She is many many things.

I can’t read anything she writes without shouting "LIAR" in my head.   None of it matters to me, really.  I've not known anyone like her and I suppose I'm interested in the case study of mental illness.
The one that got me this go round was the good apples on the sheep hill.  From my memory….they are not good.  They are small and too tart to eat.


  1. "This farm just needs a couple more days of good sales to cover the November mortgage and focus on December. Sales have been really slow, but one step at a time. If there's anything in the thread below you are interested in I will make sure it's to you by Xmas!"

    She literally said Nov 30th that it was the last time to place orders to have the product before Christmas.

    Anything to make the sale. She'll worry about disappointing people for Christmas later on, blame it on the post office.

  2. "Sales have been really slow" - that line again.

    Sales have been "slow" for months. That's why her former girl wanted her to get a damn job, a real job, one in town and not a pathetic stab at freelancing.

    She's in the unique position that a minimum wage job really would pay her bills. She should get one. There are plenty of places hiring that require only high school. With the "great resignation" underway, competition for remote, higher paying jobs is nation-wide. She's not going to get one of those jobs.

    She could walk into almost any public-facing essential service job and be working tomorrow, or next week at the latest.

    1. How long did Shannon live on that feed lot? A year and a half? And during that whole time, was there ever one damn month where they weren't behind on the mortgage?

      It's sad, two able-bodied adults couldn't get their shit together, leaving Jenna to continue begging. And now she's alone again (naturally) with no added income security, so you can expect the begging to ramp up big time.

      *where oh where is my CAF bingo card?*

  3. Oh, I wanted to mention a thing which stood out to me: Jenna's reference to Brigit in her last blog post.

    Brigit is a Celtic pagan goddess who is known as "Brigit" after being sucked through the Christianization (making old gods Christian saints to ease the conversion of pagans into Christianity).

    The reason this stuck out to me is that Jenna has not claimed neo-paganism, but "heathen" which is specifically Germanic paganism, not Celtic. They're completely different ideologies despite both being recorded as "pagan".

    This sticks out to me because I come from northern / eastern European ancestors, and I'm familiar with the old gods by way of childhood stories. Heathenism is an umbrella term, and due to Germany's history, you have to be *specific* about what group of heathenism you follow, to avoid the white supremacists and attitudes of racial superiority that have always been a part of the region and religion.

    This is why it's absurd to reference a Celtic goddess. Where the f did that come from? Oh I know, she pulled it out of her ass.

    It's fine to have spiritual journey and shift your alignment as your belief system evolves. It would be one thing to slide between Norse gods and Heathenry, but to start referencing Celtic gods all of a sudden?

    Also you'll notice she'll refer to "yule" which is a Germanic / Norse tradition, yet she's hoping a Celtic goddess is kind?

    The only reason I think that name is in her mouth is Brigit has some association with farm animals. I'll bet Jenna read some semi-fictional or self-published book on neo-paganism that names Brigit as a pagan goddess covering a variety of topics Jenna would like to build her identity around. She didn't do a simple google search to see if the goddess she was referencing made any sense.

    My point in bringing this up is to show her references to paganism or heathenism is very much for show (as we all knew it was). She thinks it's cool, just like she thought Buddhism was cool when she was a vegetarian. I noticed she stopped claiming to be a Buddhist when she started slaughtering farm animals.

    Literally no reference to Freyr, ever. Where is she getting this stuff?

    1. Ah yes, the heathen/pagan stuff once again.

      Does this mean she's gonna go back to filling bowls with random shit including flowers, goats milk, blood, and set the mortgage check next to it as an offering to the gods (and her ancestors) in the hopes that they'll pay it for her?

      (And yes, she really did do that several years back.)

    2. She set the cheque she was going to bounce next to the bowl of blood?

      What in the manifestation culture crap is that?

  4. Oh and one final news flash for FFF:

    You can raise chickens and cook dinner for your friends and have leftovers the next day doing almost anything as your day job.

