It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
yeeeeeeikes, that last blog post was bleak, but the usual measure of un-ironic self-congratulation.
ReplyDeleteDon't pretend you didn't have an extra cool $2K to blow on concert tickets. Don't pretend you didn't blow at LEAST 3K to purchase yet another beater truck that you then sank hundreds or thousands more into repairing. And now you claim you never drive it. Oh, and you have a whole other car you claim to never drive, except when you do.
Don't pretend you don't have another source of income, because we all know that your "promotion" isn't paying shit.
Oh and I repeat, if you can't pay your mortgage or feed the animals you have or heat your house, you have NO BUSINESS buying more animals. She's raising lambs for meat now? Then why does she still have the other three hay-burners?
Her description of Merlin is so sad. He's thin because older horses are more difficult keepers. They need really high quality food and supplements to keep the weight on. It's sad to hear his declining condition is being written off as being an "old man".
Or maybe it's as simple as him needing his teeth floated. He should not be visibly thin in the winter ffs. We noticed his shitty topline in photos a year ago. Poor thing.
Maybe get a blanket for your sad thin old man horse.
DeleteMany excellent points WIW. Yeah, really don't understand getting more animals if she is always broke AND is always about to be foreclosed upon.
DeleteAs for Merlin, she states that he is "basically retired" -- so does that mean she won't be riding him this summer?
Merlin and Mabel probably dread the crush of her obese body weighing them down.
DeleteStep right up, only 50 smackaroos for this here jen-you-Whine paint in’ This will add a touch of class to the area above your toy-let paper roll! Idea stolen from a show on one of my pre-ME-um streamin services. Now ladies and ladies, I don’t leave this farm due to having no money, except when I do leave the farm and when I do have money. You purchasin this hand crafted beauty is hope on wings for this simple fauxrmer! If you buy 3 and 1.5 bars of soap, 9 pet portraits at 19% off, and book a logo for December 2023, you can have this artwork for free. Now stop stepping over each other ladies, I can make mor... oh that’s just My good friend Kelly in his overalls , coming up on this here podium to purchase. Well thank you Kelly, you are a darling! I’m surprised that my best friend Rachel didn’t stop on down to buy something... (wink wink) she loves my wares!!!
ReplyDeleteI’m sure that “Rachel Keane” will buy a few, too.
DeleteAnonymous 3:23 am - Good writing. SO funny and witty! and so true! Why doesn't she try somthing new? Same old same old.
DeleteThank you anon 6:02. I crack myself up so I’m glad I could give you a chuckle!
DeleteLol, perfect. I gather this is about that "Believe" watercolor thing. Dumb idea, lousy execution...and she wants some sucker to pay $50 for it? She must be high. Oh wait, she is.
DeleteAnon7, I just figured out (thanks to her Instagram story) that her "Believe" sign is a crappy copy of a sign posted on the TV show, "Ted Lasso", another paid streaming service for her - this time through Apple TV+.
DeleteDoes she spend ALL her time watching TV? Really, I've never seen anyone under the age of 75 watch so much tv. No wonder her property is falling apart.
OMG, despite always claiming to be broke, she has just about every major streaming service out there: Netflix, HBO Max, Amazon Plus, Showtime, Hulu and now Apple TV.
DeleteAm I forgetting any? And how much does she pay for all those?
Did anyone else notice how in her bleg post she bragged about the farm and gardens being in the best shape ever, that was last week, and just this morning she retweeted herself from march 29 where she begs people to buy a pork share to “donate to the local food bank” wink wink, because you should “ help a single gay farmer that’s really struggling”.
ReplyDeleteSo which one is it, Jen?
It's whichever one brings her the most money.
DeleteShe no longer bothers to hide her $$$ weed habit.
I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating. One can’t be both victim and victor at the same time. Her whole life is lies.
DeleteAnd I cannot believe that she managed to make the mortgage *just* in time to stave off foreclosure. Of course she did. Because she always does. Always. And hopefully her foollowers can see this predictable monthly pattern.
DeleteCorrection- not her bleg from last week. I meant the newest one two days ago where she says “mistakes are less common and the animals, gardens, house, HAS never been better”
ReplyDeleteShe is a writer, you know.
Grammar is for editors, doncha know. She's a CREATOR
Her writing is rotten now due to drinking alcohol again, smoking weed, and not caring about making corrections.
DeleteJenna’s never reached 5,000 followers, despite all the time that she’s been on Twitter. Her count is considered very low considering all the aspects of social media.
ReplyDeleteYep. And in her latest bleg post she wrote: "I’m not sure if I should keep updating the blog. I am not sure if anyone even still reads this?"
DeleteUh, earth to dipshit Jenna: Your bleg shows the views of exactly how many people have read each post. So quit looking for $mypathy by playing dumb.
On Instagram, re the latest pic of her next to the Mona Lisa: No beers. Zero. Not even one.
ReplyDeleteOn IG yesterday, she posted a pic of herself in a sports bra making “muscles” she was wearing low waisted green pants,her farm boots, That rag on her head, and a sports bra and she put cartoon badgers on her biceps. She was out in her yard. The pic was taken down quickly and it’s no longer there.
DeleteIt was a.... choice.
I guess she was feeling herself yesterday? Not really warm enough to be outside in a bra yesterday so I’m not sure who she was flirting with.
