Hah! It’s because Shannon, her roomie with dubious benefits, dumped Jenna last year. And she was responsible for all of the hard work. The FFF has been too busy begging for a new pricy phone to plan a garden.
“Hoping for some luck with sales today, please share if you know anyone looking for one of a kind gifts, design work, or soap!”
Once again, her annoying mention of “luck” instead of working to support herself. Jenna is always asking others to “share” tweets about her stupid products. She’s insufferable.
Oh she made a point of saying about Shannon's garden planning that it wasn't something she (Jenna) would do.
I think her gardening strategy is to spend a lot of money on a variety of seeds, start them indoors in trays, then transplant them without hardening them off and allowing nature to take it's course.
Sporadic bucket watering. Photos of store bought pies in summer.
Funny how she acts as if Shannon was never part of her life for a few years. Once she was dumped, then her ex became invisible. As did all the hard work that SD did for her faux farm.
By the way, Jenna is straight up asking for an iphone "to buy or barter". I posted the screen shot in the reddit group. https://www.reddit.com/r/coldantlercritics/ along with the update that she "released" the kestrel.
I remember when she asked her followers for a computer. And not just any computer. It had to be a Mac and a specific version. Hasn’t she heard that beggars can’t be choosers?
Odd how her "I'm the happiest person ever" narrative paints a picture of constant stress, sleep deprivation, social isolation, dependence on the charity / whims of others for her very survival.
We know this isn't true, but I think she doesn't realize how pathetic the life she's touting as "happiest person I know" really is. People who take her at face value then dive a little deeper soon find out.
Do you think she is trying to convince HERSELF that she is happy? Because she seems truly miserable. All of her posts scream of desperation. She will insert a few positive posts here and there but most are of the "woe is me" variety.
I think you're right. She keeps repeating "better than a cubicle! Better than office work!" but *is it*?
And like many others have said, blue collar work could be right up her alley, she's just isolated herself and has been so defensive and uncoachable who would want to work with her or train her in a trade?
Trades take a thick skin too.
At the end of the day, I think she is the version of a teenager who just wants to be left alone in their room, and resent anyone asking / expecting anything from them.
I just had a stroke of insight. Notice how she constantly sounds the alarm every time she has an expense or bill to pay? It's almost as if it shouldn't be happening to her.
Well, in fiction, you never see the protagonist doing mundane things, like working 9-5 or writing checks for the mortgage or paying for car repairs. Maybe the FFF has gone so far down the rabbit hole with her "live like fiction" mentality, that she can't fathom these things happening to her.
I agree with what you wrote. Jenna Woginrich is mentally ill, and it manifests in many ways. I also think that she’s unbelievably self-entitled and narcissistic. She seems like a sociopath who has histrionic tendencies.
“In a person with histrionic personality disorder, self-esteem depends on the approval of others. People with this disorder have an overwhelming desire to be noticed, and often behave dramatically or inappropriately to get attention.”
But because she’s also manipulative, and isn’t willing to get therapy, she can’t hide behind her “undiagnosed anxiety and adult attention disorder” self-diagnosis.
Yep. I am on team neurodivergence myself, and have several diagnosed loved ones who are moderate - severe adhd.
Jenna has reminded me of those folks for years, as untreated ADHD can look *just like this*, including the difficulties keeping jobs and relationships.
The thing is, it's *eminently treatable*. Stimulant meds make a WORLD of difference.
The catch though is people who are untreated often fail to see how bad their situation is, and how much they affect other people. This is why someone like Jenna who has become fairly isolated, with no partner, no family, no tight circle of friends to support her and encourage her in actually getting a diagnosis. It's not always easy to access, and once accessed, you have to obtain the medication which is a controlled substance.
Paying for the meds would be another feat in cutting through paperwork. People with diagnosed mental illness have medication costs covered, usually, but accessing that coverage can be a bureaucratic maze that is not accessible to someone that literally has something wrong with their brain.
A lot of the time, people with severe ADHD who have found a dysfunctional groove like Jenna just live out their limited lives feeling misunderstood and alienated.
The fake farmer has used that old photo of dog and unfortunate lamb in her living room many times. She obviously thinks it makes her look all scrappy and rural. Her idiot followers don't pay attention to timeline inconsistencies and repeats like this. Poor lamb was probably one she ripped away from its flock, because *social media* - it means so much.
PDD. You’re right that it’s recycled content again. I also thought that the photo was one of her time trick pics. It makes the FFF look slovenly and unhygienic for having livestock in her home.
Fantasy fiction characters don’t get fillings and pay mortgages. She can’t fathom why this is happening to her. She’s really losing touch with reality.
There is a price you pay for any way of life. I have a corporate job, so the price I pay is that I do work that isn't necessarily fulfilling. The payoff is I never have to worry about paying bills and can afford vacations, hobbies, a house, a car, pets, eating out, and other splurges. Oh yeah, I also have a retirement 401k where my company contributes 6% of my salary on top of what I contribute. All of these benefits seem like a great tradeoff to me. Yeah, Jenna can live like fiction, but at what cost? She is alone with a slim chance of having another partner. She struggles to pay every expense she has. There is no way she has a retirement plan. She can crow all she wants that she is happy, but it is the most narrow definition of happy I have ever heard.
I had the same as you, and was able to take early retirement. Now I have passive income and my days are free to do what I want. Yes, I paid the price when I was young, but it was a good price to pay. It was a gift to my older self.
Whoever described her as a sullen teen is correct. I think she's so afraid of failure that she refuses to work in the real world. At this point, technology and design practices may have passed her by, so she pretends she doesn't want "that" life & denigrates anyone who chooses it. Right...
Instead, she lies dormant at home. She hasn't grown as an artist, author or *cough* farmer. Almost every improvement or project she talked about was fabricated or unsuccessful.
Who remembers? Woolshares Vlogs / seminars Specialty pigs Milking goats Hunting for venison Using raptors to provide food Large gardens Farm sustainability Solar power Improved business practices Off-site workbook Book publication
And I haven't touched on the hubris of presenting herself as a rural "expert" in dog training, herding, fiddling, ukulele, horse care, riding, animal husbandry, archery, long distance running or martial arts. (Have I missed anything?)
Other than low-skill soap making using Amazon molds, cartoon animal drawings, raising soon-to-die chickens and making clip-art logos, nothing takes place.
Reality is her largest success is to "live like fiction" and beg.
PDD. I’m claiming credit for calling her a “sullen” teen today. Her obnoxious bragging about being happy reminds me of something a 13 year-old would say on TikTok. Your comment also is spot-on.
I remember her talking about expanding the pastures, reclaiming / reworking a part of it with the pigs and goats grazing down the less desirable plants and actually improving the quality of the soil over time. I follow other farmers that actually do this (though it's not a thing that results in income for them, they just want to be good stewards of the land.)
I remember her needing a new roof - did that happen with the birchthorn money?
Oh yeah, and she was going to breed and sell spring lamb on top of the wool shares.
She can't do that on her own. She bounces around in her interests and has settled into a deep rut. She had a chance to change all that with Shannon, there was the possibility of real change for a moment there... but Jenna didn't, or couldn't, change her ways.
So she just tries to reframe her toxic behaviour as something to admire, as someone misunderstood, and to get people to stop asking her questions and leave her alone because she's "happy".
Sure doesn't look like happiness when she's begging for money to pay for heat, shelter and animal feed. When she's forgoing sleep to feed wood stoves to prevent the pipes from freezing (just turn the water off at the street and bleed the lines!?)
She needs to get that Iphone looked at because old batteries that don't hold a charge can swell and get hot and start a fire. My Samsung Android smart phone was ruined that way. No replacement battery would have fixed it. I think I left lots of apps running in the background, and the battery didn't like that.
Playing the queer card as a means of manipulative marketing. No normal adult whines every month about making their mortgage payments on time. Jenna is disingenuous and insufferable.
“And if you just want to kick in towards the blog: @jennawog on venmo!”
Here’s her big beg buried again at the end of a desperate tweet. It’s more like: “And if you just want to support a lazy loser like me, then please pay my mortgage, and buy me more Taylor Swift sweatshirts!”
If she thinks getting a filling replaced is bad, this is just the beginning. After 40, everything starts to go south. You can hold aging at bay with good nutrition and exercise, but you can't stop it. And it comes faster than you think. Most people of a certain age, myself included, wonder how we got here so fast.
You can't stop aging but you can build safety nets in the form of Social Security, pensions, 401ks and Medicare. My parents always told me to work hard when I was young and able so I wouldn't have to when I was old.
She thinks working when you are young is a waste of your best years. It's actually the best time to build your foundation. It doesn't mean you can't get outdoors and enjoy doing what you love. Plenty of people do both. From what I can tell, she is stuck in front of her computer or television most days anyway.
Aging will be awful for the feral farmer. It looks like even her dumb enablers are getting sick of her constant begging, judging by their lack of responses on Twitter.
Anon, you said it. "From what I can tell, she is stuck in front of her computer or television most days anyway." Except her desk isn't ergonomic and her lighting is dim, lol.
Like most rural people I did far more than pig shocker ever did, even with a full-time professional career. My animals were better cared for, my property improved, I had rewarding work, solid hobbies and the good fortune to travel wherever I wanted.
I'm not unique; many people had side gigs that often turned into home-based businesses: horticulture, farming, coaching, woodwork, art glass, you name it.
What we didn't have were endless days glued to social media and streaming services... so much wasted time.
We didn't spend our younger lives being financially precarious, because we took outside jobs as necessary. Yep, we even worked inside an office if that's what it took.
As a result, did we miss the freedom to waddle off to a "farmer's movie matinee" or take a mid-day nap? I suppose, but so did every other productive rural person. We worked hard during the day and still had time to enjoy life after work hours.
Sadly, pig shocker hasn't created the full and productive rural life that she pretends. She would greatly benefit from a career or life couch, so she can dig herself out of the hole she's in. At 40, it's not too late.
The constant anxiety is indicative of how much time she spends in front of a screen, despite claims to the contrary.
I'm still thinking about that poor kestrel. She never posted weight updates. She never posted training updates. I wonder if it escaped with jesses too, it was an adult with territory, there was no need to capture her. The only argument to do so for passager (yearling) birds is their mortality is so high their first winter and it's significantly improved through proper husbandry of a qualified, contentious falconer.
Despite claiming to be broke, she drove to another state to go "for a "quick ( ) hike to a shelter for lunch on the AT/LT in VT!" You read that correctly; she drove 25 miles one-way, to walk two miles then stuff her face 😜 .
She also photographed pages of other people's trail log comments and posted them on IG, which feels pretty creepy to me. Funny enough, they were all better writers than her.
Of course, her dog was unleashed (despite AT asking that they be leashed) and she stomped over slippery trails even though LT requests people stay off trails until Memorial Day because of seasonal damage.
So why drive so far to have lunch? Maybe she looks for the shortest AT section, so she can sit inside/near shelter, pretend she's a hiker and beg passers-by for a trail name.
Heaven forbid she otherwise use her time to meet customer orders or become a better livestock owner.
Venmo her, cause pig shocker possibly needs new gaters, hiking boots, and trail cleats.
PDD. I recall that she once said “The gas was already in Shannon’s car!” I imagine she’d also use a similar lame line to justify her stupid trip. Jenna is a wannabe long distance hiker. Like she’d ever leave her hovel for six months or more.
Possible Trail Names:
Pig Shocker Faux Feral Farmer Lazy “Lie-Style” Loser Jenna WoeAndBitch Cambridge Queen of Con
People on the trail look at what's in front of them, and she's the whole posing package: no doubt brags about how much she knows, bought all the $$$ equipment despite obviously not being in hiking shape, packs heavy, HAS to eat a full lunch after an easy stroll to the shelter and sews hiking patches on her dog's coat FFS.
“I just learned Dolly Parton offers free college to everyone who works, part time or full time, at Dollywood. Fuck the Rock and Roll HoF give her a presidential civilian medal.”
