It Ain't Illegal To Be a Dumbass

This is not to suggest that she doesn’t do illegal things.  I am generally astonished that she thinks that this persona will attract people to her.  Even the "weirdos" are like "ah, hell no".
I think it speaks volumes that all through her self-reported life she doesn't have any sustained relationships.


  1. HD. That was well-put. I don’t understand why Pember Patty still tolerates this user. Jenna only takes and never gives back. Unless, it’s only for performative pictures, like helping her with haying. She’s the Cambridge Queen of Con.

    1. PP strikes me as being naive despite her age. Maybe she also considers Jenna to be a personal pity project.

    2. Agree. You can’t fix stupid.

    3. PP and FF were thick as thieves about the time that PP resigned (took "early retirement") under a big cloud of financial mismanagement.

      I always wondered if PP is gratefully loyal because FF stuck with her during that time period. Of course, we've all seen that PP has given far more to FF than the reverse. It's unusual to find someone who's such an ardent defender & enabler - even Jon Katz gave it up!

    4. PDD. I know Jon Katz a little from living in Cambridge for a few years. It’s clear that he considers Jenna an unethical person. She also never mentions him anymore. Their friendship appears to be over.

    5. What astounds me, especially considering how close Jenna and Patty are, is how Jenna NEVER mentions Patty's son, Ryan. He is a quadriplegic with cerebral palsy and is essentially bed ridden. He has very special needs but Jenna has only written about him ONCE on her bleg: A post from 2015 where she spread awareness for Patty's campaign to raise money for a special van lift for Ryan.

      Other than that, *crickets* from Jenna. Which is weird because Patty frequently re-tweets Jenna's sales begs yet she receives no help in return. By that, I mean Jenna could re-tweet Patty's requests for Ryan, which happen several times a year in which she asks the internet to send her son cards of the birthday, get well, Christmas variety.

      But she does not. Seriously, have you ever seen a single tweet about Ryan on her sad little Twitter? Cuz I haven't.

    6. Anon 4:06 - Have you ever read what Jon said about her on his blog? He wrote some pretty scathing posts about her. Here's the link (the first few posts are positive but if you keep scrolling they become very negative):

      Click the "Older Posts" button at the bottom of the page for more. Happy reading!

    7. Anon7. Yes, I’ve read all of his posts about the Cambridge Queen of Con. Jon has her nasty number now. She’s loathed by locals.

    8. Anon7, you make an excellent point. FF NEVER returns PP's meaningful favors. PP sells meat shares and sheepskin throws, items that could also easily be promoted on FF's social media site - but they aren't.

      Nah, the only "needs" FF boosts are her own. After the manipulative love-bombing was over, it must have been a rude awakening for FF's former roommate to realize the selfish, selfish, narcissism of FF.

    9. Jenna rarely reciprocates favors, and only does minimal work for friends. She never goes out of her way to really help anyone.

  2. Hey! Who wants to sing? I've got a festive "Song that never ends" ear worm for y'all:

    CAF is the scam that never ends
    The grift goes on and on, my friends
    She started begging for some money, as easy as it was
    And she'll continue this forever, just because

    CAF is the scam that never ends
    The grift goes on and on, my friends
    She started begging for some money, as easy as it was
    And she'll continue this forever, just because

    CAF is the scam that never ends...

  3. So...did Jenna ever say where she spent Thanksgiving? I perused Patty's Instagram and found a post that pictured everyone there:

    If that link doesn't work just go to and scroll down to the big group photo from 11/24. There is one person who *might* be her (top row right, mustard yellow shirt) but upon second look she seems a bit too small to be Jenna.

    So if that's not her, that means she didn't go, which would be the reason she hasn't mentioned where she spent Thanksgiving.

    1. I'm thinking the 11-24 photo was only a reference for her large family.

      Really, we don't know if FF was at her No 1 enabler for Thanksgiving. To some extent, she now covers tracks when visiting PP, like when she recently dragged that poor hawk to show off. Since she pretends she has "friends" for social media cred, she may omit mentioning PP by name, because always hanging with a person old enough to be your mother definitely isn't NY-hipster cool.

    2. “Scrappy little liar”December 4, 2022 at 5:11 AM

      Anon7. I also made a comment about that on the last post. It looks like that pic was taken during warmer weather not now. Jenna isn’t in it. The big pig would’ve mentioned being invited to Thanksgiving dinner. There was no free feast for her. Otherwise, she’d share photos of food, and stuffing her fake fat face with it.

    3. You guys are right...doesn't look like NY. Seeing there is a pool, it looks more like So Cal, where I believe her daughter is from. And I can report that our Thanksgiving Day here was a ridiculous and unwanted 80 degrees.

      So it looks like Patty travelled there for the holiday. Which meant Jenna had nowhere to go this year. And despite her bragging that she has sooooo many friends, none seemed to invite her over. Which makes sense that she didn't mention that day at all.

    4. Jenna would’ve bragged about being invited to a friend’s home for Thanksgiving. Since she was silent, that means she spent it alone.

