Happy Mother’s Day

Have a nice weekend everybody.

(Not you Jenna.  May you have the weekend that you deserve.)


  1. It’s interesting that she rarely mentions her mother, and seems to ignore her father and siblings.

    1. They probably beg her not to mention them. Too embarrassed to be associated with her. If I were related I'd tell her not to ever mention my name, I'm mortified to know you!

    2. I’m sure that she’s the well-deserved black sheep in her family for many reasons. Her parents probably never thought that Jenna would become a beggar. What a waste of their resources.

  2. She has no business sense and no common sense, how does she manage life? Obviously not on her own. She'd be destitute and homeless without the kindness of strangers ( and foolish non-informed bleeding hearts). She's crying she'll need money for piglets which her customers have, of course, already paid for. She has animals she doesn't know if she'll be able to afford to feed, and buying lambs when she has 3 to-date non-productive ewes she's been feeding for how long now? I'd be embarrassed to admit and show to the world such mismanagement, stupidity, incompetence etc. etc. I'd rather burn my dollar than to give it to her.

    1. Don’t real farmers breed their own animals? I mean isn’t that what a real farmer does? It’s not like she is breeding pure bred cattle that need to be artificially inseminated. It’s like buying in firewood when she lives on a woodlot. She buys goats milk from somebody else, I think. How is that being self sufficient? She is a complete fraud and clueless about how much money she wastes on her fantasy life. Her garden is a joke. I grow more on my large city lot than she grows on her so called farm. Anyone who pays attention knows that her latest beg fest is for her upcoming concert expenses. What a pathetic existence, dreaming that some mystery woman will drop from the sky to pay her bills and share her sad, sad life.

  3. “I want 13 year old me to know this will be her backyard at 40.”

    There she goes again with referencing her younger self. No normal adult does this constantly like Jenna has done for years. She’s still immature like a teen in her cyber stalking of famous females.

    1. And it’s the bank’s backyard not Jenna’s. They’re still the owners. I hope that her fear of future foreclosure comes true.

    2. Edit: “I want 13 year old me to know this is her backyard at 40.”

      GFY, Jenna.

    3. I doubt that “13 year old Jenna” would be proud of becoming a beggar “at 40,” and being a lying, lazy loser.

    4. Can she travel back in time to tell herself something about her future? It sounds stupid and fantastical. Just like Jenna.

    5. “So, so cool!!! You’re a farmer”

      Poor, deluded person. Some stupid sycophant called Kathy praised Jenna. But no one else has commented on her “OMG, look at me!!!” tweet.

    6. There is not ONE SQUARE INCH of that house or property that is better cared for than it was on the day she moved in. Everything is neglected. It’s hard to figure which dilapidated outbuilding will fall down first or which floor in the house will collapse and send FF into the crawl space. So she fell off her pitiful deck and “broke” an ankle? If the nutcase still lives there at age 77 (my age) the entire six acres will - trust me - be a massive tripping hazard. JW is a delusional 40 year old who can’t, or doesn’t want to, see beyond the end of her nose. Go for it, Sweetie, buy some damn lambs and add them to the mix. Doesn’t seem to me that your rundown, dilapidated homestead can support one more four-legged critter, not to mention three. A stray cat could do better somewhere else.

    7. Anonymous 9:16. We’ve seen her hovel many times. Jenna is deeply “delusional” in her fantasy “Live like fiction!” narrative. She’s depreciated what was once a lovely piece of property and nice home.

  4. God forbid that Jenna should show any gratitude towards either of her parents. Not even on a holiday that celebrate mothers.

  5. “No luck selling any this weekend so far, but you could turn that around! Send a DM!”

    Jenna will take time to beg, but not acknowledge her mom today.

  6. Someone want to buy a pet portrait for $75 but jenna has her DM’s set up so the person can’t contact her.... whomp whomp

    1. “Oh they should be open?! I’ll go fix it now!!”

      Of course, the money mooching cunt fixed the issue. Otherwise, she’d ignore the person as usual.

    2. And learn how to use question marks and commas correctly, cretin. It’s “Oh, they should be open!”

  7. “SOLD 2!!!!! 3 to go!!!!”

    “Sold one!!!!! 4 to go!!!!!”

    What a “scrappy” lil’ scammer!!! Jenna’s been busy begging on Mother’s Day.

    1. And still, no one cares, cunt. Your pathetic, “dumb small life” is meaningless.

    2. This is another example of her manipulative marketing. Jenna makes up an arbitrary amount of money as her fake “goal,” then she’ll put pressure on people to hand her the rest.

    3. She has also begged and tried to make sales on Christmas and Easter.

  8. And like... people who sell hand made things are always looking forward to the next holiday, the next excuse that people have to spend "just because" money on things they otherwise wouldn't. Mothers day! if she doesn't want to acknowledge her own mom there should have been posts leading up to the day reminding folks that moms love baths and soap makes a great gift. premade pics of mom and baby farm animals. something!!

