What a Wonderful Time of the Year

Yay! The hawk is free!  I hope she tells all his bird friends to beware and then I hope they conspire to exact their revenge.
Also, Yay! I hope the "book" is forever shut down.
Any day Jenna is miserable is a bright day for the rest of the world.

In addition….Her agent?  It sounds like years ago when she talked about "her accountant".  That turned out to be an H&R Block person in town.  

Jenna, you can lie and exaggerate all you want but it doesn’t change any reality.  It doesn't even matter that we here know the truth.  You know the truth.  And you can con people to be in your world briefly but they will figure you out….they always do.  Nobody has ever stayed and nobody will ever stay.


  1. So thankful the bird escaped, may she fly free. She wasn't a passenger hawk, in need of rescuing. She was a healthy weight, which meant she'd been a successful hunter. Nevertheless, she was trapped, then starved so she would obey Faux Farmer, simply for FF's social media brags.

    Really don't understand the fools who don't see through the fake hawk stories.

    1. I don’t understand why anyone would support a lying, lazy loser like Jenna. Her rotten reputation is all over the internet now. It’s far from being just on this site.

    2. Agreed. That bird was not a young helpless one. And if you go back and read about all her attempts, it sounds like she just kidnapped the only one she was able to trap.

  2. Long time reader of this blog, got interested after I lost $25 to her for a pet portrait that never materialized. I've never posted but am concerned about the lost hawk. The only falconer I have known emphasized that the state and federal licensing requirements need to be followed or he would lose his license to have hawks. Has anyone considered alerting the NY state authorities or federal fish and wildlife about her losing the hawk and general issues regarding her past treatment of animals? Also looked at the ethics statement of the North American Falconers association and they clearly state that the birds should not be kept as "prestige items" and that publicity should be done very well or not at all since it could damage the reputation of the sport. She's clearly doing whatever she wants but her carelessness and attention seeking with her hawks on social media does reflect very poorly on the sport of falconry.

    1. We’ve spent a lot of time alerting the appropriate authorities about her animal abusing over the past several years. Since we’ve lived locally, and could provide proof, they’ve investigated. It’s been an ongoing process. We have a network of neighbors that keep close tabs on her faux farm for any suspicious activities.

    2. Thanks for your response. Hopefully the authorities will intervene to protect the animals.

    3. Brynner42 posted a number of photos of Faux Farmer and her poorly treated prop hawks. She also notified NYSDEC. With any luck, they have a file on people who don't deserve to have wild hawks.

    4. Yes, there are lots of photos on her Instagram, Twitter, and blog that clearly show her using those hawks as props.

    5. Anon 10:37, can you tell us about the drawing that never materialized?

    6. Anonymous 6:52. You sound suspiciously like someone who’s fishing for information. Like when I mentioned a Cambridge party that was gossiping about CAF. A commenter wanted more details, but never responded when I asked them what they wanted to know. I suspect that it was Jenna. The way that I do now. She’s a regular reader here, and it’s obvious by her content.

    7. Anonymous 6:52 also has the same style of abrasive bluntness, like the other commenter about the Cambridge party. They were both curt, didn’t say “I’d appreciate it” and “thanks.” That’s just like Jenna’s lack of common courtesy.

  3. Well, it's amazing. There is a Santa Claus. I was quietly wishing for the day that he finally flew free . Since our bills are up to date and animals have plenty to eat for the winter, lots of free wood to be cozy, kiss my straight ass, darlin''.

    1. We were wishing the same. I’m delighted that the hawk has flown free from her hovel and imprisonment.

  4. “I’m sorry, love. I’m here if you want help looking.”

    Pember Patty, her most massive dumb enabler, has offered to help her hunt for the hawk. It figures.

    And the other stupid, sycophantic supporters should all give poor little Jenna what she wants most for the holidays: their folding money.


  5. Matt Middleton
    Replying to
    Damn, that sucks. I hope you find a publisher soon! I look forward to seeing it on my bookshelf

    Matt can’t wait to read about her sex life!! ( remember when she was bragging about writing about sexy times with gals?)

    1. Matt looks like he lives in mommy’s basement. He’s just another dumb enabler.

  6. Is anyone shocked that the agent turned down the book?
    I used to follow her in the old days, and her writing has taken a solid nosedive during the last ten years. Massive nosedive.
    Notice the giant poor me tweet that announced all the bad news about the book and the hawk, and notice how the majority of all of her 14 comments (out of over 4000 supposed followers) said some variation of, yeah, sorry, life sucks for everyone. Well, except Patty.

    1. I expected that to happen. No reputable punisher will be interested in her rotten writing now. She has nothing of merit to offer, and her words are worthless.

    2. Edit: publisher not punisher

    3. The badass, brave butch is an emotional weakling, and can’t cope with normal disappointments in life. Jenna wants to be a human hobbit and Baba Yaga. Both are fictional characters that Jenna relates to more than just being herself.

    4. Not at all surprised since she made it sound like she was rehashing her old tired story once again, and just adding a few chapters about finding love.

      Here's a book idea she could sell: Under a pen name (Corbie McKenzie maybe?) she could write about the failure of Cold Antler Farm and it's scamming owner. Actually, there would be minimal writing required as she can just copy 'n paste from this and other blogs that have documented all the grifting, lies, animal abuse. Easy peasy!

  7. This is for anyone new here who wonders why this site exists:


    1. I’m posting this link again, because the Cambridge Queen of Con needs to be held accountable for her actions.

  8. No book. No bird. No blog.

  9. I bet she’s been out all day hunting that poor bird! She’s not been on SM obsessing over Taylor Swift’s farts or telling us she is ga—- Oh wait she did retweet to help a poor gay farmer. My bad!!

