
Jenna is just a user.  She has no interaction unless she gains something for herself.  That's a major reason she has no long term friends.  They figure out she's taking advantage of them and they bail.  It's not at all about money…she does not have one ounce of a generous spirit.


  1. HD. You’ve nailed it. Jenna isn’t generous unless it’s for people like Pember Patty. And that’s only so that she can continue to take advantage of her.

    1. If one adds up the many, many times Pember Patty gave FF money, loans, products or bailed out, saved, helped, sponsored or served as an introduction, faux farmer owes PP a hell-of-a-lot more than a dozen eggs and the occasional loaf of bread.

    2. PDD. You’re right. Patty and her husband have helped her a lot. Occasionally, Jenna will get off her fat ass and reciprocate. But I get the sense that it’s done grudgingly.

    3. I’m glad that Shannon finally figured out Jenna was using her, and ended their relationship.

    4. PDD - I wonder if it's *only* PP propping up Jenna, or if she's getting a stipend from her family too?

      She has a source of income somewhere, I doubt it's these "gigs" she talks about. I doubt it's much more than what she'd need to keep her housed and fed, which is why she's always begging for fun money, ie "I'm going to lose the farm! Oh wait, check out my truck that runs now!"

  2. “I want to go on a date.”

    Boo fucking hoo. Poor, little lonely Jenna wants to go on a date. Too bad that she has such a well-deserved rotten reputation.

    1. She said the same stupid date line before she met Shannon. And look at how well that worked out. Jenna Woginrich isn’t relationship material.

    2. Unsurprisingly, no one on Twitter has offered to either take her out, or fix her up on a date.

  3. “Everyone, meet Tina. Amish farm pup.”

    It’s weird that she’s suddenly pushing this Amish friendship. It’s probably because they don’t know yet about her rotten reputation.

    1. It’s very weird. And why is she taking photos at the Amish farm when they don’t want people doing that.

    2. yes it is very weird and creepy. The friendship with Jon Katz kind of ended because he wanted to keep taking pictures of the family and farm and they didn't want it even when he kept the faces kind of hidden. They are old order and very strict. Now she seems to have come by and taking over where he left off. She even posted a picture of Tina on her Twitter account.

    3. Jenna refuses to read the room. And Jon Katz also has an arrogant attitude like hers. She has zero self-awareness, and will try to use the Amish if they allow it. I wish that we could warn them.

  4. I believe she took those roosters over precisely because she read that Katz is no longer seeing the Amish to help with internet searches and driving. She wants to try to be a next door neighbor to get them to help her around her house. The Amish don't need her roosters. They are completely self sufficient. Because they are not on the internet, they won't know about the less than sanitary conditions her animals live in. Don't forget she needs her roof replaced. Who better to do that than the Amish? She is not going over there from the good of her heart. She wants something. I can just see her going over to the Amish farm and whining that her roof is falling apart and what should she do? The Amish are pretty busy - they don't have time for chit chat. Also, they are not stupid. They can see she is a needy person. Whether they can see past her b'shit is another question. However, I can't see them wanting to barter with her. She doesn't have anything they need. Also, one of the reasons Katz/Amish friendship didn't work, besides him taking photos, is that the elders in the community were getting bad feedback from people who thought the Amish family were getting too much attention. The Amish consider that prideful. So I don't think much will come of her obvious attempts to become friendly. They are going to be more careful with who they interrelate. Wait till the elders get a load out of JW, a fowl mouth jerk.

    1. Faux farmer almost always betrays friendships, because she's a user. It's especially disrespectful to photograph private property belonging to the Amish, but she probably figures they'll never know.

      Unsurprisingly, privacy is only her concern when it applies to her. Who else remembers when she tweeted about an unoccupied mansion, being sure to notify her readers the owners had significant marital woes and werent around? And who remembers her making fun of a local official who was killed in a farm accident?

      There's a reason local folks don't use or recommend faux farmer - they know her too well!

    2. Speaking from personal experience of living in Cambridge, Jenna is loathed among locals.

    3. ding ding ding. Her latest post states she is hoping her amish neighbours will help her with the repairs her house and outbuildings need.

      Who knew $10 worth of unprepared chicken meat would equal $5000 worth of free skilled labour?

      I'm surprised she would even impose herself upon them to begin with, given the amish's view of homosexuality is well-established. And if she's not talking to her family because they're "staying quiet" about abortion / contraception rights being rolled back, on that principle she shouldn't be speaking with a people who don't believe in divorce.

      It's a very conservative culture that of course varies family to family, but assuming they'd be willing to associate with her at all is a big leap.

      And of course it's another reveal of her hypocrisy. She'll associate with anyone who can do something for her.

