See, I disagree. I don’t think she lied about buying the tickets. I think she did buy them. What I think she has been lying about is not having a credit card, and/or having a balance in the single or double digits in her bank account and not being able to pay her mortgage.
I think she bought those thickets. Notice the very specific language that she used: “ being reimbursed” by the friend for purchasing three tickets. Normally, a person with means steps in a covers a bill for someone who can’t for whatever reason, and is then later reimbursed. The person who initially covered the bill is floating the person/s who couldn’t cover it initially, until they can. I think she told on herself by using this specific language. She has a credit card, and however she gets money in, she had enough of it to float three TS concert tickets, and she has enough to be able to afford travel and everything else associated with attending the concert. Is she two months behind on her mortgage? I have no idea. She is a sociopathic liar from what I have gathered so far, so I can not say either way. And that’s simply based on her own posts and comments, and behaviors.
You don’t go to the poorest and most vocally broke person in your friend group and ask them to put three expensive concert tickets on their credit card, to be “reimbursed” later. Someone is lying.
Yep. Broke people don't go to $700 concerts. I splashed out to see Hannah Gadsby in Vancouver last summer and it was $500 for both of us together, front row. TS tickets are out of reach for all people who worry about the roof over their heads. WIW
How does she have time to take care of her animals? She spends HOURS each day picking apart each word in each TS song, looking for signs that TS is gay and trying to prove it. Who cares? It's pathetic and sad. Why is proving TS is gay, so important to her? It's completely creepy.
Jenna’s become “completely creepy” over the past few years. She only has “time” to focus on her teen crush obsession with Taylor Swift, like some psycho scary stalker would. Everything else, including working to support herself and livestock care, is secondary.
Well Jenna informed her followers that she won’t have time to post all night about TS because she has “plans”. She’ll resume on Sunday though. More $$$ spent this weekend I’m sure!!
Remember her vlogs and her premium subscriber -for-pay secret blog? She couldn’t follow through on those, either. She makes a big deal about something, overpromises, then..squirrel!!!
From instagram story: "We got a 3 ft flight outside today before we quit. He's both heavy and stubborn but with the drastic changes in temps this week I'm not dropping his weight fast." !!!
She shouldn’t be allowed to practice such cruelty to animals. Period. She pulled a perfectly stout and adept bird of prey out of the sky to do what? Starve him and use him as fodder for social media posts. Effing moron.
Hey, shamsters who are on Instagram and can see her comments, etc.-how is her engagement there? Does she get more likes and comments there than the very, very few she gets on Twitter?
About the same engagement I would say. Most posts have zero comments. 2-9 comments if she does get any. She gets more “likes” than Twitter though on her posts.
Wow, even "sappy"holiday activities are beneath her. Good thing she doesn't live around here. We love all of them. She constantly shoots herself in the foot.
“This is going to happen more and people will vote to protect murder weapons more than people like me.”
It’s typical of this sociopathic cunt to make a mass shooting all about her “scrappy little lesbian” lie-style. God forbid, that she ever shows any empathy towards the victims.
Exactly. I think if Jenna wants change in the LGBTQ community, then she needs to get on that and do something other than get on SM and tell others how to vote and what to do. By her own admission, she lives exactly the way she wants. Her town is great! Her friends are great! Her farm is in the “best” shape ever! She buys what she wants! In her position she should be supporting others. I guess telling others what they should do on SM while she posts about TS and buys merch all day is what she does to help her community
Watching her new IG story, I feel sick about her hawk situation. The hawk is not complying with her and looks like it flies on her head, or in her face or trying to get away from her. This is awful. I report every post but she keeps putting new ones up. Disgusting treatment of a wild animal!!!!
Yup! Don’t feel bad for this straight girl Jenna, year 24 with an awesome guy. Dated nice, kind caring men before him too. Considering that Jenna solicits the help of men when she needs it, she needs to shut her trap.
What if I Tweeted, “I feel so bad for gay women, all they’re left with is an air conditioner and a bean bag chair when the relationship ends.” 😂😂
If her “home” was “everything” in life, then Jenna wouldn’t put it in jeopardy, by being behind on making mortgage payments each month. Typical pic of her hovel with wood stove, because she refuses to use either her functional furnace or other sources of heat.
Don’t barf but on IG Jenna posted she was having tea with a friend and the friend is a boudoir/ intimate portrait photographer. Let’s hope we don’t see Jenna on a bed of kale buck naked !!!
Laugh at her pretending she has a wide friendship base. I think he's the husband of the Diane Arbus Wannabe, you know, the woman who liked to photograph squalor. With pig shocker, she didn't have far to travel.
I’d need eye bleach after seeing the big pig posed provocatively. The “kale bed” and “wide lens” was funny. Moronic Miriam’s husband comes across as creepy.
While I really wish it was her foollowers wising up and dumping her lying ass, it's probably deleted bot accounts and people leaving Twitter due to the chaos.
The problem with her claims of working all weekend and mailing out a bunch of product is that the soap and portraits were paid for weeks ago so she is no farther ahead. That money was spent a long time ago. Jenna math at its finest.
I didn't because I thought she had exhausted that excuse. But she is doing it again cuz she is hoping casual readers won't remember how many times she's pulled this shit. Unbelievable.
And EVEN IF, why inform anyone? There's nothing anyone can do...except send money. She is a despicable human.
yes she posted on twitter that she needs a root canal asap! Now who needs this for their Barf Bingo Begging Card? Also her dentist retired and I have had my share (and probably some more besides) of root canal but never ever has a dental hygenist done it that has always been done by the denist himself so how is she getting this done. Of course she just bought her TS tickets on Ticketmaster with no credit card (all 9 million other people had to use a cc but not her they made a special exception). aaaawww such a life.
She pulled this same shit two years ago on Thanksgiving. She bitched and moaned about the pain and lack of money and then posted pics of her having a grand old time at dinner at Patty's. Liar liar liar.
She rotates her root canal crises with other issues. So that newbies won’t be aware of her previous history. Fortunately, we keep track here, and in our personal records on her.
Normal adults don’t go whining about personal problems online. Unless, you’re a sociopathic scammer like Jenna, who creates manufactured crises to use for personal financial gain.
A few people here have researched her history with dental issues, and it’s become clear that many appear fabricated. Just like her “Live like fiction!” fantasy lie-style.
