Happy July!

I can hardly believe she had an extension cord.  She's been a farmer for how many years and apparently doesn't own a hose.
She is a failure.
I've never seen someone so excited to tell family, friends, "haters", and the general public what a failure she is.  And in so many categories.  I mean…nobody can succeed in everything, but she fails at EVERYTHING.  Career, relationships, money, health, happiness.  She can say whatever she wants, trying to convince everyone but she Knows.  Obviously.  Take another drink Jenna.


  1. “Post-chore coffee by the stream around 8am today.”

    Her fat ass is weighing the hammock down. Jenna tries to portray her hobby homestead as happy, but it looks like her hovel is falling apart. Just like its odious owner. (We’ve driven by recently, so are speaking from experience.

    1. Edit: experience.)

    2. Whatever happened to her living room floors that were warped by water damage? She mentioned it once and is now radio silent on the matter, probably cuz no one gave her any money. She does this often -- manufactures a disaster and if she doesn't get the re$ponse she wants it's onto the next fake problem.

    3. Anon7. Exactly. Her stupid patterns are predictable once you see them. She rotates her fake crises regularly. But it takes newbies awhile to understand her shit-show.

    4. HD. Toxic troller alert again above. It looks like “Big Mama” the moron is back trying to attack commenters. Someone needs to double-down on their psych meds.

    5. Funny, how that one crude commenter never addresses Jenna’s real issues like animal abusing, begging, scamming, and pathological lying. Like most of the regulars here do. They try to create chaos by singling out appearance attributes that we’ve described as just being how some of us see her.

    6. Certainly It's the fat ass herself. She's just pissed because I (we) called her a failure. That hits a particular nerve with her. I've noticed it before. Haha.
      Who else would it be anyway. Crude, crass, no class, is on this blog more than her own.

    7. HD. I appreciate your prompt response and removal, thanks. I’ve noticed a pattern with those kinds of comments, too. And they coincide with calling the filthy feral farmer a failure. I agree that either Jenna or her stupid sycophantic supporters are leaving them. “Crude, crass, no class” succinctly sums her up.

    8. This might sound weird, but we’ve wondered if Whack might be back making the cruder comments. She seemed a little unhinged at times. And she was very upset when people here called her out for crap.

  2. HD. That was well-put. We agree with what you wrote. Jenna’s failed at everything that’s important in life. Even her books were basically compiled from old blog posts. Just like her new one will be. But she’ll never sell it to a reputable publisher again. At almost age 40, decades of crap has caught up with her. She’s not exempt from paying the price for her animal abusing, begging, scamming, and also being a pathological liar.

    1. She wrote in her latest dumb dispatch “I’ll be okay.” That’s funny coming from someone who’s behind each and every month in making mortgage payments on time. So she’s claimed. But hasn’t ever mentioned the late fees which would’ve accrued by now. Or talked about paying taxes.

  3. Here’s another pertinent point. Jenna couldn’t have afforded her home without help, and that was over a decade ago. It’d be impossible for her to purchase that property now in her area. She’s even admitted that it was luck, timing, and assistance from others. So she can’t take complete credit on her own.

    1. Darned right. She begged for down payment money. And she has been begging ever since.

    2. Anonymous 12:58. Begging has become a way of life for the loser “scrappy little lesbian.”

    3. Still can't believe she asked her readers for financial aid. Who does that?!? She said something like, "I don't have the full amount, but that's where YOU come in." And she repeated that same line when she bought that first dump of a truck.

    4. Anon7. She’s always been shameless, and also lacks a conscience. Jenna is used to having handouts, so she continues her begging behavior almost daily.

  4. “About to make a sandwich out of my neighbor's sourdough toast (trade for a doz eggs), my farm's chicken breast and bacon, fresh greens from the garden and a spicy mayo and I am very, very excited.”

    Jenna does nothing that’s interesting. Her stupid tweets are very boring. Go feed your fake fat face. While those of us who can have real holiday plans.

    1. It’s pathetic that she has so little meaning in her “dumb little life,” that Jenna feels forced to tweet about stupid sandwiches. LOL!!!

