

    6. Actually anon 8:13. Per her blahg, she used some of her Venmo money to buy a roast beef sandwich and fancy soda, so no ice cream! She was given permission to indulge herself.

      I guess she is just publishing her book on her blog now? Publisher didn’t want her jerking off to TS so she’s being paid for her writing in roast beef sandwiches. Sounds about right.

    7. A Legend in Her Own MindMay 28, 2023 at 9:44 AM

      Imaginary readers giving her permission for indulging (like she was never about indulging her whims and hobbies).

      What a farcical essay. Agree with SFF; Wog is turning TS into a religion. How soon before she stalks, er, tags Taylor Swift on these sad little posts?


    8. Oh my god!. I just skimmed through her recent yuck as much as I as could. What a crock. I doubt her sandwich was roast beef. More likely, it was baloney!


    9. Baloney is right. TS saved my life. Sure darling. She doesn't realize she has no life.

    10. I actually think it’s more manipulative than all of the above. Remember how she kept tagging Glennon Doyle hoping to get pity donations from her or her charity or followers? I think she is making such an overblown, made up, and immature deal out of buying TS’s album and writing a long piece of purple prose about it in order for someone, somewhere whose job on Taylor’s team is to read all google alerts with her name being mentioned (so many times!) to send money her way. She wants to keep living like fiction and I think she is trying to con a way for TS to pay for it. I know this may sound far- fetched, but TS is famous for reaching out to fans from social media. Honestly, I wouldn’t put it past wog to be playing this long game.

  2. “Jenna, your writing is your greatest asset, which is saying a *lot*. You are a treasure. I've been following you since the very beginning and I know -- I just know -- you will publish something great, monumental. Something our community needs. Keep writing, please.”

    What a delusional dimwit.

    1. Funny, how the fawning comments usually come from people who have hardly any followers. She could be a clone of “Rachel Keane.”

    2. Jenna: “You still owe me a dollar for that post!”

  3. Uuuuuuuuugggghhhh I could barely drag my eyes across that last navel-gazing wank-fest.

    I lol'd at the "I wish my ex could see the farm now" comment - Shannon did more in 1 year to clean that place up and make it nice than Jenna has done in over a decade. Your ex KNOWS what that place is like.

    The ice in the toilet thing, the invoking of the impacted tooth episode, it's like she's remixing her old blog's greatest hits (ie the posts with the most engagement).


  4. If you don’t listen or like TS, you can’t date Jenna! Good to know. Spread the word lesbians!

    Seriously though, Jenna acts like there has never been a successful female artist until TS. She repeatedly gets but hurt that people don’t enjoy her music and takes it so personally. It’s such a ridiculous shallow thing to base relationship interests in. It’s normal for people to have preferences in music and it doesn’t mean they HATE an artist because of the patriarchy told them not to. I mean... it’s unhinged!

    TS music is everywhere, I heard it in the grocery store on Thursday. Jenna can go on about the lyrical genius all day but it’s catchy pop that you can sing along to I don’t even listen to TS but can definitely sing along because it’s everywhere. Maybe Jenna can tell us the deep meaning behind the lyrics “ she wears short skirts, I wear t shirts”. Lol.

    1. Jenna thinks that she’s SO quirky and unique, so her worship of a mainstream musician is hilarious.

    2. Anonymous 1:07. No one wants to date an animal abusing beggar, pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer like Jenna. She is “unhinged.”

  5. I find Jenna so strongly repulsive on a visceral level, that just the thought of reading her sexual revelations, makes me queasy.

    1. Hey guys, I've had sex in a thunderstorm too. Maybe I should start a blog

    2. Not the “thunderstorm with flickering lantern” sex story again.

    3. Lol. No wonder she can’t sell her MeMOir. She basically told everything she’s been through in a blogpost. Please don’t ruin thunderstorms for us, Jenna by rePeatedly talking about your sexy sex. I beg you. Just shut up about it. You shouldn’t be giving out personal stories like this for hot beef sandwiches. Have some respect!!!

    4. Assuming that story isn't fictional, can you imagine being the other person in that pair and seeing your intimacy turned into publicity to clicks and dollar donations?

  6. Jenna’s on IG bragging about what she bought at a used bookstore. Your mortgage donations at work suckers!! She can’t help herself. She just can’t.

    1. Her guilty conscience had to add that it's none of our business what she buys. Does she even have any idea how rude she comes across? Insulting people is no way to encourage more donations.

    2. Jenna’s an abrasive asshole with an arrogant attitude that’s unearned.

    3. What a massive moron. She’s always had no conscience, and zero self-awareness.

    4. Yes, agree with all of the above. I was shocked at how on one hand she is admitting this is pity money people are throwing her way, so she can eat a sandwich, and on the other she is bragging about going vinyl record shopping and don’t y’all dare question her, it’s none of your business.
      Wow. Wow. What a rude, socially unaware, tactless jerk.

  7. Unfortunately, for Jenna, no one wants to have “all night lesbian sex” with an ugly, obese, stinky cunt.

    1. Let alone one who begs daily online for a living, has a defective character, is addicted to several substances, and has been months behind in making mortgage payments for years.

  8. For those who read the yuck post, help me understand: so S. was her first gf and they met in 2020 but her “last gf” is the one she went to the concert with- B, but they met in 2019? I’m confused.

    1. I interpreted her story as:
      She dated B for one summer. Did not communicate with her after the breakup. Met S and that was her first “relationship” When they broke up, B reached out and spent 3 weekends with Jenna (spring, summer, fall) helping her get over the breakup.

    2. Sounds like it took her longer to get over the break up than the entire relationship lasted. And yet she doesn't seem to have worked on improving her abrasive personality since then. Stupidity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

    3. Anon 3:59 that makes sense.
      Thank you for helping untangle the web she weaves. I can’t keep up most days.

    4. One way she misleads people in thru her confusing timelines:

      (2015) - listens to 1989
      (2019) [Five years after listening to 1989] - summer of magic, lover comes out
      * didn't talk for years after *
      (November 2021) [When my last relationship ended] - she reached out to check in on me, stayed at the farm three weekends that dark year; spring, summer, and fall.
      (2023) [And now, four years later]

      Using "four years later" in a way that sounds like they've now been friends for the magic summer, + years + plus the dark year + 4 years really makes it sound a lot longer than it really is. They've only been friends for barely 1.5 years after the period of no communication.

    5. Where did you find this information? I’m just curious, because her history is confusing. Thanks.

    6. My comment was meant for Anonymous 5:53.

    7. And her asterisks also cause confusion.

    8. A Legend in Her Own MindMay 29, 2023 at 8:08 AM

      Don't y'all remember the "friend" who showed up (I think) in 2019? That was probably B. Anon7, had quite a few speculative comments. PS pulled out ALL the love-bombing tricks: Carriage ride, homemade meals, area tours, cocktails, playtime with pet props. I think B friend-zoned PS right away - but let her down gently.

      Smart of B to leave that potentially soul-sucking relationship, because nothing good comes from tying yourself to a self-absorbed, animal-neglecting scammer.

