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June 22, 2024
Autumn is coming in at full force.
It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
I think that Shannon really must have called her out on her BS and now she is playing defense. I don't read her posts as "please come back". I read them as a narcissist who, when she can't control the other person, instead writes them off and implies they were really nothing to them at all. FFF has never, once, indicated she possesses and ounce of empathy or genuine emotion. Even with her bad writing, you would think you would get a glimpse of it every now and then, if she had any. Hopefully Shannon is moving on to healthier and happier times.
ReplyDeleteI don’t believe anything she writes. First she said Shannon paid half the bills and now she says it was $200 a month. She thinks people have short memories.
ReplyDeleteI doubt we will ever hear Shannon’s side, but I’ll bet it is a doozy.
I was going to write a satirical piece to lighten the mood, but somehow it seems inappropriate. I agree that the FFF has some sort of psychological disorder, definitely lacks empathy and writes her own narrative embellishing reality.
There’s no way that Shannon would’ve stayed for over a year without paying her half of their living expenses. Jenna is too greedy and needy. Her whole life is lies.
DeleteIt was so pathetic to see Jenna claim the bills were behind while Shannon was living there. If that situation continued, we would have had to conclude Shannon was in on the scam, but I think Shannon was just young and hadn't encountered someone like Jenna before.
DeleteWhen you believe what someone is saying about themselves and their intentions, and taking Jenna at face value - a property-owning, self-employed, published authour - there's no logical reason they couldn't make things work logistically (setting aside any personal differences they may have had.)
But as always the numbers Jenna talks about never adds up. Shannon was *of course* paying half. It was probably less than she'd been paying on her own place previously. So Jenna was either lying to the world about being behind on the mortgage, or she was lying to Shannon about what she was doing with the money she 'earned up'.
It took Shannon less than a year to clue in, which I think is a pretty decent turnaround time. It took me two years to figure out my own scamming ex, and he got to live off me for a whole damn year before moving on to scam the welfare system.
Good for Shannon, but yet another entry in the record of Jenna's scams.
According to her blog post on Sept 11, 2021 this latest batch of pigs was supposed to be " available for next summer and early fall."
ReplyDeleteIt's not even "late fall". It's not even 2021.
How late is she on delivering these shares, and how old were the pigs at butchering?
I can't seem to find the blog post of the piglets when she picked them up last year - there was a photo of them in a dog crate with a peeling sticker on it.
What I did find was a reference to her birthday, and the countdown to 40 is just around the corner folks. This July 10th, she'll cross the threshold into truly middle-aged.
I don't think it's going to make a difference in her choices, but she's very far from the idealistic, enthusiastic if naive young person who wrote "made from scratch".
From the homesteading collective instagram stories, FFF answers questions.
My daughter is interested in learning to train birds / falcons. What's involved? Advice?
First things first; falconry is a bloodsport. It's hunting. To even begin the proccess (sic) to become an apprentice falconer you need to attend Hunter's Safety classes and obtain a hunting license. This rightly dissuades people looking to train pets. Your hunting bird counts on you to keep hunting - so if gutting rabbits feels gross or against your idea of a swell time - it may not be for you...
From the homesteader's collective, FFF:
"The bird I'm training now is a female falcon thought..." and it cuts off from there.
She got the damn kestrel for something to do this winter. She's never had a bird that small. It'll be more delicate than the red tail hawks.
She mentions "gutting a rabbit" above, but then says she feeds her birds mice, chicks, rat, quail and buys it from @mikedupuyfalconry
This one's rich. "Chickens don't need to be warm the same way mammals do, like the comfort-loving goats and pigs. What they do need is shelter from precipitation and wind. If it'll ruin or blow down a comforter on a clothes line - it'll kill a chicken."
ReplyDeleteSpoken from experience, eh?
Thanks for posting the link up above, but for some reason it didn't work for me. If her bleg post is not too lengthy, can someone post it here?
ReplyDeleteFor clarity, none of the direct links work for me as her new website hates my browser. So I normally copy 'n paste the link onto a website called Outline . com -- which is a great online tool to read news stories from websites that have way too much crap (videos, ads) going on.
Also, I haven't commented here much lately cuz I'm having to sign in and out for each comment I try to make. For example, as soon as I submit a comment and try to submit another or reply to someone else's comment, the "publish" button disappears.
