
I don't think I’ve ever known about someone her age that has such a small tiny life.  She really has nothing.  I realize people have different priorities but she has no anything.  No family, no friends, no work, no hobbies,  no activities, no nothing.
She would say she has those things…like family.  But it doesn’t feel like she is at all invested.  If she wasn’t able to see her sister for instance…it doesn’t feel like it would phase her for a minute.  I'm sure this all has a lot to do with her many mental issues.  I've never seen anybody that is so flat in her life.


  1. The only hobby she's stuck to is lying. She must get a perverse thrill from fabricating the truth; after all, "live like fiction" is her mantra, and if she can monetize it, so much the better. I don't know if she ever speaks the truth.

    In her March blog, "You're All Caught Up", she pulled out all the stops to pluck heartstrings of her readers - poor, scrappy homesteader, alone on the mountain, facing all sorts of obstacles, while taking care of her animal family.

    She wrote: "Merlin is very much retired now, over 30 years old" and, I thought, hang on... wait a minute, that's not true. He was foaled sometime in 1996, so he's only just turned 27.

    Yep, she LIED about something as simple as her horse's age, now making him seem older, likely to justify how bad he looks. It's only a few years difference, but it's another example of how she lies to present the particular narrative she wants. Sadly, I think Merlin's outlived his usefulness and will become another largely-ignored castoff.

    Thar her followers put various pieces together never ceases to amaze me.

    1. PDD. Exactly. She only excels at pathological lying and being a beggar.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindApril 16, 2023 at 5:12 AM

      Last sentence should start with: That her followers don't put various pieces together...

      PS On IG, unlike Twitter where her major begs are posted, she crowed about the many purchases she'll be making. Amazing to see for someone who claims to be unable to feed animals or pay mortgage on time.

    3. I think the real reason for her followers not catching up with her lies is, look at her latest beg. It’s been retweeted by her at least twice and it only has 16 shares. That’s her base. That’s her followers.

  2. If you have IG go watch her stories where she goes on a crazy rant about how she wants everyone to dress like they do in the ms. maisel Show ( I don’t watch it, but it’s def on a streaming service 😉) she describes her perfect lewk... but non binary. Her dog craps while she’s filming.
    Jenna you can dress and wear your hair however you want to... you don’t need everyone to dress a certain way so you can too.

    Another story talks about how men hate TS because women love her and she’s bigger than men. I have never in my life heard a male or female talk about TS at all so I cannot even begin to think where she gathers her information from since she barely leaves her house!!!

    Oh and while you are watching her unhinged stories... she posted other people’s tweets that they saw people having lesbian gay sex in the bathroom at the TS concert. Jenna’s titillated and keeping it classy.

    1. Since turning 40 her cognitive abilities have continued declining. I think that it’s due to drinking, drugs, and a serious mental illness. Jenna comes across as being crazy and unhinged.

  3. So Jenna's on IG talking about fashion. Yes, seriously. Like she has a clue. She is actually the anti fashionista.

    1. We’ve met her in person many times. She has no sense of style.

    2. Jenna is dumpy and frumpy.

  4. HD. That was well-put. She’s even referred to herself as having a “small dumb life.” Our dog has a more exciting existence than Jenna’s.

  5. FF retweeted the sentiment of a fellow who says that he doesn’t trust people who have private instagram accounts wondering what they are hiding. JW agreed with the sentiment “100,000,000%”. Shannon, the love of her weird life, had a private account.

    1. It’s funny how narcissistic people think isn’t it!?? I am private because:
      1. I don’t need to beg money from strangers-my bills are paid
      2. What I’m doing is no ones business. Nothing to hide, just who cares what I’m doing!!??😂
      When you put yourself out there on SM, don’t be shocked that people will comment on you, your looks, your spending, your dirty house... YOU are selling yourself out to complete strangers to consume. No thanks! But yeah, private accounts have something to hide. Jenna- you should be hiding 100,000,000,000% of the garbage you post! I’m embarrassed for you!

    2. It reminds me of the time she said she would block any Twitter followers who didn’t post a profile picture. Like everyone on social media is so honest and transparent. Yeah, right. She herself is a great example of a heavily curated feed. If she is so virtuous she should forget about all the slimming filters and blatant lies.

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindApril 16, 2023 at 1:29 PM

      Paging Rachel Keane...

    4. PDD. I often say that about “Rachel Keane” here. We’re almost positive that it’s one of Wog’s other accounts. It’s too coincidental that she shows up to shill her shit for free, whenever Jenna is begging.

    5. So does her friend / ex Becca, her concert companion of last resort.

  6. Jenna who never leaves her farm is showing off a huge waffle cone for “dinner” on IG

    1. I came here to comment on that post. A few days ago someone commented on how her nail polish is not even chipped. This is the same mail polish. Several days later. Same finger. Again, hardly any chips. Some may think this is petty, but I bring it up for several reasons. I’m a hobby farmer with gardens, orchard, chickens, goats, and a full time off farm job. If I a) ever find the time to apply nail polish because I run for solid 12 hour work days between the farm and the office. B) if I do apply it, it is chipped by the next evening, max c) did she treat herself to a gel nail salon mani which is not cheap, but stays on longer and curls up at the base of the nail sort of like hers has. Now, I have no problem with anyone treating themselves to a mani. But if you are online, begging 24/7 and telling the world in a most embarrassing chronic way that you can NOT afford even your basic housing bill, you have no business getting a gel mani at a salon.

    2. *nail polish, not mail🤣

    3. Oh but she is NOT eating out or driving ANYWHERE. Nope!

    4. It’s no wonder why her body is obese with scarfing waffle cones for dinner.

    5. I also don’t get why Wog does her nasty nails. It looks odd on her fat, filthy fingers, and actually accentuates her man hands.

