Mid August…

And a new pack of lies.


  1. So. Do y'all think the pickup truck is not running, or do you think it is running and she is pretending to only have a car for the sake of getting it replaced and more pity donations?

    1. Maybe it’s not only not running, but it is also not registered, not emission-checked, and not insured or tagged. It’s just one of the hip farms props she collects and hoards.

  2. I just had a thought: if she never fixes her mailbox, how will the bank send her mortgage arrears letters?

    1. Did she ever specify what the USPS said is wrong with the mailbox?

    2. Anon 7 - it isn't attached securely to the post anymore.

    3. Ah, just like her brain isn't securely attached to reality.

  3. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 12, 2022 at 1:27 PM

    Today's beg (August 12):

    ..."Or if you just want to kick in towards a bag of feed, jennawog on venmo!"

    Translation: Send me money or the cute farm props starve.


    1. Well that mortgage payment is so close she can smell it according to her. So the kick in toward a bag of feed is more like kick in toward the last of the mortgage money. There again she is using the animals to rustle up pity donations for something else.

    2. Reminds me of those few times when she begged for a dollar donations. Remember that?

    3. I am unable to scroll thru her tweets, but I could swear that just a week ago she said that all her animals had plenty of feed.

    4. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 13, 2022 at 6:56 AM

      Her wording always leaves her open to begging and near-crisis conditions.

      Five days ago, she wrote "I did get my feed for the week yesterday..."

      Four days ago, she wrote "(I have) plenty of feed..." whatever that means.

      So who knows? All I know is she's always open to getting cash handed to her by strangers who read her fabricated sob stories.


    5. Thanks PDD. Her sneaky wording definitely leaves things open to interpretation. Plus, she probably figures no one is gonna scroll thru past tweets to keep track.

  4. Everything she says is calculated to get pity donations.

    1. Yup. Every single day she tries to monetize every single thing in her life. Personal health issues, supply shortages, animal problems, minor mishaps, major disasters, fabricated crises.

      Every time something happens, her first thought is to tweet about it. What a sick, sad way to live.

    2. Very well said

  5. I do not understand, with all the economic hardship in this country, that she thinks she's important enough to strangers for them to "kick in toward a bag of feed". If I was going to "kick in" toward anything, it would be to a soup kitchen, homeless shelter, pet rescue... the list goes on and on. Why does she think she's worthy of my money when so many other people truly are in need???

    1. And if I was going to "kick in" toward anything, it would be her azz.

    2. farmers all over the world in hard times downsize their stock. It's sad but happens. My aunts got an amazing quarter horse during a big hay shortage 10 or so years ago. He was an incredible horse, the original owners just couldn't afford to keep him. Highly skilled cow horse from Alberta got to retire in Ontario as a weekend trail horse - but so many horses like him get sent to slaughter in hard times.

      Kick in for a bag of feed my foot.

  6. She's taking her usual detour into "you know you want my life" on instagram. Best damn corn! Best damn little town!

    1. as usual, her word ordering is awkward. “damn best little town”

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 14, 2022 at 8:34 AM

      I see Faux Farmer is back to publishing photos of the local bar - apparently her favorite spot in town.

    3. So that pic of corn, did she really grow that? Or did she buy it at the market?

      Reason I ask is because all the times I visited friends who had either a home garden, a homesteading operation, or a small farm, the corn that I picked did not look that good. None of the ears were that even, kernels were missing, and there were bugs. Lots of bugs. Is it possible she really grew such perfect looking corn?

    4. Anon 7 - my corn would look like that, back when I had a garden. Maybe it depends on the area? Corn was really easy to grow in northern ontario.

    5. Thanks, good to know. The home gardens were in Missouri and Southern California, the homestead was in Northern California, and the small farm was a state in the upper midwest.


  7. Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    As someone who makes a living selling things she grows or makes, it is SO OKAY to change your mind or say no thank you after asking about buying something. I always respect when someone communicates clearly. But this stringing me along because you can't say no, it's just unkind.

    Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    I know this has nothing to do with me, that some people can't handle any sort of confrontation. But saying no thank you, not at this time, to someone who draws pets is fine! The stakes couldn't be lower!

    As a potential customer ( whom you are continually harassing online for donations/ sales) I have the right to ask questions, you can answer them or not. She sounds like such a bitch here! Like, does she not know how the world works at all!? Kind of like how
    It’s “unkind” when you want people to contact YOU for updates on THEIR purchases 🙄

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 14, 2022 at 8:32 AM

      Hmm. Jog my memory. How many people did Jenna string along for these??
      ➡️ Wool shares
      ➡️ Artwork
      ➡️ Paid Vlog subscription
      ➡️ Birchthorne book


    2. Let’s imagine the following scenario-confirmed by her recent tweets, so we aren’t imagining, it’s what happened.
      Last week she posted about two for one portraits that “start at $25”. She did that while baiting the potential buyers with a photo featuring her watercolor pet cartoons. When a person asked her below how much for the cartoon featured, she quickly backtracked and said wellllll, wait, these are actually $85.
      So who here thinks that whoever didn’t further respond to that bait-and-switch BS, is at fault? Nobody.
      You bait and switch, you lie and don’t deliver? Yeah, people won’t dignify your BS with a response and nor should they.
      When you are a dick, and all the time, that’s how people respond to you.

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 14, 2022 at 11:54 AM

      And when the reader asked to see an example of the "sale drawing", Pig Shocker told her to send a DM. No way she'll be upfront with her readers and show actual product content/costs.

      At this point, any reader who promotes and retweets her must have sh$% for brains.


    4. If I remember correctly, $25 was for a simple pencil sketch and then prices went up for pen and ink only, and for pen/ink + full color. But I thought her full color option was only $50 as it has been for quite awhile.

      As for her not posting prices and asking people to DM her, I suspect that she peruses their Twitter accounts and comes up with a price based on how wealthy they appear to be.

    5. And the Birchthorn shit show...where she fleeced her fans for $15K. After TWO YEARS of waiting, people started to complain and ask for refunds, which she either ignored or danced around these requests. Below is a link to the comments. (Start from the bottom and read on up.)


  8. Can we just talk about her statement on twitter about wrestling her friends husband? Just the thought of it makes me gag but all I really want to know is ....why? So she can brag but yet she is so scared of the guy at the laundramat? The scarey red van that drives by her house?

    Now I will NEVER be able to get that sumo picture out of my mind.

    1. oh and she did this with her "broken" ankle. What a gal.

    2. Good catch, Anon 12:25! Here's a tweet history:

      (Precursor) June 13th - "Still recovering from a twisted ankle in April."

      August 7th - "Bad news: I fell off my deck (2-3ft) landing on a bent ankle [..] Limping but don’t think it’s broke."

