Where the heck is Spring?

I'm still non weight bearing on my ankle so it's okay that it’s still cold and rainy.  One of these days things will be normal again.


  1. “It's scary how hard it is to make sales now. I have cut the price of everything I do in half, even as cost of supplies rise and it takes twice as much time. I'm lucky to make $300 a week now. None in days. I know I am not alone. I hope things turn around for us all.”

    Poor, desperate and “scared” jowly Jenna still refuses to go and get a job. She’d rather whine and be a beggar. The last line is disingenuous, because it’s always all about her “dumb little life.”

    1. This here is why we hate her life of lies. She’s choosing not to have the security of even part-time wages. And she could sell either her truck or car for quick cash. Additionally, she might let go of livestock and her horses. But Jenna never wants to slightly sacrifice any of her little luxuries and consumer conveniences. It’s easier to hold her hands out for free funds.

    2. She just deleted that stupid tweet. It’s obvious that she’s read the comments.

    3. "I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOW"April 20, 2022 at 2:35 PM


      Thank goodness she's able to take days off to play with PP, new friend and the DA-W. Only poodles need to work when times are hard!

      Also happy she's again admitted to her $$ falconry hobby is a "sport" instead of the laughably improbable story that she captured raptors in order to save them. Perhaps others, with legitimate raptor release documentation and without her history of dead or missing birds, can be trusted to have done that - but not her.


    4. It’s funny how the nonconformist, fierce feral farmer can be shamed into deleting stupid tweets after reading comments here.

    5. It’s also possible she is receiving “get a job” comments from her followers. I’m sure they are tired of the begging too.

    6. Anonymous 4:25. You might be right. But it can’t be a coincidence that she’s deleted her tweets multiple times shortly after comments were posted.

  2. HD. I hope that you heal well soon.

    1. "I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOW"April 20, 2022 at 2:38 PM

      HD, I echo Anon 1:01 pm.

      You are a voice for truth and reason. Heal well and get better soon.

  3. Yeah, I’m sure that she and Shannon had many issues. Which is why SD dumped JW last fall. And Jenna has had very little experience with romantic relationships in the past. I think that she’ll still be single in the future. No one in their right mind wants to support a beggar, scammer and animal abuser.

    1. The comment above was a response to another one copied from the last post. So it’s out of context.

      HD. Was it deleted due to using the c word? If so, that hasn’t happened before here. I didn’t think that words were restricted.

    2. HD. Yeah, it’d be nice to know if certain word were no longer allowed. I’d appreciate it. Thanks.

    3. HD. Thanks for the explanatory post. I’m going to do an experiment and use “cunt.” If this comment is deleted, then it’s got to be a Google issue. Since you’re the only moderator here. And I’ll have to try “twat” for her instead next time. (Wink.)

  4. HD, so sorry this is taking so long. I know how frustrating that can be. Hoping your ankle heals soon.

    It doesn't take a crystal ball or being psychic to know that money is tight for everyone now. We've all been saying this for years, that tough times come in cycles, and how important it is to save and be prepared.

    So she's having a hard time making sales? What makes her think other people aren't facing tough times. It's always all about her. My eBay sales have slumped. Nothing is moving. It's not a business, more like an online garage sale, but it's indicative of the times.

    I think she got caught up in that magical thinking mindset after The Secret was published. And now it seems she's just caught in it.

    All the warnings we've been saying for years, but no, we are naysayers. Sheesh.

  5. “Logo Designs are HALF PRICE (if you can wait 8 weeks to start) or $50 off the regular price of $200 if you want to start straight away! Price includes: endless revisions, files for web and print, and knowing you helped feed a very mean goose named SCAR!”

    Her lousy logos are always on sale so the savings are meaningless. She mentions the goose only to try and come across as whimsical, instead of sounding stupid and desperate.

    1. “Sure, Jen.” She couldn’t care less about feeding any animals. Jenna will probably spend it on weed, and more Taylor Swift sweatshirts.

  6. HD It can take a long time to heal ankles and feet. Are you able to access massage therapy? It's really helpful for healing ankles and feet because these areas do not have much blood flow, so massages to assist the blood flow help the actual healing agents in the circulatory system to do their job.

    The lack of much vascular tissue in the ankle combined with the reduced mobility resulting from such an injury means you're not getting significant blood circulation in your injured ankle, which is partly why it takes so long to heal.

    A qualified massage therapist can really help.

    When my wife fell down some stairs and broke her foot and ankle, it was a long recovery, and she really turned a corner when she started going to massage.

    I hope you're back on your feet soon.

    1. In addition to healing, since your mobility is so restricted, if you have a family history of stroke be sure to say that to your doctor. You may benefit from blood clot prevention.

  7. “If you're lacking funds, a retweet is free and will help out! Let's give Jenna the boost she needs! She's worked her tail off so hard to keep on keeping on - I should know, I've been following her since she moved to Veryork in a station wagon full of sheep.”

    She’s just another stupid sycophantic supporter. Jenna only “works hard” at being a beggar and scammer.

  8. “I promise you that even without a passport, beaches, bikini pics and amazing adventures - there isn't a single person you know who will appreciate summer and savor it better than me. No one.”

    What a bunch of bull.

    1. I hate her hyperbolic crap. She always exaggerates emotions.

      Most of us like warmer weather. Especially, when we live in New England states and related areas. Fortunately, she’ll spare us her bulging “bikini pics.”

  9. “My goal today is to earn $200. I have logos on sale HALF PRICE if you can wait 8 weeks to start! This is a hell of a deal! Please send me a DM if interested! Money will go to cover the cost of shearing ($100) and today's hay delivery ($100)!”

    The begging is back in full force from the filthy feral farmer.

    1. She deliberately details where the money will be spent, because the opposite is true. Her whole life is lies.

    2. Or she's hoping someone will pay for the hay and shearing directly, like she did with a veterinary visit once.

    3. Anonymous 9:54. Exactly. That’s one of her manipulative marketing techniques. She also did it for a truck repair, and posted the mechanic’s name.

