
Additionally, this whole share thing is stupid.  First, what is a "share"? 1/2, 1/4, something else.  Then, these pigs haven't even been purchased yet (or born).  So at this point if she runs out of "shares" she just buys another pig and miraculously she has more shares to sell.
It is my opinion that she is not selling any "shares".  She's just yammering. She might keep some and give some to Patty but I don't believe any outside person buys anything.


  1. HD. Exactly. We think that the shit shares are more of her manipulative marketing. It’s one way to get free funds up front for fake pigs. Then she has the chutzpah to suggest that people purchase pork for food banks. As if anyone would do something so stupid.

    1. Clearly, it’s quick cash for her, with no product other than a promise.

    2. Are the pigs even in her own barn? The pictures are so closely cropped they could be anywhere. I’ve only seen birds in that barn.

    3. Another thought - Occasionally someone on Twitter makes a remark about a pet portrait but I don’t recall anyone, ever, posting about what great pork they got from her.

    4. "2 or 3 shares left", according to IG story...she's not even pretending a share has a meaning anymore. Shares are vibes.

    5. The shares are shit.

  2. Tea towel That Jenna is showing on IG cost $40 ( but is on sale for $23). Regardless of what Jenna paid, if she can’t pay her bills she can’t pay for a $20 plus tea towel!!

    1. That tea towel would be wasted with her fat, filthy fingers and ugly man hands. Typical of Jenna to be stupidly talking about making more unnecessary purchases. While begging for her behind as usual mortgage payment.

    2. Wondering if she bought the tea towel online with her non existent credit card or if she found it at the dump.

    3. SFF. Your “found it at the dump” made me chuckle. It’s true, too.

  3. Jenna’s a predator whose only real skill is mooching money off empathetic people. She’s been doing this for decades. “Targeting” is exactly what she does.

  4. You can see a shadow of filth around the cat tree in these photos. Just gross.


    1. Her hovel must have a strong stench.

  5. Jenna on IG:
    - fancy coffee making, steamed milk making
    - planning to watch a movie later in a premium streaming service (Yet another one! ) movie she plans to watch is on IFC midnight, which you can get added to your prime for 5.99/ month.

    Tell us again how poor and busy you are makin coins Jenna.

    Particularly enraging when she flaunts her spending. Make it make sense Jenna!

    Dirty fingers on display in her making fancy coffee stories.

    1. Unreal. I’m watching for the countdown to her colloquial “ok, guys, ok, team, let’s raise me some mortgage funds today and pay off THIS farm’s December mortgage! Scary letter in the mail!”

    2. Jenna’s a massively, self-entitled stupid cunt. Who “flaunts her spending,” because she’s a sociopathic narcissist. I recall her bragging about going to “farmers’ matinees” in the afternoon. When real ones were hard at work.

    3. Her hygiene is horrid. I can’t stress enough how grubby she is in person. And how bad her body odor is. Jenna’s repellent on every level.

    4. So why is the video shot in B&W and the still photo shot in colour.? You can still see the dirt under her nails in the B&W. Makes you wonder what she is trying to hide. Even on a short sound byte she comes off as super condescending. Who wants to live with that? Oh wait ….. nobody.

    5. SFF. Jenna’s always trying to “hide” something. Even in her older videos she comes across as a “super condescending” cunt. It’s no wonder why she’s still single, and has few friends.

    6. And her arrogant attitude isn’t either deserved or earned by any merit.

    7. Her fingers are disgusting in that coffee-making video. JC, has she never heard of wearing gloves, or washing hands w/soap and water??

    8. PDD. Her hygiene has deteriorated just like Jenna’s rotten writing. She’s feral and filthy. Just what she’s wanted. But no one else does.

    9. I guess I don't know how to get around IG. I don't see any video. Link?

    10. If you don't have an IG account like me then all you can see are her posts and reels. The stories feature, I believe, is only visible to those with an account and they only last 24 hours before they go *poof* (Hopefully someone will correct me if this info is wrong.)

      As for her cleanliness, the funniest thing I ever heard was how she spent a few days cleaning her house, and when her sister arrived she complained about how bad the place still smelled!

  6. She added an IG story that she is working on a logo and then has 4 pet portraits to do. THEN she will watch the movie.

    Sounds like she’s doing fine with money to me!!! 😂

    No need to beg!

    1. I’ll say it again. One can’t be both victim and victor at the same time.

    2. It's disgusting and pathetic how she crowd sources her mortgage each and every month. Just pay it yourself ya lazy sod.

  7. “Scrappy little liar”January 16, 2023 at 10:40 AM

    Jenna is a slothful slug
    who wants to watch TV.
    Her lie-style’s not sustainable
    ‘cause those funds aren’t all free.

    1. Lol, can you imagine if she didn't have all those animals to care for? She'd probably spend all day in bed eating premium ice cream and spinning her Taylor Swift air freshener around her finger.

  8. She really thinks it's not weird and strange that she keeps trying to reach out to Glennon Doyle.

    1. (SA) It might be sort of one thing if she was just trying to break in, but when you have published several books, and you still don't have your agent and your previous publishing company willing to work with you on your next project: sorry, you're done. You messed it up!

    2. Since Jenna wants her attention so badly. And she won’t stop her assaultive and blatant bombardment of retweets, I’m ensuring that she gets it.