  5. “Working on pet portraits after chores this morning! If you’d like to support a one-woman farm trying to catch up on bills, I’m offering these BOGO on all styles (sketch, ink, or full color)! This is work I can do on farm with the skills I have to keep the dream going! DM!”

    Right. Her whole life is lies. And she never “catches up with bills.” It’s just more manipulative marketing for free funds.

    1. She sings the same sad song every month. Nothing has changed in 12 years of her home ownership. And it won’t. She still stubbornly refuses to go get a job.

  6. It’s typical of her that she hasn’t acknowledged Mother’s Day. She probably ignores Mama Wog.

    1. Mothers day is tough when you don't have a great relationship with your mother.

  7. “I wish I could host a party where everyone comes for a movie or tv show and the clothes, food, everything is themed to the media. Then everyone sits very quietly and enjoys it together but that's not how parties work.”

    Like she knows anything about throwing parties. Ms. “I’m running away from people.”

  8. Her holding a heart on an Instagram post is a callous display of not caring about a slaughtered pig’s life. And one that was taken by Jenna to feed her fat fake face. I also feel repelled by her filthy fingers. She’s insufferable.

    1. She’s also responsible for the stupid statement “I put the laughter back in slaughter!” We don’t find that funny. Jenna is an unconscionable cunt.

  9. She’s admitted today to being cringeworthy on Twitter.

    1. It’s what we’ve always known.

  10. “Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! Slowly all the gardens are getting tilled, planted, mulched and some are already coming up! This is the most planting I have ever done, and I am so looking forward to having them!”

    I’m sure that she misses Shannon’s hard work in getting the gardens done. Too bad that Jenna ruined their relationship by being a lazy, lying loser.

  11. “First blog post in May! It's been a rough spring, but slowly coming together. Updates on a lot, from reproductive rights to rotting floors. I'm still here.”

    No one cares, cunt. People have their own lives to be concerned about.

    1. “I feel like the farm is in the best shape it has ever been. Maybe not financially, or umm.... structurally— but the system of freelance, farm work, frugality, and trying my damndest is still paying off.“


    2. “ last few springs I had someone here to share in the work, bills, and the dream.”

      i think they just met in spring 2020 and lived together only one spring

    3. Aww, you must know by now, if she's a writin', she's a lyin'.

      Btw, she also admitted in her latest bleg that she's essentially done nothing on her property for TEN YEARS and it's collapsing around her ears.

      She wrote: "There’s such a need for repairs around the farm house. A decade of letting things slide has caught up with me."

      Yeah, like no one noticed that her lazy a$$ did nothing.

      Oh, but it will all be different now, LOL, because she's never worked so hard...and she has all these plans in mind... farm improvements that her new Amish friends can do...

      Hmmm...I wonder if the Amish take Venmo, because you know her hand will be reaching deeply into everyone's pocket for $$$.


    4. I think that one of the many reasons Shannon dumped her is due to Jenna’s laziness in maintaining her hovel. The FFF lets necessities “slide,” like roofing repairs, because she’d rather whine than work. I knew that eventually she’d have to pay the price for rigidly refusing to go and get a job. She’s one of the most stupid and stubborn people I’ve ever met.

    5. Anonymous 9:32. We “care” to warn people about an animal abusing, begging and scamming pathological liar. Your “touch grass” is a stupid and nonsensical response. I “spend my glad life” enjoying a lovely house that’s paid for, and having substantial savings from working hard for decades. I’m sure that you and Jenna will never be able to say the same.

  12. Faux farmer wrote: "My part time writing gig has dried up to nothing, So I have been doing everything I can to figure out how to make a living."

    Except get an outside job that she considers beneath her.


  13. “Logo Designs are $50 off the normal price right now!”

    It’s just more manipulative marketing. She said recently that her lousy logos weren’t going to be on sale.

    1. She’s a pathological liar. Since there’s never a “normal price” for any of her crap.

    2. Ah yes, the perpetual "going out of business sale" now 10 years and running!

  14. “I hate online dating. Everyone is poly or kinky or looking for a third and I just want to meet someone as excited as I am to dye my pizza dough blue and green to thematically match watching Avatar tonight.”

    Boo fucking hoo. Poor, lonely little Jenna hates online dating. We know a few single lesbians in her area, who are amazing, but we’d never fix them up with the filthy feral farmer. She’s so QuIrKy and UnIqUe with her stupid pizza dough and moronic movie choices.

    1. She’s also obsessed with only dating femme lesbians. So the prospective partners will be less than if she expanded her personal preferences.