ReplyDeleteIs anyone else having this issue?
Anon7. The comments are being moderated lately, because a repugnant poster named BM was attacking others here. So there’s a lag time before they appear. (Sorry that HD has to take time and do it.) This weirdo was vile, deranged, and also appeared to be having a psychotic break.
Delete“Meet Ellie! American Kestrel I’ve been working with these past few months”
ReplyDeleteAh, yes. The animal abusing, sociopathic scammer has another poor bird victim trapped in her hovel. How long until she kills this kestrel like the others?
".....past few months"? Shannon left on November 13th, roughly 2 months ago and there has been no mention of trapping a hawk till today. She cannot keep track of her lies at all.
DeleteIt's kind of hard to believe she's been working with it for months without posting any mention of it or any photos.
DeleteGuessing FFF bought the kestrel from someone else. She's incompetent as a rural homesteader, but we know she'll do anything to generate attention.
DeleteReaders: take screen shots of any posts she makes which use the newest raptor for advertising. That would be a violation of NY State laws, and she should be reported.
ReplyDeleteokay weird, I couldn't comment for a while there either.
ReplyDeleteI can’t understand how Jenna couldn’t make it on two incomes, yet she seems to be thriving on one.
ReplyDeleteShe continued to whine about late mortgage payments, mooched off of Shannon’s cell phone and used her car.
Then when Shannon left, suddenly she has a cell phone, car and truck. She still whines about her mortgage, but she could be lying.
Nothing adds up.
The math hasn't worked out for a decade. We deduced years ago she must be lying about her income.
DeleteI understand from a previous comment that the income tax rules have changed and she'll need to report / claim ALL of her "donation" money going forward.
I don't think she has much in the way of donation / sales money. She'd need a minimum of $1500 / month to live off of, and I think her lifestyle indicates she has at least $2K / month coming in.
There is no way she's making that in arts n crafts sales. She's making *maybe* a few thousand a year in pig profits.
She has other income. She talks about not having a family allowance or government help or a job, but she's lying about one of those things.
Her house would have been foreclosed upon years ago if her chronic late payment tales were true. It's not just that you have to keep ahead of being 3 payments behind, you have to keep those HUGE fees paid and you have to catch up and stay caught up for a period of time.
You can't be behind a payment for months / years on end.
“Pulling an all nighter, or close to it as I can muster to feed the stoves for the -14 degree low. If you have a good movie, tv series, or documentary that is generally in the feel-good category please tell me here!”
ReplyDeletePoor, freezing little Jenna. The cold cunt refuses to use either her working furnace or other house heaters, because then she couldn’t cry a fake victim narrative. Asking asinine questions is her moronic M.O. for more attention whoring.
Again with the lies. Any glimpse into a weather app will show her area had a low of -6F, NOT -14F. If her fingers are tapping, or her mouth is moving, she's lying.
DeleteNow, -6F is plenty cold, and with high winds, the wind chill (for animals outside) is dangerously low. It reinforces how despicable she is to keep her aged horses in substandard stabling during this sort of weather.
To add more insult, in her last Bleg post, she chuckled that she knows "a pair of horses (that) will be walking closer to the house to beg for their breakfast ..."
Yeah, they must walk into the cold to beg for their breakfast because they're freezing, while she waddles outside and tosses some flakes of hay onto the snow.
"F" her, truly.
She's not doing something right if she has to pull an "all-nighter" to keep two woodstoves going. We have one and it does plenty to keep the house warm.
DeleteThat whole "pulling an all-nighter to feed the wood stoves" is insane. My family had a hunting cabin in northern Quebec where it gets a lot colder than -14F. People have been living in low-tech houses with a single fire for all of human history and not needed to stay up all night to feed a fire.
DeleteGranted it's not toasty when you get up in the morning and the fire has gone out for an hour or two, but it keeps the pipes from freezing.
We had an electric kettle by the bed for tea and would make tea in bed to warm up first, then the urge to pee would drive us from our beds!
One big problem with her wood stove is that it's right next to the big windows. A ton of heat will go out through them. She'd do well to install some insulated drapes or even plastic the windows and hang quilts. But the FFF who has "farmed" and lived with wood stoves for a decade hasn't figure that out yet... (eye roll)
DeleteRead that latest blog post - COMMAS, Jenna, do you use them? My god in heaven, install Grammarly or something to do a little automatic proofreading because I spotted multiple instances where a comma would've strengthened her point, but I would expect an 'author of five books!' to already know where the damn commas go.
