Broken Update.

So, I’m doing okay.  I went in for a follow up appointment after my ankle surgery and they found a screw had come out and my ankle had shifted backwards.  So yesterday I had surgery again to take out that screw.  This doc is referring me to a specialist.  The thought is there are soft tissue issues more so than bone issues.  So, yeah, whatever.
My wrist is coming along fine and should be out of the cast in a couple weeks.
 Due to some other previous issues, I have no pain through all this…so that’s probably good.

So the person, Jenna, wishing me ill?..yeah, you lose.  I've got friends to help if I need it.  I've got health insurance….so, not worried about that. A couple of minor inconveniences.
I don't really believe in karma or the like….but I do believe that shit happens to everybody.  The trick is to try and be prepared for when it does.
So, Jenna?…..what happens to you if you break an arm and leg. No weight bearing for a month.  Do you have a wheelchair? $1000.  Does it fit into your bathroom?  You've got steps into your house?  Have you priced a ramp lately? Can’t crawl into a truck.  You think you've got problems now?  HA!


  1. HD. Who here has said that to you? I’m guessing that it’s a crappy comment you’ve deleted. Pember Patty would probably play nurse if Jenna needed her help again. She’s her most massive dumb enabler. It’s nice to know that you’re feeling better. Thanks for your update.

    1. I also haven’t seen any comments wishing ill health on HD. Only ones which are positive.

  2. HD, what a pain to have a setback, but better to get it properly fixed. I don't know if your crash was weather-related, but this winter has taken out quite a few of my friends. Slips, trips and falls! Get well soon.

    You know, if karma is real, you would be in line for good karma, being a sort of whistle-blower who helps warn about unscrupulous business practices.

    Let's never forget that FFF is a business owner who publicly promotes her brand and online business sales. As such she has a responsibility to behave ethically. If she misrepresented, falsified or lied in the course of her business, it's a public service to call it out.

  3. It doesn't surprise me that Jenna would have sent you a note about "karma" and wishing you ill. I'm sorry you read that, I'm sure you've dealt with worse. She was just having a temper tantrum, just like she does with everything else.

    Shit does happen to absolutely everyone. None of us get through life unscathed. We do rely on each other and community, but we must first take responsibility for the things in our life we can control.

    I'm glad to hear you're slowly on the mend. Ankles can be tricky because there's less vascular tissue, so they're slower to heal. If you can self-massage or better yet get a professional to treat you when you're at that stage of recovery, it can help you regain full function much faster. That and physio of course.

    I'm fortunate my benefits cover these things, or I'd likely be disabled by now. I've taken my share of knocks and been sidelines by surgeries too. It's not karma, it's just life.

    And wouldn't it be great if we got to actually see karma at work?

    I think we don't get the chance most of the time. I don't believe in karma the way pop culture seems to do now, and I don't believe in it in the way that reinforces old caste systems. But I do believe that in this life, in the afterlife, or the next life, there is a cosmic balancing of the equations, and that it does matter if you're a shitty person in this life, now.

    I'm not worried about my karma. Jenna should be worried about hers.

  4. Guess that disingenuous Jenna has read our comments about not ever reciprocating Pember Patty:

    J: “You need anything?”

    P: “I don’t thinks so - thanks (red heart)

    I’m also so sick of this bitch’s begging for help, when she makes more money than many of her followers. I consider her a criminal. Her mention of “luck” means mooching.

  5. Here in the Northeast, February has been a wild ride. New England is known for weather variations, but two-day variations of 7F up to 61F, then down to 14F, with snow squalls thrown is pushing it!

    This is perfect maple sugaring season, however. Days are above freezing and nights are below freezing. Rural practice is to collect maple tree sap until the tree frogs sing, at which point temperatures will be warm enough to lower sap quality.

    Stay safe y'all. Spring arrives March 13th! 🌻

    1. Man, I hear you. I, too, live in the Northeast and all I am looking forward to is bare ground without the slush that turned too ice. Imagine feeding my chickens and rabbits each morning with generous strides over bare ground instead of tiny baby steps on ice (with cleats)......can't wait. But I know as the rest of do that it will happen again next winter

  6. Jude, exactly! Cleats are a must this time of year. When we had a day or two of warmth, I secretly hoped we'd have a mild spring, but nature slapped that thought outta my head right away.

    FB reminded me that on Valentine's Day 2016, we had a polar vortex, where temps plummeted to -14F / -26C with 45 mph winds. Those were some nasty days!

    Here's to a comparatively mild spring. May all the animals held by "Despicable She" have a better 2022.

  7. HD, sorry for the setback -- hope you are back on the road to recovery. Ankle injuries in general are no joke to bounce back from.

  8. “Sharing A LOT of sale promotions today because I got to get some sales made ASAP for the farm. If you can help RT or share, it would be a HUGE help. Okay, thank you again for putting up with all this promotion while I claw slowly uphill towards selling this book!”

    “Okay well, haven't had much luck in sales in a few days so I am going to offer 3 logo design jobs at half price if it encourages anyone! I need to get this house payment for last month out the door ASAP so DM or visit the website to order!”

    Poor, desperate little Jenna is in fake manic panic mode again. It’s just more of her manipulative marketing for free funds to pay her bills.

    1. I’d be shocked if she got a Shannon replacement roomie. It would be intolerable to live in her hovel, and also have to endure an asshole who has an arrogant attitude.

  9. “and if you just want to throw in towards the 15 years of writing on my blog, sharing the story of running this one-woman farm (mostly) solo since 2010 - venmo is jennawog - okay that was my carnival barking for the morning - back to storm cleanup and snowstorm prep!”