    2. It’s all part of her “Aw, shucks. I’m just a simple country gal” persona that’s fake.

    3. Liars always give it away by telling too many details that don’t matter. Like the stupid details of her sandwich and also its ingredients. She does the same thing with her fake crises. Yet never posts pics as proof.

  5. “Hey hey! still offering this sale, get ahead on some holiday gifts and be my sale today! It's what keeps the farm keeping!”

    The lying, lazy loser is begging even on a holiday weekend. This is a manipulative marketing maneuver again since her crap is always on sale. So there aren’t any great deals to be had by buying from her. “Hey, hey!” GFY, Jenna.

    1. I cannot imagine the pure hell it must be to wake up each and every morning knowing that your very survival depends on the kindness of internet strangers. And then having to spend a good part of your day begging, re-tweeting, and having to think up fresh disasters for sympathy.

      All of that effort...DAILY. How is she not mentally exhausted?

    2. Anon7. It would be a nightmare for most of us. Sociopaths like Jenna don’t have normal thought processes. And over a decade of drinking and smoking weed have adversely affected her cognitive abilities.

  6. If, by some chance in hell, she does get another book published, do you think she'll write extensively about her money problems like she does on Twitter? It would be strange if she does, because on Twitter you have a sort of live audience with Venmo/PayPal at their fingertips, so it pays off for her to mention how broke she is every day. But with a book, it's different as people are engaged in hearing a story told and don't have their wallets on hand.

    1. Nah, she’ll pretend that her “Live like fiction” fantasy “lie-style” is a success story.

    2. No reputable publisher wants someone who has a rotten reputation like Jenna. And isn’t even a decent writer.

  7. Either something is wrong with my browser, or Twitter took her page down. Can’t open it.

  8. Edited to say, I can see it now. It must have been on my end.

  9. Everyday is “Dependence Day” for someone who has to beg for sales or donations. Why can’t she see that?

    1. Anonymous 10:19. That was well-put. Jenna is completely dependent on her enablers, and sycophantic supporters for free funds. It’s hilarious when she brags about “shining in the apocalypse,” with a stupid skull as her butch background on Instagram. She cries during a crisis, and turns to people like Pember Patty to use.

  10. It’s Wednesday Whining, and time to begin begging again. The “scrappy little lesbian” was silent on the holiday. But we’re sure that she’ll be bitching about being behind on her June mortgage payment. Even though it’s already July. “Venmo, it means so much!!!”

    1. Actually, it’s Tuesday Trauma. I lost a day due to the 4th. But she’ll still be a beggar.

  11. Aaand just like clockwork here it is. She has retweeted her old begs. One like, one retweet.

    1. Of course. The lying, lazy loser is back to begging again. I’ve called it in a comment above.

  12. “I was jus upstairs changing the sheets on my bed when I heard all the chickens freak out. Looked out the front window and a fox tore up the road. Following right behind him, FRIDAY! She let herself out the side door for the chase!”

    No one cares, cunt. You can “jus” live your life without bragging about bullshit. I’ll bet that you “change your sheets” once a year. Due to “scary men” who “hot on” you at the “laundry mat.”

    1. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWJuly 5, 2022 at 5:19 PM

      Does she still live on the side of a mountain... in the middle of nowhere??


    2. PDD. And she still “Lives like fiction.”

  13. Are you still a lesbian? You haven’t mentioned it for a few days like it’s an amazing achievement.

  14. Is her stuff still on sale?

    1. LOL!!! It’s always on sale. It’s one of her most manipulative marketing maneuvers to pretend that it’s not.

  15. I LOL'd when I saw that selfie on her "turning 40" post. HOW OLD IS THAT SELFIE!? She's posting it like she took it recently and isn't it at LEAST a year or two old???

    1. Actually it's from June 1. Same elements as the selfie she posted to instagram on that date, just less nostril.

    2. She uses so many filters on her self-portraits that her face looks like a praying mantis.


    3. We saw Jenna recently at Cambridge Pride. She’s jowly and jiggly. Filters make her face appear somewhat sculpted and slimmer. But it’s all an illusion like her life of lies. I’d say “preying” mantis describes her behavior better.

