It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
It is amazing to me that she can't start any work for 3 months since she has so much right now but come the weekend and nothing posted. If she does post anything it is only fun things. If I were so far behind on my mortgage and other bills I would be working like crazy to get it all done so I could get paid for it. Nothing or nobody cuts into her fun times.
ReplyDeleteSince she demands payment upfront, it really doesn't matter to her if people want what they already paid for.
DeleteAmazed here as well. She wrote a tweet earlier that said something like:
Delete"If you see all my non-stop tweets about what I have to sell, and you've never bothered to DM me about purchasing something, today would be a great day to do so!"
Translation: "It's obvious that you don't want to buy any of my crap, but please do anyway, cuz I really need you to!"
Uh, that's not how sales work. Neither is taking 3 months to send people your tat.
Anyone know how much weed costs? She has always and continues to waste so much money. When I didn't have enough money, I never smoked, drank, or used electric space heaters, and so much more. She must be getting enough from her enablers to pay her basic bills, she asks for "mortgage" money because that is what brings in the most and biggest $. We could go on and on. Even her fancy bamboo tp that clogged the plumbing/septic system could have been avoided with all the tp-less options out there (utube). She sure is one big Dumb-Ass! (pun intended!).
ReplyDeleteAnon 64
Weed is considerably more expensive than beer. Depends on who you know, if someone has a plant they might give or trade a certain amount, but otherwise it's about double the cost of cigarettes. Sometimes more.
DeleteShe has one or more other sources of income. She is not surviving on soap, art and pork.
ReplyDeleteSome people in this world get by on the hard work and power of their hopes and dreams. And then you have the Pig Shocker, trying to get by on day-old-donut farts and schemes.
DeleteAnon7 hilarious!
She looks like a serial killer with that hawk.
ReplyDeleteI'll bet she bought it. Nothing in their bullsh$% rule book that forbids sales.
DeleteShe is a serial killer with the hawk. How many hawks have died at her hand? I've lost track.
DeleteWow, it hasn't even been one full day and she already posted that hawks pic to the internet for likes and potential donations. Already trying to monetize this poor bird who is no doubt scared and confused about what is happening to it. Also note that she has never posted even one pic of her hawks in their mews. Why is that? People like her suck.
DeleteShe hasn't posted a photo of the mews in years. I haven't checked her socials in a while so I didn't see the new photos. Sad she got another one. Poor thing.
From the last thread, Anon 1:31 wrote: "BTW: on IG stories ( now gone) she posted that she can’t get her student loans forgiven because she has private loans."
ReplyDeleteWTF?!? Student Loan Forgiveness should NOT be for those who've made the stupid choice to not be gainfully employed. This forgiveness program should be for those who are struggling thru no fault of their own, such as those who are victims of predatory lending and corporate greed.
Take for example, a woman featured on my local news: She was a single mother of three who decided to go back to school. She chose a 2-year plan at a business school and took on a $60K loan plan. While she was attending school, her academic counselor kept pushing more courses, telling her that the degree she was studying for would be worthless without a bunch of additional courses. She believed them, and in the end this woman's loans doubled to $120K -- and it turns out all the extra classes were unnecessary. She is struggling to repay that amount.
Another example would be younger students who are victims of unreasonably inflated college costs and have no choice but to take out loans but are told not to worry because of a big, lucrative job market awaiting them. Then, once they graduate, the hefty loan payments start immediately and they are often unable to find a job right away due to high competition in a weak job market. And when they do get "lucky" it's a job that pays little more than minimum wage. Meanwhile, they've missed several payments and the late fees start piling up, adding to their debt. All because they were misled and/or lied to by school loan officers exaggerating and over-selling what their school/degree can do for them.
THESE are the people who deserve help and forgiveness. Not the stupid selfish people who can work, but choose not to.