    6. I’ve seen the polish in person, and it’s far from being flawless. It looks like she gnaws on her nails as a nervous habit.

    7. Nail brushes cost like, $1.

    8. Her insistence on trying to come across as a farm femme rather than being a big butch is stupid. Jenna can’t pull it off, because it’s all an act. The nail polish is like her wearing that lurid lipstick that made her look like a drag queen.

    9. It comes down to Jenna not knowing her core identity. Even at age 40 she’s still searching for something.

    10. "Oh but she is NOT eating out or driving ANYWHERE. Nope!"

      THIS is what I don't understand about her. She writes about pending foreclosure and never leaving the fauxrm unless she absolutely HAS TO...and then makes posts like that.

  7. “Pet portraits are $50 each until I can sell at least 4 of them! Please share if not interested, and if you are interested send me a message! I can't tell you how much a single sale changes the entire mood around here, it's hope! Thank you for even considering!”

    It’s Monday moanin’, and poor, desperate little Jenna is begging again.

    1. I guess that she’s already been fired from her “gig writing scripts.” Reactionary Jenna made a point to say that “it paid more than working part-time at a Stewart’s,” as if to counter people telling her here to get a job.

    2. Paging “Rachel Keane” to shill her shit for free.

    3. “Be my first pet portrait sale of the day!”

      She tweeted this an hour ago with zero replies. Jenna reeks of desperation. In addition to having horrid hygiene.

    4. It’s amazing that she doesn’t understand her desperation is also detrimental to any dating prospects. It’s like there’s a stupid separation in her sick mind between begging and other activities.

    5. She acts as if $50 is a sale price. It's not. Those low effort off-center portraits have been $50 for a long time. Lol, remember when she used to charge $150 for them? And $400 for a logo?

    6. anon 11:36, i think she’s got magical thinking that ”hot girls“ only notice the ”i‘m winning life“ half of her stream of mixed messages.



    1. She’s proud to be compared to those uncomplimentary images. Being a badger is nothing to brag about.

    2. I think badgers are cute looking... but I don’t want to date one. Here’s the thing, there’s a lid for every pot. Jenna is someone’s type. The issue is that Jenna is not confident in herself. If she was, she wouldn’t compare herself to Shrek. She also fancies herself a sage who wants some young doe eyed girl to show the ropes.... but she can’t afford rope because refuses to work. She also has put it out there that she’s looking for someone to share the bills and workload. That would be a huge red flag for most mature people. Younger people want to actually do stuff and have fun, not sit around her farm giving Jenna money, and eating soft serve for dinner.

    3. I don’t know whose “type” Jenna would be. Her “pot” probably doesn’t have a “lid” that fits.

    4. No one worthy wants an animal abusing beggar, pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer like Jenna.

    5. Yep, her easily searchable and horrible online reputation is no doubt the reason that not many fish in the sea are biting.

  9. Once again, VERY confused about Jenna’s logo biz. So on IG, she posts a “check out this logo I made for this author” post. Logo is pretty terrible but ok whatever. I google this author and it’s just a bunch is dead links and sketchy posts. Just very odd and weird. Any other CAS sleuths have any thoughts? I think Jenna just makes random logos but they are not paid for contracted business.

    1. I thought and did the same. I thought the logo was super crappy, off balance, cheap, lacks creativity.
      Then I googled the author. Many dead end links and sketchy content. Stumbled upon an author page for her with a grand total of 78 followers.
      It figures.
      Birds of the feather flock together.

    2. I checked her out. Her previous logo on Facebook is so much better than the sloppy one F5 "created". Really, it's awful she got suckered into a forgetful logo.

    3. Her whole life is lies.

    4. And as usual, she sucks at kerning. The "A" in Ashley is an ocean away from the "S"

  10. “They say people can’t change but my ex really instilled a work ethic in me that’s unshakable. I feel so sick and still got a thousand words into my next freelance piece, got a logo to a client, did all the farm work and updated the blog and I won’t rest until I make a new sale.”

    “I can’t relax like people with a dependable income, but I can keep posting and writing and working to stave off the anxiety so that’s what I do.”

    Yeah, she’s really “sick.” In the head. It’s only a ploy for prodding pity purchases, and manipulative marketing. Once again, as cited above, here’s Jenna’s justification and reactionary response to our comments. It’s laughable for her to even mention having a “work ethic,” when bombarding followers with begging is what she does almost daily. What a lying, lazy loser. It’s her choice to not have a stable career and income. She acts as if her crappy decisions were made someone else. And she rigidly refuses to “change” her stubborn and stupid rut.

    1. No one cares about your “anxiety” and “terrors.” You’ve brought it all on yourself by continuing to operate a faux farm that’s never been solvent, by your own admission, in over a decade of running your hovel into the ground. Funny, how you can’t even mention your “ex” by her name now, even though Shannon supposedly “instilled” that “unshakable work ethic.” Yeah, it’s really obvious by the little, lasting credit you’ve given her, since she ended the relationship, and moved back to Boston. GFY, Jenna.

    2. Shannon was wise to dump the Cambridge Queen of Con. I’m sure that she’s never regretted making that mature decision. Staying safe when Covid started was why she moved in way too soon with Wog. But a peaceful, country environment isn’t possible when your partner would rather whine than work, and expects you to pay for more than your fair share of living expenses.

    3. Gosh, why didn't she mention the pair of Taylor Swift concert tickets she has & could sell for hundreds of dollars? Entitled, much?

