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June 22, 2024
Autumn is coming in at full force.
It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
When did we last see a picture of Gibson and Friday together?
ReplyDeleteI’ve wondered about Gibson. But if he’d died, Jenna would’ve been begging for more money. Like she’s done before in order to purchase a puppy.
DeleteNow, she’ll read these comments, and show a photo of Gibson as proof. But she’s done time trick pics with other animals. So you never know what’s current.
Delete“Gibby got ‘em in”
DeleteI called this crap above about Gibson being missing. I wouldn’t put it past her, for this to be a time trick pic again. Jenna reads here multiple times a day. What a total loser and liar.
Jenna’s like a chunky monkey who reacts when we pull her stupid strings. So much for her not caring what we think.
DeleteLolol of course she posts a picture immediately.
DeleteUsing precious firewood she begs for with the windows open. Anyone who gives her money is just a dope. Again, I live in her area... yes it’s a tad chilly outside but inside with all the windows shut the house is comfortable. But go ahead and waste folding money Jenna!! Hopefully it doesn’t get so warm in your house you have to use the AC unit Shannon left you!!
ReplyDeleteHer fiasco with firewood every year is insane. I also can’t believe that she didn’t bank the $5,000 for her car crash. Instead, she stupidly spent it on another vehicle. When she owns a truck.
DeleteI can not believe she is a) burning precious and expensive firewood in freaking first week of October -for which she begged funds-with the windows open, just for grins and b) is so socially inept that she would post about it to the very internet world that paid her very firewood bill. I agree with the poster above. Those still giving her money must be bigger idiots than she is.
DeleteAnonymous 5:04. Jenna likes spending money that “poodles” give her for free. She’ll just beg for more on Twitter.
Delete“This is it. My favorite time of year. The fire lit, windows open. I can hear the wind chimes. When the breeze comes into the house it creates little ripples of static, like thunder in a terrarium. What a thing, to whip up a synthetic thunderstorm and bring her inside for a movie.”
ReplyDeleteI thought that “heavy, humid summers” were her “favorite time of year.” What a pathological liar and huge hypocrite. Jenna’s stupid, nonsensical writing is rotten, not poetic like she thinks.
In all my years I have NEVER met a single person who've said they like humid muggy weather. Not a single one.
DeleteJenna’s a contrarian. She’ll rebel for no reason other than stubborn stupidity.
DeleteIn all my years I’ve never met a person who burned pricy firewood they couldn’t afford in the first place, in early October with the windows open.
Delete“In all my years” I’ve never met a lazy loser like Jenna.
DeleteNonsensical is right. How does an open window invite ripples of static in the house for a movie? I get personification, but hers makes zero sense!
ReplyDeleteLooks I need to add "lightning strike" to my Begging Bingo card.
Deletei bet she was very proud of that sentence about the synthetic thunderstorm.
DeleteWhy would she get a 13 year old subaru???? By that age they start to need parts and repairs on subez cost double what they do for other cars because they're put together in an awkward way - you have to remove big heavy important parts to get at the cheaper, frequently wearing out parts.
ReplyDeleteBUT - did Jenna just stumble on another scam? She could always *hit a deer* again when it's time for the next car.
Lol, *hit a deer* will become the new root canal, just you wait.
DeleteWhich begs the question: Is the amount of deer in Cambridge greater or lesser than the amount of molars in Jenna's mouth?
DeleteNOW I understand. She's not driving around looking for hawks, she's looking for deer!
PDD. And she’s also “supporting small businesses” while guzzling coffee!
DeleteNow now, WIW. You forget the dang darn deer HIT HER!π€£π€£π€£π€£π€¦π»♀️π€¦π»♀️π€¦π»♀️π€¦π»♀️π€¦π»♀️
DeleteWIW good point. We inherited our daughter’s old Subi when she got her new one, and every 100K miles you can count on needing a new head gasket, timing belt, and more frequently things like battery, alternator, water pump, etc. as these cars age. Ours is 15 but hey, our kid drove it for almost ten years. Just replaced the rear wheel bearings and rear differential. Need to do the same with struts soon. And you are right. In our small town we’ve had to learn to fix it ourselves with specialty tools that you order and keep, because local mechanics just don’t care to deal with how complicated it is to get to things to work on them.
DeleteJenna thinks it’s sooooo cool and sooooo gay to have a Subi, but a 13 yr old one is just waiting for you to start fixing, especially if it’s nearing 100K or 200K miles, as these workhorses often are around that age.
Y'all are haters!!!
DeleteHer new subaru is SHINY!! That trumps all electrical and mechanical issues. Now STFU.
Lol PDD. I forgot it was SHiNY, that changes absolutely ever’thingπ€£π€£π€£
DeleteI also commented recently that “shiny” was SUCH an important criteria in buying a new vehicle. Who cares about anything else?!
DeleteShe hurt herself cutting firewood this morning and a fox was back again... build up the beggin’ Jenna Wo-is-me-not-rich.
ReplyDeleteThe brave butch and “scrappy little lesbian” is “scared of chainsaws.” Jenna stubbornly refuses to make her loser’s life any easier.
DeleteYou mean the already pre-seasoned, pre-cut expensive firewood she bought?
Delete“This morning has included 5 escaped pigs, chasing a fox who was watching my chickens from the horse pasture, and minor injury from chopping firewood. I am so glad my state inspection happened yesterday”
ReplyDeleteWe have a network of neighbors in Cambridge, who are closely watching her faux farm for more animal abusing. GFY, Jenna. You’re far from being free.
Doing a surprise inspection in early October is hardly a risky time. Not too hot, so unlikely animals run out of water, and certainly not cold enough for water to freeze and become unavailable. Inspecting during summer's heat or winter's cold is more telling.
DeleteFor the record, our livestock always has water 24/7 (heated in cold months) and they don't have to wade through snow/mud or feces to eat! Hey, remember when FF wrote that her chickens were reluctant to wade through deep snow to drink from her creek/pond? LAF fauxmer expects them to find their own water in cold weather. Honestly, she's such a POS to her animals.
"...chasing a fox who was watching my chickens..."