For example, let's say there's a young woman who meets her husband-to-be at college. They both graduate with degrees and loans to pay off. The woman works for a bit, but then becomes pregnant. After a few kids, she decides she doesn't want to work anymore as she'd rather be a stay-at-home mom. And she really doesn't need to work because hubby's salary is sufficient for all their needs. So does this woman deserve loan forgiveness because she no longer needs to use the degree she took out loans for? NO.
And then we have assholes like Jenna, who willingly took out student loans at a 4-year college for a BA degree, but now doesn't feel it's fair that she has to repay them. After graduating, she worked for a bit and then decided that she didn't like corporate work, that she didn't like working for the man. In fact, she really really really really really HATES it. So she quit. She just up and quit and tried her hand at being self-employed. But as we can all see, it's not working out for her. She can't pay her bills without constant help via crowdsourcing. And she struggles to repay her student loans because she refuses to get a real job. And that is a CHOICE that deserves ZERO forgiveness.
This type of thinking is akin to trying to return a half-eaten party platter to a deli because the guests only ate some of it. Jenna, you bought your education in the form of student loans. And it doesn't matter if you are no longer utilizing that degree. You STILL need to pay off those loans, even though you can't afford to, thru ALL fault of your own.
And we understand that a full-time job might not be feasible due to having to care for a bunch of unnecessary animals, but you could still choose to get a part-time job. But you won't because you are lazy and entitled. Thus you are NOT the type of person who the Student Loan Forgiveness creators had in mind when drafting this program. GET A FUCKING JOB, you worthless sack of shit.
The story is gone now but she typed that she isn’t eligible BUT she applied anyway just in case. So shady! I was actually shocked she didn’t try to get one of those Covid loans for small businesses ( she’s not on the list for her area unless it’s under a name/ business I’m unaware of) I really think the only reason she didn’t was because Shannon was there at the time, probably paying all the bills!!!
ReplyDeleteIf she'd applied for a PPP loan, and fraudulently omitted income, she would be in a heap of trouble, something beyond scary man in red van driving by her house (which sits on a main road ffs).
DeleteOn several occasions, she's clarified that she isn't poor, she's "broke", which is what happens when you have $$$ but squander it.
Remember when she couldn't get discount dental care, because her income was too high, and she didn't qualify for subsidized healthcare because her income was...wait for it... too high? To not qualify for NY healthcare subsidies, she'd have to earn over $51,040 per year. That's a lotta soap to sell.
My $0.02 has always been she definitely has other sources of income, possibly unreported.
There is no way in hell she's running CAF like an actual business. Downside: not eligible for business programs.
Delete"No sales yesterday but hopefully one of you is jonesing for bacon, soap, or a logo today!"
ReplyDeleteHuh, it's almost like the Twitterverse has gotten wise and if they are going to send money to someone, it's to feed hungry kids, help Native/1st Nations grandmas, or help with death expenses. Not to help an apparently able-bodied white woman with a farm. (If she adopts a tribal identity, I'm going to lose it.)
Some people speculate that she is receiving disability benefits. I was doubtful at first as I know a few people who are legitimately receiving those benefits and what a struggle it was for them to get them.
ReplyDeleteNow I’m not so sure. We know she is adverse to work, so she might not have an unreported remote job. Or maybe she does.
Whatever the case, she is not living solely on sales.
In a way, it may be easier to get approval for a mental disability, like anxiety, because it is more difficult to disprove. It requires you to be tested and evaluated, but if you are determined, stubborn and put forth a good case, the odds are good you'll get it. I know at least three people on disability who weren't deserving, but they were convincing; each was rejected at first, but persevered. As long as they are relatively low-key, no one checks on them.
DeleteWhy? At some point, disability reviewers and/or companies, give up because it isn't worth fighting about. Disability usually pays 60% of the person's wages. At $30,000 per year, disability might pay $18,000 per year. It's not a huge amount of money, but it would cover mortgage and a few other bills. It would also explain the reluctance to "get a job" because if the disability was related to workplace "anxiety", returning to a workplace would suggest her condition was cured.
Btw, I took a peek at online social security disability information. About 40% of applicants with a mental condition receive disability approval after their first application, as do 60% of those who are rejected, re-apply and have a hearing.
