The End of Another Month

She has done absolutely nothing in the past month.  I know I shouldn’t be surprised because every month is the same with her but I am always surprised.  Nothing.  Just nothing. A constant stream of nothing.  How can a person of 40 do nothing for a month….and talk about it on social media.  People in a coma would actually have more content.   No really!


  1. HD. I’m chuckling at your “coma” line. Her content is crappy. Yet she still expects people to pay for her boring lie-style. The dumb dispatches are rarely updated, and Jenna’s writing is rotten now.

    1. Why is this blog existing? All of you sound like mean depressed trolls. You go out of your way to disparage someone for months. You folks need a better outlook on life. Geeeez.

    2. Anon 1227, if you really want to know why we are here, here you go:

      In short, many here have followed her in good faith for years and we're either burned personally, or watched the scams pan out. She's lying about her income, the state of her mortgage, the reasons her commissioned work is delayed or never completed. She sells pig meat years in advance and then ghosts the purchasers. She has decades of history doing this kind of thing even before cold antler farm.

      So in short, we're here to watch the trainwreck.


    This woman’s life is a stunning contrast to Jenna’s shit-pit. The “scrappy little lesbian” retweets her for attention.

    1. And she has almost 45,000 followers compared to Jenna’s not even 5, 000.

    2. 5,000 deleted space

    3. Checked out the link. What a beautiful home (and clean fingernails too). Farming the way it should be done. Jenna could take a lesson or two from this woman. She appears to be the expert that JW is not.

    4. This is the woman a younger Jenna tried to imitate, even borrowing Alison's "One woman farm" motto. Meanwhile Jenna would chase her 5 sheep around with a shepherd's staff and kilt, throwing out random Gaelic words and referring to herself as a shepherdess. LOL.

    5. Did she recently begin to follow this woman or has she been following her for a long time? Because like Anon 8:06 noticed, it appears that the Pig Shocker has copied everything from the motto, to the dog in truck pics, the feet pics, the cozy wood stove set up, close-up goat pics, shadowy farm shots, etc. All of it is eerily similar...except Jenna's Twitter is the Skid Row version.

    6. I don’t know all of her history but it seems that she has no core identity. She seems to ‘borrow’ personas from whatever the current flavour of the week is. It’s no wonder she cannot sustain relationships. I’ve never seen anyone who needs professional counselling more than she does.

    7. Anon 7, Jenna was mentioning Alison O'Neal a lot in the beginning years of her blog, when Jenna was wanting to be a "shepherdress" herself. This is before she was living in New York. I wonder if that is why Alison's handle is "the original shepherdress1".

    8. Anon7, she's been following Alison a long time, and I strongly suspect she patterned herself on Alison ages ago. The photos look similar, the animal portraits are alike, the interior tableaus at morning and evening are framed in the same way. In Alison's case, it's genuine, while Pig Shocker's are imitative and "artfully arranged". As someone else mentioned, PS is a low-rent version of Alison.

      There were a few years, starting in 2017, when PS was embarrassing about stalking and complementing Alison in PS's trashy way ("Hey, you look beyond badass in that photo") Hell, like Alison, PS even has a rare Fell Pony.

      If Alison clearly understood how Pig Shocker runs her "farm" and the deplorable way that Fell Pony is treated, she'd be horrified. Letting a Fell Pony hang out in the occasional 32F (0C) winter nights (where Alison lives) is NOT the same as making an aged horse live with insufficient shelter at -10F (-23C). Folks on the other side of the pond care more for their farm animals.

    9. SFF. I’ve also commented about her lack of “core identity.” I think that’s why she’s so obsessed with being a lesbian. It’s just another label for her to use. The same way that Jenna appropriates farmer, falconer, fiddler etc…

    10. PDD. Alison has been sent links and information about Jenna.

    11. Wow, gorgeous account. You can see how Jenna tries to do this kind of thing, but you can't product the content if you don't actually DO anything.

      Here's something Jenna never does:

  3. "She has done absolutely nothing in the past month."

    HD - I think you spelled "decade" wrong. Either way, you are right, as she is the epitome of doing fuck all. First she abandoned her bleg. And now she is neglecting her Twitter.

  4. Twitter Twaddle: "I haven’t been posting this much here, but wanted to say how much I appreciate the shares and help getting the word out. Made some sales and almost there!"

    This is fishy. No one seems to have commented on her lack of posting but she feels compelled to explain her absence anyway? And then she really doesn't explain exactly why. But notice the reminder to keep sharing and getting the word out. Sounds to me like she received a little bit of money from somewhere. Perhaps her recently deceased granny's estate was finally settled and she was given a few grand? Cuz not begging on the daily is not Jenna's thing. Something is up.

    1. “Scrappy little liar”January 30, 2023 at 6:30 AM
      “I haven’t been posting this much here, but wanted to say how much I appreciate the shares and help getting the word out. Made some sales and almost there!”

      It’s Monday moanin’ now
      and “this farm” is “almost there!”
      The lying, lazy loser
      wears hats to hide her hair.

      Anon7. I posted the above comment today on the last post.

      I agree that this isn’t her usual begging behavior. No one cares about her “dumb little life,” and whether or not she tweets is meaningless.

    2. There’s also the possibility that she’s been criticized by others than us about her begging. Jenna’s stupid and stubborn, but if a “pretty brunette femme” said something, then it might make a difference. Although it’s unlikely. Shannon has had no lasting influence on Jenna’s lie-style.

    3. Sorry about the duplicate post, I did't see yours. And yeah, her behavior of late is so not her. But I'm sure a new big disaster is on the horizon once the empty premium ice cream containers hit the trash can.

    4. Anon7. You need not apologize. I only pointed out my comment to show that we both saw the same thing about her tweet. It was at the end of a long post, so I didn’t expect that you’d seen it. I always appreciate your insights. Thanks!

