
When we have to question which tragedy is which on the daily.  I know a guy that can solve her dental issues for $30 bucks.
At least she provides entertainment.  Lol.


  1. HD. Her loser’s life is literally, like watching a comedy of errors.

  2. Jenna is the only one who’s responsible for creating the chaos in her life. She’s made a persistent pattern of bad decisions for decades. Yet the FFF won’t accept any responsibilities for her choices, and continues to behave as if she’s a victim of unfair circumstances.

  3. Jenna bought animal feed and gas. Now she says she can hunker down for the snowstorm (2-6”). Quitting her job and Not having Sunday scaries is worth how hard her whittle life is though! So no need to give her money, she’s happy and fine not working!!!!

    1. Her whole life is still “Sunday scaries.” Anyone who gives this moron money is stupid.

  4. “Lots of promotions this AM because this farm needs to catch up before end of month hits! Pet portraits ship free anywhere in the world and are on sale now! They make a lovely surprise to friends and family and a lovely way to remember or celebrate! Dm or visit the farm’s website!”

    Her imbecilic Insta-sham account is now being used for begging. Before Jenna kept it on Twitter. Funny how “this farm,” an inanimate object, always needs to “catch up!” It’s never disingenuous Jenna. And her crap is constantly “on sale.” So it’s just more of her manipulative marketing to pretend like it’s a special savings.

    1. Jenna’s used the stupid statement “this farm” as a shield for years. It’s because she’s too fearful to admit her own need and greed.

  5. She bought paw-print vet wrap that's twice the cost of plain vet wrap. Easy when it's #otherpeoplesmoney.

    1. #lyinglazyloser

    2. I thought perhaps the vet wrap was in response to my comment that she provides no veterinary care for her dogs. She’s about as subtle as a brick.

    3. SFF. Jenna often tries to counter comments here. She’s only sensitive to herself being slighted. Nobody else.

  6. burning her arm, chipping a tooth, falling off her deck etc. likely all done while drunk or stoned. I know others who have done the same. A woodstove is nothing to be using when you're unsteady on your feet. She should be careful as the "accidents" could get worse as she goes along.

    1. Yup. You’ve hit her bourbon bottle bingo. Jenna’s far from staying sober.

    2. Bourbon Bottle Bingo - love it. 🤣 She has more than her fair share of mishaps. It defies the law of averages. With her questionable sobriety maybe steering clear of chainsaws is the one wise thing she has ever done.

    3. SFF. Thanks! I love alliteration.

  7. Either done while drunk or stoned, or there is also the possibility that it didn’t happen and it’s just being used as fodder for pity donations. One can never know with her.

  8. Good God. I just dropped in on her Instagram and it looks like she has spent ALL DAY posting stupid shit. I have one question though. Why is it so important to her that Taylor Swift is gay? She has clearly been living with a man for years. Picking apart song lyrics is like a full time job for JW. It’s like everything else in her life - she just has to get her way and be right about every little thing. Get a life darling. You can still think a woman is hot even if she is clearly straight.

    1. SFF. Jenna’s become like a scary stalker who has the mentality of a troubled teen. She’s obsessed with famous females like Taylor Swift.

  9. On Twitter, an author called Carolyn L. Dean wrote: "Did you paint the picture of the fox with the lantern?"

    You all probably have seen this painting, as she made it about a year or so ago and was asking either $25 or $35 for it at the time. Yet here is how the Pig Shocking grifter replied:

    "Yes! Those are canvas commissions with a full background- an 8x10 is the same $ as a logo."

    Ummm...her logos are $200. So what is going on here? Did she astronomically raise the price because the person asking is an author who may have money to spend? And note that Carolyn only asked if Jenna painted that pic. She DIDN'T ask how much it cost. SMH.

    1. Yes exactly! I was further confused because is she talking regular logo price? Her sale logo price? Her one day only logo price? Her I need money to pay for TS merchandise price? Who knows!!????

    2. Carolyn has been sent links today to warn her about Wog.

    3. Mostly, she doesn't list prices for canvas art, so I agree she adjusts depending on potential buyer. In early 2022, she listed custom canvas prints at $150.


  10. “Scrappy little liar”January 23, 2023 at 4:56 AM

    I have a question for Woe is Wog. I want to join Reddit to contribute to your sub. Do I have to accrue any karma points in order to post? Please let me know. I’d appreciate it. Thanks!

  11. She’s done more performative posing on Twitter with a virtue-signaling stupid tweet.


  12. The Queen of Hyperbole sends greetings from ‘The Storm’. It doesn’t appear to be snowing in the picture. She is ‘digging out’ from ‘half a foot’ of snow. Honestly, six inches of snow does not require digging out and raking the snow off the roof - unless your roof is in seriously bad shape which is likely the case. Oh the drama 🤣

    1. SFF. We’re waiting for her back to go out, due to fat ass not being in shape to shovel. Then she can create a new crisis for free funds.