    4. bUt wHuT aBoUt YeR mOrTgAge, JeNnA?

      Why do you still have pet sheep when your mortgage is constantly in arears?

      Not to give her ideas, but I'm surprised she hasn't just become some form of farm animal rescue. I guess she couldn't sell "pig shares" if she decided to go back to being a Buddhist vegan. She would probably have had more success with this style of begging if the animals and farm was a registered non-profit and she targeted other vegans for donations.

      She burned that bridge when she "put the laughter back in slaughter"

  10. “I just had a beautiful moment with the guy who delivered a truck of square bales. Gibson ran up to him and I mentioned his name, and he asked "after the guitar?" and I said, "J-45" and we both smiled.”

    Riveting content.

    1. Now she’ll be begging for bale money.

  11. “It doesn't feel like true spring, not really. Even after the greens are planted, and the sheep are shorn. Even after all the yard clean up and preparing the campfire space. It still feels dark and cold every day.

    I've become so hopeful about sunshine.”

    STFU with whining about weather. Or move to either Florida or California.

    1. She sure doesn’t sound like “the happiest person I know” lately. Her “cycle of crying” is in the down phase.

    2. "I promise you that even without a passport, beaches, bikini pics and amazing adventures - there isn't a single person you know who will appreciate summer and savor it better than me. No one."

      She talks about not travelling a lot for someone who claims to not want to travel.

      Here again her habitual use of hyperbole. "NO ONE MORE THAN ME" whatever it is, whether it's happiness, enjoying summer, not travelling, she is the MOST and no one is more than she.

      She's lapsed into saying the same few things over and over. Let's count.

      1. Normal Bill / Repair / animal cost - asks for "support"
      2. Whimsical "beautiful moments TM"
      3. Animal / garden update to prove she has them.
      3. General anxiety / terror post or specific scary letter / van / stalker / laundromat man.
      5. Obscure taylor swift reference
      6. Political virtue signaling (never any real world action)
      7. Services are ON SALE again and forever please halp!
      8. Clients are mean to me / Clients should get in touch with me if I owe them work
      9. Look at this thing I bought!

      Did I miss anything?

    3. I also mentioned her hyperbolic crap in an above comment regarding the same stupid tweet.

      I’ll also add to the list: “Please retweet because sales are slow!” and “Venmo, it means so much!”

  12. She's back to not updating the blog more than once or twice a month. Last update was trying to sell her bear picture.

    That's not a great move if your "farm stand is the internet". You have to feed the internet people to keep them engaged and make them want to buy your stuff, otherwise you're just some schmo with a twitter account.

    Aside: why she doesn't scan her popular work so she can sell it multiple times is beyond me. I don't think the fox or bear painting sold at all, but the coyote with the lantern was cute and she could have sold prints of that in perpetuity. You can order ad-hoc canvas transfer prints too. It would take 10 minutes to process so all she'd have to do is take the orders for more than it costs to have the supplier print and ship them to the customer.

    She's had a few cute things she could have been doing this with. I think one of her bird watercolours had a lot of bidders, and selling the rooster with the rainbow tail feathers in June is hilarious and would be ever-green.

    She's just so incompetent at building up her own business, and she refuses to accept advice, she only wants free money or free labour.

    1. She must’ve read your comment, because there’s a stupid new post today.

    2. She’s like a little dancing monkey that responds to our comments. LOL!!!

    3. WIW, I think the same, except she must be getting money from somewhere to exceed (by her admission) $52,000 per year.

      Having people DM would seem to be a remarkably inefficient way to sell soaps and art pieces. However, if she uses DM to coerce kind-hearted people into donating money, maybe it's very efficient.

      Her soap, art, graphics design and animal products, if reviewed as businesses, appear to be poorly designed and managed.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. in her blog, she‘s really milking the idea that shannon helped build the farm but now — poor her — it’s suddenly a plucky one-woman farm.

    1. Her latest blogging is boring beyond belief, and also a bunch of bull.

  15. “Everything is still on sale as I hopefully work towards paying off April before end of the month! Finally!!! There's hope of catching up and not being behind! RT or purchase something if you're into solvency!”

    Her continual lack of “solvency” for over a decade is due to being a begging and scamming lazy loser. She’s always been “behind” by stubbornly refusing to go and get a job.

    1. Jenna Woginrich admitted that her faux farm has never been either solvent or successful in over a decade. Clearly, if it hasn’t happened yet, then it never will.

  16. Can someone explain how this happens? It makes no sense to me.
    "Water collecting near the house has finally caused the floorboards in the bathroom, kitchen, and living room to sag and warp dangerously low. This is something I can't even walk around my house without worrying about."

    1. Her stupid purple prose is weird word salad that’s carelessly tossed together without even decent dressing to make it stick.

    2. It's funny for her to post that someone might be interested in dating her and warning of the difficulties of being at her house. Ha, Ha, Ha. Don't think so Jenna.

    3. She just explained it. Water collecting near the house is causing the floorboards to sag. She really doesn’t want an explanation, she wants people to feel sorry for her and send money.

    4. The biggest “difficulties” in dating Jenna are her defective character, inner and outer unattractiveness, lack of wit, pathological lying, laziness, begging, scamming, and animal abusing. Aside from all that she’s quite a catch!

  17. Time for Fraud Antler BINGO.

    Were you excited to see the latest bleg? Some highlights of much needed action items and issues:

    1. Heal (farm) spots washed away by erosion
    2. Ran out of wood weeks ago
    3. Running on fumes, skipping meals
    4. Twisted ankle, skinned knee
    5. Trying to not even get in car to use gas
    6. Slate roof needs repair*
    7. Wet floorboards sag*
    8. (Truck) needs brakes to be safe*
    9. Stop water near house*
    10. Fix joint, jaw, back pain
    11. Oh no: grind teeth in sleep and TMJ
    12. Must be fit enough to be confident enough to date
    13. Change current "wrinkling potato" status
    14. Seed grass where it will fail
    15. Might get a roommate**
    16. Might get a 2nd part time job**
    17. Might sell every little thing on eBay**
    18. Might start being addicted to scratch off tickets

    * needs mo money
    **when pigs fly


    What a load of 💩💩💩

    TLDR: Past roommate made hovel livable through her hard work; FFF gives excuses & promises while mostly doing fcuk all.

