Spring is in the air!

Daffodils are blooming.  The weather shows hints of warmer.  Farmers, ranchers, and homesteaders are gearing up for the crazy busy time.
And others are smoking dope and listening to Taylor Swift.


  1. HD. I’d appreciate it, if you’d please delete this comment on the last thread:

    AnonymousMarch 8, 2023 at 5:53 PM


    They’re the crude commenter that’s tried to cause issues many times here before. If you allow them to continue they’ll be like an infection.

    1. HD. Please delete this crappy comment again. BM needs to double down on their psych meds. Funny, how they’re only “obsessing” over remarks about Jenna’s physical attributes. Apparently they’re unconcerned about the FFF being an animal abusing beggar, pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer.

    2. When one makes critical comments about someone that are far from flattering, then it’s the opposite of “obsession.” I’d only use that word in a way that connoted appreciation for their attributes. Albeit in an extreme manner.

    3. Jenna has only inspired disgust on this blog not desire. People are stupid if they don’t know the difference between the two.

  2. Well, well. JW just posted a video of a chicken walking into her kitchen towards what sure looks like a dishwasher. You know, the dishwasher she says she doesn’t have. Oops.

  3. It’s surprising that Jenna hasn’t been begging for her always late mortgage payment this week. I’m sure that she’ll be bitching about “playing catch up” soon.

  4. Jenna’s so boring that she can’t be bothered to do a stupid tweet for her photo. Our dog has a more exciting life than her.

    1. This one was in response to a comment with “cunt” in it. Once again, the glitchy spam filter removed it.

  5. In the last week or so, Alison O'Neill (the original shepherdess) posted a call to support Cancer Care on International Womens Day. She also showcased gorgeous photos of her daily life - moving sheep, feeding, mucking, lambing preparation, and occasionally resting inside her home. I chuckled a bit to see Alison hang her laundry out to dry.

    Meanwhile, VerYork's fake farmer begs for funds at every opportunity, cares only for herself, uses pre-made pancake mix and drives her car to the laundromat where she can pump quarters into machines to wash and tumble-dry her REI clothes.

    Pig Shocker's fakery as a homesteader is the deepest part of her.

    1. Alison is the antithesis of the filthy feral farmer. Jenna cares about no one but her stupid self.

  6. “If you don't want to purchase anything, but want to support or contribute - there's over 15 years of free blog posts telling my story, and anything at all helps a one-woman queer farm struggling to catch up from last month - my venmo is jennawog


    She’s retweeted her big beg again. It looks like no one wants to “support” the lying, lazy loser. LOL!!!

    1. I’m shocked that she hasn’t used “Rachel Keane” to shill her shit this week.

  7. “Slow mornings are the best mornings”

    It’s an ick pic of her hooves and fat feet. Of course, there’s QuIRKy livestock in her hovel again.

    1. I don’t understand why someone who has such ugly feet insists on showing them in multiple photos.I’d hide those hooves. It’s no wonder why she’s still single.

    2. Why does she soak her feet so often anyway, and why does she have to tell everyone about it? And to post a picture? eww! My 92 year-old Mom soaks her feet in the evenings sometimes.

  8. https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm/status/1634706424885379072?cxt=HHwWgIC89aK10q8tAAAA

    Creepy Kelly replied to another non-tent tweet. He seems to have a crush on the “scrappy little lesbian.”

  9. I think her new, gentler, less abrasive, desperate, annoying persona is because she is very laser focused on attending the TS concert in May. It is ALL she can talk about on IG. She wants to know who else is going and where, she’s posted a pic on Rcontugo with something like “see you in a few weeks darling, we are going to TS!!!”

    I think even Jenna knows that wringing your hands and begging on the internet that you can’t pay your bills when you have people who actually have jobs respond to you on IG and say they can’t get tickets or afford tickets, is a bbbbaaaaadddd look.

    I wonder how long she can keep this up? The concert is in May. A nor’easter is on the way. She supposedly hasn’t paid Feb mortgage yet. How will she travel to the concert with no money??? Inquiring minds wanna know!

    1. It’s all a fake front like everything else that Jenna does. She’s already been begging again today.

  10. This has been going on for so long. Years ago when she accepted comments, she would make her pity begs, then post all her unnecessary purchases. She got called out a lot, and then would say her finances were none of anyone’s business. Even though she constantly posted about her finances.

    If she has money for all that TS stuff, she obviously has money coming in from somewhere.

  11. “If it wasn’t for my teeth, I’d have an extra $1825 this winter. That’s a root canal in December, a cracked tooth in Jan, and - just last night -I cracked a front tooth on a thick pizza crust. I hate this.”

    Here she goes again with her usual, manipulative marketing to filch free funds. You’re a lying, lazy loser. Maybe stop making your putrid pizza if it presents any dental issues. “Sure, Jen.”

    1. She could also sell one of her two vehicles, re-home her horses, downsize livestock, and get a roommate to share expenses. Plus, Jenna has multiple streaming services that add up. But she’d rather have her hands out for begging.

    2. If she was that desperate for funds, then Jenna would try to sell her Taylor Swift tickets. And probably make a profit. But seeing her stupid teen crush sing, while being crushed by crowds, is more important than paying her bills.

    3. Jenna has never wanted to sacrifice any of her creature comforts in order to be responsible for her own bills. She’s been behaving as if she’s 14 NOT 40.

