Come into my web Said the spider to the fly You're a social media Deb And you've really caught my eye
A free weekend in Jackson May provide me with some action So I'll welcome you to stay Did I mention that I'm GAY? 🏳️🌈
We'll look at sheep and eat bad food We'll ride old horses up the hill You must have known you're being pursued I use the same old, same old, Sapphic drill
Your every need will soon be met There's even piglets you can pet!
Love bombs are what I do To try and trap you in the goo Learn from others, and run away Before it's too late, for then you'll pay
Thanks LS 👍. I'm predominantly left-brained, so poetry is a good brain stretch (it doesn't come easily for me). Double 🙏 because Dr. Seuss is a favorite of mine! PDD
It’s July 15th, the day when The faux farmer’s June and July mortgages are both officially in arrears, in other words she is over 60 days late. Do we think magically the June one got paid last night at 11:59pm?
If even ONE day late (after 15th of the following month) a mortgage holder's penalty late fees automatically kick in. If this happens repeatedly, the loan is called.
After years of allegedly missing payments, she wouldn't have the home. Her false mortgage crises are to boost pity sakes, shares and donations.
She tells you every day that she "lives like fiction". Believe it.
PDD. Exactly. She’d be whining nonstop by now, about her bank’s late fees if it’d happened. Which is why I also think that it’s more of her manipulative marketing. Jenna is a pathological liar, and will stop at nothing to get handouts. Her “scary foreclosure letters” are a crock of crap. And she’s never posted pics as proof.
I agree with what you wrote. Jenna’s moods are mercurial. She’s happy only when her begging has resulted in free funds from followers. Her annoying usage lately of “I’ll tell you that much for free,” is like her obnoxiously overused “this farm.”
My mortgage payment was late once in 30 years because of a post office delay. The late penalty was so high that I set up automatic bill pay so it would never be late again.
I can’t believe she has been late every month for 10 years. She is lying and nothing adds up.
It’s simply implausible that she’s been behind on mortgage payments for years, yet her hobby homestead hasn’t been foreclosed yet. Jenna must think that people are even stupider than herself.
When it comes to late payments, she doesn't ever mention them because either:
1) There are none. She pays on time but begs for money for personal luxury items.
2) She is slapped with one every month but knows her foollowers would be pissed at throwing money at easily avoided late payments if she would just get a damn job.
Becca is a queer local teacher / running enthusiast who visited Jenna before and then disappeared for a few months. The first time she visited instagram had several comments back and forth of "miss you! Can't wait to see you in July!" etc. Jenna has described her as a friend. Who knows. Sure looks like Jenna's next prospect, but if Becca is visiting only every few months she doesn't live nearby and that's a good thing, I'll tell ya that much for free.
“My friend Becca visited the farm for a few days. Not only did help with fencing, load hay bales into a truck, pick berries, haul MANY water buckets, & weed the garden…
when Death By a Thousand Cuts came on the car stereo she knew that bridge by heart, didn’t miss a damn beat.”
Riveting content, cunt. Becca sitting in the beanbag chair that Shannon bought was weird. And the disrespectful, decorated trophy heads are disgusting. “I put the laughter back in slaughter!” Time to beg again for your overdue, June mortgage payment. Of course, huge late fees aren’t either accrued or discussed by the Cambridge Queen of Con.
Funny, how fat ass always gets others to do her chores and projects on “this hobby homestead.” Jenna is a lying, lazy loser. And those who chose to ignore the obvious signs are stupid.
We’ve known a few former members of her now defunct pagan group. They both left after it became clear that their lying “leader” just wanted to use them for free manual labor. And their negative experiences are far from rare when it comes to working with Jenna. I hope that her Amish neighbors now know about what a user she is.
Her stupid username is shieldmare on Reddit. Jenna’s talked about the Kindred called Tyr’s Good Hand on subs, but hasn’t commented in 4 years. Since getting seriously slammed by people for her bragging about being a success story. When she’s a fucking failure at farming and life.
We wouldn’t be surprised if she has other Reddit accounts. I could see her on the lesbian subs with a stupid username like Farm Femme, even though Jenna’s arrogant attitude and appearance makes her looks like a butch.
Anon 1:47 - She does have another reddit account I found once, it was her real name if I remember correctly. But a search just now didn't pull it up. But I did find this link to that query:
Click on the 5th result (a summation of her AMA) in which she makes a bunch of ridiculous statements about her life.
Becca is a dummy. If she is not smart enough to look into who Jenna is- heck, just read her kickstart comments and Amazon reviews, if nothing else- then she deserves what she is getting into if she u-hauls it to Jenna’s.
Becca is a foolish to even be associated with Jenna and her rotten reputation. She’s like a personal parasite that attaches to anyone who spends time with her.
Naturally, Becca knows lyrics to Taylor Swift songs. That’s Jenna’s juvenile criteria for friendships. Even though she’s now a 40-year-old moron. And acts like a teen twat stalker of female celebrities.
I could see her being aggressive in making unwanted amorous advances to a woman, because Jenna has become creepy and predatory as she’s aged. Her desperation is very obvious with despairing about dating since Shannon dumped her.
I can’t figure out what is going on with J and B. Becca seems impressed with everything (kale is one of those things anyone can grow- but Becca seems super impressed(mentioned it twice)). I don’t think that Jenna got “any” since she showed a guest bedroom all set up and cleaned prior to the visit, sounds like she made Becca do more work than she does on a weekend and as soon as Becca was gone she was back to posting Taylor Swift obsession stories on IG— which is gross and makes me not interested in TS. I’m not a scrappy lesbian and I’ve been married forever but when I went on dates they didnt involve manual labor 😂😂
Becca is just one of the many who visited CAF with rose-colored glasses and was distracted by the smoke and mirrors, as well as the high energy banter.
I think that Becca is like Shannon once was at first. Both were impressed by the hobbyist homesteader. Eventually, if they’re at all intelligent, then their blinders fall off. What’s left over in the glaring light of reality, is an ugly, obese and slothful, middle-aged moron. One who would rather whine than work.
Would you believe that the Pig Shocker considers herself to be an intellectual? Looky here at what she wrote in her AMA several years ago:
"As far as intellectual things, I am an author and blogger, writing every day and just published my 5th book. So plenty of thinking is going on. I weed while listening to audiobooks. My friends are all intellectuals (we exist in farm country too)."
WE, she said. WE exist, she said. WE intellectuals. Is she fcuking kidding? She's a ranting emotional wind-bag with the brain of a 13 year old. And she doesn't have a single critical thinking bone in her body.
And her other comment: "So plenty of thinking going on" -- Yeah, plenty of thinking about how she's gonna get online strangers to pay her mortgage. Plenty of thinking up fake crises for pity donations. SMH.
Jenna must be joking. She’s the exact opposite of an intellectual. We’ve met her many times in person. So I’m speaking from experience. Her serious, substance abuse addictions have adversely affected what little cognitive abilities she has left. Her rotten writing, and weird word salads are just one indication of overall decline.
I wonder if she was talking about Jon Katz. He struck me as the sort of blow-hard that self-identifies as an intellectual.
What a self-aggrandising label with which to dub thyself. *Intellectual* because I listen to podcasts and audio books.
On first glance, Jenna's property-owning multiple published titles looks like she has her shit together. But I'm surprised that Becca and her other prospects don't find her twitter beg-a-long and immediately ghost Jenna when they see she is claiming to be inches from insolvency.
“Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! It's early, and it's going to be hot. The chores are done and setting into my to do list. Going to try and get June paid for before end of the week. Wish me luck.”
You can fuck all the way off, Jenna. You mentioned your mortgage in the hopes of getting handouts, and free funds from followers. You’re a lying, lazy loser. Get off your 40 year old fat ass, and work for once.
The couple dozen people on her twitter who sporadically- not regularly- engage with her via a like or the few that engage via a retweet, must be edging tired of hearing about her stupid mortgage.
“Hey hey! One half pig share is available now since the original owner is moving - if you want 50lbs+ of pork ready for pickup this winter - send a DM!”
Right. “Sure, Jen.” How coincidental that your overdue mortgage needs paying, and suddenly, someone moves for a share to become available. Funds up front for you. Take your “luck” and shove it up your fat ass. There’s ample space for it to fit.
What the hell, sharing one last time even though it is a week old because I'm still working to earn last month's mortgage soon as possible and there's lots to offer here!
Really?? One more time? Ok so I shouldn’t see any more begging for the June mortgage!! Yippee!! Thanks for telling me that much for free!!
“What the hell, sharing one last time even though it is a week old because I'm still working to earn last month's mortgage soon as possible and there's lots to offer here!”
Jenna is an arrogant asshole who will pay the price for her lazy loser lifestyle soon enough. I wish that we could divulge more details about her downfall.
Just one last time, tho? Are you sure, Jen? Cause you recycle begs only all the time. Even terribly misspelled ones. Even terribly embarrassing ones. So are we sure this is the last time for the pathetic birthday money grab one?
“Farm chores done, 5k ran, coffee swilled, and now I am slowly catching up on 4 days of emails....”
Nah, Jenna never reads here. Once again, responding to a recent comment, and using inappropriate, stupid racing lingo to describe her little road runs. I’m amazed that fat ass can even waddle around town. And she’s so in demand that there’s a backlog of emails. “Sure, Jen. “
I don’t see someone with her admitted terrible eating habits and unhealthy lifestyle being physically able to run even a mile. Additionally, With zero training or building up to it, after a long weekend-well, really a long winter and spring of binging on streamed content and deep dish pizzas and weed, I don’t see it. Why lie? Oh yeah, someone here mentioned her house guest was an amateur runner. Maybe she is trying to impress.
There’s no way that chunky heifer could compete with Becca who is a fit, real runner. Jenna is just a poser, and pretending to be athletic. We’ve seen her struggling to run on the road near her hovel. She’s pathetic and clumsy.