No way is this possible. Not sure how many she has had but she did once show an X-ray in which most all had been root canaled. Total bullshit. And this is her favorite go-to disaster because most people can relate to the agony of severe head pain.
Jenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈 @coldantlerfarm · 15m This is not a good week, I’m struggling to make sales, I just found out I need a root canal, last night a horse escaped and stepped on my foot, been repairing fences and working since 2 AM because I couldn’t sleep. Grateful for Korean instant coffee getting me through AM chores!
Yes, such a good thing that you have trendy Korean cofffee packets to keep you going. Hope they were found at the dump because those are not cheap!! Dont worry, she may be having a terrible week ( it’s TUESDAY btw) but she will resume her TS stories tonight she warned on IG!!!😂
That poor, hungry horse. Coffee packets were probably from her latest hotel stay when she was out of town. How crappy of a fence repair are you doing and how hungry are your poor animals for them to keep “escaping”?
The best part of the post was the picture with the bird where she has full on makeup including eyeliner. What kind of a farmer does that? It’s all smoke and mirrors with her.
Her stupid attempts to look like a femme are foolish. “You can’t polish poop.” Jenna comes across as being butch in her appearance and arrogant attitude.
Such a sad way to live a life. She has no sense of self so she flips from one persona to another trying to find something that appeals to another human being. Sad, sad, sad.
I HAVE AN IDEA TO END HER PROBLEMS! She should set a sales of her TS tickets to the highest bidder. I hear some are getting in the thousands of dollars! This would take care of her mortgage, wood for her stoves, and root canal all in one felled swoop. Plus she would have money left over. Hope she is reading here (I know she is) so she can get right on this. Problems solved Jenna. Your welcome.
Judgmental Jenna did an “ally” retweet, to shame straight people for not doing enough to help her “scrappy little lesbian” lie-style. Of course, the lazy loser sits on her fat ass, and contributes zero to the Cambridge community. What a hypocritical cunt.
Twit Shit: "Making and mailing all season!! Order yours now in time for Yule!!"
I don't have Twitter so I can't scroll down to see older posts, but I swear just a few weeks ago she claimed that it was the LAST week to buy her crap in time for Christmas. So suddenly now there is still time? I'll bet she only said that on that day cuz she was super desperate for a sale. So yet another lie from her.
enna Woginrich 🏳️🌈 @coldantlerfarm · 11s I have never done a big meat sale, but if I can encourage you to purchase a half pig I would be willing to take $50 off the cost, of which I usually just break even - but it keeps this farm going as I hope to get the last firewood deliver in today. Meat picked up here!
Just breaking even is so stupid and for most people not worth the time/ effort. Please get a job Jenna. You won’t have to post these ridiculous things o line in the hopes that one person feels bad enough to throw cash your way. I’m so embarrassed for you!!
If you are supposedly “breaking even” only, what the eff is she doing raising pigs? What the hell for? So she can call herself a farmer and use them for cash flow from donations when she cries that she can’t buy them feed. Yeah, same pigs that someone already pre-paid a year ago.
In her little beg, she completely admits she doesn't use the payment for the pigs, FOR the pigs. She uses it to buy firewood and whatever else her current needs/wants are. That alone should be a huge red flag to potential purchasers. She wants the pig money today and she'll figure out how to feed the pigs later? Pigs that aren't even born yet? Wow.
Jenna’s been begging for so long that she’s shameless. I don’t think that it’s even possible for her to change now. Not that she wants to. I pity anyone who becomes involved with her. She’s like a black hole of greed and need.
She is a textbook pyramid scammer. Basically gets paid for pigs twice-once when the supposed buyers pay for the shares, and a second time around the following year when she begs anew for the actual expenses-from buying the scrawny piglets, to the feed, to the butcher bill. And then she only owes meat to someone once, if that. Y’all recall that she also sells imaginary donation shares that we all know don’t exist.
I've followed Jenna, on and off, for almost a decade. It started when I found Cold Antler Farm at my local library. And I was really rooting for her as I thought the book was inspiring and we are the same age. However, as the decade wore on, it has become difficult to care. Everything with her is a constant struggle lacking in any sign that she's learned meaningful lessons and made positive and impactful changes in her life. She could have monetized her blog through SEO and ad revenue, sell e-books and e-courses, setup a profitable business providing design work or work as a self-employed virtual assistant. I've watched others in the "homesteading/farming" space, that started blogging the same time she did, scale their businesses and brands into 6 figure a year enterprises. Her constant complaining and constant crisis mode, along with her inability to provide any useful content to me, as a reader, has really turned me off. I used to root for her. But with her almost defiant resistance to make a living without begging, and her recent social media presence saturated with Taylor Swift content and uninsightful judgement of straight people, non liberals and whatever else, I am so turned off, I'd never even think about making a purchase from her again. I hope she gets the help she clearly needs.
Anon 11:00 - Her begging wouldn't be so bad if it was just once a week and the rest of the tweets were about homesteading stuff. But it's the exact opposite: daily begging with a tweet or two about the animals. Animals escaping or dying, usually.
I bought soap from her once years ago. It had an unpleasant fragrance, not the distinctive fragrance that goat milk products generally have. Also she sent a note saying not to use it right away since it wasn’t cured. I tossed it. WTF.
I think it was Anon7 who introduced me to the term "Cidiot". I'd never really heard it (we use much more colorful words), but I checked out its definition and it's clear that Jenna is a Cidiot who overstayed her jaunt to the country.
From urban dictionary: Cidiot
"The person who dwells in a city but ventures into rual areas to perform acts of stupidity.
Noun, adjective. Derived from City+idiot. Someone from the city who's utterly crippled by an inability to survive outside city terrified of "rednecks"...and cannot take directions. The cidiot will typically say asinine things in conspicuous places to apparently deliberatly embarrass themselves...
They tend to dress inappropriatly, often wearing flip flops on "hikes"... or expensive high end outdoor gear for a country picnic.
Cidiots can be found entangled in their own fishing lines along streams or hovering alongside farmers' markets, asking really dumb questions...
They generally are not dangerous unless they are attempting to use firearms, atv's, woodstoves, or chainsaws...
Many cidiots have temporarily migrated to semi rural (read "suburban") settings to try their hand at organic farming after reading one of several books on Dexter cows, beekeeping, raising llamas or sheep dairying, but they usually retreat after a very short time.
