I find it interesting.

In my real life I'm on Facebook some.  I rarely post personal stuff and I don't have a crazy number of friends but I am way more connected to the people there.  School is getting out for the summer.  People are graduating, getting new jobs, planning vacations, getting stuff done outside, getting new chickens, and just generally living their lives and having a good time.  I enjoy scrolling through to find out what folks are up to and what their families are up to.
None of my "people" ever bitch about paying their mortgage every month or their bills.  They aren’t scared of mail or someone driving down the road in front of their house.  My people don't lie or make themselves appear to be some way they are not.  My friends are a mix of old family friends, old school friends and work friends of mine, people I've met through social media, local people, etc.
I guess my point is….why would she ever have friends?  As people here say "her life is lies".  No one should invest anything in her.  It's all lies.   She wants people to be impressed by the image she tries to put out there but it's a mirage…it disappears when you get close to it.


  1. HD. That was well-put. Jenna Woginrich is fake in every way. Like I always say here “Her whole life is lies.” And we know her from living in Cambridge. So I’ve had firsthand experience in dealing with the poser. No normal adults whine constantly about both their bills, and having to make mortgage payments.

    1. Was this you on the last thread that said:

      "I’m shocked that she has any friends. All of the locals that we know in Cambridge hate her. Jenna has burned too many bridges by ripping people off, and also using them for labor."

      The ones who hate her, is it just being ripped off or do they have other issues with her?

    2. Anon7. Yes, that was my comment. Jenna has a history of not only ripping people off, but she’s also loathed for her arrogant attitude. She waddles around town as if she owns it. Locals might be friendly to her face, but behind her back they stab with words.

    3. Thanks for elaborating. I can believe it about her arrogant attitude because it is so apparent in her YouTube videos...her acting like such an insufferable know-it-all. But didn't realize she was so crass as to act that way in real life in her own town. No wonder the locals can't even with her.

    4. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWMay 24, 2022 at 5:12 AM

      It's a huge red flag that Faux Farmer can't fill her meat orders from the local community and must resort to posting. It's also telling that she doesn’t participate in the farmer's market. People don't like her. In a small town, word gets around - both good and bad.

      She's posted nasty and condescending comments about townspeople, those who weren't doing anything for her, and she's apparently burned many others. I've never seen her volunteer to help the community. She's selfish and demeaning - no wonder they can't stand her.

    5. PDD. We wish that she’d move back to Tennessee. She’s claimed to like living there in the past.

    6. Jenna has worn out her welcome in every state that she’s lived in. The same thing has happened in New York.

  2. Twit Shit:

    "Yesterday I sold 2 sets! And if you're reading this and want to help a farm catch up and take care of some of your Holiday gifts early, you too can help make this tiny milestone happen today!"

    WTF?!? Since when is making a mortgage payment a "tiny milestone"?? Or even a "milestone" at all? It's not. It's just her trying to find cute words to disguise what's really going on: A purposely unemployed 40 year old begging online strangers to give her mortgage money. Pathetic.

    1. I saw that stupid tweet and thought the same thing. Her usage of “tiny milestone” is obnoxious.

  3. So she is looking for a roommate "at least short term" -- What does that even mean? When she gets tired of the new roommate she kicks them out?

    1. She won’t last long with anyone living in her hovel. Even Shannon finally dumped her fat add.

    2. Edit: fat ass not add

  4. Re the new roommate thing, Anon 2:08 wrote:

    "Although, there were never any scary bank letters while shannon was living there..."

    Is this true about not receiving any scary bank letters whilst Shannon was there? (My memory of the past two years is a bit muddled due to focusing on everything Covid related.)

    1. I think that Shannon lived there for only a year. And the fake foreclosure letters are a bunch of bull.

    2. That was my comment. I made a point of watching to see if she faked foreclosure while shannon was there. It was unbelievable when she talked about trying to pay the mortgage, not wanting to fall behind etc, and was claiming to be in fear of falling behind in October before Shannon left. Immediately after Shannon left she started to panic post about all the bills and within two or three months was claiming to get foreclosure letters again.

    3. Thanks Anon 10:28 for this info. I'll bet Shannon was appalled when she saw the Pig Shocker go back to her old ways after she fled CAF.

