Happy long weekend for the U.S. folks.


  1. Thanks, HD. Hope that you’re feeling better.

    1. I got my cast off and can walk around. I have zero stamina so I've been wandering around my house in short little bursts. That's getting better. Soon I'm going to have to go out into the world to get some duck food. Driving and walking in public…yikes! It's amazing how one minor incident can upend everything.

    2. Good news, HD. If you've got your health, you've got the world by the gonads.

    3. WIW here. It's shocking how quickly we lose muscle tone in periods of inactivity. The affect is more profound as we age as well. Good news is that as active as you were, it'll be a lot easier to get back to that baseline than if you'd never been that active.

      Recovery isn't a straight line, so be careful not to push yourself and set back.
      I'm glad your surgery did the trick. Thank goodness you're getting your mobility back in time for summer!

    4. Thanks, WIW, for the thoughts. I was down for 4 months. I'm very much a "it is what it is" kind of person. There were a number of problems along the way but I just dealt with them in the best way I could. What else are you going to do? I wasn’t able to be in my home and with my dogs for months. But it wasn’t safe for me so I didn’t do it. I've got 2 brothers and the one that I have problems with is the one that had to provide the most help.
      Everybody has problems and mine are not greater…you just deal. You get used to the new scars.

  2. Her weird worship of Taylor Swift is strange, for a middle-aged moron, and almost like a stalker’s obsession. Jenna’s stupid retweets of anyone who also loves her teen twat crush is childish.

    1. Extremely stunted. The interesting part is, there is a huge market right now for learning about living off the land, saving money, living without traditional employment etc. people have YouTube channels where they share the good/ bad of this lifestyle. I watch videos of people doing what she “ says” she does and there is no begging for mortgage money!!!! I think that Shannon tried to steer her in the direction of ( actually) profiting off her unique circumstances ( the website was a great start!) I think the fact that Jenna keeps her business dealings on Twitter, 🙄 and won’t speak to people directly about orders says volumes about her “ business”. Getting into vlogging and showing her “live like fiction “ lifestyle could actually bring in some money. It’s interesting to me that a scrappy “hip” lesbian farmer isn’t tapping into all the ways that people actually make money online!!!

    2. I think you are forgetting anon 6:36 the things you suggested require work, you know that nasty 4 letter word that she tries to avoid like the plague.

    3. Ugh, please no more vlogging. When she did that before, they were terrible and you had to look at her.

    4. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWMay 30, 2022 at 7:12 AM

      Anon, almost spit up my coffee, remembering the VLOG Episode 78: 10 Signs You Might Become a Homesteader.

      It can be summarized by faux farmer spitting out: "You hate, hate, hate, HATE, hate, hate, HATE, hate working for other people and you're bad at it."

      When you're a sole proprietor, everyone is "other people" and your boss. No wonder she's so bad at this.

    5. PDD. It’s more like “10 signs that you’re a lazy loser like me.” Jenna is a bad boss even of herself.

  3. "The Ant and the Grasshopper is one of Aesop's Fables. The fable describes how a hungry grasshopper begs for food from an ant when winter comes and is refused. The situation sums up moral lessons about the virtues of hard work and planning for the future."

    1. I agree with what you wrote. But I also think of Jenna as a parasitic slug who attaches herself onto innocent victims.

    2. Yes, she is a parasite. She says she hates working for others. Guess what? I hated it too. But I did it because I had bills to pay. And there is no way in hell I would support her or anyone else because they didn’t want to work. I hope you are reading this, Jenna, because I’m talking to you. It’s called “work” for a reason just like fun is called “fun” for a reason. Fun is the reward for work. No work, no fun. You don’t get to piggyback off other people’s hard work.

  4. I believe her when she said she was a lousy employee. She claimed her part time writing job “dried up” but my guess is they stopped giving her work because she missed deadlines or did a shoddy job. Same with Orvis. She got a temp job with them after she quit but also said it “dried up”.

    Her clients are her employers. And she does a shoddy job there too. Making them chase her down after they have paid her.

    She’s going to end up on a street corner with a sign someday. Donations from her fans will eventually dry up too.

    1. I think that she was fired from her writing gig, and maybe even Orvis.

      Now that she’s almost 40 her stupid decisions are going to catch up to her with a vengeance.

  5. It looks like the badass, bold and brave butch has nothing better to do on a sunny holiday then tweet inane questions to a few followers.

  6. “The internet is fun”

    So log off, loser. No one will miss your begging and scamming.

    1. And also whining about not being able to make her mortgage payment on time for months.

  7. Twitter is her street corner and her tweets are her signs.

    1. That’s true of her tweets. She’s little more than an online beggar.

  8. According to her IG, she secured pigs (😫) and everything is awesome... plenty of freelance work, she’s very busy working... happy happy happy. So did the May mortgage get paid (??)because her fuzzy weird math had her still needing 75% of the payment just days ago.

    1. Her mercurial moods never last long. Jenna’s “cycle of crying” has been temporarily halted by meeting “rural queers,” but they’ll soon discover her rotten reputation. And the May mortgage is a mystery.

    2. She would be 30 days behind on May by now. Stay tuned for the registered letter tweet lacking actual photos / receipts!

  9. She’s lost more followers. Let the begging begin again after the “long weekend.” We’re waiting for the next “scary foreclosure letter” lies.

    1. “This is the last day to try and make the May mortgage before June. All and any sales help, so please share or consider supporting a farm trying to catch up!”

      I called this in my comment above. The poor “scrappy little lesbian” is back to begging again. Her manipulative marketing about making mortgage payments tries to guilt trip people into giving her free funds.

