Regarding A New Blog Post

I got through it but I think I had a stroke about a third of the way down.
Maybe she knows what she's trying to say…..but homegirl is Not an effective writer.  Half the time she's being mean and unkind to the opossum and the other half she's revering them.  And then there were all those other words just laying around.  Good God!


  1. truly I could NOT read the drivel and she expects to get paid for this? I tried my mind and eyes kept drifting off the page and all the while wondering what the hell she was talking about.

    She is such a FFF after all she keeps a opossum in her rundown mud room with a broken washer. Yeah I sure can't figure out why Shannon got the hell out of there. Hopefully she ran and didn't walk to the nearest exit. Smart woman.

    1. I think that she’s probably drinking daily now since Shannon left. And I also need a few sips of something stronger than coffee to read her crap. She never proofreads due to laziness. Even the editor of her bombed Birchthorn book complained about the many mistakes.

  2. I only got through about three paragraphs of that word salad, but had to guffaw at the FFF's self-projection of her own pudgy man-hands: "fleshy phalanges" !!! LOLOL

    1. JW calls her own hands “stout” and has said that she has “sausage fingers.” But somehow that triggers weirdos here to insult us. When it’s Jenna who has said the same about her “fleshy phalanges” first. I almost cringed with embarrassment for her when writing it. What a repellent image, and the opposite of appealing.

  3. She's imitating Glennon Doyle's latest memoir, "Untamed". Glennon has successfully sold herself to a specific type of middle class white woman, very life-coachy and self-satisfied, writing about her marriage.

    Then Glennon successfully pivoted upon coming out as a lesbian (in a messy way that involved cheating on her husband while on tour promoting her book about reconciling with her husband) and she sold THAT memoir, the above mentioned "Untamed".

    I was so put off by Glennon's attitude towards her own choices what clearly caused harm and hurt to others that I returned the book. Glennon has successfully marketed her own toxic personality as inspiration and a story about honesty and hard personal truths! Sound familiar? It left such a bad taste in my mouth that I returned the book. That's why I remember Jenna tweeting last year that she'd read the book, loved it, and it was a part of the inspiration for her to give up alcohol.

    Jenna is clearly trying to sell her "mess" of a life as inspiration. "This is a memoir about falling apart in one place to find yourself."

    This is the version of her inspirational story that she's been repackaging since "Made from Scratch".

    It's not brave to refuse conventional employment in favour of soliciting donations online. It's not brave to live off your live-in-girlfriend and say you'll try and find a job, but set ridiculous parameters around what that job has to be. It's certainly not brave to believe for YEARS that some magical book deal is going to solve your immediate financial crisis.

    Every time she feels a financial pinch she goes back to "sell my book". She's been talking about her newest, latest book for four years at least. She reworks the manuscript and calls it another new book.

    That's all this blog post is, it's an attempt to try and drum up some social media excitement for her "new book".

    She's rehashing the same sentiments that have been said over and over for the past 15 years, by Oprah authours and life coaches. "Look at my brave honest vulnerability and how I navigate life and define success by my own terms! Aren't I *inspirational*?"

    I really enjoy reading memoirs about people who have had really demanding challenges in their life, who have survived and overcome difficulties, or even people who are similar to myself, living as I do and would like to live.

    But in that genre there is a thread of authors who sell their terrible toxic bullshit and exploit the suffering of those who were impacted by their choices to sell their next book. It's similar to the difference between a great comedian and a lazy one. Those who don't actually have a good story to tell try to spin their terrible story into something that reflects light. Some people even fall for it.

    1. Exactly. I’m applauding your comment. I wouldn’t waste my money on any of her bad books. She’s the exact opposite of inspirational, and a perfect example of an epic train wreck in progress.