    1. Jenna’s gay?! I had NO idea. She’s never mentioned it before. (Said sarcastically.)

    2. Yup, she said on IG that she spent 5 HOURS driving around looking for him. That's a lot of gas to waste on a time-wasting hobby too. Add to that, the tweet from a few days ago where she cataloged a bunch of Taylor Swift theories from Reddit and TikTok -- a massively time consuming pursuit -- and for what? None of that helps pay the bills.

      On the daily, Jenna does the square root of fuck all.

    3. Didn’t see your post and just posted about that below-yes!! How she just tells on herself that all she does is waste time and funds on nothing productive!! But then, someone else needs to pay her mortgage. Or buy her firewood. Or feed her critters.

  10. From her latest woe-is-me tweet:
    "I'm worried about what will happen if things don't look up soon. I hate the holidays. its a hard time."

    And then this tweet one hour later:
    "This is turning out to be a horrible month. I hate December. I hate it so much."

    LIAR! I can't find what she recently said about loving this time of year but I did find this:
    (Nov 17) “Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! It's snowing, I got a hawk in my mews, I got two working lungs and a big dumb heart and I am excited for winter!”

    She is only excited about December and winter if money is coming in. If it is not, everything suddenly becomes saddy-wahhdy shitballs for her. Also, I'm really icked-out by her ""I'm worried about what will happen if things don't look up soon."

    What will happen? Is that some sort of veiled threat? Cuz that is something super dramatic that people say when they've lost their home, their job, and are suicidal. None of that is happening to her right now so why all the drama? Sounds like more manipulation tactics to elicit pity donations.

    1. I think your answer lies in the remainder of her tweets and retweets where she is going on and on about the White Lotus finale, (streaming), and about how if you want to waste a morning, you for dang sure should go to her Instagram and read the extensive thread she has created from TikTok and Reddit “queer theories” about TS’s album Midnights.
      I’m beginning to be more and more convinced, like others here, that the only thing she begs for and what little she makes on drawings and soap is plain and simple, funny money to blow on weed, merch, vinyls, pop culture and Instagram fodder.

    2. Oh yeah, and good luck to her (and Patty) looking for a fully capable, finally free from being unethically trapped, wild, capable, smart to escape before she starved him to death or beat his spirit into submission, bird of prey. Fly free, buddy!

  11. Hey guys, it's HAPPY HOLIDAY RAP time!

    I hate the holidays
    It's such a hard time
    I see money everywhere
    But none of it is mine

    I hate December
    I hate it so much
    I hate to remember
    I have no one to touch

    I hate the holidays
    It's such a hard time
    I beg and I plead
    But never get a dime

    I hate December
    I hate it so much
    I got nuthin' to do
    'Cept drink like a lush

    I hate the holidays
    It's such a hard time
    No one gives me money
    And that should be a crime

    I hate December
    I hate it so much
    Damn pipes don't gush
    Frozen toilet won't flush

    I hate the holidays
    It's such a hard time
    I don't got the mortgage
    But the fault is not mine

    I hate December
    I hate it so much
    My teeth are all rotten
    Don't need a toothbrush

    So Santa, if you're listening
    I'm really in a bind
    Put money in my stocking
    For lazy me to find

    1. BRAVVA ANON7 - wiw

    2. I’ll tell you this much for free, ANON7, 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

    3. “Scrappy little liar”December 12, 2022 at 4:38 AM

      Great poem!

  12. “Scrappy little liar”December 12, 2022 at 4:37 AM

    It’s Monday moanin’ now
    there will be no new book.
    But some things never change
    the cunt is still a crook.

  13. The way she undervalues her own work is demeaning. Buy some pig and get a free logo. WTF. It speaks to the poor quality of her work as well as her low self esteem and reeks of desperation.

    1. Jenna “reeks of desperation” and horrid hygiene.

  14. “Morning! here's to a day as fresh and hopeful as the snow outside.”

    I’m shocked that she didn’t say “Wish me luck!” Get a job, slob.

  15. “And if you want to just contribute towards 15+ years of free writing or kick in towards the feed/hay here is how”

    The cutesy little blushing emoji doesn’t disguise your disingenuous begging, bitch. No one wants to “support” a lying, lazy loser like Jenna.

    1. Her “free writing” is rotten.

    2. This stupid tweet is why we hate her. The gist of what Jenna wants is always free funds from followers.

  16. Hey Jenna, your manic depression is showing. Flipping from bitch and moan to sweetness and light within 24 hours is impressive. Your mind is a very scary place. Get professional help ‘darlin’.

    1. “This is the LAST 3 DAYS to hire me to design a logo for you for $100 - before I retire the price I am hoping at least 3 of you take me up on this offer to buy a logo design for 2023 (we can start anytime after Jan 5th 2023) for $100 bought now. This is half my normal price!”

      SlumFaceFilter instead of Slim. What a fucking liar like always. This is her manipulative marketing to put pressure on people for purchases. She’s a despicable cunt. “I’ll tell you this much for free.”

    2. Yeah, her acting is awful. Her whole life is lies.

    3. Oops. (SlumFaceFilter) Freudian slip or typo. You be the judge.

  17. It’s miraculous how the “scrappy little lesbian” has quickly recovered from her fake despair yesterday. What a warrior woman!!!

  18. On IG she’s begging as well but she added that she might delete because she is super self conscious about begging.

    Ma’am? Ma’am? Are you alright? Hit your head while feigning “woe is me” yesterday. If you ACTUALLY felt self conscious about begging you would do it 24/7-365!!!!

