Happy New Year!

I find her wish for a companion with no action, 
fascinating.  It's difficult finding a partner in your living room in the best of circumstances (although I did once..HA) but when you decrease the population by needing the person to be gay and blind and no sense of smell…..that would be impossible.  She needs to slap on that lemur dress and get out there and put out some effort.  Lol.


  1. HD. I’m literally, laughing out loud at your post. That “lemur dress” was one of the ugliest garments I’ve ever seen. Jenna believes in “magic” and “luck” in life to get what she wants. Making an “effort” is too much work for the lying, lazy loser. She’ll never find another Shannon. If it hadn’t been for Covid, and using her country setting as stay safe bait, she wouldn’t have had a girlfriend that lasted for a year.

    1. Jenna’s never had a sense of style. She’d be better off being butch, because trying to come across as a femme is foolish.

    2. There’s nothing feminine about Jenna’s presentation. I don’t care how much makeup she trowels on her fake fat face. She can’t pull it off.

    3. Losing weight, washing regularly and even getting a job would likely make little difference in her case. She appears to be socially stunted with a severe personality disorder. Even with therapy, I doubt she could fool anyone for long.

    4. SFF. You’re right. And I’ve mentioned this before. My brother, who is a seasoned psychologist, says that she meets the diagnostic criterion for a plethora of personality disorders.

    5. HD - If she takes your advice, that dating pool is gonna need extra chlorine.

    6. she experiments a bit with her advertising — i’ve seen times where, within a short space of time, she was calling herself a femme one place and somewhere else butch. using those terms explicitly.

    7. Anonymous 10:11. Thanks for your information. I’d been wondering why Jenna won’t admit that she presents as a butch not femme.

  2. Jenna also wants endless amounts of money, “with no action” on her part, aside from being a beggar.

    1. That's what I don't get. If you are going to beg for pity donations you should at least provide some quality content in exchange. She loves to say, "If you want to just 'kick in' for years of writing" for a blog she hardly ever writes for anymore. Just a handful of entries for all of 2022, and most of them were woe-is-me crap regarding leaky ceilings, flooded floors, joint, jaw and back pain, twisted ankle, and behind on the mortgage.

      In May she wrote: "The last few springs I had someone here to share in the work, bills, and the dream. [...] All those repairs, improvements, efforts - I am dedicated to maintaining and improving those systems. I am dedicated to completing projects we dreamed up together. I am dedicating to growing more, earning more, working harder. I don’t think I have worked as hard in the past 20 years as much as I have in the past 5 months."

      Yet she didn't blog about any of those things. She only wrote two more posts: One about turning 40 with a small paragraph about her animals, followed by how she's behind on the mortgage. And gay. The other post was a sales beg for pork shares. That is it.

      And her Instagram and Twitter are nothing more than Taylor Swift updates and pop culture nonsense. And she wants people to "kick in" for that?!?

    2. Anon7. Jenna has always had a massive sense of unearned, self-entitlement. Her writing is rotten now. It’s continued to decline along with her cognitive abilities. Yet she expects that people will pay her for nothing of merit. The only “kick” that she deserves is one on her fat ass.

  3. “Scrappy little liar”January 9, 2023 at 4:42 AM

    It’s another Monday moanin’
    Jenna has her man hand out.
    She wants more mortgage money
    and also cool, queer clout.

  4. She says she has 2 "shares" left. How much is that exactly? 1/4 pig? 1/2 pig? Weight? She's also trying to create a false demand like most other scams. "Only 2 left! Get yours NOWWWWW!!" Doesn't work on smart people, but I can't imagine her foolerers are very smart.

    1. Yeah, her fake scarcity screeching is an example of her manipulative marketing. She’s done this multiple times for free funds.

    2. One of her most manipulative marketing maneuvers is to put pressure on people to buy her crap. It’s immature, unethical, and beyond pathetic.

  5. Here’s an idea, instead of another self care map why doesn’t she draw herself a ‘get a job’ map.

    1. SFF. As if that would ever happen!

  6. I also love how she claims this map saved her money because she ate home cooked meals... should that be the rule rather than exception when she begs for money online to pay her bills? Where is she normally eating?

    1. Also very telling that the map is solely focussed on her leisure and doesn’t mention ‘this farm’. It shows where her focus is.

    2. Anonymous 8:10. I think that she’s been stuffing her fake fat face with fast food in nearby Greenwich, NY. There’s a McDonald’s in town.

    3. I can not understand, for the life of me, a scenario where a) you live on a farm-fake or not, and you don’t, by default, eat mostly home cooked meals. I live on a HOBBY farm by most people’s definitions down here in the south, producing some milk, eggs, veggies, fruits, soaps, and a load of canned goods from what we grow. We have eaten out 3 times since March 2020. No interest in it, no time after full-time off-farm jobs, and 4 hours of farm chores split between morning and night. And b) I don’t get eating out ( or bragging that finally because of a play map you are NOT eating out) when you are a self-confessed broke-as-hell person, who is chronically behind on their mortgage. If a mortgage isn’t being paid, eating out should be absolutely out of the window.
      But hey, what do I know.