  5. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWMay 23, 2022 at 6:09 AM

    TWO radishes 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

    1. Growing in her garden?

    2. No. They are growing next to the row of potatoes behind her ears.

    3. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWMay 24, 2022 at 7:21 AM

      She's in the middle of her I-Don't-Need-My-Past-Roommate phase, having actually planted starter vegetables. She posted an IG photo (extreme close-up, of course) of TWO radishes in a colander, with the tag "First meal with help from the garden tonight" and SIX smiley faces, in case you didn't know she's living the best life EVER, poodles.

  6. It looks like the frugal feminist used gas to drive to a trail. “It was already in Shannon’s car!”

    1. She’s a pathological liar. Jenna recently wrote “I don’t drive unless it’s necessary.”

    2. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWMay 23, 2022 at 9:18 AM

      FF also drove to the bar last week and took in a musical act, and one presumes drink(s) and gas, plus an additional $10 cover charge. It's a small amount, but that evening cost at least $20-$30 for someone who supposedly isn't spending any money because times are hard and she's"really frugal" these days.

    3. PDD. It’s unreal how much she lies. Jenna is a pretentious poser who was desperate to be famous for farming, but has become an epic failure at living.

    4. I just don't get her. How can you say one thing and do another? And not privately, but announcing it on social media? Does she not realize that people have something called a memory? Utter idiot she is.

  7. She says “Hope you like Taylor Swift” in her Instagram bio like a teen twat.

    1. She had a stupid poll a few weeks back asking if people liked her TS content or not. She blocked those that said “no thanks” and then included that blurb on her bio. I live and work near her and she is an insufferable liar like everyone else here says.

    2. Anonymous 7:13. We’re the ones who’ve lived in Cambridge before. I agree with what you wrote. She is “insufferable.”

    3. It’s no wonder why she’s loathed by locals. We were at a party recently in Cambridge when Jenna’s name was mentioned. It was like dropping a stink bomb. No one had anything positive to say about her. And there were also a few queer couples there. So it wasn’t because she’s a lesbian. The FFF always wants to blame her unlikable personality on excuses like people’s prejudice.

    4. Anon 803: can you share more?

    5. Anonymous 11:44. I wrote the comment above about the party. Sure, what do you want to know? I do better with specific questions. Thanks.

    6. I’ll give you all a Cambridge comparison to illustrate how much Jenna is disliked.

      There’s a rotten realtor in town named Kay Ward. She’s a very unethical person to put it mildly.

      When she ran
      for mayor twice, for example, the only people who voted for her were a few family members. Fortunately, she lost the elections. I’m shocked that she’s still around.

      I consider the FFF to also be on the same level of being loathed by locals.

    7. Kay is a cunt. She would’ve tried to be a town tyrant if elected. It was amusing that she lost by a landslide.

    8. "We were at a party recently in Cambridge when Jenna’s name was mentioned. It was like dropping a stink bomb. No one had anything positive to say about her."

      LMAO at the stink bomb comparison. Great visual you've provided, Anon 8:03!!

    9. I think that Anonymous 11:44 might be either Jenna or an enabler. They never followed up with questions when queried.

    10. I’m sure now that they were either Jenna or an enabler nosing around for information. They never commented back with questions about the party.

  8. “Hey! You got a BODY?! You ever Clean it?! Holy crow do I have good news for you! Bulk goats milk soap orders are shipping out all May and June and buying one helps keep a scrappy little lesbian on her farm another 4 weeks. So please send a DM and wash behind your ears!”

    1. Too bad that she doesn’t cleanse herself with soap. The filthy feral farmer stinks. We’ve been behind her in town before. Jenna needs to “wash” much more than her “ears.” Her “scrappy little lesbian” line is stupid and nonsensical. It’s more manipulative marketing for free funds.

    2. Tell us once more that you’re a lesbian. Like anyone cares, cunt.

    3. Jenna sounds like she’s still trying to convince herself, and everyone else that she’s a real lesbian. I’ve been “out” for years. And I’ve never seen an adult less secure about her sexual preference.