DeleteChasing a fox? Yeah right. Her videos have shown that she can't walk more than a few yards before the heavy breathing starts. What's more likely is that she stood up and hollered from the safety of her new yoga deck, frightening the fox, who's never seen such crazy and fled for it's life.
“Stop asking commercial artists to enter a contest to win a job.”
ReplyDeleteJenna’s just jealous that she wouldn’t win one with her lousy “commercial” crap.
And “stop asking” people to support your fat ass, because you’re too lazy to work.
DeleteUmmmmm, how else does she expect commercial artists to compete for a job, other than, well, compete for it with everyone else interested in applying?? Like, every other freaking job out there…
DeleteAlso, if she is a commercial artist, my goat is a professional stenographer.
DeleteI’d like to meet your goat….
DeleteStop whining and begging for a living and get a job.
DeleteAnd she needs to stop asking people to "kick in" towards a blog she hardly ever writes for.
DeleteLol, in the business world, what she's complaining about is the equivalent of bidding on a Request for Proposal, in which companies are expected to say how they would design buildings, systems, processes or promotional materials to meet the prospective client's needs.
DeleteIt's done all the time.
She's clueless, and her supporters are worse.
PDD I was thinking the same. In my line of work we are required to have three bids -competing bids! -from anyone that we consider for contract work, including our graphic designers. She has no idea how the real world works these days, where legit contractors compete for, win, and deliver legit design projects. She is not one of them.
DeleteI throw up a little every time she says Hoooo! and the rest of her age-inappropriate, poser words.
ReplyDeleteThen you'll just love what she had to say after wearing the same clothes for 3 days:
Delete"Soon as I closed the door on the sun-warmed truck I could smell....myself. Hooo."
*passes the barf bucket*
I also left a comment about her stupid usage of “Hoo!” But it’s disappeared. It reminds me of a loud and obnoxious pre-teen boy at a football game. It’s not something that a middle-aged moron would say. And I remember that “barf bucket” post, too. Jenna likes bragging about having horrid hygiene.
DeleteShe literally, stinks. We’ve had the misfortune of being around her in public places.
DeleteTwitter Twaddle: "I just read this say but and not and. You get the print and web files!! All electronic! Why do I sound a generation older each sentence?! Rats!"
ReplyDelete"I just read this say but and not and."
I can't make any sense of this because I don't speak stupid. Maybe she had a stroke?
Clearly, she’s not sober. Her writing is even more rotten now. Jenna’s either drinking or smoking weed. It’s probably both of them.
DeleteI don’t buy her bull about staying sober. All of the evidence suggests otherwise. Including, Jenna’s recent visits to “her pub.”
DeleteSo many of her photos show a pipe in the background - she is never sober. People think giving her $ is going to her "farm" but it's actually helping her get her next fix.
Any normal adult would take time to edit their tweets. Especially, if they’re trying to attract new clients. But Jenna’s too sloppy, stupid and stubborn. Not one person either “liked” or responded to this crap. Yet she hasn’t deleted it.
DeleteNot only she hasn’t deleted it, this lazy, socially inept loser has now retweeted it along with her sloppy correction as a reply.
DeleteAnd the “sloppy correction” still doesn’t justify her narcissistic retweet. Jenna doesn’t care what others think about her lack of professionalism. Until it starts adversely affecting her income.
DeleteIt has affected her income already for years, but she is too inept to realize or change that.
DeleteTwitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete'"Tried explaining to a girl on Hinge how having a mountain farmhouse heated with wood stoves isn’t “always camping” but gave up three sentences in."
FIRST OFF: The process of dating takes time and money. Time spent looking thru all the profiles of potential suitors. Time spent chatting with them. Meeting up with them. A lot of precious time that would be better spent on completing logos and artwork, rather than making clients wait for months. And then there's the money involved. Dating ain't cheap. Money is spent on dating apps, new clothes and makeup, gas to travel, restaurant meals, bar tabs...and U-Hauls. She is allegedly broke, but she's gonna spend money on all that when she can't even make her mortgage?
SECONDLY: Maybe I read her tweet wrong, but it sounds like she is annoyed that the girl she is talking with doesn't understand what it's like to live all alone on the side of a mountain in the middle of nowhere. And so what? Maybe she's a city girl. And it sounds to me like this girl thinks wood stoves in houses are outdoorsy and romantic, which is sweet. But no, Jenna instead gives up trying to explain...umm...what exactly is she trying to explain?
The Pig Shocker is doing herself no favors with behavior like that. For starters, she is not playing with a full deck. She is not easy on the eyes or ears. And she is broke. Yet here she is, complaining about a potential date's naivety and romanticism of of rural living. When in reality, she should be grateful that anyone even wants to talk to her and should be treating them much nicer than that.
The chef’s kiss of that tweet is one of the responses below from a dummy who calls Jenna a lesbian dating dream and muses about how she just can’t believe Jenna can possible still be single.
DeleteBless your heart, as we say around here. (And it ain’t a compliment)
Jenna’s a dating nightmare not “dream.” Her lazy loser “lie-style” is an epic train wreck.
DeleteThe name of the stupid site should be changed to “Unhinged” for users like Jenna.
DeleteLMAO! Unhinged indeed!!
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich π³️π
And if you're thinking, When will this woman stop hustling to make a living out of her backyard/mountain hideout - don't hold your breath. This year just marked a decade of self employment doing just that. I'm way too stubborn to quit this close to this book getting ready to sell
Ahhhh yes, this book, she will have no need to beg when this book sells! All her problems will be solved... until she runs out of money again. Has the September mortgage been paid Jenna? When will your book be for sale? You spend a lot of time “playing” instead of working. She also tweeted that she had wood delivered again. Too bad you wasted wood over the weekend to attract unsuspecting victims on Hinge ( so cozy, so tweee!!!)
She brags about being a “hustler” like it’s something to be proud of. Jenna’s an online beggar. There’s nothing noble about her lazy “lie-style.”
Delete"backyard/mountain hideout"
Right, lol. There she is, living in a house with an all-home furnace, alongside a main road, at the bottom of a hill she doesn't own, adjacent to a hipster paradise for New York weekenders.