    9. anon 5:57, i just took the timeline from her blogpost and matched it with known events, like the one ALiHOM mentions that corresponds to the magic summer

  9. The replies aren’t working correctly today.

  10. “Thank you to the six(!?) people who sent a small writing contributions yesterday! THANK YOU!!! Someone wrote in their note to spend their contribution on something fun. I want you, the person who did that for me, to know I used it yesterday to buy a BIG roast beef sandwich and a fancy soda and I sat on the banks of the Battenkill river before fly fishing having an absolute FEAST. It was so good, and I appreciate the permission you gave me to indulge a little. The rest was spent on diesel for my hot water boiler. Hot showers and good sandwiches go a long way around here.

    I just wanted to be clear that no one has to pay, I will still write here and it's always available for free. But if anyone wants to volunteer to venmo/paypal at least one dollar, it means I will write a post the next day. If no one does, then I'll update when I feel like it. Might be the next day, might be in a month.

    Please understand, that I do not mean a dollar for every post or from every reader! I mean, quite literally, if a single person anywhere in the world sends a single US dollar, and that's all the money I earn that day, I'll write tomorrow.”

    GFY, Jenna.

  11. Memorial Day Nonsense to me sounds like the story of the grasshopper and the ant. J the grasshopper is back just loving summer and "has three more months of it" while the neighbor, the ant just sold her his first cut hay. Yup, she's amazing. I don't have a degree but I know foolish when I see it.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindMay 29, 2023 at 7:24 AM

      She's an insufferable twat.

    2. PDD. In my own words, she’s a massive cunt.

  12. “Best $5 I’ve spent in months”

    Ugh. Nasty, gnawed nails with cheap, chipped polish. Always bragging about saving money on small stuff, but blowing it on bigger crap like concert tickets.

    1. What AN amazing woman! The “scrappy little lesbian” leads SUCH a humble life, where even playing old records is considered cool.

    2. Jenna doesn’t know the meaning of good grooming. Her hygiene is horrid, we’ve smelled her in public places, and she always looks like an old, dirty street person.

  13. “Good morning! I started this thing where I will post a blog update about the farm every day if people feel it is worth it, and we just made it a WEEK!”

    “It means so much to me that people read and share about this farm. I would love to write more, and start making a living sharing my story again instead of clamoring for soap and pet sales. Every share of my blog posts helps get my story out there!”

    Your stupid “story” is a cautionary tale about being a beggar who still isn’t solvent. After over a decade of having your hovel. You’re also a rotten writer.

    1. She has a handful of sycophants who support her crap, because they probably are also lazy losers like Jenna.

    2. Prediction: She is going to run out of "farm" things to write about in less than a week.

  14. On IG stories at least she’s being honest. She basically says when you send her money she might blow it on an Indiana Jones record.

    So basically ( my Interpretation)Doesn’t matter that animals need food or the mortgage is up to date- she will spend it on whatever she wants.

    1. What Jenna wants she tries to get. Often without scruples.

  15. Just putting it out there that in one of her latest stories on IG, there is no truck in her driveway... just “Holland Taylor” (stupid AF)

    1. She once made a sexually offensive comment about Holland Taylor and her partner. We commented about it here.

  16. “Y’all simply MUST read this. It is so good. Jenna’s vulnerability here (and her eloquence in sharing it) is such a gift! “

    It’s another delusional dimwit.

  17. “Loved this post!”

    And it’s another sycophant supporter who has very few followers. They sound like the perfect girlfriend for Jenna:
    “they / them & leftist / disabled
    farmer / dog trainer / sd handler / writer”

    1. not sure what you're trying to point out.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindMay 29, 2023 at 4:39 PM

      Jenna attracts the casual fly-by reader. You know, people who haven't yet seen the truth disconnects.

      That's why she implores people to share, always seeking new innocents.

  18. “Need design work?! Cause I do!!!”

    Begging even on a holiday.

    1. It’s weirdly worded as usual.

  19. Creepy Kelly finally responded to her rotten writing:

    “Outstanding post here:”

  20. As someone already observed, our FFarmer’s truck appears to be missing. Yep, she probably sold it. Isn’t it just like her to be sharing all kinds of creepy, overly personal details on her blog, but making no mention that she’s temporarily flush, especially since her lack of money and her begging are central to her presence on social media? She’s acting absolutely manic lately and since it’s not love it must be money. She’s got $$$ in her plump little paws and she’s got to spend it on junk before anybody notices. Anybody want to guess when, or if, she’ll admit she doesn’t have it anymore. She’ll have to say it was stolen if she doesn’t use the windfall to catch up on her rent, fill the barn with hay, stockpile a year’s worth of firewood, top off the oil tank, stash fifty pounds of flour under her bed, and reroof the house and the barn.

    1. I could be mistaken, but I have a vague memory of her mentioning she paid $1,200 for it and that it was at a mechanic to get it running. But I also think I remember seeing it in her driveway after she wrote that. Not sure though. Perhaps she parked it further up the driveway and it's hidden behind the house? Or she did sell it and that's why she seems to have extra money as of late. Who knows with her.

  21. You know, I think some of the concerns raised here are valid and worthy to look into. There are problems with the house, with the animals, with Jenna.

    But the fact that there's rampant ableism here, disgusting constant fatphobia, as well as homophobia, it really destroys any validity there is to what is being stated here. One person's wrongs do not make it okay to resort to using bigoted language and behavior. The fact that it is seen as okay sort of shows the type of people you lot are - for whatever Jenna's faults are, which are many, coming at her with bigoted behavior is not okay and makes you bigots. I don't care about the excuses of it. 'Well I don't like her!' 'Well she abuses animals!' No, her behavior isn't okay, but the behavior here also isn't. And the fact it's been brought up and basically responded to 'WAAAH I can talk about her how I want!' and no one else tells people to knock it off, to the point where the fatphobia is a running joke, is disgusting.

    And I'd rather support Jenna over a bunch of nasty bigots, especially when it's clear the message here isn't about Jenna improving, but about making her disappear. She has problems. She's cheated people, lied, so on. I do not doubt these things.

    But you lot acting like this is disgusting and not okay, either. And the fact that you run to this page within an hour of her posting anything to talk smack about her just shows how obsessed your bigoted little lives are with her, which really, constantly talking about how lazy she is and how she needs to improve, there may be some need for self-reflection on that front.

    No, I am not Jenna. I've barely spoken to her. I found this blog a while ago when I googled her farm after reading one of her books and have been reading it, as well as her posts and blogs, consistently. But the recent onslaught of bigotry here is disgusting and shame on you lot for either not confronting the bigots or acting like it's okay because you don't like her. It shows you're not good people, either.

    1. Thank you for your honesty. What you are saying is completely valid.

    2. I kinda have to agree with some of what you have to say, as I would prefer to see more constructive conversations and critical thinking. However, I don't mind much the weight comments IF their purpose is to point out her hypocrisy in which she tries to appear so hard-working, whilst begging for pity donations for luxury items instead of animal care/farm improvements. Cuz that's not right.

      For example, she is constantly unable to afford the mortgage, her bills, animal feed/supplies...but then she posts pics of fancy ice cream, drinks at the brewery, and the munchie-inducing pot she smokes. Basically, she looks VERY well fed while the animals are always in danger of not having the proper supplies/healthcare. So I can understand *some* of the comments about her weight.

