Okay. Enough.

You are obviously not welcome here.  Go away.


  1. HD. We don’t know why your site has suddenly been besieged by toxic trolling. It looks like they appeared on the last post. But they’ve become obsessed with “repeating” the same sick crap, and none of their comments make sense. They don’t even have any intelligent observations. Nor do they have humor. Sorry that you have to take time and delete their crazy responses.

    1. The crazy comments started happening on a previous post, but they’ve increased in severity lately. The person has different identities, but their stupid vulgarity gives them away. They never address any of our issues with Jenna. And they’re like a broken record focusing on trigger words. I literally, think that they’re having a psychotic break.

    2. BM’s profile pic is a pig. So they’re familiar with JW’s animal abusing.

    3. Anon 5:16 - Yeah, I agree. It’s the same person posting under different names. Identical writing style and trigger words. Psychotic break or off their meds or something like that.

    4. Anonymous 1:50. Yeah, they’re not fooling the sleuths on this site. They’ve even responded to their own stupid comments, and pretended that they’re another name. I’d definitely call them “Whack.”

    5. o no it's almost like being harrassed isn't a lot of fun

    6. Anonymous 9:19. “o no it’s almost like” BM is trying to play the blame/shame game here. Learn proper punctuation, cretin. And double down on your psych meds.

  2. I'm pulling Jenna's latest instagram post forward to this new thread. It was referenced, but here it is in it's ridiculous entirety:

    "Every so often I see a cute post of someone’s library filling a wall behind their living room couch and I think, is that all the books you have!? One wall?! Here’s JUST my homesteading and cookbook selection. It’s one section of the kitchen.

    I understand simple living. I get the less clutter. I understand spending money and time on different things and respect your lifestyle choices…

    but I will continue to fill this house with books until the structure is compromised, and in our coming apocalyptic times - I will be the old witch on the hill that gets around in a pony cart with a kestrel on my shoulder scaring locals just enough that they return books I lend them on any topic they’re into that isn’t math."

    1. Note the return of the smug tone, and the self-aggrandizement.

      "You call that a book shelf? THIS is a book shelf!"

      Gurl, if you can't pay your mortgage now, what on earth makes you think you'd survive an apocalypse, or be able to maintain your fantasy self-image if anarchy took over?

      Jenna will be scamming people until the day she dies.

      This reference to a "kestrel" on her shoulder is a bit worrisome to me, as I've noticed she starts posting things she intends to do. She's already specifically mentioned a kestrel she has her eyes on to capture for her winter project.

    2. I’d like to see someone slap the smug smirk off her fake face.

  3. lord help us she's posting leonard cohen quotes.

  4. Oh and in final instagram update news for those who don't follow her there: Chick Days, the book about chickens that was full of misinformation, has been renamed "An absolute beginners guide to keeping backyard chickens".

    It's being re-released Dec 21, 2021 almost 11 years after it's original release date in Jan 2011

    It's the same boutique publisher: https://www.storey.com/about-storey/

    This indicates the first run sold enough to make it worth releasing again. For a boutique publisher that's usually between 2000 - 5000 copies, or an average of 300ish a year.

    1. Authours are typically paid about $2 / book sold, so it's likely Jenna make about $4 - $6k off this book over 10 years.

    2. "Backup Drama Llama "December 14, 2021 at 4:02 PM

      Her earnings for completing a mediocre book with factual errors is ~$6000 over 10 years. That's $600/year or $50/month.

      No wonder she hates libraries - she's desperate for sales income ������.


    3. Backup Drama Llama / PDD: No wonder she thinks a $200 / month gig writing clickbait articles is an accomplishment.

      By the way, she has not mentioned her meetings / conference calls since Shannon left. I wonder if she just quit that job the second Shannon walked out.


    You can claim them for your freezer, buy them for my local food bank, buy them for a northeastern family or friend who can pick them up next winter, Hoping to sell today and mail my mortgage!”

    “It's been a hell of a month. Getting slowly closer to my goal of paying off November by Christmas. All the soap and pet portrait orders should be sent and I am now hoping to sell some pork shares for 20221”

    Poor, desperate little Jenna. Boo fucking hoo. No one in the world has had such a tough time during a worldwide pandemic, when the stupid cunt is fortunate enough to own her home. She’s also a liar to promote people buying her crap meat, and then donating it to her local food bank. I happen to know those who run the organization, and they wouldn’t even accept it. Her virtue-signaling is a bunch of bull. And she can’t take time to correct her dumb date error at the end.

    1. “Sure, Jen.” Today she’s not bragging about “I fucking made it” to her teen twat self like she did a few weeks ago. Her mercurial moods are pathetic and predictable.