    4. Turn in a circle three times and repeat “I’m a lesbian!”

    5. Anon 7:45, I agree with you (and others). She publicly and desperately looked for a man (for years), then was queer, bi, and now lesbian. At each change, she denigrated anyone who wasn't like her. Its all just a little hard to believe. Based on her writings, insufferable is the perfect word to describe her.

      At this point, I'm surprised she doesn't paint her animals in rainbow colors and parade them around town.


    6. Anon 745: SAME. I've been out as queer / lesbian and later came out as non-binary, I've known few people who are so obsessed with announcing their identity as Jenna - and she only does it to bolster her manufactured personality. She is FAR from the only queer farmer and I haven't seen anyone market themselves as a "lesbian farmer" "trans farmer" etc. Lee (moxi ridge farm) only did so in order to fund raise for security to help mitigate threats to his animals and person. I'm sure he would much rather be left the fuck alone to just be a farmer, period. I've seen no one but Jenna constantly beat the "support a gay farm!"

      Before that it was single woman ALONE farm.

      One day it'll be a "poor single disabled queer gender minority lifelong farmer who keeps a few chickens to stay connected to the earth"

      I wonder if get marketing as a lesbian farmer has any legs at all, because her kick marketing herself as Buddhist vegetarian then pagan didn't go over well.

    7. PDD. Don’t give her any ideas. Pride parade month is in June, and Jenna could paint her dogs rainbow colors.

    8. Anonymous 12:01. I made that comment. And I agree with what you wrote. Jenna has to be a super special snowflake in whatever she does. She just can’t be an ordinary lesbian and farmer. “Manufactured personality” is a great description of her fake posing. That was well-put. Thanks.

    9. Lol, yeah PDD, if she posts pics on Instagram of her rainbow dogs we're gonna hold you accountable!

  9. “You know that show Marriage or Mortgage? I want to see the same show but instead of spending their own money on a wedding/house they can either have help planning a wedding on their own dime OR be GIVEN a homestead they HAVE to tend for a decade straight and see who picks what.”

    No one would ever “pick” your lazy loser “lie-style.”

    1. For someone who is chronically behind on her mortgage, she sure watches a lot of shows that you have to subscribe or otherwise pay to watch.

    2. Anonymous 3:19. Funny how she had funds for entertainment, but never mortgage money. I think that her unethical behavior is the main reason that Shannon left, and why she’s still single.

    3. Edit: has funds

    4. For someone who is "always up against it" with "wolves at the door" she sure has A LOT of time to watch lots of TV shows. And as Anon 3:19 and 3:45 pointed out, the surplus cash to pay for all those streaming services too.

  10. “promotion, done. Kale, yeah.”

    She calls her obnoxious begging “promotion,” even though no normal adult does it almost daily.

    1. http://coldantlerfarm.blogspot.com/2014/05/kailyard_20.html

    2. We’ve seen her garden, and I’d call it a “fail yard.”

  11. “Are you thinking, "Well I don't need a logo! But I would like to support this idiot who refuses to give up on her dumb dream while trying to write a soul-crushing/elevating book..." GREAT NEWS! (next slide please)”

    She’s told the truth for once about being an “idiot” who has a “dumb dream.” Jenna must’ve read what we’ve been saying for years. Trying to be amusing isn’t natural for her. There won’t be a new book. Her Birchthorn novel was bad and bombed. You don’t deserve “support,” twat. You’ve already gotten much more than you’ve ever deserved.

    1. “So you can hire me to design, for the SAME GREAT PRICE: A tee shirt, a print for your wall, a fake logo for an inside joke that went on too long about your dachshund's hot dog cart, kids sports teams jerseys, adult team jerseys, your bands poster. ETC! DM!”

      What a crock of crap. And it’s “etc…”

    2. “Or, if talking to someone on DM is too weird for you, you can go to http://coldantlerfarmny.com and read more about all the farm's goods and such, from bacon to soap to pictures of your cat eating bacon on a pile to soap. I will dance your dance. I like my house.”

      Poor, desperate little Jenna. She doesn’t “dance” to any tune other than a loser’s lament,

    3. I think that she’s doing day drinking again. Her idiot ramblings are unhinged.

    4. “Cat eating bacon on a pile of soap” is definitely deranged drinking behavior. She’s not sober with booze and weed.

