For those who missed her “hissy fit” here’s the stupid tweet:
It looks like the stupid, “scrappy little lesbian” is big mad at us for calling out her crap again. Boo fucking hoo.
Jenna was so upset with us that she forgot apostrophes, commas and periods. The stupid, screaming caps and multiple exclamation points also indicates her hysteria. Hope that she has booze around to calm her down. The badass, bold and brave butch needs her bourbon.
Of course, the coward can’t come here and confront us. She wants to whine online. And if she was so self-confident, and sure of being right, then she’d mention this site on Twitter.
Now now, PPD. You know she don’t mind good ole donations. She is only opposed to direct deposit when it comes to hard working people with a j. o. b. Getting paid and having security.
There's no shame in her. Based on half-a$$ed sycophantic defenses, she absolutely believes she is entitled to live her life however she wants (even if this includes lying to goose donations and pity purchases) and if poodles pay for it, there's no problem. Not in her mind, anyway.
Her rant was because we DARED to question her right to do whatever the fcuk she wants, including: lie, misrepresent, con, abuse, neglect and tell tall tales. PDD
PS I periodically remind people she's not an "individual". She's a business owner, who runs several businesses, and as such, she should be held to appropriate business ethics standards like any other business. PDD
It’s also possible that some of her followers called her out. A lot of us here were fans at one time until we figured out the “hustle”. Maybe that is why she lost a few followers today. They may have called her out, then dropped her.
I’ve never seen other adults on any social media platforms, bragging about making their mortgage payments each month like Jenna does. And the fact that hers are always late is crazy. It’s like she wants kudos for just paying bills like everyone else does daily. “I want extra credit, teacher, for doing the assignment!!!”
Jenna probably got participation awards in school for doing nothing but showing up. Unfortunately, her generation’s received them, but they’ve done damage. So she expects the same as an adult.
Does the FFF understand how direct deposit works? She acts like people just get money deposited into their bank accounts automatically. Here’s how it works, darling. Those people have jobs. Yet you would rather siphon off them. Sheesh.
Exactly! And by disparaging those with direct deposit, she is slapping the very people she begs money off, in the face. But also, according to her own admission, she pays her mortgage by a check. So, darlin, you have “direct deposit” too, only nothing comes via it from honestly earned wages as in, from a j.o.b. She is so lacking in social awareness, she doesn’t understand that she is biting the hand that feeds her with every stupid comment about direct deposit, cubicle, or folding money.
You can’t claim that you pay your mortgage by a check ( which she had admitted sending out days before having sufficient funds and then hoping “luck” would strike and magically there would be enough to pay the mortgage) but also implying with your comments hat ou don’t have a bank account. For eff’s sake, haven’t we heard a million times how you account is in the single or double digits? Get your story straight.
I'll bet she's confusing "direct deposit lifestyle" with trust fund babies who receive monthly trust payouts. Her early New York social media girl-pack probably included a smattering of trust fund babies.
Poor Faux Feral Farmer- she was "this close" to getting tight with the wealthies.. Now, they've moved on with their better, more fulfilling lives. The rants we see stem from anger and jealousy of anyone who's comfortable. She isn't and never will be. PDD
From IG: “Yesterday was beautiful. got lost, did yoga beside a bear, spent a weekday morning on trail, sunshine, content farm, happy woman. 🖤
Note: nothing about working or earning up. Absolutely amazing how she can beg for $$ but tell the world that she does nothing to earn money herself.
I was at work yesterday, I came home and planted some plants a coworker gave me, played in my garden a bit and ate food I ate that contained ingredients from a local farm (not CAF!!). Oh and TODAY, well today I’m going to enjoy that sweet, sweet direct deposit. It’s payday!!!
It never ceases to disgust/amaze me the absolute NERVE of her holding out one hand for pity donations while using the other hand to write about her leisurely time-wasting pursuits.
As another Anon once said, "She plays while everyone else pays."
I think if Jenna could get a poodle job again, she would. We have watched her burn bridges with friends &people in town…I think she has in the professional world as well. She probably got fired and didn’t have any good references to find another well paying job. She went with the full time “farmer” narrative and now on top of everything else she is a decade out of touch -employers don’t want her. So I think her projection of everyone with a real job and direct deposit is a poodle and miserable is actually thinly veiled jealousy of something she once had and lost.
Anon 4:35, I'll bet you hit it 💯. I have friends in the computer, tech, sciences and art worlds, and they all work a post-Covid hybrid schedule: work from home most of the time and work in office 1-2 days/week. That she can't find such a job says a lot.
When she posted that she hated her jobs and "was bad at them", believe it. PDD
I don’t know if she either quit her career at Orvis or was fired. I strongly suspect that they kicked her to the curb. But Jenna’s jealousy is barely masked by her contempt of those who have ample amounts of money.
Orvis is where she was allowed to take her dog to work. I'll bet he crapped under people's desks and she denied it/didn't clean it up. Or perhaps security cams showed it was actually her and not the dog.
She would love to have a steady source of income for minimal effort, which is what she thinks a job is (direct deposit lifestyle). Yet with the same mouth she'll talk about how much she hates hates hates HATES being employed.
Someone just sent her a lot of money. You can tell by the post of how content she is to do yoga with a bear, yada, yada, yada. Tomorrow will bring another crisis and the begging will begin in earnest.
“I lit the forest path with solar lanterns and walks at dusk feel magical. I’m so in love with this little homestead”
Yeah, you’re right. At least it’s not “this farm” for once. She’s little more than a hobbyist homesteader. But she’ll be back to bitching and begging soon.
I wonder if she got that extra $700 someone mentioned on the last thread. Mortgage paid, a trunkful of pricy berries, solar lanterns on a whim. I bet it doesn’t last long.. the June mortgage is now overdue, and the July will be due in less than two weeks. It never ends with her.
She is SO CLOSE to doing the right thing and getting rid of her animals.
C'mon, Jenna. Do it! You know you are tired of the sheep and the pigs will never be worthwhile. Keep your chickens and geese, etc (or at least until Barb and the other predators get them), re-home the horses, and brag about your "homestead". As you can see, the readers want pretty pictures of animals - they don't care WHOSE they are or WHERE they live. PDD
But driving her car/truck “into the apocalypse,”doesn’t sound as “warrior woman” like as “riding her horses” does. So she might have to hang on to her hay burners.
Sadly, I doubt she will get rid of them, but if she thinks it through, herd reduction makes a great deal of sense; at a minimum, maybe she'll refrain from getting more.
My rationale: she hardly posts about farm animals. Her last photo of the sheep was over a month ago - and then a quick shot of them in a field. The chickens get photos, because they wander closely; they're survivors, pretty self-sufficient at this point (and if one died, she probably wouldn't care). Future pigs will be trouble and will need looking after. The horses are basically ignored - give them a trough of water and let them eat grass.
Her latest fads don't revolve around the animals: hiking, a bit more socializing, perhaps dating, yoga, putting up fairy lights in her backyard. She admitted she's not going to share homesteading tips, and since her, ahem, identity is meat farmer, this tells me less and less should be shared about animals.
Without animals to tie her down, she can wander more, maybe get inspired to lead a better life and as a BONUS, Shamster historians will pay less attention to her. It's clear her readers don't give a flying fig where cute animals live - they only want pics. Hell, she can say she looks after the animals, and readers would be happy (and no less the wiser).
I know if she didn't have animals, I'd ignore her. Let the idiots who want to support her DO SO.
Yep, hardly any animal posts of late. In fact, she's only posted on her new bleg twice in the last two months. When Shannon lived there, the Pig Shocker posted around 5-15 times a month about the animals, gardening, etc. Now she has nothing much to say about her so-called farm.
Per IG: Jenna got a letter from NYS dept of Ag asking her to be on their state directory. Sounds like a great way to get her “fauxrm” out there and sell some more pork!! Oh wait, she might have to actually work instead of beg.
Jenna? Did you get pigs yet or are you too busy doing nada!??? I mean solar lights on the fauxrm aren’t going to post themselves!!! You said you only have until July 1 and I can see you are working really hard to get them!! Otherwise you’d have to keep that money you earned up and your customers will have to suck it!!!
The solar lights thru the path is such an Instagram cliche thing to do. Think about it -- she probably leaves them in the sun all day and then runs to hang them in the woods, then runs back to the house to grab a camera so she can take pics on her little lighted walk.
All that for her highly curated Instagram so that idiots will send her money. But it's just more heavily staged pics for the 'Gram.
Anon7, your observation tickled me. Remember when Pig Shocker ranted about "carefully curated" IG stories? And here she is, removing solar lights from a wooded path, placing lights out in the sun, waiting, putting lights back into path, then returning to same path to take a video. What a maroon. 🤣🤣🤣 PDD
As for the mortgage, there is no way to know if she’s telling the truth or not. And what about her other bills? She doesn’t whine about them because she knows “mortgage” will bring in the pity donations. She’s like one of Skinner’s pigeons who knows which lever to press to get the pellet.
The “scary foreclosure letter” also brings in money. Funny how she’s never posted pics as proof of any crisis. Yet she expects that people will believe her bullshit lies.
Isn't it about that time of year where she starts whining about needing winter firewood? Also, it's a bit early for frozen pipes but there's always the old "I have no hot water" ruse she can once again use!
Anon 11:19 - she stopped pretending she provides vet care to her animals, other than the very bare minimum. She makes a big deal of having the horses feet trimmed once or twice a year. She's not taking anyone to the vet anymore, and she probably owes all the vets near her money.
She always has to be “the happiest” of anything with her hyperbolic bullshit. Jenna’s trying so hard to be a femme with a flower in her hair. But “you can’t put lipstick on a pig.”