    2. I for one am impressed she can shovel the roof with a broken ankle!!/s

    3. And my gosh, with all the work she has to do (with a broken ankle) she still manages to post 7 more times on Instagram, She is truly a wonder of the internet. 🤣🤣🤣

    4. SFF. Jenna’s a bottomless pit of pathological neediness for attention.

    5. Boo hoo January edition.
      FFF was too tired to update clients 😴 , but she had time to post 27 Instagram stories, many with text and animation.

  13. “Scrappy little liar”January 23, 2023 at 8:50 AM

    It’s Monday moanin’ now
    and Wog will wanna whine.
    Maybe more money mooching
    she’s never feeling fine.

  14. According to her insipid Insta-sham, the filthy feral farmer collects dirty animal skulls. And reposted something stupid about giving one for Valentine’s Day. It’s no wonder why she’s still single. Her hovel must stink. Just like Jenna.

  15. “Good morning from the storm! Half a foot so far, and most of the chores done and some of the digging out. Got the roof over the kitchen raked clean, firewood in and chopped, fire lit, coffee made. Bird feeders overflowing. House is toasty, (at least snow usually means no true deep cold, that’s later!), so I woke up so warm next to Friday.

    Grateful for a place that needs me, animals that need me, and work that needs doing. Now, I’m going to enjoy enough coffee to concern people with permed bangs.

    Their concern is valid.”

    I guess that her despised “poodles” have “permed bangs.” Says the faux femme who has no sense of style, and whose hair looks limp and thin.

  16. She mentioned in stories being worried about hay, but this is the first hay talk since august that I've noticed.

    1. But “this farm has never been in better shape!!!” Winter’s Bottom is coming up.

  17. Those IG stories were painful. Wow you mean you have actual work to do? She hasn’t had sales in days ( according to Twitter) but she won’t be able to contact clients today. It’s a true snow day. She needs to soak her feet and eat ramen.

    Jenna, it isn’t even 2 pm. There is a lot of day left to just call it quits especially when you need hay and can’t pay your mortgage!!!!

    1. Hahahahahahaha, Anon 10:26, you're right! She counts on cidiots not knowing how snow's managed in the country, so she makes a huge fcking deal out of it. I especially liked her "work" at removing snow from electric fence wires 🤣.

      Also notice, that OF COURSE she's back to throwing horse hay on top of (undoubtedly) feces-covered ground. Stuffing hay nets is too much work when hooves need soaking in the middle of the day.
      What a shoddy excuse for a farmer she is.

    2. PDD. She’s “a shoddy excuse” for a human being.

  18. “These were all Xmas presents I ordered from Jenna! I OWNED Christmas with my gift giving thanks to her. Now’s you’re chance to rule Valentine’s Day, your anniversary or Mother’s and Father’s Day coming up.”

    Rachel Keane is “Woke Wog’s”stupid, sycophantic supporter on Twitter. She kisses her fat ass constantly. And her dumb spelling mistakes remind me of Jenna’s rotten writing.

    1. I've wondered if Rachel isn't FF herself. Her account was hardly used, then dormant for years, then popped up as FF'S number one fan.

    2. PDD. I’ve also wondered about that. She doesn’t even have a profile pic, and that’s strange. Even if she’s a real person, it’s still obnoxious how much she shamelessly fawns over Jenna. Maybe she’s got a queer crush. Rachel’s like a replacement Pember Patty.

    3. My best guess it’s a pseudonym for JW herself. I OWNED Christmas reeks of JW trying to sound cool.

    4. In 2015, Rachel Keane was shilling for cokeurl.com (multiple advertizing tweets). Absent until 2022, when it basically switched to Dead Animal Farm.

      Is this what happens when you buy a follower? Hmm?

    5. That’s great sleuthing. It’s very suspicious activity.

  19. It’s also sus that “Rachel” just retweets Jenna’s initial begs. It is very typical on SM to show the products YOU ordered at your home as “ advertisement” for a company or creator you like. Where are the gifts you bought Rachel? According to your tweet, you bought two logos, soap and 6 drawings. So you gave $300 plus to Jenna for these items? Did Rachel love the “Greenwing Microfarm” logo so much that she bought it! 😂😂. Where are the pictures of your logo? Where are the pics of the pets with the portraits next to them so we can see Jenna’s work?? Very shady!!!

    1. Exactly. I’m almost positive that Rachel is one of Jenna’s alternate accounts on Twitter. It’s to make her crap look good enough to purchase. But we won’t “buy” her bull.

  20. Oh wow. Thank you to all the shamsters above for pointing this out. I followed the Rachel link from Jenna’s Twitter and please, if you haven’t done it yourself, go look. It’s all you need to do to see that there is NOTHING else on this seemingly bot account ( no profile pic, weird numbers in the name) but Wog retweets and Wog-like captions.
    Absolutely no doubt in my mind that this Rachel account is just a crappy shadow account for Jenna to push retweets and appear as if she has legit clients. Also. Very telling is the amount of followed and followers.
    Thanks to everyone who went down that rabbit hole and pointed it out. My jaw dropped when I went to look for myself.
    What a pathetic, fraudulent move.