      August 8th - "Prob Broken ankle"

      August 10th - "...Puffy ankle..."

      August 13th - "Last night I arm wrestled my friend’s husband for fun. It was a draw. We couldn’t move each other’s arms."

      Sooooo...the arm wrestling took place on August 12th, just two days after complaining her ankle was puffy swollen. Don't know about y'all but every time I've arm wrestled a dude I had to put my entire body into it, plus you have to use your feet to help brace your body. Thus I don't believe she just sat there moving her arm only.

    3. Anon 8:55 - As Jenna is fond of saying, this just doesn't track: Her being winner of the apocalypse, Miss Tough Chick who can supposedly hold her own against big strong men, but is also scared that the laundromat guy is going to assault her in public?

      Or the scary drive-by camera man is gonna get out and beat her with a bat, piñata style, and then scramble to pick up all the coins and folding money that fell out? Sounds ridiculous but that's probably what she thinks.

    4. Don’t forget in your timeline above that between “prob broken” and “puffy” ankle reports she managed to get in her car, operate the pedals to drive to town to buy taco supplies-screw the price of gas! Screw growing your own food! Screw prior statements that she had plenty of feed and food!, and likely killed a deer.

    5. And screw her recent declaration that she ONLY leaves her property when absolutely necessary!

  9. July mortgage is apparently paid now. Now she needs money for firewood....I guess last weeks “ I will get it off the side of the road if I have to is no longer an issue if poodles give folding money??!!

    1. So now she's free to beg for the August mortgage...and then September, October, November...PayPal and Venmo accepted and mean so much!!!

    2. Yeah, and to splurge on a pricy Hulu stream. The other basement babies on her twitter don’t get it so they are enthusiastically recommending a series to her. Apparently they either didn’t care, or had muted the avalanche of mortgage begs that cluttered her feed till today.

  10. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 14, 2022 at 3:33 PM

    Crickets on the crashed car crisis???

    1. As is her MO, she tends to abruptly abandon certain crises if they don't grab the attention (and pity donations) she's hoping for.

      BTW, I was able to use a search function to see some of her recent past tweets and just found this one:

      "I have a $500 repair deductible. I don't have a credit card so a rental is a prob a $250 debit deposit since I don't have a credit card. On top of being behind on the mortgage, needing to repair the kitchen floors from water damage, hay and firewood costs. This. fucking. sucks."

      That is ONE HELL of a beg. And even though she's not directly asking for it, you know she's hoping people with "throw in" to help cover all that. And it's so much to ask as everything she listed there amounts to thousands of dollars. That's some nerve.

    2. On IG she has a pic of her truck. Would love to comment “so glad you have a vehicle to drive!!” But she would block me 😂😂

  11. Twitter Twaddle: Truth Edition

    "Paid the July mortgage this weekend! And now I am working towards getting firewood delivered for winter heat before working on August bills. If you like or want anything below or know someone who might, please DM or RT! Big goal today, but I'll take what I can get!"

    But what she REALLY meant to say is:

    "Got lucky with the July mortgage again via begging! And now I am begging once more towards getting firewood delivered for winter heat BEFORE launching an even bigger begging campaign for August bills. Since no one seems to want my stuff, I'm forced to spam Twitter all day, as I only make sales/donations when I beg. What I really, really need is for everyone but me to pay my bills...but I'll take what I can get! And I know I should get a job, buy sitting on my ass and re-tweeting is just SO MUCH EASIER!!"

  12. Also on Twitter:

    "I want to write this book. But it's so much, and I put off working on it all the time because I don't want to deal with all the emotions it brings up. But I'm going in. Because it's on my list, and the list is my boss."

    Bullshit. She does not want to write this book. But she feels she has to for a chance at some money. The real problem is that she's lazy and doesn't want to put the work in. And what work would there be anyway when she's just re-hashing her tired old story? All she really has to do is just cut 'n paste from her blog and add a few new details. What's also apparent is how uninspired she seems to be about this book, which will totally turn off any readers.

    So just do everyone a favor, Pig Shocker, and just forget about it.

    1. she has been talking about writing this book and how many thousands of words that she has written for more than 2 years now. It was before Shannon came into the picture. She just keeps bringing it up. That book isn't getting written or if it does no one will publish it. Who wants to read about a 40 year old women begging on the internet day in and day out who refuses to work?

  13. "But this stringing me along because you can't say no, it's just unkind."

    Does she not realize that no answer is an answer?

    Also, how many of her clients does she string along? Way back during the wool and webinar disasters, he clients complained that even after repeated emails to her asking for refunds she would, a) either not reply or b) say their refund was coming, then ignore their request.

    And then there are all the clients asking, "where's my stuff"? It's ok for her to string others along, but don't you dare do it to her.

  14. Why did she delete her begs on Twitter?

    1. You saw that tweet too?

      Very early this morning I had to drive someone to airport and had a few minutes to kill but not enough time to copy 'n paste that tweet. It struck me as a bit obnoxious of a beg, but still don't get why it was deleted. She said something like:

      "I'm having the water-damaged kitchen floors replaced tomorrow thanks to helpful friends and volunteers. Your help literally becomes my ground floor."

      Maybe she realized it sounded as if the floor replacement cost her nothing and she was still begging for money?

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 17, 2022 at 4:51 AM

      Anon7, we've learned:

      She does no household or farm repairs by herself (ha! some homesteader)

      Always uses others (Pember Patty, we're looking at ya)

      Pays for everything, but the mortgage

      She's once again losing followers, because who wants repeat begs from a homesteading "righter" who hates to write, doesn't care about animals, learns nothing and would rather sit on her rump and watch streaming entertainment than do actual work.

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 17, 2022 at 9:16 AM

      Her followers are dropping faster than Dr. Oz's chances of election after his crudité debacle!


  15. You knew it was coming, shamsters:

    Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    I haven't dealt with a car insurance claim I a long time, but I remember the last time being a lot faster. It's been 10 days since the accident (deer hit my car) and so far I have been allotted a rental and one insurance agent came to see the accident last week (thurs)

    Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    and I haven't heard a thing since? No responses to emails or calls? I can't text the insurance agent with the number given? I have no idea how to extend my rental (only 5 days covered, this is the 5th day). Is this normal? Should I call the company? Do repairs take weeks now?
    8:08 AM · Aug 17, 2022·Twitter Web App

    Replying to
    Call the insurance company. A lot of them are understaffed right now. You might also want to touch base with the car rental company as well and ask if they've heard from the insurance.

    For what it's worth, due to parts availability nation wide, some repairs are taking months.

    Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    I figured things would be longer than usual. This is a broken headlight, a dented bumper and hood. Since the car is 12 years old I'm scared they will total it. I just got it with a loan in Jan and don't want to have to buy another car. I just want this repaired...

