Jenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈 @coldantlerfarm · 29m I know there's no law against it, but when these city people drive to rural areas, park their cars, and walk their leashed dogs on random country roads full of farms - do not be surprised if 4 different loose farm dogs from 3 different addresses come up at you. This isn't a park.
Guess what, you dick. This tweet is nothing more but a cry for attention by a poser with hidden imposter syndrome. Look at me, guys, the scrappy rural farmer with an off leash dog preaching to the city slickers..gross. I live in a very rural state, in a rural agricultural county, out in the sticks as we say. Even our county has leash laws both inside and OUTSIDE the city limits, even in our neck of the woods. I have two farm dogs and guess what, country road or not, for their safety and the safety of my neighbors and their livestock, I wouldn’t dream of having them off leash unless we were in one of our own, fenced in pastures. She is a dick, that’s all.
Since Faux Farmer is almost always wrong with her pompous pronouncements (this one about dog walking), I did a little checking.
Not a surprise - she's wrong about leash laws in her neighborhood. Both Cambridge and Jackson have leash laws (Cambridge since the 1995 and Jackson since 2011) which basically say it is unlawful for a dog to be running loose on public properties or on other people's property, without authorization by landowner. (Roads are considered public thoroughfares by the way.) Dogs must be leashed or under the owner's control at all times.
So it's reasonable to expect that people - gasp! even city people who drive to rural areas - who are lawfully walking their leashed dogs on a public thoroughfare SHOULD NOT be confronted or harassed by dogs that are not confined, restrained, leashed or otherwise completely controlled by their owners.
Anon, she works so hard at alienating people! And being stupid!
We're in the country, and guess what, we have leash laws for dogs who aren't on their own property. Last I heard, public streets aren't the private domain of faux farmer who's out playing with a captured raptor instead of working to pay mortgage and bills.
If her poorly-trained dogs attack someone on a public thoroughfare, she'll have a heck of a lawsuit to enjoy.
On IG she is posting old pics ( there’s snow in her pics and I live near her and we’ve had no snow and weather in the 70’s!!) she is going on and in about how she has no help or spouse or job or family to borrow money from. She’s going on and on how she has to tend her fire to keep warm and doesn’t know how to pay the October mortgage. She says that she isn’t knocking those with spouses and a 9-5 direct depot job, but she loves what she does and is writing an important book to help other woman! 😫. Gag!
I love how with Jenna, you can only have a 9-5 job or do what she does. There’s no inbetween. Like she could work 15 hours a week at a direct deposit job and it could pay some of her bills. She’s so ridiculous! Gorgeous day here again in her neck of the woods and there shouldn’t be any whining about cold or snow
Lol, it's been in the 70s, and evenings were in the 50s-60s. It's unseasonably warm, although next week dips below freezing for a couple of nights.
Poor FFF. By her own admission, every morning, she needs to "wake up, get chores done..."
You know, that hipster coffee doesn't make itself!
Then she must open the little door to her woodstove, throw in pre-cut and delivered wood to tend the fire. She could turn up the oil furnace, but where's the victim drama in that?.
Last, she must throw animal hay over the fence, and stupidly (I can't believe I'm writing it) CARRY buckets of water out to animals. A more sentient creature might buy a f'king garden hose with faucet adapter to work smarter, but she apparently likes stupid. SMH
I'm not sure about now, but a few years back, it was cheaper for me to buy fuel oil instead of firewood. ( I have both: oil burning furnace and woodstove). I think she could have also. She's stupid to the n'th %. I am also, like her, a slow learner, but I realized after a few years that I NEEDED to run my furnace to keep the pipes from freezing. The woodstove kept me warm but not the pipes and around the edges of the house. She probably could have saved hundreds of $ in repairs if she had turned the furnace up a few %!. ( also, use septic tank approved TP and not bamboo known for its longevity)! In her area, the city folk are buying up the firewood at top $ for their patio fires / ambiance while natives are using fuel oil cause it's cheaper!.
Ha! She should convert to a pellet stove. Since she has to buy it either way, pellets are easier to use, and it's not like she's going out in the back yard and cutting her own trees or anything. She could log her "mountain", sell the wood and use the money to buy pellets - easier to store and handle. Easier for an aging faux "homesteader". Newbie anon.
Jenna’s a contrarian cunt, and never does anything that’s either sane or sensible. Like how she quit her career way too soon, and bought a faux farm that’s never been solvent. By her own admission. She goes out of her way to be “difficult.”
Real farmers and homesteaders are all about finding smarter, faster and easier ways to get their jobs done. Said no farmer ever "Let me hand carry water when I have electricity and the means to deliver it at the turn of a switch!"
Historically, farmers have used work animals, water wheels, generators and windmills for a reason - to make farming easier.
FF thinks it's a virtue to be inefficient and undisciplined, but SCRAPPY, as she runs the property into the ground - a "farm" *cough* that by her own admission is unsustainable and only survives because she begs money from strangers.
I think y’all are hitting the nail on the head. I think her warped mind has (wrongly) figured out that creating faux difficulties gives her a storyline that she can feed to unsuspecting dummies on social media platforms who aren’t there for long enough to catch her in all her lies. Those of us who bought her crap in the early years know how this works. The difficult life, made difficult by her own stupid decisions, is her biggest prop that she uses month after month to support a beggar’s lifestyle.
I agree the hawk is treated cruelly. But legit pig people here, I have a question. Do these piglets she posted recently with her Jack-o-lantern look like 200-250 lbs pigs ready to harvest any time soon? Not to me.
Really and truly, she doesn’t have 4000 “followers”. The most likes she gets in extreme cases are still under 50. Her engagement numbers are in the single digits daily and consistently. As far as real engagement-comments-she is steadily under 5 , usually zero, d less than 15 unless she blows it up with an urgent, manufactures crisis.
Jenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈 @coldantlerfarm · 2h How do I get people I love to stop sending me reels on IG?
Ummmm, let’s see. Shall we count the ways? But also, could Jenna be any more entitle, abrasive, self-destructive, and completely lacking tact and social skills/awareness? Btw zero engagement on this tweet.
“Are you looking for a logo? Because my logo designs are half price if you buy a spot for 2023, and $50 off to start now! All sales help keep this farm going as it tries to catch up on last month's mortgage until I'm lucky enough with sales to be saving for next month's mortgage.”
“The greatest character arch of my life was being a miserable "straight" John Mayer fan in my twenties that managed to bloomed into a happy lesbian Swiftie.”
“In this house we cuddle, we watch Jenny Nicholson videos again, and we vote.”
There’s no “we” in “this house,” because Jenna’s a single person. Shannon was wise to have ended their relationship last fall. She’s also a judgmental jerk about voting. It’s a personal matter, and none of her business.
Jenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈 @coldantlerfarm Some emails and interest these past two days but sales are few and far between. If you want to make a difference in a small life, get a box of soap and take care of a whole season of host gifts or stocking stuffers! DM or visit
Yes, isn’t it "wonderful" that a disoriented, captured wild bird, kept hungry and tethered to a social media addict, flies to her glove for food it desperately needs?
She’s never lost this many followers at once. And it’s happening daily. Most of them are probably Twitter deleting bots. But I also think that some are people who are sick of her whining and begging.
Exactly. I agree with what you wrote. She has zero self-awareness, and also feels entitled to be a beggar. Jenna is the antithesis of a strong woman. It’s a joke that she wants to help anyone.
So this is hilarious:
Lesbian couple will turn a photo of your pet into a disney-style cartoon which will go on anything from canvas, to a phone case, a coffee mug etc. Worldwide shipping, unlimited revisions, 100% satisfaction guarantee!
if you have tiktok you can look them up by their handle Pet Creations Art to see them, their art, their clients receiving the art. They are *killing it*
Wow, what an industrious duo! And nowhere on their site do they play the LGBT card as their work speaks for itself. This in contrast to Jenna mentioning how *gay* her farm is every chance she gets.
"Just spent an hour repairing fences under a full moon. Pony escaped, woke us up, and now I’m wide awake and confused with the election news."
Naw, I call b.s. It's a clear sky! Fences don't go smash when you've just got them tidy for the season. They go smash when there's an ice storm or high winds and you didn't walk the fence yet. Oh. Wait....
"Was woken up at 2AM by the sound of rattling trash cans outside my front door. My thousand pound 28-year-old pony escaped the electric fencing the pigs shorted out and was stealing sheep grain.
It took an hour to find the black horse on a neighbor's property, return him to his paddock..."
That’s exactly what I thought. How shameless and cruel of her to actually admit to it. In two decades of farming with animals, and no electric fences, just regular field fences, the only time I have had a critter “escape” was when a bottle baby we had purchased that wasn’t socialized to other animals came looking for me on the back porch when the rest of her new herd didn’t seem human enough for her. Well cared for, non-nocturnal animals don’t escape an electrified fence at 2 am and go directly for cans holding feed for other animals. Period, full stop.
“Had to wake up to Elise Stefanik still being my damn congressperson. But at least my home state didn't elect a guy in confederate cosplay that hates gay people to become their governor.”
And judgmental, jerky Jenna continues to “cosplay” being an authentic farmer.