She also said something similar about Batman recently. Jenna’s focus on “free” anything shows the refusal to support herself without help. Basically, she wants others to pay while she plays.
“Hoping to sell for $130 to go towards the Feb mortgage, almost there and hoping to make it soon! Can ship anywhere in the US for $16. Send a DM!”
Poor, desperate little Jenna. Her crappy coyote scribble isn’t even worth $30 let alone $130. And “almost there” is her typical manipulative marketing maneuver for free funds. She always mentions her mortgage payment as an attempt to legitimize constant begging.
Here’s an example of a “happy” person. (Said sarcastically.) One who brags about how “magical” their life is. When in reality, it’s obvious how miserable they are by their begging for help with paying normal adult bills.
“My right shoulder blade feels like it’s being held together with purple glue stick and rocks.”
She often mentions physical issues when her mortgage payments are (over) due. Trying to elicit sympathy and then funds from followers is one of her money mooching techniques.
Anonymous 11:01. That’s exactly her manipulative M.O., and she’s been doing it for decades. She’d rather shamelessly beg than just get a job to support herself.
“girls and women don't suffer from a lack of confidence, they suffer from an excess of experience in how the world reacts to confident girls and women”
It’s ironic and hilarious that Jenna retweeted this drivel. There’s nothing “confident” about JW. And the author’s lack of capitalization and other proper punctuation is a lot like JW’s stupid style.
When all else fails to get any attention, then post the same pathetic pic of your falling apart, ugly old barn. It’s the opposite of quaint and charming just like Jenna.
“Good morning from a bright and eager Cold Antler Farm! I am hoping to pay the February mortgage today, and start earning towards March sooner so I am no longer playing catch up. If I earn enough I can register and insure the farm truck too! Please read and share!”
Jenna’s stupid subtext is always wanting others to pay for her bills. Otherwise, why give the unnecessary details.
She’s also been “playing catch up” for years with her mortgage payments, yet has never mentioned the huge late fees which would’ve been incurred. She’s a pathological liar and criminal.
“Please share if you can. I really, really, want to take care of this and if I can offer some skill someone needs, it means I can stop worrying.”
Boo fucking hoo. Poor, desperate little Jenna is worried because no one wants to support her lazy, fat ass. We “really, really” want you to STFU, twat.
“And lastly, I've published 6 books and kept a farm journal online for over 15 years. It's all free to read and learn from my many, many mistakes and cringe as well as joys and successes over at http://coldantlerfarmny.com and if you want to contribute: venmo is@jennawog”
Once again, her big beg is buried at the end of stupid, multiple tweets.
“Getting high speed internet for the first time ever, it's being installed right now. Moving away from copper means I am losing the land line connected to my 1970s wall-mounted rotary phone I've had for over a decade. There's no dial tone when I pick up the receiver now (crying face)”
Jenna always justifies her stupid spending by making excuses for purchases.
“Losing the landline (I now use a cell phone) means my monthly phone/internet bill remains basically the same (though now a portable phone and way better internet) but part of me is really bummed about it and I can't explain why. I liked it slow.”
Again, justifying the personal purchase that no one needed to hear about to begin with.
From two years ago: an example of how needy fake feral farmer is - after over ten years of rural living! The kicker is she expects to sell a memoir because she's become such a "strong woman" after living in the country. 😂
"...I was stuck Saturday in my friend Patty’s driveway in my 1989 f150, tires spinning from ice and then she stalled out. Since I was on a hill and sliding backwards and the brakes did nothing I panicked and stomped on the emergency brake... I started feeling the uncontrollable shaking and tears and weight in my chest from a panic attack. They come on like an assault over every security. By the time Patty walked out to my honks she saw a shaking, crying, woman in her stuck truck unable to even make it up her driveway. She talked me down... She talked my foot off the brake and assured me it was safe to come out and no one would be hurt if I left the truck alone. She walked me up to her farmhouse, holding my shoulder, helping me not slip on ice..."
Yet again someone bailed her out, this time a woman decades older. Honestly, her ineptitude and expectation that others will fix every problem knows no end.
PDD. Exactly. And if she were really worried about keeping her faux farm, then Jenna would just get a job. It’s all about her refusal to support herself, and the outrageous expectations that enablers will continue giving her free funds.
What angers me almost more than the animal abusing, is her whining about making mortgage payments each month. There are thousands of people who don’t have homes, and this overly privileged, college-educated twat can’t come up with a modest amount of money to pay for her own bills. What’s worse is that we strongly suspect she’s not short on funds, but wants to whine about being held accountable for adult responsibilities. She has two horses, a truck/car, and lives in an affluent area. What a bunch of bull.
Uh, does idiot not know that she can just buy her own router to avoid the monthly rental fee? That would be a savings of $180 per year, which in Jenna speak equals 3 Taylor Swift sweatshirts.
Further to "venmo means so much" let's contrast and compare, shall we?
Lee, who I understand took on a number of Jenna's animals when she was unable to provide them adequate care, is fundraising for improved security on his farm. A farm he also lives on and runs mostly alone, but has scaled to the point where he has some staff... in half the time Jenna's had her property by the way.
Lee has received death threats and threats of sexual violence because of anti-trans hatred and bigotry. Actual real threats, not imagined looks, not scary red vans or drive bys. Anon threats with enough information to make the threat plausible.
The problem is that cops do nothing with threats. They'll wait for the crime to happen, thank you very much.
It's also very easy for a person wanting to threaten or intimidate a minority to attack their animals. Lee is rightly concerned for his animals, there is precident.
Lee has never, to my knowledge, fundraised for monthly bills. He is fundraising now to try and take some mitigating measures to protect his animals, his staff, and himself.
Jenna shared his gofundme on... her instagram stories. Nowhere permanent. The place where it's least likely to be seen.
Because if you have cash to spare... she wants it!
Lee is the real deal and a well-respected farmer in the New York area. He takes exquisite care of his animals, has implemented innovative methods on his dairy farm, is a really hard (and smart) worker and he routinely gives back to the community. When he says he'll do something, it's a done deal.
He goes to NYC nearly every weekend to sell and promote his product. As a visible trans farmer, he's had increased threats made to his safety and that of his staff & animals. He therefore created a GoFundMe to help with the unexpected large expense of a farm security system.
Folks who want to support NY area farmers couldn't find a more deserving candidate.
Thanks for posting this, WIW. Guess who's not on the donation list to support Lee? That's right, the FFF who has always been concerned for her own safety in that area. She's a disgusting narcissist unable to be empathetic to anyone else but herself.
It also shows how hypocritical Jenna is about giving to her local queer community. She’s all tweets and no action when it comes to supporting someone other than herself.
Her IG story on Lee's fundraiser is shaded to suit her. She wrote: "Got a buck, help my friend Lee feel safer in his own home."
Beside having a rotten sentence structure, her message poorly describes his fundraiser for farm security against credible threats. However, by saying Lee feels unsafe in his HOME, it opens the door for her to claim the same since strangers drive past her house. Look for her to try and raise $$$ for security because she's imitative and shameless.
Years ago someone tried to talk me into investing in her multi level marketing “business”. I hardly knew this person and wasn’t the least bit interested. Finally she said, “I really, really want to quit my job!” I wanted to shout back, “well so do I”.
Jenna’s comment about really, really wanting to sell something so she could pay her mortgage triggered that memory. If she really, really wants to pay her mortgage and stop worrying, then she should get a freakin’ job like every one else!
Jenna considers herself above getting a common job, like working at a local store. Yet she brags about being a farmer doing dirty labor. She’s full of crazy contractions.
“Good morning from Cold Antler Farm. It's raining. I'm heading to Bennington College this afternoon to get a used iPhone 8 from a woman I met on Lex in a barter for farm-raised pork.
Gayest sentence I ever wrote.”
Actually, it’s one of the stupidest sentences you’ve ever written. I pity the poor sucker who bartered for her crap pork.
Yeah, Jenna has a nicer iphone than I do now! She whines and complains because it works.
This mention of "a woman I met on Lex". Is she begging for shit on Lex now?
Or is she reeling in someone new?
I think Jenna got the better end of that trade, so I wonder if it happened because they're sussing out a potential new relationship?
I know Jenna would look like an amazing prospect to many queer women in a dating profile. Owns a farm? Has horses? Works from home? Cute lamb photo? Hell yes, I want at least 1 date.
I also predict that as time goes on, Jenna's ability to match within driving distance will decrease, and she'll end up having someone fly out to stay with her.
WiW. Jenna only looks good on paper as they say about prospective partners. If someone is smart then they’ll do their due diligence on her background. Frankly, I’d flee after reading about her rotten reputation, and then seeing this site. Your Reddit sub is also a warning to people who have no knowledge about the FFF.
“In a few weeks... There will be grass, and chicks, and a little warmer weather. I am $300 bucks away from paying the Feb mortgage by Friday and going to try like hell to sell you guys some art and soap to make it there!”
Such a self-sufficient, scrappy scammer. Wanting someone stupid to hand her $300.
Anonymous 1:07. This is the point of her mentioning a specific amount of money. Which is why we call it manipulative marketing. She’s little more than an online beggar who has no pride and dignity.
WiW. I agree that she’s not behind on mortgage payments. And I’ve said similar things about how she’ll brag about needing meager amounts of money. It’s pathetic that she acts as if it’s an admirable accomplishment. Rather than being an admission that she’s a failure at supporting herself by begging.
Funny how her tweet has been quickly deleted, just like the other one that we called her out on above. Clearly, she saw the comments.
Hi, Jenna! It’s obvious that you’re a regular reader here. I think that you refresh the site multiple times a day. Why won’t you get a job, and stop your obnoxious begging? You also desperately need therapy and maybe meds.
When do you think that barn is finally going to collapse? She hasn't so much as painted it since she bought the place. Do you think it'll last another 10 years?
It'll ultimately depend on how well the thing was built, and how long it takes for the supports to rot away.
There are a number of trees really close to it as well. One of them could take it out.
Her hovel’s infrastructure was supposed to be repaired from a Kiva loan. Of course, just like her bombed Birchthorn book’s funds, it was spent on non-essentials.
The roof on the west side is sagging and has looked to be on the verge of collapse for years. Just pray there are no poor animals inside when it does go.
She said the bid was up to $50, but it was probably just a reason to post it again, I doubt anyone bid on it. The coyote carrying a lantern was cute, had a nice symbolism, I think she just stumbled on to it. Sometimes that's how it is with art, you try a bunch of things and people pick up on one of it. Remember the pride rooster last year? Of course that was successful. She could have sold it several times over. Same with the coyote painting. She *should* have some system of syndicating her work if she's actually trying to make money as an artist. That's how you build up an income as a visual artist - you make prints or license designs or have the image put on to household objects. You can have this done at a local printer, which is more ethical, or you can have shit drop-shipped from china.
But whatever, she's not interested in actually solving the "problems" she complains about. She made the smoking coyote painting because she felt like it, she wanted to, and then she wants to sell it to get some validation as an artist. It was a big boost to her ego to have people bid on her art, and that's not a bad thing in general terms. But claiming she needs to sell it to pay her mortgage is bs. She'd be happy to sell it for the cost of supplies and shipping.
“If I am lucky, I will be able to pay the Feb mortgage today. I have a small payment from my part time SEO gig coming in (hopefully) and that should make it happen.
Thank you to everyone who has supported this farm. When this is taken care of I can sit and write without panic.”
What a lying loser. “Sure, Jen.” Your fake “panic” is manipulative marketing by begging, because you won’t work to support yourself. It has nothing to do with “luck.”
Yep, I don't think you two are imagining things. Pretty darn sure I also saw mention of her no longer working with that company. More lies from her as usual.
I’ve noticed that she’s never drastically increased her followers even after being on Twitter for years. If anything, she steadily loses them. Now that she’s almost 40, I think that there will be a decline in donations.