      Especially when she brags about mountain smashing, fishing, and running 5Ks when that time would be better spent at a job, earning money for feed and vet bills. Plus, her body suggests she spends a lot of time lazing about in her hammock and sitting watching TV/internet all day, while the animals suffer.

      As for us wanting to make her disappear, I disagree. There have been many here who would be fine with her IF she would just stop abusing the animals, or get rid of them entirely. In addition, there have been many here who have offered, time and time again, offered lots of very good advice and ideas on how she could improve things. But she will never listen, hence the frustration. Because she IS lazy and certainly needs to improve in just about every aspect of her life.

      Also, people need to be made aware of her abuse and scams, for the sake of the innocent animals. And this is why we're here.

    3. People are allowed to buy snacks, and no, weight comments are still not okay. You have no idea what is going on with her health. And weight is not tied to laziness or 'lack of activity.' Go do some research and educate yourself. You can be hefty weight and healthy and fit.

      You don't get to decide "well, if she's being a FATTY, make weight comments!" That's still bigotry. It's gross.

      And it's even more gross "she looks so well fed" because again, you have NO idea what is going on with her health-wise. And repeat before: you don't get to decide where the line is over who can make weight comments or not. It's all fatphobic and it's all bigotry. Go look at the HAES movement.

      So basically, this entire comment was, "well, she acts like what I think a fatty acts like, so it's okay to be fatphobic!" Grow up and stop being bigots. There are plenty of problems with her. Yes, maybe she could be working at a job more - I agree there. But you HAVE to bring in weight again to justify how being a fatphobic bigot is okay when no, it's not. You're not her personal doctor, are you? You have no knowledge about her personal health. You are passing off a sick, fatphobic judgement onto her because you need to fix your bigoted views.

      As for the disappear comments, yeah, we disagree. There were literally comments recently about wanting her to die. DIE. That's fucking sick.

      No one is saying people shouldn't be made aware. I absolutely agree with this. But the fact there's rampant bigotry here, from fatphobia to homophobia to transphobia above and ableism, means you're all just as bad as she is, if not worse. Because deciding "well I don't like her" or "she's done bad things" or "well I think she's lazy" and using that to justify fatphobic comments makes you lot nasty because the amount of people laugh at those comments and don't reply to someone calling her a "stinky obese cunt" and saying that's why she'll never find love proves you lot think fat people shouldn't have love. And saying she can't have ice cream and such shows you think fat people shouldn't eat what they want, shouldn't be able to sit around sometimes, should always be working to make themselves fit your image of what healthy looks like is fucking sick.

      Stop commenting on people's weight. Full stop. Because you're all bigots that keep on doing it and that makes you on her level because you're harming actual people.

    4. Also, if it was about innocent animals, the comments would center around them. Instead there are constant insults about anything she writes, her garden, her looks, her home, her liking Taylor Swift.. the list continues. It's basically a page to bully her for anything she does at this point. Like back to the disappear thing, it seems like NOTHING she does will make you lot happy unless it's exactly what you lot want, how everyone here wants it, and that's it.

      I absolutely agree that make people aware she's a scammer and that her animals are being harmed. Fully, entirely. But this other stuff here? Making fun of her because she shared about sex in the rain? Everyone here seems to say they don't care but they sure did run here to post about it and rip her apart over it for writing something that plenty of people write about. "She can't write!" Seems she's published more books than most people here, doesn't it?

      Like yes, I'm angry. This bigotry here is disgusting. The behavior here is like high school. I thought you were adults but most here act just as bad as she does.

    5. Anonymous Offended. LOL!!! You don’t get to tell us what to write. I’ll continue to call Jenna a fat, ugly and stinky cunt. HD allows us to express ourselves here in colorful language. Start your own fan blog about Jenna if you’d like. And I’ve never once heard anyone stating that they want her dead. That’s an outright lie.

    6. And that's why you're a bigot piece of shit, because her weight has nothing to do with any of her failings, and viewing weight as a failing is fatphobic and disgusting. You can scroll back to posts earlier this month and see it. KYS stands for 'kill yourself.'

    7. GFY, 8:20. I’ve never seen the KYS before here. And I’ve read the comments for years. A stupid stranger labeling me a bigot means nothing. It actually makes me want to continue insulting Jenna. Thanks!

    8. The fact that someone calling out your poor behavior makes you want to do it more is gross.

  22. Rather support Jenna? That’s a thankless task. Is there a better example than that of the supporter who sent her $400 to keep her from selling her violin? How about the people swindled in the Birchthorn debacle? They were supporting Jenna. I’m often embarrassed by things that people write here, but that’s the way of the world and there is nothing I can do about it. I’m genuinely interested to know how you’ll be supporting Jenna.

    1. I've bought from her, bought her books, and donated to her. This comment is very ick. I already said that she's done wrong. It still doesn't make it right to allow bigotry to go unchecked here. I don't care what she's done, bigotry is not okay.

      The whole "bad people and people I don't like I can use bigotry against!" is gross behavior and people here need to grow up. Everyone here races to post within hours of anything Jenna shares but let's people constantly, on numerous pages, spread fatphobia without saying a word against it. It doesn't make anyone any better than her, and while she's trashy for her behavior, the bigotry is equal if not worse in a lot of people's books.

  23. Enabling, maybe?

    1. Just like everyone here enables bigots, right?

    2. Anonymous 8:40. Could you clarify your comment? Saying that “everyone here enables bigots” is a broad statement.

    3. Because no one here is challenging bigoted behavior presented on this blog, and most even comment agreeing to it. That enables bigots. Even before I was just told 'I'll write what I want!' and 'It's allowed!' and that's shitty since apparently it's a mentality of allowing it.

      Like I said, there's valid concerns with her, and it should be publicized. But using fatphobia, ableism, and homophobia daily on this blog? It's just as bad as Jenna.

    4. A Legend in Her Own MindMay 30, 2023 at 9:16 AM

      Anon 8:21, if you look in history many of us have challenged body comments, but this remains a free forum for posting and people are generally free to comment. Nevertheless, it's good that you bring up the need to not be bigoted, because reminders can be useful.

      In that light, I hope you'll also challenge the negative stereotypes that were posted by Jenna regarding "Straight women", "cis men", working people, people who take vacations, people who have direct deposit, poodle women, etc. You can find such comments in Twitter feed and various stories.

      I'd also like to see an apology issued from the times that she and her friends made fun of a local official / father who was killed in a farm-related accident. Fair is fair, after all. If you're not commenting on these sorts of posts w/ negative (bigoted) stereotypes / IG stories, you're enabling.

      Thx for opening up the dialog.

      PS Suggesting self-harm is never acceptable. I don't know who, if anyone, wrote JKY; they shouldn't.

    5. I mean, none of you regulars are challenging the person who commonly does it. I have seen it once, and that person got eaten alive, told they can write whatever they want - which you're saying here.

      Okay. But then so can Jenna. She can write about sex in thunderstorms if she wants.