Who knows anyone's individual situation, however - it's all speculation about a public figure. PDD / Why Not
PDD, I think you are on to something. It makes sense. My guess is she is getting disability but not enough to meet all her expenses. Thus, begging only for mortgage money and firewood. And if she gets a job, she loses disability.
DeleteWow! Something is actually starting to add up.
That would actually make sense.
DeleteWhat about just plain old welfare? Do you have to sell your property before you qualify? I'm not sure property-owners qualify for disability, but maybe it's different if you owned it before going on disability?
DeleteYeah, it's just not possible / plausible that she is living off of what she says she is, though she vaguely alludes to "gigs". A lot of gig work has shifted / dried up now, so I think if she were living off of gig work we'd be hearing a lot more about it, so I think at some point she had some sort of stipend set up that pays for the basics but nothing fun.
I honestly wonder if her parents are paying for her bare minimum expenses, just to ensure their unstable child doesn't end up in harm's way. A lot of families do this if they can afford to, set up a trust with a stipend payout to ensure there's a floor to how far their kid can sink.
It would be such hilarious irony if she were actually a trust fund recipient after all her crowing about direct deposit income and folding money
Anon 4:03 that is so very likely.
DeleteDisability qualification has nothing to do with whether or not you own property.
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
I'm now almost* halfway to the September mortgage being paid, which is the goal before November starts! thank you to everyone who has shared my work, wares, and food on this twitter site. It really helps.
Almost halfway to September payment? Wowzers! You are really on top of stuff Jenna. How much did you pay for the hawk gear this weekend. Did those experts give you a deal? With 6 ish days left of the month will she magically get her September payment??
thanks I updated the mortgage tracker on reddit. September should be 60 days overdue soon, why hasn't she posted about receiving a letter? They're automatically sent at 30 days.
DeleteBecause she is never late like she claims. And she never gets foreclosure letters like she claims. It's all bullshit so she can sell her "poor little me" stories on the internet. She is getting a healthy income somewhere else.
DeleteHer whole life is lies.
DeleteThe only thing that seems to make sense is that she is receiving disability payments and needs to supplement with side gigs. With disability, if you earn over a certain amount, you lose your benefit, so it seems to be why you have to DM her for payment. This way it cannot be traced. Also, she may be bringing in enough for her expenses, but not enough for weed, Taylor Swift merch or streaming expenses. She can't very well beg money for those, so she uses the mortgage each month as a pity beg.
ReplyDeleteThis seems to be the only thing that adds up.
So she is selling her snowflake soaps on IG. She wrote in the description that the soaps are made of “only the following ingredients: coconut oil, olive oil, goat milk, peppermint essential oil, and dried and ground mint leaves harvested her on the mountain side”
ReplyDeleteUmm that’s not soap. Wtf???
she forgot to mention the melt n pour base. She could be making soap from all the pig lard she supposedly has access to. On a real farm, that would be a great use of the bi-product her shareholders wouldn't want. She could make tallow, then it's a simple process to make soap from there... but the requires *skill*.
DeleteMaybe she was carrying her Taylor Swift notebook and pencil case. Hahaha.
hahaha yep that must have been it. She is so famous you know.
ReplyDeleteIt’s officially beg-a-thon over on twitter because, “darling”, she says, she will take any money you throw her way for any reason.
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
And also, you just want to contribute? I got venmo and it's jennawog - though I'd prefer to sell you something I make or drawn or design or raised but darling, support is appreciated however it knocks.
Ewwwww.... that is all.
Her usage of “darling” is always obnoxious and completely condescending.
Deleteenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈 Retweeted
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
Okay so this farm has 5 days to make the September mortgage payment, because in a few weeks the farm is eligible to begin foreclosure. So there's a fire under me to get sales in as fast as possible. There is meat, soap, art, and more in the thread below.
Hear me out: try getting a job I can guarantee you will be able to make payments on your house!!
