How miserable do you have to be?

I get that she wants people to give money because they pity her.  But I can't imagine they do.  I think of my Facebook "friends".  Some of them I've been in contact with for years.  I would never send them money because they broke a tooth.  But no one has ever asked either.
I guess it's like the "trash" tv shows people watch.  People are such a train wreck it's entertaining to see them staggering through their life.  But just like trash, they are easy to throw away and nobody even remembers they were there.


  1. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWJune 8, 2022 at 12:34 PM

    I think with her previous roommate, she was on best behavior and couldn't post the more egregious falsehoods. Now, without an observer, old patterns have popped up. She posts the "tragedies" on Twitter because she hopes to snag the casual reader who will impulsively throw a donation or pity-buy her way. As we've said before, it's hard to look at Twitter history, so the casual reader may not be able to see her repeat patterns.

    My $0.02.

    1. I agree with what you wrote. I think that Shannon’s presence kept her in line for a year. Fortunately, we see Jenna’s predictable “repeat patterns.” Especially, when it comes to begging and scamming.

    2. Yep...the amount of her manufactured crises definitely went waayyy down whilst Shannon lived there.

      As for her latest dental emergency, how does she even have any teeth left? If you were to go back thru her bleg and Twitter for the past 5 years alone and add up the times she's had cracked teeth, cavities, root canals, fillings fall out, you'd find there were more incidents than she has teeth. Like, each tooth has had one or more of these problems according to her. But none have been removed? She is lying.


    3. It’s insane that she keeps lying about her dental issues. And she’s been doing this for years. Clearly, she’s lying to get “folding money” for herself.

    4. I'm going to start a dental pain tracker in the subreddit. I can only pin 2 threads at a time, so I think I'll just add it in the comments of the mortgage tracker.

  2. “I just want to say, from the dude at the laundry mat that had my back earlier to this afternoon in Bennington: I love queer people. I love my community. I love how we look out for each other. I love it so much”

    Right. The “scrappy little lesbian” is still so sexy that straight men “hot on” her at laundromats like they’ve done before. Of course, it’s only “queer people” who “look out for each other.” GFY, Jenna. (And learn how to spell, stupid: “laundry mat.”)

    1. Funny, how the frugal feminist had enough “gas in her car” to drive to Bennington and back. That’s a round trip of almost 50 miles. We’ve done it many times in the past. Let the begging begin again.

    2. Nah, heterosexuals never help out anyone else. It’s only her “queer community” who has heard of common courtesy.

    3. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWJune 8, 2022 at 2:12 PM

      Nah...I think she's creating a framework for the online community to be looking after "each other" when it's a one-way street. SHE is the one with the hand out, and the community better look after HER.

      Her repeat use of phrasing like "hey, friends" and "my people" isn't coincidence. It's subliminal suggestion at its finest.

      She invites strangers into her community of one, because she wants them to repeatedly bail her out with their folded paper.


    4. PDD. You might be right. Since we know what a manipulative user Jenna is in real life.

      And I always appreciate your thoughtful responses to my comments, thanks.

    5. Anon 2:03 wrote: "Nah, heterosexuals never help out anyone else."

      So true. And likewise, as a queer person myself I ONLY help out other queers. Like if I see a little heterosexual old lady about to fall, I just walk on by, screw her. Or two young straight teen girls being harassed by some creepy middle aged man? I'll ignore them too. Hetero people can suck it.

      BTW, did the Pig Shocker write about this supposed laundromat incident where the queer guy saved her?


    6. OMG, Anon-7, PRICELESS!!!!


    7. Anon7. Jenna strongly implied that she was harassed again yesterday at “the laundry mat” by a man. But her liar’s lack of details is suspicious.

    8. Anon7 you are hilarious!

      I think Jenna manufactured a rescue fantasy, except her big strong man is a leatherman. Tips his captains hat to her after punching out a random stranger for looking at her sideways.

      Did she read about the history of muscle boys at pride running interference with the creeps at the dyke March and constructed a personalized fantasy of her own?

  3. From the last thread: "Everyone I've met with folding money is miserable.”

    Quite possibly the most idiotic thing she's ever said. And so ridiculously untrue. Also, her problem finding egg cartons...does her town not have a bakery? Cuz behind every bakery is a dumpster area that usually has dozens upon dozens of discarded egg cartons stacked next to it. Or just ask the bakery to set them aside for you.


    1. Her tweet was ludicrous. I’m speaking now from personal experience. There’s a small store in town plus a co-op. In Greenwich, which is fairly close, there’s a huge Hannaford that has all kinds of cartons. So it’s just more of her manipulative marketing.

    2. She wants her overpriced rainbow cartons back.

  4. She used to be afraid of the dude at the laundromat and now he has her back? Did he fix her tooth while she waited for her laundry? LOL
    Side note: she used to have a washer & dryer in her house. Why wouldn’t she repair them (assuming they broke) or replace with used? In the long run that is much less expensive than going to the laundromat.

    1. I think that it was a different dude at a “laundry mat” maybe in Bennington. She’s never really explained why she won’t wash clothes at home. Her whole life is lies.

  5. Jenna has always loved her little labels, like: pagan, farmer, falconer, fiddler, writer, artist, equestrian etc… So calling herself a “weirdo” and “queer” are only asinine additions to fill a void inside of her.

  6. "I think with her previous roommate, she was on best behavior and couldn't post the more egregious falsehoods."

    She probably was on her best behavior, but I'll bet you that in the back of her tiny, feral mind there was a niggling little thought, "Wow! I've hit the jackpot! Now there's an ATM living in my house!"

