Happy New Year!

*sigh*. Another year of her ridiculousness.  I don’t believe I have ever met anyone, not in a coma, that has changed so little over ten years.  It's really quite shocking!….pun intended.


  1. isn't that the truth. Nothing ever changes at that hovel. Same old thing different day.

  2. “COVID test at noon. Wish me luck because half of this town thinks masks are for libtards.”

    Yep, there’s the constant request for luck again. She’s incapable of changing her attitude towards life.

    1. She’s one of the biggest attention whores I’ve ever seen online. I’m surprised that she doesn’t document her bowel movements for kudos.

  3. Unfortunately, she didn’t catch Covid this time. Her test was negative.

  4. “2022 is the first time in the last 10 years of self-employment I am going into the new year with health and dental insurance and a safe car and I can not tell you how insanely happy I feel about that!!!!”

    We’ll see how long her “happy” feelings last before “scary” sets in. Probably be over soon enough, like making her profile private then public within a week. She still owes thousands of dollars on her “safe car” loan. It’s far from free. Guess that her rotten teeth (needs root canals) lies will have to be replaced with another stupid scamming story. Her hyperbolic usage of exclamation points is childish and immature as usual. It’s hard to believe that she’s almost 40. JW sounds “insane.”

    1. In her "cycle of crying" she's nearly always optimistic in the beginning of the month. She's just done a push about the mortgage, the next payment isn't due until the 10th or 15th, so for a few days she crows about her life like the happiest rooster in the henhouse.

      Oh I suspect her dental insurance deductible will be an issue soon enough.

      It's not that people are incapable of change, it's just that they mostly don't. After 10 years of "self employment" and after the golden chance for change that was Shannon came and went, I don't think we'll see another real opportunity for change come along.

  5. We were recently told by a nurse one of the worst places to go is to COVID testing sights especially if you haven't been around (close) to someone who has tested positive. Some are making a career out of this running from testing place to testing place. Like she said all the sick ones are there so you can catch it standing in line. Did FFF mention if she had been exposed? Get your minds out of the gutter we all know she has been exposed but I mean to COVID!!! lol.

  6. Here’s another point to ponder about her breakup with Shannon. If they were still friends it would’ve been mentioned by now. So something big and bad must’ve happened to make SD move back to Boston. Especially, before winter and the holiday season. And Jenna hasn’t given her any gratitude for her hard work with gardening, animal assistance etc… She could’ve been gracious, even after the relationship ended, by thanking her ex. But JW is selfish to the core of her hard heart.

    1. It's generally common for exes in the queer community to maintain contact, despite distance. I'm still friends with a woman I dated a year before my wife and I started dating, so yeah. nearly 20 years of friendship followed a year or so of dating. She's since moved on, gotten married, had a child too.

      Given Jenna's overshared about just about every aspect of her life for nearly 15 years now, I agree, we'd hear about it if they were still on speaking terms.

      You cut off contact when someone was really hurt. I think Jenna made promises about getting a job, paying bills and making a future together that she didn't follow through with, and whether she felt super-rejected when Shannon left after several fair warning conversations, one or both of them took a scorched earth approach.

      Rare. I agree, there was some serious hurt there, and it's not surprising. Shannon was such a good influence, and it was clear she was doing a LOT for the property and the animals. If Shannon couldn't get her own needs met despite meeting the needs of others for nearly a year, she'd have to leave, and if on the way out Jenna made one of her classic smart-ass snarky comments, I'd salt and scorch the earth behind me as I left.

  7. I love how on Twitter she says first time in the last 10 years of SELF employment she has insurance. Bless her little black heart calling it self employment when we all know it is nothing more than self begging. She is so funny.

    1. Exactly. I was going to make a similar statement.

  8. After working with someone else who was a self-employed farmer navigate the NY Health Insurance marketplace, I was pretty f'ing pissed when she was all "I absolutely don't qualify" several years ago and yet was struggling to make mortgage payments. Like these facts do not align.

    1. It’s CAF finances where nothing adds up.

    2. When the root canal debacle was being discussed, well-meaning people suggested she apply for dental discounts because she was poor. She got pretty indignant over that characterization. She's broke, she insisted, not poor. This is a key distinction; it means she has money, but wastes it.

