Should we be hopeful for the upcoming year?

Nah.  I'm a realist.
Jenna will carry on with her chosen stupidity.  You have to think there is a problem before you can work to change anything.  Her life is perfect.


  1. HD. That was well-put. And “chosen stupidity” is a great way to describe her particular style of stubbornness. Jenna’s incapable of making changes at this point. Unless, she was forced to do it. Like really losing her faux farm.

  2. Re: her comment about how she managed to quit her job and maintain her lifestyle without savings and credit cards.

    I’ve followed her for a long time and can sum it up in 3 words. Other people’s money.

    It’s been 12 years of one giant begfest. If she has one skill, it’s how to separate good hearted people from their money.

    1. Isn’t it ironic that the one area in which is competent is fleecing kind hearted strangers and that is a book that would likely sell pretty well either as a How To or a scandalous admission that she has pulled it off for so long (look at The Tinder Swindler and Inventing Anna) but even Jenna knows that would be the end of the gravy train. A delicious conundrum, don’t you think? Even better, she may get that movie deal she dreams about.

    2. Jenna has chutzpah, the bad kind, to pretend that she’s accomplished everything on her own. And I’ve also said that her best book would be about begging, and how to do manipulative marketing for mooching money.


  3. Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    Online dating upstate lesbian edition: hundreds of “bi” couples looking for a third, married women that came out LiL and won’t leave their husbands, or a weird 45 year old “artist” living in their car that can’t help with bills but is willing to do farm labor. Dying alone, on it.

    1. It’s another stupid, nonsensical tweet. I’m guessing that the last sentence refers to the “This is a hill that I’ll die on” quote. Jenna’s clearly drinking daily again, because her cognitive abilities continue to decline.

    2. Here’s a question: Does she ever actually get a date? She seems to spend a lot of time on the prowl. I guess if she did they would go the way of that poor hawk and get outta dodge at the first opportunity.

    3. That tweet just proves that she's always blaming everyone else instead of taking a look in the mirror. Way to go Jenna, blaming all lesbians dating online as being weird and not worthy of her time, when in fact she is the weird one not worth their time.

    4. what’s “LiL”?

    5. oh, “late in life”

    6. "a weird 45 year old “artist” living in their car that can’t help with bills but is willing to do farm labor" will be Jenna in 5 years if she doesn't get her act together.


    7. HeeHee, I thought the same thing but her car will be named after her latest teen celebrity crush.

    8. I thought exactly the same and came here to say that! 🤣🤣👏👏
      Goat farmer anon

    9. Jenna’s now an acclaimed expert on being a lesbian. It’s the same way she’s an “authority” on farming, fiddling, falconry, gardening, homesteading, horse riding, soap making, Disneyesque drawings, lousy logos, and amateur archery.

    10. SFF. It’s obvious that Jenna rarely gets lucky with ladies. She’s been alone since last fall, when Shannon dumped her fat ass, and moved back to Boston. No one wants a lying, lazy loser who has horrid hygiene.

    11. It brings a whole new meaning to Dumpster Diving 🤮

    12. This statement here is a bit disturbing:

      "...or a weird 45 year old “artist” living in their car that can’t help with bills but is willing to do farm labor."

      Yikes. She hasn't met any of these potential dates, yet she's already discussing with them their moving in and helping with bills? WTF? Who does that? And how does that type of discussion even come up? Who asks a potential date if they can help with bills?

      Also, if this woman helped with farm labor, then that would free up Jenna's time to allow her to get a job.

    13. Anon7. I think that you might’ve misread her stupid tweet. It appears that Jenna is joking, but it falls flat, about the dearth of dykes in her area. Plus, she’s made it clear, that her interests are only in thirty something “pretty brunette femmes.” Like she’s really worthy of an attractive, younger woman. She should settle for anyone foolish enough to believe her bullshit.

    14. I thought this was very strange as well. How would that even come up... that is a roommate not a “date”. I’m not a sage lesbian like dear Jenna, just a straight woman who is married to a disgusting patriarchal man (/s) but it would never come up that I need someone to help pay my bills, I pay my bills and I hope whoever my potential date was paying THEIR bills. But truthfully not my business initially at all. We may not have chemistry, we may not be compatible. Jenna seems like “helping her” is top priority in a relationship which means she’s never going to find someone.

      I haven’t seen her dating profiles ( thank god!!) but she needs to be really specific about what she is looking for. If she doesn’t want to be a “third” ( she’s been bringing this up since the summer— please Jenna no mas!!!) then she needs to say clearly so no one wastes their time. She keeps saying that she gets contacted about these types of relationships but why? What is she saying that gives people the thought she’s interested?? Or is she just bullshitting for SM fodder??