She’s deliberately posed with the big box of berries to hide her fridge figure. Unfortunately, we can still see her tree trunk legs, thick thighs, beefy biceps and bulging belly. (I like alliteration.)
Jenna was probably disappointed that many women didn’t “hot on” her photo. It’s weird how she has almost 5,000 followers, but very little reactions to her tweets. I think that a lot of people have muted her, because she’s bombarded them with begging for years.
And only one lone response a day later. Funny how the faux femme doesn’t shave her hairy legs. It’s one of the “tells” in our queer community that she’s a butch.
“I'm still looking for piglets for my winter harvest date. So far there are so many illegal sales of feedlot pigs from the midwest all over FB and craigslist. I legally need to only sell NYS- born pigs. Second sale that fell through because I asked for the breeders farm name/town.”
The big pig is looking for more of her “family” to butcher. I’d bet that the “sale fell through” due to her rotten reputation and unpleasant personality. Jenna is loathed by locals and beyond her area. I’m speaking from personal experience of having lived in Cambridge, and still visiting.
Anon 9:56 am. Exactly so. Reputable farms abound in the Northeast with farmers who properly feed their livestock quality natural feed, not leftover Donuts and rotting deli sandwiches. Such farmers welcome unannounced visits because the animals are looked after 24/7.
Help me understand this. Did she already take money for pork sales? And if so, is that why she is broadcasting that she can’t get piglets? Will she refund the money or will she keep it and tell the buyers that’s the risk you take.
Anon 1220: she pre-sells pig shares over a year before the supposed delivery date. She spends the presale money on whatever, she does not save it to pay for the feed, purchase or butchering fees.
She manages her pork gig like a high-schooler with birthday money.
She claims that customers will either get their shares kate or get a refund. Don’t hold your breath. On IG she has a pic at Argyle Brewing Co. a lot of gat abouting for someone so desperate to make mortgage payments.
Also complaining that pigs cost too much. Maybe that’s why you don’t sell shares until you have the pigs????!! Good business practice would mean that you cover your cost plus make a profit. She’s crying that people want to sell her piglets for $300. If that is the case then your shares need to cost more. But I’m no farmer who has written books like her!!!
Jenna only wants free funds, and doesn’t care what she has to say to get them. She’s taken funds up front for years way in advance, before pigs were purchased.
I also think that she’s drinking again. Otherwise she wouldn’t want to temp her sobriety by going to pubs. “She plays while poodles pays.”
They will never get a refund. Back in the wool share scam, she sent out refunds of $10 per month. Then the refunds stopped coming. People started to complain so she said she was busy and forgot. And she kept “forgetting”. Eventually people just gave up.
It’s just like when Birchthorn backers got sick of waiting for their very overdue copies of her bombed book. Jenna became belligerent on Kickstarter, and it took a lot of pressure for refunds.
I think that she counts on people giving up in disgust, and letting her keep their money. She’s been doing this for decades, but it’s starting to catch up.
People who crowdfunded $$$ were entitled to hard copies, promised to be of high quality, maybe signed (I forget) and then FF did some crazy bullsh** when contributors complained about not receiving their LONG overdue copies.
She claimed books were in process, said she lost people's addresses, told them they had to update their addresses, required them to complete survey, etc. As mentioned, most people gave up. A few people received copies, guessing friends-of-FFF. She publicly denigrated those who complained by telling only "part" of the Birchthorne saga, shaded to make her the earnest victim.
Lol, her editor even commented on FFF misrepresentation.
As I remember FF likely spent all the upfront money ($15,000) on other stuff, then didn't have money for printing quality hard copies of the book. Apparently, finished books were crap with poor binding, thin paper and lousy printing. And the kicker is, she STILL didn't send everyone their copies.
Pig Shocker...fleecing more than sheep whenever she can.
PDD. The Amazon reviews are rotten, too. She stole $15,000 not to write a book, but the money was misappropriated for other crap. Jenna Woginrich is a criminal.
I’m wondering if she really is gay. She never showed any indication of it early on. She even waxed poetic about the man she would marry. I think the male dating pool dried up and she decided to look elsewhere.
We’ve wondered that, too. It might be a marketing maneuver to bring in business. I think that Jenna is repellent for many reasons to both genders. Which is why she’s never really had a relationship until Shannon. And then it only lasted for a year until she was dumped.
When you think about how often she’s changed opinions and identities, then being a lesbian isn’t a stretch. Plus it’s trendy now, and she’s an attention whore.
Anon 2:40 - being a lesbian is trendy now? Since when? As an old school dyke myself, i can't say I've noticed the trend. We had a pride gathering here cancelled after the performers were threatened with violence. It's not any different than it was 20 years ago. If anything, the evolution of the pop culture's understanding of gender identity would be considered "trendy" though I don't think that's accurate either. It's just the younger generations now have access to much better language than I did or our predecessors did.
I think Jenna probably is gay, and it's not really my place to argue another's sexual / gender identity. I thought so before she came out, and I wasn't really surprised. At the end of the day she was gay enough for Shannon to move in, and her whole "lez wolf memes" instagram was so cringy baby-gay that it tracked to me.
The fact she doesn't seem to have any actual ties to the actual queer community in her area I think is more a reflection on her inability to form / maintain relationships in general. (cough *adhd* cough). Well, adhd + some additional toxic personality traits.
“Paying cash for piglets tomorrow and HAPPY TO SELL YOU A LOGO HALF PRICED RIGTH NOW to help pad the bank account, since this purchase after the may mortgage has me pretty tight! Support a small farm and look great doing it with a new logo!”
“GOOD NEWS! I found some beautiful local piglets for a great price just 5 miles away! No more dealing with shady feedlot dealers pretending they're local breeders or nervous about their questionable ethics. WOO HOOO!!!! IT WORKED OUT!!!”
No one cares, cunt. You’re always “pretty tight,” because you’re a lying, lazy loser. Jenna expects others to pay for her piglets as always. “RIGH.”
Yes I’m co fused, her bank account shouldn’t need any “padding”. People (supposedly) bought pig shares so she should have enough to purchase those pigs. Shady shady Jenna.
This piglets were already paid for once by those whom she conned into buying a pig “future/share”. She should be ashamed deep in her bones to be begging for a second round of cash for something that others already paid for months ago. RIGTH now she should be ashamed. Effing con artist. Assuming she sold the piglet shares on Twitter, why aren’t those twats who bought them, calling her the eff out???
At almost 40 she should have some savings by now to purchase piglets etc… Jenna’s bullshit belief that people will always bail her out is crazy. Normal adults don’t think that way.
Yes and she will beg and whine when the butcher’s bill comes due. She’s already spent the money and now she want people to “pad” her bank account. I’ve got a suggestion for her. Get a freakin’ job and pad your own account!
Don’t forget she will also beg for feed and hay money, which should and is already pre-paid for by the share buyers, just like the cost of the piglets, butchering, etc.
No one needs to know that she’s “paying cash” for purchasing piglets or any other items. It’s a manipulative marketing maneuver to come across as being broke. And her underlying message is always “Venmo, it means so much!!!”
I think the whole pork share thing is a Ponzi scheme. Her profit margin must be very small when you consider the cost of the piglets, feed and butcher bill. So she gets a big outlay of cash up front. She uses that money to pay last month's expenses, mortgage or whatever. So then she has to beg for next month's expenses. I don't believe she is just begging for mortgage money. I think she is begging for all of her expenses, but "mortgage" seems to bring in the most cash. Then she will beg in earnest when it comes time to pay the butcher. Just watch.
“Just spent an hour looking for missing birds. Might have lost 3 hens and 5 chicks unless a mama is with them in deep hiding. Haven’t had foxes around in years because of our active coyotes and I’d go be anything for a coyote right now.”
Jenna’s been hitting her bourbon bottles again. “I’d go be anything for a coyote right now” sounds stupid and nonsensical. It’s just more livestock losses on Dead Animals Farm.
She can't keep the gophers out of her garden, how does she expect to keep a fox out of her hen house? Remember all the fox drama her first year there? She was claiming to be staying up all night with her gun.
“Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! Piglet delivery in a few hours and going to be outside with the flock from 4-near dark making sure I can scare off this fox that's been back so many times for easy meals. I don't want to shoot it. I do want to shoot over it and scare it.”
Let's think about her bird situation. Doubtful she pens them up at night, because that would cut into her solar-lamp-lighting follies, do theyre badically unprotected. We also know they must go to the pond/creek to drink water.
There are foxes, coyotes and at least one bear in the neighborhood. Per usual, the birds are on their own, trying to survive Dead Animal Farm. Hey, Pig Shocker, remind us again how you buy extra chicks because you expect a 50% mortality rate on your farm??
Corrected copy: Let's think about her bird situation. Doubtful she pens them up at night, because that would cut into her solar-lamp-lighting follies, so they're basically unprotected. We also know they must go to the pond/creek to drink water.
There are foxes, coyotes and at least one bear in the neighborhood. Per usual, the birds are on their own, trying to survive Dead Animal Farm. Hey, Pig Shocker, remind us again how you buy extra chicks because you expect a 50% mortality rate on your farm??
PDD. When I wrote my comment above, I was also thinking about her high mortality rate of losing livestock. Even over a decade of being a hobbyist homesteader, the filthy feral farmer has learned nothing about farming.
Like she owns “her woods.” She shared them with best neighbors. But Jenna can’t be bothered with gathering branches for her stove in the fall. She wants to whine about needing money for fuel. Even though she had a furnace that functions.
The filthy feral farmer also refuses how to use a chainsaw. The “scrappy little lesbian” and badass butch is “too scared” of power tools.
Not a single solitary comment, like or retweet, and she has now retweeted herself. I would be so sick of her if I was receiving her notifications (not sure how Twitter works, I don’t have an account).