Regarding her logos. She is advertising on her IG and shows 3 examples. The only one that looks like it is an actual commissioned work ( I could find the business online and they are using the exact logo) is the “solo hub family farm”. I think it’s a terrible design ( it took me 2 tries to determine the vowel that the anchor stands for) but the farm is using her logo and they sell pork and chicken shares and the are ~ an hour from Jenna.
I wonder if most of them are fake logos she slapped together to make it appear that she had actual clients. I feel sorry for them if they were an actual, paying client.
On a few occasions in the past, dedicated Shamsters here researched the logo examples she posted and found that fewer than 50% of them were in use. A small percentage used the actual logo, whereas other companies had an entirely different logo. And many of the companies had no online presence.
"Republicans should be deeply ashamed to run a candidate as bad as Herschel Walker. But they’re not, because they’ve lost the capacity for shame. And when you’ve lost the capacity for shame, you’re capable of doing terrible things."
After seeing Jenna beg non-stop, year after year, we've come to the conclusion that she must have no shame. Thus, her own words in that tweet would suggest that she too is capable of doing terrible things. So there you have it...straight from the starving horse's mouth.
On Instagram, the Pig Shocker posted a pic of a light bulb style lantern -- something I've never seen before -- so I searched and found the same solar lanterns on Amazon at $25 for six. I also found the mason jar ones she already has hanging in her woods at $35 for six.
Tell us again how badly you need money for mortgage, feed and wood, YA BIG FAT LIAR!
I came here to make a point about soap. For the longest time she was crowing about how her soap was made “only of coconut oil, olive oil, and goats milk along with mint gathered by her from “her mountain” (the one she doesn’t have), and dried by her and crushed by her . It was pointed out here multiple times that this a soap recipe does not make. Those of us who have been soap makers for ages know that without lye all you have is fats and milk (and melt n pour base in her case). Eagle eyed soap makers here may have noticed that on her latest soap beg-I couldn’t copy and paste it because Twitter won’t let me past the subscription wall, she has now added LYE to the list of ingredients. The ONLY way one can make soap without using lye-and many hobby makers don’t want to use it because it involves complicated measurements and calculations, and lots of safety precautions such as gloves and goggles and ph testing once the soap is made and judgement on them-is to use a melt n pour base which is already saponified before it’s sold. Again, no shame for those who choose to go that route, but loads of shame for those like this lier who pretend to make soap from scratch, with wholesome ingredients, and sell it on a public forum under false pretenses. Sure, Jen, tell me again that you don’t read here. And tell me again how you make soap from scratch when it’s taken you ten years to figure out the one ingredient without which soap can’t be made.
Did anyone else notice when she was talking about being woken by rattling cans of food outside it was WE were awakened? So she has a new hostage errr I mean girlfriend? Also she says it was the horse then she said it took her an hour to find him in a neighbors yard. Which is it was the horse in her yard or was it in a neighbors yard? hhhmmmm
From IG: "Seven’s flights are steadily getting stronger and further" Really odd comment to make about an animal that presumably was flying freely a few weeks ago.
Yes. It’s sickening to read her talk about what was a wild and majestic bird of prey just a few weeks ago, thriving on its own, turned into a pathetic captor inside a dirty house. To hear her tell it, she trapped it, and it all of a sudden forgot how to fly and hunt and lo and behold, she is this savior that’s teaching it how to live the life it was already living before she devastated it. F-cking idiot.
Anyone else notice she has been almost completely off Twitter for the last 2 days? I wonder if she is stalking other platforms where she can take the beg show. If Twitter goes up in flames, according to her that’s the sole place where she “sells” her stuff-whatever will she do? Or if it becomes a paid platform.
I’ve noticed that, too. Maybe she’s mourning losing a lot of followers. She’s down to 4,786 now. Poor, desperate little Jenna will have to find another begging platform. It’s obvious that she’ll never get a job.
Hey. New here. Found this after getting suspicious. She BLOCKED ME for correcting her on a falconry statistic. She overstated the mortality rate of birds in the wild and blocked me when I corrected her? Wtf Jenna?
Welcome! As is often said here "her whole life is lies". Blocking people that question her is one of her favorite thing. That’s one of the reasons we are here. There are many of us that have followed her from the beginning….we have seen the patterns and see the big picture. I have found great comfort when I thought something seemed weird to have others here and in previous blogs call it out and make some sense of it. Hound Doggy
Welcome Anon 9:48. Happy you've come over to the light!
In my case, I was never an early follower and I never gave her money or bought her products.
I grew up in the country, where we gardened, sewed, knitted, hunted/fished, kept animals, made do or repaired for day-to-day survival. There wasn't much that she wrote that was educational for me. Her interviews were occasionally interesting, though, and her early photos were cute.
However, a little after she'd become immersed in her falconry hobby, she posted a query about desperately needing help on a specific farming problem. Not knowing that she really wanted sympathy $$$ from kind hearted strangers, I answered her question with 100% accurate information, which would have solved her problem. She totally ignored my response, not even an acknowledgment, and I thought "Hmm, that's weird."
People don't normally refuse good solutions to specific problems, so I started to investigate her, came across the amazing early sites that pointed out her awful business & farming *cough* practices and the rest is Shamster history.
Honestly, if faux farmer was more successful or if people stopped to think that she operates multiple businesses (that is, she's not a private person chatting on social media), she would have been rejected long ago. She's survived this long because she's low-level and so flies under the radar.
Jenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈 @coldantlerfarm I want you to know that if you dated me I will occasionally break into impromptu song. Not in an earnest way, more like we're inside a funny musical, but those songs will be GOOD. You just can't get that level of quality out of a hot person.
Only one man has responded to her stupid tweet. Of course, Jenna’s ignored him. Her obnoxious “I want you to know…” is a phrase that she’s overused. Along with “Get yourself a girl who can…”
There was another shamster, a few years ago, who had an account that called out Jenna’s asinine antics. It was connected in name to the former blog. But I think that it was reported and banned. I hope that doesn’t happen to yours. The blue check was a nice touch, and worth paying $7.99 to have. It looks like Musk has paused the process due to issues. So you’re lucky to have gotten one in time.
Wanted to also give a huge shoutout to the creator and keeper of the coldantlercritics on Reddit. It’s so thorough. And so helpful to those of us who are not on Instagram and can’t see the “stories”, but just the stills. So many thoughtful things pointed out, and backed up by evidence.
WIW here, yes I started the subreddit. My time is limited so I can't keep it completely up to date all the time, but it's useful for collecting things like the broken tooth claims, the mortgage payments, and posting photo edits when we notice some crap in the background like a bong or half-rotted barn wall. I really appreciate when other shamsters contribute.
Next time she begs, keep in mind that she is spending copious amounts of time on IG posting in her stories about TS. Absolutely excruciating details of crap no one cares about. If she is this into a celeb she needs help. Adults do not have the time to obsess on every lyric in TS songs. She always acts like this is just a gay thing but frankly I think it’s a Jenna thing. Someone told her they weren’t interested and so she told them she would block them.
It always astounds me that someone who complains that people aren’t open minded is literally the least open minded person ever! Like I have the right to not want to hear about every single fart that Taylor has and you have the right to enjoy fantasizing about TS’s farts. She takes it so personally it’s ridiculous. It’s a celeb who most certainly is calculating with a team how to make as much revenue as possible and Jenna is begging for nickels on Twitter like a modern day panhandler.
She has obsessed over and stalked Anna Kendrick, Aya Cash, and Emily Blunt. There may have been more, but I can't remember. She was stuck on Anna Kendrick for a very long time.
This is the third time that I’ve posted the comment, and it’s been deleted each time. So I’m doing it again, and asking HD why it would be removed? You’ve said there aren’t any words that are banned on the blog. And bitch is mild compared to calling her a cunt. I’d appreciate an answer, thanks.
Jenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈 @coldantlerfarm · 43m I don't know the future of Twitter but I do know it's been one of the only ways I've been able to earn income through promoting what the farm has to offer. We're heading towards the holidays and mid-Nov and I am still trying to make October black. Every sale helps! Please DM
Maybe don’t rely on social media for your livelihood?
If Jenna was really worried about “her future,” then she’d go and get a job. But she’s rigidly refusing to work for someone else. She’d rather be a beggar, and hold out her hand for free funds from followers.
She should put as much energy into honest work as she does into begging for comments about TS. She must be incredibly lonely to spent so much time looking for social interaction from online strangers.
Anonymous 1:19. Jenna’s a “difficult,” her own personal description, sociopathic scammer who has no social skills. That’s why she’s obsessed with Twitter and Instagram. She can control, and carefully curate a false persona.
@ anonymous 2.14: She also prefers to be terminally online because then nobody can tell how much she stinks like unwashed ass and whatever else she’s got growing in her folds and flaps. (Ugh, made myself a little sick thinking about it)
I can't emphasize how odd it is for a "farmer" to sell meat shares (that can only be picked up locally) through Twitter. In small towns and cities, people know who offers CSA shares. A quick post on local bulletin boards or community facebook/ig takes care of that. But she doesn't advertise to locals. She mostly advertises on Twitter. Encouraging faraway readers to buy meat "futures" and/or donate meat are lures to encourage folks to pay for imaginary meat but never pick-up.