    4. Anonymous 12:20. Her whole life is lies.

  7. Good God. More riveting content of her walking down a road. How about a video of actual farm work?

    1. And an added bonus shot of her filthy fingers and man hand. It looks like the “fab femme” needs a manicure. She bites her nasty nails to stubs.

    2. … and then paints them with nail polish. WTF?

    3. SFF. She can’t pull off the attributes of femininity, because Jenna’s a big butch. Her nail polish always looks like crap. We’ve seen it up close in public. Her fat man hands don’t deserve any extra attention.


  8. Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    I am starting a new map today, this one has all the same goals but it takes place in the town of Bree. My little character (I’m picturing me as a badger/hobbit) has a ukulele over her back and will be singing for her supper every night to cover her stay at the Prancing Pony.

    Are you for real??

    1. see, THIS is what i mean when i recently said her whole deal is fascinating! it’s just amazing! it honestly keeps me going through my boring workday when she creates these insane maps. this isn’t garden-variety quirkiness, this is incredible! i mean, she’s spending her work day fantasizing about singing 3 songs at the gates of Bree to get in, and at the end of the day, she’s like, “Wow, I worked hard today!”

    2. She has literally, lost her mind now. And anyone who gives this lying, lazy loser a damn dime is also nuts.

      Normal adults don’t draw stupid, childish maps to motivate themselves. They just do what’s necessary to have healthy lives. There’s no way that she’s “sold a customized one on Instagram.” Go fuck your self, Jenna.

    3. Why would she waste her time working for money? We’re talking about a super special snowflake. Jenna’s living like a lady of leisure by begging. It’s obvious that she’s supporting herself with other, undisclosed income. I’d be ashamed to admit that drawing stupid, moronic maps takes up time. But sociopathic scammers lack a conscience.

    4. Sadly, she actually thinks it’s clever and charmingly quirky. She really has lost touch with reality.

    5. SFF. Jenna’s delusional. Don’t forget that her moronic motto is “ Live like fiction!” And it’s always at the expense of others paying for her lie-style.

    6. This is a part of what has become Jenna's "performance art". She'd LOVE y'all to believe she made some money selling a crayola pencil crayon on printer paper homeschool activity map!

      It's the most recent iteration of that "I bought a farm and I made it!" reddit post that blew up and made the subreddit drama group when people found out she can't possibly have "made it" because the damn math doesn't work!

      I agree, this phase has its fascinating moments... and there is no way in hell she's living off of soap sales and shitty arts n crafts. SOMEONE is sponsoring her, and she fails to mention that whenever she tells people what she does.

    7. WiW. Exactly. Her whole life is lies.

  9. Honestly, if she can make money selling these maps... good for her, her handwriting needs work since I can barely read it on her map. She claims she sold one for next weeks grocery money so I’m not sure how much that is. If I was since and had a farm that supposedly gre food and raised animals, my grocery bill would be tiny!! As it is, I’m just a shitty straight female who lives in a cookie cutter neighborhood with direct deposit and I’m still eating food I preserved/ froze etc from my summer garden.

    1. She’s lying about buyers for those stupid maps.

  10. “Scrappy little liar”January 10, 2023 at 5:55 AM

    Jenna draws dumb maps
    she’s claiming that “they’re fun!”
    Her lie-style is “like fiction”
    and not fooling anyone.

  11. “People that don’t return shopping carts should be marched to The Hague.”

    There goes judgment Jenna again trying to be funny. It always falls flat on her fake fat face.

    1. And “people that don’t work to support themselves without being a beggar are assholes.”

    2. Rather than apologize for her stupid tweet that might’ve inadvertently offended disabled people, who are unable to put their carts back, Jenna was a nasty twat to the person.

    3. Comment 2:07. My usage of “gracious” was meant to be extremely sarcastic.

    4. Yeah, that’s the real Jenna coming out in all her innate nastiness.

    5. i guess in her mountain nobody has screen readers?

    6. Once again, my comments above yesterday have disappeared. So nothing makes sense in context. I’m going to post them again now.

      She’s deleted her nasty response to this tweet: “F all them disabled people, amiright?” Jenna had said sarcastically: “Fuck all them blind people who can’t read your tweet, amiright?” Rather than apologize for offending disabled people who can’t return their carts because they’re handicapped.

    7. It’s hilarious how even the arrogant asshole can be shamed into deleting tweets. Jenna hates being called out on her crap. Unfortunately, for her, we track and keep records.

    8. What about Pember Patty’s son, Ryan, you self-righteous cunt? He’d be unable to return his cart due to a disability. Maybe you made an exception for him, because you use her and Mark for free food, and other projects.


  12. “Should I stop sharing this? Probably. Am I going to? No.”