Her pushy desperation is a total turn-off. She’s probably the same way with women. No wonder why she’s still single. It’s truly unreal that she’d prefer begging for money, rather than getting a part-time job to support herself. I can’t comprehend why she won’t change. Maybe it’s either mental illness or just laziness. And Jenna has a lot of competition now from younger people who have better training and talent. Plus their rates are more reasonable. I’m sure that a lot of her followers muted her a long time ago. I’ve also noticed the increasing lack of “likes” and replies that her account gets.
The filthy feral farmer is continuing to pose with pet props to appear authentic. The big pig’s new “relatives” arrived. “I put the laughter back in slaughter!” Spoken like the sociopathic cunt that she is in reality.
The “scrappy little lesbian” has been bragging about her “strong, dense and soft body” on Instagram. “I like it.” But no one else feels the same way about her fat fridge figure with no waist, judging by her lack of “hot ons.”
It sure sounds like chunky is trying to sell herself to get dates. Maybe she should also mention her horrid hygiene to prospective partners. We’ve made the mistake of standing behind her in town. Jenna literally, stinks.
Unless it's about her victimhood or begging, she hasn't blogged for a long time. Her past partner shamed her into blogging, or FFF was on bestest behavior to "prove" how hardworking she was in hopes she could "reel in" a genuine hard worker who had an income.
Now she's slipping back to old habits. Are we guessing "Hello, Bourbon" time?
She's lost her audience. People her age have matured and moved on from that "live like fantasy fiction" mindset. The 20 somethings who are interested in fantasy fiction are not likely to follow a pre-menopausal woman. She has become irrelevant. Best thing for her to do is move on.
“Soap still on sale! Get some and help support a small farm!”
It’s Tuesday trauma time, and Jenna’s back to begging after paying for piglets yesterday. Naturally, this almost 40 year old moron has no savings like a normal adult does. She expects “poodle” people to bail her out forever.
I'm wondering if she is begging on some type of gay or lesbian platform. She's being discriminated against, so please buy her soaps and logos and give her their folding money, blah, blah, blah...
“Mornings are starting with writing again. I'm at the stage of this book where it's a thousand tiny essays and not a cohesive unit but when woven together it's a story that I think could help a lot of people. I am glad to be writing it.”
Jenna is delusional. She’s a rotten writer who hasn’t published a book in years. It’s ludicrous that she thinks her weird word salads could “help a lot of people.” Her lazy loser “lie-style” is the exact opposite of inspirational. Consider that she begs almost daily for mortgage money, and is behind with her payments each and every month.
It sounds more like she is journaling for herself. I doubt there is anything in those essays that could help anyone. I have followed many blogs over many years, looking for answers that could help me with my own problems. I found that if you follow someone's blog long enough, you often find out they have more problems than you do and are writing looking for their own answers. She is so lost and has nothing to offer anyone.
The only way this book is happening is if she self publishes (again). I doubt she has an agent anymore and her editor blasted her for scamming people out of their copies of Birchthorn and pocketing the money.
I can't think of a single thing about her "story" that would help anyone.
Although, if she wrote about her tricks and methods for scamming people and not having to work a real job I'm sure there would be people who'd want to read that.
“Looking for a logo design? Pet portraits? Handmade soap bundles? Goal is to earn $175 today and that's one sale logo and 1 set of BOGO pet portraits with some scratch on the side. Interested? DM!”
No one cares, cunt. Your pathetic “goals” are only a manipulative marketing maneuver for free funds.
Her infamous “fraction finances” with specific amounts mentioned, are done deliberately to make it look like she’s so close to her little old “goal.”:If only someone who has a “direct deposit account” would Venmo her their “folding money.”
Her pet portraits are $50 so that must mean her logos are now just $125, which is far cheaper than the $400 she was charging a few years ago. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
And “I am asking?” needs no question mark, since the first stupid sentence stated your intention, idiot. Jenna will never professionally publish a book again. She’s a rotten writer who doesn’t either use or understand proper punctuation.
Assume "Can Oak Milk Go Bad? I am asking? Or Is It Just Grass Water/Dog Medicine in My Fridge Forever." is the title of one of the chapters in her new book.
How hard is it to look at the date on the carton and do a sniff test? But no, she asks the internet a question a 40 year old woman should be able to answer without outside help. SMH
Saw her advertising on Instagram that her honey soap is ready to ship in a week. Let’s break it down, I’m a soap maker of 14 years, with a goat herd. Several things have to happen before you make soap. Your mamas must have kidded, so you can have a milk source, unless you have frozen milk from last year’s kidding, then you need, at a minimum, olive oil (you can get a 101 oz bottle on Amazon for $25, coconut oil-about $9 for a 30 oz carton, and either tallow or lard (around $10 for a tub). You also need lye (which I bought last month for $15 for a container of about 30 oz which makes me about 5 batches of soap on average.) Scents (essential oil-unless you use cheap crap that’s bad for skin-are about $20 per ounce, and my recipe calls for q on per batch of 8 soaps. ) then you go to additives like clay and dried herbs, flowers, honey, oats, Luffa sponge, etc. So far, you get the picture? It’s not cheap if you do it right. Next step-making and molding the soap. Now, when you make a fresh batch of creamy goats milk soap like what she claims to make, and pour it in intricate molds like the ones she shows, you can count on at least a week in the mold before they harden enough to JUST get out, once out, you want your soaps to cure for a minimum of 4 but ideally 6 weeks. So, you see, there is no way this girl who cries poor and broke day after day and who has no goats who have recently kidded is doing REAL soap. She can’t afford the supplies, and she ships in less than a week. No effing way, might I add. Now let’s break down a more likely scenario: You are a fake farmer. You lie about using real milk and quality ingredients. You have no setup to really make soap from scratch. By your own admission you have no money to pay your mortgage, let alone expenses to make real soap, but you promise honey soaps ready to ship in a you beg on Twitter, you pre-sell the soap. You get the funds via Venmo because you cried about post office trips being too expensive. Once the cash hits your account, you go to Amazon and order Our earth’s secrets goats milk soap base-2 lb melt and pour soap for $18.95. It’s on Prime (which of course you have) so it comes to you in a day or two. You melt, pour, throw in some dry mint or a pinch of your oatmeal before you cook your breakfast, in about 1 hour it comes out of the mold perfectly, and by the end of the week you ship it to some moron who thinks they are buying real farm soap. And because she is who she is, those tiny soaps are at most 3 oz.( I have the bee molds, I use them for beeswax chunks). Most respectable soaps are in the 5-6 oz weight range. So she gets 10 little soaps out of the 2lb brick, and sells them for 5-6 bucks each, on her original, early-in-the week investment of $18.95.
Her soaps suck. We’ve heard that from friends who’ve bought them. Thanks for explaining the involved process. She takes the easy way out like everything else that she’s done. Even her writing is poorly crafted with multiple mistakes. Her whole life is lies.
I totally believe this. Again, there is a huge market for her to show her soap making. Even part of the process. She shows nothing but the finished product. Most creatives show in progress pics and she never does which shows me she ain’t doing it!!
I also hate that the theme of her new book is “ women will put off happiness and how she had to come out as a farmer to come as gay.” Sounds like this book will be a slog to get through if it’s ever published!!!
Anonymous 1:49. She’ll never have another book bought by a reputable publisher. In addition to being a bad writer, her reputation is terrible.
She has only herself to blame for being an animal abusing, beggar and scammer. Jenna has burned too many people for over a decade, and the internet has a history of it. Which is why we’re here, too.
Excellent breakdown, Anon 12:36, thank you. Just curious, what if she did actually make real soap as you described...would her selling price of $6/bar even be profitable?
And as Anon 1:49 pointed out, she has NEVER in all of these years, never once posted a single pic on her bleg showing her extensive soap making process. Which would suggest that she is a melt-n-pour fraudster. I also suspect that any mint flecks are just pieces of spinach she picks outta her teeth.
“It doesn't take much for me to pay to watch something. I see the value in paying a couple bucks a month for a streaming service or even a rental of a good movie. But when it comes to reading online, no amount of money will get me to pay a monthly sub for one opinion piece.”
GFY, Jenna. She pays for several streaming services including Amazon Prime. And brags about having them. Her stupid “opinions” are insipid and meaningless.
What a bunch of bull. We also pay for streaming services just like hers. And they cost much more than “a couple bucks a month.” Jenna can’t tell the truth about anything. Even when it’s obvious that she’s lying.
From the names of the shows she has self-admitted she watches and comments on all the time, she is far from paying a couple of bucks a month for streaming. Sure, Jen. She is saying this because she is getting ready to crank up the June begging again and doesn’t want people questioning her otherwise comfortable and privileged lie-style. Or, she got called out in a private message or a comment she deleted. Or both.
Anonymous 3:29. Jenna has admitted to being addicted to media, and has obsessively watched ridiculous reruns before, like Buffy and Gilmore Girls. Figures that she’s drawn to teen shows.
The coward deletes a lot of her crappy content. She wants to come across as a “scrappy little lesbian” who “lives alone on the side of a mountain.” In reality, she’s totally dependent on modern conveniences. She’s an overly privileged, pampered white woman whose fantasy “lie-style” is enabled by “poodle” people. We find her insufferable.
Anonymous 5:57. Jenna can’t stand being confronted by her lies. Streaming services can be well over $50 per month. I’m speaking from personal experience.
Yes, she is definitely paying between $50-$100 for streaming services, based on her own account of the past few years. Not to mention all the podcasts she listens to, as they are all not free. Then she turns around and begs for money. What an ass.
No more mention of the 3-5 chickens plus chicks ripped apart / taken by predators. I'll bet they aren’t content. No more mention of the "warrior woman" waiting up with a rifle to frighten a predator. No evidence of her securing birds each evening.