  4. “Are there other lesbian falconers out there?”

    She wrote this stupid tweet on the 2nd. It’s been totally ignored. There are zero responses with not even one lone “like.” It also appears that the bitch has bought bots again. Every time her numbers dwindle she does it.

    1. Complete crickets on the stupid tweet.

  5. Two videos with Gibson today after I mentioned his absence last week. So predictible. She reminds me of a marionette - dancing when we pull the strings. Too mean???

    1. SFF. I mentioned the “cue for photos of Gibson” to appear after your comment on the last post. Nah, it’s not “mean.” I feel the same way. Jenna’s a chunky “monkey” who’s a regular reader here.

    2. “Scrappy little liar”December 4, 2022 at 8:24 AM

      I can’t count how many times the coward has deleted comments after we’ve called her out. The badass, brave butch is an emotional weakling,

    3. “Scrappy little liar”December 4, 2022 at 8:34 AM

      Edit: I meant to type deleted tweets not comments. Although she’s done that, too.

    4. She definitely reads here.

      Hi Jenna! When's the last time you shocked a pig? Showered? Got a job?

  6. Tweet
    See new Tweets

    Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    Having a hard time selling shares, which has never been an issue before, please help spread the word!

    1. Um, maybe people googled the “producer” and decided that was a no-go for them? From the shocking in glee, to unsanitary conditions, to poor money management of pig funds and the need to beg twice to pay for things already paid for by the buyers, to past stories of self-admitted poor feeding and bad meat that needed to be tossed. I wonder why people don’t want to buy her wares.

    2. Jenna’s rotten reputation is everywhere now. And she’s loathed by locals in her area. No one trusts a lying, lazy loser.

    3. She's admitted to having roundworm, tapeworm and tetanus on her property, each made worse by her habit of feeding animals on top of their own excrement. Plus, she keeps a wild bird in her house; birds and their droppings can transmit over 60 diseases to other animals and humans. It's not hard to imagine what lurks.

      I wouldn't take meat from there if you paid me.

    4. PDD - Don't forget she also admitted that she doesn't like to wash her hands either, as per one of her bleg entries:

      "After these hours of hunting, chores, dead things, poop, and mold I went inside and made a cup of afternoon tea and didn't wash my hands or worry about residual deer blood on my lips."

      Ma Wog must be sooooo proud!

  7. Wog’s Wild Weather TalesDecember 5, 2022 at 8:03 AM

    enna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    Having a hard time selling shares, which has never been an issue before, please help spread the word!

    just a little feedback I’ll tell you this much for free... maybe stop trying to sell meat from pigs whose grandparents haven’t been born yet!!!

    Oh and last day for her mint soaps 😂

    1. We just posted at the same time. Exactly. I forgot to mention selling unborn pigs.

    2. No wonder she is losing followers. Her Twitter feed is a non stop beg-a-thon. No interesting or original content, only the occasional retweets from people more interesting than she is …..when she is not retweeting herself. Who does that? The begging is slowly migrating over to Instagram. What a train wreck of a life.

    3. SFF. Exactly. She’d rather whine than work. Jenna’s too self-destructive, stupid and stubborn to change her life. Ever since she turned 40 it’s gotten even worse.

    4. SFF - That's what gets me, her lack of original content. Her constant begging would be slightly less atrocious if she AT LEAST wrote about her fauxrm and animals. But she just completely stopped and it's all begging and Taylor Swift now.

      Seriously, other than recently mentioning downed fences, has she written a single thing about homesteading or farming since Shannon fled?


    Poor, desperate little Jenna is screaming in all caps. The dumb cunt is trying to convince people to do pity purchases. So that she can make her always late mortgage payments.

    1. I’m shocked that she didn’t add her hyperbolic, multiple exclamation points.

    2. Anon 9:43, no, I’m shocked she didn’t add her countless irrelevant question marks!

    3. Anonymous 11:07. Your comment cracked me up. She’s a terrible writer, and rarely edits. Jenna also refuses to use proper punctuation like commas, question and exclamation marks.

    4. She is totally full of shit as you know she's just going to continue to beg for soap sales all the way to Christmas, as well as on Christmas Day.

  9. “This is the hardest bird I’ve ever trained and the longest it’s ever taken me, but once we’re solid it’s going to be an amazing hunt!”

    The hawk already knows how to hunt, cunt. Clearly, he’s miserable being held prisoner against his will in your filthy hovel. He doesn’t want your fat man hands on him. Nor do any humans.

    1. It’s pathetic how she shows off her prop pet.

    2. I’ve never seen anyone waste time like Jenna does daily. She has no routine other than acting like a permanent teenager. Yet she constantly whines about needing money, and has no issues being a beggar on Twitter.

    3. Jenna has plenty of time to spend training a nonessential hawk, yet she’ll make new clients wait for months to do projects, because of bragging about being so busy. Her whole life is lies.