They generally loathe manual labor and tend to surround themselves w/ a variety of cidiot-enablers who help them figure out how to use a woodstove, a hammer, a drill, and other basics.
The cidiots never actually develop these skills, however, as the enablers usually end up just doing their jobs for them, often free of charge.
Much has been done to educate these enablers so that they would detach themselves, forcing the cidiots to become more self sufficient, but alas, the cycle continues, even now."
Yep, PDD is correct on all counts. Cidiots are clueless about rural stuff. And other stuff too...for example, I'm from LA, so no snow here, and I was visiting friends in Toronto. We were driving thru downtown in December and I saw all this white stuff and asked if people were throwing confetti from the skyscrapers, and they were like no, idiot, that's snow. Eh.
I shake my head every time she has wood delivered. From what I can see she had a woodlot on her property. Even if she is afraid of using a chainsaw, as she claims, she could sucker some MAN to fell dead trees and then use a wood splitter to split it which makes me laugh since she bills herself as strong as a bull. I am a 70 year old woman and even I can split wood with an axe. A wood splitter only requires you to set the wood on the track and push a button. She could rent or borrow one for a day but that would require some effort on her part.
Anon 3:16 - No, she did not announce she sold half a pig (that she hasn't even bought yet)*. That means she HAD the money for the wood, but didn't want to spend that money on the wood.
*These latest pig shares that she's trying to sell are for delivery in late 2023/early 2024 and she hasn't even purchased them yet. She is asking people to buy pigs that don't yet exist.
“Please stop watching this entertainment channel. Did you know Fox News was an entertainment channel and not legally classified as a news network? It allows them to say whatever they want because none of it is legally a fact.”
STFU, judgmental Jenna. You know nothing. Are you mooching Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow night off of Pember Patty again? No one else will tolerate your crap. You’re loathed by locals who mock you behind your back. Shannon was wise to dump your fat ass last fall.
“You could go your whole life telling people you can’t whisper. What are they going to do?”
Poor, desperate little Jenna is stupidly screaming into the void again with inanities. Her tweets have no humor. They always fall flat. It’s no wonder why she’s still single.
That picture of wood she posted. Lots of uneven chunks and kindling. Looks like some is maple, but what else? Someone sold her a sad cord of wood if that's what it is. The citiots would not know any different.
has she posted on her site if she has gotten her root canal yet? I would think that would come first over more wood since the pain is awful. Also don't see how 2 cords of wood will heat her house this whole winter. Seems I read Jon Katz uses 4 cords of wood plus back up heat of oil.
Depends if it’s face cords or bush cords. The few photos she has posted look like face cords but her photos are always cropped so close it’s hard to tell. She is good at editing out all the squalor.
She hasn't posted any updates about this latest root canal. Just like awhile back when she tweeted about a cracked tooth -- a post that garnered zero comments/traction so she abandoned that made up disaster.
As for the wood, this latest cord brings her total to 3 cords total. She begged for the money for it via spam sales: "Buy a pork share so I can buy this firewood!" Yet I doubt that anyone did, so being that she paid for the wood delivery the very next day, that means that she HAD the firewood money already.
Once in a blue moon, Twitter does allow one to scroll indefinitely. So I did and found a tweet thread in which she was bitching about being called out for begging and was trying to justify her need to do so:
"Remove any spouses or roommates from being economic help. Remove help from family, too. Now, take your bank account down to $200 or so, without any use of credit cards, savings, or any job. You don't have a paycheck coming. You have all your bills for the month and no certainty."
See what she wrote there: NO CREDIT CARDS
So again, how the hell did she buy those Taylor Swift tickets????
"My days between farm chores are spent here, at this coffee table, watching way too much YouTube and drawing and designing. I think I mailed out 14 pets last week, have 8 to finish tomorrow. Hoo!"
Sooooo...she's saying she mailed out 14 pet portraits last week, and just a few days ago she said she mailed out 10 before that. And now still has 8 to go. 14+10+8=32. And at $50 a pop, that's $1,600...unless her customers paid the full $85, which would be $2,700+
So she supposedly earned anywhere between $1,600 to $2,700 and she is STILL begging for money? Ugh.
And speaking of her pet portraits, take a closer look and you'll see that she never centers the animal. Almost every portrait shows a difference of a few inches either top to bottom or left to right. Good luck framing that nonsense without heavy cropping.
Yup seems to be doing just fine! 😂 I don’t think she’s being truthful though. I always look at the date next to her signature on her pet portraits and often she is showing old pics of them. She does show new ones occasionally and sometimes people tag her with a “thanks!, Mr. Peepers loves his new art” but she should be showing all her work in order to drum up business. That is a very niche business and lots of people are doing similar work so it’s very hard for me to believe that she had 32 paying clients this month. Like the poster above said, if she did, she should not be saying her bills aren’t paid yet!!! Plus, I think she had bragged this week about all the bars of soap she mailed. Seems like she is doing fine to me this month so pay your mortgage and put that root canal on the credit card you don’t have Jenna!
It looks like lonely little Jenna didn’t mooch another free feast off of Pember Patty this year. She didn’t post any pics of stuffing her fake fat face with food.
“Good morning from CAF! SOME GREAT NEWS! My fence repairing paid off. No more pony escapes! THIS house has ALL the firewood it needs! I paid off the October mortgage! I found a dentist that charges $500 LESS for root canal! NEW D&D campaign starting!!!!”
No one cares, cunt. Your mercurial moods never last long. You’ll always be back to begging soon.
Bragging about making a mortgage payment that’s already a month behind is a bunch of bull. She still hasn’t paid for November, and it’s almost December. “This farm has never been in better shape!!!” GFY, Jenna.
“Got to (politely) tell Jehovah Witnesses today to please stop dropping by to convert me. I'm a pagan lesbian. There is a pride progress flag between us blowing in the wind. Stop doing this to people. They left and went to the next house. Magical thinking is buck wild.”
Tell us once again that you’re a “scrappy little lesbian.” For the thousandth time.
She’s literally, incapable of telling the truth. Jenna made this up to remind single lesbians that she’s available. The fabrication was just an excuse.
Wait. She is a pagan now? What happened to heathen? I remember when she was putting pagans down, saying that heathens were superior. She counts on people having short memories.