ReplyDeleteWhat struck me about the pork is that 1) something fishy is going on with those pork shares, if they were 2021 shares why didn't she harvest them in, like, you know, 2021????? I have bought beef shares and would be P.I.S.S.E.D. if you took my money for raising and butchering and I didn't get my purchase in the fall. Why is she writing a check and putting money by for the butchering when the COST of the share is supposed to INCLUDE the butchering? Methinks she's pissed off regular/local butchers so now they've upped their prices just for her or won't deal with her and she has to use butchers farther away that only fit in her pigs when it's convenient for them, hence why 2021 pigs are being delivered in 2022. And 2) she made a cute little list of the different people who came to pick up their shares...is it me or does it seem like actually, that's only like three people? Parents can also be state representatives and writers can also be college professors. I doubt if farmers near her are purchasing pig shares from her when, if you're a farmer, you would just...raise a few pigs yourself, no?
Last thing, then I'll log off to go cackle over her Twitter feed (new falcon! My god in heaven I hope that poor little thing manages to get free from her and never return, why is it IN THE HOUSE?!?); boy it ticks me off when Jenna tries to portray herself as some sort of master gardener...they had like, what, 3 squash this year? And that whole garden harvest was really a result of Shannon's foresight and work? Jenna has never mentioned her produce as much as she did when Shannon was ACTUALLY gardening this summer. I also never see Jenna growing any flowers or doing any landscaping/hardscaping in her gardens or yard that would make her claim of master gardener at all credible. I think she has some flowering shrubs that the prior owners had, and maybe marigolds at one point - not much of a such, where I'm from.
- DaffodilAnonymous
“I noticed water coming in the back mud room and worried it was a burst pipe but it was just the spring in the crawlspace behind the washing machine was bubbling up.
ReplyDeleteAm I alone in having a domesticated freshwater spring or do a lot of old houses have this for pumps?”
I wonder why she’s made a big deal about using local laundromats, when Jenna obviously owns a washing machine and probably a dryer. Mentioning her constant water issues again is one way to beg for more money. Suddenly, since Shannon’s left, she has her truck, car and appliances. Yet hasn’t bragged about getting gigs to finance them. CAF math never adds up.
“Small but mighty! #birdnerd #falconry”
ReplyDeleteShe’s showing off her newest pet prop in the hopes that it’ll be a money-making lure for more foolish followers.
That little kestrel was doing just fine outside. Meanwhile, a red tailed hawk went after her chickens. I wonder if it's the one Jenna released a few months ago? That's what habituated wildlife does - it seeks out humans for food.
DeleteSure it might be a wild one, but she has caught and released several birds in the past few years (they didn't all die in her care.)
From Jenna's Instagram account, boo hoo.
ReplyDeleteI’m choosing to answer less questions about my life on the farm, drawing some boundaries. For years I poured my heart out. I was an open book. I cant keep doing that it’s killing me.
If I’m not addressing your questions here left in a comment it’s because I’m either not comfortable sharing, saving it for a book, or I simply don’t want to.
This isn’t a business account. I’m not running for office. This is my personal page.
I don’t owe the internet a detailed list of every animal or explanation of every decision. It’s exhausting.
Being vulnerable online is a double edged sword. It’s brought me so many kind words and friendships, but right now messages from private accounts or strangers is way more unsettling than comforting. Trolls drive by my house and film me, report me to the police if they think an animal in a picture looks “abused” and then complain I don’t write as much or openly. Then people take it personally if I don’t address their probes.
I’ll share what I’m comfortable sharing. If I don’t respond or read your messages here it’s an act of self care.
I'm not surprised FFF considers social media a double edged sword. She wants it both ways. She wants the attention and accolades, but can't handle the critiques. She's incredibly entitled.
DeleteMake no mistake, she's not sharing a personal page. She operates several businesses - writing, selling books and articles, graphics design, selling her expertise in homesteading and *cough* farming. She uses social media extensively (!) to promote her brand and display (embellish) her expertise. She has even referred to herself as a "public figure" and her big desire was to sell her fabulous story for tv/movie/books.