  5. Jenna’s ridiculous retweets are almost as stupid as her own. They’re usually unfunny and virtue-signaling.

  6. I just scrolled through the Shepherdess IG. Stunning photography and it’s clear that Jenna tries to duplicate her style. The problem is that unlike Jenna, Alison appears to be the real deal plus her barn is way cleaner than JW’s kitchen.

    1. Jenna could never “duplicate” Alison’s aesthetics. And this woman apparently lives authentically, not a “carefully curated” lie-style.

  7. I think Anon7 is absolutely right. The Faux Farmer is likely the recipient of a little bit of cash, possibly from her granny’s estate, and she’s flying through it without giving a thought to tomorrow. Not a care in the world. There’s something going on at the hovel on the hill, and I can tell you this for free, if it isn’t something bad we’d be the last to hear about it.

    1. This bitch has been begging for years. There’s no way that she’d suddenly change without a reason. Jenna’s too manipulative to announce a windfall, because that could effect future money mooching.

    2. 10 ish years ago I knew a young couple who had a blog. They would blog about "emergencies" because they had one particular family member who would enable them by solving their problems with cash. This couple was pretty irresponsible with money because whenever they had a problem, their family solved it with money.

      I wonder if "ow my tooth" is a lever she can pull for a specific person. Maybe the performance isn't for her foolowers, but just one sucker who falls for it every time.

    3. It could be something as simple as granny leaving Jenna her old yet reliable car (1990's Chrysler Sebring convertible perhaps). Understandably, she doesn't want to deal with transporting it, so asks dear old dad to sell it for her in PA and then send her the proceeds for the sale.

  8. On IG:

    Posting about what she watched on another streaming channel ( HBOMAX). For those keeping count she’s mentioned Hulu, Netflix, Prime, and HBOMAX in various posts. Plus she just “bought” ( her word) a new movie M3gan this past weekend.

    Tell us how strapped you are with bills Jenna!!

    It’s 1/31 and she’s posting about the deep freeze coming. Will she make the December mortgage payment to put her farm in the best shape it’s ever been by today???!!

    1. Funny how she hasn’t made her usual hyperbolic, obnoxious announcement about her always late mortgage being paid at the last minute.

      Jenna’s been too busy spending her extra money. Just like how she quickly blew through the Birchthorn book funds of $15,000, but didn’t budget enough for future publishing costs.

    2. Cripes. I don't have four streaming services.

    3. Betcha she has an extensive DVD collection as well. Her copy of "Magic Mike" is no doubt cracked from use and held together by bodily fluids.

  9. Wog’s Wike Wild Weather TalesJanuary 31, 2023 at 4:33 AM

    This weather report brought to you by premium ice cream and expensive streaming services.

    Reporting live near Cambridge NY to report that this “ deep freeze” Jenna is concerned about will occur Friday and Saturday and then temps will go back up to 30’s and 40’s.
    Weather maps show No indication that it will be colder for gay lesbian Baba Yaga’s that live alone on the side of a mountain.

    Back to you Shamsters.

    1. It’s no wonder why she has an obese body with pigging out on premium ice cream and her putrid, pan pizza. Jenna has all of the streaming services, because the lying, lazy loser is a wannabe yuppie.

    2. Lols. Cloudy, with a chance of bullshit!

      Serious question: What is worse, Winter's Bottom conditions or a deep freeze/ice storm? Those poor, shelterless horses. Hope they escape for good.

    3. Anon7, it's the cold, coupled with ice and high winds that's the hardest for horses. This is especially true in the Northeast, because our winters are 'wet'. Out west, it's drier, and so horses have an easier time.

      My horses will be locked inside Friday night, wearing thinsulate blankets, having a double-dose of hay, and enjoying heated water. You know, dogs and cats communicate. So do horses, and it's obvious when they want doors shut or blankets on. For example, one of my horses pulls his blanket off a rack when he wants it ON, and he walks away when he doesn't want to wear it.

      Horses aren't stupid, nor are they indestructible. I feel terrible for Pig Shocker's horses, who will ache and feel the cold in ways she won't understand or care about.

    4. PDD - Thanks for the explanation. My heart aches for those horses. You sound like a fabulous horse owner -- it's obvious that you have a brain. And a heart. Unlike someone we know.

  10. “Scrappy little liar”January 31, 2023 at 6:19 AM

    Jenna hasn’t been begging
    she must’ve got some money.
    But she’ll be back to mooching
    so fast it isn’t funny.

    1. I love reading these
      So accurate, spot-on
      Calling the grifter out
      For her latest Beg-a-thon

  11. For anyone somewhat new here, I'm copying and pasting the shitshow from Jenna's kickstarter where she basically stole 15k from people who thought they would get a well written, gift-quality book. Here is the link to the comments and I'm also copying/pasting three posts from her editor (Heather).

    "I really believe in the Kickstarter concept, and I have backed many projects without incident. This whole Jenna experience was really very depressing. I edited the manuscript for her--it was riddled with errors, and it took me two full passes to get it into any shape at all (and I still missed stuff, which is embarrassing, but she refused to read through it herself before making it available for download as an ebook). I published the hardcovers for her, and we had a handshake agreement (no contract, because at that point I considered her a friend and I was sloppy about the details) for the paperbacks. When it came time to produce them, she panicked at how much it was going to cost, and she sent it out to an extremely cheapie printer (the quality of the paperback I received was shockingly bad), breaking our agreement after I had devoted time and energy to formatting the book. It is what it is, and I'll certainly think twice before offering services to anyone without a real contract in hand."