    2. Regarding what WOG posted, I had a friend who went through a terrible divorce, leaving her to birth and raise the child (lots of support battles in the past) and she had a career I won't go into, but then she up and moved to an area of the country she had zero ties to, foraged ahead, found new work, child is thriving, etc. However: she recently, within the last year, took up life coaching as a means of making money, so she's fallen gung ho down that rabbit hole. I had stayed silent on all of that, figuring "that's her path." But recently, she was mugged in front of her child, beaten, and yet she posts this piece about how she can see forgiveness; i.e. seeing it from the attacker's position, and I said to her (and it ended our longstanding friendship,) "You have got to be kidding." I told her "you have zero idea of what compelled that person to harm you." And that's the truth. You can cite poverty, loss of self esteem, the growing economic divide in this country, but in truth, you're going to life coach your assaulter? (I didn't write "that" part to her.) I said to her, "I've known you a long time, and you certainly know me better (I was attacked by her troop of loyal flying monkeys) then I said to her, "I'm out of here." I didn't wait for a reply. I immediately unfollowed her, I blocked her, I deleted her out of my life. I did wish her good luck in her pursuits at the end, but one thing she had posted about that attack was that she "wasn't certain what she would do (in terms of charging the person) if they found her attacker. That was the last straw for me. How about teaching your child right and wrong, since she was there to witness the wrong part. I knew then that this life coaching crap had pulled that response out of her, because she in the past, she would not have gone all Gandhi on you. Don't mention life coaching to me. It's like brain washing. I imagine you can rationalize just about anything. Just like Feral Farmer's fantasy life. One day real life may kick her hard in the ass. She may drift further into her fantasies...or not.

  4. She continues to post photos of Friday in the bean bag chair on instagram.

  5. I just read the latest blog entry. What a load of figgy pudding crap. Why hasn't she been foreclosed on yet with all of her behind payments? Is the opossum her collateral?

    1. She’s been lying about her faux farm’s foreclosure for years. It would’ve happened long ago had it been true. It’s always about her manipulative marketing for free funds.

  6. At least we know she's the happiest human being she knows. There's always that.

    1. You made me LOL, Anon 5:16. Isn't she just the most content smug hobbit-human this green earth has known, since olden tymes?

    2. She’s far from being happy. Her whole life is lies.

  7. Quoth the possum: "Which is exactly how I met my local possum community; a baby rummaging through my recycling bin in my unfinished mudroom. He was rattling bottles of hard cider and lost in the heavenly bliss of his small vertical cavern of booze. "

    Now why would there be bottles of hard cider in your recycling, Sober Sally? Enough bottles to intoxicate north america's only marsupial?

    Seems she got sober for Shannon, and now she's going to leverage how bad her alcoholism actually is into a new take on how "this farm saved me".

    "it seemed moot to not send him off without a little something"
    That's not how you use the word "moot" Jenna. Please put down the thesaurus.

    " I’ve shared much of it online in a blog that started out as the joyful practice of an eager beginner and turned into a fucking nightmare of online trolling and stalkers. "

    AND HER VICTIM STORY CONTINUES. There we have it folks, the reason for the most recent performance of someone driving by her house.

    She was soliciting sympathy and she's woven this "my critics are mean to me" thread into her next book.

    This is not going to turn out the way she wants it to. I reiterate: it is reasonable to call authorities to check on the welfare of animals that you constantly talk about struggling to feed. It is reasonable to criticize someone soliciting donations and selling arts and crafts online while panic-posting about the possibility of foreclosure. It is entirely natural to laugh when someone's response to good advice on increasing earnings is to say "I'm going to tear out my eyeballs and hurl them at the drywall".

    It is normal to do a double-take when someone fundraises for a root canal and then buys a puppy instead. It's rational to be critical of someone accepting donations to build infrastructure to improve the lives of your current animals and you buy a pony and take out a loan for the rest of the purchase price while you're at it.

    It's completely appropriate to criticize someone who paid one mortgage payment selling "lifetime access" to events on the property and then cancelling all future events immediately after cashing in on that special.

