Too Bad She's Not More Interesting When She's High

I'll bet her parents are proud.  Hahahaha.


  1. What I don't get is why her parents allow her to live this grifting bullshit life. I mean, I know she's technically an adult, but you'd think her parents would step up and say, "Hey, we didn't raise you to be a damn beggar, so cut the shit and get a job."

    I'll bet her parents cringe every time their friends ask about how Jenna is doing. What could they possibly have to say about that?

    1. When Jenna was on Facebook her mother would often comment on how horrified she was that Jenna was begging /scamming/complaining. I think all their family & friends were also on Jenna’s FB and her parents were so embarrassed that their daughter’s life and lies were so public.

  2. Twitter Twaddle:

    "And now I just got electric fencing wire stuck in the weedwacker so looks like Idiot Jenna just keeps giving Mechanic Jenna opportunities to be excellent!"

    And Mechanic Jenna posting this to Twitter gives Beggar Jenna more opportunities to grift, which in turn keeps Stoner Jenna's pot jar full. How convenient!

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindJuly 30, 2022 at 6:52 AM

      This comment is PERFECTION

  3. Also on Twitter:

    No one, not one person:
    Jenna Wogingrift: "Thought I’d post an update that I’m 3/5 of the way there!"

    How about a job search update instead?

    1. I’m sure her followers are sick of her.

    2. Aaaand she just retweeted herself on that one. Thought you’d stop posting how far on the way there you were, Jen, and then retweeting yourself a few hours later. I dare say nobody effing cares.

    3. She is tone deaf. So I will speak to her loudly. NO ONE CARES! THEY HAVE MORTGAGES OF THEIR OWN TO PAY OUT OF THEIR HARD EARNED MONEY!

  4. A Legend in Her Own MindJuly 30, 2022 at 11:08 AM

    Idiot Jenna is quite the fool
    Mechanic Jenna can't "use" a tool
    Then Whining Jenna must complain
    And prove again that she's so lame

    If Begger Jenna didn't share
    Her sad, sad life
    Who else would care
    So Grifting Jenna posts the strife
    To score more cash
    For the Stoner's "high" life

    (with thx to my inspirations)

  5. So she is 3/5 of the way on her mortgage. Great, Jenna. Now get a job and earn that other 2/5.


  6. Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    No sales yesterday, but perhaps today I can entice one of you to get a logo or a box of soap, because this gal wants July on the books as fast as possible to start prepping for fall hay and firewood!

    What an entitled dick.

    1. What about the August mortgage? Or September? You need a way to pay your bills Jenna that does not rely on begging (falling on deaf, high, ears!)

    2. That’s right. July mortgage is delinquent. August mortgage is due TODAY, late after either the 5th or the 15th, not sure how hers is set up for late fees. And then a mere 15 days after that, September mortgage is due.
      And that’s just the mortgage. Tell us again how you make a living off soap and cartoons. No way.

  7. “This gal wants”
    That about sums it all up for you.

    1. Agreed. She never writes about giving. It's always all about her needs.

      An it's no accident that the word needy rhymes with greedy.

  8. I haven't looked on Meredith's blog in a is several years old, but might be interesting if anyone hasn't seen it before. Lots of people documented there how Jenna ripped them off:

    1. Meredith's blog is a gold mine of info about Jenna's scamming ways. Glad you posted that, SOTM!

  9. Well this gal here wants the FFF to get a job and stop pestering people to pay her bills.

  10. On IG stories:
    “Imagine being a straight woman, in this economy?! Hell no.”

    Wtf is she talking about?? She can’t pay her bills so being a queer farmer obsessing over Becky’s so hot is getting her no where!!!!

    1. She's high on something.

    2. I think what she's trying to say is that gay folk have it harder in life, and that being a lesbian is a bonus as it brings about sympathy, compassion...and donations.

  11. Supposedly someone backed out on a meat share... again? Same person and she’s recycling? Hard to tell but she is trying to sell another 1/4 share on IG dating someone backed out!

    1. Sounds like someone, somewhere just dodged a food poisoning bullet. Lucky them!

  12. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 1, 2022 at 11:43 AM

    She's pathetically dragging her net again, tagged someone with 922K followers hoping for leftovers. She's such a leech.

    From Twitter: "Does anyone out there know @bertkreischer? Because I am jonesing for a himbo in my life and I feel like he'd be down to chill with a homesteading lesbian falconer?"

    1. WTF does that even mean?

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 1, 2022 at 4:05 PM

      Nothing she writes makes sense. Calling a man "himbo" is insulting and demeaning, the male equivalent of "bimbo".

      If a man wrote that about a woman, he'd be hooted off the Internet.


    3. Bert Kreischen is a famous stand-up comedian. And according to his Wiki:

      "Kreischer lives in Los Angeles with his wife LeeAnn and their two daughters."

      So like himbo Bert is gonna desert his family, jump on a plane and fly across the country to hang out with New York state's biggest loser? Highly doubtful. Keep dreaming, Pig Shocker.

    4. Bert Kreischer's main thing is being a party boy and absolutely wasted most of the time. Of course she is a fan.

    5. Jenna is the Queen of parasocial relationships


  13. Jenna is harping away on “6 weeks until Autumn” and winter prep etc. meanwhile, it realistically isn’t going to snow until November or December. All lies and hysteria as usual!

  14. enna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    I think all the July soap orders have shipped out, if you have not received them yet PLEASE message me!!

    You effing THINK?
    Supposedly this is what’s paying your bills ( nobody believes that) but you effing have the audacity to post that you “think “ all July orders are out?
    Fucking moron. Dumb, irresponsible, entitled,greedy, careless.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 2, 2022 at 12:53 PM

      And, if anyone bothers to contact her, she'll tell them their soap was "lost in the mail..." 🤣🤣🤣

      Too bad, suckas. No refund for you!

    2. Doesn't she keep a list of who bought what???

    3. She ships via USPS Priority Mail which comes with free tracking so she has no excuse for not knowing where anyone's package is, lol.