    I reported all her begs for “spam”

  19. Edit: Would’nt do it!

  20. Under AARP Magazine Fraud Watch, there was an article on "The Art of Deceipt" that described 7 tactics scammers use to "get between you and your sense of reason". FF employs six of them. I believe the mood swings and attitude switches are all deliberate techniques to manipulate her audience.

    1. They establish camaraderie. Her version: we women, we disaffected, we loners, we anxious people, we who suffer...
    2. Thee play on your aversion to loss. Her version: makes you fear missing out on a pig share, short-term sale of art/logo, last chance for soap deals
    3. They flatter you. Her version: nauseating idolatry for celebrities or those who can help, for some, it's repeated use of darlin' or love bombs. I think even Shannon referenced the love bombing after she left.
    4. They make you feel anxious. Her version: repeatedly writing you should fear men, mortgage holders, insurance, banks, the night, car drivers, etc.
    5. They create instant terror. Her specialty: so many posts about crises! Roof, teeth, truck, mortgage, pipes, escaped animals, hay, feed, etc. She needs help right now people!
    6. They seduce you. Her version: not in the traditional sense, but certainly there's strong manipulation. Lavender-scented sheets for influential social media people? Naming hawks after celebrities and tagging them. Expensive gifts to magazine contacts? Slavish adoration to people who might be useful? Come play with my Horses, my hawk, stay at my enabling friend's house.
    7. They intimidate you. Maybe she does through snarky comments towards those who disagree or lead different lives, not entirely sure of this one.

    There you have it!

    1. PDD. Thanks for your comment. It’s spot-on about Jenna, That’s why I mention her manipulative marketing so frequently here. Again, her whole life is lies.

  21. “I don't think I have had a professional haircut since 2001 and it shows.”

    For once we agree. Her hair looks like crap.

    1. Instead of worrying about making her mortgage payments, she continues her crap tweets today.

      “Also have not been on an airplane since then.”

    2. “I've never eaten at a Cheesecake Factory either. I would like to!”

    3. “I don't have a dishwasher, microwave, television (just computers), air fryer, toaster, electric coffee maker, Kitchen Aid, washing machine or dryer. I don't have a couch. I don't think I have bought a new piece of furniture in my life that didn't come with this house.”

    4. “I used a rotary phone until last year. That's also when I got my a cell phone after 7 years without one. Every vehicle I ever owned needed a physical key to drive it.”

    5. “Why share all this? Because I watch White Lotus like I could sit on one of those beach chairs and join the discourse, but I think it would be too much luxury, idleness, and culture shock that I would just die from listening to straight rich people and they are all guilty.”

    6. If you have this much free time on your hands to vomit-tweet all Monday morning, you have time to get a J-O-B

    7. No one cares, cunt. “Woke Wog” is humble-bragging and virtue-signaling. While also insulting straight people again. She’s one of the most “idle” morons we’ve ever met. And she has zero self-awareness as to how stupid this series of tweets makes her sound.

    8. “this isn't true the last airplane I was on was flying home to PA from Idaho winter 2008? I forgot.”

      Jenna’s a classic, pathological liar. She’s done this exact same shit before. She’ll add a stupid disclaimer tweet, to make it appear that she’s so dang honest. Even though no one knows or cares about her history of flying.

    9. Someone must have called her out on it.

    10. Anonymous 9:24. I don’t think that’s it. I’ve read that pathological liars embellish their stories to appear almost scrupulously honest. But it’s overkill. No one needs to know any details about her flying. She went out of her way to do that stupid disclaimer tweet.

    11. I know for a fact that it’s very inexpensive to get haircuts in her area. We’ve done it for years. So stop pretending that you’re too poor for a local salon visit. Yet you can easily afford to blow hundreds of dollars on pricy tickets. And also own a home, with two vehicles, plus livestock and horses.

    12. Her weird hair tweet is an example of why we don’t think that she’s a femme lesbian. I’ve never known one femme, and I’m an old dyke, who doesn’t take delight in having her hair done whenever possible.

  22. Wow! Sour grapes! She has so much envy and bitterness. The reason people have money to fly on airplanes and eat at Cheesecake factory is because they don't sit on their butts watching streaming shows and have actual jobs with benefits! What is wrong with her????


    1. Exactly. Jenna’s just jealous of successful people who have enough “folding money” to eat at restaurants.

    2. Her picking The Cheesecake Factory as an example of humble-bragging is hilarious. Jenna doesn’t have an ounce of class.

    3. I think she did it to stir up pity and manipulate. This way, one of her few supporters can go ahead and plan to get her a gift card to the Cheesecake Factory.

    4. Anon 1:13, exactly. She's hoping 50 people send her money to buy cheesecake.

  23. “Why share all this? Because I watch White Lotus like I could sit on one of those beach chairs and join the discourse, but I think it would be too much luxury, idleness, and culture shock that I would just die from listening to straight rich people and they are all guilty.”

    There is so much wrong with this. First of all, it's just a show. Secondly, she is the one who is sitting around all day, watching streaming shows and joining the discourse on social media. She has the luxury of time and idleness. And what the heck does she mean about straight rich people being guilty? Guilty of not giving her money? She's po'd because straight people are no longer paying her bills? That just galls me. She's the one who is guilty - guitly of taking money from hardworking people while she idles the day away.

    1. Jenna comes across very poorly in person, too. We’ve met her many times. I sometimes wonder if she’s not on the spectrum. But I think it’s more a case of complete cluelessness, having a defective character, and all of it combined with not caring about anyone’s welfare but her own.

