Whoopie, the loser is turning 40….blah.

It is my theory that she has nothing.
She says that her friends want to celebrate but she just wants to be quiet.  I don't buy it.  She has no friends.  There have been people, but they sure don't last long.  People coming over to ride horses, gone. Never much about neighbors.  The people at the bar, nothing.  The gal at the bookstore that had her books, nope. What about all the folks at those yearly cider making parties?  Where's the guy from the dump….surely she was there enough to befriend him.  Folks from the heathen group.  What about all her queer friends?  Folks from her martial arts classes.  Her bird catching people.  Those gals that stayed at Patty's house…from NY?
I've got friends from high school, college, jobs I've had,  I'm not even a very social person but am still friends with all sorts of people.
Also, birthdays with friends means free food and drink….she wouldn't pass that up.  40 is a big milestone birthday.  My friends wouldn't accept "naw, I'm just going to stay home".

All this talk about selling logos.  Who is buying logos from her.  That answer is….No One.   This could also be expanded to pet pictures, soap, and pig parts.  All of it is bad and expensive and things that no one wants in the first place.   I live in a small rural area.  If I want to buy a half hog, there are people..farms.  Well established, known, businesses.  There is no way I would buy from someone with her set up and business model.   Soap too.  There are so many people that are selling homemade soap…good soap, big soap, local soap.  There is no reason a normal person would order soap from her.

People here say all the things.  She is not getting away with anything.  And let's just say that someone believes her mortgage is behind…who cares?  How many hours does it take her to bring in $20?  However you slice it, she's got a shit life.


  1. HD. That was well-put. I agree with what you wrote. Thanks for your post in response to my request.

    I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating. Her whole life is lies.

    1. Yes, very well stated. She hardly ever mentions any friends there days. Sounds like they all saw her true colors. And HD, thanks for your help on the last thread re the disappearing posts...I appreciate it.

  2. A Legend in Her Own MindJuly 9, 2022 at 11:00 AM

    I think PP, the Diane Arbus wannabe (MR) and drinking skoolteacher (DS) are the only ones still around - but infrequently. My guess is FF pushed her way into gettogethers and they were too polite to chew their arms off and escape.

    Also, she might have met up with the now-gay slow foods woman. The NYers moved onto bigger and better friends, although she still stalks them with desperate attention begging!

    FF is the kind of person folks want to keep at arm's length.

    1. PDD. I didn’t know about the “now-gay slow foods group.” Her constant mentions of “quiet birthday” makes me think that it wasn’t out of choice.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindJuly 9, 2022 at 12:52 PM

      You may remember them - they started as a local couple who built an eco-house and traveled the world by bicycle, posting pretty pictures of various "down to earth" cuisines and cooking methods. At some point, they met FF and took some of the infamous photos of FF handling squealing pigs, crazed look in her eyes. The wife was a good cook and pretty, an artistic type.

      About 1-2 years ago (?) couple split up because they're no longer cis. I also suspect FF had/has a crush on the woman which partially explains her continued intrusions.

      It's been awhile and some details escape me.

    3. PDD - You are thinking of Tara and Tyler. They had a website called "Going Slowly" that they used to document their bike travels. And it looks like Tara (Alan) is still with that cute brunette chick she fell for, according to her Instagram, if it's recent. (I can see pics but can't click on posts without creating an account.)

  3. It’s the last day of her thirties
    though nothing much will change.
    The bitch will still be begging
    for a “folding funds” exchange.

    1. It’s the end of being younger
      but don’t expect a shift.
      “Woke Wog” will keep on lying
      and faking that she’s thrift.

    2. Her whole life is lies
      but she’ll pay for it someday.
      First she was a pagan
      now it’s hating men and gay.

    3. BRAVO! So clever. As for not changing, what Jenna should do is take inspiration from actress Rebel Wilson who for the past few years dedicated each year to doing something special to change her life. First was her "Year of Love" where she successfully found someone. Next was her "Year of Health" in which she lost a substantial amount of weight and is now healthier indeed.

      Jenna should declare a "Year of No Lies" in which she endeavors to tell the damn truth for once.

    4. A Legend in Her Own MindJuly 10, 2022 at 8:24 AM

      Brava!! Your birthday poems made me laugh this morning!! 😅

  4. “Earning money has become so hard so spending it has only been on gas, groceries, bills and feed.”

    What about going to drive-in those movies, Jen? And your other outings also weren’t for free. But begging is so much easier than getting off your fat ass, and working even part-time at a local store. And learn how to correctly use commas, cretin. You’re almost 40.

    1. She is tone deaf. Does she have any idea how many people are struggling? How many people are only spending on the basics? And those people have JOBS!

    2. Anonymous 2:06. Jenna just doesn’t care how she comes across. She’s one of the most massively self centered assholes we’ve ever met in real life. Which is why she’s still single, and will probably always be alone.

    3. Edit: self-centered

    4. Anyone notice how she has not mentioned going swimming even once this summer? In the past she'd go several times a week and wrote a lot about it. And her swimming hole is not that far at all. I wonder what's up with that?

  5. My ex-bf sent an email to about 100 people (including me, his ex!) saying he does not, under any circumstances want anyone to throw him a party for his upcoming retirement. It cracked me up because it seemed like such an attention grab. Reminds me of a certain someone with her birthday (cough..Jenna..cough...)
    These people then get their feelings hurt when no one throws the party that they swore they didn't want.

