
Sorry guys, I took a tumble and broke some of my very favorite bones.  Then they gave me fentenyl in the Er which I had a bad reaction to.  I’m just getting my head back.  Of course nothing happens over the weekend so some day ?? I’ll have surgery.  Blah.  I'll keep up with comments as I can.


  1. Wow! Sorry to hear that, HD. Hope you recover soon, and best of health to you! Thanks for the blog!

  2. HD. I hope that you heal well soon. Your line about bones made me smile in sympathy.

  3. HD, I am so sorry to hear. I hope you heal quickly. I had a feeling something must have happened to you as you are very quick to approve comments.

    I’m just sorry there is someone who posts sick comments, making moderation, if not necessary, desirable.

  4. HD, awful news on the broken bones. Please take care of yourself and heal well. It can take 6- 8 weeks for broken bone to mend!

    PDD, who has broken a few bones herself over the years.

  5. oh my goodness hope you get better soon and all the bones get put back together.

  6. Oh my goodness, Hound Doggy, so sorry to hear this! Glad you are OK and on the mend. Don't worry about us, take care of yourself first please.

    A bit of advice, if I may, do take care to do everything your doctors and physical therapists recommend for proper healing. I broke some bones once too and didn't heed some of their advice...partly cuz I was young and stupid, and partly cuz some of the therapeutical devices felt like torture machines. So I blew them off and still suffer the consequences today.

    But you seem smart and level-headed and thus will hopefully heal up good. Be sure to eat lots of chicken and dairy. When I was a CNA I learned that chicken was fantastic food for injuries as it greatly helped with healing at the site of injury. And diary has good calcium for bones.

    Hope you feel better soon and know that we are all thinking of you!

  7. Sorry to hear all of this. I hate to say this, laughingly, but don't worry about this page. NOTHING ever changes around HERE, as we all know. Wishing you a speedy recovery with minimum pain.

  8. So sorry to hear! Hope you're on the mend soon!!

  9. So sorry to hear that, HD! I hope your recovery is speedy. I second the chicken (esp. any kind of bone broth). Take care.

  10. It’s going to be interesting seeing how many people have extra bucks to spare to pay her heating bills since the cost of everything is on the rise.

    And how many burst pipes can one person have? Twelve years of writing and twelve years of burst pipes. Something doesn’t add up, although it never does.

  11. Oof! Sorry to hear this -- do take good care of yourself! You know FFF will still be beggin' and whinin' when you are better.

  12. I'm so sorry to hear that, HD! That's awful. I wish you a speedy recovery.

  13. “I am a couple sales away from covering December and all of 2021 being ON THE BOOKS! DM if interested in anything I can sell ya!”

    Yeah. “Sure, Jen.” The scrappy scammer struggles to pay her mortgage. But it’s usually behind by a month or more. Yet she never mentions the bank late fees that would be huge by now. Her whole life is lies.

  14. I wonder why the last post is missing. It was there yesterday.

  15. HD has mentioned before she would be happy to hand the hosting of this ongoing conversation to someone else. With her injury, this could be a time for transition?

    We could set up a wordpress blog to address the problems people are having posting here on blogger.

    We could also set up a subreddit community, where anyone can start a thread and we can have more than one moderator. Reddit's smartphone app works well too.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. It took two seconds to set up, so if anyone wants to check out the subreddit, here it is:

    I will delete it if this is not welcome, just say the word.

  18. “I was so fucking close to making that December mortgage and a pipe just exploded under the bathroom in a place I can't fix without a professional and now all water is shut off to the house. I fucking hate this winter”

    It’s right on time just like we’ve discussed here: Winter’s Bottom 3. Once again, she’s manufactured a convenient crisis right around when her mortgage is overdue. JW is a pathological liar, and has been doing this for decades.

  19. “Your house seems to have burst pipes every winter - I hope you don't have much damage. I won't say shutting off the water is fun, but maybe it's preferable to risking bring homeless? Is there a well you could manually pump water from?”

    Not all of her followers are foolish. Some see a pattern.

  20. “I turned off water to the house and called the plumber but not sure he’ll make it or not today. I’m so worn down from everything- the mortgage, farm, work, heating, labor, no sleep. It’s really hard sometimes being everything a home, business, and farm needs at the same time.”

    It’s all her own stupid choices to continue living a dumb dream that’s destroying any semblance of sanity.