      As we have all seen, CAF math never adds up. She either has unreported income or earns more money than she admits. Public begging, directed at trust fund babies who feel sorry for her, can be very lucrative. She only needs a few well-heeled donors who believe her sob stories and then give generously.

      She's burned virtually all local contacts as far as we've seen, so she depends on strangers, who are conveniently too far away to see what's actually happening at her place. If they saw what went on, likely knowing the truth would set them free.

  9. “I took a couple days off around New Years to not hyper focus on soaps and orders and lists and part time work and getting back into a productive routine is really hard this winter she types into twitter yet delaying simple work that will relieve anxiety once completed...”

    Part of Jenna’s pattern with manipulative marketing is to mention emotional trigger words like “anxiety.” It’s cunning, manipulative, and done deliberately to get people to feel sorry for her. Her lack of proper punctuation, like commas, also makes her appear lazy, stupid, and unprofessional.

    1. It looks like deliberate emotional manipulation on her part. For the past few years, she's frequently used trigger words like 'scared', 'anxious', 'frightened' and 'alone'.

      She likely does this to appeal to depressed, disaffected and dissatisfied readers, trying to appear like a kindred spirit so they'll be more willing to defend her / send money.

      She didn't push this narrative 10-plus years ago, but I think she's learned which words work on people likely to donate money and make pity purchases. In checking out profiles of her most strident supporters, I saw a lot of malaise, substance abuse, loneliness and general disaffection; in other words, they were perfect marks.

    2. she wouldn't know hyper focus if you wrote down instructions for her. Just same old lazy stuff.

    3. mental health is having a moment on social media. She's probably on mental health tictok, I've been seeing some of that vernacular pop up in her tweets. She's not on there with any recognizable handle, she's probably just on there scrolling.

    4. Anon 2:56 My theory is that she's had undiagnosed moderate - severe adhd this entire time. She probably does hyperfocus on shit like twitter or doing a painting instead of doing more pertinent tasks.

      People significantly affected by adhd also notoriously have difficulty in relationships. They have a hard time holding on to partners and even friends. They can't hold on to jobs.

      But once someone is diagnosed, there are so many really effective treatments. If Jenna is starting to think she's on the neurodivergent side of life, she has a responsibility to go get evaluated and, finally, treated.

      It would likely help her do basic shit like maintain a working list of the people she owes products to, and work on a deadline instead of an art project.

      People with autism / adhd are often clocked as selfish, rude, or childish because in some ways they are. Their brain doesn't think about things that aren't literally right in front of them. Those sheep in the pasture? Outta sight outta mind.

      All that said, a diagnosis is not an excuse to be an asshole, and there definitely are people who once diagnosed, expect the world to make accommodations. I suspect Jenna would choose this path instead of effective treatment if she were diagnosed. It'd just be another way life isn't fair and she deserves everything.

    5. I'm autistic and I have noticed that we are pretty good at recognizing our own. She doesn't come across as autistic to me at all. Our "rudeness" mostly comes from honestly, being tactless with facts, and being a bit stuck in routines. Diagnosis from afar is always dangerous but I feel pretty confident in saying she isn't one of my people. Narcissist or Borderline seems a whole lot more likely or, just being a crook.

    6. Anon 11:03 I completely agree diagnosis from afar is dangerous. I'm also #teamneurodivergent and I want to respect the privacy of the people in my life so I won't elaborate further. I agree we recognize our own. I also have a diagnosed NPD family member, and that diagnosis gets tossed around way too much for how damaging an actual narcissist can be. I'm not a mental health professional - I am a healthcare worker with a background in nursing and I respect actual healthcare processes. I too know what I'm talking about, and I do my best to stay in my lane and remain self-aware.

      I also agree there is no way to know what is going on with Jenna just by reading her tweets and blog posts.

  10. Jenna shared on instagram a few days back a survey result showing 69% of americans have less than $1000 in savings.

    This isn't true, it's one small survey not a census. There have been other similar surveys in the past 10 years showing results varying from 25% to 70% of americans either couldn't absorb a $1000 emergency without incurring debt, to having an existing chequing account always over $1000.

    It doesn't mean much because about 65% of americans are homeowners, so "less than $1000 in savings" does not at all reflect the average net worth of the average person in the US.

