Moderation: On


  1. HD. What’s happened?

  2. Crude sexual commenter is back.
    Hey…..I can comment again!

    1. HD. Thanks for your explanation. That’s what I thought. “Big Momma” the moron is trying to defend the FFF. Their repugnant responses ruin posts. It’s unfortunate that you can’t just ban them. It’s good that you can comment again.

    2. hey HD how is the ankle/foot healing? Hope all is going well for you. Also thank you for keeping up these posts.

    3. Next week I get the cast off my ankle! I'll be in a boot but I'll be able to walk again. And get in and out of my house and drive and whatnot. Yay!

    4. HD. Congrats. That’s great news. I had bunion surgery on one foot three months ago, and am only now feeling normal. And I had to wear a medical boot 24/7 for four weeks. Sleeping in it was hard. It takes time to heal.

    5. Hey HD, glad to hear you are on the mend! This is your right ankle? If so, when it comes to driving again, if you have trouble using your right foot to brake you can learn to use your left foot instead.

      That's what I had to do because not only was my ankle super weak, but I couldn't flex my foot back enough to hit the brake pedal...I had to lift my whole leg each time. So some male friends of mine taught me how to use my left foot, just like race car drivers do. It's weird at first but you get used to it.

    6. It is actually my left ankle. The larger issue has been I couldn’t get into my house. I can’t put weight on it and I've got a step. Had the issue been more permanent or problematic I would have gotten a ramp or some other accommodation. I've been in a wheelchair mostly and my brother has gotten me in and out as needed.

  3. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWMay 17, 2022 at 5:32 AM

    Welcome back to commenting! Hoping my PDD avatar will work soon.

    Isn't it interesting how the crude, nasty commenter appears relatively soon before our site is trotted out as a "hate" site? I do wonder if FF or one of her skewed sycophants does this to "help the cause".

    It's not an impossible idea.

    1. I agree with what you wrote. It’s not a coincidence.

  4. Jenna’s on Twitter today trying to justify her new deck. What a pathological liar. Her elaborate explanations are simply smokescreens.

  5. I’d like to know how she is solid-begging for years, it’s on repeat. She is habitually, constantly a month or two or three behind. Then, she supposedly gets a mortgage letter. Within a week, she is already saying how she paid the last month (magically) and is all of a sudden on the next month. It doesn’t add up.

    1. Her whole life is lies.

    2. I guess she's figured out that her constant repeated begging actually works. In that case, why change anything? Why bother to get a job when you can get foolish online strangers to pay for your lifestyle month after month, year after year?

      But the tradeoff is the shame and humiliation of having to beg like that. I just don't understand how she can live like that, waking up EVERY SINGLE DAY knowing that she has to panhandle online.

  6. It’s a shame that the flow of comments needs to be constrained due to one rotten person. Maybe if there were more moderators it would help.

  7. “I'm a long way from making the May payment, but April is paid and marching forward into making this month, THIS MONTH! Please know all these sales below are still going on and every sale helps! From 2 bars of soap to half a pig in 2023!”

    She’s still singing the same sad song. “Please pity me, and send money.” She’s “marching” into madness.

    1. Every month she mentions making her mortgage payments. It’s always about being behind, even after owning her hovel for over a decade. Jenna Woginrich is a pathological liar. She’s the Cambridge Queen of Con.

    2. Jenna won’t stop whining about having to pay her bills on time. Her “Live like fiction” fantasy is true to her teen mentality. She’s the grown girl who’s cried, “wolves are at my door,” one time too many to be believable.

    3. That reminds me, a comment on the last thread by Anon 9:45 said:

      "Her epic novel "Dances With Wolves at the Door" is surely being toiled over as we speak."

      I'm dead. LMAO.

  8. There is no way she is paying her mortgage with soap and art. She uses her mortgage as a pity ploy. She definitely has another source of income and I’m guessing she uses the mortgage ploy for fun money. What I don’t understand is how this ploy keeps working month after month, year after year.

    1. I don’t think that she’s getting that many sales now. The Reddit sub, coldantlercritics, has a theory about her receiving disability. If that’s true, then she should come clean about it. Maybe she’s embarrassed by her obvious mental illness.

    2. Anon 2:13 I doubt she'll change a pattern established for 10 years now. There is not way in hell she's disclosing her income sources, and the story she's telling about making ends meet with farmy activities is BS.