  6. “I offered this on IG so I will also offer it here. If you are interested in a watercolor sketch like this, the price is $40 and ships anywhere free in the whole world! Can do any animal you would like, or mythical beast, - just no people, vehicles, or buildings! DM!”

    I wonder if she’ll put a time limit on this one, too. Just like the lousy logos. Of course, it’s all crap. Her stuff is always on sale. So any savings are her manipulative marketing attempts.

  7. No one worthwhile wants to “celebrate” the life of a lazy loser like Jenna on her birthday. Not even if there’s cake. She’d probably have her putrid pan pizza. The sight of that mess makes me sick.

    1. She posted a pic two days ago on Instagram of a disgusting “Dutch baby” mess in her dirty, dumb pan. It literally, looked like puke.

    2. Jenna can’t either cook or clean correctly.

  8. “Every morning I take down the solar lights under the big maple tree and set them on the deck to charge in the sun. Hot tip: don’t place them where a cat can knock them over the edge with one chin rub…

    Replaced globe with local dairy return bottle. We’ll see how it goes.”

    Riveting content, cunt.

  9. "No people, vehicles, or buildings". What a one-trick pony. She learned to draw 1980 style disney cartoons and *that's it*. She went to DESIGN school and developed not at all as an artist, and not at all in the past 15 years since she graduated.

    Is there anyone at all out there buying this cow pie of a story anymore?

  10. "This sale ended yesterday but since no one took me up on it I will extend it to the next person who wants to hire me to design for them!"

    Actual recession might have an impact here. Jenna hasn't yet tried to sell her art since the last recession (2008).

  11. Soooo awkward... did anyone say happy birthday to Jenna on twitter even? Doesn't appear so...

    1. From the last thread: “I’m not a birthday person. The quiet day at home was my request to friends that offered to come celebrate, but I want to write and be quiet.”

      Yet she announces to her supposed 4,800+ followers that her birthday is coming up. BTW, here's what she had to say about her birthday back in 2018:

      "I'll never be comfortable announcing a birthday for the same reason I'll never care about astrology; it's a holiday I didn't get to choose."

      Never? And I am also curious if any of that 4K wished her a happy bday on Twitter or Instagram...

  12. Inspired by Lie-style's poem up above, I'm re-writing a nursery rhyme as a bday present for the Pig Shocker:

    Little Miss Sass
    Sat on her ass
    Gorging on fatty foods
    And smoking her grass
    Then along came red van man
    Who took pics with his photo cam
    And frightened Miss Liar away

    1. Here's another since I'm feeling soooooo generous tonight:

      Venmo me, Venmo me...just do it man!
      Send me your money as fast as you can!
      I'll love it, relish it, and mark it as a grift!
      So I can buy more merch from Taylor Swift!

    2. My generosity knows no bounds:

      'There was an old Pig Shocker who lived without a clue.
      She had so many hungry animals, she didn't know what to do.
      She gave them some water, hand carried by buckets.
      And when they cried out for food, she shrugged and said, "Fuck it"
      She shocked them all soundly and put them to bed.
      And went inside her hovel to watch Netflix instead.

    3. Oh no, I'm turning into a gift giving whore:

      Three cracked teeth. Three cracked teeth.
      See how they rot. See how they bleed.
      They're all in need of a root canal.
      Said the loser who has no job at all.
      Did you ever see such a grift in your life?
      From a mouth that allegedly can't bite?
      Have you ever seen someone so uncouth?
      Who begs and screams, "Help fix my tooth!"

    4. Anon7. Those were great, thanks! I’ll write more later to “honor” Jenna’s birthday.

    5. A Legend in Her Own MindJuly 10, 2022 at 5:36 AM

      Anon7, what a great birthday inspiration! Each gift better than the previous.

    6. Snorted as I was drinking my coffee this morning and reading those. Spot on.

    7. PDD. It’s always appreciated when you also mention the person who has started something here like poetry. It’s just common courtesy to acknowledge them, along with any other contributors like Anon7.

    8. Thanks guys. And just in case it's not obvious, the nursery rhymes reimagined were:

      1) Little Miss Muffet Sat on Her Tuffet
      2) Pat-a-cake Pat-a-cake Baker's Man
      3) Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe
      4) Three Blind Mice

    9. Anon 12:22, Mea Culpa! I thought I'd responded acknowledging your poetry start. You know I'd never leave you out!

    10. PDD. Thanks! I appreciate it. I’m a little sensitive because of past experiences with not being acknowledged for my ideas.

    11. A Legend in Her Own MindJuly 11, 2022 at 6:13 AM

      Hi Lie-style,
      Thx for your response. Admittedly, since system upgrades and the plethora of Anons, I sometimes get scrambled up. My Google / Word Press avatar doesn't show up (hey, SOTM, why does yours work?), and with my 3-inch cell-phone screen width, it's hard to scan posts and align with correct OP.

      I agree it's time to bring back the fun of parody songs and poetry.

  13. A Legend in Her Own MindJuly 10, 2022 at 5:39 AM

    Anon 7 inspired me to make a contribution to FF's birthday present.