    "there was a real disregard here for the basic responsibility of delivering a quality book to the Kickstarter backers. Jenna collected over $15,000, but when the time came to publish, she hadn’t reserved money to do it in a quality manner. (In a lifetime with books, I have never, never seen such a shoddy printing job as the Birchthorn paperback.) I had explained to her when I offered my services--I have a little side hustle publishing house that produces books about border collies and sheepdogs, mostly books that I want out there for the border collie community to enjoy, books that wouldn’t be financially viable for commercial publishers--that I couldn’t match the prices of mass printers, because we do print-on-demand, but that it would be a totally turnkey: she wouldn’t have to worry about anything after she handed in the manuscript. I quoted per-book prices for both the hard covers and the paperbacks, and she agreed readily. I also quoted a price for editing the manuscript. The manuscript that I received was not in publishable condition at all: there were some good rough ideas in it, but the writing was really sloppy, and there were also problems with the plot and the characters. I spent a ton of time on it--much more than I had anticipated spending, but I wanted it to be as good as possible. My final disillusionment actually came not when Jenna decided that she didn’t want me to publish the paperbacks after all, but when she refused to read the page proofs before publication. Reading page proofs is a basic responsibility of an author, but Jenna just couldn’t be bothered (she told me that she had hired me for that). That’s when I realized that, sadly, I apparently cared more about the quality of Birchthorn than she did. It could have been a lot better, and it should have been. A basic tenet of adulting is responsibility first, play second. In other words, make sure your book is as good as it can be before you swim in the river and shoot arrows from your horse."

    "Jenna, you've had the hardcover books since the first week in August--I know that for a fact, since I'm the one who shipped them to you. That's EIGHT MONTHS. If people don't have their hardcover books yet, that's just inexcusable. (The paperback that I received was printed on tissue-thin paper with ink blotches on several pages, but that's another story entirely.)"

    1. PDD. I made the above comment about Birchthorn. And I’ve also linked the Kickstarter crap before, because it can’t be pointed out enough here. Especially for newbies. Jenna has a rotten reputation for many reasons.

    2. “Okay you need to back off Heather. Sarah was contacted today and a book is in the mail for her. As for you and me, our business is done. I paid you for every single fee you asked for. I stopped working with you because of hard advice from my agent when she saw how you did business and your practices to the point of almost involving the lawyers at the WGA. I got the emails, so do you. Stop it.”

      What’s just as revealing is Jenna’s response above to Heather’s appropriate annoyance. She’s trying to come across as being the victim. When she’s the one who’d refused to do what was necessary to make her book meet professional criterion.

    3. I’d suggest reading all of Jenna’s jerky responses to backers of her book. She’s snippy and surly to people who gave her a lot of money. They had the right to expect a finished product after waiting for much longer than expected.

    4. I’m also sure that Jenna’s agent has done her due diligence, and knows all about the Kickstarter campaign. And that’s one of the reasons the FFF’s new book proposal was rejected by her.

    5. Those comments are many disgruntled investors...and so much gaslighting by Jenna.

      “Okay you need to back off Heather." I remember my mouth dropped open when I first read that. Sooooo soooooooo bitchy! Someone was rightfully calling her out and she couldn't take it.

    6. ANON7, isn’t it funny how she answered her editor not only in full bitch mode, but also, confirming everything the woman said about her writing, effing full of punctuation errors! How telling.

  12. Rachel Keane, right on cue, shills her shit again on Twitter. Apparently, the “scrappy little lesbian” is too busy watching her multiple streaming services to tweet.

    1. Came here to say the same thing ! Rach strikes yet again, and big surprise, nothing else on her account except faux farmer retweets. But wow, how she picked those hashtags…as if Jenna herself did that…
      This is pathetic. Is Jenna THAT desperate? I guess so.

    2. Anonymous 10:17. And even if RK is a separate person, and not another alias of Jenna’s, we’d have to wonder what’s in it for her? It’s not like the FFF ever expresses any interest in her. Other than retweets of her own crap for sale.

    3. I have ZERO doubt that the Rachel Keane account is Jenna’s.

    4. It's odd that Rachel Keane , FF super fan, has only 26 followers and Jenna is not one of them.

    5. It’s super suspect that RK has such a strong interest in promoting Jenna.

    6. Lol, those hashtags are something else:

      #ValentinesDay #gifts #pets #pet #CatsOfTwitter #DogsofTwittter #Presents #art #watercolor

      What kind of casual customer puts that much time and thought into promoting something for nothing?

    7. Anon7, Rachel Keane is the kind of casual customer who shilled soft drinks for a year, disappeared in 2015 and reappeared in 2022 to shill Pig Shocker products. Can you say "faked account"?

  13. “has anyone else not got covid yet? I am well aware just tweeting this might be the thing that gets me.”


    1. It’s her usual stupid statements that make no sense. Jenna seems to be implying, like an imbecile, that she’ll get Covid (it’s capitalized, cretin) just by tweeting about it.

    2. Looks like she’s setting herself up for a new beg. “Poor me, I have Covid. Send cash immediately” Wait for it ……

    3. SFF. You might be right. When the “wall of enamel falling off her teeth” didn’t work for her manipulative marketing, then Jenna had to create another fabricated crisis to filch free funds.

    4. Perhaps FF asked the last idiotic question to generate reader activity - kind of like asking "Does anyone here like puppies?"

    5. Anon 1:14, isn’t it odd how quickly the “broken ankle”, the “wall of enamel falling off a front tooth”, the last week’s “root canal” , the “ice storm” and the “ 90 days of unpaid mortgage” -putting all of those in , 🙄, air quotes, because I doubt any of them are true-were all forgotten during her weekend of fun and adventure visiting a friend and instagramming about how many streaming services she pays for and watches, Chinese food takeouts, and such.
      I know if any one of those things were happening to me, let alone all of them at the same time, I sure wouldn’t be doing what she is doing, nor advertising it on the World Wide Web.

    6. I'm surprised she hasn't already claimed to have covid.

    7. Oh but she did, WIW. Back in 2020, at the height of the Covid scare she posted about having a very high fever and suggested it might be Covid. Of course, it wasn't. She was just glomming on to the latest hot news topic to get more eyes on her products.