    1. Jenna has often shilled shit by using her alternate account of “Rachel Keane.” But the bitch has been busted recently by us, and was shamed into deleting the stupid tweets.

    2. Anon 11:03 wrote: "moms love baths and soap makes a great gift"

      Someone who truly loves their mom would not subject her to Jenna's unhygienic soaps!

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindMay 16, 2023 at 5:16 AM

      Agree. Wog has bragged that she doesn't wash her hands after she's handled blood, feces, dirt and dead animals. If she actually purchased goat's milk for soap, it was stored in the same cooler as road kill, dead rats, filthy blue jeans ("to take the smell out"), and raw meat. She let birds, sheep and goats wander through her kitchen, shedding dirt from a property that by her own admission, had tapeworms and pinworms. There's no way I'd purchase any cosmetic made in her house.

  9. I have followed this person on YouTube for a few years. She is the real-deal "alone on the side of a mountain" woman. She grows and preserves her own food in a tiny house, but she also kept a J.O.B. to be sure she was provided for. (she has a partner and moved to bigger homestead now.) https://youtu.be/OVb6M67Mlkw

    Anon in GA

    1. Good idea to post this since Jenna reads here. Maybe she'll watch it and become inspired to get of her lazy ass.

  10. I make a prediction this week. She will be on this fake high and fake farmy-folksy writing binge and use every penny raised for her Eras tour trip, indulgences, lodging, food, merch. Then, she will get home and she will all of a sudden “find” a foreclosure letter, right in time with the full blown low that will set in after returning from the concert and she will roll out a huge “poor me, I’ll lose everything if you don’t send money” beg/a/thon.

    1. I agree with what you wrote.That’s a begging Bingo.

    2. Absolutely!!!

    3. ….OR, three or four of her teeth will crack!

    4. I'll take this bet and raise you one pic of her slurping down a $26 "Shake it off" margarita!

      FYI: The two upcoming shows in Foxborough MA are on May 19th & 20th. She is no doubt pissing her bed with excitement.

  11. Re her latest post on Instagram -- a black and white pic of her and Gibson -- she is wearing a t-shirt that partially reads "Forever is the..."

    So I did a search for "Taylor Swift forever is the" and sure enough, it's a lyric (Forever is the sweetest con) that's been made into a t-shirt. A $45 t-shirt, mind you. And her 2nd one as of late. So that's where $90 of her mortgage money went it seems.

    1. Jenna like to think of herself as being a nonconformist, but she’s a sheeple when it comes to following the flock of fashion. Especially, in her purchase of Taylor Swift clothing.

    2. Edit: likes to think

    3. As Joy who gave her $400 for the fiddle the first time she tried to “sell it” said, it’s off putting when she uses begged money which supposedly is going to the mortgage, to instead make foolish purchases. And to top it off, she rubs it in the faces of those who gave her the money. Terrible optics.

  12. From the last thread re her lavender/purple/pink door -- I think it looks like the color of every 13-year old's first Wet 'n Wild drugstore lipstick.

    And it will be interesting to see what happens to her finances with this new color, as a red door (like she had) in Feng Shui is said to bring about prosperity, protection, good fortune and luck. Perhaps this new ghastly pink will bring about more root canals and dump finds.

    1. Jenna has no sense of style when it comes to anything. The color is classless and tacky.

  13. Real questions: I asked before about SSI/SSDI. I don't want to debate about if she's disabled or not (as I am someone on SSDI and know how deceiving disabilities can be) because I truly believe she might qualify.

    Is there a reason she doesn't use Etsy? You can sell art on there, soaps, etc. Even if the wool of her sheep is poor quality, it can be sold there - people use it as mulching and all sorts of things. Why doesn't she sell at the farmer's market? Not even food, but soaps and such.

    Do we know how much the farm even cost when she bought it? It couldn't have been that much.

    1. Ok, I found a link saying she bought it for 158k. So her mortgage is around 400 dollars? I don't know how large her down payment was, that was just quick math. Why doesn't she refinance or .. something? Get some of the farm grants to try to repair things?

    2. I agree, she very well could qualify and be on SSDI. She *must* have some sort of basic income covering her essentials or she would have sunk years ago. All her "sales" are fun money.

      In the early days of her time at that property she had no equity to leverage. She bought it with a few thousand down, and mentioned at the time her mortgage was around $900 / month if my memory serves. Since then she's claimed the mortgage has been shifted to a new bank, something I gathered had happened because she was chronically behind on her payments.

      I don't know the ins and outs of SSDI in her state. I think it's possible if she got on it after she bought the property that she's be allowed to remain there and pay the mortgage with benefits for the sake of housing security. If she were renting prior to getting on the program then she definitely would NOT be able to buy a house then, and going forward I don't think she's even allowed to have a stockpile of savings or earn additional money past a certain amount... which would explain *everything*.