    Shannon probably got tired of paying for everything.

    1. I’m sure that Shannon dumped her fat ass for many reasons. But I believe that the main ones were Jenna’s pathological lying, laziness, and constant begging.

  7. And how does her protective “queer community” even know that stranger Jenna is part of their group? Maybe their “gaydar” picks up on her badass butch energy, and arrogant attitude. Perhaps she enters establishments, and waves a stupid sign stating “I’m a scrappy little lesbian!”

    1. Maybe she wore that frugly monkey dress with leather boots, cowboy hat, pride earrings and Taylor Swift cardigan sweater.. and a man walked up to her and said "Ma'am, you look a little deranged. Do you need any help?"


    2. PDD. You’re cracking me up while I’m drinking coffee in public.

  8. "If it doesn't work out and my last-minute dumb request is the reason they aren't going to deliver - I'll be back on the piglet hunt. Long as I have animals here by July 1 everything stays on schedule."
    I'm so curious as to what is so dependent on the animals being at her house by July 1st. Do they not start growing up until they're in her pen?

    1. I am guessing she already sold the shares of non-existent pigs at the time of sale and if she doesn’t get them, she cannot deliver to the people who already paid for them. Robbing Peter to pay Paul.

    2. She’s always sharing details about her “dumb little life” that are irrelevant. And the stupid twat still can’t use question marks correctly.

    3. That also tells me she did not pay for the piglets yet.

    4. I recently purchased baby goats from a breeder and had to pay half of the price as deposit when they were born, and take the other half in cash on the day we drove to pick them up at 9 weeks old. She probably didn’t pay a deposit on those piglets and the breeder probably thinks she backed out of the sale. And we all know she simply will not speak on the phone, so naturally, she “messaged” the breeder and they are now shunning her.
      Sounds like the weaving of a story down the road about how there are no pig shares this year because that darn breeder did not deliver, and nobody else had piglets to sell.

    5. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWJune 9, 2022 at 11:21 AM

      Get ready, gang! Soon, FF will scour Craigslist ads, looking for one-legged, poorly-bred, orphaned and/or non-thriving piglets to buy CHEAP. Nothing but the finest for her customers.


  9. It looks like Jenna has her “queer community” on alert to protect her in public places.

  10. So not only she had the cash/gas to drive to VT, get that pesky broken tooth fixed by the two super duper hygienists, but is about to pay $500 for piglets, and with them comes piglet kibble bills and hay bills? But the May mortgage is still unpaid? But she had cash in a jar to pay for a new deck (don’t get me started on that, outdoor deck made with rough-sawn untreated wood, placed on top of a crumbling foundation-eye roll)What about other household bills, insurance, registration for the two vehicles, maintenance on home, lawn and vehicles,, groceries, animal feed and vet bills, gasoline, wifi..?
    And wasn’t she still supposed to be repaying the car loan for her second vehicle?
    What am I missing here?

    1. I think that you’ve covered her craziness. She hasn’t been bragging about making her May mortgage payment yet. So it hasn’t happened. I think that Pember Patty probably gave her the car, because Jenna has kept quiet about the loan.

    2. I forgot to add taxes which she never mentions. And also the multiple mortgage fees from her bank for being late on almost every payment. Funny how she never tweets about either expense.

  11. Jenna’s latest lie “I’ve dated my fair share of women” …um…Shannon was her first relationship ever.

    1. When your "fair share" is two.

    2. annon 9:53 who ever heard of hygenist fixing a broken tooth? Maybe things are different in NY but sure not where I live. Sounds like---get ready for this---maybe a bit of a lie to me.

    3. She’s hardly dated at all even with men. Shannon was her first real relationship, and she ruined it. No one wants a lying, lazy loser like Jenna.


  12. “I have dated my fair share of women and let me tell you this much: girls into sci-fi, that's a mix bag BUT every fantasy lesbian is Samwise Gamgee at some point in his life's journey. EVERY ONE.”

    You can fuck all the way off, Jenna. We’re also lesbians and don’t feel that way. You’ve barely been out for a few years, and know nothing about queer culture.

    1. I guarantee that Jenna is no one’s “fantasy lesbian.” She’s more like “the person that my mom warned me about.”

    2. I didn’t know that Jenna Woginrich had done an extensive, sociological study of all lesbians on our planet. That’s the only logical method of determining our “fantasy lesbian” preferences. I’m a member of her “queer community,” and often give generous financial support to women who need and deserve it. I wouldn’t give the FFF even a dollar if she had a lemonade stand. Many of us aren’t “looking out” for beggars, scammers, and also animal abusers like her.

    3. One of the most insufferable things about Jenna is her arrogant appropriation, and acting as if she’s suddenly an expert on a subject. Her latest obsession is lesbianism.

    4. It’s also irritating when she posts Over and over again about how straight people have Bad relationships. How would she know? Her “ fair share” is one relationship That didn’t last long in the grand scheme of things!

    5. Anonymous 4:10. Jenna is one of the most irritating people we’ve ever met in person. She comes across as massively self-centered and annoying. And she knows nothing about how to make relationships last.

    6. WIW here. I snorted at that "I've dated my fair share" line. When? How? You know Taylor Swift discord doesn't count as DATING SOMEONE right?

      I understand she had a few days with someone before meeting Shannon? I think she had a date or two with Becca before she ran for the hills?

      I think she believes her own hyperbole too.

  13. Has anyone else noticed that she hasn’t mentioned the Millers in a few weeks? Jenna kept talking about her Amish neighbors, and how they were willing to help her with work. Maybe it was our putting out the word to them, via Cambridge locals on our last visit, that they should be very wary of doing business with the FFF.