  14. I’m guessing Rachel Keane is Jenna. The phrase “I owned Christmas” has Jenna’s footprints all over it.

    1. I also agree. It’s something stupid that Jenna would say to try and sound cool.

    2. Agree X 3!! And I find it interesting that she chose the surname "Keane" which is the same as that fraudulent fake "artist" Walter who was married to the famous "Big Eyes" painter Margaret whose paintings he took credit for for years. Total sod, just like Jenna.

    3. Jenna’s the Cambridge Queen of Con.

  15. Y’all, it is feb 1st. I wonder who paid her mortgages. Because as of today she should have had a Feb mortgage due, and is woefully late on the December and January’s. You KNOW the world would be hating about it in spades if she was 3 months behind.

    1. Hearing not hating!*

    2. Actually, “hating” was also an appropriate word choice.

  16. On IG: a pic of her filthy toilet seat. I might throw up.

    1. I don’t see the seat. Maybe it’s in a story. Jenna’s repellent on every level. She’s a filthy feral failure.

    2. OMG that toilet seat is a bio hazard and to make matters worse the cat is shitting in the bowl. And this is something she thinks is appropriate for public display. It’s beyond unsanitary.

    3. It's super special that one of her cartoon paintings is hanging right next to the open toilet where the cat is defecating. Did y'all know fecal materials spray about 9 feet out of the toilet?

      How soon before she tries to sell that "crappy" drawing?

    4. Omg she is insane! That is horrible but you know she’ll try!!

    5. Lately her tweets, pics and posts have been res disgusting. I think that she’s not staying sober. It’s obvious that Jenna’s cognitive abilities are rapidly declining. It’s like she’s going out of her way to be repugnant. It’s no wonder why she’s still single.

    6. Edit: have been really

  17. Can someone publish a pic or send a link to the pic? I'm one of the few people who is not on IG. Thx

    1. She deleted it. It was a pic of her cat sitting on the toilet with a caption about how she never taught him to use the toilet but he does. Toilet seat was very dirty. Like dirty gas station dirty!! Trash overflowing in the garbage can. Overall very dirty dingy bathroom that needs a deep clean. Right next to the toilet on the wall ( where a toilet roll holder would be) is the “Jaws”painting she did recently with the collie/ sheep.

      It was nightmare!!

    2. It looks like she took the toilet pic down.

    3. She probably realized that pic was not going to bring any young, brunette, femmes, to her hovel for all night sex!!!

    4. Once again, thin-skinned Jenna was shamed by our comments to delete the disgusting post. She’s a regular reader here. This has happened many times before. Yet she’ll claim to not care about criticism.

    5. Check out WIW's reddit for the best in hersteading images. Lol.

  18. She just posted a picture of her dog sitting in a cat tree with a dog coat on. How come there are never pictures of the dog with the coat on when he’s outdoors? Its bizarre. The phrase ‘stoned again’ comes to mind when she posts crazy nonsense like this.

    1. Her dogs are pet props for pics. Jenna’s been bragging about getting high for months now. I’m sure that she’s also drinking alcohol again.

  19. It's supposed to be -30 wind chill Saturday, I believe. All I can think about is those poor horses, one elderly, and one with untreated arthritis, standing out in that cold with no shelter. :-(

    1. That literally physically makes me stomach hurt. Can’t anything be done? You would think the local authorities would be monitoring livestock/pet conditions. It’s a small town, right? In my southern small town, anytime we have a deep freeze, the local LE puts out strong statements to slack owners, and then they patrol for wellness checks.

    2. We have a network of neighbors working on having her horses removed.

  20. Really laying on the “it’s cold crap” on IG. She’s going on about how she has to go buy feed today ( shouldn’t she have that??). Also she gives a PSA about how you need to have blankets in your car and food...
    “Cause last year several cars of commuters died on the northway last winter acting like the weather isn’t a bigger reality than their job”

    My husband and I are both commuters on the northway ( we go in opposite directions) to access our direct deposit jobs and did not hear about this at all!!! I even looked up local news stories from last year and could not find any story about “ several cars of commuters “ dying last year due to cold weather and not having granola bars....

    If any locals know otherwise let me know but she’s either outright lying or serious fiction writing going on.

    I love how she brags about how prepared she is and how everyone else just goes about their lives like the weather doesn’t matter when SHE as a lesbian Baba Yaga farmer should not be going to buy feed TODAY when she’s had all week to make sure that she had what she needed for her animals.

    1. Eating icing with sprinkles for breakfast and calling it a ‘power breakfast’ is just about the most moronic thing she has posted. And then she complains that ‘chores are slow this morning’. Any functioning adult realizes that you need protein for energy. What a complete fool she is. And this from someone who brags about raising pork and eggs.

    2. SFF. It’s no wonder why she’s fat. Jenna’s constantly pigging out on high calorie crap.

      Anonymous 5:53. Her whole life is lies, and hyperbolic bullshit.

  21. Jenna- who has plenty of time to post on IG how busy she is, is out running errands And buying animal feed. She is so so so busy because of the cold weather! She gives us this interesting quote typed over a picture at the feed store.

    “Hardest part of days like this is making time for freelance. Got 2 pet portraits to finish, 4 logo clients, and a writing assignment from my new boss to start researching. But I’ll be up all night so at least I’ll be productive? It’ll be March before you know it”

    New boss, new boss??? Maybe that’s why the begging has stopped... good on her, hope she keeps working and paying bills.

    Not sure if I can stand her “ it’s cold posts”. Going to be 40’s starting Sunday and all next week so calm down Jenna!!

    I predict she will not be up all night “ productive”. I think she will be screwing around on SM and posting dumb shit all night. Prove me wrong Jenna!! We can see who is right!