    5. It’s “to soap,” but her lack of proper punctuation makes it difficult to read and understand.

    6. She keeps referencing dm and email, right, she can't talk on her cell to strangers. Also why does she keep sending people to a dumb website when ch has no point of sale capabilities?

    7. When it has*

    8. Anonymous 3:16. Exactly. Shannon made the site for sales, too. But Jenna refuses to use it that way, and forces buyers to message and email her. It’s sneaky and suspicious. She’s a very unethical business person.

    9. Anon 1:28 - I thought that you wrote that tweet as satire, but I checked and yes, she really did call herself an idiot with a dumb dream in that tweet. She is really getting desperate for sales.

    10. *snort* there she goes pretending she's writing a book again. The last book she "published" was the self-published mess "Birchthorn" in 2017. It's been 10 years since she got a "book deal".

  12. “LOGOS ARE HALF PRICE FOR THE NEXT 2 SOLD. Yup, I'll start working on it soon as today. You own the art, get all digital and print files, we work together all through DM or email, and you get to support a small farm trying like hell to catch up with her mortgage. DM to order!”

    She’s an obnoxious vomit of non-stop “promotion” today. Guess that she’s short of money for more Taylor Swift sweatshirts, bongs and booze. You haven’t “tried” at all to get a solid job to support yourself without being a beggar. GFY, Jenna.

    1. Her hyperbolic presentation reminds me of a shoddy, circus carny announcer trying to sucker in fools to watch a freak show.

    2. Wait, what about the ones she sold yesterday on which the wait was 8 weeks??

    3. Anonymous 3:14. Her whole life is lies. And she can’t keep track of them. Which is why we do.

    4. My thoughts exactly, Anon 3:14. Those people must be pissed.

      And between that and her "I like my house" comment, she is sounding really desperate as of late. And no surprise there due to Shannon being gone, and now inflation, her sales must be near non-existent. Bummer for her.

    5. Anon7: If she does have a secret fixed income such as disability, then that won't be going as far either. Even so, with her housing cost fixed below $1K / month, she's laughing while the housing and rental crisis crushes the average working class person.

  13. “I can’t properly express the joy I felt when this was the reason my phone alerted as I was biting into a piece of dark chocolate. Sometimes life is perfect”

    So she can afford Apple TV, too, to watch dinosaurs. But begs and bitches about not being able to make mortgage payments on times

    1. Edit: on time.

    2. Maybe chunky should lay off the chocolate.

    3. Too bad that she can’t brag about having an ugly, mustard colored landline phone on her wall anymore. Like we were discussing above.

      Jenna always has to have a unique image that she thinks makes her stand out. But now she’s got an iPhone like millions of other people. So much for her fierce determination to not ever do it. Like in that article she wrote on cell phones that received many critical comments. Similar to her two Reddit posts on farming which were ripped apart. It’s satisfying to see her hypocrisy revealed.

    4. I meant like we were discussing above, as in commenting that Jenna needs to feel special, and set apart from other “poodle” people. Her landline was a stupid symbol to her of supposed superiority over others who had cell phones.

    5. ''Jenna needs to feel special"

      'The only thing special about Jenna are her needs.

    6. Anon7. Great slam with “special needs.”

    7. Cheezus H Cracker, *I* don't have apple tv streaming yet. I was considering it, but I'm trying to downsize actual subscription services as they can really add up.

      She's subscribed to the underbelly yoga, netflix, etc. All these little things that are just $10 / month and add up to quite a bit after tax.

      Jenna is doing without nothing it seems, such is her struggle to make ends meet.

    8. Anonymous 11:55. Jenna has never sacrificed any of her luxuries for pesky little things like making mortgage payments. That’s why she begs on Twitter for free funds from “poodle” people.

  14. Surprised that she didn’t use her stupid “death cult” again.

  15. I recall when she thought that Taylor Swift was a lesbian. It was ludicrous. Jenna combed through all her songs for secret Sapphic signs. She even invited TS to come to Cambridge, and learn about falconry from her. This is a paraphrase quote: “There are oversized sweaters for days.” As if a famous person would want anything to do with an animal abusing, beggar and scammer like WoeAndBitch.