    Poor, desperate little Jenna continues to broadcast and scream her desperation on Twitter. She knows that people are sick of her crap, but she flips them the finger anyway. “How’s that working out for you, cunt?”

    1. I find that one to be one of her most insufferable tweets. It has so many issues. Grammar. Typos. Pathetic throw-your-crap in the face of a real writer who has talked about how much she hates it when people do this to her. Also, anyone peddling their “writing” to the World Wide Web of folks who has the horrible digital searchable footprint that Jenna Wog does, should just stop. Ain’t nobody gonna want this shit! She has nothing of quality to show for, and so many epic fails. The infamous Reddit thread on “I made it!”; Kickstarter-need we say more. A failed CSI which is probably not yet refunded to some. A promised and failed “secret blog”. Vlogs. Failed workshops. Promised to update regularly but ultimately a failed blog. Content mostly hinging on begging, bragging, being broke, not taking good care of animals. Failed gardens.
      If I were in her situation, I would have gotten a job about ten years ago. Even if it was bagging groceries. She has alienated most, if not all, credible people she used to have in her life. I agree with the suggestion above that shitty art and crafts, melt and pour soap, and cartoon logos do not pay her bills. Maybe the parents do out of desperation.
      So yeah, I wouldn’t be peddling that to anyone. Her “agent”-not sure she even has one, but let’s go with it, already rejected whatever it was she was trying to sell.

    2. Excellent summary, Anon 4:44. And the thing with the book, the thing with her story, is that she thinks it's really unique what she's done despite the fact that there are many who have taken the homesteader route and written about it. Her story is not a rarity.

      AND...she conveniently forgets that she DID NOT do it all by herself. She begged her readers for financial help every step of the way, and she continues to do so, which is not at all inspiring. It's all there in her bleg yet she stupidly continues to try to push the bullshit "I made it" all by myself narrative.

  13. It also shows that she’s been spending money on buying pizzas. But she constantly “cries wolf’ about being broke, and needing mortgage money from followers.

  14. i’m curious why she’s so curious!

    1. So am I. But knowing that everything she does involves "earning up" money, this is probably a ploy for foollowers to send her gift cards for pizza.

  15. lol what does "not from a chain" have to do with it? MOST people get pizza from big chain stores. Also: WHO CARES? This weird leading question is to, what, prove it's cheaper to make food at home than in bespoke pizzerias? Pizza is one of the few things it seems she knows how to make.

  16. It’s no wonder why she’s been packing on pounds this winter. With her pigging out on pizza, premium ice cream, and drinking alcohol again. I saw her getting gas in town recently. Her fat ass looks like a sausage being strangled in too tight jeans.

  17. Anonymous 11:57. She’s not really “curious” about getting any answers to her stupid questions. It’s all about needing attention like an annoying toddler.

  18. “I do make a beast of a pan pizza”

    Jenna’s tweet to her most massive enabler, Pember Patty, and their praise about her putrid pizza. “Woke Wog’s” nickname was “the beast” in high school, because she’s always been ugly and obese.

  19. is she thinking of selling pizzas???

  20. I thought the same thing. With the filthy state of her kitchen, not to mention her fingernails, the health department would shut her down forthwith. Ugh. Anyway don’t you need a permit to run a food service? It is interesting to wonder what her angle is on the pizza thing unless, as someone mentioned, she is just looking for online engagement. Poor lonely Jenna.

  21. Anonymous 2:55. That would require way too much work for the lying, lazy loser. And she doesn’t have a kitchen that’s capable of doing more than mediocre melt & pour soap.

  22. SFF. Exactly. My comment above posted right after yours.

  23. For someone who begs, she sure is choosy! You can report to her your pizza budget but the pizza “this” girl is talking about can’t be from a chain! Gatekeeping and entitlement at their best.

  24. Re this new pic on Instasham: https://www.instagram.com/p/CnPbAK8OLlj/

    Pig Shocker: We know you read here, and sometimes we throw you a bone. So here ya go: Get your back checked out by a doctor. From your armpits down there is nothing symmetrical about your torso. Either you are developing scoliosis (yes, it can happen to older women) or your right leg is longer than your left, which will affect your spine and cause pain.

    Your right side is bunched up and not lengthy like the left side. The center vertical seam of your pants pulls to the right. And the horizontal seam pulls up. Even your shirt hem rides up and it appears your right hip is higher than the left. If it's due to having a slightly longer leg, you can remedy that with a orthopedic shoe insert which will alleviate your back pain, thus giving you one less thing to whine and bitch about in 2023. Also, get a job.

    1. Awww. Jenna’s doing the brawny butch muscle pose again. Gag. Look at those bursting, beefy biceps and ugly, man hands flex. (#yourenothot.) Not one woman commented on her stupid display of narcissism. It’s weird how she wears her hats inside for photos. I guess that’s because she hates her hair.

    2. I also detect that she’s using shapewear under her shirt to give the illusion of having a whittled waist for once. But we know what you really look like waddling around town.