I’m also sure that Shannon got sick of the constant begging, lying and whining. Which was why she ended the relationship. Jenna lied about her reasons for moving back to Boston. It had nothing to do with winter weather, and worries about the faux farm. SD came to the conclusion that most of us here have arrived at. JW is a lazy loser who only cares about herself.
I think it was Jenna failing / refusing to get a job. I have no doubt Shannon was paying more than her half for the year she was there, and believed for a while things would get better. Jenna kept agreeing she would get a job, and she never did. She wants to be a "farmer" and brands herself as a salt-of-the-earth type, but she balks at actual blue collar work which she could easily obtain, particularly during the pandemic when grocery stores were desperate for people. She could be stocking shelves right now, she could be collecting a modest paycheck and that's all she'd need to pay her bills, given she got into the housing market 10 years ago so her overhead is locked in.
Hell, it would be smart to work for a grocer right now, during times of inflation. You'd get all the sales and all the clearance stuff just before it expires.
I think Shannon left because Jenna refused to do the basic common sense thing of just solving her perpetual stressful panic problem by getting a job, saving money, going on trips once in a while.
Either that or Shannon became aware that Jenna HAS a stipend, and has never been behind on bills, and so is a compulsive liar. Why would you want to stay with someone who lies to strangers on the internet for cash?
If she can’t make a sale, now is a good time to get caught up on previous orders. I’ll bet it burns people waiting for their product to see her spending so much time begging for more sales.
Peddling her arts n crafts is its own cycle of crying. She posts panicked anxious tweets about being injured, needing dental work, needing to repair plumbing, needing to pay the mortgage, and then when she announces the payment has been made, the parade of whimsy irritates those who bought from her during the previous panic cycle. They send emails. Jenna vague posts about mean clients on twitter who just need to be patient.
I just watched a news segment on women in construction. Those women rock! That field would give her the badass, independent woman cred she so craves. Whining and begging is not badass.
A few days ago, a little white whine from the happiest person she knows:
"It’s been hard. Going into spring alone after being used to going into the season with a plan, a partner, shared goals and dreams. If I am honest I’ve slumped into a survival/maintaining mode...I feel so creatively drained. I feel very sad most days...
This March has been an exercise in extreme frugality. Most days I don’t leave the farm at all, as to not have to burn any gasoline. (Sales) have been really slow and so if it’s not in the cupboard, not walkable from the house, or not a 100% necessary appointment or bill - I’ve not been going or paying...keeping this place safe from foreclosure is all I have been thinking about."
Always nice to read she'll do anything to pay her mortgage except *get a job*.
What a pathological liar. They weren’t even a couple for that long. Jenna just drove to a trail recently that was far from her faux farm. So she “burned gasoline.” Yet now she’s bitching about “frugality.” I’m sure that the stupid “cycle of crying” will wind up with her buying more Taylor Swift sweatshirts soon. It’s just more of her manipulative marketing for free funds.
She’s crying wolf. So much for being the happiest person she knows. Pity donations are down so now she has to ramp it up. She has a thousand excuses for not getting a job and now her excuse is that she can’t because it means buying gas. She acts like she’s the only person with financial hardship. Do what everyone else does, Jenna. Get a freakin’ job!
“Will entertain any reasonable offer for this 8x10 original piece! shipping is $16 - so please also prepare for that with any offer. Can I suggest $50? ($66 total) or any bid above that would be accepted by end of the day!
Money from this goes towards the March mortgage!”
No one cares about your monthly mortgage bullshit, bitch. Go fuck yourself, Jenna.
As gas prices rise, so does everything else from food to goods. People have less disposable income and are certainly not going to spend it on expensive soap or art.
Of course, she will make this inflation all about her. Sales are slow, gas is expensive, blah, blah, blah…
Will she finally admit she is totally dependent on others and not self sufficient at all?
Jenna has a catch 22 on her hands. Her cycle of crying about the mortgage payment and other normal bills really detract from the whimsical live like fiction cool grrl character she so carefully cultivates in her other posts.
Yoga practice (thanks Shannon). Archery. Horseback riding. Running. Hiking.
All these things say *I'm interesting* - but then the illusion is shattered with "need to make my mortgage payment ASAP. Square bales of hay is scarce. Gotta pay for firewood."
Here's a warehouse job for $25 / hour. https://www.indeed.com/viewjob?jk=3a2d32caf935c8cc&tk=1fvcg7it52v64002&from=serp&vjs=3
They'd be willing to train her to operate a forklift, and she'd make more than that.
Dollar General she could walk in and work tomorrow: https://www.indeed.com/viewjob?jk=8fa90f03172d15dd&tk=1fvcg7it52v64002&from=serp&vjs=3
My wife works at a dollar store. She has a visual arts degree. She took the job out of desperation after getting laid off during covid, and she's been there two years now. Turns out, some dollar stores have pension plans, paid vacation days, and actual corporate ladders to climb with really great salaries to pursue, so my wife is actually on management track now. It's one of the best retail jobs out there, and for my wife who is profoundly neurodivergent (doesn't make eye contact) it's a much better fit than we ever expected, and is far better than the government and hospital jobs she's had before.
Hell, WALGREENS is hiring: https://www.indeed.com/viewjob?jk=3d7fcb7a03185203&tk=1fvcg7it52v64002&from=serp&vjs=3
part time. This would cover the mortgage, performative poverty SOLVED.
The longer this goes on, the worse it looks on Jenna. There is no reason at all for her mortgage to be "behind" when there are so many job postings.
Of course the mortgage isn't really behind, ever. She's just lying. People who are really in danger of foreclosure at least *apply* for work. She's stopped even pretending to look for work.
I was just perusing jobs in Cambridge on Indeed. There's a FT custodial job for $15-$19 an hour at the Chrysler dealer in Greenwich, housekeeper for up to $15 at The Mansion, janitor in Saratoga for $17-$21, parts deliver for O'Reilly, and mail carrier also in Greenwich for $19.
She has NO EXCUSE for begging on the internet when these jobs are available. There's a labor crisis which is reflected in these salaries for lower level jobs that she could easily apply for and get. Her old model of the scrappy farmer barely getting by is getting more and more unbelievable to anyone who follows her. I bet most of them are shaking their heads and thinking, "Get a job," just like we are.
Why would she work when dumb enablers continue to fund her fat ass? And anything that Jenna offers for sale can be bought elsewhere for less, and the quality will be better.
“Good morning from a sunny, and cold, Cold Antler Farm! Farrier heading this way soon. Hoping it thaws out enough to clean out more of the garden later.”
Her horses are hay-burners, and pet props for posing. But Jenna doesn’t mind their expenses since she’ll just continue begging online.
In 2014, she was peppered with criticism of having an expensive hobby animal, namely a horse. Hoo boy, did she go into overdrive justifying her decision to buy Merlin. In part she wrote:
" I know horses will always have that "richy rich" stereotype, especially in areas where the only horses are in dressage stables in the suburbs. But... Merlin is my other car. I use him all the time to move across the landscape, to buy groceries, visit neighbors, deliver goods and just explore."
Hahahahahahaha, oh, she's serious???
The only place she takes Merlin is up and down the logging trail in someone's back yard (aka her mountain, cough). She doesn't work him in winter and except for a couple times ( for show ) he isn't any sort of farm help. He doesn't plow, haul or drive. He's an indulgence.
And, of course, she doesn't only have Merlin, she has Mabel, another indulgence that is even less useful to the farm.
More FFF faux justification, sloppy thinking, fuzzy math and probable lies on the economics of owning hay burners:
"So why do we still think horses are hay burning, expensive, toys for the affluent?
Here in Washington County...Most of us have a horse or two held in stead by some inexpensive electric fences, simple shelters, an annual vet check. To give you an idea what Merlin costs me. His annual vet appointment was around $180 for 4 shots and a Coggin's Test. That price included the vet coming to visit the farm. Oh, and his hooves need to be trimmed every ten weeks (a $40 fee). He eats 2/3 a bale of hay a day, a cost around $2-$3 a day around these parts...Horses aren't expensive, not if they are something you want."
Well, I call 💩 💩 💩 !
Horses ARE expensive, especially if properly cared for. They need annual dental care, vet care, a safe and proper shelter, supplemental senior feed in addition to quality hay and hoof care.
Two outside horses probably eat more than 1.5 bales of hay per day, at a cost ranging between $6-$10 per bale ($3200-$5400/year); she claims each only eats 2/3 bale per day but that number seems low to me. Hoof care, if every 10 weeks, is $400/year (another unimaginably low number). I'm also shocked she only pays $180/horse to the vet for annual shots and Coggins; call me dubious of this cost. She neglected to include costs for water heater (500-1000 watts running 24/7 for half the year), blankets, treats, tack, cleaning, etc.
I estimate her hay burners cost her about $6,000/year or $500/month.
And this doesn't take into account what she should be spending. As I said, it's an expensive hobby unless your m.o. is to treat your horses like 💩.
She has a senior horse that gets absolutely no grain throughout the whole New York winter?? No supplements or minerals? Does the "simple shelter" even have three solid sides where the horses can escape the wind and the wet? And 10 weeks is a long time between trims, especially if they're standing in soft muck all day long. If her horses are costing her as little as she claims, and if she's as clueless about why that is so wrong as to brag about it.... I have no words. Pathetic
Pig Shocker is a master of obfuscation. When confronted about costs of owning a horse, she painted an "either/or" comparison: silly elitist horse owners spend money on foolish eccentricities while practical homesteaders (like her) only spend on necessities.
According to she-who-shouldn't-own-a-horse, what are these foolish equine costs?
Costs to people who " remove stumps and trees from ten-acre fields, put up painted white fences, build barns with tack rooms and saddle stands, wrap their horse's legs in special tape, buy treats, hire groomers, enter shows, pay entry fees, buy luxury trailers and so on. "
Yeah, more virtue signing and misrepresentation from the Cambridge Con. Don't notice that she begs for Patty's horse trailer whenever she needs it, took riding lessons at a fancy dressage barn, entered a horse show, fed treats, bought new tack (including expensive saddle), etc.
What she doesn't do, however, is provide good, decent care for her horses. Merlin routinely escapes from his field and steals food (because he's hungry and her fencing is substandard). The horses live in a lousy lean-to. She never mentions bedding (which isn't cheap) so they lie/stand on mud. They're older and likely arthritic. Medicines to treat aren't cheap. If she doesn't treat, shame on her. When she bought Mabel, the horse had arthritis and was on medication which she soon quit.
She does the bare minimum, and I feel sorry for her horses. Other than pony rides, they are mostly forgotten lawn ornaments - with a lawn that is dirty, poorly fenced and filled with parasites.
Yep. At a minimum horses cost $500 / month each, where I live. If they only cost $200 or so a month I'd have a horse, I promise you! But yeah, vet care, grain / supplements / proper feed plus hay, just the very basic maintenance stuff is baseline expensive.
Anything on top of that should be expected too - minor injuries, fly repellant, grooming kit, sunscreen for pink noses. Then there is the training which usually involves a trainer, if there are behaviours that pop up that are outside your wheelhouse.
Yeah, Jenna does the very bare minimum to keep her horses alive. They are confined to the same small pasture for the majority of their lives, going out on rides once or twice a week in the summer months. There are certainly worse fates to befall horses, but just that she could be doing so much more and doesn't is sad for them.
If I had a business I would be very cautious using someone like FFF to design my logo. From what I've seen, she bases her designs on free clipart from sites that almost always caution their work isn't authorized for commercial use.
Now imagine you're using a logo based on unauthorized artwork. You create stationery, signs, brochures, product packaging, tee shirts and a website, etc. Your business grows, and you're contacted by the original artist who demands you cease using their unauthorized clipart and/or pay a penalty.
No thank you. Business image is critical and I would never base mine on questionable source material. I selected a reputable and insured graphic artist to design my business logo. So should you.