So it's asinine for her to resent anyone in the public asking for further details, inquiring if her business is run competently or honestly, offering suggestions or criticism.
She thinks, I suppose, that since her businesses are failures, she need not be accountable. Sorry, but that isn't how it works. A business' incompetence and dishonesty - especially if it involves animals - will almost always be called out. As it should.
It's her "personal page" but she posts animal products and arts n crafts for sale often enough for it to be a business page. It's not a personal page, it's her brand. It's her image. She chose to leverage her image, the stories she chooses to tell about herself and her choices, and she uses it to gather followers and sell things to them.
DeleteIt's not surprising Jenna is getting an influx of questions when she vague posts about a "bad farm day", the cost of hay, the mortgage. She reels people into her story, then she gets upset when they trip up on her contradictions.
*Everyone noticed* when there was an apparent financial emergency in November, and then *everyone noticed* when she suddenly had two vehicles less than a week after panic-posting about the mortgage and nightmares.
If she stopped blogging and posting on social media, gosh, she'd have a lot less people noticing when she wants to make a weird flex. That's the double-edged sword for her.
She needs social media to cultivate a following, but those followers have eyes and brains, and feel burned when they catch on to all her inconsistencies. It's obvious how much she lies if you follow her for more than 6 months.
This made me laugh-recently Jon Katz posted a photo and wrote, "This morning, I went to pick up my car at the dealer; it needed some work. On the way home in Vermont, I passed a pasture with two beautiful horses out in the sun and the cold. I pulled over to watch them and take their photo. "
ReplyDeleteI wonder if the owner was freaking out thinking Jon was a troll or someone from the bank like Jenna does any time someone slows down/takes a photo of her place. LOL
Whenever Jenna is held accountable for her actions she turns into a crying faux-victim.
DeleteShe posts about her animals escaping on a regular basis, then cries foul when the welfare people show up to check on them.
Can you imagine if everyone's animals escaped as much as Jenna's do?
You can’t have it both ways. If you want to have a blog, run a business or ask for money, you better get used to scrutiny. And if you want your privacy, get off social media.
ReplyDeleteI remember when she was whining and begging on Facebook years ago. People started questioning her and offering suggestions to help her manage her finances better.
She became offended and said her checkbook balance was none of anyone’s business. That was right after whining about how low her checking account was.
You can’t have it both ways.
It's also an indicator if you have 5k-10k followers and you get so much hate it feels oppressive, you're doing something wrong.
DeleteTeenagers go viral on tictok with 100K+ followers and don't have to deal with so much "hate" that they feel the need to talk about it.
That's the other thing that's getting funnier about Jenna lately. Tictok has taken over. In Canada there are people on tictok with six figure follower numbers. 10K is small potatoes now (speaking as someone with 7k followers). It's not a flex.
I think Jenna's telling her story from the perspective of "fame is so hard!" when it's laughable. She gets a few hundred hits on her blog on the first day of a new post. That's nothing significant.
She's not famous, she's not creative, and she expects people to lap up everything she has to say with no questions or critical thinking.
Exactly. I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating. One can’t be both victim and victor at the same time.
DeleteI've decided that I'm done following Jenna's story. I've had a morbid cringe fascination with Jenna's life for over 2 years now, and I wish I could get all of that time and energy back.
ReplyDeleteI've realized that I have hyper-fixated on Jenna's shortcomings in order to feel more secure about my own, and that's not what a person with good self-esteem does. This kind of observer/observed relationship is actually extremely common on the internet. Hate-following or lolcow "milking" are extreme forms of internet judgement.
I can't let myself do this anymore. I wish you all the best.
I find it funny that anonymous accounts announce that they’re leaving a site. No one cares either about your thinly disguised humble-bragging or vacuous virtue-signaling. Some of us continue to follow her hobbyist homesteading, because we’re concerned about the animal abusing, and also want to see “this” faux farm be finally foreclosed. GTFO.
DeleteWhy would we care if you don’t continue to comment here? Clutch your pearls in private.
DeleteTIL what a lolcow is. However, critiquing the CAF business/brand isn't the same thing. So sorry, "Anon", bye to you too.
ReplyDeleteWhy aren't FFF'S postings considered personal?
She operates businesses and has
created a brand to promote her businesses: she's a business owner/business.
She uses social media almost daily to sell her story &
products: she's a business owner/business.