      Part of me would find it very amusing if dumb dumb hooks up with weird artist car lesbian and then the individual does not help with bills, does not do farm work and won’t leave, just squats there!! I mean that’s a book I’d read!!!

      She’s said before, she doesn’t want someone that has kids, or travels, she is 40 years old and the older you get, the more baggage you bring to a relationship. She wants the type of relationship that can happen in your 20’s before life happens, but she missed out on that so it’s time to get realistic. She can change her life and make it better but something tells me that when Jenna turns 45, it will all be the same!

    15. She wants a *mini-me with cash and benefits!

    16. Jenna has a massive amount of “baggage” already. It’s no wonder why she’s still single.

    17. She is making it sound like she is just a-swimmin in offers out there. Something tells me that’s just made-up BS for Twitter fodder. Oh, look at me! I’m so in demand that I’m constantly 😂😂 being asked to be a third, or sought after by car-sleeping artsy lesbians who damnit, don’t want to pay my bills.

    18. Anonymous 9:50. I can assure you that she’s far from being “in demand.” We know her in real life. Locals loathe and avoid her like the personal parasite that she is.

    19. No one normal wants to “hot on” an ugly, obese, middle-aged moron like Jenna.

    20. Gee, you'd think Jenna would be all over that person living in their car, ready to exchange labour for housing. Wasn't having two people on the property a "game changer"? And what's with the quotes around "artist" as though Jenna doesn't have her own quotation marks around "farmer".

      Jenna's target market is the housing insecure. That's the only population of queer who would put up with her bullshit.

    21. Yep, Jenna needs to focus solely on the hobosexual market if she wants to have a relationship.

  4. Anonymous 5:00. Edit: I should’ve said “dearth of dykes to date…”

  5. “Scrappy little liar”December 30, 2022 at 6:56 AM

    “This farm needs a miracle!”
    not just on “Christmas” day.
    ‘Cause the lying, lazy loser
    will waste her time away.

  6. “Scrappy little liar”December 30, 2022 at 8:09 AM

    “And if you want to just contribute towards 15+ years of free writing or kick in towards the feed/hay here is how”

    It’s Friday freakout now
    time to retweet your begs.
    Jenna ignores the warning signs
    and pretends there are no negs.

  7. 💕 💕 💕

    Poetry is the spicy sauce of this blog. Thanking all who contribute these clever wordplays!


    1. “Scrappy little liar”December 30, 2022 at 9:02 AM

      PDD. Clearly, I also agree!

    2. Yes, I am digging all these little poems!

  8. Over on IG:
    Jenna goes on about she’s either highly successful or destitute, depending on how you look at it or how much air conditioning you need ( umm... YOU Jenna needed AC, the one Shannon left you, which is why your chickens were killed).

    Then she goes on about how it’s been so mild this week she hasn’t had to tend the fire ( please forget that she was posting the wood stove was “her boss” a few days ago).

    Then she has the audacity ( after begging like a pauper for spare change in Twitter) to say this has been her “vacation” week and she’s loving it! If your bills aren’t paid, you don’t do fuck all for a week dumbass. People who take time off usually have it covered and many people don’t have this week off at all because why would they? The banks still need to be open to track your late payments Jenna!!!

    Anyway, that was an infuriating post and I anticipate that her December payment will magically get paid around 1/14, and the farm will be in the best shape ever. Math does not add up over there at CAF!!! If she begs today I hope someone calls her out for her “vacation”.

    1. One can’t be both victim and victor at the same time. Her whole life is lies.

    2. All of Jenna’s tweets and posts are “infuriating.” Her “Live like fiction” lie-style is only possible due to support from stupid sycophants.

    3. "The banks still need to be open to track your late payments Jenna!!!"

      I laughed so hard at this I woke my poor sleeping kitty!

  9. Her latest tweet shows a drawing she did of two dogs, and once again they are not centered, thus not framable. How hard is it to pencil in a 1" border, draw within it, and then erase? She would sell more portraits if she actually gave a shit and showed some effort.

    1. She doesn’t “give a shit,” and her sloppiness is a reflection.

    2. My wife and I have been using procreate on a $500 ipad and it's amazing what you can do with those things. I wonder how much longer anyone will want to pay money to have Jenna draw a shitty cartoon of their pet? Not that she's living off that income anyway...

  10. “Scrappy little liar”December 31, 2022 at 10:58 AM

    It’s almost a new year
    but Jenna’s still the same.
    She’ll always be a beggar
    and won’t have fortune nor fame.

  11. I did nab a screen shot of that filthy thermostat set to 62. I'm wondering if the newly replaced floors meant she had to actually use the furnace going forward to prevent the pipes from totally freezing?

    You'd think that even if she couldn't afford to insulate the pipes or fill the furnace that she'd at least figure out how to turn off the water main so the pipes don't burst.