    Your "trolls" are really your historians, Jenna. Hell, some of us are still a little bit your cheerleaders, holding on to the tiniest shred of optimism that you'll actually learn and grow. But you can't rewrite your past. It happened. You made terrible choices that harmed people and animals. You attracted criticism because your actions warrant criticism.

    1. Thanks for another excellent comment. She only wants fawning fans, and can’t handle any constructive criticism. Her life is a “fucking nightmare,” because she refuses to take adult accountability, and support herself without either begging or scamming.

  8. Does anyone here follow her on Twitter?

  9. Twitter is a dead platform anyway. I was not getting decent conversion from that platform for the past 5 years or so (it used to be awesome but I noticed it was more bots and less people as time went on.) I recently posted on my business twitter my current promo. You'd think with over 7K followers I'd get the most sales through that platform, but no. I got zero sales. And the real kicker is the stats: even though I have so many followers on twitter, only 48 people even saw my effing post. This is why twitter is a dead platform for small businesses.

    Anyway, the vast majority of my sales comes from my 500-ish subscriber email list. Very small by social media standards, but that's my side gig which elevates my earnings into a new tax bracket. You don't have to have a lot of customers to have a good business if you have enough repeat customers.

    My point to sharing this insight is noticing the engagement Jenna seems to get with her 4.5K followers. Each post gets maybe a handful of replies. Twitter is where she does most of her complaining, whereas instagram is where she is actively trying to make connections.

    Instagram is dying too though, it's going down with facebook. 10 years ago, all my sales were made on FB. Now I only use it to buy second hand stuff on the marketplace.

    TicTok is replacing all the old gen social media. It's replaced snapchat and instagram for a lot of folks. There are a ton of farmers on there already, and if I were actively trying to expand my client base, that's where I'd go.

  10. Hey, can someone kindly copy and paste this word salad bleg post? Or a link to the entry? (Her new website does not like my browser and I can't be arsed to download a new one just for her idiotic blog.)

  11. Bad news for tax dodging Pig Shocker: She's now gonna have to pay Uncle Sam for the money she "earns up" via PayPal.

    ''As of this writing, the current threshold for such reporting is $20,000 and 200 payments in goods and services. Come Jan. 1, 2022, that reporting threshold will drop down to $600."

    Lol, she certainly makes more than $600 a year in sales and donations with PayPal. But wait, she has Venmo now...which is owned by PayPal. She's screwed.

    LINK TO ARTICLE >>>>>>

  12. Regarding the talk on the last thread about her Twitter being in "protected tweets" mode, she did do this once before. I think it was in the winter as well.

    But what I can't quite remember is if she did it so that she could do some hardcore begging without us seeing those tweets, or if that was just speculation on our part based on some clues we found? Does anyone remember that? Cuz I could definitely see her creating some imaginary disaster in which she just flat out begs for funds.

    1. Which is why I’ve asked whether anyone here follows JW to track her lies. So far I’ve received no responses. I think that you’re correct about begging increasing the last time her account was protected from public exposure. It won’t last long, though, once her latest victim narrative is worn out by the need for free funds and attention.

    2. I just posted above to WOG about life coaching.

      I discovered this last night, but let me do a tiny backstory. I had to replace my printer, and in doing so, I couldn't get the scanner to read between itself (in the printer) and my computer, and since I'm somewhat adept at figuring these things out, I had to break down and call HP, and that set me back to a small team of independent techs, sub contracting out of HP to the tune of $149.00. What they discovered was...mindboggling, and I was shown it on live screen. I had let my Norton lapse (money was tight, don't ever let Norton lapse, by the way) and in the past two days I have re-added Norton, plus an anti-tracking package and some other things and it's doing it's job.

      I had been flooded with corrupt email and sites. It had left my system in knots. The HP team had cleaned that out for me (so money well spent, I guess,) but it left the question of breaking down (financially) and getting Norton back in place, which I spent all of yesterday doing. And guess who it found?