    1. Amish are smart carpenters, and unless there is a close or longstanding relationship, I sincerely doubt they would be on the losing end of business. As I posted before I'm guessing PP was somehow involved with FF's latest fantasy - having a sunrise yoga platform. The boards that were used for FF looked like the wide boards used on the big refurbishment PP had done. It would be SO like her to further enable FF with another little freebie (or to be taken in by FF lamenting, like a ten-year old, that she had $200 saved-up in her piggy bank).


    2. The Amish are very private and may have found out she was broadcasting about them on twitter. This could have caused them to back away from her. Also, they are no fools and know when someone is trying to take advantage of them. They only thing Jenna could possibly offer them are car rides, but it doesn't sound like that was part of the deal.

    3. I warned one of the Miller daughters about her. It's BS that the hygienists would fix her teeth. That is not legal in NY. I was a dental assistant. There has to be a dentist in the office and not just hygienists.

  14. I would hazard a guess that her next book will be one of those "I Discovered a Completely New Life After 40 Through Yoga" stories. She's laying the groundwork now.

  15. “If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.”
    President Dwight D. Eisenhower (R), March 6, 1956

    Woke Wog is doing vacuous virtue-signaling today.

    1. As per usual. She takes up the news of the week, retweets a few blue checks, and tries to milk it for views, sales, etc.

  16. I"M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWJune 10, 2022 at 10:16 AM

    June is clicking along, and it's not too early to consider firewood for winter. I thought you would find it interesting that there are plenty of Craigslist ads for FREE FIREWOOD in Faux Farmer's general neighborhood, one only 8 miles away.

    If her town is anything like mine, a short drive around the neighborhood shows piles of wood with "FREE" signs. Wood giveaways are also listed in our local Facebook group. It's not hard to find a LOT of free firewood.

    Why? Toppled and cut trees from the many storms we had in over the past year. Emerald ash borer has decimated ash trees (okay to use if you restrict firewood to same general area); beech trees are dying and more and more oak trees/etc. have succumbed to road salt or spongy moths.

    But, hey, what do I know? I'm not a frugal homesteader who held classes to teach newbies how to survive "on the side of a mountain" and who has a big-a$$ pickup truck for hauling wood!


    1. Well wait a minute now, she has that pesky May mortgage to pay, oh wait, also the June, not even counting late fees or setting aside a monthly cushion for those pesky property taxes and homeowners insurance. Girlfriend ain’t worried about no winter hay and firewood like her former friend, the local writer.

    2. Don’t forget she bought herself a big ass bag of flour the other day because of the upcoming grain shortage. I wonder how she will store it in her damp house? It was a lot of flour for one person. If I didn’t have my bills aid I wouldn’t be buying a huge sack of flour.

    3. Funny how she hasn’t mentioned that “pesky” payment yet. Maybe her May mortgage was paid for either by “poodle” people or Pember Patty.

    4. I missed the sack of flour purchase and yes, I buy flour in bulk because I bake a lot but I also have a large extra freezer in the garage where I keep all my bulk grains. I agree with the comment above on needing a proper way to store it. Also agree that if I’m now two months behind on my mortgage, I wouldn’t be wasting time or money on bulk purchasing flour.

  17. “I just want the internet to know that up on mountain in upstate New York, a lesbian sheep farmer called her border collies in from the far hill under gray skies and high winds & said, "Come in it's time for Trixie now." because I'm putting on
    & packing soap orders.”

    No one cares, cunt. Tell us once again that you’re a lesbian for the thousandth time.

    1. Now, she’s also a “sheep farmer.” It’s just one more of the liar’s little labels, because her core is being a pretentious poser.

    2. Another pathetic attempt to get the attention of someone more famous by tagging her.

      Watching FF "work" her border collies was almost as laughable as her fiddle playing.

      *She's no shepherdess.
      *Shes no farmer.
      *She doesn't live "up on mountain".


    3. She's

      (How can auto-correct get this wrong?)


    4. PDD.

      You forgot to acknowledge that she is a real lesbian. In case you hadn’t heard. (Said sarcastically.)

    5. I can’t help but wonder if this quote from her website ( that Shannon made)) is a little dig to Jenna and her constantly saying she lives on a mountain

      “Her 6.5 acre farm, tucked into the side of a gentle mountain and that is where she's raised sheep, pigs, dairy goats, turkeys, chickens, geese, rabbits, horses, and red-tailed hawks and other birds trained for falconry. “

      Gentle mountain lol

    6. It looks like Shannon has better language skills than the rotten writer of “Veryork.” Although “gentle mountain” sounds silly.

    7. She's implying she's working the dogs with the sheep which she doesn't do. You were out on a dog walk. *eyeroll*

    8. A sheep farmer? Lol
      Effing poser.

    9. It’s all about virtue signaling, props, and buzzwords. All carefully spun to craft the lie-style and to lure in donations.

    10. Anonymous 9:15. Exactly. Which is why I started using “lie-style” here awhile ago. I appreciate your usage of the hyphen, too.

    11. Meant 9:51 above.

  18. Just putting it out there that Nys residents are getting tax rebate checks. Jenna should be getting around $700 this month from that rebate. So there should be less begging right???

    1. That's pig money, anon. Or, maybe she'll get her truck lifted. Who knows what's next with this one.

  19. Looks like the dental tweet was deleted?

    1. past me took a screen shot, nevermind! Here you go:

  20. “Still offering sales on soap and logos, still trying to make last month's mortgage and not keep being behind but it's getting harder and harder (for all of us) So please share! If you can?”