  21. Oops, looks like I am a "questionable character" because I heat with wood and have a back-up heater. Wow, I didn't know that I was. But the one thing I understand that she doesn't is simple.
    WINTER COMES EVERY YEAR. And I prepare, make changes and repair what needs it all year long.
    I would like to know who really is the questionable character, me or her. I don't express what's in my bank account, bills are paid early, animals cherished and protected and don't ask for "even $1 to help out."

  22. “Stayed up until 2, and started the day at 5, not any real sleep but the house is warm, plumbing fine, animals well, and I am eating a breakfast burrito of bacon and eggs I raised here. Pretty tight.”

    She’s fine until the next dumb disaster strikes. And it always does.

  23. “Well it's not gone above 5 degrees here all day and even with the house warm and both stoves going strong I have another frozen pipe into the bathroom. But just one, and hopefully it'll defrost soon and not burst because I can't have this happen a third time.”

    Cry me a frozen river. You don’t deserve to have a home.

  24. “Nothing creeps me out more than when someone I don’t know follows me on Instagram and likes 20 posts. What is this energy?”

    She also gets “creeped out” by the “scary, red van man” driving by her hovel, older women who have grey hair doing the same on a public road, and random dudes in laundromats supposedly flirting with her. What a weird, paranoid person.

  25. Any wonder Shannon bolted? She would have been paying for those burst pipes.

    And the answer to Jenna’s never ending problems are simple. Get a freakin’ job!

  26. Yeah, the contrast between her Twitter and Instagram is profound -- kind of like it used to be between FB and Twitter only now Twitter is the beg-a-thon/complain-a-thon and Insta is her fun and perfect life -- for now. And she has a working furnace that she won't use to keep up her image and reason to beg.

    WIW i found the Reddit group and am open to joining there if it helps to spread around the responsibility to keep things going. I am not much of a Reddit user, just joined to read. But the app is easy to use on my phone

    1. I really think she uses Twitter for begathons because it attracts casual viewers that can be pulled in by a sob story. It's almost impossible to easily view a person's long history on Twitter so her begging patterns are hard to pick out. For some, this will be the first time they've read about her frozen plumbing and "bad luck".

      And, per usual, FFF, the person who photographs everything, hasn't any photos of burst pipes. What a shock, not!

      Also let's never forget she has a whole house oil furnace that she allegedly chooses not to use, beyond 40 degrees. She could, uh, turn up the thermostat to fix her problems.

    2. I agree PDD. There has literally never been a photo of burst pipes. It's such a scam. Water damage is a nightmare, and with her place supposedly having flooded so many times in the past, you'd think she'd be sinking through the rotted floor by now.

      There has never, ever, been photos of flooded floors.

      I believe her pipes freeze. It's a bitch, but yeah it tracks. I think she makes a whole scene while she doesn't have running water.

      But you learn after the first flood (if not before then) where your main shutoff is, how to use it, and what you need to shut off in advance of a deep freeze.

    3. Well first she would have to buy fuel oil for the heater and you know she is a ferral farmer so that sure wouldn't work. I am sure the people who lived there before her didn't have to stay up all night long thawing out the pipes etc.

      Someone mentioned a j.o.b. good Lord you know she is allergic to work what are you thinking?

      As for Reddit I am not on it so won't be able to read anymore but have enjoyed reading all of this and pointing out what has been happening. I used to think I was just mean by not buying into her beg-a-thons or her poor me I need donations fast or the scary man in the red van.

    4. Anon 6:36, as I remember she already has the fuel oil for her furnace.

      Early on, she described her choice not to use oil, except for heating hot water and keeping house above 40F. Her decision was based on muddled-up anti-oil reasoning.

      Now I support alternate and green energy, but she's never shown any action towards achieving energy efficiency. Despite promises, over 10 years, she never added solar. She drove a beater hipster truck, doesn't properly insulate her home and heats it with inefficient wood-burning stoves in addition to using an oil furnace.

      It's funny, because if she only used oil (with a fuel-efficient furnace) it would likely pollute less than her poorly-operated wood stoves, and she could pay her winter heating bill off on a 12-month budget plan.

      Like everything, she didn't think it through, or is lying about heat problems. At some point, she probably realized panicked pleas for money to heat her home brought in donations and pity buys - and so here we are.

  27. Hey if anyone has links I'm going to start that collection of background we've been discussing for a few years now.

    I'm going to collect it all here, in this post:

  28. Endless beg-a-thon continues in new year. Somehow mysteriously managed to pay the mortgage and other bills, but almost out of hay. Show picture of horse eating hay, better help folks, or horse won’t eat.