  5. HD - Was just thinking the same thing about all the lies she tells. Like this mornings tweets -- she walked outside and found Merlin trying to escape, so she put him in a halter, walked him to a paddock, located the broken fencing, grabbed firewood...all in fifteen minutes?!?

    And then immediately scurried back inside to tweet about it. Sounds like she misses having a certain someone to talk to. Well, she screwed that up. Not to mention that SHE is going to have to fix the fence this time. And every time going forward.

    1. AND....she did it all in her slippers!?! What a farmer.

  6. FFF'S latest tweet of incompetence (if it actually happened) reminds us how BAD she is at animal care. The horse again escaped? Farming 101 is constructing and maintaining good fences.

    No horse leaves its home "turf" without reason. Hunger, thirst and fear are such reasons. My suspicion is Merlin became cold and hungry and looked for food. Their housing is minimal, their grass is grazed down, so he looked for sustenance.

    Merlin escaping his fence and getting into the grain bucket to chow down on sheep feed isn't an amusing farm incident; it could have killed him. First, unless she feeds plain oats, sheep feed isn't designed for horse metabolism, and experts caution against mixing the two. Second, any horse eating too much grain runs a serious risk of colic or founder, both painful and life threatening conditions.

    With colic, the horse's intestines become obstructed by grain, causing intestinal gas to build, leading to tremendous pain, thrashing, stress and possible death. With founder, the horse's hooves destabilize, resulting in devastating lameness and possible death.

    If she cannot adequately take of those animals, she needs to re-home them!


    She puts her stupid crap in caps to add a sense of scarcity to her pathetic pleas for donations.

  8. “I feel I need to qualify, because this is Twitter, that I have the time in the mornings and evenings. I am not shirking farm or freelance work to trap.”

    What a bunch of bull.

    1. Jenna’s always justifying wasting her time. Guilty much? Rather than get off her fat ass, and get a local job to support herself. I hope that she doesn’t trap another bird victim. They’ll be forced to watch GOT reruns while being chained to her hot lamp. She’s an animal abusing, clueless cunt.

  9. Is anyone else bothered by the recent spate of sexual, cruder comments here? I’m not referring to usual swear words. There’s a creepier component to these responses that’s repugnant. I think that one person is responsible for most of them, and she’s using new names to try and look like several people.

    1. Yes, I am bothered by them as well. And crude is the correct word indeed. Thanks for bringing it up.

    2. Jude. Thanks for your response. I wish that those kind of cruder comments could be deleted by HD. They detract from our credibility, and also taint the topics.

    3. There’s a sick, deranged quality to these immature comments. It’s almost like the person writing them is off their psych meds, and needs to be back on them again.

    4. Yes I noticed it and don't like it one bit. I guess it's a new person on here? It doesn't sound like any of the usual people.

    5. I've always thought these crude comments are actually Jenna's attempt to make this website look like what she claims-that we are bullies and trolls.
      It could also be a legit troll, although I think that is far less likely.

    6. I doubt that it’s a new person. It sounds similar in style to Whack. I thoroughly dislike Jenna, but don’t think that she’s doing the deranged comments.

    7. Agreed, I dislike the sick crude comments . Possibly a troll, or is " The Repeater" back?
      I don't think it's Jenna, but maybe an unstable fan trying to cause hate and discontent on the site. IDK....


    8. I believe that Whack is back under new names. I also think that she’s “The Repeater.” She’d mentioned working at a psychiatric institution, and wouldn’t reveal any details, but was probably a patient not a professional.

    9. Anon 7:47 - I was thinking the same thing. And I agree with Anons 9:59, 10:13 and 11:00.

    10. Pretty sure she is a nurse’s aide or something like that.

    11. There’s a difference between allowing free speech on a site, but then letting toxic trolling destroy good commentary.

  10. Anon 6:30, to each his own, although swearing doesn't always add to the conversation.

    Maybe it's because I am old enough to have been a proto-feminist, lol, but I generally don't like put-downs that denigrate women/females: c***, p****, b****, bast***, tw**. (You get the idea).