      And no one is saying Jenna should get a pass. She's made some gross comments, too and I'll call her on them too. But you lot specifically keep saying this blog is to make people aware of her and protect the animals, but it honestly seems like a bunch of little kids bullying someone for anything they can. That person above is crying they can call Jenna obese because 'HD says I can!'

      Maybe tell people to stop, then?

    6. A Legend in Her Own MindMay 30, 2023 at 10:18 AM

      Anon, there have been multiple occasions language about body types have been brought up. However, any Anon who posts "salty language" is correct that this forum is generally self-policing. HD doesn't have time to pre-screen every comment, and when she does (like when the "deranger" posted), it seriously messed up the flow of comments. If we commented each and every time something was written that didn't meet everyone's criteria, we'd get bogged down in back-and-forth.

      Where we more or less ended up is to keep comments on "fat" or body issues to a dull roar. The one(s) who use salty language know the group's overall views on it. Our group also doesn't believe in violence or physicality. If you see such comments, they're not likely from a regular.

      But recognize, when you have a public figure who operates businesses and who frequently asks for shares, donations and pity purchases -- says she doesn't drive anywhere, her animals need food and her clothes are hanging off her skinny frame-- and then you see photo evidence that this isn’t quite the true story -- the temptation to correct the narrative / comment is pretty strong.
      Thx for the dialog

    7. I understand. I just personally wish more people said something about it - or stopped engaging with it. I know that sucks, and messes up the flow, but the person above is literally arguing they can do it all they want and it seems the same person who is constantly doing it. It's gross behavior, you know? It ruins all arguments against Jenna because it makes the people here look like.. well, like you said, salty.

      I understand the painted picture Jenna shows is a lie. I agree. And yes, it sucks to see her saying she's running ten miles or clothes hanging off her.. but that is still not anyone's place to call her fat. It's okay to disagree with it (shit, I do; I find it laughable because it's obviously not true), but the barrage of nasty insults to her over it is still not okay still, you know? It doesn't matter what lie she is telling or what wrong she has done or that she's also a bigot. It doesn't give anyone else a right to be a bigot, too, and saying 'Jenna makes me do it' is disgusting. This person that people here hate MAKES you use bigotry language? Amazing.

      Thank you for discussing it and making me aware the general consensus was dislike for it. I have been reading this blog for a while, maybe close to when the pandemic started, but not as dedicated as until recently, so it was a bit of a shock to see the behavior here, especially the last month, where I didn't see many disagree with it (and a few joined in), and the person that did got ripped apart.

    8. You apparently know something I don’t know. How exactly do you “call” Jenna on anything? She won’t allow comments on her blog or social media. By her own account her email situation is a mess as demonstrated by her repeated pleas for people to recontact her if she’s neglected to send them things they’ve already paid for. Oh, I get it! You can use this blog which is frequented by bigots because Jenna obviously reads it. When, and if, you get her attention and can politely “call” her on a concern, such as inadequate care of animals, you will have accomplished something that this blog hasn’t been able to do in all the years of its existence. Frankly, I suspect that even you, as well-intentioned as you are, fall into multiple categories of people that she absolutely despises.

    9. Why do people keep arguing this roundabout way? It doesn't matter if Jenna hates me too. It doesn't matter if she's said slurs against me. It doesn't make it okay to also use slurs. That's my point.

      It seems like whoever this is keeps reaching for any way they can keep being a bigot and how they might justify it.

    10. Complain about “roundabout” arguments and ignore the question. How would you suggest a person “call” Jenna on anything? There are well-intentioned people here who would like to know.

    11. Posting here for one, since she does read, and yes, bigots are here too. While not related to the topic at hand, Twitter and Instagram, as seen with the violin recently. Send her an email about it. Sure, she'll probably delete any comments on social media to her, but given everyone here hangs on her every word, I'm sure you lot will see it.

      Stop trying to justify your own gross behavior because someone else is equally gross. It does nothing for your arguments and make you look like salty children.

    12. Anon 1029, I completely agree with you. Calling Jenna schoolyard names brings nothing to the criticism of her actual scammy, deceitful behaviour. It's also plain wrong - she objectively is not "obese", and using terms like that as an insult just stigmatizes and marginalizes heavier people. People get big for all kinds of reasons and it's not a moral failing. Likewise sexist insults like "cunt" don't do anything for me. There are many many ways to criticize someone, but just venting hate is about as lowbrow as you can get. It says a lot more about the person posting it than Jenna.

    13. Thank you, Woe. I was hoping you'd comment because I felt like you share similar thoughts as me. I agree with any of the schoolyard names - cunt, etc. is gross, too.

      The marginalization and stigmatizing is absolutely my problem with it. It's bigotry, plain and simple. I am SO okay with the criticizing her and think it's needed, but this behavior is sickening. The constant justifications I saw here from people trying to defend it just made it worse.

    14. Having had the time to run through the rest of the comments, I've never seen "KYS" and if it was here I'm VERY glad HD deleted it. Holy shit, if I saw that my jaw would be on the floor.

      I've seen plenty of "GFY" which, fair.

    15. I am willing to own I might have seen a typo of GFY or misread. I don't think I did, and did go looking but didn't find anything, so I'm willing to apologize for that.

      I just distinctly remember it and I was genuinely astounded. Like enough to comment to someone else who knows Jenna and this blog because I was so startled seeing it.

      But really, if it was a misread, I apologize.

    16. Anon 209, yes we are in complete agreement re the persistent fatphobia in comments here, and it's always heartening to see a fellow shamster voice the same opinion. I've worked in healthcare for 25 years and that shit hurts everyone. It's a way of thinking about humanity in general that is so harmful and actually creates WORSE health outcomes for marginalized people.

      Even though it's supposedly aimed at Jenna, the reality is using language like obese, chubby, waddles, etc., in a derogatory way contributes to this *incorrect* societal attitudes about weight. The assumption is fat = bad, which is a profoundly ignorant thing to reinforce.

      I've shared before I have a friend who runs literal marathons, she's in FAR better physical shape than me, but because of chronic hormonal and asthma issues, and probably genetics, she's quite big with a large belly. She climbs literal mountains and volunteers for search and rescue. She trains search and rescue dogs and kicks my ass on the mountain bike trails - and you'd never know what she could do by looking at her. All these insults about Jenna's body could be thrown at my friend by people who assume you can tell someone's health and fitness by looking at them. You can't.

      It says a lot about the person who keeps on calling Jenna fat as though that's a bad thing for a person to be. In that person's opinion, that's the worst thing you can call someone, and that's pretty sad to still have that mindset.

    17. Thank you so much for that. I appreciate it. Really sometimes wished there was a safer place to talk about Jenna's issues without these fatphobic comments.

  24. Re the post at the top, Anon 9:19 wrote: "I guess she is just publishing her book on her blog now?"

    I think you're right. Each new bleg post has info that seems kinda stale. And the writing style is different from her usual style. Like she is writing to a specific type of audience, rather than her usual Twitter sycophants.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindMay 30, 2023 at 6:40 AM

      I think you and Anon 9:19 are correct. Recent writing style is different, and her daily posts haven't been this prolific in, well, years. So it rings false.