It’s the same way that she was straight for years now gay. And Jenna swore that she’d never own a cell phone again. And even wrote an asinine article about it. (The comments roasted her over it.) Now, she’s bragged about bartering for her iPhone. She has no core identity other than being a begging, animal abusing, sociopathic scammer.
The sensitive, thin-skinned “scrappy little lesbian” has made her stupid tweets private. What a loss to the world.
The dumb cunt hasn’t done this in awhile. It never lasts long, because her begging is adversely affected by it. She counts on newbies to give her free funds. Those here who follow can give us updates.
Yeah, she hopes that naive newbies will be ignorant of her horrid history. But her well-deserved rotten reputation is all over the internet now. It’s far from just this site.
Anonymous 12:53. Exactly. I’ve been on this blog since it started. And also have been keeping track of her crap for years offline. I think that she’s going to do a big beg for the holidays. You might recall that she’s had the chutzpah to ask for “cards with cash” before. So making her Twitter temporarily private hides her begging for gifts. This is her childish version of doing damage control. Unfortunately, for her, it’s way too late. It’s like the proverbial “closing the gate AFTER your horse escapes.”
WIW. We’ve been commenting about her private setting change above. She’s done it today. I think that she’s been regularly reading this blog, and saw your parody account here.
It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
Her latest lies about buying the concert tickets is a bunch of bull.
ReplyDeleteHow can Jenna justify such a pricey purchase, when she’s constantly complaining each month, about being behind on making her mortgage payments?
Deletewell u see, she found them at the dump. what a great town!! (except when the locals are looking at homophobically)
DeleteAnonymous 1:04. Yeah, just like she found a brand new bike at her local dump.
DeleteSee, I disagree. I don’t think she lied about buying the tickets. I think she did buy them. What I think she has been lying about is not having a credit card, and/or having a balance in the single or double digits in her bank account and not being able to pay her mortgage.
ReplyDeleteI think she bought those thickets. Notice the very specific language that she used: “ being reimbursed” by the friend for purchasing three tickets. Normally, a person with means steps in a covers a bill for someone who can’t for whatever reason, and is then later reimbursed. The person who initially covered the bill is floating the person/s who couldn’t cover it initially, until they can.
I think she told on herself by using this specific language. She has a credit card, and however she gets money in, she had enough of it to float three TS concert tickets, and she has enough to be able to afford travel and everything else associated with attending the concert.
Is she two months behind on her mortgage? I have no idea. She is a sociopathic liar from what I have gathered so far, so I can not say either way. And that’s simply based on her own posts and comments, and behaviors.
You don’t go to the poorest and most vocally broke person in your friend group and ask them to put three expensive concert tickets on their credit card, to be “reimbursed” later. Someone is lying.
DeleteYep. Broke people don't go to $700 concerts. I splashed out to see Hannah Gadsby in Vancouver last summer and it was $500 for both of us together, front row. TS tickets are out of reach for all people who worry about the roof over their heads. WIW
DeleteHow does she have time to take care of her animals? She spends HOURS each day picking apart each word in each TS song, looking for signs that TS is gay and trying to prove it. Who cares? It's pathetic and sad. Why is proving TS is gay, so important to her? It's completely creepy.
ReplyDeleteJenna’s become “completely creepy” over the past few years. She only has “time” to focus on her teen crush obsession with Taylor Swift, like some psycho scary stalker would. Everything else, including working to support herself and livestock care, is secondary.
DeleteWell Jenna informed her followers that she won’t have time to post all night about TS because she has “plans”. She’ll resume on Sunday though. More $$$ spent this weekend I’m sure!!
DeleteThis speaks to why she can’t hold a real job. She can’t even follow through on her TS Instagram project which is supposed to cover, what? 13 songs?
DeleteRemember her vlogs and her premium subscriber -for-pay secret blog? She couldn’t follow through on those, either. She makes a big deal about something, overpromises, then..squirrel!!!
DeleteFrom instagram story: "We got a 3 ft flight outside today before we quit. He's both heavy and stubborn but with the drastic changes in temps this week I'm not dropping his weight fast."
Jenna’s the one who’s “both heavy and stubborn.” She’s described herself. LOL!!!
Delete"Dropping his weight" = not feeding him (so he's hungry and desperate for food)
DeleteFcuk her
She shouldn’t be allowed to practice such cruelty to animals. Period. She pulled a perfectly stout and adept bird of prey out of the sky to do what? Starve him and use him as fodder for social media posts. Effing moron.
DeleteJenna will pay the price for her animal abusing. She can count on it.
Delete“I’m coldantlerjenna on IG and far more active there! Please follow if you don’t!”
ReplyDeleteIt looks like BegAndBitch is getting tired of Twitter.
By “active” she means posting old pics, and going on and on about TS all damn day long.
DeleteI can only see her pictures and not her stories because I’m not on Instagram, but she doesn’t appear any more active there..
DeleteHey, shamsters who are on Instagram and can see her comments, etc.-how is her engagement there? Does she get more likes and comments there than the very, very few she gets on Twitter?
DeleteAbout the same engagement I would say. Most posts have zero comments. 2-9 comments if she does get any. She gets more “likes” than Twitter though on her posts.
Deleteshe does post A LOT of stories.
DeleteWow, even "sappy"holiday activities are beneath her. Good thing she doesn't live around here. We love all of them. She constantly shoots herself in the foot.
ReplyDelete“This is going to happen more and people will vote to protect murder weapons more than people like me.”
ReplyDeleteIt’s typical of this sociopathic cunt to make a mass shooting all about her “scrappy little lesbian” lie-style. God forbid, that she ever shows any empathy towards the victims.
But she also forgets how she doesn’t miss a chance to brag that she is a proud owner of a “murder weapon”.
DeleteExactly. I think if Jenna wants change in the LGBTQ community, then she needs to get on that and do something other than get on SM and tell others how to vote and what to do.
DeleteBy her own admission, she lives exactly the way she wants. Her town is great! Her friends are great! Her farm is in the “best” shape ever! She buys what she wants! In her position she should be supporting others. I guess telling others what they should do on SM while she posts about TS and buys merch all day is what she does to help her community
Watching her new IG story, I feel sick about her hawk situation. The hawk is not complying with her and looks like it flies on her head, or in her face or trying to get away from her. This is awful. I report every post but she keeps putting new ones up. Disgusting treatment of a wild animal!!!!