      Keeping a list would be sooooo easy to do, especially since she is not a high volume seller. So her "message me" schtick is just pure assholery.

    4. Yes, whenever I’ve sold things online, I keep track of all that as do the customers because I send them the tracking number! I think she downplays everything and tries to come across as “aw shucks” Little ol country lesbian and does not treat her business as a business, Even though she claims it’s her income To pay billls. If she is not taking her business seriously and acting professionally then it’s no wonder that she doesn’t get sales “unless she asks”.

      Some process reels would be great Jenna— how DO you make soap?

      She spent August 1 with another local farm family and they sell adorable bunny soaps.. seriously cute! They have an online farm stand but they look more professional than Jenna and don’t inform you every time TS farts

  15. “Working towards paying off July and catching up soon as possible. It's never been harder, with inflation and fatigue and a small audience. But if you can share this or need a jump start on holiday gifts, please do reach out! I only make sales when I ask.“

    I’m fatigued all right, I’ll tell you that much for free!!

    1. Maybe if she hears this enough it will sink in. Get a job, get a job, get a job.

    2. She just retweeted this dumb beggar tweet a mere 5 hours after she first tweeted it, with nothing in between the two tweets. Has she no social tact? I have never seen any one individual retweet their own tweets, let alone as often as she does it, and many times back to back to back.

    3. Her poor foollowers, all they get are sales begs and Taylor Swift updates. And hardly anything about homesteading or farming...which is why people followed her in the first place.

  16. I googled "why do some people refuse to get a job". Here are some of the answers. People's opinions, not professional studies, but they still ring true. So what do you think?

    Because they're lazy
    They're on drugs or alcohol
    Someone is enabling their behavior
    They prefer to mooch off others
    Enabled by government or family and used to a meager existance
    Perfectly fit to work but prefer handouts
    No moral or ethical fortitude
    State and federal assistance programs

    1. I posted the above and in almost every case they were describing someone they knew who was capable of getting a job but refused to.

    2. Can we just say all of the above, when it comes to ole girl Jen.

    3. Yep, that entire list applies. Especially the lazy part.

  17. It just occurred to me - she might not be on disability (it is VERY hard to get) but she could be taking advantage of other state and federal assistance programs. It's possible she is receiving food stamps or getting assistance with her utility bills. I don't know what other programs there are since I've never needed them, but my guess is she's applied for every thing possible. And the way she hides her income, she probably has no problem qualifying.

    She is not living on soap and art.

    1. I checked food stamp eligibility in New York State, and yes, she could absolutely qualify, especially as there is no way for them to track her income. My guess is, if she qualifies, she is receiving the benefit.

    2. Absolutely agree. There is no way she is not on assistance.

  18. "I only make sales when I ask."

    This is bad, really bad. And it's pathetic at her age, and coupled with the years she's been selling stuff, that she doesn't have a business model that doesn't require having to beg for sales. Advertising is one thing. Harassing Twitter daily is another.

    This is NOT how a successful business works! You shouldn't have to beg for sales!! And if you do, then it's time to admit that your venture failed and that you need to do something else. Like get a real job. Why can't she see this?

    1. If Jenna hasn't lost her house by now, it's not going to happen. She's got someone or some thing covering that mortgage.

      She prides herself in doing this without a business plan! She's probably never written a budget in her life. She needs someone to do all the adulting for her, and as evidenced by her continued occupation of the property, someone other than her IS seeing to the business of the basic bills.

      I don't know if she got a government cheque if she actually would pay the mortgage with it anyway. I bet her parents are paying it directly, or a government program is covering it directly to prevent her from becoming unhoused. There are some programs in my province which pay clients' rent directly to the landlords for this reason because it's a lot cheaper to keep people housed than deal with all the expenses people rack up once they become unhoused.

      We saw the property listed as sold a number of years ago, thinking it was simply refinanced. Maybe her parents bought it and are her "landlords" and are accepting government "rent cheques". Who knows?

      All we know for sure is Jenna's math never adds up, and if she were telling the truth she'd have lost the house 10 years ago.

  19. If I'm remembering correctly, awhile back when Jenna's romance was in the honeymoon stage, Shannon came here to to defend her little Pig Shocker and tell us how wrong we were about her.

    But then Shannon fled CAF in a huff it I wonder if she came back here, what would she have to say about Jenna now? I wonder if she remembers what she read here and if she now realizes that it's all true?

    1. A Legend in her Own MindAugust 3, 2022 at 9:37 AM

      I remember that message Anon7. The two sentiments that stuck in my mind were: (1) people, like fake farmer (cough), can change and (2) fake farmer is a "social media influencer" so she doesn't have to get an outside job because, DOH, influencer IS her occupation.

      Ah, hahahaha, poking holes into the arguments of FF's rabid defenders were good times.

      Do you think some of her followers ever figured out that WE aren't the problem? We don't stalk her. We merely act as historians and reporters for neglect, abuse, lies and scammy ways.


  20. Twitter begging in case she deletes like she does sometimes..

    “ If you can share what I do, please do. The soaps, art, logos - those sales are what make things possible here. Literally how I heat my home and feed the animals - all before snows. I do it piecemeal and best I can, but a good day of sales is like coming up for air.”

    “ Good morning from CAF! Today I hope to continue the work of spitting and stacking the locust trees, promoting sales, and hoping to earn towards the July mortgage soon as possible. With hay, wood, and repair work ahead this will be the hardest month to earn in since Jan.”

    Get a job! I promise you that you would not have these worries anymore and you would have more relationship options. At your age, you need an income to attract a partner, it’s true. When we were all dumb and 20, you could get away with piecemeal employment. People are looking for someone who can contribute to the relationship and make a life together, begging to pay basic bills are going to keep you alone forever. There’s going to be no hot Becky’s wearing your tshirts around the farm if you don’t get this shit figured out soon Jenna!!

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 3, 2022 at 6:49 AM

      Incredibly disingenuous. Her choice of words is always telling, for she rarely commits to defined action or accountability.

      Take today's *beg*:

      I *hope to continue*... the work of spitting and stacking...