    1. It looks like all that “Rachel” does is promote Jenna.

    2. I recall her saying some time ago that if you won’t put up a profile picture then she will block you. Yeah, right. She just can’t keep her lies straight.

  21. “Eh. I think I’m funny.”

    Ugh. No, you’re not.

  22. Here is some Cold Antler Fiction for you darlings. Grab a bespoke fire cider and get yer feet soak in’ for this one.

    As we know, Jenna has a broken ankle. It has been the longest broken ankle in the history of broken ankles.

    Well one IG follower didn’t know about this injury and asked Jenna about it.

    IG user: “ Wait! What happened to your ankle? I missed that!”

    Jenna’s response:
    “twisted it during a dog walk last summer, then fell off my deck onto it later that summer ( big snap bad break/sprain I dunno it snapped), thought it was healing slowly but 8 miles of walking this month has me back in a brace😢”

    Jenna continues:
    “I don’t have the cash to cover any surgery and my insurance was revoked last year because of a clerical error thinking I qualified and then I didn’t. Since it’s a bad sprain I figured all the doctors could do is say rest and stay off it but that’s impossible as a single farmer- I think it’s just shot. I’m sad there’s nothing I can do until I’m insured again or win the lottery “

    Just wow. Jenna. Wow!!! Maybe your agent would buy this tale!!!

    1. Oh wow. Oh wow. Several things jump out at me: first, the embellished story about falling off the deck that now has a “twisted while walking the dog”, twist.
      Second, she didn’t qualify for insurance? Why? She lied about income? Her income is too high? In which case you still should qualify, just that your premium would be adjusted to your income. My niece and nephew are both working full time jobs without affordable health benefits, and they both qualify for ACA. Their premiums are just a little higher than those of their friends with lower incomes.
      Third, just now, this month, with or without 8 miles of walking somehow “revealed” a broken ankle? Nah.
      Fourth: rest and stay off the ankle is impossible? That’s literally all she seems to do, save for a few quick trips in and out to throw some food down on the ground for her critters.

    2. Fifth: when you declare you officially have a broken ankle, one is to assume you had it X-rayed and officially diagnosed. But then when you are telling the story, you say, oh, it’s sprayed or broken, I dunno. What a pile of BS!!!!

    3. Adding unnecessary detail to a story is a classic sign of a liar. She ticks all the boxes on that one.

    4. I dunno why her agent didn't accept her; she writes the BEST fiction ever!

      Her ankle was twisted? That'll happen. Even without going to a doctor, the cure is to put ankle into a brace, elevate it and rest it as much as possible.

      Broke her ankle? If it was broken, she couldn't walk, period. If she had a hairline fracture or hurt a tendon? That'll happen. (Repeat advice) even without going to a doctor, the cure is to put it into a brace, elevate it and rest it as much as possible.

      A broken bone will heal in 6-8 weeks, maybe longer if you smoke or abuse alcohol.

      If it happened (big IF), she's an idiot for not taking better care of the ankle in the initial 6-8 weeks.
      Stupid actions meet consequences.

    5. Btw, Anon, your analysis was spot on. Her story about insurance being revoked due to a clerical error sounds like a huge red flag. Insurance would only be revoked if she didn't pay premiums or lied about her history or finances on the application. If true, guessing she lied about income? What a shock!

    6. But she also mentions she doesn't have the cash, hoping that person will pony up some for her. She is so sad that there's nothing that can be done.

    7. How typical of Jenna’s dysfunctional thinking to mention winning the lottery as a solution to her being a lying, lazy loser.

    8. SFF. I’ve also commented before about her often adding “unnecessary details” to her lies. The ridiculous embellishments are her “tell.”

  23. Her latest Instagram verbal diarrhea - If your “achievements” can be achieved by anyone with a credit card, Keep moving. Not interested. Besides making no sense, Ticketmaster didn’t accept pork shares for those TS tickets. It took her years to admit she has a cellphone. How long will it take her to admit she has a credit card? Clearly she thinks people are as clueless as she is.

    1. And her shit shares are only potential pigs. Perhaps, Rachel Keane will buy herself a whole hog!

    2. Rachel Keane bought those tickets with HER credit card, and whadayaknow, she also pays for those much needed, multiple streaming services every month on the same credit card. As a bonus, she also pays for that iPhone bill on that overused credit card.

    3. Anon 8:46, not only will Rach buy that whole hog, she will then donate it to the local food bank!!
      I bet it’s Rachel who buys all that TS merch online, cause, you can’t buy this stuff with a dumb paper check! 🤣

  24. Which one is it, Jen? You can’t be both.

    Are you a fierce, feral feminist who lives alone on the side of a mountain, and owns a solvent farm?