    1. it's getting harder and harder for the average working person to make ends meet. Yet here's Jenna. All these pasture pets. No job. Mortgage overdue. Supposedly no way to buy food for them unless you kick in!

  29. “As someone who makes a partial living doing freelance, I can't tell you how hard it is to take a Saturday off. No one is demanding I get them logo updates or sketches today. No one is even emailing for updates. It's a Saturday after a snowstorm. Why do I feel guilty not working?!”

    That’s a crock of crap. Jenna is a lazy loser who wants sycophantic fans to support her with free funds. And she’s lying about feeling guilty, too. She’s a manipulative, disingenuous cunt.

    1. Wow! So she admits that clients demand updates on a regular basis. She admits she’s a slacker or takes on more jobs than she can handle. She admits she takes money for products and doesn’t deliver until the client demands it. And she also admits she has other income. Nice confession, JFW!

  30. She responded to this tweet:

    What’s a habit you’ve developed that improves your life more than you expected before you tried it?

    The lazy lying loser answered “Self Employment.” LOL!!!

  31. “Hey there Twitter! Do you want to hire me to design a logo for you? Because I'm offering $50 off the next sale to make the day's income goal and you can wait as long as you need to get around to it. DM!”

    This desperate, stupid tweet means that she won’t work on new logos in a timely manner, but it’s disingenuously reframed to sound like it’ll be the client’s choice. Again, she refuses to use the site that Shannon designed for orders, because it puts her income under scrutiny. Sneaky DMs can’t be traced.

    1. Translation. Pay me now and wait as long as I feel like getting around to it.

      Unbelievable! She is blatantly admitting she has no intention of providing product in a timely manner. Or even at all!

      She has also admitted she needs to be poked, prodded, reminded and pestered to fulfill orders.

      How has she gotten away with this for so long?

    2. She gets away with it due to people like Pember Patty who enable her. I consider her a criminal.

    3. "Backup Drama Llama "February 10, 2022 at 10:22 AM

      Anon, I think this is why she pushes the farm and farmer narrative.

      People feel bad complaining about a "farmer" who draws to feed her animals.

      However, they'd bitch in a second if a commercial business delayed...or forgot...or needed reminders on their order.

      For people who continue to do business with FFF, I submit:

      Buying a logo from a "farmer who draws" must be like getting a record from a "dog that sings"; it doesn't matter how bad the product is - it's enough that they do it at all.

    4. BDL - I think you nailed it. Years ago I considered taking one of her soap making workshops. Not that I really wanted to learn to make soap (I could go on YouTube for that), and not that I really wanted to drive 12 hours and spend money on motels and meals. But I bought into her narrative and wanted to be a small part of it. Thank goodness common sense and a healthy amount of skepticism eventually prevailed.

  32. @OMG today has been such a turnaround from yesterday. Sunshine, sales, and some serious hope for this farm! THANK YOU!!!!”

    What a bunch of bull. Her highs never last long, and she’ll be back to begging soon.

    1. “Had a lucky day yesterday but a ways to go to make the January mortgage and hay/feed/wood bills so I am still offering these prices and sales! DM if interested!”

      Yup. I called that crap in the comment above.

  33. “And if you simply want to throw a few bucks toward the blog, over 15 years of writing my story from office to farm to the struggle to keep that dream alive (mostly on my own, sans a 2 year failed relationship) - you can do that here:”

    She reeks of desperation when this stupid tweet is used again. Shannon dumped Jenna because she got sick of supporting her fat ass. It “failed” due to Jenna being a begging, scamming and animal abusing cunt.

  34. Might as well throw that few bucks out the window. There is no way a middle aged woman should be begging non-stop. There is no problem she is facing that a full time job wouldn't solve. It's why there are signs in the national parks saying no feeding the bears. They get dependant and cannot survive on their own. She is like one of those bears. She thinks she is independent because she doesn't have a job, when she is really like an animal dependent on scraps. Harsh? You bet.

    1. Your comment is spot-on. She brags about being self-sufficient, but her sycophantic supporters really pay for her lazy loser lifestyle. Jenna believes that she’s above doing menial jobs, and should only work at gigs that meet her stupid standards.

    2. She’s been “fed” free funds by followers for so long that she refuses “foraging” to support herself.

  35. “High of 18 degrees today. Stayed up with the fires till midnight, then up at 4:45. Got chores done, thirty bars of soap packaged, and starting illustration work with plentiful coffee. Have so much to do ahead.