    4. PDD. Jenna has never been able to sacrifice any of her creature comforts just to pay those pesky little bills like her mortgage payments.

    5. PDD. What’s wrong with you?! That’s too sensible of a suggestion for Jenna. It’s like advising that she sell her horses, livestock, and one of two vehicles.

    6. Sometimes I low-key wish her latest book would be published so we could find out why Shannon fled.

    7. Anon7, Jenna would have no personal insight to how she contributed to that breakup, let alone the accountability to admit her part. We would never get the truth from her. Shannon herself has a non-existent online presence, so we are not likely to hear anything from her, though I'm sure she would tell the truth, and it would be something along the lines of, "I had very reasonable asks, she kept making promises she didn't keep, and I finally couldn't take it anymore after she bought something frivolous after I paid the electric bill, and she blew up in a rage after I called her on her shit."

  11. Her new blog... crikey!!! Mentally ill!

    1. I copied it below. It’s a bunch of bull.

    2. She has to be. Cuz she cries poor all the time, begs for sales and donations, and then turns around and posts pics of non-essential luxury items. A normal person would keep those purchases on the down-low. But she feels the need to share. And doesn't realize the bad optics.

  12. 4,742 and continuing to decline almost daily. Jenna also unfollows anyone who has the nerve to flee her train wreck. She’s thin-skinned about no one’s feelings but her own.

  13. Shedding and Showers
    One of the advantages of being up early is getting all the chores done before the rain starts in earnest. That’s how this Monday started. I was outside opening coops and feeding the horses in the blue/yellow light of a morning heavy with the portends of a soggy day. The sky was gray and clouds low. The wind only moved the very top buds on the king maple, and the wounded pigeon that is recovering from a broken wing in my barn was resting on a rafter instead of out stealing chicken feed. Everyone is fed, everyone has shelter, and the mild weather feels like a victory even if it's bleak. Spring bleakness hits different than the fall. The promises are better.

    I know Merlin is out in the calm rain, with his just-brushed shedding coat. The ravens that nest nearby steal from the piles of his black hair for their nests. Mabel is bossing him around the paddock, like a proper chestnut mare will. The ewes and goat are enjoying the same breakfast, as everyone still needs hay until the grass starts to truly reach. (I did move their fencing to allow for more pasture to have a chance to thrive away from their cherrypicking.)

    The shearer appointment is made. The farrier has already been here. The goat’s hooves have been trimmed. The mare wormed. And the chicken coop was mucked a few days ago. I forgot how much work that was. How moving wagon-load after wagon-load of soggy hay was easier with a 25-year-old back than with a 40-year-old one. But I got it done and the coop is a beauty. I’m sunburned, but happy. An April sunburn is welcome as hell.

    I’m low on hay but hope to buy more soon as things turn around. I believe things will. And in the meantime I have adopted a level of frugality I have never practiced before. And while it does sting saying no thank you to every invitation to go meet for dinner or drinks, I’ve actually been more social than I’ve been all winter hosting company here. Friends have been stopping by. Yesterday my friend Jessie came with her new puppy and we drank coffee and swung in the chair hammocks for hours just gabbing. My friend Miriam stopped by with flowers a few days earlier and some co-religionists of mine who are part of the growing community here; we’re already planning Midsummer festivities while I prepare for Beltane at the farm. I’ve never made a May pole before but excited to make one from a locust pole and some ribbon for the kids! There will be a community potluck brunch here on the day. I just hope things are a little greener by then. This place really glows when there’s more chlorophyll.

    I have a source for piglets and lambs, and they are in reserve. Now for the work of saving up to purchase them. I have been working outside every day to make the place a little better. I move stones from the pasture to all around the house, making little walls. I plant flowers, buying a $2 seed packet every time I run to the hardware store. Buying a tray of annuals seems like an unnecessary expense but I can swing seed packets. A reader sent me some sunflowers seeds in a note and I planted them, sunflowers I always have luck with it I can keep the young plants safe from the geese!”

    1. “The garden is slowly getting attention, it is so early for upstate New York but this current heat spike got the whole town outside planting lettuce and radishes and peas. Mine are all in the ground and next will be the kailyard when I can get more seeds. I have potatoes to plant, saved from last year. I have a lot to stay busy with.

      And right now as I type this Gibson is asleep beside me, Friday is snoring on an armchair. The cats are curled up, the rain falls gently. I have a freelance article to research and outline, logos to start, and hopefully another sale will come in today and help me catch up on last months mortgage before I get into the danger zone. But what can we do but hope and keep working and take it one day at a time? That’s what I have always done. And I find that the harder I work, and the more I share and promote, the better the chances are I get to stay here another month.

      Here’s to the coffee in our own pots, the hay left in our spring barns, the seeds in the wet ground, and the mornings that feel like rain. June will come.”

    2. Here’s the summation:

      It’s a crappy combo of lies, weird word salad, and her usual pity plea for donations.

    3. Does her newfound “level of frugality” include buying two tickets to a pricey concert, driving to eat a waffle cone for dinner, and spending more money on Taylor Swift trinkets?

    4. And buying more livestock makes SO much sense when you’re in the foreclosure “danger zone.” Her always mentioned “one more month” is a total lie. When it’s very obvious that her bills are being paid by outside sources.

    5. I’m shocked that she hasn’t mentioned magic and luck like usual. I loathe the fake and wistful optimism that she always ends her stupid posts with.

    6. A Legend in Her Own MindApril 17, 2023 at 5:08 PM

      Having to "save money" to buy lambs and piglets when people already sent her money as pre-purchase for their shares? Tell me how that works again??