    4. She posted on IG that she binged the Netflix series “Wednesday” in 2 days so she seems to have plenty of time to, you know, work for money? Netflix is $16.99/month

    5. She’s had multiple streaming services for years. Jenna binges on bourbon, food, weed, and watching reruns, but never wants to work to support herself.

    6. Anon 11:46 - Totally agree. Everything she has reported so far would indicate that she captured a mature bird who already knew how to hunt.

    7. Furthermore, she has admitted in the past that she doesn't fully follow official falconer guidelines:

      "Some falconers keep their hawks thin all winter and I will not. I secretly love the heavy days when all we can do is watch movies together inside. Hunting and flying is great but a fat bird is a great reason to spend a night Binge watching Netflix."

      What a selfish lazy twunt. Is she really that desperate for someone to watch TV with?

    8. The dumb cunt is defiant to her own detriment about breaking rules. It’ll all catch up to her soon. She can count on it.

  10. “I could have all the money in the world and I still wouldn’t buy a DNA test for a cat’s genealogy.”

    Riveting non-tent, twat.

    1. Learn how to use commas correctly, cretin.

    2. Jenna’s not funny at all. Her asinine attempts at humor always fall flat on her fake fat face.

    3. That's because she hates cats. But she WOULD buy a DNA test for those Border Collies, even if her bank account was in double digits and her mortgage was 2 months late.

  11. So how do you all think it will end? Nothing...good or bad...lasts forever. Everything eventually comes to an end. So how will CAF and Jenna's scams end?

    I feel it may already be happening. The pandemic has not completely ended, and it is still affecting people. Couple that with the economy, high inflation, donor fatigue, Twitter's implosion and you have a gravely desperate grifter facing few to zero sales.

    Whether or not she has some sort of undisclosed income doesn't matter, as it's clear she needs money from internet strangers to survive. Otherwise she wouldn't beg on the daily. So what happens when those funds truly dry up? Will she make a big announcement or quietly fade away from social media?

    Personally, I think it will be a big announcement. A sad "aw shucks" post on Instagram, Twitter and her bleg. Something along the lines of, "My determination and feral stubbornness got me this far, but now it's time to go" or some other womp-womp-me type shit. Part of her will be low-key hoping/expecting a sudden surprise inflow of donations to keep her going, while the other part truly knows it's over. Like really, seriously, OVER.

    So what do you predict? Will she swallow her pride and admit defeat? Or blame CAF's demise on a huge untenable disaster? Or maybe just ghost everyone with no explanation?

    1. Given that she is a huge attention whore, my guess would be a lot of fanfare with the caveat that it’s not her fault.

    2. “Scrappy little liar”December 6, 2022 at 11:55 AM

      That’s a tough one to predict. I agree with SFF to an extent. But I think that if she was offered a lot of money for her hovel, then Jenna could consider selling it. But she also values her faux farmer, scrappy little persona so much, that it’d be very hard for her to give it up. It’s really all she has. And that’s pretty pathetic.

  12. “Good morning from Cold Antler farm. It's going to be a rainy one here. Working on logos and illustrations all morning, soap in the afternoon. If you are waiting on an order before Xmas please message if you need an update! Heading to the post office daily!”

    It’s Wednesday whining now. Jenna’s such a busy, “scrappy little lesbian!”

    1. Sorry, I’ve made a minor mistake. It’s Tuesday trauma now. All of Jenna’s begging starts to blend together. I need my morning coffee.

    2. She has a chance of rain at 1 pm, intermittent sprinkles in the afternoon and high in the 50s, but sure, Faux Farmer, make weather conditions sound more DRAMATIC.

      Live Like Fiction y'all.

    3. If someone has paid for, and is expecting goods they ordered from her by Xmas, they should not have to email her for an update! The burden should be on her!

    4. How is her statement that she is taking stuff to the post office daily jive with her prior statement that sales are sooooo hard to come by?

    5. “Scrappy little liar”December 6, 2022 at 11:01 AM

      Anonymous 7:51. Exactly. One can’t be both victim and victor at the same time. Her whole life is lies.

  13. Credit to ANON7 for predicting it wasn’t going to be the last call till it’s Christmas day.

  14. This is what we hate about her manipulative marketing. She’s lies about sales to put pressure on people to buy her crap.

  15. “She lies…”

  16. no punctuation to see hereDecember 6, 2022 at 1:39 PM

    Her personal posts and retweets unrelated to her "farm" and "sales/income streams" are off putting. I'm not sure how much overlap there is between the two demographics. It would be nice if Jenna would have a personal Twitter account where she could post about TS and Netflix binges and politics and religion and whatever. Then she could conduct "business" through the Cold Antler Farm account. She'd have a lot less content there, and the begging would be all the more obvious, but she might come off slightly more sane and garner a couple more sales. Her strategy of mixing business with pleasure is confusing, gross and unprofessional, which I know is her M.O. But baby steps.....for the new year.

    1. I like your username. I don’t think that Jenna is capable of making changes now. She’s dug herself into a deep rut, and is too stupid and stubborn to see it.