  16. “If you were amab and want to live your life as a woman, take on the social roles of a woman, the burden of being a woman - I welcome you with open arms and can not understand why any thinking person would feel threatened by more strength in numbers and spirit.”

    The “scrappy little lesbian” is virtue-signaling again.

    1. Jenna acts as if she’s inclusive, but it’s all a bunch of bull.

  17. Why is she always complaining how hard it is to be a woman? A burden? She literally lives her life as she chooses, and poodles pay for it. I’m sure she’s taken money from men as well to pay her bills. I wonder if she’s talked to any men yet this July 😂😂😂??

    1. I thought the same thing about her stupid “burden” sentence.

    2. “The Beast,” her nasty nickname in high school, is being a “burden” by begging, and also refusing to support herself at almost age 40.

  18. A Legend in Her Own MindJuly 6, 2022 at 6:49 AM

    Poor scrappy Faux Farmer. How much she has changed from the woman who painstakingly posted THIS plea for a man:.)

    "...I can grow you breakfast and a sweater. I want to know a man who only says my name when he exhales.
    I want to play music with you. I want to brew homemade beer and wine in August and then get drunk with you... And if you're not 100% country, that's even better..."

    And now she won't even TALK to men?

    PDD (trying out a new name)

    1. PDD. I like your new name. I think that her hostility towards men is due to them rebuffing her amorous advances for years.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindJuly 6, 2022 at 9:27 AM

      Thanks, Anon.

      I posted her earlier plea because I find her position extremes fascinating. Clearly for years, she didn't "dislike" men; she wrote about them, fantasized about them and even posted multiple pleas for readers to hook her up.

      Men helped her, donated money and materials, time and effort.
      They repaired her vehicles & falling-down property and bailed her out of crises.

      So how on earth could she honestly go from changing her sexual preference (no biggie) and still liking men to her latest, which is actively disliking and denigrating half the population?? Her behavior reminds me of Incels who blame the other sex for their personal failures and unhappiness.

      Either she was dishonest then, she's being dishonest now or her cognitive process is worsening.


    3. PDD. I recall all of the crap that she wrote about men. Jenna has been lying for so long that she can’t keep track of what was once said. I also think that her drinking alcohol and smoking weed has hastened her obvious cognitive decline. It will only worsen as she ages.

  19. “Good morning from salad-crazy piglets”

    The big pig is talking about her “relatives.”

  20. “Friday is the last day I am offering discounts on logos! So please snag one soon! Every sale helps this farm catch up and sales are very much needed!”

    We’ll try to keep track this time. Jenna has made this crap claim before. It’s more of her manipulative marketing to put pressure on people to do pity purchases. When her lousy logos are almost always either on a discount or sale.

    1. Here’s another one of her huge lies. Her faux “farm” has never been “caught up” in over a decade, because the lying, lazy loser refuses to go and get a job to support herself like a normal adult. So why would it happen now? It’s a crock of crap. Again, Jenna deliberately uses distancing language like “this farm,” rather than admit her own need and greed for more “folding money.”

    2. “So please snag one soon!” Poor, desperate little Jenna and her hyperbolic bullshit. Trying to make it seem like her stuff is so desirable that everyone wants it. When the exact opposite is true. Her multiple exclamation points always shows her hysteria.

    3. Her stuff is always on sale.

    4. Anonymous 3:38. Exactly. Which was my point in the comment. Jenna is disingenuous, and a pathological liar. She’s making it sound like the sale is something special just for money mooching.

  21. When all else fails for followers, post the same stupid, pathetic pic of your fake hipster living room. Along with the disrespectful, decorated dead animal head on your weird wall. (Make sure that your yoga mat is also displayed, so that you can humble-brag about being fit and cool.) “I’m so unique and kooky!!!”

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindJuly 6, 2022 at 5:46 PM

      Look at ME
      Look AT me
      LOOK at me
      Look AT ME
      LOOK at ME
      LOOK AT ME

    2. She actually has two trophy heads on her wall. Probably found at her local dump. They’re symbolic of her arrogant attitude towards animals. “I put the laughter back in slaughter!” Only a sick sociopath would find that funny.