    This was the last stupid tweet in a raging vomit of them thread. Basically, she’s been begging, because she refuses to work to support herself. A part-time, local job is beneath “her highness.” Jenna Woginrich is insufferable.

  10. “This farm needs a damn miracle and I can't write fast enough.”

    Her hovel needs an owner who will work to cover its expenses.

    1. First of all, it’s not a farm.

      She’s had so many damn miracles I’ve lost count.

    2. This faux farm needs a responsible owner who will get an outside job, as needed, to pay for its expenses.

    3. The success of her faux farm doesn’t depend on her rotten writing. That’s a bunch of bull. But she stubbornly refuses to get a job to make ends meet. Talk about stuck on stupid. It’s been over a decade, and she’s almost 40, but still struggles each month to make mortgage payments. Unless, she’s lying, and the extra money is for fun stuff like Taylor Swift sweatshirts, brand new camp crap, and bottles of bourbon etc…

    4. It would be a real “miracle” if she’d go and get a job to support herself like a normal adult.

  11. “A big storm is coming. I'm nervous. 15+ inches of snow and I have a whole farm to dig out by hand with a shovel and roof rake tomorrow. It will be exhausting.”

    Bring on her usual “fears” when a “scary storm” happens. She was born and raised on the east coast, so should be prepared by now. Too bad that she can’t count on Shannon’s help anymore. LOL!!!

    1. Perhaps Pember Patty will come to the damsel in distress rescue again, like the dumb enabler that she’s been.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. What a shock, a winter storm, predicted to be between 8-12 inches, starting around 2 am and lasting until 10 pm Friday evening. Who would have thought upstate NY would get winter snowstorms???

      Since snow won't start until wee hours,  there's time today to bring in firewood and bring out supplies for the farm pets. With total snowfall averaging under 1"/ hour, there will be no crisis in digging out. Slow and steady should do it.

      But while we're on the subject of what a pitiful homesteader she is, why in all these years doesn't she have a snow blower or a snow plow on her poser pickup truck? Why hasn't she had someone fabricate a horse-driven snow plow, so her horses could help her plow her back yard? The Amish do it and there are excellent online plans.

      Will we see her do anything useful? Doubtful.
      She'll sit inside her home, doing nada, whimpering (drinking?), waiting for someone, like Pember Patty, to dig her a$$ out.

      Another day in the life of a faux feral farmer.

    4. PDD. Her continued incompetence is beyond belief. By now she should be an expert on handling snow storms. Jenna would rather spend “donations” on frivolous purchases rather than necessary equipment. She’s a failure at farming, and at life in general. What a total loser.

  12. “Storm continues but farm and animals are well.

    Made the January mortgage, just, but it’s paid!

    Made a small sale today, it goes towards February and a small sigh.

    I am so happy with this small life and for that reason alone I feel very lucky.”

    Looks like the scrappy scammer is ONLY behind by a month now on her mortgage payments. What an amazing accomplishment!!! She’s in the “my dumb, small life is so lucky” phase, her words once, but it never lasts long in her stupid cycle. It’ll be back to bitching and begging soon.

    1. This is an example of why we’re here. My husband and I have kept current on our mortgage payments for decades, and our home is almost paid off. We’ve never bragged about it online, because it’s part of being responsible adults. JW acts as if it’s almost admirable to be behind by a month or more, and wants kudos for just handling her bills. Her sense of self-entitlement is above and beyond obnoxious.

    2. And it's unlikely she's actually paying her mortgage late either. You can't be delinquent for years on end without triggering massive penalty fees and foreclosure processes.

      It's just a part of her false sense of urgency. Claiming to live on the ragged edge just gooses new readers to retweet her posts and gets naïve readers to impulse-purchase her arts n crafts.

      If she makes too much for health insurance supplementation then she makes plenty enough to pay her own bills.

      Her mortgage has never been behind.

  13. I just read that a common trait among people who get scammed is that they have empathy. They want to help, even if they themselves are struggling.

    They remind me of my late mother, a generous soul who had very little but was always willing to share. She fell for many sob stories in the family and it broke my heart.

    Jenna has no feelings for those she scams. They are just a means to her end. Makes me sick.

    1. I would like to add that she is also abusive to her victims. If they contact her asking where is their product, she responds with snark to viciousness.

    2. I’m convinced that she’s a sociopath. And my brother, who is a seasoned psychologist, agrees with me. He said that she more than meets the diagnostic criteria for a few categories of mental illness.

    3. I still recall the young girl and old man who donated money to JW, which weren’t used for their stated purposes. She’s always been a conniving, garbage human.

  14. “I have been binging these two on their YouTube show #UNHhhh to find moments of joy between news updates.”

    Still can’t use the casual contraction of “I’ve,” pretentious twat. She couldn’t care less about the Ukrainian situation. It’s like her fake concern over the BLM movement. Although she did donate a whooping $10 to them. It’s just more of Jenna’s vacuous virtue signaling and humble bragging to appear as someone that she’s not.

  15. So what is it now? One month behind on the mortgage? Three months? Two months? It changes daily. She cannot keep track of her lies and counts on others not keeping track as well.

    She is always sounding the alarm. She preys on empathetic people. I'm so hesitant to apply labels, but yes, I agree with others that she is a sociopath.

    1. It’s simply implausible that she’s been behind on her mortgage payments for years, yet has never mentioned late fees which would be huge. Her whole life is lies.