Hey hey! I’ll tell you that much for free..prepare for a week of hardcore begging. Overdue June mortgage, overdue July mortgage, and august mortgage which is due in 13 days. Hay, firewood-neighbor Katz already has all that delivered and stacked-but then the rest of the bills that go with adulting.
“This farm had a CSA cancelation and so now has 2 1/4 shares or a full half share of a pig available for meat pickup this Winter! Get your freezer stocked with good meat and support a queer single farmer!”
“This farm” is all a fraud and Jenna is a twat. She’s the Cambridge Queen of Con and it’s time that she was caught.
Her pathetic pleas are beyond unprofessional, and actually come across as crazy. No normal adult does this kind of crap. She’s one of the worst business people I’ve ever seen.
Yes! Exactly. If you have a degree in graphic design and 18 years experience you are doing yourself and others a disservice selling her skill so cheaply. It’s obviously pity orders.
It rained last week, and the week before. NY needs rain, yes but a “gentle rain” is not going to fix anything. The ground will barely be wet. She comes across as so stupid, just saying stuff to sound like a homespun farmer “ gee golly we need some rain for these here crops (couple of kale plants)”
J reposted from Becca’s account a pic of the two of them and Becca put the “sticker” “ best friends”. Is Jenna stuck in the friends zone??
Shortly after she reposted that she posted that she is taking a break from dating apps until fall with the exception of “Lex” because it is basically a news feed for 40’s monogamist dykes like herself ( her words... not mine)
Jenna’s only taking “a break from dating apps” due to not getting any interest from “pretty brunette femmes.” No one wants an ugly, obese, middle-aged moron who is also a animal abusing, beggar, scammer, and pathological liar.
It’s obvious by her whining about not doing any dating, that Jenna hasn’t had amorous advances towards her for awhile. It’s safe to say that no one worthwhile is “hotting on” her.
She posted that tacky bear drawing and tagged a large network of online bear webcam viewers, hoping to shave off a few followers.
Surprised she didn't write: "This scrappy LESBIAN who lives alone on the mountain, cannot end HER day without watching Bearcam. And for anyone who wants to make MY little life safer than an upriver salmon, venmo me: fake_farmer_in_need"
And she drew the fish with dead X eyes. How uplifting. Yeah, I think I'll buy it and hang it on the wall across from my toilet, you know, for inspiration. And to think she wants $150 for that.
Wow. The photo she posted of her piglets shows her barn wall is COMPLETELY ROTTED OUT at the bottom. She truly is a VerYork disaster zone. She inspired me to write this tune, sung to Old MacDonald Had a Farm.
Fakey Farmer has a barn Ee i ee i oh! And Damn, that barn is falling down, Ee i ee i oh!
With a roof caved in, And the base gone away It's obvious she'd rather play When the bank repossesses, They'll have to pay
PDD. I like your poem. That’s another good one. Her hovel looks like shit. She’s lying about how “it’s never been better.” We’ve driven by recently while visiting Cambridge. No cunt, we didn’t take pics. We already have a huge stash for our records against you.
Lols. Do you have a link to this photo? I didn't see it.
Also, aren't there laws to protect animals from being housed in crappy sub-par structures? Cuz in addition to the rotted out wood, the roof of that barn has looked to be on the verge of collapse for years. Does the county do inspections? And would that dilapidated barn pass inspection? I feel bad for the animals she keeps in there.
“Same car is slowly driving by my home again, silver Nissan, stopping to take pictures. I don't know if it's someone from the bank because I'm behind or a troll, but it makes me feel so damn sick inside.“
Jenna- if you are really worried about this ( and you aren’t looking for sympathy money) 1. Call the cops- at least report what is happening/ frequency / make/ model and partial license plate.
2. Call your bank and ask if they drive by if someone is behind in the mortgage. I’ve never been in your situation ( since I live a boring employed, direct deposit, folding money lifestyle) but it’s hard for me to believe that the bank has time/ manpower to send someone out to drive by your house again and again.
Jenna wants followers to feel sorry for her fear, and then send her mortgage money. She’s already gotten responses from stupid, younger women who are ignorant and gullible about her predatory patterns. It’s predictable once you see them.
The “scrappy little lesbian” also has a neighbor who is a sheriff. She’s mentioned him before. And could turn to him for help here. But rather than keep quiet on Twitter, and handle it like a normal adult, Jenna would rather whine. If this scenario even exists. I believe that it’s all a lie to get mortgage money.
Hang on, is this the same person who photographed AND PUBLISHED photos of other people's homes (taken from the street), their pets (taken surreptitiously) and telling readers when certain homes were abandoned???
On a serious note, if she genuinely believes someone is targeting her home for nefarious purposes (not driving by, confused that a broken-down home from Appalachia exists in trendy Washington County, NY), she should report it to the local police.
That's some 💩 💩.
However, last time I checked, being on a public street is legal and people can even take photographs of others' homes. Ask FF - she's done it plenty of times.
I think she is using the plot of a car driving by to scare up some mortgage money. Period. She used it before, must have produced some pity cash for her ( woe is me, I’m so behind on my mortgage) tat she is running the scam again.
Agreed. There is NO REASON to tell her internet foollowers about this. Cuz none of them are going to drive over and help protect her. She's only doing this to gain sympathy and pity donations. Also, why does it matter that it was a silver Nissan? It doesn't. She's just adding extra details to make her fake story sound believable.
And her "makes me feel so damn sick inside" comment -- she feels sick due to her own ineptitude? Seriously?!? THEN GET A FUCKING JOB ALREADY! I could understand if she was disabled and unable to work, but according to her, she runs 5Ks and smashes mountains...but she can't work a real job to support herself? Lazy lazy liar.
Re: the car, I’m surprised no one pointed out that she’s posting about this scary lurker just after someone here posted about driving by her place. She very obviously reads here constantly.
Maybe she meant one last time for that day, lol. Either way, it only goes to show how utterly desperate she is. I'll bet she received not one penny on her bday. Good.
I was about to say the same thing. So sick of her pathetic and tacky a) retweeting herself and b) promising it’s the last time and then retweeting it two more times so far. C) begging for birthday money to begin with, but begging for birthday money at 40 and a week after her birthday. Has she no tact?
Here's what I don't understand about these supposed CSA cancellations: aren't they paid for up front? You know she isn't doing refunds.
She sells these shares 100% cash up front. So is she saying she refunded these people when her mortgage is supposedly behind? Or is she saying she is reselling these pork shares for full price essentially not refunding the original buyer AND selling them again for full price.
I'm not sure that's even legal?
And I wonder if she even offered these fake shares to the people who bought 2023 shares?
I think this share cancellation thing is total crap and age just has extra pork in her freezer she's going to sell. Whoever gets that share should carefully check the labels. Betcha the meat is already freezer burned.
Jenna never refunds anyone’s money, once it’s in her greedy, meaty man hands. She wants funds up front for livestock that hasn’t been born yet. It’s a complete and total scam. Nothing she does is “legal.”
Anon 1:39 et al, this makes sense! At least once before she tried to sell double portions (eg, divide half share into three quarter shares) of an animal that was too old/large. Since she controls portioning out, she could theoretically "short" each share to create more shares. A casual buyer would never pick up on such a discrepancy.
What I don't get is why she uses the internet to push her Spam sales when she offers local pick-up only. Wouldn't it make more sense to post ads in local newspapers or put up notices at grocery store bulletin boards?
My opinion: 1. By keeping "some" farm animals around, she continues pretense of being a farmer, and this attracts followers and donations/pity buys.
2. By selling to non-local people, there's a greater chance a buyer won't be able to pick up their order. They may say "donate the meat", in which case she'll likely keep it for herself or re-sell.
3. That she has to post to the external community suggests how bad her reputation must be locally. Here, CSA meat purchases are word-of-mouth and meat is all purchased by locals, from locals.
PDD. Exactly. Speaking from my personal experience, of once living in Cambridge, she has a really rotten reputation in her area. The pet props are a “pretense.” Clearly, locals don’t want to deal with Jenna, because they’ve been burned by her before in bad business practices.
Her stupid little defiant “What the hell,” before a begging bombardment, is like a finger flip at followers. What she’s really saying is “I don’t care if you’re sick of my scamming. I’m going to do it anyway.” Even though Jenna’s finally 40, her bratty behavior reminds me of a stubborn teenage twat.
Today: “ Would you like this brown bear doing yoga with a salmon?! Inspired by the annual Salmon Run Live Stream I stretch to every night! You can have it shipped anywhere in the world for $41. Because that's exactly what my 100lbs of chicken and pig feed will cost me today! Get some art!” Yesterday: no reasonable offer denied.
Guess she received no offers.
I applaud her for trying something different but bears doing yoga with salmon on their nose seems to be a very niche thing for people to Purchase. $41? Sorry you need animal feed but I have pets and I’m going to use the $41 towards food and such for them. $41 that I made at my J-O-B.
I think she is really hoping this new lesbian farm tale she’s writing is going to solve all her problems... there is no other reason that a 40 year old thinks it’s ok to not have the money for BASIC things month after month when they refuse to get a job.
Her desperation is pathetic. It’s no wonder why she’s still single, and will probably never be partnered. Jenna is coming across as crazy, and removed from reality lately.
LAF FF should use the website created by Shannon to post multiple drawings for sale. She can use one or more popular drawings, digitize, ink individually if desired and number/sign before shipping. And maybe, instead of binge posting Taylor "Not Gay" Swift photos, she could use her time to build up an image gallery of popular /appealing images. A bear stretching for a salmon is cute; as Anon7 said, a contorted bear holding a dead salmon isn't.
And since she reads CAST, here's another hint I’ll tell her for free. Use the most popular drawings and sell the sh#$ out of them online...where impulse buys are rewarded by immediate purchases and money added to the bank.
Remarkably, FF seems totally incapable of making sound business decisions , doesn't work smart and must fill in gaps with lies and begging. JFC, it could be much easier for her to earn money with better payback.