    With apologies to Carly Simon, I present "You're So Lame"

    You walked straight through your squalor like you were walking onto a yacht
    Your hat strategically dipped below one eye
    We're guessing it cost a lot

    You buy your rags at Amazon,
    to try and dress the part
    But no one wants a middle-aged fan girl,
    Taylor Swift fan girl 'cause

    You're so lame
    I wrote this ditty about you

    You're so lame (you're so lame)
    I wrote this ditty about you
    About you

    I read you several years ago when I was still quite naive
    When you wrote you rocked the country life and you made me want to believe
    But you lied about the things I loved
    To get donations free
    And a person who hurts poor critters
    Don't deserve a thing from me
    Don't deserve a thing from me and
    You're so lame

    I wrote this ditty about you
    You're so lame (you're so lame)
    I wrote this ditty about you
    About you, about you

    When I heard you captured raptors
    To try and make yourself cool
    But their awful care for promotion sake
    Only makes you look the fool

    You're so lame (you're so lame)
    I wrote this ditty about you
    About you, about you

    Well you're on your way to insolvency
    Cause you refuse to work a job
    Instead, you spend your endless days
    With your hand out, like a slob

    You're so lame
    You know this song is about you
    You're so lame (so lame)
    You know this song is about you
    Don't you don't you don't you?

    (Extra verses always appreciated)

    1. PDD. Thanks, that was great, too. I’ve started a trend. Yup, I’m gonna toot my own horn, and take credit for it.

    2. Lovvvvvvve this, PDD! I sang it the whole way thru.

      Great idea, Lie-style. Sure hope the bday girl enjoyed our creativity!

  14. Happy birthday, bitch
    what a waste of space.
    Nothing is authentic
    from your faux farm to fake face.

    Your begging is obnoxious
    you have no sense of shame.
    You point your filthy fingers
    at everyone else to blame.

    But you’re the lazy loser
    who won’t just get a job.
    And now, you’re finally 40
    and have become a slob.

    1. Looks like you wrote this right before her big birthday tweet. Her begging has since gone from obnoxious to atrocious!

  15. “Good morning from the AM walk on the path here at Cold Antler Farm.”

    The birthday bitch is having an exciting morning at her hobby homestead. Of course, she always calls it a “farm.” How does it feel to be 40, fat ass?

    1. Anon 6:47, any place she flops is a farm to her so she can bask in hyperbolic bull💩 💩.
      In one of her self-congratulatory posts, she admitted she created the "farm" name when she rented a place in Idaho that had a backyard.

      Fake farmer indeed!


  16. I thought she wasn’t going to post and just work on her writing. She said she was going to be really quiet and thoughtful today. Why did she say that.. but then keeps posting. I’m confused. /me being sarcastic of course lol

    1. She probably hopes that Pember Patty will throw her a surprise party later today.

    2. Yes!! What happened to being quiet for a change? She vomited a bunch of birthday-grifting tweets this morning. She is on a roll. I should have known she lied about “staying quiet”

    3. Her whole life is lies.

    4. If she stays quiet, how will anyone remember to send her money? Squeaky wheel gets the grease!

  17. Jenna’s birthday party would look like that bday pic of Kirk Cameron where only two people are there (wish I could post pics here)

  18. Begathon on Twitter. If anyone wants to send her free funds, she has her Venmo address up. I don’t have Venmo (it never works when I try to set it up so I take that as a sign I don’t need it!!) so I can’t send her a birthday gift. 🤪

    1. Send her some thoughts and prayers instead. I'm sure that'll just as appreciated!

  19. Birthday Beg

    "Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! Today I turn 40. If you want to help make that birthday special for me, consider sharing (or if you are able, purchasing) something this farm creates to help me catch up on the June mortgage ASAP..."

    "Or if you just want to pitch in towards the cause, I'm jennawog on venmo and every dollar goes towards keeping this farm safe, solvent, and start preparing for winter. Thank you for reading! Enjoy your Sunday! "

    🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

    "A Legend in Her Own Mind"

    1. That truly is pathetic.
      Especially after announcing to the world she didn’t acknowledge birthdays, then she said she wasn’t going to want anything for her birthday, then saying she was going to be quiet on her birthday. Sure, Jen. I’m mortified for her. How is she not embarrassed to put this crap out there? A quick turnaround from her promises to be quiet that she made yesterday, that’s for sure.

    2. She has no normal adult’s sense of either shame or appropriate behavior.

    3. This is like the harbinger of doom for her. Rock bottom. Like when someone is asked, "So what was it that signaled the beginning of the end for you?" This was that moment. This is like the moment a drug addict starts stealing or turns to prostitution to support their drug habit.

  20. Pitch toward the cause? The cause being her birthday? Wow. Just wow. That’s straight up, shamelessly asking people for money because it’s your birthday. Who does that??

    1. Only Jenna does something that stupid and arrogant. She’ll pay the price soon enough.

    2. The only thing I can think of is that she must be really, really desperate right now. Times are tough, gas prices, overall inflation. Not many people have extra folding money to fork over.

      She recently wrote something on Twitter (I think) that struck me as very desperate. Like things are getting hairy for her. And now this shameless big birthday beg...sounds like shit's getting real for her.