    Are you a lying, lazy loser who won’t work to support herself like a normal adult, and depends on being a beggar for pity purchases and handouts?

    One can’t be a victim and victor at the same time.

    1. Her “Live like fiction!” fantasy lie-style has been proven to be false.

    2. Is she a “scrappy little lesbian” who wants to inspire other women with her words?


      Is she a rotten writer who won’t take time to edit her many multiple mistakes, and polish her purple prose?

  25. “Do you have an online store where i can browse soap or anything?”

    Nah. That would make too much sense for Wog to do. Jenna just wants potential customers to “DM for orders!” Even though Shannon created a special site for sales, and her dumb dispatches. That’s hardly ever updated.

    1. She does have a soap section of sorts, but it doesn’t display and describe each particular product.

    2. I notice she didn’t reply to that one 😉

  26. Don't you be hatin' on my gurl. She's the best writer out there and her story of finding love while trying to save her farm (that's in the best shape ever!).

    I buy EVERYTHING and share EVERYTHING because she's lives on a mountain top, in the middle of nowhere, and she's gay. Slut ice is real, too.

    You bit$%es are jealous because you don't have an Amish yogi platform, can't soak your feet in the afternoon, attend a farmer movie matinee, lay all day in a hammock or eat gummies & binge-watch Premium channels. Sux to be you, eh?

    /s obv

    1. “Scrappy little liar”January 24, 2023 at 2:35 PM

      I’m literally, laughing out loud. Thanks, Rach!

    2. I’m am seriously peeing my pants laughing. Thanks for the giggle.

  27. I have been busy all day so didn't get any updates but let's see now she has a broken ankle, a tooth that is chipped with a "wall" of tooth missing and a root canal for this week and it is only Tues. pass the popcorn this is to good to miss.

    1. Maybe Rachel Keane can give Jenna money for her woes.

  28. “My map inspired by the Taylor Swift universe”

    Jenna must be jealous of this amazing artist and her map. Even though she’s retweeted it.

    It got hundreds of positive responses, and thousands of “likes.” Unlike the filthy feral farmer, who hardly gets any attention on Twitter for her stupid scribbles.

    1. https://twitter.com/ekelleydesign/status/1617223009495826435?cxt=HHwWhoCyucfww_EsAAAA

    2. And the woman is selling prints. That’s gotta burn.

    3. She made her first fake map years ago, after copying a map created by Blair Braverman to show her dogsled team's route. Fake farmer's version looked like a 12-year old made it; she was trying to interest her readership in a bull💩 hobbit week celebration and the singed, wrinkly map was part of this.

      Like everything - her articles, her posts, her property, her homesteading - FF's drawings look slapped together and amateur. It tickles me to no end that a talented TS fan created a detailed artistic map and has monetized it!

    4. SBH - I thought the same thing. Love your handle BTW.

  29. So this morning on IG it’s back to lesbian sex with a guy interviewing a young woman about how long she goes in bed with her girlfriend. Its ironic since our girl is clearly not getting any. No magic. No luck. And she hasn’t won the lottery either. 🤪

    1. The fat, ugly, and stinky “scrappy little lesbian” isn’t having any erotic encounters. No one wants a lying, lazy loser like Jenna.

  30. She has brought up this “im so lucky to be a lesbian because we have sex all night until you poor straight shlubs” thing before. Ummm... great for you? Personally I don’t care what others do in the bedroom gay, straight, or Jenna.

    I think most adults understand that the people who brag the most about great sex are the ones not getting any. 😂😂

    1. Poor, desperate little Jenna is alone again for a reason. She’s an animal abusing beggar, and sociopathic scammer. In addition to being repellent on every level.

    2. Judgement Jenna is saying stupid crap again, about a subject that she knows nothing about. I happen to be bi. I’m decades older than her, and have had amazing, marathon sessions of sex with men. I’ve also been intimate with women who suck in the sack, and were lousy lovers. She sees life as either black or white, with no nuances.

    3. It doesn’t seem to occur to her that mens also have fingers and tongues - not just cocks.

    4. SFF. Exactly. That was well-put. Her stupid statements about sexuality reveals how inexperienced Jenna is in intimate matters. But she behaves as if she was an expert. Just like she does with almost everything.

    5. “Sure, Jen.” She’s a snobby, self-proclaimed “expert” on the following: farming, fiddling, falconry, gardening, dogs, drawing, archery, raising chickens and pigs. In reality, Jenna’s only dabbled like a dilettante.

  31. This here is why we hate her. Jenna is disingenuous. If anyone asked for the same sales rate she’d gladly give it to them.

    But she’s a con cunt who puts pressure on people to make pity purchases. Even when there’s no need to act like a carny worker.