There is so much I can’t wrap my head around when it comes to discrepancies in her stories and life. The failed CSA. The “futures” in meat that may not even get to live there if he gets foreclosed on. The living like fiction while others pay. And as per las tweet, she is now bragging about something she is going to watch on Netflix. I’m sorry, but if I am begging stagers for ten years straight to pay my mortgage and feed my pigs and feed my stove with firewood…the last thing I’d brag about ONLINE to the same people is something I’m going to watch on Netflix. In fact, Netflix would be one of the first things to go when I can’t pay my other, more basic bills.
You are a responsible and practical adult who understands this. She refuses to believe those rules apply to her. She is spending every night on IG making story after story of TS lore instead of doing sweet fuck all to “ earn up” some folding money to pay her mortgage.
Anon, 'tis a mystery. I wrote a long parody poem about the Pember museum, posted and it repeatedly disappeared. No curse words, so no idea why. I finally gave up.
On IG she is talking about the gratitude she has for the wood she has to get her through the snow fall this week ( I live near her and her exaggerating about the weather makes me nuts! Cambridge snow forecast this week is nothing to get wild about in upstate NY!!) she still needs wood and hay and has no clue how to pay for it but.....
She is going to spend time today working with her prisoner/hawk, yoga, and reading a romance novel.
I mean... she sounds super worried about paying those there billz!!
Most normal adults prioritize working to support themselves. But Jenna’s been enabled for years by stupid, sycophantic supporters like Pember Patty. So she feels free to start her week off like a teen who has no responsibilities.
I just want to add that she lists her romance novel as “new from Battenkill books”. Totally amazing how when she can’t pay her mortgage or pay for wood or hay she has money for new books!!! Wonder how much that yoga program she brags about every day costs?
The fact that she flaunts new purchases, uses a yoga program, and brags about streaming services, but then begs for mortgage money each and every month is unbelievable.
Yes! My partner and I have two incomes ( which I know makes anything I say invalid to Jenna since she is all alone on the mountain) and we periodically discuss how the money is being spent and what we could/ should cut back on. I can guarantee, that if we could not pay our mortgage we would cancel all streaming services!!!
I love how on Twitter she is using the same picture to talk about her work hustling as she is using on IG to say she’s fucking around reading new romance novels and doing yoga. Priceless!!!
Twit Shit: "I don't know the future of Twitter but I do know it's been one of the only ways I've been able to earn income..."
First off, it's one of the ONLY ways to earn income? C'mon you grifting lazy liar, as you know a JOB would solve all of your self made problems. Also, "earn income" is NOT an accepted euphemism for begging.
Secondly, Twitter's future ain't looking great so you need to find a new begging platform ASAP. I saw an interesting take today on why Twitter will probably fail:
"Twitter is hit the hardest because the platform was never profitable. Elon Musk was forced into buying it and seems unconcerned about tanking it. There's speculation that Elon was only pretending to offer to buy Twitter, to manipulate the stock for his own profit (as he famously did for DOGECOIN.) But because cryptocurrency like dogecoin is less regulated and corporate stocks are more regulated, this led to him being forced to actually buy the company. At first he tried to escape by pointing out how many Twitter users are bots and so the platform is even less financially viable than is publically stated, but this tactic did not work. So he immediately pursued layoffs, and may even tank the whole platform. This would be rational if the platform is only ever going to lose him money in the long run."
So put that into yer pipe and smoke it. And again, get a JOB.
Amazing how pig shocker is able to put aside her progressive political views to remain on the social media platform of a nearly-racist, clearly misogynistic, worker-abusing a$$hole because his business (Twitter) has been personally good for her. The world is filled with such a$$holes, and sometimes we must work with them to achieve goals.
But as she's such an opinionated twat, endlessly pontificating and lecturing OTHERS on why they shouldn't AT ALL support "right wing" people like Musk, her actions are funny as hell 🤣
Such a slippery slope, eh?
Cue her writing a whiney, 💩 post to justify her actions.
On Instagram, the Pig Shocker has a new multi-pic post regarding cOzY niGhTs and her need for more firewood and hay. But what caught my attention was the second photo which shows her dog sleeping on a bean bag, and behind it, a rifle leaning against the sliding glass door.
I may be a non gun owning cidiot but isn't it kinda stupid to have deadly weapons in plain view of any potential outside intruders? Like say it's 3am and she's asleep upstairs and some crazy person is looking to break in. Or maybe it's daytime and she's at Subway. Either way, the burglar sees the rifle and then busts the lock or breaks the glass. And now they have a gun to use.
BTW, she also once shared a pic in which she placed an axe as decoration right next to her front door. Does she not think?
That rifle has been leaning against the door for ages. Who knows if it even works. As Anon 5:08 said, likely more of her fake rural posturing (where normal people know how to safely store weaponry).
This week marks the one year anniversary of Shannon's brilliant decision to flee the nightmare fuckery that is Jenna's CAF. We will probably never know the real reason she suddenly fled, but it had to have been something reeeeaally bad to have left Jenna high and dry right before the holidays.
On my Breakup Bingo card I have:
-Credit card debt: Shannon maxed out all her cards on Jenna's bullshit promises of getting a real job. -Total complete burnout: From making every meal, feeding every animal, fixing every fence, growing all the food, while Jenna just took pics to post on Instagram. -Olfactory issues: Shannon's sinuses burst after months of having to sleep in the same bed as Jenna and her dog hair covered sheets. -Deception: She realized that Jenna is a LINO (Lesbian In Name Only). -Taylor Swift overload: Hearing that music 24/7/365 got on Shannon's very last nerve. And I really hope Shannon drove away CAF blasting "Swish Swish Bish" from her car stereo.
"I am a huge Taylor Swift Fan. I can't afford to go to tour, but I did get a verified password to get early tickets through Ticketmaster (luck of the draw) and an ex girlfriend said she'd reimburse me if I was lucky enough to get us seats... " *An* ex-girlfriend. One of the many, no doubt!
No, she can't afford to go. So an ex would reimburse her? The starting price for TS tickets in either NJ or MA is approximately $800 each. That means she would have to come up with $1600 to purchase. Now. Today. What's she going to do, magically find 2 tickets at the dump?
And there's more to going to a concert than just the ticket like gas to get there, parking, even food. Not to mention overpriced merch because she couldn't possible go without. So, add another $200-$300 on top of the ticket price. I'm a TS fan too, but there is no way I'd be spending that kind of money on this.
I don’t believe a thing she says. Why would an ex ask her to get tickets-together, no less, AND reimburse her not only for one, but two tickets-if that’s what she is saying? - no way. I call BS. Why wouldn’t the ex just get her own passcode and get her own ticket? How can Jenna, who claims to have no credit cards, not just buy a ticket which Is almost $1K, but two of them? My best friend bought tickets today for herself and 5 daughters. The passcodes were sent earlier. Today was the day, at 9:20 our time, that the passcode holders could log into a website and have a chance at buying a ticket. Jenna’s timing doesn’t add up. If she is really doing this the way she says she is, she has had the passcode for over a week now. She would have crowed all about it. Last but not least, when you have begged strangers to pay your mortgage for the last ten years, you have zero, zero business going to $1K per pop concert. Even if the supposed friend is paying for her own ticket. I highly doubt she is paying for Jenna’s, too.
Remember, SD wasn't that big of a TS fan; she retweeted "Taylor Swift is to white girls what Joker was to incels." One of the follow-up comments to the original tweet called TS followers "(admittedly) creepy people".
PS is probably lying again, hoping people will send her poodle $$$.
Her weird worship of female celebrities is at the stupid, scary stalker level. Jenna’s emotional maturity is stunted at either 13 or 14. That’s why she’s frequently mentioned her younger self.
Anonymous 12:38. I said that too above in a comment. She’s had very little experience in relationships other than her friends. Jenna’s trying to give the false impression that she’s had multiple romances. It’s another lie.
y'all I bet it's Becca. She never went public with that relationship, but I bet their fun weekends together was really casual dating and they stayed "friends" publically.
Becca has *no idea* the kind of grifter Jenna really is. PP is probably involved too, after all it's CHRISTMAS coming up!
Jenna does this every year - complains to be 2 months behind on the mortgage in November and then suddenly has money for christmas and purchasing concert tickets.
WIW, makes sense. I forgot about her, because she was so fleeting (two-three weekends?)
PS probably pulled out those lacender-sprayed sheets for Becca, but Becca wasn't feeling it (the lizard brain warning her)...maybe she's got a little guilt over not becoming an item???
Why would an ex spend an extra almost thousand bucks as opposed to getting her own single ticket? Makes no sense. I just don’t see anyone like Jenna staying casual friends with an ex. She is too bitter, immature, and condescending to nurture a relationship like that.
Anonymous 4:13. Your description of Jenna is correct. She hasn’t remained friends with Shannon who actually lived with her. So why would she keep in contact with anyone else?
She supposedly got tickets. Can not wait to see how she pulls this off considering she can’t pay her mortgage and has no money. Even if the friend is paying hundreds of dollars for her ticket, there are still other costs! I would laugh my ass off if the “ex” was like “oh yeah get me the tickets and I’ll pay “ and then doesn’t or better yet takes a different girl!😂😂😂
The optics of Jenna bragging about having gotten an almost $1000 ticket while being under threat of foreclosure and while having constantly begged for her most basic living bills for the last ten years, after having had to re-home animals she couldn’t care for, after begging for “even just a dollar” , after lying about dental bills in order to get pity donations, is the chef’s kiss of her BS, pathetic existence as a fake farmer.