  10. She was back to begging for mortgage payments three short months after receiving $15,000 from the Birchthorn Kickstarter project, when she claimed the "farm" was "saved". Nothing adds up.

    1. Her faux farm can’t be “saved,” because its odious owner is nuts.

  11. She just has to have some other source of steady income. Right now, according to her, she has NO income other than selling crappy art and melt-and-pour soap. There is no way she's making any of her bills (feed, utilities, etc.), much less the mortgage by selling that stuff.

    My vote is on some type of disability payments. It must be mental, because physically she seems OK, at the moment. (Just wait another decade... the physical ailments will catch up with her.)

    I can think of no other way she's making it (other than possibly the furry art, but that's a random source of income, too).

    1. Anon 9:45 here again. The other possibility is that her parents are paying her mortgage.

    2. I agree about her having other sources of income that she won’t disclose. She’s also made a point of saying that her parents aren’t wealthy. Clearly, she has enough money to have had a home for over a decade.

    3. Maybe she has an OnlyFans page?


    4. Anon7 - I seriously doubt it. You have to be pretty consistent and enterprising to make any sort of money on OF. But I for one am *not* going to look!

      There are crazy-talented artists creating custom furry commissions, I looked into it a while back and didn't find anything I could for certain link back to her - but why would she be consistent about following through with fetish art when she can't come through consistently with cartoon / logo commissions?

    5. She has to have secret money coming from somewhere. She claims she's not on benefits and that her parents aren't helping her, but she lies about so many things, why would she be truthful about having her bills covered by the taxpayer or the bank of mom and dad?

      Those of us who have *actually* struggled to survive know this dance of perpetual poverty Jenna's doing can't possibly be a reality. Poverty has actual consequences. The only consequence I've seen for Jenna has been nice people leaving her life.

  12. Jenna has only posted once on her blog this month, and only once in April. How are people supposed to be interested/invested in her life when she isn't?

    1. Once again, she’s lied, and said that the dispatches would be often. But Jenna still thinks that she’s entitled to financial support from followers for nothing.

    2. Just checked out her blog and noticed something missing: The subscription button. Remember the choices were like seeder, feeder, and flocker or some shit. I looked on both the main page and the Dispatches page and didn't see an option to subscribe to her bullshit. Oh, however will I live?

      Anyone else notice this? Is she truly no longer begging for blog subscriptions?


  13. She definitely has another source of income. She is not living on soap and art. In fact, if you believe her (and that’s a stretch), she only uses soap and art to pay her mortgage and not her other bills. If she’s getting disability I would be surprised because it’s really, really hard to get. I know a few people who really needed it and it took years plus lawyers. But who knows? As usual, it’s CAFamatics where nothing adds up.

    1. We may never know what Jenna's real situation is, but what we do know is that Shannon noped out of there pretty quickly.

    2. SOTM. Yeah, she and Shannon were only a couple for a year. Part of the problem was that they lived together far too fast. It was like the classic lesbian U-Haul joke.

    3. Seems like she has made a total of $100 worth of logo/portrait sales over the past 10 days.

    4. Part of the cause of Shannon moving in so soon was Covid. She was scared, and Jenna with her single family home pretending to be this successful author with some cool hobbies seemed really appealing. It's clear Shannon enjoyed living there for the spring - fall, based on all the work she did there, but by the time the bloom was off the rose, so was Shannon.

    5. The disability theory is a good one...but...she lives her life online and shows no signs of being disabled. She posts about running 5Ks, mountain smashing, horsey riding, hauling buckets of water...so obviously not a physical disability otherwise she wouldn't boast about all her activities online...unless she is really stupid.

      And I know that some disabilities are not visible to the eye but in her case, what could it be? She hasn't claimed to be visibly blind, or mentally incompetent, so what else is there? Can you get disability for being a fucking idiot?

    6. That was me above (Anon7) I forgot to write that below my post.

      WIW - Sometimes I wonder if Shannon finally noticed that the Pig Shocker was still begging online despite having them two incomes to fund CAF. Maybe she found that repugnant?

  14. “It’s the first day of pride and I got hot on by a cute girl at the supermarket so” (rainbow flags)

    Right. “Sure, Jen.” So many women want a stinky loser who begs online for a living.

    1. She corrected the “hot” to “hit,” but the tweet is still stupid. And it’s like something that a teen would write. Oh, wait…

    2. Female Cashier: "Thank you for shopping at Stewart's"

      "Faux Farmer: OMG - she's hotting on me!!!"


    3. PDD. I’m literally, laughing out loud. Thanks!

    4. LMAO!! Also Female Cashier: "Thank you for not stealing creamer this time"


    5. Also random female customer buying scratch offs and Crumbs Along the Mohawk, “Hey hon, you got some toilet paper stuck to the bottom of your shoe.”

  15. "There’s nothing gayer than wearing rep tour merch and a cowboy hat on the first day of pride." Darn, thought I was gay despite owning no Taylor Swift merchandise. Very disappointing.

    1. So now she's gatekeeping Pride apparel? What's she gonna gatekeep next? Breathing??

      "There is nothing gayer than labored breathing after hauling dozens of water buckets."


    2. The “born again lesbian,” who has been out for only a year, is an expert now on queer apparel. Just like she’s a pro at archery, fiddling, farming etc…

  16. Did y'all clock that photo of Merlin? What do you think of that topline?

    I thought when I first saw his white face patches that they were bald spots in the black and white photo she posted, turns out it's just white hair... but is this another trick of the light or does Merlin look 10 years older than he is?