      (I *hope to continue*)...promoting sales...

      *hoping to earn* towards the July mortgage *soon as possible*

      Hope to, hoping to, as soon as possible, etc aren't definable courses of action. Coming from a business owner, it's 100% VerYork 💩💩💩 . I'll tell her that for free.


  21. Apparently there are many types of government assistance. There is temporary assistance, cash assistance, food stamps, utility assistance, etc. I’m also wondering if she could qualify for welfare. Knowing the FFF, she will take advantage of any free $$$ possible.

    We all know she’s not living on soap and art. And then there are her animals. No way is she providing for them, paying for utilities, car payment, insurance and all her other expenses on the three sales a week she claims she receives.

  22. I wonder what her plan is for when her random pity sales and random pity donations completely dry up, as we are likely in recession with the economy having shrunk in two consecutive quarters. My employer has already frozen all open positions and is restructuring a number of high level admin positions. How does one beg when there is a widespread recession?

    1. Her plan is probably welfare or any government assistance she can get. She has absolutely no intention of being a responsible adult.

    2. Her family may be sending her money as well. She’s got multiple enablers.

  23. I used to attend Al-Anon meetings and it’s amazing how many parents went broke trying to “help” their alcoholic or drug addicted child. They meant well for sure, but they only prolonged the problem.

    1. I imagine with her family being of Eastern European descent that they are very likely helping her. Culturally that is the norm, for life.

  24. Is it any wonder she can’t sell a book to save her life when her daily writing on Twitter-her publicly available writing there-is littered with phrases such as: “ fast as possible”, and “soon as possible”?
    By trying to sound folksy she is sounding like someone who can’t write a correct sentence or a common phrase like “ AS soon as possible” or “AS fast as possible “.

    1. From an online commentary on the phrase:

      The correct expression is “as soon as.”

      “Soon as” is a clipped version of that expression, with the first word (“as”) left off. It is very rough and colloquial. In written form, this would be

      ‘Soon as…

      Take note of the apostrophe preceding “Soon…” It indicates the missing word.

      The speaker is using the full expression, but is skipping over the first word.

      At other times, the first “as” is there, but is voiced so quickly an subtly that it is barely noticed. The phrase is then voiced as:

      ‘s soon as…

      If the listener is not very experienced with casual conversational English, then they are likely to miss the elision at the beginning, communicated as “ ‘s “. The first “as” is spoken, but in contracted or elided form.

      There is no expression that consists of simply “soon as.” That phrase is incorrect and ungrammatical. This is because it is setting up a comparison: “As________as_______.” A comparison requires two elements; something must be compared to another thing. Without a second element, a comparison cannot be stated. This type of comparison requires the form…

      as [this] as [that]

      A comparison cannot be made with a single element. The phrase “Soon as…” is a fragment of a comparison that is missing its other half. Without the initial “as” it doesn’t make sense. What does “soon” mean in that phrase? It appears to be trying to express a comparison, but it is incomplete, because it lacks the as-as form. It is therefore grammatically incomplete and incomprehensible.


  25. Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    Just got a notice that my mailbox isn’t good enough. Same mailbox for 12 years. Sartre was right.

    Well, dumbass, let’s see. If it’s same mailbox for 12 years and you have done no maintenance on it like you have failed to maintain the rest of the property, why are you so shocked and offended when it’s kindly pointed out to you that in fact, your mailbox ‘needs some maintenance”? Don’t turn it into something it’s not. And certainly quit trying to turn every little thing into a mooching, whining for handouts, opportunity.

  26. On twitter she talks about a chicken massacre while she slept... I don't have an account, and so I can't read the whole story. Any comments on it?

    1. A lot to unpack in those tweets. Apparently her ex left an AC unit behind, Jenna used it last night and didn’t heaR her chickens being masssacred in their coop last night. Now she has to pay back all the people that bought meat birds and can’t afford to start over. She’s exhausted, hot and mad that things are never easy for her.

      Hot mess express over there!

      She needs to take a year off from “farming” get a job and just grow what she needs to eat and get her life back on track. She has too many irons in the fire and it’s too much.

    2. In a roundabout way, she's blaming her ex for the chickens. Why bother saying that the ex left the AC unit behind. All she had to say was she used an AC unit and didn't hear the chickens. Oh poor little thing! I thought she liked heat and being sweaty!

      Her dogs heard nothing? I know they're not LGDs but I have a non-guard dog that will bark at a strange noise. A chicken massacre is definitely a strange noise.

      What she's looking for is for her chicken buyers to say, "oh I"m so sorry, just keep the money for all your trouble." Of course there's no proof that it even happened. She's the most inept "farmer" ever but brags about "farming" for the past 15 years. Definitely laughable!

    3. You are right. She wants her clients to say keep the money. And she is also blaming her ex.

    4. I can't read those tweets either. There looks to be a string of 5+ tweets but they are blocked by a "Join Twitter" pop up ad.

      I know it's a lot to ask, but can someone copy and paste the tweets down below?

    5. Anon7: Tweet 1" Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
      Aug 5
      I couldn't sleep last night due to anxiety nightmares. I gave up around 3AM, staying up with youtube history videos until dawn. Then I went outside to get chores done early, hoping to try and get more sleep after the animals were tended. I woke up to a massacre."

    6. Anon7: Tweet 2: Aug 5
      I blame myself for falling asleep with the air conditioning and not having the windows open to be able to hear the outside. I only have one window unit my ex left in the breakup I use when its really hot, just for sleeping. I won't use it again.

    7. Anon7: Tweet 3: I am so fucking exhausted, upset, hot, and disgusting right now. I am so frustrated that it's never going to get easier. I feel so horrible about these birds and I am sorry to the customers I will need to refund.


    8. Anon7: Tweet 4, from last night: All the birds are roosting in the trees and bushes because they’re afraid of the coop. So I need to walk around the farm with a headlamp carrying them to the coop that I hope is now secure

  27. Things are never easy for her? Yeah, when you do stupid things, it’s never easy.

    And guess what else? Things are rarely easy for anyone, save a lucky few. Those of us who worked the 9-5 grind until we could reap the benefit of retirement didn’t have it easy either.