    3. Seriously, I’ve seen thrift stores that look better than her home. Jenna has no sense of style either in decor or dressing. She tries too hard with coming across as being cool. When she’s lacking in the ability to pull it off.

  22. It’s Thursday Thirsty. And time to tell everyone that you’re a lesbian again. Don’t forget to say that “sales are slow,” and that your “June mortgage still hasn’t been paid.” The same way that you’re behind each and every month for years, yet have never mentioned late fees which would’ve accrued by now. You could also fabricate a new crisis, like either needing more dental work done, or another extension cord that broke.

    1. Additionally: She should whine about work, and the “burden” of “being a woman.” Also add that you “live alone on the side of a mountain.” And that “this farm” needs “sales to survive.”

  23. “All this anti-lgbt education in schools is so depressing. Do you have any idea how much healthier & happier I would have been if at any time in my youth someone gave me permission not to be terrified of myself? Keeping kids scared doesn't make them straight. It makes them run.”

    Standing on her stupid, Sapphic soapbox to virtue-signal being a lesbian now. Yet she’s spent decades trying to get a man to marry her. And has repeatedly written about it on her blog.

    1. I honestly think that she is just desperate to get laid, like literally any and every incel out there. She’s a FemCel, and she has decided that ‘lesbian’ is the button that she needs to push to get the sex she wants. Super fucking gross behavior.

    2. Anonymous 7:14. I agree with what you wrote. When most men rebuffed her amorous advances for decades, then Jenna decided to try her “luck” with women. The problem is that she’s a repellent person to most normal people. So her sexual preference won’t really matter in terms of mutual attractions.

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindJuly 7, 2022 at 8:35 AM

      I agree with you. She spent years talking about how boys and men appealed to her, yet rebuffed her advances. In 2017, she wrote that she'd had a massive crush on a handsome boy at age 13, but that he, like others, saw nothing romantically appealing in her.

      She wrote: "When I was in Jr. High (that is what we called middle school in small-town America in the 1900's) I had a huge crush on a boy who seemed unattainable celebrity, even then. He was tan, fit, and had the kind of dreamy hair boys illustrated on the cover of Babysitters' Club books would envy. Friends of mine dated him and for that they were my heroes... We were friends the way chubby girls who read too much are friends with boys- which is to say more like golden retrievers then actual human women. I was the non-threatening, unsexualized, funny girl who was supposed to leave the room at parties so my more attractive friends could fool around. I wasn't a monster - but I was me..."

      One day, as she sat next to him, immensely attracted and pining for attention from him, he admitted to FF that she was called the Friendly Beast by boys at school.

      According to FF, "This was what his whole pack of boys called me. I swallowed air and smiled. But that was the first night I ever cried myself to sleep over how I looked.

      "Friendly Beast" has always been in the background, the label that explained why every unrequited romance didn't work out. Of course boys didn't want me - I wasn't even human. I was something else. All through my teens this was a part of me. (Later on I did find a boyfriend who was very sweet and put up with a lot of eagerness, but that was a long way from the 13-year-old in computer lab.)

      That nickname became my identity. I wish I could say it was some amazing Fuck You to teenage boys who called their girlfriend's bestie a beast - but it was more of an escape."

      Yep, she obviously has unresolved issues from teen-year rejections, especially because her older sister ticked all the boxes - a tall, blond, attractive cheerleader with plenty of male attention.

      If she hadn't abused animals and scammed people with false stories, one might even feel sorry for her - assuming, of course, her tale of teenage woe is even true.


    4. PDD. She’s now far from being “friendly.” Although the “beast” still describes her fat fridge figure. Her rotten writing is also stupid and stilted. It’s painful to plow through it. I believe that she wasn’t lying about being rejected, because she still is only by women at present.

  24. Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    If you want to make a BIG difference in a small life, consider purchasing a pet portrait today! With inflation, sales are scary slow, about half of what I used to make. Trying to make the June mortgage before the 15th to stay safe and sound. All sales help! Please RT!