    1. PDD. You took one for the team, thanks. It’s just another crock of crap from WoeAndBitch.

      She’s a pathological liar. Jenna doesn’t even have a first job, let alone getting a second. Supposedly, her content writing gig was canceled months ago due to her asking for more assignments. And it’s obvious that she doesn’t have local employment, because she would’ve mentioned it by now.

      The point of her rotten writing is always using manipulative marketing for free funds.

  18. There is all kinds of wrong with the latest crisis. 1. She lives on a hill ("the side of a mountain") so wouldn't water run somewhere? Dig a freaking trench! 2. I thought she had a crawlspace. She makes it sound like her floor is directly on the ground, water puddling under the floor, and making it sag. Does she have bare boards in the dirt as a floor? This makes no sense to me.

    Another point. In twitter she said the apprentice is a farmer and his daughter. Now on the blog, it's a man and daughter from town. Whoever they are, if they exist at all, they're about to learn nothing useful.

    If she expects anyone to believe her lies, she really needs to keep them straight.

  19. “Word”

    Ugh. An ick pic of her “stout” man hand holding a humble-bragging mug.

  20. “I skinned my knee and I’m over 35 so it will never heal, just call me Jenny bone knees from now on.”

    She’s painfully unfunny.

  21. “I might change. I might fail. I might die*. I might heal. I'm in the same place you are, darling, and animal living on this anxiety-ball of a dying planet doing my best.”

    GFY, Jenna, “darling.” It’s “an” not “and animal.” I hate her purple prose, and “anxiety-ball of a dying planet” is rotten writing. She’s already “failed” as a farmer, and that won’t “change.”

    1. It’s no wonder why she’s still single. That was dumb and downright depressing.

    2. Her usage of darling is always condescending instead of sounding sexy like she thinks it does.

  22. I didn't read FFF in her early days, but I have looked back at her "early years writing", and she was fairly interesting as an enthusiastic "rural" hobbyist.

    Yeah, she knew very little, but she spent a great deal of time talking to others, gleaning information and sharing that knowledge. She was fairly upbeat, and her blog covered a lot of ground. Readers would probably like that Jenna.

    I don't know at what point she lost it, but her more recent writings (really, for years) are dull, depressing, pedantic and as WIW/Anon indicated, repetitive. She appears incapable of learning from mistakes, or listening to others and other than the few people she's managed to hang onto, she operates within a shockingly small circle of people.

    At this stage, to put it bluntly, she thinks her sh%^ don't stink. Certain it's HER musings people want to read, she offers scant factual information on rural living. Sadly, she's never improved as a farmer, homesteader or animal caretaker, and so her comments are useless. Other than the concepts of stubbornness and trying something before you know what you're doing, she offers little that is worthwhile. Being honest here, I think she's bored with farming, animals and her life. Her writing is uninspired.

    Her property is worse, the buildings are crumbling, her animal care is limited. I suppose she's burned local contacts, because you seldom read about them or learn from them. All that's presented is the scrappy little refrigerator-bodied woman (her words) barely making it on a 6.5 acre property, located a stone's throw from a trendy, mostly white, New York weekender destination.

    It's sad to see. If she'd give up the animals (offering them better days with someone else) she could find a more appealing life.

    1. You’ve nailed her unappealing, pretentious persona:

      “All that's presented is the scrappy little refrigerator-bodied woman (her words) barely making it on a 6.5 acre property, located a stone's throw from a trendy, mostly white, New York weekender destination.”

    2. Spot on commentary, PDD.

      "I don't know at what point she lost it,"

      I kinda feel like she started to deflate when Jon Katz dumped her. And she just went downhill from there.

  23. “I’m spending my Friday night watching Nick Offerman long-form interviews for comfort while I do yoga by the wood stove if you're wondering where my mental state is right now: lesbian shelf stable”

    No one is either wondering or cares. Your “dumb little life” is meaningless.

    1. And tell us for the umpteenth time that you’re a lesbian.

  24. Judgmental Jenna gets to decide who uses accepted cultural terminology for relationships.

    1. “Everyone wants to be an ally until you tell straight women to stop calling their other straight lady friends her "girlfriends"”

      The comment above is a response to this tweet. I don’t know why it disappeared. Jenna called Shannon a girl many times: “Get yourself a girl who…” So she’s a huge hypocrite with that stupid statement.

    2. I love it when straight women use platonic "girlfriends". If I was wondering what a person's sexuality was, that clears it right up.

    3. “I understand, but that same generation changed how they used language to put on a movie enlessly without complaint. Reels to Beta to VCR to DVD to Blu-ray to streaming and had no problem adapting to those words. It's when something habitual becomes outdated they balk.”

      Anonymous 1:16. I call my female pals girlfriends, and no one has an issue. Judgmental Jenna’s defensive about the responses to her stupid tweet. It’s not her place to tell people how to use terminology that’s acceptable in American culture.

    4. For years she’s called everyone “guys.” That usually implies men. You could call that some sort of language discrimination, too.

    5. Apparently, her new name is Jenna Chomsky.

    6. For what it’s worth, I’ve been a lesbian for a lot longer than Jenna has. I consider her Sapphic status to still be “baby dyke.” I have no problem with women using “girlfriends” as a platonic term. And most people in our queer community feel the same way.

    7. I'm still believe that her sudden changing of the team she supposedly plays for was nothing more than a convenience and a marketing ploy.