    It’s clear that the cunt is begging for her May mortgage payment. Her concern for others is fake, and part of the manipulative marketing. It’s not anyone’s responsibility to promote her products. GFY, Jenna.

    1. The rotten writer also forgot a period, and still doesn’t know how to use question marks and commas correctly.

    2. She’s also a pathological liar, and animal abuser.

  21. “It’s Cambridge PRIDE!!! Farm town of under 2k showing some love!”

    I’m sure that she strutted around town saying “I’m a scrappy little lesbian!!!” Maybe her “queer community” was there to protect Jenna again from being accosted by scary men at the “laundry mat.”

    1. We’ve lived in Cambridge. Of course, she calls it a “farm town.”

    2. We wonder if she wore extra large rainbow granny pantries for Pride, and also rode her horse to show what a badass butch she is in real life.

    3. Perhaps she’ll be “hot on” by a “cute girl,” too. Her hygiene is horrid. So we hope that she used her own soap before going.

    4. Lol, 1.8% of the town citizens are listed as working in the farm industry, hardly indicative of a farm town. My village has more people in farming than her Albany suburb.. Maybe Cambridge, NY was once a farm town, but it's been an art-centered weekender paradise for quite some time.

    5. Anonymous 12:38. That’s what I was implying by my above comment regarding a “farm town.” But Jenna likes to twist everything to her own lying narrative.

    6. Only 11 people “liked” her Pride tweet, and there are zero responses. It looks like no one cares about Woke Wog.

  22. If she claims she made her May mortgage payment, I would be skeptical. If she claims she has NOT made her May mortgage, I would be skeptical. I can’t take her word for anything.

  23. “I wasn't going to talk about this publicly, but I've decided silence doesn't benefit me here anymore. A thing I don't see talked about on here is, frankly, how dangerous being an author/any kind of entertainer can be.”

    Jenna is delusional. She’s retweeted a thread that implies an identification with a successful writer being harassed.

    All of the FFF’s issues have brought on by herself. It’s been over a decade of her begging, scamming, lying, and also animal abusing. Her rotten reputation is well-deserved. We’re her historians here. And this site is a public service to warn others about doing their due diligence on JW.

    1. Edit: …have been brought…

  24. At least we get a break from hearing about Taylor Swift so she can tell us how bad Jurassic Park is!!

    So, I am going to sound like an old fart here ( I’ve got 10 years on Jenna) but she can’t be all that concerned about not making the mortgage payment ( for May) if she could spend all day at Cambridge Pride and then pay $10 to go to the drive in alone ( with her dog).

    As an adult she has the right to spend her money as she sees fit and I wouldn’t think twice about a person going to a movie or attending an event but she cries poverty and “ no sales” constantly but does not appear to do anything at all to help herself. It’s infuriating to watch ( obviously I could just not read her crap but I’m local and she blocked me years ago when I called her out for lying about the weather to get sympathy sales!)

    Furthermore (again as an old fart) she showed sales tables set up at the pride event... she’s been talking about this pride event for weeks... she could have set up a table as a farm town lesbian and sold quick pet sketches, soap and have info about her pig shares. Maybe even a femme les that looks like AK or TS would be passing through this small farm town and have some engine trouble and They would fall in love like a Hallmark movie! ( couldn’t resist!!)

    Jenna needs to get her shit together. She will not find a partner who wants to basically be tied to paying her bills and never traveling and having to have all the same interests as Jenna! The pandemic was actually beneficial to her because she trapped poor Shannon as there were no options for anybody.

    1. I agree with what you wrote. And you’re right, having met Jenna myself many times in Cambridge.

      She easily could’ve had her own table yesterday, made some soap sales, and had the potential of more customers. And perhaps attracted the interest of a farm femme. But she’d rather whine than work.

      She also had the money to drive to Bennington last week and the movies, but is begging for her May mortgage payment. I can’t believe that anyone is stupid enough to support this lying, lazy loser. I’m sure that Shannon is thrilled to be done with her crap.

    2. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWJune 12, 2022 at 7:51 AM

      Spot on! At some point, an entitled first-time writer learned that victimhood pays the bills, or at least gathers pity purchases and donations from well-meaning persons who don't do due-diligence.

      FF has played this game a long time. Lies of omission, hyperbole, outright misrepresentation and pitiful stories are her tools of the trade now.

      Since crying abject poverty, she's gone to a beer pub concert, 1-2 movies, Vermont, balloon fest and Pride fest. They all require $$$.

      Of course, she is lying about finances, one way or the other.


    3. It gets worse, according to IG, she saw John Mulaney at SPAC Friday night. Spac is about 25 miles from Cambridge, paid $10 to park. Tickets had to be between $30-50 depending on seats. She’s quick to let us know she bought the tickets back in December though. ( was she begging for mortgage money then too?)

    4. Jenna is an insufferable liar. I doubt that she’s ever been broke. She’s never stopped her begging for mortgage money. Even when Shannon was shacked up with her at the faux farm. The “frugal” feminist is an act for manipulative marketing.

    5. In December she was in the pits, claiming burst pipes, all the bills on her shoulders, running out of firewood, stoking the wood stoves all night etc.


      All that bullshit about how much she is upset by current events, and she didn't take a FREE BUS to the nearby women's March - let alone drive her car.

      She's a chump, a coward, just another white woman feminist out for herself and risking nothing.

      Some "warrior woman". She doesn't even live up to the image of hobbits.