    2. Even after years of doing freelance work, Jenna’s still clueless about how to ethically run a professional business.

    3. Such a good point about combining business and personal. Anyone who might be considering a purchase only needs to scroll down and discover they are dealing with a 13 year old mentality. I’m surprised she hasn’t come up with a TS soap mold. A business site with an appropriate photo and grammatically correct content would be a good start.

  17. If she only averages 3 sale per week, why is she making daily trips to the post office??? It’s that quirky CAF math again where nothing adds up.

    1. When you live alone on the side of a mountain, you go to the post office every day. It's just what you do. Then afterwards you go grab a sandwich from the sandwich store, and then stop at an open mic night for a beer.

    2. Lol, I live at a higher elevation than Pig Shocker, and when I want to mail something, I put it into my mailbox, raise the red flag, and the postal worker magically picks it up!

      And, if she had packages, she could print out pre-paid USPS labels and still have them picked up. No need to drive to the PO.

  18. Somebody more clever than me could have a field day creating CAF story problems. The answers would be like something out of Alice in Wonderland.

  19. I’ll give it a go.

    Jenna wants to watch White Lotus tonight. She has Hulu, Netflix and HBO max. The total cost of these Streaming services is $102.00/ month. Jenna advertises 1/4, 1/2 and whole heritage sheep for an unknown price ( you’ll have to DM her!)that will be Ready For pick up ( does not ship!)in Spring 2028. How many times does Jenna need to sell the same pig in order to pay for monthly streaming services?

    1. Another:
      Jenna has 2 vehicles. One gets 12 miles / gallon, the other, 18 miles/ gallon. She makes 3 sales per week and drives to the post office everyday to mail the goods. How many stickers does Jenna need in the back of each vehicle to let everyone know she is a little Taylor Swift loving queer farmer who lives alone without support on the side of a mountain?

    2. Anon, you're killing it! BRAVA

      You could write a book of CAF math and economics problems !!!!!

    3. That was great. Thanks!

  20. Maybe she’s making daily trips to the post office because she’s finally gotten around to filling orders from 2015.

    1. It’s like when her backers for the bombed Birchthorn book, had to wait many months before getting their copies. And then, Jenna was annoyed by their comments on her Kickstarter campaign. She made it all about them. When it was her ineptitude that postponed it. Plus, she quickly used up the scammed $15,000, part of which was designated for publishing.

    2. With her history, it’s hard to believe nobody has launched a legal action against her. She needs to be careful. She may just piss off the wrong person.

    3. I have three favorite parts about the Birchthorne fiasco:

      1. That she spent money that should have been reserved for printing hard copies, so when some books were finally printed, they were printed on tissue-thin, cheap paper, and badly inked;

      2. That she posted lunatic, ever-changing obstacles for the original backers (i.e read and respond to months-late tweet demanding backers first complete survey questions before getting their promised books); and

      3. Even after blaming backers for their not getting books, and apparently leaving paid backers in the lurch, she arrogantly posted photos of stacked Birchthorne books, posed next to captured hawk to show what a bad-a$$ author she was.

    4. Amazon Birchthorn Reviews:

      Funny, Creepy Kelly wrote the first one. He’s left crappy comments here before. He’s another stupid, sycophantic supporter of Jenna’s.

  21. I think the reason no one has filed legal action is because the amounts they lost were too low to be worth the effort.

    During the wool and webinar debacle, people who lost money were encouraged to file in small claims court, but they said it wasn’t worth the effort. One person lost money when she never got her graphic design, but declined to file suit saying the $200 she lost was a lesson learned.

    And this is why Jenna gets away with it. She nickels and dimes her clients and knows they will never go after her.

    1. Jenna’s the Cambridge Queen of Con for a reason.

  22. Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈 Retweeted

    Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    Dec 5
    Having a hard time selling shares, which has never been an issue before, please help spread the word!


  23. Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    Replying to
    Shares start at $285 for a quarter pig. Yes this is in south Washington County NY

    One of the cats
    Replying to
    That's a hell of a price, if the sick cat doesn't have to go back into the hospital I'm so in.

    I mean if cat lady doesn’t mind waiting until 2 years from now for pork...

    1. But also, what’s a quarter pig? Didn’t she say one time that her pigs are less than 200lbs and even less dressed out?

    2. Right? What do you get for $285? She only ever shows bacon. Like, if the pig gets processed and there are 100 pounds of meat, I would get 25 lbs. for $285??? Any meat farmers want to help me out??

    3. In response to anon asking about shares and pricing: rough numbers here- a 250 lb live pig will yield a 180 hang weight, which is 70% of the live weight. 180 lbs is what you pay the farmer and butcher at. One quarter of that is 45 lbs.
      however that is not what you actually take home. From that 180 lbs, after it hangs and dries and some of the fat is cut off, you will take home about 65% of that 180 lbs (117 lbs). so a quarter would be paying on 45 lbs, but you’d actually bring home about 30 lbs.
      there is a formula for it, same for beef- internet search will explain it more. We use them for estimating hang/take home weights for our buyers and they are pretty accurate.