    8. Anon7. Yeah, it’s probably just more of her manipulative marketing to attract the queer community.

  25. “Good morning from Cold Antler Farm. Everyone get out there and try your best.”

    That’s ironic coming from the Cambridge Queen of Con. She acts as if it’s her responsibility to tell adults what to do. When she’s a lazy, begging and scamming criminal.

  26. “Spent the morning moving compost, building a stone wall around a sunflower garden by the hawk mews, and moving old logs. Trying to get this place looking its best ever using zero dollars. So it's a lot of seeds from drawers, time, and sweat.”

    Too bad that Shannon’s not there anymore to do most of the jerk’s work.

    1. No shit. That places "best ever" was last year, all due to Shannon's efforts. And now she is gone. Good luck with trying to follow in her non-lazy footsteps, Pig Shocker.

  27. Question: Where is Cade the goat? Has there been any mention of this former mountain smashing pack goat? Has he been in any recent photos?

    Also, she mentioned some new goose...but no mention of the other two that she's had for years.

    1. Don’t know about the goat. He’s probably dead.

  28. From the latest bleg post:

    "I don't regret my relationship ending..."

    Bullshit. She just sounds bitter here. Probably cuz Shannon called her out on her constantly shitty behavior and warped unethical way of life. That place never looked as good or functioned better while Shannon was there. And Jenna just threw all that away. Dumbass.

    "...but having two people here was a game changer."

    Of course it was. She had someone to pick up the slack. All the slack. Not to mention a functional car to drive around (with gas already in the tank!) and a cellphone, and emergency funds via new roommate's income plus possible credit cards. Also, dream gardens were planted for her, there was healthier food on the table, animals better taken care of, property repairs, etc.

    "I felt safer. I felt like someone had my back when things got scary or hard."

    Duh. That's because she had a competent and hard working person on that fauxrm for the first time ever. So of course she felt safer. Even thought she once bragged that she was so tough and so scrappy and so badass that she'd for sure win the Apocalypse while living all alone on the side of a mountain. Sure Jen.

    1. Anon7. Right. “Sure, Jen.” (I’ve been using that for awhile, too.) The bitch IS bitter. Of course she regrets that Shannon dumped her fat ass last fall. Jenna never mentioned any issues in their relationship, so it’s obvious that it was due to her failures. She’s just trying to save face, but it won’t work.

  29. “I really needed a day like yesterday. Sunshine, friends, a day off of work and worry.”

    Like she “really” has such a hard life. It’s Monday morning now, and it’s back to begging.

    1. "Friends" equal Pember Patty (what a shock) and likely a friend of PP, while faux farmer hangs around like an outsider who invites herself to your family picnic.

      FF is sooooo worried about business and money, she screws off every opportunity she gets.

    2. And she always announces a dumb “day off” to highlight how hard she works.

  30. I noticed today that the commenting process has changed. I don’t know if either HD did it, or it’s the system. It’s more streamlined with no annoying CAPTCHA to click.

  31. Started Wearing Purple. We’re still waiting to hear about Jon Katz, from the last post, but only if you’re comfortable sharing. Thanks.

  32. And the numbers of her followers keeps declining: 4,839 today. It seems that they’re sick of her crap.

    1. There’s the old saying that “Stupidity is doing the same thing, and expecting different results.” She’s been stubbornly refusing to change her life for a long time, and it’s starting to have adverse affects like losing followers.

    2. Edit: adverse effects

    3. 4,836 as of now. She’s lost 3 more just today. I like to track them to prove a point. People are sick of her crap.

  33. We know she's got green for some *other* green:




    Seems weed is the new booze, except she's got that homebrew setup too.

    1. And when DID she get that tablet? All that fuss over getting an iphone given to her, and she's got an ipad? Whut???

    2. She’s keeping quiet about her habits on Twitter, because Jenna has a fake image to try and maintain.

    3. I also think that she’s learning to not brag about pricey “toys,” like an iPad, since her whining about being broke is a lie. She’ll just lie and say that she “found it at the dump.” Like that bike. “Sure, Jen.”

    4. That ipad cost at least $400 plus tax / shipping. I bought one recently as a gift and even the used ones start at $350 for something with so little memory it barely functions.

      She'll be saying it was "gifted" to her.

      By the way, the word she's groping for is GIVEN not gifted. Gifted means one who is exceptionally talented or intelligent... which Jenna is not.

    5. I’d say that the iPad was grifted not gifted.

  34. She hasn’t been begging as usual this week. (So far.) Maybe it’s sinking into her thick head that it’s hated by many of her followers. Which is why they’re fleeing like lemmings from the lazy loser.

  35. Only 2 likes for her post yesterday about her soap deal. TWO!

    1. And she’s lost even more followers today.

    2. 4,830 Followers as of now.

    3. I’ve observed that when she’s unfollowed Jenna gets her “widdle feewings” hurt, and then does the same to them.

  36. “While this site is now owned by a Billionaire, I am not. In fact, still trying to earn this month's mortgage payment. So logos are ON SALE! HALF PRICE! And if I can keep a roof over my head promoting here, I will still try and use this as a digital farm stand. DM for info!”

    Yup, it’s back to begging again. And also using Elon Musk’s money as a means for manipulative marketing. Twitter is not a “digital farm stand,” stupid. That’s what your site is for. (The one that Shannon designed.) Which is why you’re losing followers.

    1. Poor, desperate little Jenna refuses to read the room, and see that people are sick of her begging. She always has her hands out for help, instead of working to support herself like a normal adult.

    2. Since when do people sell logos at farm stands, digital or otherwise?

    3. Anonymous 7:28. Exactly. She’s trying to come across like country-folksy, but it’s just manipulative marketing for free funds as always.