    3. I think that she’s slimmed her wide waist with something like Photoshop. Jenna’s used it before to give the illusion of losing weight. We wonder who took the ick pic. Her dogs didn’t do it. And she lives alone. So it was probably a setup tripod. If it’d been either Pember Patty or Moronic Miriam, then they would’ve been included in a credit. “Look! I have friends to take photos of me!”

    4. There’s no filters that can hide her bad body odor. Jenna literally, stinks.

    5. I noticed that too. If those arms are real they're great. I didn't see any evidence of lazy photoshopping, and I don't think she has the computer skills to do a really great photoshop that doesn't warp the background. I don't like to comment on her body in general as it's not a valid criticism of anyone, especially not middle-aged people who have estrogen-fueled bodies. I don't give a shit if she's stout, nor if she actually exercises, nor if she eats bread and butter for every meal, if she would quit scamming and make an honest living while responsibly caring for her pets. Her behaviour warrants criticism.

      But anyway, yes, I noticed this as a person with scoliosis myself, and I'm wondering how much of the ankle trouble she's had could be the beginning of this spine degradation. Rolling your ankle is pretty common, especially if you booby-trap your own home with unsafe "yoga decks" with no railing. I doubt she'll listen to good advice about preventing health issues in the future, because all her money is earmarked for root canals.

    6. Jenna’s looks and bod are not snark worthy ( to me) I’m local and she isn’t the Quasimodo of Cambridge or anything. There is a lid for every pot and all that Jazz. Jenna’s issues ( for me) are the scams, lies, and begging). The poor me, society makes it so people have to WeRKkkk, and not make art. Which she does neither.

    7. Anonymous 3:45. She’s the Cambridge Queen of Con in our opinions.

    8. Anonymous 8:18. Her arms are actually flabby, not firm like when they’re contained in clothing. And I think that it’s “valid” to criticize her physical attributes. Especially, when she’s lied about living healthy as a manipulative marketing technique, but it’s obvious that the opposite is true.

    9. Anon 3:45, I agree. I come here for the scams, not the body-shaming. You can't tell someone's level of health by the shape of their body (source: I'm lazy but thin, whereas my best friend is a marathon runner who people would think from looking is a couch potato.)

    10. I’ll continue to criticize her body and being. She doesn’t deserve any respect.

    11. If you enlarge the image, you can see evidence of photo editing (cloning & pixelated slimming) on the left side.

      Since she earns money from her "brand", and her brand is largely about faked, fierce, feral fitness, I get people who call her out for image-manipulation and likely lies.

    12. PDD. Thanks for your input on my observation above that she’s edited the pic. I appreciate it, and agree with what you wrote.

    13. Jenna’s also jowly, and uses filters on her fat face. It’s obvious that she’s also doing it to slim her obese body.

  25. “Scrappy little liar”January 11, 2023 at 5:14 AM

    Jenna poses for a pic
    to make her bod look hot.
    But whatever weirdo wears
    it’s “obvs” that she is not.

  26. “Good morning from Cold Antler Farm”

    There’s no hyperbolic exclamation point after the faux farm as usual. It’s another “carefully curated” pic of her hovel. Funny, how she never shows her upstairs. It’s always only the living room, and sometimes her crappy kitchen.

    1. Exactly. I would say 80% of her pictures are the wood stove looking out the sliding door. BORING and super repetitive. Maybe one day she will turn the camera the other way. What could possibly be back there?

    2. Turning the camera the other way would show the filth and slime and crusty animal feces. Do you think she ever cleans anything? How many animals have been in there? Yuck!

    3. SFF & HD. Right. That’s why I refer to her photos as “carefully curated.” Again, her whole life is lies.


  27. Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    Nothing beats a lavender epson salt foot soak after chores in the winter!!

    I’m going to tell you again, Jenna, for someone who claims to be a writer, your writing sure does stink. I know you read here, but I will repeat myself because apparently it didn’t stick the first time. It’s EPSOM. K? Epson is the printer. Epsom is the salt.

    1. Her writing is rotten now. She still can’t use commas correctly, and doesn’t hyphenate words that need it.

    2. It’s no surprise why her new book was rejected.

  28. “Cozy is my specialty. If anyone out there is looking for Paddington 2 was a lesbian badger, look no further.”

    Stupid “is her specialty.” Did you know that she’s a lesbian?! Jenna’s never mentioned it before. And now she’s a “badger” Baba Yaga, hairy hobbit.

  29. If by “cozy” she means a disorganized, dirty looking mess then yes, she is a special alright! Why are there tents ( or chairs?? ) in bags next to the chair? Bragging about soaking her feet everyday is getting tired!!! How is your December mortgage payment going Jenna??

    1. Actually, “crazy is my specialty.”

    2. Anonymous 9:55. Her hovel always looks messy and smelly. Just like Jenna. Her hooves are repellent.

  30. HD. Sometimes my comments disappear for no reason like the ones above. They’ll be there, then gone the next day. I know that you’re not deleting them, because they’re not critical of our community. Do you know why that has happened? It must be some sort of glitch in their system.