      I’ve already sent Glennon Doyle detailed information on the FFF. It included links, pics, and even local police reports. You’re welcome, Wog. I’m happy to help out SUCH an amazing person!

    3. Tell us about the local police reports. What has she been accused of?

    4. Anonymous 12:28. Unfortunately, I can’t share specific information. It’s only because Jenna’s been on here before, and asked similar questions. So I’m never sure who to trust without knowing their real identities. But I can share that they’re directly related to allegations of her animal abusing. I hope that helps.

    5. What exactly does she think this Doyle lady can do for her? Magically get her book published? Does she really think a total stranger who hasn't read her "amazing memoir" is gonna send it on over to her publisher? Perhaps she might do that for a friend, but for an online panhandler? No way.

    6. Anon7. Jenna believes that by bombarding people with her pathetic pleas for attention it’ll help her cause. She’s too stupid and stubborn to see how rude, immature, and annoying her actions are to normal adults. In fact, what she’s been doing is adversely affecting her life. Including the constant retweets of her obnoxious “shares.”

  9. Anon 3: I think the reason she calls them “shares” and the rest of the world calls is “buying a half pig” or a “whole cow”, etc. is because the rest of the world sells existing, ready to harvest animals. In her case she makes the argument that you are buying “ a future “ or “a share” in a pig that is not born for another half year, and won’t be harvested for another 14-16 months or thereabouts. By calling it a future, or a share, she basically preempts any failure on her part. If she can’t find pigs in the spring to buy-“oh, I’m sorry, that’s the risk of buying a future. It’s like a CSA, I tried but couldn’t deliver. You were simply paying me to try.” If the piglets die, or if she fails to provide sufficient poundage of meat (which, btw, she is not accountable for since she picks up the meat and acts as a middle man between the processor and the buyer-I’ve never heard such thing) -same. She can just claim failed investment in a future. No refunds available. I spent your money trying, darling.
    This is so different than how meat farmers do it in my area..I think only a city idiot or someone so blinded by their pity for her would agree to these incredulous terms. And I’m not even getting into how many times she begs during the lifespan of the pig starting in spring, for things that your investment should have supposedly already paid for last fall-cash to buy piglets in early summer, feed, hay, butcher bill in winter.
    It makes no sense. The only thing it makes sense as is as a weird pyramid scheme.

  10. Anonymous 2:10. Your comment was well-put. Jenna’s never run her business in an ethical manner. She uses manipulative marketing for funds up front, then keeps asking for more money. I’m “blinded by” disbelief that she finds fools who fall for her scams.

  11. What a dumbass. Now she’s taping an online yoga session. But wait, she’s not doing yoga but rather panning her phone around the room showing her dogs and cats ….. who also are not doing yoga 🤣. Turning the camera on herself trying to do yoga - now that’s entertainment darlin’.

    1. Jenna’s whole yoga trend was started by Shannon. It’s just another “pose” by her black hole soul for attention.

    2. Sounds like Shannon was the best (and only) good thing in Jenna’s recent life. Since then it seems things have downhill fast in every respect. No more garden, no more book deals, no more sex. Knowing what she drove away must make it even harder than never having had it in the first place …. And yet she repeatedly fails to make any changes to improve her very sad life.

    3. Just another thought. Am I the only one who found the whole Shannon episode slightly pernicious. ‘Find yourself a girl who ….’ reeks of Kathy Bates in Misery, it’s always struck me as more than a bit creepy and proprietary. Shannon was wise to cut bait and run.

    4. When Shannon fled, I imagine the Pig Shocker chased her down the road hurling butt nutts at her car and screeching, "HoW aM I sUPpOsEd tO pAy tHe MoRTgaGe nOw?"

    5. SFF. I’ve also commented multiple times about that weird line “Get yourself a girl who can…” It’s always sounded sexist and sleazy. Like Shannon was little more than an assistant not partner. And why wouldn’t Jenna use woman instead of the belittling girl?

    6. Yep, always reminds me of this old Waylon Jenning's song: https://youtu.be/KJNSWkgPr9g

    7. Jenna also commented multiple times about how Shannon looks like Taylor Swift. One of many, many red flags.

    8. Oh God, that speaks volumes. She seems to have pedophilic tendencies. A loving, mature relationship is beyond her. I wonder if she called her Taylor when they we’re in bed.

  12. Very interesting insight, Anon3, thanks for sharing.

    I could be wrong but it seems that all the pig pics she is posting are of old pigs long gone. I also believe she buys and repackages bacon from the grocery store. And I will die on this hill.

  13. If you look back on IG, when shannon was a prisoner there, Jenna actually had content! She went places and there were actual things happening on the farm that she could post about. There was an actual garden with food growing in it, not just a few leaves of kale. Why Jenna can’t do stuff in her own farm when she has no responsibilities but herself and a few animals I have no clue. Then she will put up some quote about people wanting leisure time and not to work, money is evil etc. then figure out how to pay for you leisure dream all by yourself!

    Like someone said ⬆️ If the December mortgage isn’t paid then scawwy wetter is next on the agenda with a dash of creepy van man!!!