    I realize there is a cultural element to this, as my Canadian and Australian friends use c*** much more freely, but it grates.

    Calling a scam artist out as a useless idiot, lying sod, dumb git, faux feral farmer, a$$hole or pig shocker somehow seems more satisfying.

    1. PDD. I think that cruder comments referring to sexually suggestive acts aren’t appropriate. The person who is leaving them is trying to be disgusting, rather than making pertinent points in an intelligent manner.

    2. I agree that the crude insults and the more recent crude comments don't add to the conversation and discredit the actual thoughtful posts here.

      The disadvantage of an anonymous forum like this one is that there is no real way to control who engages or how, and I don't think anyone wants to step up to moderate. I would not wish that on HD.

      Those comments about FFF's appearance and sexuality have always happened, and been allowed to exist or perpetuate.

      If there is no moderation, there's going to be trolls. My suggestion is the classic advice: "Don't feed the trolls" meaning, ignore the behaviour, don't reinforce it.

      Trolls thrive on feedback. Don't feed them.

  11. I have to laugh whenever she brags about "a fire that roars" or "the comfort of a roaring fire" etc. A roaring fire in a woodstove is not a good thing. A warm, steady fire is the goal. We heat with wood (since 1977) and if it "roars " something needs to be checked. But of course, she is attempting to brag about her wonderful life.

  12. How can she say she "made it" and then in the next tweet complain that sales are slow and the mortgage is late (again). It's one or the other, but it can't be both. Having someone pay her for drawing a coyote is hardly "making it".

    If she's ever able to pay her bills on time without depending on other people, then she can say she has made it.

    1. “Live like Lies!”December 8, 2021 at 12:08 PM

      Exactly. I said something similar in the last post:

      “Here’s the issue. One can’t be both victim and victor either at the same time, or when it’s convenient for public person posing.”

      PDD also eloquently wrote:

      “Anons, that's the conundrum. To be successful in vlogging, blogging or writing, one must be honest with the audience. Every discussion of social media success stresses the need for integrity and honesty, and sadly, she's almost always dishonest.

      She cannot be an animal lover if she callously leaves a "beloved" sheep left to die in wheelbarrow.

      She cannot be a chicken expert if 50% die from neglect, predation or freezing because she couldn't be bothered to put them in their coop on a cold night.

      She cannot claim to be the person who would survive a zombie apocalypse if she cannot successfully hunt, can't cut wood and cannot figure out how a woodstove efficiently works.

      She cannot seriously present herself as the real-life heroine of her fantasy world if she literally needs everyone else to fix her problems.

      She cannot portray herself as a strong, successful woman whilst repeatedly posting immature and tearful posts with her as a continual victim of an unfair world.

      Her behavior creates a huge disconnect and it all but guarantees readers cannot trust what she shares, and so they won't stick around.

      What she is - a nearly 40-year old woman who chased the dream of a rural lifestyle, penned a handful of rural living homages, but discovered the dream was more appealing than its reality. Her interest in farming waned a long time ago. Her roommate accomplished more in a year that FFF did in 10 years. If she can find the courage, it's time to give up the animals and try a new adventure. If she's honest with herself on such a journey, that would be worth a read.”

  13. And, right now, after she gets the horse's fence squared away, maybe she's working on her epic book: "(Not) Getting Paid to Do What You Love."

    Recently she was bragging that she has finally learned how to operate the wood stove and keep the house nice and warm, 70 degrees, after Shannon said she couldn't take another winter there at the farm.

    It occured to me that Jenna could do a simple children's coloring book and sell it with line drawings of animals she makes. But she's really have to look at pictures of the animals. Her cats always seem to have noses way too long.

  14. maybe it is just me but I would be insulted if someone brought me soap for a hostess gift. I can buy my own soap and it would something I would want, not some crap from some house I don't even know where it was made. Ugh. Also soap seems personal or quiet an insult like you need to take a bath?