    Jenna's net worth is about 12 years into a mortgage. She's worth tens of thousands of dollars, yet she pretends to be broke. Her credit is likely trash to the point she can't get a credit card (which is how most americans weather those unexpected expenses without tapping the equity in their houses).

    The fact she never talks about making student loan payments, credit card payments, or even car payments shows she's not making any. When she was paying off Merlin or the kiva loans, she posted about those payments frequently.

    She'll be talking about mortgage, firewood, and hay a lot more now that she has car insurance, a car payment, and gas to buy.

  11. Happy New Year to everyone but the Pig Shocker! Hope your holidays were warm and safe.

    HD - Thanks for the link on the last thread, it worked. But shit, that was one hell of a word salad that just rambled on and on and was really boring. And this about her new book:

    "...basically it is a book about how I had to come out as a farmer before I could come out as gay."

    WTF does that even mean? What does one have to do with the other? Are gay people more accepted if they farm?! Makes no sense. Perhaps that is intentional so that you'll have to buy the book to find out what she's on about. Can't wait.

  12. “He got out again (Upside-down face)

    Went through the one weak spot I didn't notice. Stole feed, walked back to his paddock and refused to walk over the electric fence he knocked ovet....

    At least I got to sleep in till 7.”

    Boo fucking hoo. The lazy loser has to deal with her hovel, and the continuing crappy choices that she makes. Like having horses that are beyond her meager means to take care of properly. And it’s over not “ovet,” moron. Funny that she used the upside down face emoji on her stupid tweet, just like the repugnant BM did here before they were banned.

  13. I don’t know much about horses, but it looks to me like Merlin is underweight. Could that be the reason that Merlin keeps trying to get more feed—that JW is rationing feed because of the cost? She keeps saying on the blog, that people need to buy something so she can feed the animals. So if no one buys anything, does she cut back on their feed? When I see Freesian horses on the internet, they are always full flank, sleek and glossy. Merlin looks neglected. I bet he hasn’t seen a vet in years. Having someone come out to trim his hooves doesn’t mean a horse is in good health. What a sad thing it is, that a neglectful owner like her has animals in the first place.

    1. The animal abusing, cruel cunt only cares about using her pet props for more photo ops to further the illusion that she’s an authentic farmer.

    2. Merlin's a fell pony, not a Friesian. But that doesn't really matter. My concern is that he keeps getting into grain. If he gorges he could colic and/or founder. Founder can be debilitating to the point of a horse needing to be euthanized. Horses are not exactly known for their self control. I doubt he's taking a mouthful or two and then wandering off.

    3. Yes why is Merlin so hungry? If a horse has adequate feed and hay they shouldn't be getting out of their field and finding food especially this many times. I guess the new Taylor Swift sweatshirt is a more important purchase than food for Merlin. I bet he doesn't see a vet either.

  14. Merlin, if I remember correctly, is a Fell pony. He's geriatric, which makes it harder to keep weight on him. He, and Mabel, should have their teeth floated regularly to make sure they're both able to chew and therefore digest their food. He should probably also be on senior feed, which probably isn't in the budget. Throwing a few flakes of hay over the fence twice a day won't cut it, especially in the winter.

  15. Well folks, we know where the latest round of "earned up" mortgage money went to - to spring her truck from the mechanic's.

    So now she has a *reliable* car, and a slaughter hearse to transport chickens to the butcher (that was the expressed reason she needed a truck.)

    How many thousands in repairs did she owe on that truck? Over $1000 at least, or, in CAF terms, one mortgage payment.

    Funny how it's all about raising money to pay the mortgage and then magically the truck repairs are paid!

    This is why you have "trolls" Jenna! YOU ARE SO DISHONEST. You're crying about being cold, the animals need hay, you need firewood, the mortgage is behind, and overnight you suddenly have a second vehicle.

    Liar liar liar

  16. Jenna is also wearing a $50 sweatshirt with TSwift fan art on it in her most recent selfie. She promoted the etsy store she purchased it from.

    This is the truly baffling thing about her: weeks of financial worries all over social media, mortgage behind, hay and firewood (life essentials) to purchase, and then without any hesitation she posts about where her money went that wasn't these urgent essential needs.