    1. Yeah, she’s hours away from using the “scawwy wetter” stating that “this farm” will be in foreclosure. The “red van man” is probably parked outside of her hovel now. She’s never posted pics as proof of anything. So it’s just more manipulative marketing for free funds.

  14. Anon 6:41, I never put that together about Jenna & Jon, but it makes all the sense in the world! Jenna latched on to Jon and got exposure to his many fans. That would have been genius if Jenna was able to follow that up with actually running a legit homestead. It is amazing how many wonderful opportunities she has pissed away.

  15. She does seem to have a talent for alienating people.

  16. She's a social media lamprey - tags along for the journey and happy with scraps.

    She also latched on to Blair Braverman, Sarah Marshall, assorted Ourside Magazine staff and various actors who had hawks named after them and were tagged by the pig shocking stalker.

  17. I agree with the comment regarding Jon Katz, and the other ones above. I think that there’s another piece to her parasitical puzzle. Jenna’s overly obsessed with “luck” and “magic.” She probably believes that since Glennon Doyle shares Shannon’s last name, and is also a “born again lesbian,” that GD will help her.

  18. PDD. You’ve brought up good points. Jenna has very little to offer on her own merit. Her faint “fame” was fleeting, and it’s long gone. That’s why she leeches onto others.

  19. “This is how I imagine everyone in NYC thinks of us…”

    It’s another stupid tweet with an image that makes no sense. Tell me how you’re staying sober.

    1. Did not get her joke.. must be very special lesbian Baba Yaga comedy

    2. Anonymous 10:40. Jenna’s never funny. Her humor always falls flat on her fake fat face.

  20. “Everyone tag me in your slut ice photos this winter” She’s really hit a new low when it comes to crass content. Someone identified the clod of dirt she found as needle ice but she announced that she will continue to call it slut ice. Talk about appealing to the lowest common denominator. I imagine she considers herself clever and sexy. She is neither.

    1. I’ll say it again. Jenna’s vulgar, and repellent on every level.

    2. I assume that’s on her Instagram account. You’d almost think that she’s on the spectrum. Jenna’s clueless about appropriate behavior.

    3. Yes Instagram. Should have mentioned that.

    4. SFF. Thanks. That’s what I thought. It sounds like the sleazy, “scrappy little lesbian” is getting even more desperate for female attention. Unfortunately, for her, she’s the antithesis of “wife material.”

    5. Dear Jenna,

      please stop trying to make “ slut ice” happen. You sound like an idiot.
      Thanks darling.

    6. “Darling” is demented. She’s that desperate for any attention. Too bad that Shannon dumped her fat ass over a year ago.

    7. Anon 12.23, I would be surprised if she isn’t on the spectrum. She has little ability to read social cues. That might also explain whatever kind of financial assistance she is likely receiving. It appears she is becoming more desperate for romantic attention and may think that vulgarity is the way to achieve that, We get it, darling, you want to get laid. You’re broadcasting that loud and clear.

    8. SFF. Thanks for your response to my comment. We’ve wondered about her being on the spectrum for years. But she’s too narcissistic to admit it.

      And she hasn’t learned how to be appropriate. Even at age 40. I don’t know how Shannon was able to tolerate living with her for a year. It must’ve been a nasty nightmare. Jenna doesn’t either know or care that her overt vulgarity is disgusting.

    9. I also want to add that even if she has a diagnosed condition, it still doesn’t excuse her unethical business practices, animal abusing, and sociopathic scamming.

    10. Totally agree that any condition she has does not excuse her crooked lifestyle. Plus all this ‘dirty talk’ could attract the wrong sort of attention. She is pretty transparent about where she lives and the house is visible from the road. There are a lot of creeps around and she is naive if she thinks that only gay women interested in a bit of action are her only followers.

    11. SFF. I don’t know how long you’ve been watching her shit-show. But Jenna’s done the same stupid thing with men.

      She once wrote a pathetic post saying something like: “I’m a busty gal who has curves, and knows how to use them!” It made me cringe in secondhand embarrassment. Plus, she was posed over Merlin, while wearing a low-cut top that exposed her ugly, saggy cleavage and fat rolls. It was nauseating.

    12. And let's not forget the awful posts where she bragged about sleeping in the nude, leaving windows open and having weapons at her home. She also posted invitations to strangers to go hawking or riding with her.

      In the past, Shamsters have cautioned her not to behave so stupidly as her address could easily be obtained. (She also held seminars at her home and once publicly begged people to send her 'Christmas' cards).

    13. It seems to me I have seen the picture on the horse but not sure about the text that went with it. Is it possible she is bi and thinks catching a woman may be easier than attracting a man? Talk about confused. Regardless of her preference, propositioning partners on such a public forum is reckless and possibly dangerous. Is that what desperation does to you?

    14. PDD. I recall that crap. And her hinting at having orgasms once was obnoxious.

      SFF. She’s admitted about being bi for awhile, then became completely queer. It’s obvious that Jenna’s a problematic person, who has a hard time attracting anyone. Irregardless of their gender.

      I think that her kind of public desperation is pathetic. Most adults would practice discretion and subtlety. She’s incapable of doing it.

    15. I thought that’s what dating sites were for - not Instagram, I can only imagine what her dating profile looks like. No doubt cringe worthy.

    16. SFF. It’s the same weird way that she misuses Twitter to shill her shit. Instead of the site that Shannon had created for her. Jenna can’t do anything appropriately. Even dating.