DeleteI’d still like to slap the smug smirk off her fake fat face. Her fat, beefy biceps and ham hock forearms are repellent. Jenna’s bad brows look like horizontal commas. And she’s always wearing either a hat or scarf inside to hide her hair.
She even admits that her “longest relationship” is with a cheap, hokey print. What a pathetic loser.
DeleteHer mottled skin also looks ugly. Poor diet, drinking, and doing drugs are finally taking their toll. Jenna is already aging very badly.
DeleteHer stupid muscle man preening pics are ick. She’s showing off her obese body.
DeleteHD. Someone needs to take their psych meds. The crude commenter, BM, is back again trying to cause chaos amongst us. Please delete their comments above. They contribute nothing of merit to any discussion. The cretin still can’t discern the difference between disgust and desire. Their “basic blindness” is pathetic. Poor thing. LOL!!!
DeleteIt’s also interesting how they never comment about Jenna being an animal abusing beggar, pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer. They’re only “obsessed” with her physical attributes being dissed. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s either Jenna or a stupid, sycophantic supporter like Creepy Kelly. Maybe it’s even “Rachel Keane.”
DeleteWe’ve wondered if Whack isn’t back under a new name. She seemed slightly unhinged, and capable of making crazy comments like BM.
DeleteWhomever they are this putrid person is deeply disturbed and deviant.
DeleteOn Twitter: "Logos are still $50 off until I make a sale!"
ReplyDeleteA few months ago she announced no more logo sale prices. Weeks later they were on sale again. Now it'a no sale if she makes a sale? How long will that last?
Re HD's comment about April being the Pig Shocker's most hated month, I recall a Shamster once saying it was because the snow starts to melt and thus reveals all the filth and squalor on the fauxrm that was hidden underneath. Lol, makes sense.
ReplyDeleteOoh, I remember that. Snow covers a multitude of sins, and during April, grass and weeds haven't grown tall enough to hide the filth.
DeleteOld time Shamsters... remember when she used $$$ hay strewn on the ground before her social media friends visited / took photos? She was always about false impressions, or as she calls it, "live like fiction".
“Good morning! Sun is shining, diving into work, going to do whatever I can to get this farm through this month. It's never been harder to make a sale, but until things turn around I won't give up. Not at year 13.”
ReplyDeleteThe “scrappy little lesbian” is complaining again about being a lying, lazy loser. “Things won’t turn around,” because her dumb dream is dead.
Such a plucky lil’ lass!!!
DeleteBut “this farm has never been better!”
DeleteNot to mention... she posted that pic of her bookstore, bragging about her town LAST week on IG. Today it was yesterday. So our no money fauxrmer who never leaves the farm went to the bookstore 2 times in the past week? Umm ok Jenna, make it make sense!!!
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
And if you simply want to contribute to free writing, the blog has had three recent updates and if people want me to keep writing I will. or my venmo is jennawog
How about if YOU want to put your writing out there for free— go ahead. No one is under obligation to pay you for it. You updated a few posts and now you want money? No thanks!!
So fcking entitled.
DeleteNo one cares about her “dumb little life.” Jenna’s boring non-tent is only about begging, and trying to filch free funds.
DeleteIf you contribute to the free writing, it is not free. Some people are so gullible.
DeleteSounds like a threat to me, like in: If you don't pay me, I won't write, your choice.
DeleteOne person's "threat" is another person's "promise" I guess...
DeleteDying at this response... is this a Shamster? If not, he needs the link here!!!
ReplyDelete$8? No WAY
Replying to
Izzat $50 for 4 pet portraits? If yes, I'd like to make a counter-offer. $50 for 1 of each of my 3 dogs.
he‘s just trying to buy 3 „slots“, right?
Delete„$50 for 4 slots. You can buy all four slots, or four different people can“
Deletewhat a weird way of framing sales.
That makes no sense.
DeleteWhat he says makes as little sense as what Jenna says. I think he’s saying $50 for a portrait of 3 dogs?
DeleteNot sure. But funny that she has yet to answer him. It almost sounds like he is mocking her, so that may be why she is not answering.
DeleteIf you think about it, it’s manipulative marketing. Normally she tries to sell “2 for $100”.
DeleteSaying they are $50 each makes it sound like a deal but really, saying she has four spots means she is angling for $200. That’s twice what she normally gets from one sale. It probably doesn’t really matter to her how many times she copies her usual dog outline and colors it. At the end, for about the same amount of work she wants $200.
But also saying she ONLY has four spots creates a fake sense of scarcity. She is banking on people reacting to that.
Delete“Hello! I am offering $75 off the next 2 logos I sell and that price includes unlimited revisions at a flat rate, ownership of any art I create, and final design and print files. If you can help spread the word, I would really appreciate it, I gotta get hay delivered ASAP.”
ReplyDeleteGFY, Jenna. You’re a lying, lazy loser. You’ve “gotta get” a job, slob. It’s no one else’s responsibility to shill your shit for free.
"I gotta get hay delivered ASAP."
DeleteThere she goes again with the subtle threats. "If you people don't help me, the animals will starve!"
It's disgusting that her ability to feed her animals relies on the kindness of internet strangers.
Whine-athons are coming in fast.