      I believe what we're reading is snippets of pre-packaged musings (her unpublished book!) on why she considers herself A Legend in Her Own Mind, and I gotta say they're banal. In fact, the thing that could finally drive me away is plowing through this drivel on daily basis. My God, it's like reading Birchthorne!

      And have pity on most of her fans, lol; their cognitive thinking and skepticism are lacking. Clearly (barf) they see something in her false narrative which clicks with them emotionally. Once they come to their senses, they almost always back away. And that's why she needs a steady feed of "new" readers.

  25. On reddit, a Taylor Swift thread made it to the front page (she is supposedly dating an ex-heroin addict) and I found some interesting info in the comments: A normal (albeit obsessed) TS fan is called a "Swiftie" -- but there is another name for a much smaller group of fans, and they are called "Gaylors" -- which are delusional fans who are hell bent on insisting that Taylor is a lesbian. And from what I gleaned from the comments, the Swifties cannot stand the Gaylors and think they are idiots, lol.

    1. It is so obnoxious to be talking about someone elses sexuality or gender identity in a way that implies that person isn't living their truth or doesn't know themselves. At worst it's literally outing someone, otherwise it's a weird form of sexual harassment.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindMay 30, 2023 at 2:20 PM



  26. I have a suggestion for offended commenters. This blog belongs to HD. Who doesn’t dictate what we write. If you don’t like the content, then just GTFO. You don’t get to be the moral police here.

    Jenna is an animal abusing beggar, pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer. In addition to being repulsive on every level. We can call her crap out in whatever ways we want to.

    1. If you don't like what Jenna writes, shouldn't you GTFO?

    2. Anonymous 9:52. Sorry, your asinine argument won’t work with me. Calling Jenna out on her crap is a public service to warn others to be wary of her criminal behavior.


  27. While I agree that some of the comments are beyond the pale it illustrates that JW brings out the worst in people. When you air your laundry on a public forum, essentially begging for attention, you open yourself up to both positive and negative feedback. The solution would be for her to clean up her act or get off social media.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindMay 30, 2023 at 9:41 AM

      Excellent comments. The outraged Anon did bring up some good points, and they should therefore correct Jenna on the many disparaging comments made publicly about straight women, cis-men, older people, office workers, poodle women, people with direct deposit, etc. I'd especially like an apology for the time Jenna and friends made jokes about the farm-related death of a local official/father. If Anon doesn't comment to CAF, it's enabling such disturbing bigotry.

    2. No one says that Jenna is okay for her comments, either. And Jenna has been called out, multiple times. But this idea of "Jenna made me do it" is disgusting too. Really going to blame her for people's own bigotry? Grow up.

    3. Exactly the point. As a straight, married, older woman who has in the past had office jobs with direct deposit her distain for those of my ilk is offensive, and frankly laughable. I guess the fact that we collect multiple pensions and still have great sex makes me reprehensible in Jenna's eyes. I sure tick all the boxes in her eyes. I wonder how her friend Patty feels about being lumped in with the rest of us poodles.

    4. My above comment was directed at Legend in her own Mind, obvi.


  28. “If someone realizes I stopped writing, and a day or two later sends a dollar to "buy" a new post, that aint going to work. I will write again, but you don't buy hours of my time for a dollar. It sure as hell is appreciated, and it will help keep this fever dream of an adult life going, but there's zero obligation to rush to write something after that 24-hour-window closes. “

    1. Anyway, I'm the bigot commenter, and this leaves an incredibly bad taste in my mouth. A lot of what she does too, but the entire tip update this time around is gross. (Clarifying who I am for people will understand I really do agree with the judgments of her in these regards.)

      I don't think it's wrong to ask for tips for blog writing. I am in a community where a tip jar at the end of a post is very common and expected. But the vague threats about it and the constant increased whining is so weird and poor behavior. She should just make a brief, basic, nonwhining message about a tip jar and then also update the website with a clear link on the sidebar with it.

      "Donations help keep this blog running and makes me feel people appreciate my writing! My handles are..." would work fine IMO.

    2. BWAHAHAHAAAA! She literally said if someone gives her even one dollar she'll write a blog post the next day.

    3. Anon 10:09 How insulting she can be to her supporters, as has been said on here before. If I had donated to encourage her to keep writing ( I would never!), I would certainly not do it again after she wrote that comment! Why don't people wise up ?

    4. Agreed Anon 4:06, I don't like to be threatened. I don't like being told when to donate or how much and when to tip. Plenty of other blogs to read if Jenna stops all together. So what is she saying, people were donating for a few days then everyone stopped? She's lying and whose to know whether people give or not and we know you can't trust what she says.

    5. As I always say here, her whole life is lies. Jenna is disingenuous, and uses manipulative marketing for free funds.

  29. “It would take selling 25 pet portraits today to make the May mortgage before June, which is not possible unless one of you owns a petting zoo and inherited a fortune, but if I can sell 3 I make my daily goal and that's like winning a Tuesday. So please consider or share!”

    Jenna, “please consider” getting a job, slob.

    1. It’s crazy that she still doesn’t see that a stable, part-time job would solve her financial issues. But Jenna would rather whine than work.

    2. I think it's because she doesn't actually have any financial issues. If you hate jobs / working for others you still suck it up when your home, safety, and groceries are on the line. But Jenna's still trying to sell this story that she'd rather risk losing her house than getting a part time job.

      Maybe that's why she's accumulating more animals and breeding them, because then "tHiS fArM nEeDs MeEeEeeeee!"

  30. Jenna’s latest blog post sums up her attitude. She is a 40 year old woman who can’t pay the May rent, but chooses to go fishing, while asking people who have money to pay her mortgage for her. She constantly tells people what the money is for, yet has plenty of leisure time to pursue hobbies. Only a stupid person would fall for her marketing schemes. Obviously the pro Jenna poster is either Jenna or one of her followers. Best for you to move on.

    1. Someone upset over some of the comments here means they absolutely are pro-Jenna?

      It's not mutually exclusive to not like Jenna and not like how the behavior is here, either.

    2. Anonymous 10:46. Exactly. I agree with what you wrote. Every now and then someone like the sham & blame above shows up, and tries to get us to conform in our comments to what they want. They never last long here.

    3. Edit: shame & blame

  31. “Anyone know about geology/fossils?! Help me ID this heavy beast?!”

    As usual, the question mark isn’t needed in her second stupid sentence. The only “heavy beast” in the photo is giant Jenna.

    1. I’ve never seen a woman who has such ugly, dirty hands that always appear unclean. Yet she insists on showing them unwashed, to the world.

    2. Isn't it ironic that she makes soap for a living? It can't be much good if her hands are any indication.

    3. SFF. Jenna likes bragging about being “feral” and filthy. Talk about shooting herself in the foot for business with soap sales.

  32. I actually wonder if the reason she doesn't get a job is because she's on disability and is unsure of how to Ticket To Work program works. Obviously I am sure there are other things in play (she doesn't want a job, etc.) but the TTW program is hard to understand and sometimes difficult to navigate, and it can really cut other benefits you receive (like SNAP) to make it worthless.