Jenna is still stuck on being stupid and stubborn. She refuses to change her “dumb little life,” even though her faux farm has never been solvent in over a decade. By her own admission.
Yep. Artists don't make a living by selling the originals for $50. They sell 1000 prints for $50 and build up a whole shop of prints over decades.
My wife designed some cards 10 years ago, a set of five. One out of the five sold out multiple times. She didn't reproduce the others and just keeps adding to the collection.
Agree!⬆️ That wolf carrying a lantern would make a cute set of holiday cards since she did the art once, she can mass produce sets of cards. But she chooses to just keep flailing around.
💯 on the wolf carrying the lantern. Also, during Pride month the rooster (cock) was popular. Why is it so hard for her to monetize the images people like?
She made her money with chicken how-to books. She could make Disney-esque drawings of chicken/chickens, with personalized titles: Bonnie's Belles, Fiona's femnes, Lance's ladies, etc - small drawings people could hang at farm/home. She could draw chickens with Halloween or Christmas hats for holiday cards. Hell, she could Twitter survey to see what people want.
Her incompetence is mind boggling, and you know Shan#$%@ must have repeatedly tried to talk some sense into her.
I’ll tell her this much for free. Instead of trying to twist people’s arms into making pity purchases, she should just get a job. Steady, guaranteed income with direct deposit. Stop trying to guilt people into buying stuff they don’t want.
Maybe Jenna should watch the news or read the paper. Inflation is sky high and people are hurting. The only one responsible for feeding her animals is her. And if she can’t afford that, she should rehome the animals.
“Made the June mortgage today. entirely broke now but it's a great broken because every single time I'm able to cover another house payment I feel like Wonder Woman. Thank you, so much, to everyone watching this writer keep this farm while working on this beast of a book!!!!”
You can fuck all the way off, Jenna. Bragging about making another overdue mortgage payment like it’s an admirable accomplishment, instead of an awful admission that you’re a fucking failure as an adult. “Entirely” is capitalized, cretin. You’re a “broken” Blunder Woman not Wonder. “This writer” won’t sell a new book. You’re delusional. Your rotten reputation will follow you. The internet never forgets, and neither will we. And “this farm” is a hobby homestead at best, “Beast.”
She deliberately mentions being “broken” to set the stage for more manipulative marketing. Everything the Cambridge Queen of Con does is cold and calculated to get free funds from followers.
It would be for a normal adult. But Jenna has a defective character, substance abuse addictions, and also mental illness. She also sees no need to change due to her dumb enablers.
For years, the begging/scamming/who knows what else has paid the bills and then some, so I don't ever see that coming to an end. However, I find it so odd that she actively chooses this begging/scamming lifestyle over having meaningful relationships with a partner, friends and family. How is that worth it?
I don't think she's really capable of a healthy relationship, due to mental health reasons. I don't think it's as simple as if she just sobered up and behaved differently, there's a driver here. Of course it's better to have real friends and healthy relationships than begging for money and perpetuating drama on the internet. If she could actually sustain friendships and romantic relationships, she would. I think she can't because her brain is different. It's really typical of people on the neurodivergent spectrum to not be able to maintain normal human relationships because their brain lacks the wiring necessary to make that happen.
She makes it worse through her perpetual helplessness and using people for free labour while reciprocating nothing near the value contributed - a carton of eggs. A meal. We would never hear about the times those friends asked her for help and she had some excuse not to do it. You know that's happened and that's why she burns people out.
Her drama would burn people out too.
So yeah. Jenna can't maintain friendships or relationships unless she has someone like Patty who's willing to compensate for Jenna's shortcomings.
It is possible she might find someone willing to compensate in a romantic relationship, but it's a lot harder to live with in a partnership.
So that's my two cents. It's not worth it, but she's not capable of maintaining real relationships anyway, so from her point of view, may as well get what you can from people, while you can. They're all on their way out anyway. It's a similar to how she handles money when she does have it.
She'd need to 1) actually want to change which she won't because shes SO DAMN HAPPY she claims 2) seek diagnosis which has all sorts of expense and obstacles 3) seek medical treatment which has more obstacles and finally 4) seek an ADHD coach or specialized therapist to help her build better life skills and change old damaging behaviour.
She's got no family or partner to help her with any of that, and no motivation to even wonder if maybe she's her own problem.
No doubt FF bugs PP when she needs or wants something. It seems PP can't say "no" and may be secretly pleased someone 25 years younger hangs with her. I also think there's a shared history, because FF knew PP when PP took that "early retirement" under a cloud of financial mismanagement.
“Pet portraits are BOGO! Get one for yourself, mail one to a friend! Shipping is free anywhere in the world! Sales of these are what build back up my bank account as I save towards the July bills! Send a DM & support a small farm!
Canvas paintings available for commissions too!”
No one cares about your “bank account” and “bills,” cunt. We have our own concerns. Which most of us handle without whining and begging.
You’re 40, fat, and a fucking failure at life. Each and every month it’s the same sad song about being behind on your adult responsibilities.
“Nothing sets my anxiety into a tailspin like people asking me to do something last-minute or impromptu plans. And declining them makes me feel difficult and anti-social but I am difficult and anti social so lets all move on.”
For once, we agree with Jenna. She’s “difficult and anti-social.” Which is why she’s still single, and will probably never be partnered. It also explains her employment challenges, because she refuses to cooperate. Everything has to be on her conditions.
“I post pics of pizza or cookies or bread and sometimes people ask for a recipe. Mary, I have never once had the patience to follow a recipe. This food is made up. It took hours of avoiding being told what to do to get it right and I never wrote it down out of spite.”
Who’s Mary, moron? You’re not a practicing Catholic. Jenna is telling a lot of truth today about her “difficult,” “anti-social,” “spiteful” self. What a “Wonder Woman.” Not. Her putrid pan pizza looks like puke. No one is “asking her for recipes.” Unless they were blind.
I’m sure that Shannon moved in too fast because of Covid concerns. That same scenario wouldn’t happen to Jenna now. And SD ended their relationship, once she realized who JW really was.
"I have never once had the patience to follow a recipe. (...) It took hours of avoiding being told what to do to get it right and I never wrote it down out of spite."
This is untreated mental illness. Never had the patience to follow a recipe - that's executive dysfunction, which we see all the time in her content. She will take 10x as long to do things the half-ass stupid way rather than decipher directions or a recipe because she *can't*.
And instead of getting help or admitting she's falling short, she holds it up like a personality trait to be proud of.
“I think all of my friends know they are welcome to show up at 3AM if they need me, I'll be up with tea and ready to help them in any situation. But they know not to show up just to say hello unannounced!”
Right. “Sure, Jen.” Like Jenna has anyone whom she doesn’t use.
Maybe if her “friends” had an emergency and scary “situation,” then they wouldn’t be able to call ahead. Like Jenna’s lazy life is SO busy and bustling, that people in the Cambridge area can’t call “unannounced!” Her standoffish attitude is at odds with how most locals act, and we wonder what she’s hiding to require advance notice.
I had an insight. I think that this paranoia is part of her substance abuse addictions with drinking alcohol and smoking weed. It’s like the weird way that Jenna overreacts when people drive by her place on a public road. So she doesn’t want supposed “friends” to casually come over for the same reason.
“500 words before coffee. This is just mean. #amwriting”
No one cares, cunt. Your writing is rotten, and you’ll never sell a new book. Birchthorn bombed because it was bad. Even after you begged for $15,000 on your Kickstarter campaign. And blew it right away. Only to whine and beg again for more free funds.
If her “new” book writing is at all comparable to how she writes daily on Twitter, bi-monthly on her irrelevant blog, and any of her last books, then, no, nobody wants to pay for and read this BS.
Today: “ This farm had a CSA cancelation and so now has 2 1/4 shares or a full half share of a pig available for meat pickup this Winter! Get your freezer stocked with good meat and support a queer single farmer!”
The other day:
“Hey hey! One half pig share is available now since the original owner is moving - if you want 50lbs+ of pork ready for pickup this winter - send a DM!” I’ll tell you this much for free- 2-1/4 shares and 1-1/2 share are the same thing Jenna!
Good thing those trees didn’t hit your house or hurt your animals Jenna ( I mean it!). Maybe take this as a sign that shit happens and that even a scrappy queer fauxmer needs more than an empty bank account to survive and provide for their needs!
I’ll tell YOU this much for free. Jenna lost 5 trees and some horse fencing from a storm but still managed to make sure she posted about it on social media ( both Twitter and IG). She is a marvel! Folding money anyone??? Folding money??
Notice how the bottom half of the closest trees are missing bark? At least some of those trees look like the ones her pigs girdled, so the trees were mostly dead anyway.
Electric fence wire is usually thinner than package string. We have some that is thick, but the principle is the same. To repair: cut, pull it over fallen tree and splice together. An easy 20-minute job for a functioning adult.
Now she wants to get enough begging done to pay July mortgage in one week. But then what, doesn’t she realize august is due also in one week?? Oh and she is looking for a “lady roommate” to split bills with. Morning begging cranking right up after a week of retweeting TS content like a juvenile. Oh and she has a DM coming on that last quarter share of pig. Who falls for her shit, I just can’t wrap my head around it.
I feel bad that Jenna had to compromise her principles ( remember she wasn’t going to speak to men for the month of July over the abortion ruling) and have some MEN come and cut wood for her. She says she has firewood so we better not hear a peep.. I mean beg for that anytime soon!!
So she can blabber away on her iPhone with the power out and update Twitter and retweet dumb shit, but she “can’t get to folks waiting for updates” until her power is back on, the scammer. First of all, making people “wait on updates” is never good business, you should be proactive on that without asking your customers to wait. Second of all, waiting on updates on something as quick and simple as what she does graphically, is completely stupid and whoever buys that BS, deserves the crappy work that’s (eventually) coming to them.