    1. I'd like it if they were giving me soap they made themselves, but rando soap? Soap instead of wine or dessert to share with everyone? It's not a hostess gift I'd choose, and if I received it I'd assume it was a re-gift.

    2. Anon and WIW, I agree 💯 with your statements. Soap is personal and bad soap can aggravate skin conditions or allergies. I'd never use " unknown " soap and I'm careful in buying it.

      If someone gave me this dubious present, I'd probably toss it away.

    3. my thoughts EXACTLY PoodleDiDoo.

    4. Her soap is bad. We bought some a few years ago, and it made my skin break out in a rash. It also smelled very synthetic and strange.

    5. Here's the thing: soap can have germs lurking on its exterior (see link).

      The thought of buying or receiving soap that is made on a property where wild birds live and sh** inside, where soap ingredients have been stored in the same cooler as blood, feces and road kill, whose "maker" bragged about her lack of personal hygiene and had cross-contaminated meat products...makes me want to VOMIT.

      How on earth can anyone buy a kitchen-made product from a place that isn't inspected (soap making is a loophole) and has had repeated process problems ref safety and hygiene???

      FYI Link about germs on soap:

      Now imagine taking out a fresh bar of soap, packed by someone's dirty little fingers and stored in a filthy little hovel...and then touching to your hands or face...Yuck!

    6. Just the thought of her dirty sausage fingers touching a personal product like soap is sickening. Ugh.

    7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    9. HD. Could you please delete this crappy comment? Thanks.

    10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    13. HD. Toxic troller alert above.

  15. "Out of curiosity. How much do you think it costs me to have a single pig (200lbs) harvested, hung, butchered, smoked and packaged?

    $176, $389, $456, $599"

    Replies were pretty evenly split. She's basically asking people to guess how much profit she's making. She doesn't have a public price list for her pork shares, but I think it was established earlier she's charging $200-$300 per quarter, so a max of $1200 per pig, which is supposed to include the pig's lifetime of care, feed, butchering and packaging.

    Plus a little extra for, you know, the trouble.

    1. 1200 per pig is about 6 dollars per lb, which is pretty standard for custom cut hogs in this area. It does, in fact, cost about 3 dollars per lb ($600) to process a hog at that small a scale to cover smoking and sausage making.

      200-300 dollars worth of feed to get that pig to market weight.

      And 100-150 per pig (possibly less if they're of poor genetic quality).

      I can't imagine how she's making any money off of pork.

    2. She hasn’t learned anything about making a profit from her faux farm even over a decade of doing hobby homesteading. Her dream is dust due to stubborn stupidity.

  16. "I've been driving around with Honey the Mouse every day for an hour or so trapping just to feel something. I doubt I'll find a bird, but if I do I'll have a late season passage bird to care for an hunt with till spring. I certainly have the time for it."

    "just to feel something". Okay, there, drama lama. Such phrases have been popularized by those speaking about severe mental illness including burnout and ptsd.

    Typically doing something "just to feel something" is referencing self-harm.

    Just to feel something. What a statement.

    To highlight the hyperbole, she said earlier that same day that she "feels pretty great". Context quote: "Let me tell you, a day that starts with a fire that just roars from jump, no escaped ponies, strong coffee, and some light flurries feels pretty great."

    Just two days before that, she was bragging about how she "made it" drawing coyotes for money. She was "thrilled" with the warm weather too. That'd also indicate she's feeling pretty good - yet she tells this tale of woe, trying to trap a new hawk JUST TO FEEL SOMETHING.

    1. “Live like Lies!”December 10, 2021 at 6:43 AM

      WiW. That stupid sentence is a pathetic plea for free funds. She wants people to feel sorry for poor, numb/dumb Jenna. Driving around in her loaned money car, because her fat ass was dumped by Shannon.

    2. The silly saga of Honey the Mouse is meant to convey how caring she is towards animals. It’s all a façade like her pretense of posing as a farmer.