    1. Very possible. It's certainly demotivates someone from doing the best they can.

      I'm not sure Jenna's motivated to actually do her best anymore. I think she thinks what she's doing is going to keep working for as long as she needs it to work.

    2. I agree she's not that motivated, but what she's doing apparently works.

  33. “New Dispatch. It's about anxiety, grief, and those moments that make you laugh and cry at the same time.”

    She must’ve made another dollar for her dumb dispatch.

    1. Pose your dog's paw on top of a book of poetry. *Contrived* much?

    2. Her hovel is filled with “contrived” crap. It looks like shit.

    3. The decorated, trophy animal heads are disgusting.

  34. the historical rewrite begins: she’s been sticking close to home (not going to concerts) and she can’t afford to eat out…

    1. Her whole life is lies.

    2. Hee Hee so going to that out of state concert was one of her famous 'fever dreams'. Is her brain so addled that she cant remember what she posted earlier this month?

  35. “Thank you for all the shares! No sales the last few days but I remain optimistic”

    It’s no one else’s responsibility to “share” and shill her shit.

    1. We have only Jenna’s word that there have been no sales. I don’t buy her bull, because there’s no proof. Just like she’s lied about bills, and fake foreclosure letters.

  36. Anxiety Sparks Like Power Lines Downed After a Storm.May 31, 2023 at 11:48 AM

    C'mon - really??? Isn't there a law against such tortured metaphors?


    1. It’s one of her weird word salads that never makes sense.

  37. To the Anon Who Objects to this blog - my two cents.

    1. We are many - not one voice. There are those of us who object to the foul language and fat shaming, but our objections have fallen on deaf ears. People are going to do what they are going to do. So do not lump us all in one group.

    2. That being said, Anon7 has a valid point. JW whines about not having enough food for her animals, but she appears very well fed. I do not buy that "medical condition" argument. She has shown over the years that she is very self centered and puts her wants and needs above others.

    3. There are those of us who stick to the scamming and treatment of animals. Others pick apart everything she does. Again, do not lump us in one group.

    4. My purpose here is to warn others of her scamming. What other people write here is their business. Yes, when they post foul and obscene comments, it makes them look bad, but that is on them.

    5. If you wish to support JW, feel free. If that is how you wish to spend your hard earned money, that is your business. If you wish to work while she doesn't and you don't care what she spends your money on, that is on you.

    1. I never once objected to the blog, and I know you're not one voice - however, many allow it to continue and join in, albeit sometimes it's subtle.

      And yet, you make point number one, then come in with point number two, which is gross fatphobia. Please read Woe's thoughtful, educational reply above. Or realize you're exactly the bigot I'm talking about even if you're trying to act like you're not.

      Sure, there's some that stick to the scamming and treatment. But the majority of the comments in the last month, especially from "regulars" has been racing here within an hour of her posting anything to rip it apart. That kind of obsession with someone who is apparently hated is unhealthy. Like it might not be one group, and yes, I know this, but it's very overwhelming lately how that seems to be the theme.

      Yes, I know what people write is their business, but the foul and obscene comments makes everyone here look bad - not just them. Most are under "anonymous" thus who knows if it's the same person. It makes the arguments that are here that are valid - the animals, the scamming - look like it's just petty, especially when it's riddled with people ripping apart because she talked about sex in a thunderstorm on her personal blog.

      I am happy to support her at times. And no, I do not care what she spends her money on. I think she could be wiser, and I do side eye her, but here's the thing: people enjoy snacks and deserve them, poor people deserve a five dollar vinyl, etc. People shouldn't have to live with next to nothing just because people get angry she spent a few dollars on an ice cream or a vinyl that made her happy. Do I wish she would spend it on the mortgage or the animals? Yeah, I do. But given she's been doing this over ten years and hasn't lost the farm yet, I think Woe's observation that she isn't as bad off as she says is right (which makes it scammy, but hey, I'm the 'idiot' who chose to donate).

      Like I appreciate this blog and awareness. But even you trying to argue this is disgusting. Maybe step away from stalking her for a bit and go read some of the new literature about obesity, weight, and health? It'll shock you.

    2. Ack, I apologize, that's riddled with typos and errors. I just got back from outside in the garden and the heat got to me. I hope it's still understandable.

    3. Wow, where to begin? You admit she's a scammer, yet you continue to enable her? You may not mind if she blows your hard earned money, but what about kind hearted people who give her pity money and don't know the backstory?

      And as far as snacks, it's not like she's a minimum wage Walmart worker who puts in a back-breaking 40 hour week. I would be happy to buy snacks for someone like that. She's a college educated, able bodied woman who refuses to get a job. When people send her pity donations for her mortgage or hay, it is not to be spent on snacks - or vinyl or TS merch.

      You call her poor, yet you also agree with WIW that she isn't as bad off as she claims to be. So which is it?

      And as far as guilt by association - if being here makes everyone look bad because of a few who post obscene comments, remember, you are here too.

    4. Anonymous 12:44 & 2:42. I agree with what you two wrote. BTW: I’m one of her haters here. Jenna is an animal abusing beggar, pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer. She’s been doing this for over a decade now, and still won’t accept any adult accountability for her actions.

    5. Anonymous 1:46. There’s something seriously wrong with a person who’s 40, and is always months behind in making her mortgage payments. Even after a decade of owning her home. So sending her snack money, and funds for frivolous items like vinyl is ludicrous, when her faux farm has never been solvent. By Jenna’s own admission.

    6. 3:18 - I never said she was perfect and I don't think she is, and I do think something is wrong with her. Please don't think I'm excusing her. But given she's been doing the "mortgage" scramble for over a decade, it's clear that's not true, which is why I agreed with WiW above that stuff is getting paid. No bank in their right mind would let her keep on unless it was. So yeah, she's a liar.

      But I really don't care about the vinyls and the ice cream and stuff. Anyone struggling deserves life's little pleasures, and even if she's barely scraping by, she does, too.

    7. Anonymous 3:22. I’d hardly call someone who owns a home on pricey property, two vehicles, livestock and horses “barely scraping by.” She uses manipulative marketing to elicit empathy, because Jenna is a sociopath. You’ve fallen victim to her crap.

    8. Pricey property? Her farm wasn't even worth 200k.

    9. "pricey" property is relative. I too, consider her property pricey. If 200K isn't a lot to you it sure is to me! And to a lot of locations in Washington County. I would love it if I had property worth half that.

    10. No one has yet negated my above comment at 4:07. What I wrote was the truth. Jenna is far from “struggling to survive.” It’s all an act to filch free funds.

    11. Whatever anon 407. Bitch aint rich and i think we all know it. She's not poor either by anyone's standards - but she IS struggling and that's obvious.

      I'm not sympathizing, I'm stating a fact. Bitch struggles to maintain relationships, she struggles to fuckin' human. She is a lying scamming fool on her own private struggle bus to hell.

      And none of us are here because she eats an ice cream ffs.

      But be real, it rankles to see her claim the mortgage is late, to be struggling to feed her animals let alone properly care for them, and that bitch buys a freaking ice cream.

      We're gonna talk about it.