    17. I'm just going to make it explicit that we hopefully all know that many allistic people are inappropriate and creepy and lacking in empathy, and JW may very well be one. And many autistic people are kind and appropriate and full of empathy. We just like to use every word we know as an insult for JW, even when the word is actually not an insult, which honestly, is a bit weird. I'll go next. JW is super GAY. OMG she's SO GAY which shows you how much I don't like her.

    18. Anonymous 7:19. Exactly. That was well-put. I agree with what you wrote. And I meant no disrespect towards people who are on the spectrum in my comments. Whatever the reasons for her behavior, Jenna is a garbage human being.

  21. “Offering $25 off the next logo I sell and offering my full color large pet portraits 2 for $100 (original art shipped FREE) please DM DARLING, farm needs sales and gas never had a harder winter when it comes to reaching people to work for”

    Keep retweeting your desperate, pathetic pleas for free funds. You’re a lying, lazy loser.

  22. Can you remember the last time our farmer has mentioned doing anything whatsoever with a friend? I guess she’s either run them all off or they’ve forbidden her to mention them for fear they’ll end up on this blog. Since she lies about the most ridiculous things it’s a bit surprising that she hasn’t fabricated a wild social life to add to her allure. Maybe even she realizes that it wouldn’t be believable, not that that has ever shut her up! Seems like she did announce some kind of a Dungeons and Dragons thing to commence in the new year. Guess there were no takers. She hasn’t even mentioned Patty by name in a very long time. It actually feels like she hasn’t a friend in the world. How awful would that be?

    1. Sounds like a self fulfilling prophesy - living alone on the side of a mountain. Be careful what you wish for …..

    2. Jenna didn’t go to her usual, free feast at Pember Patty’s place this year. And she didn’t brag about being invited anywhere else. You know that she would’ve had it happened, including stupid dinner pics.

      She pretends to have fake friends, but it’s not believable. We’ve never once see her around town with anyone.

    3. SFF. Wait until she’s really old. You ain’t seen nuthin’ yet. Jenna’s already on the decline, and she’s only 40.

  23. She's posted a couple photos of Patty's horses, but I don't think they hang much. Patty makes Jenna help load the hay into her barn since she'll inevitably feed her animals from it later in winter, but other than that single day of half-assed labor, she spent do much for Patty, the single person who has kept Jenna going for over a decade. Have her a freaking CAR after Jenna largely ditched patty while she had Shannon.

    I wonder if Patty is limiting contact with Jenna, or if prickly Jenna has finally picked a fight with her most loyal supporter?

    1. It looks like their connection isn’t that strong anymore. I’ve always seen Pember Patty as being Jenna’s most massive, dumb enabler. It’s been suggested by others that she’s had a “girl crush” on the FFF.

  24. “This is for the whole internet, but I feel like
    will truly appreciate that Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 copied The Breakfast Club's cover art just to boost rentals in video stores and it's magical.”

    No one cares, cunt. That’s why you have zero responses an hour later. Your non-tent is boring and irrelevant. Just like you.

    1. She hopes Sarah will engage with her non-tent, so Faux Farmer will gain exposure with Sarah's 90,000+ followers.

    2. PDD. Yeah. You’re right. I think that Sarah visited her faux farm before Shannon came along. But Jenna hasn’t mentioned her in awhile. Maybe Wog will start harassing her for help, like she’s doing with Glennon Doyle.

  25. “Of course I could, but a writer self publishing with such a small following will not get the reach, distribution, advertising or success that a house published book will. I’m trying to save my farm on top of writing my story.”

    This was her stupid response to a tweet asking about self-publishing her bullshit book. But it’d bomb just like Birchthorn did. Jenna’s faux farm can’t be “saved” in over a decade of never being solvent. Because the lying, lazy loser won’t get off her fat ass, and work to support herself. Without being a beggar, and sociopathic scammer.

    1. I’m so confused /s

      Jenna’s farm is in the best shape it’s ever been...

      No one is going to take on the cost of publishing her book just so her farm can be saved.

    2. “I’m a horrible editor, I don’t do well with attention to detail when it comes to formatting, I had a horrible experience with it before. It’s not for everyone.”

      She’s always making excuses for failures on her part. That’s her stupid response to a tweet. Jenna’s writing is rotten. She won’t either edit her many multiple mistakes, or take time to polish her putrid, purple prose. Her last editor on the Birchthorn book, Heather Nadelman, was the one who had a “horrible experience” working with the FFF:


    3. https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm/status/1615742030239367169?cxt=HHwWgoCwkZy0ouwsAAAA

    4. This is how she gets. People give advice after she whines about a topic and she refuted their help as not worth it. She wants NYT best seller or nothing. She doesn’t want to support queer publishers or do it herself. She wants to reward herself with a new horse ( as she stated several months ago). She really thought this was going to be a no brainer, instant cash, accolades for her queer lie style. I think she was genuinely shocked her publisher said no.

    5. Anon 1:25, the exchanges about the Kickstarter disaster tell you all you need to know: ignorance, arrogance, disregard for others, greed, manipulation, obfuscation, and outright lies.

      Everyone should read this before buying, donating or sharing!