    3. So the fake feral farmer "rescued" a mouse, named it Honey, keeps it trapped and uses it as BAIT to attract a raptor? Because she's bored?

      Mice are intelligent and sensitive creatures. Putting it inside a trap, exposed to the elements in order to trap a raptor must be terrifying for the mouse. Mice can die from stress, exposure to elements or dehydration.

      Once again, she shows how little empathy she has for other living creatures. She remains a gigantic POS.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. I wonder if her complaining about her shoulders taking turns being injured was a bid to get her parents to buy her a new bed?

    1. The timing of wanting a new bed right after the ex leaves is pretty on the nose.

    2. WiW. Everything that she writes is coldly calculated.

    3. I’m surprised that she hasn’t mentioned needing a Shannon replacement for her new bed.

    4. FFF's Yule Wish List:

      A girl who:

      - will pay all the bills. all of them
      - will do all the non-fun animal maintenance. all of it.
      - will buy and maintain a hipster vintage truck and also allow FFF to use it.
      - will save for their retirement. both of them.
      - will always encourage FFF, regardless of her own needs for support.
      - will never ask FFF to contribute an ounce more energy or money than she is inclined.
      - will cook and clean when FFF isn't feeling like it.
      - will be FFF's backup drama llama
      - will participate in or at least not question online bids for money
      - will have only good words for FFF's arts n crafts
      - will basically to everything on FFF's timeline and of course, move into FFF's cold drafty leaky hovel with questionable plumbing.

    5. “Live like Lies!”December 11, 2021 at 6:19 AM

      WiW. That was a great list, thanks. You’ve inspired me to compile my own for fun.

      FFF’s Fool Wish List:

      - A steady supply of sycophantic supporters on Twitter
      - Monthly mortgage donations from PayPal “poodles”
      - New Taylor Swift sweaters and merchandise
      - Another bird victim to watch Buffy reruns with
      - The “scary red van man” to never return
      - Medical insurance that also includes dental work
      - A pricey puppy to replace Gibson
      - Heavy camping equipment because she likes to carry crap that’s unnecessary

    6. "Backup Drama Llama "December 11, 2021 at 6:59 AM

      WIW and LLL, these are the best. I especially like Backup Drama Llama as a name. Perfection!

      WIW, the list must include:

      - will have at least one new smart phone, with professional editing capabilities, to take and create complimentary photos (only) of FFF

      - will not push sobriety at any time, recognizing that part of FFF'S uniqueness is her alcohol-infused gibberish & confusion

      - will not comment on lavender water spray, a practice used in medieval Europe to mask the stench of the unwashed

      - will understand her life includes cleaning up sh** whether inside or outside the home, because " artistes " must not be bothered by the mundane

      - will accept being relegated to domestic chores, humiliated publicly and referred to as girl, babe and other 1950s misogynistic terms, because FFF likes it that way!

      - will accept good hygiene and housecleaning are for poodles, not bada$$ bitc$%s


    7. Seriously LMAO at all of these! One more for her Yule Wish List:

      A girl who:

      - will please not wear a clothespin on her nose during sexy time


      Did I just go there? Yeah, I did. And I blame the glass of wine I just had. *burp*

    8. Anon7. Her hygiene is horrid. She’s written before how bad her body odor was in local places. I’d call it “close encounters of the stinky kind.”

  18. I think the fake feral farmer relies on casual readers being captivated by one of her "edgy" comments, checking out her profile and then donating or pity-buying a product. She knows few readers stick around long term (or pay attention to detail), so continuity doesn't matter.

    Thus, one day she's high on life (so HAPPY!) and the next day she's terrified, afraid of strangers or unable to feel. My opinion is she knows exactly what she's doing and throws out a variety of psychological lures, meant to net new victims.

    Long time Shamsters will remember past readers with apparent behavioral issues (alcoholism, body dysmorphia, substance abuse, depression etc) who were her most ardent defenders. They probably felt she was a kindred spirit, and I'll bet they also contributed $$$ to her, until the reality hit them and their rose-colored glasses fell off.