      Using hay as bedding for chicken coop? You NEVER use hay. What a disgusting waste of hay and it's unsanitary to boot. Hay absorbs too much water, unlike straw or shavings, and it harbors bacteria and mold. Can you imagine how rank that coop is after half a year of accumulated filth?? You'd think a self-appointed chicken expert would know better. SMH

    7. That blehg post is nothing more than a long, rambling justification for her non-stop begging.

      And the part about having "adopted a level of frugality" -- Bitch, pease.


  14. Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    Due to hay and internet costs I am down to a 1/3 of the the way towards last month mortgage with very little hope and very high anxiety, please share the sales I have below if you want to. Thank you for taking the time to consider.

    Can anyone get through to her?? Anyone? This is a Jenna problem. She needs hay because she keeps animals. Internet access costs money. These are bills that aren’t going away ( I mean she could stop the farm animal nonsense!!!) so pay your bills Jenna!! Begging is not “work”

    1. unanticipated expenses lol

    2. Responsible adults who cannot afford their livestock do the right thing: re-home the animals and don't buy more.

  15. According to IG she needs a miracle! She’s trying to sell pork shares again as well. Whomp whomp.

    Looking into my crystal ball... I see Jenna paying her miracle mortgage payment on or around 4/28!!! Details are cloudy on what tale she will spin on how she got the money earned up last minute!!!

    1. Yeah, it’s the old “this farm needs a miracle,” because the lying, lazy loser refuses to support herself like a normal adult.

  16. enna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    Some days I regret ever choosing this life. I can't even focus on the work I need to do to help myself. turning off my phone and charging my laptop to get some air. things can still turn around

    Get a job? Really that’s the solution. Just a job. Any job. You don’t have to love it, it doesn’t have to fill your soul. Just pay you bills.

    1. Exactly. I just said the same thing below.

    2. She “regrets” not getting donations like when she was younger, and people cut her some slack for being a newbie. It’s very obvious, over a decade later, that Jenna is a blatant beggar.

    3. What a LIAR. What happened to the millions of times she said she had no regrets and would not change anything? Or how if given the choice she would still quit that job and buy a farm she couldn't afford? And how she is living her dream and is super satisfied with her dumb choices? Ugh, she is lying once again for pity donations.

    4. She turned off her phone? I thought she didn't have a cellphone. LOL!!!

  17. Things That Make You Go HmmmApril 18, 2023 at 11:52 AM

    On Twitter; "I can't wait until I'm in a place where everyday isn't a panic to just survive and I can use this app to do things like make funny little comments and complain about weather. I occasionally do this, but it's under duress."
    *Oh, that's right. She uses IG Stories to post so, so many comments on weather, life, snarky observations, and Taylor Swift's music & sexuality.

    "I can’t relax like people with a dependable income, but I can keep posting and writing and working to stave off the anxiety so that’s what I do."
    * How about getting a job?? With steady income and benefits?? I'll bet that drops "anxiety".

    Lots of people look after more animals than she has, and they still have time for hobbies, exercise, travel, social life, families, the community... and they don't lie or beg for $$$$.

    1. Her “duress” is due to Jenna’s own stupid and stubborn refusal to just get a stable job. But she’d rather whine than work.

    2. Jenna has no humor. Her asinine attempts at “funny little comments” are always total failures.

    3. Her “panic to survive” is Jenna’s choice. No one’s forever her to buy a faux farm that she’s never been able to afford and maintain. Her dumb dream is dead. She’s clearly, incapable of making mature decisions to correct her crash course.

    4. If her “panic” were really true, then she’d sell her two pricey concert tickets to see Taylor Swift. And also get rid of her horses, livestock, and one vehicle. Her fake fears are more manipulative marketing to filch free funds by trying to elicit empathy from fools.

    5. It was just a few days ago she posted about how rosy everything is. And dreams of new animals, new gardens, new flowers...oh, all the lovely possibilities!

      Just 4 days ago she wrote, "Perfect day" and went on and on how wonderful everything is! And now she is on the brink of disaster unless you send her money!!

      But don't worry, cuz even if you don't, things will somehow be magically perfect again! And how "wealthy" she is in life, even without folded cash! Because she is living a feral life that no one understands!! All alone on the side of a mountain!!!

  18. Down to 4,739 today. And she also unfollows anyone who jumps off her sinking ship non-tent account.

    1. Lately a lot of people have been unfollowing her. It’s almost daily. I think that some of them have read about her rotten reputation, and they’ve also discovered this blog.

    2. She’s just lost two more followers today, and is down to 4,737.

  19. The internet is a different place than it was when she got started. She hasn’t evolved. She keeps begging the same 4000 people to buy crap from her or donate every day. Not a solid plan.

    If she really wants to be a farmer, than show it, what are you doing? You say you planted veg... show us, show how to do it.. do some DITL posts seasonally, recipes using the pork you raise, let’s SEE it Jenna. You literally are giving nothing and expecting people to support you for it!

    1. Jenna’s always been a massively self-entitled cunt. She expects people to pay for her lie-style.

    2. So so so so true! She wants money for supposedly being a homesteader/farmer but offers no pictorial proof or written stories/descriptions. Basically she is asking people to pay for her tweets and IG entries.

      And that 4,000 only seems to be about 100 active foollowers...the rest are purchased bots.

  20. “Two watercolor sketches showing exactly how I feel today. Ready to give up, and ready to chill out.”

    GFY, Jenna. Why not stuff your fake fat face with another waffle cone for dinner.

    1. “If anyone wants one of these just DM, any offer over $15 accepted.”

      She makes me cringe with embarrassment for her desperation. It’s pathetic to sell her stupid scribbles for so little.

    2. Selling the drawings for so little, is actually a deliberate attempt to come across as being so desperate, that she’ll settle for a smaller amount.