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 17, 2022 at 7:22 AM

      Anon and I called it early on - not the worst damage if nothing structurally wrong. Dented hood, dented fender and busted headlight. Any penny-pinching "rural homesteader" would have someone bang it out, buy a replacement headlight, reassemble and repaint.

      Really, she's an idiot.

    2. Now now, PDD. She’s got to milk it for all she can. She can’t be doing no penny-pinching when there is folding money to be begged up.

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 17, 2022 at 8:03 AM

      Haha, Anon, I know, I know. She writes exclusively to fellow idiots.

      She could also say the car was totaled by insurance, take the payout, fix it on the cheap and use the money to pay off loan or buy many more Taylor Swift trinkets.

      You know, it's a pity townspeople despise her - I can think of half a dozen amateur, back-door, people who could do such body shop work cheaply. Some would need a couple cases of beer. The resultant story would be more interesting than her warching TV continually and whining that she cannot figure out how insurance or car rentals work.

      What an idiot.

    4. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 17, 2022 at 8:07 AM

      Correction: watching

  16. Lots to unpack in the thread above. Apparently she found the $500 for the deductible and the $250 for the car rental deposit.
    Also take note of her still mentioning that she bought the car with a loan. Who with a brain would loan her money??
    I bet the car is totaled.

  17. Also notice the complete damsel in distress vibe she ( the otherwise zombie apocalypse warrior side of the mountain scrappy living horse riding and bow carrying farmy woman) is putting out. Help me figure out insurance! Help me figure out car rental! Help me figure out how to make a phone call because I only know how to email and text! Help me if my car gets totaled! Help me pay off my loan for the car that gets totaled, and then help me buy another!
    She is already laying the foundation.

  18. "A deer hit my car"?! What an odd way to describe it. If she was moving, the deer didn't "hit" her car. They ran into each other, or she plowed into the deer. Her issues are always something else's fault.

    1. Every normal person I know, and I live in a rural, deer-rich area, says “I hit a deer. ‘

    2. It’s another example of her complete inability to accept responsibility for anything. SHE didn’t hit the deer, you see, that jerk of the deer hit HER.

  19. She doesn’t want insurance advice. She wants people to donate for a new car. Period.

  20. Okay I'm a little confused. She took a picture of her geese laying in her yard with a perfectly usable looking truck parked in the driveway. Does the truck not run also? It looks fine to me.

    1. Lol exactly
      I want one of her foolowers to call her out. Well one did and asked her if she could just use her truck while the car is down, and she didn’t dignify her with an answer.

    2. Crazy and insane. Call the insurance company dumb ass. She reminds me so much of a family member who has drama with everything they do. Call, ask questions. Twitter can’t answer these for you, you need to talk to the company that you are paying for insurance. Would love to ask about the truck but.... don’t want to get blocked.

  21. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 17, 2022 at 8:31 AM

    Although I don't have money problems at this stage of my life, there were plenty of lean years. I know I've joked that Jenna is an idiot, but her actions with auto insurance don't make any sense if she is indeed broke. Take her recent "auto insurance crisis".

    If monthly payments are an issue, she should have focused on liability coverage instead of full coverage. Buying full coverage is a bad idea for a beater car, because the car simply isn't worth the "insured cost" it will take to repair. By not purchasing full coverage, resultant monthly savings could be put into an emergency "auto repair" fund.

    I know New York is one of the few states where auto insurance rates don't automatically increase after one accident, but they can increase after two. Why would you "use up" an auto insurance claim, unless you really had to do so? Basically, she appears to have had a medium-bad fender bender when she hit the deer, no major structural damage. Most people would keep insurance out of it, and tackle repairs on their own.

    How she made it to 40 and not learned how to work the auto repair system is another mystery. Parts can be purchased from junkyards, even online. A back-door mechanic would save $$$, because EVERYONE knows car repairs are more expensive if insurance companies are involved.


  22. enna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    If you're looking for a logo, send me a DM. I can make you an offer that's hard to refuse and if I sell two of these today it covers an entire CORD of firewood that is WEEKS of winter heat I need to buy in now. So get yourself some art and get your girl some fuel!

    Jenna, GET YOURSELF some fuel.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 17, 2022 at 9:12 AM

      Or, she could use the safer and more efficient whole-house oil furnace THAT SHE ALREADY HAS AND USES. She might also qualify to pay her winter heating bill on a 12-month budget.

      If she's a writin', she's a lyin'.


    2. ‘Get your girl some fuel”-so many issues with this one. First, she’s nobody’s girl. She is using colloquial language to manipulate donations. Also, what happened to “I’m gonna go gather it from the side of the road”? And yes, why not just use the furnace? Or admit to using it?

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 19, 2022 at 3:38 AM

      Anon, it's all part of her lies of omission to generate pity, pity-donations and pity-buys.

      Like, she never admitted using an electric space heater, lamenting she only had wood stoves to heat her house...but separately reviewed an $$$ electric heater on Amazon, one "she used all the time".

      Also, she conveniently omitted the fact that her home is equipped with a whole-house oil furnace. In the past, she posted that heat kicks on when temperature falls below 40⁰ (her thermostat adjustment point). Brainiac could set thermostat to 55⁰ and sleep through the night.

      Or, she never mentioned she has air conditioning, and posted sad, little photographs of her dog lying in front of a vintage fan. But she has AC.. and no doubt uses.

      She knows gullible readers don't check facts or perform due diligence, which is why she posts her sad, sad 💩💩.

      When she writes she "lives like fiction", believe it, because she lies.

  23. I don’t know how she calls herself a writer, because she has abandoned writing. Her book and blog are dead.

  24. OMG can you believe there is a man standing in Jenna's bathroom!!! Didn't she say she wasn't going to speak to any men for sometime? How dare a man come and help her with her huvel.

    1. Is that patty’s husband?

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 17, 2022 at 3:37 PM

      No - but guessing connected to PP, if not a paid-for contractor. FF doesn't have many friends who would "volunteer" two days of work to shut her up.


  25. Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    Ladies, if you like this have you tried this?!
    With a picture of Jenna next to a LOTR troll(?)
    she got only one response and it was a guy telling her the character would never wear sandals LOL!!!
    I’m no scrappy lesbian but I can’t imagine there are many out there who are like “oh that male troll is hawt... wish I could find a queer lady that looks like him”
    Judging by the lack of response, they aren’t lining up to date Jenna!

    1. I don't understand that post.

    2. It’s kind of pathetic, really.

  26. And... she thought it was so clever she reposted it on IG and claims she’s proud to look like a fictional hobbit. Ummm.. okay then maybe she’ll get some responses there?? A date? I don’t get this.
    I’d never thought I’d say this but, please start posting about TS being gay not gay again, please.