    Ok can someone please explain to me how, after being chronically and forever at least a month behind in her mortgage, she thinks that paying LAST months mortgage by the last day THIS months mortgage is due, is a) going to keep her “safe and sound” and b) is anyone else’s business but hers.

    1. We have a similar mortgage. It is due during its month, but is considered late, with a penalty, if paid after the 15th of the following month. On occasion, because of a holiday or Sunday, the mortgage drop-dead date will fall on the 16th.

      As others have said, she never mentions late fees, which are mandatory for mortgage payments received after the 15th, so I personally believe she's lying or misrepresenting her mortgage situation.

      "Live like fiction" aka lying.


    2. Yup, I called it all again above. Her patterns are predictable. Jenna only wants to be “safe and sound” if the funds are free, and she doesn’t have to get off her fat ass to earn them. She’s insufferable.

  25. I am so sick and effing tired of hearing about her stupid mortgage. Every freaking month of every freaking year.

    1. We agree. Jenna rigidly refuses to go and get a job to support herself without being a beggar. She’s a lying, lazy loser. Which is why she’s still single, and will probably always be alone.

  26. “With inflation, sales are slow and I make only half of what I used to make”.

    Boo effin’ hoo. With inflation, people are scrambling to make ends meet and don’t have the disposable income for crap purchases or charity for someone who won’t get off their butt and work.

    She acts like she’s the only one inflation is affecting. Here’s a hint, Jenna. Get off your butt and get a job like everyone else.

    1. I knew that she’d mention “sales are slow” in my Thursday Thirsty comment above. It’s always all about Jenna, and her stupid self-entitlement. Meanwhile, with her whining, she has a home, horses, livestock, and two vehicles.

  27. Every time I visit this site, I pledge that I will either keep my comments kind, or not respond at all. But nothing burns me like hearing her beg, yet refusing to get a job. She insults people with "folding money", then begs incessently for them to send it to her.

    1. Exactly. She’s been begging for years, and is almost 40. Jenna doesn’t even care if she’s an callous cunt. All she wants is free funds from followers.

    2. Edit: a not an

  28. “Farming all year is worth it for the weekday dinners in July.”

    Jenna has never been a farmer. She’s a hobbyist homesteader at best.

    1. She’s a middle-aged moron who brags about growing a garden like that’s really being an authentic farmer, GFY, Jenna.

    2. How does she figure she “farms” all year?

    3. Anonymous 3:41. The only thing that she does “all year” is nonstop begging.

    4. Anonymous 3:14
      She spends all year farming her “poodles” for that sweet, sweet folding money.

  29. “The path, a short trail in this farm’s woods, my favorite daily walk.”

    It’s not “this farm,” cunt. You have a hovel.

  30. I’m a member of Al-Anon, a support group for families of alcoholics. One thing I’ve learned is they need to hit bottom or they will never learn to stand on their own feet. Stop giving them financial support and stop making excuses for them. I have a feeling her family has cut her off financially and her supporters need to do the same. They are doing her no favors by prolonging her dependence on them.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindJuly 8, 2022 at 5:17 AM

      There's a reason she uses Twitter for her desperate pleas- it's almost impossible for a casual reader to easily scroll back for long history. Only then, can her patterns, disconnects and outright fibs be spotted.

    2. Her sycophantic supporters are stupid. And many appear to be dumb and defective just like Jenna. Like I always say here, her whole life is lies.

    3. I wonder if her family has indeed cut her off. I get the sense that they are maybe the ones paying her mortgage. Melt and pour soap, crappy cartoons and plagiarized logos, which sales have dropped in half by her own admission, ain’t the ones paying it. She could also be on disability. That may be why she refuses to get a job. In my state, if you are receiving disability, you are capped to so many hours of “legitimate “ work. I think it’s 20 or 25-not enough to pay the bills. I am told people who receive it work sporadic cash jobs to make ends meet. That could be her living situation. But why lie about it, if it is?