      She does not need to sell pig shares a year in advance, she just likes to because it's an extra few hundred bucks every once in a while.

    3. WiW. Unfortunately, you’re right. Jenna has spent her life lying. I wish that someone like Shannon would comment anonymously here, and tell us the truth about her income.

    4. I agree it would be amazing if Shannon came and dished up all the dirt on the Pig Shocker. I'd freakin' pay good money to hear anything she has to say.

      As for her pig shares, I still suspect that she buys pork from the grocery store and repackages it to make it look like it came from CAF. I mean, who would ever know the difference? Some people will believe anything that you tell them.

    5. My feeling is that Shannon left pretty upset. There was no transition, she fuckin' left. I suspect Jenna has exaggerated her feelings of being "threatened" by her critics, as it wouldn't be a stretch to believe someone making their living on the internet, as the story goes, was receiving death / rape threats. That fiction would be some emotional leverage to discourage Shannon from commenting here, for her own safety and out of any sense of good person guilt if anything "bad" happened to Jenna.

    6. And whatever incident caused Shannon to leave, it's clear she wants to forget about Jenna, and have *nothing* further to do with her.
      There was a blow out of some sort. If Jenna has an explosive temper, (which would be typical of someone with ADHD, one of the reasons they have a hard time in long term relationships) Shannon just took her cat and bailed immediately.

      If Shannon discovered proof of Jenna's lies, or put together the pieces herself, she just took her cat and bailed.

      Or if Shannon was just hurt that Jenna refused to get a job for the sake of their financial stability, the excuse Jenna had been using to use Shannon for everything she could milk from that relationship, Shannon just took her cat and bailed.

      The end result is Shannon wants *nothing* to do with her ex, which is NOT AT ALL typical of exes in the very small queer community. It's far more typical to part, but remain in contact and ultimately move forward as acquaintances / friends, because you're likely to continue to see them in the community.

      So Shannon leaving in a cloud of dust is a red flag for the next GF coming down the pipes.

    7. I still cannot believe that Shannon fled right before Christmas. Things must've been REALLY bad to have left with just a week or so before the holidays.

  9. Some thoughts on her new deck situation: My dad used to build pools and do hardscaping. I worked with him and also inspectors and upon seeing the Pig Shocker's old deck foundation, I gotta say she is fuuuuuucked! The state of it, the cracks, it shows not only earth shifting over time, but sinking as well.

    She has said that the house is 150 years old so just imagine the condition of the foundation under the house! Also, it's kinda hard to tell if that old deck foundation was built at the same time as the house or if it is newer. Cuz if it was built just 50 years ago and it has already crumbled like that, then the house foundation is super fucked. What she needs is to hire a home inspector immediately to check out the home's main foundation and put some money into shoring things up. But we know she won't.

    As for the new deck, it's kinda hard to tell from that pic but it appears she had the old foundation ripped out? Cuz that wouldn't be cheap. Or did she stupidly build on top of a cracked and crumbling foundation?

    And....also noticed her fancy new magnetic screen over the deck door. Those are not pricy (about $30) but it's just another example of her wasting her "earned up" bill money on stuff she doesn't necessarily need. There are lots of photos and YouTube videos showing how she got by with no screen for years. But then suddenly wastes money on one? No wonder she can't pay her bills.

    1. I noticed that too. If that giant concrete slab has sunk and cracked (water damage) that's not an isolated problem. It was basically rubble. And yes, I think they just built right on top of it, and did not remove the rubble which would have been expensive and labour-intensive.

      So all that broken shit is under some "sod" she packed over it - super unsafe! And the whole thing could crack and shift suddenly as it will continue to degrade under that sod and platform.

    2. WIW - You're right...she did build on top of part of it and covered the other half with sod. Her latest tweet photo shows just that.

  10. One of her comments from the new deck tweet:

    "I needed a VERY cheap solution. Enter: the Amish!"

    Is it just me or does this rub anyone else the wrong way? Like it's kinda demeaning on some level? Or somehow cheapens the handiwork or skills of the Amish?

    1. I thought exactly the same thing. Also surprised me she would work with folks that are part of a death cult, as she has called Christianity many times.