Man, so much catching up to do. From the last thread: Hound Doggy, thanks for the update, and hope you are even better now. Can't believe a screw came loose! As for soft tissue injuries, also ask about the possibility of adhesions which are caused by scar tissue that develops after surgery like you had. These adhesions keep soft tissue from being able to slide past one another and also cause friction and pain.
From this thread: So did she manage to make February mortgage? And does she know tomorrow is April 1st, lol? BTW, isn't April the month she hates the most?
Ongoing Shannon split speculation: Great theories and probably a mix of all of them, but does anyone think she may have started to read this site more and more? We know she came here early on and even posted once in defense of Pig Shocker. But after the bloom was off the rose maybe came back to confirm some suspicions she may have had? And all that we wrote planted a seed in her head? All I know for sure is that if Shannon wrote a book about her experience, the doomed relationship, I'd totally read that.
BTW, thanks to those here who are quoting her here, as I can no longer see what she is doing online. First it was Instagram which demanded I make an account to read posts (no thanks Facebook) and now Twitter only lets me see a few tweets if I have an account and then the screen freezes. Is anyone else experiencing this crap?
The reddit "coldantlercritics" subreddit is awesome as some of you have been posting pics and quotes there too. Otherwise, I just can't see what she's up to anymore with Insta/Twitter/her bleg all cock blocking me.
I think she probably did when she was contemplating whether to stay with Jenna. I certainly hope she did, and specifically wrote a couple of paragraphs for her asking her to recognize what jenna *did* as her truth rather than what jenna might say she was going to do.
I think if Shannon needed or wanted confirmation that what she was seeing on social media vs in real life was incongruous.
But it'll always be speculation. If I were in Shannon's shoes, and I was in a similar situation in my early 20s, I'd just cut ties and never look back, so I don't think Shannon has read here since the breakup.
Without Shannon's presence in Jenna's house, Jenna's content has reverted to repetitive begging punctuated by the occasional "charmed life" post.
Such awful news about Lee's Moxie Ridge Farm needing security. It's not clear, but did something happen at that farm? Was there a particular scary incident? Or just general security needed due to the current trans-hate climate?
His GoFundMe is now up to $10K, and while I did not see a donation from the Pig Shocker, I did see that a Shannon Doyle donated $20 about 8 days ago. How interesting...
“And if you just want to kick in towards the blog: @jennawog on venmo!”
Lol, haven't we referred to her as JWog on here? And called her mother Ma Wog?
And does she not know that Venmo is owned by Paypal and she's gonna surpass the un-taxable earnings amount even faster? Have fun navigating yer 2023 taxes, Jenna.
don't think the FFF is doing much with twitter lately. If anything shows up it is a few days later and she goes days without posting on there anymore. This surely must cut into her begging unless it hasn't proven to profitable as of late.
Oh and she is sad again which is strange since she is the happiest person she knows (sure wouldn't want to meet the other people she knows if she is the happiest).
Thanks guys. I was busier than usual with business stuff. But also, there was a major death in the family. Our most senior matriarch passed away, sadly. She was the glue who made sure every birthday and holiday were celebrated. She also had a massive estate that we are all still going thru. And all of us siblings and cousins just came to the sobering realization that we are now becoming the older generation of the family.
“Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! The work towards paying for March begins now, and if I am lucky, April too! This farm need support to make that happen, so offering the next logo or canvas painting I sell $50 off! DM to order or visit…”
Typical of the twat to be behind by a month on her mortgage payment. And almost bragging about it like it’s an admirable accomplishment. Instead of an admission of adult failure. Her “lucky” is having free funds from followers.
“I have fallen for at least 10 pranks today, and each one took me several minutes to remember what day it was...”
Guys, guess what? Jenna is caught up on her faux farm’s mortgage payments. She’s even going to get a job, and stop her begging. And Shannon might move in again.
Ugh. The photo is far from flattering. Jenna has gotten jowly already, and she’s not even 40. Some of it might be from having a fat face. Her over-plucked bare brows are also awful.
I’m part of the queer community. And I’ve always seen her as a closet butch. There’s nothing femme about either her appearance or attitude. She should get a crewcut. It’d be a better look for her thin hair.
I try not to get into physical appearance, but her look, brand, image etc are so contrived, it's hard to have any positive feelings about the whole sorry situation. Between her impulsive clothes shopping, eyebrow plucking, hair enhancement (or cover-up) photoshop and fake expressions, there's not much that is real. She definitely puts the faux in FFF.
The only thing I'm grateful for is she's no longer wearing that awful gold nail polish!!
PDD. Exactly. It’s no wonder why no one has given the ick pic any compliments. And only a single strange man has responded since yesterday. I’m sure that she thought women would notice it, and maybe flatter her with flirting. Instead there’s silence. LOL!!!
Anon, exactly! Even though she's probably 20 years older, Pember Patty is way more attractive. Why? She doesn't fuss over herself, carries off the country look 100% and her expressions are real. She's always focused on what she's doing, not how she looks to social media, and that's appealing!
ALCOHOL BLOAT big time. Ever since I found out that's a thing, I've gotten pretty good at spotting it. The big clue for me is the puffiness around the eyes (especially above her eyes in that pic) and the red cheeks and nose. Someone hittin' the bottle hard it seems.
Anon7. I agree about the alcohol consumption. I think that she’s lied about quitting. Just like Jenna denies everything else. Her fat face and obese body look bloated from booze. There’s a recent Reddit post about someone spotting a big glass jug in her hovel.
No horse owner I know would take a team of horses out with manure caked on them, especially when it was warm enough to clean them. Have some personal pride.
I think someone here said that Lee is still driving to NYC every weekend to sell cheese. So why doesn't Jenna hitch a ride and try and sell her "art" there too? She could have Pember Patty watch the furry props while she is gone.
Anon7, great comment, and for the record, I'm thrilled to have you back.
Re FFF. There are so many ways to legitimately improve her business but she doesn't take those opportunities, which always makes me think her rural charade is designed to capture interest of well-heeled readers who will act as benefactors as slip her monthly stipends. How else could she garner an annual adjusted income over $51,000? It wasn't by slinging soap and slapped-together artwork.
I remember when she got her $15,000 Birchthorn money and was supposedly caught up. It was a perfect opportunity to keep up the momentum and get at least a part time job for steady, reliable income.
But no. A mere 3 months later she was crying foreclosure and wolves at the door.
Either she was lying about getting caught up or lying about foreclosure. Nothing adds up.
Still can't believe that with Shannon living there, the Pig Shocker had a real chance to improve her life and circumstances but totally blew that opportunity. Apparently she also couldn't stop her addiction to begging.
We’ve watched Jenna running before near her hovel. It’s funny to see her constipated expression. She’s the opposite of a graceful gazelle. More like a waddling walrus.
It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
Hah! It’s because Shannon, her roomie with dubious benefits, dumped Jenna last year. And she was responsible for all of the hard work. The FFF has been too busy begging for a new pricy phone to plan a garden.
ReplyDelete“Hoping for some luck with sales today, please share if you know anyone looking for one of a kind gifts, design work, or soap!”
ReplyDeleteOnce again, her annoying mention of “luck” instead of working to support herself. Jenna is always asking others to “share” tweets about her stupid products. She’s insufferable.
Oh she made a point of saying about Shannon's garden planning that it wasn't something she (Jenna) would do.
ReplyDeleteI think her gardening strategy is to spend a lot of money on a variety of seeds, start them indoors in trays, then transplant them without hardening them off and allowing nature to take it's course.
Sporadic bucket watering. Photos of store bought pies in summer.
Funny how she acts as if Shannon was never part of her life for a few years. Once she was dumped, then her ex became invisible. As did all the hard work that SD did for her faux farm.
DeleteI think in the past she's mentioned buying starts.
DeleteBy the way, Jenna is straight up asking for an iphone "to buy or barter". I posted the screen shot in the reddit group. https://www.reddit.com/r/coldantlercritics/ along with the update that she "released" the kestrel.
ReplyDeletepoor thing. It was fine in the wild.
Begging has become a way of life for Jenna. She’s the Cambridge Queen of Con.
DeleteI remember when she asked her followers for a computer. And not just any computer. It had to be a Mac and a specific version. Hasn’t she heard that beggars can’t be choosers?
ReplyDeleteMoronic Miriam, one of her most massive dumb enablers, gave her a used Mac. Only the best for her “Live like fiction” fantasy “lie-style.”
DeleteIs she still the happiest person she knows?
ReplyDeleteOnly when she’s mooching money for free funds.
DeleteOdd how her "I'm the happiest person ever" narrative paints a picture of constant stress, sleep deprivation, social isolation, dependence on the charity / whims of others for her very survival.
DeleteWe know this isn't true, but I think she doesn't realize how pathetic the life she's touting as "happiest person I know" really is. People who take her at face value then dive a little deeper soon find out.
She's only happy when it rains?
DeleteLOL anon 5:56, you cracked me up
DeleteIn this photo example of her logo work, she has posted two examples where she used the same damn font.
Do you think she is trying to convince HERSELF that she is happy? Because she seems truly miserable. All of her posts scream of desperation. She will insert a few positive posts here and there but most are of the "woe is me" variety.
ReplyDeleteNo one but her believes the hyperbolic bullshit about being happy. Clearly, she’s compensating for the opposite feelings of misery and discontent.
DeleteI think you're right. She keeps repeating "better than a cubicle! Better than office work!" but *is it*?
DeleteAnd like many others have said, blue collar work could be right up her alley, she's just isolated herself and has been so defensive and uncoachable who would want to work with her or train her in a trade?
Trades take a thick skin too.
At the end of the day, I think she is the version of a teenager who just wants to be left alone in their room, and resent anyone asking / expecting anything from them.
Yeah, she’s still a sullen teen trapped in the obese body of a middle-aged moron.
DeleteI just had a stroke of insight. Notice how she constantly sounds the alarm every time she has an expense or bill to pay? It's almost as if it shouldn't be happening to her.
ReplyDeleteWell, in fiction, you never see the protagonist doing mundane things, like working 9-5 or writing checks for the mortgage or paying for car repairs. Maybe the FFF has gone so far down the rabbit hole with her "live like fiction" mentality, that she can't fathom these things happening to her.
I agree with what you wrote. Jenna Woginrich is mentally ill, and it manifests in many ways. I also think that she’s unbelievably self-entitled and narcissistic. She seems like a sociopath who has histrionic tendencies.
Delete“In a person with histrionic personality disorder, self-esteem depends on the approval of others. People with this disorder have an overwhelming desire to be noticed, and often behave dramatically or inappropriately to get attention.”
DeleteBut because she’s also manipulative, and isn’t willing to get therapy, she can’t hide behind her “undiagnosed anxiety and adult attention disorder” self-diagnosis.
DeleteEdit: Adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
DeleteAlso called: AADD, adult ADHD
Yep. I am on team neurodivergence myself, and have several diagnosed loved ones who are moderate - severe adhd.
DeleteJenna has reminded me of those folks for years, as untreated ADHD can look *just like this*, including the difficulties keeping jobs and relationships.
The thing is, it's *eminently treatable*. Stimulant meds make a WORLD of difference.
The catch though is people who are untreated often fail to see how bad their situation is, and how much they affect other people. This is why someone like Jenna who has become fairly isolated, with no partner, no family, no tight circle of friends to support her and encourage her in actually getting a diagnosis. It's not always easy to access, and once accessed, you have to obtain the medication which is a controlled substance.
Paying for the meds would be another feat in cutting through paperwork. People with diagnosed mental illness have medication costs covered, usually, but accessing that coverage can be a bureaucratic maze that is not accessible to someone that literally has something wrong with their brain.
A lot of the time, people with severe ADHD who have found a dysfunctional groove like Jenna just live out their limited lives feeling misunderstood and alienated.
So yeah, I don't think Jenna's actually happy.
Oh, how unique and quirky, a lamb in her living room again. “We’ll, isn’t that special?!” It’s just another pet prop for the feral farmer.