    1. Such a busy little scrappy scammer. Sure, Jen.” I don’t buy her “new boss” bull. She got canned from her other freelance gig last year.

    2. “Sure, Jen.”

    3. Her writing is atrocious. She has no idea what punctuation is and she never proof reads. If she truly has a new gig it won’t last long. She sounds like the worlds worst employee.

    4. SFF. Exactly. Who the hell would hire her? And she hates anyone in authority. It won’t last long if the job is even true.

    5. Hold up...she is saying it's hard to find time to work? Well actually, no surprise there as she seems to spend most of her time watching streaming services.

  22. She truly is an idiot. Yes, it's dangerously cold tonight (-33F with windchill), because of an Arctic blast. This was known DAYS ago, which is when normal people took care of barn and livestock preparation. This morning didn't take me any longer than usual because "this farm" is ready.

    Later today, everyone will be secured and safe. Warm mashes am and pm and electrolytes will help, along with warm drinking water.

    I feel so sorry for crap-for-brains' animals, especially the aged horses.

    1. Does she really not have a barn for her horses? That sounds incomprehensible and incredibly cruel.

    2. In 2012, she had someone install a roof over an old foundation. At the time, it was designed for the two ponies (Jasper and Merlin), a run-in shed without real walls. I've never seen photos of the finished product or a photo of the horses under their "roof". I remember her talking about the need to put sides on the structure, but like everything else, I don't know if she ever did this.

      Since she throws down hay for the horses at the house (where their water trough is located), I'm going to assume the shelter is a dirty piece of crap, without bedding or walls.

      Any Shamsters have more details on the pony overhang??

    3. I think it's VERY telling that she has NEVER ONCE posted a pic of the horse shelter. I imagine it's probably a bunch of old carpets woven together and held up by wire-filled Pixie Stix straws.

    4. Anon7, she could have used almost anything for sides: tarps, woven branches, scrap wood, even plastic sheeting.

      Weird that there doesn't appear to be any photographic evidence of the finished horse "shelter". As they say, "photo or it didn't happen".

  23. 14 IG stories so far today. Butt hoo boy howdy she’s so bizzy!

    Bragging how her pigs have 4 walls.. umm we’ve seen those walls, rotting, decrepit, gaping holes.

    1. I noticed she hasn’t bragged about four walls for the horses. Or a roof for that matter. Never any pictures of THAT structure.

    2. SFF. We’ve driven by her hovel many times. The old buildings are literally, falling apart. Her “carefully curated” pics are cropped.

    3. 14 stories?!? What's the point since they disappear in 24 hours? From what I understand, for people like me who don't have a Facebook-owned Instagram account, all you can see are the pics on her main page, and any "Reels" that she posts.

      In addition, she has totally abandoned her bleg, and now she's barely posting on Twitter. Posting crap on Instagram I get, but posting disappearing stories? What an idiot.

      BTW, huge THANK YOU to WIW for the reddit cold antler subreddit, and thanks to PoodleDiDoo for posting the links to the recent pics. That toilet, OMG, I thought maybe my monitor was dirty, but nope, bitch don't clean.

    4. Up to 20 stories including her espresso machine “exploded” and what a mess! But the kitchen is so messy anyway it’s hard to tell!!

  24. Long time shamster here. Someone came to this blog years ago and said her father gave Jenna a lot of money to build a barn. He said he would find a builder but she said she preferred to do that. She took the money and never had the barn built. The woman said her father was broken over this. I cannot verify if this is true but some other long time shamsters may remember. This was around the time she wrote in her blog that her life was truly magical so my guess is it’s true. She probably spent the money on her mortgage and new toys.

    1. Someone here will have info about this. I think it also might be found on Meredith's blog.

    2. Anon, I remember this. The gentleman was extremely upset that he sent money to her for the specific purpose of comforting the horses, and she kept his donation for *whatever* and told him she had other uses for his poodle cash.

      Before the topic was closed, it may have also been discussed on the Reddit Shieldmare thread.

    3. I remember that as well.

  25. Not only do the horses not have a barn but I never see them with any blankets on. They should at least have on a sheet for wind protection and plenty of hay and access to good drinking water. Which I doubt if she is still stupidly fooling with hoses. Chances are their water is frequently frozen solid. That goes for all the animals.

    1. She should be forced to spend the night out there with those horses.

    2. She said this morning that her horses were blanketed but the pictures were so closely cropped you could only see a bit of mane and yet she lets her dog sleep under a heated blanket indoors. I don’t understand her priorities. Are there no emergency animal protection officers in her area?

    3. Her priorities? The horses are only useful to her in the Spring, Summer, and Fall when she can use them for lazy day horsey rides with friends and take pretty pics for social media. But in the Winter, they can fuck right off.

    4. I've certainly seen a blanket on Mabel, but nothing on Merlin. She perversely enjoys showing photos of Merlin covered in ice & snow, showing how "rugged" he is (like an aged pony has a choice).

    5. Correction: A year ago, there were photos showing Merlin in a blanket/sheet.

  26. On Instagram, another unbelievable bullshit purchase...for her DOG:

    "I bought this heated blanket for me, but she has claimed it and It looks good on her. It’s nothing fancy, just search “teal heated throw” on Amazon - I think it was $$39?"

    First off, heated blankets are a luxury, not a necessity. Tell us again Pig Shocker how you don't have enough money to pay your mortgage. Secondly, this means that she obviously has to buy another one for that would be $80 wasted. In the pic, it's her favorite dog Friday who got the blanket. What about poor old arthritic Gibson? Does he get one too?

    1. I've been wondering what's up with Friday. She has always seemed a very energetic almost hyper dog, and now there's nothing but photos of Friday in a hooded jacket wrapped in blankets and sleeping. The dog looks depressed or ill. I agree Anon 7, poor old Gibson probably needs a warm blanket.