      Here's where it gets interesting for you guys, and frankly, I can't ever remember this coming up as a topic before, but after reading these Twitter concerns, I thought I'd better share. When you were all writing about that crazy opossum story, I felt I had to try and read it. It was...garbage...and insane. That was the last time I was on her site. Usually I come here for the latest news, because I find you trustworthy and encyclopedic in terms of the history of this person. I wrote a while back that I'm content with the reporting in here, I don't need to be on her trashed sites.

      With that said: this morning I noticed Norton Anti Tracking had picked up four things, three of them innocuous places where I'd be anyway, and they have walls around walls around them. BUT. The fourth thing? It was Jenna's web page. In reading the data I want to point out that they set levels of high (deep red) medium (orange) and low (yellow). FF's concerns had no yellow to speak of. They blocked her spyware if you want to call it that, but it's probably some number crunching app, into several categories, with numbers assigned to them: Fingerprinting 2, Ads-Analytics 0, Social Media 4, Shopping-Commerce1, Other1. Most were medium (orange) but social media was in the high (red) zone and Shopping and Other were 0 (low). Interesting, huh? At the very least, it establishes she had some kind of software scanning her viewership. But she can't pay her mortgage.

  13. If she claims "trolls" are making her life a nightmare, why make her life so public? If she shut down all social media and got a job, maybe her life would improve.

    1. I wrote the comment above you. "Yes," I thought about all of her trolling comments when I found what she herself was doing. SHE is the troll. Irony. How sweet.

    2. "Backup Drama Llama "December 23, 2021 at 5:12 PM

      She admitted she craves attention. I also assume she does this to generate pity, to collect "atta-girls" for her perseverance and to receive sympathy donations and pity purchases.

      Remember, this is a person who appears to have sent HERSELF a snarky job application, so she could claim harassment and post a story about it. (Shamsters compared handwriting samples to verify this.)

  14. I wonder if people aren’t posting comments here either because it’s Christmas, or her Twitter account is private.

    1. I wish a belated Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates and a happy holiday to all. May 2022 find you safe, healthy and joyous.

      Putting the fake feral farmer out of mind for the holiday was actually a good thing. She's a hypocrite who'd previously denounced Christmas. This year's half-hearted well wishes were doubtless intended to generate good will (for her). This is part of her recently revised narrative: she's now a supremely happy hobbit, not drinking, again living alone on the side of the mountain, who suffers from mean people, especially those who drive by and stare at her. She counts on most readers not knowing her history of sending out false complaints. Thank the gods her readers can make her feel better with cash

      PayPal - it means so much.

    2. Thanks, PDD, my sentiments exactly. Twitter or not, it doesn't matter. She can't stay off social media in some form and still exist. Business, attention, ridiculous retweets, whatever. She'll still be there.

  15. Twitter no longer private

  16. “Some mornings I lay in bed overwhelmed by what has to happen...

    cold house
    iced farm
    get dressed
    dogs out
    cats fed
    coops opened
    firewood chopped
    wood stove lit
    animals fed
    ice broken in troughs
    fresh buckets carried
    hay moved
    coffee made

    ...before I get my first cup of coffee”

    LOL!!! The bitch is back already.

    1. Get dressed? GET DRESSED? That's on the list?

    2. She's STILL carrying buckets of water?! OMG instead of buying a bunch of TS crap she could have had a frost-free hydrant installed in the yard. At the very least, tank de-icers are not that expensive.

      And why would she have to chop firewood little by little? Do a whole bunch at once so it's ready to go.

      Oh, and there's this setting on your coffee machine called a timer where it automatically comes on every morning. But then she'd have to load the coffee at night and couldn't put it on her exhaustive morning chore list!

  17. “I'm tweeting from that first cup of coffee and I still love this farm and life, but I 1000% understand why I'm single”

    She sure didn’t last long without her daily dose of begging and attention whoring. It’s no wonder why she’s still single.

  18. “Thanks for checking in, and for the kind words yesterday and earlier.