    2. Oh so she moved the goalpost from Dec 15th to Dec 25th to pay the Nov mortgage?

      Whatever shall she do for the December mortgage???

    3. Last time she bought piglets, she purchased "a trio" meaning she only buys three at a time?

      So two shares is what, one pig?

      And she claims to sell pork shares for $275 - $300 each, so max $600 / pig gross, minus the "roughly $400 / pig" butchering cost = $200 to cover the feed and profits.

      Unless a "share" is 1/4?

      $1200 / pig - $400 butchering = $800 per pig for feed and profit... and she is getting "a trio" of piglets at a time usually.

      If each pig is representing, optimistically, $500 of profit over its lifetime, the absolute most she could be making off pork shares is $6000 / year.

      Best case scenario.

      None of her little cottage industry income claims make any sense. She's getting benefits from someone.

  6. How pathetic to ask for money a full year before any, ahem, pork product is delivered. The piglets haven't been born, or purchased yet. No one does this.

    Anyone foolish enough to send her cash at this stage is merely providing her with an interest-free loan. Over the next year (in fact within the next month), she'll have spent the money leaving NOTHING for care, feeding and processing of the non-existent pigs.

    Having spent the share price, who supposes she'll then save money by purchasing substandard animals, feeding them garbage food and/or delaying processing until she can scrape more money together.

    She's her own ponzi scheme: selling shares in a fabulous product that doesn't (and likely will never) exist.

    1. JW is a serial scammer. She’s done this kind of unethical business behavior for years. Which is why we’re here to keep calling her out for it.

    2. I'm surprised she sells any pork shares at this point. She's asking people to lay out top dollar far in advance, resulting in what they could buy piecemeal from a butcher for the same price it seems.

      Most people who buy a side of beef or other bulk farm product is looking for a better quality product at the same(ish) price they could get conveniently at the local butcher or grocer.

      People investing this far in advance in meat products are going to be paying to store their own meat too, so the math has to work for the end customer first.

      Anyone buying from Jenna is basically donating towards her freeloading lifestyle, and there are plenty of people more deserving of support.

  7. She wouldn’t make it past day one of Armageddon.

  8. "I am so damn close. If there's anything in this thread below you're interested send me a DM if the price is too high and we can dicker a little. I just want this paid so I can enjoy the holiday week ahead."

    Gurl. If you are just getting November paid now, (which I doubt, but let's say that's true), the last thing you can do is relax and enjoy the holidays. You don't get a holiday when you're already 2 weeks in to December and you're still paying off November.

    I think the one and only thing Jenna took from her Buddhist days was living in the moment. That gurl hasn't a thought in her head beyond the present moment.

  9. I wish she would get foreclosed, but alas, that is a lengthy process.

    1. Me too, Anon. A lot of the natural consequences of her choices she's so far avoided by being a property owner. Before she bought that place, she was getting evicted for degrading the properties with her farm animals and having animal welfare checks so frequently.

      Renting is a freaking nightmare now. The housing crisis is in it's 4th year now. Jenna wouldn't be able to afford a basement bachelor apartment on what she's paying for her mortgage right now.

      It would be one hell of a wake up call for her if she had to try and survive as a renter now.

    2. Just before Shannon moved in, Jenna posted this "mortgage sold" post:


      We know she claimed to have caught up the three months of delinquent payments using the pandemic stipend, though Shannon moved in just a few months afterwards and Jenna began to crow about the farm being in the "best financial shape" ever.

      Now she's right back where she claimed to be two years ago, and if she is being honest here (stop laughing) the timeline on her mortgage going into foreclosure is ticking again.

      This time there will be no stipend, and probably no new partner. I don't know who would pay anything significant to live there with her as a roommate, and although she's probably already back on the dating apps, I'd be surprised if she had a new romantic prospect paying half the bills come spring.

      We'll see.

    3. Let's say Jenna actually lost the property to foreclosure, after all this drama.

      What on earth would she do?

      She claims not to be able to get a job now, how would she make money while homeless?

      She claims to not be able to pay her very modest mortgage now, how would she pay market rent?

      She claims moving in with her parents is not an option, would she live in her shitbox car? Move in with Patty?

      Is it Patty paying to catch up the mortgage for Jenna every once in a while? She has plenty of embezzled funds to do so, I hear.

    4. Pember Patty is her most massive enabler. And I think that she loaned JW the car money. Funny how she’s said nothing about what kind of car it is. I’d expect her to brag about it like her ugly, POS butch truck.

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    7. It’s bizarre that this sick cretin continues to comment here, even when the site’s owner has made it clear that they’re not wanted.