  16. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWMay 24, 2022 at 8:00 AM

    For the life of me, I cannot understand how people can support her with pity buys and donations. But as George Carlin said, "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that."

    Twitter has remained her groove, because it's hard for the casual reader to check OP history with Twitter, and people are too lazy, or disinterested to check. It's blindingly easy with Facebook and Reddit, which is probably why she abandoned those platforms - she got caught out by critics. She stays on Instagram, too, but only for "carefully curated" photos that promote a faked homesteading lifestyle.

    Slapped-together cartoons, melt-and-pour soap, marginal animal care, logos with questionable-image use authorization...why use Faux Farmer when there are many more deserving and worthwhile entrepreneurs out there?


    1. Sorry for above typos - PDD and I - but you get the point

  17. If I’m going to support anyone’s dreams it going to be my own.

    1. Exactly. Jenna has been given ample support for her “dumb dream,” and she has nothing to show for it. Except, a rundown hovel and rotting buildings. There’s a difference between quaint and crumbling, like her new deck built over old broken concrete. Covering it with sod for show, is similar to her hay strewn over fecal matter. Her horses were forced to eat it. Everything is about appearance for Jenna. She’s fake to her core.

    2. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWMay 25, 2022 at 7:05 AM

      Shamsters, on a realtor site, there’s a photo of the concrete patio in question, with connected stairs and handrail, from a 2010 sales ad. The patio was cracked and crumbling, and clearly needed attention. True to form, fake farmer did nothing for almost 12 years, letting it worsen, much like the rest of the property. When she finally tackled a half-a$$ repair, she put sod on top and an unsafe patch.

      Anon 12:39, the hay-over-feces analogy is apt! She doesn't fix problems - only covers up and obfuscates.

  18. Hey Jenna, great idea, getting other people to support your dreams. How about this - for every person who supports your dream, you support theirs! They give you $25 for your dreams, you give them $25 for theirs. Or maybe you can just get a job.

    1. With all the free time Jenna has on her hands, she does *zero* volunteer work. None. She doesn't volunteer at the food bank, she doesn't work with women's shelters, she contributes NOTHING to her community. Leach.

    2. Jenna is a personal parasite who takes and uses without giving back.

  19. "You know that show Marriage or Mortgage? I want to see the same show but instead of spending their own money on a wedding/house they can either have help planning a wedding on their own dime OR be GIVEN a homestead they HAVE to tend for a decade straight and see who picks what."

    FFS Jenna, your life isn't that interesting or difficult.

    1. I wrote about that stupid tweet, too, in an above comment. She has zero self-awareness.

  20. Anonymous 11:51. Eventually, she was forced to grudgingly agree that Swift was straight. But that’s only after the media showed her with a man.

  21. “I am just reading about this shooting now. What is happening to us?”

    She just can’t use the casual contractions of “I’m” and “What’s.” It’s part of her pretentious posing.

  22. “Please help get the word out, if you can? A quick retweet could be the spark that ignite's a week's worth of income for this little gin joint.”

    I thought that she was supposedly sober. Referring to her hovel as a “gin joint” is pathetic and sounds stupid. It’s no one’s responsibility to help her fat ass make money. And she uses question marks and commas improperly all the time. GFY, Jenna.

    1. According to her IG stories she is “ saving up” to buy some art for her farm. I guess I’m crazy but if you can’t pay your bills...

    2. But she can’t “save up” to make mortgage payments.

    3. No, that’s not possible. Money can only be saved for fun stuff.

    4. Anonymous 3:39. Of course. We’re talking about her perma-teen mentality. Where one’s babysitting money is used for fun stuff. While her parents (poodles) pay the big bills.

    5. Edit: Meant Anonymous 3:43 for above comment.

    6. Anon 3:39, she always has a self-serving angle in her posts. Her IG statement on art continues with "Support gay art and artists."

      Hmm, who do we know who is a gay artist?? 🤣

  23. It was WILD CRAZY. She stalked Taylor Swift's feeds, posted on them, speculated on TS secret lyrics and "outed" Ms. Swift. Needless to say, FF bought ALL the $$$ songs and swiftie clothes.