    7. Anonymous 1:04. Yeah, Jenna is just a performative activist who humble-brags and virtue-signals by retweeting cool accounts. She won’t lift a fat, filthy finger to support anyone other than her own fat ass.

  25. I think that she’s already deleted her Instagram posts about seeing a concert and movie. I don’t see it anymore. Unless it was a story.

    1. Anon 140: here you go:

  26. PDD hit the nail on the head when she wrote the FFF learned that victimhood paid the bills. The money came fast and easy early on. People were eager to help a young person just starting out to get on her feet. She’s not young anymore but she has learned helplessness. The training wheels have never come off. She feels entitled to other people’s money.

    1. She’s almost 40. It’ll be harder to mooch money the older she gets. Jenna has already lost her youth appeal. People will wisen up, and see that she’s scamming them.

  27. Someone replied to her tweet:

    “I love all the bird songs. Your place looks so well tended. I know it's hard work.”

    1. Jenna’s response:

      “Thank you! It is and I am very proud of it!”

      I’ve sent links and info to this naive person who obviously doesn’t know about Jenna’s rotten reputation.

    2. Her hovel is finally falling apart, and its odious owner is one of the laziest losers we’ve ever met.

  28. After a full weekend of Pride, films, and other events, without working to make her May mortgage payment, that she’ll be back to Monday moanin’ begging again.

    1. “I'm still trying to make last month's mortgage and just a couple hundred away. Slowly sales come in here and there. I am offering everything I make, draw, and design as much as half price off to encourage folks. DM if interested!”

      I’ve called her begging for Monday moanin’ mortgage money in my comment above. It’s her manipulative marketing to mention amounts, because she hopes that someone will give her free funds.

    2. If you are “ just a couple of hundred” away from LAST months payment you need to reassess and make some major life adjustments. You can “ offer” whatever you want it doesn’t mean people have to buy it to support you. She has no children so childcare is not a worry, she can literally work any hours necessary to make her mortgage every month.

      She is literally one of the most ridiculous people

    3. Anonymous 7:13. I believe that her infamous “fraction finances” are all lies. We’ve been tracking her patterns and they’re predictable. Jenna’s learned that people are likely to give her money if she claims to be close to her goal. Again, it’s her manipulative marketing.

  29. On Instagram she posted a picture of the barn with string lights inside …. And the rotted beams at the peak of the roof. Like playing the “fiddle” while the Titanic sinks. Anon in GA

    1. Jenna’s too stupid to see that she’s going down with her hovel. The Titanic and sinking ship definitely applies here.

    2. Or lipstick on a pig... Anon in GA

    3. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWJune 13, 2022 at 10:32 AM

      Nobody puts cheap string lights on the inside of a barn, where animals can get to them, especially not in a filthy barn like hers. Dust, debris, and sloppily-strung dollar-store lights (likely not UL-approved) are a fire waiting to happen. She's such a joke as a supposed farmer.


    4. PDD. I know that this is a gross saying, but “you can’t polish a turd.” It’s like the “lipstick on a pig” in an above comment. Which is what Jenna keeps trying to do with her hovel and appearance. She’s learned nothing about maintenance in over a decade of pretending to own her home.

    5. Anyone know the age of that barn? Is it 150 years old like the house?


    6. Anon7. It’s amazing that her old barn is still standing. We drove by on our visit, and her whole hovel looks like shit.

  30. For someone who is the happiest person she knows, she sure complains a lot. And Jenna darling, just wait. 40 is only the beginning. It's all downhill from there.

    1. Her stupid insistence on overly running when her obese body can’t handle it is bizarre. Jenna has always had a huge ego, and can’t even admit that her “dumb dream” is done.

  31. She’s only “happy” when “folding money” is in her “two digit bank account.”

  32. I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating. One can’t be both victim and victor at the same time. Jenna wants to whine about not making her mortgage payments, and being broke, but also expects to be admired as a successful farmer. It’s completely contradictory, and she’s full of shit.

    1. She also wants to come across as a “warrior woman” who “will ride her horse into the apocalypse,” but then needs “queer community” to protect her from scary strangers in “laundry mats.”

    2. She says whatever she can in order to keep the money coming in. Being successful won't bring in pity funds, but busting out the victim card and manufacturing disasters will. And she knows this well.


    3. Anon7. Jenna is a master at manipulative marketing.

    4. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWJune 14, 2022 at 7:02 AM

      Maybe the reason she switches is threefold.

      * She needs to play the victim to get pity buys and sympathy donations, hence the steady stream of posts related to "scrappy girl trying to survive on the side of the mountain against-all-odds".

      * She knows a portion of her readers want new, interesting material. She hasn't "farmed" for years, so other than cute close-ups of animals, she's got nothing to offer. Thanks to former partner's interests, FF added yoga and aimless wandering to her list of non-farming activities.

      * She can't resist showing off her latest tacky or useless purchase/activity, so those slip in until she realizes (Doh!) such bragging conflicts with her victimhood. Then she deletes or tries to justify.

      With her ability to raise money for fictitious reasons/charities, I'm surprised she didn't go into politics! 🤣🤣🤣


  33. Anyone else notice how drastically the Pig Shocker's voice has changed? It now sounds like she has a druggy/alcohol-y rasp and slowness as she speaks. Anyone who has been around addicts will recognize this very distinct way of speaking.

    There is a tweet from yesterday that has a short video with crows and other birds chirping on her property -- can someone with a Twitter account post a link to this tweet?

    Anyway, I was pretty shocked when I saw this clip cuz the last time I heard her speak was on her YouTube videos a few years back. Her voice was annoying but at least she sounded somewhat normal. Now however...