  16. It's been said before and is worth repeating. She is not making a living off of soap and drawings. She has other sources of income that she is not disclosing because then she couldn't effectively pity beg.

    It was so odd that the begging never stopped when Shannon was there and supposedly paying half the bills. And I suspect she was - maybe more than half. We know Jenna mooched off her cell phone and car.

    I wonder if Shannon gave her an ultimatum - get a job or I leave.

    1. Exactly. We believe that she’s been doing drawings for the furry fandom. She’s done this before, but appears to be ashamed of it. I’m sure that Shannon couldn’t cope with Jenna’s begging and lying. Plus, probably paying for more than her fair share of living expenses.

    2. Completely agree, and maybe she is still doing furry drawings under an alias other than "oakpaw". Some of the furry fans are *hella wealthy* and have a lot of disposable income to indulge in costumes / custom "art".

      All Jenna can really do is 1970 animation-style cartoons. Fortunately, it works really well for the furry fans. If that's her actual job, great. STOP BEGGING.

      It makes sense though if she's getting regular commissions through deviant art under an anon alias, then those people would never know she has this alter ego as a gosh darn salt o the earth dirt farmer!

      Either that or she's a VA. Something's paying her too much to qualify for health insurance premium assistance.

    3. I'd be very surprised if she's able to fly under the radar on any channel. Even on channels that she'd evidently like to keep private, she just can't help giving herself away. Although, tbf, I wouldn't even know how to search for a furry artist using her tells.

  17. I wonder where Anon7 is. We haven’t seen any comments from her lately. I always appreciate her intelligent and entertaining perspective on CAF and its odious “owner.”

  18. Jill U Adams

    “Which would you prefer?
    16 degrees, wood stove, and old dog
    73 degrees, palm trees, and rental car”

    Jenna Woginrich

    “I made my choice.
    He's going to be 12 on March 16.
    It's 13 degrees outside right now.
    I'm one of the happiest people I know.”

    What a bunch of bull. “Sure, Jen.” She didn’t ask about being happy. Your constant complaining and begging shows a person who is far from satisfied with her “dumb, small life.”

    1. Her public pretense of being happy reminds me of those who brag about having a lot of sex. It’s obvious that the opposite is often true.

    2. So if she’s the happiest person she knows, then she’s lying about all her troubles. Which is it, Jen?

    3. Anonymous 1:26. Her moods are mercurial, and depend on how much money she’s mooched. She’s a hypocrite about happiness.

    4. Maybe she's saying she's one of the happiest persons she knows for Shannon's sake. As in, "take that, Shannon, I can be happy without you".

    5. I think this is the run of the mill, cycle of crying.

      She usually does the "you know you want my life" humble brag posts at the beginning of the month after a "mortgage payment" but since she's just talked about a late mortgage payment I guess the "my life is awesome I'm so happy" cycle has come around.

      She can't cry all the time or people won't feel sowwy for her.

    6. "Backup Drama Llama "February 28, 2022 at 5:09 PM

      Anon 4:14, yes, she's posturing again, trying to prove she's perfectly happy and doesn't need her previous partner.

      Far from happy, FFF consistently complains about life. She's selfish and the center of her sad little narrative. With the exception of a teensy group of mutually beneficial people, she gives nothing and helps no one. How sad to have been emotionally involved with such a taker.


  19. “Logo services no longer on sale but every time you purchase one from me it helps keep my dream going a little longer, send a DM to hire or visit”

    LOL!!! Her lousy logos are always on sale. Jenna is a disingenuous liar. And her dumb dream deserves to die. It’s become a nasty nightmare.

  20. Okay, so I've done a little investigating, and there is no way Jenna's making money from furry art unless she has invented an entirely new persona and leveled up her art talent / graphic design skill by 1000%.

    Jenna commented on her old Oakpaw profile on deviant art that her handle on FA (Furry Affinity) is "obsidianwolfess".

    That profile leads to the twitter profile @Oakpaw and @RealOakpaw, and all three sites look like they're just supplemental to a years long running cosplay.

    The art on the FA profile, which does offer commissions by the way but the offers are from years ago and at about $100 a pop, and the art is scanned paper done with pencil crayon.

    Furthermore, the update Jenna posted on FA in 2021 saying basically "hey I'm still here" received a handful of replies, about the same number of people who follow her secure twitter profile @realoakpaw.

    These are *not* the signs of an in-demand spicy cartoonist. These are the signs of a hobby online cosplayer, which we already know Jenna is.

    Again, all of this is *fine*. Even if she were making actual money making spicy cartoons. That would be more than fine if she'd just STOP LYING ABOUT BEING BROKE.

    I too am confident Jenna's been paying the mortgage just fine all these years.,, just not with furry art. If she were, my little deep-dive would have led to a profile with a least a few hundred followers and a large portfolio of higher quality art.

    We know what an attention seeker Jenna is. If she were successful selling spicy cartoons on another profile, she'd be posting THAT profile on her deviant art and oakpaw twitter.

    Oh, fun story: She did post a message on the "obsidianwolfess" profile that if she's late on commissions, *please be patient and send her an email*

    She's the same person no matter whether it's on furry affinity, lezwolfmemes on instagram, or her good ol' legal handle JW.

    1. WiW. Thanks for doing the deep dive. Her “Live like fiction” fantasy “lie-style” is an ongoing lying and larping. Placing the burden of following up on commissions should be her responsibility not the clients’. Her business behavior is lazy, immature and unethical.