The fact that Jenna wrote in her own words that her ex would “ reimburse “ her is telling. Telling that she has a credit card. She’s maintained that she did not in the past as part of her poor me ploys for donations. I don’t think anyone offered to pay for this. Why would an ex do that. We aren’t talking about a coffee here. I think something is very shady about this fictional tale. Not sure if we will ever know the truth!
I think you are right. There is no ex reimbursing her. I think she made the story up so the few that still give her money don’t scold her for using it on a ticket that costs almost as much as her mortgage for a month. It is definitely a lie that she doesn’t have a credit card. She just bought at least one ticket to a very expensive concert. You have to have a credit card to do that. And if you don’t, then you have to hat least that much in your bank account so you can use your debit card. Which she has said for ten plus years is not the case. Constantly her balance is in the single or double digits according to her own admission. Like many around here, I am now seriously doubting she is behind on the mortgage. Perhaps she planned this ahead and basically had recent pity donations from internet strangers finance her expensive trip to and back. concert ticket, parking, food, merch.
This criminal constantly claims that she’s months behind in making her mortgage payments. But she can now afford a very expensive ticket to see her idol. “Sure, Jen.”
Anyone who donates to this con cunt deserves to be scammed by her.
The plot thickens. If you go to the tweets and replies tab on her Twitter, you can see her replies to others. She rants on about how she is on the site but her password isn’t working (there were delays yesterday ). Also, everyone who got a passcode got tickets. I think the presale and passcode was all for hype. But anyway. THEN she says, “I am buying three tickets and these people depend on me and are financing it”. So she has enough play room on a credit card to put not one, not two, but THREE tickets which on average are around $700 each? And if we are to believe her prior claims that she has no credit card whatsoever, then you mean to tell me she had that much in her bank account so she could use her debi card to bu these tickets, but is two months (on to be three) on her mortgage? I call major, major BS
On her IG stories she posted a post by her friend ( ex??) Rebecca who has visited the farm recently that said she got TS tickets and covid on the same day Thanks to Jenna who got tickets. Interesting.
Anyone who gives her money is a chump and a fool!!!
Are tickets really that expensive? It's fun to think of Jenna going to that concert and being turned away at the door because she brought her hawk, 2 dogs and Merlin. I feel sorry for the person with the seat in front of her, because you know Jenna will be yell singing every.single.word.
I thought that after screaming in all caps that she has expensive tickets to a TS concert🙄, the poser will stop begging for a few days because that would be a horrible look. But no. There she is begging in full force again this morning. Yesterday she was buying pricy tickets, today she needs someone to pay her mortgage again. Well, two mortgages. Three in about three more weeks.
She’s on her stupid cycle of “Look at my scrappy little life! ! I’m living like fiction!” It never lasts long, because it’s fake. Jenna always crashes soon, and she’ll be back to begging.
What a vile, disgusting human she is. Of course she got tickets. Because what Jenna wants, Jenna the expense of all the enablers and suckers who fund her lying bullshit lifestyle. Are they BLIND? Do they not see her begging one minute and then bragging about new luxuries and trips to the pub the next?
And all of you here made very good points, especially pointing out her lack of a credit card. She is totally full of shit. I'll bet someone else procured the tickets and now she has to reimburse THEM. So get ready for even more begging than usual.
Twitter is in big trouble. After laying off roughly half it's employees, scores more just quit, resulting in Twitter just announcing it's corporate offices will be closed from now until Monday.
Jenna needs to start looking for a new platform to beg NOW. And another one to sell her crap. Seriously, this is really bad news for her. Now excuse me why I go cry.
She is too busy spending time making IG stories about TS to be worried about her mortgage right now. I predict that with about 5 days left of the month, she will start with her “ I have 3/17 of my October payment earned up, please buy some goods from my itty bitty gay farm, I have no trust fund or people to help me”. Then she will magically earn up the mortgage payment by 11/1.
It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
Her Twitter numbers are still steadily declining: 4, 816 today.
ReplyDeleteLols. Also, it's now possible to buy herself one of those verified blue checks she so covets for the low monthly price of $8.
DeleteThink she'll do it?
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
I know there's no law against it, but when these city people drive to rural areas, park their cars, and walk their leashed dogs on random country roads full of farms - do not be surprised if 4 different loose farm dogs from 3 different addresses come up at you. This isn't a park.
Guess what, you dick. This tweet is nothing more but a cry for attention by a poser with hidden imposter syndrome. Look at me, guys, the scrappy rural farmer with an off leash dog preaching to the city slickers..gross.
I live in a very rural state, in a rural agricultural county, out in the sticks as we say. Even our county has leash laws both inside and OUTSIDE the city limits, even in our neck of the woods. I have two farm dogs and guess what, country road or not, for their safety and the safety of my neighbors and their livestock, I wouldn’t dream of having them off leash unless we were in one of our own, fenced in pastures.
She is a dick, that’s all.
I came her to comment something similar. The badass, brave butch lives on a public road. That we’ve driven down many times. Jenna’s a judgmental twat.
DeleteEdit: here not her (autocorrect)
DeleteSince Faux Farmer is almost always wrong with her pompous pronouncements (this one about dog walking), I did a little checking.
DeleteNot a surprise - she's wrong about leash laws in her neighborhood. Both Cambridge and Jackson have leash laws (Cambridge since the 1995 and Jackson since 2011) which basically say it is unlawful for a dog to be running loose on public properties or on other people's property, without authorization by landowner. (Roads are considered public thoroughfares by the way.) Dogs must be leashed or under the owner's control at all times.
So it's reasonable to expect that people - gasp! even city people who drive to rural areas - who are lawfully walking their leashed dogs on a public thoroughfare SHOULD NOT be confronted or harassed by dogs that are not confined, restrained, leashed or otherwise completely controlled by their owners.
Again, faux farmer - aka Pig Shocker - needs to STFU.
Anon, she works so hard at alienating people! And being stupid!
ReplyDeleteWe're in the country, and guess what, we have leash laws for dogs who aren't on their own property. Last I heard, public streets aren't the private domain of faux farmer who's out playing with a captured raptor instead of working to pay mortgage and bills.
If her poorly-trained dogs attack someone on a public thoroughfare, she'll have a heck of a lawsuit to enjoy.
Amen! But leave it to her to make her own problem everyone else’s.
DeleteJenna isn't just stupid...she's aggressively stupid. Like it's a contest or something.
DeleteAnon7. Exactly. Jenna’s stubborn stupidity is so extreme that it’s “like a contest.” Unfortunately, she’s losing not winning one.
DeleteOn IG she is posting old pics ( there’s snow in her pics and I live near her and we’ve had no snow and weather in the 70’s!!) she is going on and in about how she has no help or spouse or job or family to borrow money from. She’s going on and on how she has to tend her fire to keep warm and doesn’t know how to pay the October mortgage. She says that she isn’t knocking those with spouses and a 9-5 direct depot job, but she loves what she does and is writing an important book to help other woman! 😫.
I love how with Jenna, you can only have a 9-5 job or do what she does. There’s no inbetween. Like she could work 15 hours a week at a direct deposit job and it could pay some of her bills. She’s so ridiculous! Gorgeous day here again in her neck of the woods and there shouldn’t be any whining about cold or snow
I'll never get over how she loves to have a fire when it's warm out! Then she opens the window. Then she's back to asking for money for more wood!
DeleteLol, it's been in the 70s, and evenings were in the 50s-60s. It's unseasonably warm, although next week dips below freezing for a couple of nights.
DeletePoor FFF. By her own admission, every morning, she needs to "wake up, get chores done..."
You know, that hipster coffee doesn't make itself!
Then she must open the little door to her woodstove, throw in pre-cut and delivered wood to tend the fire. She could turn up the oil furnace, but where's the victim drama in that?.
Last, she must throw animal hay over the fence, and stupidly (I can't believe I'm writing it) CARRY buckets of water out to animals. A more sentient creature might buy a f'king garden hose with faucet adapter to work smarter, but she apparently likes stupid.
I'm not sure about now, but a few years back, it was cheaper for me to buy fuel oil instead of firewood. ( I have both: oil burning furnace and woodstove). I think she could have also. She's stupid to the n'th %. I am also, like her, a slow learner, but I realized after a few years that I NEEDED to run my furnace to keep the pipes from freezing. The woodstove kept me warm but not the pipes and around the edges of the house. She probably could have saved hundreds of $ in repairs if she had turned the furnace up a few %!. ( also, use septic tank approved TP and not bamboo known for its longevity)! In her area, the city folk are buying up the firewood at top $ for their patio fires / ambiance while natives are using fuel oil cause it's cheaper!.
ReplyDeleteBut then Jenna wouldn’t have her firewood “ambiance.” Said sarcastically.
DeleteHa! She should convert to a pellet stove. Since she has to buy it either way, pellets are easier to use, and it's not like she's going out in the back yard and cutting her own trees or anything. She could log her "mountain", sell the wood and use the money to buy pellets - easier to store and handle. Easier for an aging faux "homesteader".
ReplyDeleteNewbie anon.
Jenna’s a contrarian cunt, and never does anything that’s either sane or sensible. Like how she quit her career way too soon, and bought a faux farm that’s never been solvent. By her own admission. She goes out of her way to be “difficult.”