    4. Anon 6:30. She definitely has another source of income. Whether it’s her parents or disability is anyone’s guess. But if it’s disability, then it could be the reason she refuses to get a job. However, no one is responsible for her expenses but her. If she can’t afford her house, she should move back in with her parents. Although if that’s the cases, maybe they ARE paying her bills!

  31. “Good morning from Cold Antler Farm. Friday’s on Fox Patrol, and the sunlight is gorgeous.”

    It’s Friday Freakout. Her begging will begin for “slow sales” soon.

  32. From Twitter:
    I had to cancel patreon support to a few friends and I am sorry. I can't swing it.

    Can you all hear me laughing? Laughing??!!!!!

    Jenna, if you CANNOT pay your bills, you can’t have patron memberships for your “friends”. This makes you look so freaking stupid. Like REALLY dumb. I think you meant it as a “poor me” for attention but I can’t believe you would admit on a public forum ( where you beg for money constantly to PAY YOUR bills) that you have patreon memberships. If anyone gives you a cent after that tweet they are stupid and you better keep them happy!!

    1. THIS. EXACTLY. Tone deaf.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindJuly 8, 2022 at 8:26 AM

      Her pathetic comment right above a photo of her hovel, showing pipe for smoking *I presume* her legal weed.

      Hey Poodles and "stoopid" sycophants, be sure to support her smoking habits!!!


    3. Back when she was accepting comments on her blog and was boasting about making patreon donations, one of her donors wrote that he had sent her money in response to (insert crisis...I can't remember which one). He objected to her asking for money for one thing, then spending it on something else. He also said that if he wanted to donate to a cause, he would do so of his own choosing. Naturally, she made a snarky response about how it was nobody's business how she spent her money. And once again, she cut off the hand that fed her.

    4. This is all about her obnoxious, humble-bragging and virtue-signaling what should be a private issue that no one needs to know. Except, for her “friends.” Frankly, I think that she’s lying again to appear pathetic. “Venmo, it means so much!!!”

    5. This level of brazen is beyond belief. Jenna has zero self-awareness about the bad optics of her stupid statement.

    6. This time Jenna has really revealed her disingenuous motives. The hidden implication behind her tweet was: “Look at poor little old me. Living alone on the side of a mountain. But I’m still supporting my friends on a double digit bank account, so you can do the same with your direct deposit folding money.”

    7. What the HELL?? You cry effing poor and broke for months and years on end, you pay your bills with pity handouts, yet YOU advertise that you use that begged for money to flex your own “philanthropy “?
      Can you get an effing grip? Are you absolutely tone deaf, entitled, pathetic, and deceitful? Oh wait, yes you are.

    8. I don't believe for a minute that she supported any Patreon accounts. I also don't believe that she donated $10 to BLM like she claimed to. Desperate people like her rarely donate to anyone.

      And I'll bet she swipes money out of the tip jar at Subway when their backs are turned.

  33. Well by all means, world, drop everything and “snag” the very, absolutely positively LAST discounted logo not for today, not for this week, not for this month, not for summer, or fall, but for the WHOLE freaking 2022. But wait, what’s not all! You probably get a 8 week wait as well, now who can beat THAT???

  34. “Took away freedom of choice from half the population. I hope that man never has a quiet nice meal the rest of his miserable, lying under oath, pathetic life.”

    Jenna, you’re a lying, lazy loser. I’ll paraphrase your stupid tweet. You also don’t deserve to have “a nice quiet meal for the rest of your miserable, pathetic life.” Due to over a decade of animal abusing, begging, and scamming innocent people who trusted you.

    1. The karma for shocking innocent little piggies should be choking on a piece of pork.

  35. I’m starting the countdown clock on when she renegs on that “last discount for 2022” BS

    1. Also note that she never lists her logo prices anymore so how would anyone even know if they are paying full price or a discounted price?

    2. I think that Jenna “adjusts” prices depending on how much “folding money” a “poodle” person appears to have. And we’re keeping track of her bullshit about “last discount for 2022.”

  36. Anyone else having a problem with their comments disappearing? It's happened twice now where I post a comment, and I can see it there, but then I post another one (to a different post) and that first comment goes bye-bye. (Not blaming HD here, just wondering if this is happening to anyone else...or perhaps it's a browser problem?)