      I think she doesn't tackle larger projects on the property anymore because she has tried and failed at so many before. Antlerstock was a disaster, and rather than solve problems about it, she couldn't break the problem down into steps. She quit instead.

      People with executive dysfunction are often labelled "lazy" because their behaviour can easily be misunderstood as laziness. There's no way to know which is the case with Jenna.

      But the scamming is what I think we all take issue with. She doesn't use Etsy because she scammed enough people that they reported her and she got kicked off the platform. Etsy doesn't like it when people take money and then don't deliver on the product.

      When she takes "orders" via DM, she's less accountable and the buyers have no recourse as she makes them pay for things via a paypal donation button.

    3. It occurs to me that Patty could have helped her with her SSDI application. Patty could be receiving benefits for her son.

      The timing would make sense.

      In theory, if Jenna were paying her basics from benefits, that she was making a tidy profit for the year Shannon lived there and paid half the bills.

    4. If her mortgage really is 900, that is absurd and she needs to go talk to her bank. There's no way. Refinance that stuff! 400 seems doable for her and makes more sense for a farm that is valued, right now, for only 187k.

    5. Jenna doesn’t get a pass for possibly, having a problem with her mental health. She’s still an animal abusing beggar, pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer. Yeah, we hate her for taking advantage of people who have empathy.

    6. Anon 10:18 pm, not sure if you have a mortgage, but her monthly loan pay-off (escrow) may only be a portion of her total mortgage payment. In our case, combined taxes, interest and mortgage insurance are an additional 50% of each month's bill.

    7. Anon 5:27: I was going to say that also about the taxes - both school and property - being included in the monthly amount. They definately are. I don't know about mortgage insurance but very possibly Insurance on the property may be included also. The bank would be named and notified if she fell behind on that.
      I believe she had a chance to refinance some time ago but didn't want to do it.

    8. Thank you for the info anon 1016.

      A part of why i continue to follow Jenna is I know there is a chance she could turn it around if she gets proper treatment. I thought there was a good chance when she was with Shannon who set very reasonable expectations.

      Consistent with untreated ADHD, Jenna has a hard time maintaining relationships.

      I've been saying for years a lot of her behaviour looks like untreated ADHD.

      But the ADHD isn't causing her to lie and scam. She's been selling product / art and not delivering since before publishing her first book. She has a well documented track record of lying about health, house, or animal crises to get money from sympathetic followers and then buying something fun.

      ADHD doesn't make her do that, she's consciously choosing to do that repeatedly.


    9. WiW. That’s what I was trying to imply in my above comment at 5:23. We used to live in Cambridge, and are speaking from personal experience. She consciously chooses to be a criminal in how she conducts herself. Shannon was wise to end their relationship. It’s very obvious that she doesn’t want to be even friends with Jenna now. Unlike in many same sex romances that continue their connections. Even after the flames have died down to ashes.

    10. A Legend in Her Own MindMay 16, 2023 at 1:06 PM

      Anon 12:33, I hope she takes your good advice and seeks help. Color me dubious, however, because I believe the biggest issue at hand is a narcissistic personality, with a long history (starting in college with oakpaw) of taking money & not properly refunding for products and services. Collecting money under false pretenses or taking $$ without providing requisite service is normally considered "theft". I believe she's flown under the radar because individual amounts are too small for most people to fool with. Hell, it would likely cost more to sue in small claims court than the purchase is worth. I'm guessing most people chalk it up to a bad experience and move on.

      Re ADHD, it's one thing to skip from interest to interest, to have difficult relationships or to lose sight of commitments. It's quite another for a person to collect THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS and not properly handle the $$$$. She says she has an accountant, so it would be a small step to reconcile income against orders and deliveries. But, no.

      She doesn't do this because taking money from kind-hearted strangers is easy-peasy, and she appears to have ZERO remorse.

      Hope may spring eternal, but I think it would have a nearly impossible job breaking through the con who "lives like fiction".

    11. Hey PDD,

      I do not believe she has NPD at all (if that is what you meant). I see very classical unmedicated ADHD. As for the money - this is actually very, very common with unmedicated ADHD. A lot of them (and myself) are incredibly bad with money, will basically "con" people with victimized stories/bad luck stories/etc. and then it gets blown on god knows what. Again, I'm not saying this is okay. I'm saying this as someone who is very active in disability circles and disability advocacy and sees this a lot. I've been through it and when I was in it, I couldn't believe how I was constantly the victim of bad luck, mean people, etc. It really took me being medicated and getting genuine therapy from people who specialized in my disorders to really see I was the one causing some of my misfortune (some, as I really did sometimes just have shit luck and wrong place wrong time; it's also very common for AFAB neurodivergent people to find themselves taken advantage of from friendships to banks, jobs, etc.).