    3. Anon 7 I don’t know if shit is getting real for her, or if this is just her, in her truest fashion, exploiting and milking her birthday to boost up her grifting. Your generous assumption may be wasted on this user.

  21. Do you know what strikes me as missing from her above statement,

    "Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! Today I turn 40. If you want to help make that birthday special for me, consider sharing (or if you are able, purchasing) something this farm creates to help me catch up on the June mortgage ASAP..."
    What’s missing is a word we learn about the time we are a year old. That word is PLEASE.
    She is basically TELLING her pity sponsors to DO something so she can catch up on her mortgage “Asap”. Not only telling them to do it, but also icing a timeframe of when she wants it done.

    She is an appalling, entitled, rude jerk.

    1. Jenna rarely thanks anyone who helps her. What an arrogant asshole. She’s rude and crude. I’m sure that Shannon is happy to not be around for this begging birthday.

    2. Definitely bitchy and entitled to not even say please at the very least.

      "If you want to help make that birthday special for me..."

      Why should anyone who is not family or a close friend feel obligated to make any day special for her? They're not. And she shouldn't even be asking!

  22. Imposing, not icing*

  23. If people do not give her the June mortgage money ASAP ( how are all the other bills being paid?) we will have to read her rants about how the bank sent her a letter...

    Isn’t her July mortgage due as well?

    I don’t know what kind of mortgage she has but mine is due on the 2 of each month and then I have a grace period until the 15th

    1. Cue either a fabricated crisis, or the “scary foreclosure letter from my bank.”

  24. The “scrappy little lesbian”
    begs on her birthday.
    We’ve almost forgotten, Jen
    are you still really gay?

  25. Poor, desperate little Jenna didn’t receive any of the birthday accolades on Twitter that she’d hoped for. In the past, there were many more well-wishers than now. Of course, the rude cunt never responds with common courtesy to followers. All she wants are free funds. “Venmo, it means so much!!!”

    1. No bday mention on Pember Patty's social media either. I wonder if they had a falling out?

  26. A Legend in Her Own MindJuly 10, 2022 at 11:54 AM

    You know, à la FF, I want to remind you that my birthday is coming up later this summer. It would make me feel so happy and safe if y'all would venmo me your hard-earned money for the month of August. No checks though, I don't want to have to drive to the bank.

    🤣 🤣 🤣

    1. Lmao...and my bday is next year. Just telling y'all now so you can start folding $$ early.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindJuly 11, 2022 at 5:19 AM

      Anon7, Holy Crow! We both need support to make us feel safe and secure. That's where our readers come in.

      We need cash, clams, dough, loot, money, coin, Benjamins, lucre, dead presidents, pesos, cabbage, moola, bucks, bread, change and Venmo. Today. ASAP

      Hoping you have a *cough* safe Monday.


  27. I’ve never despised Jenna more than this birthday begging. And we hate her, and have for years, so that’s saying something.

    1. I’d flush my money down the toilet before giving her a single penny of it.

    2. Lol, sending her a single penny would actually cost her money. I don't know about Venmo, but her PayPal account charges .30 cents or so for every transaction. So she would have to pay for your single penny donation. Do it!!!

  28. She’s a pathological liar. This cunt never “catches up on her mortgage.” One of her biggest lies is that she’s rarely behind on making monthly payments. When the exact opposite is true. It’s deliberately done to get free funds from followers who feel sorry for poor Jenna. And it’s an example of her manipulative marketing maneuvers.

  29. Funny, how she has almost 5,000 followers, but only a handful of “likes” and replies to her birthday begging. The numbers don’t lie, but Jenna Woginrich does.

    1. She’s gotten some new followers lately, but it’s only temporary. The count always decreases once newbies see her predictable patterns of begging.

  30. What's next? Will she hold her breath until she turns blue if people don't throw their hard earned folding money at her?

  31. She posted an awful lot today for someone who was going to be quiet. I hate her new expression “I can tell you that much for free. “ 🥴

    1. It's only a matter of time until she creates an OnlyFans account. Ick, can you imagine?

    2. @Anon7
      We are so, so lucky that smell-o-vision hasn’t been invented yet. The inevitable OnlyFans will be more like OnlyFreaks. >.<

  32. “Scenes from 40. A girl could do worse for a birthday”

    Wow. What an amazing birthday. Not. It’s a series of pathetic pics. One of them is her puke pan pizza mentioned above in a comment. Another is the lying, lazy loser holding a whoopie pie in her filthy fingers. Looks like Jenna’s been feeding her fake fat face at age 40. Yeah, she’s really “keeping quiet.”

    1. LOL!!! The small number of rabid responses are all from weird women who have hardly any followers, and look like they live in group homes for the “mentally challenged.” No wonder that they relate to Jenna. She’s just like them.

    2. Hey, Jenna. I’ll bet that your follower Aurora would “hot on” you. Although you might have to adjust your high standards of “pretty brunette femme.”

    3. Aurora sounds perfect for you: “Queer werewolf gal wandering around the woods lookin for adventure”

      She could even give you inspiration for your new book. You once mentioned werewolves and lesbians when you were making your moronic memes. It’s a match made in dyke heaven, “darlin’”.

    4. She probably posted those pics for sympathy. "Aww, poor Jenna had to spend her birthday alone...let's Venmo her some folding money!"