  32. Again with Greenwing Microfarm in Oxford Nova Scotia to illustrate her logos but there is absolutely no online presence for such a place. Oxford Nova Scotia is a tiny hamlet with a population of just over 1100 people.There is however a Greenwing Farm in Norwalk Ohio. It makes me wonder if the place in Ohio rejected her work but because she thought it was such a great drawing, she changed it up for her own advertising. I sometimes check out the places she draws logos for and the majority don’t exist online at least. Don’t most businesses have an online presence these days? Who knows but it does make you wonder on a snowy day in Canada 🇨🇦

  33. ⬆️⬆️Yes. Hope she paid that mortgage

  34. Whatever happened to her chipped tooth from last week? It must not have raised enough pity money for her to talk about her dentist visit. Oh no! Well Jenna, I've been looking at those Pop On Veneers that are advertised everywhere (hereditary bad teeth) Maybe you should too.

    1. It’s her predictable pattern of crying about a fabricated crisis. Then she’ll mention a new one, when the first fake didn’t work for filching free funds.

  35. Ok, shamsters, 5 more days until the February mortgage is due, and 20 more days until, if she doesn’t pay December, she is 90 days in default. Who wants to bet the December miraculously gets paid this week? But then, on the same day, what’s a faux farmer to do with two more freshly large/due mortgages?!

    1. She can expect a visit from the “scary red van man” soon.

  36. Lots of pictures of her property now that the snow is covering up all the filth and neglect.

    1. She can try to hide her hovel, but it’s obviously neglected.

  37. Full body pic of her on IG. Where is the ankle brace?? Also. I don’t know what part of the house that picture is from but it looks like a horror movie set. Ugh!!

    1. I find her home creepy not cozy. Jenna’s infected it with her putrid presence for over a decade.

    2. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn4h90xO0XY/?hl=en

      It looks like her bedroom that’s usually hidden in her hovel pics.

      Jenna is jowly now, and deliberately tilted her fake fat face up to hide the folds. That stupid, muscle moron pose again with chunky, beefy bicep up. Nothing can cover her bulging, bourbon belly.

    3. And what’s up with that wallpaper? It’s the stuff of horror movies and the floor is filthy.

    4. SFF. I agree with what you wrote. I’m sure that Shannon was glad to finally flee her hovel. Her bedroom looks downright dismal.

    5. The badass, brave butch likes posing and pretending that she’s Popeye.

    6. She hates her hair, and hides it under hats. Even inside. It looks very strange.

    7. Why TF is she wearing nasty-ass barn boots inside her hovel? Any farmer worth the name would rather lick the bottom of the damn things before they’d wear them in the house.

  38. Replies
    1. On which comment? Thanks.

    2. Why such a weird expression? Looks like she's gonna punch herself.

    3. Anonymous 11:40. Jenna’s incapable of behaving like a normal adult. I’d still like to see someone slap the smug smirk off her fat face.

  39. I like the nail coming up out of the floor. Very safe. No way she’s having all night lesbian sex in that gross room. Metal pipes under the bed, filthy rug, dirty floor. Disheveled bedding, weird metal box? Peeling. Wallpaper. Looks like “ grey gardens” not cold antler farm.

    1. It looks so dingy and grubby. And those pipes under the bed were weird. The only one who’d have sex with Jenna is herself. I’d call it “Gross Gardens.”

  40. Wow. So much to unpack with that weird-as-💩 photo. First, unless it's an unused storeroom, how can a bedroom (even a second bedroom) look that disgusting? It would take a whole lot of lavender spray (and a blindfold) to make that room remotely cozy. Whoever said it has Grey Gardens vibes has it right. Dirt everywhere, wallpaper that could fit in at the Bates Motel, filthy rug, metal pipes under a sloppy "bed", and ewww, is that the remains of a stuffed animal on the bed? Some whimsy amidst the filth?

    Her pose? Laughable as always. How many photos do you think she took until she was satisfied she had "the one"? White constriction shirt; outside Indiana Jones hat to cover (I guess) thin, limp hair; dirty muck boots (which cost about $140 by the way), Taylor Swift cardigan sweater. It's a mess. Please, please quit trying so hard with these selfies; I'm embarrassed for her.

    1. PDD. Great comment as always. Her “Suspenders appreciation post” has had zero followers “appreciate” her obese body, and ugly bedroom. Jenna has no sense of style in any aspect of living. I’ve seen street bums who have more class.

    2. lly rockin’ a sexy uni-boob, and FUPA with her “elegant ensemble.”

    3. Edit: (copy & paste deleted words)

      The faux femme is also really rockin’ a sexy uni-boob, and FUPA with her “elegant ensemble.”

    4. Getting a handful of “likes” and no replies is typical of her try-too-hard tweets.

    5. Yeah what the f? Those muck boots have seen the inside of that pig barn. She keeps her HOME like this, so what shape is the barn in? The coop? The fields?

      She followed the pigs through the fresh snow towards the barn, but carefully kept the barn door out of the shot. Of course there would be some dirt / muck outside the door, but there's no way she's shoveling out that barn daily.