  27. Btw, there are third party sites that allow you to view Instagram stories and posts without giving the owner viewer credits. Be careful as some are conduits for really unacceptable pop-ups.

    This one seems to work:

  28. “If you date a Swiftie, and you’re not already one, we will ruin Taylor Swift for you if we break up. But there is a 0% chance you will ruin her for us. Every heartbreak makes this mycelium structure stronger.”

    Grow the fuck up, Jenna. You’re 40 NOT 14.

    1. “A mycelium is a network of fungal threads or hyphae.” Apparently, Jenna now relates to mushrooms, rather than being a Baba Yaga, wolf, and hairy hobbit.

    2. Showing “how bad” things are at her house. She’s got frozen pipes again and says her house isn’t well insulated like the rest of us out in the world.

      Serious note- just to Jenna so if you aren’t the Gay Lesbian Baba Yaga of Cambridge, look away!!

      Jenna— you post on SM about dating and relationships a lot. A lot. I’m sure that coming out later in life, you may feel like you missed out on a lot of young love stuff. You did. You did, but it’s time to See that what you are doing is not going to attract a quality partner. It did once. But that was because of the pandemic. Be real and see that the people interested in you are actually worse off than you... (car living Lesbian who has no money-ring any bells?)
      Your posts lead me to believe that you are hoping to be the sage, established older lesbian who attracts a younger rosy cheeked brunette who is in awe of your life and wants to crack ice on the dog bowl by your side after ALL night sex ( because you told us repeatedly that’s how lesbians are). I know you don’t get out of the house much but young people today do not want what you have which is no money and nothing but misery (frozen pipes, dental work, can’t pay bills, broken ankles you can’t afford to fix, never go any anywhere but a local brewery, TS obsession ( comes across as creepy to those not 13) the 40’s are going to be rough for you Jenna. I’ve been following you since you were young and spunky. You aren’t anymore, you look tired and overloaded and overwhelmed as anyone would be who is unsuccessfully carrying a load that is too much but refusing to change.

    3. Anon 5:48

      Her current obsession is “The Last of Us” on the premium streaming service HBOMAX. It has lots of fungi related stuff going on and the “infected” are connected by fungal threads so she is now integrating that into Swift talk. Doesn’t she have pipes to unfreeze. BTW didn’t a MAN help her insulate the bathroom floor so this wouldn’t happen???

    4. All I could think was, if her dogs’ bowl froze in her kitchen, (wtf is she showing all those photos with no fire in her stove?) , can you imagine the state of her poor, elderly horses, goat, remaining poultry-if any, and sheep outside with little to no shelter? My heart aches for them. Do y’all remember the frozen waters in a pig barn in her area which caused a lot of trouble to someone Katz helped a while ago?

    5. I remember the incident. Katz and Co were incensed that a local farmer was punished because his pigs didn't have water. Their water froze in the winter. Now, the farmer could've prevented frozen water by keeping a warmer barn, using insulated buckets, or supplying water heaters. Heck, there are entire threads dedicated to inventions for keeping livestock water unfrozen in winter. He didn't bother apparently.

      My personal opinion is there's nothing lower than a farmer, or animal owner, who doesn't provide adequate care for their charges, including fresh, clean, *drinkable* water. Animals haven't a choice; they depend on owners for everything.

      No doubt if local properties were inspected during cold spells, they would find a slew of violations. Right, pig shocker?

    6. PDD I absolutely agree with you. When it comes to my goats and chickens, I am almost comically (to others) concerned about their waters, but someone told me a long time ago that if you ever wonder if your critters’ water needs changing or looks ok, ask yourself, would I drink it right here, right now, out of this bowl myself. And if the answer is no, or even delayed, then your answer is, you need to change the water. Simple metric. I am a big water drinker, and it gives me a lot of satisfaction to serve up cold, crystal clear waters throughout the day to my critters outside, and even my backyard bird baths get the same treatment. If I wouldn’t drink it, why should I expect other souls to?
      I don’t think Wog suffers from any of those types of thoughts.

  29. “Grateful it’s one rough weekend and not longer. I know a lot of you deal with harsh temperatures but your home is better insulated and heated. This is two wood stoves no sleep. Not saying it’s horrible, but it isn’t easy.” -via instagram.
    There’s so much to unpack in this post. Let’s just pretend she’s telling the truth about how cold it is in her home.
    She has had a decade and several windfalls to insulate her own home. If cost is an issue you would think a one woman farm can climb into the attic and lay insulation herself. If her home is so poorly insulated this should be a main priority. The cost and damage of busted pipes is so expensive.
    Has she ever spoken of placing plastic over her windows? It’s an easy way of helping to keep a drafty house warm.
    As someone who has heated solely with wood stoves. What the heck is she doing? Get a bed of coals, pack it full with wood and turn down the flue.
    The whole “no sleep” guilt trip she’s trying to pull is bullshit. She makes it clear that her time is her own, laying in a hammock or swimming during summer afternoons. Farmers matinees and streaming services, meditations, yoga and 5Ks. She crows about doing all these things while poodles work for folding money. She can take a nap and catch up on her one all-nighter. Good grief.

    1. She has mentioned in the past that she has a furnace to keep the house warm enough to prevent frozen pipes. (One of her recent posts showed a thermostat on the wall). In my opinion all this whining is a load of crap.

    2. She’s chosen every bit of her crappy lie-style. I’ll say it again. One can’t be both victim and victor at the same time.

  30. And right on cue she has posted a picture of BOTH dogs under the heated blanket. Looks like we shamed her into offering some comfort to Gibson. Now, please do something about those poor horses ……

    1. Jenna has this blog bookmarked. HD has said that she’s almost always here. Rather than working to support her fat ass.

    2. Just an observation on her reading this site - is she such a narcissist that she would subject herself to constant criticism just to know that others are paying attention to her? That’s a special kind of crazy right there.