PDD. Her usage of “hideout” is the only truth. She’s “hiding out” from her adult responsibilities in her Cambridge crap cave.
DeleteDictionary Definition of hideout:
Deletea place of refuge, retreat, or concealment
a criminal's secret hideout
Sadly, Jenna mistakes begging and pleading for "hustling to make a living" -- which generally means holding down a job (or two) whilst raising a family. Not sitting on your ass all day re-tweeting begs for people to buy your stuff. Remember, she recently said that she only makes sales when she asks. And that's not hustling. That's just lazy.
DeleteThe brave butch is stupidly defiant to her own detriment. She blithely flips off potential clients and income, because she refuses to stop her horrid “hustling.” She reminds me of a sleazy used car salesman who won’t back off.
Delete“Good morning from CAF! Yesterday the second cord of firewood was delivered. Once that check is cashed, I'm down to near red so I am offering sales on soap bundles, pet portraits, and logos! Get logos HALF OFF, get soap shipped FREE! Get a pet portrait! Join the Pork CSA!”
ReplyDeleteHere she goes again. No one cares, cunt.
The filthy feral farmer is broke!!! Please send her money now.
DeleteThe poor, “scrappy little lesbian” would rather whine than work to support herself like a normal adult.
DeleteAnon 8:41, the word PLEASE is not a part of her vocabulary.
DeleteJon Katz has written about 36 books and has made a good living off it. He decided about 2 years ago to quit writing books. He wrote a post about it...basically things have changed in the publishing world, and the payoff is so small unless your book gets on the NYT Bestseller List. Jenna is out of touch with the writing world. The days of her getting a hefty advance are long gone, and the money to be earned from one book is not as much as she thinks/hopes it will be.
ReplyDeleteShe’s a rotten writer who has a terrible reputation now. Additionally, she has a history of money mismanagement. Jenna quickly blew the $15,000 that she bilked from her Birchthorn book’s backers. She’s a total financial fuck-up. And she just spent $5,000 for a faulty car, when she should’ve banked the funds. Being broke is her fault alone.
Delete"Jenna was a real treat to work with: punctual, intuitive, responsive, and above all truly talented! I never knew graphic design could resonate with me on this level. Her style speaks to my soul as a creator and I'm thrilled to use her work on my own work in the future."
ReplyDelete“(that was the client's testimony she wanted me to share!)”
DeleteSure she did.
DeleteWhat a crock of crap.
DeleteSure, Jen.
Delete“I bought a pet portrait from
and I'm delighted! It came in the mail yesterday and will be gifted Christmas morning. Jenna was a professional delight; communication was terrific and she listened to the 1 or 2 notes I had along the way. Highly recommended, y'all!”
Creepy Kelly is one of her stupid, sycophantic supporters who’s left angry comments here. He’s a middle-aged, untalented hack. Just like Jenna.
DeleteListen, let them dummies who haven’t done their homework pay her bills. Before too long they will realize all of us did it too years ago and woke up, and they too will wake up.
DeleteShe is even more insufferable lately. Really trying to look like she’s not a total disaster after crying about someone telling her they were sick of Her begging last week. How long will this last? Since she has no money in her checking, how will she pay the mortgage?
DeleteIs Kelly one of her hopeful romantic partners who loves a blazing fire in 70 degree weather!? Why don’t these two get together? Seem made for each other and jenna needs someone supportive of her werk
DeleteOh, no!!! Creepy Kelly’s published my IP address. I’m so scared that the filthy feral farmer will come and beat us up. Unfortunately, for him, it’s wrong. We don’t live in Newfane, VT.
DeleteAnonymous 11:42. Here’s what Kelly says about himself. He sounds like a loser:
“I'm an overgrown hippie living in beautiful Western New York. I work with tools by day and with words by night. My loves include Buffalo, NY; books; bib overalls; science fiction and fantasy; music of all kinds; walks in the woods and by the water. I love good food of all kinds: pizza, baked pasta, meat cooked well (that is to say, cooked correctly), fresh-baked bread, fruits that are in season. I love a warm apple pie with ice cream, and I love a cool cream pie in my face. I'm married to a wonderful woman who puts up with me, and we're raising a wonderful daughter who also puts up with me. Two of our children, alas, have gone before us into the Great Beyond, but who knows? As Spock says, "There are always possibilities." I love my family more than life itself!
I'm on Twitter (twitter.com/Jaquandor) and Facebook (www.facebook.com/ksedinger), and I've been blogging since 2002. I've also recently started a Tumblr blog. Enjoy!
(And feel free to leave comments on my photos -- I don't bite! Mostly not, anyway!)”
More fascinating information about Creepy Kelly:
Hey, Kelly. Did you ever hear of the sage saying “Where there’s smoke there’s fire”? Most normal adults don’t have Jenna’s rotten reputation. And they don’t have multiple blogs over the years about their animal abusing, sociopathic scamming, and pathological lying. Search for yourself online, and do due diligence. Before buying her bullshit lies.
DeleteWe’ve met Kelly and Debra before in Orchard, NY during the summer. He’s a self-entitled, pretentious poser. It’s no wonder why he supports Jenna.
DeleteEdit: Orchard Park, NY
DeleteHD. Since Kelly Sedinger above, of Orchard Park NY, doesn’t mind doxxing people, I’d suggest posting his IP address.
DeleteI didn’t think that it was possible for a blog to be even more boring than Jenna’s. I was wrong. Kelly’s lucky if anyone comments on his pathetic posts.
DeleteOMG, you're cute. This blog is hysterical! Have fun talking amongst yourself. (We all know there's only one person actually commenting here. You're not fooling anybody. Toodles! [waves buh-bye to the weird obsessed lunatic who pretends to have a raging comment section by only posting by themself])
DeleteLong time shamster here. After getting $15,000 for Birchthorn and claiming the “farm” was “saved”, she was back to crying foreclosure a mere three months later. She is nowhere near being “close” to “making it”.
ReplyDeleteThat’s just what I wrote above your comment.
DeleteMy comment is 9:40.