    Yesterday I paid the November mortgage! Onward towards December!

    But for now I’m taking a break from soliciting and enjoying this s’mores-flavored coffee my sister mailed me and enjoying a few days off Christmas tree”

    I doubt that she’s gotten encouragement for being a lazy loser from her fans. It’s typical that she’s a month behind in making her mortgage payments, but brags about doing it like it’s normal. Go fuck yourself, Jenna.

  19. “Good morning from Cold Antler Farm. Last night I made an orange angle food cake from scratch and let me tell you about how wealthy I felt having that many eggs in December!”

    More moronic humble-bragging about her magical life, and her imaginary “wealthy” status.

  20. “Going private for a while on here.”

    Poor, bullied little Jenna. Who has a rotten reputation for good reason. She couldn’t keep it closed for even over a week. And has hardly received any sympathy from her sycophantic supporters this time.

  21. cold house: maybe use the thermostically controlled oil furnace?

    iced farm: that's what happens in winter, world's most clueless farmer... Move south.

    get dressed: gold star achievement here, folks

    dogs out: another toughie - open door, stand back

    cats fed: dump out kibble

    coops opened: doubtful, but t means she opened a door, if true

    firewood chopped: lol, too lazy to prepare kindling / wood ahead of time and stack?

    wood stove lit: ok, that takes 3-4 minutes

    animals fed: I doubt it, but 15 minutes tops.

    ice broken in troughs: yes, imagine how animals feel, not able to drink water while she's watching TV at night?

    fresh buckets carried: she's still too incompetent to use a garden hose?

    hay moved: laugh, she grabs hay and flings it over fence.

    coffee made: almost the only am chore I believe she does after awakening

    I do most important morning chores in about 30 minutes. As does almost every sentient being on this planet. Big f-king deal.


  22. JW: 4,859 Followers as of today.

    She continues to lose a steady stream of supporters.


  23. “It blows my mind some of you have never chopped firewood to stay warm that night. It shouldn’t. It’s not good or bad - it’s just choices. But it still blows my mind.”

    Jenna is judgmental and disingenuous about it. She acts like chopping firewood is an act of virtue not choice.

    1. "Backup Drama Llama "December 27, 2021 at 4:16 PM

      "It blows my mind some of you have never let chickens freeze to death on the driveway or get eaten by Predators because you were too lazy to put them in their coops at night."


    2. Ohhh this could be a good shamster's list!

      I'll go next.

      "It blows my mind that you take your animals to a vet once a year, at least, but around here, the vet isn't even called when I have one dying in a wheelbarrow."

      "It blows my mind that some of you have never lived without working plumbing for weeks, and have never used your backyard as a latrine."

      "It blows my mind that most of you have never taken up falconry and had three-quarters of your birds die through abuse or neglect."

    3. It blows my mind that you think it's a big deal that my goats were standing on 4 feet of packed manure and a tractor got stuck trying to dig it all out (it would have never been cleaned up if animal control wasn't involved)

    4. I’ll also add to this list:

      “It blows my mind that mature adults don’t whine online about making their mortgage payments on time each month.”

      “It blows my mind that others find begging and scamming despicable.”

      “It blows my mind that Shannon dumped me when I’m a filthy feral farmer.”

      “It blows my mind that locals loathe me after years of being burned in business by me.”

      “It blows my mind that I have any haters since my life is magical.”

  24. What is her nonsense about "chopping wood"? If you have a cord or so of wood delivered as she said it was, it's already cut into woodstove lengths. Plus, I believe she said how tired she was when she and Shannon spent the morning stacking it. She wouldn't know a tired moment if it kicked her in the ass. I'm sure it wasn't her doing the stacking. After all, she has to be inside designing logos, making soap and keeping the fire roaring.

    1. If you need to chop wood first thing in the morning in order to heat your house, that's a failure to plan.

      Wood for the next day should already be inside the house the night before to completely dry out. Starting the wood stove in the morning doesn't involve chopping wood, that's absurd.