Nah, that was Sunday's bs story. Two days later, she was screwing off again, because what serious farmer doesn't disappear mid-week? Or do nada to protect their flocks?
Jenna is a complete poser, and inauthentic in everything that she does. Her stupid “cycle of crying” is temporarily on hold. But it’ll begin again like her begging. Her patterns are predictable.
Now PDD, you done gone and stirred ole farmer Jen up with your comment (which she doesn’t read, no ma’am ) because did you see she posted a picture and a comment about returning from fox watching duty. But no, she doesn’t read here.
Anon 7:24, didn't mean to wake the "streaming beast", lol. She looked for her chickens as hard as she looked for her escaped raptor several years ago. It flew off, wearing its jesses, before a major snowstorm, but she couldn't take time away from drinking and playing board games that same evening to look for it. When she pretended to look a day or so later, she was more interested in showing off her cool outdoor gear. Her empathy button is missing and she remains a POS. PDD
“Logos still on sale! Grab the last half- price spot left!”
This is an example of her manipulative marketing maneuvers. Jenna’s crap is almost always on sale. So she’s lying and trying to make the lousy logos sound like a good deal. When in fact, it’s her hyperbolic bullshit. She becomes desperate for “folding money,” and will say anything to get it.
By saying “Grab the last half-spot left!” she’s deliberately creating a false sense of urgency. I guarantee that someone could make her an offer, and she’d take it without hesitation. So it’s a crock of crap to make her deals sound special.
And Jenna’s making it appear that she’s been so inundated with new business, that there’s only one good deal left. Which is why we call her the Cambridge Queen of Con.
Once she gets a client’s commitment, and their funds up front, then she’ll take her time and make them wait. Jenna’s been known to put off projects for months in the summer. So she can fuck around, go to the pub, see movies, swim, and hike etc…. Then she’ll justify it by claiming to be busy.
She has no sense as to what makes a business successful. Even after doing it for a decade. And she’s too stupid and stubborn to learn and change. That’s why Jenna’s a fucking failure at almost 40.
I remember when she got the money from the Birchthorn Kickstater project. Shortly afterwards, she said she was writing a book about how Merlin saved her. I thought, what? Isn't she supposed to be writing Birchthorn? She apparently lost interest after she got the money. Her backers hounded her for over a year after the deadline passed. She then sent them an ebook version, and they had to hound her again for their print copies.
Yep. Once she gets the money, good luck getting your product.
Grab the last spot today, tomorrow it’s going to be “ I haven’t had a sale in weeks “. She can’t keep the story straight. You either haven’t had sales in week and are begging for your bills, or you are so busy that your supposed clients have to agree to wait 8 weeks for you to start and you urgently have just one previous logo spot left. Which one is it, Jen, cause, darling, can’t be both. You can’t ride two horses with one ass, as daddy said in Sweet Home Alabama.
Well and didn’t I call it. Yesterday she was saying only one spot left, grab it while it lasts. Today she interrupts people who are angry, scared, and grieving to tell them to PAY ATTENTION YO HER DAMNIT and is back to no sales, please buy something.
The fierce faux feminist is sitting on her “dense,” “soft” fat ass today, doing virtue-signaling retweets of abortion rights. But she’ll never take time to attend a rally. Yet she has two vehicles, and enough gas to go to movies, hiking, Bennington etc…
“Also, if you're a pork customer you are welcome to reserve for shares in advance. Pre sales help so much.
And if you just want to contribute, or kick in towards 13 years of free writing on my website. I'm jennawog on venmo and” (PayPal link)
Yeah, people are going to pay for pork that won’t be purchased until a future date. If at all. Just like her wool shares scam. And why would anyone want to give an almost 40 year old loser a dime. When she’s blown every opportunity handed to her. Jenna doesn’t deserve to have a home. She’s a rotten writer whose blog is stagnant and worthless just like her. “Venmo/PayPal, they mean so much!!!”
Is she trying to say that after barely getting piglets for this year, she is already selling shares in piglets that won’t be purchased until summer 23 and processed maybe in winter 23? Is she completely insane? More so, are people out there so effed up that they would buy into this scam?? On her own admission she may lose “this farm” any day now for non payment of mortgage. Why would anyone think it’s a good idea to pre buy something this uncertain?
We’ll be visiting Cambridge again soon. I’m looking forward to setting in motion a series of actions which will adversely impact her business and life there.
It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
For those who missed her “hissy fit” here’s the stupid tweet:
It looks like the stupid, “scrappy little lesbian” is big mad at us for calling out her crap again. Boo fucking hoo.
Jenna was so upset with us that she forgot apostrophes, commas and periods. The stupid, screaming caps and multiple exclamation points also indicates her hysteria. Hope that she has booze around to calm her down. The badass, bold and brave butch needs her bourbon.
DeleteIf slothful Jenna is a “hustler,” then I’m the next president of the United States.
DeleteOf course, the coward can’t come here and confront us. She wants to whine online. And if she was so self-confident, and sure of being right, then she’d mention this site on Twitter.
DeleteI find her teenage temper tantrum pathetic.
DeleteShe accepts PayPal, and because *sniff* it's too expensive to drive to the post office, she wants sales paid via Venmo or PayPal which are...
Delete(stay with me)...
WTF is she rabbiting on about???
Now now, PPD. You know she don’t mind good ole donations. She is only opposed to direct deposit when it comes to hard working people with a j. o. b. Getting paid and having security.
DeleteWow, so defensive she is. Perhaps the shame of begging daily (and being called out for it here) is finally starting to get under her skin? Good.
DeleteThere's no shame in her. Based on half-a$$ed sycophantic defenses, she absolutely believes she is entitled to live her life however she wants (even if this includes lying to goose donations and pity purchases) and if poodles pay for it, there's no problem. Not in her mind, anyway.
DeleteHer rant was because we DARED to question her right to do whatever the fcuk she wants, including: lie, misrepresent, con, abuse, neglect and tell tall tales.
PS I periodically remind people she's not an "individual". She's a business owner, who runs several businesses, and as such, she should be held to appropriate business ethics standards like any other business.
It’s also possible that some of her followers called her out. A lot of us here were fans at one time until we figured out the “hustle”. Maybe that is why she lost a few followers today. They may have called her out, then dropped her.
ReplyDeleteThat’s a good point. I don’t think that it’s a coincidence that she’s lost more followers today.
DeleteI’ve never seen other adults on any social media platforms, bragging about making their mortgage payments each month like Jenna does. And the fact that hers are always late is crazy. It’s like she wants kudos for just paying bills like everyone else does daily. “I want extra credit, teacher, for doing the assignment!!!”
ReplyDeleteJenna probably got participation awards in school for doing nothing but showing up. Unfortunately, her generation’s received them, but they’ve done damage. So she expects the same as an adult.
DeleteLol, imagine if her bank sent her an award every month: YOU PAID YOUR MORTGAGE!!!
DeleteShe'd probably wet herself with glee and celebrate by slow dancing with her dogs.
Does the FFF understand how direct deposit works? She acts like people just get money deposited into their bank accounts automatically. Here’s how it works, darling. Those people have jobs. Yet you would rather siphon off them. Sheesh.
ReplyDeleteExactly! And by disparaging those with direct deposit, she is slapping the very people she begs money off, in the face. But also, according to her own admission, she pays her mortgage by a check. So, darlin, you have “direct deposit” too, only nothing comes via it from honestly earned wages as in, from a j.o.b.
DeleteShe is so lacking in social awareness, she doesn’t understand that she is biting the hand that feeds her with every stupid comment about direct deposit, cubicle, or folding money.
You can’t claim that you pay your mortgage by a check ( which she had admitted sending out days before having sufficient funds and then hoping “luck” would strike and magically there would be enough to pay the mortgage) but also implying with your comments hat ou don’t have a bank account. For eff’s sake, haven’t we heard a million times how you account is in the single or double digits? Get your story straight.
DeleteThat you don’ t have*
DeleteTyping in disgust, sorry, y’all 🤣
DeleteWait a sec...Direct Deposit is electronic money, not that dreaded folding money that makes everyone miserable. So wouldn't she be all for that?
DeleteI'll bet she's confusing "direct deposit lifestyle" with trust fund babies who receive monthly trust payouts. Her early New York social media girl-pack probably included a smattering of trust fund babies.
DeletePoor Faux Feral Farmer- she was "this close" to getting tight with the wealthies.. Now, they've moved on with their better, more fulfilling lives. The rants we see stem from anger and jealousy of anyone who's comfortable. She isn't and never will be.
PDD. Jenna’s been jealous of those who have money for years. She’d better find that bridge that she’s bragged about living under.
DeleteFrom IG:
ReplyDelete“Yesterday was beautiful. got lost, did yoga beside a bear, spent a weekday morning on trail, sunshine, content farm, happy woman. 🖤
Note: nothing about working or earning up. Absolutely amazing how she can beg for $$ but tell the world that she does nothing to earn money herself.
I was at work yesterday, I came home and planted some plants a coworker gave me, played in my garden a bit and ate food I ate that contained ingredients from a local farm (not CAF!!). Oh and TODAY, well today I’m going to enjoy that sweet, sweet direct deposit. It’s payday!!!
Her stupid “cycle of crying” goes up and down. Jenna’s contented moments never last long due to her mercurial moods.
DeleteShe’s named the bear Barb. Ugh. And Jenna’s been “lost” her whole life.
DeleteIt never ceases to disgust/amaze me the absolute NERVE of her holding out one hand for pity donations while using the other hand to write about her leisurely time-wasting pursuits.
DeleteAs another Anon once said, "She plays while everyone else pays."