  27. Yuck. If that photo is to attract someone from a dating site, it’s repulsive, not attractive. Maybe if she ditched the bush hat and body bag, but it reeks of desperation.

  28. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 18, 2022 at 7:05 AM

    Excuse No 1001 for not doing work for clients who already paid her!

    Today's Twitter

    "Good morning! This is Day 2 of Repairs. Hoping to have the bathroom ready today. I am trying to catch up on work between farm and house repairs but not getting much else done. If you are waiting on logo or any soap/art updates send a message and I will get to it asap!"

    LOL, like she would actually do any repair work on her hovel. However, she's had time to watch TV and post nine (9) stories on IG, but do paid-for client work??? Naah...suck it bitc$%#


    1. There she goes again with that entitled and arrogant, if you are looking for updates to soap or art, email me. There should be no need for updates on soap or art. You take an order, you draw, you ship. You pull from you cured soap stash, you ship. You update your spreadsheet as done.
      Oh wait, you don’t have a spreadsheet. Customers are solely responsible for following up to make sure you remember to send them their (late) orders. Got it.
      What a dick.

    2. But also, if you have late orders that people are having to email to remind you to ship, WHY in the HELL are you trolling for new orders?
      Robbing Peter to pay Paul, that’s why.


  29. Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    I love drawing your cats!

    I mean.. if that’s a cat ok, it’s just... I can’t put my finger on why her animal art is so off putting... I think it’s because it always looks the same but not really like it’s right. It confuses me.

    1. The animals are always striking the same arrogant looking down on you pose. And they all look basically the same with the exception of small tweaks and color.

    2. They have crossed eyes - like her.

    3. Their noses are too broad for a cat. They look more like a lion. Too much Lion King as a child maybe.

    4. They're 1980s disney drawings, with a few details changed for each portrait. She hasn't worked on her artistic skill set at all, and they're over-anthropomorphized.

      The one she posted recently with the one eyebrow up and the other down, yeah, it's strangely off-putting.

  30. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 19, 2022 at 7:10 AM

    Right...we are to believe unnamed "friends" spent two days fixing her bathroom floor and insulating her sub-floor pipes, but she doesn't thank them publicly. She's either the most self-centered person in existence or *This* is how you know the story was fabricated.

    She likely hired a contractor or plumber, but that wouldn't fit the story that locals line up to help her free-of-charge. Lol, her foollowers keep sending her money to support her faked lifestyle. Why work when she has their cash?

  31. now she is working towards firewood and feed. What about August mortgage payment which now is past due? Thought she couldn't be past due anymore or they were going to forclose on her huvel? Her Jennamath just never ever adds up.

  32. Agreed, after the car accident she claimed she didn’t have enough for a deductible or rental. She’s been renting a car ( she said 5 days). Some man fixed her bathroom floor- even if his labor was out of the goodness of his heart, materials cost money so where did that come from? She needs money for a hay delivery today, claims she has a little money leftover... hasn’t paid August mortgage. So confusing- never adds up.

  33. Notice how she hasn’t uttered another word about refunding the people whose chickens got eaten/taken by whatever animal she claimed broke into her coop?


  34. Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    Giving up on the day. Hope tomorrow is better luck. Taking ibuprofen and turning these apps silent.

    Wonder what this is about? She did a lot of begging today and more discounted services ( I thought she wasn’t going to do that anymore??)

    She seemed to have a lot of time to post TS related stuff on IG.


  35. Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    Just cracked a molar chewing a piece of sugar free gum. I hate this entire month.

    enna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    Replying to
    I emailed my dentist. going to not eat anything and stick to a liquid diet until I can get it looked at. I need a break.

    Sounds like more dental issues. A job would really be helpful Jenna.

  36. There we go with a cracked molar AGAIN. How many dang molars does this girl have? She has cracked at least a half dozen by now. I doubt she is telling the truth, but hey, she emailed her dentist. You know, the one that retired and turned the office over to two super duper dental hygienists who can also repair cracked teeth. Remember that from what, two months ago? It wasn’t even that long.

    1. I wonder if our Reddit timeline of events guru can dig up a timeline of all the cracked molars? 🤣

  37. I laughed out loud as she pretends to have dental problems. Right on time. No orders coming in, gotta beg, beg, beg.

  38. All of her problems stem from one fact. She refuses to get a steady job with benefits. This “month” has nothing to do with it. We all have mortgages, car and home repairs, dental and medical bills. Every. Single. Person. You deal with those things by working.

    She does not have “bad luck”. She makes her own bad luck.

    “You know you want my life”? Sure, Jen. No one wants your life.

  39. Yes, I got hit with some unexpected bills this month including dental ( long annoying story but I ended having to pay out of pocket for something that is normally covered due to a completely crazy chaotic issue at the dental office) and yeah, it sucks but that’s why I have a job. My August bills received are paid, now I’m waiting for September bills to start rolling in.

    Btw, she’s still posting on IG about TS even though she flounced on Twitter that she was turning apps off for the night!

  40. Years ago I too cracked a molar and needed a root canal as a result... I hope her handy hygienists who are still working at a dentist’s office with NO dentist can take care of that for her on the cheap. I’ll tell you that much for free!!

    1. The laugh I needed this morning. Thank you for giving it to us for free 🤣🤣🤣

    2. cracked molar going in the dental tracker on reddit.

    3. The dental tracker is in the comments of the mortgage tracker pinned post, because I can only pin two posts in reddit.


    4. I've been away a lot this summer (yay summer) so I really appreciate it when y'all comment here about things that should go in the trackers.

      Currently we're tracking mortgage payments and dental complaints.

      I'm tempted to make a hay tracker too. She just stated that 65 bales of hay is 6 weeks of feed to her which means she is going through 11 bales of hay per week.

    5. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 20, 2022 at 4:15 PM

      A hay tracker would be useful. If she is believed, delivered hay cost her about $4.50 per bale, which is "unusually" inexpensive for 2022, as small rectangular bales are selling for $7-10 per bale. Our hay went up 40%.

      Hers didn't, so we'll have to assume she's lying, it's low-quality, or she "found it" at the town dump.

    6. I’m in a rural area rich with hay farmers. A small bale has been $9 for pick up and I am not sure how much for deliveries, since early summer. I haven’t seen a $4.50 bale in probably three years.

    7. How does she go through 11 bales a week? Maybe it’s the horses. I have a small goat herd and I put one rectangular bale of hay free choice a week. They graze on almost ten acre pasture which is also grassy in the winter as we reseed with winter rye and live in the Deep South where there is no snow. I also feed a custom mixed grain cup twice a day. I don’t understand the 11 bales a week, unless someone here who has horses tells me that’s how many bales two horses eat. I don’t take her word for it.