  24. In case Jenna needs the reminder... White Lotus is A SHOW!!!!!

    I haven’t watched season 2 yet ( didn’t love season 1 so not a priority) but also, I’ve been working, cooking, cleaning spending time with family, and taking care of animals. Also planning ( in my head) my garden for next year since I like to grow as much as I can. Have not had time to watch and then post constantly about pop culture tidbits. Get a job, get a life, please.

    1. She’s scarily obsessed with shows, pop culture, and stalks famous, female celebrities like Taylor Swift and Anna Kendrick. Among many others in the past.

  25. 4,738 and dropping. It’s no wonder why followers are fleeing from her crap.

    1. Yet she rigidly refuses to change her crappy communication, and unethical business practices.

  26. Gosh, juxtapose her comments on "White Lotus" idleness with the MANY past examples of lazing around mid-day or mid-week. Remember her bragging about going to "farmer's matinee" movies? Lol, as if real farmers have time for mid-day movies during planting /harvesting.

    Sadly, she's become the least productive "homesteader" I know. All talk, no walk. I'd feel sorry if people and animals weren't hurt in the process.

    1. Jenna’s the joke of serious farmers in her area. She’s loathed by locals.

  27. Back to the tweet someone posted above,

    Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈 Retweeted

    Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    This is the LAST 3 DAYS to hire me to design a logo for you for $100 - before I retire the price I am hoping at least 3 of you take me up on this offer to buy a logo design for 2023 (we can start anytime after Jan 5th 2023) for $100 bought now. This is half my normal price!

    Several things come to mind: first I agree, you undermine your own credibility when you “cut the price” so much as to offer your services for free.
    Second: just like with the snowflake mint soap, who wants to be this is NOT, in fact, the last three days that she will offer this price? This has been the price for logos from her for a little while now.
    Third: methinks the reason why she is seemingly randomly picking this deadline-3 days-is because in three days, on December 15, she will be considered delinquent on two months of mortgage again.
    Goat farming anon

    1. Edit/l who wants to BET*

    2. Wait, I thought the farm was in the best shape ever? /s

      I predict she will have money for her November mortgage at the last minute. She will milk this root canal as long as possible. She will keep spending on frivolous shit and act like Teeny Tiny Jenna on the side of a mountain who needs help but is also so tough she will survive the apocalypse. Other than a few leaves of kale, I saw very little food production at Cold Antler Fauxrm.

    3. Jenna’s desperate sales pitches are a crock of crap. Her faux farm is a fucking failure. It’s never been solvent in over a decade by her own admission.

    4. Again, one can’t be both victim and victor at the same time.

  28. “Hello, new followers. Please be patient, I will disappoint you in the order in which you arrived.”

    This is an ironic retweet. But it’s something that Jenna would’ve written. It’s true of her tweets, too.

    1. And it’s why her followers keep leaving.

  29. I am on a pension and just canceled my two streaming services because I am trying to stretch my dollars in every way possible. How the hell can she complain about being broke then have the gall to sit around watching shows on pricey streaming services all day???

    1. It’s because Jenna is massively self-entitled. She’s so unaware that it’s unbelievable.

    2. If my husband wasn't addicted to listening to cable news, I would've cut the cable long ago. If you're willing to wait, local libraries have or can order most streaming shows, so why subscribe to Netflix, Hulu, etc??? And, by the way, how the hell much tv can one person watch anyway?

    3. PDD - When you have nobody in your life, apparently a lot. These shows have become her life. At least she’s on brand: Live Like Fiction.

  30. From Instagram:

    Visit coldanterfarmny.com or message me here for more information on how logos work.

    P.S. If you buy half a pig from me in the next 2 days your logo design is FREE. So if you plan on eating meat and getting a logo in 2023! HOOO! what a DEAL!

    Support your friends, neighbors, farmers, makers, and feral women. Please. Thank you. Thank you to everyone but the first two comments which will be bots telling me to promote my work on a website that forces me to pay to have my work shown. You guys can go curl up in a hole.

    Does she not realize that by making people email her to get information and to wheel and deal, and by not having a legit sales website with prices and buy now buttons, she is quickly and surely tapping out her tiny tiny follower base??
    So maybe she should promote her work on a site that makes her pay and, ooooh, keeps up with taxes she should be paying???

    1. Jenna really identifies with being a filthy “feral” farmer. It’s repellent. The stupid, spoiled brat was raised in the suburbs.

      Shannon designed her latest site. Which was supposed to be used for sales. But the beggar refuses to do it, and has her hands out for help everyday online instead.

    2. Yup!!⬆️⬆️
      If I am working harder to buy something from you than you are working to provide me with the item... that’s a no from me dawg!!

    3. It honestly feels more like a psychotic break than manipulative marketing (although, I agree, there are elements of that too). The desperation is palpable and she is lashing out at just about every demographic. She is coming across more and more someone with serious mental health issues. These shows she is streaming have become her day to day reality.

    4. SFF. I can see your points. But she’s been doing manipulative marketing for years. I think that her lack of routine, like in having a stable career, has made her even more unhinged. She was foolish to quit her Orvis job so soon. Jenna’s rapidly ruining any rapport that she has on Twitter. Especially, with her straight followers. She’s blatantly obnoxious in her frequent insults to them.

    5. Someone mentioned earlier that if the shoe was in the other foot, she would be outraged. It would be considered gay bashing. I wonder what PP thinks about her distain for straight people.

    6. SFF. I’ve said that statement before here. Jenna’s a huge hypocrite.

    7. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.

  31. In an economy where food prices are sky high, selling meat that you pay for in full today and won’t get to eat until some undisclosed future season is just dumb! If local meat is important to you, there are places all over NYS you can get some right now! Not to mention driving hours for it like Jenna suggests!