DeleteAnd somehow, she'll "miraculously" pay her mortgage at the last moment and stave off foreclosure...
This comment on her latest. Little does he know that her pork is far from organic or humanely raised. Unless she has stopped feeding them dumpster donuts, rotten deli meat, medicated store-bought feed. Oh, and unless she has stopped shocking them while they are wet so it hurts more, according to her own admission.
ReplyDeleteBut sure, it’s organic and humanely raised.
Jenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈 Retweeted
Joshua Holland
If you're anywhere near upstate NY, this is some of the best pork I've ever had. And you know they're organic and well cared for and humanely raised.
Quote Tweet
Jenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
Okay so this farm has 5 days to make the September mortgage payment, because in a few weeks the farm is eligible to begin foreclosure. So there's a fire under me to get sales in as fast as possible. There is meat, soap, art, and more in the thread below!
Just a reality check in case anyone feels like kicking in some cash to our darling Jenna.
ReplyDeleteShe wasn’t in a rush to make money while obsessing over TS new album.
She wasn’t in a rush when she was posting 20 stories a day about every time Taylor Swift farts.
She wasn’t in a rush when she was spending countless hours looking for her hawk victim
She wasn’t in a rush when she was hanging out with hawk gear experts last weekend getting her hawk fitted with anklets ( not sure the proper name)
Bottom line, she has been doing sweet fuck all for weeks and suddenly needs September mortgage. She makes no sense, I’ll tell you that much for free!!!
Anon, perfectly put!
DeleteShe counts on fly-by readers and and people who don't pay attention to her action/inaction over time.
With her, it's never a crisis until it "is". And to think she hosted classes on homesteading and rural planning & preparation.
After over a decade, fool can't figure out how to use a garden hose to water her animals.
Sorry all. No idea how comment repeated. Also, sigh, one extra "and" in the message. On to that second cup of coffee!
DeleteThe hose fiasco and her own admission that in what, thirteen years of “farming” she hasn’t bothered to buy a $20 hose to make watering animals possible and easy, is proof that she is not only immature, but incapable, and not teachable in the least. It has been pointed out to her for a decade now, and she refuses to smarten up. I think that’s also evidence of something else going on there, all that unfounded hostility and defiance.
DeleteAnonymous 7:48. She’s even admitted on Twitter about her prickly personality being “difficult,” but never makes any attempts to change and modify her behavior. I think that Jenna’s massively self-entitled to her own detriment.
DeleteHer stubbornness and “defiance” has become more like a mental illness at this point.
DeleteI wonder if she would want any donations or orders from Republicans? She did say get your family, friends etc. out of the Republican party so just wondering! LOL. Think she would send that money back?
ReplyDeleteThe greedy twat will take money from anyone that wants to support her lazy loser’s “lie-style.”
DeleteThis story is a bunch of bull. I’m speaking from personal experience, because we’ve lived in Cambridge. Jenna has no good manners and common courtesy. Unless, it’s showing off for a “pretty brunette femme.” We’ve watched her rudeness in public places for years.
ReplyDeleteJenna, it’s obvious that you’re a regular reader here. Please post pics as proof of the “scary foreclosure letters,” that you’ve mentioned multiple times over the years. Funny, how “this faux farm” is always rescued at the last moment before it happens. Otherwise, it’s just part of your manipulative marketing maneuvers for free funds.
ReplyDeleteLooks like she's been offline for a whole 24 hours. Wow. That only happens when she's travelling. I wonder who she's visiting? If anything had gone wrong, you can bet your bottom foldin' dollar her thumbs would be flying over her iphone8, I'll tell you that much for free.
ReplyDeleteThought the same thing! She dumped a massive beg-athon on IG and Twitter and then went dark. Probably traveling or something that requires money she supposedly doesn’t have!
DeleteOf course she could be scheming a more exciting calamity... only 4 more days to pay that September mortgage so she needs to ramp it up. Bad teeth, vet bills, another weasel attack, bear??, floor rotted again, car trouble?, I think it will be a big ol’ problem to drop that last ditch effort to gain donations My 2 cents: with rising costs and as someone who already paid their November mortgage payment, I can’t tell you this much for free- sorry!