    1. I’ve also noticed the vocal changes. Her voice is kinda creepy now. We’ve been predicting her decline for a decade, and it’s finally happening. All of her crap is catching up. I totally believe that she’s addicted to alcohol and weed.

    2. ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️


  34. Looks like she's trying to make excuses for why she can't get a job. Also, didn't she tweet about running a 5K just a week or so ago?


    1. She’s made excuses about not getting a job for years. It’s nothing new. Jenna would rather whine than work.

  35. I’m glad for her sake that her IG stories are only available for 24 hours because holy second hand embarrassment! A 40 year old going on and on about teenage girl lesbians in a Netflix show is.... cringe at best, creepy and inappropriate at worst!! Imagine a 40 year old man swooning over teen girls and posting screen shots of them kissing? Inappropriate right? Same goes for a 40 year old scrappy lesbian!! Yuck!

    1. Exactly. I’ve mentioned this before, too. Jenna has zero self-awareness as to how creepy she comes across as being. Or she doesn’t care which is worse. She once said something strange, before she met Shannon, about how “It’s been ordained that a teenage girl who has never seen Buffy will be my wife.” It’s also like her stupid stalking of female celebrities like Swift and Kendrick. Calling herself a “weirdo” isn’t an excuse for acting like a predator. Her “scrappy little lesbian” persona is also an arrested development for a middle-aged moron.

    2. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWJune 14, 2022 at 7:10 AM

      I agree! If FF was a man, she would be hounded off the Internet for her unhealthy obsession with teens and young-looking actors who play teens in movies, TV shows and on social media.

      Ill take this to the next logical step. Frankly, if I had underage relatives, I'd be very concerned about them being around her.


    3. PDD. Her fixations on females in general are obsessive. I’m shocked that Shannon tolerated her craziness for a year.

    4. We once saw her a few months ago leering at two teens around town. It was weird to see a fat, middle-aged woman do that kind of creepy behavior in public.

    5. She’s becoming a DOD (dirty old dyke).

    6. I recall her creepy comment about Buffy, but think that she said “teenage virgin” which would be worse.

    7. I don’t remember the exact comment but it was along these lines and gross!! Like she wanted to find someone young and naive and gay to teach about Buffy.

      Over and over she talks about wanting someone to be into what SHE is into ( Avatar pizza anyone??) you can have a successful relationship with a partner who has different interests, it allows you to learn about things you might not normally be into. Jenna always makes it sound like if you date her, you are just doing what she wants all the time!

    8. We need to find that quote again. As I remember, she wanted someone young and naive who didn't know she was gay, and gross FFF would teach her about Buffy, etc. Eew


    9. I’ve done a search on the quote, but can’t find it so far. She might’ve deleted the tweet.

  36. Jenna's latest Instagram photo is of 4 cows. Caption: Welcome to the farm, new followers!
    She is brazenly lying about having cows now? WTF

    1. In the comments, she somewhat clarified that cows are located at content farm road, but absolutely the original photo and text suggests the cows are part of her "farm".

      Lies of omission, hyperbole, misrepresentation are mainstays at her place.


    2. Who says welcome to my farm and posts a photo of someone else’s farm? Even if she gives Photo cred it is so crazy.

    3. Her whole life is lies.

    4. What an effing poser. I looked at that post and it does not in any way make it clear that these are not her cows or her “farm’. She can’t go 5 minutes without posing, lying, manipulating, conning. She makes me sick.

    5. Anonymous 4:50. Jenna is a repellent person on every level. And an animal abusing criminal. Which is why we call her the Cambridge Queen of Con. Her whole life is lies.

  37. Add mason jar solar lights to her spending. She has a pic on IG of “ lighting the path”. She responded to a comment that she purchased mason jar solar covers. She shows 3 in the picture so I’ll assume that’s all she purchased. $15 on Amazon. Again, she needs money for the mortgage 🙄

    1. Well, she posted a story showing a bunch of mason jar solar lights that she was “ charging up” so definitely more than 3. Again, time in her day to collect all of those tops from her wooded path, charge them and then return them all to the woods for photo ops. She could be doing productive work but complaining about dating, and begging are better apparently

  38. Jenna still can’t take time to put periods at the ends of her stupid statements.

  39. The poor, lonely “scrappy little lesbian” is having a hard time dating. LOL!!!

  40. One thing she didn't lie about in the "Cow instagram picture" was that you won't find homesteading information in the narratives. Man truer words were never spoken!

    1. Jenna’s always been a hobbyist homesteader at best.

    2. She can't even bother to copy and paste some 💩💩

    3. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWJune 15, 2022 at 10:04 AM

      Anybody else notice that her animals no longer are talked about - except when they are new-to-her or posing for social media? When she started, her farm animals had names and day-to-day stories, and readers felt invested in their lives. Now they are nameless, and few, if any stories of their lives are shared. In fact, the only time she generally discusses animals (not a quick mention) is when they inconvenience her or pi$$ or off. She hasn't cared about them, if she ever did, for a long time. She mostly does the bare minimum.

      The only "Beast" on that property that should be ignored is her.


    4. PDD. I’ve also made that observation. Her animals are accessories, and pet prop for her to pose as an authentic farmer. Including the falcons. “The Beast” still suits her surly personality.

    5. Yep, noticed that too. She also stopped listing how many she has.

      She should put up a sign by the road that says, CAMBRIDGE MUSEUM OF ANIMAL NEGLECT and charge $10 for a guided tour.