ReplyDelete"... I haven't made a sale in days, which is harder and harder to do with this economy and groceries costing more than ever before. If you don't have to worry about catching up on last month's bills, or already know you'll have the money for next month's - I hope you are grateful for it. It's something I work hard towards every day. That said, it's an expensive choice, being that secure. What it saves you in digitiny it costs in other ways. Nothing in life is easy, and for everyone that knows their house is safe from foreclosure and has a passport full of stamps - they probably aren't waking up in a quiet darkness, excited for a slow walk in a spring woods with a hot mug of coffee, no need to put on uncomfortable clothing and sit in an office all day... "
How SAD that she's lost her "digitiny" because she has to beg you for sales, shares and donations. Just send her your money, people! With enough poodle cash, she'll never have to miss slow morning strolls, holding a cup of coffee, or be required to work for a living.
Y'all best keep supporting her slothful a$$.
PDD. Her justification for being a beggar is delusional. Where did you see this crap quote posted? I couldn’t find it. Jenna is a stupid, stubborn, and spoiled, self-entitled brat. She’s a rotten writer who can’t be bothered to make corrections on her errors. I doubt that she’s “got a gig writing scripts,” too.
DeleteThis was on her latest blog post. A short one, third since she has gone back to the blog. But don’t worry. It won’t last long. She will be into something else soon as per usual.
DeleteAnd don’t bother reading it to give her clicks. It’s basically a couple paragraphs of putting down the lifestyles of the very people who she begs money from day after day. The girl never sees how bad her optics are and how she is biting the very hand that feeds her, literally feeds her.
Unlike her first bleg website, this new one doesn't seem to pay for clicks. The first one had a bunch of supposed business sponsors posted along the sidebar. This latest website doesn't have a single one. Wonder why?
DeleteAnon7. It was proven that her “sponsors” were more manipulative marketing. We’ve contacted several of them, in the past, and they weren’t supporting her. Some even expressed surprise that they were on the sidebar. It was all for a false front.
DeleteOh, that's right! I think the only legit one was for that moveable chicken coop thingy thats now probably rusting away in that heap of crap behind the barn.
DeleteWhere did that come from?? I love how for Jenna you either wear a suit to corporate job for 80 hours/ week or beg strangers for money. That’s the only choice people have!
ReplyDeleteI live below my means and pay my bills. My mortgage is always paid on time. Groceries regardless of price are stocked up. I live simply and work but have plenty of time to take walks or engage in hobbies. I have a job. Her job is begging which is embarrassing
Her black and white thinking is a sign of serious mental illness.
DeleteShe put out a new bleg. In it, she thanked the three people who encouraged her to keep writing: one with a kind email, one with a care package (hint, hint), and one with cash via PayPal (hint, hint, HINT).
DeleteI can’t access her blog, every time I click the link I get just her banner.
DeletePDD. Thanks! I can’t stomach reading her rotten writing. Jenna’s only updating her dumb dispatches lately, because she’s reacting to us calling her out for not doing new ones.
Delete“Venmo, it means so much!!!”
DeleteYes Anon 2:56. Three recent posts after how many months with nothing! I wouldn't pay for that.
DeleteOf course she had to mention the gifts and cash. Hint hint is right.
DeleteJenna has her “ digitiny”
ReplyDeleteshe’d rather whine than work.
It’s no wonder why she’s single
this faux farmer is a jerk.
Lol :D
DeleteIt's also no wonder
why her sales took a hit
People finally see that
she's hella full 'o shit.
Jenna’s blog:
ReplyDelete“I'm still not sure continuing to write here is a good idea.”
Ok then don’t Jenna.
Can’t believe 3 suckers sent her stuff.
Her stupid, sycophantic supporters deserve to be taken advantage of by Jenna.
DeleteSo, if she chooses to stop writing maybe she should return the items / cash that were gifted to her??
DeleteMaybe she is starting to see the correlation between her writing and lack of sales?
She thinks she's being clever but her begging tactics are very transparent. She uses guilt and thinly veiled threats to "earn up" sympathy donations. What a class act!
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
Made one sale yesterday of 2 pet portraits! 2 people contributed a little to the blog! Thank you! My goal is to make $200 this weekend so please share if you can! This farm needs a lucky break to stop playing catch up forever 🖤
Gut busting comedy. But is she a lesbian? It doesn’t say.
Forever? As in next month Jenna?
Not even a month. If she makes her $200 goal this weekend, she'll be back to begging for her next week's goal. She will NEVER catch up unless she gets a REAL job.
Delete“A little”. Way to throw shade on the people who sent you money Jenna!!
ReplyDeleteLol, in her mind, she's not throwing shade. She's just being hELpFuL by letting everyone know that she needs way more than just a little! So kind of her!!
DeleteLucky break means: won't sycophants with lots of CASH add Pig Shocker to their wills, and then drop dead?? Please and thank you.
And you just know that when she receives a small ($5, $10) contribution she feels disappointment rather than gratitude. Cuz she's a famous author, so how dare anyone pay so little for her amazing writing!
DeleteYes, she has all or nothing thinking. Like her only choices are wearing uncomfortable clothes to an office, or sipping coffee in the woods and begging for a living.
ReplyDeleteThere are so many different types of outdoor jobs, too many to mention. And lots of different types of solitary jobs. And for those who don't mind low pay for a chance to practically live in the national parks, there are camp host jobs.