DeleteWell glad to see on Instagram that she is so caught up on bills that she was able to afford herself the luxury of purchasing the latest TS vinyl.
DeleteWoe is us dummies who listened to it for free on Spotify to see what the fuss was all about. Did not care for it at all. Gone is the lyrical, soft, poetic vibe of folklore and evermore. To each it’s own.
Delete“My boy and werewolf art. 14 year old me would be so relieved and proud.”
ReplyDeleteYeah, “relieved” that she’s become a lazy, lying loser who won’t work to support herself. Showing off her latest, trapped bird victim. Poor prisoner that’s another pet prop for pics to appear authentic. Now, it’s her arrested development teen mention again. But it’s 14 instead of her usual 13. This stupid, stunted cunt is pathological, and won’t ever progress.
She has nothing to be either “relieved or proud” about. Jenna can’t make it more than a few days without her fat hand out for more money.
DeleteWhy is a raptor in her freaking house? Aren’t there rules that must be followed as to how to house these birds-outdoor mews, aviaries, etc? This whole set up reads animal cruelty.
DeleteI wish that the appropriate authorities would take the bird away, before she harms it like the others. Jenna acts as if she owns a wild creature that belongs outside, not stuck in her filthy hovel against its will.
DeleteJenna, this is a promise not a threat. If you don’t release that hawk soon, then “this farm” will bear the brunt of your animal abusing. It’s gone on far too long, and a group of us are going to take actions against you.
DeleteI’m shocked that she hasn’t threatened again to leave Twitter because of Musk. Of course, then she’d have to find another begging platform for free funds.
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
Of course she is! She always just makes a payment in the nick of time!!!
But did you see her desperate, one-word, “$25 ?” Beg that she posted with the small cartoony canvas? Crickets from the peanut gallery.
DeleteBut she is almost there? After, by her own admission, days without sales?
Her fake fear of foreclosure is a crock of crap.
DeleteHer hyperbolic “ALMOST THERE!!” is one of her manipulative marketing techniques. She’s often used it to get people to donate a small amount of money. So it appears that she’s working to make a mortgage payment. But in reality, Jenna just wants more cash for new Taylor Swift merchandise.
DeleteShe showed off her brand new Taylor vinyl on Instagram. The album hasn’t been out a week yet and she already has it, and on vinyl. But sure, she is broke and please help her pay her mortgage (again).
DeleteCan we add to the foreclosure bingo card "pig needs a root canal?"
ReplyDeleteIt is absolutely unreal that she talks about her mortgage payment every day in a public forum. Who does that? I would be mortified to show what a loser I am every single month.
ReplyDeleteJust so you all know, my mortgage payment is due November 1. Since I have a great FULL TIME JOB and a nice amount of folding money, I will be paying it on time. In fact, I could even pay my never-late mortgage payment a few days early! I don't have to depend on how pathetic I sound so I can appeal to the kindness of suckers.
Her next book title should be “Mortgage and Me”.
ReplyDeleteSeveral days ago Elon Musk bought Twitter and said one of the first things he'd do is clear out all the fake bot accounts. On that day, the Pig Shocker had 4,887 foollowers. Now she has 4,854 which is 30+ lost in just a few days. Her numbers have dipped before, but only in single digits.
ReplyDeleteKeep your eye on those numbers cuz they'll probably drop even more as Twitter deletes all the fake foollowers she purchased over the years.Talk about a waste of poodle cash!
Down 2 more since you commented! I know what I’ll be checking while I collect my direct deposit, folding money today!!
ReplyDeleteWill the mortgage be made today? Is she 7/9 of the way to paying September?
She was playing all weekend, I bet. That’s why she has been quiet. But just wait, it’s Monday morning. She is about to crank it up. In 3, 2, ….