  15. Jenna posted on Instagram that she sold an acoustic instrument. We can assume it was to pay bills. It would make more sense to sell either her truck or car, plus to let go of her horses and livestock. Or maybe she just wants to buy that gay guitar she was tweeting about last week. And needs the extra money for it.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. She can't sell her horses, they are too old. Don't know about her other livestock.

    3. But she can sell her car and truck.

  16. For crying out loud, why doesn’t she just get a job? Even the Amish have off farm jobs (although hers isn’t a farm).

    I live in Amish country and know first hand. The men usually work in construction or factories. Unmarried women or those with grown children often work as house cleaners or waitresses. Their farms are more like homesteads and surplus is often sold at farm stands but they usually don’t make a living off their farms.

    Just get a freakin’ job, Jenna!

  17. “Good morning from Cold Antler Farm. Up a little earlier than usual today to meet up with my Amish neighbors about a repair job. Amish time starts at like 4AM so this is going to be a mid-morning chat at 7.”

    We called it here. She’s trying to get the Amish neighbors to work for free. Maybe she’ll even give them a few more roosters in exchange. GFY, Jenna.

    1. It's just creepy for her to be tweeting in real time "going to talk to my amish neighbours!" It's weird too. How would she feel if PP was tweeting "Going to talk to my lesbian neighbour!"

    2. Can't see why the Amish would do any work for her for free or barter. They're too busy. They expect to be paid, or as in the case of Jon Katz, drive them around when they need a ride. She has nothing to give them. They don't need her animals, jams or portraits. They are probably just being polite.

  18. What a crock of crap:

    “The goal for today is $400, which is an insane amount of money for me to earn in a day, but could happen with 3 logo sales, or a lot of pet portraits/soap! If I make this I can pay the April mortgage with 20 days left to catch up to MAY! I could catch UP!”

    “Sales from twitter are pretty much non existent, I think I made 3 sales total all month, and two were established customers. So I get how unlikely this is, but damned if I am not going to try. Logos are $150, instead of $200 right now. This is a flat rate! DM!”

    “Meats! You want to invest in futures of pork, lamb, chicken? All of the 2022 shares are taken, but there are spots always filling up for the future. Get a share at a discount the earlier you claim it! CSA farms depend on this, and this one's been raising pork a DECADE!”

    “I've been living/ working here as my full-time on farm gig since 2012. It's been a dream come true but income is never guaranteed and every single month I need to sell enough to stay here. I'm not going to give up, and I'm going to figure out while I write this book”

    1. I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating. She’d rather whine than work. Jenna believes that it’s beneath her to go and get a job. That action alone would help her whole life. But she won’t do it. She’s stuck on stupid and stubborn.

    2. Her last book was published in 2014. 8 years since she sold a book. A book deal isn't going to provide any significant income, and it never really has unless you can sell tens of thousands of copies.

  19. She has a hell of a nerve to cozy up to the Amish people only for repairs on her own home that she should have seen coming years ago. Then when it's all done, she will drop them like yesterday's news. What a user!

    1. Pretty sure the Amish aren't going to do it for free - they're very savvy business-wise, and if she thinks it won't cost her, she's in for a surprise. Most of them are craftsmen, and charge accordingly.

    2. There was an article last summer about a new Amish group moving to farm in her area.

      Sounds like they do building and other sell other things along with farming.
      How perfect for Jenna to have lots of strong Amish folks fixing her place up for her! I suppose they don't have the Internet to see about her reputation. Hope they are wary of her and good business people.

  20. Replies
    1. It look like you’ve deleted your other comments, coward. Go support your “user” friend.

    2. Their “user friend,” Jen, wouldn’t do anything for them.

  21. We know her in person.

  22. Jenna is the one with a “sad fucking life.” She spends it scamming and begging, rather than working to support herself without having help from followers. This site serves as a public service warning about a woman who has also been abusing animals for over a decade. Jenna is a “bully” with her judgements against anyone who doesn’t believe in her opinions, too. You sound like another stupid sycophantic supporter.

  23. Anon 9:30 - If you really want to help Jenna, give her lots and lots of your hard earned money. She has a mortgage to pay, animals to feed, and her house is falling apart. She won't get a job, so that is where you come in. It's useless to come here and complain. If you really think she is worth defending, please support her financially. That is what she wants.

  24. Wow - we really hit a nerve with someone. Notice they are not saying these things are untrue. They are not denying the begging and scamming. They have no defense and nothing to offer.

  25. I know Jenna Woginrich in real life, and she’s everything that this site says.

  26. Anon 10:29. You've posted a tremendous Public Service Announcement. After reading it, I now agree her most ardent supporters must donate all they can. In fact, they should take out small personal loans. Money makes all the difference in saving the VerYork farm, and she's "this close" to making the farm the best it can be and finishing her book.