    1. “You can’t fix stupid and stubborn.”

    2. She's always used the furnace. In past blog, she wrote that she used it to heat water and also to be sure house temperature didn't drop too low. Her idiot supporters apparently don't have long term memory.

  12. “Hey! I know it's vacation week but if I don't hustle I don't make any money, and I need to make sales to live here. You want soap? Pet portraits? Pork shares!? Want to donate these things to a local charity? Want me to draw a shark playing bocce? I'm game DM!”

    It’s only the first day of 2023, in the morning, and she’s retweeting her same desperate pleas for free funds. Go fuck yourself, Jenna.

  13. “Third year keeping this tradition alive: 108 sun salutations on New Year’s Day. Was not expecting to do it to an actual sun while feeling fresh air on my face, but grateful for this break from tending coals.

    This morning also marks two full years alcohol free. How about that?”

    No one cares, cunt. Too bad that Shannon’s not around to share the “tradition” that she started. It’s clear that you’re still drinking by the decline of your cognitive abilities. It’s reflected in rotten writing.

    1. Even if she’s not drinking alcohol, Jenna’s still smoking weed. I’d hardly call that staying sober. She’s just traded one addiction for another. So it’s not an improvement.

    2. 108 sun salutations? hm…

    3. I doubt that her fat ass could even do 10.

    4. I call crap on her not drinking alcohol anymore. We’ve recently seen her around town. Jenna’s bulging belly is too bloated for her to be sober.

    5. Jenna’s also jowly lately. She looks like someone who’s been binging on bourbon like before.

    6. Her home brew fermenting bottle is still visible in her living room pics.

    7. Anonymous 6:24. And she doesn’t even acknowledge it. Jenna thinks that people are stupid. It’s obvious that she’s not staying sober.

  14. So she just posted a New Years picture with the fire lit. Is her brain so addled by substances that she can’t remember what she posted yesterday? That’s followed by a shot of her walking in the woods picking up fallen branches and calling it trail maintenance. She’s either crying or so out of breath from just walking on flat ground that she’s practically gasping for breath. These weirdo posts make her look unhinged.

    1. She IS “unhinged.” Jenna’s often out of breath because her body is obese. Jenna can’t keep track of the truth anymore, since most of her stories are lies.

  15. “Scrappy little liar”January 1, 2023 at 1:15 PM

    Jenna has to “hustle”
    ‘cause the cunt won’t get a job.
    She’d rather be a beggar
    and immature, fat slob.

  16. It’s so typical of Jenna’s greedy ingratitude, that she doesn’t take time to thank people who have supported her faux farm last year.


    1. The above link was for your Twitter entertainment.

    2. This link was... something else. I mean, if she’s trying not to come off crazy, she really blew it there!

      I hate pictures of her kitchen. It’s so cluttered and messy and claustrophobic looking. How do you even clean properly when every square inch is covered with books, kitchen crap and sauce bottles? Ugh. Gives me the urge to purge!!!

    3. Anonymous 4:54. I agree. It’s also weird how none of her food ever looks appetizing.

    4. “I'll always pass on drugs. I will always say yes to red wine and bourbon.”

    5. Anonymous 5:30. I’m the one who posted the link. I found it after doing a search with her name and bourbon.

  18. “I only eat animals with 2 or 4 legs, preferably if I knew their first name...”

  19. On IG:
    Jenna is “back to work” today. I. Her own words, when she received emails last week to do design work, she responded that she wasn’t available until today.

    Remember this shamsters when she’s crying about needing money on Twitter! Not many individuals can or choose to go a week without any income. Those that had vacation last week generally are salaried workers or used PTO.

    Never forget this little vacation when the 2023 begging starts up.

    1. But she’s been begging the whole week while “on vacation.”

    2. That was 2022 begging.... now we are into 2023 begging. She has a goal of making $200 today so get donating dopes!!!

  20. “Scrappy little liar”January 2, 2023 at 5:49 AM

    It’s Monday moanin’ now
    and Jenna’s gonna cry.
    It’s a new year with old patterns
    she won’t learn, and even try.

  21. “Good morning! So vacation week is over for this farmer and my goal today is $200 in sales! That’s one flat rate logo design, some pet portraits, a 1/4 pig or 40 bars of soap!! Interested in any of that?! Please DM - only one mortgage payment left to make up from 2022!!”

    Bragging about only being behind by one month is insane. Her late mortgage payments have become a chronic condition, because Jenna’s a lying, lazy loser.

    1. she posted it and then immediate retweeted it, which seems a bit odd.

    2. Anonymous 9:19. Jenna’s mental illness is getting worse. She has no sense of either appropriate behavior or shame now.