Deletena Woginrich 🏳️🌈
Good morning from Cold Antler Farm. I'd like to just say, that it's still October. And you know what?! The only late house payment this farm owes for 2022 is the Oct mortgage - which means, even on the last day - I'm caught up to the same month. This month was hard, but I did it!
Amazing she did it! She always manages that payment at the last minute! Now she’s only late on October... which she doesn’t consider late since it’s still October
I read this on her twitter account and just shook my head. Who brags about being only one month late on their mortgage payment? Also she has become political again and so I shall go there now for all my politics advise, said no one ever. And yes I bet you are right she played all weekend celebrating that she paid the mortgage 6 weeks late. Funny how she can always pull that off at the last minute each and every single month.
DeleteI don’t know what she is crowing about because news flash, her o Tiber mortgage is late, and her November mortgage is due tomorrow. So in five more days, she will again be two months late because there is no way she pays two more months by nov 5
DeleteMaybe her mortgage is due on the 5th or 10th. Mines due the 2nd which is weird to me.
Jenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈’s Tweets
Jenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
This little painting along with 2 bars of soap can be yours for $25! (Plus $5 shipping!) DM to snag it!
So now we have gone to add two soaps to the painting for $25 and we have reduced the shipping from $10 as posted the other day, to $5.
Why is she hawking stuff nobody seems to want even at a very low cost? Go get a damn job and make $25 an hour and stop begging.
So ridiculous. That hawk pic is just not cute. It’s more “paint and sip” than “american animation”
ReplyDeleteKeep questioning people, keep questioning
ReplyDeleteJames Brown
Replying to
If he is that stubborn, that is a sign to let him go free, don't you think?
Jenna’s response
nna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
Red-tailed juveniles in the wild have a 90% mortality rate. He'll be released in the spring. Falconry isn't keeping a hawk hostage. It's working together as 2 species to hunt better than he would alone, ensuring he'll make it to molt, then return even stronger to the wild.
Her comment on hawk mortality for hawks who overwinter is, of course, exaggerated. Whether juveniles survive is greatly related to their hunting area and whether they are forced to migrate (which has a higher mortality rate). While it is hard to find data specific to rural New York, I have seen overall juvenile mortality rates that ranged from 36% - 80%.
Delete(See link )
Of course, her interest in "saving hawks" is utter bullsh^&. If you look at her early blog posts, the ONLY reasons she wanted to get into falconry was because she thought she'd be cool, look like she lived like fiction, get attention and make some friends. It was only later on that she tacked on the altruistic part - guessing because her hoped-for NYC social media buddies thought it was better that way.
As I remember, there was only video proof that two-three of her hawks were properly released.
Bullshit. That hawk was born to hunt. What's he going to learn from her? How to make crappy soap? P.S. Someone send James "The Questioner" a link to here.
DeleteInteresting tidbit, the mushroom tree biz that Jenna created the label for isn’t private anymore, and the post with Jenna’s label and the tirade about leaving if you don’t support queer business is gone. Very interesting!
ReplyDeleteFaux farmer has had two people, at least one of whom has bird knowledge, why she's keeping her latest hawk victim and why she has it in the house.
ReplyDeleteI hope both readers look into her earlier blog entries to learn that she started falconry for purely selfish reasons, continues it for media attention and only verifiably released 2-3 of her hawks.*
And to add icing on her 💩
Oops. Hit wrong button.
... she posted a photo of that poor hawk, used as a Halloween prop to sell her brand and get donations. Seven (its name) was shown tied to her old metal gooseneck lamp, sitting inside her dirty, smoky living room.
Wth is wrong with NYS DEC to allow raptors to be treated like advertising props???
* PS I hope her raptor critics persist in asking how she's allowed to treat wild birds in this manner.
On IG I report every single hawk post of hers as “animal abuse”. Not sorry!!!
ReplyDeleteGood on you! It is. Her latest hawk pics whee she is peering from behind the hawk give off serious serial abuser vibes.