    Anon, you've opened my eyes to the good that CAST can do. VENMO, it means so much!

  27. She’s done this manipulative marketing technique of posting about imaginary numbers many times. Jenna just wants someone stupid to give her free funds.

  28. I’ve never seen any other adults do this on any social media platforms.

  29. I'm hoping she's planting so much because she's going to sell at a farmer's market. Otherwise what a stupid waste of time (and food since how much does 1 person need -most of it will rot).

    1. She’s never either mentioned or done a farmer’s market from what we know.

    2. I think that her push for gardening is also a “fuck you” to Shannon. “See, I don’t need your help after all. Look at what I’m growing!”

    3. It doesn't matter, the groundhogs will get the produce, if any.

  30. Anonymous 11:53. You sound like PDD with the mention of VerYork and Venmo. I agree that her fans should support Jenna’s fat ass since she won’t do it herself. Her new “book” will never be sold to a reputable publisher. Plus, she’s a rotten writer.

  31. Anon, yes it's me. 😊

  32. PDD. I recognized your signature style!

  33. With the last phone/internet update my nom de guerre, PoodleDiDoo, doesn't show up when I comment. I may need to modify settings, but I've been busy outside doing "farmy" chores, so the computer mod will take a back seat.

  34. PDD. Or you could use the other name: “I’m the happiest person I know”

  35. I might lose sleep tonight worrying that poor Jenna didn’t make her monetary goal today.

  36. I guess that she never clips the cuticles on her filthy fingers. It’s no wonder why she’s still single. And will likely always be alone.

    1. She has horrid hygiene, and literally stinks. We’ve been around her in town.

    2. And now she is trying to date again. And I really don't see her getting lucky and finding someone like Shannon...who was quite the catch. Lightning won't strike twice for her. Not to mention, Jenna was punching above her weight with that one. Big time. In EVERY aspect.

  37. whut? who is TA?

  38. TA appears to be the newest deranged fan of Jenna’s.

    1. It’s funny how fleeting her fans are here, once they see the truth of what we’re saying.

    2. Fan on Twitter? Instagram? What did this TA person say?

    3. Anon7. One of her stupid sycophantic supporters left a few critical comments. But they deleted them the next day. They came across as illiterate.

    4. Anon7. This moron left the comments here. They put us down for picking on poor “widdle” Jenna.

    5. Anon7. They also accused us of not knowing Jenna. When some of us have lived in her area, and had multiple contacts with her.

    6. Not knowing Jenna? Lol, you don't have to personally know someone to see that they are a steaming pile of human garbage. Case in point: I never met Hitler but I feel confident to say that he wasn't a very nice person.

  39. “Only one small sale yesterday, but remain hopeful! Going to finish up chores around here, go for my run, and return to this desk to work on art and maybe even some words. Who knows, the day is all ahead. Enjoy it!”

    There’s always a manipulative marketing motivation behind her mention of money. Tweeting about sales being slow is an example.

    1. She also doesn’t care whether or not her followers “enjoy” their days. It’s a facade of friendliness that masks her begging.

    2. Agreed. I will never be convinced that she gives a single rat's ass about her foollowers. She is like a living, mouth breathing Capital One commercial: "What's in your wallet?"

  40. I know some relatives of the Amish family that she is speaking with. I'll make sure that they know she has to pay in full in advance.

    1. I’d also suggest warning them about her rotten reputation.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. That's a good idea.

    4. It is hilarious that she thinks the Amish neighbors are going to stop what they are doing to fix her floors and put up a wall in the barn before Fall. A deadline? Apparently, she didn’t read Katz’s blog about how they are working all day every day to build farms for their relatives. The only reason they painted the Katz house and helped around the house, was because he was putting in a significant amount of time doing things for them, like driving them around and getting them boots by using the internet. They don’t pay, so in kind work is offered. I can also see J and her friend ripping up floorboards only to find black mould. Then what? Sorry Jenna, but your drawings and logos cannot fix a rotting house. Time to get an outside job. Like the Amish. Get it?

  41. 'I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOW"May 11, 2022 at 5:28 PM

    Dropped in to say I love the name Midas P Goat esq !

  42. From her latest sorry ass bleg post ("May We" on May 10th):

    "I will never say no to a job. I can't."

    Uhh, didn't she JUST turn down a job because the lady wanted to do business via phone and the Pig Shocker refused? Yep...on April 15th she wrote: “Almost made a sale today, but she wanted to work only over the phone. I explained that as a public figure with active stalkers, I don't share that information. She said she wouldn't hire someone who wouldn't talk on the phone. I get it. But damn.”