    1. Exactly. Her business tactics are stupid and unrealistic.

  32. Does anyone else find it strange that she hasn’t given her agent’s reason for rejecting the book proposal? I smell something suspicious about it.

    1. Aside from it being about her rotten writing and crappy content.

    2. Based on her bragging about sex with Shannon ad nauseum, I can only imagine the content. I remember at the time that it was like listening to a teenager who had just had sex for the first time rather than like a thirty something woman. News flash ‘darlin’, adults have sex all the time and don’t write about it online. Wouldn’t be surprised if her ‘agent’ passed it around the office so everyone could have a good laugh.

  33. Poor, deprived little Jenna hasn’t ever eaten at a typical franchise like The Cheesecake Factory. Yet she’s right down the road from local nuns who make famous, exceptional cheesecake all year round. We’ve had it many times. But I’ve never heard her mention them.

    1. https://newskete.org/gift-shops-online-stores

    2. FYI: They make great gifts for the holidays. We’ve sent some to my mom before.

  34. “I love that P-22 is still out there causing a fuss”

    Spoken like the sociopathic cunt that Jenna is.

    1. Yeah, it’s just delightful to imagine people’s fear of being harmed by a roaming mountain lion. “I put the laughter back in slaughter!”

    2. Does anyone else notice that she identifies with animals more than with people?

    3. SFF. I’ve also noticed that oddity for years. And she weirdly identifies with fictional characters like hobbits and Baba Yaga more than being human.

    4. Jenna’s been obsessed with wolves for a long time. And even made moronic memes with them on Instagram about being a lesbian. I think that she gave that up, because no one found them funny.

    5. Bears seem to be quite a thing with her too. If I’m not mistaken she refers to herself as having a bear like body. I guess obese isn’t in her vocabulary.

    6. Ahhhh yes, the widely popular and much beloved “lezwolfmemes”.

    7. SFF. Yeah, her “bear body” is very obese. We saw her around town this summer. And Jenna’s gotten jowly at age 40.

  35. I didn’t realize she still had sheep... I thought she downsized and got rid of them? Pic on IG of a sheep with the caption that farm animals and house pets are taken care of and she is going out looking for her lost hawk. She’s hoping the hawk is cold and hungry enough to try again.

    1. She stopped (or was made to stop) breeding her flock. That was good news for future lambs who must no longer be born unprotected and neglected. In the past, she lost lambs during winter snow blizzards and to predators because she didn't bother to place them inside lambing jugs. Who else remembers her traipsing home late at night, but deciding it was too cold to rescue newborns? Or not being able to reunite a mother with its lamb, instead keeping the lamb in the house - yet-another animal prop?

      As I remember, the few she has were purchased from Craig's list.

  36. Looks like the hawk is still flying free. She’s back to TS on IG. I’m betting she will bake a birthday cake.

    1. Maybe she’ll make her crush one of her putrid pan pizzas that looks like puke.

  37. Considering how many religions Jenna has blown through, it's interesting to me that she has lived this farm life for so long. I'm guessing she has been over it for years now and is very unhappy - but is stuck since she isn't able to work for a company without getting fired. We all want her to get a job, but we know in the slim chance she would get hired (can you imagine her being interviewed-no way she could get through it and make a good impression) she is incapable of meeting deadlines, respecting authority, and consistently working hard. She is going to beg forever because it's literally the only thing she can do.

    1. yes, i also think she’s probably over it. but she can’t seem to stop getting animals, even after she had rehomed the previous animals. i think her identity may be too tied up in not having a job so she doesn’t realize she could probably sell the farm and then take some time figuring out what to do.

  38. It’s beyond pathetic that not only has she wished Taylor Swift a happy birthday, but that she knows the date. Jenna also refers to her “falconry career” on Instagram. That’s another fucking failure like her faux farm.

    1. Isn’t a career something that brings in money? Her so called falconry career only drains her piggy bank therefore it’s called a hobby.

    2. SFF. Exactly. None of her careers have been successful.

  39. Recently she posted an Instagram photo of a man dressed like Indiana Jones. It’s been deleted. Her caption was: “my aesthetic.” It’s strange that a self-proclaimed femme would use that image to make a personal style statement. I don’t know why Jenna can’t come to grips with being butch.

    1. In other words, she should try to accept being a “sow’s ear” instead of a “silk purse.”

  40. Omg zoom in on the latest pic of Friday sleeping on the bean bag. To the left is “The No Work Garden” book. I can’t make this shit up! LOL LOL

    1. Her “carefully curated” pics are all posed just like her fake life.

  41. She really is into the man bashing lately. Does she believe that to be a ‘real lesbian’ she has to hate all men? I mean she does have male family and friends right? It’s like she’s trying too hard.

    1. Plus it really is a slap in the face of the men who help her. “ what are men good for?” Well chopping your wood, delivery of wood, redoing your bathroom floor. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

    2. Jenna’s just upset that most men have rejected her amorous advances. And women as well. She’s only been “out” for a few years, and still knows nothing either about being a lesbian, or contemporary queer culture.

    3. I guess I haven't been following her long enough to know her history before she came out. I wonder if she ever dated a man. Clearly it didn't go well to be so bitter. I wonder if she has daddy issues too?

    4. She begged her followers to set her up on dates with men. Many times she posted how much she liked men and wanted a relationship. In an epic blog post, she wrote:

      "I want to know a man who only says my name when he exhales.