      I want to clarify again I'm not trying to say it's okay. I don't think it is. I think it's very gross what she's doing and it's why I found this website. But I truly, honestly believe this stems from unmedicated ADHD - and I'm not trying to armchair diagnose her, or convince any of you lot (beyond defend my conclusion), just she is very much like I was at 30 and this is what was wrong with me. Getting involved in the community, hearing more stories, getting active in disability advocacy, I found out these patterns are extremely common.

      The same goes with feeling remorse and stuff - it's fascinating but unmedicated ADHD often comes with emotional dysregulation (I mean, ADHD is a dysregulation disorder, so it makes sense). I honestly just see that as even more proof for me that this is in play. If autism is in play (and it often is - it is for me), emotional responses may genuinely be hard for her. Alexithymia is a pain to deal with.

      I'm not saying you lot should feel sorry for her or anything, either. Just I do and this is why. I've thought of reaching out to try to help her but I don't think it would be welcomed and I would have flipped the frick out if someone did for me.

    12. A Legend in Her Own MindMay 16, 2023 at 4:03 PM

      Anon 2:59, if you're firm in your beliefs and want to help her, you can try sending her a letter. Maybe it will have more of an impact.

    13. In my opinion, knowing her personally, she’s a lost cause. Jenna is stubborn and stupid with a massive sense of self-entitlement.

    14. Anon 259, I agree with your take, and four years ago I had a lot more empathy. I have loved ones with late in life diagnosed ADHD and I completely agree and understand where you're coming from.

      I think for a brief period Jenna considered she has it. She does read here and last year she was wondering if her struggle filling out forms was ADHD related (YES).

      It's one thing to suspect or know you have a disability, it's another thing to take responsibility for how your behaviour affects others. There's a limit to empathy. I don't empathize with animal hoarders who unintentionally end up causing harm to the animals they love to the point the SPCA steps in. I might understand that hoarding is a mental health issue, but my actual sympathy is with the animals.

      I can understand there are logical reasons behind Jenna's behavior, but I don't sympathize with her when she's lying. I get that she doesn't have the insight into her own behaviour and might never get there, but that doesn't make it less antisocial.

      As for the NPD, I'm on the fence. I have a relative who has both ADHD and NPD. The ADHD was treated successfully, the NPD has not, and that's the part that does the most damage. She developed it honestly, but she's just the center of her own universe and everyone else is there to contribute to her own main character story arc. Jenna reminds me very much of this person.

    15. I definitely worry about the animals. I've thought of trying to send her supplements for Merlin and Gibson. I don't know horses well, but I know dogs and I usually stock up on Black Friday for my own dog. But it goes back to I get nervous about helping someone who might not be ready for it, you know?

      I do worry about the animals a lot and get that. I've seen the pictures of Merlin and I've had horse friends look at them and some of them don't think he looks *too* bad - but he shouldn't be ridden and stuff right now. I don't understand how she can in one post talk about his age and age-related struggles then have him hauling kids around and herself (and I'm not going to speak on her weight. The fatphobia here makes me sad. Even if she was tiny, the horse in that state shouldn't be hauling anyone).

      I think with NPD, from my own studying (as it was one of the things I actually thought about myself), it can often look that way from the outside, but BPD (or even bipolar) be the more likely culprit. NPD is fairly rare, but BPD is very common in AFAB individuals that are neurodivergent, especially if they grew up unmedicated. I've seen talk in the ND community that BPD is basically just trauma from growing up AFAB ND and not being helped in the way your mind needs. I can honestly really see that with her, so it's why I hesitate to say NPD - but again, it's my own personal experiences I am reflecting on her and on for this, and what I've observed the last few years following her.

      I'm glad she's considered it and yes, the form stuff, definitely could be ADHD! I think there is a large drop people have to get over being able to admit you're disabled in some fashion and maybe that is why she got discouraged - it sucks suddenly realizing that yes, you probably can't do everything you want, etc.

      Thank you guys for kindly discussing this with me. I appreciate it, and I hope Jenna reads and gets inspired to look further into it again. Naltrexone being used off-label for ADHD/autism is becoming more common (it's normally for addicts) and it is a LIFESAVER for a lot of people in similar states to her. I hope she looks into it.

    16. A Legend in Her Own MindMay 17, 2023 at 1:53 PM

      WIW May 16, you know, I just realized we haven't any proof that Wog is bad at completing forms, only her word that she couldn't navigate the NY Healthcare system for Affordable Health Care Act sign-up. Respectfully, this may be another fabrication. Based on my "research" a couple of years ago, she didn't qualify for Healthcare discounts because she earned *too much money* - which, as I remember, meant she earned over $54,000 per annum. Her subsequent complaint at losing Healthcare was also suspect in my opinion. The only reasons for losing AHCA are non-payment of premiums and falsifying financial / medical data.

      Her alleged "ADHD inability" to complete stepwise Healthcare enrollment didn't impact her ability to spend many hours signing up for Taylor Swift tickets, in a process that all agreed was complex and byzantine.

      We only see the narrative that Wog chooses. She loudly proclaims she "lives like fiction" so her many excuses for her victim hood are always suspect.