ReplyDeleteI thought the same. The bird is trying to escape which seems to override its natural desire to eat. Read the screen Jenna.
Delete“Every day I feel bad for every straight woman I know.”
ReplyDeleteThis cunt is clueless and condescending.
And we “feel sorry” for followers who are stupid enough to give her free funds.
DeleteFrankly, I find that offensive even as a bisexual woman. Her “scrappy little lesbian” life is far from perfect.
DeleteShe is ill informed about straight sex. There are a lot of men who known their way around a woman. It’s called communication.
DeleteEdit: meant to type limited not intimidated.
DeleteMy above comment was in response to one that was deleted.
DeleteTest: some comments aren’t sticking again.
DeleteYup! Don’t feel bad for this straight girl Jenna, year 24 with an awesome guy. Dated nice, kind caring men before him too. Considering that Jenna solicits the help of men when she needs it, she needs to shut her trap.
DeleteWhat if I Tweeted, “I feel so bad for gay women, all they’re left with is an air conditioner and a bean bag chair when the relationship ends.” 😂😂
Anon 3:43 pm,
Delete“I feel so bad for gay women, all they’re left with is an air conditioner and a bean bag chair when the relationship ends.”
OMG! I spit out my drink!! You win tonight!!
Pig shocker, as always, remains a pontificating idiot, a supremely incompetent poster child for Dunning Kruger effect.
“Home is everything”
ReplyDeleteIf her “home” was “everything” in life, then Jenna wouldn’t put it in jeopardy, by being behind on making mortgage payments each month. Typical pic of her hovel with wood stove, because she refuses to use either her functional furnace or other sources of heat.
All those pics of her carefully curated *cozy* home and no one to share it with.
DeleteBut that's what happens when you are a lazy animal abusing beggar. No one wants to be with you. Womp womp.
I just came here to say she can’t spell to save her life. That’s the tweet.
ReplyDeleteBoth on insta and Twitter, it’s EPSOM SALT, you dumbass “riter”.
Jenna’s a rotten “righter.” She’s also a lying, lazy loser.
DeleteDon’t barf but on IG Jenna posted she was having tea with a friend and the friend is a boudoir/ intimate portrait photographer. Let’s hope we don’t see Jenna on a bed of kale buck naked !!!
ReplyDeleteHope she has a wide angle lens
DeleteLaugh at her pretending she has a wide friendship base. I think he's the husband of the Diane Arbus Wannabe, you know, the woman who liked to photograph squalor. With pig shocker, she didn't have far to travel.
Delete"Hope she has a wide angle lens." LOLOL!!! I did choke on my coffee!
DeleteI’d need eye bleach after seeing the big pig posed provocatively. The “kale bed” and “wide lens” was funny. Moronic Miriam’s husband comes across as creepy.
DeleteI agree, calling yourself a ‘boudoir photographer’ doesn’t make you legit. More than likely Just a perv.
Delete"wide angle lens"
DeleteI'm dead. Lol.
Edit: been bragging about
ReplyDeleteAnd wasting endless amounts of time on Instagram, obsessing with stupid stories over your teen crush, isn’t considered “working.”
ReplyDeleteHer numbers are still declining: 4,757.
ReplyDeleteWhile I really wish it was her foollowers wising up and dumping her lying ass, it's probably deleted bot accounts and people leaving Twitter due to the chaos.
DeleteThe problem with her claims of working all weekend and mailing out a bunch of product is that the soap and portraits were paid for weeks ago so she is no farther ahead. That money was spent a long time ago. Jenna math at its finest.
ReplyDeleteWho has “needs immediate dental work” on their BINGO card??
ReplyDeleteI didn't because I thought she had exhausted that excuse. But she is doing it again cuz she is hoping casual readers won't remember how many times she's pulled this shit. Unbelievable.
DeleteAnd EVEN IF, why inform anyone? There's nothing anyone can do...except send money. She is a despicable human.
Maybe the two dental hygienists who are hanging around in the retired dentist’s office can help🤷♀️
ReplyDeleteyes she posted on twitter that she needs a root canal asap! Now who needs this for their Barf Bingo Begging Card? Also her dentist retired and I have had my share (and probably some more besides) of root canal but never ever has a dental hygenist done it that has always been done by the denist himself so how is she getting this done. Of course she just bought her TS tickets on Ticketmaster with no credit card (all 9 million other people had to use a cc but not her they made a special exception). aaaawww such a life.
ReplyDeleteShe pulled this same shit two years ago on Thanksgiving. She bitched and moaned about the pain and lack of money and then posted pics of her having a grand old time at dinner at Patty's. Liar liar liar.
DeleteShe rotates her root canal crises with other issues. So that newbies won’t be aware of her previous history. Fortunately, we keep track here, and in our personal records on her.
DeleteYes anon 7 I remember that!!
Delete“Nothing like paying for a dentist visit just to be told you need another root canal asap.”
ReplyDeleteHere she goes again with more dental issues as mentioned above in comments. It’s her failed fallback for money mooching from followers.
She should post pics as proof. But Jenna can’t do it, because it’s just another one of her pathological lies for manipulative marketing.
Normal adults don’t go whining about personal problems online. Unless, you’re a sociopathic scammer like Jenna, who creates manufactured crises to use for personal financial gain.
DeleteHas anyone kept track of how many alleged root canals she’s had. Surely she is running out of teeth by now.
DeleteA few people here have researched her history with dental issues, and it’s become clear that many appear fabricated. Just like her “Live like fiction!” fantasy lie-style.
DeleteNo way is this possible. Not sure how many she has had but she did once show an X-ray in which most all had been root canaled. Total bullshit. And this is her favorite go-to disaster because most people can relate to the agony of severe head pain.
DeleteHer whole life is lies.
DeleteI thought she only had one molar left-her admission-and it has had several “root canals” already
DeleteI remember she said that too, Anon 6:32.
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
This is not a good week, I’m struggling to make sales, I just found out I need a root canal, last night a horse escaped and stepped on my foot, been repairing fences and working since 2 AM because I couldn’t sleep. Grateful for Korean instant coffee getting me through AM chores!
Yes, such a good thing that you have trendy Korean cofffee packets to keep you going. Hope they were found at the dump because those are not cheap!! Dont worry, she may be having a terrible week ( it’s TUESDAY btw) but she will resume her TS stories tonight she warned on IG!!!😂
That poor, hungry horse.