    4. “If it wasn’t for her teeth,” then that money would’ve still been blown on buying crap other than paying for her bills.


    5. Gwynne
      Replying to
      Jesus! Teeth are such a scam. I hate it.

      Maybe this person is being serious but I’d like to think they are sarcastic. 😂. Adults pay their bills Jenna. Teeth are going to have issues, cars will need repairs, etc. deal with it like the rest of us

    6. I also mentioned that response below. I think that she’s being serious, because Gwynne has left similar replies before.

    7. Oops, yes I saw that after I posted! I would have just commented on your post lol!
      Teeth are a scam? What’s next? Pooping is a scam ( you need to buy toilet paper). Clothes are a scam! Running water is a scam!

    8. Anonymous 3:46. No worries. I only said that about my other comment to show agreement with yours. A lot of us here see right through her lies and scams.

  12. Cut the crap Jenna, there's nothing wrong with your teeth. Pics please.

    1. I can’t count how many times she’s used this scam to extort money from followers. Jenna is the Cambridge Queen of Con.

    2. Jenna is a sociopath who has no conscience. She tries to mimic emotions, because hers aren’t authentic. That’s why she lacks scruples when it comes to scamming people.

  13. “Jesus! Teeth are such a scam. I hate it.”

    That’s a response from one of her stupid, sycophantic supporters. She’s too stupid to see that Jenna is is the one doing a “scam” with her lying about constantly needing dental work done. It’s simply unbelievable at this point, because the filthy feral farmer is a pathological liar.

  14. “In this thread linked here I have sales on soap, art, logos, everything I make. Having a really hard time making any income at all and depend on social media sales, so please share if you can or know anyone looking for pet portraits, design work, soap, or possibly meat shares!”

    Get a job, slob. Jenna would rather whine than work.

    1. Why doesn't she expand her offerings? She's been offering the same few things for years. Anyone wanting to buy something from her probably already has and doesn't need or want any more. Even if I wanted to buy something from her (I absolutely do not want to and never would buy anything from her), she doesn't offer anything I want or could use. It's more proof that she doesn't want to work for her money but just wants handouts. Also, after all these years, where are her steady, repeat customers? She should have her pork already spoken for year after year, and her soap customers should be coming back for more consistently. She needs to think outside her little box.

    2. Anonymous 2:34. Yeah, she doesn’t really want to work like a normal adult. Otherwise, she would’ve gotten a steady job by now. She lies about looking for gigs, to appease people, but it’s a bunch of bull.

    3. Her old “offerings” have been slim pickings for years. Jenna seems stuck in a rut with no way out, because she’s too stubborn and stupid to change.

  15. Whenever she’s desperate for money, Jenna fabricates another crisis. It’s unbelievable that people can’t see what she’s doing. Her patterns are predictable.

  16. Oh boo hoo. Go cry me a river. I’ve invested so much money on crowns, root canals and fillings I’ve lost count. And I have dental insurance which hardly covers anything. I paid for all of it because of my full time job. So go get a job, Jenna, and shut up.

    1. Yet she never posts pics as proof of any fabricated crises. Jenna wants her woes to become everyone else’s problem instead of only hers.

    2. What about the “wall of enamel” that “fell off her front teeth” a few weeks ago? And then she had another recent root canal. What a crock of crap.

    3. It was probably plaque that came off. I have actually had a little piece of plaque come off and I thought I had chipped a tooth. Nope! all was good.

  17. “Scrappy little liar”March 13, 2023 at 6:11 AM

    Jen has dental issues
    but we know that they’re bull.
    She lies about her life
    like that scam with the wool.

  18. Getting ready for this storm since 5. Brought in the firewood I would need for 2 days. Animals are fed, settled. Almost out of hay/wood. “Scared of low sales and bad headlines. Happy about best picture. I hope you all loved that movie as much as I did. Time to carry buckets.”

    Jenna is “scared” again. Boo fucking hoo. But she’s been so prepared!!! She’s been bragging about having enough “hay/wood” for the winter. It’s just more manipulative marketing to filch free funds from followers.

    1. Even after over a decade of being a hobbyist homesteader, the clueless cunt still can’t calculate how much “hay/wood” she’s going to need.

    2. It’s storm time for “Little Hovel on the Prairie.” Jenna chooses to heat with wood, for an artsy ambiance, rather than use her heaters and functional furnace.

    3. She’s continued to chose every aspect of her “fearful” life. Jenna is also too lazy to pick up free firewood in the fall. It’s all around town, but tweeting insipid drivel about being a lesbian, is much more important than her heat.

    4. I heat with wood, about an hour south of Jenna. Do you know how long it takes to bring 2 days of wood from the wood shed to the porch? About 15 minutes using nothing but a plastic kiddie sled, because that's about 30 4" diameter logs. My total storm prep was probably 45 minutes: bring in wood (15), go park the car by the road (1/4 mile driveway with trees, sure enough one of them came down) and walk back (15), and fill up the water storage for myself and the animals (15). What in the world was she doing for hours?

      Given the state of the glass on her stove, she's also angling for a chimney fire. If you're getting creosote buildup *in the firebox*, you'd better be cleaning that chimney monthly.

  19. I always love her weather alerts. Totally to elicit sympathy and money. Upstate NY has storms and power outages, every year. She shouldn’t be prepping for 6 hours. I mean what? Maybe if she hadn’t spent the last several days dicking around on social media she’d be more prepared!!! If she has no sales, she’s not busy working so plenty of time to prep for the storm.