  25. “Okay so my goal is to make one more logo sale today! Logos are ON SALE - $50 off my already flat-rate price! Sale proceeds go towards 2 round bales of hay being delivered! So you get a design and my horses get to yell at me for hay they can see from my driveway! WIN WIN”

    No one cares, cunt. And your stupid, hyperbolic tweet is an example of why we’re here. Only liars over-explain their thinly disguised, pathetic pleas for free funds.

  26. Her entire to do list is absurd:

    cold house
    iced farm

    Why is this topping the list? Is just clocking the temperature a task?

    get dressed - so far the same as every other human

    dogs out - literally just opening the door.

    So far we have roll out of bed, pull on clothes (likely dirty from the day before) and open the door.

    cats fed - refill their bowls? open a can?

    firewood chopped - bullshit you're doing this in the AM.

    wood stove lit - 5 - 10 mins max.

    Okay, now she's heading outside. Note opening the door to go outside counts as "let the dogs out". So we are at get up, pull on clothes, walk outside.

    coops opened - open another door.

    animals fed - fill hay nets? 10 mins?

    ice broken in troughs - five seconds.

    fresh buckets carried

    Buckets of what? water? grain? I have a friend who is a barn manager. She mixes the horses' buckets (30 of them) every morning at around 5am. Each bucket is customized to the animal's dietary, medical, and supplement needs. This takes her about 1 min per bucket to get everything soaking in the tack room before she heads back inside for coffee. She loads the buckets into the wheelbarrow to cut down on the number of trips needed to transport the buckets to the stalls.

    Jenna has two horses and a few sheep. Some chickens. What buckets is she hauling? Four max of grain, in one trip.

    hay moved - same thing as "animals fed" no? unless you carried a bucket of grain, also covered above.

    coffee made Hey guess what, everyone heats water and pours it over coffee or tea. Multiple times a day. It's even considered to be enjoyable.

    I remember a Jenna who bragged about grinding her coffee by hand, in a manual grinder. She's come a long way from making work for no good reason to fluffing a list of morning "chores"

    No wonder having a partner who did likely all of that was such a 'game changer"

    1. I agree that it’s absurd. Her stupid little lists bragging about asinine accomplishments are humble-bragging bullshit. I’m sure that she misses Shannon on a snowy day, though, because now JW has to do all of the shoveling by herself. Boo fucking hoo.

  27. Any news on the roomie front? Is she still looking for a roomate?

    1. Who knows? With her mercurial moods it could be either yay or nay on the same day.

  28. She paid the "November mortgage" presumably due Nov 1, on Dec 22.

    Then took a nice few days off to enjoy Christmas.

    December 1 mortgage payment is supposedly overdue.

    I reiterate my previous theory, that Jenna is not at all behind on the mortgage and never has been, she's just found it to be the best story to goose donations / sales.

    Here's the process in NY:

    First Missed Mortgage Payment
    When you are 30 days late on your mortgage, the lender may choose to report the delinquency to a credit bureau. Federal law requires the loan servicer to attempt to contact you by the 36th late day. If you don’t respond to this, you may receive a notice of default – which gives you 30 days notice to pay the mortgage balance and any accumulated interest.

    Second Missed Mortgage Payment
    At this point, you have likely been penalized with late fees twice and received multiple calls from your lender. There will still be opportunities for you to discuss this with your lender; they may be able to refer you to helpful resources.

    Third Missed Mortgage Payment
    After missing three payments, your lender may send you a Notice to Accelerate. This notice tells the borrower that they must catch up on their mortgage and penalties or face foreclosure.

    Fourth Missed Mortgage Payment
    Once four payments (120 days) have passed, the lender may begin the foreclosure process in New York. After a settlement conference, if no agreement is struck, the case will go to court for judgment. If you are unsuccessful, the property will be put up for public auction.