    1. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWJune 3, 2022 at 10:11 AM

      I think he looks like crap. He's lost top line, his coat is marginal and his expression is dull. Poor nutrition, several chronic conditions, arthritis and assorted aches and pain will do that to a horse.

  17. Anon7 here. The test comment above is mine. For some reason I'm not able to sign into my email to comment under my user name here. Strange. Like the first time I tried it took me to Google and I successfully logged in but still received an "Unable to comment" message.

    The only thing that's changed since I last posted is that I just got a new Mac and now have a newer operating system as well as the latest Safari browser. Would that be the reason why I now have to post as Anonymous?

  18. So... did she pay the May mortgage or not? The suspense is killing me!

    1. I’m sure that she’ll let her sycophantic supporters know, by begging for May mortgage money.

  19. It’s kind of pathetic how she feels the need to cosplay at her age. I remember her obsession with kilts and all things Celtic. Then Anna Kendrick Rag & Bone jeans, Taylor Swift merch and now Pride. Sheesh.

    1. It’s because Jenna has no inner core of identity. She’s a pretentious poser, and also inauthentic.

  20. “The farm is absolutely beautiful right now. I’ve never worked harder for it and on it since this spring. I promised myself that I would keep the same productivity and standards established with two people, and I have. I’m so damn proud of my home.”

    She’s a pathological liar. We’ve lived in Cambridge, and her hovel is falling apart. Jenna is a lazy loser.

    1. The only thing that she “works hard” on is begging and scamming. It took Shannon’s efforts to even get her fat ass moving. And that was after a decade of doing nothing.

    2. I’d still like to see someone slap the smug smirk off her fake fat face.

    3. I don’t get why her brows are so bad. Since she considers herself a femme, you’d think that she’d try to fill them in. They look like horizontal commas. Cue a plea for micro-blading money from followers.

    4. We’ve wondered about her signature smug smirk for years. Maybe it’s her default expression due to having rotten teeth. So she’s too self-conscious to smile. Unless, it’s like that ick pic with her open mouth and tongue showing porn pose.

  21. Funny how Jenna was unwilling to “establish” any “standards” other than slovenliness for years, until Shannon forced her to do it. So she can’t claim credit for her partner’s work.

    1. I find it strange that Jenna won’t give credit to Shannon by mentioning her name now, Something bad happened between the two, to make them not even friends. I’m sure that the FFF is mostly responsible for their relationship ending. Which is not the norm in our queer community. Usually, lesbians remain on good terms with our exes.

  22. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWJune 2, 2022 at 11:04 AM

    Filthy farmer must have pretty low standards for property care (read: none).

    Even with SD there, no major repairs or construction was done. As near as I could see, SD repaired falling-apart wire fences; made hay nets with old baling twine (* kudos* for recycling but haynets cost $10+ and every horse person uses some version of them); painted an old gate with rainbow colors; actually planted & maintained a vegetable garden. She, along with PP and PP's DH also repaired FF's chicken coop. Probably not shown is her day-to-day cleaning and mending of FF's squalor. SD, since she miraculously didnt spend her time drunk on her rump or playing on social media, could accomplish a lot. I think SD's biggest achievement was to create a more professional website that, if properly used, would have increased flow of paying customers.

    Is there anything I missed?

    1. PDD. I think that you’ve covered it. It’s obvious that Shannon did most of the hard work necessary for the hobbyist homesteader to brag about it now.

  23. If something isn’t working, change it! Maybe Twitter isn’t the format for selling your stuff. Do something else, sell something else. The wah wah about lack of sales is ridiculous.

    1. She’d rather whine than work.

  24. “Sales have been basically non-existent for weeks here on Twitter, maybe once a week? Occasionally I get lucky, and someone sees this and DMS. If you are interested in any design work, handmade soaps, pet portraits, future pork shares - hmu”

    “Not giving up.”

    The poor, desperate “scrappy little lesbian” is back to begging again. Her “hit me up” is pathetic for an almost 40 middle-aged moron. Shes such a badass, brave butch with bragging about “Not giving up.” Her stubborn stupidity is beyond belief by now. Even though what she’s doing isn’t working to support herself, and she’s losing followers with her constant complaining.

  25. She definitely has another source of income. She cannot live on one sale a week. That is ridiculous. Nothing ever adds up.

    1. Yet she expects people to believe her bullshit about supporting herself with sales.

  26. Dear Jenna, Here is a novel idea. If what you are doing isn’t working, do something else. Getting a job comes to mind. Do you think that by whining about lack of sales that it is somehow going to increase sales? Listen to yourself. And as the economy starts to worsen, no one is going to have disposable income for your soap or art. Read the writing on the wall for crying out loud. A child could see what’s coming. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.

    1. Exactly. She’s learned nothing about being an adult, and supporting herself, in almost four decades of living. Jenna Woginrich is the most stupid and stubborn loser we’ve ever met.

    2. Yes! Insanity. If she was selling soap, and cartoons as a side hustle to help pay for animal upkeep in addition to a job, I could cut her some slack. She absolutely could be making money off her lifestyle but she chooses to make soap and cartoons and sell “ future” pig shares and expects to support herself. I’m still side eyeing her two cars though... I bet she could sell one and make a few mortgage payments!!!

    3. Anonymous 1:41. I’ve said the same thing multiple times about her selling either her truck or car. But Jenna can’t bear with making any small sacrifices to pay her bills. She’d rather be a beggar.

  27. Anon7. I don’t know what the glitch could be. Maybe a tech kind of commenter could help here.

  28. “Enjoyed this last night and it’s sooo good!”

    The vile sight of her man hand with fat, filthy fingers is gross. There’s no way that “cute girls” are “hotting” on her.