  33. OMG...I can't believe she had the audacity to beg for money on her birthday. Begging total strangers for bday cash. Just shocked, really.

    I know in the past she begged on Easter and other holidays, but this, this is a whole new low for her. I'm torn between being super disgusted or super embarrassed for her. Ugh.

    1. It’s cringe-making behavior to any normal adults. But Jenna is defective and a sociopath.

  34. Whaaaa! Send me birthday money. ASAP, right now this very instant!!!!!

    1. She’s shameless in her blatant begging.

  35. It’s Monday Moanin’ begging
    but she’s “keeping quiet” now.
    Maybe birthday “donations”
    have satisfied this cow.

  36. “Getting ready for company is the ultimate dust-removal motivator.”

    What kind of “company” would visit the filthy feral farmer? It’s probably a rodents “removal” person paid for by Pember Patty as a present. Funny how she hasn’t left any well-wishes to Jen, as noted above, on her birthday begging thread. And they were close friends for years. It makes one wonder why the sudden silence between them.

    1. "It’s probably a rodents “removal” person paid for by Pember Patty as a present."

      This cracked me up good, lol. It's definitely the kind of gift given to a friend who's lost their way.

  37. Remember when Jenna's sister came to visit and said her house smelled?
    Jenna was so offended LOL Her place must smell like mold, animal shit and B.O.

    1. I’d rather sleep in our car than spend any time in her shit-put with the filthy feral farmer. Her hygiene is horrid. Unfortunately, we’ve been behind her in local stores.

    2. Anon 12:45 is not exaggerating or making stuff up. Just check out what the Pig Shocker wrote on a bleg post titled, "I Stink" (https://coldantlerfarm.blogspot.com/search?q=stink)

      Some choice highlights:

      "This Monday morning started with a trip into town for feed and hot coffee. Soon as I closed the door on the sun-warmed truck I could smell....myself. Hooo. This single-woman-farmer-self-employed thing can get away from you."

      "I was wearing a worn in shirt, tights, kilt, and canvas vest. The same worn in shirt, tights, kilt, and canvas vest I'd been wearing around the farm the last few days."

      "When you work outdoors for yourself you don't really care or notice being a little shabby. You don't shower and do laundry every day either. What's the point?"

      "And if all you are doing is farm work, updating blogs, designing in your living room, and making business calls you just don't need to be pretty. But this morning.... Man, did I stink."

      Uhhh...smelling clean has NOTHING to do with looking pretty. But it has EVERYTHING to do with healthy personal hygiene, and a respect for others in which they don't have to be subjected to your putrid stench. It's a simple common courtesy that most people abide by. Didn't her mother teach her this shit?

    3. Oh gawd, I did not read all the way thru her bleg post before I posted and thus almost missed this little gem about the virtues of not showering:

      "Sometimes life is a happy little game of Go Fish."

      No wonder Shannon fled faster than the speed of light.

    4. A Legend in Her Own MindJuly 12, 2022 at 4:54 AM

      Remember FF is the one who suggested women throw their soiled jeans in the freezer (as she did) to make them smell less stinky.

      The same jeans she wore working around the animals...so they were covered in fecal dust...

      And the same freezer where she stored food, road kill for the hawk and "goat's milk" soap ingredients for her discriminating soap purchasers.

      Really makes me want to throw up.

    5. A Legend in Her Own MindJuly 12, 2022 at 7:07 AM

      Stinky farmer thinks being covered in filth and shopping in stores makes her a QUiRkY individual. It doesn't. It makes her a slob with no social skills.

      No wonder she was called a "beast" in high school and fondly pronounced she ate food at the top of the stairs, crouched down like a Yeti.

      Shes 40 now. Ain't it time for some personal pride? How appalling to spend her days hawking the same sketches, melt-and-pour soap and clip-art logos.

    6. This hygiene thing of hers is another classic moderate - severe ADHD thing. Hygiene struggles are real for people who have to actually put mental effort into initiating every single task, and so it doesn't always happen, which is why it's typical. It's not depression, it's executive dysfuntion.
      Jenna though has no shame and instead of trying to come up with systems of managing herself, she justifies being filthy.

      Do you know how disgusting you have to be to *smell yourself*? 3+ days. At least.

      She's sitting on her fabric furniture in that rank outfit. She's wearing tights for four DAYS?

      Just... barf. That's pretty much wearing the same underwear for 4 days. Not showering. Frat boys have better hygiene.

      Jenna will never admit she has problems, and as long as she's getting that handout (whatever she's actually using to pay the mortgage) and as long as Patty's looking after her, Jenna will never get any real consequences she actually cares about.

      I don't think she's capable of change, even if she were motivated. Her dysfunction is getting worse every year. Swapping booze for weed made no difference.

  38. Maybe Becca’s coming back... 🤷‍♀️

    1. Becca was way too attractive and accomplished to be interested in Jenna.

  39. True... but she lured her once.

    1. It’s probably one of those weird women who follows her on Twitter.

  40. According to Twitter she hopes to have a date in her farm this summer. No thank you.


    1. “I really hope I get to go on a date here at the farm this summer. The place is just plain delightful these days.”

      It looks like the “scrappy little lesbian” hasn’t been getting any amorous action in awhile. Why would she? Jenna is a lying, lazy loser and a sociopathic scammer. No one worthwhile wants someone like her.