  38. Before it gets brought up - I have mixed feelings about the Taylor concert, but tickets are not the price that's been quoted here (a mortgage payment). They were between 49 and 500 generally, with most under 200. She did not get resale from what she said, but through the original thing thanks to being a repeat customer, which means they were much cheaper.

    1. You still sound like an enabler to justify what Jenna spends money on.

    2. No, I just think the people here saying each ticket was a mortgage payment needs to step back and take a minute to google to verify. It's very likely those tickets were under a hundred dollars given she wasn't even close at all.

    3. Good feedback, thank you anon

  39. For me it's the lying and the begging. If she wants to hawk her soap and drawings that at least is a fair exchange. Even asking for a tip for her daily dispatches is a fairly honest endeavor although her high pressure tactics are distasteful. As mentioned, clearly the mortgage is paid regularly but begging for free funds for doing nothing is disgraceful and demeaning. If she could only see her behavior through other's eyes. If she is indeed on social assistance then surely there are mental health services available although being Canadian with government subsidized Healthcare I can't speak to how New York state handles these things.If she could present herself in an honest manner and quit the deception she would likely fare better in all aspects of life.

    1. That was well-put as always. I don’t think that it’s possible for Jenna to be honest now. She’s been lying for far too long.

    2. It was be so refreshing for her to come clean and admit that this, this and this are lies or exaggeration but all these other things are true. It would be interesting to see how her detractors react and she could finally stop tripping over her lies which are so numerous and convoluted that even she can't keep them straight. But you're right that it has become a habit totally ingrained in her personality. So sad.

    3. in Canada.* Sorry, typo galore again!

    4. Yes, rehome Merlin especially. He's going to suffer without proper senior care, likely is suffering already.

      And I think the novelty of Merlin has worn off. Like the dogs - she doesn't work them now that she has sheep again, they're not trained. She has lost interest in being a shepherd.

      Nor has she taken that goat packing up the mountain. The only reason she keeps up with falconry is she catches a new bird every year and "releases it" later.

      She doesn't own up to how she doesn't follow through with things and make decisions accordingly - she's just chasing the dopamine

  40. “Taylor Swift is my religion!”May 31, 2023 at 6:16 PM

    Jenna’s writing more now
    but her blog posts are not funny.
    She’ll do one for a dollar
    ‘cause this dimwit is a dummy.

  41. She just wrote about putting mint in the shower. S. did that for her, she admitted at the time she wouldn't have thought of doing that. She's just rehashing her writing from the past, not much new.

  42. We've all been dancing around the personal regarding she-who-isn't-named, but let's not forget that we're talking about someone who operates several businesses. They might not be the successful, but they are public businesses. She posts, asks for donations, asks for pity shares and sells items to support "the farm." You can guarantee her business has received loans, and grants and awards for the sake of the business (she's posted about it), and it likely enjoys tax benefits. In the US, gifts to her and donations are also generally tax free.

    So when she lies (obfuscates, misrepresents, etc) about her brand / her farm / her "businesses", it amounts to fraud. Stating you are raising money for hay... for animal feed... and then spending that money on anything else isn't just disingenuous, it's fraud.

    Her businesses, like almost every business, has a brand and image - one she pushes almost daily. Again, when she lies about her brand, its stated mission, its activities, its use of monies received, it's fraud.

    As a thought exercise, imagine your nearby zoo has a tiger display for a tiger, who is older and is kept in poorly-managed, cramped housing. The zoo announces its accepting donations and wants you to buy more merchandise so they can improve the tiger display. Money is raised, but you see it didn't go towards tigers; instead the zoo made fun new purchases, brought in more tigers and took weekend trips. Any one who questioned this had comments removed, and they were blocked. Are you concerned? Upset? Feel the zoo is being fraudulent?

    Now switch names.

    Bottom line is public businesses have an expectation on performance and truth. Anything else is subject to discussion and criticism.

    1. PDD, you nailed it.

    2. Like I stated below, if it is fraud, please report her. I don't care if she gets reported, either - maybe it will straighten her up, getting legal consequences to her actions. It could be a way to finally get her to own her shit.

  43. “New blog post! Update on all the animals at CAF”

    There’s something strangely manic about her doing daily posts now.

  44. Which is worse? Name calling or enabling someone you know is a scammer. Because every time you enable that scammer, she is able to scam someone else.

    If you think you can “improve” her, have at it. Contact her with suggestions. My guess is she will bite your head off and send you scurrying back here with your tail between your legs.

    She wants free money. That’s it.

    1. Exactly. You’ve nailed it!

    2. It's not simple name calling when it's bigotry. Have a read of the post above by WiW explaining why this 'name calling' is so bad. You can try to say I'm just as bad as the phobic behaviors that go on here all you want, but sorry, I consider fatphobia, homophobia, etc. a lot worse than 'enabling a scammer' - especially when I got the products I paid for and I donated because I liked her writing. Throwing shade at marginalized communities is nasty behavior.

      And anyway, it still doesn't justify the name calling. You can stop with the constant crying about how you want to hate on fat people any day now. I get it. You're a bigot.

    3. You got the products you paid for, but what about others who haven’t? What about the people who sent her money for her mortgage that she blew on other things? Don’t you care about them? When you support someone you know is a scammer, you become complicit.

    4. Are you still going on about how supporting a scammer is equitable to being a bigot because I think it's trashy to use phobic slurs against her? Grow up already.

      Like, if you want to say I'm complicit, I don't care. I personally haven't seen in the last few years people that haven't gotten their product (I've seen the 'please email me' but no complaints.) I still think you're shitty for now throwing a hissy fit because I called you lot on your bigotry with the fatshaming and ableism (not to mention the other phobic comments, too) and now trying to make me comparable to her, LOL. You're still trash for the fatshaming.

      And I can spend my money on whatever I want. If it's sending her a dollar because I liked her post, then guess what, I can do that, too. I don't care if she buys an ice cream or a vinyl. I don't care if it goes exactly all to the mortgage. After it left my hands, it's her money. I can think she's irresponsible and not do it anymore and even agree she's shadey, but I can do whatever I want with my damn money I earned, including supporting her in buying a damn icecream. Maybe next time I'll put 'for ice cream' in the Paypal box.

    5. Slight correction: the donations are hers after it left my hands. If I paid for a product, I should get the dang product, but I haven't seen any complaints since COVID started about her not delivering art or soap, beyond the "email me if I forgot you!" bits.

      If you lot think she's committing fraud, then contact whoever it is you need to contact and report her. I really don't care about that, either. But donations can go to whatever she wants, at least mine can.

    6. For the 'email me if I forgot you' stuff, I also think that's just a marketing ploy to advertise again, and not that she actually forgot anyone. She does it too often with no one saying they were forgotten recently for it to be real.

    7. Yep. Half the people here were once genuinely trying to help her and got some rude response. She's nasty if you're not 100% on board with her agenda.

    8. Anon, I don't understand. If you're actively still donating to Jenna despite everything, why are you here?

      No one would cheer louder than me were Jenna to actually change her approach. I would love to see her succeed at adulting, keeping her property, repairing it, and taking excellent care of the animals she owns. That would turn me back into a fan.

      But that's not happening, and I don't understand why you'd reward that with an ice cream.