    Lying liar lying as usual. And another whopper here:

    "We are all feeling the pinch from inflation and so my life has become insanely frugal. If I don't have to leave the property, I don't."

    Yet on April 29th she boasted on Twitter that she watched a movie at a drive-in theatre. So gas money to get there, plus the price of the ticket. And, I could be mistaken but pretty sure she had to leave her property to get there.

    She also tweeted on April 6th that she is "too poor to go out of the house unless it's absolutely necessary" -- so again, a drive in movie is absolutely necessary? Liar liar LIAR.

    1. Her whole life is lies.

    2. She's been saying "no" to a job ever since she left her job at Orvis.

    3. I still cannot fathom what it must feel like to wake up every f*cking day knowing that your entire existence and survival relies on the kindness of online strangers. There is zero security there. None. Imagine leaving your life up to chance like that. SMH.

  43. Also - She mentioned that Merlin is 27 years old now. Curious here, how long do fell ponies tend to live? And more specifically, what is the estimated life expectancy for long neglected Merlin?

    1. PDD knows a lot about horses. Maybe she can answer your equine question.

    2. "I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOW "May 12, 2022 at 6:43 AM

      PDD here. Fell ponies are often quite long lived, moving well into their 30s-plus.

      Having said that, however, any horse or pony older than 20-25 is considered senior and they can be lost to illness at any time. Mostly, they succumb to colic, a painful way to die. It usually results from intestinal compaction or damage, often caused by poor nutrition, repeated parasite infection or general unsoundness.

      With the limited care faux farmer provides, he will be doing well to live to 30.

    3. I thought Merlin was in his 20s when she acquired him twelve or so years ago?

    4. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWMay 12, 2022 at 1:02 PM

      Merlin (real name Hardendale Black Jack) was foaled in 1996. When fauf farmer arranged to buy him in 2012, she said he was 15 years old (he was 16). When people reported he looked sickly in 2020, she said he was 26 years old (he was 24).

      By pedigree, Merlin is currently 26 years old.

    5. Faux, not fauf

    6. Thanks for the answer. So these senior ponies, is there an age in which their owner should show some compassion and stop riding them? Like do they reach a point where extra weight would cause them pain or trouble? We already know that Merlin, even at the peak of health, must've been under some strain having to lug some 200+ lbs around.

    7. Not an exact age - horses and people are very similar in that way. I have a 99 year old neighbor who goes for "walks" (literal 3-5 mile hikes in mountains) at least twice a week with her 75 year old neighbor. But decreasing activity, making sure that foot care, pasture, feed are excellent is important. They also get dehydrated more easily and can get overheated twice as fast as a younger horse. Also, arthritis comes for us all so being very careful to support joints, treat carefully makes a difference. One common joint supplement is $1800 per year So shorter, lighter work - sometimes more work days but shorter periods - with care towards keeping them cool and hydrated is the best way to keep an older horse in good shape. I had a horse who we dropped from hunter/jumper to gymkhana and vaulting as she aged and she was happy as a clam until her very natural death at 34. I had another pair of Arabian mares, used for carting, that exercised each other daily and their pasture was absolutely the most important thing to keep pristine. We stopped working them entirely when they had some shoulder stiffness because we knew we would never get them to stop their daily romps in the pasture.

  44. And...regarding her refusal to share her phone number with a potential client, keep in mind that she'll gladly give her number out to anyone who shows interest in dating her.

    Wow, so she won't give out her digits to a paying customer that she doesn't have to meet in person, yet she will give them to a total online stranger who she'll have to meet in real life? What an idiot. More desperate for companionship than she is money to pay her bills.

  45. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWMay 12, 2022 at 6:54 AM

    Not sure if anyone noticed, but faux farmer, she-who-is-too-poor to pay her mortgage on time, posted an IG photograph of what looks like a NEW small wooden deck.

    If any of you have priced the cost of wood, there's some $$$ spent on a frivolous purchase.

    But, sure, believe how she doesn't have money to feed her animals.

    1. PDD. I also saw that deck. How could poor little Jenna afford to pay someone skilled to make it? She has a lot of nerve to post that pic, but then whine about being behind on mortgage payments.

    2. Where did that sharp looking truck and that newish looking car come from????

    3. Apparently, she was gifted the car. Probably by Pember Patty. The truck was at the mechanic’s until recently. Yet she complains about being broke.

    4. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWMay 12, 2022 at 8:35 AM

      She counts on casual readers not noticing inconsistencies in her live-like-fiction life.

      It's always funny to see faux farmer trot out and show off purchases first chance she gets. She's laughingly desperate for attention and cares nothing if she lies to generate sales and donations.