    3. This is all for travel funding for the concert. That's going to cost at least a grand in addition to the tickets and she's sad she won't have cash to buy ALL the merch 🥺

  21. I’m waiting for someone to respond to her begging “ I’ll buy those TS tickets off you!” 😂

    Looking into my crystal ball again...

    I see... in May... a gaping maw...having the time of her life at the TS concert with no worries about the mortgage... oh wait I see a “farms never been in better shape post soon when a few idiots send her some pity money!!!

    1. Her mercurial moods are always dependent on how much money she’s fleeced from followers. Jenna’s faux farm had never “been better” than when Shannon put effort into it. Her “ex” did more work than Jenna has ever done in over a decade.

    2. Mercurial moods dependent on money is a spot-on observation.

      And yes, come mid-May the mortgages will be magically paid and there will indeed be an unhinged, arm pumping, wide leg stance, huge gaping shit-eating grin photo.


  22. Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    Today was really bad. I’m sick, have PMS, no sales, lots of anxiety, and am really worried about my future. I am going to try to research and write this freelance piece. Im going to try and get to bed early. Im going to try to not give up. Look I stacked these rocks

    1. Boo fucking hoo. The stupid, “scrappy little lesbian” is finally reaping what she’s deserved for over a decade: despair. All of her poor choices, begging and scamming have caught up with the lying, lazy loser. But poor widdle Jenna just wants to “give up,” and get pity purchases from fools. And it’s spelled “I’m,” moron. “Clearly,” you’re “no editor.”

    2. And her rocks look like crap.

    3. LOL!!! Once again, she’s just read our comments calling her out, and has deleted her stupid tweet within 15 minutes of posting it. But she “doesn’t care about criticism.”

    4. It’s satisfying to see someone who has such an arrogant attitude get what’s coming to them.

    5. What she needs is a stack of job applications, not rocks.


  23. Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    Okay. Hint taken.

    1. It’s hardly a “hint.” More like a sarcastic slam.

    2. I’d say that’s an absolute admission. It’s very obvious that she regularly reads here, and reacts to our critical comments about her behavior.

    3. Hint taken because none of those desperate "poor me" tweets were re-tweeted by her foollowers. And only one received 3 comments of the "Hang in there" variety. Also willing to bet she received zero Venmo/PayPal donations.

    4. …yeah, people are failing to retweet at her. because she’s the main character.

    5. It’s funny that no one has asked Wog what the “hint” meant in her stupid tweet.

  24. She's always anxious and worried about her future yet somehow her mortgage manages to be paid every month. Simply wants spending cash again.

    1. Yeah, the TS shows in MA are May 19th &20th. She has the tickets but now needs money for:

      1) Travel which includes either gas money or plane fare
      2) Hotel room to avoid 4 hour/200 mile drive home after the show
      3) Food money for road trip, dinner/breakfast in MA, and drinks
      4) New snazzy outfit to convince fellow Swifties she's just like them
      5) Overpriced TS show merch: T-shirt, hoodie/cardigan, poster, keychain

      And I could say money to pay someone to watch the animals, but we all know she's too cheap and unclassy to even offer.

    2. Yet she’s never “anxious” enough to go and get a job.

  25. I'm pretty shitty at math, but I am not understanding this timeline:

    "I will be three months behind on the mortgage as of May 15th, which puts me in risk of foreclosure."

    How is that possible if she paid the February mortgage? Is her mortgage due on the 15th, or is it due on the 1st and considered late on the 15th? Or is she anticipating that she won't make March and April? And why would she worry about that when history has shown that she ALWAYS squeaks by...fcuking ALWAYS.

    Something else is going on here. Maybe some unexpected problem like:
    a) It's tax season and she just found out she owes IRS a shit ton of money
    b) Her car broke down and now she can't drive to TS concert or needs plane tickets
    c) She really does actually have a painful tooth in immediate need of a root canal
    d) One of the animals needs major urgent vet care due to severe neglect

    1. Just fyi she said that the person who got the second ticket is driving her.

    2. I'll give it a go.

      Her mortgage sounds like ours. It is due on the first of the month, and late if paid after the 15th of the following month.
      *JAN. Due by Jan 31. Late if paid after Feb 15. PAID
      *FEB. Due by Feb 28. Late if paid after March 15. PAID
      *MAR. Due by Mar 31. Late if paid after Apr 15.
      *APR. Due by Apr 30. Late if paid after May 15.

      She frequently claims she's on the edge of foreclosure, but history has shown it's much ado about NOTHING. She paid Jan and February mortgages. If she hasn't paid her mortgage by April 15, the March mortgage is one month late. If she doesn't pay the April mortgage by May 15, she will be two months late.

      Plenty of time to sell the pricey Taylor Swift tickets at a profit and be caught up.

    3. and she’s embellishing by claiming she‘ll be 3 months behind instead of the 2 months that your (very plausible based on her comments) timeline accounts for

    4. A Legend in Her Own MindApril 19, 2023 at 3:34 PM

      As another person posted, once you are officially "late" with your mortgage payment, there's an automatic and hefty penalty fee.

    5. Thanks for the breakdown/explanation, PDD. I knew something was off.

  26. She will not do the one thing that will save her. Getting a full time job with steady, reliable income.

    1. Her stubbornness and stupidity will be her downfall. It’s beyond belief that she still begging rather than just getting a job.

    2. Edit: she’s still

  27. On what planet is a person considered a failure by getting a job? Yet, that’s exactly how she seems to feel. Does she feel so entitled that other people should work but not her? She claims people with direct deposit and folding money are miserable but she seems like the most miserable person on earth. She’s waiting for other people to save her when the answer is right under her nose. Get a job!