    4. Thanks! That was very helpful!!

    5. On a community homesteading page, pork producers estimated consumers would receive 24-26 pounds on average for a 1/4 pig share.

      She's charging over $11/lb for pork, but there's the bonus of questionable practices, past cyst-infected meat and auto expenses to pick up. If you order today, gas might cost $10/gallon by 2028!

  24. Wog’s Wild Weather TalesDecember 7, 2022 at 1:17 PM

    Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    Finished White Lotus season 1. Just started season 2. I have never been more grateful to be broke and gay. You people are miserable.

    1. It’s a show Jenna. A show. Fiction... like you live remember??

    2. My gut hurts from laughing that she says she’s broke. Watching a series on a premium subscription channel does not seem broke.

    3. Did you pay the November mortgage yet??

    1. Judgmental Jenna’s life as a “scrappy little lesbian” is far from being perfect. It’s no wonder why she’s still single. Her being broke is a joke.

    2. What a contemptuous cunt. Stupidly lumping all straight people together. Yet she’d go nuts if the same was said about lesbians. Go fuck yourself, Jenna.

    3. She’s said that crap about “being grateful to be broke and gay” before. I think that she’s protesting too hard, and that the opposite is true. Jenna’s clearly jealous of successful people who have good relationships. Unlike herself, with only one to mention. And Shannon dumped her fat ass last fall.

    4. Jenna knows nothing about what it takes to create and sustain any kind of intimacy. But she’s become an expert after dating one woman for a year. Just like she was with writing about raising chickens, and teaching archery, falconry and fiddle playing.

  25. Another shot with the hawk, again with full makeup and full filter. The hawk still looks better. Wonder how much she budgets for eyeliner. She sure applies it liberally to just go out and stand in a field with a bird.

    1. Jenna comes across as being butch in both her appearance and arrogant attitude. There’s nothing femme about her identity. “You can’t polish poop.”

    2. No amount of makeup and filters will flatter her fake fat face. Jenna’s repellent on every level.

    3. Butch isn't an insult, bigot.

    4. Anonymous 9:28. It’s obvious that Jenna’s not a femme lesbian. I’ve been part of the queer community for decades. So I consider myself to be knowledgeable about identities.

  26. I'm no life expert but my feelings are that no one should donate any money to Jenna nor buy anything since she is so happy being broke!! I would not like to take away her happiness. Oh and did you know she is gay? It hadn't been mentioned for I think 24 hrs. So if you are thinking of buying her $15. a pound (or more) of puke pork PLEASE don't do it it would make her sad as she loves being broke.

    1. WAIT. A. Minute…. She's gay?! I thought her Farm was gay!

    2. hahaha yes her farm is also gay, if she doesn't mention it in 24 hrs is she still gay looking for gay dollars?

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. “Just a couple of so and sos.”

    It’s the pig and her pet prop. The filters don’t disguise her fake fat face. Jenna’s also jowly now.

  29. The dating desperation is really ramping up. Jenna darlin’, I’ll tell you this for free: crowing about being broke and posting pictures of your filthy feet on the same platform you are begging for a date is counter productive.

    1. I think that potential partners are looking her up online, and reading about Jenna’s rotten reputation.

  30. On IG:
    A fantasy-picture, fairy, skulls, flying horses, birds etc.

    Jenna writes:

    “Everything in this picture is more realistic than finding an emotionally available, monotonous, single, child-free, financially dependent femme woman in her thirties that wants to date Swiftie Baba Yaga so I’m focusing on these laser skulls and birds instead”

    No- not my typo—- she literally typed “financially dependent” I’m sure she meant “ independent” but me thinks it’s a slip based on the fact that she is financially dependent on everyone!! Lol

    1. Here’s another stupid slip. The moron wrote “monotonous” instead of meaning monogamous. Jenna’s a selfish bitch so the error was correct.


      Calling herself an ugly Baba Yaga also describes Jenna.

    3. Looks like another Christmas Eve with her vibrator watching TS videos.

    4. Jenna’s a rotten writer who refuses to either edit or correct her sloppy spelling, stupid syntax, and multiple mistakes.

    5. SFF. Exactly. But I hope that her hawk will be released from his prison by then.

    6. “No one wants to date” a lying, lazy loser like Jenna.

    7. “A Swiftie Baba Yaga” sounds stupid and juvenile. Just like Jenna.

    8. The annoying attention whore has switched fictitious identities again. She was recently a hobbit, now it’s Baba Yaga.

    9. Thanks for the laugh, SlimFaceFilter!

    10. Apparently, even Jenna finds that just being herself is so bad, she feels forced to identify with fictional characters. Unfortunately, her life is a mess not a myth.

  31. Looks like Jenna's neighbour Lee at Moxie Ridge is also selling pig shares. Interesting how he sells his shares on the quality of the feed, finished on acorns in the forest pasture.