    17. As someone who has been trying to navigate the NY healthcare system, it really is difficult. They do not make it easy at all like other states.

  14. If she is on Social Security disability, does she get Medicaid?

    1. If you are on SSDI, you get medicaid and medicare in most states with extended medicare/caid (which NY is; I cannot remember the difference right now, but most SSDI folks in extended states get both). It is automatic upon approval. However, it doesn't cover teeth (at least, in my state; I've heard similar from other people in other states). It covers very limited things with dental, and rarely pullings, fillings, etc. Sliding scale might work but it's finding a clinic that does it.

    2. I guess correction: it does cover teeth but it's jacked how it works and barely covers anything worth needing insurance for, like pullings, fillings, etc. I had to fight for a simple cleaning even though you get one per year supposedly. If she's unmedicated truly, it's probably a huge struggle to fight with insurance to make them cover stuff they're supposed to. So it does cover some dental, but basically not anything you actually need it for, like the pullings she needs.

    3. We have a dental tracker in the reddit group. She has claimed to need dental work in the form of extractions or root canals more than 30x. Most adults have 30 ish teeth total.

      I understand teeth aren't one and done, but it's interesting how she suddenly has money for fun things right after claiming to have dental work. That's how she bought Friday.

    4. From what I understand about the dog, she had already put the deposit down on it that paid off a large portion. Was this not correct?

  15. “I put the laughter back in slaughter!”May 17, 2023 at 5:10 AM

    “Morning! This farm is still trying to catch up, because holy crow is it hard to make a sale these days. Logos are something I can work on from home, have a BFA in design, and you get all the files emailed! DM or visit website to order and help a lesbian make May! (April)”

    It’s Wednesday whining now
    and Jen won’t get a job.
    She’s a lying, lazy loser
    and an cyber stalking slob.

    1. “Holy crap!” She hasn’t ever “caught up” in over a decade of having her hovel. Jenna’s whole identity now is broadcasting being a lesbian. As if that gives her an advantage in doing business.

    2. Anon 5:13. That's how I feel about her broadcasting her being a lesbian. It doesn't make me want to purchase anything from her any more than if I didn't know, nor do I feel she deserves any special treatment or "help" because she is lesbian. The only ones who need to know are the ones that are on a dating site or who she has her eye on as date material.

    3. Anonymous 12:50. Her stupid usage of being a lesbian as a manipulative marketing tactic is a crock of crap. Jenna isn’t anyone’s idea of “date material.” It’s no wonder why she’s still single, and will probably always be living alone again.

  16. So she made the March payment with no bragging or fanfare? Interesting since she had soooo many bills to pay and no sales ( supposedly). So now she needs April. Ok. Gotcha.

    1. Her whole life is lies.

    2. So, is it March as she was saying just a few days ago,( April), or May? I don’t think she can keep up with her lies anymore.

    3. And I hate to break it to her, but surprise ! (Not) June is due in less than two weeks as of today.

  17. I agree with much that was so well said above regarding her suspected disabilities, however, I believe that short of a forced intervention by her family, she will NEVER admit to, agree to or seek treatment, and will likely flip the eff out if anyone outside her immediate family suggests this to her.

    1. Exactly. We know her personally from living in Cambridge. Jenna will never admit to having an issue. Her misplaced pride prevents her from seeking treatment.

  18. “I have been catching up with soap orders, and if you ordered in the last 4 weeks please let me know if you didn't receive them! I think I got everyone, but do let me know!!!”

    Again, it’s no one else’s responsibility to tell her about an order. She should have a system, by now, to keep track of them. No normal adult does business like this.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindMay 17, 2023 at 7:04 AM

      This is a deliberate strategy. I honestly believe she "hopes" non-essential people forget about orders so she receives $$ without the need to produce timely product. By periodically posting her "Oops, not sure I've completed all orders", she pushes responsibility for tracking the order back to the customer. If they don't contact her (likely, because who-the-fcuk reads Twitter every day), she can feign ignorance of their orders. Wog absolutely did this with the Birchthorne book fiasco, delaying delivery and creating bogus "surveys" that people had to complete in order for her "remember" to send their books YEARS after their order. In the meantime, she appears to have kept hard copies that should have gone to pre-paid customers because, unsurprisingly, people who placed orders years before weren't slavishly reading her occasionally relevant posts.

      Undiagnosed ADHD or not, she's a manipulative POS.

    2. PDD. You’ve nailed it as always. Jenna has no excuse for her manipulative marketing and unethical tactics.

    3. Yep, I agree PDD. A diagnosis would not be an excuse for this shit. _WIW

    4. I would like to point out that she says she has been “catching up”?? When, according to her own words, she hasn’t had sales in weeks? WTF is she “catching up” from?

    5. Anonymous 12:45. That’s a good point. This here, is why we hate her. Jenna’s lied and claimed to be “catching up” for years. It’s blatant lying, and more of her manipulative marketing.