  29. that is why she says she has never gotten more than 3 payments behind and lately she is only running about 6 weeks behind in her mortgage payment plus late fees. She knows they won't go through all the paper work involved to foreclose on her hovel. Before Shannon she was running a few more months behind. Notice no worry about the Dec. payment and in 2 days it will be Jan. and new payment will be do. Instead she is buying round bales of hay for the hay burners. I do remember her buying 400 bales of hay back in the fall plus more for own barn. You can't tell me 2 horses and a few sheep have used that much hay in about 2 months. Her creative finances just don't add up.

    1. Her whole life is lies.

    2. If what she's saying about being late on her payments is true, she would have wasted tens of thousands of dollars in late fees over the years.

  30. Per instagram, Jenna's 2022 resolution is "more hiking, more writing"

    All talk of a job which her new car would enable has stopped. It reminds me of her original fundraising posts promising she just needs this one sum for this one project and then she'll be good going forward. Just need a car to get a job then I'll be good I swear...

    Nevermind she claimed to be instantly behind on the mortgage the second Shannon left. Let's not address the root issue of her stability, her "anxiety".

    The latest book pitch is trying to spin her chronic claims of the foreclosure axe dangling above her meager existence into a new type of inspo porn, and her plan to get out of debt is to sell the story of how she got into debt.

    Jenna's no different from any other lifestyle coach renting a mansion to take instagram pics to sell the mirage of her own success.

    A part of this pitch would be showing the level of engagement her posted "first chapter" received, which is why she posted it.

    I think Jenna's only option for publishing now is going the self-publishing route again. She won't be able to pre-sell much in a kickstarter this time, but it's completely possible to just write a manuscript, upload it to amazon, and have the books print on demand from their self-publishing service.

  31. “I know paying the December mortgage in time isn't possible, but I am trying to make a small income goal every day. Today I am offering pet portraits and logos all on sale! Send a DM or visit for more”

    Poor, broke little Jenna. She’s trying to make people feel sorry for her inability to make her mortgage payment on time again. “PayPal, it means so much!”

    1. “Last day of the year on this farm. It was a doozy.”

      Since her other pathetic plea for free funds didn’t get any attention, the filthy feral farmer is doubling down with her manipulative marketing. She wants to whine about not making her December mortgage payment on time again. JW is almost 40 years old. But she behaves like a teen twat who doesn’t deal with her own adult responsibilities like supporting herself.

  32. She's doing an "ask me anything" on instagram. There doesn't appear to be a way to see what other people are asking because she's doing it in "stories".

    1. Here’s my questions: “Why are you such a lazy loser?” “Why won’t you work a local job to support yourself?” “Why are you so emotionally stunted?” “Why can’t you finally come to the conclusion that your dumb dream didn’t succeed?”

  33. “Good morning from Cold Antler Farm.
    Today marks one year of not drinking.
    I know no one likes to hear boasting, but I don't care.
    It was a hard thing (for me) to do and I did it.
    Going for another year.”

    What a load of condescending, humble-bragging bullshit. “Sure, Jen.” Which is why your obese body is bloated.

  34. “I'm so serious about making this writing deadline today that I just put on a sports bra.”

    Nah, she’s not doing daily drinking. That stupid tweet makes no sense at all, and isn’t even funny. Unfortunately, she’s not as “serious” about supporting herself.

  35. “Pork is lucky for the new year! So is supporting a small farm! Get some and help keep a small queer operation going!”

    Keep spouting that irrelevant queer crap, Jenna. It’s just your manipulative marketing, and very transparent by now.

  36. “Sore! I started this last year, my ex introduced me to it through her yoga classes and the online teacher I was introduced to through her also does a version, this year I did my own thing - over 2.5 hours with breaks so pretty casual but did it!”

    She’s far from being fit, but believes that we’ll buy her bullshit. JW whines about not being able to make her mortgage payments, yet brags about affording online yoga classes. What a con cunt.


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