DeleteShe mistakenly thinks that obstinacy is a virtue not hindrance.
DeleteReal farmers and homesteaders are all about finding smarter, faster and easier ways to get their jobs done. Said no farmer ever "Let me hand carry water when I have electricity and the means to deliver it at the turn of a switch!"
DeleteHistorically, farmers have used work animals, water wheels, generators and windmills for a reason - to make farming easier.
FF thinks it's a virtue to be inefficient and undisciplined, but SCRAPPY, as she runs the property into the ground - a "farm" *cough* that by her own admission is unsustainable and only survives because she begs money from strangers.
I think y’all are hitting the nail on the head. I think her warped mind has (wrongly) figured out that creating faux difficulties gives her a storyline that she can feed to unsuspecting dummies on social media platforms who aren’t there for long enough to catch her in all her lies. Those of us who bought her crap in the early years know how this works.
DeleteThe difficult life, made difficult by her own stupid decisions, is her biggest prop that she uses month after month to support a beggar’s lifestyle.
Her hawk should not be in her house. Enough!! Report, report report!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWe will.
DeleteI agree the hawk is treated cruelly. But legit pig people here, I have a question. Do these piglets she posted recently with her Jack-o-lantern look like 200-250 lbs pigs ready to harvest any time soon? Not to me.
DeleteHer followers are still steadily declining: 4, 809. LOL!!!
ReplyDelete4,809 (deleted space)
DeleteReally and truly, she doesn’t have 4000 “followers”. The most likes she gets in extreme cases are still under 50. Her engagement numbers are in the single digits daily and consistently. As far as real engagement-comments-she is steadily under 5 , usually zero, d less than 15 unless she blows it up with an urgent, manufactures crisis.
DeleteThe count is even lower now: 4,804.
DeleteNow, 4,802, and dropping daily.
DeleteDown to 4,800 now.
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
How do I get people I love to stop sending me reels on IG?
Ummmm, let’s see. Shall we count the ways?
But also, could Jenna be any more entitle, abrasive, self-destructive, and completely lacking tact and social skills/awareness?
Btw zero engagement on this tweet.
“Are you looking for a logo? Because my logo designs are half price if you buy a spot for 2023, and $50 off to start now! All sales help keep this farm going as it tries to catch up on last month's mortgage until I'm lucky enough with sales to be saving for next month's mortgage.”
ReplyDeleteShe’s shameless.
Shameless enough o retweet herself with this exact same tweet exactly an hour later
ReplyDelete“The greatest character arch of my life was being a miserable "straight" John Mayer fan in my twenties that managed to bloomed into a happy lesbian Swiftie.”
ReplyDeleteYou’re still a lying, lazy loser.
It’s “managed to bloom.” Her lack of commas is also more rotten writing.
Delete“In this house we cuddle, we watch Jenny Nicholson videos again, and we vote.”
ReplyDeleteThere’s no “we” in “this house,” because Jenna’s a single person. Shannon was wise to have ended their relationship last fall. She’s also a judgmental jerk about voting. It’s a personal matter, and none of her business.
“I voted.”
ReplyDeleteNo one cares, cunt.
“Woke Wog” is humble-bragging and virtue-signaling at the same time.
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
Some emails and interest these past two days but sales are few and far between. If you want to make a difference in a small life, get a box of soap and take care of a whole season of host gifts or stocking stuffers! DM or visit
Boo hoo.
There she goes again with her stupid “dumb small life” crap. Feel sorry for a lying, lazy loser like me. Get a job, slob.
Delete“3 weeks ago we were strangers”
ReplyDeleteAnd now, the innocent bird is another trapped victim in her hovel. When it should be flying free.
Down to 4,798 followers. LOL!!!
DeleteYes, isn’t it "wonderful" that a disoriented, captured wild bird, kept hungry and tethered to a social media addict, flies to her glove for food it desperately needs?
DeletePDD. She’s going to pay the price for her years of animal abusing.
DeleteShe’s never lost this many followers at once. And it’s happening daily. Most of them are probably Twitter deleting bots. But I also think that some are people who are sick of her whining and begging.
ReplyDeleteExactly. I agree with what you wrote. She has zero self-awareness, and also feels entitled to be a beggar. Jenna is the antithesis of a strong woman. It’s a joke that she wants to help anyone.
ReplyDeleteSo this is hilarious:
ReplyDeleteLesbian couple will turn a photo of your pet into a disney-style cartoon which will go on anything from canvas, to a phone case, a coffee mug etc. Worldwide shipping, unlimited revisions, 100% satisfaction guarantee!
I found them because they're advertizing on tiktoc... successfully.
Deleteif you have tiktok you can look them up by their handle Pet Creations Art to see them, their art, their clients receiving the art. They are *killing it*
DeleteWow, what an industrious duo! And nowhere on their site do they play the LGBT card as their work speaks for itself. This in contrast to Jenna mentioning how *gay* her farm is every chance she gets.
Delete"Just spent an hour repairing fences under a full moon. Pony escaped, woke us up, and now I’m wide awake and confused with the election news."
ReplyDeleteNaw, I call b.s. It's a clear sky! Fences don't go smash when you've just got them tidy for the season. They go smash when there's an ice storm or high winds and you didn't walk the fence yet. Oh. Wait....
This morning, Dead Animal Farm saw a 24F outside temperature. Old pony was probably cold and needed extra food to warm up.
DeleteHey, I called it. She wrote:
Delete"Was woken up at 2AM by the sound of rattling trash cans outside my front door. My thousand pound 28-year-old pony escaped the electric fencing the pigs shorted out and was stealing sheep grain.
It took an hour to find the black horse on a neighbor's property, return him to his paddock..."
Poor guy was likely cold and hungry... Fcuk her.
That’s exactly what I thought. How shameless and cruel of her to actually admit to it. In two decades of farming with animals, and no electric fences, just regular field fences, the only time I have had a critter “escape” was when a bottle baby we had purchased that wasn’t socialized to other animals came looking for me on the back porch when the rest of her new herd didn’t seem human enough for her.
DeleteWell cared for, non-nocturnal animals don’t escape an electrified fence at 2 am and go directly for cans holding feed for other animals. Period, full stop.
Plus not to mention the pony could colic from eating all the grain. But you know she won't follow up on that.
DeleteThe thought of hungry animals breaks my heart. And this is not the first time her furry props have done this.
Delete“Had to wake up to Elise Stefanik still being my damn congressperson. But at least my home state didn't elect a guy in confederate cosplay that hates gay people to become their governor.”
ReplyDeleteAnd judgmental, jerky Jenna continues to “cosplay” being an authentic farmer.
It’s 4,795 now, and dropping.
ReplyDelete4793! Dropping like flies.
DeleteHow low can it go
DeleteHow low can it go
Doin' the count dive, baby!
Regarding her logos. She is advertising on her IG and shows 3 examples. The only one that looks like it is an actual commissioned work ( I could find the business online and they are using the exact logo) is the “solo hub family farm”. I think it’s a terrible design ( it took me 2 tries to determine the vowel that the anchor stands for) but the farm is using her logo and they sell pork and chicken shares and the are ~ an hour from Jenna.
ReplyDeleteDoes she just make random logos?
I have thought the same thing. Never can find any if the businesses online.
DeleteI wonder if most of them are fake logos she slapped together to make it appear that she had actual clients. I feel sorry for them if they were an actual, paying client.
DeleteThat’s what I am wondering.
DeleteOn a few occasions in the past, dedicated Shamsters here researched the logo examples she posted and found that fewer than 50% of them were in use. A small percentage used the actual logo, whereas other companies had an entirely different logo. And many of the companies had no online presence.
DeleteTwitter Twaddle - Irony Edition:
ReplyDelete"Republicans should be deeply ashamed to run a candidate as bad as Herschel Walker.
But they’re not, because they’ve lost the capacity for shame. And when you’ve lost the capacity for shame, you’re capable of doing terrible things."
After seeing Jenna beg non-stop, year after year, we've come to the conclusion that she must have no shame. Thus, her own words in that tweet would suggest that she too is capable of doing terrible things. So there you have it...straight from the starving horse's mouth.
DeleteOn Instagram, the Pig Shocker posted a pic of a light bulb style lantern -- something I've never seen before -- so I searched and found the same solar lanterns on Amazon at $25 for six. I also found the mason jar ones she already has hanging in her woods at $35 for six.
ReplyDeleteTell us again how badly you need money for mortgage, feed and wood, YA BIG FAT LIAR!
I came here to make a point about soap. For the longest time she was crowing about how her soap was made “only of coconut oil, olive oil, and goats milk along with mint gathered by her from “her mountain” (the one she doesn’t have), and dried by her and crushed by her . It was pointed out here multiple times that this a soap recipe does not make. Those of us who have been soap makers for ages know that without lye all you have is fats and milk (and melt n pour base in her case).
ReplyDeleteEagle eyed soap makers here may have noticed that on her latest soap beg-I couldn’t copy and paste it because Twitter won’t let me past the subscription wall, she has now added LYE to the list of ingredients. The ONLY way one can make soap without using lye-and many hobby makers don’t want to use it because it involves complicated measurements and calculations, and lots of safety precautions such as gloves and goggles and ph testing once the soap is made and judgement on them-is to use a melt n pour base which is already saponified before it’s sold. Again, no shame for those who choose to go that route, but loads of shame for those like this lier who pretend to make soap from scratch, with wholesome ingredients, and sell it on a public forum under false pretenses.