  22. On IG:”only 3 shares left”

    Jan 2, 3 shares left. It’s amazing how the farm magically has pig shares.

  23. She’s also retweeted her pathetic plea to Glennon Doyle multiple times. Jenna has the subtlety of a sledgehammer, and doesn’t care if she bullies and bombards people with her stupid desperation.

    1. I’ve never seen any adults who behave with such blatant disrespect towards others. She literally, only cares about herself. You’d think that she was “special needs,” and couldn’t comprehend what not to do.

  24. Here is that insta post mentioned above.

    Back to work today. What a weird life. I’ve taken the last week off and I mean OFF. I went to bed early. I woke up before sunrise and either started fires or stretched, or both. I drank ridiculous amounts of sugary coffee-based beverages. If it wasn’t livestock or a weather report I didn’t pay attention to it. I told clients emailing about logos I was unavailable till today. I lounged. I listened to HOURS of gay podcasts just to fill my house with queer voices and stories and laughter. I baked cookies and watched movies with friends. I visited and kikied. I repaired fences and moved wiring. I soaked my feet. I read. I flirted. I lounged some more, but with feeling.

    And now back to work. Back to emails and daily sales goals and meal planning and hustling. Time to get back to lists and bills and meals not including cheese and gravy and cookies.

    I find it hard to believe she had ANYONE emailing her about logos. Multiple clients at that!! And that if they did, she would say no after begging SOOOO hard lately and desperately selling those same logos so cheap.
    Also notice she says she “flirted”. She must be trolling those dating sites pretty hardcore.

  25. I can’t keep track of how many quarters she can get out of one pig.

  26. “just to fill my house with queer voices and stories and laughter”. That is the saddest and most telling part of that ridiculous post. For one full week she depended on podcasts for company. Someone mentioned previously that they were wondering if she is agoraphobic. Could be. Even if she is, is there not one person in that town she loves so much who wouldn’t drop in to say hello? Didn’t she used to have game nights with real people? She is truly going down the rabbit hole.

    1. PP was out of town, so the mooching queen couldn't descend on them. Good for PP. It's about time she spread her wings. Their connection is so odd.

      I suspect Pig Shocker was the only citizen not wanting to stick PP with a pitchfork after the financial meltdown at PP's publicly-funded library, and PS has been milking PP's goodwill ever since. At what point will PP recognize the lopsided nature of their relationship?

      If PP is widening her network, that's a good thing. Pig Shocker should do the same - at least find NEW local people to leech from - not the same people time and again.

  27. I had to think about what bothered me most about that vacation post of hers and I finally pinned it down. We are in the south and yet last week’s storm brought temps in the teens. I spent my vacation week- btw real vacation from my off farm job-making hot molasses water every two hours for our goats, checking heat lamps in the barn and in the chicken coops, carrying extra nutritious hay and kibble mixed with seeds, beet shreds and alfalfa cubes to the barn, making high carb treats for the chickens to keep them going, covering our DLL garden and our citrus trees. When the temps really dropped we had to harvest and preserve everything that was left on the trees so I’ve been making pot after pot of orange, kumquat, and Meyer lemon marmalades, freezing lemonade, freezing juice.
    If we were that cold in the Deep South, I know her animals had it worse. So that’s what bothers me the most about her vacation tweet. To hear her tell it, she basically lounged all week. Who did the extensive, back breaking work that her animals required? Because if she had, you know the world would have heard all about it. I mean she can’t put a stick of wood in the stove without making a huge deal out of it.

    1. Edit: Fall garden*

    2. Jenna has a faux farm. We’ve driven by it many times. She’s a hobbyist homesteader at best.

    3. It is a faux farm - but even hobby farmers know they have to take extra measures in extreme temperatures. Merlin at least, and possibly Mable, is very senior and needs extra calories in bad weather, especially when the shelter is crap. ALL the water buckets freeze and have to be thawed and replenished several times a day. Anything living outside needs much more attention than normal. Did she do any of it?

    4. Anonymous 8:14. Jenna does the bare minimum to maintain her hovel. She’s a sick sociopath who uses her hawks and other animals as pet props to pose as an authentic farmer.

  28. “Scrappy little liar”January 3, 2023 at 6:54 AM

    It’s Tuesday trauma time
    there’s nothing new with Jen.
    Her mortgage payment’s late
    she’ll be begging soon again.

  29. What 40 something adult lives in a fantasy world and follows a map of an imaginary ‘shire’ to motivate her to basically put one foot in front of the other? Her latest IG drivel makes her appear even crazier than usual. She operates at the level of a pre-teen.

    1. Yes that was pretty shocking even for her! And... the ankle is still in a brace from when she fell over the summer. She claims she avoids walking because it hurts!!??? Wth? This makes no sense, she goes to the brewery, she supposedly takes care of her “farm” and she is avoiding walking!? Huh. Make your lies make sense!!!

