Boring and Worthless

 I've never seen someone on social media who is so boring.  She does nothing.  Even if something does happen, she is such a poor communicator and story teller there is no interest in reading the drivel anyway.


  1. I agree with what you wrote. Jenna also constantly complains about issues, but never gets off her fat ass to take any actions. She only virtue-signals by stupid retweets.

    1. And I know that her new book will be “boring,” too. Not that she’ll find anyone reputable to publish it.

  2. “Radical men are ready to do to America exactly what radical men did to Iran in the late 1970s, and the Democrats aren't willing to do a thing about it with the presidency and congress in their power and I'm supposed to keep voting? Supposed to support them?!”

    Again, she’ll take no action other than retweets.

    1. She will continue to do what she does best: care only about herself and do the cube-root of NOTHING for everyone else.


    2. She’d rather whine than work.

  3. “Pet portraits are a way I can support this farm, and even small sketch sales add up towards chicken feed and gas for the truck. All of my art is BOGO now, buy a pencil sketch for $25 and get a bonus to gift or mailed to Ireland to a friend, FREE SHIPPING! DM”

    She deliberately uses distancing language like “this farm” to disguise her greed and need. It’s Jenna who wants money, not an inanimate object like a home. But she lacks the courage and integrity to tell the truth about anything.

    Pathological liars often give too many unnecessary details about how funds are going to be used. Which is why she’ll list crap about “chicken feed and gas for the truck.” Of course, her car needs fuel, too.

  4. Many have said this before, but it bears repeating. There is no way she is living off sketches, logos and soap. She has got to have another source of income she will not divulge. Besides her mortgage, she has utility bills, cell phone and internet costs, auto insurance, grocery bills, plus feed for horses, dogs, cats, pigs, chickens, etc. And don't forget all of her streaming services. Nothing adds up.

  5. On IG she is touting that she is looking for a part time gig ( writing and design) so if you could buy a pet portrait it would help her in the meantime.

    Spoiler alert: she’s not looking for gigs part time or otherwise and even when she catches up on June mortgage ( should happen any minute now since she always gets those last few pennies earned up!!) she will still beg!!!

    1. She’s been saying that bullshit lie for years. It’s a false front to appear as if she really wants work. It hasn’t happened yet due to her laziness, and stupid sense of superiority for no good reason. Jenna believes that she’s too good to do a local labor job. Like working in a small store. This middle-age moron rigidly refuses to take any adult accountability for her actions. I’ve met teens who have more maturity.

    2. She has no intention of finding a part time gig. She has had those and claimed the work "dried up". More likely she missed deadlines and/or did shoddy work.

    3. Anonymous 12:59. Exactly. Her other gig that she got when Shannon was shacked up with her abruptly ended. I think that she was either fired for being a rotten writer, or they discovered her bad business practices. Again, she never tells the truth about anything including finances.

  6. “Just picked my nose right after weeding a nettle, barehanded.

    Undesirable sensation.

    Few things in life are so deserved.”

    It’s stupid statements like this that makes me think she’s doing daily drinking again.

    1. Between the boozing and smoking weed, Jenna has hardly stayed sober.

    2. She's smoking weed on the daily, I'd bet. Basically the same as getting drunk.

  7. I think one thing that attracted many of us initially was that she was such a good writer, with the emphasis on “was”. I cannot believe how badly she has devolved. Her writing is garbage now and yes, it could be due to drinking or lack of mental stimulation. Drinking and watching tv all day will do it. I don’t see any growth or effort for self improvement.

    1. Everything she does now is sloppy and inauthentic. Yet she won’t change her life. She also acts as if becoming a lesbian is a defining character quality rather than just a sexual preference. It’s not an admirable accomplishment.

    2. Yeah, her writing is rotten. Not only is the content boring, but her lack of proper punctuation is also annoying. It’s like she thinks that the rules don’t apply to her. The same way that she resents recipe instructions. And she’s barely been blogging for a long time.

    3. I think you're right. I really enjoyed her first book. I could relate to that person. But I think you're right, the lack of change or stimulation over the past decade of existing almost entirely on the same footprint, coupled with running the same scam, daily, for years, plus drinking / smoking pot, plus what I suspect is untreated ADHD that actually gets worse with age, she's measurably lost cognitive processing ability.

  8. on Twitter she is bragging about being a lesbian and she smokes weed (oh what a shock) and if she wants an abortion she can get one in her state. I would say none of it made sense so yeah she must be smoking lots of weed, along with drinking. Why would a 40 year old woman talk like this? She has no filters that's for sure. She begs for money but then turns around and turns so many people off with her remarks.

    1. I saw that and bought the same, she must be high because that statement sounded crass and without any filter. I also thought, well, there we are, friends, she finally admitted she is not sober as she has been claiming.

    2. *thought not bought

    3. And just to preserve the tweet in case she sober-deletes later tonight, here it is:

      Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
      People like to complain about taxes, but I'm an lesbian homeowner that smokes weed and owns guns and I can even get an abortion if I get raped.

      New York, pretty good state.

    4. She won’t ever have to worry about “getting raped.” Jenna is repellent. I was concerned that she wasn’t a lesbian any longer, because she hadn’t mentioned if for a day.

    5. And she comes across as “crass and tacky,” too. Just like her stupid tweet in HD’s last post, when Jenna was bragging about making her late May mortgage payment.

    6. It’s “a lesbian” not “an.” The badass, brave and bold butch likes to boast about her guns, yet hasn’t ever hunted and killed with one. She’s even scared of learning how to use chainsaws.