I think if Jenna could get a poodle job again, she would. We have watched her burn bridges with friends &people in town…I think she has in the professional world as well. She probably got fired and didn’t have any good references to find another well paying job. She went with the full time “farmer” narrative and now on top of everything else she is a decade out of touch -employers don’t want her.
ReplyDeleteSo I think her projection of everyone with a real job and direct deposit is a poodle and miserable is actually thinly veiled jealousy of something she once had and lost.
Just want to clarify this is in regards to her design career. She could easily get an entry level job in retail, etc but her ego won’t let her
DeleteAnon 4:35, I'll bet you hit it 💯. I have friends in the computer, tech, sciences and art worlds, and they all work a post-Covid hybrid schedule: work from home most of the time and work in office 1-2 days/week. That she can't find such a job says a lot.
DeleteWhen she posted that she hated her jobs and "was bad at them", believe it.
I don’t know if she either quit her career at Orvis or was fired. I strongly suspect that they kicked her to the curb. But Jenna’s jealousy is barely masked by her contempt of those who have ample amounts of money.
DeleteOrvis is where she was allowed to take her dog to work. I'll bet he crapped under people's desks and she denied it/didn't clean it up. Or perhaps security cams showed it was actually her and not the dog.
DeleteShe would love to have a steady source of income for minimal effort, which is what she thinks a job is (direct deposit lifestyle). Yet with the same mouth she'll talk about how much she hates hates hates HATES being employed.
DeleteSomeone just sent her a lot of money. You can tell by the post of how content she is to do yoga with a bear, yada, yada, yada. Tomorrow will bring another crisis and the begging will begin in earnest.
ReplyDelete“I lit the forest path with solar lanterns and walks at dusk feel magical. I’m so in love with this little homestead”
DeleteYeah, you’re right. At least it’s not “this farm” for once. She’s little more than a hobbyist homesteader. But she’ll be back to bitching and begging soon.
$$ for solar lanterns
DeleteNo money for mortgage
The COld antleR LIE- style
I wonder if she got that extra $700 someone mentioned on the last thread. Mortgage paid, a trunkful of pricy berries, solar lanterns on a whim.
DeleteI bet it doesn’t last long.. the June mortgage is now overdue, and the July will be due in less than two weeks. It never ends with her.
If she did receive the $700 that's probably how she paid the mortgage.
DeleteBTW, I saw the strawberry pic...that is A LOT of strawberries!! Any guesses how much that cost her?
Jon Katz posted about buying the same berries from the Amish neighbors and he specified $6 per basket. She had easily 8-9 baskets in that trunk.
DeleteI counted at least 16 quarts, and I suspect more in the back. At least $96 for fresh strawberries.
DeleteMaybe she'll tell her readers she found them at the dump !🤣🤣🤣
Yes, tell us again how you don’t have enough money to pay your mortgage, but go ahead and blow almost $100 on berries so you can stage a ‘gram.
DeleteShe is SO CLOSE to doing the right thing and getting rid of her animals.
ReplyDeleteC'mon, Jenna. Do it! You know you are tired of the sheep and the pigs will never be worthwhile. Keep your chickens and geese, etc (or at least until Barb and the other predators get them), re-home the horses, and brag about your "homestead". As you can see, the readers want pretty pictures of animals - they don't care WHOSE they are or WHERE they live.
PDD. What makes you think that she’d get rid of her pet props and animal accessories? I’d value your opinion, thanks.
DeleteBut driving her car/truck “into the apocalypse,”doesn’t sound as “warrior woman” like as “riding her horses” does. So she might have to hang on to her hay burners.
DeleteSadly, I doubt she will get rid of them, but if she thinks it through, herd reduction makes a great deal of sense; at a minimum, maybe she'll refrain from getting more.
DeleteMy rationale: she hardly posts about farm animals. Her last photo of the sheep was over a month ago - and then a quick shot of them in a field. The chickens get photos, because they wander closely; they're survivors, pretty self-sufficient at this point (and if one died, she probably wouldn't care). Future pigs will be trouble and will need looking after. The horses are basically ignored - give them a trough of water and let them eat grass.
Her latest fads don't revolve around the animals: hiking, a bit more socializing, perhaps dating, yoga, putting up fairy lights in her backyard. She admitted she's not going to share homesteading tips, and since her, ahem, identity is meat farmer, this tells me less and less should be shared about animals.
Without animals to tie her down, she can wander more, maybe get inspired to lead a better life and as a BONUS, Shamster historians will pay less attention to her. It's clear her readers don't give a flying fig where cute animals live - they only want pics. Hell, she can say she looks after the animals, and readers would be happy (and no less the wiser).
I know if she didn't have animals, I'd ignore her. Let the idiots who want to support her DO SO.
My $0.02
Yep, hardly any animal posts of late. In fact, she's only posted on her new bleg twice in the last two months. When Shannon lived there, the Pig Shocker posted around 5-15 times a month about the animals, gardening, etc. Now she has nothing much to say about her so-called farm.
DeleteMaybe mommy & daddy sent her an early birthday check $$$
ReplyDeleteI’d bet that her poor parents are sick of their problem adult.
DeleteMa Wog seems like the type to send self-help books that Jenna never reads.
DeletePer IG: Jenna got a letter from NYS dept of Ag asking her to be on their state directory. Sounds like a great way to get her “fauxrm” out there and sell some more pork!! Oh wait, she might have to actually work instead of beg.
ReplyDeleteJenna? Did you get pigs yet or are you too busy doing nada!??? I mean solar lights on the fauxrm aren’t going to post themselves!!! You said you only have until July 1 and I can see you are working really hard to get them!! Otherwise you’d have to keep that money you earned up and your customers will have to suck it!!!
Gee, I wonder who sent the recommendation to the Dept of Ag???
DeleteA state directory? Why, hello IRS!
DeleteThe solar lights thru the path is such an Instagram cliche thing to do. Think about it -- she probably leaves them in the sun all day and then runs to hang them in the woods, then runs back to the house to grab a camera so she can take pics on her little lighted walk.
DeleteAll that for her highly curated Instagram so that idiots will send her money. But it's just more heavily staged pics for the 'Gram.
Anon7, your observation tickled me. Remember when Pig Shocker ranted about "carefully curated" IG stories? And here she is, removing solar lights from a wooded path, placing lights out in the sun, waiting, putting lights back into path, then returning to same path to take a video. What a maroon. 🤣🤣🤣
Quite possibly, she’s the most pathetic poser we’ve ever met in person and online.
DeleteI bet she got her extra refund check from the state.
ReplyDeleteYou are probably right! I just got mine three days ago.
DeleteIt’s very suspicious that she’ll never mention receiving money, because it’d interfere with her begging.
DeleteAs for the mortgage, there is no way to know if she’s telling the truth or not. And what about her other bills? She doesn’t whine about them because she knows “mortgage” will bring in the pity donations. She’s like one of Skinner’s pigeons who knows which lever to press to get the pellet.
ReplyDeleteThe “scary foreclosure letter” also brings in money. Funny how she’s never posted pics as proof of any crisis. Yet she expects that people will believe her bullshit lies.
DeleteThe only proof pics I remember her posting were X-rays of her supposed rotting teeth and vet bills. But never any mortgage proof.
DeleteIt’s time for crisis roulette. Let’s spin the wheel and see what it lands on. Mortgage? Tooth? Truck? Roof? Or Wildcard?
ReplyDeleteShe hasn’t done vet visits in awhile.
DeleteIsn't it about that time of year where she starts whining about needing winter firewood? Also, it's a bit early for frozen pipes but there's always the old "I have no hot water" ruse she can once again use!
DeleteAnon 11:19 - she stopped pretending she provides vet care to her animals, other than the very bare minimum. She makes a big deal of having the horses feet trimmed once or twice a year. She's not taking anyone to the vet anymore, and she probably owes all the vets near her money.
Delete“Good morning from the happiest badger in New York”
ReplyDeleteIt’s the big pig posing with way too many berries. That smug smirk on her fake fat face is ugly. Jenna looks like a dude in a dress.
She always has to be “the happiest” of anything with her hyperbolic bullshit. Jenna’s trying so hard to be a femme with a flower in her hair. But “you can’t put lipstick on a pig.”
DeleteNow she’s a “badger,” but before it was a hobbit and heathen. Guess that the “scrappy little lesbian” can’t make up her moronic mind at almost 40.
DeleteShe’s deliberately posed with the big box of berries to hide her fridge figure. Unfortunately, we can still see her tree trunk legs, thick thighs, beefy biceps and bulging belly. (I like alliteration.)
DeleteStupid also forgot to use sunscreen. We wouldn’t want her to get skin cancer. (Said sarcastically.)
DeleteHours later and only one person has commented on her ick pic. And it’s a stupid sycophantic supporter.
DeleteJenna was probably disappointed that many women didn’t “hot on” her photo. It’s weird how she has almost 5,000 followers, but very little reactions to her tweets. I think that a lot of people have muted her, because she’s bombarded them with begging for years.
DeleteAnd only one lone response a day later. Funny how the faux femme doesn’t shave her hairy legs. It’s one of the “tells” in our queer community that she’s a butch.
Delete“I'm still looking for piglets for my winter harvest date. So far there are so many illegal sales of feedlot pigs from the midwest all over FB and craigslist. I legally need to only sell NYS- born pigs. Second sale that fell through because I asked for the breeders farm name/town.”
ReplyDeleteThe big pig is looking for more of her “family” to butcher. I’d bet that the “sale fell through” due to her rotten reputation and unpleasant personality. Jenna is loathed by locals and beyond her area. I’m speaking from personal experience of having lived in Cambridge, and still visiting.
I’m also pleased to say that we’ve continued to cost her all sorts of sales. But I’ll never tell our methods of doing damage to her.