    Looking into my crystal ball, I see a snow clean up injury in the near future, followed by storm damage to her property.

    1. Jenna will use her bad back which was tweaked shoveling snow, as a means for more manipulative marketing.

    2. She always acts as if storms are a sudden surprise. Rather than a predictable pattern of weather during the winter.

  20. Jenna can’t handle any hardships without whining.

    1. She’s the antithesis of a strong, self-sufficient woman. What a wimpy weakling.

  21. I'm in the same weather pattern. Yes, a winter storm is coming - and it's no surprise . Temps are above freezing (near 40 today). Instead of whining endlessly, she should already be prepped. Wood, hay, bedding and feed are normally sorted out way BEFORE storms arrive.

    What a maroon she is.

    1. PDD. We’re also in her area. Jenna exaggerates about almost everything. Her hyperbolic bullshit is part of her pathology.

    2. Jenna’s just trying to “set the stage” for money mooching.

    3. Don’t worry, she’s all prepped for the storm. She bought some essentials including the ingredients to make carrot cake so she can eat it after she shovels snow.

  22. According to IG she is going to wear work pants, a $12 TS tank top and a cowboy hat to the concert.
    Also, no date yet but she has a local Swiftie back up.


    1. Her “riveting” non-tent is beyond boring. Our dog has a more exciting life than Jenna.

    2. No one will watch what she’s wearing. Jenna should break out that ugly lemur dress with her baby barf brown too-tight pleather jacket.

    3. Wait...so she has a friend in town who only gets to go if the Pig Shocker doesn't get a date? What a shitty uncool thing to do.

    4. According to Her story on IG yes. Shitty? Yes! I think she really thought this extra ticket that she is in no position to purchase since by her own admission her Feb. mortgage isn’t paid was going to pave the way to a relationship. Like some lonely gay swiftie was going to fall in love with her and she was going to take them to the concert. She had an IG story After she bought the tickets where she said herself that her plan was to take a date. I just hope she has teeth left by the time of the concert with all her dental problems.

  23. “This is the future queer people want”

    Nope. Jenna’s lazy lie-style is something that no one would “want.”

    1. https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm/status/1635372526137393153?cxt=HHwWgoDS_bupgbItAAAA

    2. She really needs to stop using the queer/lesbian thing as a sales tool. It's beyond pathetic.

    3. i don’t even understand what that means.

    4. Me either. Queer people want dirty pet beds and ramshackle wood stoves??? Umm ok?

  24. When she starts whining for dollars later, keep in mind that she is boasting on IG that she is totally prepared and will spend the day on chores, snow removal, and gentle inside activities ( not sure what that means!). Oh and plenty of Netflix docs downloaded on her tablet. Oh and she has plenty of wood so her house will be warm.. no worries Shamsters!!! She’s 100% great!

  25. “Powers out here- lots of downed trees from icy rain that turned to heavy snow. Sorry no design updates or emails today- no generator”

    No one cares, cunt. It’s just an excuse for you to do nothing all day as usual.

    1. Of course, Jenna has no “generator.” She’s only been there for over a decade.

    2. What will the “scrappy little lesbian” do in a snow storm?! After all, she’s “living alone on the side of a mountain.” LOL!!!

  26. I really hope her clients check her IG stories, which disappear, to see why they aren’t receiving updates on their projects!!! Much profeshunul Jenna!!

    1. Instead of working on client drawings which only require paper and paint (the storm didn’t take out the daylight, right?) she is going to binge Netflix all day. Any excuse to goof off. She has no work ethic whatsoever.

    2. SFF. Exactly. The snow storm is just an excuse for Jenna to do nothing.

    3. No power outages reported for her zip code, so we can assume she's lying as usual.

    4. A Legend in Her Own MindMarch 14, 2023 at 8:39 AM

      "No power" although she was "putting phone away to charge" in the morning and then used phone about 11 am for IG posts.

      Laughing at her customers who think she might act professionally and send updates.

      If she's a-ritin' she's lyin'.

  27. Jenna alerts all of her followers on social media that she can’t email her clients today about projects.

    Let that sink in... she is using a device that can email... to say she can’t email due to power outages ( no generator!!)

    This is like my 80 plus year old mother in law bombarding us with texts to let us know how upset she is that she can’t communicate with anyone because her power and phone is out... while she’s communicating with us via text!!

    1. I’ve also mentioned this in an above comment earlier.

  28. Just an FYI if you want quality goat milk soap, Caz Acrez is 10 min south of Jenna. I ordered the sample pack which is a fun way to try a bunch of different scents. It comes with a soap bag. I love it. Anyway, it looks like they take pride in taking care of their goats and don't let them stand on several feet of their own waste *cough cough Jenna cough* https://cazacrez.com/

    1. Thanks for your information. I appreciate it. I’ll be buying some soap from them soon.

    2. We’d much rather “support” someone else making soap rather than Jenna. She doesn’t deserve it.

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindMarch 14, 2023 at 8:23 AM

      It's absurd that Pig Shocker brags she makes soap with "goats milk" yet hasn't had milking goats for years!

      For a few years after she re-homed her poorly-kept goats, she attempted to "source" goats milk from local farmers - now she doesn't bother with the pretense.

      As Anon says, it's all lies.