    2. What I don't get is how/why she thinks anyone would want to date someone whose income depends on the kindness of internet strangers. The average person would want, at the very least, a non-begging partner who can provide for themselves. And she's no prize, which is why she has to flout her fauxrm to sweeten the deal. Cuz if she was living in an apartment and pulling this begging shit, no one would give her the time of day.

    3. Why would someone go to her house on a first date? I had an apartment in the heart of the gaybourhood in Toronto and didn't bring people home the first date. I sure as hell wouldn't drive to someone's rural / farm house.

  41. “Bought this for my birthday. It is so good to have Guinness back! You just can’t know!”

    Bragging about a non-alcoholic beverage held in her man hand with fat feet in the pic. That’s a sign of someone who is still struggling with sobriety. Judging by Jenna’s rotten writing she’s still drinking and smoking weed.

    1. Jenna is so repellent on every level. Even the space between her hooves with hairy, huge calves is ugly to us.

    2. I also noticed the space between her toes. Is that where she stores all her scammy hopes and dreams?

    3. Anon7. That comment made me smile. Even her fat feet look weird, like that strange space.

    4. Right? Replacing alcohol with weed is not sobriety.

  42. Twitter Twaddle:

    "Sometimes if my dog is being a dick I give her a hard stare and point to the pile of livestock skulls on the falcon cage, and say, “you see that pile? I ate them.” And this too could be a sentence you say aloud as a 40-year-old woman if ya play your cards right."

    So she is threatening to kill, cook, and eat her dog for misbehaving? What the hell is wrong with her? Normal people simply scold their animals for acting like, well, animals. I'll bet she gets extra pleasure from eating chickens who she considered dicks. What a sicko. Makes me wonder if she bothers to kill them before cooking.

    And that second sentence...WTF is she even trying to say? That you've earned the right to be an asshole once you hit 40?

    1. She has been high a lot of the time and seems pretty proud of it. She made thc/pot s’mores for her birthday. She needs to hide her phone when she is fucked up so she isn’t posting this insanity.

    2. Her writing is rotten now and also ridiculous. Jenna has a serious substance abuse addiction that’s clearly out of control. Couple that with her defective character, and mental illness issues.

    3. She's getting unhinged. Substance use is catching up with her.

    4. WiW. We always thought by the time she turned 40, that crap would catch up with her. And it’s finally happening.

  43. I wrote a question way up above that kinda got lost in the shuffle:

    "Anyone notice how she has not mentioned going swimming even once this summer? In the past she'd go several times a week and wrote a lot about it. And her swimming hole is not that far at all. I wonder what's up with that?"

    Really curious as to what you all think the reason could be. Cuz unless she jumped in last summer and splashed the water into another county, that river should still be there.

    1. We are having a very, very, very dry year here in Washington county. All the creeks are lower. I wouldn't read too much into it.

  44. “Bear cam is good tonight ill tell you that much for free,”

    That’s Jenna’s new stupid statement. Funny about her using “free,” as in the funds that she begs for almost daily.

    1. And it’s “I’ll” idiot. There’s no way that she’s even slightly sober. Her whole life is lies.

    2. Her ugly, obese body even resembles a bear. Jenna lumbers around town like an ungainly animal.

    3. Her nasty nickname in high school still suits her. Jenna is “the beast.”

  45. Just this quick she took her disgusting “I stink” blog post down. Not quick enough. Glad some of you captured it here, but also disgusted by the content of it. No sane or mentally healthy person would ever post this sort of crap in public.

    1. She literally, stinks. Jenna has very bad body odor. And locals know about it.

  46. Oh it was not a recent post, I see that now. Still disgusting content, probably still true.

    1. We can vouch that Jenna still stinks. In more ways than one.

  47. “Good morning from Cold Antler Farm. The weather is hot, storms may pass through later, and I haven't swam in the river once yet all summer because this year apparently if it isn't work on the farm I don't do it, but I'll get wet this week.”

    What a weird word salad. Tell us that you don’t regularly read this site without mentioning it directly. You can fuck all the way off, Jenna. And learn how to correctly use commas, cretin.

    1. Lol exactly. Read and respond.

    2. No one wants the icky image of Jenna “wet.” One way or the other.

  48. It’s Tuesday trauma time
    so Jenna’s gonna lie.
    And claim her mortgage payment
    is overdue and cry.

  49. This has been her pattern as of the last many months when she was about to be 2 months in arrears.

  50. Oops blogger ate my comment which was loosely:

    Last tweet says she is almost at June mortgage amount. Which I find to be a tasteless and tone deaf announcement.
    What you want to bet that just like magic, in a stroke of a miracle, her June mortgage gats paid in the 11th hour of June 14, hours before she is 2 months in arrears?

  51. July 14th, not June 🤣

  52. Yep! It somehow miraculously gets paid every month. Which leads me to believe she is not in arrears with her mortgage. No foreclosure letters, no drive-bys from the bank, etc. I wish she would just shut up about the whole thing. She is getting money from another source besides her craft stuff.

  53. She absolutely has another source of income she will not disclose.

  54. “All sale prices still valid, be my sale today and support a little farm! Almost at June payment!!”