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindJanuary 3, 2023 at 11:30 AM

      She first created "shire maps" several years ago, I think after she saw the dog sled lady create an actual map to show where their team traveled. Copy cat "had" to recreate one, badass-level ZERO, as it was a pretend map of a fictional world.

    3. Check out an earlier version of her time-wasting Hobbit map.

    4. Has anyone local seen her around town? Is she walking with a brace? Lol

    5. We haven’t see her lately wearing any braces. Her whole life is lies.

    6. Seen her not see

    7. Jenna identifies with fictional characters like hobbits and Baba Yaga much more than being a human. I find that freaky and kinda creepy.

    8. Thanks Anon 12:55! It's always nice to hear things from those local to her. The real truth.

  30. Not to mention. All the time she spent tea dying and drawing this map. 🥴

    1. No adult in their right mind, no adult in dire straits with an unpaid mortgage and what must be mountains of monthly late fees, no adult who claims to be a slave to their wood stove, no adult who freelances to live, no adult who lives even on a hobby farm with several animals and the potential for crops and lumber, no adult who is behind and needs to be “reminded” and “updated” on what freelance she owes people, and, again, no adult in their right mind, would
      A) waste time and mental capacity to fool the with tomfoolery that is a hobbit map
      B) tell the same wide world that she is begging for money, that she did A)

    2. It shows you just how skewed her priorities are. It’s unbelievable how immature she is. Even though she’s middle-aged her mentality is stuck in teen mode. That’s why she’s frequently mentioned “13/14 year old Jenna would be so…” She relates to being decades younger.

    3. If only she spent the same amount of time finding a way to pay her mortgage.

    4. Anonymous 11:11. Exactly. Great comment. Jenna’s not in her “right mind.”

  31. Oh barf, now she’s bragging about cooking dinner and doing things most people do every day without fanfare and calling herself wife material. The whole thing reeks of desperation.

    1. Jenna wants kudos for the most mundane crap. She thinks that her lie-style is deserving of participation trophies like in school. No one worthy wants a lying, lazy loser as their “wife.”

    2. Jenna also has horrid hygiene, and literally, “reeks” of bad body odor.

    3. Where is this "cooking dinner" post? I didn't see it on Instagram or Twitter.

    4. Anon7, it was an IG story where she ate a "healthy meal" instead of frozen chicken fingers, so the world should applaud. What is she, six???

    5. PDD. She’s either “13” or “14” according to the stupid tweets about herself. But Jenna’s never a normal, mature adult.

  32. She once bragged she could get hot water from her faucet on demand. Oh, and she had a metal sided car.

    1. I recall that crap. Bragging about bullshit is Jenna’s specialty.

    2. Don't forget she had that super rad landline phone too!

  33. “Scrappy little liar”January 4, 2023 at 6:01 AM

    It’s Wednesday whining now
    Jen wants to woo a wife.
    But no one wants a loser
    who lies about her life.

    1. Lies, lies, lies, yeah!

    2. Jenna always cries and lies
      Because she wants your $ympathy
      And if you need something from her
      You'll get squat and zero empathy

    3. “Scrappy little liar”January 5, 2023 at 10:39 AM

      Anon7. That’s a good one!

  34. “It’s the time of year everything needs to be whiter or greener but it’s mostly just horror-movie stock interstitials.”

    Riveting non-tent, cunt.

    1. And prior to that tweet she posted drawings of crows she expects someone to pay $85 for each, despite posting another drawing (badger and falcon) for just $25. Her prices don't make sense which is why they don't sell.

    2. Am I wrong or weren’t these same crows for sale a while back? Birds with vices? Something juvie like that. And $85? Sure, Jen.

  35. She is claiming 2 years sober? Bullshit. I don't have the wherewithal to go thru all her posts during that time, but I am certain she mentioned enjoying alcohol several times. And I'm not talking the posts where she posted pics of non-alcoholic beverages. She lies like this because she doesn't think people pay attention. And she doesn't want people to think she's wasting folding money on booze.

    1. she's posted multiple pics of non-alcoholic beverages, but doesn't acknowledge the fermenting rig she has set up that's visible next to her wood stove pics. She's at best california sober, and we've seen a *variety* of pipes. Hardly "sober" as in "I've had a hard look at myself, have made serious changes, and have made ammends"

    2. Are we certain that fermenting rig isn't actually a piss jar? Cuz I can see her being too lazy to waddle on over to the bathroom.

    3. Her rotten writing is an indication of Jenna’s decline in cognitive abilities. It’s very obvious that she’s not been staying sober.