  29. Mmmm that pan of fat looks scrumptious! Oh wait, is that bacon?

    1. None of her food ever looks appealing. Especially, Jenna’s putrid pizza and gloopy brownies.

    2. but she constantly stuffs squash with MEAT and brown sugar! how delicious is that???

    3. i will put 8 eggs on a squash pizza because i’m having a bad day.

    4. making a pizza-brownie just to feel something

    5. Normally her food pics don’t bother me. It does bother me when she raises and sells pork, inundates her accounts with begs to buy pork and then she shows the FATTIEST and GREASIEST looking bacon I have ever seen. Gross!!!!

    6. It looks like cheap grocery store bacon to me

  30. Jw: putting phone away to charge
    Jw: anyways, here’s more IG stories posted using ???

  31. Lol!!
    You can’t make this up!

  32. No electricity, can’t email...
    Jenna- let me post pics of fat cooking in my living room and the page of a book.

  33. Jenna- powers out-
    can’t email clients
    CAN- post on multiple social media sites that her power is out and pics of what she’s doing during the storm. Also can respond to someone complimenting her steam dragon, as long as they aren’t a client wanting updates.

    1. Jenna has zero self-awareness of her hypocrisy.

  34. “Any pork in a storm”

    Her humor always falls flat on her fake fat face.

  35. No time to work today because nO pOWer... but she made a carrot cake as promised!

    1. It’s no wonder why she’s fat.

    2. “Storm’s on the way. I made sure to get everything I need to make carrot cake, so I’ve got that covered. You think that’s unnecessary—but tomorrow after we’re all done shoveling and digging out cars and raking roofs—I’ll be eating a slice of carrot cake.”

      Yeah. “Sure, Jen.” She’ll polish off the whole cake in one day.

    3. AHHHH her stove! What the heck is she doing???!? I lived in log cabin where my only source of heat was a wood stove that had been 'previously loved' and it never looked like that! Holy crow Jenna, use a wire brush to take care of the rust and do SOMETHING because that looks like a house fire just waiting to happen. I wish there was some number you could call...like for my elderly neighbours to have someone look in on them, but for people who live rurally but SHOULDN'T. Oh Mylanta, I wonder when she last had someone in to sweep the chimney - creosote build-up KILLS and who knows what she's burning. At least when I did it I knew it was all pine/oak from the property that had cured...I don't even wanna go into the bacon that's on the stove, if it's hers, why's it so thin? Looks like the No Frills brand of bacon you get up here, always cut thin and fatty.


    4. What are the chances she's had that chimney swept... ever? A house fire might be the thing to knock that whole house right over.

  36. do home bakers really put — is that a fondant carrot on top? never seen anyone do that except on store-bought carrot cakes.

    1. Jenna posted on IG to let us know that the powers out again and she may have lost some slates off her roof. She’s sore and tired but the animals are fine!!!!

    2. On IG, Jenna says she got 2 feet of snow from this storm.......meanwhile minutes ago neighbor Patty says: "it’s embarrassing how little snow we got .." and shows a photo of a fence with maybe 4 inches of snow that doesn't even cover the bottom rail.
      I heat solely with wood ( no backup furnace or electric heaters) and I was concerned with the state of her chimney pipe as well as splattering bacon grease on a hot stove.
      Hope she has smoke alarms .

    3. Yes Jenna’s pics that she herself posted on IG don’t look like 2 ft. She’s just such a sad person. So bizarre and sad. I almost feel like it’s cruel to snark on her. I’m sure she will manufacture a crisis and start whining for cash and I’ll lose this passing feeling!!

    4. Re: the cake - I clocked that and as a former cake decorator (I've worn a lot of hats), that says 'store bought from an independent bakery' to me. Allow me to do a deep dive cake analysis! My first thought is that it looks like a giant wodge of icing and not fondant, since fondant is tricky to do at home and requires special tools (and training for heaven's sakes!), a big place to set up and roll out, gel food colouring, so you wouldn't do it for just one cake that you were going to eat yourself because it's a huge pain in the ass and it doesn't even taste good (you also have to VERY CLEAN when you're working with it because it picks up fibres from what you're wearing, dust from the air, pet dander, etc.; you can see it in the finished work if the decorator hasn't been working in a clean area and washing their hands a lot). It's also not gum paste, for many of the same reasons above. Also, if she was working with fondant or gum paste it'd be all over her channels. The big clue is that it doesn't match the icing on the cake. Usually for a carrot cake, you ice with a cream cheese icing, and that's what appears to be the white icing on the cake - see how it's catching the light and is a little shinier? For sure that's cream cheese icing. The iced carrot looks totally different, if I was doing cake at home, there's no way I'm mixing up TWO batches of icing. Apparently the carrot is "butter with icing sugar" so she just mashed butter with icing sugar and food colouring IN HER HAND to create it?????? Caveman Jenna, that's disgusting and also now inedible (or at least I HOPE so, because who in their right mind is going to eat a huge blob of sugar butter? What a waste of food). So, the cake itself looks like a slab or sheet cake cut in half and iced in between, which is weird - most people making carrot cake at home would bake it in a loaf pan OR do it in a bundt pan/8" cake rounds, that's what most recipes are asking for because the author knows that's what most home bakers are going to have on hand in their kitchens. Baking it as a sheet and creating layers is more of a commercial bakery thing. I know, I know, Jenna doesn't like to follow recipes, which is guaranteed to give you either a bad or disappointing result - baking is actually science (it's applied chemistry), and you need to be using certain percentages of ingredients so that baking happens evenly, it rises, it tastes nice instead of like baking powder or nothing, etc. If she's not following a recipe, it would explain why she's make the bold choice (weird choice) not to bake her cake in a CAKE PAN like normal person, but I wouldn't trust that cake. It looks stodgy and like it didn't rise all the way it was supposed to, I'm not seeing evidence of carrots and it's very dark for carrot cake (not burnt, just...something's not right there. Maybe molasses used as a sweetener - like, A LOT OF MOLASSES). Re: not seeing evidence of carrots - my guess is either they're not really there, all the carrot shreds have sunk to the bottom of the cake during baking due to an improper recipe, or it's made commercially - commercial bakers would either buy pre-shredded carrots which you'd see, or they'd be shredding in-house which leaves little evidence of carrot/not big pieces of carrot because they're using like, a microblade. Also, no raisins? No pineapple? No nuts? Sad cake :(