    1. We recently visited Cambridge, and according to some locals, she’s like a lesbian leper. No one wants to be around her.

  29. so she doesn't just say she is drinking again she has to show us a picture of what she is drinking and oh how good it is. Figured she was drinking again but thought she would try to hide it.

    1. It’s non alcoholic beer she is showing.

    2. Yep, she posted a picture of a hipster "non-alcoholic" beer (about 0.5% alcohol and costing about $3.00 each), I think trying to assure her paying sycophants that she's not drinking their money away. Other home photos, showing weed pipes and fermented beverage jugs in the background, suggest she isn't sober by a long shot.

    3. Jenna’s arrogant attitude has always been her downfall. She’s been hiding in plain sight with pics as proof. It would also explain her obese body, and why she can’t lose weight despite athletic activities.

    4. I believe that begging has become a way of life for Jenna.

  30. I wonder if she is begging for booze money rather than mortgage money.

    1. My comment above at 9:19 was a response to yours.

  31. If she’s drinking, that is why she doesn’t want to get a job. That happened with my ex. He wanted a consulting job so he could work from home, and while I was busting my butt working a full time job, he was home drinking all day. He couldn’t meet deadlines and his work was shoddy. Took me a while to figure out what was going on but I did and that’s why he is an ex.

    1. Anon, exactly THIS.


    2. It wouldn’t shock me if she was an alcoholic. She’s been binging on bourbon for years. Maybe that’s why Shannon ended their relationship.

  32. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWJune 3, 2022 at 6:58 AM

    Anon 7, I don't have a new computer or phone, but after the latest automatic system upgrade, my Google account image won't show up (even if I am signed in with Google). Weird, but it's reality, so I'm dealing.

    Hey, maybe faux farmer should learn to deal with her reality and get a dependable, outside paying job to cover mortgage expenses.

  33. “You looking for a Logo? Cause right now logos are $150 instead of $200 and that's the flat rate. Unlimited revisions, you get all the design, web, and print files. Have my BFA in design and 18 years experience!”

    It looks like the stupid, “scrappy little lesbian” can’t accept that no one wants her lousy logos that are always on sale. It’s more of her manipulative marketing. Most of her “experience” has been in begging.

  34. Why does she post so much about TS? Why does she care if people watch TS or listen to TS? As a grown ass adult I just don’t!!!! People like what they like and that makes us all different and unique. Why does she need everyone to like TS ( and block those who say they aren’t interested/ not for me?) adults who are over the top into certain celebs are usually .... alone. Gay or straight that’s a fact!!!!

    1. There is definitely something wrong with her, but we all know that. First it was Anna Kendrick, then there were a few other stars whose names I can't remember, and now TS.

    2. The “scrappy little lesbian” is like a teen twat stalker. Her obsession with female stars is scary.

    3. Jenna is a pudgy “plain Jane” whose entire existence revolves around getting the attention of famous females.

    4. I think she posts all this TS content to a) lure in “swifties” - a new gullible audience to her of potential crap buyers, not yet exposed to her history; b) to catch the attention somehow of TS who is famous for secretly following her followers and doing big gestures for them and c) to appear hip and with it, as the kids say, which at 40 looks plain desperate and stupid.
      Don’t forget the year she spent trying to out TS and trying to convince her little tiny world of 5-10 active followers that TS was, by Golly, gayer than gay.

  35. Hey everyone. I haven't been here in years, I used to read this blog a lot, didn't comment much though, then had too much work and was kinda uninterested by Jenna's life to care anymore.
    I am surprised to see nothing has changed, and her life is still as messy as ever. And I have to admit, I don't really understand why.
    I used to read her books when I started my homesteading journey. Thankfully I found the blogs and found out the truth before I made the mistake of trying to help her financially, when I wasn't doing too good myself.
    Years later, after homesteading for years, I took the leap and I now have a successful farm. I raise chickens, goats, rabbits, ducks and I have hives, an orchard I planted myself, a large garden. I sell animals, plants, eggs, crochet things I make, and soon I'll be selling fruits, veggies, honey, jams and I have a bunch of big plans for next year!
    I raise my 3 kids alone, I do all the cooking from scratch, I manage the house.
    I don't understand how Jenna can't manage to make it, and is still begging so much all the time. I guess laziness is the only logical explanation. I find it really sad. She is lucky enough to own a homestead and she does nothing interesting with it, or with her life. :/
    You can make it and be successful if you have the courage to move your butt and make it happen. If you're out there and read this, change your ways and make it work.
    Thanks for reading me :)

    1. Thanks for sharing your success story. I appreciate it. But you’re not a lying, lazy loser. Jenna’s stubborn stupidity will prevent her from moving forward, and making real progress. She also acts as if becoming a lesbian is an admirable achievement, instead of just a sexual personal preference.

    2. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWJune 4, 2022 at 2:50 PM

      Anon 11:42, welcome back, even if only for a brief visit. Happy to read about your successful farm. You're right about hard work making all the difference. For whatever reason, FF chooses to fail at farming, and she expects others to bail her out.

      It doesn't have to be that way. In our community we have a mother of three foster children who turned 1-2 acres into a productive, CSA farm and another 6-acre farm owned by a single person who sells organic vegetables and flowers to area restaurants. It can be done.

      FF lost her enthusiasm for farming (such as it was) years ago. She's become a beggar and a hustler of poodle cash.
      Wishing you every success!

    3. Frankly, what hasn’t Jenna failed at? I’d list love, good writing, hobbies, maintaining a home/property, taking care of her horses and livestock, and obviously, farming. Plus, being a decent daughter to her parents, and reciprocating with favors to her friends and followers. And as an adult, who is almost 40, she still can’t cope with paying her bills on time without whining about working.