      That encrusted carpet in that photo is soaked in shit. It's unbelievable.

      Even without the rug, you can see she hasn't cleaned those floors or under the bed in years.

      It's shocking. Again, this is what she posts, what she shows publically. Brooms and mops are cheap.

    6. It is “shocking” that she’s shameless and clueless about how her hovel comes across. Why wouldn’t she take a minute to fix that nasty nail? It’s truly crazy.

      I think that her forties will continue to show Jenna’s cognitive decline. It’s pathological at this point.

    7. And don’t forget that she had to hire someone, a few years ago, with a machine to shovel out the thick shit that had piled up. It was so massive that the truck got stuck in manure. Jenna found it funny.

    8. "Grey Gardens vibes" for sure, lol.

      But that NAIL. Omg, does she want to shred the bottom of her foot? She hauls buckets of water daily...but can't haul a hammer upstairs and pound that fcuker down?

  41. I think in her live like fiction mind, it looks fine, lived in. She mentioned once that if your refrigerator isn’t covered with stuff, she’s not interested or some such nonsense. Her house gets a few “cool decor” responses but I think for most of us it looks very “off” and like someone said “creepy”. Stuff looks like it’s for show not for living and the rest looks very dirty. Example. When she takes a pic she will often have things propped or displayed in a weird “look here” kind of way. There will be a TS album propped near the burning wood stove or a woke sticker on a frying pan or something dumb that makes no sense. It’s for attention only. I’m sure she removes the item when she’s done posting for seal claps.

    1. Jenna’s a pathetic poser who uses props to replace being authentic. Unfortunately, she can’t pull off looking cool. I guarantee that the locals already see her as “Weird Wog.” She’s already becoming like one of those old people that no one wants to be around, because they’re strange and stink.

    2. Her home is not a nice nest. It’s a mess,

    3. The weirdest/worst is when she places and photographs small farm animals on her musical instruments.

    4. Anon7, yes! That f'king paint horse statue has been moved a gazillion times. Don't get me started on the stupid dinosaur.

  42. I find it odd that she hasn’t been doing her usual begging for mortgage money this week. Does anyone here have theories as to why the sudden silence? Jenna’s far too stupid and stubborn to change on her own. Maybe there’s been external influences.

    1. She did say she sold some logos. I bet she is going to soon post that the mortgage has been paid ( all caps, multiple exclamation points). I think sometimes she delays that post just so donations can keep rolling in.

    2. Perhaps someone has suggested that her batshit crazy posting jags are counterproductive to presenting herself as a credible vendor. She presents herself as a lovesick teen and not a competent business woman.

    3. I wrote the first comment above. I think that you both might be right. I appreciate your input. Thanks.

    4. SFF, I don’t know. She is so aggressively defiant, I think we have all seen her over the years hiss back immediately at anyone who dares suggest any sort of improvement to her, the insufferable know-it-all and does-it-best.

    5. Anon 4.17 - You’re probably right but there comes a point where self reflection kicks in. Good God, she’s in her forties and still behaving like an adolescent. I’ve said here before that what appears charming and naive at 25 is embarrassing and pathetic at 40 but then again, you can’t fix stupid. That suspender photo was a new low even for her.

    6. Anonymous 4:17. And she’s “defiant” even to her own detriment. Jenna will refuse to change even if it’s better for her life.

      SFF. The fact that she hasn’t deleted the pic was weird. The photo is disturbing, and has dark vibes.

    7. Maybe, just maybe, her age is catching up to her and she is finally realizing how sad, pathetic, and desperate she looks begging for every bill, expense, and luxury.

  43. The suspender pic...I'm having a hard time snarking on it cuz it's like making fun of a mentally challenged person. She looks simple-minded and unhinged in that pic.

    BTW suspenders are Jon Katz's signature look. It's like his thing, his eclectic old man thing. And now she's knicked it from him. Not the first time she's copied him either.

    1. Whoops...I think I meant to say eccentric, not eclectic.

    2. I know Jon Katz from living in Cambridge. It’s funny that she’s bragging about wearing suspenders now. They also look better on him not her.

    3. Anon 7, I had to laugh out loud at your comment on pounding that nail back into

    4. Sorry, laptop went nuts for a moment........into the floor. But it might mean a good new beg to use........a torn up foot. Ta Da!

    5. The pic below it is also bad.

  44. I can't believe she hasn't mentioned the root canal that was suppose to be this last week her chipped tooth and of course the broken ankle. What has happened to our little girl? We sure know she hasn't grown up. Maybe she is even tired of herself?

    1. Yeah, what about the “wall of enamel that fell off” her tooth? Maybe the mortgage “magically” got paid again at the last minute!

  45. She’s visiting Chris the boudoir photog today. As always no work and all play makes dime store Indiana Jones a big fat beggar!!!