    It's sad to see her scamming continue.

    1. PDD. Exactly. It’s her planned, manipulative marketing attempts that are obvious to us, but innocent newbies could be fooled.

    2. What I cannot understand is: How is she not mentally exhausted from her day-to-day, year after year shenanigans and scams? Like how?!?

  19. Thanks, HD. We appreciate you listening to our above issues with the creepy comments. I’ve noticed that you already deleted two by Big Mommy.

    1. HD. BM left another nasty new comment above at 2:40. Maybe you can IP van them. They’re some sick psycho with weird fixations.

    2. IP ban not van

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. At least cunts like you can be deleted. You’re a sick psycho who has harassed others for years on this site. Go fuck yourself, loser.

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    8. HD. Toxic troller alert above.

    9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. Its time for her holiday request of cards (cash), because the FFF has had a hard year. If you’re lucky she might even send you a stupid scribble as thanks.

    1. I've always thought it would be funny to grab a bunch of gift cards, and not put any money on them, and then mail them to her in a Xmas card. She'd be soooo excited, running all over town to use them, just to find out they're useless, lol.

      But I have better things to do with my time. Plus, the side eye I got from Satan just now...

    2. We sent her a Christmas card last year. And I put a “big check” mark instead of cash.

  21. “Hey! Just a couple hundred away from making my goal of paying the November mortgage by the 15th! I still send gift certificates, logo vouchers, gifted pork shares, etc! DM to order!”

    She’s doing it again. I’ve never seen anyone else on Twitter who mentions making their mortgage payments every month. JW deliberately picks the amount of a few hundred dollars in the hopes that she’ll get the funds for free. Her hyperbolic usage of exclamation points is manipulative marketing to convey a false front of urgency.

    1. It's disgusting, isn't it? Every single damn month. Even when she had a roommate girlfriend.

      Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever seen ANYONE ELSE on Twitter mention and beg for mortgage assistance. Seriously...she the sole Twitter loser who does that.

  22. Nice to see some new names on this thread and the last. Some questions tho...

    1) What the heck happened on the last thread?

    2) Was one of the new user names Jenna herself?

    3) What was the nature of the above deleted comments?

    1. Some of us think that Whack is back under new names. The deleted comments were very vile and crazy. They detracted from intelligent observations, and also added nothing of merit.

    2. Most of the moronic comments are made by a creep called Big Mommy. Clearly, they’re suffering from a sexual psychosis coupled with craziness.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. Twitter Twaddle - "Shannon come back!!" Edition:

    "My parents have alerted me that for Christmas they have mailed me a new, fancy, mattress! First new bed EVER!"

    Is it just me or does anyone else feel like all her post-split tweets are written with Shannon in in she is hoping that the ex is lurking and reading her tweets?

    Pig Shocker, she's not coming back, ya hear? And BTW, not buying this "She couldn't handle another cold winter" bullshit. Shannon was from Mass, and it gets cold there too. Naw, it had to be money related (as in Jenna refuses to earn any via a real job) or she just got tired of hearing Jenna's voice/attitude.

    Years ago, I tried watching Jenna's cringe fest YouTube channel and was very put off by her know-it-all arrogance, annoying tone, heavy breathing, etc. So just imagine living with that 24/7. Imagine living with a know-it-all who does nothing at all. I'd flee too.

  24. These comments from above:

    Anon 4:57 wrote: "I can buy my own soap and it would something I would want, not some crap from some house I don't even know where it was made. Ugh."

    WIW wrote: "I'd like it if they were giving me soap they made themselves, but rando soap?"

    PDD wrote: "I'd never use " unknown " soap and I'm careful in buying it."

    What you guys wrote made me realize that she doesn't bother to package or label her soaps. We've all seen the pics her customers sometimes post and it always shows the same thing: A bunch of bare-assed soaps wrapped in bubble wrap. NO nice packaging. NO label that shows the "farm" name and location. NO label that lists ingredients, etc. NO NOTHING. Just some raw label-less soaps with unknown ingredients from who knows where.