DeleteAnon 9:56 am. Exactly so. Reputable farms abound in the Northeast with farmers who properly feed their livestock quality natural feed, not leftover Donuts and rotting deli sandwiches. Such farmers welcome unannounced visits because the animals are looked after 24/7.
DeleteOnly a fool would buy from a substandard farm.
Help me understand this. Did she already take money for pork sales? And if so, is that why she is broadcasting that she can’t get piglets? Will she refund the money or will she keep it and tell the buyers that’s the risk you take.
ReplyDeleteJenna never refunds money. And she’s screwed people over before with wool shares years ago, and used her crap “risk you take” lies.
DeleteAnon 1220: she pre-sells pig shares over a year before the supposed delivery date. She spends the presale money on whatever, she does not save it to pay for the feed, purchase or butchering fees.
DeleteShe manages her pork gig like a high-schooler with birthday money.
I’ve met teens who have more maturity than Jenna, and are also better at finances.
DeleteShe claims that customers will either get their shares kate or get a refund. Don’t hold your breath. On IG she has a pic at Argyle Brewing Co. a lot of gat abouting for someone so desperate to make mortgage payments.
ReplyDeleteAlso complaining that pigs cost too much. Maybe that’s why you don’t sell shares until you have the pigs????!! Good business practice would mean that you cover your cost plus make a profit. She’s crying that people want to sell her piglets for $300. If that is the case then your shares need to cost more. But I’m no farmer who has written books like her!!!
Jenna only wants free funds, and doesn’t care what she has to say to get them. She’s taken funds up front for years way in advance, before pigs were purchased.
DeleteI also think that she’s drinking again. Otherwise she wouldn’t want to temp her sobriety by going to pubs. “She plays while poodles pays.”
Tempt not temp
DeleteThey will never get a refund. Back in the wool share scam, she sent out refunds of $10 per month. Then the refunds stopped coming. People started to complain so she said she was busy and forgot. And she kept “forgetting”. Eventually people just gave up.
DeleteIt’s just like when Birchthorn backers got sick of waiting for their very overdue copies of her bombed book. Jenna became belligerent on Kickstarter, and it took a lot of pressure for refunds.
DeleteI think that she counts on people giving up in disgust, and letting her keep their money. She’s been doing this for decades, but it’s starting to catch up.
What a 💩💩💩 show that was.
DeletePeople who crowdfunded $$$ were entitled to hard copies, promised to be of high quality, maybe signed (I forget) and then FF did some crazy bullsh** when contributors complained about not receiving their LONG overdue copies.
She claimed books were in process, said she lost people's addresses, told them they had to update their addresses, required them to complete survey, etc. As mentioned, most people gave up. A few people received copies, guessing friends-of-FFF. She publicly denigrated those who complained by telling only "part" of the Birchthorne saga, shaded to make her the earnest victim.
Lol, her editor even commented on FFF misrepresentation.
As I remember FF likely spent all the upfront money ($15,000) on other stuff, then didn't have money for printing quality hard copies of the book. Apparently, finished books were crap with poor binding, thin paper and lousy printing. And the kicker is, she STILL didn't send everyone their copies.
Pig Shocker...fleecing more than sheep whenever she can.
PDD. The Amazon reviews are rotten, too. She stole $15,000 not to write a book, but the money was misappropriated for other crap. Jenna Woginrich is a criminal.
DeleteLate not kate! Oops
ReplyDeleteWell, she can continue going to Stewart's, repackaging their pork and selling it as her own. 🤣🤣🤣
...but is it?
I’m wondering if she really is gay. She never showed any indication of it early on. She even waxed poetic about the man she would marry. I think the male dating pool dried up and she decided to look elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteWe’ve wondered that, too. It might be a marketing maneuver to bring in business. I think that Jenna is repellent for many reasons to both genders. Which is why she’s never really had a relationship until Shannon. And then it only lasted for a year until she was dumped.
DeleteWhen you think about how often she’s changed opinions and identities, then being a lesbian isn’t a stretch. Plus it’s trendy now, and she’s an attention whore.
DeleteAnon 2:40 - being a lesbian is trendy now? Since when? As an old school dyke myself, i can't say I've noticed the trend. We had a pride gathering here cancelled after the performers were threatened with violence. It's not any different than it was 20 years ago. If anything, the evolution of the pop culture's understanding of gender identity would be considered "trendy" though I don't think that's accurate either. It's just the younger generations now have access to much better language than I did or our predecessors did.
DeleteI think Jenna probably is gay, and it's not really my place to argue another's sexual / gender identity. I thought so before she came out, and I wasn't really surprised. At the end of the day she was gay enough for Shannon to move in, and her whole "lez wolf memes" instagram was so cringy baby-gay that it tracked to me.
The fact she doesn't seem to have any actual ties to the actual queer community in her area I think is more a reflection on her inability to form / maintain relationships in general. (cough *adhd* cough). Well, adhd + some additional toxic personality traits.
“Paying cash for piglets tomorrow and HAPPY TO SELL YOU A LOGO HALF PRICED RIGTH NOW to help pad the bank account, since this purchase after the may mortgage has me pretty tight! Support a small farm and look great doing it with a new logo!”
ReplyDelete“GOOD NEWS! I found some beautiful local piglets for a great price just 5 miles away! No more dealing with shady feedlot dealers pretending they're local breeders or nervous about their questionable ethics. WOO HOOO!!!! IT WORKED OUT!!!”
No one cares, cunt. You’re always “pretty tight,” because you’re a lying, lazy loser. Jenna expects others to pay for her piglets as always. “RIGH.”
That "purchase" is being made from money people gave her for pork shares.
DeleteYes I’m co fused, her bank account shouldn’t need any “padding”. People (supposedly) bought pig shares so she should have enough to purchase those pigs. Shady shady Jenna.
DeleteWill she beg for food $ for these pigs?
This piglets were already paid for once by those whom she conned into buying a pig “future/share”. She should be ashamed deep in her bones to be begging for a second round of cash for something that others already paid for months ago. RIGTH now she should be ashamed. Effing con artist. Assuming she sold the piglet shares on Twitter, why aren’t those twats who bought them, calling her the eff out???
DeleteAt almost 40 she should have some savings by now to purchase piglets etc… Jenna’s bullshit belief that people will always bail her out is crazy. Normal adults don’t think that way.
DeleteYes and she will beg and whine when the butcher’s bill comes due. She’s already spent the money and now she want people to “pad” her bank account. I’ve got a suggestion for her. Get a freakin’ job and pad your own account!
DeleteDon’t forget she will also beg for feed and hay money, which should and is already pre-paid for by the share buyers, just like the cost of the piglets, butchering, etc.
DeleteNo one needs to know that she’s “paying cash” for purchasing piglets or any other items. It’s a manipulative marketing maneuver to come across as being broke. And her underlying message is always “Venmo, it means so much!!!”
DeleteBuying piglets with CASH only. Sure. Nothing sketchy there.
DeletePDD. Yeah, it seemed “sketchy” to me, too.
DeleteJenna’s getting ready for Monday moanin’ begging. She needs to purchase piglets, and also pay her June mortgage. “Everything is on sale!!!”
ReplyDeleteIt’ll be Tuesday trauma now. She’s behind on her begging schedule. Then there’s always Wednesday whining.
DeleteI think the whole pork share thing is a Ponzi scheme. Her profit margin must be very small when you consider the cost of the piglets, feed and butcher bill. So she gets a big outlay of cash up front. She uses that money to pay last month's expenses, mortgage or whatever. So then she has to beg for next month's expenses. I don't believe she is just begging for mortgage money. I think she is begging for all of her expenses, but "mortgage" seems to bring in the most cash. Then she will beg in earnest when it comes time to pay the butcher. Just watch.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn’t take long to see that her patterns are predictable. Jenna’s been begging for so long that I don’t think she’s capable of changing.
DeleteHer Ponzi scheme is “robbing Peter/Poodles to pay (for) Paul/piglets.
DeleteEdit: piglets.”
Delete“Just spent an hour looking for missing birds. Might have lost 3 hens and 5 chicks unless a mama is with them in deep hiding. Haven’t had foxes around in years because of our active coyotes and I’d go be anything for a coyote right now.”
ReplyDeleteJenna’s been hitting her bourbon bottles again. “I’d go be anything for a coyote right now” sounds stupid and nonsensical. It’s just more livestock losses on Dead Animals Farm.
She can't keep the gophers out of her garden, how does she expect to keep a fox out of her hen house? Remember all the fox drama her first year there? She was claiming to be staying up all night with her gun.
Delete“Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! Piglet delivery in a few hours and going to be outside with the flock from 4-near dark making sure I can scare off this fox that's been back so many times for easy meals. I don't want to shoot it. I do want to shoot over it and scare it.”
ReplyDeleteNo one cares, cunt.
Let's think about her bird situation. Doubtful she pens them up at night, because that would cut into her solar-lamp-lighting follies, do theyre badically unprotected. We also know they must go to the pond/creek to drink water.
DeleteThere are foxes, coyotes and at least one bear in the neighborhood. Per usual, the birds are on their own, trying to survive Dead Animal Farm. Hey, Pig Shocker, remind us again how you buy extra chicks because you expect a 50% mortality rate on your farm??
What an awful "farmer " she is.
Corrected copy:
DeleteLet's think about her bird situation. Doubtful she pens them up at night, because that would cut into her solar-lamp-lighting follies, so they're basically unprotected. We also know they must go to the pond/creek to drink water.
There are foxes, coyotes and at least one bear in the neighborhood. Per usual, the birds are on their own, trying to survive Dead Animal Farm. Hey, Pig Shocker, remind us again how you buy extra chicks because you expect a 50% mortality rate on your farm??
What an awful "farmer " she is.