    2. Omg, that is so disrespectful to the Amish! Looking at them like cheap labor. If she still had her heathen group, I'm sure she would have used them for free labor. What a horrible comment - she has no self awareness. If you go back into her blog you can see how often she has used people. Some examples I recall are using locals to clean out her shed and fix her car. Heathens to haul and chop her wood. Using Shannon's car and cell phone. And there are many more examples. Remember her comment, "it takes a village to raise a Jenna"? Ugh.

    3. We’re planning a trip to Cambridge soon to visit friends. And we’ll make sure to meet the Millers to warn them about Jenna, and her unethical business practices.

    4. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWMay 19, 2022 at 12:51 PM

      Be sure to print out copies of her photo on their property showing/naming their dog and the many times she referred to them as cheap labor.

      She's a user who has criticized their core beliefs in the past. I don’t doubt she'll probably badmouth "the Amish" as soon as she's done with them. They could do better than her.

    5. PDD. We’ve already amassed a large file over the years with posts and pics as proof. And we’ll certainly show them her most recent ones. Thanks!

    6. Yeah, she says her new deck is 9' by 6', so that's 54 sq. feet, and she paid $200 for it. Installed. That's $3.70 per sq foot. That's very cheap compared to store bought decking wood, or Trex or the new Timbertech which is made from like PVC and supposedly more environmental because it's made from recycled materials like plastic etc.
      I suspect the Amish folks had extra wood, or did it as part of a barter.
      I also wonder how long it will last, and how waterproof it is.
      She needs some stairs off the end before some one falls off! Or a railing.

    7. Anon 7: "Enter: The Amish!" rubbed me the wrong way too. She's using them as a prop. Isn't it quaint and charming, the original old-fashioned down home farmers are doing work on her property!

      Anyone else she'd be saying "my neighbours" or "friends". To mention the family by name is weird too, since she doesn't even mention Patty by name anymore, or does so rarely.

    8. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWMay 20, 2022 at 4:41 AM

      WIW, remember, she's always about manipulating her "rural" image. I've noticed FF refers to Pember Patty and her husband in multiple ways - to make it seem like she has more friends than she has.

      They've been Patty, Patty and Mark, Livin*st*** Farm, a nearby farm, a couple, an older couple she knows, farm friends, area hunters, horse mentor, friends, etc.

      Weirdly, PP is one of the few who's stuck around. I used to think FF served as the older woman's introduction to a younger world, with "cool" NY friends. Then I thought perhaps PP likes saving damaged souls. I still havent figured it out.

    9. PDD. She definitely pads her group of friends. I think that Pember Patty is just a dumb enabler who considers Jenna a pity project.

    10. “If you go back into her blog you can see how often she has used people.”

      All I did was search her old blog for “it takes a village.” That turned up these multiple instances of people helping her with labor, goods, tools, their time, and financing X project she had going. There’s many other instances of help she received that didn’t show up on the search because ‘village’ wasn’t in the text.

      What happened to all these “dear friends” ???? She’s such a user, and people figure it out, that’s what happened.

      Help with pig butchering:

      “Eleven people, six dogs, and one swine made up the work crew that descended on Cold Antler. The mission: to turn a living Yorkshire Pig into food.”

      “my good friend Steve Hemkens, and Vicki Frost the traveling butcher. But other friends of the farm stopped by during the day to help with various aspects of a winter animal harvest, and their effort was greatly appreciated. Two families, the Daughtons and the McEnenys, arrived…”

      Monitoring/attending goat births: Patty and Yeshiva

      Helping raise chickens, building brooders, coops:

      “A brooder handmade by the Daughton Family as a gift…”

      “when rats chewed through the worn plywood years later it was the ladies at Windwomen Farm who delivered hardware cloth and supplies to make it critter proof…”

      “when those birds finally went outside on pasture three weeks later they did so in the tractors made out of inspiration from Darcie Confar (who mailed me the materials list and aided in design) and crafted by the good hands of the Connelly Clan who helped build the first model. Patty Wesner came over and helped me build the second one.”

      “The third tractor was made by the amazing Brett McLeod, it is wooden and strong…”

      Fencing for goats:

      “Annie my a goat farming neighbor came to my rescue.”
      “called my friends at Common Sense Farm to see if the offer to loan their spare fencer was still on the table”
      “It took us two hours but together we electrified that pasture.”