    6. Newbies take note. If she’s been behind in making mortgage payments for years, then the stupid saying of “playing catch up” isn’t applicable, because it’s become a chronic condition.

    7. Her words (I'm catching up, farm in best shape ever, no sales etc.) never match her actions - what she writes about doing. She must take LOT of - what's it called - literary license. I can never follow her and find her writing makes no sense. I read mainly for the entertainment factor, and I enjoy / admire your comments here. For the most part "you guys" are informed, knowledgeable, smart and witty.

    8. Anonymous 1:05. Thanks for your compliment. We’ve actually lived in Cambridge before. Jenna’s weird word salads never make sense. And her actions are always contradictory to the fake image that she’s trying to portray.

  19. She’s desperately shilling her shit today, and trying to get more money for the Taylor Swift concert coming up. Her ridiculous retweets are manipulative marketing to push people into making pity purchases.

    1. Where’s her alternate account of “Rachel Keane” to tweet fake support? LOL!!!

  20. According to IG she is trying to sell her truck. Interesting. I think she won’t really sell it!

    1. like the violin

    2. She’s never needed to have two vehicles including a truck for her faux farm. It’s always all about her image rather than motivated by necessity.

  21. https://www.instagram.com/p/CsR6LrcuZUA/?hl=en

    There’s that closed mouth, smug smirk again.

    1. The weird way that she presses her lips tightly together, makes it look like she’s trying to hide something secret.

    2. Her fake fat face is kinda creepy.

  22. “Good news: lambs are paid off in full, and I almost have enough for last month’s mortgage. Almost, sales are so impossible lately.

    Bad news: moving my tooth repair appt another month, taking painkillers and antibiotics till I can get it fixed/x rays.”

    GFY, Jenna.

    1. “Pigs are being delivered next week, and the breeder is letting me pay her as I earn it, which is a blessing because the price went up 25%”

      What a butch bitch.

    2. “I always have and will share how hard it is to homestead as a single woman, there’s no savings or credit cards here. No spouse to share bills with or roommate, no parents that write checks to help out, no partner with a full time job and shared health insurance.”

      Boo fucking hoo. No one’s forced you to quit a career so early, and buy a faux farm that’s never been solvent in over a decade. By your own admission. You’ve created every bit of stress in your “dumb little life” by being stupid and stubborn.

    3. “This farm is me, what I grow and create on farm, and the internet. That’s it. Every month I start with nothing but a few hundred bucks (if I’m lucky) to my name and have to earn enough to feed, insure, pay bills, and my mortgage. For ten years now… It’s worth it.”

      It’s not “worth it,” cunt, if you constantly complain about being broke and “just wanting to feel safe.” Pull your head out of your fat ass, and get a job, slob.

    4. Jenna’s unsubtle, stupid subtext is always: “Venmo me more money!!!”

    5. It’s been mentioned many times here before, and even above, about her constant cries of dental issues. It simply isn’t plausible at this point. Clearly, she’s using this fabrication as a manipulative marketing technique to filch free funds. Trying to elicit empathy from kind people, is something that sociopaths like Jenna do.

  23. “I put the laughter back in slaughter!”May 18, 2023 at 6:00 AM

    She creates a life of chaos
    and would rather whine than work.
    But bitches she’s the victim
    cause Jenna is a jerk.

  24. Her latest comment about being a homesteader really irritates me. We have a farm and raise pigs and cows. I also sell eggs in the front yard. We have been here just over 4 years and have learned so much, we could write a book… you learn or you fail and your animals die and you lose your ass. We have grown from 1 cow raised for ourselves to a herd of 16. We started with 1 litter of pigs and now have 4 sows, 23 spring piglets and are raising 4 pigs for fall customers. We are sold out on piglets and our beef for the spring and summer. We have repeat customers bc we are insanely picky about what and how we do things. Yes, there are 2 of us to split the work and expenses, but we both work full time off farm as well.
    This lifestyle involves hard work Jenna, and it’s late nights, early mornings and missing out on fun events and family functions.
    I can’t imagine where we will be in 10 years, and I also can’t imagine why you haven’t learned a fucking thing in that time period. Grow up, shut up and do the work. You’ll be amazed at what you can do.
    There is also no shame in stopping your train wreck and moving on. This lifestyle is not for everyone and that is 100% ok.
    Rant over.

    1. Jenna hasn’t “learned a fucking thing,” because she’s stupid, stubborn, and has a massive sense of unearned self-entitlement.

    2. Anon3, I appreciate your rant, because you're exactly 💯. I came across her several years ago, when she asked for advice on a public forum, then clearly ignored practical solutions to her problem. It was obvious she didn't actually want advice, didn't listen and had no intention of changing. I concluded she behaves like a scammer.

      Thank goodness I never sent her money. I regret the kind-hearted people whose financing has allowed her to continue her fiction and subject numerous animals to her slovenly ways.