Bahahaha. Of course it doesn’t. Of course it doesn’t. I’m not even shocked. Also, I came here to respond to Jen’s latest tweet, since we know she will be refreshing this page soon: You are not an effing farmer.
Is she using that power outage excuse again? Since she has been begging so hard for “sales” lately and claiming no takers, there is no way she should have a backlog. As usual, nothing adds up.
"Not because I would buy a ball object (regardless of surname) but because people are happy to drop $170 on an eroded tree stump while people lose their houses."
The hypocrisy is astounding. How much does she spend in a year on Taylor Swift merchandise? Probably more than $170.
Came here to say the same and agree with the two comments above-as per usual, she is shading people selling expensive discretionary stuff, at the same time as she puts her hand out and begs just the same, pushing her crap which to many is discretionary stuff.
Well imagine that. She went from flat broke a couple days before, to already halfway to the July mortgage today. But also, she is begging for hay and firewood, and didn’t she just get a bunch of firewood cut by males with chainsaws?
my first thought when I saw the guy with a chain saw. She has now set her twitter account you can only see it for a few seconds then you have to sign in. She hardly puts anything on there now anyway. Goes days without posting. I am not on twitter just checked in to see her crazy talk but not now. I bet she will now be all caught up like a big girl for a few months then back to begging again. After all she won't be able to use this wood for a good year so it will dry out. What a poser.
I wonder if that’s a Twitter setting for those without accounts-I’m the same way. But on an iPad I can scroll down past the sign in wall and read old content, can’t on my phone.
OKay so the person who told me last Tuesday they would pay me last Friday for a 1/4 share has ghosted me so I assume that's a decline of the share. Anyone want this last CSA spot for 2022?! Send a DM! Can also be gifted to someone local - I'm 3(ish) hours from Boston and NYC!
Wow! Imagine someone not coming through by a deadline. I wonder who else promises someone things by a certain date and then ghosts them? Any clues, Jenna???
How the hell old is that pork? Her pigs were butchered in December, 2021, so they've been in the freezer since then - 8 months now. Plus, she claimed that her power went out at least once during that time.
I think this is for pork for this winter (Dec.?) you pay now and then you have a good 5 months to pray that you get the pork. See how that works? It is called Jenna math.
So she's double-selling the quarter pork-share that was previously purchased / paid?? And we believe piglets she purchased this spring/summer will be ready to distribute this year?
Perhaps Shan$%# finally got Pig Shocker to understand she must actively manage (feed) pigs for pigs to gain weight in allotted time.
HOLY CRAPAMOLE...the Pig Shocker's barn is failing epically! Up above, PDD posted:
"Wow. The photo she posted of her piglets shows her barn wall is COMPLETELY ROTTED OUT at the bottom."
I can't believe what I am seeing in that pic, as there is 2+ feet of missing wood all the way across the side. How is that barn even standing? And in cold weather how do the animals stay warm? She hasn't even bothered to patch it.
As for how it happened, it looks to me that this was the side of the barn where she had that famous 3-4 foot pile of rotten shit 'n piss hay that the goats had to stand on, yes? So the putrid moisture from that is what rotted the wood away? Also notice that the bottom half of the door that used to be there is completely gone.
What it fucking hell, Jenna? Is that seriously how you take care of your farm animals?!?
(Thanks to PDD for posting that, and special thanks to (WIW I think?) for running the Cold Antler Critics subreddit and documenting this.)
"My girl riding shotgun" (alongside a pic of a box of ice cream on the passenger seat)
Dunno about anyone else but if I was a broke-ass beggar who could stand to lose 100 lbs, I sure wouldn't be wasting precious mortgage money on a luxury like that. And if Jenna Woginrich was an ice cream flavor she'd be Scamilla Pudge.
She really has a thing about direct deposit. I get that it is different having a steady (for now) income versus being free-lance (for the purposes of this comment we accept without question that she truly does not have a secret steady income), but does a *trapper* really have a steady income compared to a hunter/gatherer? I think there's a better analogy, and I think it's based on the fact that agriculture caused humans to settle down in one place. I think people who have direct deposit are actually *farmers* of money.
I don’t understand her obsession with it, but also she has admitted time and time again to having a bank account. All the payment services via which she mooches donations do what? DIRECT DEPOSIT those to her bank account. She needs to stfu about direct deposit already.
So apparently, the "hunter/gatherer" is completely okay with gathering from "trappers" The sleeping giant does not realize that sometimes there isn't a choice with a real job that supports a real family and the critters that are here and loved. Dumb ass.
Someone (on her last again retweet of her tweet about all of a sudden having yet another quarter share of pig available ) is saying that they would contribute if a group buys the share for a food pantry. I’m not on Twitter but if any of you are, please tell that person that food pantries-at least I guarantee you about ones in my state-do not accept that type of donation of meat that is not coming straight from a licensed processor.
Jenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈 @coldantlerfarm · 2h Thought I’d post an update that I’m 3/5 of the way there! Thank you all who have bought pork, lamb, soaps, art or contributed in any way!!
More weird Jenna math. Amazing how she’s managed to gather all this moula in just a few days to make her Ju-ly mortgage.
It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
Weekend Sillies
ReplyDeleteCome into my web
Said the spider to the fly
You're a social media Deb
And you've really caught my eye
A free weekend in Jackson
May provide me with some action
So I'll welcome you to stay
Did I mention that I'm GAY? 🏳️🌈
We'll look at sheep and eat bad food
We'll ride old horses up the hill
You must have known you're being pursued
I use the same old, same old, Sapphic drill
Your every need will soon be met
There's even piglets you can pet!
Love bombs are what I do
To try and trap you in the goo
Learn from others, and run away
Before it's too late, for then you'll pay
PDD. I’m applauding your poem!
DeletePDD. It’s similar in style to Dr. Seuss. Who has been one of my lifelong favorite writers to this day.
DeleteThanks LS 👍. I'm predominantly left-brained, so poetry is a good brain stretch (it doesn't come easily for me). Double 🙏 because Dr. Seuss is a favorite of mine!
PDD. It makes me want to do a shamster version of a Seuss poem. I’ll work on it.
DeleteLove this!
DeleteIt’s July 15th, the day when The faux farmer’s June and July mortgages are both officially in arrears, in other words she is over 60 days late. Do we think magically the June one got paid last night at 11:59pm?
ReplyDeleteI have ho idea if her mortgage is paid or not because I can’t believe anything she says.
DeleteHer whole life is lies.
DeleteMy opinion on FF's mortgage crises:
Delete💩 💩 💩 💩 💩
💩 💩 💩 💩 💩
If even ONE day late (after 15th of the following month) a mortgage holder's penalty late fees automatically kick in. If this happens repeatedly, the loan is called.
After years of allegedly missing payments, she wouldn't have the home. Her false mortgage crises are to boost pity sakes, shares and donations.
She tells you every day that she "lives like fiction". Believe it.
pity *sales*
Deletealthough I like the idea of pity "sakes"
PDD. Exactly. She’d be whining nonstop by now, about her bank’s late fees if it’d happened. Which is why I also think that it’s more of her manipulative marketing. Jenna is a pathological liar, and will stop at nothing to get handouts. Her “scary foreclosure letters” are a crock of crap. And she’s never posted pics as proof.
DeleteI'll bet all the homeowners of America would love to have a mortgage company as forgiving as Jenna's.
DeleteYes, Jen, I wish you’d tell us who that generous and forgiving bank is.
DeleteI think as summer winds down she will become a whole lot more hysterical. I’ll tell you that much for free!😂
ReplyDeleteI agree with what you wrote. Jenna’s moods are mercurial. She’s happy only when her begging has resulted in free funds from followers. Her annoying usage lately of “I’ll tell you that much for free,” is like her obnoxiously overused “this farm.”
DeleteOh yes, prepare yourselves for the hysteric tweets for firewood from the lazy grass stomper who sang all summer.
DeleteMy mortgage payment was late once in 30 years because of a post office delay. The late penalty was so high that I set up automatic bill pay so it would never be late again.
ReplyDeleteI can’t believe she has been late every month for 10 years. She is lying and nothing adds up.
It’s simply implausible that she’s been behind on mortgage payments for years, yet her hobby homestead hasn’t been foreclosed yet. Jenna must think that people are even stupider than herself.
DeleteWhen it comes to late payments, she doesn't ever mention them because either:
Delete1) There are none. She pays on time but begs for money for personal luxury items.
2) She is slapped with one every month but knows her foollowers would be pissed at throwing money at easily avoided late payments if she would just get a damn job.
Her sudden silence on Twitter is only because Becca is still there. Once she leaves, Jenna’s begging will begin again.
ReplyDeleteHer patterns are predictable once you see them.
DeleteWho is Becca?
DeleteBecca is a queer local teacher / running enthusiast who visited Jenna before and then disappeared for a few months. The first time she visited instagram had several comments back and forth of "miss you! Can't wait to see you in July!" etc.
DeleteJenna has described her as a friend. Who knows. Sure looks like Jenna's next prospect, but if Becca is visiting only every few months she doesn't live nearby and that's a good thing, I'll tell ya that much for free.
“My friend Becca visited the farm for a few days. Not only did help with fencing, load hay bales into a truck, pick berries, haul MANY water buckets, & weed the garden…
ReplyDeletewhen Death By a Thousand Cuts came on the car stereo she knew that bridge by heart, didn’t miss a damn beat.”
Riveting content, cunt. Becca sitting in the beanbag chair that Shannon bought was weird. And the disrespectful, decorated trophy heads are disgusting. “I put the laughter back in slaughter!” Time to beg again for your overdue, June mortgage payment. Of course, huge late fees aren’t either accrued or discussed by the Cambridge Queen of Con.
Funny, how fat ass always gets others to do her chores and projects on “this hobby homestead.” Jenna is a lying, lazy loser. And those who chose to ignore the obvious signs are stupid.