    7. I screen shot it for posterity as well.

  9. She thought this I❤️NY/lesbian/ra*e/ taxes comment was SO, so clever that she puts it on IG stories with A picture of her crooked barn. Crass, tone deaf, what is she thinking? She’s supposedly so distraught over the political climate and then she’s like “HA ha HA gay folks, my rights are fine here”

    Yeesh! Don’t worry though, she followed up with other people’s posts on the issue and how upset they are.

    Pay June mortgage yet “homeowner”??? I’m sure a few potential sales were lost by your bizarre “flex” about where you live ( wasn’t it just last year or so you were complaining About how you weren’t accepted there???!!)

    1. The cunt is oblivious to the bad optics of her stupid, insensitive tweets and posts. And the bank owns her hovel. Jenna brags about it like it’s been paid off. Rather than regular mortgage payments that she’s late on each and every month all year long.

  10. So now we know where this “mortgage” money is going towards. Weed and booze.

    1. She’s addicted to drinking, smoking and food. Judging by the size of her obese body.

  11. “It is so horribly clear of that my”

    It looks like the “scrappy little lesbian” has started doing her drinking early today.

    1. Her brain is down the drain now.

    2. Now, now. She is “righting” a book, don’t y’all forget that. My, my. If only a publisher could look at her posts and see what her writing is really like. Wait…they can. I hope they do their homework and look!

    3. It’s amazing that hours later she still hasn’t deleted that drunken, unfinished tweet. How humiliating for a normal adult. Which she’s not.

    4. She’s proud of her behavior that makes people cringe. Jenna even tweeted a dumb meme about it recently.

    5. Still hasn’t deleted the drunken tweet today. Jenna is beyond embarrassing.

  12. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWJune 26, 2022 at 6:55 AM

    She must be "California Sober" - drinking and getting high.

    Waiting for her to add Marijuana to the list of reasons people should support her scrappy little farm.

    "The world sucks! Make it a little better! Support a gay feminist farm (so I can continue to get high)! Why not!?"


  13. And now we know why she won't get a job. It would cut into her drinking and smoking pot. It has nothing to do with her leaving her animals or stoking her wood stove. She has confessed in black and white. It's like the skid row drunks who ask for money for a "cup of coffee". Just substitute "mortgage".

    1. She’s failing even faster as 40 quickly approaches.

    2. Jenna has gotten away with a lot for over a decade. It’s time for her to pay the price.

  14. FFF now calls herself a gay feminist. How absurd, considering the tweets she once posted that blamed Mollie Tibbitts for her own murder.

    SMH at how despicable one person can be. She needs help.


    1. Jenna loves her little labels like lesbian, farmer, and now, feminist. It’s because she has no inner core of identity.

    2. She has no core of identity because she has borderline personality disorder.

    3. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWJune 27, 2022 at 7:50 AM

      Anon 7:25 am, I agree with you. Other Shamsters (likely more qualified) have disagreed with me, but she exactly reminds me of a friend who has been diagnosed with BPD.

      LIsted below are major symptoms. Like with any personality disorder, there's a continuum of behaviors, but she's exhibited many of these.

      1. Intense mood swings, with each episode lasting from a few hours to a few days
      2. Distorted and unstable self-image or sense of self
      3. Rapidly changing interests and values
      4. Tendency to view things in extremes, such as all good or all bad
      5. Opinions of other people can change quickly, leading to intense and unstable relationships
      6. Efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment
      7. Rapidly initiating intimate relationships
      8. Cutting off communication with others in anticipation of being abandoned
      9. A pattern of intense and unstable relationships, vacillating from extreme closeness and love (idealization) to extreme dislike or anger (devaluation)
      10. Impulsive and often dangerous behaviors
      11. Spending sprees
      12. Unsafe sex
      13. Substance abuse
      14. Reckless driving
      15. Binge eating
      16. Self-harming behavior
      17. Chronic feelings of emptiness
      18. Inappropriate, intense anger or problems controlling anger
      19. Difficulty trusting, which can be accompanied by irrational fear of other people’s intentions
      20. Feelings of dissociation


    4. 1. Intense mood swings, with each episode lasting from a few hours to a few days.
      2. Distorted and unstable self-image or sense of self.
      3. Rapidly changing interests and values
      LOL Vegan, meat eater, Celtic/heathen (she’s not even Irish), Pagan, straight, gay, etc. etc.
      4. Tendency to view things in extremes, such as all good or all bad.
      5. Opinions of other people can change quickly, leading to intense and unstable relationships.
      All “friends” from when she first moved there have disappeared, family has disappeared off the radar, has never had until recently a romantic relationship.
      6. Efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment.
      Not sure….
      7. Rapidly initiating intimate relationships.
      8. Cutting off communication with others in anticipation of being abandoned.
      9. A pattern of intense and unstable relationships, vacillating from extreme closeness and love (idealization) to extreme dislike or anger (devaluation).

      10. Impulsive and often dangerous behaviors
      Impulsive, yes.
      11. Spending sprees
      A look back at all the frivolous and unnecessary purchases will answer this one in the affirmative.
      12. Unsafe sex
      What sex? See #5.
      13. Substance abuse
      14. Reckless driving
      ? ? ?
      15. Binge eating
      16. Self-harming behavior
      With overeating and drinking/pot maybe.
      17. Chronic feelings of emptiness

      18. Inappropriate, intense anger or problems controlling anger
      Intense raves against poodles, anyone? People who travel? People who have vacations? People who drive “fancy” cars?
      19. Difficulty trusting, which can be accompanied by irrational fear of other people’s intentions
      RED VAN MAN!
      20. Feelings of dissociation
      Who knows? I don’t want to be in her head.