Sure, Jen, tell me again that you don’t read here. And tell me again how you make soap from scratch when it’s taken you ten years to figure out the one ingredient without which soap can’t be made.
Her soap is subpar. We’ve had friends who’ve bought it before. Her whole life is lies.
DeleteDid anyone else notice when she was talking about being woken by rattling cans of food outside it was WE were awakened? So she has a new hostage errr I mean girlfriend? Also she says it was the horse then she said it took her an hour to find him in a neighbors yard. Which is it was the horse in her yard or was it in a neighbors yard? hhhmmmm
ReplyDeleteI did but she has been saying that lately in reference to her and the dogs.
DeleteShe’d be gloating if there was a new “girl” in her life. No one of merit would want a lying, lazy loser like Jenna.
Delete4,790 now. Oh, how the flighty have fallen. LOL!!!
ReplyDelete4,787 now.
DeleteFrom IG: "Seven’s flights are steadily getting stronger and further" Really odd comment to make about an animal that presumably was flying freely a few weeks ago.
ReplyDeleteYes. It’s sickening to read her talk about what was a wild and majestic bird of prey just a few weeks ago, thriving on its own, turned into a pathetic captor inside a dirty house. To hear her tell it, she trapped it, and it all of a sudden forgot how to fly and hunt and lo and behold, she is this savior that’s teaching it how to live the life it was already living before she devastated it. F-cking idiot.
DeleteShe’s going to pay the price for her years of abusing animals.
DeleteAnyone else notice she has been almost completely off Twitter for the last 2 days? I wonder if she is stalking other platforms where she can take the beg show. If Twitter goes up in flames, according to her that’s the sole place where she “sells” her stuff-whatever will she do? Or if it becomes a paid platform.
ReplyDeleteI’ve noticed that, too. Maybe she’s mourning losing a lot of followers. She’s down to 4,786 now. Poor, desperate little Jenna will have to find another begging platform. It’s obvious that she’ll never get a job.
DeleteEdit: it’s 4,785.
DeleteAnd losing even more at 4,784 now. She’ll be down to under 4,000 soon.
Delete4,782 now. It’s enjoyable to track her decline in numbers.
DeleteHey. New here. Found this after getting suspicious. She BLOCKED ME for correcting her on a falconry statistic. She overstated the mortality rate of birds in the wild and blocked me when I corrected her? Wtf Jenna?
ReplyDeleteGoing through the back catalogue here and the reddit group... Wow. She's been at this a while, huh?
DeleteI've noticed things not adding up the last few years. I followed her for a while 10+ years ago then found her again a couple of years ago.
DeleteGuess she's just lying and looking for a free ride. Bad news for the hawk which would have had a 20% chance of survival in the wild. (Not 10% Jenna)
Welcome! As is often said here "her whole life is lies". Blocking people that question her is one of her favorite thing. That’s one of the reasons we are here. There are many of us that have followed her from the beginning….we have seen the patterns and see the big picture. I have found great comfort when I thought something seemed weird to have others here and in previous blogs call it out and make some sense of it.
DeleteHound Doggy
Welcome Anon 9:48. Happy you've come over to the light!
DeleteIn my case, I was never an early follower and I never gave her money or bought her products.
I grew up in the country, where we gardened, sewed, knitted, hunted/fished, kept animals, made do or repaired for day-to-day survival. There wasn't much that she wrote that was educational for me. Her interviews were occasionally interesting, though, and her early photos were cute.
However, a little after she'd become immersed in her falconry hobby, she posted a query about desperately needing help on a specific farming problem. Not knowing that she really wanted sympathy $$$ from kind hearted strangers, I answered her question with 100% accurate information, which would have solved her problem. She totally ignored my response, not even an acknowledgment, and I thought "Hmm, that's weird."
People don't normally refuse good solutions to specific problems, so I started to investigate her, came across the amazing early sites that pointed out her awful business & farming *cough* practices and the rest is Shamster history.
Honestly, if faux farmer was more successful or if people stopped to think that she operates multiple businesses (that is, she's not a private person chatting on social media), she would have been rejected long ago. She's survived this long because she's low-level and so flies under the radar.
ReplyDeleteThe bitch is back, begging for soap sales. It’s funny to see her following finally drop.
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
I want you to know that if you dated me I will occasionally break into impromptu song. Not in an earnest way, more like we're inside a funny musical, but those songs will be GOOD. You just can't get that level of quality out of a hot person.
What is she even talking about???
If you dated me, I WOULD not I WILL. Some writer …..
DeleteShe’s a rotten writer. And Jenna’s saying that she’s NOT hot. I agree with her for once.
DeleteOnly one man has responded to her stupid tweet. Of course, Jenna’s ignored him. Her obnoxious “I want you to know…” is a phrase that she’s overused. Along with “Get yourself a girl who can…”
DeleteI'm thinking I will set up a Jenna parody twitter account. Blue check of course!
ReplyDelete"I totally fed all me animals this morning"
"Oh no! Mortgage AGAIN? I just paid it like six weeks ago"
Screw it. I did it.
I suggest you scroll to the bottom and read up. Enjoy :) WIW
DeleteWIW. That’s great! It almost makes me want to try Twitter again.
DeleteThese are wonderful! Well done!
DeleteThere was another shamster, a few years ago, who had an account that called out Jenna’s asinine antics. It was connected in name to the former blog. But I think that it was reported and banned. I hope that doesn’t happen to yours. The blue check was a nice touch, and worth paying $7.99 to have. It looks like Musk has paused the process due to issues. So you’re lucky to have gotten one in time.
DeleteEdit: I see that the blue check is on the pic of her fake fat face. Sorry, my mistake.
DeleteGood one!
DeleteFYI, the other Twitter account, who showcased faux farmer's faked 'farming' claims, wasn't banned, just went private.
DeleteWanted to also give a huge shoutout to the creator and keeper of the coldantlercritics on Reddit. It’s so thorough. And so helpful to those of us who are not on Instagram and can’t see the “stories”, but just the stills. So many thoughtful things pointed out, and backed up by evidence.
DeleteAnonymous 8:49. I think that WIW (Woe is Wog) was also responsible for creating the Reddit sub.
DeleteWIW here, yes I started the subreddit. My time is limited so I can't keep it completely up to date all the time, but it's useful for collecting things like the broken tooth claims, the mortgage payments, and posting photo edits when we notice some crap in the background like a bong or half-rotted barn wall. I really appreciate when other shamsters contribute.
DeleteNext time she begs, keep in mind that she is spending copious amounts of time on IG posting in her stories about TS. Absolutely excruciating details of crap no one cares about. If she is this into a celeb she needs help. Adults do not have the time to obsess on every lyric in TS songs. She always acts like this is just a gay thing but frankly I think it’s a Jenna thing. Someone told her they weren’t interested and so she told them she would block them.
ReplyDeleteIt always astounds me that someone who complains that people aren’t open minded is literally the least open minded person ever! Like I have the right to not want to hear about every single fart that Taylor has and you have the right to enjoy fantasizing about TS’s farts. She takes it so personally it’s ridiculous. It’s a celeb who most certainly is calculating with a team how to make as much revenue as possible and Jenna is begging for nickels on Twitter like a modern day panhandler.
She has obsessed over and stalked Anna Kendrick, Aya Cash, and Emily Blunt. There may have been more, but I can't remember. She was stuck on Anna Kendrick for a very long time.
DeleteJenna’s like a scary stalker, and mentally still a teen.
DeleteThis is the third time that I’ve posted the comment, and it’s been deleted each time. So I’m doing it again, and asking HD why it would be removed? You’ve said there aren’t any words that are banned on the blog. And bitch is mild compared to calling her a cunt. I’d appreciate an answer, thanks.
ReplyDeleteHD. Here’s the comment again, that preceded the one above. I don’t know why it’s been deleted multiple times:
DeleteThe bitch has been busy, buying bots to increase her decline in followers. It won’t work.
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
I don't know the future of Twitter but I do know it's been one of the only ways I've been able to earn income through promoting what the farm has to offer. We're heading towards the holidays and mid-Nov and I am still trying to make October black. Every sale helps! Please DM
Maybe don’t rely on social media for your livelihood?
If Jenna was really worried about “her future,” then she’d go and get a job. But she’s rigidly refusing to work for someone else. She’d rather be a beggar, and hold out her hand for free funds from followers.
DeleteShe should put as much energy into honest work as she does into begging for comments about TS. She must be incredibly lonely to spent so much time looking for social interaction from online strangers.
DeleteAnonymous 1:19. Jenna’s a “difficult,” her own personal description, sociopathic scammer who has no social skills. That’s why she’s obsessed with Twitter and Instagram. She can control, and carefully curate a false persona.
Delete@ anonymous 2.14:
DeleteShe also prefers to be terminally online because then nobody can tell how much she stinks like unwashed ass and whatever else she’s got growing in her folds and flaps.
(Ugh, made myself a little sick thinking about it)
HD. Thanks for your response. So far, it’s still there.
ReplyDeleteIt was deleted for the fourth time now. I don’t get it.