She frequently uses the Internet to ask the public for donations and pity sales: she's a business owner /business.
I submit: if a business owner/business behaves in a way that appears inconsistent and dishonest AND solicits donations from the general public, it is responsible to question them. If this business owner/business is nonresponsive, it is irresponsible NOT to call them out or report them.
Thought exercises (substitutions):
Your local DOG RESCUE collects money to care for dogs, but you learn they leave puppies outside to freeze to death.
Your LOCAL RED CROSS DIRECTOR asked for donations to pay its mortgage, but the Director used the money to buy an expensive puppy.
Your LOCAL GROCER holds monthly going-out-of-business sales...but it is now year 10.
Your LOCAL FARM promotes shares of happy, free-range organic pork, but you learn pigs were locked in a small, filthy paddock and fed leftover deli meat and doughnuts.
Now, who else thinks it isn't right to critique a business owner/business?
“I haven't been soliciting sales on here as much, because I worry it makes everyone dislike me. But holy shit do I need to not care about that and promote some work. Ten days or so left in this month and still working on December Bills. That butcher bill killed January.”
ReplyDeleteNo one cares, cunt. You can substitute scamming instead of “soliciting sales.” She’s a fucking pathological liar. Jenna doesn’t “care” about anyone but herself, and uses manipulative marketing for free funds and pity purchases. Rather than get a job to “earn up” the money like a normal adult.
"...That butcher bill killed January..."
DeleteNooooo. The people who purchased pork shares already paid for butchering and processing. Those funds belonged to the share owners, and they should have been set aside to pay as needed.
Ludicrous of her to use prepaid money for other purposes and then complain about not having money to pay the butcher!
PDD. She’s done this crap for over a decade. Now, she has her truck, car, appliances, and enough funds for frivolous purchases like that stupid sweatshirt. But she has the chutzpah to still complain about finances. JW is a greedy, unethical businessperson. And I’d also consider her a criminal for misuse of money, then blatantly lying about the butcher’s bills.
DeleteShe did the same thing with Birchthorn. When she got her $15,000 kickstarter money, her donors paid for a BOOK, not just content. Instead of setting some of the donor’s money aside for printing, she blew the whole wad within a few months and was back writing about wolves at the door.
ReplyDeleteThen when it came time to print the book, guess what, she had no money! She whined about printing costs, and after a huge amount of pressure, got them printed as cheaply as possible.
Then they sat undelivered in her home for six months, probably because she couldn’t come up with postage that her donors paid for.
I get the Anon who is leaving, and I have thought the same myself for the past 10 years. But I also agree with the poster who feels responsibility for alerting potential customers about unscrupulous business practices.
And that is why I stay. I’ve been a long time shamster and feel the need to warn others.
I remember being shocked she was still claiming financial crisis just a few months after the kickstarter. That was crazy that she spent $5k/month ten years ago. I recall the roof needed some work or something?
DeleteThe whole book pitch was supposed to launch her living off her writing. She was supposed to be able to live off the kickstarter funds until publish / launch date, and then repeat the cycle. It wasn't a terrible business plan...
Remember how she used to brag she "did it all without a business plan"? Yeah. She never did the math. The money burned a hole in her pocket. She spent it on horse lessons, more animals, some fantasy props she didn't need. Just blew through it without budgeting for living.
Then she had the gall to panic post about the mortgage and cost of hay. Gross.
“Good morning from two fired wood stoves, -1 degrees out there, and a very tired woman.”
ReplyDeletePoor, tired little Jenna. It’s her stupid choice to continue heating with wood rather than use either a working furnace or heaters.
Who says she’s not using them? One shamster spotted a space heater running during a video FFF posted of her hawk flying around her living room.
DeleteShe said in a recent tweet:
Delete"Heaters are blasting warm air at pipes"
So the lousy liar obviously has space heaters.
“This is turning into a rough day. Frozen pipes, behind on everything, can’t shake the cold in me, tired from no sleep. But all the animals are good which is what matters. How many weeks till spring?!”
ReplyDeleteWhat a wimpy whiner. Go fuck yourself, Jenna. You don’t deserve to have a home.
I do think Jenna is creative and has high energy. She uses her graphic arts degree and that is something. But, with her low self-esteem, she's too afraid of people or entrapment in a regular office to work outside the home and make a decent salary. She never will. Maybe she'll inherit money and survive on.