DeleteAnd every single month when she "earns up" the mortgage she also claims the farm was saved. Until the next month, of course.
DeleteFron Instagram:
ReplyDelete"Pet portraits are on SALE TODAY! Next 5 color portraits I sell are $50 instead of $85 and shipped free anywhere in the world, get yourself some Yule shopping done early and support a gay little farm."
Wow, that is quite a steep discount. Sounds like someone is getting really desperate for folding cash, lol. But at least she included a handy little reminder that she's gay, cuz I like totally forgot.
Test (Due to comment that disappeared)
DeleteSo weird my post keeps disappearing. It happened once before, and I found a way around it, but I forgot the solution. Guess I'll try posting it below, part by part.
DeleteI saw the post Anno.7.
DeleteThanks, I knew I wasn't just seeing things. The post would be there for a few seconds, but then disappeared. So strange!
DeleteAnon7. I’ve often had comments disappear that were there the day before. I’ve even asked HD if they removed certain ones with words that aren’t allowed. They said that it wasn’t a moderator issue. So I think that it’s some sort of blog glitch.
DeletePART 1 of 3
ReplyDeleteOn Instagram Jenna posted a review of a new mushroom logo where the business owner raved about her amazing design, calling Jenna "truly talented." So I did a search on DuckDuckGo for "black and white mushroom clip art" and lo and behold, guess what turned up on the first page of results, just four rows down? The exact same mushrooms that she used for the logo.
PART 3 of 3
ReplyDeleteAnd she made only ONE change: She removed a few blades of grass on each side of the mushrooms. And if you click on the website you'll see prices ranging from $5 to $50 depending on size. Would love to know if she actually paid or if she just stole it. Either way, it's not original or truly amazing on her part. Her customers are so easily fooled it seems.
The scamming continues!!!!
DeleteHer whole life is lies.
DeleteGood catch, Anon7. The website states its free clip-art is intended for non-commercial use by by students and teachers, provided they obtain a license from the site.
DeleteCommercial use (after payment and license) may be allowed; however, their images may not be used for trademark, service mark or logos.
This seems to be a long time pattern - on multiple occasions artwork was used without attribution and in apparent violation of copyright/use terms and restrictions.
I guess the people who want a dirt-cheap logo don't care about terms & conditions, but if the creative organization chooses to press charges, they could. I also imagine they could pull unauthorized uses of their images. I'd hate to have printed signs, shirts, mugs, stationery etc and then have to destroy them or pay $$$.
Btw, as longtime Shamsters remember, "stolen" images appeared in past farm logo art (cow and livestock images), celtic art posts and "lesbian wolf memes".
DeleteOoh, that's some juicy info right there! And yes, this is not the first time she has done this, as Shamsters here have found many many examples of search engine clip art that she used. Knowing what a scammer she is, I'd bet upwards of 90% of her logos feature stolen clip art.
DeleteFriday Freakout:
ReplyDelete“Pet portraits are 2 for $100 SALE, and less for multiples if you are getting more than 3! Support a farm trying to catch on the previous month's mortgage while preparing for winter hay and firewood. It's rough out here but progress is slowly happening!
2 cords
70 bales in barn”
Poor, desperate little Jenna has it so “rough” with her home, property, livestock/horses, and two vehicles including a new car. Boo fucking hoo.
DeleteSomeone said in an above comment, that she’s become even more insufferable lately. I’d also agree with that statement. Jenna has zero self-awareness, as to how overly privileged her white woman’s life is, compared to many others.
Delete"It's rough out here"
DeleteYeah, and of her own making. Her poor choices and lack of personal responsibility are the sole reason for her "rough" life. Too bad her foollowers don't seem to realize it's all her doing.
The mushroom tree stolen clip art logo is actually for a really cute shop:
Owner of the shop may want to officially purchase the original clip art before printing tags etc.
DeleteI don't do direct contact, but I hope she checks/contacts the source of her logo artwork, as their terms & conditions specifically state a commercial license is restricted from using their images as logos.
DeleteCan you imagine having to destroy everything you put that logo on? I'd be pissed. But then it's their own fault if they didn't do due diligence to make sure of stuff like that.
DeleteAnon7, exactly. I'd be furious if the "professional" I hired violated image terms & conditions, and I was left with the fallout.
DeleteHer periodic defenders forget; she's not a private individual doing logos, cartoons and eggs/farm products for friends. She's a public figure who operates several BUSINESSES, promoted daily on social media. She should follow normal business standards, such as honesty, responsiveness and transparency. She sells to the public, and she's frequently asked for donations of money, goods and services. If anything, she should be more accountable.
I submit it's because she's a relatively low-dollar, low-volume business owner that issues have largely remained under the table.
Look at The Mushroom Tree’s Instagram post “Making A Stranger Things Poncho” —it shows her process and her old logo on the tag—it is three mushrooms and almost identical to what Jenna “made” for her. Why pay good money for almost exactly the same thing, and then write such a glowing review? Make it make sense.
ReplyDeleteYes, and also a big missed opportunity to have made a really cute logo. For example, she could have drawn some mushrooms and then made the surface of them show a vibrantly colored knit texture. Kinda like knitted mushrooms.
DeleteOr...she could have drawn a ball of yarn with the string leading to a knitted mushroom in progress with knitting needles. All in vibrant colors. But no, instead that poor customer received a blandly colored logo of just a few mushrooms that are growing roots? Gee, thanks.
On IG stories she is showing a load of wood dropped off. Is this delivery from earlier in the week that put her “in the red” or did she magically get money for more wood?
ReplyDeleteIt certainly wouldn’t be the wood that she could get for free either on her property or around town. That’d require too much work, and ruin her victim narrative.
DeleteJenna also has a furnace that functions. But she refuses to use it.
DeleteShe’s mentioned the Danish word hygge before, a trendy lifestyle term, as a justification for heating her home with wood. It’s always about image with Jenna.
DeleteSometimes I feel a slight hankering of sorrow for her, cuz even though her hovel is a shit pit, those pics she posts of all the lights, candles, and wood stove burning do look a tad bit cozy. Which is the kind of atmosphere best spent with someone special on cold nights. But she scared everyone off, so instead she sits there alone without anyone to share it with.