  28. Want to know what isn’t easy? Working a full time job, raising kids, and taking care of a house because your lazy, alcoholic ex took the easy way out.

  29. Jenna seems to becoming unglued and I do think she needs to, and find steady employment take a break from the farming, and find steady employment.

  30. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 6, 2022 at 5:07 AM

    Here's her Twitters from yesterday and today:
    Yesterday -
    I couldn't sleep last night due to anxiety nightmares. I gave up around 3AM, staying up with youtube history videos until dawn. Then I went outside to get chores done early, hoping to try and get more sleep after the animals were tended. I woke up to a massacre.

    Inside the coop I opened the door to 6 ripped apart birds, and more missing. It was awful. I don't know how or what got into the coop but I think it was a weasel, something that could fit through the smallest vent space above the door.

    I had to clean up the bodies, the guts, and I have no idea if these birds will return to this coop tonight after I try and fortify however I can. I have to refund people that bought meat birds. I can't afford to replace and start over.

    I blame myself for falling asleep with the air conditioning and not having the windows open to be able to hear the outside. I only have one window unit my ex left in the breakup I use when its really hot, just for sleeping. I won't use it again.

    I am so fucking exhausted, upset, hot, and disgusting right now. I am so frustrated that it's never going to get easier. I feel so horrible about these birds and I am sorry to the customers I will need to refund.

    Today (Saturday)
    Good news: no losses last night. The birds were okay this morning and I needed to open the coop with a drill because of my fortifications.

    Bad news: I fell off my deck (2-3ft) landing on a bent ankle at 4:30 AM when I woke to check on them. Limping but don’t think it’s broke.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 6, 2022 at 5:19 AM

      After reading her tweets, I realized the massacre description doesn't make sense.

      According to faux farmer, the birds were locked up in their coop, and a creature (likely a weasel) crawled through "the smallest vent space" and proceeded to massacre six birds.

      But here's the kicker. She also wrote that "more birds" were missing. So how did the weasel take out whole birds through the "smallest vent opening"??

      It seems more likely that either the massacre didn't happen, or our favorite under-the-influence faux farmer didn't properly secure the coop.

      Of course, the icing on the cake is she wrote a book on raising chickens and promotes herself as a chicken expert. Dead Animal Farm strikes again.

    2. PDD, I just read this account and was going to say the same thing about the inconsistencies . I raise poultry. If a weasel got in through a small opening, not only would chickens not be able to get out, but a weasel does not have the strength to carry chickens off into the night.

      Another thing. Unless she's raising lighter weight heritage birds, meat birds (usually Cornish Cross) are too heavy to hoist themselves up into trees.

      Something's fishy in Veryork.

    3. And how if the weasel came in through a small hole, even if it could carry a chicken, how would it get the chicken out? Live like fantasy? Looks like.

    4. A weasel could never carry a Corning cross through a hole or hoist it up to the “vent space” as already pointed out. Also agree, ornithology crosses simply can not fly up to roost up in a tree. Angular egg-laying chicken can, but not her “ missing meat birds”. She is setting up to tell people who pre-paid for meat birds a story, and I bet she won’t be refunding anyone.

    5. Correction to autocorrect: Cornish not Corning or ornithology 🤣

    6. "I bet she won’t be refunding anyone." Yep. "That's farming!" Her chump customers will take the hit because she has said several times that with CSAs you take the risk along with the "farmer." (eye roll)

  31. When you have livestock, they do occasionally die. That is the most heart wrenching thing, to me about farming. Sometimes no matter how hard you try it happens. But this "farmer" has a death rate that is astounding, mostly due to her neglect and laziness. Her buildings are on the verge of collapse. Her animals stand in feet of manure, and are fed minimal and questionable diets. Fences are almost nonexistent. Whether the massacre happened or not, it's time for her to get rid of all her animals. Enough is enough.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 6, 2022 at 7:25 AM

      Exactly. She has little or no empathy for animals. She postures for her idiot followers her callous attitude is a rural or "farmer" thing, but it isn't. There's a pathology to her behavior.

      After all, she bragged about electric-shocking pigs, put the "laugh" back in slaughter, desecrates animals, calls her animals a##holes, and buys twice as many chickens as she needs because under her neglectful care, she expects to lose half.

      I live in the country. Close friends rause chickens, beef and pork. Every farmer I know deeply cares about their animals and does their absolute best to assure them of a good life.

      Faux farmer is a despicable aberration in the farming world.

    2. Next she's going to say, "if you ordered a meat bird from me, please DM me because the list of orders was in the chicken coop with all the dead birds. I might have thrown it out with the bodies and guts. I'll refund you as soon as I can make enough money to keep this farm afloat."

    3. Ha. Counting down till she does it, because you know she will.

  32. So how much does a meat bird cost? It couldn't cost that much for one chicken. First of all, her profit margain must be miniscule. Second, it couldn't cost that much to reimburse the clients. Can someone tell me what one meat bird would cost?

    1. Ok, I just did a quick Google search. The profit margains are indeed miniscule. She would be so much better off just getting a damn part time job. At least it would be guaranteed income and maybe she would sleep better at night.

    2. At our farmers market they are $20 flat, a good meaty bird, meticulously packaged and deep frozen.

    3. So when you factor in the cost of the chick, plus feed and whatever other expenses there are, there isn't much profit.

    4. I forgot butchering. Yes, very little profit.

    5. Don't forget she has to own, repair, and insure a pickup truck for the sole purpose of transporting chickens to the butcher.

    6. The local farms around here that raise poultry for sale usually butcher them on-farm. They have the equipment, the permits, and do it themselves. (Larger scale than FFF, though) Might be a difference in state licensing for that sort of thing. That said, their profit margin is probably razor thin. Prices are about $5 to $6 a pound for a whole chicken.