    2. Oakpaw and realoakpaw on twitter, that's very weird because that person talks about marrying their best friend in August, people coming to town for their wedding, living in NJ, and doing sewing commissions, so that doesn't track as being the same person. Their self-description about equestrian, garden, and baking, does track, but the rest seems like someone else completely.

    3. Anon 4:22 again. Also, the person who commented on the DA profile that connected it to AW's FA profile was someone named klimtda, not Jenna. I did see that AW was active on deviantart going back like 15 years. Something's not adding up for me about these two being the same person. Yes, some of the wolf art looks very similar to Jenna's work, but that style is so generic I'm not sure that's very telling. Some of the non-wolf art from AW looks simple, but not like anything I've seen Jenna do.

    4. Fair points, anon 4:22. I did not follow @realoakpaw so I can't see their tweets, but I assumed that entire account was about the cosplay of the two characters.

      If that account is tweeting as a real person and not a character, then your explanation makes total sense. There are a lot of coincidences between them.

    5. Yeah, it's very confusing because actually in several places people explicitly equate the two; but I think that's just confusion based on shared usage of the name "Oakpaw" in the furry art community, because obsidian wolfess seems to be a real person named Anna. I went into it assuming it was cosplay like you said, but the thing that made me dig deeper (besides me not having enough going on in my life, evidentally) was the wedding mentioned back in August. Even if it was cosplay, I just couldn't imagine she would have such an elaborate cosplay going while living with Shannon and have the relationship last as long as it did, lol.

  21. “Will offer for $45? Anyone? And will make nose less blocky too!”

    Poor, desperate little Jenna. Guess that no one wants her stupid scribble. I’ve seen kids who have more artistic abilities.

  22. “Good morning! It’s the first of March and I got to make some sales ASAP to keep the lights on, so here’s some art and soap trios all available to ship today!”

    Here’s a novel idea. Why not go and get a job, Jenna? And it’s “I’ve” not “I got,” moron. No one cares about your paying bills bull.

  23. “Sometimes my dog just starts quietly whining from across the room when I start strumming my ukulele and it feels like a read.”

    That stupid tweet makes no sense at all. I doubt that she’s not drinking daily again.

    1. She's saying the dog is criticizing her uke playing, and she's probably right. "Please stop that noise, why are you at it again".

      Her writing hasn't been consistently coherent for years though, so yeah, it wouldn't surprise me if she was drinking again.

    2. Watch her try to give ukulele lessons just like she’s done with the fiddle. We’ve heard her play before in Cambridge. She could clear a room with her stupid screeching, and inability to keep timing with other musicians.


    Jenna must be jealous that Blair is such a successful writer unlike herself. She’s publishing a novel, and I’ll bet that it’ll be better than the FFF’s bombed Birchthorn book. LOL!!!

  25. “Still making wolves, moons, goats, dragons and owls! Get a trio, it covers 75lbs of sheep feed!”

    Still trying to pretend to be an authentic farmer as a cover for mooching mortgage money.

  26. “Here’s to another day working whatever jobs I can collect to keep farming here another season in a small life that makes me big happy”

    You “collect” cans not jobs. Unless you’re a lazy loser like Jenna Woginrich. Always stupidly bragging about her happy small life. STFU

  27. Time to stand on your own two feet, Jenna. Put on your big girl pants and support yourself.

    1. It was “time” decades ago, but she’s stuck on stupid and stubborn.

  28. Blabbing on about the Batman movie and how she isn't interested in it. According to her just an old white man with lots of money doing what he wants to, while he could be paying off every ones college loans with his money. Funny why is someone else responsible for someone that a person doesn't know paying their debts? Jealous much? Also why hasn't she asked the same of Taylor Swift?

    1. I saw that stupid tweet. It’s indicative of her arrogant attitude towards people paying for her “lie-style.” She feels owed her dream by others who have more money that they’ve honestly earned. Jenna’s worshipped idol is exempt from her hypocrisy.

  29. “Good morning from a gal who is finally learning to use her stovetop espresso machine correctly and is sipping this vanilla oat milk latte with the joy only procrastinating writers can savor”

    Now, she’s an annoying folksy “gal” who is a rotten writer “procrastinating” about trying to type another bad book.

    1. Which won’t either be published or sell.

    2. We also get a glimpse again of her fat, filthy man hand.

    3. I wonder how one incorrectly uses a stovetop espresso machine. I think most of them are pretty simple.

  30. “Pet portraits on sale! 2 for $100! You can use both, save both for Christmas presents, surprise a friend, take care of that pesky Arbor Day Gifting, or just pin up on your wall knowing a weird little gay farmer kept going because of you. DM or go to order!”

    Poor, “weird”
    little Jenna is using her queer card as a means for manipulative marketing again.

    1. There are so many things wrong with this. First of all, who the heck gives gifts for Arbor Day? And why is it pesky? She probably looked at the calendar to see which holiday was coming up so she could take advantage of it. It's all about her.

    2. Her whole life is lies. And she’ll invent any asinine reason to try and get free funds.

  31. Hey, Jenna! I want to have a livelikefictionlifethatnooneunderstands, just like you. I quit my job and now need to keep the lights on and heater running. How about kicking in some $$$ to support my lazy lifestyle? I’ll even mail you a bar of soap so long as you pay the postage.

    1. LOL!!! Your comment cracked me up. Like she’d donate a dollar to anyone else. Jenna’s
      “Live like fiction” fantasy “lie-style” is financed by foolish followers, and sycophantic suck-ups who want to be hobbyist homesteaders like her. They’re too stupid to see that she’s a “scrappy”
      scammer and animal abuser.