    As the acorns are seasonal, he is only raising pigs once a year, and you can see he leverages the free forage available to the animals.

    Compared to Jenna's sales pitch - pay my light bill, buy some bacon!

    1. We’ve met Lee several times. Unlike Jenna, he seems to be ethical and running a professional business. He doesn’t have her rotten reputation, and isn’t loathed by locals like Jenna is.

  32. CAFmath story problem.

    A feral farmer makes 3 sales per week. She finishes a project every other day. How many times per week does she go to the post office?

    A. 1
    B. 3
    C. 5
    D. 7

    Answer: 7. 1 time to mail the projects and 6 times to check her post office box for Taylor Swift merch.

  33. A scrappy feral farmer is threatened with foreclosure, can’t pay her utility bills and is having trouble feeding her animals. She jumps into action by:

    A. Getting a part time job as an Instacart shopper.
    B. Checking online job boards like Thumbtack and TaskRabbit
    C. Endlessly tweeting and retweeting her tired old begs, claiming she loves being poor, then insults her donors by saying they are all miserable.

  34. A Feral Farmer is in danger of losing her streaming subscriptions. Does she:

    A. Cancel the subscriptions and take advantage of what her public library has to offer?
    B. Keep one or two favorites then pick up some extra work to pay the fees?
    C. Tweet to her fan base that she needs a root canal.

  35. Glowing recommendation from Howie.

    Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈 Retweeted

    these soaps ship!

    I mean what’s next?

    “These soaps are white!”

    “These soaps are in a shape”

    “These soaps.”


    1. Howie got a link to this site yesterday. Along with other information.

  36. “Sold a quarter this week, the goal is to sell another 1.4 pig today! Get well raised meat at an unbeatable price and support a small farm! Dm or visit…”

    It’s spelled well-raised, moron. And learn how to use commas correctly, cretin.

    1. We wouldn’t eat her crap meat if it was for free.

    2. Well raised meat? The donuts she feeds the pigs aren’t even fresh 🤪. On that note, I checked out Moxie Ridge. Beautiful professional looking website but the thing that stood out is how remarkably clean everything looks. Put that beside Jenna’s falling down barn and haphazard fencing together with the general filth. Ugh.

    3. SFF. I can say for certain that her hovel is filthy. We’ve driven by many times. Her property is also falling apart due to over a decade of negligence by Jenna. Don’t get me started about her livestock, and the crappy conditions that they’re forced to exist in.

    4. 0.25 pig (sold) plus 1.4 (more to go) = 1.65 pig.

      No wonder CAF math never makes sense!

    5. What the heck is four tenths of a pig??? You sell a whole pig, halves - .5, or quarters - .25. That's it. Her cluelessness is unbelievable. And to think she taught classes on homesteading.


  37. “This thread has everything this farm has to offer! Please consider supporting a small farm and ordering some soap or art or meat! This is my only income source, and right now I'm trying to catch up on the November mortgage before Xmas!”

    Sing the same sad song, stupid. Her whole life is lies.

    1. No one wants to “support” a lying, lazy loser like Jenna.

    2. Normal adults aren’t behind each and every month in making their mortgage payments. Jenna’s been begging for years.

    3. “Scrappy little liar”December 9, 2022 at 12:21 PM

      Lies: “I’m a strong and scrappy, feral farmer who lives alone on the side of a mountain!”

      Truth: “Please rescue me with your money from my immature and dumb, small life!”

    4. "I'm trying to catch up on the November mortgage before Xmas!”

      Lol, good luck with that, Pig Shocker. December is a month where everyone's priority for their disposable income goes to Xmas gifts, xmas party food and supplies, gas money to travel or plane tickets, new festive outfits, xmas decorations, etc.

      And everything is way more expensive this year, especially groceries and xmas trees. She is out of her damn mind if she thinks she's gonna make that November payment before 2023.

  38. Cue the pig photo.Black & white hides a multitude of filth and squalor.

    1. Are you referring to the big pig, Jenna, or her livestock? It’s hard to tell the difference.

    2. You called it, SFF! She just posted a b&w pig pic on Instagram. Kinda looks to be an older pic, but who knows what the current pigs even look like.

      How come she doesn't post current photos and updates on her bleg? You know, show them at different stages of their growth? Show their progress? Wouldn't her customers be happy to see that?

  39. She can say sales are her only source of income even if she were receiving disability. Because technically, disability is not income, it’s a benefit.

    It’s the only thing that adds up. If we can believe her (I know it’s a stretch) she pays her mortgage last. Disability would probably cover her other expenses but it’s not enough to cover the mortgage.

    I can’t imagine how much she has spent in late fees over 10+ years. Probably enough to have paid many months of mortgage payments.

    1. Jenna never mentions either paying late fees or taxes. Her whole life is lies.

    2. And she's gonna be real screwed come 2023, as the threshold for paying taxes on money collected on PayPal and Venmo drops from $20K down to just $600. Lol.