    Of course, her stupid sale is still going on. She was lying, like always, last week about it ending. Her manipulative marketing maneuvers, and fake panic about making mortgage payments are despicable. GFY, cunt. No one else wants to.

    1. The brave and bold butch is still struggling in her “little gay farm.” The 40 year old moron hasn’t figured out yet that her “dumb dream” is done.

  55. The filthy feral farmer
    lies about her life.
    Hoping someone stupid
    will not know, and be her wife.

  56. “Storm on the way, shouldn’t be too bad but this farm has a lot of trees… they tend to cause a ruckus when they fall over so wish us luck of chance and gravity!”

    1. Exaggerating the weather is one of her trademarks that is so irritating to me. We had some rain Jenna... rain. It’s summer and there are stray thunderstorms no big deal!!

    2. Anonymous 2:30. Her hyperbolic bullshit about the weather, and everything else, is all part of Jenna’s “Live like fiction” fantasy crap. The chunky chick from the suburbs of Pennsylvania, has never been content to be the boring bitch that she is in reality.

    3. She’s a drama queen plain and simple.

    4. Her ex-friend and neighbor blogged that it was “the storm that wasn’t”. But she had to stir up pity and maybe a few donations with her drama.

  57. Jenna is trying to sell pork shares for 2023. Claiming that this year has already sold out. Which is why we call her the Cambridge Queen of Con. Wanting funds up front for pigs that haven’t even been born yet is outrageous.

    1. She’s also trying to sell lamb shares for 2023. Just like her wool scam years ago that was never received by buyers who were burned by her. What a con cunt.

    2. No reputable farms do this. I participate in local CSA’s ( I wouldn’t give a dime to her!!)

      We should be hearing about her winter prep soon. As in “prep”

    3. Anonymous 2:56. We’ve never known any locals in the Cambridge area who behave like Jenna. She’s highly unethical, and shameless in her money mooching. After over a decade of being a hobbyist homesteader, she still doesn’t do anything properly.

  58. Jenna brags about her mortgage
    making payments always late.
    Acting like it deserves accolades
    while the other bills will wait.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindJuly 12, 2022 at 4:39 PM

      Jenna lies about the weather
      More "challenges" she's met
      If she tells you that it's raining
      It isn't even wet!

    2. Jenna is a parasite
      who has no “Midas touch.”
      She’ll always be a beggar
      “Venmo, it means so much!!!”

    3. PDD. That was great! Forgot to sign my name above.

    4. A Legend in Her Own MindJuly 12, 2022 at 6:38 PM

      Lie-Style, you inspire me. It's fun to muddle through my poetry attempts.

    5. PDD. I’m inspired by mutual poetic exchanges.

  59. Applause on the poems. Each better than the last one.

    1. We’re having fun mocking Jenna, and also being creative.


  60. “I want you to know I am now doing yoga and listening to a Tig Notaro podcast while watching the bear cam and it's a perfect evening.”

    1. “We want you to know”
      that “this life” holds no appeal.
      No matter how you market
      It has a false front feel.

    2. She’s done this stupid statement “I want you to know…” before. It’s always about a mundane moment in her “dumb little life” that no one needs to know about. Jenna is an attention whore.

    3. It's all a display the things she's collected to show a personality. Lesbian podcast, wildlife interest (remember Shannon got her into yoga, birdwatching and mushroom picking). This is almost... like trolling for romantic prospects? I'm reading into this tweet but we know Jenna does nothing without an agenda.

    4. WiW. That’s a good observation. Jenna has no real inner core and identity. So she tries to cobble together a personality from her possessions, and also activities that she hopes gives a certain impression to people. Probably women that she’s trying to hook with her faux farm crap.

  61. I love that someone asked her for a farm tour ( super popular on SM- could actually bring her in funds if she put in some effort) and she said she would. She made an IG post of her highlights of all her “summher” playlist which doubles as a “nice tour through the farm”

    Jenna- people don’t want your music suggestions— they want a look behind the curtain, they want to see how an on the side of a mountain, scrappy, gay, mountain smashing hobbit lives and survives. There are tons of examples of this type of tour on YouTube, people make enough money at these videos to pay their mortgage and they don’t have to beg!! Use your degree, come up with some content, you have an amazing opportunity to show your farm and gain followers and customers.

    1. Jenna is a lazy loser, and would rather whine than work.

  62. It’s Wednesday Whining now
    has her mortgage yet been paid?
    The “scrappy little lesbian”
    is still trying to get laid.

  63. So... what the heck does "Lamb shares are available for 2023 starting now out of this fall's bred lambs!" mean?

    She's decided to breed the craiglist lambs from last summer? And she's going to try to breed them in the fall? Is she getting a ram or doing AI??? And she's already trying to sell those theoretical lambs!?

    Even if she does manage to get them bred in the fall, they'll be born in April (when the weather is shit), and they won't be ready to butcher until at least October...

    So she's asking people to pay up front for lamb 15 months from now - there is no accounting for inflation of costs here (which could be devastating).

    CAFonomics are a trip.

    1. This was also mentioned above in comments. She wants funds up front for livestock that hasn’t even been born yet. And then they won’t be ready until over a year. Her language is deliberately vague, so that she can claim ignorance later when it doesn’t work out.