ReplyDeleteAs for the winters there, and Jenna's house, it's no wonder Shannon left. In her latest Dispatch, Jenna says Shannon was there for two winters. That's not true - it was one - fall 2020 to fall 2021, unless she's lying again or has a very poor memory.
Why doesn't she wrap the pipes or put insulation under the floor in the crawlspace? That would help.
I envy her her acreage, and horse ownership, and cheap home price, and mortgage but NOT her climate. Those poor animals out in the cold with no barn!
I think maybe her parents are giving her a lot of things - perhaps health insurance, one of the cars, etc.
People need to keep being warned about Jenna. I'm older, and was sucked in by her at the beginning, and wanted to give her all kinds of things to help out, but I luckily saw Meridith's (one of the first Jenna detractors) website regarding Jenna and resisted.
I just read her once in a while and that's all.
“What is a comfort movie or TV show that is guaranteed to make you feel better after a horrible day that doesn't have a straight romance at the core?”
ReplyDelete“logos! pet portraits! soap batches! All on sale! I have ten days to make a house payment to keep the farm safe. If you can use any of these things or know someone who can - please DM!”
ReplyDeleteTrying again to instill panic in poodles to make pity purchases.
Delete“And if you just want to kick in $1 towards the farm's blog, over at http://coldantlerfarmny.com for 15 years of free writing - please do!”
ReplyDeleteShe wants thousands of dollars not mere ones. Jenna is a disingenuous liar.
ReplyDeletehaving trouble posting comments, so trying this again. sorry if there are duplicates.
ReplyDeleteWhen do you suppose was the last time she cleaned the wood stove pipes?
“Good morning! Offering small canvas ink and watercolors for sale! Can draw critters from the forest, pets, or fantasy! Each sale helps this farm stay away from danger of foreclosure by not falling three months behind. Can create and ship before March 1! DM to order!”
ReplyDeleteAgain, with the fake fear of foreclosure. It would’ve happened years ago by now. So she lies to get more money from foolish followers.
Delete“Last night: this room is 70 degrees! Yoga with the wood stove, every one warm and comfortable. Winter evenings are bliss.
ReplyDeleteI slept through my fire-stoking alarms, and it was -8 outside. Pipes frozen and inside temp was 45.
Working on heat and pipes now, wish me luck.”
She always wants everyone to wish her luck, rather than supporting herself like a normal adult.
DeleteHD. Could you please take time and approve recent comments? Thanks.
ReplyDeleteThanks for approving the comments. Heal well!
DeleteI never get over the fact that she won't take the simple step of getting curtains. Curtains! They are insulation!
ReplyDeleteI've mentioned this several times before. That wood stove is right next to large windows. Plastic them then hang insulated drapes or quilts on them! Sheesh, she's an idiot.
Delete“Firewood is getting used up so fast. I thought I had enough for the winter and I don't know if I have enough for Jan. Today is going to be one of those mental break down days I want to have but can't. Theres too much to do.”
ReplyDeleteShe still hasn’t learned how to heat her home even after a decade of doing it.
DeleteThreatening to have a mental breakdown is just her manipulative marketing for free funds and pity purchases. Rent an apartment, cunt. Clearly, you can’t cope with property maintenance issues without Shannon’s help.
Delete@Got the burst pipe repaired and the hot water working in the kitchen and bathroom sinks. Shower is still frozen, toilet won't flush. Trying like hell to do this without calling a plumber which is not an option right now.”
ReplyDeleteToo bad that you blew bucks on frivolous purchases like that stupid sweatshirt. When you could’ve bought one for a few dollars at a local thrift store.
Delete“It took 2trips to the hardware store, two women (Patty came with a piece of plumbing gear my town's store didn't have in stock), and 6 hours but for now - this house is whole and I didn't need to call in a plumber! Hail Youtube vids, shark bites, plumbing tape, and some crying!”
ReplyDeleteOnce again, Pember Patty rescued the stupid, incompetent damsel in distress. What an enabling dumbass.
she is looking for donations even a dollar for the last 15 years of writing (wow is it me or what but it seems here "rightin" career gets longer all the time) and oh after 10 years of living here she again of course is running out of firewood! Might not even be enough for the rest of the month (8 days). Why does this happen each and every year she knows each year what she uses? So if you have an extra dollar hanging around she would like you to send it to her but that is about 99 cents to much if you ask me. Guess she should have put that sweatshirt money to better use. Also in her whining she mentioned something about 3 months behind. Don't know how that happened or it is FFF math not sure which it is.