So many options for anyone who will put in the effort to search for them.
She has made it clear she prefers to beg for a living.
There are so many types of jobs she could have, even remotely. She could try her hand at being an illustrator of children's books for example. But I guess begging is easier.
Delete4,748 and dropping again, “darling.”
ReplyDeleteHer followers are fleeing after seeing the epic failure of her lazy loser lie-style.
DeleteOn IG she’s showing some TS patches she acquired. She wants suggestions on where to put them. Money’s reeeeally tight for our girl.
ReplyDeleteSuggestions? Tell her to bend over and we'll show her.
DeleteBTW, where'd she post that? I don't see it.
Anon7- on IG stories. She wants suggestions on how to use them on the same item. One is Taylor Swift and one is a werewolf. Embroidered patches.
DeleteAh thanks, no wonder I couldn't see it. BTW, just looked at the TS merch shop and didn't see any patches, but DID notice that the tour clothing prices went up A LOT since a few years ago when Jenna bought not one, but two sweatshirts. The sweatshirts are now $75 and a t-shirt is now $45. For a frickin' cotton t-shirt. TS is an asshole to be charging her fans these prices when her net worth is $450+ million.
DeleteAnd it's idiots like Jenna who make her rich. Can't wait to see how many sweatshirts the impoverished Shocker of Pigs buys this time.
She should shove ‘‘em where the sun don’t shine. There’s more than enough room for stupid patches.
DeleteEdit: ‘em
Deletehow to use them? you just put then on, or is there some great art to arranging patches that’s i’m missing? or is she jumping showings off her new…finds from the dump?
DeleteAnonymous 4:50. LOL!!! at your dump line.
DeleteJust noticed in the pic for her latest bleg post that the mounted deer with an arrow crammed thru it's antlers is also wearing:
-Sun glasses
-Baseball hat
-An ankh
-A bracelet
Surprised she hasn't slapped a padded bra onto that poor thing. Or stuck a joint in it's mouth.
I loathe her hipster hovel, and its hokey decor. It looks like something that a teen would do. Oh, wait…
DeleteHer place looks like the inside of a past-its-prime dive bar: mismatched furniture, cheap art, dirty walls, filthy toilets, random "souvenirs" strewn about and crap taxidermy. She just can't ditch her Pennsylvania suburban taste, no matter how hard she tries for "hipster chic."
NEW THEORY - I was just poking around Reddit checking out the excellent ColdAntlerCritics subreddit - Link:
ReplyDeleteThere are a lot of great photos/posts that detail all of the Pig Shocker's lies. And I know in the past we discussed how could she possibly get away with bullshitting whilst Shannon was there. And I think we concluded that maybe she wasn't, otherwise Shannon would have called her out on it.
But...what if she was secretly lying about being broke and making up fake disasters, hoping Shannon didn't notice? But Shannon did. And it bothered her tremendously. That might explain why she suddenly fled CAF. I mean, finding out your partner is a lying sack of shit would be a deal breaker for sure. Maybe that's what happened.
I agree with what you wrote. I think that Shannon had finally seen the truth about Jenna, and it caused the breakup, and for her to move back to Boston. I also think that concerns about Covid were the impetus for her to live with Wog way too soon in their relationship.
DeleteIt’s very telling that they’re no longer friends. Many queer couples continue to be connected even after their romance ends. We can personally attest to it.
DeleteApparently, Taylor Swift broke up with her boyfriend. Watch Jenna use that to try to prove that she really is gay.
ReplyDelete“I knew that she was one of us!!!”
DeleteJenna’s obsessive fixation on famous females has become like a scary cyber stalker.
DeleteOf course, she’s already tweeting about the breakup.
DeleteOnly in Jenna’s disturbed thinking would she have a shot at dating Taylor now.
DeleteIt's so rude. Taylor is on a huge tour, and going through a breakup... and the gaylor masses use this time to go "I KNEW ITTTTT!"
DeleteLike when Shannon left Jenna - do we say that means Jenna is straight? No one here did that.
It's never okay to tell someone how to identify.
I was thinking the same thing!! When Shannon left Jenna, no one was like “welp, Jenna likes some dick!”
DeleteJenna comes across as being obsessive compulsive. In addition, to her other mental illnesses.
Delete“Yesterday I made more sales than I had in the past week combined, thank you so much. A third of the way there and busy with sketches this Sunday! THANK YOU! ONWARDDD!!!!”
ReplyDeleteNo one cares, cuuunnnttt!!!
Apparently, being a beggar is more lucrative than I thought.
DeleteWow considering all she does is whine no one buys from her... more sales than last week combined might be 2 sales!
ReplyDeleteExactly. I doubt that it’s true, too.
DeleteOnly 1 more logo spot!! She should have as many spots open as needed to pay the mortgage!
ReplyDeleteHer stupid scarcity claims are more manipulative marketing to filch free funds.
Delete“Have one more logo spot left at $125! Make my Sunday! (I will write you a haiku about your cat too)”
DeleteHere’s her haiku:
I don’t want to work
pay for my lazy lie-style
Taylor Swift is gay.
Yup, creating a scarcity is a popular and dishonest marketing scam. One more logo spot!! Like she's really gonna turn down other requests. She must think her foollowers are really stupid.