DeleteCoffee packets were probably from her latest hotel stay when she was out of town.
How crappy of a fence repair are you doing and how hungry are your poor animals for them to keep “escaping”?
The best part of the post was the picture with the bird where she has full on makeup including eyeliner. What kind of a farmer does that? It’s all smoke and mirrors with her.
DeleteHer stupid attempts to look like a femme are foolish. “You can’t polish poop.” Jenna comes across as being butch in her appearance and arrogant attitude.
DeleteI’d still like to see someone slap the smug smirk off her fake fat face. She’s repellent on every level.
DeleteJenna’s inauthentic. She plays parts instead of being real. Her inner core is like a black hole.
DeleteSuch a sad way to live a life. She has no sense of self so she flips from one persona to another trying to find something that appeals to another human being. Sad, sad, sad.
DeleteAt least she stopped cosplaying Corbie McKenzie. What awful cringe that was.
DeleteI HAVE AN IDEA TO END HER PROBLEMS! She should set a sales of her TS tickets to the highest bidder. I hear some are getting in the thousands of dollars! This would take care of her mortgage, wood for her stoves, and root canal all in one felled swoop. Plus she would have money left over. Hope she is reading here (I know she is) so she can get right on this. Problems solved Jenna. Your welcome.
ReplyDeleteLOL!!! She could also sell one of her two vehicles for funds, and get rid of livestock. But Jenna wants to live like a spoiled suburban princess.
DeleteGREAT idea!! She should absolutely do this.
DeleteShe should just get her teeth pulled.
ReplyDeleteShe’s so unattractive that having no teeth wouldn’t make much difference in her appearance.
DeleteJenna, get a job with medical benefits. Problem solved.
ReplyDeleteAt this point she’s deliberately made herself unemployable. Jenna’s a “difficult” cunt.
DeleteStarbucks used to offer health insurance even for part-time workers. There are probably other businesses who do also.
DeleteJudgmental Jenna did an “ally” retweet, to shame straight people for not doing enough to help her “scrappy little lesbian” lie-style. Of course, the lazy loser sits on her fat ass, and contributes zero to the Cambridge community. What a hypocritical cunt.
ReplyDeleteTotally! And don’t wear an ally pin because she will call you out! She is supporting her community by posting about TS songs tonight!
ReplyDeleteTwit Shit: "Making and mailing all season!! Order yours now in time for Yule!!"
ReplyDeleteI don't have Twitter so I can't scroll down to see older posts, but I swear just a few weeks ago she claimed that it was the LAST week to buy her crap in time for Christmas. So suddenly now there is still time? I'll bet she only said that on that day cuz she was super desperate for a sale. So yet another lie from her.
(BTW, Yule is from Dec 21st to Jan 1st)
You remember correctly. I remember that post as well.
DeleteShe constantly lies about sales and deadlines.
Deleteenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
I have never done a big meat sale, but if I can encourage you to purchase a half pig I would be willing to take $50 off the cost, of which I usually just break even - but it keeps this farm going as I hope to get the last firewood deliver in today. Meat picked up here!
Just breaking even is so stupid and for most people not worth the time/ effort. Please get a job Jenna. You won’t have to post these ridiculous things o line in the hopes that one person feels bad enough to throw cash your way. I’m so embarrassed for you!!
JHC, what do people think she'll do with LESS money to feed the pigs??? Treat them BETTER? Improve the quality of their lives??
DeleteAnd what actual farmer continues in a business YEAR AFTER YEAR if they "just break even"? This shows she's either stupid or lying.
Does she really expect anyone to believe she somehow keeps good enough records to have any idea if she's breaking even on a particular venture?
DeleteAnd what is "breaking even" anyway when you ostensibly survive mainly off donations?
DeleteAgree. If you only break even it’s a hobby not a business.
DeleteIf you are supposedly “breaking even” only, what the eff is she doing raising pigs? What the hell for? So she can call herself a farmer and use them for cash flow from donations when she cries that she can’t buy them feed. Yeah, same pigs that someone already pre-paid a year ago.
DeleteThere is something completely off with the pig math here.
DeleteIn her little beg, she completely admits she doesn't use the payment for the pigs, FOR the pigs. She uses it to buy firewood and whatever else her current needs/wants are. That alone should be a huge red flag to potential purchasers. She wants the pig money today and she'll figure out how to feed the pigs later? Pigs that aren't even born yet? Wow.
DeleteLet’s not forget that she had trouble procuring pigs last time. She’s so full of it.
DeleteShe scoured Craigslist to find livestock that were poorly-bred, sickly, orphaned and cheap. Then she fed them *donuts* and discarded deli sandwiches.
DeletePeople who paid too much money for poorly-bred and poorly-raised animals are cidiots, much like faux farmer.
This comment above nails it:
Delete“AnonymousNovember 23, 2022 at 8:00 AM
And what is "breaking even" anyway when you ostensibly survive mainly off donations?”
Exactly. That was well-put. Her whole life is lies.
Jenna’s been begging for so long that she’s shameless. I don’t think that it’s even possible for her to change now. Not that she wants to. I pity anyone who becomes involved with her. She’s like a black hole of greed and need.
DeleteShe is a textbook pyramid scammer. Basically gets paid for pigs twice-once when the supposed buyers pay for the shares, and a second time around the following year when she begs anew for the actual expenses-from buying the scrawny piglets, to the feed, to the butcher bill. And then she only owes meat to someone once, if that. Y’all recall that she also sells imaginary donation shares that we all know don’t exist.
DeleteShe’s the Cambridge Queen of Con.
DeleteHer mother must be SO proud.
ReplyDeleteJenna-nomics at its best.
DeleteI’ve heard that her family loathes her lie-style, but knows that she’s mentally unstable.
DeleteHer Twitter numbers are still declining: 4,751 today.
ReplyDeleteI've followed Jenna, on and off, for almost a decade. It started when I found Cold Antler Farm at my local library. And I was really rooting for her as I thought the book was inspiring and we are the same age. However, as the decade wore on, it has become difficult to care. Everything with her is a constant struggle lacking in any sign that she's learned meaningful lessons and made positive and impactful changes in her life. She could have monetized her blog through SEO and ad revenue, sell e-books and e-courses, setup a profitable business providing design work or work as a self-employed virtual assistant. I've watched others in the "homesteading/farming" space, that started blogging the same time she did, scale their businesses and brands into 6 figure a year enterprises. Her constant complaining and constant crisis mode, along with her inability to provide any useful content to me, as a reader, has really turned me off. I used to root for her. But with her almost defiant resistance to make a living without begging, and her recent social media presence saturated with Taylor Swift content and uninsightful judgement of straight people, non liberals and whatever else, I am so turned off, I'd never even think about making a purchase from her again. I hope she gets the help she clearly needs.