    4. "I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOW"April 28, 2022 at 9:55 AM

      Anons, exactly.
      1. Lol, she hates Elon Musk but continues to use "his Twitter". She never was strong on living with firm moral convictions.
      2. She sells online because nobody on social media "knows" her. Local people know her and don't use her. Now, our local farmers are word-of-mouth and they sell their products quickly. But somehow, she can't.
      3. Why not? #1 She's not a farmer. She's a hobbyist at best...and terrible at that. In my community, a farmer, with slightly more land than faux farmer, sells CSA shares, and supplies local restaurants. They have no need to beg on social media. Because they are real farmers.
      4. She keeps her fake farm life front and center, because people buy her products to feed her animals. Strangers care more about them than she does.


    5. PDD. I’ll also add the following points:
      1. I know people who have recently deleted their Twitter accounts because of Musk. Jenna is just virtue-signaling like a hypocrite.
      2. She has a rotten reputation both locally and online.
      3. The filthy feral farmer is an amateur hobbyist homesteader at best.
      4. Her livestock, including horses, are pet props for photo ops.

    6. Twitter is rapidly losing relevance, just like facebook. I haven't been on either much. I used to go to twitter for breaking news, but when war in Ukraine broke out, I got my news from tictok. Twitter has been fading for a while, and if Elon decides to have *no censoring of anything ever* it will quickly become a cesspit.

      Reddit tried to fly that flag for years and finally the illegal activities on reddit forced it to enforce *some sort of broad standard*, and now it's replaced facebook for many people.

      The problem for Jenna with Reddit and tictok is that you can't get any traction unless you're posting relevant content. Jenna's content isn't relevant anymore, which might be fine if she hadn't alienated her local community and all her original followers.

      Jenna hasn't been making a living off of selling her products or services - ever. She has mentioned having a part time "gig" and she's mentioned she makes more than 50K / year and doesn't qualify for health care assistance.

      It's all fantasy.

    7. “While this site is now owned by a Billionaire, I am not."

      I read this wrong at first and it's because she tweeted this along with a logo she did (Hibear Ridge Homestead) so I thought she was saying that the people who she did the logo for were now billionaires, and thus not fair that they only paid her $200 for the logo. And that is totally something she would bitch about.
      But y''all are right -- definitely manipulative marketing to get more eyeballs on her crap by jumping on a hot topic (Musk buying Twitter).

    8. Anonymous 8:46. She’s the moron who once wrote “Live like fiction.” It’s a “fantasy” that’s been paid for by stupid sycophantic supporters who don’t do their due diligence.

    9. Here’s someone who is promoting Jenna. He lives in Ireland, and probably doesn’t know about her rotten reputation. She doesn’t deserve this kind of support:

      “Jenna's got a sale on logos. Graphic designer, farmer, writer, it's definitely worth a message and a query. She's also got books, a blog, and produce over at her website. Take a look. Maybe help a small farm.”

    10. "Maybe help a small farm." is the #1 reason people purchase overpriced soap, questionable logos and slapped-together overpriced cartoons. I know art is in the eye of the beholder, but people wouldn't give Faux Farmer a fraction of attention if they didn't think their purchases helped save a small American farm.

    11. And her pet props help sell the stupid narrative of being a “farmer.” She’s a hobbyist homesteader at best.

  37. It’s also obnoxious and pushy how she constantly retweets herself. (Probably because no one else wants to do it.) That’s considered tacky on Twitter, and she should know better by now.

  38. “This old boy has been getting into trouble, let me tell you.”

    Photo of a forlorn horse that hates her hovel, and being forced to eat hay off his fecal pile like before.

    1. " I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOW "April 28, 2022 at 3:02 PM

      He has loss of top line, poor coat condition and delayed shedding. I wouldn't be surprised if he has Cushing's Disease. Maybe darlin' can have her vet test for ACTH levels in the blood. If afflicted, cost is about $100/month to treat.

    2. PDD. Unfortunately, she won’t take proper care of her horses. She’d rather spend “donations” on more Taylor Swift sweatshirts etc…

    3. This is for any newbies here who are unfamiliar with her hovel. Jenna is so lazy, and unwilling to work, that a few years ago she had to hire someone to shovel out manure. Her horses were eating on the top of filthy fecal matter. There was a video showing it on Twitter.

      Which is why we called for an investigation of CAF. And it was far from being the first time, too.

    4. Edit: The manure was so thick that a machine was used, and it got stuck in the muck.

    5. I remember that...her piling hay on top of the goat's own waste and older hay until it was 3 feet high. And there are photos that show this and how the pile kept growing as evidenced by the rungs in the pen.

      Does anyone remember her reasoning for doing that? Like it kept them warm or something?

    6. There’s never any reasoning for her laziness.

    7. People will "pen pack" bedding (not hay) through the winter - the heat radiating from the decomposing litter underneath is supposed to be warmer. The top layer should be kept as dry as possible, and everything cleaned out as the weather warms. What she did was throw hay on the floor of the stall, and it just kept building up. So... poor feeding habits led to that. And that is not 3 months of pen pack. That is years, possibly, of downright neglect.

    8. Some of you may recall that Jenna was evicted from a Vermont rental years ago for issues. She has a history of abuse and neglect.

    9. As usual, Faux Farmer incorrectly used an archaic farm method, because it appealed to her sloth. Leaving decomposing bedding in a stall, covered with straw, is a way to generate warmth as the manure rots. The top layer is to remain dry and clean by continually adding new straw bedding. The amount of generated heat is debatable, but there's no doubt that fumes generated from urine and decomposition are unpleasant and likely unsafe for animals. I was once advised to try this method by an old horse trainer, but I soon realized he, like FF, was mostly lazy at animal husbandry.

      FF also employed this method outside, which makes no sense, and she threw hay (not straw) over manure, so animals fed on top of their own filth. This is a surefire way to create parasite infestation , which she admitted to having on multiple occasions.

      The hay/feces piled in the paddocks was a disgusting sloppy mess; so bad, that power equipment brought in to clean it up, got stuck!