DeleteRECENTLY on reddit's ColdAntlerCritic subreddit there was a post that showed something that some supposed was a foreclosure letter, while others speculated it looked like a stack of fliers.
ALSO RECENTLY on Twitter, Jenna posted a pic of a package she received.
THE LABEL of that package says: Capitol Copy Glenn Sturgis -- who is the owner of that copy/printing service located in Vermont.
Sooooo...if those fliers in that photo are connected with that package, what on earth is she paying to have printed? And if not connected, the question of what she is paying to have printed still stands. For someone with no money, why would she have a need for a copy/printing service and what could it be?
Blank dog silhouettes for her to color in?
DeleteFliers for the concert with her phone number and a pic of her flexing in the bathroom mirror?
DeleteGood guesses. It might be some sort of TS artwork for the concert. Over at the TS subreddit the "Swifties" are showing off fan art and crafts to sell, trade or distribute at the show.
DeleteI was wondering that myself. Why is someone with no money ordering copies... of anything?? So strange.
ReplyDeleteShe has about a month until her Eras concert dates. Expecting begging to ramp up big time!!
ReplyDeleteSure. She’ll need to buy more Taylor Swift merchandise that’s Made in China.
DeleteI tuned Jenna onto ignore a while ago because honestly, the content just so boring but I thought I would pop in when the Taylor Swift breakup was announced. Jenna’s response was so very predictable in that it was all about Jenna’s own perception of how things really are in the life of someone who she has no personal relationship with. Taylor Swift is not a friend nor a family member or even an acquaintance. A breakup after a six year relationship is not a cause for rejoicing and celebrating what is surely a sad event for this young woman is callous and self centered. It’s so typical of Jenna projecting her lust and assumptions of TS’s sexuality onto a situation she knows nothing about. Her 13 year old mentality is embarrassing in a middle aged woman. Time to grow up darlin’.
ReplyDeleteSFF. That was well-put. Jenna behaves as if she’s 14 not 40. Her emotional maturity is stupid and stunted. And she has zero capacity for compassion.
DeleteIt’s like Jenna has to justify being a lesbian by making sure that her girl crush is one, too.
DeleteI would speculate that based on her dating history that TS is straight or possibly bi-curious but honestly, it’s nobody’s business and frankly, who cares? Living vicariously through a celebrity crush is messed up at any age and seriously messed up at age 40.
DeleteSFF. She’s a teen trapped in the obese body of a middle-aged moron.
Delete"Taylor Swift is not a friend nor a family member or even an acquaintance."
DeleteTrue, yet that didn't stop her from contacting Taylor several years ago and inviting her to CAF for free archery lessons. Did she really think TS would go for that? Delusional thinking, lol.
Anon7. Jenna was deeply delusional even thinking that Taylor Swift would respond to her insane invite. Let alone actually come to Cambridge.
DeleteI added a comment on pig shocker's various tweets to TS. Meant to put in here, but my software sometimes has a mind of its own. Now it's a separate comment. As ever, thanks for your insights.
Delete“Morning! I am a quarter of the way towards the March Mortgage, having covered the hay delivery, farrier, and some small bills. Trying to get this paid soon as possible so going to promote a lot and offer some stuff for sale. Please share anything in this thread, it helps!”
ReplyDeleteIt’s her infamous “fraction finances.” She’s a lying, lazy loser.
Her “promoting products” is only about being a beggar.
DeleteWhat about her “great gig writing scripts” that supposedly pays more than working for Stewart’s? I’ll bet that she either got fired, or it was another big lie. Paging “Rachel Keane” to shill her shit for free.
Deleteassuming that’s legitimate, any speculation on what the „scripts“ would be for?
DeleteProbably something shady like those wolf porn comics she was into a while back
Deletei feel like if that were the case, she‘d be posting about it more, so that’s why i suspect it’s something totally mundane. i wouldn’t be surprised if it’s in not actually „scripts“ at all and is instead some SEO-type text.
DeleteBear in mind that her ‘great gig’ could be a one off. Her relationship with the truth has always been suspect.
DeleteJenna’s been a rotten writer for years. There’s no way that she’s been hired to do scripts.
DeleteWell Lee at Moxie Ridge farm is hiring for the 2023 season for a Full-time Goat Dairy Farmhand and a Part-time Creamery Assistant. Part-time Farmhand positions will also be available. Would be a good job for a feral farmer and she might learn a thing or two.
"some small bills" = impulsive Amazon purchases (see below)
DeleteThe Pig Shocker sure has a lot of disposable income for someone who constantly complains about not having enough money for mortgage, wood and feed:
A quick online search for "mushroom lawn lights" prices them at $15-$25 for a set of these luxury solar powered non-necessities. TELL US AGAIN HOW BROKE YOU ARE JENNA!
I tried to post about this yesterday! Ridiculous. She’ll be showing these off all summer like her mason jar path lights that she showed constantly last year. Don’t worry guys! Jenna is 1/16 of the wAy to paying 1/3 of the March mortgage and paid all of her other bills. Farrier and hay must cost pennies.
DeleteJenna is always bragging about her new purchases, but also constantly crying wolf that she’s broke. Her whole life is lies.