      So, final verdict: if I saw this in a small town indie bakery, I wouldn't think twice about it, just think "oh, not my cup of tea; ew, fondant! and I can make a better one at home" and move on. I'd say odds on that she might have made this, but I feel like we'd be seeing a lot more cat hair in the icing if she did. Also, I hope she doesn't actually eat this cake if she made it because eating that much butter in the carrot is not good for your body. The image of someone using butter as fondant and just...mashing it with dye and sugar will haunt me for a while, I've used cream cheese as clay when potting on a wheel as an exercise (lot of hats!) but that is...that is really something else.


    5. I make great carrot cake and it doesn’t look like that. My first impression was that hers looks wet. Very unappealing.

    6. Also, why is she constantly advertising that she's unwilling ("too stubborn") to learn new things?

    7. Thanks for the analysis, DaffodilAnonymous

    8. Anonymous 9:54. Jenna acts as if being stubborn is a badge of honor, and an adult trait to be proud of.

      DA. I appreciated reading your expert analysis of her crap cake.

      She likes to lie about the bad weather, and makes it worse than it was in reality. It’s all about manipulative marketing to filch free funds for nothing.

    9. A Legend in Her Own MindMarch 15, 2023 at 11:40 AM

      Animal abusing is right. For all she knew, there would be two feet of snow, with gale-force overnight winds. Yet, by her own photo, neither aged horse wore a blanket, and both horses were waiting in snow to get their hay thrown over the fence. She's a lazy, uncaring embarrassment to rural living.

    10. PDD. I wrote that comment about her animal abusing. Jenna doesn’t care about anyone or thing but herself. And that includes vulnerable livestock, and her horses.

    11. Jenna gets to stay warm with her wood stove, stuffing her fake fat face with crap cake, while her animals endure frozen temperatures without proper shelters.

    12. i will say, in defense of the butter carrot, that at the start if the pandemic i was routinely taking a T of butter, a T of powdered sugar, and some cocoa powder, mixing up a rudimentary „buttercream“, and eating it with a spoon. it was legitimately delicious.

    13. yeah I've definitely winged buttercream with just butter, icing sugar, and coco powder. It's pretty impossible to mess up.

    14. That's a really gross looking carrot cake. Mine comes out of a loaf pan. I'm not a fan of nuts or raisins in mine, so I use a pineapple recipe and sub in some orange and lemon, so it's got that tart contrast with the sweet. A giant lump of icing on top would obscure the whole thing. Doesn't everyone use a cream cheese frosting or glaze??? Why a buttercream carrot? Whatever. The only reason it's funny is because she has positioned herself as a capable homesteader who literally wrote a book called made from scratch. This is her best effort at baking a cake I guess? No wonder she bought Shannon's birthday cake at a bakery.

    15. Jon Katz lives practically across the street from the Pig Shocker, and according to his blog the power outage only lasted 5 hours and he didn't report 2 feet of snow, nor do the pics look like it.

  37. Jenna loves to preach from her computer about everything LGBTQ -I wonder if she is going to help her trans friend at Moxie Ridge Farm with their GoFundMe? That’s a BIG assumption that they are still friends…

    1. I doubt that Lee even likes her. We sent them links with information last year. So they know all about Jenna.

    2. I was really sorry to see Lee's equipment failure had cascaded into this crisis. This is what happens, often, in life. Hardworking, responsible people face losing their homes or businesses despite doing everything right, everything within their power. Lee has a lot of long-term fans so if anyone can pull it out of the fire with donations, it's him.

      That's what a real crisis looks like. I don't think Lee's posted once about his medical / dental expenses.

    3. Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Anon 2:54. Here is the link in case anyone is interested or wants to help:


      Jenna is not on the list of people who donated. Nor has she posted a link to Lee's GoFundMe on her Twitter. That is the very least she could do...so why hasn't she?

    4. She hasn't donated because, as she posted on Instagram, she's "doing lesbian things". A video shows her opening a Taylor Swift book. Too bad her definition of lesbian things doesn't include helping people, esp people in her local LGBTQ community. And you know if she donated there's no way in hell she would be anonymous. Do you remember when she had that group Tyr's Good Hand (is that Heathen? I don't remember) and one of the main sayings was "You are your deeds" and a big part was (supposed to be) helping the community. I think all she ever did was "donate" drying dishes at the local brewery (give me a break!!) and having people drop off food to her place so that she could donate it somewhere. How much do you want to bet , much like the Birchthorn books, that food never made it out of her house. Ever since that mess of a group broke up (the members figured out pretty quickly that Jenna was using them for free labor, free bees, etc), Jenna hasn't done anything to help others. Stacking hay doesn't count because she only did that to get a discount/free bales/free storage. She won't do anything that doesn't benefit her wallet or her stomach. Anyway, I donated to Lee's GoFundMe and am happy to see there has been a lot of support.