    Would it kill her to take the time to package and label them nicely?

    1. Anon 7 I wrote Anon 4:57 and I still wouldn't use that crap even more so if it had her name on it. I would google the "farm" and yep it would go in the trash for sure. I started a small home business with primitive line. Everyone loved my product and packaging and it went international but still you have to do your homework. Who would want soap (I am picky about soaps and I have allergies to many things) that has been made where hawks shit all over the house? Kind of makes me want to throw up thinking about that.

      With the mailing situation these days (we even got an overnight package late recently) who would take a chance on buying something in time for Christmas from her?

      And I think you are right Shannon just got tired of the begging even with her paying half the bills (Jenna said so herself) the begging didn't end only ramped up even more so if she couldn't make it paying half the bills how is she going to be making it paying all the bills? And lets not forget she will pay one month of her insurance and then let it slide and it will be all of our fault since we didn't donate to her 99 years of "righting" or buying her crap. Oh wonder if she ever sold her pepsi phone I am sure my husband would love that for Christmas?

  25. It's illegal to sell soap without listing ingredients on a label. Someone with allergies or sensitivities absolutely need to know what they're using. It's irresponsible and possibly dangerous for her not to list ingredients. The government has a slew of regulations regarding what has to go on a soap label, obviously she thinks the law doesn't apply to her.

    1. You’re right. Her soap sucks from personal experience in using it. You’d be better off buying bars at a store.

  26. I thought about her question on how much it cost her to have her pigs butchered. The answer is nothing at all. The cost is covered by the people who bought the shares.

    So when she starts bellyaching about how she can’t come up with the money for butchering fees, she’s admitting she spent share money earmarked for that on something else.

  27. No wonder JW is becoming more desperate to pay November rent. Most mortgage lenders give a 15 day grace period, after which they can impose a late fee, which can be substantial. Today is the 12th, which means she has 3 more days. She is “so close”, she has to let everyone know, that if only they would buy something, she can make November. Then on to December. She’s lying. She wants that money to pay her operating bills, utilities, hay, feed, wood, phone, computer, gas. What a lying, scheming little minx she is. What is even worse, is her desire to scam people.

    1. We don’t know if she’s ever really late with making her mortgage. Some of us suspect that the bank would’ve foreclosed her faux farm years ago due to delinquent payments. I think that begging has become a way of life for the lazy loser. Which is why Shannon left.

    2. I agree anon, I don't think she's really late on the mortgage, and if she is, she's a damned fool paying for a single thing before she pays for the roof over her head.

  28. The latest Instagram comments are about right on target. Her total disdain for anyone who doesn't think her way is laughable. "In the coming apocalypse" she better hope her pony cart can outrun a red van, all the animals she doesn't care about and fed-up neighbors. She will be fine because of all the books she has. Question. Why does she need so many books, when she already knows everything? Everything she writes offends me in some way. She needs to actually read one of the books or a homesteading magazine and see what real homesteaders and farmers are doing.

    1. “Live like Lies!”December 13, 2021 at 12:35 PM

      Jenna has a spoiled suburbanite’s arrogant attitude towards anyone who thinks differently than she does. Like the classic comparison between her faux farm and “poodle people.” She’s a huge hypocrite, and has zero self-awareness. An apocalyptic event would end her almost immediately, because no one would want to help her survive.

    2. Even her precious Pember Patty would be too busy with her own family to help her out. And many locals already loathe her, because they’ve been burned by her before in business deals.


  29. “ Every so often I see a cute post of someone’s library filling a wall behind their living room couch and I think, is that all the books you have!? One wall?! Here’s JUST my homesteading and cookbook selection. It’s one section of the kitchen.”

    She really hates people who use the library…she is basically trying to shame people into buying books…HER books.

    1. you're right, SOTM. And her chicken book is being re-released!


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