      I want to play music with you. I want to brew homemade beer and wine in August and then get drunk with you on it during a Halloween bonfire kept stoked by stories and a string band. If you are drawn to fireflies, mountain streams, stringed instruments and are more excited to watch a Thunderstorm roll in than the series finale of LOST, please consider me. And if you're not 100% country, that's even better. I want to find someone who will go with me to concerts and art galleries, listen to authors read to us, listen to 70's punk on my record player, and ride rollercoasters all over the east coast just for the hell of it. Someone who demands the occasional guilty pleasure like Pizza Hut during a Buffy marathon on a Tuesday afternoon we both called in sick. Someone who drinks coffee. A lot of coffee. Demetri Martin, Jon Stewart, and Joshua Jackson may move to the front of the line, but I'm pretty sure they're all with girls who don't ever have to worry about pulling lambs out of ewe orifices...

      I'm not particular about looks, age, hair, eye color, or any of that impermanent garbage. I am interested in someone who likes to think as much as he likes to laugh. Someone with sharp wit, clever observations, who drinks dark beer and displays darker humor. Someone who feels most content when he's accomplished something he set out to do. It could be as simple as mowing the lawn or as grandiose as building a barn, but someone who shares that sense of satisfaction in shared work and can revel in the simple relaxation of hard cider and stringed instruments when that work is done. Someone who feels more alive on the back of a tractor or quarter horse. Someone who can grab heavy oxen by the reins without shaking. Someone who doesn't think teaching a goat to backpack is mildly insane. Someone who considered making cheese, reads books, and loves swimming holes (yet hates swimming pools). Beards are not necessary, but encouraged. Civil War buffs make me weak in the knees.

      Selfishly, I want to know someone is keeping an eye on me, making sure I don't get hurt or do too much. I want someone to be out there with me when the lambs are born, his arm around me because I ran outside with Gibson in a fever, forgetting to grab a jacket. I want him to realize I'm cold before I do. And I want him put his hand on my shoulder when those same lambs are taken to market. (I want him to eat the lamb chops too.) I want a partner. I want him to love October more than anything.

      For what that's worth. I make a damn good pie.

      So if you love dogs, like dirt, can't help but make music, and think you could tolerate me: send me an email. It's a long shot, but most things are.

      I am aware that this is mildly pathetic. Maybe it's the whole birthday thing causing this, but I have learned you only get things in this world when you ask for them. I know putting myself out there like this is just asking for ridicule. Please don't judge too harshly. I may or may not respond to any emails (if I get any, that is) based on how foolish/lame I feel in the morning. But if you are reading this and aren't the guy in the post, maybe you know someone who could be, feel free to share it."

    5. In her blog post, "this will just take a minute", her writing was better and it felt genuine to me. Kinda sad that no one took her up on her offers. Maybe her life would've turned out better. For a time, she posted she was bisexual, then queer, now lesbian (and somewhat man-hating).

      IMHO, she needs to re-boot, find herself amidst the chaos and quit dragging animals (and readers) into her messy life.

    6. I’ve said this before but, regardless of her preferences, the issue seems to be that her ideal mate is so specific to the things that she wants and she likes. Your mate like to indulge in Pizza Hut but not want to binge watch “Buffy”. That is ok and relationships are made more interesting by having your partner have interests and hobbies you can participate in and learn about. Every time she talks about finding someone, she wants a person who basically becomes enveloped in her tiny life which would be stifling for most people. She does nothing but “work” “take care of pets” and SM/ watch TV. She wants someone who does nothing with her And helps with the bills which is probably why she can’t find anyone ( person can’t like to travel, can’t have kids etc). So suffocating!!! So unhealthy!!

    7. Anon 3:21, you're correct. Either:
      ■ potential dates back away over her off-putting personality, physicality or her insistence they share carbon-copy likes
      ■ or, her stories of looking for a man were fabricated, and so she never connected with one.

      If she wanted a man, there are plenty around. Joking aside, she's a landed property owner in a trendy weekender community, owns two vehicles, has artistic talent and looks ok. She should have been able to find a partner in all these years.

      Apparently, to know her is to not love her.

    8. PDD. What you wrote makes sense. But I’d disagree about her “looks ok.” Having met her many times in person. I can speak from experience. Jenna’s repellent on every level.

    9. Anon 4:42, I stand corrected. I've seen people who look far worse who are partnered up - every pot has a lid kinda thing. But I've certainly not been 'up close and personal'.

    10. PDD. I appreciate your response. It’s not just Jenna’s unattractive appearance, but her whole arrogant attitude that’s repellent. I just wanted to clarify that.

    11. It looks like she was a halfway decent writer way back. Substance abuse must have killed a lot of brain cells. She can’t put a proper sentence together these days. My God, what a sad and desperate missive that was.

    12. SFF. Her cognitive decline has quickly accelerated in the past few years. And it’s reflected in her rotten writing. I can see why the agent rejected her new book. It’s very obvious that she’s not sober and stable. Her life won’t end well. Especially, with her being 40, morbidly obese and lazy. She’s hardly hiked and ran at all this year. Basically, she lives for social media and pop culture crap.

    13. Even though her poor judgment and arrogance slip through her earlier writing, I could see how people chose to read her, encourage her and applaud her.

      These days, she frequently posts that she's become a strong feral woman over the past ten-plus years. As a rural dweller myself, I can say she's massively incompetent at country living and barely self-sufficient, so either she started so far back that she "improved" but is still incompetent; she's a Dunning Kruger member; she's never been good, but was better at "covering up"; or she has deteriorated over the past decade.

      Studying the psychology of such a "public figure" would make excellent thesis material.

    14. That’s the main reason I follow her dumpster fire of a life. She’s fascinating in a ‘can you believe this shit’ kind of way.