    5. A Legend in Her Own MindMarch 16, 2023 at 10:37 AM

      Lee is hard working and honest, two qualities not shared by pig shocker. He also tirelessly supports his community and the industry in many ways. He does what he says, and he's a credit to farming. I also gave to his fundraiser.

      In other news, pig shocker was likely shamed by CAST (or PP) into finally posting a 24-hour IG story on Lee's fundraiser. Creepy how her initial impulses are ALWAYS and ONLY about her.

    6. We’re going to donate to their fundraiser, too. Unlike Jenna, Lee deserves the support.

  38. Probably not, she did spend money on an original piece of werewolf art for her living room though (IG). Too bad she can’t pay her mortgage!!!

    1. Why would she worry about making her mortgage payments? Jenna has “Rachel Keane” to shill her shit for free.

  39. I know people are tired of seeing the same shares, but I am really struggling this winter and every share could possibly lead to a sale, especially if anyone has a large audience that enjoys animals and pets! in 2 weeks I'll be three months behind and that's foreclosure zone.

    Excuse me, but I can’t not say something about this. I think she is lying. Just a few weeks ago she was crowing about having paid January and how could she catch up to February in five days? No, but she was sure as hell gonna try! Which tells us, she paid January and was trying to pay February. In two weeks she would be two months behind, not three as she claims. But of course being behind three months and saying the f word (foreclosure) sounds a lot more manipulative.

    1. She posted that she paid the January mortgage. The February mortgage was due by March 15, so if she hasn't paid it, she's one month behind - after April 15, she'll be two months behind - not three months behind.

      What a F'king fabricator she is.

  40. I dare her to link to her IG account because a whole different picture is painted there. Outside of the constant "Look! I'm a Lesbian" posts, she makes it sound like everything is wonderful. The day she told Twitter the power was out, no emails or updates, she posted on IG that the power came back on but she was taking a "snow day" anyway. Didn't see that in her Twitter posts, now did we?

    1. Her whole life is lies.

    2. ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️

      This! She also posted that although people in nearby areas only received 7-9" of snow, as a "hill person" she received two feet!! 😆 😂 😆

      What a load of 💩. PS lives along a main road at the bottom of a hill. For grins, I once checked elevations and I'm at a higher elevation! Should I tell people I too live on a mountain?

    3. PDD. She wants so badly to come across as being like a contemporary pioneer woman. Unfortunately, Jenna will always be “the beast” from a suburb in Pennsylvania.

    4. Yes to above posters saying she’s painting another picture on IG
      Lots of her purchases there:
      “Original” werewolf art for the living room

      An impulse buy plant she bought because she was inspired by Miley Cyrus’ song

      Supplies to make carrot cake

      Let’s not forget yoga subscriptions, streaming services, and her TS tickets!!!

      And yes she said she paid January like someone else stated.

      She went in a rant how people on dating sites who say they can’t keep houseplants alive use that as a personality trait and it’s a red flag if you can’t take care of a plant.

      How about all your chickens being murdered while you sleep with your ex’s air conditioner running!?? THAT’s a red flag but I’m just a straight woman who pays her bills!!

  41. “I put the laughter back in slaughter!”March 16, 2023 at 11:05 AM

    Jen survived a snow storm
    but has her hands out now.
    She needs more mortgage money
    and maybe funds to buy a sow.

  42. “I know people are tired of seeing the same shares, but I am really struggling this winter and every share could possibly lead to a sale, especially if anyone has a large audience that enjoys animals and pets! in 2 weeks I'll be three months behind and that's foreclosure zone.”

    I know that this was already posted here. But what a crock of crap. Jenna’s mentioned foreclosure multiple times for years, yet it’s never happened to her faux farm so far.

    1. I can’t comprehend how rotten her writing has become. Jenna comes across as an incompetent, drugged out drinker.

    2. Then she’s lied about “only being behind by a month.”

    3. Most normal adults would be working hard to “catch up” on their mortgage payments. Jenna takes “snow days” off, and bakes cake. Yeah, it’s obvious how worried she is about foreclosure.

    4. Jenna has lied so often that no one’s buying another fabricated crisis.

  43. If Jenna ever wonders why she’s still single, her hyperbolic desperation is the reason. No one wants to take care of a college-educated, able-bodied adult who has a home.

    1. Well... Jenna thinks that not being able to keep a houseplant alive is a red flag since it shows someone is too busy and disregards small lives. Most people think it’s a red flag to beg and scam online and not pay your bills!!!!

      How is the new job going? You seem to have a lot of free time, you might want to ask your boss for more work.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindMarch 17, 2023 at 5:10 AM

      Personally, I think it's a red flag when a woman brags about buying twice as many chicks as needed, because she expects half to die from exposure or predators. Let's also throw into the giant red flag pile, a woman who would:
      ➡️ Let chickens and lambs freeze to death because she didnt bother to bring them inside
      ➡️ Allow a sick sheep to suffer and die, after being thrown into a wheelbarrow
      ➡️ Brag that she put the laughter back in slaughter


    3. Let’s face it, she needs to take down that pride flag and put up a red one. She is one big red flag.

      I really wish one of her exes would spill some tea!!!!