  26. Well, well. According to Instagram her ankle is broken. What kind of dumbass walks around on an untreated fracture? Cue the beg for doctor bills.

    1. That’s a crock of crap. She hasn’t been limping around town when we’ve seen her. Guess that her fake “need more dental work” fabrication didn’t work for the jerk. But “this farm has never been in better shape!” Jenna can’t say the same about her obese body. And she’s lying about her hovel.

    2. SFF. Cue to wrapping her hairy, hobbit ankle in an ace bandage to look pathetic.

    3. I don’t buy it. She didn’t even have it wrapped in recent photos! She bragged on and on about hiking so many miles for the map “goals” just last week. NOW all of a sudden it’s broken? Nah.

    4. Not one comment on her fire cider/broken ankle post on Instagram. Everybody’s got your number, darling. Nice try though.

  27. After seeing her continue to bombard her followers with the Glennon Doyle tweet, including today, I’ve come to this conclusion again.

    Jenna’s probably not on the spectrum, as we’ve speculated. She’s simply a relentless and insufferable arrogant asshole. Who rigidly refuses to stop being rude and inappropriate. Even if it makes her life worse.

  28. Laughing so hard.

    My stomach hurts.

    “Broken ankle”. This is hysterical!!! You couldn’t make up fiction like this, well you could but it would suck like her memoir that no one wants to publish.

    I honestly think that she thought she was going to strike while the iron is hot and write a steamy lesbian coming out book but no one cares. Boo hoo wah wah. Did the December mortgage get paid yet Jenna!???

    1. There are thousands and thousands of coming out stories, memoirs by lesbian farmers, lesbian immigrants and refugees, politicians, musicians, artists and civil rights activists. Whatever Jenna put in a memoir could not hold a candle to dozens of other books in this genre already published. From Stone Butch Blues to Glennon Doyle's awful "Untamed" (horrible memoir imho, she "came out" by cheating on her husband while selling books about her great and perfect christian marriage) - the market is saturated with books better than Jenna imagines her own "best thing I ever wrote".

      I think Made From Scratch is the best thing she ever wrote. She peaked early.

  29. On IG: Cannot recommend this enough. Every morning this week starts with a heavy swig and I hit that icy farm running! (Well, limping, my ankle is broken but you get the gist)
    The post was referenced in the comments above. Post is next to a pic of local fire cider immunity tonic.

    1. A farmer and homesteader should be able to make her own fire cider. Literally straight white moms on IG are doing it. She bought the fire cider from the same place as the $40 dish towel. They don’t have fire cider on their website but it looks like fire cider sells for $15-$25 a bottle.

      Tell us again how poor you are.

    2. Jenna literally, lies about almost everything.

  30. Ankle is not broken.

    1. Yeah, her ankle isn’t broken. We’ve watched her waddle around town recently. She’s a pathological liar. Jenna’s just trying to get free funds as always.

  31. I have the perfect match for Jenna. George Santos! They are both pathological liars. A match made in heaven, indeed.

    1. LOL!!! Maybe she can make an exception for a man.

    2. Jenna can show him “her curves” that she “knows how to use.”

    3. Anons, you have made the perfect match! Congrats!!!

    4. PDD. I’d like to say “mazel tov” to the crappy couple!

  32. On IG: posting that you should “free your pit hair”. Also Jenna says “don’t @ me with why you shave, thanks”

    Don’t worry Jenna, I won’t! Nor will anyone else. If you want to be hairy on a “mountain” go ahead. No one cares. She jumps on all these trendy topics that are new to 13 year olds. Shes 40 and often posts passionately about things that the 14 year olds are talking about on tik tok. Meet people your own age and get a life! And a job!!

    1. “Scrappy little liar”January 19, 2023 at 5:09 AM

      The cunt can “free her pit hair”
      but it won’t matter much.
      She’ll still be a lazy loser
      who no one wants to touch.

    2. Her hairy pits that are probably unwashed contribute to Jenna’s repellent stinkiness.

  33. "This farm is SO CLOSE to covering late bills from December! I know Jan is coming to a close, but unless some insane luck hits this farm I need to earn all the money I have here through online sales. I have pet portrait spots, logo design spots, and soap and meats! PLEASE RT!" Wow, she is SO CLOSE someone please donate!

    1. Gosh, is it INSANE for her to consider getting a part-time job if she has unpaid bills????

  34. By her own admission, she would rather live under a bridge than get a job.

    1. I predict that she’ll end up under one.

  35. She just posted on IG that she bought herself a heated throw blanket. She’s been showing off a lot of purchased items this week on IG for someone behind on bills!!!

    1. She’s a relentless and insufferable arrogant asshole who’s like a personal parasite. Jenna’s the Cambridge Queen of Con.

  36. “Don't want a logo, soap, or design work? Just want to support a single queer woman running a farm alone on a mountain? Well my venmo is this: jennawog”

    Here’s her blatant begging for free funds. No one wants to “support” a lying, lazy loser like Jenna. She’s surrounded by neighbors off a public road, it’s more of a hill not “mountain,” and there’s a reason why she’s “alone” again.

    1. We donate our money to good causes not worthless ones like Jenna.

    2. She also doesn’t have a real “farm.” Jenna’s a hobbyist homesteader at best.

    3. She's not "on a mountain." She lives on the side of a state road, a short distance from town and with nearby neighbors. Laughingly, most of us in non-coastal New England live on a higher elevation - I know I do.