  40. Here's the link again for WIW's CAF parody account:

    But grrrrrr, as I went to check it out just now and Twitter is back to limiting tweets shown to just 5 or 6 before that stupid "sign in or start an account to see more tweets" bullshit. But the ones I saw are hilarious!

  41. Besides the pigs, what other animals does she keep in that dilapidated barn? Cuz it's inevitable collapse is probably her next disaster. Below is a recent pic from November. Note the dark area on the right side of the barn...that is not dirt piled up...that darkness is the rotted-away absence of wood:

    I can't find it, but she somewhat-recently posted a pic that showed the entire side of that rotted wall. And it looked BAD. Also note the heavily sagging roof in that pic. That barn looks to be just one big snowstorm away from collapsing. Is it legal for her to keep animals in there? What about the freezing cold getting thru?

    1. There's a hole in the roof, too.


    3. She could have had the Amish "patch" the rotted boards to protect the animals and the barn...or fabricate a trendy Yoga platform for her to play. Guess which she chose???

    4. There’s also a huge “hole” where her heart should be.

  42. While looking for the photo mentioned in the above post I spotted this pic from last year, taken just two weeks before Shannon fled:

    *Happy Anniversary baby, got you on my mi-- never mind*

    Strange look on Shannon's she smells something rotten. Tis a shame she is gone, as those poor animals never had it better.

    1. Shannon looks far from being happy and in love.


  43. Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    I know my panic-urge to promote what I sell before 9AM on a Saturday is early, but I'm up at 5 and this is when panic sets in. I've got to figure out last month's mortgage and a root canal this month (or cancel the appt) ASAP so EVERYTHING from pork to portraits are on SALE!

    Where is her panic-urge to get a r-e-a-l job? No survival skills this one.

    1. Jinx!!!😂😂⬇️

    2. OMG quit with the "panicking." There really is no panic because there is no crisis. Somehow she miraculously gets the money to pay the mortgage at the last minute and the $$ for the supposed root canal is icing on the cake. Jenna you need to come up with another manufactured crisis besides a root canal. How many can one really need?

    3. Her whole life is lies.


  44. Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    I know my panic-urge to promote what I sell before 9AM on a Saturday is early, but I'm up at 5 and this is when panic sets in. I've got to figure out last month's mortgage and a root canal this month (or cancel the appt) ASAP so EVERYTHING from pork to portraits are on SALE!

    1. I thought she liked being broke and gay? I’m so confused! /s

    2. So she needs november mortgage and December mortgage AND a $1200 root canal. Sounds like this is a job for..... A REAL JOB!!!!

    3. According to Twitter yesterday, she sold a quarter pig so she supposedly has $285 for a pig that will be born in the next few years.

    4. If she pulls a Christmas miracle and suddenly has all the funds to pay I will lose it!😂it’s just such a pathetic and loser game she plays month after month after month.

    1. If she is in such a panic for sales why isn’t she flogging her wares at the holiday market in ‘this town’ today? Sounds like low hanging fruit to me. If she makes soap every day as she claims, she should have a shitload to sell. And why not have a stock of hand drawn cards/gift tags with Christmassy looking animal prints. She really is clueless.

    2. Her panic is predictable by now. Yet she’s never upset enough to do anything other than be a beggar.

    3. Her usage of “promote” is laughable. She broadcasts her desperation almost daily by begging for free funds. Shannon sure was wise to dump the lazy, lying loser.

  45. Wog’s Wild Weather TalesDecember 10, 2022 at 6:43 AM

    Countdown to weather panic.

    1-3” of snow forecasted for the broke, gay, fauxmer on the side of a mountain. Will her Hovel Shovel break? Will one of her two cars not start? Will her bathroom leak ( since it’s been a while since she had a MAN ( yucky) fix it so Twitter folks may have forgotten? Will she run out of wood that MEN (ew, ew, ew gross) have cut for her AND delivered, and she claimed she was all set for the winter.

    Inquiring minds want to know!!!

    1. WWWT, hahaha, New Englanders are in a panic over 1-3" of snow NOT.

      But, as she commented in the past, the snow also covers the sins of filthy pens and paddocks, so she'll save on using hay to hide all the filth before taking photos.

  46. She has not been able to figure it out the last 12 years. Let us figure it out for you, Jenna. Get a job. Problem solved.

    1. She’d rather “live under a bridge” than admit that her dumb dream is a fucking failure. Jenna’s stupid and stubborn to her own detriment.

  47. She keeps advertising a holiday local sales event in Cambridge today. Why isn’t she there selling her wares. She could have her soaps out for immediate sale and a display for her pig shares and logo sales... just so suspicious that she doesn’t participate since she loves her little town so much!!!

    1. Jenna would rather whine than work. And she knows that locals loathe her.

    2. She’s never seen with her wares at any of the local venues for selling products. Talk about being obstinate, and only using Twitter for trying to shill her shit. But she has the gall to complain about slow sales.

  48. “Jon Lovett talking about Eye Theory Gaylorism on this week’s pod would make 2019 Jenna PASS OUT WITH JOY.”