    4. Her only ex is Shannon, and she’s probably ashamed of being connected with Jenna.

    5. Anon 5:42 am, maybe we should call it Red Flag Farm. I love your comment!!

    6. Anonymous 5:42. Jenna has no huge history of romantic relationships. Before meeting Shannon, she’d even admitted on her blog to just doing “one-night stands” and casual connections. Of course, they were with men.

  44. So this week it’s Tarot. She claims she uses the same deck from high school yet the cards on IG look positively pristine.A well used deck would be dog eared and a bit grimy plus we know how filthy her fingers always are.

    1. Yes! I thought the same thing. 20 plus year old cards and they look pristine even though everything in her house looks very grimy? Nope.

    2. Now, it’s tarot. Jenna is 40 going on 14. She still has no inner core, and real identity of her own. Her soul has a hole.

  45. https://twitter.com/the_starkest/status/1636738349649076230?cxt=HHwWjIC9ke627rYtAAAA

    Here’s the latest version of “Rachel Keane.”

    1. “I have three unscented herbal bars with lemon verbena, seaweed, and mint and two lavender owls that need a home asap! Yours with shipping included for $30”

      Poor, desperate little Jenna is always “trying like mad,” and “working like nuts” to make a mere $30. Why won’t anyone “support” this lying, lazy loser?!

    2. Her soap sucks. It smells too strong, just like Jenna, and it doesn’t last long.

    3. Also noticed she’s advertising hand made soap and not goat milk soap. Wouldn’t it be interesting to have her soap analyzed at a lab to see what she really puts in the stuff.

    4. SFF. I’m sure that the soaps are made with the cheapest possible ingredients, and they’re not organic.

  46. Many people have said this but it’s worth repeating. The only person responsible for paying her mortgage is her. It’s not up to other people to share. In fact, I would be embarrassed to share with others. Step up, Jenna, and get a job!

    1. Jenna’s not a normal adult. She makes her mortgage payments everyone else’s responsibility except herself.

  47. Jenna posted about a local seed company ( on IG) because they have pride seed packets. If you follow her link she’s asking how to get some. I hope she will show us what she’s growing in her garden since she is so self sufficient and can survive an apocalypse. A few weeks ago she was mocking homesteaders for posting their garden plans since she was too busy posting TS bullshit.

    Jenna, I’m a straight poodle with a direct deposit job and I am still eating stuff I grew in my suburban yard last summer.

    With inflation high and banks collapsing people it’s going to be harder for you to get pity purchases from your begs. Ask your new boss for more work or the local Stewart’s has jobs starting at $15/ hour and you can work 4-40 hours according to the ad on their pumps. I don’t know how much your mortgage is but even 10 hours/week will help you pay that mortgage!!

  48. ⬆️ Banks are not collapsing people.... yet. Lol

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindMarch 17, 2023 at 11:46 AM


    2. My DH and I were chatting about Credit Suisse this morning, and he said they've been a highly speculative, messed-up bank for decades. They offered a friend of ours a Million $$ loan, no proof of use or collateral needed (he turned down the loan). Questionable decisions seem to have been their forte - no wonder Swiss government is considering stronger controls or a takeover.

      Regarding SVB, it's a similar story. They dealt with highly speculative loans to tech startups. You may remember, post Enron and other bank collapses, regulations were put into place to pump brakes on highly speculative banking, mortgages, credit, etc. Obviously banks resisted these changes and they have worked over the years to remove them. Most recently, TFG bragged he'd removed controls that would have likely stopped or slowed SVB's collapse. Sometimes the "best intentions" (unshackling the hands of business owners) have serious downsides.

  49. I wonder if she has looked for local work and been turned down. Her appearance and wardrobe are dismal and if she smells of body odor then working in any place involving interacting with the public would not fly.

    1. Yeah, her hygiene is horrid. Unfortunately, we’re speaking from the personal experience of having smelled her in public on a hot day last summer.

  50. “You ever take four loads of laundry to the laundromat, and then proceed to only actually wash and fold three loads for getting the other one entirely and having to go back to the laundromat again? No just me?”

    It’s “just you,” stupid. Maybe try not smoking so much weed, and drinking during the day.

    1. And it’s “forgetting,” moron. Learn how to use commas correctly, cretin. Remember how she spelled “laundry mat” last year? LOL!!!

    2. Drying the clothes is expensive, it adds up. I always took mine home and dried them there. Outside or in front of the wood stove, both of which she could do.

    3. This is classic adhd stuff, but yeah the weed wouldn't be helping. -wiw

  51. She’s on twitter begging for money again... according to her own retweet she was at one point halfway to Her February payment... how exactly is this 3 months behind. Jenna math is sooo crazy darlings.

    On IG, lots of TS nontent today.

    1. She’s never stopped “begging for money again.” Jenna is the Cambridge Queen of Con.

  52. It never fails to amuse me that most Comments on Jenna’s tweets are from men (ewwww) and older women. Not the demographic she’s hoping to attract. 😂😂😂

    1. I’ve noticed that, too. Jenna usually ignores those kind of comments. Creepy Kelly is one of her stupid, sycophantic supporters.