    Then, when FF saw a photo of TS holding a raptor, she almost lost her mind, & invited TS to her home so they could hang together. Really, if I was on TS security, I'd put FF on a watch list.


    1. Wow talk about hyper-focus. Eeeesh that is cringe

  24. PDD. Thanks for your take on the Taylor Swift story. I wrote the comment above about her inviting TS to come to Cambridge and go hawk hunting with her. Jenna was delusional, and came across as a “scary stalker.” Like she’s often accused other people of being when they have the right to drive by her public street.

    1. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWMay 25, 2022 at 7:11 AM

      Anon 6:08, I meant to reply below your earlier post, but somehow my comment didn't publish correctly. Oops. You are 💯 .


    2. PDD. I appreciate your comment clarification. Thanks.

  25. Naturally, now she’s retweeting the Texas shooting. Just like she did recently with reproductive rights. Sorry, Jen, you’re still sitting on that fat ass doing nothing of merit to contribute to even your own Cambridge community.

    1. She’s does performative activism only with words. Jenna didn’t even attend any abortion rights protests in her area, Ms. “frugal” feminist, but has the gas to go hiking, see movies, and go into town for fun.

    2. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWMay 25, 2022 at 4:50 AM

      She's done plenty. She posted photos of her lying down, with a rifle resting on her muck boots, her stomping around with rifle slung on shoulders, and her rifle casually leant against the wall (unsecured) in her living room, visible from outside window.

      I get that her *rifle* isn't an assault weapon, but Faux Farmer has done her share of gun idolatry to promote her special fake brand as a bada$$ rural woman living on the side of a mountain.
      (who grew up with guns, knows how to use, but doesn't idolize or promote)

    3. She also promotes the slaughter of animals in a very cruel and undignified way. Many pictures of blood, guts, animal carcasses and hearts, etc. Somehow thinks it's all funny.

    4. “I put the laughter back in slaughter!”

    5. Only a sociopath would make her statement about slaughter in the comment above.

  26. Jerky WhineAndBitch acts as if her stupid opinion matters to anyone.

  27. “This morning my neighbor Art joined me on a trail ride on the mountain. It was the first time this whole year both horses were on the trail together. It was a lovely ride, but I didn't take any pictures. You'll just have to trust me on that one.”

    No one cares, cunt.

  28. “I hope your day was gentle to you.” (Photo of garden)

    She tweets like this to appear like a normal, concerned person. But it comes across as fake and insincere. And the pic is irrelevant to her stupid statement.

    1. I think that she’s a sociopath who has learned to mimic emotions without feeling them.

    2. She’s had no written responses wishing her the same, because most people can spot insincerity.

  29. “Jenna’s soap is amazing…jump on it while it’s on sale” -Twitter
    Don’t worry, darlin’, it’s always on sale. Oh, you can also buy it way cheaper on Amazon. Just search goat milk soap melt and pour base. You are welcome.
    And judging by your statement, you have no idea what good soap is.

    1. I saw that sycophantic supporter’s stupid tweet. We’ve heard that her soap sucks.

  30. I’ve noticed that a few of her “famous” followers never comment anymore on her tweets. I’m thinking of the male runner who wrote a book, and the forensic pathologist in San Francisco.

    1. I’m not on Twitter, but they might’ve unfollowed her. I’ve seen her numbers go up slightly, but it doesn’t last long, and then they’ll descend. Once newbies get sick of her constant begging they flee like lemmings.

  31. okay people she has only 1 spot left for half price logos you have to get a shake on and get there and get your crappy logo right away. Well don't expect it to soon as it is a long weekend (isn't EVERY weekend a long weekend for her?) and she is planning on having a gas this weekend. Such a spunky little fighter.

    1. It’s just her manipulative marketing. Her crap is always on sale, so there aren’t any special savings. Her whole life is lies.

  32. “Good morning from a cloudy farm! Excited for the long weekend, much to do with the gardens and pasture, but mostly I hope to take a break from running, read, and meet some new people. It'll be a gas.”