ReplyDeleteWell said.
DeleteThat’s a great comment. Jenna’s far too stupid and stubborn to ever get help.
DeleteAnon7 recently said something like “Jenna’s stubbornness is so aggressive that she acts as if it’s a contest.” And one that she’s losing not winning.
DeleteStupidity...she is aggressively stupid!
DeleteAnon 11:00 - Her begging wouldn't be so bad if it was just once a week and the rest of the tweets were about homesteading stuff. But it's the exact opposite: daily begging with a tweet or two about the animals. Animals escaping or dying, usually.
I bought soap from her once years ago. It had an unpleasant fragrance, not the distinctive fragrance that goat milk products generally have. Also she sent a note saying not to use it right away since it wasn’t cured. I tossed it. WTF.
ReplyDeleteHer soap sucks. It’s poorly made. Just like everything that Jenna does.
DeleteI’ve also made the mistake of buying her subpar soap. She can’t even cure it correctly, and the strong stench was gross.
DeleteI found the colour unattractive as well.
DeleteYou guys used her soap and still have hands to type with?
DeleteAnon7. It’s also very drying. I’ve never used worst soap.
DeleteI think it was Anon7 who introduced me to the term "Cidiot". I'd never really heard it (we use much more colorful words), but I checked out its definition and it's clear that Jenna is a Cidiot who overstayed her jaunt to the country.
ReplyDeleteFrom urban dictionary: Cidiot
"The person who dwells in a city but ventures into rual areas to perform acts of stupidity.
Noun, adjective. Derived from City+idiot. Someone from the city who's utterly crippled by an inability to survive outside city terrified of "rednecks"...and cannot take directions. The cidiot will typically say asinine things in conspicuous places to apparently deliberatly embarrass themselves...
They tend to dress inappropriatly, often wearing flip flops on "hikes"... or expensive high end outdoor gear for a country picnic.
Cidiots can be found entangled in their own fishing lines along streams or hovering alongside farmers' markets, asking really dumb questions...
They generally are not dangerous unless they are attempting to use firearms, atv's, woodstoves, or chainsaws...
Many cidiots have temporarily migrated to semi rural (read "suburban") settings to try their hand at organic farming after reading one of several books on Dexter cows, beekeeping, raising llamas or sheep dairying, but they usually retreat after a very short time.
They generally loathe manual labor and tend to surround themselves w/ a variety of cidiot-enablers who help them figure out how to use a woodstove, a hammer, a drill, and other basics.
The cidiots never actually develop these skills, however, as the enablers usually end up just doing their jobs for them, often free of charge.
Much has been done to educate these enablers so that they would detach themselves, forcing the cidiots to become more self sufficient, but alas, the cycle continues, even now."
Exactly. Jenna is only a poor poser, and plays the part of an authentic farmer.
DeleteYep, PDD is correct on all counts. Cidiots are clueless about rural stuff. And other stuff too...for example, I'm from LA, so no snow here, and I was visiting friends in Toronto. We were driving thru downtown in December and I saw all this white stuff and asked if people were throwing confetti from the skyscrapers, and they were like no, idiot, that's snow. Eh.
Delete“It’s official!!! As of today’s delivery this farm has all her winter heat in!!!“
ReplyDeleteNo one cares, cunt. And farms don’t have a gender. You’ll be whining about winter weather within weeks. Your hyperbolic bullshit is childish!!!
So does that mean she sold half a pig? Didn’t she say she needed to sell half a pig to get more wood delivered?
DeleteI shake my head every time she has wood delivered. From what I can see she had a woodlot on her property. Even if she is afraid of using a chainsaw, as she claims, she could sucker some MAN to fell dead trees and then use a wood splitter to split it which makes me laugh since she bills herself as strong as a bull. I am a 70 year old woman and even I can split wood with an axe. A wood splitter only requires you to set the wood on the track and push a button. She could rent or borrow one for a day but that would require some effort on her part.
DeleteAnon 3:16 - No, she did not announce she sold half a pig (that she hasn't even bought yet)*. That means she HAD the money for the wood, but didn't want to spend that money on the wood.
Delete*These latest pig shares that she's trying to sell are for delivery in late 2023/early 2024 and she hasn't even purchased them yet. She is asking people to buy pigs that don't yet exist.
“Please stop watching this entertainment channel. Did you know Fox News was an entertainment channel and not legally classified as a news network? It allows them to say whatever they want because none of it is legally a fact.”
ReplyDeleteSTFU, judgmental Jenna. You know nothing. Are you mooching Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow night off of Pember Patty again? No one else will tolerate your crap. You’re loathed by locals who mock you behind your back. Shannon was wise to dump your fat ass last fall.
“You could go your whole life telling people you can’t whisper. What are they going to do?”
ReplyDeletePoor, desperate little Jenna is stupidly screaming into the void again with inanities. Her tweets have no humor. They always fall flat. It’s no wonder why she’s still single.
That picture of wood she posted. Lots of uneven chunks and kindling. Looks like some is maple, but what else? Someone sold her a sad cord of wood if that's what it is. The citiots would not know any different.
ReplyDeleteCidiot here, and I agree with this message!
Deletehas she posted on her site if she has gotten her root canal yet? I would think that would come first over more wood since the pain is awful. Also don't see how 2 cords of wood will heat her house this whole winter. Seems I read Jon Katz uses 4 cords of wood plus back up heat of oil.
ReplyDeleteDepends if it’s face cords or bush cords. The few photos she has posted look like face cords but her photos are always cropped so close it’s hard to tell. She is good at editing out all the squalor.
DeleteShe hasn't posted any updates about this latest root canal. Just like awhile back when she tweeted about a cracked tooth -- a post that garnered zero comments/traction so she abandoned that made up disaster.
DeleteAs for the wood, this latest cord brings her total to 3 cords total. She begged for the money for it via spam sales: "Buy a pork share so I can buy this firewood!" Yet I doubt that anyone did, so being that she paid for the wood delivery the very next day, that means that she HAD the firewood money already.