DeleteOh my gosh, I saw "I am a quarter of the way towards the March Mortgage" and came a-runnin' over here because WHAT! Jenna! Get! A! Job! You can't pay your mortgage and the world is tired of hearing about it. Someone MUST have shown you how to budget - shelter comes FIRST you ding-dong. You make sure you can afford your shelter first so that you're not the fanciest woman living out of her car with her dogs, no job, and your animals sold to Messrs. Glue & Dog Food Factories. Why is it so hard to admit that you need more income coming in regularly? Your friends and family would rejoice knowing that you weren't relying on the kindness of strangers and were able to fund your own life (let's be real, you're no poster girl for homesteading or self-sufficiency - more like a horrible spectacle to others that reminds them to make sure they're planning for retirement).
DeleteRe: the printing, I wondered if she'd gotten her *newwwwww booOOOookkkkk* professionally printed (because she doesn't have a printer up on top of a mountain dontcha know).
- DaffodilAnonymous
DA. Exactly. You’ve nailed it.
DeleteHer stalking of Taylor Swift is creepy. Honestly, if I was on Taylor Swift's security team, I'd put pig shocker on a watch list.
ReplyDeleteHere are 'some' of the many tweets she directly addressed to Taylor Swift, starting in 2017.
* I believe she has a soul
* Everyone needs to listen to Dress again... her coming out anthem.
*@taylorswift13 If you're into falconry NY State has A LOT to offer in the sport. Big community. Interesting whistles. Oversized sweaters for days. Also, hawks.
*commenting on calendar with provocative photo "attagirl"
*sends overused photo of her in her "oversized sweater", holding bow, while pretending to ride Merlin "BEEN ready for today, @taylorswift13"
*Nothing safe is worth the drive
*Saw 2 shooting stars light up... while listening to Lover. @taylorswift13 was this an Easter egg?
*I didn't listen to a leak. Bought the album...just plain excited. @taylorswift13
*The larger story we are a part of is so much more than the sum of it's small parts. Thank you, @taylorswift13
*Worth it, but be ready for the bloodbath on the day tickets go on sale online.
*...while I was on my back, on the side of the road... trying to pull out the muffler that rusted completely off @taylorswift13 dropped signed cds... and they are all sold out.
If I ever meet her she's signing that muffler.
*So let me get this straight, @taylorswift13... I get an email my cardigan is being derivered the same day the Hudson Valley special drops and are you a witch?
Sadly, there's much more.
PDD. Thanks for your list. It’s good to refresh our memories, and for newbies to know.
DeleteI’ve commented many times about her scary, cyber stalking of famous females. I’ve also mocked her stupid tweet that you’ve cited “Come to Cambridge. There are oversized sweaters for days!”
OMG, she's such a leg humper. And so creepy.
Delete"If I ever meet her she's signing that muffler."
Sounds like a threat. I mean, it's one thing to say that to your friends, but to directly tweet that to her? Seriously unhinged behavior. Also, doesn't she know TS doesn't personally read comments? She hires people to do that.
Truly disturbing when you see it all out in a list like that. Thank you PDD!
Delete- DaffodilAnonymous
ReplyDeleteI’ve never seen anyone who isn’t famous with more rotten ratings than Jenna.
Lol, one of those reviews is mine.
DeleteAnon7. And we’ve both left one, too.
DeleteHere come the crows again. She doesn’t get it that nobody wants this stuff no matter how many times and in how many different ways she tries to sell it.
ReplyDelete“You can’t polish poop.” Her crows are crap.
DeleteOh boy, the crows again....nobody wanted to pay for the original illustrations, so it totally makes complete fiscal sense to pay for them to be professionally matted and framed and THEN offer them for sale AGAIN. Jeesh, I'm in Canada and we are getting some severe hits to the wallet right now, but nowhere near as bad as it's been for America for as long as it's been bad - nobody has the MONEY for this! When people are flush, sure, throw a few bucks to the not-very-good artist at the craft fair - when people need to stick to their budget, the fun purchases (like not-very-well-done art) are the first to go. Caveat - I have bought art at a craft show recently, but; the watercolour was three times the size of what's being offered by Jenna, $50 and no shipping, the artist is nationally shown, his work has been on the cover of Canadian tourism brochures, and is a lot more timeless and beautiful than a crow thinking about McDonald's fries...just, what is she thinking? Her IG is something I look at to marvel at the spectacle!
Delete- DaffodilAnonymous
It looks like some moron named Trasherati, how appropriate, bought her crap crows.
DeleteI mean great that Jenna made $50 bucks I guess? She needs to account for all of the time she put in to make the crowd, promote them for YEARS. Frames/ matte $$$. She probably lost money. She loves to post stuff about artists and what they deserve yet sells her own stuff for thrift store prices. She should be ashamed... but we know she’s not. She has no “digitiny” as you all know!
DeleteI doubt she had them professionally framed. You can buy frame sets like that at craft stores or online. It maybe cost her $10 ea to frame them.
DeleteBut yeah, given she doesn't have (refuses to set up) an online shop, and she had to hit reshare a bunch of times on twitter, her actual profit here is probably a wash. That doesn't really matter though considering she doesn't need to live off that money and does this just to be able to talk about herself.
Ahhh, okay, thank you WiW! I didn't know that's what it probably was. All that "work" to make a $40-or-less profit...
DeleteThat was me, DaffodilAnonymous, right above there, d'oh!