    8. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 21, 2022 at 7:17 AM

      Anon, horses should generally eat 2% of their body weight in forage. If we assume a horse is 1000 pounds, 2% is 20 pounds of forage (or hay) per day. Small rectangular bales weigh 40-50 pounds, so each horse would eat at least 1/2 bale per day (1 bale of hay per day for the two of them), which equals 7 bales per week.

      She mentioned feeding 1.5-2 bales per day, which would be high end for two horses, however, horses ideally have free choice of hay 24/7, and it's something I never skimp on. Good hay + clean water = happy horses.

      Also, she feeds sheep, goat and pigs (?) and undoubtedly covers visible 💩💩 with hay to make more attractive "farmy" photos.

      Who knows with her...


  41. And you knew this was coming:

    Hey y’all! Pet portraits, in full color (ink, watercolor) are on sale 2 for $100 and all of the cash earned drawing your pets goes towards this farmer paying the deductible on repairs during a recent car accident. If you want to knock out some holiday shopping- please send a message! Ships anywhere in the world Free of charge! #petportrait #catsofinstagram #illustrator #illustragram

  42. What a little moron. So people don’t have cash, do they…how dare they not have cash to give to a sniveling, whiny liar who pretends to be broke. Luck? No dear, get off your lazy rear end and get a job.

  43. Awhile ago she went on a rant because a couple of people backed out of sales due to car repair bills. How dare they have car repair bills! Only she is allowed to have them.

  44. Our bodies break down. Our cars break down. Our houses deteriorate. This happens to EVERYONE. She acts like it only happens to her and she is so special that other people need to pay for it. Grow up, Jenna.

    1. "i hate this month"

      Has anything of actual consequence ever happened to her since she moved into that house?

      No major health scares, no sick dependents / loved ones, no experience of violence, no natural disasters... no losses of great substance.

      I think her breakup with Shannon and the loss of friendships she's had over the years are the greatest losses she's experienced. That and experiencing rejection from her family after coming out, which - they had Shannon over for Christmas - was not a total devastation to the relationships, if that friction was real and not fiction.

    2. Chicken massacre, prob broken ankle, car crash, water damaged floors, cracked tooth...looks like HD hit the nail on the head when she aptly titled this thread "Mid August, And a new pack of lies."

      Can't wait to see the next imminent disaster will be, as there are only 10 more days to go and she hasn't even begun begging for the August mortgage yet. Lol. Begging Bingo time.

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 21, 2022 at 7:28 AM

      Aww, WIW, don't forget these crises:

      💩 Wolves at the door
      💩 Old lady in silver car slowed down on road in front of her house
      💩 Scary laundromat man
      💩 Scary foreclosure man
      💩 Townspeople looking at her funny
      💩 Website host that expects her to pay annual fee EACH YEAR
      💩 Haters who called animal control after she posted she expected to find her old horse in the field - dead from exposure
      💩 A mortgage that must be paid each and every month (gawd, it's so UNFAIR)


  45. I started a hay tracker on reddit, because why not? She'll be talking about it for the next six months.

    She stated as of now, she is using 11 bales per week, currently paying $5 / bale. Stated 65 bales currently in storage = 6 weeks of feed.


    Of course she's using hay that whole time, so she has hay until Oct 1 right now.

  46. Pics of the dental bill or it never happened, Jenna.

    1. Jon Katz just posted he paid $10. a bale so she will have to adjust her begging accordingly. She will be shocked she will beg, give her the money or the animals starve. Why is she feeding the animals hay now in August? Thought that was for winter.

    2. With the spiking cost of diesel, how high do you think a bale will be in April? $15?

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 20, 2022 at 5:49 PM

      WIW, it could go that high. We talked with a friend who hays, and he said there are six passes with farm equipment to process hay, so diesel costs are a big factor. Plus, hay producers have had other rising costs: seed, fertilizer, high equipment repair costs, etc. Additionally, there's been a summer drought in the NE, which has hurt hay production.

      Having two "hay burner" hobby horses in 2022 is expensive and, unless a lot of pasture is available for grazing, it's only for people with $$$.

    4. The season for hay has also been terrible by me. We can usually get two cuts in but this year is definitely a one-cut year and we had to cut when diesel was at it's peak. That's the second year in row for single-cuts so I expect hay prices will be sky high for everyone.

  47. She hasn't named any of the sheep, has she? Did the new goat get named?

    She used to write about the animals on her farm as individuals. Now they're just mouths to feed. She barely takes photos of them. We saw more photos of chickens this year than the sheep - she's paying $600 - $1000 a winter to feed those sheep, and why?

    She's had this latest batch of sheep for two winters now, right? By the end of this winter, she will have spent somewhere between $2000 - $3000 feeding sheep she doesn't do anything with, all while crying poor.

    1. I think she is now trying to have them butchered and sold for meat. She wrote something about it a while ago. Hope the 2 dogs don't eat to much or they might be on the line also.

    2. Wait...she has another new goat? I know she had the one, Cade, for whom she bought a fancy backpack and called him her "pack goat" and took him mountain stomping. Although she hasn't mentioned him in ages.

  48. I DO NOT believe for a minute that she cracked another tooth. And it cracked whilst chewing soft gum? Bullshit. She's been pulling this shit for years, and there's no way she has enough teeth for this to happen over and over.

    Back in 2018 she wrote:

    "The reality is awful that without health insurance a root canal costs $1300 [...] The other option is to have the tooth removed for a couple hundred dollars but then I won't have an upper molar (the rest have been removed) and it will cause the entire top of my mouth's teeth to shift."

    So by her own admission she only has ONE upper molar left on one side, not to mention that X-ray she once posted that showed that ALL her teeth had root canals. But she still keeps cracking teeth and needing additional root canals? No. It's simply not possible.

    1. I agree. She has been using the cracked molar trigger for donations for too long now, for those of us who have paid attention. Unfortunately her short term hits on Twitter don’t know that. Also notice in all her very recent pics on both Twitter in Instagram, her ankle does not appear swollen AT ALL. In fact in this morning’s photo she has her feet crossed at the ankle which I argue you wouldn’t be able to do comfortably with a hurt ankle. I don’t make the point to be petty, but to say that I am seriously doubting the ankle story as well, after all her admissions of things she did while it was “hurt” to include driving, wrestling, hiking her looped forest path, etc.

    2. And she wouldn't be wearing those stupid sandals with a hurt ankle. Her foot can twist really easy in those. She's lying about the ankle I bet.

  49. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 22, 2022 at 9:54 AM

    One of the funniest things I've read is her story about finally having the bathroom plumbing insulated; she called it "pornography". She was so, so happy to get it done and her sycophants were equally thrilled.