    1. I do not know why. I haven’t been messing with anything. I'd vote glitch….maybe they will come back.

    2. HD. Yeah, I agree that it’s a glitch. I appreciate your response to my comment. Thanks.

  31. The bitch is back buying bots again to increase her following. It won’t work. Sooner or later they’ll end up leaving. Once they get sick of being bombarded by her begging. And also her boring non-tent.

  32. Good grief, she keeps running that poor quality video of her dogs walking on the path with the lanterns ad nauseum behind inane comments. Time to move on darlin’ and produce some interesting content. Your IG got old months ago and you call yourself creative.

    1. SFF. Jenna non-tent is like her boring blog that’s never updated, because she’s a lying, lazy loser.

    2. Edit: Jenna’s

  33. Countdown to:

    Wah wah, times are tough, I haven’t made a sale in 8 days boo hoo


    I sold a map, 2 bars of soap, a graphic and a pork share! 2022 mortgage is caught up. This farm is in the best shape ever!

    Only 2 pig shares left!

    Gotta go make a map to wipe my ass after I dump. If you looking for a badger lesbian hobbit Baba Yaga, I’m here on a gay mountain where I live and work as a cREatIVe lesbian for 10 years!!!

  34. “Scrappy little liar”January 12, 2023 at 6:27 AM

    It’s time for “terrified”
    has her mortgage yet been paid?
    Poor little, lonely loser
    is still trying to get laid.

  35. “Good morning from a farmer that wishes she was this cat.”

    She’s not an authentic “farmer.” Jenna’s a homesteader hobbyist at best who poses with her pet props. Funny, how she still doesn’t have a real identity at her age. Rather than just acting like herself, it’s being a badger, Baba Yaga and hairy hobbit.

    1. And also a faux farmer.

    2. Why would she want to be her cat, too? Maybe because it doesn’t have to work.

    3. The whole cat thing is such a joke. She has gone from ‘cats are assholes’ to featuring them online and all because Taylor Swift is a cat lady. The whole hero worship thing is so juvenile but 13 year old Jenna would totally buy into it. It’s beyond pathetic.

    4. SFF. The only “asshole” on her property is its odious owner, Jenna.

  36. Yeah, she’s REALLY wonderful “wife material.” It’s no wonder why she’s still single, and will probably be alone until death.

  37. Jenna’s incapable of making mature changes and choices. It’s obvious that her manipulative marketing hasn’t been effective, but she continues to bombard her followers with desperate pleas for handouts. Talk about being stuck on stupid and stubborn to her own detriment. She has zero self-awareness.

  38. “Should I stop sharing this? Probably. Am I going to? No.”

    Keep retweeting your ridiculous crap, cretin. You’re just proving us right. Glennon Doyle has her for a scary stalker now. Just like Jenna’s done with many other famous females.

    1. Since Jenna wants Glennon Doyle’s attention so badly, I’m going to ensure that she gets it. (Albeit in a negative manner.) I’m sending GD my special package of detailed information on JW. It includes links, pics, and local police reports. I’m sure that she’ll appreciate it!

    2. She used to be absolutely obsessed with Anna Kendrick. Now you never hear a word about her. I wonder if she got a cease and desist order from Anna Kendrick’s team for stalking behavior.

    3. Anonymous 12:30. You might be right. Jenna’s obsessive, scary stalking of famous females makes her a predator. I hope that Glennon Doyle is aware of it.

    4. It’s not just famous females that she’s obsessed with. We’ve caught Jenna inappropriately leering at two teens in town last summer. It was weird.

    5. I recall her creepy comment about Buffy, and how a “virgin will be my wife.” Jenna has a fixation for younger women like Shannon.

    6. She’s also made a point on her profiles to state that she’s only interested in dating younger women. There are a lot of older lesbians who look great, and are even way fitter than Jenna. Maybe she thinks that they’d pick up on her crap quicker, because they’re more mature and experienced.

    7. “Beggars can’t be choosers.” She’s making an already limited pool of potential partners even smaller by restricting their age range.

    8. Jenna’s even named her Subaru after Holland Taylor, who’s a lot older than Sarah Paulson her partner.

    9. Funny you should mention that- she pisted about anna kendrick in her Instagram stories today. Ill post the screen shot on reddit

  39. More dental work next week? Sus

    1. “Sure, Jen.” Her whole life is lies.

    2. The lying, lazy loser often uses fabricated crises when her late mortgage needs to be paid. And that’s each and every month. Jenna never “catches up,” because it’s become a chronic condition. Faking dental issues is one of her most frequent scams for free funds. She puts pressure on people who have empathy. That makes her a predator. Period.

    3. Didn’t she just go to the dentist before Christmas? At this point it’s hard to keep track of her 75 teeth which is what she’s counting on.