    3. SFF in the past, she has used that as a star in her crown: look at me, I’m so famous and such a big-time public figure that I have sites dedicated to fact-checking me.
      I could just see her bragging to a younger person she is trying to impress, aw, shucks, I’m so gosh-darn famous, i have a few hate sites. I would have to think that a normal person would be mortified and do anything to correct the behavior/actions being called out by such sites. Especially when she publicly brags about that very behavior/actions.

  31. I'm with you Anon 6:42. I have heated exclusively with a woodstove too. It's fairly easy to keep it going enough all night to be able to stir up the coals early in the morning and get the fire going again. I don't think I've ever stayed up "all night" to keep a stove going and I've dealt with my share of ugly weather.
    She's counting on the citiots to think she's wilderness living. They have no clue how she makes it out to be harder than it is. I currently have boiler heat, and I still put plastic on all my windows every fall.

    1. Jenna wants kudos for living like a filthy feral failure.

    2. I grew up in an exclusively wood heated home in northern ontario. -30C for weeks or months. Prime pipe freezing weather. No one ever stayed up all night to keep the wood stove going. Is she burning cheap crap? Not all wood burns equally long or hot.

      Anyway, she has an oil heater, she's had over a decade to insulate and has spent tens of thousands of dollars on animals she doesn't need, hay to feed them, and fan girl crap. This is a solvable problem she refuses to take care of. If it is even a problem. I doubt it.

  32. Something to ponder, I’m not sure if this is her case, but it occurred to me this week as those of us in the south watched the Murdaugh double murder trial in SC. I may be misspelling him.
    When his financial misdeeds were brought up, they talked about a couple of his mortgages being “charged off” meaning the bank considers it a loss, charges off (closes) the loan, but allows the borrower to stay at the property as long as they are paying “something”, “at some point”. Now, if that borrower ever tried to sell the property, they wouldn’t be able to, until they paid off the debt, but it sounds to me what they were implying was that a borrower can pretty much squat for a while, as long as they are paying something. I wonder if that’s her actual situation. And if she is hoping for an influx of money down the road to pay her charged off loan up?? And maybe I’m not understanding it correctly, but that’s what came to mind this week as I watched the court proceedings for that case.

    1. Interesting premise. And if that were the case (and it certainly may not be) she is caught between a rock and a hard place - virtually trapped in her self made hell scape, unable to get her money out of the place until she catches up.

    2. That house and barn are going to continue to fall down around her. Even the best of friends get tired of being asked for help! We know she's afraid of power tools so how is she going to fix her house? If this is the case, she may end up with a property she can't sell, but can't live there either.

    3. I don’t know about the house but the barn looks like it should be condemned. All that rotten wood is a hazard.

  33. “Pet portraits are still on sale and the more I do the better I get! DM!”

    The bitch is back begging again. They’re always “still on sale” for more manipulative marketing.


      Rachel Keane is right on cue to tweet about her crap. What a shock. Not.

    2. “Scrappy little liar”February 4, 2023 at 4:24 PM

      Rachel shills her shit
      she’s always right on cue.
      Jenna will be a beggar
      until her life is through.

  34. Another Saturday night alone. Another movie streaming. Jenna needs to shower, put on some decent (clean) clothing, get out of her hovel and make a real life for herself with real people. Her situation gets sadder every year.

    1. I don’t know why a few people here think that she’s dating again. I don’t see any evidence.

      Jenna’s life is an epic failure, and every bit was created by her crappy decisions. And stubborn refusal to change.

    2. I think if she was dating she would be shouting it from the rooftop which would be more entertaining than posting pictures of her filthy toilet seat. Man, that was an all time low.

    3. SFF. No one worthy wants a lying, lazy loser like Jenna. She’s an animal abusing beggar, pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer.

    4. She’s also fat, ugly and stinky.

  35. “The more I do the better I get”? Sounds like she’s had complaints as to the quality of her pet portraits. She probably does a slapdash job because as we all know, once she gets the money, she loses interest in providing product.

    1. Yes, sorry but it’s not the buyers responsibility to help you get better. If I am buying from you I expect the product that you’ve shown as far as skill and quality. I don’t like her pet portraits since to me they don’t have any
      She’s wasting time arguing with bots again on IG. I know she thinks it’s cute but I feel so much embarrassment for her.

    2. I’m sick of seeing Jenna’s childish scribbled pet portraits. And I’m sure that others are, too. She’s not even talented enough to be an amateur animator. It’s always cartoon crap.

      BTW: The bitch buys bots.

    3. She always puts the responsibility of her work on everyone else. Like in her pathetic pleas for retweets, and begging for more sales to become better at doing dumb drawings.

    4. Maybe Rachel Keane can hire her to do whatever she wants.

    5. Her work is inconsistent. The odd one hits the mark but there are so many bad drawings and her drawings of cats are horrible. I disagree that the more she does, the better she gets. I think the measure of her work depends on how baked she is on any given day.

    6. Omg, yes, now it's the buyer's responsibility to help her get better at drawing. Just like it's other people's responsibility to pay her mortgage and dental bills.

    7. “Live like fiction!” And it’s always at the expense of others paying for her lie-style.

  36. Did I miss it? She said in her stories that the horses were "fine" but all she showed was Mabel's head. I don't believe anything she says. No actual proof of life that I saw in her stupid IG. I hope that pathetic barn falls down on her head.

    1. She’ll deliberately show closely cropped pics to hide issues. Thin-skinned, fat ass Jenna constantly reacts to our criticism here. But it only makes her look worse.

  37. She posted on IG a crock pot full of chili saying her friends called her last night to invite her - where? It looked like a bar and not someone’s home and there were no friends in the picture (or her for that matter) and a comment about it being the best day of her life ……. then she took it down and replaced it with a picture of a pile of books. Her posts are so random and weird.