    1. And another comment just disappeared but this time I copied it before hitting the publish button -- and will post it below.

    2. So I posted right here in this spot, and the comment disappears again. And then I posted it again, below, as a new comment and it disappeared once a again? Is there a character limit? It's not a long post at all.

    3. And it's gone again, despite re-posting it 4-5 more times. But all my other comments are still here. Weird.

      Anyway, I think I finally successfully posted it above -- about 5 posts up (in response to July 8 - 5:38am) a comment about Friday Fox Partrol/Friday Freakout. Sorry Anon, for hijacking your post, I just chose it randomly for a test.

    4. Nope. It's gone now too. Why this particular comment? I tried posting under Anonymous instead of Anon7. I tried posting it as one paragraph instead of 2-3 small ones. I thought maybe cuss words aren't allowed anymore, but I see other posts with them. And all I wrote anyway was the acronym for "Shut the fcuk up"

      So, lol, why does this post keep disappearing?!?

    5. Three more attempts and three more disappearances. It can't be a time thing cuz I waited about 20 mins before trying again. It can't be a post limit thing cuz it was my first post here tonite. (Err, yesterday now). It can't be her name cuz I tried writing Pig Shocker instead. It can't be Taylor Swift's name cuz I changed that to TS. And it is not cuss words. So some sort of formatting problem? I'm on desktop, not mobile BTW. Alright, I'm gonna try one more time and then I'm giving up.

    6. HD here…..I get comments emailed to me and I read everything there. I saw all your comments there. There are no restrictions that I know about for posts (names, cuss words, etc). I think there might be a character limit but that is huge. I have no idea what the problem is. Of course I have had problems posting for years but it comes up with some Google error for me. I still can’t post under my name from my Google account. So, I don't know….but I feel your pain.

  37. (1/4) Twitter Twaddle:

    "If you want to make a BIG difference in a small life, consider purchasing a pet portrait today!"

    1. (2/4)
      Jenna Woginrich: WHY do you lie like this? A pet portrait sale never makes a BIG difference for you. Yet you act as if *one* pet portrait is going to turn things around for you, when all it does is get you thru to the next month of your begging cycle.

    2. (3/4)
      All it does is go towards a mortgage that YOU alone should be paying. All it does is provide for wasteful luxuries like packets of weed, fancy beverages, streaming services, and Taylor Swift fan gear. And all it does is make you more dependent on strangers money to keep your sad little life afloat.

    3. (4/4)
      No amount of money you've received has ever made a BIG difference in your life...so STFU.

    4. I agree with what you wrote. That was well-put. No amount of money has ever made a lasting difference in her “sad little life,” because she blows it on crap purchases. Jenna Woginrich is a waste of space.

    5. Exactly. Her making her June mortgage within the grace period will make no difference to the farm. She will need to immediately start “earning up” for July ( I’m just a poodle with direct deposit folding money but my July mortgage is paid). She keeps saying it will keep her farm “safe and sound”. It’s not if you haven’t even made last month’s payment.

      Like many of you point out, very fuzzy math here. She has other bills monthly, how do those get paid?? She still is doing nothing different to change her circumstances.

  38. So success, finally, with the above post. Looks like breaking it up into 4 smaller posts allowed it to go thru? Can anyone see any reason that post wouldn't go thru as one post?

    1. I’ve had similar issues with comments disappearing for no obvious reasons. But your batch didn’t seem that long, so it must’ve been some sort of glitch.

    2. Hi Anon,
      I've had glitches too. For example, my Google ID isn't recognized and a post I wrote that had d%$n spelled out didn't post until I deleted the offending word.

      These may not be causative, however. I suspect if someone is posting at the same time, the system hiccups. Also, weirdly, this all started after system-wide Microsoft and Google updates so they may have a glitch in their software.


  39. Twitter: "Earning money has become so hard so spending it has only been on gas, groceries, bills and feed. No winter prep started yet."