ReplyDeleteI can't emphasize how odd it is for a "farmer" to sell meat shares (that can only be picked up locally) through Twitter. In small towns and cities, people know who offers CSA shares. A quick post on local bulletin boards or community facebook/ig takes care of that. But she doesn't advertise to locals. She mostly advertises on Twitter. Encouraging faraway readers to buy meat "futures" and/or donate meat are lures to encourage folks to pay for imaginary meat but never pick-up.
ReplyDeleteShe’s the Cambridge Queen of Con.
DeleteThere is so much I can’t wrap my head around when it comes to discrepancies in her stories and life. The failed CSA. The “futures” in meat that may not even get to live there if he gets foreclosed on. The living like fiction while others pay. And as per las tweet, she is now bragging about something she is going to watch on Netflix. I’m sorry, but if I am begging stagers for ten years straight to pay my mortgage and feed my pigs and feed my stove with firewood…the last thing I’d brag about ONLINE to the same people is something I’m going to watch on Netflix. In fact, Netflix would be one of the first things to go when I can’t pay my other, more basic bills.
DeleteYou are a responsible and practical adult who understands this. She refuses to believe those rules apply to her. She is spending every night on IG making story after story of TS lore instead of doing sweet fuck all to “ earn up” some folding money to pay her mortgage.
DeleteAnon, 'tis a mystery. I wrote a long parody poem about the Pember museum, posted and it repeatedly disappeared. No curse words, so no idea why. I finally gave up.
ReplyDeleteOn IG she is talking about the gratitude she has for the wood she has to get her through the snow fall this week ( I live near her and her exaggerating about the weather makes me nuts! Cambridge snow forecast this week is nothing to get wild about in upstate NY!!) she still needs wood and hay and has no clue how to pay for it but.....
ReplyDeleteShe is going to spend time today working with her prisoner/hawk, yoga, and reading a romance novel.
I mean... she sounds super worried about paying those there billz!!
Most normal adults prioritize working to support themselves. But Jenna’s been enabled for years by stupid, sycophantic supporters like Pember Patty. So she feels free to start her week off like a teen who has no responsibilities.
DeleteI just want to add that she lists her romance novel as “new from Battenkill books”. Totally amazing how when she can’t pay her mortgage or pay for wood or hay she has money for new books!!! Wonder how much that yoga program she brags about every day costs?
ReplyDeleteThe fact that she flaunts new purchases, uses a yoga program, and brags about streaming services, but then begs for mortgage money each and every month is unbelievable.
DeleteYes! My partner and I have two incomes ( which I know makes anything I say invalid to Jenna since she is all alone on the mountain) and we periodically discuss how the money is being spent and what we could/ should cut back on. I can guarantee, that if we could not pay our mortgage we would cancel all streaming services!!!
DeleteI love how on Twitter she is using the same picture to talk about her work hustling as she is using on IG to say she’s fucking around reading new romance novels and doing yoga. Priceless!!!
“Chilly start! Snow in the forecast, 1400 words written, farm fed, time to package soap orders and hustle”
DeleteYeah, “Sure, Jen.” This was her rebuttal to our comments.
No one wants a lying, lazy loser like Jenna. “The Beast” reads “romance novels,” because she’s not getting any amorous attention from women.
Delete“I feel like I'm getting better at the base level when it comes to sketching pets. This guy looks like he's about to tell you how proud he is of you”
ReplyDeleteI’ve seen kids who can scribble better than her “pro” pet portraits. She’s shamelessly fishing for business.
Ok I get a chuckle at how very few people ever respond to her tweets she and most of the time, it’s a MAN who responds. Ewwwwww!!!
ReplyDeleteForget the “she” above not sure how it got there. I must have bear hands like Jenna🤷♀️
ReplyDeleteThat has happened to me before, too.
DeleteTwit Shit: "I don't know the future of Twitter but I do know it's been one of the only ways I've been able to earn income..."
ReplyDeleteFirst off, it's one of the ONLY ways to earn income? C'mon you grifting lazy liar, as you know a JOB would solve all of your self made problems. Also, "earn income" is NOT an accepted euphemism for begging.
Secondly, Twitter's future ain't looking great so you need to find a new begging platform ASAP. I saw an interesting take today on why Twitter will probably fail:
"Twitter is hit the hardest because the platform was never profitable. Elon Musk was forced into buying it and seems unconcerned about tanking it. There's speculation that Elon was only pretending to offer to buy Twitter, to manipulate the stock for his own profit (as he famously did for DOGECOIN.) But because cryptocurrency like dogecoin is less regulated and corporate stocks are more regulated, this led to him being forced to actually buy the company. At first he tried to escape by pointing out how many Twitter users are bots and so the platform is even less financially viable than is publically stated, but this tactic did not work. So he immediately pursued layoffs, and may even tank the whole platform. This would be rational if the platform is only ever going to lose him money in the long run."
So put that into yer pipe and smoke it. And again, get a JOB.
Amazing how pig shocker is able to put aside her progressive political views to remain on the social media platform of a nearly-racist, clearly misogynistic, worker-abusing a$$hole because his business (Twitter) has been personally good for her. The world is filled with such a$$holes, and sometimes we must work with them to achieve goals.
DeleteBut as she's such an opinionated twat, endlessly pontificating and lecturing OTHERS on why they shouldn't AT ALL support "right wing" people like Musk, her actions are funny as hell 🤣
Such a slippery slope, eh?
Cue her writing a whiney, 💩 post to justify her actions.
On Instagram, the Pig Shocker has a new multi-pic post regarding cOzY niGhTs and her need for more firewood and hay. But what caught my attention was the second photo which shows her dog sleeping on a bean bag, and behind it, a rifle leaning against the sliding glass door.
ReplyDeleteI may be a non gun owning cidiot but isn't it kinda stupid to have deadly weapons in plain view of any potential outside intruders? Like say it's 3am and she's asleep upstairs and some crazy person is looking to break in. Or maybe it's daytime and she's at Subway. Either way, the burglar sees the rifle and then busts the lock or breaks the glass. And now they have a gun to use.
BTW, she also once shared a pic in which she placed an axe as decoration right next to her front door. Does she not think?
The badass, brave butch is making a macho statement with the rifle. And it’s very stupid, too.
DeleteThat rifle has been leaning against the door for ages. Who knows if it even works. As Anon 5:08 said, likely more of her fake rural posturing (where normal people know how to safely store weaponry).
DeleteThis week marks the one year anniversary of Shannon's brilliant decision to flee the nightmare fuckery that is Jenna's CAF. We will probably never know the real reason she suddenly fled, but it had to have been something reeeeaally bad to have left Jenna high and dry right before the holidays.
ReplyDeleteOn my Breakup Bingo card I have:
-Credit card debt: Shannon maxed out all her cards on Jenna's bullshit promises of getting a real job.
-Total complete burnout: From making every meal, feeding every animal, fixing every fence, growing all the food, while Jenna just took pics to post on Instagram.
-Olfactory issues: Shannon's sinuses burst after months of having to sleep in the same bed as Jenna and her dog hair covered sheets.
-Deception: She realized that Jenna is a LINO (Lesbian In Name Only).
-Taylor Swift overload: Hearing that music 24/7/365 got on Shannon's very last nerve. And I really hope Shannon drove away CAF blasting "Swish Swish Bish" from her car stereo.
Exactly. I agree with what you wrote. Shannon was wise to end their relationship.
DeleteI love your posts, Anon7 - you always make me cackle!
DeleteHer lousy logos are always “on sale,” so that’s nothing new.
ReplyDeleteI’m shocked that she didn’t also add “I can’t work on them until 2023!!!” like usual. But the person still has to pay up front.
Delete"I am a huge Taylor Swift Fan. I can't afford to go to tour, but I did get a verified password to get early tickets through Ticketmaster (luck of the draw) and an ex girlfriend said she'd reimburse me if I was lucky enough to get us seats... "
ReplyDelete*An* ex-girlfriend. One of the many, no doubt!
No, she can't afford to go. So an ex would reimburse her? The starting price for TS tickets in either NJ or MA is approximately $800 each. That means she would have to come up with $1600 to purchase. Now. Today. What's she going to do, magically find 2 tickets at the dump?
DeleteAnd there's more to going to a concert than just the ticket like gas to get there, parking, even food. Not to mention overpriced merch because she couldn't possible go without. So, add another $200-$300 on top of the ticket price. I'm a TS fan too, but there is no way I'd be spending that kind of money on this.
DeleteWow, I can't even imagine spending nearly a thousand dollars for one night.
DeleteI don’t believe a thing she says.
DeleteWhy would an ex ask her to get tickets-together, no less, AND reimburse her not only for one, but two tickets-if that’s what she is saying? - no way. I call BS.
Why wouldn’t the ex just get her own passcode and get her own ticket?
How can Jenna, who claims to have no credit cards, not just buy a ticket which Is almost $1K, but two of them?
My best friend bought tickets today for herself and 5 daughters. The passcodes were sent earlier. Today was the day, at 9:20 our time, that the passcode holders could log into a website and have a chance at buying a ticket. Jenna’s timing doesn’t add up. If she is really doing this the way she says she is, she has had the passcode for over a week now. She would have crowed all about it.
Last but not least, when you have begged strangers to pay your mortgage for the last ten years, you have zero, zero business going to $1K per pop concert. Even if the supposed friend is paying for her own ticket. I highly doubt she is paying for Jenna’s, too.