Once in a blue moon, Twitter does allow one to scroll indefinitely. So I did and found a tweet thread in which she was bitching about being called out for begging and was trying to justify her need to do so:
ReplyDelete"Remove any spouses or roommates from being economic help. Remove help from family, too. Now, take your bank account down to $200 or so, without any use of credit cards, savings, or any job. You don't have a paycheck coming. You have all your bills for the month and no certainty."
See what she wrote there: NO CREDIT CARDS
So again, how the hell did she buy those Taylor Swift tickets????
Funny, how she hasn’t been bragging about the purchase of those pricey tickets.
DeleteOn Instagram she wrote:
ReplyDelete"My days between farm chores are spent here, at this coffee table, watching way too much YouTube and drawing and designing. I think I mailed out 14 pets last week, have 8 to finish tomorrow. Hoo!"
Sooooo...she's saying she mailed out 14 pet portraits last week, and just a few days ago she said she mailed out 10 before that. And now still has 8 to go. 14+10+8=32. And at $50 a pop, that's $1,600...unless her customers paid the full $85, which would be $2,700+
So she supposedly earned anywhere between $1,600 to $2,700 and she is STILL begging for money? Ugh.
And speaking of her pet portraits, take a closer look and you'll see that she never centers the animal. Almost every portrait shows a difference of a few inches either top to bottom or left to right. Good luck framing that nonsense without heavy cropping.
DeleteHer stupid scribbles are sloppy and unprofessional. Just like Jenna.
DeleteYup seems to be doing just fine! 😂 I don’t think she’s being truthful though. I always look at the date next to her signature on her pet portraits and often she is showing old pics of them. She does show new ones occasionally and sometimes people tag her with a “thanks!, Mr. Peepers loves his new art” but she should be showing all her work in order to drum up business. That is a very niche business and lots of people are doing similar work so it’s very hard for me to believe that she had 32 paying clients this month. Like the poster above said, if she did, she should not be saying her bills aren’t paid yet!!! Plus, I think she had bragged this week about all the bars of soap she mailed. Seems like she is doing fine to me this month so pay your mortgage and put that root canal on the credit card you don’t have Jenna!
ReplyDeleteHer whole life is lies.
DeleteHer count has dropped again today: 4,748.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like lonely little Jenna didn’t mooch another free feast off of Pember Patty this year. She didn’t post any pics of stuffing her fake fat face with food.
ReplyDelete“Good morning from CAF!
My fence repairing paid off. No more pony escapes!
THIS house has ALL the firewood it needs!
I paid off the October mortgage!
I found a dentist that charges $500 LESS for root canal!
NEW D&D campaign starting!!!!”
No one cares, cunt. Your mercurial moods never last long. You’ll always be back to begging soon.
One can’t be both victim and victor at the same time.
DeleteBragging about making a mortgage payment that’s already a month behind is a bunch of bull. She still hasn’t paid for November, and it’s almost December. “This farm has never been in better shape!!!” GFY, Jenna.
Delete“Half the shares are still available - lamb is SOLD OUT.”
ReplyDeleteHer whole life is lies. “Sure, Jen.”
Lamb? Did I miss something? Checked the blog she never posts on and there is no mention of lamb.
DeleteI didn’t see it either. She’s a pathological liar.
Delete“Got to (politely) tell Jehovah Witnesses today to please stop dropping by to convert me. I'm a pagan lesbian. There is a pride progress flag between us blowing in the wind. Stop doing this to people. They left and went to the next house. Magical thinking is buck wild.”
ReplyDeleteTell us once again that you’re a “scrappy little lesbian.” For the thousandth time.
I also don’t believe her stupid story. When we lived in Cambridge they never once came by. And she’s on an out of town road.
DeleteShe’s literally, incapable of telling the truth. Jenna made this up to remind single lesbians that she’s available. The fabrication was just an excuse.
Delete“Sure, Jen.” The JW are going to your hovel in the hopes of “converting” you. LOL!!!
DeleteWait. She is a pagan now? What happened to heathen? I remember when she was putting pagans down, saying that heathens were superior. She counts on people having short memories.
DeleteIt’s the same way that she was straight for years now gay. And Jenna swore that she’d never own a cell phone again. And even wrote an asinine article about it. (The comments roasted her over it.) Now, she’s bragged about bartering for her iPhone. She has no core identity other than being a begging, animal abusing, sociopathic scammer.
DeleteShe posted a variety of pet portraits on IG. She should stick to dogs only. They are so-so but the cats are hideous
ReplyDeleteThe sensitive, thin-skinned “scrappy little lesbian” has made her stupid tweets private. What a loss to the world.
ReplyDeleteThe dumb cunt hasn’t done this in awhile. It never lasts long, because her begging is adversely affected by it. She counts on newbies to give her free funds. Those here who follow can give us updates.
Yeah, she hopes that naive newbies will be ignorant of her horrid history. But her well-deserved rotten reputation is all over the internet now. It’s far from just this site.
DeleteIt won’t last long.
DeleteAnonymous 12:53. Exactly. I’ve been on this blog since it started. And also have been keeping track of her crap for years offline. I think that she’s going to do a big beg for the holidays. You might recall that she’s had the chutzpah to ask for “cards with cash” before. So making her Twitter temporarily private hides her begging for gifts. This is her childish version of doing damage control. Unfortunately, for her, it’s way too late. It’s like the proverbial “closing the gate AFTER your horse escapes.”
DeleteIt can’t be coincidental that she’s shut it down on Black Friday. That’s the official start of holiday shopping. In Jenna’s case, begging.
DeleteBWAHAHAHA she found the parody twitter account and blocked it. And privated her tweets. No worries, one of my other profiles can see her.
Please keep us posted until she’s public again. Thanks.
DeleteWIW. We’ve been commenting about her private setting change above. She’s done it today. I think that she’s been regularly reading this blog, and saw your parody account here.
DeleteThe parody account was hilarious! I was almost hard to tell it from her actual tweets.
DeleteAnonymous 3:02. It looks like your comment wasn’t posted.
DeleteHD. New post please? Thanks. Hope that you and everyone had a happy holiday. And that your foot finally feels healed.
ReplyDeleteThanks. The foot is good. That whole thing was a long rotten deal….but I adapt. ;-)