  32. “Hell of a sale, and hopefully you'll take me up on it! Trying to still catch up and it's been an uphill crawl, but sharing this and helping get out the word is a literal farm saver! Please RT!”

    GFY, Jenna. Your whole life is lies.

  33. “Someone please explain to me why so many educated adults don’t know that all species of livestock are capable of lying down?!”

    And also please explain to us why you won’t work to support yourself like a normal adult?!

  34. Just waiting to see how she makes the situation in Ukrainian all about her.

    1. Anon 12:33, she's already started laying the groundwork for more begging, with sad hints about the uncertainty of it all.

      From her begs:

      "...trying my best...another day with small goals and tiny encouragement. Like everyone else."

      "Consider supporting this scrappy farm today as it continues to endeavor forward in uncertain times!"

      Gosh. How long before she's too upset to work? Or too poor to drive to the post office to mail out soap?

      Maybe she needs to be gifted with an electric vehicle? C'mon bitches, the faux farmer needs more handouts!

    2. That's right. The poor little FFF is the only one suffering in uncertain times.

  35. In other news, her idol, Taylor Swift, posted " The Batman was PHENOMENAL!!! "

    Whatever will Batman-bashing Jenna do now???


    1. The Batman-bashing bitch is a huge hypocrite, and will follow whatever her worshipped idol believes.

  36. All times are uncertain, Jenna. Life can change in the blink of an eye. Have you ever heard of the story of the ant and the grasshopper? The ant worked hard and saved, so that when winter came (or hard times in general), the ant could ride it out. The grasshopper on the other hand played and fiddled, made fun of the ant for working hard, but did not survive the winter.

    Life is a series of sunshine and shadow. It's not a matter of whether hard times will come, but a matter of when. Get a freakin' job, Jenna, and stop grifting off of others. People are getting tired of the begging and you will be left out in the cold.

    Shannon bailed in the nick of time.

    1. She’s the greedy grasshopper. Shannon was wise to leave the “Live like fiction” loser.

  37. “Good morning! Last night's storm (lightning and high winds) knocked out the power. All is well this morning. I hope everyone else came through it okay. I was so worried a tree would knock out the barn or horse fencing.”

    Her fake concern for others is always a bunch of bull.

  38. “Badass female farmer-falconer…”

    Kristen is another stupid sycophantic supporter who wrote a ridiculous article about JW.

    1. I think that Kristen is crushing on Wogzilla.

    2. I also wanted to add that Jenna Woginrich is far from being a badass. She’s a selfish, loser user who expects people to pay for her lazy lifestyle. There’s nothing admirable about her.

    3. Badass is the new "rockstar" from 2014. I remember in hustle culture in that time period, everyone was a "rockstar this" or "ninja that". Now everyone's being described as "badass"

      It's lazy writing, honestly. What makes Jenna badass? That she keeps agricultural animals as pets and has a small pig / chicken operation?

      She hasn't done anything particularly remarkable in her self-described "dumb life". Nothing badass there to see. Just histrionics about normal life events which are low key compared to what people struggling in the current rental market have to cope with.

      In the housing crash of 2008, at least people could rent an apartment. Now millions of people can't afford basic housing, and are paying 50% of their income or more in housing costs, living paycheck to paycheck.

      Nothing badass about Jenna's undisclosed income that she claims doesn't exist, despite the evidence she is NOT late on her mortgage, at all.

    4. WIW. That was well-put. She wants to come across as a feral farmer, but in reality is a pampered princess. My grandma is much more of a real badass than JW.

    5. Many of her most vocal supporters had maturity and substance abuse issues. Some literally lived in their mom's basement and stayed drunk. To them, not living at home, staying somewhat sober and being sufficiently motivated to change bed sheets were big accomplishments. In comparison to "do nothing" observers, lol, she was badass.

      Her early name-dropped big-city visitors were also unbelievably clueless about how badly she "farmed". Between drinking and being swooned over /catered to by Pember Patty, they neglected to see the scrappy farmer is a crappy farmer.

      Today, her urban friends seem more hands off with FFF, although she relentlessly stalks them on social media. Unsurprisingly her big-city visitors have each accomplished more. It's almost as though putting on big girl panties and working hard leads to success. Who've thought?


    Consider supporting this scrappy farm today as it continues to endeavor forward in uncertain times! Goal is $200 in sales today to cover feed run and hay delivery tomorrow!”

    She wrote recently that her lousy logos weren’t going to be on sale so soon. “Sure, Jen.” What a lying, “scrappy” scammer. Her manipulative marketing isn’t “uncertain” but predictable.

  40. “Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! New blog post with farm updates, current spring plans, goals, storms, and sales all over at the blog!”

    Just another narcissistic, dumb dispatch from the Cambridge Queen of Con.

  41. “Well can’t say chores weren’t pretty! Egg bread rose well overnight and the fire is lit! Here’s to hot coffee and hard work!”

    Another unnecessary broadcast bragging about her meaningless existence. No one cares about your “dumb little life,” loser. You don’t know the meaning of “hard work.” You’re a pretentious poser who is a farming failure.

    1. I’m shocked that she didn’t also say her stupid “Wish me luck!!!” That’s her code for cash from followers.

  42. “May Brigit witness and pity those on carb-free diets. For eggy bread is divine and our lives are over so so fast.”

    And may Brigit tell you to STFU, attention whore.

  43. “I am one of the few people I know that is genuinely happy. This is why.”

    STFU, pretentious twat. Those who are happy need not boast about it.

    1. The stupid tweet links to another narcissistic, dumb dispatch from her faux farm. I don’t include links to give her views.