DeleteWe’ve known a few former members of her now defunct pagan group. They both left after it became clear that their lying “leader” just wanted to use them for free manual labor. And their negative experiences are far from rare when it comes to working with Jenna. I hope that her Amish neighbors now know about what a user she is.
DeleteHer stupid username is shieldmare on Reddit. Jenna’s talked about the Kindred called Tyr’s Good Hand on subs, but hasn’t commented in 4 years. Since getting seriously slammed by people for her bragging about being a success story. When she’s a fucking failure at farming and life.
DeleteWe wouldn’t be surprised if she has other Reddit accounts. I could see her on the lesbian subs with a stupid username like Farm Femme, even though Jenna’s arrogant attitude and appearance makes her looks like a butch.
DeleteEdit: look like
DeleteWho the hell makes a houseguest do a whole bunch of work like that? How rude!
DeleteAnon 1:47 - She does have another reddit account I found once, it was her real name if I remember correctly. But a search just now didn't pull it up. But I did find this link to that query:
Click on the 5th result (a summation of her AMA) in which she makes a bunch of ridiculous statements about her life.
Becca is a dummy. If she is not smart enough to look into who Jenna is- heck, just read her kickstart comments and Amazon reviews, if nothing else- then she deserves what she is getting into if she u-hauls it to Jenna’s.
DeleteWhat, Becca came to stay and did ALL that but didn’t pay the mortgage or at least those pesky late fees we never talk about??
ReplyDeleteBecca is a foolish to even be associated with Jenna and her rotten reputation. She’s like a personal parasite that attaches to anyone who spends time with her.
DeleteEdit: Becca is foolish
DeleteNaturally, Becca knows lyrics to Taylor Swift songs. That’s Jenna’s juvenile criteria for friendships. Even though she’s now a 40-year-old moron. And acts like a teen twat stalker of female celebrities.
ReplyDeleteI could see her being aggressive in making unwanted amorous advances to a woman, because Jenna has become creepy and predatory as she’s aged. Her desperation is very obvious with despairing about dating since Shannon dumped her.
DeleteJenna’s had a milestone birthday
ReplyDeletebut her loser life’s the same.
She’s still stuck in the same rut
and has neither wealth nor fame.
Lols. And what's funny is that wealth and fame are what she wants most.
DeleteI can’t figure out what is going on with J and B. Becca seems impressed with everything (kale is one of those things anyone can grow- but Becca seems super impressed(mentioned it twice)). I don’t think that Jenna got “any” since she showed a guest bedroom all set up and cleaned prior to the visit, sounds like she made Becca do more work than she does on a weekend and as soon as Becca was gone she was back to posting Taylor Swift obsession stories on IG— which is gross and makes me not interested in TS.
ReplyDeleteI’m not a scrappy lesbian and I’ve been married forever but when I went on dates they didnt involve manual labor 😂😂
Becca is just one of the many who visited CAF with rose-colored glasses and was distracted by the smoke and mirrors, as well as the high energy banter.
DeleteJenna would make a good car salesperson.
I think that Becca is like Shannon once was at first. Both were impressed by the hobbyist homesteader. Eventually, if they’re at all intelligent, then their blinders fall off. What’s left over in the glaring light of reality, is an ugly, obese and slothful, middle-aged moron. One who would rather whine than work.
DeleteWould you believe that the Pig Shocker considers herself to be an intellectual? Looky here at what she wrote in her AMA several years ago:
ReplyDelete"As far as intellectual things, I am an author and blogger, writing every day and just published my 5th book. So plenty of thinking is going on. I weed while listening to audiobooks. My friends are all intellectuals (we exist in farm country too)."
WE, she said. WE exist, she said. WE intellectuals. Is she fcuking kidding? She's a ranting emotional wind-bag with the brain of a 13 year old. And she doesn't have a single critical thinking bone in her body.
And her other comment: "So plenty of thinking going on" -- Yeah, plenty of thinking about how she's gonna get online strangers to pay her mortgage. Plenty of thinking up fake crises for pity donations. SMH.
Jenna must be joking. She’s the exact opposite of an intellectual. We’ve met her many times in person. So I’m speaking from experience. Her serious, substance abuse addictions have adversely affected what little cognitive abilities she has left. Her rotten writing, and weird word salads are just one indication of overall decline.
DeleteI wonder if she was talking about Jon Katz. He struck me as the sort of blow-hard that self-identifies as an intellectual.
DeleteWhat a self-aggrandising label with which to dub thyself. *Intellectual* because I listen to podcasts and audio books.
On first glance, Jenna's property-owning multiple published titles looks like she has her shit together. But I'm surprised that Becca and her other prospects don't find her twitter beg-a-long and immediately ghost Jenna when they see she is claiming to be inches from insolvency.
“Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! It's early, and it's going to be hot. The chores are done and setting into my to do list. Going to try and get June paid for before end of the week. Wish me luck.”
ReplyDeleteYou can fuck all the way off, Jenna. You mentioned your mortgage in the hopes of getting handouts, and free funds from followers. You’re a lying, lazy loser. Get off your 40 year old fat ass, and work for once.
She put off begging while Becca was there doing her chores. Now, she’s back again. Mooching money like a personal parasite.
DeleteThe couple dozen people on her twitter who sporadically- not regularly- engage with her via a like or the few that engage via a retweet, must be edging tired of hearing about her stupid mortgage.
DeleteEffing, not edging*
Delete“Hey hey! One half pig share is available now since the original owner is moving - if you want 50lbs+ of pork ready for pickup this winter - send a DM!”
ReplyDeleteRight. “Sure, Jen.” How coincidental that your overdue mortgage needs paying, and suddenly, someone moves for a share to become available. Funds up front for you. Take your “luck” and shove it up your fat ass. There’s ample space for it to fit.
With her hokey “Hey! Hey!” it’s Fat Jenna instead of Albert. Her asinine attempts to sound country colloquial are always epic failures.
DeleteIt’s Sunday Slothful now
ReplyDeleteand Becca’s finally left.
Jenna’s gonna beg again
‘cause what she does best is theft.
The filthy feral farmer
Deleteis catching up today.
Because Becca was her focus
did you know that
Jenna’s gay?!
What the hell, sharing one last time even though it is a week old because I'm still working to earn last month's mortgage soon as possible and there's lots to offer here!
ReplyDeleteReally?? One more time? Ok so I shouldn’t see any more begging for the June mortgage!! Yippee!! Thanks for telling me that much for free!!
“What the hell, sharing one last time even though it is a week old because I'm still working to earn last month's mortgage soon as possible and there's lots to offer here!”
DeleteJenna is an arrogant asshole who will pay the price for her lazy loser lifestyle soon enough. I wish that we could divulge more details about her downfall.
Just one last time, tho? Are you sure, Jen? Cause you recycle begs only all the time. Even terribly misspelled ones. Even terribly embarrassing ones.
DeleteSo are we sure this is the last time for the pathetic birthday money grab one?
You need to send her money
DeleteBe sure it's marked a "GIFT"
She's jonesing for some fangirl shit
From Taylor "Not Gay" Swift
Jenna became convinced
Deletethat Taylor Swift was gay.
And still obsesses ‘bout it
like there is no other way.
“Farm chores done, 5k ran, coffee swilled, and now I am slowly catching up on 4 days of emails....”
ReplyDeleteNah, Jenna never reads here. Once again, responding to a recent comment, and using inappropriate, stupid racing lingo to describe her little road runs. I’m amazed that fat ass can even waddle around town. And she’s so in demand that there’s a backlog of emails. “Sure, Jen. “
I don’t see someone with her admitted terrible eating habits and unhealthy lifestyle being physically able to run even a mile. Additionally, With zero training or building up to it, after a long weekend-well, really a long winter and spring of binging on streamed content and deep dish pizzas and weed, I don’t see it. Why lie? Oh yeah, someone here mentioned her house guest was an amateur runner. Maybe she is trying to impress.
ReplyDeleteThere’s no way that chunky heifer could compete with Becca who is a fit, real runner. Jenna is just a poser, and pretending to be athletic. We’ve seen her struggling to run on the road near her hovel. She’s pathetic and clumsy.
DeleteJenna’s obsessed with her new, overused stupid statement about “free.” She likes that one when combined with funds.
ReplyDeleteIt’s Monday moanin’ now
ReplyDeleteand her mortgage isn’t paid.
So Jenna will be begging
‘cause she’s “scared” and “so afraid!”
Hey hey! I’ll tell you that much for free..prepare for a week of hardcore begging. Overdue June mortgage, overdue July mortgage, and august mortgage which is due in 13 days. Hay, firewood-neighbor Katz already has all that delivered and stacked-but then the rest of the bills that go with adulting.
ReplyDelete“This farm had a CSA cancelation and so now has 2 1/4 shares or a full half share of a pig available for meat pickup this Winter! Get your freezer stocked with good meat and support a queer single farmer!”
ReplyDelete“This farm” is all a fraud
and Jenna is a twat.
She’s the Cambridge Queen of Con
and it’s time that she was caught.
Her stupid “support a queer single farmer” is more of her manipulative marketing for free funds.
DeleteHer pathetic pleas are beyond unprofessional, and actually come across as crazy. No normal adult does this kind of crap. She’s one of the worst business people I’ve ever seen.
DeleteYes! Exactly. If you have a degree in graphic design and 18 years experience you are doing yourself and others a disservice selling her skill so cheaply. It’s obviously pity orders.
DeleteIt rained last week, and the week before. NY needs rain, yes but a “gentle rain” is not going to fix anything. The ground will barely be wet. She comes across as so stupid, just saying stuff to sound like a homespun farmer “ gee golly we need some rain for these here crops (couple of kale plants)”
J reposted from Becca’s account a pic of the two of them and Becca put the “sticker” “ best friends”. Is Jenna stuck in the friends zone??