    5. My brother, who is a seasoned psychologist, agrees with the BPD diagnosis. Among other mental illness issues that Jenna appears to have.

    6. Seems to fit to a T

  15. Earlier today on IG, Jenna posted that if people are acting normal and everything feels normal around you then that’s bad.... later today, posts a pic of herself (topless?) laying in the sun bragging about how it’s the perfect summer day.

    She’s demanding that women take action and she’s.... doing nothing as usual. Most people late on a mortgage aren’t sunbathing and taking “sultry” selfies. I guess shes not so behind after all.

    1. Jenna hasn’t gotten the news that there’s nothing attractive about her appearance. She looks like a 50+ rode-hard bitch in that pic.

    2. And the only action she takes is lazy retweets. She’s too busy boozing, smoking, and pigging out on her putrid pan pizza. But she’ll be back to begging on Monday moanin’ for mortgage money.

    3. Jenna always has the same smug smirk on her fake fat face. It’s more like her mouth makes a grimace. It’s no wonder why she’s still single.

    4. Yeah, I think she is taking selfies for a dating app, and was so pleased with this one she cross-posted it. It looked like a cringe attempt at a thirst trap to me too.

    5. Jenna’s incapable of “thirsty traps.” She’s ugly inside and out.

  16. Do not worry. I repeat. Do not worry. Jenna is taking action against recent political events. She made a “summher” playlist.

    She’s also non stop posting about TS again.

    Can someone explain this whole thing for those of us over 14??? From what I can gather, TS made a bunch of Jenna’s think she is gay... but she’s not?

    1. Jenna acts like a teen twat who has stalker crushes immediately on famous females. She comes across as creepy and predatory.

      The filthy feral farmer was convinced that Taylor Swift was gay. So she went nuts trying to explain it to no avail.

    2. Edit: stalker crushes on famous females

  17. She’s behind on Monday moanin’ begging. But there’s always:

    Tuesday Trauma
    Wednesday Whining
    Thursday Thirsty
    Friday Freakout
    Saturday Signaling
    Sunday Selfies

  18. Jenna, the born lesbian and feminist, from her earlier writings:

    "... I realized how much of a traditionalist I am at heart. I might be a woman with her own empire, but at the end of the day I just want to be taken care of, and take care of things. I want this because I feel like it's my biological right as a member of my sex, and because it makes me happy. I don't think wanting to be a wife or mother makes me any less a feminist than wanting to be a welder or an Air force Pilot. Nor do I dare say my desires should be anyone else's. But when it all comes down to it: I'm a simple gal. If I ever find the right man I'll happily get hitched, take his last name, and stay home to take care of the kids and dinner. I got the 14th amendment and a mortgage with my name on it. I'm all set."


    1. PDD. Thanks for the comic relief. I recall that ridiculous writing. Of course, Jenna won’t acknowledge that she once thought differently. The fierce feminist is a “scrappy little lesbian.” She’s too stupid and narcissistic to scrub her old blog. But we have copies of it anyway. Her “empire” is a hovel now, and a dilapidated piece of property. It’s been depreciated in value by her lack of care for over a decade.

    2. We all evolve and can change interests, and that's okay. However, judgmental jenna has this odd way of slipping into other personas, displaying them 110% (in her mind), ignoring her actual behaviors that may differ and subsequently denigrating all others who aren't part of her latest craze.

      Shepherdess... archer... GOT "extra"... Celt... heathen... vegan... hunter... farmer... righter... buddhist... taylor swift ardent fan...carnivore... rider... falconer... cis... bi... lesbian... traditional... wolf... beast... feminist...

      Oy very.

    3. I have friends and family members who are gay and they say they knew at a very young age, maybe as young as 5. I remember that post the FFF wrote, as well as many others, waxing poetic about the man she would marry. Someone here once found her profile on a dating site looking for a man. I still think that the male dating pool dried up for her. Maybe what she really wants is that second income or someone to live off of, like she did with Shannon.

    4. Anon 3:14 - there is more than one path. I was pretty sure I'd marry my high school boyfriend, once upon a time. Now here I am with a wife of 15 years, going to pride and seeing Hannah Gadsby from the second row! Life is wild and amazing! We must allow ourselves room to change and evolve.

      So I don't invalidate Jenna's sexuality or identity as a member of the queer community just because she was convinced she was "a traditionalist". I also grew up in a conservative town and even my own self-identified "liberal" parents had a rough go of adjusting when I came out to them in 2003. It took my mother in particular *years* to adjust. The power of the pressure to conform to your community of origin is more than enough to write stupid shit on a blog that you outlive and contradict later on.

      Having said that, yes, I agree she has and always will leverage whatever identity she claims to try and manipulate people into giving her money. That has nothing to do with her sexual identity, with any mental illness she may or may not have. That's a cognitive choice on her part.

    5. PDD. Oy very vey also works with her. I think that Jenna is repellent to most men and many women. Add in her animal abusing, unattractive appearance, pathological lying, begging, scamming, and also a rotten reputation. Basically, you have a highly problematic person to partner with for life. Let alone casual dating.

    6. It is not lost on me that Jenna probably wants *my* life, despite crowing about "direct deposit lifestyles".

    7. Anon 4:03 - yep. Shannon was getting to be suspect after a year, when it was getting to the point she had to be getting seriously duped, or she was in on it.

      I think Jenna's used to selling her image in a certain way, and like any other creep she'll have to keep dating younger women or people who have either 1. just come out 2. are disabled or 3. are a gender minority with limited housing options.