    10. PDD. I referenced the same incident above in a comment:

      Anonymous April 28, 2022 at 4:27 PM

      This is for any newbies here who are unfamiliar with her hovel. Jenna is so lazy, and unwilling to work, that a few years ago she had to hire someone to shovel out manure. Her horses were eating on the top of filthy fecal matter. There was a video showing it on Twitter.

      Which is why we called for an investigation of CAF. And it was far from being the first time, too.

      Edit: The manure was so thick that a machine was used, and it got stuck in the muck.

  39. "Got to see 'Everything Everywhere All at Once' at the drive in."

    Where in her area is a drive in? Wonder how much gas she spent getting there.

    1. There’s a drive in not too far away. We went to it once. “I already had gas in my car!!!”

    2. For those of us not familiar with the area, what is not too far away?

    3. Anon7. She probably went to this one: https://www.hathawaysdrive-in.com/. It’s approximately 15 minutes from Cambridge in Hoosick Falls, NY. And they’re showing the movie that she saw.

  40. “I got to spend so much time in the sunshine in the garden today and it was so so sooooo good.”

    GFY, Jenna.

  41. “LAST DAY for half priced logos!”

    You’re a pathological liar. “Sure, Jen.” I can’t count how many times you’ve used this as a manipulative marketing technique. It’s a bunch of bull.

    1. Her lousy logos are always on some sort of sale, so the savings are a false front for fleecing followers.


  42. “I mean what more does a woman need?”

    Her fat, filthy fingers clutching a greasy slice of pan pizza with one of her dogs. Riveting content.

    1. What more does a woman need?

      How about a JOB you slob

    2. Also, wasn't sure at first if that was her hovel as it's almost unrecognizable from that angle. The hawk mews looks smaller...maybe it is enclosed now? But looking closer you can see the soon-to-fall barn on the right, and Shannon's little rainbow gate on the left.

      Also kinda surprised the Pig Shocker walked all that way. Must've been exhausting.

    3. Anon7. I almost wrote “a job,” too. But Jenna would rather whine than work.

  43. Lucky that Faux Farmer is an accomplished 10K runner and mountain hiker ( !! ) because she can easily WALK to these destinations. No worries about high-priced gas, and according to Google Maps, the terrain is mostly flat. Maybe she can use the bike she found at the dump (15-19 minute ride), or Merlin (her "other car") or Mabel (her other "other car").

    3.8 miles to Argyle Brewery
    3.7 miles to Stewart's Shops
    2.7 miles to Burger Den
    2.5 miles to Old Book Surfer bookstore
    2.2 miles to Cambridge Saddle Club
    1.9 miles to town dump
    1.0 mile to Cambridge Valley Vet

    Oh, yeah, she lives about 3 miles from downtown Cambridge, a mostly-white trendy town that's a weekend destination for New Yorkers.

    1. PDD. I’ve never heard about her walking/waddling into town.

  44. WiW. Where did you find that lengthy writing of hers on your latest Reddit post?

    I also saw her fat feet for the first time on Instagram. Damn, her ugly toes look like creepy long fingers.

    1. WiW. I’d appreciate an answer to my question about where you saw that writing. I couldn’t locate it anywhere.

    2. If this is the article you mean, WiW provided the link in her Reddit post.


    3. PDD. Thanks. But I meant the post: This is exactly the problem.

    4. Anon, I've been thinking about the quote Faux Farmer published on her IG account. It's too well written for her, and we all know she has a history of plagiarism, so I did a quick check.

      Lo and behold, Anna Fusco wrote it. (The quote is buried in the article)


      And on March 4, @lordcowboy posted the exact photo-quote that faux farmer stole.

      The more you know...


    5. PS @lordcowboy is Anna Fusco


    6. I asked the original question, about the writing, and appreciate your answers. I didn’t see the responses until today.

    7. And Jenna doesn’t give credit for quotes that she uses. Like the line that’s attributed to her, about living a life that others don’t understand, which was part of another person’s piece.

    8. Apparently, plagiarizing other people’s writing doesn’t bother Jenna.

    9. " I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOW "May 7, 2022 at 5:00 AM

      Jenna: "It's okay to fake a life others don't understand."

  45. “Terrified tonight”

    Make it all about you, twat.

  46. “Up since 4AM. I have to wash clothes, buy feed, make a sale, figure out how to live here another month without a safety net while I try to plan and save and do anything to feel moored. Terrified of the news. What can we do?”

    Poor, “terrified” little Jenna. It’s her own fault that she has no secure “safety net” of a job and savings. Boo fucking hoo. Her supposed hard life is laughable in the reality of millions who have no homes like hers. She also refuses to sell vehicles, her horses and livestock for quick cash. Her manipulative marketing is only for free funds.

    1. This here is why we hate her. She has solely herself to blame for quitting a career in her twenties, and then to buy a farm that’s never been solvent. And that’s by her own admission. She’d rather whine than work to support her dumb dream.

    2. I really don't think she is in much hardship. She whines about this EVERY. MONTH. She's always "terrified." And then voila! A miracle somehow happens and all is well again. I call B.S. on this.

    3. Anonymous 5:53. I agree with what you wrote. Which is why we call her a pathological liar. It’s a predictable pattern of behavior with her that never changes.

    4. I don't hate her. I hate what she does to wild raptors, farm animals, her property and the trust and goodwill of people who help her. Her "live like fiction" falsehoods have eliminated all traces of truth and honor

    5. PDD. I’ve always respected your opinions here. But I have a hatred for her personally. When we lived in her area our paths crossed. We also know locals who have been burned by her before in business deals. I also loathe her lies, laziness, and animal abusing. I find her physically and emotionally repellent.

    6. Anon, I totally get your point, and since you've crossed paths with her and lived in her community, your feelings must be respected 💯.

      As a group, I feel that stating "we" hate her plays into her victimhood - that she's being harassed by haters. Yes, I absolutely detest what she's done and believe her hypocrisy needs to be called out...but I don't care about her. Not even a little bit! If she rehomed her animals and quit scamming today, I wouldn't waste a single minute thinking about her.