    4. Greetings, Anon 11:42! And congrats on your success! The easiest answer is that Jenna is lazy and expects way too much for nothing. Back in the day, she had some lame fantasy that Hollywood was gonna call and do a movie about her scrappy upstart homesteading life and she truly did work hard in doing a lot of things.

      But when it became clear that no one was really interested in her life she just kinda let everything go. So it would seem that she is only motivated by fame and greed.


    5. Anon 3:36 wrote: "Frankly, what hasn’t Jenna failed at?"

      She hasn't failed at being an animal abusing loser!

      She's also very successful at being a steaming pile of human garbage!!


    6. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWJune 6, 2022 at 8:32 AM

      Anon 7, I'd forgotten about FF's mistaken belief that Hollywood would beat a path to her door and do a movie or TV series about her scrappy little life! She was "so close" to $$$.

      She thought she had all the bases covered. She haunted, then made friends with upcoming social media people from NYC. She got intros from Jon Katz, the dog sledders, NYT Chris and Diane Arbus Wannabee. She had an obligatory puff piece in NYT on the girl who hunts and saves hawks. Yes, seriously. Who can forget paid quail deliveries, "lost birds" and many, many, many failed hunts - that is, when she bothered to head out (this reality wasn't covered in the fawning article).

      Later, she/PP played host to multiple NYC people, leading to intros with Outside Magazine staff and a few writing gigs. Outside Magazine must have concluded her articles were a waste of time, and they were: classic word salads, intended to be quirky, without substance and obviously slapped together. Ahem, her piece on why you should hike with a heavy pack (a personal favorite) and what dog would your backpack be are examples of her work.

      During this period, she named her poor captured birds after celebrities and made sure they knew it, announcing on their social media and hoping vainly for attention.

      So far, the attempts haven't amounted to much. Folks who more or less started out with her moved on to successes in life and work. They've left her behind, but she doesn't get the message. She stubbornly - stupidly - clings to doing the wrong things and expecting people to bail her out.

  36. “Goal for today is to sell 2, that’s a serious accomplishment and a huge chunk of the $500 I’m spending on piglets next week!”

    She mentions specifics about buying “piglets” as part of her manipulative marketing. I’d bet that the begging is for booze, and more Taylor trinkets. And maybe extra large rainbow granny panties for a Pride parade. Funny, how there’s been no bragging about making her May mortgage payment yet.

    1. Cue for the “scary foreclosure letter” from her bank.

    2. Wait a minute...she is STILL begging for the May mortgage but has $500 to spend on new pigs?!? Makes no sense. Ma Wog must've have dropped her from the Empire State Building as a baby.


    3. Anon 11:55 you were almost right. But she decided to cue the cracked molar instead today🤦🏻‍♀️

  37. She has mentioned that she wouldn't illustrate children's books because it wouldn't work for her or some such nonsense. She wants to "live like fiction". I don't know about her but one of the people I admired most ever was Tasha Tudor who chose to use her amazing talent to illustratrate children's books and live life as she saw fit. A truly inspirational woman. Amen. I had the wonderful opportunity to go to her gardens and home a number of years ago and was amazed.

    JW, you are not special. Everyone has a great story to tell, gay or straight. Drop the attitude, open your ears, eyes, and mind and listen to people. Your story/book is nothing special. Most of us live with a more interesting one everyday

    1. Jude. I agree with what you wrote. She’s also too lazy to do any illustrations that aren’t on her slothful schedule. Which is why she puts clients off for months on projects.

      Jenna has had the need to be more than an average person for her whole life. Unfortunately, for her, she’s not. Her early success in selling books set wasn’t an indicator of future endeavors. She’s lost her motivation and momentum years ago. And her “Live like fiction” fantasy “lie-style” has been enabled by “poodle” people.

  38. “My cat: walks inside from the deck, after spending hours outside.

    Throws up all over the living room floor.

    Walks back outside.”

    Riveting content, cunt.

    1. Sounds like the cat was just reacting to the stench of her living room.


  39. “Good morning from the new kids at cold antler farm!!!”

    Even cute critters can’t hide her man hand with the fat, filthy fingers. No “cute girls” have “hot on” her.

  40. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWJune 5, 2022 at 10:38 AM

    Our faux farmer posted and then deleted the following Tweet this morning:
    "I'm currently working on a new book, preparing for a proposal to be ready this summer. Running the farm solo. Trying to catch up, and this here online farm stand/word of mouth is my only income right now so if anyone needs anything of this stuff, please share!"

    Recommended titles for her new book? I'm going with "Dewey, Cheatham & Howe, My Life As a Faux Farmer."


    1. LOL!! Tom and Ray would be tickled you'd remembered and man, what a FOTFLMAO gold mine FF woulda been had she called for advice (and made it past the screener:}

    2. PDD. You’re on a roll lately here. I’d also suggest “Live like fiction!” And the subtitle would be “And how to get poodles to pay for it.”

      Jenna is insufferable with her whining, manipulative marketing. There’s no way that she’s paying her bills with sales this slow. She’s a pathological liar. Aside from one year with Shannon, she’s always “run the farm solo.” Acting as if it’s unusual is disingenuous. Again, she hasn’t “caught up” in over a decade of having a home. What a bunch of bull.

    3. She’s deleted many tweets since we’ve started calling her out on them. The fiery feminist can’t cope with criticism. LOL!!!

    4. Anon, yes! Tom and Ray would have had a blast with her as a caller. Miss them a lot.

  41. Lols. Isn't this her third book proposal in about as many years? Seems someone can't take a hint. Even Jon Katz finally threw in the towel and wrote a blog post about knowing when your writing days are over.