    1. She’ll be back to begging on Monday moanin’ for mortgage money.

    2. Isn't Boudour Chris the partner of our favorite Diane Arbus Wannabe?

      You can see she's not at her VerYork hovel because the floors are clean, the walls aren't rotting and their aren't any stuffed deer heads being disrespected.

    3. *there
      Auto correct must have gone to the same righting school as pig shocker.

  46. On IG a little while ago, with a pic of a puppy. Looks like she is in an out of town trip maybe. Definitely doesn’t look like her place.

    January 28
    Guys, I met someone…

    1. Why does she preface everything with “Guys” as if the internet at large is her bestie? It’s weird and it makes her sound like a twelve year old.

    2. The dog is much better looking than fat ass. And she is “a twelve year old” mentally, trapped in the obese body of a middle-aged moron.

    3. Her chunky arms look like sausages in the too tight, cheap pleather jacket. And always a hat to hide her hair.

    4. It's way too clean to be her place. Look at the floors - no crud shadows around the furniture or walls, and the light reflects off the floor because there is no layer of ground in dirt. Those tile floors have absolutely seen a mop in the past week. Definitely not Jenna's place.

      But it looks like she's back home now, smoking up and eating Chinese takeout. Sure sounds like something someone who hasn't paid their mortgage would spend their saturday doing.

  47. On IG- back at the hovel.

    Getting high, ordering Chinese and watching Megan.

    Next story: I don’t have the budget for both what should I do?

    How about pay your bills? She eats such shit food for a “ farmer” who can survive the apocalypse

    1. Her whole evening is costing her money and does anybody believe she won’t get the Chinese food AND the movie? Not likely. Just more virtue signalling. For someone who is constantly on the brink of insolvency she spends a ton on fast food, recreational drugs and streaming services. No one in their right mind buys her bullshit story of living off the land when she advertises her purchases on the daily. She is such a joke.

    2. She’s a pathological liar, and doesn’t deserve to have a home. Anyone who gives her free funds is a fool.

    3. This is what enrages me about her more than anything. Jenna’s pretense of playing poor is blatant bullshit. She owns a home, property in a pricey area, two vehicles, and animals. Yet she’s constantly claiming to live in fear of foreclosure. GFY, cunt.

    4. And she’s glad to take money from those who have a lot less resources than herself. Jenna’s a despicable sociopath.


  48. “Scrappy little liar”January 23, 2023 at 4:56 AM
    “I have a question for Woe is Wog. I want to join Reddit to contribute to your sub. Do I have to accrue any karma points in order to post? Please let me know. I’d appreciate it. Thanks!”

    You might’ve missed my comment above. I’d appreciate an answer. I’d like to join the sub.

    I’ll repeat myself again, because it’s true. Her whole life is lies. And congrats on improving your life. Unlike Jenna, you’re not a lying, lazy loser.

  49. WiW- congrats on getting your head above water. What you say is so true, she isn't in danger of losing her property. If that were the case it would have happened by now. Somewhere away back she figured out that scamming people was profitable and at this point I don't think she could change her ways. Begging has become another addiction. She demonstrates daily that she is prone to addictive behaviour. Her greed supercedes any shred of decency she may have once had, IMO.

    1. Her home would’ve been foreclosed years ago already, according to her constant “cries wolf” fake fears.

    2. Jenna clearly has multiple addictions that haven’t been cured. She’s far from staying sober with her obnoxious bragging about getting high.

    3. She’s been at this for so long that I fear she believes her own schtick. She seems to be bordering on delusional - if you say something often enough then in her mind it must be true. Scary shit that. If it all goes to hell - and it well could - it’s going to be a hard landing.

    4. Guys???
      ▪️She repeatedly writes if she asks for (money, goods, favors, whatever) and someone gives it to her, that's on them.
      ▪️She posted it's better to take money from friends than strangers.
      ▪️She revered the student who scammed their teacher to get what he wanted.
      ▪️She and her minions rationalize that as an "artist" and "social media influencer", she's entitled to receive money from the public.
      ▪️Her blog brags that she "lives like fiction" - aka "lies".
      ▪️Her very best friend & mentor retired from her executive position after allegations of financial mismanagement of charitable donations.

      If those aren't huge red flags, nothing is.

    5. Agreed PDD-
      Jenna lays it ALL out there. If she asks for money and you give it, that’s on you! Most adults do not feel comfortable taking money from others, the goal of being an adult is independence and Jenna is 40 and still not ( appearing) independent.

      If you Can’t pay bills, ordering food is foolish. But she thinks she’s entitled to it because she ... does nothing all day I guess!? I guess she didn’t order after all because she “forgot” she had soup. Ok??? She lives like a crazy person. Next she’ll be putting tinned cat food on crackers as an appetizer.

      I reallly wish someone who had some insider info would spill it !! Are her bills really late?? Is she really a sociopath? How will this end? Her chance to meet a young brunette femme is ticking and no one wants to live in that hovel!!!