Shortly after she reposted that she posted that she is taking a break from dating apps until fall with the exception of “Lex” because it is basically a news feed for 40’s monogamist dykes like herself ( her words... not mine)
Jenna’s only taking “a break from dating apps” due to not getting any interest from “pretty brunette femmes.” No one wants an ugly, obese, middle-aged moron who is also a animal abusing, beggar, scammer, and pathological liar.
DeleteIt’s obvious by her whining about not doing any dating, that Jenna hasn’t had amorous advances towards her for awhile. It’s safe to say that no one worthwhile is “hotting on” her.
DeleteLex is an online dating app that doesn't use profile pics, which is a major advantage for someone like Pig Shocker.
Delete“If you want this yoga bear illustration send a DM!”
ReplyDeleteJenna’s scrapping the bottom of the “bear-el” with her overdue mortgage payment panic attacks.
She posted that tacky bear drawing and tagged a large network of online bear webcam viewers, hoping to shave off a few followers.
ReplyDeleteSurprised she didn't write: "This scrappy LESBIAN who lives alone on the mountain, cannot end HER day without watching Bearcam. And for anyone who wants to make MY little life safer than an upriver salmon, venmo me: fake_farmer_in_need"
And she drew the fish with dead X eyes. How uplifting. Yeah, I think I'll buy it and hang it on the wall across from my toilet, you know, for inspiration. And to think she wants $150 for that.
DeleteWow. The photo she posted of her piglets shows her barn wall is COMPLETELY ROTTED OUT at the bottom. She truly is a VerYork disaster zone. She inspired me to write this tune, sung to Old MacDonald Had a Farm.
ReplyDeleteFakey Farmer has a barn
Ee i ee i oh!
And Damn, that barn is falling down,
Ee i ee i oh!
With a roof caved in,
And the base gone away
It's obvious she'd rather play
When the bank repossesses,
They'll have to pay
Fakey Farmer ruined her barn
Ee i ee i oh!
PDD. I like your poem. That’s another good one. Her hovel looks like shit. She’s lying about how “it’s never been better.” We’ve driven by recently while visiting Cambridge. No cunt, we didn’t take pics. We already have a huge stash for our records against you.
DeleteLols. Do you have a link to this photo? I didn't see it.
DeleteAlso, aren't there laws to protect animals from being housed in crappy sub-par structures? Cuz in addition to the rotted out wood, the roof of that barn has looked to be on the verge of collapse for years. Does the county do inspections? And would that dilapidated barn pass inspection? I feel bad for the animals she keeps in there.
I think she deleted the public photo, but as some things shouldn't be forgotten, a link to the image was posted on Reddit.
“Same car is slowly driving by my home again, silver Nissan, stopping to take pictures. I don't know if it's someone from the bank because I'm behind or a troll, but it makes me feel so damn sick inside.“
ReplyDeleteJenna- if you are really worried about this ( and you aren’t looking for sympathy money)
1. Call the cops- at least report what is happening/ frequency / make/ model and partial license plate.
2. Call your bank and ask if they drive by if someone is behind in the mortgage. I’ve never been in your situation ( since I live a boring employed, direct deposit, folding money lifestyle) but it’s hard for me to believe that the bank has time/ manpower to send someone out to drive by your house again and again.
Jenna wants followers to feel sorry for her fear, and then send her mortgage money. She’s already gotten responses from stupid, younger women who are ignorant and gullible about her predatory patterns. It’s predictable once you see them.
DeleteThe “scrappy little lesbian” also has a neighbor who is a sheriff. She’s mentioned him before. And could turn to him for help here. But rather than keep quiet on Twitter, and handle it like a normal adult, Jenna would rather whine. If this scenario even exists. I believe that it’s all a lie to get mortgage money.
DeleteHang on, is this the same person who photographed AND PUBLISHED photos of other people's homes (taken from the street), their pets (taken surreptitiously) and telling readers when certain homes were abandoned???
DeleteTaken taken.
Tsk tsk.
DeleteOn a serious note, if she genuinely believes someone is targeting her home for nefarious purposes (not driving by, confused that a broken-down home from Appalachia exists in trendy Washington County, NY), she should report it to the local police.
DeleteThat's some 💩 💩.
However, last time I checked, being on a public street is legal and people can even take photographs of others' homes. Ask FF - she's done it plenty of times.
I think she is using the plot of a car driving by to scare up some mortgage money. Period. She used it before, must have produced some pity cash for her ( woe is me, I’m so behind on my mortgage) tat she is running the scam again.
DeleteEdit that* not tat
DeleteAgreed. There is NO REASON to tell her internet foollowers about this. Cuz none of them are going to drive over and help protect her. She's only doing this to gain sympathy and pity donations. Also, why does it matter that it was a silver Nissan? It doesn't. She's just adding extra details to make her fake story sound believable.
DeleteAnd her "makes me feel so damn sick inside" comment -- she feels sick due to her own ineptitude? Seriously?!? THEN GET A FUCKING JOB ALREADY! I could understand if she was disabled and unable to work, but according to her, she runs 5Ks and smashes mountains...but she can't work a real job to support herself? Lazy lazy liar.
Liars always give themselves away by embellishing with too many details, like the car’s color and kind. Jenna is a master manipulator for free funds.
DeleteRe: the car, I’m surprised no one pointed out that she’s posting about this scary lurker just after someone here posted about driving by her place. She very obviously reads here constantly.
DeleteThis is the third “one last time” she’s retweeting sales. Please STAHP!
ReplyDeleteMaybe she meant one last time for that day, lol. Either way, it only goes to show how utterly desperate she is. I'll bet she received not one penny on her bday. Good.
DeleteI was about to say the same thing. So sick of her pathetic and tacky a) retweeting herself and b) promising it’s the last time and then retweeting it two more times so far. C) begging for birthday money to begin with, but begging for birthday money at 40 and a week after her birthday.
ReplyDeleteHas she no tact?
I will never forget that she used her birthday to beg for money. And Pepperidge Farms won't forget either.
DeleteHere's what I don't understand about these supposed CSA cancellations: aren't they paid for up front? You know she isn't doing refunds.
ReplyDeleteShe sells these shares 100% cash up front. So is she saying she refunded these people when her mortgage is supposedly behind? Or is she saying she is reselling these pork shares for full price essentially not refunding the original buyer AND selling them again for full price.
I'm not sure that's even legal?
And I wonder if she even offered these fake shares to the people who bought 2023 shares?
I think this share cancellation thing is total crap and age just has extra pork in her freezer she's going to sell. Whoever gets that share should carefully check the labels. Betcha the meat is already freezer burned.
Jenna never refunds anyone’s money, once it’s in her greedy, meaty man hands. She wants funds up front for livestock that hasn’t been born yet. It’s a complete and total scam. Nothing she does is “legal.”
DeleteThen she’ll lie about needing more money for future butchering, because she’s already spent the funds which were allocated for it.
DeleteShe’s done the same scam years ago with wool shares. Buyers paid up front for shares which weren’t received.
DeleteThe whole thing with the extra half share smells of a scam any way you look at it.
DeleteAnon 1:39 et al, this makes sense! At least once before she tried to sell double portions (eg, divide half share into three quarter shares) of an animal that was too old/large. Since she controls portioning out, she could theoretically "short" each share to create more shares. A casual buyer would never pick up on such a discrepancy.
What I don't get is why she uses the internet to push her Spam sales when she offers local pick-up only. Wouldn't it make more sense to post ads in local newspapers or put up notices at grocery store bulletin boards?
DeleteMy opinion:
Delete1. By keeping "some" farm animals around, she continues pretense of being a farmer, and this attracts followers and donations/pity buys.
2. By selling to non-local people, there's a greater chance a buyer won't be able to pick up their order. They may say "donate the meat", in which case she'll likely keep it for herself or re-sell.
3. That she has to post to the external community suggests how bad her reputation must be locally. Here, CSA meat purchases are word-of-mouth and meat is all purchased by locals, from locals.
PDD. Exactly. Speaking from my personal experience, of once living in Cambridge, she has a really rotten reputation in her area. The pet props are a “pretense.” Clearly, locals don’t want to deal with Jenna, because they’ve been burned by her before in bad business practices.
DeleteShe frittered several days away
ReplyDeleteWithout regret
No mortgage paid
A car slowed down on a public street
How dare they peek
At her rural retreat
She's quite behind with client work
Cause once she's paid, most jobs she shirks
Its not a shock she again needs money
She's looking for that sugar honey
If you believe her tales of woe
Send her your cash - oh yeah, Venmo!
*clapping loudly here*
DeleteEvery single month she tells the internet she's broke,
but the smart ones all know she's a lying lazy joke.
Get a job Jenna!
Her stupid little defiant “What the hell,” before a begging bombardment, is like a finger flip at followers. What she’s really saying is “I don’t care if you’re sick of my scamming. I’m going to do it anyway.” Even though Jenna’s finally 40, her bratty behavior reminds me of a stubborn teenage twat.
ReplyDeleteIn the meantime, her feed is littered with images of Taylor "Not Gay" Swift. Fake Farmer has been busy, busy again.
DeletePlease send money, because doing so little doesn't pay for the herb.
It’s time for Tuesday Trauma
ReplyDeleteand Jenna’s gonna lie.
Fleecing funds from followers
at least, the cunt will try.
ReplyDelete“ Would you like this brown bear doing yoga with a salmon?! Inspired by the annual Salmon Run Live Stream I stretch to every night! You can have it shipped anywhere in the world for $41. Because that's exactly what my 100lbs of chicken and pig feed will cost me today! Get some art!”
Yesterday: no reasonable offer denied.
Guess she received no offers.
I applaud her for trying something different but bears doing yoga with salmon on their nose seems to be a very niche thing for people to Purchase. $41? Sorry you need animal feed but I have pets and I’m going to use the $41 towards food and such for them. $41 that I made at my J-O-B.
I think she is really hoping this new lesbian farm tale she’s writing is going to solve all her problems... there is no other reason that a 40 year old thinks it’s ok to not have the money for BASIC things month after month when they refuse to get a job.