      Shannon was young and naive I think, but she was smart and caught on. If Jenna manages to snag someone she can control, it will be harder for them to escape the financial abuse.

      Jenna is heartless with her animals, she's selfish and self-centred, and she's a threat to any vulnerable queer person she might rope in.

      She wants someone who will do the labour on her property AND pay the bills, but she might just compromise if they do one or the other.

    8. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWJune 27, 2022 at 4:18 PM

      WIW, this was what I was rather clumsily trying to say. It's not that she now identifies as lesbian (even though I have doubts), it's that she's so condescending towards anyone NOT in whatever realm she inhabits.

      I tend to think her gate-keeping and exclusionary remarks are to manipulate disaffected people into feeling they're part of her one-woman tribe...and they are therefore more willing to throw money her way.

      And, unless she's a sociopath who truly enjoys conning people, she'd probably love many of our direct-deposit lifestyles, with opportunity and security.


    9. WiW. Thanks for your response to my comment. We left ours at the same time. Jenna comes across as a “creep” and stalker type, too. Her “heartless,”arrogant attitude combined with mental illness, and a lot of laziness, makes her the opposite of a good catch. I’d head for the hills running if someone like her wanted to date me. Shannon was wise to end the relationship.

    10. PDD. She’s becoming sociopathic in her manipulative marketing maneuvers. I think that Jenna is jealous of those who have financial security. Otherwise, she wouldn’t pretend like the opposite is true.

    11. She thought she had an empire? Lololol

  19. “You ever write a super personal essay about a very personal memory really fast in a blank email because you're too lazy to open a google doc and then accidentally send it to random soap customer while closing your email? No me either”

    We’ve never done that kind of crap, moron, because we’re not alcoholic potheads like you. And only an idiot would find that funny, and post it for followers.

    1. Jenna has no normal adult concept of what’s appropriate to share. It’s pathetic.

  20. It’s Tuesday Trauma time, and Twitter is down now.

    1. Whatever will Jenna do if she can’t continue begging for mortgage money today?! Her world will end if she’s unable to guilt-trip “poodle” people into making pity purchases. She might get another “scary foreclosure letter from the bank.” The “scrappy little lesbian” has been having “slow sales.” And Twitter is her “virtual farmers’ market” to use manipulative marketing techniques for free funds from followers.

  21. Well she doesn’t want to talk to straight men for the month of July.

    Hope she doesn’t need a car repair, help from the Amish or time riding horses with the old dude neighbor. I mean it’s possible they are all gay but...

    I’m still triggered by her comment when she was dating Shannon that dating as a lesbian is great because they’ll have sex with you during your period. I mean TMI and... shows she has no clue what she’s talking about. Straight men are not that squeamish Jenna!!!😂😂😂

    1. She deleted her comment about not talking to straight men on IG. It was on the pic of the skull. She changed it to “almost the apocalypse, my time to shine”. As long as straight men and poodles assist and pay your debts of course.

    2. The “hot on” by both genders, Jenna Woginrich, has had SO much sexual experience that she’s an expert in what people prefer during periods. At the most, I’d bet that she’s been with under five lovers. And that’s giving her a lot of leeway.

    3. She has zero social awareness and zero ability to read social cues. She posts a dumb comment, then it’s called out here or in her Twitter comments, then she scrambles to delete or change it. All the time.

  22. She’d depend on people like Pember Patty to help her through a crisis.

  23. She wouldn't last one day in an apocalypse.

  24. “Goal today is to sell 2 portraits (so 4 total!) but hire me and your money goes straight towards the June mortgage of a gay little farm in upstate NY trying it's best. DM!”

    It’s Tuesday trauma time, because she took a break from begging on Monday moanin’. Stuff your fake “gay little farm” up your fat ass, cunt. Once again, she’s a month’s behind on her mortgage payment, because the lying, lazy loser won’t go and get a job.

    1. The money is going straight for booze and weed.

    2. Anonymous 10:37. Her whole life is lies.

  25. Funny, how an inanimate object like a “farm” can “try it’s best,” but its odious owner does nothing to support herself at almost 40. She deliberately uses distancing language to disguise her need and greed. It’s Jenna who wants “folding money,” but she’s too cowardly to admit the truth.

  26. The badass, brave and bold butch is full of shit. She’s completely dependent on modern conveniences, and would be lost if even Twitter was taken away from her.

    1. Her bragging about surviving the apocalypse is ludicrous and laughable.

    2. I give her two days to burn though her laughable firewood and hay reserves, and her “larder”.

    3. Jenna could live off the fat from her obese, blubber body for months.

  27. Cancer Season? To all the people who have had cancer, FUCK YOU JENNA.

    1. I think she means the zodiac sign but again like everything else, she uses that inappropriately and incorrectly.

    2. I don’t see it. She must’ve already deleted that stupid tweet once you left a comment.

  28. Now, on Instagram, she’s virtue-signaling and humble-bragging about having voted today. Yet she won’t get off her lazy fat ass, and ever attend any protests in her area.

  29. How is she ever going to beg her way through an apocalypse?

    1. I’ve never seen anyone as obsessed with an apocalypse aside from fundamentalists. But the “scrappy little lesbian” is trying to show how tough she is. When in reality she’s a fucking failure at being an almost 40 year old adult.

    2. She would probably go door to door begging. I had a nightmarish dream several years ago after a strong earthquake hit near our area. In this dream, two men knocked on my door and demanded to know what supplies I had on hand. I asked why and they said they were making notes on who has what so that we could all pool our resources together for survival -- as there was no electricity, gas, and no stores were open.