    15. She was a compelling writer in the early days, and she romanticised partnerships in the way any disney adult would do. I don't think she's every grown up and looked at partnerships in a real, practical way, in terms of what she has to offer and what they have to offer, and what you need in return.

      Her posts while she was dating Shannon were about unconditional love and being loved despite imperfections etc., meanwhile Shannon was having practical discussions with her about *saving money*, building a real life together, having experiences outside of the daily grind. She was trying to hold Jenna accountable to a bare minimum adult standard and I think they had a big blowout about it. Either Shannon discovered Jenna was lying her ass off, or Shannon got sick of being the only responsible adult in the relationship and the YOUNGER one by a number of years.

  42. “You should see that little sausage roll climb up there.”

    It sounds like she’s describing her fat ass not the dog:

  43. 4,732 today and declining. Looks like Jenna’s judgmental man-bashing, and stupid opinions are alienating followers.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. There was a man in her life once - Brett. She used to write about him all the time. I don’t know if it was purely platonic or one sided. I got the feeling maybe she liked him more than he liked her but can’t be sure.

    It’s been a long time since she has even mentioned him. He helped her out a lot in the early years at CAF and even did some woodcutting workshops there. I wonder if they are still in touch or if he went the way of other people in her life.

    1. I've seen photos of Brett on PP's IG, including the thanksgiving pic when Jenna had the toothache. He must still be friends with Patty and husband . I remember on her old blog that lots of her fans were excited that they might be a couple and when asked why he didn't spend the weekend as planned, Jenna stated he had to go back and see his girlfriend I felt bad for her at the time because I do think she liked him. Maybe the cause of her man hating?

    2. I don’t think that just one man caused her hateful attitude towards males. It appears to have been brewing for awhile.

  46. Shannon was her first adult relationship. Her late arrival to love may be partially why she seems like a perpetual 13 year old. It may also be why she indulges herself in celebrity crushes. Most people ditch that once they start having real romantic relationships.

    1. That’s what we thought. I figured that Shannon was her first adult relationship. And it didn’t last long due to Jenna’s many issues. It explains why she’s so inept at intimacy of any kind. Including, emotional. She should really be in therapy, but I doubt that’ll ever happen.

    2. Everyone should do therapy, at least once. She would greatly benefit.

    3. I agree, PDD. She should start tucking dollar bills into that jadeite mug to access some resources.

  47. “Last day to hire me for $100 to design a logo for you EVER! Please reserve your spot for 2023 now to support a small farm and broken molar!”

    It’s back to begging on Wednesday whining. There she goes again putting pressure on people to make pity purchases. Time to bring out another fabricated crisis. Last week it was a root canal. Now, it’s a “broken molar.” What a despicable cunt, and lying, lazy loser. Go fuck yourself, Jenna.

    1. Get a job, slob, and “support” yourself. It’s no one’s responsibility to pay for your lie-style.

    2. she said that two summers ago, in response to what I thought was Shannon's advice that she was under-earning in part because she was under-charging. Unfortunately, people don't want to pay $200 for a clip art logo they could do themselves in canva.

  48. “Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! The November mortgage is paid! I’m caught up to this month! And I’ve got half of what I need for a root canal in a week! Thank you to everyone sharing what I raise, design and make for sale!!!!!”

    As we’ve predicted, she brags about making a late payment again. Like it’s an adult achievement, and not something to be ashamed about. Oh, so it’s a root canal AND broken molar. “Sure, Jen.” What about making THIS month’s mortgage payment? And then the next, and the one after. Her multiple, stupid exclamation points are indicative of Jenna’s unstable hysteria. Her whole life is lies.

    1. Each and every month it’s the same sad song. Jenna’s like a broken record who’s stuck on being stupid and stubborn. She’s incapable of making mature decisions.

    2. Always in the nick of time!! Amazing!

    3. Anonymous 8:00. Ain’t it amazing how the spunky, “scrappy little lesbian” manages to make her mortgage payment each month?! Even though they’re always behind. She’s SUCH a SUCCESS story.

  49. I've wondered what happened to Brett as well over the years - he taught woodcraft at the post-secondary level, IIRC. I thought he was a catch when I saw him on her blog but did get the vibe that he wasn't down for what she was throwing out there. Thank God that hawk is free! I came over here to comment that after doing a timeline scroll on her Twitter. For all of her railing against the buy-out, she's still sure using that platform :P Also thank God her 'agent' was able to say no to her latest book - first was good, the quality has declined since then, and I can't imagine what she could write that isn't sharply contradicted by her online presence. My guess is the agent knew right off the bat - there's no market for her writing these days, the age of the new farmer memoir has passed.
    - DaffodilAnonymous

    1. A book on How To Be A Social Media Beggar might generate some interest. She certainly is an expert in that field and she has years of documented experience.

    2. Her faint “fame” was fleeting, and it’s been over for years. She could definitely write a book on begging.

  50. Here’s another point to ponder about her new book being rejected. It’s called lack of marketability, because of Jenna’s rotten reputation. Of course, the agent went online, and did their due diligence. No reputable publisher is going to take a chance of losing money.

    1. I think Jenna no longer has anything interesting to say. By her own admission she's stayed within the same square mile most of the past 10 years. She's not interested in her own animals and barely creates content relevant to her first few books. She tried and failed horribly to get into fiction, and years of drinking and smoking weed has degraded her thinking process, on top of an undiagnosed / untreated neurodivergence even mental illness. She can barely write a tweet let alone regular blog posts, and the publishing world has become much more challenging in which to make a living.

    2. WiW. Good points. She comes across as almost agoraphobic, and always uses the excuse that “this farm needs my attention.” Her non-tent is basic and boring. Jenna has nothing now to offer that’s either interesting or entertaining.