ReplyDelete"So if you have an extra dollar hanging around she would like you to send it to her but that is about 99 cents to much if you ask me."
DeleteIf you have an extra dollar hanging around, 98 cents is too much. Just my 2 cents. ;-)
If the person who left a comment on MY site about this bullshit is here, do not do that again. I do not care about whatever idiotic beef you've got against Ms. Woginrich and I will not entertain it on my site. Period.
ReplyDeleteKelly. I didn’t leave the comment, but there are many valid reasons that “Ms. Woginrich” has critics. She’s an animal abusing, scamming beggar who has been doing it for decades.“Period.”
DeleteI had to look up your blog after you left this comment, and I see you're under the impression there's only one person posting here. There are between 12-20 people posting semi-regularly, and there have been more who chime in only once or twice before moving on, but who express their concern, frustration, or anger with Jenna's actions and choices.
DeleteShe has critics because her behaviour warrants criticism. All of us here started out as fans, and became confused, then dismayed, at the harmful actions she chooses to publicly post.
She's been caught lying multiple times. She changes her own backstory to suit the story of the current day.
She regularly posts about not being able to afford the mortgage, firewood, or hay. And then she expands her animal menagerie.
Of course she's going to have critics. Of course she's going to have people concerned about animals she openly, publicly claims to not be able to afford to feed.
Dear Jenna,
ReplyDeleteDo everyone a favor and change the name from CAF to NES (aka the Never Ending Shitshow).
"I have ten days to make a house payment to keep the farm safe."
You say this EVERY MONTH. And online strangers help you keep the farm "safe" for one month only. Then it's rinse and repeat with you. Maybe come up with a better plan? Like getting a job?
"Firewood is getting used up so fast. I thought I had enough for the winter and I don't know if I have enough for Jan."
Do you ever get tired of sounding like a broken record? Do you ever remember that you are almost 40? And does this passive begging not embarrass you?
"Pipe burst. Water everywhere. This month is a fucking nightmare."
Are burst pipes the new root canal go to? Your life is the fucking nightmare. And that's why Shannon fled.
It's weird that I'm still not able to comment more than once unless I sign out and sign back in.
ReplyDeleteIs anyone else having this issue?
I write a comment and hit the "PUBLISH" button which takes me to my Google email login page, and after logging in I would see my comment appear. But when I try to respond to another comment nothing happens after I hit the publish button. In the past the comment would go straight thru. And even now with the moderator comment approval stating "Your comment will be visible after approval" I'm not even seeing that...it's as if my comment goes into the void.
The solution to her financial woes can be summed up in three words - Get a Job!
ReplyDeleteThere's no way she fixed burst pipes without a plumber. And this same thing has happened so many times, I've lost count. She attends to nothing. If you ever had burst pipes one time, you would make it your business to try to prevent it from happening again, by running hot water, making sure heat was distributed properly, and as someone else said - Get frickin curtains! BTW there appears to be someone chasing a commenter here. I don't know what that's about, but I have no respect for anyone who would support this useless fraud. I wish people understood about her disgusting pig feed lot. She holds onto a few piglets for a short time. I would never buy from a feed lot if I were trying to get farm fresh meat.
ReplyDeleteShe's so transparent. It's the same year after year after year. Begging to heat her house. Why should she live without roommates and have others pay her bills? She's got a house - she could be helping another human, and make some money at the same time. Gross.
The Chickqualizer
Chickqualizer (great name!) she apparently has been looking for a roomate on a dating app, but she wants a roomie who will also do farm chores!
DeleteShe's literally looking for a shannon replacement, and the sad thing is that the housing crisis is intensifying to a point she might actually get someone.
She'd be straight-up exploiting their labour and the housing crisis if she got a roomate and expected them to pay half her mortgage / bills.
She doesn't want a roomie any more than she wants a job, I think. It has to be perfection personified before she'll even consider it.
I lived in Northern climes, in homes that would make the property in VerYork look like an infrastructure palace, so I never understand how she cannot be properly prepared for "winter's bottom". Sges gone through 10 winters!