      Normally I would be sympathetic, but as a Southern Californian living in earthquake country, everyone here knows that they should have a substantial survival kit: Enough food and water for a few weeks, batteries, flashlights, first aid kits, medicine, fire extinguishers, etc. And even if you don't have a lot of money you should at least have a gallon of water and some canned goods...which would only cost about $5-$10 from the dollar store.

      So back to the dream: I remember feeling annoyed that people from my not-impoverished neighborhood had not taken precautions in the case of an emergency. They have the money, but did not bother to provide for themselves and they were now relying on others to feed and water them. I told the two men that I had nothing but they came back later that night, pounding on my door and shouting, "Open up! We know you have water and food in there!!" It was a scary dream, especially since I only had enough for me and my son...but not half the neighborhood who hadn't given a crap about being self sufficient.

      BTW, bottom line, if I lived in an area where people seriously struggle, I would totally share whatever I have after a natural disaster. But living in a neighborhood where everyone has nice cars and manicured lawns, I would totally ignore the selfish ones who decided not to prepare themselves despite living in earthquake country. Ones like Jenna who don't take the time to establish emergency cash and supplies for themselves and think that other people will have to provide for them. Screw those people.

  30. Good news, the totally super secret personal essay that she oopsie sent to a prospective client... the recipient was GAY all, a bonified gay person and they loved the super secret diary entry so much they hired her to make a logo.

    Amazing story. Kinda sounds like fiction!?

  31. “These are your friends, Cassidy? Jesus Christ, pick a better lunch table next election. #messy #January6thHearings”

    The filthy feral farmer is “Woke Wog” today, and pretending to be political.

    1. “Throwing hamberders right at the wall! #messy #January6thHearings”

      What a pretentious poser.

    2. I think she has a crush on Cassidy.


    3. “I have crafted an entire fantasy subplot around Cassidy secretly falling in love with another WH Aide and she convinces her over pillow talk to take down trump and in 5 years they have a bakery in Provincetown.”

      Her asinine attempts to be witty are always epic failures, and she falls flat in her fake fat face. And the rotten writer still hasn’t learned how to use commas. Her stupid tweet needed three, and she’s used none.

    4. Trump is also capitalized, cretin.

    5. Edit: falls flat on her fake fat face

    6. Cassidy is a “pretty brunette femme,” and fat Jenna’s type like Shannon.

    7. Jenna has to imagine that other women are gay. Just the weird way that she was sure Taylor Swift was a lesbian. Doesn’t sound like someone who is secure enough in her own sexual preferences, to allow others to have their own.

    8. I never capitalize “trump”. He doesn’t deserve it.

    9. The only purpose of all those hashtags she sticks in each tweet is to raise her profile and get more eyeballs on the crap she's selling.

    10. Anon 7:14, tfg works in lieu of the t-word.

  32. The extreme immaturity of a middle-aged woman who almost daily announces that she’s a lesbian, and that her hobby homestead is gay, is beyond pathetic.

    1. You ever hear someone say something crass like “ oh i’d turn them straight”?? Gross right? No different when Jenna imagines people are gay, fantasizes they are gay, Looks for secret messages they are gay. In poor taste! I’m sorry that she felt so repressed about her identity and preferences. I am. It will be extremely difficult for her to find love because she is acting like a 12 year old about her gayness, worshipping celebrities, has sketchy income, and has all these stipulations. A potential partner can’t have kids, can’t go on vacation, can only hang around her fauxrm 24/7

      Shannon was a one off since it was the pandemic and no one could go any where. I highly doubt that under normal circumstances, she can find another Shannon.

    2. Anonymous 4:57. That was well-put. I agree about Shannon and Covid. Had she known Jenna better, I believe that she wouldn’t have moved in so quickly. If at all. At least she finally ended the relationship, and moved back to Boston.

      JW comes across as really creepy, and insecure in her sexual preference for women. Which is why she’s looking for validation from others. But fantasies aren’t realities. Unless, one “Lives like fiction!”

    3. I don't think she'll ever find anyone as good as or better than Shannon, as she was not only really cute, but also very industrious and had some awesome hobbies and knowledge (bird watching, mushroom foraging, etc) to bring to the table.

      Shannon was quite a catch and the Pig Shocker was punching waaayyyyy above her weight. She didn't appreciate what she had and absolutely blew it. What an idiot.

  33. Not sure if anyone saw it, because I didn't see it mentioned, but several days ago when the Supreme Court reversed Roe v. Wade, the Pig Shocker tweeted something like:

    "I know this is a dark day, but I still need to promote the stuff I have to sell."

    What a disgusting thing to say, as it WAS a tense day. People on both sides of the issue were mentally engaged elsewhere and the last thing on their minds were soaps and pet portraits. This was just like the time she begged for money and sales on Easter and tweeted some shit along the same lines. And I'm willing to bet she would have not stopped her begging on the morning of 9/11 either. "Yes I know people are jumping to their deaths, but this farm really needs sales!" Ugh.

    1. Yeah, I also commented about that here. It’s always all about Jenna and her money mooching for mortgage payments etc…

  34. Jenna is virtue-signaling by doing a retweet for the Stonewall riots. Of course, she can’t be bothered to ever take any action, like attending protests. She just pretends by posing.

  35. She’s been writing a lot of crude sexual content lately. It’s beyond creepy.

    1. Is most of her crude crap either on Instagram or Twitter? I think that Jenna is “crass and tacky” like she’s said about herself. The disgusting cunt acts like a teen twat in heat, rather than an almost 40 year old obese moron.