    1. Her extreme aversion to getting even a part- time job is pathological at this point. I’ve never seen someone so stuck in a rut, and yet rigidly refusing to change.

  28. Yes getting a job would be the answer, but I truly think she couldn't get a job if she tried.
    She hasn't had a job for about 10 years, which automatically puts her resume in the trash for a lot of companies. Let's say she makes it past that and comes in for an interview wearing her barf pleather jacket that's 3 sizes too small and either her hat or her bandana to cover her thinning hair. She hands you her resume with her dirty hands/nails. She is nose blind to the fact that she smells. Then she answers every question with the spin that they should be happy to have her and not the other way around. Let's say she miraculously gets through that and is close to being hired...pretty much all employers check applicants' social media. It doesn't take that deep of a search for them to find this page. Who is going to hire her now?

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindApril 19, 2023 at 11:18 AM

      I think she could snag a job. Employers are pretty desperate for hiring. If she wore her lemur dress, she could fit in. And assuming they didn't check social media under "scam", she might pass.

      In an ideal world, if she'd put aside her arrogant attitude and treat a job as a new adventure, she would see it as the way to save money, take care of her teeth, and repair her property. As a bonus, a real job could serve as an inspiration for writing.

      Let's be honest. Her blog is old and stale. It's clear that she hasn't cared about the animals /farm for years, if ever. They were always about making "her" feel special; hell, even chasing after hawks began so she could look cool. She seldom refers to animals (other than the two dogs) with anything like affection - they are chores to be crashed through. She doesn't write about them because she isn't interested in them. It's inertia that keeps her long past the point when she should change her life.

      I sincerely hope she rehomes the animals and gets an actual job, doing her scribbles and writing as an avocation.

    2. Oh she could absolutely get a job stocking shelves or in a lower-paying sector. The bar is in the sub-basement. People who no-call no-show repeatedly keep their jobs bc retailers / warehouses need bodies. People with active obvious addictions can get away with pretty much anything as long as they aren't obviously stealing. Interviews for many places are one question: can you start tomorrow?

      But getting employment would likely fuck up whatever benefit train she's on - whether it's her parents, some state income supplementation etc.

  29. Selling a fiddle on instagram. And a pic of the mare with a cryptic, everything is bad.
    To add to the mortgage discussion above, there could be a different date scenario. I will use our former mortgage as example.
    The January mortgage is due on January 1st. Grace period until January 15, after which it is late and there is a late fee added to it.
    She has not once mentioned late fees despite being supposedly late every month for the last many years.
    I think her recent panic has to do with needing to raise funny money for her big trip coming up.
    A really panicked person would sell those tickets. Just look online. People are paying upwards of $1000 per even for nosebleed seats.

    1. Someone has her big girl panties in a twist today. Funny, how she’s avoiding posting her “pity poor me” crap on Twitter. She’d be better off trying to get rid of either her horses, or one of two unneeded vehicles. But Jenna is a spoiled, pampered princess, and refuses to accept any adult accountability for her actions and consequences. We’ve noticed for years how she’s never mentioned late fees, because it’s all a bunch of bull. I said the same thing yesterday about her fake “panic,” and selling the concert tickets.

  30. Wren smoking weed picture that was $15 yesterday is $40 today. Art appreciates darlings!

    1. Her inconsistency with pricing is more manipulative marketing to filch free funds.

  31. Utter 💩💩💩 on her part.

    She's sitting on $$$ worth of Taylor Swift tickets.

    These pathetic "sales" pleas are to goose pity donations. Oh no... look, she's willing to sell her beloved violin.

    Wog's "this close" to saying "Send me money, or the animals don't eat."

  32. No Twitter posts since she flounced yesterday with “I can take a hint”. Someone has a sore bottom!!

    1. Yeah, Jenna is probably tending to her tush. The truth hurts. LOL!!!

    2. I agree with everything people wrote. She absolutely could get a job the day she applied. Stewart shops and others in her area are desperate. One near me has a sign "hiring: any days, any hours" so you tell them what and how much you want to work. As little or as much. Farms near her must need workers etc. She needs to expand her offerings for sale. Also, she may love her violin but she can barely play it so it should go. Maybe she should visit the local dump for items to sell. ( I actually did that in my area one year and found some good and a few like-new items and made about $150. at my yard sale, not much but it put gas in my car and paid some small bills when I was pretty desperate) So many ways to make money when you are willing to work for it. We could all give her job ideas - yardwork anyone? people in my area, not far from her, are crying for help for spring clean-ups etc, anyone who is willing has more work than they can handle. But ideas aren't her problem, she needs to smarten up and become accountable to herself. Talk about a mental block, what is wrong with her?!!

    3. I'm told Cambridge has a busy Facebook group where neighbors post services offered and help wanted ads.

    4. Lee at Moxie Ridge Farm is still advertising for a full time position and several part time .,
      farm jobs.

    5. She’d rather be a beggar, and wants to whine not work.

    6. Jenna has too much pride to take a job working for Lee. She’s the farming expert not anyone else.

    7. Lee doesn't seem to have commented on the Pig Shocker's Instagram in a very long time.

  33. For giggles, go to
    A walk through the eras concert. Pause on the merch to check out the prices, setup, etc. People ordering special clothes that match a song name. Pricy cocktails and food on site.
    No wonder Wog is mad nobody is retweeting. I think the real panic is about funds to get to the concert, dress the part, eat, drink, buy merch, spend at least one night, drive home.