ReplyDeleteWell not we’ll
DeleteThe fake farmer has used that old photo of dog and unfortunate lamb in her living room many times. She obviously thinks it makes her look all scrappy and rural. Her idiot followers don't pay attention to timeline inconsistencies and repeats like this. Poor lamb was probably one she ripped away from its flock, because *social media* - it means so much.
PDD. You’re right that it’s recycled content again. I also thought that the photo was one of her time trick pics. It makes the FFF look slovenly and unhygienic for having livestock in her home.
DeleteMention of getting a filling repaired on twitter. EYEROLL! gotta "get the february mortgage paid asap!"
ReplyDeleteSo hard when you have so many teeth with so many fillings.
Fantasy fiction characters don’t get fillings and pay mortgages. She can’t fathom why this is happening to her. She’s really losing touch with reality.
DeleteThere is a price you pay for any way of life. I have a corporate job, so the price I pay is that I do work that isn't necessarily fulfilling. The payoff is I never have to worry about paying bills and can afford vacations, hobbies, a house, a car, pets, eating out, and other splurges. Oh yeah, I also have a retirement 401k where my company contributes 6% of my salary on top of what I contribute. All of these benefits seem like a great tradeoff to me.
ReplyDeleteYeah, Jenna can live like fiction, but at what cost? She is alone with a slim chance of having another partner. She struggles to pay every expense she has. There is no way she has a retirement plan. She can crow all she wants that she is happy, but it is the most narrow definition of happy I have ever heard.
I had the same as you, and was able to take early retirement. Now I have passive income and my days are free to do what I want. Yes, I paid the price when I was young, but it was a good price to pay. It was a gift to my older self.
DeleteWhoever described her as a sullen teen is correct. I think she's so afraid of failure that she refuses to work in the real world. At this point, technology and design practices may have passed her by, so she pretends she doesn't want "that" life & denigrates anyone who chooses it. Right...
DeleteInstead, she lies dormant at home. She hasn't grown as an artist, author or *cough* farmer. Almost every improvement or project she talked about was fabricated or unsuccessful.
Who remembers?
Vlogs / seminars
Specialty pigs
Milking goats
Hunting for venison
Using raptors to provide food
Large gardens
Farm sustainability
Solar power
Improved business practices
Off-site workbook
Book publication
And I haven't touched on the hubris of presenting herself as a rural "expert" in dog training, herding, fiddling, ukulele, horse care, riding, animal husbandry, archery, long distance running or martial arts. (Have I missed anything?)
Other than low-skill soap making using Amazon molds, cartoon animal drawings, raising soon-to-die chickens and making clip-art logos, nothing takes place.
Reality is her largest success is to "live like fiction" and beg.
PDD. I’m claiming credit for calling her a “sullen” teen today. Her obnoxious bragging about being happy reminds me of something a 13 year-old would say on TikTok. Your comment also is spot-on.
DeleteI remember her talking about expanding the pastures, reclaiming / reworking a part of it with the pigs and goats grazing down the less desirable plants and actually improving the quality of the soil over time. I follow other farmers that actually do this (though it's not a thing that results in income for them, they just want to be good stewards of the land.)
DeleteI remember her needing a new roof - did that happen with the birchthorn money?
Oh yeah, and she was going to breed and sell spring lamb on top of the wool shares.
She can't do that on her own. She bounces around in her interests and has settled into a deep rut. She had a chance to change all that with Shannon, there was the possibility of real change for a moment there... but Jenna didn't, or couldn't, change her ways.
So she just tries to reframe her toxic behaviour as something to admire, as someone misunderstood, and to get people to stop asking her questions and leave her alone because she's "happy".
Sure doesn't look like happiness when she's begging for money to pay for heat, shelter and animal feed. When she's forgoing sleep to feed wood stoves to prevent the pipes from freezing (just turn the water off at the street and bleed the lines!?)
It's all fabricated histrionics.
She needs to get that Iphone looked at because old batteries that don't hold a charge can swell and get hot and start a fire.
ReplyDeleteMy Samsung Android smart phone was ruined that way. No replacement battery would have fixed it. I think I left lots of apps running in the background, and the battery didn't like that.
Samsung had a recall of phones with fire hazard batteries, maybe that was it? Even old batteries should not be a fire hazard.
Delete“I'm trying to make the February Mortgage ASAP, and so I am offering color pet portraits Buy one Get one FREE!
ReplyDeleteSend a DM or visit http://coldantlerfarmny.com to email and order!
CANVAS 8x10" pet portraits with background on sale too! Consider supporting CAF, queer and women owned!”
Gag me, bitch.
Playing the queer card as a means of manipulative marketing. No normal adult whines every month about making their mortgage payments on time. Jenna is disingenuous and insufferable.
Delete“And if you just want to kick in towards the blog:
on venmo!”
Here’s her big beg buried again at the end of a desperate tweet. It’s more like: “And if you just want to support a lazy loser like me, then please pay my mortgage, and buy me more Taylor Swift sweatshirts!”
The only “kick” that she needs is one on her fat ass to go get a job.
DeleteIt’s almost a day later, and her greed tweet has gotten zero responses from followers. Without even one lone “like.”
DeleteIf she thinks getting a filling replaced is bad, this is just the beginning. After 40, everything starts to go south. You can hold aging at bay with good nutrition and exercise, but you can't stop it. And it comes faster than you think. Most people of a certain age, myself included, wonder how we got here so fast.
ReplyDeleteYou can't stop aging but you can build safety nets in the form of Social Security, pensions, 401ks and Medicare. My parents always told me to work hard when I was young and able so I wouldn't have to when I was old.
She thinks working when you are young is a waste of your best years. It's actually the best time to build your foundation. It doesn't mean you can't get outdoors and enjoy doing what you love. Plenty of people do both. From what I can tell, she is stuck in front of her computer or television most days anyway.
Aging will be awful for the feral farmer. It looks like even her dumb enablers are getting sick of her constant begging, judging by their lack of responses on Twitter.
DeleteAnon, you said it. "From what I can tell, she is stuck in front of her computer or television most days anyway." Except her desk isn't ergonomic and her lighting is dim, lol.
DeleteLike most rural people I did far more than pig shocker ever did, even with a full-time professional career. My animals were better cared for, my property improved, I had rewarding work, solid hobbies and the good fortune to travel wherever I wanted.
I'm not unique; many people had side gigs that often turned into home-based businesses: horticulture, farming, coaching, woodwork, art glass, you name it.
What we didn't have were endless days glued to social media and streaming services... so much wasted time.
We didn't spend our younger lives being financially precarious, because we took outside jobs as necessary. Yep, we even worked inside an office if that's what it took.
As a result, did we miss the freedom to waddle off to a "farmer's movie matinee" or take a mid-day nap? I suppose, but so did every other productive rural person. We worked hard during the day and still had time to enjoy life after work hours.
Sadly, pig shocker hasn't created the full and productive rural life that she pretends. She would greatly benefit from a career or life couch, so she can dig herself out of the hole she's in. At 40, it's not too late.
The constant anxiety is indicative of how much time she spends in front of a screen, despite claims to the contrary.
DeleteI'm still thinking about that poor kestrel. She never posted weight updates. She never posted training updates. I wonder if it escaped with jesses too, it was an adult with territory, there was no need to capture her. The only argument to do so for passager (yearling) birds is their mortality is so high their first winter and it's significantly improved through proper husbandry of a qualified, contentious falconer.
What an Eco-Warrior.
ReplyDeleteDespite claiming to be broke, she drove to another state to go "for a "quick ( ) hike to a shelter for lunch on the AT/LT in VT!" You read that correctly; she drove 25 miles one-way, to walk two miles then stuff her face 😜 .
She also photographed pages of other people's trail log comments and posted them on IG, which feels pretty creepy to me. Funny enough, they were all better writers than her.
Of course, her dog was unleashed (despite AT asking that they be leashed) and she stomped over slippery trails even though LT requests people stay off trails until Memorial Day because of seasonal damage.
So why drive so far to have lunch? Maybe she looks for the shortest AT section, so she can sit inside/near shelter, pretend she's a hiker and beg passers-by for a trail name.
Heaven forbid she otherwise use her time to meet customer orders or become a better livestock owner.
Venmo her, cause pig shocker possibly needs new gaters, hiking boots, and trail cleats.
PDD. I recall that she once said “The gas was already in Shannon’s car!” I imagine she’d also use a similar lame line to justify her stupid trip. Jenna is a wannabe long distance hiker. Like she’d ever leave her hovel for six months or more.
DeletePossible Trail Names:
Pig Shocker
Faux Feral Farmer
Lazy “Lie-Style” Loser
Jenna WoeAndBitch
Cambridge Queen of Con
More Trail Names:
DeleteScrappy Scammer
Swift’s Slave
The Beast
Sausage Fingers
I'm going with "Poser".
DeletePeople on the trail look at what's in front of them, and she's the whole posing package: no doubt brags about how much she knows, bought all the $$$ equipment despite obviously not being in hiking shape, packs heavy, HAS to eat a full lunch after an easy stroll to the shelter and sews hiking patches on her dog's coat FFS.
Really, you cannot make this up.
Her trail name would be: Takes n Uber
Delete“This tracks for all post-industrial upstate NY. My town is whimsically horrifying. Respect.”
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich is the most “horrifying” person in her area.
“I just learned Dolly Parton offers free college to everyone who works, part time or full time, at Dollywood. Fuck the Rock and Roll HoF give her a presidential civilian medal.”
ReplyDeleteShe also said something similar about Batman recently. Jenna’s focus on “free” anything shows the refusal to support herself without help. Basically, she wants others to pay while she plays.
Jenna’s stupid sense of self-entitlement to her dumb dream being funded by others is pathological at this point.
Delete“Hoping to sell for $130 to go towards the Feb mortgage, almost there and hoping to make it soon! Can ship anywhere in the US for $16. Send a DM!”
ReplyDeletePoor, desperate little Jenna. Her crappy coyote scribble isn’t even worth $30 let alone $130. And “almost there” is her typical manipulative marketing maneuver for free funds. She always mentions her mortgage payment as an attempt to legitimize constant begging.
Here’s an example of a “happy” person. (Said sarcastically.) One who brags about how “magical” their life is. When in reality, it’s obvious how miserable they are by their begging for help with paying normal adult bills.
DeleteNow, she’s faking another bidding war on the crappy coyote scribble. What a conniving criminal.
Delete"bid is now at $45!"
Delete5 hours ago. Zero likes or shares.
WiW. LOL!!! It’s still the same with zero responses.
DeleteAnd still zero responses as of this morning. Guess that no one wants her crap “art.”
Delete“My right shoulder blade feels like it’s being held together with purple glue stick and rocks.”
ReplyDeleteShe often mentions physical issues when her mortgage payments are (over) due. Trying to elicit sympathy and then funds from followers is one of her money mooching techniques.
It’s akin to pounding on a vending machine when it’s stuck. If her first pity beg didn’t work, she amps it up with other issues.
DeleteAnonymous 11:01. That’s exactly her manipulative M.O., and she’s been doing it for decades. She’d rather shamelessly beg than just get a job to support herself.
Delete“girls and women don't suffer from a lack of confidence, they suffer from an excess of experience in how the world reacts to confident girls and women”
ReplyDeleteIt’s ironic and hilarious that Jenna retweeted this drivel. There’s nothing “confident” about JW. And the author’s lack of capitalization and other proper punctuation is a lot like JW’s stupid style.
Usually, her stupid retweets are either trying to get attention from famous accounts, or asinine attempts to flirt with women.
DeleteAnother reason for the retweets is to come across as humble- bragging and virtue-signaling.
DeleteWhen all else fails to get any attention, then post the same pathetic pic of your falling apart, ugly old barn. It’s the opposite of quaint and charming just like Jenna.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, Jenna's homebrewing something.
I’ve suspected that Jenna’s supposed sobriety was a lie like everything else. Her bulging belly is indicative of one who drinks to excess.