    1. Boo, effen hoo. Go get a job like everyone else.

    2. Jenna is a lying, lazy loser. She’s a parasite.

  40. Well that’s a lie. According to her own admission she is a going to the movies, hiking away from the back yard, smoking weed, streaming, expensive belly yoga, TS merch. And until yesterday, if she is to be believed, on multiple patreons.

    1. She’s been spending money all summer so far. Jenna is delusional, and a pathological liar.

  41. Don’t worry, sale is extended for one more person lol

    1. I’ve also noted that above.

    2. Don’t worry, the sale is always on. Spoiler alert for newbies. She always finds just one more reason to “extend it”.

  42. “This has been such a quiet summer. Most days I try to earn some money and not leave the farm unless it’s for a run or on horseback. Earning money has become so hard so spending it has only been on gas, groceries, bills and feed. No winter prep started yet.”

    “That said I could be in a lot worse shape and am encouraged to keep working on this book. Wrote 40k words since winter, which isn’t nothing. And the farm looks better than ever, including last summer when I had a partner. Proud of that.”

    “I’ve been more anxious than ever but better equipped to deal with it than ever before. More yoga and meditation- a practice that’s been a lifesaver. Tomorrow I turn 40. It’ll be a quiet day at home, no fuss.”

    “I’m not a birthday person. The quiet day at home was my request to friends that offered to come celebrate, but I want to write and be quiet. But it is making me question a lot of things. I hope I can put it into words so all this is worth it.”

    “Hope you’re all enjoying a safe and lovely summer. I’ll still be promoting things I make to try and keep earning towards a house payment but otherwise quiet. Thank you to everyone who has supported this farm. 10 years self employed, keeping on.”

    1. “Sure, Jen.” What a crock of crap. I hope that you have an unhappy birthday, bitch. You don’t deserve a good one.

    2. We also wish that you’d “keep quiet” with your nonstop begging and whining.

    3. She’s mentioned “no winter prep yet” as paving the way for more manipulative marketing in a few months. It was deliberately done now, so that she can whine about wood later. Over a decade at her hobbyist homesteading, and she’s still acting like an ignorant newbie. Also, her “anxiety” is an asinine attempt to get followers to feel sorry for poor Jenna, and her fearful little life of lies.

    4. Right. She’s “not a birthday person,” but does a long thread about it. “Venmo, it means so much!!!”

    5. A Legend in Her Own MindJuly 9, 2022 at 8:07 AM

      Textbook manipulation. I hope her easily-duped followers are finally catching on.

      She's not a birthday person, but announces it on Twitter AHEAD OF TIME.

      She's makes a point to inform her readers that she's broke, so broke she can't start winter preparations.

      She laments her sad little life, at some length, and at the end she wistfully hopes everyone else has a safe and lovely summer.

      Now sit back and watch her collect donations and insipid comments, such as "Oh, no, poor lonely farmer, keep on trucking...we're rooting for you!"


      "Nobody loves me...everybody hates me...I'm going to eat some worms..." is today's theme.

    6. PDD. You’ve nailed it as always. And succeeded in making me snort coffee in public again.

      Jenna deliberately did her thread, hoping that she’d get free funds from followers for her birthday begging.

    7. Exactly. Oh and by the way, she has already tweeted and retweeted several times since she announced this morning that she was going to ‘’ stay quiet”. Sure, Jen.

  43. HD. I’m requesting that you start a new post. (This one’s getting a little long anyways.) The filthy feral farmer deserves a gift from us, because she’s finally turning 40 tomorrow. And she’s officially middle-aged. I’m sure that we’d all want to wish her well. (Said with extreme sarcasm.)

  44. So she’s only spending on necessities? Welcome to the majority of Americans. Are we supposed to feel sorry for her because she can’t spend on unnecessary crap?

    As for winter prep, I’m assuming she means firewood. She lives on six wooded acres, for crying out loud! And she can get free firewood on Craigslist. But she wants hers neatly cut and split, no scrappy firewood for her.

    That, or she is spending “firewood” money on booze and weed.

    1. Her “necessities” are always crap purchases. Like buying more stupid Taylor Swift merchandise. Jenna is addicted to drinking and smoking. Clearly, she can’t even keep track of her own lies now.


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