    2. Maybe it was in her sordid stories that disappear after a day.

  36. “Morning! Pet portraits are 9x12", shipped free anywhere in the world, and one of the main ways I'm getting by till I sell this book so please share if you can!”

    You’ll never “sell” another “book,” bitch. Jenna is a rotten writer who still hasn’t deleted that drunken tweet from days ago. It’s no one’s responsibility to shill her shit, too.

    1. “One of the main ways” that she’s “getting by” is begging for free funds from folk.

    2. It’s hours later with one lone “like,” and zero retweets/replies. But Jenna refuses to read the room, and realize that people are sick of her nonstop begging and whining.

    3. I’ve never seen anyone else on Twitter ask for followers to do their self-promotion work other than this lying, lazy loser.

  37. There will be no book.

    1. Jenna is delusional. She’s already ruined her writing career due to her mental illness and substance abuse addictions. Plus, she’s an animal abusing beggar, scammer, and pathological liar.

    2. She’s using her new book as a hook for more manipulative marketing.

    3. ^^^^^ YES!! She's keeping people tETheREd tO hEr pOtEnTiAL!!!

  38. “Goatsmilk Soap Bulk boxes are on sale. Get yourself 10 or 10 bars for $10 or $20 off, respectively with free shipping. These are random bars of various molds, and can be stored for long term in the freezer or a cool dark place. Pull a few out of the box as a hostess gift, stocking stuffer, or surprise for a friend. Use them to wash your dirty body, because if you got a body, it's probably one you also wash and holy crow can you ever use this soap to do that. Send a message and make my day. #homemadesoap #beauty #smallfarm #shoplocal”

    Her Instagram greed is growing. And her immature and stupid “if you got a body” lines are idiotic beyond belief. (And it’s you’ve.) It’s very obvious that Jenna is doing daily drinking again by her nonsensical word salads.

    1. I did very high end craft shows for many years and there was always a few soap makers there. I bought many hand made soaps but NEVER EVER did anyone ever say you need to keep it in the freezer!!! In fact the longer you keep soap the better it becomes (in a linen closet). This is crazy from the get go. Hers truly must be the old pour and melt crap.

    2. Her whole life is lies.

    3. "Get yourself 10 or 10 bars for $10 or $20 off"

      Can anyone explain what this means? What does the first 10 represent, bulk boxes? And the 10 bars for $10 or $20 off? So which is it?

      And if she meant 10 bars for $10, that means $1 per bar instead of her usual $6/bar price. How does she make any money off that deal? Especially with free shipping?

  39. What is the profit margin on handmade soap? I can’t imagine it’s very much. It’s not paying her mortgage or living expenses. Maybe it’s her booze and weed money.

    1. One of Jenna’s biggest lies is that she’s supporting herself through sales of any kind.

      Clearly, she’s had some source of other income for awhile. But she lies about it, because she’s either ashamed, or it might affect her begging.

  40. On Twitter a few days ago, she wrote the usual, "and if you don't want to buy anything, you can pitch in for 12 years of free writing!"

    Meanwhile, on her bleg, she wrote NOTHING in June, and only ONE post in May, and ONE in April. Both, of course, were about her struggle, all the repairs the farm needs, and how she needs money to do it. Nothing about homesteading. Nothing about anything interesting.

    And she wants people to pay for that? Did ANYTHING happen in June, Jenna? Then write about it you lazy sod.

    1. She’s barely been blogging for a long time. Yet she expects that people will give her free funds for nothing. Her words are worthless. Just like Jenna’s “dumb little life.”

  41. “Every night 4 French geese sleep on my front steps and every morning I need to scrape off the night's goose shit, sometimes wash the stones. And you know that's fine, because I'm a woman living alone in the middle of nowhere and who'd home-invade the place with a goose barrier?”

    Are you still a lesbian? You haven’t mentioned it for a day. We’ve lived in Cambridge, cunt. It’s far from being “in the middle of nowhere.” Always with the “living alone” crap like it’s an amazing accomplishment in 2022. “Eat goose shit and die.”GFY, Jenna.

    1. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWJuly 1, 2022 at 5:23 AM

      More proof she doesn't put up her birds for the night, so theyre kept safe from predators. LAF grifter makes them fend for themselves.


  42. Her new profile pic is still the same smug smirk on her fake fat face. The badass, bold and brave butch is trolling for twat.

    1. “You can’t put lipstick on a pig.”

    2. The fact that she has to even mention it is pathetic. She’s like a 13 year old trapped in the obese body of a middle-aged moron. “Look at me!!!!!!!”

  43. “Whenever I post a pic of enjoying life here in the tall grass someone always says "Ugh, ew, ticks!" or whatever and then they post some picture of going out to dinner or a ball game and there are men everywhere, just walking around, right in the open. Pick your battles.”

    I guess that men should now hide from her. What a misandrist cunt. Here’s a woman who for years tried in vain to marry a man. But she’s so repellent that no one wanted her. Yet she needs local men to use for her hovel. She’s too stupid to see that putting down Pember Patty’s husband, and her own dad, is also implied in her tone-deaf tweet.

    1. If a man said the same thing about women, then Jenna would attack them. But it’s okay for her to hate men. She’s a huge hypocrite.

    2. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWJuly 1, 2022 at 7:12 AM

      If I had family members, especially minors, I'd keep them far away.

      What the actual hell is wrong with her???

    3. PDD. Jenna continues to decline with her crappy cognitive abilities. But she still smokes and drinks. She’s also become creepy as her desperation to find love isn’t fulfilled. Why would it be?