Delete“Good morning from a bright and eager Cold Antler Farm! I am hoping to pay the February mortgage today, and start earning towards March sooner so I am no longer playing catch up. If I earn enough I can register and insure the farm truck too! Please read and share!”
ReplyDeleteJenna’s stupid subtext is always wanting others to pay for her bills. Otherwise, why give the unnecessary details.
She’s also been “playing catch up” for years with her mortgage payments, yet has never mentioned the huge late fees which would’ve been incurred. She’s a pathological liar and criminal.
Delete“Please share if you can. I really, really, want to take care of this and if I can offer some skill someone needs, it means I can stop worrying.”
DeleteBoo fucking hoo. Poor, desperate little Jenna is worried because no one wants to support her lazy, fat ass. We “really, really” want you to STFU, twat.
“And lastly, I've published 6 books and kept a farm journal online for over 15 years. It's all free to read and learn from my many, many mistakes and cringe as well as joys and successes over at http://coldantlerfarmny.com and if you want to contribute: venmo is@jennawog”
ReplyDeleteOnce again, her big beg is buried at the end of stupid, multiple tweets.
“Venmo, it means so much!”
Delete“Getting high speed internet for the first time ever, it's being installed right now. Moving away from copper means I am losing the land line connected to my 1970s wall-mounted rotary phone I've had for over a decade. There's no dial tone when I pick up the receiver now (crying face)”
ReplyDeleteJenna always justifies her stupid spending by making excuses for purchases.
“Losing the landline (I now use a cell phone) means my monthly phone/internet bill remains basically the same (though now a portable phone and way better internet) but part of me is really bummed about it and I can't explain why. I liked it slow.”
DeleteAgain, justifying the personal purchase that no one needed to hear about to begin with.
From two years ago: an example of how needy fake feral farmer is - after over ten years of rural living! The kicker is she expects to sell a memoir because she's become such a "strong woman" after living in the country. 😂
ReplyDelete"...I was stuck Saturday in my friend Patty’s driveway in my 1989 f150, tires spinning from ice and then she stalled out. Since I was on a hill and sliding backwards and the brakes did nothing I panicked and stomped on the emergency brake... I started feeling the uncontrollable shaking and tears and weight in my chest from a panic attack. They come on like an assault over every security. By the time Patty walked out to my honks she saw a shaking, crying, woman in her stuck truck unable to even make it up her driveway. She talked me down... She talked my foot off the brake and assured me it was safe to come out and no one would be hurt if I left the truck alone. She walked me up to her farmhouse, holding my shoulder, helping me not slip on ice..."
Yet again someone bailed her out, this time a woman decades older. Honestly, her ineptitude and expectation that others will fix every problem knows no end.
PDD. Exactly. And if she were really worried about keeping her faux farm, then Jenna would just get a job. It’s all about her refusal to support herself, and the outrageous expectations that enablers will continue giving her free funds.
DeleteAnd don't forget that this "shaken, crying, helpless truck-stuck" wimp once said she'd hands down win the apocalypse. Right.
Delete"Please share if you can. I really, really, want to take care of this and if I can offer some skill someone needs, it means I can stop worrying."
ReplyDeleteShe deleted that tweet.
Maybe she’s ashamed because we called her out on blatant begging, and the panic pretense used as a means of manipulative marketing.
DeleteWhat angers me almost more than the animal abusing, is her whining about making mortgage payments each month. There are thousands of people who don’t have homes, and this overly privileged, college-educated twat can’t come up with a modest amount of money to pay for her own bills. What’s worse is that we strongly suspect she’s not short on funds, but wants to whine about being held accountable for adult responsibilities. She has two horses, a truck/car, and lives in an affluent area. What a bunch of bull.
ReplyDeleteJenna has always refused to read the room. Clearly, she’s unconcerned about begging for help constantly. She doesn’t deserve to have a home.
Delete“I now have my high speed router which I have to pay $15 a month to "rent" forever. It is hidden beneath a pile of fashionable bones.”
ReplyDeleteShe’s such a stupid, hipster poser. “Sure, Jen.”
And she’s “one of the happiest people I know!!!” Living like a loser yuppie, but pretending to be poor.
DeleteI'm confused. She played WOW...over a landline?
DeleteUh, does idiot not know that she can just buy her own router to avoid the monthly rental fee? That would be a savings of $180 per year, which in Jenna speak equals 3 Taylor Swift sweatshirts.
ReplyDeleteFurther to "venmo means so much" let's contrast and compare, shall we?
Lee, who I understand took on a number of Jenna's animals when she was unable to provide them adequate care, is fundraising for improved security on his farm. A farm he also lives on and runs mostly alone, but has scaled to the point where he has some staff... in half the time Jenna's had her property by the way.
Lee has received death threats and threats of sexual violence because of anti-trans hatred and bigotry. Actual real threats, not imagined looks, not scary red vans or drive bys. Anon threats with enough information to make the threat plausible.
The problem is that cops do nothing with threats. They'll wait for the crime to happen, thank you very much.
It's also very easy for a person wanting to threaten or intimidate a minority to attack their animals. Lee is rightly concerned for his animals, there is precident.
Lee has never, to my knowledge, fundraised for monthly bills. He is fundraising now to try and take some mitigating measures to protect his animals, his staff, and himself.
Jenna shared his gofundme on... her instagram stories. Nowhere permanent. The place where it's least likely to be seen.
Because if you have cash to spare... she wants it!
Lee is the real deal and a well-respected farmer in the New York area. He takes exquisite care of his animals, has implemented innovative methods on his dairy farm, is a really hard (and smart) worker and he routinely gives back to the community. When he says he'll do something, it's a done deal.
DeleteHe goes to NYC nearly every weekend to sell and promote his product. As a visible trans farmer, he's had increased threats made to his safety and that of his staff & animals. He therefore created a GoFundMe to help with the unexpected large expense of a farm security system.
Folks who want to support NY area farmers couldn't find a more deserving candidate.
I support him 100%.
Thanks for posting this, WIW. Guess who's not on the donation list to support Lee? That's right, the FFF who has always been concerned for her own safety in that area. She's a disgusting narcissist unable to be empathetic to anyone else but herself.
DeleteIt also shows how hypocritical Jenna is about giving to her local queer community. She’s all tweets and no action when it comes to supporting someone other than herself.
DeleteHer IG story on Lee's fundraiser is shaded to suit her. She wrote: "Got a buck, help my friend Lee feel safer in his own home."
DeleteBeside having a rotten sentence structure, her message poorly describes his fundraiser for farm security against credible threats. However, by saying Lee feels unsafe in his HOME, it opens the door for her to claim the same since strangers drive past her house. Look for her to try and raise $$$ for security because she's imitative and shameless.
I just donated. Someone donated $500! I wish I could go visit his farm in NY, maybe some day.
DeleteWe’re going to donate, too. Lee is worthy of the support unlike Jenna.
DeleteYears ago someone tried to talk me into investing in her multi level marketing “business”. I hardly knew this person and wasn’t the least bit interested. Finally she said, “I really, really want to quit my job!” I wanted to shout back, “well so do I”.
ReplyDeleteJenna’s comment about really, really wanting to sell something so she could pay her mortgage triggered that memory. If she really, really wants to pay her mortgage and stop worrying, then she should get a freakin’ job like every one else!
Jenna considers herself above getting a common job, like working at a local store. Yet she brags about being a farmer doing dirty labor. She’s full of crazy contractions.
Delete“Good morning from Cold Antler Farm. It's raining. I'm heading to Bennington College this afternoon to get a used iPhone 8 from a woman I met on Lex in a barter for farm-raised pork.
ReplyDeleteGayest sentence I ever wrote.”
Actually, it’s one of the stupidest sentences you’ve ever written. I pity the poor sucker who bartered for her crap pork.
I’ll bet that the woman won’t even get the pork for awhile. Of course, Jenna will have the phone today. She’s a manipulative POS.
DeleteYeah, Jenna has a nicer iphone than I do now! She whines and complains because it works.
DeleteThis mention of "a woman I met on Lex". Is she begging for shit on Lex now?
Or is she reeling in someone new?
I think Jenna got the better end of that trade, so I wonder if it happened because they're sussing out a potential new relationship?
I know Jenna would look like an amazing prospect to many queer women in a dating profile. Owns a farm? Has horses? Works from home? Cute lamb photo? Hell yes, I want at least 1 date.
I also predict that as time goes on, Jenna's ability to match within driving distance will decrease, and she'll end up having someone fly out to stay with her.
WiW. Jenna only looks good on paper as they say about prospective partners. If someone is smart then they’ll do their due diligence on her background. Frankly, I’d flee after reading about her rotten reputation, and then seeing this site. Your Reddit sub is also a warning to people who have no knowledge about the FFF.
DeleteWIW wrote: "I know Jenna would look like an amazing prospect to many queer women in a dating profile."
DeleteUntil they spot the profile pics.
“In a few weeks... There will be grass, and chicks, and a little warmer weather. I am $300 bucks away from paying the Feb mortgage by Friday and going to try like hell to sell you guys some art and soap to make it there!”
ReplyDeleteSuch a self-sufficient, scrappy scammer. Wanting someone stupid to hand her $300.
No one on Twitter needs to know anything about an adult’s finances. It’s beyond embarrassing, but she’s too stupid to see it.
DeleteShe's always just soooo close....And hoping someone will say they don't need art or soap, so here's a couple hundred bucks.
DeleteAnonymous 1:07. This is the point of her mentioning a specific amount of money. Which is why we call it manipulative marketing. She’s little more than an online beggar who has no pride and dignity.
DeleteBWAHAHAHAHAAA! $300 is what, a THIRD of her payment??? And it's the end of MARCH!?
DeleteOH. MY. GAWD. It's appalling she just says this like it's a noble struggle and not a shameful failure at basic adulting.
Not that I believe she's really behind on her mortgage. Not for a second.
DeleteWiW. I agree that she’s not behind on mortgage payments. And I’ve said similar things about how she’ll brag about needing meager amounts of money. It’s pathetic that she acts as if it’s an admirable accomplishment. Rather than being an admission that she’s a failure at supporting herself by begging.
Delete“Won't share this again. Thank you for tolerating all this soliciting. But going to try one last time.”
ReplyDeleteYou can fuck all the way off, Jenna. Now, she’s calling her begging “soliciting” for sales. She’s a complete and total loser.
Funny how her tweet has been quickly deleted, just like the other one that we called her out on above. Clearly, she saw the comments.
DeleteHi, Jenna! It’s obvious that you’re a regular reader here. I think that you refresh the site multiple times a day. Why won’t you get a job, and stop your obnoxious begging? You also desperately need therapy and maybe meds.
When do you think that barn is finally going to collapse? She hasn't so much as painted it since she bought the place. Do you think it'll last another 10 years?
ReplyDeleteIt'll ultimately depend on how well the thing was built, and how long it takes for the supports to rot away.
There are a number of trees really close to it as well. One of them could take it out.
Her hovel’s infrastructure was supposed to be repaired from a Kiva loan. Of course, just like her bombed Birchthorn book’s funds, it was spent on non-essentials.
DeleteThe roof on the west side is sagging and has looked to be on the verge of collapse for years. Just pray there are no poor animals inside when it does go.
DeleteI wonder what happened to the crappy coyote scribble. Guess that the supposed bidding didn’t raise much money. LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteYeah, you know that she’d brag about it if the drawing sold for a substantial amount of money.
DeleteShe said the bid was up to $50, but it was probably just a reason to post it again, I doubt anyone bid on it. The coyote carrying a lantern was cute, had a nice symbolism, I think she just stumbled on to it. Sometimes that's how it is with art, you try a bunch of things and people pick up on one of it. Remember the pride rooster last year? Of course that was successful. She could have sold it several times over. Same with the coyote painting. She *should* have some system of syndicating her work if she's actually trying to make money as an artist. That's how you build up an income as a visual artist - you make prints or license designs or have the image put on to household objects. You can have this done at a local printer, which is more ethical, or you can have shit drop-shipped from china.