    4. PDD. Her whole life is lies.

    5. And what difference does it make if she's "queer" or not? Talk about reverse prejudice. It doesn't matter what she identifies with. Quit telling everyone how queer you are, we get it already. No one cares.

    6. Anonymous 12:38. Let me explain something. Jenna’s using her queer status as a manipulative marketing maneuver. It’s mentioned to elicit empathy and money from other homosexual followers.

    7. Without a doubt!!

  37. “Woke Wog” is doing stupid retweets today. Jenna’s humble-bragging and virtue-signaling to look like she’s aware. Instead of being a judgmental, hypocritical cunt in reality.

  38. Wog’s Woke Wild Weather TalesJanuary 19, 2023 at 12:08 PM

    Shocked there’s been no posting about the weather! It’s legitimately yucky out there and icy. Two storm systems going to hit today and tomorrow with ice, rain and snow. Not good for someone with a broken ankle to be farming in! I’ll tell you that much for free!

  39. If she is on disability, which most of us suspect she is, that is probably why she refuses to get a job.

    1. I’ve been on disability before, and you’re legally allowed to work. In fact, you can earn a decent amount without it adversely affecting your payments. Jenna’s just lazy. She’d rather be a beggar, and a lazy loser.

    2. If she is on disability it couldn't be for something physical since she brags online about mountain smashing and running 5Ks, and people get busted for that. So it would have to be for a mental issue.

  40. It occurred to me that most of JW’s followers must have her on mute since she gets almost no engagement on Instagram and Twitter. Even when she posts something fairly sane, those who bother to look at her posts seem to just scroll on. It’s like she’s screaming into the void. Why does she even bother?

    1. SFF. I’ve made the same observation before about her stupid “screaming into the void.” Jenna has zero self-awareness of what appropriate behavior is for normal adults. And she’s incapable of making mature changes to grow.

      Considering her combined number of followers, their engagement ratio is very low. I know people who’ve muted the FFF, because her begging and lying became intolerable to them.

    2. “Why does she even bother?” It’s because Jenna’s massively disordered in terms of her defective character. I don’t think she can comprehend that what she’s doing isn’t working. So she continues to behave the same way. We’ve watched for years as she’s ignored good advice, and gotten angry at anyone who’s dared to correct her crap.

    3. Also the old adage, "squeaky wheel gets the oil" applies as well. Street panhandlers get a lot of rejection, but also just enough money to make it worthwhile, otherwise they wouldn't be out there begging every day. Jenna is no different, except she does it from the comfort of her big gay turquoise bean bag, in her feral woodstove heated living room, on the side of a mountain.

      Imagine if she had to beg people face to face in person...would she really? Or would she get a job instead?

    4. Anon7, yep, it's a numbers game, as any scammer/spammer knows. The more people who see the fiction, the greater the likelihood some kind soul will cough up poodle cash.

  41. This is particularly obnoxious:

    "...but unless some insane luck hits this farm I need to earn all the money I have here through online sales."

    Insane luck = pity donations. She is straight up saying that if she doesn't make sales, people will have to GIFT her money. And then rudely follows that with this haughty statement: "Well my venmo is this"

    OMG, grow up Jenna. Put on yer big girl pants and get a job to pay your bills. YOU are YOUR OWN responsibility. Quit asking online strangers to throw money at a lost cause.

    1. She’s doing her blatant begging again. No normal adult behaves the weird way that Jenna does.

  42. On Twitter, the Pig Shocker re-tweeted an Autostraddle article titled, "You Fat Shamed Your Beautiful Girlfriend" -- Link: https://www.autostraddle.com/you-fat-shamed-your-beautiful-girlfriend/

    As we all know, Shannon was nowhere near being fat. So is Jenna suggesting that Shannon fat shamed her? Very hard to believe, as Shannon seemed to be a really nice person. But then again, you can only handle getting yer head stuck between someone's thighs so many times...

    1. I think that the big pig is “suggesting” not to slam her own obese body. Jenna was jealous of Shannon being much more attractive than herself.

    2. By retweeting this article, I think she's jumping on bandwagon of info shared by an Outside Magazine writer to curry favor that may result in social media mention or tag along followers. Also, as others have suggested, she's telling people not to fat-shame her. Maybe her former roommate tired of fat+sugar-laden meals and their resultant weight gains?

    3. PDD. That makes sense. I always appreciate your input. Thanks!

  43. “Lesbians: What if we kissed during the USS Indianapolis monologue in JAWS?”

    No one cares, cunt. That’s why you’ve had zero responses. And being a lesbian isn’t a personality trait like you’re trying to make it be one.

    1. Her humor is horrid. It always falls flat on her fake fat face.

    2. And why would she mention an old movie? Jenna’s tweets are stupid, and make no sense in a contemporary context.

    3. Honestly, if I was an alien visiting earth and had no idea what a lesbian was, and Jenna’s SM lesbian posts were given to me, I would come to the conclusion that lesbians are THE most insufferable thing in the world!!!

      Luckily hardly anyone reads he crap because she is horrible for all hardworking and responsible lesbians out there!!!