    However, 10-ish years ago, when she was jonesing to buy a wood-burning stove, MANY readers sent her advice on the importance of first insulating the floors, walls and ceiling of her hovel - to get the biggest bang for her heating bucks - before buying a wood burning stove. And they questioned the overall financial sense of switching to wood when she couldn't harvest sufficient wood from her property.

    Of course, she ignored good advice. Insulation wasn't sexy and no one could tell her not to buy a new wood stove. She didn't insulate and bought the stove, no doubt throwing away money over the years in wasted heat and frozen pipes.

    Such a homesteading failure...


  50. Canning tomatoes today while not at my folding money job.

    Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    Hey all! This farm has got to make some sales today, and I am offering discounts on logos, pet portrait, soap bundles, and more! Get something from Cold Antler Farm and help keep this place heated, fed, and safe going into winter!

    Meh... no thanks.

    1. There she goes again with that forceful, entitled “has got to get some sales”. Really? How bout gettin’ a job instead?

  51. Such niche (and frankly subpar) product reduced down to pity buys, marketed to such a limited, niche demographic such as her very dim readership…she has to know the writing has been on the wall for a while now.

    1. Yes, it has always bothered me that she handles her “business” so unprofessionally. Her products are not great and very “one trick pony”. All her logos look similar, her art looks the same, her soaps look dirty. Meat is always sketchy in how much she has available. People buy because she begs not because she is offering a service. BIG difference.

  52. She hasn’t talked about her student loans for a while now, as payments were suspended during the pandemic. I bet she is about to get a big break this week when those are forgiven for borrowers making below 125K, and she won’t have to restart payments.
    She gets more breaks than any normal person deserves, let alone someone so sketchy.

  53. On IG she is sticking it to the naysayers that she is faking her ankle injury. She has it all wrapped up with tape so there!!!

    1. Omg I came here to point that out! Right after we called her out for posting pics with zero evidence of an injury, here comes the performative, in your face pic of her wrapped ankle. I laughed so hard at how pathetic she is that I spilled my water. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
      Hi Jenna. You sham reader, you.

    2. This is true evidence that she does read this. But here's the thing, if you notice in the "before" pic when she had on sandles, the same ankle that is now shown "wrapped", is under the other leg. If you truly had a painful swollen ankle, there is no way you would rest the other leg on top of it. She can't even get the leg right, ha ha!! Sorry Jenna, but dont think it happened.

    3. It’s lies on top of lies. Girl can’t keep it straight.

    4. What a FAKER she is! So of course she saw her mistake and "limped" over to her computer to correct it.

      Anon 8:00 - I have a crap ankle that swells up with too much use, and when it does, nothing can rest on top of it. I can't even sit Indian-style which is my preference. As usual, it's nothing but lies with her...lies that she can't keep straight.

  54. She is lying on twitter today too. Peddling her “be my sale today” BS but someone must have called her out because she backtracked and said welllll, yeah I did make a $30 sale today but, BUT, I’m trying to make more money cause hay and firewood.
    Her own admission there, folks. How are those few that still have her unmuted not getting it?

    1. And notice how that sale was at the lowest end of what she has to offer. "Awww, poor Jenna Wenna only make a measly $30 today"

      If she ever had a lucky day where she sold multiple logos, pet portraits, dozens of soaps, do you think she'd announce that? No way, no day. Cuz she's gotta keep everyone thinking she's poor.


  55. Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    full disclosure: I already made a $30 sale this AM, but hoping to earn more today. I got firewood and hay to get asap!

    Wow $30. Get a job please, you have worked harder for that 30 bucks of begging than you would at a job... you probably made like $2 an hour!!!! If that.

    1. Sorry Jenna but your hay and firewood is NOT my problem.

    2. Neither is her mortgage, her auto repairs, her home repairs, her dental work, her power bill, her pot habit, her Taylor Swift fan merch, her streaming services...

      Cuz guys, this is where YOU come in!

  56. Some people have posted character traits of Narcissistic Personality Disorder which fits the FFF. But I'm wondering, what type of personality makes their living mooching off others? Jenna is an extreme example, but I know a few people like that too. There is something about them, I can't put my finger on it, that makes you want to help them, but after awhile, you realize you've been played.

    They either can't hold a job, don't want to hold a job, or are under-employed. Thoughts?

    1. I think she feels she's a victim and that the world owes her something. She probably feels she didn't get a fair shake in life due to her face and body. No girl, it's due to your rotten personality and nothing more.

      And she enjoys playing the victim because people feel sorry for her and send her pity donations. Notice how often she refers to herself as a hobbit and makes reference to her stocky frame, her face, and her bad teeth genes -- most people keep those remarks to themselves -- but she milks it for every penny.

  57. From debt.com

    The Moocher

    1. Perpetually unemployed. Soft hearted people with jobs fork over cash to pay their bills.
    2. Ever ungrateful. Veteran moocher makes an art of funding her expenses with other people's money. Stop paying someone who expects donations on a regular basis.
    3. Works social media like a pro. Online friends are eager to rescue a moocher they've never met who pleads for money to stop utilities from being shut off or drops hints daily about having no food in the pantry. (Substitue mortgage, wood and hay). Once the person scores cash, she'll post selfies of herself attending (insert event or purchases).
    4. Skilled judge of character. No one can size up a potential donor like a moocher.
    5. Lack of friends. Moochers burn through friends.
    6. Expects free labor. But don't expect help in return. A true moocher has an asortment of selective disabilities for any occasion.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 25, 2022 at 12:11 PM

      Anon, was this really published as a definition of "The Moocher"?

      It fits the faux farmer to a tee!


    2. It was on debt.com. I condensed it.

    3. OMG...she is the absolute personification that list!

      "Skilled judge of character. No one can size up a potential donor like a moocher."

      This is why she doesn't have a set price list. When she receives a DM inquiry I believe she checks out their Twitter to see how wealthy they appear and then gives them a price based on that.

  58. At age 40, her habits are set and she is not going to change. There will be no epiphany, no aha moment where she will suddenly get a job and be a responsible person.

    She's like an animal that has gotten used to handouts and can no longer fend for herself. She may end up living off taxpayer dollars. Welfare, food stamps, rent and utility assistance...I'm pretty sure she will lose the house unless someone like her parents or Patty come in and pay it off at the last minute.

    1. If she were ever going to lose the house, it would have happened a long time ago. And if she were ever going to change, it would have happened when Shannon lived with her.

      There's no way she's paying the bills with her twitter scamming, and whatever her true source of income, it's not going anywhere.

      For someone who claims to be scraping by barely for years, she shows absolutely no concern for the future - which means her future isn't actually under threat.

      This train wreck is going to go on indefinitely.

      I remember that "i only have one top molar" post. Did she get dentures and she's just forever scamming for dental work now?