    3. Hasn't learned a thing. In general, I agree, with the caveats:

      She learned not to invite people on to her property because they see how bad things are, or they are ignorant, post photos, and other people see how bad things are.

      She's leaned not to try and breed her own animals. Who knows how many poor creatures had to suffer and die to teach her that lesson, but dead farm animal is expensive and problematic to dispose of, so she just buys the piglets and this year, supposedly, lambs - to grow out before slaughter.

      She learned that there will always be a certain kind of person on the internet who responds to specific trigger phrases and sends her money. The mortgage, my tooth, the hay, the firewood.

    4. A Legend in Her Own MindMay 21, 2023 at 1:45 PM

      Anon 12:53, excellent observation. She learned from masters, but in her case, it's become a way of life.

  25. Replies
    1. I agree. Anon3 has expressed what many of us here have felt.

  26. Relentlessly pushing people with constant begging isn’t “promoting like mad,” it’s intrusive and immature.

  27. https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm/status/1659311396499202048?cxt=HHwWgIC9gY-7h4cuAAAA

    It’s Jenna’s ugly man hand with its fat, filthy fingers, and her fake fat face wearing that trademark closed mouth, smug smirk.

    1. I don’t know why she even bothers painting polish on her nasty, gnawed nails. It’s always chipped and tacky looking. Jenna’s asinine attempts to look like a femme are a failure. She comes across as dirty and unkempt. “You can’t put lipstick on a pig.”

    2. And who the fcuk fishes with full cat eye make up on? What farmer has time to not only waste daylight fun fishing, but do so in make up?

    3. Anonymous 4:17. Jenna can’t even correctly wear makeup. It’s a waste of effort, because no beauty techniques can make her look attractive. One person here incredulously claims that her manicure always appears perfect. They were wrong. In her photos, if you zoom in, the polish is chipped and flaking off.

    4. Sorry to sound superficial, but I’ll “die on the proverbial hill” that Jenna presents as a butch not femme.

  28. So much for her deleted tweet: “Okay, hint taken.”

  29. Dang! Maybe she doesn’t even have teeth! Has anybody seen them?

    1. In her old videos you can see her teeth. They don’t look good. I think that she deliberately hides them by grimacing with her mouth pressed tightly together.

    2. I recall that her teeth are kind of crooked.

  30. She better be releasing these fish!! Both baby trout are way way too small to be legal to keep!!

    1. I wonder if she even had a fishing license and a trout stamp? Not sure for her state but in mine, you need both a state fishing license and a separate trout stamp to fly fish for trout.

    2. Strange. “Dusk” in New York doesn’t look anything at all like dusk in Washington State.

  31. Y’all remember how last weekend was the very last sale in pet portraits? Well, you are in luck!!! The sale is, predictably, back on! 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️

    1. Her crap is almost always on sale. It’s a bunch of bull to promote it as something special. It’s just Jenna’s manipulative marketing.

  32. Countdown to gaping maw, and lots of “ I love us”. If this concert isn’t the gayest experience ever, she will be disappointed!

    Oh btw a coworker wore a TS sweatshirt on a “dress down” day. I wonder if her husband and 4 kids know that she is gay?? ( lol according to sheltered never leaves the farm Jenna that is!!!)

    1. A few years ago she posted an ick pic. It was a weird photo with Jenna wearing a full face of crappy, caked-on makeup. Her mouth was open, for once, in a grotesque “gaping maw” expression.

  33. Fortunately, we keep track here. LOL!!!

  34. On IG- woohoo going on a pilgrimage with queer friends, TS this and TS that. Our fandom is better than yours etc.

    On Twitter: “for only 10 cents per day, you can provide food and medical care to a single lesbian living alone on the side of a mountain. “

    1. Exactly. She shows different sides on each platform. Her whole life is lies.

  35. What the blog abandoned again?

    1. Unfortunately, her dumb dispatches are still up.

  36. “Made one sale yesterday! If I can sell 4 pet portraits, I make my income goal today and am nearly covering the April mortgage before it gets dangerous! Please share whatever you can from my feed! THANK YOU!!”

    You can fuck all the way off, Jenna. Get a job, slob.

    1. One of her manipulative marketing techniques is to use trigger words like “dangerous.” She deliberately does this to try and elicit empathy from kind people. Jenna is a sociopathic predator.

    2. She managed to hook a sucker.

    3. Anonymous 12:43. I saw that, too, and sent the “sucker” links and information as always.

  37. Anno 8:19a.m. why would we/should we pay for insurance and food for a complete stranger even if it is only $.10 a day? She is more than capable of working at a job that has health insurance so she can do it herself. I retired at 72 working 2 part time jobs so nope not going to support her lazy ass so she doesn't have to work.

    1. I agree with what you wrote. Although I think that she was just joking about that particular tweet. But it sounds exactly like something that Wog would do.