  64. Wow! On IG she says she misses her truck so much. Wow! And yet not a word about missing family, her ex, or anything important ever. What a dumb bastard.

    1. She’s a sociopath who has no normal human emotions except for fear of foreclosure.

      Jenna didn’t make it clear whether she either sold the new truck, or that this was a pic of the old POS. What a butch wannabe.

  65. “Good morning from Cold Antler Farm. The storm passed the farm with nothing but a shower, perhaps a storm tonight? I don't have more exciting news to share post-chars and pre coffee.”

    No one cares, cunt. Jenna never has any “exciting news to share.”

    1. Jenna appears to be either drunk or stoned again. I think that she meant to type “post-chores and pre-coffee.” Her tweets aren’t ever edited, unless we’ve called them out in comments, and they’re lazy. It’s like everything in her life.

    2. She had to fess up because Katz posted there was no storm, and we also called her out here on it.

  66. “This thread has everything this farm has to offer, I am close to paying off June and being caught up to this month! If there's anything you'd like - or like to gift - in this thread please DM or RT! It really helps!!”

    Poor, desperate little Jenna still hasn’t paid her overdue mortgage yet. What a shock. Not. Just like she’s late each and every month. The truth is that she’s only temporarily “caught up,” because she won’t get off her fat ass, and get a job to support herself. “This cunt” is crazy. She’d rather whine than work.

  67. “Hey y’all!!!

    A share of pork for this year just opened up because a person is moving - if you’re interested send me a DM!!”

    Here’s another example of her manipulative marketing maneuvers. She’s done this many times before when her mortgage payment is overdue. Jenna will lie about a share being suddenly available. Just so that she can get funds up front, for pork that won’t be ready until the fall. If ever.

    1. Her stupid usage of “y’all” is an asinine attempt, as always, to appear authentic.

    2. We’ve been tracking her lies for years. It can’t be a coincidence that shares which were sold out, and bragged about recently by her, suddenly became available when Jenna needs mortgage money.

    3. Amazing how the person who forked over cash for the shares is suddenly moving. I’m sure Jenna doesn’t have te money to refund the purchase especially if she can’t pay the mortgage!!

    4. Anonymous 11:27. She’s used the “suddenly moving” lie before about available pork shares. So we know that it’s a crock of crap.

  68. If someone was "suddenly moving" they can forget about a refund. The money was spent a long time ago.

    1. She wouldn’t refund anyone, because Jenna is a con cunt.

    2. Either that or I could see them saying, hey, just donate our share to someone in need, and she turns around and sells it.
      Or, I wouldn’t put it past her-remember last year-two shares all of a sudden became available. She could be lying about being sold out, which is hard to believe anyway, and then “ but wait! All of a sudden I have a share available”.
      Third scenario: she could be double-selling shares and making an “ extra share” by shorting two other shares, who’s the wiser. After all, nobody sees what she picks up at the butcher because she is a fraud. All processors I know in my area- buyers pick up directly from them, thus there is no question exactly how much meat is in a share.

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindJuly 13, 2022 at 4:53 PM

      Anon 4:06, she intended to short shares once before and got caught at it. As I remember she claimed the animal had gained so much weight that she wanted to portion out three shares instead of two. The buyer didn't fall for that (and it's illegal) so her fraud was stopped...that time.

      You're 💯 on processing. Leaving processed meat with her means there's no independent accounting, so buyers don't really know how their animal dressed out and their meat processed & packaged.

  69. Exactly how many freaking times is she going to retweet her own pathetic give me birthday money tweet???

    1. She constantly bombards people with her pathetic pleas for free funds. It’s no wonder why she always loses followers. Jenna has no sense of subtlety, and behaves like a psycho sledgehammer.

  70. Jenna has addictions
    and begs for bucks each day.
    She “never” mentions it
    but “Holy Crow” she’s gay!!!

  71. I wonder if she takes advantage of food pantries. It would fit with her begging lifestyle, yet it would be disingenuous when an able bodied, college educated person who is capable of getting a job, will not.

    1. Cambridge has a good food pantry. We’ve been there before, when in need, and have even donated. Of course, Jenna would never admit to using it. The same way that she won’t divulge her other sources of income.

  72. Reposted from Becca’s IG on IG stories.... me thinks Becca is back for a visit. Maybe J will get her farm date after all. 🤞🏻

    1. I’d be shocked if she’d be interested in the filthy feral farmer. Jenna is an animal abusing beggar, scammer, pathological liar, and conniving criminal.

    2. Jenna is also ugly inside and out.

  73. It’s Thursday Thirsty, “bitches”
    and Jenna “wants a date.”
    But she repels on every level
    so will never find her mate.

  74. According to proof on her IG stories, Becca is there. Becca is private so no one would know if Jenna wasn’t reposting to show us that Becca is indeed back. ( very unflattering pic of Jenna BTW!)

    1. I’ve never seen any “flattering” photos of Jenna with her fake face and fat fridge figure.

    2. That explains why Jenna has temporarily stopped the obnoxious daily begging, and endlessly retweeting her own crap. But she’ll be back to whining about needed mortgage money when Becca leaves.

  75. I’ve noticed that she hasn’t been bragging about running this summer like usual. I guess that her last little injury, plus being fat and 40, has stopped Jenna from using that stupid racing lingo.


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