    5. Which is why we call it her “lie-style.”

    6. PDD wrote:
      '"If any of you have priced the cost of wood, there's some $$$ spent on a frivolous purchase."

      No doubt. But if you were to ask her ya just know she would say, "This unused wood was already in my friends yard!"

    7. she did say on instagram that the house had to be fixed for insurance and the deck was the cheapest option

    8. Respectfully, I call bullsh$% on her needing to build a yoga deck for insurance. She never brought up the issue ahead of time, and we are to believe that insurance "out-of-the-blue" decided she needed a better exit from an outside door? She could have added a step, in which case a much smaller deck would have sufficed.

      No, this was her wanting to show off her latest fad's fancy yoga deck and then backpedaling to justify it when she realized the optics didn't look so good.

      And the recent visit to the Amish? No doubt, it was to pick up her pre-ordered deck, as IG showed it sticking up from the back of her pick up truck.

      Faux farmer can't resist showing off her latest goodies - even if she had to lie to get them.

      She remains a deceitful jumping worm.

    9. oh, good eye. i saw the thing in the truck but didn’t make the connection.

    10. Thank you to the folks here who spot things - I screen shot them and archive in the subreddit for posterity. There's a running mortgage tally too. May as well keep track of the lies, since she was so intentionally vague about how many months she was behind for a few years there.

      Now she's getting letters every 30 days! Bam. If she were really getting letters you'd think she'd change her ways.

  46. Long time shamster here. Does anyone know how to find Merlin's age? I could have sworn in her early blogs that he was in his early 20s when she acquired him 10 or so years ago. That would put him in his early 30s now. I tried a name search on her blog and found entries for Merlin but not the post about his age.

    1. See above. He was foaled in 1996.

    2. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWMay 12, 2022 at 1:10 PM

      February 2012, FF wrote:

      "I might, might get this amazing 15 year old Fell Pony (my dream horse) for a barter and a song. The owners need to size down their herd due to illness, and this UK import is too good to pass up."

    3. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWMay 13, 2022 at 8:20 AM

      I just re-read her comment about buying Merlin, and I'm struck by the self-centeredness of it - it's all about her and what she wants.

      Essentially, what she wrote was: the horse's owner is sick so I can buy her imported, rare-breed pony, for a SONG.

      I sincerely hope KARMA is real and someone does to her what she does to others.

    4. PDD. I predict that karma is going to kick her fat ass hard. She’s almost 40, and running out of road.

    5. PDD: I was too struck by how self-centered it is now we have the context of almost 15 years of watching her.

      Her dream pony, and he subsists on minimum feed, was given minimum stimulation / basically as pasture decoration.

  47. No sales this month, cue the desperate twitter post re bank foreclosure letter. If you hate it so much, why not go out and get a job, which is what other do?

    1. She’d rather whine than work.

  48. “I hate, I can't tell you how much I hate, that it is legal for my mortgage holder to send me certified intents to foreclose because I am 35 days behind. This isn't even legally possible.”

    GFY, Jenna. You’re a begging and scamming pathological liar. You’ve been singing the same stupid sob story for years. Your faux farm would’ve been foreclosures long ago if anything that you said was true.

    1. The stupid tweet above is an example of her manipulative marketing for free funds. When sales are slow, or so she says, then she complains about foreclosure letters. But doesn’t post pics as proof. I dare you to do it, twat.

    2. “We can’t tell you how much we hate” your lazy, lying fat ass. You rigidly refuse to go and get a job. Which would solve your financial issues. But you think that it’s beneath you, because you have an arrogant attitude. You’re a self-entitled cunt.

    3. How would she even know what’s “legally possible,” because it’s obviously a lie?

    4. Right. If she's really late, get a job, catch the f up, stay caught up. It's not difficult, and for the first time in decades there is a labour shortage. Business that would have fired her would put up with all kinds of BS now.

      I don't believe she's late on the mortgage, she's just trying to goose donations. Pics or it didn't happen. She's been crying wolf for years.

  49. “I got a burn on my belly from a cast iron skillet.

    You read that to yourself like an ol’ prospector?”

    I “read it” like a lazy, middle-aged moron and attention whore who has a home that she doesn’t deserve.

  50. The ongoing mortgage thing just drives me up a wall. It isn't just legal, it is *required* that they send a notice 90 days prior to initiating any legal action. NYS is really good about that.

    1. yes she acts like it is an option to pay or not pay. Every time we have gotten a mortgage it has been pointed out pretty well they expect you to pay it back and on time. Maybe it was just us but this is how I am pretty sure it works.