PDD. When I wrote my comment above, I was also thinking about her high mortality rate of losing livestock. Even over a decade of being a hobbyist homesteader, the filthy feral farmer has learned nothing about farming.
DeleteEdit: Even after…
DeleteWell, she showed me. Definitely can’t get a job if she’s spending from 4-near dark chasing a fox around.
ReplyDeleteNext crisis? Did she already sell her chicken shares??
Lol, sunset is at 8:30 pm. She's going to sit outside in bright daylight, waiting 4.5 hours for a fox? Im sure a stealthy animal wont notice her.
DeleteCue day drinking and posed photo of her sitting on her rump with gun balanced on crossed legs.
PDD. Her recent rambling writing, and nonsensical sentences are signs that she’s drinking again.
Delete“Morning walks in our woods, coffee, writing daily again. Feels good.”
ReplyDeleteLike she owns “her woods.” She shared them with best neighbors. But Jenna can’t be bothered with gathering branches for her stove in the fall. She wants to whine about needing money for fuel. Even though she had a furnace that functions.
The filthy feral farmer also refuses how to use a chainsaw. The “scrappy little lesbian” and badass butch is “too scared” of power tools.
Edit: 1. She shares them with near neighbors. 2. And she has a furnace that functions. (Auto correct is crazy today.)
Delete“Any takers?! Anyone need a logo?”
ReplyDeletePoor, stupid and “scrappy little lesbian” is coming across as desperate for business. No one wants her lousy logos. But she refuses to read the room.
She’d rather whine than work.
DeleteNot a single solitary comment, like or retweet, and she has now retweeted herself. I would be so sick of her if I was receiving her notifications (not sure how Twitter works, I don’t have an account).
DeleteI am sure a lot of them are sick of being badgered for logos. I wonder how many muted her.
DeleteHer pushy desperation is a total turn-off. She’s probably the same way with women. No wonder why she’s still single. It’s truly unreal that she’d prefer begging for money, rather than getting a part-time job to support herself. I can’t comprehend why she won’t change. Maybe it’s either mental illness or just laziness. And Jenna has a lot of competition now from younger people who have better training and talent. Plus their rates are more reasonable. I’m sure that a lot of her followers muted her a long time ago. I’ve also noticed the increasing lack of “likes” and replies that her account gets.
DeleteI used to have a Twitter account, and it’s considered “crass and tacky” to retweet yourself constantly like she does.
Delete“The new kids are here and settling in!”
ReplyDeleteThe filthy feral farmer is continuing to pose with pet props to appear authentic. The big pig’s new “relatives” arrived. “I put the laughter back in slaughter!” Spoken like the sociopathic cunt that she is in reality.
The “scrappy little lesbian” has been bragging about her “strong, dense and soft body” on Instagram. “I like it.” But no one else feels the same way about her fat fridge figure with no waist, judging by her lack of “hot ons.”
ReplyDeleteIt sure sounds like chunky is trying to sell herself to get dates. Maybe she should also mention her horrid hygiene to prospective partners. We’ve made the mistake of standing behind her in town. Jenna literally, stinks.
DeleteThere is really something wrong with her.
DeleteAnonymous 4:02. Like everything.
DeleteJenna quit blogging apparently. Her last post is May 9.
ReplyDeleteInteresting choice...
SOTM, uh oh...get ready for a new blog, hahaha.
DeleteUnless it's about her victimhood or begging, she hasn't blogged for a long time. Her past partner shamed her into blogging, or FFF was on bestest behavior to "prove" how hardworking she was in hopes she could "reel in" a genuine hard worker who had an income.
Now she's slipping back to old habits. Are we guessing "Hello, Bourbon" time?
She lost interest in "farming" a long time ago. Her blog is just a begging platform.
DeleteShe's lost her audience. People her age have matured and moved on from that "live like fantasy fiction" mindset. The 20 somethings who are interested in fantasy fiction are not likely to follow a pre-menopausal woman. She has become irrelevant. Best thing for her to do is move on.
Delete“Soap still on sale! Get some and help support a small farm!”
ReplyDeleteIt’s Tuesday trauma time, and Jenna’s back to begging after paying for piglets yesterday. Naturally, this almost 40 year old moron has no savings like a normal adult does. She expects “poodle” people to bail her out forever.
She wants direct deposit cash and folding money. She can get it the way everyone else does. With a job!
ReplyDeleteAs predicted. Right on schedule.
ReplyDeleteIt not if
ReplyDeleteI'm wondering if she is begging on some type of gay or lesbian platform. She's being discriminated against, so please buy her soaps and logos and give her their folding money, blah, blah, blah...
ReplyDeleteThe only “discrimination” this fat ass has faced is for being an animal abusing, begging and scamming pathological liar.
ReplyDeleteAnd it wasn’t “discrimination,” for the usual reasons, because she’s a sociopathic criminal.
Delete“Mornings are starting with writing again. I'm at the stage of this book where it's a thousand tiny essays and not a cohesive unit but when woven together it's a story that I think could help a lot of people. I am glad to be writing it.”
ReplyDeleteJenna is delusional. She’s a rotten writer who hasn’t published a book in years. It’s ludicrous that she thinks her weird word salads could “help a lot of people.” Her lazy loser “lie-style” is the exact opposite of inspirational. Consider that she begs almost daily for mortgage money, and is behind with her payments each and every month.
No one would consider her a success story by any definition. Jenna Woginrich is a filthy, feral farming failure.
Delete"I'm at the stage of this book where it's a thousand tiny essays and not a cohesive unit..."
DeleteIt's a thousand tiny essays because all she's going to do is throw together a bunch of old blog posts and call it a "story."
Anonymous 6:29. She’s done the same thing with her other books.
DeleteIt sounds more like she is journaling for herself. I doubt there is anything in those essays that could help anyone. I have followed many blogs over many years, looking for answers that could help me with my own problems. I found that if you follow someone's blog long enough, you often find out they have more problems than you do and are writing looking for their own answers. She is so lost and has nothing to offer anyone.
DeleteHer books were a crappy compilation of old blog posts. Her words are worthless.
DeleteThe only way this book is happening is if she self publishes (again). I doubt she has an agent anymore and her editor blasted her for scamming people out of their copies of Birchthorn and pocketing the money.
DeleteI can't think of a single thing about her "story" that would help anyone.
DeleteAlthough, if she wrote about her tricks and methods for scamming people and not having to work a real job I'm sure there would be people who'd want to read that.
“Looking for a logo design? Pet portraits? Handmade soap bundles? Goal is to earn $175 today and that's one sale logo and 1 set of BOGO pet portraits with some scratch on the side. Interested? DM!”
ReplyDeleteNo one cares, cunt. Your pathetic “goals” are only a manipulative marketing maneuver for free funds.
Her infamous “fraction finances” with specific amounts mentioned, are done deliberately to make it look like she’s so close to her little old “goal.”:If only someone who has a “direct deposit account” would Venmo her their “folding money.”
DeleteEdit: “goal.” If only…
DeleteHer pet portraits are $50 so that must mean her logos are now just $125, which is far cheaper than the $400 she was charging a few years ago. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
Delete“Can oat milk go bad? I am asking? Or is it just grass water/dog medicine in my fridge forever.”
ReplyDeleteLook it up, fucking moron. What an attention whore.
And “I am asking?” needs no question mark, since the first stupid sentence stated your intention, idiot. Jenna will never professionally publish a book again. She’s a rotten writer who doesn’t either use or understand proper punctuation.
DeleteAssume "Can Oak Milk Go Bad? I am asking? Or Is It Just Grass Water/Dog Medicine in My Fridge Forever." is the title of one of the chapters in her new book.
How hard is it to look at the date on the carton and do a sniff test? But no, she asks the internet a question a 40 year old woman should be able to answer without outside help. SMH
DeleteShe's never heard of Google?
DeleteSaw her advertising on Instagram that her honey soap is ready to ship in a week. Let’s break it down, I’m a soap maker of 14 years, with a goat herd.
ReplyDeleteSeveral things have to happen before you make soap. Your mamas must have kidded, so you can have a milk source, unless you have frozen milk from last year’s kidding, then you need, at a minimum, olive oil (you can get a 101 oz bottle on Amazon for $25, coconut oil-about $9 for a 30 oz carton, and either tallow or lard (around $10 for a tub). You also need lye (which I bought last month for $15 for a container of about 30 oz which makes me about 5 batches of soap on average.)
Scents (essential oil-unless you use cheap crap that’s bad for skin-are about $20 per ounce, and my recipe calls for q on per batch of 8 soaps. ) then you go to additives like clay and dried herbs, flowers, honey, oats, Luffa sponge, etc.
So far, you get the picture? It’s not cheap if you do it right.
Next step-making and molding the soap. Now, when you make a fresh batch of creamy goats milk soap like what she claims to make, and pour it in intricate molds like the ones she shows, you can count on at least a week in the mold before they harden enough to JUST get out, once out, you want your soaps to cure for a minimum of 4 but ideally 6 weeks.
So, you see, there is no way this girl who cries poor and broke day after day and who has no goats who have recently kidded is doing REAL soap. She can’t afford the supplies, and she ships in less than a week. No effing way, might I add.
Now let’s break down a more likely scenario:
You are a fake farmer. You lie about using real milk and quality ingredients. You have no setup to really make soap from scratch. By your own admission you have no money to pay your mortgage, let alone expenses to make real soap, but you promise honey soaps ready to ship in a you beg on Twitter, you pre-sell the soap. You get the funds via Venmo because you cried about post office trips being too expensive. Once the cash hits your account, you go to Amazon and order Our earth’s secrets goats milk soap base-2 lb melt and pour soap for $18.95. It’s on Prime (which of course you have) so it comes to you in a day or two. You melt, pour, throw in some dry mint or a pinch of your oatmeal before you cook your breakfast, in about 1 hour it comes out of the mold perfectly, and by the end of the week you ship it to some moron who thinks they are buying real farm soap. And because she is who she is, those tiny soaps are at most 3 oz.( I have the bee molds, I use them for beeswax chunks). Most respectable soaps are in the 5-6 oz weight range. So she gets 10 little soaps out of the 2lb brick, and sells them for 5-6 bucks each, on her original, early-in-the week investment of $18.95.