    4. Yes Jenna guess what? Men are everywhere, in fact they are half the population!

    5. Maybe she also shouldn’t accept any money from men now. After all, they’re the enemy. Of course, women can’t be creepy criminals like the Cambridge Queen of Con, and Kay Ward the rotten realtor in her area.

      Jenna’s made it quite clear with today’s alienating tweet how she really feels.

    6. There’s no way now to either backpedal or recover from her stupid statement about men. She didn’t even have the class and grace to say “There are always exceptions like my dad, friends, locals etc…”

    7. It’s funny how she always has a few followers who are on the fringes of society just like Jenna. Their sycophantic support means that men bashing is okay.

    8. Apparently, she hasn’t heard of the sage saying “Don’t bite the hand that feeds your faux farm.” It might be male. She “shoots herself in the fat foot” all the time. And then whines when no one wants to support her.

    9. She’s awfully offensive for one who’s very thin-skinned herself about being insulted.

    10. It doesn’t take being a psychologist, to see that maybe Jenna is mad at men for routinely rejecting her romantic advances. Which is why she’s so hostile to them now.

  44. It’s Friday Freakout:

    “Need a logo? Because I design dope logos. $50 off until I can get enough sales to not need to cut prices on my work, but until then I have the June mortgage to pay yet, a farm to feed, and the absolute inability to quit or care if you think I should. DM to order.”

    Jenna also has the “absolute inability” to not be a lying, lazy loser. The “scrappy little lesbian” is very defensive today. Looks like our critical comments have hit her fat ass. Boo fucking hoo. LOL!!!

    1. Clearly, she “cares,” or wouldn’t even mention it. Jenna reveals her stupidity with each tweet.

    2. Jenna isn’t fooling us. She wants to “feed” her fat face not a faux “farm.”

  45. People who tell faux farmer to continue with her failing businesses (the Atta Girls) are undoubtedly amused by her monthly struggles. CAF is the homesteading version of People of Walmart on FB.

    Only she can make them feel better about their direct-deposit lifestyles!

    1. It's always fascinating to see who supports her today (not including readers, like Shamsters, who supported her during earlier, more productive days - you know, before cognition started to slip).
      1. Disaffected BDs (Basement dwellers). They live with their moms or relatives, under- or unemployed. To them, FF is a goddess because she can get out of bed. They love her.
      2. D&C (Dazed and confused). I'm not sure this group actually reads. They seem to pick up key words and respond to part of her message. Kind of scary that these people may vote.
      3. NLI or "Nature Loving idiots". I know people Iike this! Show them an old photo (like FF often does) and they become starry-eyed. They comment to be part of a nature-adoring mob.
      4. FFOA (Foreign Friends of America). I get it. Reading FF is like reading Hillbilly Elegy, but with a Sapphic slant. They think they're peeking in on forbidden, unsafe America, but from a safe distance. Trust me, they would never want to live next to FF.

      Such comments come from a small cluster of fly-by readers to be sure.


  46. She has the inability to quit or care as long as you pay her bills.

    1. Exactly. She doesn’t “care to quit” if dumb enablers are giving her handouts.

  47. “(I hope people know this is a joke)”

    After reading our comments here about her disgusting misandrist tweet yesterday, Jenna lamely backpedaled. But it’s too late to retract after the fact. And she’s a pathological liar. She wasn’t joking about loathing men. It’s very clear that she was bashing them. I hope that others called her out, too.

    1. And if her tweet was a joke, which it wasn’t, then she should’ve put that at the end. Not waited many hours later to do it.

    2. Jenna added her dumb disclaimer far too late to be believable that she was just joking. (And it wasn’t even funny.) It’s clear that she read our comments, and also got flack from followers, friends, and maybe even family for her hostility towards men.

    3. She also should’ve said “ I apologize for inadvertently offended any of my male followers.” Even if the misandrist tweet wasn’t done deliberately. Which it was. Jenna doesn’t even have the intelligence not to alienate potential customers.

    4. Edit: Offending

    5. How stupid does she think people are? It’s like when someone obviously insults you, and rather than apologizing, they’ll then scoff and say “You’re so sensitive. I was just joking.”

    6. She’s unwilling to ever show any signs of humility, and will never take any accountability for her actions. Jenna’s arrogant attitude is obnoxious.

    7. We all know that tweet wasn’t a joke. She is just that tone-deaf, dumb, and lacking in any social graces. She makes similar comments where she sticks her foot in her mouth all the time. Not until she gets called out does she back pedal.
      Trust people the first time they tell you who they are..Oprah says that often, but I think the original saying belongs to dr. Angelou.

  48. Don’t forget that earlier this week on IG she said ( with the picture of the skull on the tree) that she wasn’t going to talk to men for the month of July. But then changed it to some other comment shortly after she got called out here.

    Men help her all the time. She should seek out only gay female businesses if that’s her cause.

    What if I tweeted that I don’t want to see lesbians in pictures because I like pe*is? What if I said that I don’t want to talk to any gay people this month??offensive! Stupid??! Yes!!!! Totally stupid, right? Her comments are just as completely immature and ridiculous. She just comes off so unlikeable.

    I’m actually shocked that she didn’t make her June mortgage payment. She always seems to at the last minute.

    Her soap. Pity purchase at best. She just sells the same soap over and over. Nothing new. Soap sellers are always making new products or using new molds. With Jenna it sounds like you get an odd box of soap pieces from her freezer!!

    She just spent the past 12 hours posting pics and videos with lyrics to her sapphic summer playlists typed over them on IG stories. I can’t imagine how much time this took her. She could have worked a shift somewhere to pay her mortgage payment no!!???