DeleteBut whatever, she's not interested in actually solving the "problems" she complains about. She made the smoking coyote painting because she felt like it, she wanted to, and then she wants to sell it to get some validation as an artist. It was a big boost to her ego to have people bid on her art, and that's not a bad thing in general terms. But claiming she needs to sell it to pay her mortgage is bs. She'd be happy to sell it for the cost of supplies and shipping.
“If I am lucky, I will be able to pay the Feb mortgage today. I have a small payment from my part time SEO gig coming in (hopefully) and that should make it happen.
ReplyDeleteThank you to everyone who has supported this farm. When this is taken care of I can sit and write without panic.”
What a lying loser. “Sure, Jen.” Your fake “panic” is manipulative marketing by begging, because you won’t work to support yourself. It has nothing to do with “luck.”
Jenna just deleted the tweet. She literally, refreshes this site all the time.
DeleteI thought she was fired from her part-time gig, because they didn't guarantee her $500 per month. She said they quit giving her work.
DeleteFake feral farmer can't keep her stories straight.
BDL. I noticed that, too. She’s a pathological liar.
DeleteYep, I don't think you two are imagining things. Pretty darn sure I also saw mention of her no longer working with that company. More lies from her as usual.
DeleteSit and write without panic? When has she ever written without panic?
ReplyDeleteAnd as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, she will be back writing with panic about the March mortgage.
Begging has become her “lie-style.”
DeleteI wonder if she is getting pushback from her Twitter followers who are tired of the begging? Or from past and current clients?
ReplyDeleteI’ve noticed that she’s never drastically increased her followers even after being on Twitter for years. If anything, she steadily loses them. Now that she’s almost 40, I think that there will be a decline in donations.
DeleteI’m also sure that Shannon got sick of the constant begging, lying and whining. Which was why she ended the relationship. Jenna lied about her reasons for moving back to Boston. It had nothing to do with winter weather, and worries about the faux farm. SD came to the conclusion that most of us here have arrived at. JW is a lazy loser who only cares about herself.
I think it was Jenna failing / refusing to get a job. I have no doubt Shannon was paying more than her half for the year she was there, and believed for a while things would get better. Jenna kept agreeing she would get a job, and she never did. She wants to be a "farmer" and brands herself as a salt-of-the-earth type, but she balks at actual blue collar work which she could easily obtain, particularly during the pandemic when grocery stores were desperate for people. She could be stocking shelves right now, she could be collecting a modest paycheck and that's all she'd need to pay her bills, given she got into the housing market 10 years ago so her overhead is locked in.
DeleteHell, it would be smart to work for a grocer right now, during times of inflation. You'd get all the sales and all the clearance stuff just before it expires.
I think Shannon left because Jenna refused to do the basic common sense thing of just solving her perpetual stressful panic problem by getting a job, saving money, going on trips once in a while.
Either that or Shannon became aware that Jenna HAS a stipend, and has never been behind on bills, and so is a compulsive liar. Why would you want to stay with someone who lies to strangers on the internet for cash?
If she can’t make a sale, now is a good time to get caught up on previous orders. I’ll bet it burns people waiting for their product to see her spending so much time begging for more sales.
ReplyDeletePeddling her arts n crafts is its own cycle of crying. She posts panicked anxious tweets about being injured, needing dental work, needing to repair plumbing, needing to pay the mortgage, and then when she announces the payment has been made, the parade of whimsy irritates those who bought from her during the previous panic cycle. They send emails. Jenna vague posts about mean clients on twitter who just need to be patient.
DeleteOn and on forever.
Her whole life is lies.
DeleteI just watched a news segment on women in construction. Those women rock! That field would give her the badass, independent woman cred she so craves. Whining and begging is not badass.
ReplyDeleteIt’s because she’s not badass. She’s a spoiled suburbanite who has a hobbyist homestead.
DeleteYou must be joking. Jenna has no desire to do hard work. She’d rather whine, lie and beg.
Delete“Look at my fat boy!”
ReplyDeleteThere are zero responses on this Friday tweet. It looks like her followers aren’t interested in her “happy life!”
A few days ago, a little white whine from the happiest person she knows:
ReplyDelete"It’s been hard. Going into spring alone after being used to going into the season with a plan, a partner, shared goals and dreams. If I am honest I’ve slumped into a survival/maintaining mode...I feel so creatively drained. I feel very sad most days...
This March has been an exercise in extreme frugality. Most days I don’t leave the farm at all, as to not have to burn any gasoline. (Sales) have been really slow and so if it’s not in the cupboard, not walkable from the house, or not a 100% necessary appointment or bill - I’ve not been going or paying...keeping this place safe from foreclosure is all I have been thinking about."
Always nice to read she'll do anything to pay her mortgage except *get a job*.
Venmo her. It means so much.
What a pathological liar. They weren’t even a couple for that long. Jenna just drove to a trail recently that was far from her faux farm. So she “burned gasoline.” Yet now she’s bitching about “frugality.” I’m sure that the stupid “cycle of crying” will wind up with her buying more Taylor Swift sweatshirts soon. It’s just more of her manipulative marketing for free funds.
DeletePerformative Poverty.
DeleteShe’s crying wolf. So much for being the happiest person she knows. Pity donations are down so now she has to ramp it up. She has a thousand excuses for not getting a job and now her excuse is that she can’t because it means buying gas. She acts like she’s the only person with financial hardship. Do what everyone else does, Jenna. Get a freakin’ job!
ReplyDeleteShe’s an insufferable, lazy lying loser.
Delete“Will entertain any reasonable offer for this 8x10 original piece! shipping is $16 - so please also prepare for that with any offer. Can I suggest $50? ($66 total) or any bid above that would be accepted by end of the day!
ReplyDeleteMoney from this goes towards the March mortgage!”
No one cares about your monthly mortgage bullshit, bitch. Go fuck yourself, Jenna.
Jenna Woginrich is “the girl who cried wolf” so often that no one believes her lies any longer.
DeleteInflation is making everyone poor. Jenna is safe from rent increases and keeps multiple hay-burners.
DeleteAs gas prices rise, so does everything else from food to goods. People have less disposable income and are certainly not going to spend it on expensive soap or art.
ReplyDeleteOf course, she will make this inflation all about her. Sales are slow, gas is expensive, blah, blah, blah…
Will she finally admit she is totally dependent on others and not self sufficient at all?
Jenna has a catch 22 on her hands. Her cycle of crying about the mortgage payment and other normal bills really detract from the whimsical live like fiction cool grrl character she so carefully cultivates in her other posts.
ReplyDeleteYoga practice (thanks Shannon). Archery. Horseback riding. Running. Hiking.
All these things say *I'm interesting* - but then the illusion is shattered with "need to make my mortgage payment ASAP. Square bales of hay is scarce. Gotta pay for firewood."
Here's a warehouse job for $25 / hour.
They'd be willing to train her to operate a forklift, and she'd make more than that.
Dollar General she could walk in and work tomorrow:
My wife works at a dollar store. She has a visual arts degree. She took the job out of desperation after getting laid off during covid, and she's been there two years now. Turns out, some dollar stores have pension plans, paid vacation days, and actual corporate ladders to climb with really great salaries to pursue, so my wife is actually on management track now. It's one of the best retail jobs out there, and for my wife who is profoundly neurodivergent (doesn't make eye contact) it's a much better fit than we ever expected, and is far better than the government and hospital jobs she's had before.
Hell, WALGREENS is hiring:
part time. This would cover the mortgage, performative poverty SOLVED.
The longer this goes on, the worse it looks on Jenna. There is no reason at all for her mortgage to be "behind" when there are so many job postings.
Of course the mortgage isn't really behind, ever. She's just lying. People who are really in danger of foreclosure at least *apply* for work. She's stopped even pretending to look for work.
I was just perusing jobs in Cambridge on Indeed. There's a FT custodial job for $15-$19 an hour at the Chrysler dealer in Greenwich, housekeeper for up to $15 at The Mansion, janitor in Saratoga for $17-$21, parts deliver for O'Reilly, and mail carrier also in Greenwich for $19.
DeleteShe has NO EXCUSE for begging on the internet when these jobs are available. There's a labor crisis which is reflected in these salaries for lower level jobs that she could easily apply for and get. Her old model of the scrappy farmer barely getting by is getting more and more unbelievable to anyone who follows her. I bet most of them are shaking their heads and thinking, "Get a job," just like we are.
When I was working full time my cleaning lady charged $25/hr, and that was 10 years ago.
DeleteLet's not forget that by her own admission, she takes in over $51,000 per year.
DeletePretty sure her tales of woe are faked to pry donations and pity buys from well-meaning folks who want to help a "farmer".
Agreed. She is not living on soap and art. She has other sources of income.
DeleteWhy would she work when dumb enablers continue to fund her fat ass? And anything that Jenna offers for sale can be bought elsewhere for less, and the quality will be better.
Delete“Good morning from a sunny, and cold, Cold Antler Farm! Farrier heading this way soon. Hoping it thaws out enough to clean out more of the garden later.”
ReplyDeleteHer horses are hay-burners, and pet props for posing. But Jenna doesn’t mind their expenses since she’ll just continue begging online.
Let's talk about the hay burners!
ReplyDeleteIn 2014, she was peppered with criticism of having an expensive hobby animal, namely a horse. Hoo boy, did she go into overdrive justifying her decision to buy Merlin. In part she wrote:
" I know horses will always have that "richy rich" stereotype, especially in areas where the only horses are in dressage stables in the suburbs. But... Merlin is my other car. I use him all the time to move across the landscape, to buy groceries, visit neighbors, deliver goods and just explore."
Hahahahahahaha, oh, she's serious???
The only place she takes Merlin is up and down the logging trail in someone's back yard (aka her mountain, cough). She doesn't work him in winter and except for a couple times ( for show ) he isn't any sort of farm help. He doesn't plow, haul or drive. He's an indulgence.
And, of course, she doesn't only have Merlin, she has Mabel, another indulgence that is even less useful to the farm.
More FFF faux justification, sloppy thinking, fuzzy math and probable lies on the economics of owning hay burners:
ReplyDelete"So why do we still think horses are hay burning, expensive, toys for the affluent?
Here in Washington County...Most of us have a horse or two held in stead by some inexpensive electric fences, simple shelters, an annual vet check. To give you an idea what Merlin costs me. His annual vet appointment was around $180 for 4 shots and a Coggin's Test. That price included the vet coming to visit the farm. Oh, and his hooves need to be trimmed every ten weeks (a $40 fee). He eats 2/3 a bale of hay a day, a cost around $2-$3 a day around these parts...Horses aren't expensive, not if they are something you want."
Well, I call 💩 💩 💩 !
Horses ARE expensive, especially if properly cared for. They need annual dental care, vet care, a safe and proper shelter, supplemental senior feed in addition to quality hay and hoof care.
Two outside horses probably eat more than 1.5 bales of hay per day, at a cost ranging between $6-$10 per bale ($3200-$5400/year); she claims each only eats 2/3 bale per day but that number seems low to me. Hoof care, if every 10 weeks, is $400/year (another unimaginably low number). I'm also shocked she only pays $180/horse to the vet for annual shots and Coggins; call me dubious of this cost. She neglected to include costs for water heater (500-1000 watts running 24/7 for half the year), blankets, treats, tack, cleaning, etc.
I estimate her hay burners cost her about $6,000/year or $500/month.
And this doesn't take into account what she should be spending. As I said, it's an expensive hobby unless your m.o. is to treat your horses like 💩.
Horses are very expensive, period. If you are not spending much, you are not taking proper care of them.
DeleteShe has a senior horse that gets absolutely no grain throughout the whole New York winter?? No supplements or minerals? Does the "simple shelter" even have three solid sides where the horses can escape the wind and the wet? And 10 weeks is a long time between trims, especially if they're standing in soft muck all day long. If her horses are costing her as little as she claims, and if she's as clueless about why that is so wrong as to brag about it.... I have no words. Pathetic
DeletePig Shocker is a master of obfuscation. When confronted about costs of owning a horse, she painted an "either/or" comparison: silly elitist horse owners spend money on foolish eccentricities while practical homesteaders (like her) only spend on necessities.