  41. There we go with luck again. “This farm needs a lucky break to catch up on last month;s mortgage before this month is over”
    First of all, it’s not a farm.
    Second, no, you don’t need a lucky break. You need to earn this cash by working with your able body.
    Third, you are still on last month’s mortgage? It’s past June 15th, which means you are also now considered delinquent on June’s mortgage as well.
    Fourth, just the mortgage? How about the late fees, how about other monthly bills?
    How is she not effing ashamed, deep in her bones, to beg like this? How is not her family or those around her holding her accountable?

    1. She’s had more lucky breaks than I can count. Time for her to put on her big girl pants and go to work.

    2. Gonna tell it to you straight, girl. We are experiencing skyrocketing inflation. Nobody has spare change to give you. Get a job and support yourself or fail.

    3. “This farm really needs to get a lucky break to catch up on last month's mortgage payment before this month is already over. I know things are hard right now for a lot of people. If you are comfortable, want something I am offering, or have an audience that might: please RT!”

      You can fuck all the way off, Jenna. It’s your greed and need, not a faux farm’s. Your language deliberately distances the begging bullshit. But your patterns are predictable to us. Mentioning the hardships of others is merely manipulative marketing to appear empathetic. And not like a “scrappy” sociopathic liar. It’s no one else’s responsibility to retweet your crappy products. Take your “lucky break” and shove it up your fat ass. There’s ample room for it to fit.

    4. Yeah, it’s time for Jenna to squeeze into her extra large, rainbow granny panties for Pride, and go find a local job to support herself. But she’d rather whine than work.

    5. Jenna is almost 40, yet doesn’t believe in adult accountability. Funny how she doesn’t mention late fees on mortgage payments. Which would be accrued by her monthly delinquent payments. Cue for either the “scary foreclosure letter” again, or another dental emergency. She’ll lie about fake crap, just to fleece her followers.

  42. “I heard a drag queen say expectations are just premeditated resentments and I think about that every day.”

    She should be spending her time working to make her mortgage payments. Instead she’s quoting crap from drag queens. GFY, Jenna.

    1. Now she’s trying to get the attention of drag queens, because being a stupid stalker for famous females wasn’t working out. Jenna is a desperate, pathetic cunt. I’d feel sorry for her if she wasn’t so insufferable.

    2. Drag queens are in the national news cycle right now and are getting a lot of attention. So as usual, she is commenting on a hot Twitter topic to steer more eyes towards all the crap she sells. Insufferable indeed.


  43. What we’ll never know is if either Jenna really believes in her “Live like fiction” fantasy “lie-style,” or it’s all part of her manipulative marketing.

  44. Translation: I know things are hard for everyone right now, but give me money anyway.

    1. She only adds the obligatory caring crap to appear like a normal person. Jenna only wants “folding money” from followers. Her character is defective, and she mimics emotions.

    2. What kills me is that right now in America there are millions of families who actually really have it hard. A mother and father both working 2 or more jobs each to try to put food on the table for their kids and themselves, all crammed into a tiny apartment or home. No extra money for entertainment or Taylor Swift sweatshirts.

      Meanwhile, you have a very, very well nourished lazy ass female who lives in a large-ish home, has two cars, owns 50 or so animals, can afford multiple streaming services, movie nights, etc. Yet here she is, online daily, begging for help, pleading for money because she refuses to get a single job, much less two. Disgusting pile of human garbage she truly is.


    3. Exactly. I recently saw a well-known, beloved middle school music teacher in my hometown (who also plays gigs for extra money). at our local grocery store pulling instacart orders together. His wife is a teacher, too, and they have two kids and a small house in a middle class neighborhood. Yet here he is on a Saturday morning at 7 am pulling instacart orders and delivering for our grocery store. They are normal people with normal bills. It’s what it takes. And it takes character to stick with it and make it work with zero whining.
      Jenna has no character, period.

  45. Is that the karma bus I hear coming?

    1. The “karma bus” will hit her hard. The crash is going to be brutal.

    2. What I see happening to her, karma-wise, is that she'll injure herself so badly that she won't even be able to care for her furry prop animals. And then she'll kick herself for not having worked a real job when she was able-bodied.

      All these years that she could have worked at least a part time job have been wasted. Cuz in that time she would have been able to make her bills without begging, and also could have saved up some emergency funds in the event of an injury. But nope, she chooses to LiVe liKe fICtiOn instead!!

      And can you imagine the amount of begging she will do when that happens?


    3. To say nothing of the fact that she will have NO SOCIAL SECURITY when she's old/injured because she has not paid in enough to get even the minimum amount. What then???

    4. No Medicare either. She probably thinks that is too far away to be concerned about. To her I say, buckle up buttercup. It comes a lot faster than you think.

  46. Does anyone remember this? Jenna left Facebook years ago because she went from being her family’s semi famous pride and joy to an absolute disgrace. Jenna’s mother regularly posted comments that she was horrified at Jenna living in disgusting conditions and refusing to get a job. Her mother went from being so proud to angry that Jenna was openly begging and scamming for all the relatives, friends and neighbors to see. It was such a train wreck. Jenna didn’t change anything other than moved her scamming/begging party over to Twitter where she knew her mom/family/etc wouldn’t see.

    1. I recall that crap. But I believe that the family still might read her tweets. Her sister used to respond to Jenna on Twitter. That hasn’t happened for awhile. I’m sure that they’re all upset by her begging and scamming.

  47. “lesbians:”

    Please let us know that you’re a lesbian again. You haven’t mentioned it for a day. I guess that when one is a lying, lazy loser, that their identity is the most important thing about them.