DeleteCrows not crowd
ReplyDeleteAnon often and rightly points out one cannot be both victor and victim, but Faux Farmer frequently attempts this.
ReplyDeleteOn Twitter, the following was posted about a certain ex-politician who makes a practice of being "the best, the smartest & the one who needn't listen to anyone," whilst also claiming to be victimized by everyone. Sound familiar?
After listening to one particular speech about victimization, @narceducator, a specialist who educates others about narcissists, wrote:
"That entire speech was a narcissist scorned. He is simultaneously the bully and the victim. He creates his own reality with lies and distortions to re-establish power and entitlement, to gaslight and disarm others, and portray himself as having suffered unimaginable persecution.
The me, me, me litany of injury becomes disjointed (to incoherent), absurd, clownish and an assault on the listener’s senses and sensibilities. He engaged in all the manipulative tactics — false equivalence, moving the goalposts, red herrings, blame shifting, playing the victim."
These are the signs of a narcissistic personality disorder. Change the person to FF, but the disorder remains the same.
PDD. I’m the Anon who says “One can’t be both victim and victor at the same time.” Jenna is a classic narcissist. Her personality disorder can’t be fixed. Especially, since she’s blind to it.
DeleteExcellent comparison, PDD. And on some level, she must know that what she does (begging) is wrong yet she does it anyway.
Delete“Pet portraits still on sale, $50 for full color shipped anywhere in the WORLD! Support a small farm, get something cool as hell (they look better in person than the angles I hold them up at) and support a queer solo female farm!”
ReplyDeleteGFY, Jenna.
She’s trying to use the queer card as a means of more manipulative marketing. Jenna’s followers continue to drop as they become aware of her unethical behavior. And her “art” is awful at any “angle.”
DeleteIt’s no surprise that she’s still “solo.” Jenna is inherently repulsive and unlikable.
DeleteEvery one of her foollowers already KNOWS she sells pet portraits. She reminds them EVERY DAY. And being that she maybe gets one new follower per week, her constant begging for sales has to be super irritating for all.
DeleteI don’t know why she insists of posting pics before washing her fat, filthy fingers. Her hygiene is horrid.
ReplyDeleteinsists on
DeleteAnd her nails always look nasty. I doubt that she even cleans underneath them.
DeleteIt’s probably all part of her feral farmer persona.
Deletenot gonna attract the ladies...
DeleteWiW. It won’t “attract” anyone, let alone “the ladies.”
DeleteEver notice how her nail polish is never chipped? I used to paint my nails and even with gentle activities like light housework and clothing design my nails chipped like crazy.
DeleteBut here she is, supposedly a hardworking farmer, hauling heavy rocks, water buckets, digging gardens, mending fences, yet her polish is never chipped? Either she applies a fresh coat daily...or she sits on her ass all day.
We should start saying FFFFF for Filthy Fingers Faux Feral Farmer.
DeleteF5 for short.
ReplyDeletethis lavender haze book! does she really think TS wrote it?
ReplyDeleteI think she is proving to herself that TS is in fact gay since the poetry is gay and TS has a song Lavender Haze??!! I think TS’s team gets a kick out of riling up folks like Jenna!!!
DeleteJenna is righting an article but crowdsourcing material from randos on Twitter. Much writer, much sought after aw-thor.
TS is a master at marketing her brand. Literally laughing all the way to the bank as Jenna and her ilk throw away money compulsively purchasing all things Taylor. Gay men love Cher as lesbians worship TS. It's like a license to print money.
DeleteOne very lame, basement baby style answer to her crowdsourcing plea. She has no business writing as an authority on something she had no effing idea about.
DeleteI agree with Taylor and her team laughing all the way to the bank. They took that to the extreme when they put out the album with all the rainbow costumes, sets, and videos.
I also saw a video yesterday on a recap of the Eras concert that a music reviewer had just seen. The part that stood out to me was his comment that the core of swifties are in their late twenties now, with that being the majority and then their small children who are being brought into the fold. I find that to be true as my bff is in her late twenties, and she is taking her three young girls to the concert in our area.
Whatever will a 40 yr old socially awkward gal do surrounded by so many outside her age group ?
I for one will get the popcorn out to see what Jenna wears! There will be a lot of gaping maw, pleather, Indiana Jones cosplay, and hope on feathers and hooves that she meets a lesbian that wants to be isolated on a mountain and pay all her bills!
DeleteYou hit that nail on the head. It's gonna be epic Jenna. I'm sure she will pull out all the stops.
DeleteAnother thought regarding her concert outfit. Maybe she’ll go all ‘lavender haze’ and try to pull off a fem look but please no more lemur dress. Whatever she chooses it will reek of trailer trashed chic.
DeleteCorrection: ‘trailer trash’ but on second thought ‘trashed’ may be more appropriate.
Delete“Good morning from Cold Antler Farm. It's going to be over 80 today! I already worked up a seat moving pasture fencing in the sheep's field! Mucked the coop yesterday, preparing for planting today. Moving dirt and dreaming of flowers. Praying for sales, keeping on.”
ReplyDelete“sweat* not seat. But I am not an editor. clearly.”
What a moron.
“Clearly,” she’s a rotten writer who won’t take time to edit her work.