Her whole life is lies.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteSorry, hit wrong button.
DeleteHaha, come on, y'all know it's Pember Patty.
Remember, SD wasn't that big of a TS fan; she retweeted "Taylor Swift is to white girls what Joker was to incels." One of the follow-up comments to the original tweet called TS followers "(admittedly) creepy people".
PS is probably lying again, hoping people will send her poodle $$$.
PDD. I agree with what you wrote. Pember Patty has been her biggest dumb enabler for years.
DeleteHer weird worship of female celebrities is at the stupid, scary stalker level. Jenna’s emotional maturity is stunted at either 13 or 14. That’s why she’s frequently mentioned her younger self.
Delete‘An’ ex?? The only ex she ever has had is Shannon. She admitted to that being her first ( and only ) relationship if I recall correctly.
DeleteAnonymous 12:38. I said that too above in a comment. She’s had very little experience in relationships other than her friends. Jenna’s trying to give the false impression that she’s had multiple romances. It’s another lie.
Deletey'all I bet it's Becca. She never went public with that relationship, but I bet their fun weekends together was really casual dating and they stayed "friends" publically.
DeleteBecca has *no idea* the kind of grifter Jenna really is. PP is probably involved too, after all it's CHRISTMAS coming up!
Jenna does this every year - complains to be 2 months behind on the mortgage in November and then suddenly has money for christmas and purchasing concert tickets.
WIW I get that, but you are talking about functional, reasonable, normal adults.
DeleteWiW, if it‘s anyone at all you’re probably right that it‘s Becca. I‘m sure we‘ll get more info eventually.
DeleteWIW, makes sense. I forgot about her, because she was so fleeting (two-three weekends?)
DeletePS probably pulled out those lacender-sprayed sheets for Becca, but Becca wasn't feeling it (the lizard brain warning her)...maybe she's got a little guilt over not becoming an item???
Becca is far too attractive and accomplished to be an involved with a lying, lazy loser like Jenna.
DeleteI agree with anon - Becca is out of Jenna's league and knows it
DeleteIf it was an ex they would know she has no credit card right!!??? Using the friends card!? Who knows sounds very fake to me!!
DeleteWhy would an ex spend an extra almost thousand bucks as opposed to getting her own single ticket? Makes no sense. I just don’t see anyone like Jenna staying casual friends with an ex. She is too bitter, immature, and condescending to nurture a relationship like that.
DeleteAnonymous 4:13. Your description of Jenna is correct. She hasn’t remained friends with Shannon who actually lived with her. So why would she keep in contact with anyone else?
DeleteI can tell you for a fact, because we know Jenna, that she’s only kept people around to use.
DeleteShe supposedly got tickets. Can not wait to see how she pulls this off considering she can’t pay her mortgage and has no money. Even if the friend is paying hundreds of dollars for her ticket, there are still other costs! I would laugh my ass off if the “ex” was like “oh yeah get me the tickets and I’ll pay “ and then doesn’t or better yet takes a different girl!😂😂😂
ReplyDeleteShe'll say she found the ticket money at the dump
The optics of Jenna bragging about having gotten an almost $1000 ticket while being under threat of foreclosure and while having constantly begged for her most basic living bills for the last ten years, after having had to re-home animals she couldn’t care for, after begging for “even just a dollar” , after lying about dental bills in order to get pity donations, is the chef’s kiss of her BS, pathetic existence as a fake farmer.
DeleteYou know what they say about fools and money...
DeleteThe fact that Jenna wrote in her own words that her ex would “ reimburse “ her is telling. Telling that she has a credit card. She’s maintained that she did not in the past as part of her poor me ploys for donations. I don’t think anyone offered to pay for this. Why would an ex do that. We aren’t talking about a coffee here. I think something is very shady about this fictional tale. Not sure if we will ever know the truth!
I think you are right. There is no ex reimbursing her. I think she made the story up so the few that still give her money don’t scold her for using it on a ticket that costs almost as much as her mortgage for a month.
DeleteIt is definitely a lie that she doesn’t have a credit card. She just bought at least one ticket to a very expensive concert. You have to have a credit card to do that. And if you don’t, then you have to hat least that much in your bank account so you can use your debit card. Which she has said for ten plus years is not the case. Constantly her balance is in the single or double digits according to her own admission.
Like many around here, I am now seriously doubting she is behind on the mortgage. Perhaps she planned this ahead and basically had recent pity donations from internet strangers finance her expensive trip to and back. concert ticket, parking, food, merch.
She is never behind on her mortgage. It's a flat out lie. Or hay or firewood. It's just a ploy used to get $$ from kind-hearted people.
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
4:39 PM · Nov 15, 2022
·Twitter Web App
Witch of November
Replying to
Hell yeah!!!
Jeremy Rathbun
Replying to
Congrats!! So happy you got your tickets!
This criminal constantly claims that she’s months behind in making her mortgage payments. But she can now afford a very expensive ticket to see her idol. “Sure, Jen.”
DeleteAnyone who donates to this con cunt deserves to be scammed by her.
It can’t be said enough, because it’s the truth. Her whole life is lies.
DeleteThe plot thickens. If you go to the tweets and replies tab on her Twitter, you can see her replies to others. She rants on about how she is on the site but her password isn’t working (there were delays yesterday ). Also, everyone who got a passcode got tickets. I think the presale and passcode was all for hype. But anyway. THEN she says, “I am buying three tickets and these people depend on me and are financing it”. So she has enough play room on a credit card to put not one, not two, but THREE tickets which on average are around $700 each? And if we are to believe her prior claims that she has no credit card whatsoever, then you mean to tell me she had that much in her bank account so she could use her debi card to bu these tickets, but is two months (on to be three) on her mortgage?
ReplyDeleteI call major, major BS
Debit* and buy*
DeleteKeys sticking this morning
Yes, something stinks!!!
DeleteOn her IG stories she posted a post by her friend ( ex??) Rebecca who has visited the farm recently that said she got TS tickets and covid on the same day Thanks to Jenna who got tickets. Interesting.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who gives her money is a chump and a fool!!!
Lol classic. She DID date Becca and at least Becca didn't want to get serious. Omg.
DeleteAre tickets really that expensive? It's fun to think of Jenna going to that concert and being turned away at the door because she brought her hawk, 2 dogs and Merlin.
ReplyDeleteI feel sorry for the person with the seat in front of her, because you know Jenna will be yell singing every.single.word.
I’d pay to see pics of Jenna throwing her putrid panties on stage to get attention from Taylor Swift.
DeleteI thought that after screaming in all caps that she has expensive tickets to a TS concert🙄, the poser will stop begging for a few days because that would be a horrible look. But no. There she is begging in full force again this morning. Yesterday she was buying pricy tickets, today she needs someone to pay her mortgage again. Well, two mortgages. Three in about three more weeks.
ReplyDeleteJenna’s a parasite who feeds off of her stupid, sycophantic supporters like Pember Patty and Crazy Kelly.
Delete“Here's a tip: pay more for better yoga pants or get used to pink sheets...”
ReplyDeleteAnd “Here’s a tip:” get off your fat ass, stop begging, and work to support yourself.
Jenna can’t wear any old sweats to do yoga in. She has to spend extra for special pants.
DeleteAt least she's caught up in the tickets and not posting pictures of her pizza and yeti bowls of Fresh Pet. (That's what it looks like to me)
Her pan pizza looks disgusting.
Delete“Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! It's snowing, I got a hawk in my mews, I got two working lungs and a big dumb heart and I am excited for winter!”
ReplyDeleteShe’s got “a big dumb” obese body. Jenna won’t be “excited for winter!” when she runs out of firewood and hay. Cue another manufactured crisis.
Learn how to use commas correctly, cretin.
DeleteShe’s on her stupid cycle of “Look at my scrappy little life! ! I’m living like fiction!” It never lasts long, because it’s fake. Jenna always crashes soon, and she’ll be back to begging.
DeleteThere’s a black hole where her “heart” should be.
DeleteWhat a vile, disgusting human she is. Of course she got tickets. Because what Jenna wants, Jenna the expense of all the enablers and suckers who fund her lying bullshit lifestyle. Are they BLIND? Do they not see her begging one minute and then bragging about new luxuries and trips to the pub the next?
ReplyDeleteAnd all of you here made very good points, especially pointing out her lack of a credit card. She is totally full of shit. I'll bet someone else procured the tickets and now she has to reimburse THEM. So get ready for even more begging than usual.
Twitter is in big trouble. After laying off roughly half it's employees, scores more just quit, resulting in Twitter just announcing it's corporate offices will be closed from now until Monday.
ReplyDeleteJenna needs to start looking for a new platform to beg NOW. And another one to sell her crap. Seriously, this is really bad news for her. Now excuse me why I go cry.
She is too busy spending time making IG stories about TS to be worried about her mortgage right now. I predict that with about 5 days left of the month, she will start with her “ I have 3/17 of my October payment earned up, please buy some goods from my itty bitty gay farm, I have no trust fund or people to help me”. Then she will magically earn up the mortgage payment by 11/1.
ReplyDeleteIt’s her infamous “fraction finances.”
DeleteOn IG showing off her new TS album. Tell us again how you have no folding money!!
DeleteJenna’s the Cambridge Queen of Con. Her whole life is lies. And her sycophantic supporters are too stupid to see it.