    Someone a few threads back suggested, "Dances With Wolves At The Door" for a title.


  42. On Twitter she posted a pic of an art commission where someone wanted a painting of a cormorant having tea with a porcupine. The bird looks fine, but she drew the porcupine with the face of a lion. WTF?!?

    I guess she doesn't Google images is a thing, as a quick search for a porcupine face woulda helped. And what does she charge for these anyway? Her customer is gonna be pissed...


  43. Jenna never posts actual homesteading content. Pics of corn that a toddler could have planted is not quality content. A handful of chicks …pics of her dogs…her shadow (omg that pic was so dumb) tells me nothing about the details of farm life. It is filler at best but she acts like people should be throwing money at her and idolizing her for it. It is so weird.
    Teach me something or at least tell a good story about your life Jenna! Are you too stoned to realize how lame your content is?

    1. Jenna is just a hobbyist homesteader not an authentic anything. Her whole life is lies.

    2. Def too stoned. - WIW

  44. It’s Monday moanin’ and let her begging begin again. Please let us know whether or not you paid the May mortgage yet, twat.

    1. “Hey friends! I have discounted bulk soap boxes ready to ship now! And can also make custom orders which I’ll offer at the same bulk discount price! This farm really needs sales, so if you’re the owner of a human body these can help keep you clean!!”

    2. Her weird way with words is bizarre “…if you’re the owner of a human body…” She comes across as being “on the spectrum” sometimes. Jenna has no humor.

    3. That's another one of the reasons I think she is on the adhd / autism spectrum. It doesn't excuse her entitlement, but it shows up in a lot of her behaviour, like little things seeming like a BIG DEAL and being unable to anticipate the reasonable responses of others. She needs to get her ass diagnosed and into treatment. It makes a massive difference.


    4. I don’t think that she’ll ever get professionally accessed and diagnosed. Jenna is too prideful, stupid and stubborn to admit that she has major mental issues.

    5. Agree I all of the above. You could definitely, definitely see it when she was vlogging. I work with some on-the-spectrum adults and I immediately saw many similarities in the way she presents in videos.

    6. Oops, agree with*

  45. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWJune 6, 2022 at 7:42 AM

    Anon 4:58, you described her gardening content in one perfect phrase: "Pics of corn that a toddler could have planted is not quality content."

    I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out why her content is so uninspired and it's mostly because she functions as an uninterested child forced to look after her pets. The animals are barely looked after (I see horses again get their hay flung across the fence) and her gardens are suitable for a ten-year old, who was given starts by her mom and told to plant them.

    Whenever I see the sad excuse for a farm she's trying to push as "homesteader heaven" I'm reminded of actual people in our community who earn real income from neighbors. They don't need to solicit from strangers (ha!) because the community knows and supports them.

    Some examples:
    * starting herbs and vegetables from seeds, selling 1-2 months later at $3-4 per 3-inch plant.
    * selling actual homemade goat milk soap
    * making and selling jams and relishes
    * baking and selling muffins and cupcakes ($1-2 each)
    * selling eggs $5-6/dozen
    * selling hanging pots $20-30 each

    There are so many ways legitimate small farmers can earn money within their community. FF lives 3 miles from a city of 2100 people, with numerous visitors and a weekly farmers market. That she doesn't sell to locals tells you all you need to know about her.

    1. Totally agree!!! I am just a poodle that works at a job and lives in a suburban neighborhood but I grew more produce last year than she does. If I had her space— holy crap would I have a nice garden!! I want to add that I am local to her and in my poodle job, we often try to find local authors to talk about their books and experience. I will say that her name has never come up as a possibility. Another example of “all you need to know”

    2. We’ve never seen her selling at any local markets in the summer. That’d be the logical venue for her farm goods. She’d rather be a beggar on Twitter, than get off her fat ass and work. I’m sure that Shannon tried to encourage Jenna to diversify, but it’d be like pushing a heavy human boulder up a hill.

    3. I live in an expensive-ish part of Canada - almost the whole country is expensive now - and all I can afford with my office job (oh the horror of a regular income, with health care and pension matching) is a small condo. I would fucking LOVE to have a single family home of my own, but I don't think it's going to happen for us, maybe by the time we retire if we cash out of the city and move somewhere extremely rural and possibly conservative.

      She lives in a queer-friendly town with her own home that she doesn't take care of, with animals I would *love to have* that she also seems to just collect for kicks and does the bare minimum for, with so much room for gardens.

      And she has the audacity to post about being too special to do work she dislikes, and that her mortgage is behind (bullshit).

      Jenna Woginrich is a self-centered spoiled child.

    4. Yeah, she’s a childish teen trapped in the obese body of a stupid “scrappy little lesbian.” Now, her newest manipulative marketing on Instagram is claiming to be a “weirdo” When Jenna is just a lazy, lying loser who’d rather whine than work.

    5. Edit: “weirdo.”

  46. Crowdsourcing about egg containers. 😫. Add the cost into your sale price and ask customers to return if possible. Hard for me to believe that she has so many dozens for sale that people will be clamoring for eggs over and over. Especially when you have to DM her first ( no phone calls... she’s a celebrity lesbian in a small town!!!)

    1. I think that her manipulative mentioning of eggs today, was a direct rebuke to above comments talking about her lack of selling at local markets. “Guys, see, I’m a real farmer who has eggs!!!”