DeleteAnon7. I don’t feel any empathy for her loneliness. She had “someone special” named Shannon. But as we all know here, Jenna ruined their romance, because she won’t stop being a beggar.
DeleteRebecca is back this weekend according to IG and helping her to get work done on the fauxrm so plenty of cozy sharing. I feel like Rebecca goes there to cosplay gay fauxmer and then goes back to her folding money, direct deposit lifestyle π
ReplyDeleteObligatory Pember Patty horsie wagon ride too.
Her statement on Twitter “ make friends with people that…”(will stack your firewood for you ), smacks of last year’s “ get yourself a girl who will” ..and we all know how terribly that statement aged.
ReplyDeleteYes, yes we do.
DeleteJenna and other obsessed Swift lovers are now upset that TS apparently admitted she is in a non gay relationship so now they feel that Taylor has been queerbaiting. Maybe Jenna needs to reassess her need to knit pick every TS Fart For gay ness? Maybe get a job!!
ReplyDeleteSo I am vegging out on the couch before I make dinner ( tired from my direct deposit job— I’ll tell you that for free!!!) and scrolling IG. I happen to see the “mushroom tree” who Jenna created labels for recently had a new story. I clicked on it and the shop owner is saying that she lost “5 followers” after she posted about her new labels from Jenna and ponders if it’s because she called her a “queer icon”. She said that she is queer too so if you have a problem with that unfollow!! I don’t want to get banned from her account but would love to tell her that it has nothing to do with queer and more to do with Jenna’s rotten reputation!!!
ReplyDeleteI just sent her a note on IG, letting her know and I provided a link to the clipart so she can see for herself.
DeleteSe should not be shocked she lost followers if she had done just a tiny bit of research with the key words Jenna + woginrich+ scam.
DeleteBut also. A queer icon? Lmao
DeleteI’ve got to get another cord bought and stacked, 100 bales of hay, and a house payment out in 20 days. Will that happen? No, but maybe 30 bales and a house payment?! That’s my goal!- this fresh off Twitter.
ReplyDeleteWhat grown and functional adult posts to the entire internet world that her goal is to pay September’s mortgage in freaking November?? But also, what functional adult airs their dirty financial laundry in public this way? I guess the only grace here is that almost nobody is listening. She barely gets more than 5 comments on random posts, zero comments on most.
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich π³️π
Pork Shares are open for 2023! We're in the last season with my current pigs & now taking reservations for 1/4, 1/2, and whole pigs for NEXT fall/winter. I only raise 4-5 pigs a year so these spots go fast! I'm a NY Market & Ag inspected small farm with references! DM for info!
Some please explain what’s going on here. She sold shares for what she claimed to be 2023 pigs a little while ago, claimed sold out, then claimed that someone dropped out, didn’t comment on the status of their refund but claimed to have an extra share to sell, then that kind of became two extra shares. Now all of a sudden she is acting like she never sold any shares earlier this summer to begin with.
She also says she is in the “ last session” with this year’s pigs-with a very old photo of pigs long dead. These are pigs that supposedly she sold as shares last year.. what a con artist all around.
Correction: someone*
DeleteI invite someone to find her farm on the list of NY producers of State Grown & Certified products. I couldn't.
ReplyDeleteMaybe faux farmer or one of her minions can provide us with a link?
As a New York resident I’ve checked the list and she wasn’t there.
ReplyDeleteAgree. Unless someone can show me proof, her farm's NOT on the list of NY Grown and Certified Products, and it's also NOT on the NY State Department of Agriculture and Markets Farm Directory.
DeleteMajes you wonder.
DeleteThis is the NY state farm directory list: https://farmdirectory.agriculture.ny.gov/public/Search/List
I think one of her defenders should contact NY State agriculture & markets about their omission. We poke fun and clarify misinformation about her public businesses, but if her farm IS certified or somehow approved by NY State, that should be recorded, no?
She called herself that not because she is on the list, but because she has been surprise-inspected by them several times due to reported neglect. I second contacting the state and pointing out the
Delete‘Omission”. But if she is not on the list, they need to be made aware that she fraudulently claims so.
We raise pigs and cows and never ask for money up front. We probably should ask for a deposit, but we haven’t had anyone give us reason to, so we don’t. Asking for payment for pork shares a year ahead is just bad business. Just the paperwork alone to keep track of who paid what, wanted what etc.
ReplyDeleteFor piglets, we don’t advertise until we begin weaning, you know- after they are born :)
We do have one repeat who wants a whole pig fall 2023, but they don’t pay us until the pig is at the butcher and we have a hang weight.
I sure as hell wouldn’t pay for a share if anything a year out, and I wouldn’t expect my customers to either.
*of anything
ReplyDeleteI just reread what was posted and she is only taking reservations for next year. My bad.
I am in Washington County as well, so I am familiar with what will fly locally.
Anon in her world “taking reservations” likely means full payment upfront. Wanna bet?
DeleteOur faux farmer is busily spreading her snark. On IG stories, she posted: "A lady at the grocery store today had a big pride flag button that said ALLY. Ugh, when I see a gay symbol w/ ALLY I'm always reminded how even the best intentioned people still see us as other..."
ReplyDeleteShe wrote this after quoting another comment directed at LGBTQ allies (I presume): "you don't need to wear a merit badge.."
Don't worry though, if you're an ALLY, she'll still happily take your folding money.
When some go low, she goes lower.
She posted this aggressively stupid comment on Twitter as well, with this added line: "So much so that even when showing support they want it clear that they aren't one of us."
DeleteWTF? Just when you think she can't get any dumber, she doubles down. Jenna, here's the definition for the word "ally" that you must've missed learning about whilst your 13-year-old self was drawing border collies on your sneakers in English class:
ally (verb)
-To place in a friendly association
-To unite or connect via relationship or friendship
-To enter into an alliance
These are all good, positive things to have in a world where gay people are treated as second class citizens. Yes, it sucks that straight people have to go out of their way to show the hateful others that us LGBT+ folks deserve equality and respect. But you should be thankful that they DO.