    2. Nothing has changed since her truck was almost repossessed early on in her blog. She thought she could just send whatever amount of money she wanted and that would be good enough as long as she sent something each month. That was about 10-12 years ago. Looks like absolutely nothing has changed. She hasn't grown at all.

    3. She still has the mentality of a teen who is stuck in the obese body of a middle-aged moron.

      Jenna believes that she’s allowed to change the bank’s policy about making her mortgage payment on time. She doesn’t deserve to have a home.

    4. Rules are only for people who are “poodles.” They’re not meant for filthy feral farmers who will “ride their horse into the apocalypse.” Like that fat ass could even waddle into town without passing out.

  51. Her “Live like fiction!” fantasy is funded by stupid sycophantic supporters.

  52. “Hey friends and customers! Due to the rising cost of ingredients and shipping, I am only accepting online payments for soaps and art. Mailed checks require me driving to my bank in VT and gas is too much. I am sorry. Unless it's a huge order I don't even break even.”

    She’s using more manipulative marketing again to come across as being broke. Even though she has a home, two vehicles, horses and livestock.

    We banked locally when we lived in her area. And she still can’t use the casual contraction “I’m.” What a pretentious, lying twat.

    1. “Gas wasn’t too much” to stop Jenna, however, when she drove to a drive-in to see a movie recently. She can’t even keep track of her lies.

    2. She also wants the instant money from “online payments.” So that she can buy more booze, and Taylor Swift sweatshirts.

    3. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWMay 15, 2022 at 10:57 AM

      1. Weird how she must have the only bank where you cannot do online check deposits. No need to drive to Vermont to deposit a check.

      2. By downloading the USPS App, she could prep and pay for boxes remotely and ahead of time, then have them picked up from her "business location". No need to drive to Post Office.

      So much 💩 💩 💩

      I agree with others; she wants instant money. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but if people send her money privately ( not as a business transaction ), PayPal won't get involved if there's a dispute (e.g. not getting timely delivery of art or soap).

    4. PDD. I thought the same thing. And since she’s bragged about her new iPhone, it’d be easy to deposit checks via her high speed internet. She’s a failure at even lying.

    5. How stupid does she think people are? Most of us are able to deposit checks on our phones. So using gas to drive to her Vermont bank is unnecessary. And she could also have a local account in either Cambridge or Salem. I’m speaking from the direct experience of living in her area for years. She’s full of shit.

  53. “I’m finally watching the 2012 documentary The Staircase and I can’t believe women are out there marrying men. Wild.”

    It’s very insulting that she’s lumping most men in with murders. Apparently, she doesn’t think that women can commit crimes. Jenna is judgmental and stupidly opinionated.

    1. And HBO isn’t cheap.

    2. Anonymous 1:29. Neither is Netflix, and she subscribes to that too. (In fact, they’ve recently raised their rates.) Along with Amazon Prime and others. She’s really broke. “Sure, Jen.”

    3. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWMay 15, 2022 at 4:01 PM

      Gosh, she hates men?? Whatever happened to the person who asked her readers to find her a man? Who wrote an open letter, looking for a man?

      Who can forget:

      "If you're a single man who isn't scared of livestock, I'd like to have a word with you...

      I want to know a man who only says my name when he exhales... I want to play music with you. I want to brew homemade beer and wine in August and then get drunk with you on it during a Halloween bonfire...If you are drawn ringed instruments and are more excited to watch a Thunderstorm roll in than the series finale of LOST, please consider me. And if you're not 100% country, that's even better. I want to find someone who will go with me to concerts and art galleries...I want a partner. I want him to love October more than anything...
      So if you love dogs, like dirt, can't help but make music, and think you could tolerate me: send me an email. It's a long shot, but most things are."

    4. PDD. Right. I recall when she wrote that crap about men. And her lame lines “I’m a busty gal. I have curves and know how to use them!” This was written for men.

    5. And no one “can tolerate” Jenna for long. Which is why Shannon dumped her, and why she’s still single.

    6. I don’t think that thick rolls of flab can be called “curves.” She has no waist, and looks like a fridge.

  54. Does anyone believe her bank is in Vermont? I sure don’t.

    1. It makes no sense for her to have a bank in Vermont, when she’s lived in New York for over a decade. Her whole life is lies.

  55. She just wants to eliminate the wait for payments. Her credit is shit so I believe she can't open a new account, but its ridiculous with her NEW IPHONE that she cant use the bank's app to deposit cheques. She just wants quick cash.
    And maybe she's trying to make it look like she makes more money than she really does.

    Not very salt o the earth old school old fashioned farmer of ya, not accepting cheques.

    Maybe she deposited a bad cheque, or waited too long to deposit a cheque and it was void. Maybe she found one she never deposited.