    7. Jenna have herself campylobacter or something like that butchering her own chickens.


  33. Any chance this is a manufactured crisis for pity donations?

    1. If so, it's consistent with other manufactured crises. No photos. No evidence. Only "her" word.

    2. She'll post a gory photo of holding a pig's heart, but she'll never post receipts of a predator's work in her chicken coop.

      I live in an area with wolves, cougars, and raptors of all sorts. No one free-ranges their chickens here the way Jenna lets hers wander around. They'd be dead real fast, and they'd attract dangerous predators into town.

      Years ago my neighbour lost all her chickens to a raccoon who managed to kill them all *through the chicken wire*. The raccoon never actually got into the coop, but successfully killed the whole flock anyway.

      So I'd believe in the *possibility* of a weasel getting into the coop and killing them all for funsies, because weasels have done that where I live too. But I don't believe this happened to Jenna because of her track record for lying.

      Did she forget to water them for a day and a bunch died of heat stroke? That I'd believe.

  34. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 6, 2022 at 11:27 AM

    When the "farmer" doesn't give a fcuk if chickens get ripped apart by predators.


  35. Shannon left her an air conditioner, eh? That tells you she left in a hurry. It seems like she left with whatever could fit in her car, and never returned.

    That must have been some fight.

    It reminds me of the time my roomate of 6 months went off his meds and suddenly became convinced I was trying to destroy his life. I had to take the first available apartment I could find just to get away from him. I took only my pets and left nearly everything else, including an air conditioner.

    Those things cost $100+ to replace. You're leaving $100+ items behind because you're absolutely unable to deal with the person you left behind.

  36. I'm skeptical of her injured ankle too. However will she carry buckets now????

    1. wait a sec... however will she help PP stack her august hay order???

    2. According to her IG friends rallied yesterday, it takes a village blah blah blah. She’s fine a friend brought her an ankle brace and she’s taking it slow. She’s gonna make it like she always does, winter prep is fine all fine nothing to see here. So we should expect no begging since it’s all good there?! Right??

  37. I think the ankle is a manufactured crisis too, frankly. Today, the ankle is so much "worst."

  38. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 7, 2022 at 6:45 AM

    Maybe she'll crowdfund the cost of a freaking garden hose!

    Seriously, if anything did indeed happen to those chickens (and I doubt this), I think it's because she didn't secure the coop or didn't provide water for the chickens, and they succombed to the heat (thx, WIW, for that theory).

    You may remember FF hates to bother watering her livestock; she usually makes her animals drink from the pond/stream. When snows hit, she complained they couldn't walk through the snow unless she shoveled a path (or provided water). Truly, for someone with only a few acres, she's the laziest "farmer" around.

  39. Back to begging on IG.... if you don’t like it, too bad, this is how she keeps going. She has no partner or back up plan so she has to make money from begging—

  40. In spite of how bad things are today for Jenna, don’t worry, she managed to update her social media accounts with all the deets!

    Good thing she has an extra vehicle... amiright shammers??!!

    1. Yes! Aren’t we all glad that she has that trusty hipster truck just sitting there ready to go right when she needs that second vehicle that we have been ragging her about. Come on, Jen, time to be hip and cool and ride around in your “vintage” truck now!


  41. Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    This is the worst possible time for this to happen. I was going into town to get some groceries so I could make tacos. Not having tacos now.

    1. So you hurt your ankle, have no money to pay your mortgage but you are buying taco ingredients. Why aren’t you eating all of your own farm fresh food you’ve been bragging about for days??!!

    2. Some fool offers to PayPal her the taco money. And that’s why she keeps laying it on thick. That’s it right there, pity donations. That’s how she survived month after month.

  42. I don't even have $750 to my name right now. So prob the rental isn't happening unless there isn't a deposit needed. The insurance guy is coming out this week.

    I did get my feed for the week yesterday. So at least the animals are covered.

    1. And she is going on and mentioning several times that she doesn’t have a credit card. I’m sorry, I don’t buy that. She does a lot of PayPal and Venmo business per her own admission, which means she has at the very least a bank account. A debit card linked to that account for all intents and purposes IS like a credit card that you can use to pay deposits, etc.
      She is lying.

  43. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 7, 2022 at 10:04 AM

    OMG. I'm going to Hell for laughing when I saw the pic of her gift-car. Not to worry, PP will also gift repairs for it, lol.

    So her ankle is "probably broken" but it was good enough to operate pedals when she went for a car ride to buy groceries to make TACOS?

    Yeah, the first thing I did when I broke a bone was to go for a drive.

    What a moron she is.

  44. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 7, 2022 at 10:09 AM

    Why in God's name would she need a rental when she
    1) has a second vehicle
    2) has Merlin, who, as I remember, she called her farm vehicle because she could ride him to town
    3) works from home
    4) could survive a zombie apocalypse whilst staying at home
    5) works from home
    6) has everything she needs at home
    7) has a second vehicle


    I swear...

    1. Someone asked her is she can drive her truck for a while, let’s see if she responds. I bet she ignores that tweet from here to eternity.

    2. The truck is really just there for the vibes.

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 7, 2022 at 1:24 PM

      Uh, oh. Pam Branagan's logical question about FF driving her "pick up for now" has been ignored for 2 hours now, although our scrappy faux farmer had plenty of time to stalk Fletcher and respond to others.

      She hates, hates, HATES when people call out her bull💩 -- almost as much as she hates, hates, HATES getting a job.

    4. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 8, 2022 at 3:16 AM

      16 hours and still ignoring Pam Branagan's comment...

  45. One manufactured crisis after another. Probably begging money isn't coming in soon enough.

    1. That was exactly my thought, funds aren’t coming in fast enough for her liking so she is tripling the stakes.

  46. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 7, 2022 at 10:22 AM

    Public Service Announcement

    If you're wasted, don't wander outside in the dark, and don't take your car for a joy ride (those munchies can wait).



  47. And who goes straight to Twitter to list all their misfortunes AND their car wreck before they even get the car towed or home? And btw that’s bumper damage. Doesn’t look as severe as she is making it sound.