    2. I dunno, I kinda feel there will be a severe crisis in which she'll really be in danger of losing her property, and then she'll beg even harder than she does now. As for her parents helping, I think not, as from her account they aren't well off. Ma Wog seems a narcissist who's children are an extension of HER -- and she made it clear she did not approve of her daughter's "Barnheart" dream in the first place. Plus, it would be a great chance to tell Jenna "I told you so"

      Anon 9:34 - Shannon was a game changer indeed. And to think that the Pig Shocker blew all that still shocks me. She had it sooooo good and just threw it all away. And now look where she is: Back to hardcore begging.

  59. When did Shannon leave? Was it last fall? On her IG she claims that she hopes that the opossums come back this fall because they didn’t last year and her bad luck streak started then. Just an interesting tidbit.

    Even though she begs constantly, she never seems without anything she wants, which is telling. Then sometimes she’ll throw in something that is REALLY suspect like “ if I don’t make money today I’ll have to cancel my pattern memberships to creators!!” Those of us with any brain cells are like “ wait just one minute, if you can’t pay your bills, you can’t afford patterns!!!”

    I’ve said it before, but, she is missing an absolute way to make money and that is the vlogging about how she lives “wage free” with no paychecks from a company. That would require her to be transparent. For example, her bathroom floor. I think many people in this economy would love to know how to fix that on the cheap, and see the results. I think people would love to see how she feeds herself by season, or in general lives her life that not everyone understands ( or whatever her “quote” is)

    I think we all know here why she won’t ever show what really goes on there and that’s because it’s all smoke and mirrors. She is absolutely living like fiction and nothing is real.

    1. **patreon** not pattern. Darn autocorrect!!

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 26, 2022 at 5:17 AM

      She stole the quote too...

    3. Ha! That’s why I put quote in quotes! I’ll tell you that much for free. Following Jenna’s nonsense is buck wild!!! (I could resist adding another one of her overused terms in there!!)

    4. Anon 5:02 - Shannon fled mid-November of last year, right before Thanksgiving and Christmas. Things must've been really bad to have dumped someone before major holidays like that.

      Also, good point about Patreon subscriptions, as the people who support them have expendable income. Bet Jenna pissed off a lot of pity donators who assumed she was flat out broke, when obviously not!

  60. So she wants people to hire her to design logos. She spent 4 years studying graphic design but obviously slept thru some classes, as evidenced by her kerning skills. They're abysmal! Check out the spacing issues here:


    Top right logo: LOTUS BLOOM FARM - But looks like LOT US BLOOM FAR M

    Bottom right logo: HOMEFOLK ROOTS - But looks like R OOTS, as the "R" is too far to the left, and the "T" is crooked and about to smash into the "S"

    And people paid for this shit work? Kerning is not hard. All it takes is a bit of effort. She puts out subpar work like this and then wonders why she has to beg so hard for logo work.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 27, 2022 at 4:41 AM

      Anon 7, you're right! With a few exceptions, her logos are uninspired, and they all look slapped together*. Similar dreary designs with clip art. Same cluttered fonts. She obviously thinks looking "old timey" is appealing to people with questionable taste.

      * "Slapped together" could be her motto: her articles, blog and musings are all poorly constructed and unproofed. Her farm fencing and buildings remain shi$$%, and her animal care is abysmal.

      No wonder she's begging for money at age 40.

  61. We’ve not heard if she paid her August mortgage yet. Only 5 days left, you’d think she would be posting her end of month “my goal today is to make $450, it’s a long shot but this farm needs a break to keep it safe and solvent this winter. This farm needs tacos and For me to spend hours posting about how gay/not gay Taylor Swift is and how Harry styles is queer baiting. If funds are low you can send Venmo to the farm too!!”

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 27, 2022 at 6:41 AM


  62. There she goes again retweeting her own beg hours after posting it. Also, grammatically incorrect again. It’s “as soon as”, dumbass. Not “soon as”. She will never sell a book again. Any writing skills she may have had in the past, though helped by better editors than she can ever afford now after the Kickstarter debacle, are now deteriorated.


  63. Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    So no sales at all the past two days, well, outside a neighbor getting eggs. So I am offering 2 pet portraits (9x12" - shipped free anywhere in the WORLD) for $100. 8x10" canvases: $150! Take care of some Xmas gifts early, help a farm make August before October. It really helps!

  64. When you don’t have a job and/ or solid plan for running your cottage business, this is what it is, update your products, add something new to the mix, do something!!!!! Complaining how no one buys your stuff is so low and makes her stuff and sh kills look worse!

  65. If she can't make sales, how is she feeding her animals? Either she has other sources of income she is hiding, or it's time for another animal welfare check. Nothing adds up.


  66. 69
    Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈 Retweeted

    Taylor Swift

    Midnights, the stories of 13 sleepless nights scattered throughout my life, will be out October 21. Meet me at midnight.

    Pre-order now: https://taylor.lnk.to/taylorswiftmidnights

    So... are we taking bets on whether or not Jenna has the money to purchase this new TS album? I mean I think all of us here know that the answer is a resounding YES she will!
    Full disclosure, looks like this purchase is under $15 but again... if she can’t pay the mortgage, she can’t feed her animals, she can’t buy a TS album!!

    1. Oh, I'll that bet. Taylor Swift released info about her new album just last night and the Pig Shocker already has her panties in a wad this morning.

      And she will find the folding money for it. The bills might go unpaid, the animals might go a bit hungry, but she will find that money. Even if she has to break into her neighbors and go thru their dirty laundry for forgotten cash, dig thru their sofa cushions for lost change...she will find the money somehow. She always does.

  67. Looks like someone is getting super desperate:

    "First sale I make this week, I’ll throw in a third pet portrait FREE! Gotta get firewood in and gotta make sales to do it. No luck these past few days but still trying!"


    "Will offer HALF PRICE if you’re buying for a holiday gift as a gift certificate! Buy for yourself or a friend!!!"

    So...this is day 3 of no sales and she is losing her shit, lol. Or perhaps she is freaking out how to pay for Taylor Swift's new album, as pointed out by Anon 5:09.

    Also, her half price offer is ONLY if you buy for the holidays as a gift certificate...so that means no immediate product she has to produce. The holidays are 4 months away, and most gift certificate recipients don't redeem right away...maybe a month or two til they get around to it. So she's putting off the work for 6 months then? Hah, good luck with her remembering that.

    1. Her "sales " are strictly fun money. It's a pattern. Big disaster, her world is ending, puhleeze help, then blink and she's bought something fun.

      She 1000% is raising cassette tape money.

      It's hilarious that she forgets about the disasters and health concerns periodically, only to trot them out again when she needs more cash. She forgets what she's lied about, so the mask slips... or falls off entirely... and gets forgotten.