    Cheques are way out of date now, but if she were running a serious business she'd have her online system set up already.

    My business is set up through acuity, it takes payment when booking the appointment. That payment is in my paypal and i transfer it to my bank from there.

    1. Exactly. I just left a similar comment above.

  56. “Working towards this month's mortgage and all these sales are still going! DM if interested in anything” (stupid blush face)

    No one cares about your mortgage bullshit that never ends each month. That’s why you have no sales.

    1. Her stupid tweet has still received zero responses. Not even one lone “like.”

  57. I wonder if she gave up on her book. She hasn't mentioned writing in a long time.

    1. Jenna will mention the new book occasionally, as a reminder that she’s still a rotten writer.

    2. Her epic novel "Dances With Wolves at the Door" is surely being toiled over as we speak.

    3. Anonymous 9:45. It’s more like Dunces With Wolves at the Door.

  58. “I don't think the average, often elderly, Fox Viewer realizes what is happening - what they're being spoon fed. And the ones that do, happily ingest it. It's terrifying and disgusting, and wrapped up in faux patriotism to get clicks and sell ads.”

    And she’s the same way about selling her crap on Twitter.

  59. It’s Monday moaning. And time to tweet about “scary foreclosure letters,” and “working like mad” to “catch up on mortgage payments.”

  60. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWMay 16, 2022 at 7:09 AM

    I'm specifically not doing physical descriptions of her, because I think her next crisis will be VICTIMIZATION, and she will use any vaguely personal attacks as fodder. How can she possibly write the great American autobiography when haters write mean things about her public posts???

    Do we? Not really. We are historians, fact checkers and sometime critics. FF operates several businesses and asks for sales, donations and pity purchases to support her business. She also sells a "fictional lifestyle". It seems perfectly valid to call out lies and misrepresentations for businesses and fake lifestyle claims on social media.

    What we don't do is threaten. For the record, I don't remember any Shamster ever telling her to "un-live" herself --- unlike some of her scary sycophants who have visited this site multiple times to threaten violence.


    1. PDD. I almost always agree with what you write. But I like to criticize her obese body, and fake fat face. I find her repellent in every way.

    2. PDD, I agree with everything you wrote and find your posts intelligent and thoughtful. But I’m confused on one issue. There used to be a poster here who wrote in the most vulgar language, and when I objected, you indicated you liked the “spicy” language.

      I totally agree that if she is attacked physically on this space, she will use it to her advantage. And I know someone is going to come along and disagree with me but I am entitled to my opinion as well.

      Anyway, maybe you had a change of heart on the issue or maybe I misinterpreted your comments. But I’m all on board about sticking to the facts.

    3. "I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOW "May 16, 2022 at 12:54 PM

      Anon, my sympathies lie with everyone being able to speak their truth - even if that occasionally includes spicy language. I especially understand if you know her personally and negative feelings run deeper.

      She sells and receives $$$ for her brand: a falcon-hunting warrior-woman - sword-wielding, marathon-running and horse riding. Listening to her struggle to walk up a hill makes it obvious her image is mostly a ruse. Live Like Fiction indeed!

      It's easy for me to fall into criticizing her appearance because she self-criticizes (a lot) and she offers a huge disconnect between what she says and what she does. Images she herself put out have included: squat, beastly, yeti-like, refrigerator-bodied, hobbit-like, etc. With her know-it-all, self-centered comments and snide remarks directed at others, it even feels justified.

      At this stage, however, I don't want to create excuses for readers not to listen to criticism and comments on her bad business practices. So, for me, I've cut back on the personal comments. I may slip, but I'll try not to.

    4. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWMay 16, 2022 at 1:27 PM

      PS Sorry for stilted response. It's a bear trying to type on my cell phone with only a teensy window to review and edit.

  61. “All these are on their way to their people today! Thank you to everyone who supports this little farm through art and soap and meat sales! I’m still living the life I love, 10 years self employed figuring it out” (stupid yellow heart)

    If she’s still “figuring it out” after over a decade of having her hovel, then her dumb dream didn’t work out. She should be a pro at almost age forty. Instead of behaving like a constant newbie.

    1. She’s unemployed not self.

    2. I dislike her Disney drawings of dogs. They always have the same stupid style that she’s stuck on.

    3. Does anyone know the current price for those pet pics?

      Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe they started out at $150, then down to $75, and now they might be $50?

    4. It is beyond my belief that anyone on the internet could see those badly made cartoon characters as anyone ‘s own pet, when they are clearly Disney characters. $150 for that garbage? There’s a sucker born every minute, and she’s certainly good at finding them.


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