    1. A normal, sane person thinks "Oh, Bummer" when something bad happens. But the Pig Shocker sees an opportunity to grift on Twitter every time.

      Car crash = ka-ching!
      Root canal = ka-ching!
      Animal massacre - kah-ching!!!

  48. What happened to the warrior woman who was going to ride her horse into the apocolypse?

    1. That’s just cheap talk. It doesn’t work like that when it comes to real life, does it.

    2. The horses are just there for vibes too.

  49. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 7, 2022 at 1:14 PM

    Anon 10:41 am, exactly. Cosmetic damage - bumper and hood. It looks worse than it is. A Body shop could pull out and repaint. In my poor youth, my friends would do the hammer-out and we'd have it repainted at a cheap paint shop (or do it ourselves), or we'd make it good enough to drive until we had money to fix. How many beater cars do you see with primer on them??

    However, our princess who-is-behind-on-her-mortgage will have people do it for her - she seems to pay everything BUT her mortgage, lol.

    1. "she seems to pay everything BUT her mortgage, lol."

      That's because she's helping to pay Taylor Swift's mortgage every time she buys a TS sweatshirt or other rabid fangirl crap.

  50. I read a book called, “The man who quit money”. He ate out of dumpsters and lived in various national parks. When rangers would find his hiding place and have him vacate, he would find another. He used the library’s computer. He had no mortgage or vehicle so thus no insurance or utility payments. If Jenna doesn’t want to work, she may want to check out this lifestyle. People are sick of her begging.

  51. I also read an article called, “We live off other people’s trash”. This couple bought a house with all the cash they had, so no mortgage. However, they both worked very part time jobs. Grew most of their own food and salvaged most of what they needed from dumps. I followed their blog for awhile but then lost track of them, so don’t know how things are going for them now. Since the FFF doesn’t own her house outright, this isn’t going to work for her.

    1. Lol, Jenna could write an encyclopedia about all of the fancy expensive and seemingly brand new stuff she supposedly "found" at her local dump!

  52. Ok, one more. When I was trying to escape the 9-5 grind (never happened) I read a book called, “How to survive without a salary”. This guy quit a full time job but did odd jobs to buy what he needed. This is something the FFF can do. Walk dogs, clean house, etc. One advantage this guy had was he lived in Canada, so he had free healthcare. But since she won’t work a full time job, she’ll just have to do without healthcare. Oh yeah, and this guy’s house was a dump.

  53. Looks like JW has just got another sucker who has commissioned her to draw her pet. Sadly, she actually thinks she is helping an artist pay her mortgage. So JW’s sob stories conned someone new. Must not read here. What contempt JW must have for these suckers.

    1. That is sad, cuz she is not helping an honest, hard-working artist to make a living. She's just enabling a greedy grifter to make it thru one more month before the begging cycle starts once more. SMH as always.

  54. OK, there is NO WAY the "spike horned buck" walked away from that much damage on a car. I live in an area with a lot of deer. As a matter of fact, a few years ago a friend and I were driving at dusk and a doe and fawn ran out right in front of us. The doe made it across. The fawn (following mom) hit just about where the damage is on her car, just a "thump." No car damage at all, but the fawn did not make it.

    The only way a deer would do that much damage would be if she were going at least 50 mph, and in that case, the deer would be a goner. I think she was drunk/high and just ran into something. The whole deer story is a lie.

    1. Regardless, she shouldn’t have been driving with a “ possibly” broken ankle” that she’s been crowing about! I hope it’s better by the time her insurance guy comes this week because I assume he would have some questions about that!

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 8, 2022 at 6:24 AM

      If she thought she had a "Prob Broken ankle", there's no way she should have been operating a motor vehicle.

    3. Nah, you can see a tuft of red-brown hair and a smear of ruminant shit in the photo. She definitely hit a deer, and no, that deer did not "walk away fine" , it walked away with severe injuries. Just shows her lack of understanding and compassion toward animals. And lack of defensive driving skills

    4. That deer did not walk away AT ALL.

    5. There is MADD - Mothers Against Drunk Drivers

      And then there is DADD - Deers Against Drunk Douchebags

    6. I agree when I looked at other pics of cars that hit deer, the ones that looked like Jenna's the deer was not okay.

      I'm guess g she did not want any sympathy wasted on the poor deer when she wanted it all for her latest sales campaign. It worked though, didn't it?

      Proof that if ANY of the other shit she lies about were true, she would show us the proof for extra impact.


  55. Complaining on IG about all her bad luck. No mention at all that she has ANOTHER vehicle to drive. Just keeps hammering that she needs a $500 deductible.

    1. Always the bottom line. She needs money and the suckers that fall for it will keep bailing her out for as long as she keep spinning her tall tales and they aren’t doing their due diligence to check her out online.

    2. $500 deductible my ass. More like a $500 donation to supplement that pesky mortgage payment. That damn, stubborn, awful mortgage bill that just won't take a hint and go away! I feel for her.

  56. Still complaining on Twitter... she hopes she can rent a car. Crickets about the truck. So was the truck just a show off thing? Does it not run. Certainly very suspicious.

    Oh and she is going to get firewood off the side of the road if she has to... or you know use her central heating!?

    1. It's about time she gets her wood off the side of the road. Beggars cannot be choosers. Or she can just get wood off her six acre wooded lot.

    2. So the warrior woman who is going to ride her horse into the apocolypse needs to buy neatly cut, split and stacked firewood. I thought a gritty warrior would find dozens of ways to creatively gather the wood herself. You know, like maybe someone who wrote a book called, "Made From Scratch" would do?

    3. she’s now worrying the car may be totaled and she’ll have to get a new one o_O

    4. I wish more of her pity donors called her out on the truck and on riding Merlin as a mode of transportation as she has long claimed. There is definitely something fishy there for her not to acknowledge the very valid question she got yesterday.

    5. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 8, 2022 at 10:25 AM

      The reason she likes Twitter for major begs is it is very difficult to scroll through Twitter history and see scamming patterns. I think she counts on attracting a percentage of "casual" readers - so if she can reach a LOT of viewers, she may snag 0.1% as pity purchase. That's why she gloms onto accounts with a large number of followers and repeats the same pitiful complaints - time and again...and again...and AGAIN.