And that’s how she plays the soap game.
Her soaps suck. We’ve heard that from friends who’ve bought them. Thanks for explaining the involved process. She takes the easy way out like everything else that she’s done. Even her writing is poorly crafted with multiple mistakes. Her whole life is lies.
DeleteI totally believe this. Again, there is a huge market for her to show her soap making. Even part of the process. She shows nothing but the finished product. Most creatives show in progress pics and she never does which shows me she ain’t doing it!!
DeleteI also hate that the theme of her new book is “ women will put off happiness and how she had to come out as a farmer to come as gay.” Sounds like this book will be a slog to get through if it’s ever published!!!
Anonymous 1:49. She’ll never have another book bought by a reputable publisher. In addition to being a bad writer, her reputation is terrible.
DeleteShe has only herself to blame for being an animal abusing, beggar and scammer. Jenna has burned too many people for over a decade, and the internet has a history of it. Which is why we’re here, too.
Excellent breakdown, Anon 12:36, thank you. Just curious, what if she did actually make real soap as you described...would her selling price of $6/bar even be profitable?
DeleteAnd as Anon 1:49 pointed out, she has NEVER in all of these years, never once posted a single pic on her bleg showing her extensive soap making process. Which would suggest that she is a melt-n-pour fraudster. I also suspect that any mint flecks are just pieces of spinach she picks outta her teeth.
Oops edit to show recipe calls for 1 oz of essential oil for a batch of 8 soaps.
ReplyDelete“It doesn't take much for me to pay to watch something. I see the value in paying a couple bucks a month for a streaming service or even a rental of a good movie. But when it comes to reading online, no amount of money will get me to pay a monthly sub for one opinion piece.”
ReplyDeleteGFY, Jenna. She pays for several streaming services including Amazon Prime. And brags about having them. Her stupid “opinions” are insipid and meaningless.
What a bunch of bull. We also pay for streaming services just like hers. And they cost much more than “a couple bucks a month.” Jenna can’t tell the truth about anything. Even when it’s obvious that she’s lying.
DeleteFrom the names of the shows she has self-admitted she watches and comments on all the time, she is far from paying a couple of bucks a month for streaming. Sure, Jen.
DeleteShe is saying this because she is getting ready to crank up the June begging again and doesn’t want people questioning her otherwise comfortable and privileged lie-style. Or, she got called out in a private message or a comment she deleted. Or both.
Anonymous 3:29. Jenna has admitted to being addicted to media, and has obsessively watched ridiculous reruns before, like Buffy and Gilmore Girls. Figures that she’s drawn to teen shows.
DeleteThe coward deletes a lot of her crappy content. She wants to come across as a “scrappy little lesbian” who “lives alone on the side of a mountain.” In reality, she’s totally dependent on modern conveniences. She’s an overly privileged, pampered white woman whose fantasy “lie-style” is enabled by “poodle” people. We find her insufferable.
I'll bet someone called her out on the streaming services. And it's way more than a couple bucks a month.
DeleteAnonymous 5:57. Jenna can’t stand being confronted by her lies. Streaming services can be well over $50 per month. I’m speaking from personal experience.
DeleteYes, she is definitely paying between $50-$100 for streaming services, based on her own account of the past few years. Not to mention all the podcasts she listens to, as they are all not free. Then she turns around and begs for money. What an ass.
DeleteSo her new book is aimed towards gay farmers? Oh boy, that’s a broad audience. I’m sure it will fly straight to the top of the bestseller list.
ReplyDelete“Sure, Jen.” Just like her bombed Birchthorn book was a bestseller.
Delete“A thousand words and three cups of coffee.
ReplyDeleteA happy farm, content piglets.
hustle and care.
Keeping on.
No one cares, cunt. We have our own lives to be concerned about.
"...happy farm, content piglets..."
ReplyDeleteNo more mention of the 3-5 chickens plus chicks ripped apart / taken by predators. I'll bet they aren’t content. No more mention of the "warrior woman" waiting up with a rifle to frighten a predator. No evidence of her securing birds each evening.
Nah, that was Sunday's bs story. Two days later, she was screwing off again, because what serious farmer doesn't disappear mid-week? Or do nada to protect their flocks?
She remains an awful person.
Jenna is a complete poser, and inauthentic in everything that she does. Her stupid “cycle of crying” is temporarily on hold. But it’ll begin again like her begging. Her patterns are predictable.
DeleteNow PDD, you done gone and stirred ole farmer Jen up with your comment (which she doesn’t read, no ma’am ) because did you see she posted a picture and a comment about returning from fox watching duty.
DeleteBut no, she doesn’t read here.
Anon 7:24, didn't mean to wake the "streaming beast", lol. She looked for her chickens as hard as she looked for her escaped raptor several years ago. It flew off, wearing its jesses, before a major snowstorm, but she couldn't take time away from drinking and playing board games that same evening to look for it. When she pretended to look a day or so later, she was more interested in showing off her cool outdoor gear. Her empathy button is missing and she remains a POS.
“This Supreme Court is absolutely the beginning of a Fascist State or the last gasps of the GOP and it’s totally up in the air what we become.”
ReplyDeleteListen to the fierce feminist giving her unwanted opinions on politics. She’s virtue-signaling again.
“Logos still on sale! Grab the last half- price spot left!”
ReplyDeleteThis is an example of her manipulative marketing maneuvers. Jenna’s crap is almost always on sale. So she’s lying and trying to make the lousy logos sound like a good deal. When in fact, it’s her hyperbolic bullshit. She becomes desperate for “folding money,” and will say anything to get it.
By saying “Grab the last half-spot left!” she’s deliberately creating a false sense of urgency. I guarantee that someone could make her an offer, and she’d take it without hesitation. So it’s a crock of crap to make her deals sound special.
DeleteAnd Jenna’s making it appear that she’s been so inundated with new business, that there’s only one good deal left. Which is why we call her the Cambridge Queen of Con.
DeleteOnce she gets a client’s commitment, and their funds up front, then she’ll take her time and make them wait. Jenna’s been known to put off projects for months in the summer. So she can fuck around, go to the pub, see movies, swim, and hike etc…. Then she’ll justify it by claiming to be busy.
DeleteShe has no sense as to what makes a business successful. Even after doing it for a decade. And she’s too stupid and stubborn to learn and change. That’s why Jenna’s a fucking failure at almost 40.
DeleteI remember when she got the money from the Birchthorn Kickstater project. Shortly afterwards, she said she was writing a book about how Merlin saved her. I thought, what? Isn't she supposed to be writing Birchthorn? She apparently lost interest after she got the money. Her backers hounded her for over a year after the deadline passed. She then sent them an ebook version, and they had to hound her again for their print copies.
DeleteYep. Once she gets the money, good luck getting your product.
Grab the last spot today, tomorrow it’s going to be “ I haven’t had a sale in weeks “. She can’t keep the story straight. You either haven’t had sales in week and are begging for your bills, or you are so busy that your supposed clients have to agree to wait 8 weeks for you to start and you urgently have just one previous logo spot left.
DeleteWhich one is it, Jen, cause, darling, can’t be both. You can’t ride two horses with one ass, as daddy said in Sweet Home Alabama.
Anonymous 7:20. That was well-put. One can’t be both victim and victor at the same time. Her whole life is lies.
DeleteWell and didn’t I call it. Yesterday she was saying only one spot left, grab it while it lasts. Today she interrupts people who are angry, scared, and grieving to tell them to PAY ATTENTION YO HER DAMNIT and is back to no sales, please buy something.
DeleteAnonymous 4:30. Yeah, the pathological liar can’t keep track even a day later. She’s the Cambridge Queen of Con.
Delete“I’m going in #amwriting”
ReplyDeleteNo one cares, cunt. Why don’t you start announcing your bowel movements, too.
The fierce faux feminist is sitting on her “dense,” “soft” fat ass today, doing virtue-signaling retweets of abortion rights. But she’ll never take time to attend a rally. Yet she has two vehicles, and enough gas to go to movies, hiking, Bennington etc…
PDD. Jenna would rather appear like “Woke Wog,” than put any energy into a cause.
Delete“Also, if you're a pork customer you are welcome to reserve for shares in advance. Pre sales help so much.
ReplyDeleteAnd if you just want to contribute, or kick in towards 13 years of free writing on my website. I'm jennawog on venmo and” (PayPal link)
Yeah, people are going to pay for pork that won’t be purchased until a future date. If at all. Just like her wool shares scam. And why would anyone want to give an almost 40 year old loser a dime. When she’s blown every opportunity handed to her. Jenna doesn’t deserve to have a home. She’s a rotten writer whose blog is stagnant and worthless just like her. “Venmo/PayPal, they mean so much!!!”
Is she trying to say that after barely getting piglets for this year, she is already selling shares in piglets that won’t be purchased until summer 23 and processed maybe in winter 23? Is she completely insane? More so, are people out there so effed up that they would buy into this scam?? On her own admission she may lose “this farm” any day now for non payment of mortgage. Why would anyone think it’s a good idea to pre buy something this uncertain?
DeleteWe’ll be visiting Cambridge again soon. I’m looking forward to setting in motion a series of actions which will adversely impact her business and life there.
ReplyDeleteHD. Could you please start a new post? Thanks.