    7. Jenna also has horrid hygiene, and literally stinks. She’s even admitted it in her old blog.

  47. If she is terrified, I have news for her. A lot of other people are too. Even people with steady jobs are having a hard time making ends meet. If she wants to keep that house she is going to need to stop depending on others. Why does she think getting a job is admitting failure? Depending on the kindness of strangers sounds more like failure to me.

    1. Exactly. She’s much more of a failure for refusing to go and get a steady job. I’ve never seen someone who is so stubborn and stupid to her own detriment.

  48. She truly has a talent for making almost all issues about her. And then wanting money because she’s scared of something.

  49. I also wanted to add that if she was really a feminist, then Jenna would work to support herself. Instead of asking other adults to do it. She expresses liberal platitudes only when they’re convenient to her causes.


    It's always about her. Hop on the latest social media crisis, wring hands, be oh-so concerned, do nothing.

    She's the Susan Collins of homesteading.

  51. PDD. Exactly. Your Susan Collins sentence made me smile.

  52. “My day started at 4AM. I didn't know what to do so after chores I loaded up three roosters I didn't need and delivered them to my Amish neighbors who are helping me with some repairs. We talked, about harnesses and pigs. It was the only time today I wasn't ready to cry.”

    Right. Giving neighbors hens really helps with the abortion issue. And we already heard about her 4AM bull before today. It’s like she’s trying to get participation trophies for just waking up early, and showing concern for once.

  53. It reminds me of when she made a big deal about donating a whopping $10 to BLM. She expects kudos over nothing.

  54. I was living in Los Angeles during the Rodney King riots. And the first day after I helped a few strangers who had stores that were damaged to clean up. I’ve never mentioned this before, but it’s an example of doing the work without expecting praise. She didn’t even need the roosters, correction from my writing hens above, so it wasn’t any kind of real sacrifice and gift.

  55. Unfortunately, Jenna’s generation was too coddled in school. I think that’s one of the reasons she’s so self-entitled.

  56. Jenna is doing social media performative activism as a means of manipulative marketing for free funds.

    1. See ya at the protests, right Jenna? RIGHT?

    2. WiW. You’ll never see her at any protests. Unless they were local, and required little effort to participate in.

      Where did you find her lengthy writing on your latest Reddit post? The title is: This is exactly the problem. I can’t find it anywhere on her social media accounts. I have a reason for asking, and would appreciate an answer. Thanks.

    3. It was on her Instagram stories. She posts a lot of stories, I've noticed.

    4. Anonymous 4:36. Thanks for answering my question. I appreciate it. That’s what I thought. I don’t have an Instagram account, so can’t see her stupid stories.

    5. I guess that WiW didn’t want to take time, and have the common courtesy, to answer a quick question. (That was asked nicely twice.) Even though many others have responded to her comments for a few years here.

  57. So faux farmer is outraged that christian evangelicals ask her to respect their beliefs, but then she hangs with Amish neighbors, folks who follow an extreme religion that doesn't support LGBTQ rights and follows strict gender roles? I guess the fact that Amish don't run NY state government is their only saving grace because they cannot hurt pig shocker.

    And giving them three roosters for their cooking pot? Lol. What a cheapa$$ meaningless gesture. Here, people beg others to take extra roosters off their hands. Free. No charge. And they'll drop them off.

    1. PDD. That was well-put. She’s a huge hypocrite about beliefs. Except when it suits Jenna’s agenda. It’s like my comment above. The extra roosters weren’t even needed by her. So they weren’t any kind of real sacrifice and gift.

  58. She’s acting like locals are going to come to her hovel with pitchforks, and try to burn her at a stake for being a liberal lesbian. The abortion issue is just Jenna’s excuse for fear, and then trying to monetize her emotions.

    1. "I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOW"May 4, 2022 at 6:48 AM

      Lol, lol
      I can't even at her suggesting the community might come after her. She lives three miles from a hipster town, filled with suburban New Yorkers up for weekends or the summer. The village enjoys a 95% safety rating, trendy activities and has been listed many times as LGBTQ friendly.

      I suppose most townspeople have her in the "keep away" category. She's apparently cheated locals, is besties with a person who was derelict in managing $$$ donations and she's been reported multiple times for animal abuse. She drove around with animal offal dripping out of her junker truck, repeatedly had animals escape their lousy fencing and had so much manure on her property, the skidder that removed it got stuck! She's been Buddhist, Heathen, Celtic, vegan, carnivore and she praised her "gypsy" heritage.

      Townspeople wouldn't visit her if she offered them a slice of greasy deep dish pizza with a side of free roosters!


    2. PDD. You’ve nailed it again. She has a rotten reputation among locals for many reasons. Being a lesbian is the least of it. We know several queer couples in Cambridge, and they’re warmly welcomed by the community. Jenna has an arrogant attitude, and has screwed people over for years. That’s why she’s disliked.

  59. “I mean what more does a woman need?”

    “Body autonomy”

    Now, she’s responding to her own stupid pizza tweet a several days ago. What a warrior woman, and crusader for causes!!!

    1. So why wouldn’t such a champion of reproductive rights create a Cambridge protest? She could even call the local papers and media for exposure. Oh, that’s right. Jenna only tweets about issues. Instead of doing something about them to really make a difference.

    2. I think that the correct term is “bodily autonomy.”

  60. There's big rallies on May 14th to support abortion rights. There's one in Vermont. I don't know how near that is to Jenna. Bansoff.org is a good site to find them.
    Abortioncare.org will tell you where services near you are.

    Those justices kinda disgust me. Clarence Thomas with his harassment of Anita Hill in the 1990s, and his conflict of interest wife, and Gorsuch's mother was a crook who headed the EPA in the 80s and got outed and fired. I worked there then and everyone hated her.

  61. “You know how I know this is really bad? None of the people in my life who are fine with Roe being overturned will even talk to me.”