Her desperation is pathetic. It’s no wonder why she’s still single, and will probably never be partnered. Jenna is coming across as crazy, and removed from reality lately.
DeleteI'll tell her this for free:
ReplyDeleteLAF FF should use the website created by Shannon to post multiple drawings for sale. She can use one or more popular drawings, digitize, ink individually if desired and number/sign before shipping. And maybe, instead of binge posting Taylor "Not Gay" Swift photos, she could use her time to build up an image gallery of popular /appealing images. A bear stretching for a salmon is cute; as Anon7 said, a contorted bear holding a dead salmon isn't.
And since she reads CAST, here's another hint I’ll tell her for free. Use the most popular drawings and sell the sh#$ out of them online...where impulse buys are rewarded by immediate purchases and money added to the bank.
Remarkably, FF seems totally incapable of making sound business decisions , doesn't work smart and must fill in gaps with lies and begging. JFC, it could be much easier for her to earn money with better payback.
Jenna is still stuck on being stupid and stubborn. She refuses to change her “dumb little life,” even though her faux farm has never been solvent in over a decade. By her own admission.
DeleteYep. Artists don't make a living by selling the originals for $50. They sell 1000 prints for $50 and build up a whole shop of prints over decades.
DeleteMy wife designed some cards 10 years ago, a set of five. One out of the five sold out multiple times. She didn't reproduce the others and just keeps adding to the collection.
Agree!⬆️ That wolf carrying a lantern would make a cute set of holiday cards since she did the art once, she can mass produce sets of cards. But she chooses to just keep flailing around.
ReplyDeleteAt least the June payment is made 🥴
💯 on the wolf carrying the lantern. Also, during Pride month the rooster (cock) was popular. Why is it so hard for her to monetize the images people like?
DeleteShe made her money with chicken how-to books. She could make Disney-esque drawings of chicken/chickens, with personalized titles: Bonnie's Belles, Fiona's femnes, Lance's ladies, etc - small drawings people could hang at farm/home. She could draw chickens with Halloween or Christmas hats for holiday cards. Hell, she could Twitter survey to see what people want.
Her incompetence is mind boggling, and you know Shan#$%@ must have repeatedly tried to talk some sense into her.
I’ll tell her this much for free. Instead of trying to twist people’s arms into making pity purchases, she should just get a job. Steady, guaranteed income with direct deposit. Stop trying to guilt people into buying stuff they don’t want.
ReplyDeleteShe wants “poodle” people to make pity purchases, so that poor, “broken” Jenna can have a home that she doesn’t deserve.
DeleteMaybe Jenna should watch the news or read the paper. Inflation is sky high and people are hurting. The only one responsible for feeding her animals is her. And if she can’t afford that, she should rehome the animals.
DeleteThe filthy feral farmer needs her pet props for photo ops. It’s her proof of being authentic.
Delete“Made the June mortgage today. entirely broke now but it's a great broken because every single time I'm able to cover another house payment I feel like Wonder Woman. Thank you, so much, to everyone watching this writer keep this farm while working on this beast of a book!!!!”
ReplyDeleteYou can fuck all the way off, Jenna. Bragging about making another overdue mortgage payment like it’s an admirable accomplishment, instead of an awful admission that you’re a fucking failure as an adult. “Entirely” is capitalized, cretin. You’re a “broken” Blunder Woman not Wonder. “This writer” won’t sell a new book. You’re delusional. Your rotten reputation will follow you. The internet never forgets, and neither will we. And “this farm” is a hobby homestead at best, “Beast.”
She deliberately mentions being “broken” to set the stage for more manipulative marketing. Everything the Cambridge Queen of Con does is cold and calculated to get free funds from followers.
DeleteJenna’s paid her mortgage
ReplyDeleteit was way overdue.
Thinks she’ll sell a new book
though that career is through.
Wouldn't getting a job just be easier that frantically begging each and every day???
ReplyDeleteIt would be for a normal adult. But Jenna has a defective character, substance abuse addictions, and also mental illness. She also sees no need to change due to her dumb enablers.
Delete“My sexuality is evermore on cassette”
ReplyDeleteNo one cares, cunt. Jenna has told Twitter what her “sexuality is” multiple times. She acts as if she’s 15 not 40.
It’s Wednesday Whining now
ReplyDeletethe butch bitch is feelin’ “broke.”
July’s mortgage will be late
Jenna’s life a fucking joke.
Another variation:
DeleteJenna’s paid her mortgage late
and now she’s feelin’ “broke.”
But instead of working harder
she’ll just drink and take a toke.
For years, the begging/scamming/who knows what else has paid the bills and then some, so I don't ever see that coming to an end. However, I find it so odd that she actively chooses this begging/scamming lifestyle over having meaningful relationships with a partner, friends and family. How is that worth it?
ReplyDeleteIt’s only “worth it” when you’re a lying, lazy loser like Jenna. She’d rather whine than work.
DeleteI don't think she's really capable of a healthy relationship, due to mental health reasons. I don't think it's as simple as if she just sobered up and behaved differently, there's a driver here. Of course it's better to have real friends and healthy relationships than begging for money and perpetuating drama on the internet. If she could actually sustain friendships and romantic relationships, she would. I think she can't because her brain is different. It's really typical of people on the neurodivergent spectrum to not be able to maintain normal human relationships because their brain lacks the wiring necessary to make that happen.
DeleteShe makes it worse through her perpetual helplessness and using people for free labour while reciprocating nothing near the value contributed - a carton of eggs. A meal. We would never hear about the times those friends asked her for help and she had some excuse not to do it. You know that's happened and that's why she burns people out.
Her drama would burn people out too.
So yeah. Jenna can't maintain friendships or relationships unless she has someone like Patty who's willing to compensate for Jenna's shortcomings.
It is possible she might find someone willing to compensate in a romantic relationship, but it's a lot harder to live with in a partnership.
So that's my two cents. It's not worth it, but she's not capable of maintaining real relationships anyway, so from her point of view, may as well get what you can from people, while you can. They're all on their way out anyway. It's a similar to how she handles money when she does have it.
She'd need to 1) actually want to change which she won't because shes SO DAMN HAPPY she claims 2) seek diagnosis which has all sorts of expense and obstacles 3) seek medical treatment which has more obstacles and finally 4) seek an ADHD coach or specialized therapist to help her build better life skills and change old damaging behaviour.
She's got no family or partner to help her with any of that, and no motivation to even wonder if maybe she's her own problem.
Funny how Becca is now her “best friend.” Perhaps, Pember Patty finally ditched fat ass, the same way that Shannon did.
ReplyDeleteNo doubt FF bugs PP when she needs or wants something. It seems PP can't say "no" and may be secretly pleased someone 25 years younger hangs with her. I also think there's a shared history, because FF knew PP when PP took that "early retirement" under a cloud of financial mismanagement.
Delete“Pet portraits are BOGO! Get one for yourself, mail one to a friend! Shipping is free anywhere in the world! Sales of these are what build back up my bank account as I save towards the July bills! Send a DM & support a small farm!
ReplyDeleteCanvas paintings available for commissions too!”
No one cares about your “bank account” and “bills,” cunt. We have our own concerns. Which most of us handle without whining and begging.
You’re 40, fat, and a fucking failure at life. Each and every month it’s the same sad song about being behind on your adult responsibilities.
“Nothing sets my anxiety into a tailspin like people asking me to do something last-minute or impromptu plans. And declining them makes me feel difficult and anti-social but I am difficult and anti social so lets all move on.”
ReplyDeleteFor once, we agree with Jenna. She’s “difficult and anti-social.” Which is why she’s still single, and will probably never be partnered. It also explains her employment challenges, because she refuses to cooperate. Everything has to be on her conditions.
I still say that she was fired from her job at Orvis. I never bought that bull about quitting her career so young.
Delete“I post pics of pizza or cookies or bread and sometimes people ask for a recipe. Mary, I have never once had the patience to follow a recipe. This food is made up. It took hours of avoiding being told what to do to get it right and I never wrote it down out of spite.”
ReplyDeleteWho’s Mary, moron? You’re not a practicing Catholic. Jenna is telling a lot of truth today about her “difficult,” “anti-social,” “spiteful” self. What a “Wonder Woman.” Not. Her putrid pan pizza looks like puke. No one is “asking her for recipes.” Unless they were blind.
Jenna has zero redeeming qualities. She’s repellent on every level. Only someone who has no self-esteem would fall for her life of lies.
DeleteI’m sure that Shannon moved in too fast because of Covid concerns. That same scenario wouldn’t happen to Jenna now. And SD ended their relationship, once she realized who JW really was.
DeleteYou may remember Jenna electroshocked pigs by pouring extra water near the charger "just for spite". Their squeals of pain made her smile.
DeleteWTH is wrong with her?
"I have never once had the patience to follow a recipe. (...) It took hours of avoiding being told what to do to get it right and I never wrote it down out of spite."
DeleteThis is untreated mental illness. Never had the patience to follow a recipe - that's executive dysfunction, which we see all the time in her content. She will take 10x as long to do things the half-ass stupid way rather than decipher directions or a recipe because she *can't*.
And instead of getting help or admitting she's falling short, she holds it up like a personality trait to be proud of.
“I think all of my friends know they are welcome to show up at 3AM if they need me, I'll be up with tea and ready to help them in any situation. But they know not to show up just to say hello unannounced!”
ReplyDeleteRight. “Sure, Jen.” Like Jenna has anyone whom she doesn’t use.
Maybe if her “friends” had an emergency and scary “situation,” then they wouldn’t be able to call ahead. Like Jenna’s lazy life is SO busy and bustling, that people in the Cambridge area can’t call “unannounced!” Her standoffish attitude is at odds with how most locals act, and we wonder what she’s hiding to require advance notice.