  48. Every time she does this it’s like a bright red lit-up sign ding-ding-dings over her head, spelling out “poser”.
    She has been queer for exactly two minutes, she has no authority or credibility to be making any such statements. But hey, that;s not stopped her ever before from claiming proficiency and trying to profit from it.

    1. The cunt knows nothing about the queer community. We want no association with that scamming animal abuser.

  49. I remember once someone asked her what she would do if she was injured as she did not have a job or health insurance. She replied that she would crowd fund her medical bills and have the neighbors take care of her animals. Yep. Put the responsibility on other peoples’ shoulders.

  50. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWJune 16, 2022 at 8:17 AM

    FFF has the audacity to write "If you are comfortable, want something I am offering, or have an audience that might: please RT" (so I can have money).

    What the actual Hell is wrong with her? People work hard for a living. These days, folks are working multiple jobs, often with side gigs to make ends meet. She has TWO vehicles (one basically given to her), a house with land, TWO pet horses, TWO pet pedigreed dogs, a couple of cats and a small handful of farm props (chickens that fend for themselves, three sheep and a pet goat). She hardly has to do anything to take care of these animals. Her farm chores are 20 minutes per day AM/PM tops.

    She plays on social media, follows and re-posts minutia, watches more streaming shows than I can track, goes for wanders...or walks...or runs mid-day and mid-week. She purchases hipster crap all the time (trying to fill her empty soul). She's sure to take "weekends off" and from what I have seen, at best, she works a handful of hours during the day and knocks off in the afternoon.

    She bemoans that her readers aren't doing enough to get FFF more money. She whines that she cannot pay her mortgage. She complains that she cannot pay expenses for meat animals, where CSA customers have already paid for their care.

    As another Shamster wrote: FFF can fcuk all the way off!


    1. PDD. I’m the Shamster who has written that many times. Jenna deserves disrespect for her begging and scamming. She rigidly refuses to go and get a job. But she also won’t sell her stuff to make money. It’s easier for her to whine rather than work. Which is why we’re here as historians of her “lie-style.”

  51. “There aren't more gay and trans people. There are simply more gay and trans people not terrified to be themselves. Deal with it.”

    GFY, Jenna. You can “deal with” paying your own bills. You’re a lying, lazy loser who hides from adult accountability.

  52. Newsflash, she made enough yesterday to pay May’s mortgage but still has stuff “on sale” today to be able to make a payment.
    Make it make sense, baby Jesus.
    Someone is going to have to explain this to me. What the hell does she mean

    1. Omg she literally just deleted that tweet! It was up for 30 minutes or so. Took it down roughly two minutes after I posted my comment above.

    2. Because people will stop giving if they think she can make the payment, of course.

    3. She had money to buy a sit ton of strawberries. I’m local to her and unless she stole them, that’s about $50 worth of berries! Thanks poodles!

    4. It’s funny how our comments calling her crap out can make the “scrappy little lesbian” delete her stupid tweets. This has happened a lot lately.

    5. Let this sink in. Each and every month Jenna brags about making a mortgage payment that’s behind by a few weeks or more. It’s incredible that she acts as if it’s an accomplishment. Instead of feeling ashamed. She’s almost 40. This isn’t normal adult behavior. Nor is begging and scamming for people to pay for her bills.

    6. Anon 10:41 I saw that. Her neighbor it blogged about buying strawberries from the Amish fruit stand-the containers looked the same-at $6 per container. She spent a ton of money on those for someone who barely had enough money to mail off mortgage that is two months behind. That’s not adult behavior. Nor is begging, as it was pointed out above, nor is not paying one’s bills and broadcasting it all over the web. Personally I would be MORTIFIED if I was late on a bill and anyone else found out about it, let alone screaming it from the rooftops of the World Wide Web every month for what is it now, several years of mortgage drama?

    7. Now, she has her June mortgage payment to beg about. Jenna is insufferable.


    It looks like the “scrappy little lesbian” has her extra large rainbow granny panties twisted in a knot. Her hyperbolic, crazed caps tweet is a direct rebuttal to our comments. I’m “enjoying” an abundant retirement, cunt. That’s something that you’ll never experience, because you’re a sociopathic parasite. You’re “crass, tacky,” and a lying, lazy loser. GFY, “hustler.” But you never read here. “Sure, Jen”

    1. Edit: “Sure, Jen.”

    2. Oh, the only reason that you’re “still here!!!!!” is because of dumb enablers like Pember Patty and Moronic Miriam. Plus the “poodle” people that you prey upon. Otherwise, you’d be “living under that bridge” like you’ve bragged about doing. I’d even say this straight to your fake fat face if we see you on our next visit. I’m not afraid of you. My spouse is an expert martial artist, and could kick your fat ass back to Tennessee if they wanted to. Bring it, butch bitch.


    1. Exactly. She’s a hypocrite who depends on followers who have “direct deposit.” Her stupid teenage tantrum cost her a few more followers. Here’s what one of her sycophantic supporters said:

      “Anyone thinking that should go to hell. You have every reason to be proud of hanging on.”

      Maybe Rachel can help pay for Jenna’s June mortgage.

  55. There is no way she is living off soap and art. Does anyone think she is begging on other platforms under a different name?

  56. I am thoroughly enjoying my direct deposit lifestyle. I retired early because I worked my butt off and now I get money automatically deposited every month. How dare she think that what she is doing is hard work! All she does is beg and whine and try to separate hard working people from their money.

    1. We’re the same way with our well-deserved retirement. Jenna is just jealous of those who can afford to travel etc…


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