  68. What happened to picking up wood off the side of the road? Or better yet, why not harvest wood from her own backyard?

  69. So annoying, she should be out there every morning taking care of her wood needs. Instead, she begs.

    There have been several instances where she brags about how good her new book is and how she is talking about her SEx experiences in it. I REALLY hope that her editor tones whatever she’s brewing up right down. Also I feel terrible for Shannon. She obviously fled from a horrible situation and to think her sex life will now be published by this goon is really rough! I would be so upset!!

    1. If she really does write about her sex experiences, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let it not be a scratch 'n sniff book.

    2. @Anon7 I both wheezed a laugh and threw up in my mouth a little at the same time.
      How dare you. 😂😂

    3. She's writing about her sex life? That is such a violation of presumed privacy. Absolutely nothing is sacred to her.

  70. And about this new Taylor Swift album announcement: "Midnights, the stories of 13 sleepless nights scattered throughout my life, will be out October 21. Meet me at midnight."

    Even as mediocre a musical talent, TS sure does know how to market her stuff, as she appeals to the downtrodden and the hopeless. Cuz in addition to blogging about many sleepless nights, Jenna is forever fixated with the number 13, which happens to be TS' favorite number, which is also a common age for arrested development in females. Coincidence?

    Also, "13 sleepless nights...meet me at midnight" -- again, preying on teen angst and/or immature middle aged women who never grew up. Taylor's got their number. And she'll have Jenna fantasizing about meeting TS at midnight, at the top of her stairs, crouched down eating cheese like a Yeti. Maybe they'll write a song about it together.

  71. If she really wanted to show the world what a scrappy, badass "farmer" she is, she would brag about scrounging wood from Craig's List, the side of the road or her own backyard. So her firewood begs have never been about firewood. She wants folding money and she has found the right trigger words.

    She will never say what she is really spending the money on. Alcohol? Drugs? Taylor Swift merch? It's like those panhandlers asking for money for "coffee". This is addict behavior.

    I also just read something that states moochers feel entitled to other people's money. Thus her guilt digs at people with direct deposit and folding money.

    1. I agree, she responded once that she didn’t feel guilty taking money from strangers because if you get a bank loan YOU are taking from strangers... Jenna logic.

      She likes to SAY she is a scrappy farmer but there is zero evidence on any of her SM that show this. I live in a residential neighborhood and have a full time job and I “put up” more food for the winter than she has. She brags about growing kale for crying out loud.. KALE! I mean you could grow that in the cracks of a sidewalk!! She’s not doing shit or we would certainly see it. How’s the garden Jenna? What did you grow? How were your yields? How are you preserving your food? Would love to know!!

    2. I don’t think she grew anything this summer. Last summer when Shannon did, you couldn’t shut Jenna up about it. Pictures of produce, pictures of canned stuff, pictures of tall sunflowers, pictures of pies and whatever, etc.
      She didn’t grow shit this year.

    3. My thought is she forgets or loses interest in the garden, waters inconsistently, doesn't mulch / manure, and doesn't weed. So the poor progress of the plants is disheartening, so she feels like doing even less for it. By the time harvest comes around the garden has mainly failed. If she grew a potato we'd get photos. She's got nothing but lies about the wildlife getting her garden. Funny that didn't happen when Shannon was there.

  72. Worried about money today and getting ready for winter but managed 24 IG stories about TS and TS adjacent things. I mean she could be getting wood but why bother!??

    1. She is flooding Twitter with TS retweets too. Yea, she is really worried about winter and hay and feed. 🤥

  73. except for a huge ice cream cone she hasn't been on twitter in days. Guess she has given up on the all the losers on twitter (they don't donate to her so they are losers) and only has time for TS and instagram.

    1. Methinks she's running out of platforms to beg on!

  74. Well offering gift certificates for crappy logos is really not a hot money maker! And offering multiple pet portraits for the price of one looks desperate and like the quality is bad ( which... you’ve seen them so...)

  75. Anyone else notice how she is suddenly quiet about that latest cracked molar and that pesky possibly broken/sprained ankle? And that car rental, and that unfair deductible, and the unresponsive agent? Don’t forget the August mortgage..but hey let’s all preorder the TS cassette tape or the hipster vinyl.

    1. yes they have all seemed to diappear!!! It's a miracle. Also even when she is having all these "problems" they disappear on the weekends, isn't that great? Almost Sept. waiting for that other shoe to drop.

    2. I agree! Total miracle. According to IG she spent the day swimming and she’s so pooped she’s laying in her hammock, so no worries about bills and doesn’t need Folding cashmoney y’all, I’ll tell you that much for free!!

  76. She needs cassette tapes for her old truck... that totally runs, right? She can drive it? She's not just plugging a tape into the deck of a dead truck and sitting in her driveway blasting TS?

    So about that totaled car...

  77. Maybe she has finally reached the inevitable point of complete over-saturation of her very shallow pool of supporters, most of whom are basement babies and live like fiction wannabes. How many times will those few same people want to have a cartoon of their dog drawn? A large box of soap is not something you ever purchase weekly or monthly, more like once a year. How many logos that one does not really need is one willing to shell out for?
    One can only hope this is the tipping point for her to realize this is unsustainable, and maybe she will begin adulting like the rest of her middle age peers.

    1. She will never adult. She will go down kicking and screaming, claiming life is so unfair, she is so special, this should not be happening to her.

  78. money is so tight no money for mortgage and wood for her heat but already talking about getting a new bird! We all know she feeds them gourmet meals so there will be money for that but can't pay her mortgage? Yeah I can't wait to buy a cartoon drawing of a dog I don't have.

    1. Which means she has no money problems. She has one or more other sources of income. The begging is for fun money.

  79. She trapped those hawks, they had no say in the matter. What a delusional POS to say they chose to spend time with her.

    “I've been doing this nearly a decade now. Trapping, training, and working with passage birds that live and migrate along local roads. I am not interested in exotic species or dessert-soaring longwings. I like the dirt hawking done right here on the mountain, with birds that were born here. My falconry practice is humble and focused, but few things make me as excited as starting a whole new relationship with something so wild and beautiful that chooses to spend a little time with me, too. ”

    1. "Dessert" soaring longwings? An image of winged slices of chocolate cake entered my mind. LOL She NEVER proofreads!

  80. Disgustingly Obnoxious Twitter Twaddle:

    "just did the dishes and prepped coffee for tomorrow morning. in a better age they'd erect a temple to a woman like me"

    Is she effing serious? Bitch is a cautionary tale at best. I don't think people of any age would ever erect anything for someone who shocks pigs and calls their animals assholes.

    1. WTF? She did the dishes and made coffee. And she wants a temple erected to her? What the hell is wrong with her???

  81. Her sense of humor is AWFUL.


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