    2. It’s very obvious that Jenna is a regular reader here by her reactions to our comments.

    3. I sell eggs off farm and at our local farmers market. I have never in my 14 years of doing this have bought a single carton. My customers save my cartons and bring them to me by the bagful. At market random people drop by my booth just to drop off their store-bought cartons because they know we sell eggs. Several of my neighbors who know that we sell eggs text me monthly to see if I want their new pile of empty cartons. For someone who barely has any chickens, she should never ever need to buy a single empty carton. That’s lazy.

  47. Just another "stoopid" question to try and generate responses. No normal farm has an issue with this FFS. Regular customers return cartons, or farmers ask locals to drop off extras. FF's rainbow colored cartons cost about 3x as much as regular cartons because, of course, she's special that way.

    1. See my above comment at 12:47. It’s not coincidental that she’s tweeted about the containers now.

  48. Jenna has "farmed" for how many years, written a book specifically about raising chickens, and just now is trying to figure out how to manage her egg containers???

    1. She’s had a faux farm for over a decade, and is still a newbie at it.

    2. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWJune 6, 2022 at 5:23 PM

      SOTM, 💯

      That makes her question even more asinine and disingenuous.

    3. Jenna has been “asinine and disingenuous” for years. I’m shocked that she still cons people into giving her free funds.

  49. She’s losing followers again as I’ve always predicted. Once the newbies discover her constant begging, and also well-deserved rotten reputation, then they flee like lemmings.

  50. “Good morning from these babies first trip to the steam!”

    Awww. How sweet. The “scrappy little lesbian” is still posing as a faux farmer who has chicks.

    1. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWJune 7, 2022 at 7:04 AM

      Don't you remember her chickens and ducks must travel to the stream to drink? Saves her LAF-self from providing water. I wonder how downstream folks like having chicken and duck poop in their water?

  51. “My money jiggle jiggles. It does not fold. Everyone I've met with folding money is miserable.”

    Honey, not only is that not true and a gross over generalization, but you are insulting the very people who you want to spend their disposable income on your crap! What a dumbass.

    1. It's sour grapes. She is the most miserable person I know.

    2. I’m with 8:36. How insulting to those of whom she begs foldable money every single freaking month. A slap in the face. Do they not see it??

    3. Yes! This is what turned the lightbulb on for me regarding her lie style. So you are happy to take my folding money?? Nah. I’m good. I’ll give to locals who are providing great service, and products!!! Not beggars who have so much freaking free time and then complain they can’t make a payment.

    4. Jenna was here because she has already taken down the folding money comment.
      LOL Oh Jenna. You're 40 and your natural default is still to be a bitch to your customers and potential customers.

    5. I just searched for that stupid tweet, but she’s probably read comments here, and then deleted it again. Jenna has done that a lot lately. The badass, bold and brave butch can’t cope with our criticism.

    6. Anonymous 10:18. I just made the same observation, posted my comment above, and then saw yours. That’s exactly what she’s done.

    7. Both the folding money and the cracked molar tweets from today…wow. But no, she doesn’t come here and ain’t nobody can tell her nothin’ bout how to live her fiction life!

    8. I think this is a part of her complete lack of social skills and awareness. She thinks she sounds cool and hipster when she posts something that sounds that way to her but in real life is a hard insult to everyone she begs from. She gets called out on it, tucks her tail and goes and deletes it like it never happened. Keep recording those here.

    9. Anonymous 10:01. It’s nice to see the term that I’ve used here, “lie-style,” be applied to her by others.

      And I also agree about the importance of recording her deleted tweets here.

      Her fat ass “tail” is too big to “tuck.”

    10. Jenna’s just jealous of those who have ample amounts of money, can afford to travel, and aren’t beggars/scammers like her. Her hypocrisy is unbelievable, and transparent to us.

  52. I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOWJune 7, 2022 at 8:52 AM


    Today: Cue the cracked molar tooth drama...


    1. Just thought the same thing!

    2. She must’ve deleted that tweet.

    3. She must have deleted it once we addressed it here because I saw the tweet this morning. It was a longer tweet about how she had a cracked molar (again and again and again) but had to find a new dentist because getting healthcare was hell and her current dentist was retiring.

    4. Again, her patterns are predictable, once you see her methods of manipulative marketing.

    5. She should just get them pulled and get dentures at this point, if she's having a thousand dollar tooth problem every 3 months. But they're fictional teeth so....

  53. For somebody who says she is happier without folding money, she sure begs a lot for folding money. Like on a daily basis.

    1. Exactly. She’s a huge hypocrite about almost everything.

    2. Is this a reference to the "my money don't jiggle jiggle, it folds" song on tictok? She's reposting a lot of tictok videos on stories. I'll bet she's spending at least a couple of hours a day on there.

  54. “Please share if you know people who shower! This farm NEEDS SALES!”

    The lying twat’s desperation is disingenuous. Jenna rigidly refuses to do the one thing that will help her hovel. And won’t go and get a job. She’d rather whine than work. Which is why Shannon dumped her fat ass last year.

    1. Her tweets have become increasingly crazy and unhinged. She literally, sounds nuts.

    2. It irritates the eff out of me if someone I don’t even know in real life is SCREAMING at me from their Twitter and trying to make it somehow dependent on my actions that their bills get paid. That’s insane. This farm needs sales! Ok, so what. Every freaking farm needs sales. You aren’t freaking special, just entitled, lazy, and irrelevant. Your lack of proper action to find a job and quietly pay your bills like a 40yr old middle-aged adult does not constitute an emergency for me or anyone else.

    3. Yes. I agree. Jenna, Maybe don’t post your complete and utter lack of doing fuck all all morning and expect people to give you their money. She can never start a project until months in the future but spends hours dicking around posting about Taylor Swift being gay/not gay and doing what performers do ( keeping themselves relevant through stunts and publicity tricks). She could get her “freelance” jobs done in a timely manner!!!