    4. SFF. That’s right. She had another root canal before Christmas. Now, she’s incredulously claiming to need more “dental work.” I don’t buy her bull.

  40. “Scrappy little liar”January 13, 2023 at 5:26 AM

    It’s Friday freakout, folks
    why won’t Jen get a job?
    Then the mortgage would be paid
    she’d be much less of a slob.

  41. On IG Jenna has “3 shares left”. Amazing how these pigs just keep regenerating into more shares from day to day!!

    1. It can’t be stressed enough that her whole life is lies.

    2. She’ll use the same stupid excuse that “someone’s changed their mind at the last minute.”

    3. Oh here we go again with the magic bean shares. They go from 2 to 3 like magic. How does she not keep track of something supposedly vital to her finances and survival? Maybe because it’s not.

  42. Jan 8 on Twitter- 2 shares left

    Jan 13 on IG- 3 shares left

    Math much???

    1. It’s more like, lie much??? Yes.

  43. that we’ve earned from…

  44. Wah wah on Twitter!!

    nna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    It is insane what rich people just say, like “you should go to the doctor for that”

    My stomach hurts from laughing. That’s right Jenna only rich people can afford the doctor!!! Get a job you dope!!!

    1. LOL!!! Exactly. Just said the same above.

    2. She was a fool to quit her career so young. Jenna had health insurance with Orvis, “direct deposit,” and the chance to keep increasing her income. But she’s thrown it all away to buy a faux farm that’s never been solvent in over a decade. By her own admission. I’d call her a fucking failure.

    3. I wonder if she did quit. Old time shamsters may recall that someone who was married to an employee connected to Jenna’s one time publisher had come on this or the old shamster blog and had shared that they had second-hand knowledge of it not having been a “quitting”.

    4. Anonymous 6:44. I also recall that. If she’d been fired it wouldn’t be a surprise. Jenna’s extreme hatred of any authority is pathological. She refuses to follow rules, and even recipes.

  45. This is an example of her leading up to more money mooching and manipulative marketing. “Wahhh!!! I can’t afford either a doctor or dentist. I want free funds from fools.”

  46. I’ve never seen any other adults who are so naturally offensive. Like her stupid tweet this week about putting away shopping carts was rude to disabled people, and now she’s putting down those who can afford health care. What a callous cunt.

  47. You’d think that by age 40 she’d know how to edit her thoughts and writing. Jenna blurts out whatever she finds either funny or annoying, without ever considering how her words will come across.

  48. “will accept any offer!”

    How desperate and pathetic do you have to be, to devalue your drawings the way that Jenna does? No normal adult does her kind of crap.

    1. “I’ll give you a $1.00!”

      “Thanks. Sold!”

    2. She did say “any offer.”

    3. It’s four hours later, and the stupid tweet has gotten only one “like” with zero responses. LOL!!!

  49. For as much as she disdains people with folding money, she sure tries her darndest to get them to give it to her.

    1. Jenna is jealous of those who have money, but she masks her rage, and pretends that she’s superior to them.

  50. The CAF paradox:

    People with folding money are miserable.

    Jenna has money that jingles but does not fold.

    Therefore, she should be happy and not miserable.

    Yet she presents herself as perpetually stressed, miserable and in pursuit of folding money.

    Can someone explain this to me?

    1. We’ve come to this conclusion after knowing her in Cambridge for years. She’s a lazy, lying loser who has serious psychological issues, and a defective character. Jenna has no real identity. Her core is like a black hole. That’s why she relates to being a badger, Baba Yaga and hairy hobbit. Lesbian is her latest label.

  51. Conundrum time:

    It’s the weekend and begging on weekends when direct deposit, folding money poodles are out having fun are not a successful for Jenna.

    Plus, weekends are when Jenna “flirts”, “kisses girls” (she is gay in case you missed it) and hangs out at the depot in her beloved little town she loves so much!

    But wait... uh oh... this weekend is also...
    The 14/15 of the month!!! This is when Jenna usually magically conjures up her previous month’s mortgage payment.

    Oops but she also begged and pleaded all week including trying to sell off her $85/ each crow scribbles for “ any offer”. How to spin? How to spin?

    My silly prediction: she will say that someone offered the remainder of her mortgage payment for the crow scribbles. Then in a few months we will see the crow scribbles for sale again.

    1. Yup. Her whole life is lies.

    2. I came here to say the same thing!bstart the countdown clock to 11:59 tonight when the 2-month late December mortgage gets magically, miraculously paid, and the late January mortgage stays, well, late.

  52. Would like to point out that The date on both of those crow pics is “2021” and she brings them back to try and sell them periodically.

    1. It’s like how her shit shares are either increasing or decreasing due to demand. When we know that it’s just more manipulative marketing for free funds.