DeleteI had an insight. I think that this paranoia is part of her substance abuse addictions with drinking alcohol and smoking weed. It’s like the weird way that Jenna overreacts when people drive by her place on a public road. So she doesn’t want supposed “friends” to casually come over for the same reason.
Delete“Hey everyone! Please take this opportunity to tell my congress lady what you think about her!
It looks like “Woke Wog” is virtue-signaling again. Her stupid tweet got only one lone “like.”
“500 words before coffee. This is just mean. #amwriting”
ReplyDeleteNo one cares, cunt. Your writing is rotten, and you’ll never sell a new book. Birchthorn bombed because it was bad. Even after you begged for $15,000 on your Kickstarter campaign. And blew it right away. Only to whine and beg again for more free funds.
If her “new” book writing is at all comparable to how she writes daily on Twitter, bi-monthly on her irrelevant blog, and any of her last books, then, no, nobody wants to pay for and read this BS.
DeleteThis made me laugh.
“ This farm had a CSA cancelation and so now has 2 1/4 shares or a full half share of a pig available for meat pickup this Winter! Get your freezer stocked with good meat and support a queer single farmer!”
The other day:
“Hey hey! One half pig share is available now since the original owner is moving - if you want 50lbs+ of pork ready for pickup this winter - send a DM!”
I’ll tell you this much for free- 2-1/4 shares and 1-1/2 share are the same thing Jenna!
Good thing those trees didn’t hit your house or hurt your animals Jenna ( I mean it!). Maybe take this as a sign that shit happens and that even a scrappy queer fauxmer needs more than an empty bank account to survive and provide for their needs!
I’ll tell YOU this much for free. Jenna lost 5 trees and some horse fencing from a storm but still managed to make sure she posted about it on social media ( both Twitter and IG). She is a marvel! Folding money anyone??? Folding money??
ReplyDeleteOh, Paaattttttyyyyy!!!
DeleteFree firewood, Jenna. There ya go!
DeleteNotice how the bottom half of the closest trees are missing bark? At least some of those trees look like the ones her pigs girdled, so the trees were mostly dead anyway.
DeleteShe's lucky nothing was injured.
I noticed that as well but it’s not as dramatic to say some dead trees fell 😂😂😂
DeleteIt’s amazing how fast she was able to deal with the horse fence and get right back to Stupid TS posts!!
DeleteElectric fence wire is usually thinner than package string. We have some that is thick, but the principle is the same. To repair: cut, pull it over fallen tree and splice together. An easy 20-minute job for a functioning adult.
Month after month, year after year
ReplyDeleteNothing changes, that much is clear
She'd rather buy trinkets, than fix up the farm
She won't get a job, and lives like blob
If doing nothing is attractive to you, then get out your checkbook
And send her a few
Now she wants to get enough begging done to pay July mortgage in one week. But then what, doesn’t she realize august is due also in one week??
ReplyDeleteOh and she is looking for a “lady roommate” to split bills with.
Morning begging cranking right up after a week of retweeting TS content like a juvenile.
Oh and she has a DM coming on that last quarter share of pig. Who falls for her shit, I just can’t wrap my head around it.
I hope the "lady roomate" realizes she will be paying all the bills and doing all the work. Like Shannon did.
ReplyDeleteI feel bad that Jenna had to compromise her principles ( remember she wasn’t going to speak to men for the month of July over the abortion ruling) and have some MEN come and cut wood for her. She says she has firewood so we better not hear a peep.. I mean beg for that anytime soon!!
ReplyDeleteSo she can blabber away on her iPhone with the power out and update Twitter and retweet dumb shit, but she “can’t get to folks waiting for updates” until her power is back on, the scammer.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, making people “wait on updates” is never good business, you should be proactive on that without asking your customers to wait. Second of all, waiting on updates on something as quick and simple as what she does graphically, is completely stupid and whoever buys that BS, deserves the crappy work that’s (eventually) coming to them.
Is anyone surprised the upstate NY power outage map doesn't show any power outages for Cambridge- Jackson, NY?
Bahahaha. Of course it doesn’t. Of course it doesn’t. I’m not even shocked.
DeleteAlso, I came here to respond to Jen’s latest tweet, since we know she will be refreshing this page soon:
You are not an effing farmer.
Is she using that power outage excuse again? Since she has been begging so hard for “sales” lately and claiming no takers, there is no way she should have a backlog. As usual, nothing adds up.
ReplyDelete"Not because I would buy a ball object (regardless of surname) but because people are happy to drop $170 on an eroded tree stump while people lose their houses."
ReplyDeleteThe hypocrisy is astounding. How much does she spend in a year on Taylor Swift merchandise? Probably more than $170.
Great minds- just coming to reply to this!
DeleteBut Jenna, you expect people to buy your products... while people are losing their houses. Interesting.
And she expects people to drop $$$ on her junk or even for nothing while people lose their houses.
DeleteCame here to say the same and agree with the two comments above-as per usual, she is shading people selling expensive discretionary stuff, at the same time as she puts her hand out and begs just the same, pushing her crap which to many is discretionary stuff.
DeleteWell imagine that. She went from flat broke a couple days before, to already halfway to the July mortgage today. But also, she is begging for hay and firewood, and didn’t she just get a bunch of firewood cut by males with chainsaws?
ReplyDeletemy first thought when I saw the guy with a chain saw. She has now set her twitter account you can only see it for a few seconds then you have to sign in. She hardly puts anything on there now anyway. Goes days without posting. I am not on twitter just checked in to see her crazy talk but not now. I bet she will now be all caught up like a big girl for a few months then back to begging again. After all she won't be able to use this wood for a good year so it will dry out. What a poser.
DeleteI wonder if that’s a Twitter setting for those without accounts-I’m the same way. But on an iPad I can scroll down past the sign in wall and read old content, can’t on my phone.
DeleteOKay so the person who told me last Tuesday they would pay me last Friday for a 1/4 share has ghosted me so I assume that's a decline of the share. Anyone want this last CSA spot for 2022?! Send a DM! Can also be gifted to someone local - I'm 3(ish) hours from Boston and NYC!
ReplyDeleteAmazing how this stuff happens so frequently!!!
I call BS on that. It’s either old repackaged pork or shorting existing shares, if those even exist. I can’t believe anything she says anymore.
DeleteWow! Imagine someone not coming through by a deadline. I wonder who else promises someone things by a certain date and then ghosts them? Any clues, Jenna???
DeleteHow the hell old is that pork? Her pigs were butchered in December, 2021, so they've been in the freezer since then - 8 months now. Plus, she claimed that her power went out at least once during that time.
I think this is for pork for this winter (Dec.?) you pay now and then you have a good 5 months to pray that you get the pork. See how that works? It is called Jenna math.
DeleteSo she's double-selling the quarter pork-share that was previously purchased / paid?? And we believe piglets she purchased this spring/summer will be ready to distribute this year?
DeletePerhaps Shan$%# finally got Pig Shocker to understand she must actively manage (feed) pigs for pigs to gain weight in allotted time.
CAF math has me confused.
HOLY CRAPAMOLE...the Pig Shocker's barn is failing epically! Up above, PDD posted:
ReplyDelete"Wow. The photo she posted of her piglets shows her barn wall is COMPLETELY ROTTED OUT at the bottom."
I can't believe what I am seeing in that pic, as there is 2+ feet of missing wood all the way across the side. How is that barn even standing? And in cold weather how do the animals stay warm? She hasn't even bothered to patch it.
As for how it happened, it looks to me that this was the side of the barn where she had that famous 3-4 foot pile of rotten shit 'n piss hay that the goats had to stand on, yes? So the putrid moisture from that is what rotted the wood away? Also notice that the bottom half of the door that used to be there is completely gone.
What it fucking hell, Jenna? Is that seriously how you take care of your farm animals?!?
(Thanks to PDD for posting that, and special thanks to (WIW I think?) for running the Cold Antler Critics subreddit and documenting this.)
Twitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete"My girl riding shotgun" (alongside a pic of a box of ice cream on the passenger seat)
Dunno about anyone else but if I was a broke-ass beggar who could stand to lose 100 lbs, I sure wouldn't be wasting precious mortgage money on a luxury like that. And if Jenna Woginrich was an ice cream flavor she'd be Scamilla Pudge.
She really has a thing about direct deposit. I get that it is different having a steady (for now) income versus being free-lance (for the purposes of this comment we accept without question that she truly does not have a secret steady income), but does a *trapper* really have a steady income compared to a hunter/gatherer? I think there's a better analogy, and I think it's based on the fact that agriculture caused humans to settle down in one place. I think people who have direct deposit are actually *farmers* of money.
ReplyDeleteI don’t understand her obsession with it, but also she has admitted time and time again to having a bank account. All the payment services via which she mooches donations do what? DIRECT DEPOSIT those to her bank account. She needs to stfu about direct deposit already.
DeleteSo apparently, the "hunter/gatherer" is completely okay with gathering from "trappers"
DeleteThe sleeping giant does not realize that sometimes there isn't a choice with a real job that supports a real family and the critters that are here and loved. Dumb ass.
Someone (on her last again retweet of her tweet about all of a sudden having yet another quarter share of pig available ) is saying that they would contribute if a group buys the share for a food pantry. I’m not on Twitter but if any of you are, please tell that person that food pantries-at least I guarantee you about ones in my state-do not accept that type of donation of meat that is not coming straight from a licensed processor.
ReplyDeleteDrugged thoughts from Pig Shocker:
ReplyDelete"I've had this thought high, so I was hesitant to share it, but:
When we wake our beloved dogs from a dream and they look in our eyes - do they understand the two different realities of dream vs waking life..."
She’s high alright.
DeleteJenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
Thought I’d post an update that I’m 3/5 of the way there! Thank you all who have bought pork, lamb, soaps, art or contributed in any way!!
More weird Jenna math. Amazing how she’s managed to gather all this moula in just a few days to make her Ju-ly mortgage.