    I've never worked harder in my life to just get by for a life I love.”

    “Not complaining. Love is different for everyone. My love is this farm. Happy Valentines Day to me.”

    What a warrior woman. “Sure, Jen.” How does she do it all?! (Said sarcastically.) No one has responded back to her pathetic tweet with words. I’m sure that she wishes Shannon was still there to make meals, shovel shit, mend crap, garden, design sites, and assist with the animals.

  36. “I think my part-time job is over? I made the mistake of saying last month I needed to at least be ensured that I was guaranteed $500 a month in writing assignments to make the work, meetings, time worth it. They stopped giving me assignments after that.”

    “I know that people get annoyed at my soliciting on here. But I've managed to keep this farm, pay bills, make it work selling meat, soaps, logos, and illustrations for a decade because I never stopped asking for sales. If I don't post what I have available, rarely do people ask.”

    “I quit my job in 2012. Work outside of my own efforts is NEVER a sure thing. Books don't get sold. Freelance comes and goes rarely. But me, waking up and writing an income goal and promoting myself has gotten me here. So I keep it up. Mute me or unfollow if that irks you.”

    Here she goes again with losing gigs, begging, and acting annoyed that people are sick of her crap. What’s “gotten her here” is help from dumb enablers like Pember Patty. She also misuses question marks all the time. Jenna is stuck on stupid and stubborn.

    1. "Backup Drama Llama "February 15, 2022 at 1:52 PM

      Funny how the Fake Feral Farmer touts herself as a solitary warrior woman who keeps her property all by herself - a property others helped her buy and continue to help her keep.

      Notice how she always mentions "losing the farm" or "needing to pay for animal feed" when trying to sell her products (or get donations)? It's because FFF uses her "farm" and animals as pity props.

      She's no better than a panhandler who relies on a companion dog to solicit pity when asking for cash. In fact, she's worse - panhandlers admit what they are doing.


    2. PDD. Exactly. Jenna is disingenuous, and acts as if her “lie-style”is only due to her hard work. Her stupid slogan “Live like fiction” is always at the expense of others paying the price for her faux farm.

    3. Okay, #1 - Bitch got fired.

      Maybe she did ask to be "ensured" she'd get $500 / month, and was fired for being terrible at her job. If she needs to be *assured* of an income, I understand there's an employment arrangement that can reasonably accomplish that.


      This is HUGE NEWS.

      She makes over $51,000 / year!

      We know her book sales don't account for that income.

      I find it impossible to believe she's making that kind of money from begging, but maybe she is. She's certainly learned how to trot out the tales of woe.

      Over $50,000 / year and always claiming to be broke. WOW.

    4. WiW. She lies about everything, especially her income. So it’s not surprising. It’s repellent that she’s preying on people who probably make less money, because begging has become her way of life. I also think that she was fired from that gig. JW is a rotten writer, and her employer possibly discovered online information about her unethical behavior.

      Why no new Reddit posts lately on your sub Cold Antler Critics? I’ve enjoyed reading them. And the links are helpful to newbies who are new to the CAF shit-show.

    5. I guess I'm out of the loop. Where did you get the info that she makes $50k a year?

    6. Anon 7:08, she complained about not getting an insurance subsidy for ACA health insurance, which is run through NY state, because her income wasn't low enough.

      That seemed odd for someone who claims she cannot pay her bills. If you look at NY state requirements for health insurance subsidy, incomes over ~ $51K aren't entitled to subsidy.

      Therefore, if what she wrote isn't a lie*, she inadvertently admitted to a fairly high income.

      *Her motto is "Live Like fiction". Shamsters have caught many mis-truths, falsehoods and hyperbole so who knows what's true.

      This time, in her attempt to play victim, I think she admitted to more than intended.

    7. February 9 tweets under discussion:

      "When I applied for health insurance I qualified for assistance for the first time. I just found out they changed their mind and I won't have any after October. I hate that you need to make over $50K a year to afford to go to a doctor in this country. I hate it."

      "There were no changes to my application. I applied with the amount my accountant told me to. They just changed it. Thanks NY."

    8. Anon 6:58

      I've been sick. I think it was covid, but not typical symptoms... except cheesecake smelled like garbage yesterday! Oh noes! Fortunately that didn't last long.

      Anyway, like most folks here my ability to engage in CAF antics discussion depends on what other things I have going on in my life.

      If there's anything you'd like added to the archive over there, or any discussion you'd like to start, please do feel free to start a thread in the reddit forum.