      Dog kennel for Finn the goat (in Vermont):

      “My dear friends, James and Phil, gave me their half-day off work to haul a 6-ft tall old chainlink dog run across southern Vermont. James had it sitting in his parent's backyard collecting weeds and offered it to me as a belated birthday gift.”
      “So we borrowed my pal Eric's trailer…”

      On vacation to parents: (What happened to never being able to leave the farm?)

      “Just in from a three-day vacation in Pennsylvania with the dogs. Thanks to the help of my amazing neighbors I was able to leave knowing the animals would be taken care of in my absence.”

      The moral of the story: Don’t get involved with narcissistic faux farmer. She’ll chew you up and spit you out when you no longer are useful to her.

    11. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWMay 20, 2022 at 7:27 AM

      Anon, 6:50, thanks for gathering those fine examples. You're correct that it doesn't scratch the surface of people who helped her. I remember when she had her heathen meet -up group cut and stack her personal firewood for the season and clean her dump! I tell you, the woman has chutzpah.

      Pember Patty deserves her own chapter. She "taught" FF about horses, took her to meet Merlin, trailered horses, taught her driving, "helped" FF get driving cart, repaired her truck innumerable times, introduced her to suppliers, stored hay, loaned hay, gave hay, repaired her house, gave her appliances and sh$#, painted / gave paint for the hovel farm and gave/loaned her a car. You can imagine how much $$$ PP has fronted/forgiven over the years.

      Jon Katz tired of essentially being a 24/7 emotional/cash vending machine for the Cambridge Conniver. I wonder if PP will ever quit?

    12. PDD. Moronic Miriam, or as you call her “the Diane Arbus wannabe,” is another dumb enabler. She’s given Jenna chairs, computers and free photos etc…

    13. Anonymous 6:50. I also appreciate the examples, thanks!

    14. Alright, good to know I'm not the only one who saw that "cheap" comment as insensitive.

      Here in SoCal, we have a lot of Home Depot stores where hard working unemployed Hispanic men hang out at the exits, hoping to be chosen to work on some rich dudes home improvement/renovation projects. And there are basically two types of people who hire them:

      The good ones who hire them with compassion and pay them a good and decent wage for the day, for their time and hard work.

      The awful ones who hire them and pay them well below minimum wage cuz they figure these Hispanics are illegals who won't dare to complain. (And then they brag about it and make cruel "La Migra" jokes.)

      And I think Jenna would fall into the latter group.

    15. Also, very excellent comments from all of you on this. And especially glad that Anon 11:22 will be warning the Amish about the resident dreck of Cambridge.

      Jenna should paint that new deck black to match her soul.

    16. Black to match the cavernous gulf in her chest where a heart should be.

  11. “Walk with us around the farm and into the woods after the rain.

    I’m almost 40. I am finally stopping to look around and realize how lucky I am to still be here. Every day I have to figure out my own income, bills, and farm and after a decade, I’m still here. Hell yeah” (stupid hand symbol that coincidentally, “Big Momma,” the moron here has also used.)

    Even after over a decade of being “unemployed” not “self,” the dumb twat still hasn’t “figured out” how to support her lazy loser “lie-style” without begging and scamming.

    1. Yeah, her typical “cycle of crying” is now temporarily in the “Don’t you want and envy my magical life?!”

    2. Yep. And according to WIW's analysis, the Pig Shocker will be shifting into panic about the mortgage payment soon. The end of the month is coming fast, poodles!! So get yer wallets out!!!

    3. Anon7. Her moods are mercurial, and never last long.

    4. Yep, lots of posting about hiking, video of hey property etc. Including her alter with "God poles" and she informed a commentor this is a pagan farm"

  12. I think Patty has been shunned by the community due to her unethical dealings/stealing. I'm sure she was the talk of the town when that all went down. Between that and being a caretaker for her adult son with disabilities, I think she does not have many, if any local friends besides Jenna.
    She's happy to have Jenna's visitors over who have no idea of her past. Easy, pleasant social interaction.
    I think it's a 'birds of a feather' situation where Jenna doesn't judge Patty and vice versa. Patty is willing to bail her out over & over because it's worth it to her to have a friend. Just my opinion...

    1. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWMay 20, 2022 at 9:19 AM

      SOTM, yes, you may be right. It's important to point out that criminal charges weren't filed. Results of the two-year audit weren't good, and the Granville community's anger seem to have led to the "early retirement" and/or resignation of PP and others.