    She's been behind on the mortgage supposedly for months. She has no business buying a brand new sweatshirt. Crikey. If you really, really need warm clothes I know there are places you can get warmer clothes for cheaper. This was not a must have, it was a want, and it's classic Jenna. Broke, scared, mortgage behind... behold my new swag and my new to me truck!

    Clueless. She's such a liar, such a fraud.

  17. She's promoting the website she bought the sweatshift from, so it's hard to claim it was a gift at this point.

  18. well now she has her truck back and getting tags (and insurance) for it AND she has a new to her car and tags and insurance for that vehicle. So a single person living alone on the side of a mountain with TWO vehicles? Sounds like she is pretty set with money to me and no need to beg etc. Also she has all this soap all of a sudden she found and has boxes of it to see with free shipping. Ahhh life is good.

  19. CAFematics - when you can’t make ends meet on two incomes, but flourish on one.

    Nothing adds up.

  20. "Backup Drama Llama"January 7, 2022 at 2:25 PM

    “Think of how stupid the average person is and realize half of them are stupider than that.”

    ― George Carlin

    Seriously, how can long-time readers of the disaster known as Dead Animal Farm not notice how FFF's numbers and stories don't add up? Are they bereft of cognitive reasoning? Do they visit too infrequently to see the patterns? Are they in it for the dada-esque sheer insanity of it all??

    And ref Merlin, the Fell Pony: A horse who continually escapes to eat is hungry. This is a special problem in the winter because it means he's cold and needs food to stay warm. And as another Shamster mentioned, a horse (or pony) who eats too much grain can easily colic or founder, both extremely painful horse conditions that can result in death. His nightly foraging isn't something to laugh about at all.

  21. “Hey y'all! Just got word about someone backing out of a half pig share fo 2022 so if you're looking for some amazing pork at a ridiculous price for next fall - send a DM!!!”

    What a crock of crap. She’s used this pig ploy many times before when her mortgage payment is behind by a month. JW is “ridiculous” and a pathological liar.

    1. I doubt that anyone bought her crap pork. But by saying that they’ve changed their mind it makes the deal look desirable. Again, it’s more of her manipulative marketing. And why wait to purchase a pig that probably hasn’t even been born yet? It makes no sense at all, from the buyer’s perspective, and is also an unscrupulous way of doing business. Jenna just wants funds up front without guaranteeing that the livestock will be ready.

    2. Yeah, I've noticed she says that as an excuse to reiterate her offerings. People seem to back out of pig shares, logo sales, art bids, and soap orders quite a bit.

  22. “This is the face of a woman who got up at 4:45, farmed, personally moved 5 boxed pigs, and handed out CSA shares all day…
    …and is now soaking her feet in a tub of epson salts in an easy chair. What a day! Hoo!”

    Yeah, right. “Sure, Jen.”

  23. "This is the face of a woman who got up at 4:45, farmed, personally moved 5 boxed pigs, and handed out CSA shares all day…
    …and is now soaking her feet in a tub of epson salts in an easy chair. What a day! Hoo!"

    "farmed" - fed your animals? Carried a bucket?

    "moved 5 boxed pigs" - so moved 20 lbs at a time? weird way to phrase things again. picked up the pork from the butcher and waited for the people who paid for it over a year ago to come to your house to get it?

    Baffling. So you got up early, did morning chores, ran an errand, and waited for people to come to you.

    Sounds like a normal level of activity to me? Getting up before 5am, is that supposed to be a flex? *laugh/cries in health care*

    I swear Jenna thinks the rest of the world just gets up at 8 am, goes through a drive thru for breakfast, sits at a desk for 8 hours, then goes directly home to watch TV the rest of the night.

  24. one of her fans commented "proud of you!" to the latest update. This is why the CAF train keeps on rolling.

  25. She's asking for TV / Movie recommendations on instagram.

    Decent pic of Merlin on instagram. His condition seems fine, he isn't thin or anything. It's a full colour photo so you can see the white on his face is hair, not bald spots like we thought last year.

    typical greying

    There is a covering of fresh snow on the background so you can't really tell what shape the yard is in.