    4. About two months after she allegedly quit drinking, she posted about "Three Perfect Days", in which she enjoyed "Three days of local music, local smiles and local BEER."

      Sure...I don't believe there's a problem. /s

  36. Twitter Twaddle: "Please DM - only one mortgage payment left to make up from 2022!!"

    Yeah and just 12 more left to make up in 2023!!

    Her New Year's resolution should be getting a job. A real job. But knowing her, her top resolution will be trying to come up with new creative ways to beg. And coming up with new unique disasters cuz even she must know she's ran out of teeth to canal.

    1. And no mention that today is the last day to make the January payment before it’s late. At least in the real world. Somehow she stretches that to the 15th and magically makes a payment at 11 pm on the 14th. But not for the current month, for the month before, so me thinks there are still late fees to be paid every month, regardless. Unless the whole thing is a lie, which is also possible.

    2. Her whole life is lies.

  37. More time wasting on IG. She posted ( in stories) how she has fun responding to scam accounts that contact her with funny ( not at all funny) responses. She also claims that she doesn’t care about money— which is very hysterical from someone who begs for money as a full time job. Apparently according to her unfunny dm’s, money makes people miserable. Which again, hysterical!!! You can’t make this up!!!

    1. Adding: I’m very amused that Jenna is having conversations with what are most definitely “bots” and thinking she’s clever.

    2. All Jenna cares about is mooching money for free funds from fools. And her horrid humor always falls flat on her fake fat face.

    3. "Anonymous January 5, 2023 at 7:02 AM

      Adding: I’m very amused that Jenna is having conversations with what are most definitely “bots” and thinking she’s clever. "


      THIS 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  38. I just stumbled over this on Twitter: "My biggest regret in life is not choosing to go to the PA Governer's school of the arts summer writers camp I was invited to at 16. I declined. This was my Mr. Destiny moment. I am both grateful and miserable about not attending." I doubled checked on Google. It is, indeed, Governor's, not Governer's. Twitter and this site also underscore it in RED to show there is an error. So much for missed opportunities toward becoming a great writer. Also, if I really wanted to nitpick, it is properly called (and spelled) Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Arts. Please note the capitalizations, Feral Farmer.

    1. Jenna’s writing is rotten now. She doesn’t take time to either edit her many multiple mistakes, or polish her purple prose.

  39. “Scrappy little liar”January 6, 2023 at 4:26 AM

    It’s Friday freakout time
    and what will Jenna do?
    We’re sure that she’ll be begging
    until her life is through.

  40. From IG:

    A few people have asked if I’d make custom maps to order? Sure! You got a link to a real or fictional map, your 4-6 stops, daily goals for the key, and your address I’ll make and mail you your own weathered and folded adventure map. If you have a similar week of goals, and don’t have the time or interest in hand making a map, but you do like the idea and would do it and like hiring queer artists… Dm! But here’s the catch. If I make this map, you better go on your own adventure with it. These aren’t just pretty pictures they are paths to goals!

    Sure, a few basement babies have asked for their own stained and crinkled hobbit map. How does a 40 yr old have time to waste on such fcukery?

    1. At this stage, her only fans are maladjusted Do-Littles. To them, she's a gd godess.

    2. “Sure, Jen.” I’ve seen kids who can draw better maps. Did you know that she’s now queer?! I’m shocked. She’s so shy about mentioning it. Gag.

    3. Judgement Jenna has to dictate how someone uses an item that they’ve paid for. Her “own adventure” consists of going to the “laundry mat” to get “hot on” by weirdos.

    4. Her “dumb small life,”Jenna’s own words once, appears agoraphobic lately.

    5. First of all, I doubt anyone has requested a map. This is likely a new ploy to part idiots from their cash. Of course there is no price listed, as usual. What a dumbass.

    6. SFF. It’s her manipulative marketing to not list prices. Jenna adjusts the cost depending on how much she perceives the person will pay for the product.

    7. Flying by the seat of your pants without a business plan is not sustainable in the long run. Eventually ‘this farm’ will crash and burn.

    8. SFF. Her faux farm has never been solvent, and that’s by Jenna’s own admission. She never should’ve quit her career at such a young age to buy it.

    9. Agree, quitting without any money behind her was super dumb but at least she had youth on her side which may have appealed to kind hearted suckers. She was never cute but her looks have deteriorated fast and a spunky kid is fast turning a middled aged loser who reeks of desperation. Fast forward ten years with her property falling down around her ears from lack of maintenance and I will bet that she tries to pass off PP's farm as her own. She already slips in shots of a working farm from time to time.

    10. SFF. That was well-put as always. Unfortunately, she was born to be a “Plain Jen.” We’ve met her many times in person. So I’m speaking from experience. She’s a big blob of a person with no charm whatsoever on any level.