DeleteWe also have a neighbor network that’s “watching her like a hawk.” Pardon my pun. If she doesn’t release this bird soon, then we’re going to take actions against her. She can count on it. It’s time for her to pay the price for abusing animals, and being held accountable.
DeleteEdit: network of neighbors
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
Want to make a BIG difference in a small life, invest in next year’s harvest now. One sale a day means possibly catching up on the mortgage, or getting dental work, or more firewood for heat. 🍁
Her “dumb small life” is due to decades of making bad decisions, and refusing to support herself by getting some sort of secure job. She’s caused all of her own problems, but believes that the world owes her money.
DeleteTwitter LOL LOL LOL
ReplyDeleteNow Faux Farmer can buy that coveted Blue Check she's always wanted - at only $8.00 per month!
Poodles - please send her all your hard-earned folding money ASAP. Mama needs that blue dot!!!
na Woginrich 🏳️🌈
Nov 1
Did you know that CAF pork shares are available for next season?! Yes! You could purchase a 1/4 or half pig and have it raised from piglet to harvest here by a scrappy queer who refuses to give up her dream while writing this book. DM to get info or visit
Changed the above twitter post to this lol. Had to remind everyone she’s gay and she will have money once she sells the book! Lol
My avatar seems to be back! 😁 Time for an update.
ReplyDeleteAs a woman who lives in the country but doesn't beg others to fund my existence, I've spent October on the following:
👍 not being late on mortgage
👍 put perennial and vegetable gardens to sleep
👍 set up inside hydroponic gardens for winter herbs and greens
👍 cooked fall soups/stews with home-grown potatoes, carrots, onions, herbs and meat from properly-raised animals
👍 Weatherized and insulated animal barns so all is ready for winter and
👍 stacked seasoned firewood (cut last year) from our own property
Faux farmer, who can't get out of her own way, is an embarrassment to rural women everywhere.
"put perennial and vegetable gardens to sleep"
DeleteAs a cidiot without a garden, what does this entail?
Hi Anon,
DeleteIn my case, it means trimming old, diseased branches; cleaning debris; relocating leaf litter for overwintering critters (we have a LOT of leaves on our property); dividing crowded perennials and moving to new spots; moving tubers and bulbs inside (our winters are too harsh for their survival); taking seeds and cuttings of plants to re-start (sometimes trading with neighbors) and adding our own compost to gardens so plants have a great start in the spring. There's always something to do.
Thanks for the reply! Very interesting and cool.
DeleteJenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
Purchase now to get 2022 rates before I need to raise prices $30-$50 a share because of rising grain and feed costs. This is THE TIME to secure your future food and help support a farm when it needs it most. Within 4 hours of NYC/BOSTON/PHILLY/PROVIDENCE!!
Yes Jenna people really want to drive 8 hours round trip to pick up your meats!!😫
No mention of how she can afford to sell shares at a price lower than what she needs to charge because of rising "grain and feed" costs...
DeleteShe's just saying this because she is desperate for money right now. But when the time comes, the money will be long spent and she'll end up begging again due to these rising costs.
DeleteI’ve been getting notices that say “ due to the rising costs of.... we need to raise your...” for the past couple of weeks. So far in 2 weeks, my monthly costs will be ~$30 more ( so far! ) I know I’ve said it before but she is always advertising her goods way below what she should. I think it’s her way of getting pity money but so stupid as a long term business plan. An original hawk painting plus 2 soaps for $25, is honestly a super desperate and embarrassing price for her work. People throw hundreds down at Target every day for mass produced garbage that costs more than what she is selling stuff for. Is her stuff crap? Well I’m sure, but she should really be more concerned with being paid a fair wage as someone who supposedly lives off her own work. $25 is no where near a fair hourly rate for what she’s offering but no one is buying it because it isn’t very good. If she sells it, she has to use gas to get it to the post office too. Whole business model is a wreck!!
Deleteenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
I can't tell you how much I need a vacation. And I think I've got at least 4 more years to get to one.
Boo hoo. Get a job
Oh and I thought only poodles need vacations? Is she morphing into a poodle. Art arf
Yep, it was just a few years ago that she declared her disinterest in traveling and her barely concealed disdain for those who do vacation.