    1. OMG, $24 for a margarita???!!!????!!??? So after tax + tip it costs $60 for just TWO. Holy wonder she is begging so hard. Also, the t-shirts are $45 and the sweatshirts are $75. And you know she won't be leaving without one. Or both.

  34. Things are very bad. I hope they get better.“Things are very bad. I hope they get better.”

    Not one sympathetic person has replied to her stupid, “pity poor me” post on Instagram. Not even with emoji.

  35. Edit: “Things are very bad. I hope they get better.“

    Not one person has replied to her stupid, “pity poor me” post on Instagram. Not even with emoji.

  36. If things are bad, Jenna, get a job. Then things will get better.

    1. it‘s probably hard to know when things are that bad when you’re up-and-down as extremely as JW. one day ”life is good“ and ”the farm is better than ever“ and two later ”life‘s bad“ and ”sales are the worst they’ve ever been and i‘m completely insolvent and if only it was two days ago when things were great!“

    2. sometimes it seems like she doesn’t realize there’s a progression of time and the things you do one day can have an effect on subsequent days. like in her world, you wake up into a random day, things are good or bad, and you just have to survive the day so you can get another random day ”tomorrow“

  37. She put up a beg post on the blog where she claims her energy costs were through the roof. But wait, doesn’t she ONLY ALL THE TIME beat everyone down by saying how she ONLY hears with wood. She DOESNT even have a dishwasher or a microwave. She walks barefoot up the hill and back five miles in deep snow to do anything and she has not driven anywhere, by golly.
    I don’t get this. Does she not see how contradictory her postings are?

    1. Heats * with wood


    2. I took one for the team!

      "Support Needed
      I am posting a quick note this morning in case there are some of you checking in on the blog here and don't use or check social media. I often post daily updates on Instagram and do a lot of sale/self promotion on Twitter, but rarely here. Lately making any sales at all is so hard, a combination of a small readership, rising costs due to inflation for everything from toothpaste to plane tickets, and this winter if you’re energy bills were anything like mine - everything is tight.

      But if you are doing okay, and comfortable, and want to help this farm make it through the month I will be three months behind on the mortgage as of May 15th, which puts me in risk of foreclosure. So if you are at all interested in supporting this farm, this is the time to do it and this farm needs the support!

      Here’s what I have to offer:

      Future shares of pork and lamb! This year is sold out but you can reserve the following season. If you want something sooner: I am offering bulk boxes of soap, 20 bars for $100 (plus shipping). I have a sale on all my pet portraits, instead of $85 for a 9x12” original ink and watercolor, it is $50 (includes free shipping!). Logos are up to $75 off. You can email me through this website, and you can always message me on social media. I appreciate your time and hope to hear from one or two of you soon! Anything is encouraging!"

    3. lol energy bills. she‘s been hearing other people talk about high energy bills and was like, ”wow this whole time i‘ve been acting like i don’t have energy bills, i coulda been begging for wood AND energy bills“

    4. hey guys, energy bills, right? i‘ll tell you that much for free!

  38. So she's "sick as hell" but well enough to brag on social media about receiving a gift.She's such a child.

    1. She’s only “sick” in her head.

    2. She supposedly never goes anywhere - how on earth did she get sick? Bad food storage again? Pick up a parasite from outside via those nails?

    3. Maybe she is sick of her own shit.

      Also, what gift?

    4. Anon7- her caerluna friends brought her flowers, chicken soup and muffins. Cuz she is sooo sick. Mere hours after she posted her gift, she had video of herself enjoying live music at her little brewery in town.

    5. And probably a beer or two as well.

  39. First, Wog... get a job. This is what adults do. How hard is it to figure out if you need money to pay your mortgage, you lower your expenses or raise income.

    Second, Wog... sell something you dont really need - like a second vehicle, and those pricey Taylor Swift Tickets which are worth hundreds of dollars.

    Third, again with the lie that as of May 15, you will be three months behind?? What is it with you and being unable to tell the truth??? If what you published earlier is true, you paid January and February mortgage payments. March is late after April 15, and April is late after May 15. After May 15, you will be TWO months behind, not three.

    Fourth, you hardly have any animals to look after, as compared to real farmers: A handful of chickens, play goat, a trio of sheep and two old horses. Do you still have pigs? In any case, you have maybe 6-9 animals, and with the teensy amount of work you do with them, you must spend embarrassingly little time on them. Hence, you have plenty of time to look for work or create art that people actually want.

    Here's a suggestion. Pride Month is soon here. Instead of dreaming about more ways to laz around, create drawings of your most popular creatures NOW (the rooster comes to mind and the coyote/wolf with lantern), and advertise the heck to sell prints. Use your website as your Ex intended so people can automatically order, and pay without talking to you.

    Unless of course, you don't really need money for your mortgage and are busily scamming your readers for poodle cash. Are you???

    1. PDD. The last paragraph is the truth. Her whole life is lies. Your sage suggestions will fall on her dumb, deaf ears.

    2. I imagine there are echoes of Shannon's voice saying the same thing to her.

    3. All great suggestions, PDD. Especially about the pricey tickets. Taylor Swift is young and will do more tours in the future. Sell the tickets to solve the "crisis" and go see her some other time. I could kinda understand if it was a farewell tour, but it's not.

      And thanks again for the great mortgage breakdown you gave up above.

  40. There’s been no new tweets since her “hint” flounce days ago. But she’s been begging on her blog with a dumb dispatch, and trying to sell her violin on Instagram.

    1. She must not love her violins much. It appears the same violin was for sale in 2015, asking $400 for violin, bow and amp.

      So did she not sell it, or does she trot out pretend sale of a violin to "convince" readers she really, really, reALly, REaLLY needs money??