    4. Her stupid screeching in hyperbolic caps to con followers into giving her money is insane. It’s no wonder why she’s still single. And probably won’t ever find love that lasts long.

    5. Anon 11:21 - you made me snort! She posted in instagram stories today a video of one of her many hammocks. I thought I barely know anyone as fond of laying down as Jenna.

  55. "This farm NEEDS SALES!”

    Ok, let's take this apart. First of all, SHE needs sales. A "farm" does not need sales. And second of all, she does not have a farm. She has some land with a few animals. That does not constitute a farm.

    Now we get to the money part. She claims people with "folding money" are miserable, yet she comes across as miserable and desperate, trying to get people to give their "folding money" to her.

    And even though it isn't mentioned in this tweet, there is the tooth part. Jenna darling, do you think you are the only person in the world who needs dental work? Your teeth are 40 years old. They are going to crack and fall apart. If you don't want to get a job to pay for dental work, just get the teeth pulled. People have their own bills to pay, they are not obliged to pay yours.

    1. I’ve noticed for years Jenna’s referring to “this farm,” as like an object that has needs, when it’s obvious that it’s her stupid self. I think that she does this manipulative marketing technique to try and soften her greediness.

      Her “I’m so happy” claim is clearly a lie, and ludicrous in the reality of all her constant begging for “folding money.”

      The ongoing teeth, truck, and home repairs are only excuses to continue victimizing and conning people into handing her free funds.

    2. Anon 2:18 - Yes, she knows very well that if she said “I need sales” she would not get the same response as “this farm needs sales”. She takes herself out of the picture. People feel they are saving “the farm” and not her. And, one more time, it is not a farm!!!

    3. Anonymous 12.52. Yeah, it’s a faux farm. We’ve seen it. Jenna is a hobbyist homesteader at best. I also like exposing her manipulative marketing techniques here, so that newbies can see for themselves what a con Jenna is in real life.

  56. Jenna is claiming now on Instagram that therapy is helping her. Along with bragging about how well she’s doing “without wearing shapewear and hair extensions.”

    She’s a pathological liar. There’s no way that she’s better with her begging almost daily. If anything, she’s coming across as crazy and unhinged. Funny, how she hasn’t mentioned seeing someone professional, until we’re commented about her mental issues here.

    1. Edit: we’ve commented

    2. “Sure, Jen.” Everything in your lazy loser life is great. Which is why you still lie about bills, slow sales, not being able to make mortgage payments on time, and have fake issues like cracked teeth. We can see how therapy has also helped your obese body. You’re the perfect picture of health on every level. SMH

    3. Jenna’s gotta be joking. She can barely afford by begging to support herself, but can suddenly splurge on therapy. It must be a mental miracle!!!

      And she supposedly has no insurance, so it’d be out of pocket. Unless her poor parents are paying for their deadbeat daughter’s expenses. It’s obvious by her behavior, and we’ve been tracking her falsehoods for years, that her Instagram claims are crap.

    4. If she's paying a therapist, she needs to be getting an actual evaluation done, and seek some treatment where appropriate. "Better help" and other such online options aren't actual evaluation tools.

    5. There’s no way that Jenna has been to a therapist. She’s had no obvious, positive changes in her life as proof of professional help.

  57. Since she's posting and deleting tweets a lot, you're all welcome to screen shot them and post them in the reddit group for posterity.

  58. I find it funny how her whining is mostly on Twitter, but the bragging about bullshit is reserved for Instagram. But both accounts come across as disingenuous.

  59. “Two nights ago I broke a tooth. I got lucky and there was a cancelation at my dentist (who retired and isn't actually there) so two hygienists are going to try and patch it for me. Fingers crossed this works. Horrid timing.”

    She’s a pathological liar like we’ve discussed many times here. This is just more of her manipulative marketing for free funds. I wouldn’t be shocked if she deleted the tweet after reading my comment, too.

    1. I can’t count how often she’s used teeth issues to get people to pay for her own bills. Did you pay for your May mortgage yet, cunt?

    2. Even if her story about the tooth was true, then she still didn’t need to tweet about it. No one cares about her health, because we have our own concerns. Her entire motivation is to get more “folding money” from followers.

    3. Yesterday she deleted another tragic tooth tweet. Apparently, her desperation and greediness are prompting her to try again today. As I always say, she’d rather whine than work.

    4. So there is only one dentist in her town and he is retired? And the hygienists are running the practice? I call bs. I'm sure there are plenty of other dentists. Maybe she can't go to them because she owes them money. Who knows. Nothing adds up in this story except for her trying to get pity folding money from her followers.

    5. I immediately thought this is BS when I read the two dental hygienists statement. The whole story sounds made up. Yesterday it was cracked. Today sh4 says she broke it. Then there is no dentist. But there is still a practice. But then not one but two hygienists are going to patch up a broken tooth. Yeah. Ok.

  60. She never posts pics as proof of anything like needing either a tooth or roof repair. It’s “horrid timing” because she still hasn’t made her May mortgage payment yet, but expects people to do it for her.

    1. A broken tooth or major repair is always horrid timing. I've never heard anyone say, "my tooth broke - great timing!". She acts like she's always the only one. I will let Jenna in on a little secret. Everything breaks or falls apart eventually. And the older it gets, the greater the chances. Here is where being an adult comes in. You work, save and plan for these KNOWN eventualities.

  61. For someone who says she is happier with money that jingles instead of folds, she sure sounds miserable.


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