    9. WiW. Thanks for responding to my comment. Hope that you feel better soon. I used to have a Reddit account, but got tired of the platform. The goofy awards seemed silly. Perhaps I’ll try again.

  37. “Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! Since Saturday it has been nonstop cold-weather alert and fire stoking and so much illustration and logo work! I am getting 5 orders in the mail today, and finishing 2 logos for clients. Hoping for luck with sales today!”

    If she’s really getting “so much” work, then there’s no need for her begging. We’ve all noticed here that the math at CAF farm never adds up. Her whole life is lies.

  38. The fake feral farmer whined that mean old New York state changed income rules so she no longer qualifies for subsidized health care under ACA.

    Interesting. According to Good RxHealth:

    "Generally, if your household income is 100% to 400% of the federal poverty level, you will qualify for a premium subsidy. This means an eligible single person can earn from $12,880 to $51,520 and qualify for the tax credit."

    So, if we believe what she wrote, poor, solitary warrior woman is earning over $51,520 per year and cannot make ends meet?

    WTF is wrong with her and how can so many people be duped by her poverty pleas???

    1. I should add that income for ACA can be based on adjusted gross income, so her business/farm expenses would have been removed. If so, she's earning significantly more than $52K.

      And for grins, I looked up the cost of insurance in New York State at a higher income level. You can too. Visit

      Bottom line is she can buy a catastrophic health insurance plan for $175 per month, with a $197 subsidy. Or she could buy a bronze-level "all inclusive" health insurance plan for $450 per month.

      But no. FFF, earning an adjusted gross income over $52,000, is mad because she cannot get taxpayer-subsidized Healthcare.

      Explain like I'm five - why do her idiot followers fall for her desperate poverty pleas and make pity purchases or donate money???

    2. PDD. Your comment is correct. It’s been mentioned here before how many of her followers seem stupid, and also ignorant of how real farms operate. She’s preys upon these people. I hope that they do their own due diligence before making a donation to her lost cause. Jenna has been lying about her income for years. It’s sickening how she weaponizes her fake fear of foreclosure to steal money.

    3. A $52k+ / year income explains why she hasn't been foreclosed.

    4. FFF often cries poverty. Says she can't pay her bills. Suggests she's barely surviving.

      How many "poor" people do you know who have their own accountants? If you are low income, there is a short form you can use to pay US taxes. Or you can do you own on-line. There isn't a need for an accountant.

      In general, only comfortably middle-class people with assets or business owners (with multiple deductions) use accountants.

      More input towards the idea that FFF fabricates her financial woes to generate pity purchases and donations from kind-hearted people.

      Live like fiction y'all.

      Watch: Despicable She will now say she pays her accountant with fresh eggs and a loaf of bread 🤣🤣🤣

  39. “Good morning! Offering small canvas ink and watercolors for sale! Can draw critters from the forest, pets, or fantasy! Each sale helps this farm stay away from danger of foreclosure by not falling three months behind. Can create and ship before March 1! DM to order!”

    You can fuck all the way off, Jenna. You’re using the fake fear of foreclosure again to try and manipulate innocent people into giving you free funds. You’re a lying, despicable cunt.

  40. Hey HD, how are you doing? How is the recovery going?

    1. We were also wondering how her healing is coming along.

    2. I've been worried about HD too. Recovery from surgery after a bad break can be rough, and I hope there are no complications.

      We're thinking of you HD.

  41. “Looking for a logo? Perhaps a pet portrait? Maybe you want to get a custom hand-painted canvas for a gift or your home?! Send me a DM! I am a couple hundred from making the January mortgage an the sooner I make it the sooner I can start catching up on Feb! Support small farms!”

    She shouldn’t be behind on her bills for a few months at almost 40. Jenna just wants to be given that “couple hundred” without working for the funds. Again, this is her typical manipulative marketing. Why would anyone “support” a lazy loser?

    1. "Support small farms!"

      Jenna has a house on a small rural property where she keeps barnyard pets, and raises a few backyard broilers and pigs. This is not a large / full time operation, she's not collecting sales tax. She is not a small local business, she's a privileged person with property on which she collects animals. My friends who work full time jobs here at the university have a larger backyard garden, more chickens, rabbits and turkeys than she has.

      Her sheep are pets. Her horses are pets. Her goat is a pet. Her falcon of the season is a pet project. Which is fine, (as long as she cares for them correctly, which is questionable given how much she talks about being in danger of running out of hay.) But if you can't afford to keep pets, DON'T HAVE THEM.