    2. She is doing it for sympathy donations. Cuz if she was truly serious, she would list it on Craigslist or similar.

  41. She took down her IG post with her bird art for sale. In the comments, someone was like Jennai can’t contact you about a logo, can you contact me and Jenna responded that no she can’t but the person can email her at a different email... much bizniss darling

    1. For someone so desperate for sales she sure does make it difficult. One gets a sense that she really doesn't like doing the work. Especially if the money is already spent.

  42. 4,735 now. Apparently, her “hint” was “taken” by two more fleeing followers.

  43. Jenna- who is SO sick people need to bring her gifts and soup.

    Jenna- who is so broke she can’t pay her bills or feed her animals.

    Jenna- who never leaves the farm

    ... is at her brewery tonight enjoying some live music.

    Sooooo sick. I’m sure!

    1. I've come across some liars in my lifetime, but never seen someone who lies as much as Jenna Woginrich. She lies every single day, about almost every single thing. It's pathological.

    2. That’s why I always say her whole life is lies.

  44. What was the hint she got? I guess I missed that part.

    1. She never said what her hint was. That would require too much honesty. I think that it’s related to a “pity poor me” tweet that was mocked here. Jenna deleted it within 15 minutes of reading our comments.

    2. Thanks. That's so typical of her. Writing stuff nobody really understands what she's talking about.

    3. I think the “hint” was that she retweeted her begs for 2 days and had no sales.

    4. Ok, begging for 2 days with no sales, maybe the hint was to offer something new, not the same stuff she's offered for almost 15 years. Maybe appeal to her past customers, what do they want? What would entice new customers? She makes no effort.

  45. It's like she doesn't realize that her followers know she is lying. Cognitively she seems to be going downhill fast.

    1. Her cognitive abilities have been rapidly declining for a few years. It’s very obvious since she’s turned 40.

    2. I think that it’s due to drinking alcohol again, smoking too much weed, and serious mental illness.

    3. Not sure if it's mental illness, or something like ADHD. But I suspect she's long been self-medicating first with booze and now weed, and that is taking a toll.

    4. Her latest big lie is claiming she never goes anywhere but then posts pics of herself going places. Maybe in her mind those trips don't really count cuz they are short 1-5 mile trips to the post office, store, brewery. But all those little trips DO add up.

  46. Anyone else notice she hasn't posted a photo of Merlin for two months???

    1. We’ve also noticed. Watch for a pic of Merlin to appear as a reaction to our comments.


    It’s her man hand with the fat, filthy fingers again. You can see dirt in the skin grooves. Disgusting.

    1. It’s like she enjoys showing how horrid her hygiene is online.

    2. 1) I feel like we've seen this photo before...from when she first got that camera. It might be already posted further down on her Instagram page.

      2) That does not look like her faux farm. She does not have a double roof structure anywhere on her property. Nor does she have a driveway like that. And behind the main sunflower there is a green grassy hill with a treeline at the top. Not her property.

    3. In Pennsylvania our last frost date is somewhere from the middle to the end of May, so hers is later than that. Aren't sunflowers frost sensitive?

    4. oh, i thought it was a seed packet, although normally they have writing on both sides. i guess you think it’s a polaroid type photo?

    5. Just prior to, or at the beginning of the Shannon era, she got a new Polaroid camera and took a bunch of flower pics that she posted on her Instagram. This one looks identical. I can only scroll down about 12 rows of pics before the buttfarts at IG tell me I need to sign up to see more.


      this is the closest i found but i did become convinced it is a polaroid of somewhere that’s not the farm

    7. That looks like neighbor/ Patty's barns. Check out IG photo from March 30th, a pic of Patty's barns in winter.

  48. Many, many years ago when she was having workshops and I was following her blog, I inquired about an upcoming workshop. Never heard back from her. I tried a few times, then gave up. Figured she didn’t need my business. It didn’t take long to realize that she really just wanted donations and didn’t want to work for her money.

    1. We’ve had the same experience with Jenna. Even at the start of her faux farm, she wanted fame and fortune, but without having to work for it.

  49. I think her early success was her blessing and her curse. If you look up the lives of one hit wonders, so many of them spiraled into alcohol, drugs and depression because they could not recreate that early success. I really hope she will work with a good therapist who can get her on the right track. And yes, she should get a job.

    1. She also, according to Jon Katz, tried taking on too much, too soon. It worried him to the point to which he blogged about it. I imagine she became burnt out at some point.

  50. Her ass is still reallly chapped so no tweets for her followers. If someone could Venmo her some cash for som handcrafted, locally sourced ass cream, she could start begging again by later tonight!

    1. There’s not enough cream to soothe that fat ass. Cue to the creep who sometimes posts here, that we’re secretly smitten with Jenna.

      That’s why we say such consistently negative things about her awful attributes. It’s like Opposite Day. We must not mean it.

    2. Not a creep. but we are better off not making so many comments about her appearance all the tim. But if something about her like her weight directly contradicts something she says in order to makes sales then it is ok to call her out on that but to call her fat and ugly for no reason just makes us all look petty.

    3. Anonymous 2:15. While you’re entitled to your opinion, you don’t get to dictate mine. Jenna is fat, ugly and stinky.

      She’s also an animal abusing beggar, pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer. I’ll continue to call her crap out in whatever ways I want to.

    4. I’ve always been uncomfortable with how nasty people here are about her appearance. Her appearance has nothing to do with her lying, scamming, and begging.

    5. HD, who has run this blog for years, allows people full freedom of speech to express ourselves. Every now and then, though, we get started stupid lectures about what we shouldn’t be saying. That’s a crock of crap. Jenna deserves the derision, because she’s earned it.


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