  44. “Just finished my third 5k since Sunday! It feels so good to get back into running again!”

    Yeah, chunky Jenna is using her inappropriate racing lingo again to appear athletic. But her obese body is proof that she’s a lazy coach potato.

  45. I’m guessing the happiness comment was for Shannon’s sake. As in, see, I can be happy without you. Tomorrow she will be in a heap on the floor, sobbing, tearing her garments and begging the world to pay her mortgage.

  46. “Nothing reminds me more about the differences in class between myself and friends than hearing about their splurges. One friend just booked a trip to Iceland for fun. Another got a massage after work for "me time" I still feel guilty about buying a $7 candle at Best Buy.”

    Right. “Sure, Jen.” What a crock of crap.

    1. Learn proper punctuation, moron. Jenna is just jealous of people who have the money to travel. She finally admitted it last year. And everything she does is all about “me time.” She’s a lying hypocrite. JW never “feels guilty” when SHE splurges on expensive Etsy sweatshirts,Taylor Swift merchandise, stupid dog stuff, pricy coffee etc… But how dare others treat themselves with their own funds?!

    2. Her “differences in class” sentence is stupid. JW is an overly privileged, college-educated white woman who owns a home with acreage in an expensive area.

    3. She doesn’t deserve to have a home of her own. Her humble-bragging about buying a crappy candle is vacuous virtue-signaling.

    4. And what about her two horses, livestock, truck and car? Sure, she’s really a poorer person.

    5. When you beg strangers to pay your mortgage, you should feel guilty about buying a candle. Splurges are for people with jobs.

    6. Anonymous 11.32. I agree with what you wrote. But Jenna is disingenuous, and lying about feeling guilty. That’s her fake cover to look contrite.

  47. I'd rather book a trip to Iceland than sit in a freezing house any day. And maybe people who work in offices rather like the office and the friends they have there and the work that they do. Don't be smug and hating on people because they work in an office for a living. And don't be hating on people who have thermostats (and use them).

    All sounds like sour grapes to me.

    1. Jenna’s jealousy has brewing for years. Which is why her bragging about being happy is lies. She’s seething in discontent over decades of stupid choices that are her responsibility.

    2. has been brewing

    3. Yes, it is sour grapes. She depends on people who work in offices. It’s not unemployed people who are supporting her.

  48. Wow - a student of psychology could read her last blog and do a thesis on foibles of this oh-so entitled member of the privileged class.

    Her "I am happy" blog is laughable. Reading it, you realize she's a privileged person who pretends to be country: she wears silk layers, woolen socks, REI clothing and name-brand jeans, boots, etc. Prestige and reverse-chic, are important to her.

    It's also evident that post SD, she's gone back to her lazy animal husbandry, throwing food over the fence to hungry animals. Obviously, they mean little to her. She joked about her old horses pawing the ground and "hollering" for their breakfast. Guess what? It shouldn't come as a shock that cold and hungry animals get impatient about food.

    She admitted the purchase of her house and land in the trendy community of Cambridge, NY was "timing, privilege and luck". She lamented none of her clothes are new (conveniently forgot about purchases from Amazon and TS). She cried she doesn't have a microwave but didn't mention owning the more expensive Instant Pot.

    Not unexpectedly,  FFF boasted about how much money she must spend on bills ($2k/month), in part (unsaid) due to the insanity of owning a car, unusable truck, hobby raptor and two horses, although she is purportedly broke.

    Perhaps the best part was her reveal that she'd been fired from outside jobs: "(they) dropped me soon as they realized it hurt their bottom line..." Yeah, we kinda figured that since she hates, hates, HATES working for other people.

    And since FFF is smack dab in her don't-you-wish-you-were-me phase in the cycle of woe, she interspersed testaments of this small life with the pure joy and happiness at living a do-little lifestyle. Fascinatingly, she has no problem taking money and donations from others, but "Having to solicit farm sales every day, (is) frankly embarrassing."

    The fundamental truth is earning a responsible living and working hard/smart for her money is NEVER going to be an option for her: "...comforts and perceived-dignities that would require I give up so much of my time, freedom, and choices."

    But, hey, if you are one of the readers she looks down upon because you stupidly work for a living, remember, supporting her is ALL worthwhile because your purchases and pity donations allow her to play whenever she wants instead of work, and she is therefore the HAPPIEST PERSON she knows. Now poodles, send money to her via PayPal. It means so much.

    1. Not surprised she got fired from outside jobs, but she is lying about the reason. I was a manager and good employees are hard to find. You do not want to let them go!

      I've been following her blog from the beginning and it was obvious she hated her job and was a lousy employee. She wrote about how much she hated the work. No surprise she was let go.

      Of course she has to spin it that poor little her was hurting the company's bottom line, so they let her go and now she has to beg on a daily basis and it's so embarrassing, blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, yada.

      It's just another pity beg and more manipulation of empathetic poodles with office jobs and direct deposit.

    2. Gee, it sure takes a lot of energy for Jenna to reframe what she's doing into a palatable story for herself.

      She continues to try and sell her latest memoir to publishers, and her whole personality is paying the mortgage, being anxious, and listening to Taylor Swift.

      She belittles people who pay for their vacations by trading time in an office for money, and goes on to list all the recreational things she could do BUT DOESN'T because she's INSIDE *working* to pay her bills with arts and crafts.

      I think the folks here called it years ago in saying she was likely LET GO from her graphic design job the same time she was evicted from her rental cabin for destroying the property.