  53. Another boring foot soaking shot this morning but this time holding a page with filthy chewed down fingernails. She should try soaking those hands once in a while. I can’t believe she prepares food with those dirty hands. I don’t think she has ever posted a picture with her hands clean. She seems to equate being a farmer with dirty hands. She has a twisted way of presenting herself. It’s no wonder nobody wants to tap that.

    1. Unfortunately, we’ve seen her hands in real life, and they look way worse. Jenna is repellent.

    2. She gnaws on her nasty nails in public, too. It’s disgusting to see.

    3. I don’t think that she bathes very often.

    4. Nail biting is often associated with anxiety. The fact that she does it in public indicates ( to me at least) that she has little self control. I also find it interesting that she favours nail polish which draws attention to her fingernails. Using a nail brush takes a few seconds and even bitten nails look better clean.

    5. SFF. Her nails never look nice. And the polish is poorly done, and gets chipped with chores. It’s ridiculous that she even bothers with trying to present as a femme. She looks like a “lemur” trying to wear a dress. She can’t pull it off.

    6. you can be an auto mechanic with clean hands. We have plenty of products to wash away grease and dirt. There is no reason anyone's hands should have dirt under the fingernails at the end of the day, not in a part of the world with modern plumbing.

      I don't understand why Jenna doesn't make the connection between the women she wants to date and having *clean hands*.

      Those mitts would give anyone a yeast infection, or BV. If I saw a photo of those hands on someone I was interested in, I'd unmatch immediately. Hand hygiene for queer women especially is paramount and it's a part of the culture. (Even manicures with false nails will feature two of those nails being shorter.)

      The very basic bare minimum is to have neatly trimmed, clean and filed fingernails.

      Additionally - filthy hands is a poor advertisement for her "homemade soap" she's hocking.

    7. Anonymous 4:51. We’re a (clean) queer couple, and I agree with what you wrote.

      Her hygiene is horrid. It shows that she’s unwilling to do even the basic maintenance to take care of herself. It’s no wonder why she’s still single.

    8. It’s almost like she’s bragging about being filthy with her photos. Combine Jenna’s uncleanliness with her other serious, psychological issues. Plus, plenty of financial fuck-ups. And it’s apparent why no one wants to date her.

  54. na Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    Offering $25 off the next logo I sell and offering my full color large pet portraits 2 for $100 (original art shipped FREE) please DM DARLING, farm needs sales and gas never had a harder winter when it comes to reaching people to work for 🦡

    I thought there were not going to be ANY more sales on her logos??

    Why has gas never had a harder winter??? Get rid of ONE of your vehicles and you’d have gas money for the other???

    It doesn’t even make sense. Her farm does not need sales, Jenna does because she has TS merch to buy!!

    1. The poor, little desperate “darling” is back to begging again with her pathetic pleas for free funds. Gas has gone down. She lies about everything. Her lousy language is indicative of drinking alcohol again. But it’s not too late to “still send this faux farm some Yuletide cheer!”

    2. Her crap is always on sale. It’s an example of Jenna’s manipulative marketing to pretend that it’s a rarity. She’s a relentless asshole, and insufferable garbage human.

    3. Funny how “this farm” always has “needs.” It’s never Jenna.

  55. “Good morning”

    It’s the same stupid pic of her ugly living room. She’s shown this non-tent many times to convey a sense of cozy. But it’s always cropped and “carefully curated” to hide the filth and mess.

  56. Sounds like she does not get repeat business, referrals or good references. She thinks she pulls one over on people when she takes money and doesn't deliver, or delivers after being repeatedly pestered. As for no repeat pork shares, my guess is the customers have to wait way longer than they expected and get far less in quantity or quality than they expected.

    Once burned, no one is going to come back and no one is going to give referrals.

    If sales are harder to come by for her, my guess is this is why.

    1. Jenna’s rotten reputation is all over the internet now. And she’s also loathed by locals. It’s not a shock that her business is suffering. And she’s caused it to happen after over a decade of fucking people over.

  57. coldantlerjenna
    January 12
    If you're looking for a logo or design for your farm, homestead, business, band, crafts, family reunion, or inside joke - send me a message.

    Girl, I quit my day job as a graphic design in 2012. For the last decade I've continued to design freelance to support my farm (and pay off art school's student loans) and I can offer you a flat rate, unlimited revisions, and all the ORIGINAL design files so if for any reason you want to work with another designer (or do the work yourself) you have the OG files.

    This farm needs support and right now there are spots open for this month. Send a message, support a farmer and independent queer and look good doing it!

    Oh WOW! There are SPOTS OPEN FOR THIS MONTH? Damn aren’t we a lucky pod of poodles!
    You don’t say! AND a discount on logos that was never ever ever going to be given again? Dang. What a day.

    1. Oy! Such a deal! Said no one ever about Jenna.

    2. I hope she's not testing out "girl" as a replacement for the now-common "darling" she likes she call people...

    3. Anonymous 6:41. She’s often said “Get yourself a girl who can…” when referring to Shannon. So it’s nothing new.

  58. “I can not stress the mental health benefits of soaking your feet daily and playing Oregon Trail.”