      Years ago, I vaguely remember her discussing how many people she has to reach in order to make pity sales.


    6. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 8, 2022 at 10:30 AM

      SD must be so, so happy to have dodged that scrappy, crappy rainbow turd!

  57. How can she claim to be self reliant when it is so damned obvious she is entirely dependent on the kindness of others???

    1. When things are sunny in her world she boasts that she's the winner of the apocalypse, the most amazing lesbian Hobbit doin' it all by herself all alone on the side of a mountain, in the middle of nowhere!

      But when things go south, she breaks the sound barrier whilst running to her phone to pull up the Twitter app. Then it's all about how HARD things are and how it just never get easier. Basically, she's a giant lying hypocrite!

  58. She has been called out time and time again for NOT being self-sufficient, back to the “I quit my job and I have made it” charade of an article she wrote years ago. Every single tweet she posts screams “unsustainable”, “beggar”, and “not self-sufficient”. Also, “train wreck”.

    1. One of the Q&A's from that post:

      Q - "What was your previous profession? And how much did you save up to make this transition?"
      A - "I was a web designer for several large companies (HGTV, Orvis, Coldwater Creek) and I cashed out my 8k of my 401k and walked away."

      Not sure if this was discussed in the past, but was it even possible that she accrued $8K in her 401K in the few years that she worked? She was only gainfully employed for a short time and there's a limit to how much of your paycheck you can toss into your 401K plan.

  59. NOTICE SHE POSTED A PHOTO OF THE CAR. When she's not lying about something happening, she posts photos. When she has proof, she leverages it to maximum effect.

    1. Is there a link to this pic?

    2. Here you go:

  60. Question: In NY, when you make a claim on your auto insurance, do your rates subsequently increase? Here they do unless it was 100% not your fault, and hitting a deer is considered partially at-fault. I'm thinking this has greater financial implications than just the deductible.

    1. "I'm thinking this has greater financial implications than just the deductible."

      STOP! I can only get so hard...

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 9, 2022 at 6:51 AM

      They can in NY, if there are two accidents in a 3-5 year period. NY is especially liberal in this regard. In most states, rates can be raised after one accident!

      This is why frugal people don't report and attempt to repair fender benders themselves. For someone who brags about "community", it's amazing how clueless FF is regarding private repairs and deals.

      Oh, I forgot, she's burned most local people, so there aren't local deals for her. Guessing the only friends she has are PP and the local bartender.

    3. Anon7😂 you're going to make me pee myself!


  61. Also, Jenna's "probably broken ankle" is just sprained. Were it broken, she would not be bearing any weight on it at all. If she needed surgery on it due to torn ligaments I'm pretty sure she wouldn't be able to walk with the help of a stick.

    I think it's probable she's medicating with weed as well as the ibuprofen she mentioned, and it makes me wonder if she was driving high / sobering up. That would affect her reaction time for sure, assuming she really did hit a deer and not a fence post or someone's mail box.

    1. I think she actually did hit a deer though. The damage and the impact marks are mirrored in other images of cars that hit deer.

    2. Wow, so who here had "Hit a Deer" on their CAF Begging Bingo Card? I sure didn't!

    3. We need to start thinking up new potential disasters that are automatic bingos. Fire?

    4. -Brain aneurysm scare (Either her or Gibson)
      -Severe smoke damage from clogged chimney pipe
      -Merlin miraculously gets pregnant somehow

    5. I Lol'd at merlins pregnancy scare

  62. Self-reliant people do things like put up cans of produce for the winter as a way of preparing for the inevitable... they also put money aside each month for the same reason.

    If you can't afford a $500 car repair, you can't afford a car. $1000 / year for repairs and maintenance is expected. You might not spend that every month, and so it builds up for when you need to replace the tires or buy a new car.

    Jenna claims to save no money at all, except the bits of money that magically appear from jade mugs for non-essentials like the supposed $200 yoga deck.

    She claims to not have a credit card. I know she used to have at least one, she used to write about what she purchased with it on her old blog. At some point she must have maxed it out and stopped paying it.

    All of this is a result of Jenna's choices and this does not get better with age. As predicted, she hit 40 and is starting to get injured. I bet she thought it would never happen to her, that her lifestyle of outdoor activity and homemade pizza would inoculate her from normal aging... it seems not.

    She's got a bum shoulder, and that ankle she's re-injured is going to be a point of vulnerability going forward.

    And yes. What about that truck? What about that heap of decades-old rusting metal that cost her thousands of dollars and clearly doesn't run?

    She didn't need to buy that thing. She could have saved the few thousand she spent on it. Hell, she should sell it for scrap metal now and pay her deductible.

    How many vehicles has she had in the past 10 years?

    She had the Subaru, the original red truck, the next pickup truck, the current non-running truck she drove for a week in the summer, and the car that is now plastered in deer. 5 vehicles in 10 years.

    1. That supposedly injured ankle will be running a 5K by next week. I'm calling it now.

  63. From one of her tweets today:

    "Anyway, just complaining. I am fine, mostly. The farm is okay."

    She's "fine" -- mostly. The farm is just "okay" (Despite an earlier tweet today saying the farm was doing good). Mostly. Okay. Sounds like passive-aggressive begging to me.

    Also, she mentioned needing to repair the kitchen floors from water damage, but last month she claimed it was the living room floors that were damaged and warped. WTF?

  64. BTW, thanks to Anon 4:14 and PDD for re-posting her Chicken Massacre tweets up above.

    And you guys are right, there was zero reason to mention that the AC unit was left behind by Shannon. She's not only trying to assign blame, but that statement also shows how angry she still is that her ex-girlfriend fled the CAF shit show so abruptly.

  65. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 9, 2022 at 10:29 AM

    Two days have passed and faux farmer hasn't the courtesy to like or respond to the comment made by @PamBranagan, who asked if Jenna might possible use her other vehicle (*a pickup truck*) while her car is banged up.