      And her hovel is a shit-shack. That’s why she’ll only show closely cropped, “carefully curated” pics. Her fake photos often feature other properties and livestock. It’s all an illusion, because she’s a lying, lazy loser. It’s no wonder why she’s still single.

    11. Jenna is repellent. Period.

    12. She really “reeks” in real life. I doubt that Jenna regularly bathes. Her bad body odor could clear a room in the summer.

    13. SFF. She’s a plain, pudgy poser. I’d almost have compassion for her if she was a good person. But she’s a garbage human. I can’t feel any empathy for an animal abusing beggar, pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer.

  41. She has retweeted herself multiple times on this, but I just noticed something new:

    Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈 Retweeted

    Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    Jan 2
    Good morning! So vacation week is over for this farmer and my goal today is $200 in sales! That’s one flat rate logo design, some pet portraits, a 1/4 pig or 40 bars of soap!! Interested in any of that?! Please DM - only one mortgage payment left to make up from 2022

    Remember a couple of weeks ago when “cat lady” asked her how much a quarter pig was, and she said $280 ish? It appears to now be $200 according to the above tweet.

  42. On IG: Jenna posted ( then quickly deleted a picture of herself holding a can of ( beer?? NA beer??— who knows) on a deserted road with the words “ I want to go on a date in 10-12 business days” in tiny font on the can.

    One of her followers replied:
    “No one’s going to ask you Out just cus you post this ask someone out if you want a date!”

    Dopey Mopey Jenna replies:

    “Okay, first off you don’t know that?! Someone could totally ask me out or maybe I asked people out after posting this?! You’re not heart cop”

    Well Jenna, I’m “not heart cop” either but by your own admission the other day, most of your followers are not lesbians ( you were disappointed by that remember???)so posting a pic you take down saying you want a date to mostly straight women is not a great way to get a date! Also you have that December mortgage to magically come up with by the 15 so you probably shouldn’t be “hotting “ in girls right now for dates!!!

    But, I hear their is a weird car living lesbian who’s interested....

    1. How about this - you get a job in 10-12 business days.

    2. Poor, desperate little Jenna is so repulsive that no one wants to even go out on a date with the lying, lazy loser.

    3. She’s mentioned this weird “wanting to go out on a date” multiple times. As if that stupid statement will get her one. It hasn’t worked, and it won’t.

    4. Jenna has a handful of weirdo women who would date her. They’re all marginal losers like her. But fat ass thinks that she deserves a Taylor Swift clone.

    5. Anonymous 9:47. How did she discover that most of her followers are straight women? I could see her posting a stupid poll. I still think that she’s been drinking alcohol. Jenna’s bulging belly is too bloated for her to be staying sober. Aside from just being obese. (Seen her waddling around town.)

    6. We know a single, lovely lesbian who’s local in her area. She’s everything and much more that Jenna would want. This woman is a multiple degreed professional, earns a six figure salary, outright owns her home, and is an amazing person. Fortunately, we warmed her about fat ass over a year ago.

    7. we warned not warmed

    8. I wanted to add to my comment above at 1:48. This woman is wonderful, unlike Jenna, and is “wife material.” She can afford to be picky about a partner, because she’s very attractive in all aspects.

    9. I still believe that Shannon was both legally blind and nose-blind when she first hooked up with Jenna.

    10. Anon 12:56- She posted a story on IG yesterday ( or the day before) that she follows 4000 people on IG and she was disappointed to find out over half of them are straight. Not sure if she went through the list and saw who was with a guy or what. No explanation of how she determined this.

  43. She’s posted the same slop on her Insta-sham account.

    1. "Insta-sham" lol

      I'm surprised her broke-ass begging self can even afford avocados. They aren't cheap, especially out of season, and also import costs.

    2. “BEHOLD! instant mashed-potato/egg waffle breakfast sandwich piled with grilled onion, egg, avocado, and cheese. It was Fantastic.”

      Once again, this comment disappeared. It was posted above in context.

    3. Anon7. “Poodles” probably paid for the avocados.

  44. I am a little shocked that we are inching steadily toward 11 pm on January 14th and she is not just bursting with begs, suspicious emergencies, or other money-making techniques of hers.

    1. She's probably gearing up for a really really big beg fest.

      She also hasn't made mention of her usual Winter's Bottom debacle. Hmmmm...

  45. Anonymous 12:16. We were also surprised. Jenna probably got gifted money by either followers or family for the holidays. It’s highly unlikely that she’s got a job. But she’ll be back to begging soon. It’s her lie-style now.

  46. Jenna getting a job to support herself, without being a beggar would be a miracle. She certainly didn’t make a New Year’s resolution to do it.

  47. According to her Instagram, Jenna’s been busy buying an ugly jacket that she used to own years ago. Funny, how she has extra cash to spend on Poshmark, but then pretends to be short on making her mortgage payments on time.