    Right. They probably won’t talk to you because you’re insufferable.

  62. “If one more straight white woman tells me to
    stop worrying about this and get back to my
    regular life….

    Girl, yesterday started at dawn. I took care of a
    farm, worked on 8 freelance projects, packed
    and delivered 3 orders of handmade goods, ran
    5 miles, turned over a garden with a hoe and
    watched 3 political debates, made two meals
    from scratch from animals I raised and bread I
    baked. I can multitask just fine.

    I'll be riding a horse at a full gallop with a bow
    slung over my shoulder in the apocalypse if I
    have to.

    You, stress about this more. Over 50% of white women voted for Trump.”

    1. Someone stupid responded to this steaming pile of crap:

      “Thank you, Jenna!!!

      I was glad to see the 5 mile run part ‘cause I believe that’s for YOUR mental and physical health. Which we so often neglect “while we’re struggling to multi task”

      You are a warrior”

    2. “Sure, Jen.” You’d turn to people like Pember Patty “in the apocalypse,” because you’re too inept to handle basic living. You’re an overly privileged “white woman” who is an animal abusing, begging and scamming pathological liar. Jenna Woginrich is the exact opposite of a “warrior.” Which is why I’ve often sarcastically called her that here. She lacks courage, and hides behind hyperbolic bullshit.

    3. Anon 5:37, you nailed it. Who can forget the many times faux farmer cowered in a corner, sat crying, whimpering or otherwise *terrified* over some slight set back that any normal rural resident would take in stride? She cannot use power tools, repair sub-standard fencing, keep her pipes from freezing, keep animals clean or even do basic vehicle repairs. When her truck slipped on ice on Patty's driveway FFS, she sat crying in her truck until PP came to rescue her.

      She's an embarrassment to rural residents, homesteaders and women. Anyone who thinks she's a warrior is an even bigger idiot.

    4. “Fuck you”

      She also wrote that above her angry tweet. Real mature behavior from a middle-aged moron who begs almost every day all year round.

      Actually, Jenna. It’s you who can fuck all the way off. Your loser’s lists of what you supposedly accomplish are pathetic. Your humble-bragging and virtue-signaling are stupid.

    5. Watch out Washington!!! Jenna is gonna ride her fat ass on an old horse into the Supreme Court. Maybe she’ll be big mad enough to condescendingly call them “darlings.”

    6. She might even wear her hipster kilts, and try to shoot the justices with her archery equipment. If she really wanted to torture them, then her screeching fiddle playing would do it.

  63. “Ways to know you're in a Death Cult:

    Your religious leaders taught you your choices in life determine your fate in the afterlife:

    Agree & receive eternal bliss.
    Disagree, be tortured forever.

    This belief is absolute.

    You'll forgo compassion & nuance to maintain it.”

    She’s in a cunt cult. “Lighten up, Francis.”

  64. “Just a heads up for anyone questioning life: If you have ADHD and Anxiety (and also like plants and animals) you would CRUSH IT as a diversified farmer/homesteader. All I do is run around with a hundred different small tasks getting little dopamine hits of accomplishment.”

    Just more of her manipulative marketing. (See how “anxious” I am!) And she’s never been officially diagnosed by a professional as having ADHD. She’s just read it as one theory here by WiW to maybe explain her mental illness. Jenna’s “little dopamine hits of accomplishment” aren’t enough for her to stop begging almost daily.

    1. Not everyone is stupid enough to “CRUSH” a career in their twenties, to then buy a faux farm that’s never been solvent. She’s really successful!

    2. She's never been self-aware, having liked this tweet from @elixaebth: "u call a white person out on their shit and suddenly they're gay grew up poor and have adhd"


    3. PDD. Jenna has zero self-awareness for someone who is almost 40. Her retweets are ridiculous displays of trying to attract bigger accounts, and also vacuous virtue-signaling.

  65. “Hey MAGA folks? What is the protocol if a pregnant woman breaks into your house at 2AM?”

    “Woke Wog” is even more obnoxious and arrogant than usual. Her asinine attempts to be funny are always epic failures. Just like her faux farm.

  66. Faux farmer thinks she's hit her stride, jumping onto feminist posts so she can snag a few more followers. Interesting how her sales, lesbian and fake farm posts result in few, if any, likes. Hoo boy, though - once she adds fearful, ADHD, anxious, etc, she collects a lot of Attagirls. I always said she appeals to people who are too messed up to get out of bed in the morning; by such incredibly low standards, pig shocker is Xena Warrior Woman.


    1. I’ve noticed that, too, about her fawning fans. Many of them sound dysfunctional, and just like Jenna. Her manipulative marketing has a predictable pattern once you see it. Funny how she’s whined about feeling anxious for years, yet refuses to get help for her issues.

  67. Her slight increase in new followers always drops once they quickly tire of her begging.

  68. Did I miss her saying the March mortgage was paid? Because if not, she'll supposedly be 3 payments behind again in 4 days.

    1. Will the next iteration of begging be gas money to get to the demonstration in Kingston on the 14th? And will she actually go?

    2. She’s taken a small break from begging, because Jenna has become a crusader for reproductive rights.

      And her multiple months past due mortgage payments are a crock of crap. Her late fees would be huge, and she’s never mentioned that issue.

    3. oh yes she said she made the mortgage payment for March (now can she have a one month late partispation trophy?) but of course April has not been paid or so she says. She is mad because they sent her a pre forclosure letter (probably was just a pay your damn bill letter but whatever) and she thought it was her right to be 3 months behind. How dare them.

  69. FFF is on her twitter account bragging about her Amish neighbor that she gave the 3 roosters to and just had to post that their dogs name is Tina. This is the same family that Jon Katz "smothered" and when he couldn't change them (and let him take tons of pictures of them) he dropped them like a hot potato. So I guess Jenna is going to pick up where Jon left off plus they do work on houses. Win win for FFF.


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