      The original articles on the financial problems, with community comment/speculation, were a fascinating glimpse into the management (or mismanagement) of the Granville community library/museum that survived on the donations and goodwill of the town.

      Here's a brief story on the situation. .


    2. SOTM, I think you're right about "birds of a feather" -- because someone as unscrupulous as Pember Patty would naturally want to surround herself with similar type people. Cuz why would she want to surround herself with good people who might question her bad actions and choices?

    3. I’m shocked that she has any friends. All of the locals that we know in Cambridge hate her. Jenna has burned too many bridges by ripping people off, and also using them for labor. Like the Millers now. The filthy feral farmer is a POS.

  13. “Who says I never get away from the farm?!”

    Fat ass is riding one of her horses. I feel sorry for it.

    1. OK, so the pic that accompanies this tweet makes clear what she did re the new deck. It appears that she left the entire foundation as-is, with the left side being more intact than the crumbling right side. And upon the left side, she had the "cheap" Amish people install a much smaller deck. Then, she covered the crumbling side with sod and covered up the failing edges with rocks.

      So now her new yoga deck is half the size it used to be...and still crumbling, lol. And yes, poor Merlin should not be having to haul her garbage ass around at his age.

    2. Anon7. She’s shoddy about almost everything in her life.

  14. “Hey all! Pet portraits are BOGO right now, and every sale helps this farm catch up. I am trying to make the May mortgage before May ends, and while I have 75% of the way to go selling 4 sets of color portraits would get me halfway there!”

    You can fuck all the way off, Jenna. You’re a pathological liar, beggar and scammer. No normal adult whines about making their mortgage payments every single month for years. You don’t deserve to have a home.

    1. Her faux farm has never “caught up,” because its lazy loser owner refuses to go and get a job to pay for her own bills.

    2. Show us pics as proof of your “scary foreclosure letters from the bank.” I dare you to do it, twat. The fearless feminist can’t even tell the truth about her income sources.

    3. It’s her infamous “fraction finances.” Where the monthly money math never adds up.

  15. “Any women writers interested in living on a mountain farm that basically operates the way it did in 1867 (think heat, comfort, etc) because I am thinking about a roommate. At least short term.”

    Don’t do it!!! Jenna will use you. Like we’ve been discussing in this post. Which is why her girlfriend left last year. You’ll not only have to probably pay more than your fair share, but she’ll expect you to help her with chores and projects. Run far away from the filthy feral farmer. She also, literally, stinks. Her hygiene is horrid.

    1. I’m also surprised that she doesn’t have being a lesbian as a roommate requirement.

    2. Do your own due diligence on her rotten reputation. Check out the Reddit sub: coldantlercritics for more information.

  16. Who is going to take one for the team and be Jenna’s roommate? It’s the best way to find out exactly what’s going on there!

    1. BWAHAHAHA!!!! You wouldn't even have to move in, just get the deets. "Woman writer" is a weird bar to set. Does this author get her own workspace.? Can she pay her rent in publisher referrals?

    2. Although, there were never any scary bank letters while shannon was living there... Maybe her new roomie will actually get to see one!

    3. There’s not enough money to pay me to be either Jenna’s roommate or friend.

    4. On her Instagram, Jenna has a photo of an elegant car keychain thing on which is engraved, "F_ck the Patriarchy". I hope the Amish men don't see that...

    5. The fearless feminist has forgotten all about her sexual attraction to men for years.

    6. Jenna acts like she’s the one woman who has discovered feminism for the first time. She was the same way with farming, different religions etc… It’s all about her arrogant attitude towards everything.

  17. “Good morning from Cold Antler Farm!”

    A pic of her fat man hand and ugly, hairy calf included. Only the canine is okay.

    1. I find it funny that she calls herself a femme with the stupid chipped polish and hairy legs. She presents as being a butch. I’m part of the queer community, so am speaking with personal experience over decades.

  18. HD. Comments look like they’re posted then they disappear. I’ve tried twice.

    1. Hmmm. I haven’t changed anything. I'll start a new post….maybe that will help?

    2. HD. I appreciate your prompt response. Thanks. Yet the comment that I wrote to you went through. Maybe it’s one of those weird things. Hope that you’re continuing to heal. Just in time for the summer.


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