    1. She loves to lie about being broke. Watch her say that she “found my new/old jacket at our town dump!” Like she’s done before with a brand new bike, and other items.

    2. I'm not seeing this post. So she sold a jacket and now wants to buy it back?

    3. No she claims that she found the exact jacket she’s wearing in a pic she posted from years ago and wants to buy it back. The jacket is just an ordinary jacket... nothing special but it’s not her money she spends so she doesn’t care.

  48. Jenna please stop posting about that heinous sandwich!!🤮

    1. It literally, makes me wanna puke just looking at that shit. Jenna likes bragging about the most mundane crap. She acts like a child.

    2. I’ve never once seen anything appetizing that she’s cooked. It all looks gross and sloppy.

    3. Her food truly looks awful. Laden with sugars, greasy meat, fatty vegetables. Her bacon, squash, apple, sugar, sausage, bourbon (or whatever the fcuk she puts on her food) makes me want to barf. Who eats crap like that All. The. Time. ??

  49. All this domestic goddess crap she has been posting makes me wonder if these were issues Shannon found objectionable and was ultimately part of the reason she dumped her. It sure looked like Shannon did the lions share of the work around that place. Jenna is trying hard to present herself as ‘wife material’. She is not only begging for funds but also begging for companionship. Her life seems to be going downhill fast.

    1. By her own lazy account Shannon DID do the vast majority of the work, plus a bunch of new projects/improvements too. And all the Pig Shocker did was take photos and post them to her social media.

    2. And then Jenna would be bragging about Shannon’s accomplishments as if they were her own. “Get yourself a girl who…”

    3. Jenna’s also a faux feminist with using girl instead of woman. And her condescending usage of “darlin” to put people down is overtly obnoxious.

  50. ⬆️Agree. She’s “selling” herself much likes she sells her shit soaps, subpar pet portraits, and putrid pork!!!

    1. But no one wants to buy her putrid, personal product.

  51. On IG:

    Jenna is taking a break from posting about her 8,000 calorie waffle, cheese, egg mess sandwich to let all the people that DM’d her know that the yoga app she uses is $15/ month. Keep that in mind poodles when you give her $$$! No free youtube yoga for precious Jenna! $180 a year!

    Also a pic of her holding her cat with her Poshmark fleece coat she purchased.

    1. I was the one who also posted above about the ugly jacket that she rebought on Poshmark. Yet she’ll be begging for more mortgage money soon. Her whole life is lies.

    2. It’s no surprise by her sickening sandwiches, and dinners of premium ice cream, why she has such an obese body. Jenna looks like a pig, and also eats like one.

    3. So many things wrong with the yoga post. First off, she thinks it costs 15.00 a month (note the question mark after that statement). So it either costs more and she doesn’t want to admit to that expense or else, more likely, she spends indiscriminately and keeps no track of what her monthly expenses actually are. Of course the best part is how is she paying for an online subscription without a credit card? Picking apart her lies is too easy. Most people check their statement when it comes due and are aware of their discretionary spending. It boggles the mind to see how she operates.

    4. SFF. Exactly. She’s still acting like a stupid teen who’s unaware of how to manage her personal finances. But Jenna’s 40 not 14.

  52. “Ukes are literally saving my mental health this winter”

    Nothing can “save her mental health.”

  53. @This little farm, with a two border collie staff, has 2 shares of pork left to sell for this season. If I sell them I can pay the December mortgage and have my house payments for 2022, my tenth year self-employed on this farm, paid in full. DM to get some bacon and keep me going.”

    She’s back begging as predicted by many here. No one cares, cunt. Support your own lazy loser lie-style. Get a job, slob.

  54. Replies
    1. Here’s her truer version: “This scrappy little lesbian depends on money mooching to make my mortgage payments! And it’s not too late to still send some Yuletide cheer to my Venmo!”

    2. She’s “unemployed” not “self-employed.”

  55. 2 more shares? Ok so if she sells these... how will she pay her Jan mortgage? She will have no more pig shares to sell!!!

    1. Of course, she’ll fabricate another crisis. Like more dental issues etc…

    2. And let’s not forget those aren’t even 2023 pigs! They are early 2024.
      In the meantime she has not said a word about this year’s pigs which, according to her self-published calendar, should be processed this month.

    3. It’s the old “robbing Peter to pay Paul.” Even after over a decade of doing business, she’s completely clueless about how to operate one ethically. And also make her faux farm solvent for the first time.

  56. Victim: “Help me pay my mortgage again!

    Victor: “This little farm has never been in better shape than now!”

    One can’t be both victim and victor at the same time.

  57. HD. New post please? Thanks. Happy New Year!


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