So that nice lady at the grocery store, she was just trying to show support for YOU. And you mocked her because you are too stupid to understand that. She wasn't trying to "make it clear" that she isn't one of us. She was trying to make it CLEAR that she stands with us, you judgmental dumbass.
"When some go low, she goes lower."
DeleteHer limbo bar is 3 feet below hell.
Not to mention the first time I saw someone wearing the flag/ally combo was on a face mask and she is a lesbian (who lives and works with her wife and kids near Jenna) so... I hate when she gatekeeps gay stuff. She barely leaves her house and is posting to social media all day every day. She is barely even in face to face contact with gay people ( if she was we wouldn’t hear the end of it). She’s an expert on her own voice and her own farts and that’s it.. I’ll tell you that much for free!
ReplyDeleteThat women she saw with the “ badge” might be a parent who is showing support for her own child and others. A simple google search shows that how you identify has nothing to do with you being an ally!!!
No doubt she imagines herself Cambridge's most famous and important lesbian farmer. And for the record, I am still not convinced that she is truly gay. I firmly believe that her declaration was borne of desperation for any sort of love, and also a means to grift.
Delete"That women she saw with the “ badge” might be a parent who is showing support for her own child..."
That's probably it right there. Yet the idiot Pig Shocker can't see a simple truth like that. As usual, she has to make EVERYTHING about herself and cry out to the internets about how everyone is against her and how she has it soooooo hard. Gee, let me send her some folding cash to help lessen her sadness via weed, alcohol and ice cream.
OK, I'm back. Normally, I check in here late at night, offer up my .02 cents, and then I bugger off to do something enjoyable, like watch a movie. But what she said in that IG post/Twitter tweet is really, really bothering me. And I feel like a deep dive needs to be made regarding this comment:
ReplyDelete"Ugh, when I see a gay symbol w/ ALLY I'm always reminded how even the best intentioned people still see us as other. So much so that even when showing support they want it clear that they aren't one of us."
I have yet to see one of these "ALLY" buttons where I live, but I have seen many folks wearing t-shirts that say things like, "I love/support my gay son/daughter" and other pro-LGBT+ sentiment. And NOT ONCE have I ever thought that the person wearing it was trying to establish that they aren't one of us. Like, that thought has literally never occurred to me. I've always seen all those shirts as a sign of support and nothing more. To me, those shirts = love and pride.
So WTF is wrong with her? What in the hell is she really trying to say?
That unless you are gay, you shouldn't bother being an ally cuz it's meaningless? Or maybe she means that she is in some special group that no one straight could possibly understand? Or does she think that these "allies" are being insincere and just feigning support? I don't get it.
Or maybe, just maybe, she's taking the rejection she's had all her life (rejection for being a beggar, a selfish asshole, an animal abuser) maybe she's projecting all that rejection onto some imagined prejudice against her for being gay -- mind you, being gay while living in an area of the country that actually supports gays. Which makes no sense.
Like, why the hell did she say what she did? Was it just to stir up some pity donations? Cuz why did she take someone's goodwill and turn it into some sort of weaponized statement that there is something wrong with her because she is supposedly not straight? Is she just trying to ALL CAPS the idea that she is somehow exceptionally special and more precious than anyone who isn't like her? Make this make sense. Please.
All I can make sense of is she was again doing her wah, look at poor me, baiting for pity donations. Her comment was utter horseshit. I’m an ally and have had nothing but love from my friends and from strangers whom I stand up for and stand behind.
DeleteOkay. I can't speak to what FFF is thinking. She's just contrary in general, and loves to imagine she's oppressed.
DeleteBut on the topic of straight allies, I have a contribution:
I have a long-time friend who started a "straight supporters" group over 10 years ago. His sister was gay, his best friend (me) and he felt like there wasn't a place for *him* in the movement, and he felt strongly it was important to be visible as a straight supporter.
Which is great. But, he ended up starting this non-profit that was fundraising within the gay community and the only purpose was to create visibility for straight supporters. They donated NOTHING to actual causes that made a difference - nothing to EGALE (marriage equality) nothing to 519 (community HIV support) nothing to homeless queer youth, nothing to rainbow railroad (queer refugees coming to canada fleeing death) - literally did NOTHING useful to make an actual difference. They just printed t-shirts for other straight people to buy and wear so they could feel good about themselves being "an ally".
The thing that bugged me the most about the fundraising efforts was that they took up space at the pride parade, and soaked up funds within the community that otherwise would have been donated to organisations that actually DID make a difference.
I talked to him many times about this and he didn't *get it* because he really thought that it was more important and made a bigger difference somehow for everyone to know he was an "ally".
So I bristle when I see those pins and t-shirts too, because where did you buy that shirt? Did the proceeds make a difference? Or would it have been better for you to donate $20 to an organized legal / social cause?
So that's my 2 cents, which I'm pretty sure is more background than FFF has in the matter. She just likes to be grumpy at people who look at her sideways.
Thanks, both of you, for your thoughts. Yes, that must be it, her constant self-victimization is just for pity donations.
DeleteWIW - Very interesting account, thanks for sharing. So what exactly did this non-profit spend the money on aside from the printing costs for the t-shirts? And what of the money from selling those t-shirts?
UGH, that straight ally group sounds truly awful and the exact opposite of what should be. I think of PFLAG parents from the 90's and Free Mom Hugs now by comparison. Fierce folks who have a role, but a supporting role.
DeleteNot as a badge of honor or anything, but openly ID'ing as an ally has its place. There are a goodly number of folks like me that live in very openly conservative areas. My state rep is absolutely anti-Gay and rabidly anti-trans. A few years ago at Pride, I overheard a kid say, "Hey, Mr. [Teacher] is here. I guess that means he's safe." Hurts my heart, but if that is what we need to do, for kids, for religious minorities, for whomever - I'll do it.
Anon7 - good question. That's what made me so mad. The money would go on facebook ads, pizza at meetings, funding expenses for other "fundraisers", not to mention the cost of a table at Pride. It just feeds back into itself. It's still going.