    2. Ha yes, it’s my sense of humor. Jenna is carefree lez on IG going to the concert and has her tin cup out in Twitter. I was just making a reference to those desperate commercials with Sally Struthers back in the day. Jenna didn’t ask for $.10 a day, but you can kick in to her Venmo for her framework ( whatever that is.

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindMay 19, 2023 at 2:37 PM

      Anon 1:30, I thought your joke was funny as hell! Yeah, I remember Sally Struthers.

      Perhaps a celebrity will do a Beg-A-Thon for the poor college-educated white woman, who lives alone in a NYC weekend destination, with multi-vehicles, pricey Taylor Swift trinkets and hobby animals.

      "Only YOUR DONATIONS assure she can continue to attend farmer movie matinees and fly-fish for too-small trout. Give all you can give."

      By the way, did y'all know nearly 20% of well-handled catch-and-release trout die from stress and handling? I didn't know this until I researched NYS fishing guides. This kind of ticks me off! Now, I can see testing one's skill, but to possibly torment/kill another creature so you can enjoy casting and reeling it in? When you don't actually fish to eat/survive? WTAF.
      * who used to fish for food to put on the table

  38. When is the concert?

    1. Foxborough is tonight and tomorrow night.

    2. On IG she is announcing she’ll be away for the weekend at the show.

    3. Monday moanin’ she’ll be back begging even more than usual.

    4. I’ll bet that poor Pember Patty has been conned again into taking care of the faux farm for free. She’s Jenna’s most massive dumb enabler.

    5. Oh that's real smart announcing to the internet that you will be away for the weekend. Come rob my house! What a dummy.

    6. Funny, how she has to announce on Instagram that her friends are “queer.” Jenna likes to label everything. It’s also deliberate that the concert wasn’t bragged about on Twitter, because it might interfere with her begging agenda.

    7. Anonymous 6:32. You’re right. But she has nothing of value that’s even worth stealing. Her hovel’s “decor” is a collection of crappy dump finds, and thrift store bin buys. Jenna has no sense of style.

    8. If anyone wants to steal Merlin, now is the time 😂

    9. Yes I bet she will stick to instagram for bragging about the concert, so she can utilize twitter to beg post-concert when it suddenly hits her that she has bills way overdue.

  39. It’s always obvious when Wog has been buying bots again, because she’ll have a sudden influx of followers. And since her crappy account is mostly begging, non-tent, and cyber stalking of famous females, there’s no way that the newbie numbers make sense.

  40. Food for thought: https://www.theguardian.com/music/2023/may/19/pop-stars-must-do-more-to-defend-lgbtq-fans-taylor-swift

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindMay 21, 2023 at 3:46 AM

      No doubt TS has sympathies for LGBTQ fans, but have no doubt she is a master media and listener manipulator. She didn't get to $500M-plus by being a victim.

      Food for thought, more:

      Her wealth

      Her manipulations (From Slate.com
      "Furthermore, Swift hasn’t been a passive victim of Ticketmaster’s gatekeeping. The “verified fan” deal Swift struck with Ticketmaster in 2017 was ostensibly intended to ensure her concert tickets wound up in the hands of fans, rather than the aftermarket scalpers and bots that had come to plague Ticketmaster’s online purchasing system. But unlike other megastars like Bruce Springsteen, Swift’s deal came with a catch: The more Taylor Swift merchandise fans bought, the better chance they’d have at snagging her concert tickets. Rather than pushing back against Ticketmaster’s monopoly the same way she fought Spotify’s atrociously low royalty rates, she forced her fans to buy her merchandise on top of Ticketmaster’s pricey junk fees, all for a decent shot at seeing her live."

      TS incorporates Easter eggs and "hidden messages" for people who are easily influenced. It's a marketing ploy to keep her music uppermost in minds, and Wog - sheeple that she is - fell for it completely.

    2. PDD. Jenna likes to think of herself as immune to marketing ploys, but she’s just a sheeple like millions of other morons.

  41. Her concert photos and videos are posted on IG stories.

    Yeah, who here wouldn't make a pilgrimage through two states to view performers from seats so high up, one could get altitude-sickness, and at a cost of one month's mortgage???

    1. She’ll be back begging with fervor tomorrow morning. Expect to see desperate fabrications of more dental crises, and maybe roof repairs. “I just want to feel safe!!!”

    2. “I need money not for my mortgage, but to be reimbursed for all the of Taylor Swift merchandise!”

    3. Edit: of the

  42. Pic of her and R. Gaping maw in action.


    1. I can’t see the ick pic. Since I don’t have an account. But I’ll bet that it’s ugly as always.

    2. Try instanavigation.com

      Search coldantlerjenna

      You should see stories and posts, without giving her hits

    3. Anonymous 7:36. Thanks!

  43. "Phone lights, not wristbands"? Any idea what those might be? I see there are light-up wristbands, but I can't figure out what a "phone light" that looks like a wristband might be for.

    1. Look like Apple watches. Soon, she'll be begging for one.


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