    Lol, guess Pam doesn't know that Jenna only "likes" comments that are sympathetic or offer her goods/services/$$$.

    Anon, above, called it!


    1. Ain't that the truth.

      I'm wondering: Cambridge seems like a small, safe town where everyone knows each couldn't she just walk the tiny distance to the highway and hitchhike to town and back?

  66. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 9, 2022 at 1:09 PM

    Sad afternoon in VerYork. The poor feral farmer struggles mightily with her auto insurance company. Honestly, I don't know how she will manage to go on after this crisis...

    From Twitter:

    "Just had to call my car insurance because no one has contacted me, had to get the assessors name, call him personally, and find out he missed my claim entirely and he will be here tomorrow "

    Send her strength, y'all.

    1. Thoughts-n-prayers

    2. "Honestly, I don't know how she will manage to go on after this crisis..."

      Easy peasy -- She'll spark up a few bowls tonite, sit in a cloud of smoke, and re-live her old dream of Hollywood calling. And then in the morning she'll resume pestering Twitter for folding money. (BTW, didn't see you posted this tweet before I posted it again below, sorry.)

  67. She splits 1-2 bales a day between 2 horses, 3 sheep, and a goat (not plural, she tries so hard to sound BIG)? So if she buys 200 bales like she says, and feeds 1 a day, she will run out sometime in February, if not before. Good luck finding more hay in the dead of winter. A beg to look forward to....

    I ran out in April one year and I had to scrape and pay top dollar to get enough to make it to first cut in June. I over-order now to feed horses, sheep, and goats (plural).

    1. Don't forget all the hay she wastes strewing it around to cover up the animals poop so they can eat on top of it!

  68. Could someone kindly remind me where she is at with the mortgage payments and I'll update the reddit tracker? Did she say she paid July 10th pmt or no?

    1. Nope! But according to this recent tweet she is DAMN CLOSE:

      "Still working on this goal of paying off July, but damn close."

      Damn close, people, so daaayum close. It's a good thing she let Twitter know. Though she forgot to mention she's a lesbian running a gay farm.

    2. Anon7 you crack me up!!

  69. I believe, when she bought that floating "yoga deck" and placed it on top of the crumbling concrete heap, covering over the surrounding rubble with "stones and sod" I did mention how dangerous it was.

    Uneven, shifting crumbling concrete, no railing, and a several foot drop.

    She didn't post any evidence of her injury, so we can assume she didn't actually hurt herself - despite feigning it enough to get her neighboyrs to do her chores while avoiding recipration...

    I bet she's going to use this injury as a reason she needs to fundraise for a proper deck rebuild.

    1. Ooh, I agree...but don't underestimate her, as she'll probably stretch the fundraising to covering the warped flooring inside, too!

  70. No one:
    Absolutely no one:
    Jenna Woe'ngrift: "Just had to call my car insurance because no one has contacted me, had to get the assessors name, call him personally, and find out he missed my claim entirely and he will be here tomorrow."

    Even the insurance guy wants nothing to do with her. As for the entire situation, no one cares. People have their own problems.

    1. Let’t countdown to the inevitable recap of what is sure to be a horrific visit with the adjuster today, after which she claims the car is totaled, she needs a few thousand to replace it because she only had liability and not full coverage, oh and she still needs that pesky rental amount because “no credit card”

    2. There will definitely be adjuster drama.

    3. Oh, no doubt.

  71. Hey Jenna, the definition of trying is not daily begging. That is not trying. Trying is getting a job bagging groceries, ringing a cash register or being an Instacart shopper. If you were doing any of those things, we’d be rooting you on. Yeah, I get you’re “selling” stuff. But you need to beg and use a sob story to get people to buy, so yes, that’s begging.

    Maybe the universe is trying to tell you something what with the chickens, your ankle and car wreck. Maybe the universe is saying “get a job or move on”.

  72. WIW posted a pic above of the Deer Killer's car -- here is the link:

    LOOK CLOSLEY, what do you see? Oh, is that a Taylor Swift air freshener hanging from the rearview mirror? Why YES IT IS!! Found at an Etsy shop:

    Now I know $6 ain't a lot of money but since she is always SO DAMN CLOSE to making the mortgage, wouldn't every penny count? BTW, checked the TS march website for this must-have air freshener and saw that the "Fuck the Patriarchy" keychain Jenna owns was $20...what a great investment!

    1. WOW great work Anon7!

    2. ALSO if she doesn't have a credit card how did she pay for that air freshener?

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 11, 2022 at 7:03 AM

      Without a credit or debit card, how does she pay for all the "Amazon Prime" sh$% she buys??

      More lies from her to goose pity buys and donations. In the past, she bragged about paying off one of her credit cards.


    4. BUSTED! good point PDD. You at least need a visa debit card. She has debit at least.

  73. na Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    Good morning from Cold Antler Farm. Big illustration day for me. If you're waiting on an update or delivery on your art please send a DM and I will let you know the status. Mailing out at least 8 portraits this weekend so it's probably on the way!

    Not the customer’s responsibility to contact you for status. You can c&p a response to a whopping 8 customers letting them know the status... makes you appear very professional, not someone who has to beg and plead for purchases. 😫

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 11, 2022 at 7:12 AM

      Anon, she's been bUsY, y'all... taking weekends off even though, by her own admission, shes "behind on work", watching Free Guy, etc. on premium streaming and reading a best-selling memoir about a gurlll with a difficult mother.

      Why are customers who pay in advance so demanding about their 10-minute cartoon scribbles???

    2. And being that it’s always 2 for one, that’s really only 4 customers. You should be automatically updating them and not putting the burden on them to beg you to update them. And right, for a ten minute sketch there shouldn’t be a need for an update. Get order, sit your broke ass down, sketch out, mail, done. Repeat. Stop crying about having too many orders but then no orders at all, which one is it?

    3. Seriously doubt she has eight orders. Everything is a lie (except the deer strike - there are actually pictures)


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