DeleteAccording to she-who-shouldn't-own-a-horse, what are these foolish equine costs?
Costs to people who " remove stumps and trees from ten-acre fields, put up painted white fences, build barns with tack rooms and saddle stands, wrap their horse's legs in special tape, buy treats, hire groomers, enter shows, pay entry fees, buy luxury trailers and so on. "
Yeah, more virtue signing and misrepresentation from the Cambridge Con. Don't notice that she begs for Patty's horse trailer whenever she needs it, took riding lessons at a fancy dressage barn, entered a horse show, fed treats, bought new tack (including expensive saddle), etc.
What she doesn't do, however, is provide good, decent care for her horses. Merlin routinely escapes from his field and steals food (because he's hungry and her fencing is substandard). The horses live in a lousy lean-to. She never mentions bedding (which isn't cheap) so they lie/stand on mud. They're older and likely arthritic. Medicines to treat aren't cheap. If she doesn't treat, shame on her. When she bought Mabel, the horse had arthritis and was on medication which she soon quit.
She does the bare minimum, and I feel sorry for her horses. Other than pony rides, they are mostly forgotten lawn ornaments - with a lawn that is dirty, poorly fenced and filled with parasites.
Her whole life is lies.
DeleteYep. At a minimum horses cost $500 / month each, where I live. If they only cost $200 or so a month I'd have a horse, I promise you! But yeah, vet care, grain / supplements / proper feed plus hay, just the very basic maintenance stuff is baseline expensive.
DeleteAnything on top of that should be expected too - minor injuries, fly repellant, grooming kit, sunscreen for pink noses. Then there is the training which usually involves a trainer, if there are behaviours that pop up that are outside your wheelhouse.
Yeah, Jenna does the very bare minimum to keep her horses alive. They are confined to the same small pasture for the majority of their lives, going out on rides once or twice a week in the summer months. There are certainly worse fates to befall horses, but just that she could be doing so much more and doesn't is sad for them.
Gibson finding a tucked away goose is "farming"? She's feeding the Citidiots again.
ReplyDelete“If you’d like me to design your logo, send me a DM!”
ReplyDeleteThere are zero responses to her pathetic plea. LOL!!!
Guess no one wants a lousy logo that’s overpriced, and will be back-burnered while she ignores it.
DeleteIf I had a business I would be very cautious using someone like FFF to design my logo. From what I've seen, she bases her designs on free clipart from sites that almost always caution their work isn't authorized for commercial use.
DeleteNow imagine you're using a logo based on unauthorized artwork. You create stationery, signs, brochures, product packaging, tee shirts and a website, etc. Your business grows, and you're contacted by the original artist who demands you cease using their unauthorized clipart and/or pay a penalty.
No thank you. Business image is critical and I would never base mine on questionable source material. I selected a reputable and insured graphic artist to design my business logo. So should you.
And still no replies a day later to her stupid tweet.
DeleteMan, so much catching up to do. From the last thread: Hound Doggy, thanks for the update, and hope you are even better now. Can't believe a screw came loose! As for soft tissue injuries, also ask about the possibility of adhesions which are caused by scar tissue that develops after surgery like you had. These adhesions keep soft tissue from being able to slide past one another and also cause friction and pain.
ReplyDeleteFrom this thread: So did she manage to make February mortgage? And does she know tomorrow is April 1st, lol? BTW, isn't April the month she hates the most?
Ongoing Shannon split speculation: Great theories and probably a mix of all of them, but does anyone think she may have started to read this site more and more? We know she came here early on and even posted once in defense of Pig Shocker. But after the bloom was off the rose maybe came back to confirm some suspicions she may have had? And all that we wrote planted a seed in her head? All I know for sure is that if Shannon wrote a book about her experience, the doomed relationship, I'd totally read that.
BTW, thanks to those here who are quoting her here, as I can no longer see what she is doing online. First it was Instagram which demanded I make an account to read posts (no thanks Facebook) and now Twitter only lets me see a few tweets if I have an account and then the screen freezes. Is anyone else experiencing this crap?
The reddit "coldantlercritics" subreddit is awesome as some of you have been posting pics and quotes there too. Otherwise, I just can't see what she's up to anymore with Insta/Twitter/her bleg all cock blocking me.
Re: did / does Shannon occasionally read here.
DeleteI think she probably did when she was contemplating whether to stay with Jenna. I certainly hope she did, and specifically wrote a couple of paragraphs for her asking her to recognize what jenna *did* as her truth rather than what jenna might say she was going to do.
I think if Shannon needed or wanted confirmation that what she was seeing on social media vs in real life was incongruous.
But it'll always be speculation. If I were in Shannon's shoes, and I was in a similar situation in my early 20s, I'd just cut ties and never look back, so I don't think Shannon has read here since the breakup.
Without Shannon's presence in Jenna's house, Jenna's content has reverted to repetitive begging punctuated by the occasional "charmed life" post.
Such awful news about Lee's Moxie Ridge Farm needing security. It's not clear, but did something happen at that farm? Was there a particular scary incident? Or just general security needed due to the current trans-hate climate?
ReplyDeleteHis GoFundMe is now up to $10K, and while I did not see a donation from the Pig Shocker, I did see that a Shannon Doyle donated $20 about 8 days ago. How interesting...
“And if you just want to kick in towards the blog: @jennawog on venmo!”
ReplyDeleteLol, haven't we referred to her as JWog on here? And called her mother Ma Wog?
And does she not know that Venmo is owned by Paypal and she's gonna surpass the un-taxable earnings amount even faster? Have fun navigating yer 2023 taxes, Jenna.
don't think the FFF is doing much with twitter lately. If anything shows up it is a few days later and she goes days without posting on there anymore. This surely must cut into her begging unless it hasn't proven to profitable as of late.
ReplyDeleteOh and she is sad again which is strange since she is the happiest person she knows (sure wouldn't want to meet the other people she knows if she is the happiest).
Welcome back Anon7. We missed you around here!
ReplyDeleteI agreed that Anon7 was missed. Wonder why she didn’t comment for so long. I even asked about her on another post.
Deleteagree not agreed
DeleteYes, very good to see you Anon7. I really appreciate your comments.
DeleteThanks guys. I was busier than usual with business stuff. But also, there was a major death in the family. Our most senior matriarch passed away, sadly. She was the glue who made sure every birthday and holiday were celebrated. She also had a massive estate that we are all still going thru. And all of us siblings and cousins just came to the sobering realization that we are now becoming the older generation of the family.
DeleteAnon7, so sorry to hear about your loss. Sending hugs of support.
DeleteYou're so right that one day we'll look around and realize WE have become the elders.
“Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! The work towards paying for March begins now, and if I am lucky, April too! This farm need support to make that happen, so offering the next logo or canvas painting I sell $50 off! DM to order or visit…”
ReplyDeleteTypical of the twat to be behind by a month on her mortgage payment. And almost bragging about it like it’s an admirable accomplishment. Instead of an admission of adult failure. Her “lucky” is having free funds from followers.
“I have fallen for at least 10 pranks today, and each one took me several minutes to remember what day it was...”
ReplyDeleteGuys, guess what? Jenna is caught up on her faux farm’s mortgage payments. She’s even going to get a job, and stop her begging. And Shannon might move in again.
Oh, April Fools’ Day!!!
“Feeling like myself again”
ReplyDeleteUgh. The photo is far from flattering. Jenna has gotten jowly already, and she’s not even 40. Some of it might be from having a fat face. Her over-plucked bare brows are also awful.
She’s unable to smile without having a smug smirk.
DeleteWhy is her “stout” man hand touching the top of the hat? There’s no need for it, and her contrived pose looks stupid.
DeleteI’m part of the queer community. And I’ve always seen her as a closet butch. There’s nothing femme about either her appearance or attitude. She should get a crewcut. It’d be a better look for her thin hair.
DeleteI find her personality so repellent, along with the lying and begging, that there’s nothing nice to say about her appearance.
DeleteJenna has one of the most punchable faces I’ve ever seen. She exudes smugness.
DeleteI try not to get into physical appearance, but her look, brand, image etc are so contrived, it's hard to have any positive feelings about the whole sorry situation. Between her impulsive clothes shopping, eyebrow plucking, hair enhancement (or cover-up) photoshop and fake expressions, there's not much that is real. She definitely puts the faux in FFF.
DeleteThe only thing I'm grateful for is she's no longer wearing that awful gold nail polish!!
PDD. Exactly. It’s no wonder why no one has given the ick pic any compliments. And only a single strange man has responded since yesterday. I’m sure that she thought women would notice it, and maybe flatter her with flirting. Instead there’s silence. LOL!!!
DeleteAnon, exactly! Even though she's probably 20 years older, Pember Patty is way more attractive. Why? She doesn't fuss over herself, carries off the country look 100% and her expressions are real. She's always focused on what she's doing, not how she looks to social media, and that's appealing!
Her bad brows look like horizontal commas.
DeleteALCOHOL BLOAT big time. Ever since I found out that's a thing, I've gotten pretty good at spotting it. The big clue for me is the puffiness around the eyes (especially above her eyes in that pic) and the red cheeks and nose. Someone hittin' the bottle hard it seems.
DeleteAnon7. I agree about the alcohol consumption. I think that she’s lied about quitting. Just like Jenna denies everything else. Her fat face and obese body look bloated from booze. There’s a recent Reddit post about someone spotting a big glass jug in her hovel.
Delete“First drive of the spring with
and her team! Steele and Ruby!”
I feel sorry for the horses that have to haul her huge fat ass around.
No horse owner I know would take a team of horses out with manure caked on them, especially when it was warm enough to clean them. Have some personal pride.
DeleteApparently, Pember Patty doesn’t have personal pride in either her horses or friends.
DeleteAt a minimum, the person enjoying the free ride should help clean tack and horses. Guess that didn't happen, lol.
Delete“Get 2 pet portraits for $85 and help support a farm trying to get lucky enough with sales here to stop playing catch up! Every share helps!”
ReplyDeleteShe’ll never “stop playing catch up” unless Jenna gets off her fat ass and works at a job. Which means it won’t ever happen.
I think someone here said that Lee is still driving to NYC every weekend to sell cheese. So why doesn't Jenna hitch a ride and try and sell her "art" there too? She could have Pember Patty watch the furry props while she is gone.
DeleteAnon7, great comment, and for the record, I'm thrilled to have you back.
DeleteRe FFF. There are so many ways to legitimately improve her business but she doesn't take those opportunities, which always makes me think her rural charade is designed to capture interest of well-heeled readers who will act as benefactors as slip her monthly stipends. How else could she garner an annual adjusted income over $51,000? It wasn't by slinging soap and slapped-together artwork.
I remember when she got her $15,000 Birchthorn money and was supposedly caught up. It was a perfect opportunity to keep up the momentum and get at least a part time job for steady, reliable income.
ReplyDeleteBut no. A mere 3 months later she was crying foreclosure and wolves at the door.
Either she was lying about getting caught up or lying about foreclosure. Nothing adds up.
I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating. Her whole life is lies.
DeleteStill can't believe that with Shannon living there, the Pig Shocker had a real chance to improve her life and circumstances but totally blew that opportunity. Apparently she also couldn't stop her addiction to begging.
DeleteAnd I still can’t believe that Shannon tolerated her crap for a few years.
Delete“Got out for a slow and steady 5k. Running in the gray cold is putting a deposit in the summer summit hike enjoyment bank.”
ReplyDeleteStill using her inappropriate racing lingo for a fat ass waddle.
We’ve watched Jenna running before near her hovel. It’s funny to see her constipated expression. She’s the opposite of a graceful gazelle. More like a waddling walrus.