DeleteI wonder how much, if any, went into his own pockets.
DeleteWell put!
ReplyDeleteJenna barely experiences real life. Her experiences (gay and not ) come from media and SM. So her view of things is skewed. She is a very hurt individual. Her added comment that you don’t need a badge just don’t vote republican... how does she know who they vote for or what they value? She’s so narrow minded and small. I think she was annoyed because she saw a rainbow and thought she would “hot on” the woman but then saw the badge and decided she was aN ally republican bitch. She needs to get out of the house!!!
September mortgage paid yet? She’s been really quiet with the hysteria lately. Other than offering pig shares for pigs whose grandparents haven’t been born yet.
What an idiot. I know many republicans who are gay friendly. Narrow minded indeed.
DeleteSeptember mortgage still not paid. Which is kinda weird cuz she usually announces the previous month's mortgage paid by the first week of the current month. So now that October is half over she's really entering the "danger zone" as she's fond of saying. Grab yer popcorn!
She’s on an October high right now so no need to worry about the mortgageS that are due. Local coffee places, her favorite pub, a visit from crazy Rebecca ( honestly she must have some issues) , pumpkins, apple picking, hawking, TS drama and the release of an album. Jenna’s been busy busy!! 2 mortgage payments behind she will soon be and she’s doing sweet fuck all to “earn up” other than play.
DeleteDon’t worry. She just needs to finish this book and all her troubles will be gone.
ReplyDelete$100 says she'll still be talking about this "biG nEw bOOk" 5 years from now.
DeleteAnon and Anon7, thank you for excellent comments! How unbelievably dysfunctional to mock people who wish to be allies, especially when their stories aren't known.
ReplyDeleteHer gate-keeping and snarky comments about "others" never end. No wonder she's alone.
Too bad gate-keeping isn't a paid profession...she'd be ace at that!
DeleteShe's retweeting herself on the pigs again. I find it weird, the sentence, "so many shares left." How does she know that? Isn't it the practice to figure out how many shares you sold, or can sell, THEN buy that number of pigs? If she sells 8 quarters, then she only needs 2 pigs. I doubt she has any repeat customers so she has no idea how many will actually sell. Such poor management.
ReplyDeleteQuestion for locals in her area: Does she advertise her pig shares around town? Have you ever spotted fliers in any of the stores?
DeleteHer whole approach to raising and selling meat shares doesn't make much sense. We live in roughly the same area and our farmers advertise locally - in our community FB group and with fliers. They also attend weekly farmers markets. Their product is known, and they know most of their customers. Each year, CSA shares sell out.
DeleteAs near as I can see, faux farmer doesn't do ANY of this. So it makes no sense from a marketing perspective. Her "farm" isn't listed in any NY list of farmers, and by her own admission, she doesn't participate in local events.
It's crazy to promote Twitter as her "farmstand" because Twitter is international and her farm products are local & must be picked up at her place. Unlike the rest of the world, she hasn't figured out or isn’t willing to ship her meat products.
So it's my belief pigs/sheep are only there to solicit social media attention, shares and donations for logos, cartoons and soaps. I'm also certain a fair number of people continue to support her because they mistakingly believe they are helping an actual farmer.
Like Anon3 describes, raising quality animals is expensive. Our locals admit they make very little from the process, and everyone I know has other part/full time work to bring in $$$ and cover insurance. They do it because they love their farming life for their families and they are devoted to the community.
Then there's FFF, who doesn't work hard, seems incredibly disinterested in her animals and is bored by the whole process. Capturing a raptor to give her "something to do" over the winter reveals her genuine self-centered rationale for grabbing those birds.
And what happens to the pigs and sheep? Every so often she has them butchered, so she can fill her freezer with meat and continue stuffing her face with suger-laden meals. I doubt she sells many genuine shares.
"So it's my belief pigs/sheep are only there to solicit social media attention, shares and donations for logos, cartoons and soaps."
DeleteAgreed. She's trying to use the right kind of "optics" to make her begging seem more legit.
Also, how is she selling pig shares for, in her own words, NOT THIS WINTER, January 2024, when she is at such a risk for foreclosure? Because we all know that the share money she collects this month for those 2024 winter meats will be spent by next month. She will beg again in fall 2023 for money to buy the piglets that should have already been paid for, and their feed, and then again their butcher bill. None of it adds up, as many have said. It’s a big old pig pyramid scheme. And if she gets foreclosed on, I bet she just says “oops, sorry, the risk you take by buying a CSA, peace out, suckers!”
DeleteOn Instagram, the lazy one posted a pic of a hawk and shared her frustration of not being able to trap one this year. And in admitting that it might just not happen, she said this:
ReplyDelete"Though I could really use the project/distraction as the coming months are the hardest of the year for me."
Um, she needs a project? How about she work on all her pet portraits and logo commissions? That sounds like a good project to me. As for a distraction, a part-time job would definitely help AND the extra income would make the upcoming months A LOT easier for her. But no, it's sooooo much easier to sit on her ass and beg online. SMH.
In response to Anon7: I am local, living a few towns away though. I don’t get to Cambridge much so I can’t say if she puts up fliers. We do watch Craigslist -glens falls and Albany - for livestock, and I don’t recall seeing anything from her. But depending on how she takes her photos, ie not showing much background,, it’s possible she has posted there. That’s a good question and now I’m curious as to if/how she advertises.
ReplyDeleteIt would be hard, but not impossible, for a non local to pick up the meat.
Also curious about how she plans on affording these animals. Feed right now is $15 a 50lb bag and we buy 8 a week for 7 pigs, plus they are outdoors to forage. It isn't cheap to raise a quality animal. The cost of feed has risen several times this year and it’s safe to assume it will be higher next year.
Thank you for your input! I forgot about Craigslist and what an even better way that would be for her to advertise. Perhaps bad word of mouth keeps locals from buying her shares?
DeleteWow, $120/wk is a lot for feed. Just wondering: Do you ever (just for fun) toss out treats or special stuff for them to find while foraging?