    9. Honestly I think I have a different philosophy than most here. I am not saying she's not a scammer or a liar, and I hope I've made that clear. I've sent her a dollar or two (literally, two dollars) for the blog posts because I like some of what she writes, and some of it was touching to me, and honestly: it's a few dollars.

      However, I do not think she should never buy herself things, should do exactly what everyone here says she should with her money or her time, etc. I gave her the money. I don't care how she uses it when it's a tip for her blog. Sure, I laugh when she's begging for teeth stuff for the hundredth time, and I don't donate then - I don't like the lying. But a blog post that resonated with me, that I liked how she wrote it? Sure. A dollar or two isn't going to change her life and it's not going to harm mine.

      The stuff I bought was a while ago, I will admit (like.. two years ago. Longer, I think.) The donation was recent.

      So why am I here? I'm trying to understand her better and her past because really, I will likely reach out to her. I think there's a lot of stuff being missed here and I have a lot of different views on. As someone who is involved with disability advocacy, I do have different views than most people do on this behavior. I'm not going to armchair diagnose her beyond saying her patterns fit unmedicated ADHD - no sociopath or narcissist or any of the other insults that people clearly don't understand what they mean.

      I find value in the insight here (some of it, lol; our conversations have been good and I appreciate them), and I have no reason to toss weirdly petty insults at her. And regardless, the lying and scamming still shows me she needs help, and a few bucks isn't harming me.

      I am fine if people are grumpy over the fact I view this differently. That's okay. But it doesn't make the things I said before about the bigoted insults wrong.

    10. Also, I mean this honestly: the behavior here prior to our discussions made me disbelieving a lot of it was true. That was a large factor of it as well. It's the point I tried to make earlier, that behaving this poorly with these kind of attacks really sort of makes the message seem less a warning and more like highschool bullying.

    11. I see, and that's completely fair. It's what keeps me hooked too, because there is a *reason* for her behaviour and I'm invested. Why didn't it work out the way she set out, and how did it go so far and so wrong?

      I've worked in healthcare in various capacities really since I was 12 and volunteering as a candystriper, but professionally over 20 years now. My nursing background (not a nurse now) is genuinely wanting resolution here, because if there's one thing you learn in hospitals it's that the most off the wall people have reasons for their behaviour and why they end up there. Almost everyone has reasons for what they do, whether they're aware of it or not.

      I'm invested in finding the reasons. Wouldn't it be wonderful if she were diagnosed with something treatable (like ADHD, super-treatable) and actually GOT treatment? I don't think people want to suck at life. It feels shitty to suck at life. There is a tiny, tiny possibility that people actually will change, but it's there, so I'll stick around and find out.

      As unlikely as Jenna is to change her behaviour, so too is the poster who chooses schoolyard names unlikely to ever change their behaviour. They will make circular arguments without giving the replies any honest thought. So you know, engage with that however you will.

  45. My question is where is she getting money to buy all these new animals. By her own admission sales have dried up. Curiouser snd curiouser.

    1. An additional paycheck from one of her gig writing jobs? She's far from incapable of actually earning some money when she wants to if it's short-term for a specific dopamine-chasing goal.

  46. new blog: “The lambs are all sold to customers, but I realized I underpriced them by a lot, since the cost was $150 each and butchering starts at $90”

    wow, she finally figured out that the purchase price should cover butchering and she’s letting us know in advance that she IS going to be begging for the butcher bill as always

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindJune 1, 2023 at 8:44 AM

      Make the sheep story make sense.

      Prepaid lamb shares were sold out in 2022 and 2023. No lambs were killed in 2022, no lambs born in '22-23, and she plans on breeding the ewes she has (the former lambs, I guess) to one of the new ram lambs for 2024-2025 lambs? This year, she wants more money to buy lambs, but their purchase prices were prepaid. The butchering bill won't be due until god-knows-when.

      What am I missing?

      Once again, the faux farm is shown not to be sustainable, and it doesn't even make sense.

    2. I'd bet that if she did the numbers on the pigs that she's not making any money on them either. She just sells them quick to get immediate money she needs at the moment. Like always, she doesn't think it through.
      If someone doesn't get their product I don't think we'd hear about it. It would all go through DM and she'd delete anything that got through in a comment. Also, some people may be too embarrassed to admit they fell for her scam and chalk it up to a "donation". Fools and their money are soon parted.

  47. “Brown trout and real fly, for sale! Make an offer! Will ship anywhere free!!”

    Her stupid scribbles look like crap.

    1. I’m stuck by how little effort she puts into her pet portraits. They always look slightly sloppy, and thrown together without thought.

    2. Edit: struck not stuck

  48. “Hey hey! Having a really tough time making sales and really could use your help retweeting my pet portraits and logo work! Everything I do is on sale to encourage you! Thank you for reading this” (black heart)

    I recently wrote that “Hey hey” at the start of a sentence was one of her nervous tic “tells” about begging.

    1. Another nervous tic “tell” of Jenna’s is starting a sentence with “So.” Her manipulative marketing “encourage” is putting pressure on people to make a pity purchase.

    2. It’s no one else’s responsibility to “help” her shill shit for “making sales.

    3. Edit: “making sales.”

    4. And the third nervous tic “tell” is her starting a sentence with “Okay,” before she begins a barrage of begging. Jenna’s patterns are predictable once you start to see them.

  49. Countdown to bragging about her special, small town Pride parade. Last year she got “hot on by a cute girl!”

  50. The math never adds up at CAF. How many years now has she been selling lamb shares and she still can’t figure out the price of lambs and butcher costs?

    I call BS. It’s another way to wring free funds out of unsuspecting followers. Oh, poor, poor me. She knows exactly what she is doing.

    Maybe the anon here who donates knowing she is a fraud can send her money to make up the difference.

    1. It “never adds up,” because it’s a bunch of bull. That anon sounds like a another dumb enabler.

    2. Edit: another

  51. There's a very good reason she doesn't have an amazon wish list: she doesn't want anyone to buy her things.

    She wants the money so she can buy things she didn't mention wanting.

    She's needed a freaking hose for what, 13 years? That could have been an amazon gift. She could have 20 hoses by now.

    But she never wants you to buy the thing, she will always always want you to send cash. And that speaks volumes about what she posts - it's bullshit. It undermines her every word.

  52. Aonymous 5:07
    Thank you

  53. I will apologize if my comments came off as blaming the victims - I did not intend that! I meant it seriously, report her (both for the animals being unwell or the fraud or anything). I don't mean it in a victim-blame way, but in a "I don't care if this happens and I think it might be good if it does." I greatly apologize for it appearing like that. I should have worded it better. Basically, not a 'victims shut up and do what I say' but 'it is okay if this happens and I sort of agree it should.'

    I don't agree it's as bad as fat shaming, so I'm not sure what to tell you. The same with the other phobic stuff that happens here. I suppose, again, a difference in philosophies.

    I view the bigoted behavior as some of the lowest of the low, as well as some of the almost-bully like intention behind some posts here. I don't care if she's hated; it doesn't give someone the right to use language that hurts *all* people who are overweight, or all disabled people, or all queer people, etc.

  54. HD. New post please? Thanks.


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