    I'm personally not worried Merlin is hungry. I have had multiple animals that spend their days thinking how to bend rules, including my current cat who took almost a year methodically working the chicken wire of his outdoor enclosure.

    They expanded the horses' pasture this past summer and it was probably a repeat of the fencing problems she had before - just inadequate equipment. Plenty of horses will get out of their enclosures just because they can. That's why fence jumpers are hard to rehome.

    1. WIW, I'll respectfully disagree on Merlin's condition. His dark hair and winter coat make judging his body condition difficult, but he has hollows by his hips that shouldn't be there and he's losing his topline. In other words, he's getting to a New England state known as "thrifty", a condition horse people don't like to see during cold winters.

      At his age (26), his teeth should be done at least once per year (to make sure he can properly chew/digest his food) and he should be getting feed designed for senior horses. I doubt this is being done. (If it is, good for the FFF).

      In my experience, it's rare for horses to want to escape their home territories unless they want something they don't have (friends, food, space), or they are leaving something they don't like (confined space, bullying, loneliness).

  26. Another classic Jenna-ism: "Winter skies have been so beautiful this year it could crack a rib. I’m so damn lucky to have landed in this mountain hollow."

    so beautiful it could crack a rib. *facepalm* ugliness is said to break mirrors, is she trying to riff off that? Nonsensical. Reminds me of the "stallion as calm as a house" quote from birchthorn. I didn't read that book, but I've read the reviews.

    1. She’s a rotten writer whose putrid purple prose is overwrought and nonsensical.

  27. Reddit has an extremely useful chart that shows how to earn money without a traditional job.


    Disappointingly, the Fake Feral Farmer won't be able to use it because there aren't any blocks for

    *begging *lying *scamming and overall *misrepresentation.

  28. She's talking about paying half the butchering bill and needing to write a cheque for the rest. She sold pig shares over a year ago that supposedly included the cost of butchering these pigs.

    Must be comforting to her customers to know if Jenna went bankrupt or lost her farm like she's always talking about, that their feed paid were already spent long ago.

  29. For your bingo cards folks, "winter's bottom" is back!

  30. What a bunch of crap! Just read her latest "dispatch" and I laughed all the way through. Oh my goodness all the people Jenna makes fun of you know those poodles with real jobs? They are buying like mad from her, you know her donut fed hogs. Professors, bankers etc. even farmers! Wait what? why would a farmer be buying from her if they were a farmer? Is this her live like fiction? Oh and according to her Shannon was only kicking in $200. a month for rent to live there and she makes that from her writing gig she has. Also she is bragging about keeping a job since Sept. someone please get her a trophy. So if the $200. a month (she told everyone that is what she would be making on this gig) does that mean her mortgage payment is only $400. a month? She isn't worried about Dec. bill yet let alone Jan. ahhhh life is good.

  31. https://www.instagram.com/thehomesteaderscollective/

    I don't think this online org has figured Jenna out yet. It seems Jenna's polished her instagram image and doesn't talk about her mortgage on this platform, certainly not when she's selling the dream on this collective account!

    "I'm an author of 5 books related to homesteading and raising livestock. Most of them are memoir but my intro to chickens book is a wonderful beginner's resource and is about to hit its second printing!

    I specialize in small livestock (is it smaller than a llama or you can saddle it? Feel free to ask me about it), draft animals, soap making, gardening, hunting, archery, fly fishing, and falconry! I'm also a hiker and backpacker..."

    Her description of herself from an earlier post:

    "I'm Jenna Woginrich, proprietor of Cold Antler Farm in Jackson, NY. I live in southern Washington County, a Hobbit Shire of rolling hills, mountains, and farmlands between the Hudson Valley and Adirondack Park. My small farm is only 6.5 acres - but busy as hell. Here, tucked into the side of a small mountain, I raise animals for our own table and loyal customers (pork, chicken, rabbit and eggs). We also garden, can, mend, repair, hike, backpack, hunt, collect mushrooms, run fences, ride horses, and train hawks. I am a licensed Falconer as well, training mostly red tailed hawks (a sturdy native species) for hunting alongside us."

    What a bunch of bull. You'll notice a few of those activities were Shannon's (this post is from when they were still together.)

  32. How did she go from Shannon paying half the bills to Shannon only paying $200 a month? CAF math never adds up.


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