    3. Here’s her stupid denial and backpedaling. She probably read our comments here:

      “This is not a complaint or an accusation. It's just the reality of people's choices. I don't want their lives or last-minute trips to Iceland. They pay for it with the best years of their lives in an office. Too high a price for me. And I may be damn wrong.”

    4. Her asinine admittance of “And I may be damn wrong” is funny. We’ll see how the feral farmer and scrappy scammer “supports herself” when she’s over 40. The lie of “living alone on the side of a mountain” bullshit schtick will have worn out its appeal to even her sycophantic supporters.

  49. Funny thing is that she DEPENDS on people with office jobs to support her. There’s a word for that and it may be “parasite”.

    Yeah, I had an office job and it often sucked to be stuck there when I wanted to be doing something else. But I had a steady income with medical benefits. I saved my money, became debt free and retired.

    Now my days are free. I have passive income that comes to me without begging.

    Maybe I traded some of my “best days” to work in an office. But here is what I’ve learned. As you age, things go south. It’s not as easy to get up in the morning, to exert yourself, to do what you used to be able to do.

    Fortunately, I don’t have to push myself to support myself. I thank my younger self for having the foresight to send those benefits ahead.

    Is the FFF wrong? Time will tell.

    1. Anonymous 7:01. She’s definitely a parasitic person, and sucks funds from her hosts.

  50. Why does she think the only way to be employed is in an office? There are many outdoor blue collar jobs to be had that pay well.

    My first thought is road work. And there is an organization called something like hard hatted women, for construction workers.

    Heck, she could make good money as a plumber and learn to fix her own pipes in the process.

    Many women are going into auto repair.

    Feel free to chime in with other non-office, well paying blue collar jobs. We know she reads here. It’s not “office” work or nothing.

    1. There are huge opportunities for craftspeople. Plumbers, carpenters, electricians and contractors can make $100K per year. After learning the trade, they can choose the jobs they want, work as much or as little as they want.

      I have woman friends who are hoticulturists, landscapers, contractors, machinists, carpenters and welders. There are many community colleges that teach blue collar trades and there are likely available grants.

      But it's doubtful she'll do much to improve her lot. She'd rather complain, play victim and ask others to bail her out.

    2. Electrician, cable line/electronic installer, transit/metro bus driver (good pay and lots of benes, but of course you have to be in a city), elevator repair, building engineer (my daughter's SO does this), bricklayer (I actually know a woman brick layer. She makes nearly $60k a year), semi truck driver (or even FedEx, UPS), carpenter, fire inspector.

      The list goes on. There's plenty of blue collar opportunities, and will probably be more in the environmental arena building solar and wind structures.

  51. The irony is if she didn't fritter time on the internet and took herself by the scruff of the neck and worked smartly, instead of stupidly, she could probably live a life that doesn't "frankly" embarrass her (and every sentient farm woman) when she begs for donations and pity buys.

    If she's serious, for years, there have been ample opportunities for her to reduce waste and eliminate unnecessary steps and rework. This would allow her to *gasp* be more productive and earn more money, thereby reducing her financial insecurity. The more practical SD immediately understood this concept: plan the work and work the plan.

    But, owing to her stubborn stupidity, endless distractions and the behavior of an immature child, FFF almost never works smarter. Instead, she self-sabotages nearly every day.

    It's absurd that she denounces others for working ("wasting") the best years of their lives, lol, having money for spontaneous trips to Iceland. Unless they are incompetent, most professional wage earners work towards goals, whether professional success, financial security, further education, travel, home-based business or whatever the hell they want.

    Her small-minded, do-little life, isn't much to crow about, and she's clearly jealous of others. She leaves no mark, hasn't improved anything and, in fact, her land and animals are worse off thanks to her. She twists and pivots endlessly, trying desperately to make much ado about nothing.

    Since she obviously reads our posts and has now decided she has undiagnosed ADHD (a diagnosis I agree on), maybe she'll finally seek a professional to dig herself out of the hole she's in. She needs an intervention.

    PayPal her. It means so much because she intends to play while others pay.

    1. I doubt that she’ll ever seek professional help for her many mental issues. Jenna is far too “stubborn.” Her “dumb small life” is an epic failure.

  52. Wow! There are so many good suggestions for well paying blue collar jobs. I cannot wait to hear her excuses about why she cannot work at any of those.

    I just read something about histronic personality disorder, someone who makes much ado about nothing, or the more recognizable term, "drama queen". I guess you could add that to her disorders.

    None of these disorders make her unemployable. Heck, I don't know anyone without some kind of issue. We learn to deal with our issues, work around them, work through them, or get help when needed.

    A blue collar job sounds great for someone with ADHD. She needs to get away from her computer and the temptations of mindless binge watching and surfing. And the physical exertion would do her some good.

    1. The problem is that Jenna only wants work on her own terms. She rigidly refuses to do anything that’s not either graphic design or writing.

    2. "She rigidly refuses to do anything that’s not either graphic design or writing."

      Yet she puts down people who work in offices? Graphic design and writing are both office jobs. She's so effed up...

  53. “One random annual bill from something like Amazon or Wix - that slams you with an automatic withdrawal, is such a blow and comes without any emails or reminders, so people aren't likely to cancel. I just lost a third of my bank account for a website noone goes to.”

    Here she goes again. “Sure, Jen.” The biggest “blow” to your “bank account” is your arrogant attitude towards not getting a job.

    1. Her bragging about “being one of the happiest people I know” is such a crock of crap. This tweet reveals the real Jenna. She’s desperate and discontent due to her own stubborn stupidity.