DeleteUnfortunately, her former editor, can also attest to Jenna’s sloppy writing. It’s one of the reasons that the Birchthorn book bombed. Heather had only negative things to say about working with Wog.
DeleteClearly. Whatever this dumb publication is, it speaks to their lack of credibility to be asking a known internet beggar to write an article about strange phenomenon in nature. Ummm, how about asking a real naturalist, or a botanist, or a zoologist/biologist to write that? Whatever would a random twitter beggar contribute to this scientific topic??
Delete“Hey! Working on a freelance article on strangest things that occur in nature! Suggestions welcome!”
ReplyDeleteOnly one weirdo has responded six hours later.
How lazy. She can't figure out how to use the internet to research?
DeleteAs for suggestions, I'd say HER. Imagine seeing someone on a hike with half the contents of their house strapped to their back.
IG: supposedly planting food today and flowers. And moving stones around. She’s been reading lesbian rom coms. ( that Look purchased not borrowed from a library cough cough— no money??) Glad her ankle is better and everything is just so great again. Oh and we all Know money is tight for our Jenna, she cannot pay her bills but she is going to paint her front door purple by mid May.
ReplyDeleteI know when money’s tight and bills are behind, most people buy new rom com books, paint to jazz up the front door and plant lots of flowers!! I think Suze Orman suggests those things specifically if you are struggling financially. ( which we know Jenna is NOT!!)
Ooooh, great catch regarding her ankle! Just a few days ago it was still broken, and now she's hauling heavy stones around for aesthetic purposes? Liar liar...
DeleteI feel terrible for the people seated in front of Jenna, because you know her shrill voice will be yell-singing every single word of every single song.
ReplyDeleteOh GAWD, those people suuuuucck!! Best solution is to tell them you can't hear the singer. It usually works. But yeah, the Pig Shocker squealing out each note...someone please pass me some ice picks I can jam in my ears.
DeleteI think F5 should paint her whole house purple, in case someone in town doesn't know she's a lesbian. The color would go wonderfully with those hideous mushroom garden lights.
ReplyDeleteEarlier, I suggested her interior décor resembles a run-down dive bar, but I may've been too generous. Hands-down, she has the worst taste I've ever seen. She reminds me of a crazed woman I knew, who painted each room of her rented apartment a clashingly different & gaudy BRIGHT color with wide black molding. Worse, I think she did this to 'get back' at her landlord for some imagined slight. Come to think of it, she also dressed like F5, with tasteless ensembles - shockingly awful clothes for which she paid $$$.
Maybe they're related...
Maybe the above is too snarky, but her showing off atrocious purchases (inside a dirty house) and thinking they make her special needs to stop. By now, she's probably a joke among her acquaintances, and I sort of feel bad for her. Sure, they won't say much, but eye rolls are sure to follow. Hope someone sits her down and helps her understand that a graphic artist should show some taste.
Yeah, she should paint her door along with planting the flowers and whatever else she said she was going to do to spruce up her place. A "pretty" purple door will help when the roof leaks and the pipes freeze. Even her "add-on" flower seed packets add up. Seeds are not cheap nowadays. All those small amounts she squanders could be put in a jar or a separate bank account and cashed in when it builds up. It's amazing how much extra change can add up to. She needs a lesson (or two) in budgeting and how to handle money.
DeleteNot too snarky at all, PDD. Heck, she should go all out and paint the whole house in rainbow stripes. You know, just to be crystal clear, as I don't feel the front door pride flag gets the message across.
DeleteAnon 7:30 - Exactly. All the non-essential crap she buys is mortgage money squandered. Recently she bought some silkies chickens. And on Tamron Hall last week, her guests were animal vets who brought out various animals, including silkies, and they said that they are not for eggs and meat, that they are purely ornamental. So another waste of funds.
On Instagram, the Pig Shocker posted another pic of her new mushroom lawn lights next to her sunny yoga deck. Someone commented on them and she replied:
ReplyDelete"best $12.99 i ever spent"
Seriously?!? That $13 (plus tax) wouldn't be best spent on the mortgage? Obviously, she's a successful enough beggar that she has surplus funds after she pays her bills. So why not toss that extra money towards next month's mortgage or an emergency fund?
"CuZ i'M dEpReSseD aNd nEeD sOmEtHInG nEw anD ShiNy tO cHeEr mE uP"
No, the best money she could ever spend is the money she earns herself, via a JOB.
Ridiculous. There are these cute garden lights advertised on IG all the time... that I really want. They would make me happy in that I love to garden (flowers and veggies) and I get such joy out of the months spent growing each year. I have a job and could “afford” to buy these lights. Would they be “the best purchase” like Jenna says? No not really. I want to pay off my mortgage in the next few months, that is my goal. So you can bet if I had $12.99 for lights I would throw that at the mortgage. Her financial responsibilities are terrible but so “on trend” with other “influencers” that buy stuff just to post. Jenna is in a high right now due to the concert coming up... note that her ankle, teeth, farm, animals, car, house, is greaty great, great!!! What happened to woe is me Wog? When will she return? It’s the middle of the month! That March mortgage still hasn’t been paid— or has it?
ReplyDeleteNope. Also, notice the crows are up for sale again. The one that supposedly claimed them appears to have been joking. I bet what happened was they thought it was $50 for the pair, and Wog was like, nah. It’s $50 each. I wouldn’t pay that.