      She's using the rhetoric like she's actually providing food for the community or stabilizing the local supply chain when she doesn't produce enough to keep herself in groceries - there's nothing to "support". You're not supporting a "farm" when you donate / buy from Jenna, you're enabling a scammer.

  42. "A big storm is coming. I'm nervous. 15+ inches of snow and I have a whole farm to dig out by hand with a shovel and roof rake tomorrow. It will be exhausting."

    WOE IS WOG it's going to snow in the northeast again.

    Snowblowers exist, you know. So do plows. Hell, you could even get a plow for the front of that there truck yer so insistent you need. Plow the neighbour's driveway while you're at it.

    This whole winter storm schtick of hers is like the "carrying buckets of water" saga all over again.
    Everyone in the northeast has to manage snow in the winter.

    1. Lies and half truths. She depends on casual readers not fact checking and believing her LIVE LIKE FICTION fabrications. 🤦‍♀️

      Truth is she'll get somewhere over five inches of snow. That's not much, and considering she lives right beside a main road, she has a very short distance to dig.

      She will likely shovel her way over to the falling-down barn, but if past photos are any indication, she'll shovel exactly one-shovel width wide and it's not a long way. The horses and sheep will be on their own navigating their way to food.

      So look for photos trying to maximize her poor-me narrative - unless, of course, she checks here and realizes she can't push the 15-inch snowfall lie.

  43. Does anyone recall how old Shannon is / what the age difference between the two of them were?

    Shannon seemed to be in her mid to late 20s. Jenna's turning 40. Do we actually know what that age gap was? Was it over 15 years?

    I'm wondering how young someone has to be to put up with the constant drama. If Shannon were still living there, would we be seeing *any* of these performative updates?

    I don't recall Jenna *ever* talking about having to stay up all night to feed a wood stove. It seems Jenna really tamped down the performative cycle of crying while Shannon was there, and now Jenna has the place to herself again with no accountability, she can claim to be up all night feeding a fire like she's winter-camping and trying to keep the wolves from eating her overnight.

    1. "Backup Drama Llama "February 25, 2022 at 6:12 AM

      She has ALWAYS worked to impress the "right" people, so I have no doubt she was on best behavior with her roomie - at least for a time.

      Remember, this is a person who throws hay on the ground to hide manure and relies on close-cropped photos to hide nasty backgrounds - unless it's snow covered, which hides a multitude of sins.

      This is also a person who pulled out all the stops to impress several NYC writers, spraying their bedding with lavender and using Pember Patty to cook and host multiple overnight stays.

      I think as long as you're useful to her in the long haul, she'll behave, and Shannon certainly was. She cleaned, repaired, cooked, mended, improved livestock lives, and she created an updated blog/website for the faux feral farmer. However, I'll wager the more she did, the less FFF helped out.

      For a talented, balanced and energetic person, coming to grips with a person who is fundamentally a user and taker must have been hard. Sincerely glad she escaped the situation.

      LIVE LIKE FICTION is best reserved for books, not people.


  44. Highly entertaining tweets lately. She claims she's paying 1/3 of her monthly income for a website "no one goes to".

    Sometimes I wonder what planet she's on. It was a silly move to create a blog post that displayed the views, because yes we can clearly see that only a few hundred people max click on her links - and since she's posting those links on twitter, a good number of those hits are just going to be bots. I know, bots inflate my web traffic too.

    You can see by the actual "hearts" on her blog how many people are truly engaged in her posts, which is to say, very few. Bots can heart things on your blog.

    Bots can heart posts on instagram though, so that's something to bear in mind with her follower count on twitter and her instagram like rates.

    Anyway, the math never maths. If all she has in terms of engagement is a few hundred followers, they are not buying enough arts and crafts to pay for her mortgage.

    She has *secret money*. She's been caught in so many lies before, so her claim to not have a trust fund or government stipend, or regular paycheck is complete bs.

    She has money.

    Probably not as much fun money as she wants, but her bills are certainly paid.

    At this point, watching Jenna fail as a grown adult, I think it's her parents.

    I think her parents are paying her mortgage to ensure their problem child is at least housed, reasonably safe, and I'll bet they expect Jenna to pay for her own food, animals, and other house expenses. She will never be homeless, she will never lose that house, and with Patty filling in the gaps between Jenna's sporadic gig work, Jenna will never be forced to give up her animals. Not unless she neglects them to the point of intervention again.

    That's why this situation keeps going on and on.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.


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