    4. *USS Indianapolis
      Darn auto-correct

    5. PDD. Thanks for giving the historical details. I hadn’t remembered them. Jenna’s disgusting, vile, and inappropriate. And no one’s replied to her tweet four hours later. It didn’t even get one lone “like.”

    6. Anon, I'm forever surprised at how low she goes. The sinking of the USS Indianapolis is rightly considered the worst disaster to a Navy ship, with unimaginable suffering attached. Yet, she's using its story to flirt with lesbians???

      Longtime Shamsters will remember she also made fun of the death of the local Justice, Carl Ackley, who was killed in a tragic farm accident. No wonder she's despised.

    7. PDD. I remember her mocking his death, and several of her sycophantic supporters chiming in with merriment.

    8. LOL!!! There are still zero replies a day later. And no “likes.” But Jenna’s too stupid and stubborn to delete her tweet.

  44. “Lots of shares but zero sales in days. If you have any sort of audience and can share this to help, it could make all the difference here”

    Get a job, slob. It’s no one else’s responsibility to either shill your shit, or support your fat ass.

    Once again, this comment above disappeared. So I’ve replaced it. Even though it was posted, and showed up earlier. There’s some kind of strange glitch in the system.

  45. Lots of shares = 2 or 3

  46. Job=not having to beg.

  47. “Can you do 20 pushups?”

    The attention whore is asking more stupid questions. I’ll bet that fat ass can barely do one.

    1. She only has one reply so far, out of over 4,000 followers. Usually, the one asking a question also answers it. It’s stupid not to. Jenna just wants more attention. Her silly pizza poll recently only got a handful of responses.

    2. Jenna can barely waddle around town without sounding winded. Her videos also show that she’s out of shape. There’s no way that her obese body is capable of doing real pushups.

    3. Less than ten people have responded. And Jenna never said whether or not she could do 20 pushups. It’s obvious that her stupid question was asked just to get attention again.

  48. This just in...
    Breaking news out of Cambridge, NY.

    Jenna has solar lights on a path in the woods.

    Jenna is gay.

    Will update you as this latest story unfolds!

  49. On her latest boring walk in the woods video Gibson is visibly limping. A glaring example of how she neglects her animals. If you can’t afford veterinary care then stop acquiring animals that you clearly cannot afford darling.

    1. Jenna’s animals are only pet props for her to pose as an authentic farmer. Including, the dogs. She’s always been negligent of their care.

    2. The dog is clearly in his senior years but I wonder if it would even occur her to have him examined to establish whether or not he is in pain. Its cruel and I fear he will die a painful death rather than have humane intervention at the end.

    3. He looks like hes in pain in that photo of him and friday wearing sweaters. His eyes are squinted, his ears pinned, his mouth is tense. Poor guy. I didn't see the video of him limping but i wouldn't be surprised. She probably wouldn't spare the cash to have him put down if it cost more than a taylor swift sweater.

      She's certainly not paying any vet bills for him. The really sad thing is arthritis in dogs is treatable. My cattle dog got arthritis at 6, and once we started her on cartrophen, she was like a puppy again. It was expensive at first but once you only need maintenance injections the cost is far less than supplements

  50. “I hope the next two years are good. I don't know what's going to happen to my brain when JAWS becomes a 50-year-old movie.”

    It’s obvious that Jenna’s cognitive abilities have declined. Her stupid and sudden, nonsensical fixation on an old movie is moronic. And the age of anything doesn’t effect one’s “brain.” Unless, yours has turned into Swiss cheese due to drinking and smoking weed.

    1. Her behavior has become bizarre.

  51. She writes complete nonsense.

    1. Anonymous 5:52. She puts minimal efforts into everything. Yet Jenna still expects that her new book will be published.

    2. And she's already written about her "story" several times. Three out of her five books say "A Memoir" on the cover. But this new one has hot lesbo sex! HOO!!

  52. On IG this morning she showed a video of 5 pigs.

    We are unsure of what her “shares” are but she did at one point say they were $285/ share right? She has 2-3 shares left according to her sketchy advertising. Since she’s a farmer, doesn’t she factor in that she needs to eat as well? Like once in a blue moon she brags about eating CAF bacon but you’d think she would eat more pork since she RAISES pigs! No? She shows herself eating grocery store food whereas on SM lots of homesteaders do challenges in the winter to see/ show how much they can eat from their gardens. ( I’m no homesteader but just a girl who grows some stuff in her suburban neighborhood but I am bummed that I have only one more portion of chopped peppers in my freezer!! Haven’t bought a pepper in months!!!)

    I’ve said this before but she could totally be successful and make money, have sponsorships, in SM. Tons of people are doing it and she has the angle of doing it “ alone” and I know she doesn’t want to hear this but she’s older now (yes she acts like an immature brat but she hits the 40’s!) and I for one don’t care as much about “homesteading with littles” like many post about. I want tips, tricks, what you do each day to prep etc. she is stubborn and doesn’t want to do anything that keeps her from yoga and movie/ star obsessions

    1. She’s truly, her own worst enemy. Jenna’s stuck on stupid and stubborn.

    2. Perhaps she doesn’t eat her own pork because she knows it’s poor quality - fed on stale donuts and deli sandwiches. Maybe she’s smarter than we give her credit for 🤣

    3. When Shannon was living there she posted many pics of meals made from stuff they grew. Now, not so much. Too lazy for that.