    The “new people” might already know about your rotten reputation. And keep on “running” while injured, like you posted on Instagram, fat ass.

    1. The only thing that’s full of “gas” is Jenna.

    2. Jenna is hinting that she might be meeting new dating prospects. Make sure that you tell them all about being a “scrappy little lesbian”

    3. Edit: lesbian.

  33. “One spot left, and honoring the sale till someone grabs it. This is for a full design project for $100, a STEAL, and helps support this little farm struggling right now to try and catch up.”

    Poor “little” desperate and “struggling” filthy feral farmer. Even after over a decade of having her hovel, yet never able to “catch up,” she still refuses to go and get a job. Jerky WoeAndBitch would rather be a beggar and scammer.

  34. What a badass, brave butch with her childish and dated “Fuck the Patriarchy” keychain. We’re in awe of what a woman warrior she is, with whining about not making mortgage payments on time for years.

    1. I just realized the keychain and car sticker are more unnecessary purchases of Taylor Swift fan crap. Faux Farmer intimates she can't afford to feed her animals, but she has money to burn to buy Fan trinkets. How many bags of animal feed could she buy instead of childish TS goodies??

    2. PDD. Jenna has done this kind of crap for years, but then has the nerve to whine about being broke. It’s no wonder why her mortgage payments are so behind. She’s terrible with her finances. Look at how fast she spent the $15,000 which was supposed to be used for the bombed Birchthorn book. The FFF spends cash on trash like a teen would do.

  35. “I am cringe, but I am free”

    Right. “Sure, Jen.” She’s beyond cringing with her pathological lying, begging and scamming. She’s far from “free” with being behind in mortgage payments, and living like a loser.

  36. “I am still trying to make the May mortgage before June, which I know isn't possible unless 10 of you want dog portraits today, which I doubt. But perhaps one of you does, and to you I say good morning and let's talk!”

    GFY, Jenna. If you just got a job, then you’d “catch up.” You’re an insufferable, middle-aged moron who has learned nothing in over a decade of having your hovel. Your manipulative marketing is transparent to us.

    1. What’s happened with her wonderful weekend meeting “new people” and having fun? Maybe she’s too full of “gas” to enjoy it.

    2. See how she tries to guilt people into buying? She tries to put the responsibility on other people’s shoulders. Guess what, Jenna. Other people have bills to pay too. And they do it by having jobs. So just get a job and STFU already!

    3. I hope no one bought a pig share.. for pigs she can’t get right now because her supplier has none to spare ( per IG). That would really suck!!

    4. Anonymous 8:07. Exactly. She always puts her financial “responsibilities on other people’s shoulders.” Aside from being a beggar and scammer, Jenna also appears to have a serious personality disorder. Just the weird way that she pleads for retweets isn’t normal for an adult who is almost 40.

    5. Anon 10:26 you may remember her making a comment way back when the CSA wool fiasco unfolded and then again after that, basically saying that it’s the risk you undertake when you buy into CSA. And if the crop doesn’t materialize, well, sorry, but you knew you were buying “ futures” and not a guaranteed product.
      That’s her out on the pigs. And I can just see her using it. Nobody in their right mind should buy a pig share from a pig that hasn’t been born being sold by Simon who constantly claims hey are about to be foreclosed on.

    6. Sold by someone*

    7. Anonymous 10:33. I recall her trying to absolve herself from future responsibilities about the wool. Which is why we call her the Cambridge queen of con.

    8. She’s also suggested to people who live too far away for pork pickup, that they buy meat to donate to the Cambridge food bank. “Sure, Jen.” I’m familiar with that group, and that’s not how they operate. Basically, she’s begging for money without having to deliver anything. And it’s very unlikely that non-locals would care about supporting strangers in a small town. No one would do it. Jenna Woginrich is a criminal and animal abusing beggar.

  37. I read that people who get scammed are not stupid, but have a high degree of empathy. And scammers are clever. Very clever. They have learned what buttons to push to get what they want, just like Skinner's pigeons.

    1. She’s very skilled at manipulative marketing for free funds.

  38. HD. Happy holiday. Could you please start a new post if possible? This one is starting to get too long to load. Thanks.


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