    3. WIW, she fundamentally hasn't grown or improved the farm in over a decade. Indeed, it's WORSE for her having lived there. The sagging, rotten barn is disgusting and probably unsafe. Her promises of farm improvements, like solar energy, sustainable farming, special breeds, etc. was bullsh$%.

      Hell, in ten years she hasn't insulated her hovel, set up permanent fencing or even bought a garden hose. Farm builds/repairs were done by *other* people - never her.

      So what exactly does she expect to be teaching her readership?

      ● That a poorly-designed water system requires you to haul water by hand?

      ● That sloppy, slapped-together fencing results in animal escapes?

      ● That stubborn reluctance to wisely use an existing whole house heating system requires you to pay as much for energy while babysitting fires throughout the day?

      ● That refusal to work a stable, outside job to create a financial base, reduces you to undercutting your product prices and begging?

      She had promise at one time, but she's thrown it away. Now, her relevance is slipping away. She's become the drunk at the end of the bar, mumbling she could have been famous.

  51. “I never expect anyone to return a book I lend them. ever. But if you are the person who walked out of my house with the Karlie Kloss/Taylor Swift cover issue of Vogue I will hunt you till the day I die.”

    Grow the fuck up, Jenna. You’re 40 NOT 14.

    1. Learn how to use proper punctuation, like periods, correct capitalization and commas, cretin. It’s no wonder why your agent rejected the new book.

    2. Her queer crush craziness is juvenile. Just like Jenna.

    3. She probably misplaced it too, but nice general threat to your remaining friend(s?) I guess?

  52. SFF. Instead of becoming more mature, at age 40, she’s actually turning into a teen again. Like her scary stalking and obsession over Taylor Swift.

  53. November mortgage paid= all day posting random celebrity crush crap all day long. If you have her money, I hope you are working hard so Jenna can fuck off all day!!!

    1. Jenna seems to have amnesia regarding the fact that she’s always behind on her mortgage payments. So her celebratory tweets are stupid. And she’s lazy every day. That’s nothing new.

  54. I know, right? Back when I admired her efforts and didn't know about her scamming pattern of selling services and not coming through with the goods.

  55. By the way, did y'all see she's brewing cider or wine or beer again?
    The big bottle is back


    1. I’ve noticed that, too. I doubt that she’s ever been staying sober.

  56. “Good morning! This farm needs to move some pork to stay on track! So if you’re interested in the BEST prices on 1/4 pigs and want to support a small queer farm, DM!”

    She always uses “this farm” instead of simply saying I. It’s a weird way to deflect from her need and greed by making a piece of property have a voice. The only “pork” that needs “to move” is her fat ass, bacon butt. And calling attention to being “queer” is more manipulative marketing.

  57. “After morning chores I soak my feet in a hot lavender salt bath. It’s a $12 rubber feed tub with a cup of salt and it’s the best ten minutes before I get to freelancing”

    Don’t look at her ugly, fat feet pic before eating breakfast. “Freelancing” is her code for “fucking around,” tweeting about Taylor Swift and Karlie Kloss. Afterwards, she’ll waste time hunting for her flown freed hawk.

    1. Even a foot fetish freak would be repelled by her hooves. It’s no wonder why she relates to hobbits and Baba Yaga rather than being human.

    2. Well hey, she’s exhausted the rest of the dating pool. Why not troll for a chick who likes disgusting feet?

    3. SFF. Every aspect of her putrid person is way worse in real life. Unfortunately, we’ve seen her many times in the Cambridge area. She also has horrid hygiene.

    4. Jenna literally, stinks. She’s even admitted her bad body odor issues on her old blog.


  58. Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    Please share if you can. This farm needs a Christmas miracle in pork sales and is an happy to do the work but I need customers that want this type of food - homestead raised small sounder family groups that never see a slaughterhouse

    Let me get my folding money out. THE FARM needs a miracle... not Jenna, the farm. I need a miracle and it’s Jenna getting a job!!!

    1. Once again, it’s “this farm,” an inanimate object unlike Jenna. You’re not fooling anyone, cunt. Which is why your followers are leaving. I’ve never seen any other adults use words like “luck” and “miracle” as much as the lazy, lying loser.

    2. What a hypocritical liar. Casually using religious terms like “miracle,” when she’s made multiple points for years about denigrating Christianity. But when poor little Jenna’s desperate for folding money, she’ll then reverse her stupid opinions.

    3. It’s no one else’s responsibility to shill her shit, and financially support a personal parasite like Jenna.

    4. The lack of proper punctuation, stupid spelling errors, and stumbling syntax, makes it look like she’s drinking during the day again.

    5. Why is she pushing pork sales so hard lately? The only thing I can think of is that since these sales are for pigs that she hasn't yet purchased, she needs to purchase them soon so that they'll be ready for late 2023/early 2024. Is that what's going on here?

    6. Anon7. I think that it’s just her wanting funds up front again. Jenna does this kind of manipulative marketing with all of her crap.

  59. Wog’s Wild Weather TalesDecember 16, 2022 at 5:54 AM

    On IG Jenna brags that afternoon she was done at the brewery yesterday she did a whole bunch of adulting! She even went to the grocery store and bought overpriced feed ( thought she was set for winter???) in anticipation of a snowstorm. Now she’s saying that the forecast changed from 18 inches to 2-3 inches. Local here to report that I never saw a forecast of 18 for the area. (8-16) more like it. The fact that she did all her storm prep yesterday is further proof that she does fuck all, all day.
    Lies and tales as always.

    1. I knew that her “freelancing” tweet yesterday was a crock of crap. Her whole life is lies.


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