    6. PDD. “Guys???” You’ve nailed it as always.

      Anonymous 5:05. We’ve wished that Shannon would share her version of what life was like at Jenna’s hovel. It’s great that she finally dumped the lying, lazy loser, and moved back to Boston.

  50. Sorry I missed your previous comment. No you don't need to accrue karma to post, I don't recall setting anything like that up. Unless reddit creates that as a default, you should just be able to join the group and post.

  51. WIW, I feel you and can relate to a lot of what you wrote. You're correct that nothing in her behavior indicates any genuine risk of foreclosure. It appears to be smoke and mirrors to goose sales and donations.

    Why do we criticize her? There's nothing wrong in condemning a bad business owner who misrepresents her circumstances for pity donations, shares and purchases.

    She counts on most casual readers not paying attention to the disconnects. We pay attention, we put information together, and we don't forget.

  52. Don’t worry darlings,
    Jenna’s so worried about her mortgage that she’s spent all morning posting nontent on IG stories. She did “buy” the movie Meghan so she’s going to “swoon” over the star while she watches it after chores.
    Winter has been easy and it’s been a much needed break for her but it’s going to get cold ( next weekend according to forecast) so she’ll be busy keepin the fire lit!!!

    1. Jenna’s been busy broadcasting that she’s not broke. It’s all an act for her to filch free funds.

  53. SFF - Bordering on delusional? You are too kind. She crossed that line a long time ago.

    1. I’ll say it again. She’s going to be “Weird Wog” to locals the older she gets. People will warn their kids to avoid the asshole.

  54. On IG she’s saying she hasn’t watched “The Last of Us” on HBOMAX “yet”

    Another streaming service Jenna. Please, you are teasing us now.

    She’s watching M3gan right now and says she bought it. Looked up online and it’s $20 to rent, $25 to buy. Either way that’s a lot of money for someone who is two months behind on the mortgage... oh wait, guess she isn’t!!!

    1. Jenna is disingenuous. She’s a total phony and fraudster. Not many people have her rotten reputation, and multiple posts written to warn others. “Where there’s smoke…”

    2. Poor, desperate scrappy Jenna has to have all of the streaming services, because she has nothing else in her “dumb little life.”

  55. Hmmm… I have a friend who is a lesbian with no dependents and she has credit cards that she charges so much to and only pays the minimum payment.
    Makes me wonder if Jenna is doing the same thing and charges her TS merch , streaming services, takeout, etc. and just pays $15/month. Of course this game ends when the cards are maxed out. Seems like an immature choice she would make.

    1. You’d never know that she’s 40, if you judged Jenna by her behavior.

    2. The banks love people like that - pay the minimum and then they offer to bump up their credit limit when they get close to being maxed out. Responsible adults recognize the danger in that. It’s a credible theory that this is how she lives. It’s an unscrupulous tactic on the part of the financial institutions but they realize that there are a lot of suckers out there who they can utilize to increase their bottom line. Many entrepreneurs take a business course before they hang out their shingle to avoid financial mistakes but our girl thinks she knows everything about everything. Eventually it will come back to smack her in the face especially if she hides income.

    3. Jenna’s never acted like a responsible adult. She’s been a financial fuck-up for decades.

    4. It may be that her parents bail her out whenever she gets in too deep which is fine until her parents pass and their estate is divided amongst whatever siblings she has. That will be the end of the gravy train - a lump sum that she will likely blow on crap rather than moving it into an investment account. It seems as if she is incapable of looking past the next two weeks.

    5. Of course financial responsibility has nothing to do with your sexuality.

      I figured Jenna had maxed out her revolving credit potential in the first year of home ownership.

  56. WiW. Thanks for your response about Reddit.

  57. PDD. This site serves as a warning system to inform others about a predatory sociopathic scammer, and animal abusing beggar.

  58. …. referring to the movie she purchased “so much better than one night of take out you people are fools” And there she goes again, calling her followers fools for what????? Voting that she get Chinese take out? These stupid polls of hers are moronic and for god sake, use the punctuation that any seventh grader is capable of.

    1. Judgement Jenna likes putting people down for no reason. Then she feels momentarily superior. It’s similar to how she’s called straights “miserable.” Her “stupid polls” are done to get attention from followers. She’s like a parched plant whose rotted roots can’t adequately absorb water.

    2. Jenna has the emotional maturity a “seventh grader.” And her rotten writing is a reflection of it.

  59. HD. New post please? Thanks!

    1. The comments are slow to load when it gets close to 200. It’s a glitch in their system.

  60. “Scrappy little liar”January 30, 2023 at 6:30 AM

    “I haven’t been posting this much here, but wanted to say how much I appreciate the shares and help getting the word out. Made some sales and almost there!”

    It’s Monday moanin’ now
    and “this farm” is “almost there!”
    The lying, lazy loser
    wears hats to hide her hair.


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