    2. We live in Washington County also, north west of Cambridge. We got about 13” of snow on Tuesday. I’m not sure where she is getting 2 feet from.
      Also, this winter has been incredibly mild. We have not even used a whole tank of oil; we run a woodstove Oct - April as well. Don’t believe her BS about winter around here.

  53. oh my goodness we are dealing with FFF math again. Earlier today she was almost 3 months behind, now if she sells 3 "paintings" (uuummm) she will be halfway to having Feb. paid! Go figure. I'm tired and so thinking a little slow but I can't figure out how she is 3 months behind if this is March and Feb. is almost paid for. Carry on.....

    1. Halfway to paying february... 2/3 of the way through March. Sooooo claiming to be 2 payments overdue, ie 6 weeks away from the initiation of the foreclosure process. Noice. Smoke another bowl, gurl.

      It's all bullshit of course, because no sane human would really jeopardize their home while holding on to valuable concert tickets that could be sold for at least two months' mortgage.

    2. Her “sport’s season” has started according to her on IG so now she’s obsessing on the TS concert she’s going to in May ( that she bought two tickets for since she planned to ensnare, I mean, bring a date. According to one of her cations over TS singing she says. “Don’t blame me, I’ll get to see it!!!!!” Whut????

      She will be insufferable ( even more so) for months!

    3. Her whole life is lies.

  54. Allison O'Neill continues to post captivating photos of life on a genuine farm. This morning she featured breakfast: one slice of dry toast with two boiled eggs from her hens - a far cry from the sugary, greasy slop faux farmer gobbles down.

  55. Save this farm translation: Jenna needs some $$$$ for the TS concert merch!!!

  56. nna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    Thank you to everyone that shared this! I was able to sell some soap and pet portraits and I am HALFWAY to paying the Feb mortgage! First sign of hope in a week!

    Lord help us... I thought she already was halfway to February like a month ago? How is she 3 months behind if it’s March. This Jenna math is buck wild darlings!

  57. “This boy just turned 13!! Every heart = boop”

    This makes no sense as usual.

    1. Her rotten writing continues to decline. Along with Jenna’s cognitive abilities due to drinking alcohol again, smoking weed, and untreated mental illness.

    2. 13 years yet no mention of taking him to the vet for a yearly check-up.

  58. ...bet she uses that Diseases of Poultry book a lot...

  59. WOWSA...just a few days ago the money raised on Lee's GoFundMe for Moxie Ridge Farm was about $15K out of a $30K goal. And as of today the amount has DOUBLED and is now at $33K! WOO!! I find it truly heartwarming that someone as honest and hardworking as Lee has that kind of support.


    Interesting to note that the Moxie Ridge Instagram has 4,600+ followers, roughly the same amount as CAF. But the big difference is that Lee's followers are warm bodies with deep pockets whereas Jenna's appear to be paid bots. Heh.

    1. Let’s break this down.
      Lee is having a crisis and outlines a very professional, very specific and succinct plea for help.

      Jenna is supposedly close to foreclosure on her queer one woman farm and in contrast she:
      🔘Buys fresh basil to top her pizza.
      🔘eats premium ice cream and buys shamrock milk from Stewart’s
      🔘buys ingredients and makes carrot cake to eat because she shoveled snow.
      🔘uses the laundromat for 4 loads of laundry ( seems a lot for one person- those machines are big!) why doesn’t she at least have a washer? For less than the cost of a TS ticket she could get one second hand locally and dry her laundry in front of the fire
      🔘yoga subscriptions
      🔘multiple streaming services plus movie rentals
      🔘TS tickets including one for a date she doesn’t have
      🔘too many small stupid purchases to count. (Gay romance novels, stickers, daily epsom salt soaks)
      🔘post for hours all day about TAylor Swift ( this is true by her own instagram which tells you when something is posted. She often has stuff posted every hour about her nonsense!!!

      Seems very worried about losing her fauxrm!

  60. Jenna- I think most people have better things to do than “hate” Taylor Swift. I also think most people have better things to do than post non stop about every fart TS makes. I know this is shocking to you but many people do not think anything at all about TS. If you can’t pay your mortgage, you need to put energy into figuring out how to do that. TS and all of her antics will be there for you even if you pay your bills!

    1. Jenna acts as if she’s 14 NOT 40.

  61. Pig Shocker posted a photo of Mabel. If you look on the ground, you can see Mabel's standing on top of her own shit. For non-horse owners, I'll let you in on a little secret: when horses poop, they poop in large clumps (made up of individual poop balls). If poop is scattered (like it is at Dead Animal Farm), this means horses have kicked the manure piles apart by standing, walking and eating around them. It's the perfect way to transmit parasites.

    Once again, she's up to her filthy, lazy, horse handling methods.

    What a POS. No wonder normal people won't support her; only fools and those who are easily-duped.

  62. I noticed the horse standing in her own feces but also, did anyone else notice how painfully skinny that horse is? I am a goat farmer and not a horse person, but even to me her chest and back haunches look painfully thin. I could be wrong.

    1. Only the odious owner gets to stuff her fake fat face with food.

  63. HD. New post please? Thanks.

  64. Another puzzling post on IG (almost lost between all the TS videos). She announced that she has two logo spots available. If this is how she supposedly earns her living then one would think she would take on as many projects as possible. After all by her own admission it is primarily cut and paste off clip art sites with a few doodles of her own. How long can it take. And I reiterate, mixing your business posts amongst all your teenybopper crap does not make you look professional.


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