    1. If it really was “the best day of her life,” then she would’ve kept the post up, and also bragged about it on Twitter. Her whole life is “so random and weird.”

    2. I’m sure that Shannon’s “best day of her life” was dumping fat ass, and moving back to Boston.

    3. I get a chuckle when she brags about her friends at the depot and pics always show a bunch of old coots hanging around.

      I think it was more like “ hey doesn’t that weird chick who dresses like a dime store Indiana Jones always buy 6 bowls of chili? Anyone have her number??, it’s a slow night!!”

    4. But aren't her pipes supposedly frozen? That's why she deleted it. Going out makes her look like her pipes couldn't possibly frozen. Lies again.

  38. Here is how you get good at something - practice. You don't spend all day on social media or binge watching tv shows.

    1. Jenna’s far too slothful to ever put efforts into anything worthwhile. She’d rather play on social media, watch streaming services, and pretend to be an authentic farmer. When she’s a homesteader hobbyist at best.


    Funny, how Jenna who’s gloated about being glad that P-22 was still free, has been strangely silent about his demise.

  40. Oh Jenna. When people wait until the night before to text you to attend a public gathering at the pub... that event wasn't thrown together the night before.

    That's not the enthusiastic inclusion you think it is.

  41. Hey, I’m going to spend my hard earned money on a pet portrait so the next person will get a better one.

  42. “Still defrosting pipes here but so far the farms come out of the deep freeze okay”

    No one cares, cunt. You’re an incompetent moron. Even after a decade of having your hovel.

  43. “Woke up to a burst pipe I can’t afford, on the day of a filling repair at the dentist I can’t afford while still trying to catch up on last month. People that are always playing catch up can never get ahead. Ever.”

    And here it is right on cue. Her big beg as always.


    2. So if she’s only catching up on last month... December is paid? We didn’t get a “yay I paid December” post so I’m confused. 😂. Burst pipe huh? Amazing how her pipes constantly burst.

    3. Not only doesn’t the story sound true for the December mortgage, but how did a root canal and a week later, enamel falling off chipped front tooth, turn into a filling all of a sudden? She can’t keep her stories straight.
      It mustn’t be too bad because yes, she is already retweeting TS crap.

    4. “She can’t keep her lies straight.”

    5. She’d rather “play” than pay for her lie-style. Jenna wants others to support her fat ass. While she wastes time cyber stalking famous females.

  44. On IG:
    2 hrs ago— 5 stories on the Grammy awards and TS.

    50min. Ago— story about burst pipe.

    So she’s been up posting about stupid shit online and then “ woke” up to this burst pipe. Interesting timeline.

    1. 2 min ago— she posted another TS story with the caption that she is cutting copper pipe. And hasn’t had coffee.

      Most people with a crisis aren’t posting about TS— just saying.

    2. If she kept the taps dribbling, as she claimed, the pipe shouldn’t have burst. As usual it doesn’t add up. And of course no picture of the damaged pipe, only a pipe cutter and repair piece still in a sealed bag. You would think by now she would either insulate that area or put a thermostatically controlled wire around the dodgy pipes. She really is clueless when it comes to taking care of her house.

    3. Her whole life is lies.

    4. “Shark bite and a pipe cutter later I’ve repaired the plumbing myself- now I gotta get some logo work done”

      Isn’t she amazing?! What a bunch of bull. After we called her out in our comments, the “scrappy little lesbian” was suddenly, able to persevere with her problem.

    5. But what about her dental issues? Maybe she should find another hygienist, like last time, to fix the filling. “Sure, Jen.”

  45. Still posting stupid shit on IG.

    1. You can tell how worried she is. (Said sarcastically.)

  46. Fixed that burst pipe Lickety split while posting about TS. Amazing!!! She has 4 logos to work on and 2 pet portraits. Bizness is booming over there!!

    1. It’s like her mortgage miracle of always coming up with the late payments at the last moment.

  47. It’s all words with no action. Unfortunately, Jenna won’t change. She’ll continue to “play catch up” until her faux farm is finally foreclosed.

  48. “Only two 1/4 shares left for sale in 2023/24 season! Scoop them up!”

    Here she goes with more manipulative marketing, and her lies about future shit shares. Watch as the amount available changes according to Jenna’s need and greed,

    1. Rachel Keane could buy her whole hog. Since she’s Jenna’s most massive, sycophantic supporter. Even Pember Patty never shilled her shit like this dummy does.

    2. Rachel Keane is Jenna.

    3. Anonymous 10:19. I wrote the Rachel Keane comment above. I vacillate between whether she’s Jenna, or just another stupid supporter.

  49. “If I always do what I’ve always done, I’ll always get what I’ve always got”. So she will always be just catching up.

    1. She’s the most stupid and stubborn person we’ve ever met. To her own detriment.

  50. I see she’s trying to sell the badger and kestrel drawing. Would it be inappropriate to ask if it’s been hanging on the wall beside the toilet her cat shits in?

    1. The filthy feral failure would see that as a strongly “scented” selling point.


    “Celestial Goddess” sounds like a fab fit for the filthy feral failure. She might be the next Rachel Keane clone to shill her shit.

  52. Every time she gets "ahead" (defined by bills being up to date and a few thou in the bank) she SPENDS HER MONEY. She buys a truck or an animal or concert tickets or something else she doesn't need.

    Her cashflow situation is just fine, she needs to learn to save for life's inevitabilities.

  53. Her spending habits by the way are another classic ADHD thing. She probably has, and needs, her parents to manage the important finances like taxes and mortgage payments (I bet Jenna pays them for the mortgage and they pay it on time.) Some people with moderate to severe ADHD need this kind of support from their family or partners.

    Again, not an excuse for her behaviour. She long ago should have recognized SHE is the problem and taken steps.


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