    Do people ever suggest she get a job or does she instantly block and delete???

    1. I’m sure she is getting “get a job” comments and other pushback that she deletes.

    2. She’s like a little marionette that performs when we pull her stupid strings. The badass, bold and brazen butch is a fucking coward when it comes to comments. Jenna wastes more time on social media than she does on working to support her fat ass. Which is why we call her a lying, lazy loser.

    3. Case in point, she just posted on Twitter trying to walk back her man-hating comment from earlier in the week, after she was called out for that here and probably in private comments.

    4. Anonymous 3:07. I also commented about her backpedaling “it was a joke” above. Jenna was serious about her misandrist tweet, and only amended it after criticism.

  49. “A third of the total income I earned in the past 4 days just went to replace an extension cord I mowed over. How's your day going?”

    Here’s an example of her begging behavior. She’s using a manipulative marketing maneuver to try and get empathy donations. This has happened for years. No one cares about her financial situation, but she’s forcing it on others. Jenna Woginrich isn’t a normal adult.

    1. And she’s stupid to have “mowed over an extension cord.” We’ve never done that. I think that she’s lying about it just to get free funds.

    2. Jenna also couldn’t care less about how anyone’s “day is going.” That last stupid sentence was just an asinine attempt at being sarcastic. Too bad that she’s not funny.

  50. Did she forget to move it before she mowed that area? unaware as always. Oh well...... Also, on Instagram..apparantly Mabel does suffer fools, well one anyway.

    1. It’s another one of her lies to get free funds from followers.

    2. Idiot can't figure out how to splice a power cord? What a maroon.

      Oh, and you have to be a special kind of stupid (or drunk or high) to run over a power cord.


    3. PDD. The filthy feral farmer was probably “drunk or high,” because it’s clear that her sobriety is a real “joke.” See what I did there, Jenna?

  51. She’s an ass. People are really hurting financially, some working two jobs, just to get by. And she is trying to guilt them with her power cord story. Poor, poor jenna, had to pay for a power cord out of her income. How unfair is that!!! She should not have to pay her own bills like everyone else because she is so special.

    1. Talk about tone-deaf to the world’s woes. It’s amazing how self-centered this cunt is.

  52. Awww…let’s have a pity party. She had to replace a power cord and apparently her poodles aren’t giving her enough.

    1. Boo fucking hoo. The fierce feminist who brags about “riding her horse into the apocalypse” complains when a cord needs replacing. What a wimpy whiner not a warrior woman.

  53. Jenna finally posted a blog entry and it is so poorly written. The lack of sentence structure and punctuation makes for very tedious reading and re-reading to figure out what she is trying to say. She is counting on her upcoming book to be her big chance to make Cold Antler Farm a place where her begging days are over. Not so fast, sweetheart…there is no way one book is going to give her long term financial relief. She needs to look up the post of her former pal Jon Katz where he writes about not writing any more books because the money isn’t what it used to be. She is putting all of her effort into something that a) will probably never be published and b) if it is it won’t be anything close to Made From Scratch —her reputation as an animal abuser and scammer has caught up to her. Some people might buy her book, but not enough to pay her mortgage every month. How does she not see that?!

    1. Her only other option is to self-publish again. And look at how well her bombed Birchthorn book did. (Said sarcastically.) Her whole profit probably paid for a roll of toilet tissue. Even though she ripped people off for $15,000 in her Kickstarter campaign to fund it.

    2. Let’s say she makes $15k on the new book like she did with Birchthorn—that is short term money and will be gone before you can say Taylor Swift

    3. Edit: own stupidity. She’s

    4. I agree with the comments above. The first new post in two months is sub-par writing, a terrible but true example of what this “new book” might be. I can’t keep up, is it a novel about wolves and possums, is it a coming out story? I don’t think she will ever sell another book again, and if she self-publishes, nobody will buy her writing. The reviews are all over Amazon and Kickstarter. That ship has sailed,

    5. The “Edit: own stupidity. She’s” above, belongs to a comment that was there then disappeared. That’s happened here before for no apparent reason.

  54. I wish she would get the help she needs. It does seem like she has a substance abuse problem and the quality of her writing has deteriorated dramatically. Her “amen charlies” have been propping her up for a long time, but I don’t see how it can last much longer.

    1. She’s far too stupid and stubborn to get help. Her sycophantic supporters are also enablers.

  55. "There’s a couple hundred bucks in my checking account, not enough for a successful 39-year-olds car payment, and while it doesn’t sit with me the way it used to. It doesn’t feel as safe nor do I feel as endlessly motivated to figure it out, I know I will be okay. "

    1. Successful???

    2. Let me help you figure it out. Get a job.

    3. I don’t see it. She must’ve deleted that stupid tweet again after reading your comments here. As usual, it’s poorly punctuated and crafted. And it’s written like she was either drunk or high. Probably both. Jenna isn’t a “successful” person. Period. Frankly, she’s a fucking failure.

    4. Dance, “scrappy little lesbian,” dance!!! While we control your reactions to our comments.

    5. The quote above was from her latest dumb dispatch not a tweet. But she does delete a lot on Twitter after reading comments here.

  56. The Cambridge Cord Crisis:

    Chuck replied: “Just repair the one you damaged.”

    Naturally, Jenna didn’t respond. Maybe because he’s a man. She also didn’t acknowledge two other responses. All she’s ever wanted are free funds with no advice.

    1. The self-sufficient feral farmer is incapable of doing minor repairs like splicing cords. She’d rather whine than work.

    2. If she can’t splice a cord, how is she going to survive an apocalypse?


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