    Show us your “stout” filthy fingers, and ugly man hands again. I think that those nasty, gnawed nails are sooo elegant and refined!!! And those hobbit hooves are hot!!!

  59. “Scrappy little liar”January 14, 2023 at 10:53 AM

    Jenna’s back to begging
    ‘cause she needs more dental work.
    Baba Yaga, badger, hobbit
    this cunt’s a total jerk.

  60. Fortunately, you can’t smell her bad body odor through the screen. We were walking our dog during Pride in Cambridge last year. He loves everyone. But when we came close to Jenna, he literally, recoiled and started whimpering. His nose knew that she stinks on every level.

    1. I feel sorry for Friday and Gibson.

    2. I feel even sorrier for Shannon. Ugh.

  61. Her stupid retweets are always revealing:

    “Yes I’m a writer. No I don’t have a book coming out.


    No new book for you, Jenna. We don’t want to buy your bull.

    1. She’s a rotten writer, and homesteader hobbyist.

  62. “Good morning”

    It’s another boring non-tent, cropped and “carefully curated” pic of her living room again. It’s strange how she’s suddenly not saying her usual “Good morning from Cold Antler Farm!” Maybe even Jenna finally realizes that it’s fake.

  63. On IG stories:

    2 OR 3 shares left.

    She is raising shape shifting pigs! Amazing.

    1. It’s her way of trolling this site, I would guess. Nice try darlin’

    2. Jenna’s a regular reader. HD once said that the site stats reveal she’s always here. Her IP address is visible to mods.

  64. Another posting of a book page on IG. The latest in a litany of tedious content. Interestingly, it’s not one of her books but at least there are no feet or hands in this one.

    1. Jenna might’ve read our comments above about her hygiene.

  65. HD. New post please? Thanks!

  66. In this old Reddit post, Jenna states that “she’s not a lesbian.”


    1. Here’s another Reddit post with plenty of links:


    2. http://highstfarm.blogspot.com/2015/09/jenna-sadistic-animal-abuser-woginrich.html

    3. “AnonymousSeptember 27, 2015 at 4:44 PM
      Jenna Woginrich
      3 hrs ·
      Some days are just bad.

      Jenna Woginrich Without getting into it: this farm needs a miracle. bad.
      Like · Reply · 1 hr


      Meredith ASeptember 27, 2015 at 5:44 PM
      The "farm" just needs her to work.

      AnonymousSeptember 27, 2015 at 7:41 PM

      Nothing has changed at CAF in almost a decade.

    4. “AnonymousSeptember 28, 2015 at 7:58 AM
      There is something about her face, it has no definition, and is round all over where there should be definition or edges. She also has a smooth philtrum. Compare to fetal alcohol syndrome face.

      So if she has fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, I think it is wrong to continue mocking her.

      Otherwise she may just be ugly. Cosmetic surgery might help improve the appearance of her face, but what man could live with her personality?



    5. “AnonymousSeptember 28, 2015 at 11:25 PM
      You're surprised? She has learned at the feet of a master moocher.

      Besides, if you check Patty's Facebook page, it's like she's totally fixated on Jenna. Nearly every post is with Jenna or about Jenna or calls her out. Someone has a little girl crush going on.


      AnonymousSeptember 29, 2015 at 10:24 AM
      Sounds like she attended a CAFenomics workshop.”

      We’ve been wondering about Pember Patty’s “fixation on Jenna” for awhile. BTW: I’m getting over Covid, and had time to do some searches.

    6. https://redsofaliterary.com/2018/01/23/guest-post-by-jenna-woginrich/

    7. It’s crazy how little progress Jenna’s made in years. In fact, her life has drastically deteriorated. She’s been using the same lame line “This farm needs a miracle!” for over a decade. It hasn’t happened yet, because she won’t work.

      Yet she’s never changed her behavior, and begs more than ever. She’s the antithesis of a strong woman, who’s a role model for self-sufficiency and success.

  67. Lol, this is so funny! All her promises to the public, eleven years ago: solar, harvesting her own wood, wind power! And what did she accomplish? Nada.

    "im a MODERN homesteader! you can still have the internet and run it on solar power. that's my goal, to have a modern, off-grid homestead. In 3 years I have gone from an oil furnace to only 100 gallons of oil a year and now harvest my own wood for heat in woodstoves, or barter for it. Next goal: solar hot water! I want that oil tank shut down! in the next few years I'll work towards a wind or solar source of home electricity. It is a process."

    The only *process* she managed to fulfill was letting the property fall down around her ears and begging for poodle cash.

    1. Jenna has greatly depreciated her hovel and property. We drove by recently. It looks like crap, compared to what it once was. Under owners who actually did routine maintenance.

      Her Kiva loan was supposed to be used for much needed infrastructure repairs. But like the Birchthorn book funds, it was blown on her frivolous purchases.


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