  53. I’ve never seen someone who’s claimed to love comedy, yet be so lacking in having a sense of humor herself.

    1. Well, she and CAF are a total joke...does that count?

  54. For someone who is dependent on other people paying her bills, she isn't all that nice to them:

    "Lots of shares but zero sales in days. If you have any sort of audience and can share this to help, it could make all the difference here."

    How about a shout out or a thank you to those who shared her sales begs? And the "but zero sales" comment -- she might as well just say, "Your re-tweets did me no good." Also would've been nice to say "please" when asking again for them to share, but nope! What an ingrate.

    1. Jenna will very rarely thank people. She’s a massively self-entitled, stupid twat, who thinks that she deserves support for nothing.

  55. Major beg a thing over on IG for dental work AND bills. Jenna, please get a job, this is embarrassing! People are paying $5 for eggs at Aldi, they don’t need to support your farm when nothing you have can help them or provide them with food ( you know like farms do!!). Future pork doesn’t help anyone now! She should really figure out how to produce more eggs. I’m local to her and people at my work ( you know a paying job) are looking for local eggs since the stores are charging $5-8 for a dozen. I know jenna pretended to sell some eggs last year but I think you had to contact her farm or some nonsense!!!

    I already paid 3 local farmers ( not Jenna) for my upcoming 2023 shares and I am happy to give them my money because they deliver quality products and they have great communication.

    I wouldn’t send Jenna a $1!!!

    Talk to some friends Jenna and get this worked out, you look like an idiot and you need to change things up if this isn’t working ( it’s not). You should not be having this much trouble paying bills.

    1. The dental issues are a fabricated crisis for free funds. It seems like she’s been begging more on Instagram now than Twitter. Jenna used to do it on Facebook. She bombards her followers for years, then wonders why no one’s supporting her fat ass. I’d rather flush my money down the toilet than give her a dime. The filthy feral farmer is the Cambridge Queen of Con. And a lying, lazy loser.

    2. Jenna has no real friends to talk to about anything. She only has people like Pember Patty that she uses then discards. Like her former pagan group.

  56. Beg-a-thon not beg a thing⬆️

  57. Isn’t it telling how “the farm” or “the animals” aren’t her topic as of lately- it that they ever were, much, unless being exploited. Her neighbor, the writer, has posted over the last week about two feet of snow, caring for his farm and animals in the bad weather, etc. But, not a peep from her regarding that. If she were a legit farmer, which we are abundantly clear she is not, this would have been all she’d be writing about over the last few days. How to get a small farm through a storm. But no, not her.

    1. She “gets through a storm” by making putrid pan pizza, and stuffing her fake fat face. Then she creates fake crises to mooch mortgage money from followers. The rest of her time is wasted on obsessing over Taylor Swift song lyrics, trying to prove that the singer is gay, and bombarding Glennon Doyle multiple times about publishing her new book.

  58. Oh boy here we go again. Is that a new dental problem, or the one she mentioned on IG recently?

    Chipped my front tooth so bad a wall of enamel came off. Calling the dentist tomorrow, but this couldn't be worse timing.

    HD, maybe we can start a new post with this fresh pile of a tweet?

    1. Last month it was a root canal. Now, she’s fabricated a new crisis for free funds. It’s always the “worse timing,” because she won’t work to support herself. Jenna would rather be a beggar. It’s become a chronic condition each and every month.

  59. Fun fact:⬆️She’s been begging about needing dental work recently and now chipped a tooth. Did she forget that she already begged for dental work or is this additional?

    She also posted on IG yesterday that she burned her arm on the wood stove and wrapped it with vet tape. So she’s really upping the “poor pitiful me” injuries to elicit sympathy.

    1. Jenna has fabricated crises for years to mooch money from followers. When one doesn’t work to elicit empathy, then she lies with another “gal who cries wolf” story.

    2. All adults have issues that we need to take responsibility for and fix if possible. But we don’t bombard strangers on social media for free funds. Jenna’s method of handling any problems, whether they’re true or false, is by immature whining and begging about it. She behaves like a teen, trapped in the obese body of a middle-aged moron.

    3. “I guess everyone can relate to that, when's a good time for body parts to fall off?”

      She’s literally, crazy.

    4. Oddly, enough, most adults can’t “relate” to lazy, lying losers like Jenna. And “body parts falling off” makes no sense in the context of teeth. It’s deranged thinking, and not even funny.

  60. According to IG:

    She’s posting about TS and saying she’s glad she’s gay so she doesn’t have to pretend to like football. *record scratch*

    What is wrong with her? She’s so childish, by her age she should understand that everyone has different interests and in a relationship you can like what you like and your partner can like what they like and still be in a great relationship. I’m sure the gay people who love football are just pretending because Jenna who has been a gay farmer for 2 minutes claims gays don’t like football. She’s insane. If she wonders why she can’t sell her memoir she needs to look at herself and the crap she spews. It’s unhinged.

    1. Jenna is a relentless and insufferable, arrogant asshole. She appears to exhibit serious personality disorders, in addition to having a deeply defective character.

    2. Does she even realize that some pro football players are gay? She really does live her life with blinders on.

  61. HD. New post please? Thanks!


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