DeleteJenna’s jealous of those who have hard-earned money, and can afford to take trips without begging for funds.
Delete“Wish I could offer to take over the farm chores for a few days!”
DeleteThis kind comment in response to her stupid tweet was completely ignored by Jenna. She didn’t even “like” it. What a condescending cunt. She has no sense of common courtesy.
Of course, if a flirty femme had left it, then “the beast” would’ve said something.
It doesn’t matter if men leave nice comments to Jenna. Unless, they’re famous. Only women count now.
DeleteI'm confused. Was the mortgage payment she paid on October 31, for the September mortgage? No way she paid the October mortgage in October. She made it sound like she was all caught up on October 31. I don't think even she can keep track of her lies.
ReplyDeleteIt was the September mortgage.
DeleteShe is down by about another twenty more followers since the last time someone posted about her numbers going down.
ReplyDeleteShe's now at 4,828 from last week's count of 4,887. That's 59 fake accounts blasted!
DeleteWe’ve suspected that she’s been buying bots on Twitter for a long time. It’s to appear more popular than she is. I’m glad that the number are going down again. Her whole life is lies.
DeleteEdit: numbers
DeleteIt’s unbelievable that she has the money to buy bots on Twitter to bolster her ego, but claims to be behind in making mortgage payments each and every month. “Live like fiction!”
DeleteShe’s lost even more followers. It’s steadily declining. LOL!!!
DeleteYep, 4,819 now -- almost 70 lost in just a week. Wonder how low it will go?
DeleteAlso today, she re-tweeted a tweet criticizing Elon Musk and added, "Fuck this guy." Yet she is STILL using his platform to beg. Pig Shocker, if you hate the guy so much why don't you find another place to sell your stuff? Show some integrity and shut down your Twitter account.
Exactly. Last week I thought “Fuck that guy” and deleted my Twitter account that I have had for years. Jenna has always been such a hypocrite so it doesn’t really surprise me.
DeleteSpeaking of selling stuff, I noticed two things today that she could do to improve sales:
ReplyDelete1) Make better logos. Like put some effort into it at least. The latest logo posted on Instagram, WHIPPOORWILL FARMS, is a perfect example of her laziness and shitty work ethic. The horse's measurement from the top of it's ears to it's chin is 2.5 inches. So by that measurement you should be able to see the tips of the ears of the horse behind it.
You may be thinking, well, that horse must be smaller. Nope. It's snout is the same size, which makes no sense if the horse was standing a foot or so beyond the first horse. And if you look closely, she didn't bother to make any changes, as the nostrils and all the shading lines are identical. She basically just copied and pasted without regard to visual perspective. Between this and the missing ears, crappy low-quality work like this is why more people don't hire her for logos.
2) I happened to be searching for "drawn cat" images and noticed all the different styles in which they can be drawn. There are so many! Yet she offers her "Disney animation" style only. If she just took the initiative and time to learn other styles she could offer potential customers a bigger and better selection, which would result in more sales. But like everything in her life, half-assed is as good as it gets.
I looked at that overused by her logo again with your commentary in mind and wow. You are so right. The details do matter, and it does seem like such shoddy work.
ReplyDeleteSame here. I checked it out again. Before, I'd only glanced at the logo, seeing it as another "old timey" clip-art snooze-fest. Looking at it from a professional angle, however, I definitely see your point. With her background in graphics design, you'd think the logos would look better.
ReplyDeleteI noticed something else: She doesn't seem to have a place where you can view all the logos she's done. Like all of them in one place so you can see before you buy. Correct me if I'm mistaken, but the only way to see all her logos is to scroll endlessly thru her Twitter or Instagram...which means you have to scroll thru a lot of beggin' bullshit posts.
ReplyDeleteAnd on her website (that Shannon set up) it just shows ONE logo and a button to contact her. What kind of business plan is that? There should be a link that shows each and every logo she's done.