ReplyDeleteIs she that ignorant, or is she willing to be discomforted (or damaging her property) for the sake of remaining the perpetual victim to her readers??
I miss the old Jenna - the one who would tell readers how to prepare for winter living - not cower, waiting for an enabler to bail her out (again).
For those not in winter climes, when November arrives, you normally:
1. Put up storm windows or plastic sheeting because old windows are a great source of heat loss.
2. Buy insulated curtains or repurpose blankets to be used as wall and window covers.
3. Close off unnecessary rooms and parts of the house.
4. Lay bales of mulch hay or straw at the foundation to keep cold air from getting into sub-floor. Wrap them in cheap greenhouse-type plastic sheeting to keep them from rotting. Material can be used in gardens come spring.
5. Inside, close curtains on windows, especially at night. Use draft blocks at doors and windows. I made homemade ones using cloth and kitty litter (also weighted pool noodles).
6. Pay special attention to pipes that freeze. If outside, cover with straw/muck (on a plastic sheet). Wrap insulation around pipes if doable. Let water drip from pipes to keep unfrozen.
7. Use a whole house furnace if you cannot heat properly with wood stoves. They are likely more efficient than old wood stoves.
* Having said that, with a small house, I cannot imagine how she cannot keep it warm with two wood stoves. Something isn't right... We use one in the winter and it heats 1200 sf, banked at night, and restarted when needed.
Anyone else out there have special winter tips??
SAME! Pdd. I miss the Jenna from made from scratch, where she talked about the pyrex and vintage finds she liked, why she liked to use suitcases to store things, why she enjoyed old school egg beaters. I miss the stories of her taking eggs to work. She was such a relatable person back then.
DeleteBut even as we were reading made from scratch, Jenna was hoarding animals. She had rabbits on weeks old litter confined to a hutch on her front porch in winter. She had neighbours commenting how much she was damaging the property, and she was ultimately evicted.
That led to her quitting her job so that she could cash out her retirement and buy the property. She also bought Gibson *before* any of this was certain, which was peak irresponsible.
And don't forget Oakpaw, and how many people she failed to deliver custom art to before she even started using her legal name on the internet. Oakpaw's terrible reviews from the late 2000s are still around, I think.
So she's really been like this the whole time, she just wasn't around long enough for people to clock the patterns.
The old Jenna, from Made from Scratch, never existed. She just showed us what she wanted us to see. I got sucked in from the beginning as well, and stuck around long enough to see the cracks beginning to show. Things started to seem fishy, the outright begging began, and then Meredith started calling her out in her blog.
DeleteThat is when I saw I wasn’t the only one who suspected things were not as they seemed.
The Made from Scratch Jenna never existed.
Good list, PDD. I'd only add that the colder it is outside, the higher I turn my heat on, even if it's uncomfortable, because it's a lot for the house to fight off the negative degree cold, even if you do everything right.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely, Oakpaw. Also remember the Beekman Boys contest she was awarded through lying. Pretty sure I remember there being a rule about being up to date with the mortgage, while she hasn't probably had a month in all the time I've followed that she hasn't begged that she was behind. There are so many scammy incidents and animal neglect stories to choose from, not to mention that she doesn't even raise a garden or do anything remotely homesteady.
I've been pondering who would go onto an outsiders blog to complain about the FFF, and then direct him HERE.
ReplyDeleteWhile there is no shortage of reasons why readers might be critical of FFF, and therefore, there could be many possible writers, has anyone considered it might be FFF herself who did this to create an additional victim narrative??
After all, she is a person who appears to have mailed herself a snarky job application (done in her own handwriting) and then posted its photograph as an example of alleged harassment.
She also posted she was afraid she would find her outside animals dead from bitter cold - but was furious that someone contacted animal control for a welfare check on them. She considered it harassment.
And who can forget multiple online complaints that walkers, joggers, bikers or people driving cars her house were spying on her and photographing her property. A property, it should be added, whose address she posted to readers during the time when she called herself a "public figure".
I know people are gonna do what they're gonna do but with the exception of one or two past contributors, contacting a random FFF supporter doesn't seem like an action Shamsters would take. Thoughts?
PDD. That’s an astute observation. And I agree with what you wrote. I’ve met her many times when we lived in Cambridge. She’s been a pathological liar for years. I think it’s very probable that Jenna is contacting people to come across as being bullied.