    2. And by trying to place the blame lately on “uncertain times” it deflects from Jenna’s own ineptitude in ruining her home and property.

    3. This is a perfect example of her incompetence. She ordered an annually-renewing subscription and didn't note the amount and renewal rate on her calendar.

      Also, I've never seen a subscription service that doesn't post renewal information.

      Nevertheless, the dumber-than-dirt homesteader (who endlessly lectures others) should recognize tracking upcoming expenses is Budgeting 101.

      Who is foolish enough to enable her behavior??

    4. PDD. You’re right about the renewal information being emailed, but I believe that she’s likely lying again. And using this as an excuse for her begging. She likes to blame everything but herself for financial screw-ups.


    If you'd like to support this farm, and it sure needs support, now is a time to purchase a design, pet portrait, and soaps! This is the last day for $50 off the flat rate I already offer. DM or visit…”

    Her stupid, screaming all caps reeks of manipulative marketing. People are probably sick of supporting a lazy loser like her. GFY

    1. “This farm” has never been solvent in over a decade by her own admission. She’s literally, relying on begged donations to support herself at almost 40. It’s beyond pathetic.

    2. “Visit the site if you don't want to buy anything, cause there's a very nice blog called "Dispatches" in the menu.”

      LOL!!! She’s shameless. Which is why we call her the Cambridge Queen of Con.

    3. It’s also shitty how she never credits Shannon’s hard work for creating her site. I think that she’s very angry to be dumped in her first lesbian relationship.

  55. “I think my "sport" is the AT. I follow every year's vloggers, I know all the checkpoints and rituals, I grew up ON IT, I dream of hiking it, and I get all the references and in jokes. I can tell you what mid layer is popping this year, baby.”

    She’ll never take six months off to hike the AT, let alone go camping for a few days. Because Jenna incredulously claims that the faux farm demands her 24/7 attention. “Pember Patty, can you take time to manage my livestock?!” Her usage of “baby” is always annoying and inappropriate. She tries to sound sexy but it’s stupid instead.

  56. Anon 7:41, her use of "baby" is deplorable.

    It reminds me of the way she wrote about Shannon: awful, sexist and often demeaning. In her socially-inept way, FFF probably thought she was being cool and ironic. In reality, she sounded like someone's demented, misogynistic drunk relative.

    How many times did she write something along the lines of:
    "Get yourself a girl who will (insert dirty, unappealing or tedious homesteading chore here)" ?

    Really??? Yes, this is how she spoke of the person who initiated farm improvements and created her Wix website. Truly, Pig Shocker needs to f'ck all the way off.

    1. PDD. I wrote the comment, and appreciate your response. I think the same thing. She treated Shannon like an old sexist man from the Fifties. It was weird, and kinda creepy.

  57. “Recently I wrote passionately about how happy I am with a modest life. Since, about 5 things happened, all that require money. I feel like I'm being cosmically scolded for bragging about being broke & content...

    I am going for a walk. If I can without being charged for it.”

    Boo fucking hoo. The poor, “weird little” faux farmer is indirectly begging again. It’s called adult accountability for supporting yourself, but she stupidly labels it “being cosmically scolded.” More Monday moaning from the Cambridge Queen of Con.

    1. Someone’s on the pity pot today. If I were nervous about bills, then paying them would take precedence over exercise. But I’m not a self-entitled, middle-aged moron who expects people to fund my lazy lifestyle.

    2. She’s received a response, but Jenna only wants money. Naturally, she rarely acknowledges this kind of crap from followers:

      “These are opportunities. Examine them from different angles until you find them. Hang in there. You are going to make it.”

  58. HD. Could we please have a new post? Hope that you’re healing well. Thanks.

  59. “I am offering the following discounts on all the following logo designs, pet portraits, canvas paintings, and homemade soap! DM or
    Logos: $50 off
    Pet portraits: 2 for $85
    Canvas: $150
    Soap 10 Bar Bundles: $50

    Just want to pitch in:
    is venmo”

    The last “pitch in” part is all about begging. And free funds are what she really wants without working for them. “Venmo, it means so much.” Perhaps, PayPal closed her account for scamming.

    1. Jenna is disingenuous, and deliberately put her big beg at the end. It’s always about her manipulative marketing.

    2. Anyone stupid enough to give money to this massive loser deserves to be taken advantage of by her. There are many worthy causes and individuals who need and deserve support. Jenna Woginrich is not one of them. She’s a personal parasite who takes not gives.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. When will the FFF learn that everybody else has expenses and bills too? Why does she act like she’s the only one? Yeah, she’s happy with her ‘broke’ life as long as someone else is paying the bills.

  61. Guess what?

    The fake feral farmer - who bragged about not having a cell phone (and denigrated people who did) -  is whining because her IPhone6 isn't holding a charge. Despite numerous people telling her it's likely a fixable battery problem, she wants another phone. No repairs for her! 😂Help her. She's so sad.

    Now, I don't begrudge anyone owning a cell phone, but if, as she said, she bought the cell phone for safety reasons, any cheap pay-in-advance flip phone would have worked and could be used.

    But no, she bought an IPhone because she can't roam social media with an emergency-only phone. And now the phone isn't working - unless she's lying (a distinct possibility!).

    Really...what she wants is a sycophant to send her another cell phone or $$$$. So she posts her woes. Poodles, don't you get it? She's an *artiste* and can't do without. whatever. she. wants.

    Begging when you're an entitled privileged means so much.


    1. A replacement battery with the tools to change the battery costs less than $20 on Amazon....but oh the drama..SMH



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