It's been almost a year since Shannon left and there has been absolutely ZERO self reflection and change w/ Jenna. She is going to live this scavenger, mooching, lying life until her last breath.
ReplyDeleteI think the only hope of change left when Shannon did. It's too bad, that was such a missed opportunity for Jenna. Shannon was a good egg, but she probably dodged a bullet. I hope Shannon has found someone else by now and is having a better holiday this year.
DeleteShannon was younger, struck me as naive. Jenna's not getting any younger, and I don't think anyone but a young, trusting person would put up with Jenna's crap. That, or someone vulnerable enough to need the housing and *have to* put up with it.
The sad thing is that Jenna didn't realize what she had there with Shannon. And even though she posted tons about all the great things Shannon was doing for her property, she STILL failed to see what a gem she was. I'll bet those animals miss her badly.
DeleteDon’t forget showcasing the chicken wire ghost Shannon made every few weeks. It’s become a personality trait at this point
ReplyDeleteSomeone commented on it today saying, "I like the tricycle" to which she replied, "Look close there’s a ghost riding it."
DeleteYeah, the ghost of Shannon who was the greatest hope CAF ever had. Hope that is long, long gone.
It's kinda unbelievable how many instagram stories she posts. Like 20 a day.
ReplyDeleteProbably because (If I recall correctly) they only last for 24 hours and then go *poof* -- so less evidence of her time-wasting stupidity.
DeleteFYI for anyone not very familiar with Instagram, the stories Anon is talking about are different than the posts she posts, which are the large tiles you can click on -- and they stay there permanently unless deleted. And I'm not sure if it still works this way, but her IG stories can be found by looking at her IG avatar for a colorful circle around it which indicates a new story, as opposed to a post tile.
Also FYI for those who don't have an IG account: You can view her posts by right-clicking on the post and choosing "Open in a new window" which will allow you to check out several posts before IG demands that you sign in or create an account. This new hack is in addition to the one I previously mentioned, in which you can access her IG posts via her CAF website without having an account.
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich π³️π
I am a 1/4 of the way to making the September mortgage, behind because of winter prep ($600+ in firewood, $250 in hay) and while a few pork shares or logos could catch me up - it's hard getting the word out without help. If you can RT any of the threads I share, please do!
Correct me if I am wrong, but if you get foreclosed out of your house because you consistently fail to pay your mortgage 2 months at a time, that $600 in firewood won’t do you any good. Nor will $250 in hay if you have to leave and sell your 3 sheep and 2 ponies, which you had no business keeping as props anyway. Also, why should complete strangers be saddled with the responsibility of her making her adult bills?? It’s nobody’s job to constantly retweet her begs. So freaking tired about hearing about her stupid mortgage. There is so much worse happening in the world right now.
In 11 days her November mortgage is also due. I call BS on a bank or a lender-maybe the lender is her parents-who allows someone to consistently drag two months to three months behind on their mortgage.
DeleteHer mortgage crises must be fabricated. She's never had a foreclosure despite years of being chronically late with her mortgage. That isn't how lending institutions work. She would have been tossed out, with the mortgage-holder taking possession, especially since their asset has crumbled and is more derelict each day she lives there.
Deletethis begging reminds me of her old saying when she used to say she was passing her hat around for donations. 40 years old still passing that nasty dirty hat since she just doesn't want to work.
ReplyDeleteIn that Tweet, there's the proof that she collects the pig share money up front for pigs that aren't even born yet, and uses it to pay her mortgage instead of using it to take care of the pigs. I feel sorry for the pigs.
ReplyDeleteOh absolutely
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich π³️π
I hate that my mortgage lender sends out foreclosure threats at 45 days late via certified letters. I still have 45 days. It's just to scare us and it does.
What is she even saying here? If she hasn’t paid September then she might just be 45 days late. It’s not to “scare her” it’s facts! Why does she think she has 45 more days?? I need a Jen-wah wah translation
Legally, she has 90 days till the bank starts foreclosure proceedings. To her it doesn't matter that she's 45 days late, it matters that she still has 45 days to make a payment. I would think the bank would get tired of her playing games with her mortgage and just foreclose. She does this month after month. Every month.
DeleteLook at the response she got from someone and how she answered:
DeleteWoginrich π³️π
I hate that my mortgage lender sends out foreclosure threats at 45 days late via certified letters. I still have 45 days. It's just to scare us and it does.
12:22 PM · Oct 20, 2022
·Twitter Web App
Jeremy Rathbun
Replying to
-can you refinance with a new company?
-do you own enough land to sell development rights to a land trust? (We did this when I was a kid to pay down debt)
-do you own enough woods to sell a small timber harvest to help get ahead?
Your doing great. Just keep swimming.
Jenna Woginrich π³️π
Replying to
Darling I own 6 acres and 3 are woods on a 45 steep mountainside - but I am working on a hell of a book
I hope Jeeemy comes back and asks her WTF her response has to do with his suggestions. So basically she is banking on this book to solve her problems. Good luck with that!!
DeleteI'm surprised she didn't "tell [him] that much for free!"
DeleteWAit, is that a joke? I’m actually so embarrassed for her that she responded that way.
ReplyDeleteI think the only person interested in the book she is writing is herself.
DeleteIt’s a hell of a book, ya know! Don’t be a haterπ€£π€£π€£
DeleteGod forbid, she get an actual job and earn up that folding money to pay her mortgage.
ReplyDeleteJeremy must be a special kinda guy, lol.
Ok Jeremy responded with
ReplyDeleteReplying to
Looking forward to reading the book. Also really appreciating being referred to as “darling”
Jenna then replied with
Jenna Woginrich π³️π
Replying to
Oof she’s an asshole!! Men are only good for fixing shit she cant and giving her money ( like the powder faced overall wearing weirdo who was here last week!)
BTW: on IG stories ( now gone) she posted that she can’t get her student loans forgiven because she has private loans. Oh well, sucks to be Jenna this month!! I’m really shocked she wasn’t crying about this on Twitter!!
Oh boo hoo. I’m glad someone at least is keeping her on the hook for something. She gets away with so much. She will be all up in arms in two months when the pause on student loans expires!