    I’m shocked that she didn’t mention her stupid “13/14 year old Jenna” like usual. She’s stuck in her head as a teen twat, trapped in the obese body of a middle-aged moron.

    1. She’s also tagging Jon Lovett in another stupid tweet. As if anyone successful wants to engage with this waste of space, personal parasite.

    2. The stupid “scrappy little lesbian” is an ugly attention whore.

    3. Of course, he hasn’t acknowledged her stupid, pathetic pleas for attention. And it’s hours later. Not even with one lone “like.” LOL!!!

  49. Here’s what newbies to her train wreck of a life don’t get. Jenna has chosen every aspect of her unstable, “panicking” existence. She canned her career to buy a faux farm that she’s never been able to afford. Yet she always has her hands out for help, and expects that others will support her lie-style.

    1. Also, unlike every farmer I know, she refuses to take an outside job (full or part time) to gain insurance, assure animals are adequately cared for, and make ends meet.

      She'd rather cry poverty and ask for pity-shares, donations and purchases.

    2. PDD. Exactly. Thanks for adding your input to my comment.

  50. Does she not realize she is the opposite of self sufficient. She is totally dependent on others, like a child. Why does she want to live this way???

    1. She has zero self-awareness. Jenna keeps trying to bend reality to suit her warped sense of entitlement. Her aversion to the truth is pathological at this point. She’d rather act like a “child” than a mature adult.

  51. “This is turning out to be a horrible month. I hate December. I hate it so much.”

    Boo fucking hoo. Jenna’s throwing another toddler’s tantrum on Twitter. The filthy feral farmer isn’t getting the free funds that she’s been begging for online. So it’s time to fabricate another dental crisis. Maybe a roof repair, too. “Please send some Yuletide cheer to Venmo!!!”

    1. What an insufferable cunt. She’s always expecting people to pay for her lie-style. And whines when “sales are slow,” but does nothing different to change her situation.

    2. This stupid tweet is an example of a manipulative marketing maneuver that she often uses. Jenna’s trying to elicit empathy from foolish followers. It also looks like her numbers are dropping again. Better buy bots, bitch.

    3. I find it interesting how big her reactions are. Two bad things happened that have nothing to do with December, and yet she hates December "so much".

  52. This is for anyone new here who wonders why this site exists:


  53. methodicjon🖌
    Replying to

    I love when men are the only ones that respond to Jenna. It must piss her off that she isn’t getting concerned tweets from females!!

    1. I saw that response. It looks like the “scrappy little lesbian” isn’t getting any attention from women. No one wants a lying, lazy loser like Jenna.

  54. She lost the hawk... it’s on IG.

  55. She was exercising the hawk prior to going to town to “socialize”. I thought she had no money??🤷‍♀️ And the hawk flew off over the mountain and out of earshot. Go hawk!!! Fly free!

    1. Fat ass is the one who needs to “exercise.”

  56. She's also saying that her agent turned down her life changing book. Oh no! Whatever shall she do?

    1. “My agent turned down the book I've been writing for the past 2 years that means so much to me. Yesterday I lost my hawk while out hunting, been trying to find him. No luck. I'm worried about what will happen if things don't look up soon. I hate the holidays. its a hard time.”

    2. "guilty he wasn’t flying like a grown bird should"

      IDK...seems like he was flying exactly like a grown bird should (away)

    3. It wasn’t “her hawk.” She imprisoned another bird against its will in her hovel. I’m happy that he’s flown free. And Creepy Kelly, a sycophantic supporter, commiserates with her lie-style.

      Guess it never occurs to Jenna that a job might be better than begging. If she was really “worried” about money, then she’d get off her fat ass and find a stable job. She’d rather whine than work to support herself like a normal adult.

  57. Oof! Well someone mark this down since she can’t use the “ help me out until this book sells” crap. I almost commented yesterday that we haven’t heard about the book lately. She was hanging her found at the dump Indiana Jones hat on selling this book to solve a lot of problems and that was foolish. If this book is so important to her then she should self publish ( I mean could it go as badly this time?). I think her following and popularity is just not there anymore and she isn’t keeping up with the times. There are lots of people on SM making $$ living like fiction, they have sponsorships and followings. She stubbornly thinks begging to boys on Twitter is a legit way to keep a roof over her head.

    It’s not the holidays that are hard Jenna, it’s your life choices. Please get help ( not money grubbing help) and get yourself together in 2023. You will feel so much better with your bills paid every month!

    1. Jenna’s a rotten writer. I’m not surprised that her agent rejected the book.

  58. ⬆️Should read “bots” not boys... but she is doing that too 😂😂😂

  59. So the bird escaped. My question is can he effectively hunt with bells attached to him? Why on earth would you let it fly free with shackles attached. What a moron.

    1. The same thing has happened with one of her birds before. She never learns any lessons in life.

    2. Jenna doesn’t care about conservancy. Her hawks are pet props for the poser. So their future welfare doesn’t matter to her.

  60. HD. New post please? Thanks!


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