    8. Yeah it must suck being constantly harassed. Don't they have anything better to do?

  10. Oh she's also saying she's going to "mail my mortgage" implying she's sending a freaking cheque by snail mail.

    How many of us have lined up at the bank to direct pay urgent bills like rent, utilities or taxes?

    And speaking of taxes. You never. Ever. Hear Jenna talking about paying taxes.

    Her whole schtick is she is making all of her money off her arts and crafts, chicken and pork sales.

    Were that the case, she'd be squawking about the annual tax bill just as loudly as she squacks about firewood, hay, and butchering.

    She never, ever talks about owing taxes, which means she's probably got either a government stipend, or a secret job that pays the bills and in both cases income taxes are deducted at the source, and she simply is not claiming her arts and crafts sales, or she's claiming a loss on her "business" which you can only do for so long before they stop letting you write off expenses.

  11. Thought: Shouldn't her current pigs have been butchered by now??? Wasn't she selling "late fall" pork shares last year????

    1. Yes, it was this past June she claimed to have sold three shares of pork for butchering this fall.


  12. “Chores are done for the evening. Pigs have fresh bedding to tussle around in. Horses have their hay nets filled for the morning, hanging in the barn. Eggs collected. Sheep grained. Firewood brought in. Time for dinner and rest.”

    What a busy little “scrappy” scammer. Listing her stupid little accomplishments like they’re admirable instead of pathetic. Always acting as if she’s an authentic farmer, and not a hobby homesteader in reality.

    1. ROFL

      Filling a hay net takes twice as long as stuffing a plump pillow into a pillowcase. If you build a contraption (which can be as simple as an upside down trash can that holds the net), it takes less time.

      She's an idiot and she counts on her readers knowing almost nothing about animal care and rural living.

    2. PDD. It’s like her heavy bucket carrying craziness, rather than figure out an easier way to water. Shannon was much more competent than Jenna. I can’t comprehend why she tolerated her ineptitude for over a year. It’s no wonder why she left.

    3. Hay nets that Shannon made. She posted a photo on instagram of a sunflower, remnant of Shannon's garden. The eggs from chickens whose hutch Shannon renovated.

      Everything is going to backslide again.

    4. It’s interesting that she hasn’t mentioned missing Shannon at all. It like her presence never existed except as a memory. What a slam to all that “my girl” did for her faux farm.

    5. Shannon dumped her. Jenna's attempt at gathering her dignity is to "be fine".

      To be honest, I have never been dumped myself, so I don't know if it's normal to be publicly pining after someone who dumped you. As the dumper though, the heartbreak is definitely profound. I'd guess Shannon is feeling let down, disappointed, and full of self-doubt that she picked a partner that couldn't pull their shit together enough to meet the bare minimum standard of going forward in life together. Speaking for myself, by the time I actually did the dumping, my heart had been collecting cracks for a while.

  13. Shannon is probably feeling very relieved at this point in her life. All I can see of Jenna is her being played by Cathy Bates in Misery (?) where she held the guy prisoner. Shannon figured she better get out while the getting was good.

  14. Why are her dogs not on tick preventative? An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.




    1. Just what a lucky local wants for the holidays. The disgusting gift of Jenna’s stained old mattress. She should’ve had bidders on it like with her crappy coyote scribble.

      And once again, Pember Patty rescues the damsel in distress. Guess that the hipster truck isn’t working yet. “IT’S AMAZING!!!”

    2. Can't wait 'til she tweets about the BRAND NEW comforter/sheet/pillow set she found at the dump that just happened to be the same size as her new mattress. And how she found it right next to a new unopened Taylor Swift CD box set. Killer finds!!!

  16. “People warned me about back pain and sore knees as I trot towards middle age, but no one told me that aggressively reaching too far can render my shoulder unusable for days.”

    More like a waddle than “trot,” twat.

    1. Seems to me like someone who brags about making several 5K and 10K runs a week wouldn't have creaky issues like that. Seems like she'd be more limber and loose. But what do I know.

  17. Jenna is picking ticks off the dogs, and you know she doesn't have them on preventative meds at all.

    It's kind of a wonder Jenna herself has not contracted lyme.

    1. She hasn't contracted lyme because she's always in the house plopped in front of the computer.

  18. She sure is watching a lot of TV lately.

    1. Now that it's been a month and the shock of Shannon fleeing has faded, I can't help but think what a colossal idiot Jenna is to have screwed up such a good, good thing.

      -Shannon was at the very least, company. Real human companionship. A living breathing person to talk to and share daily musings with. Someone to confide in. Someone to laugh with. And the first real someone on that property in 10 long years.

      -She was also super industrious, intelligent, and seemed to bring a lot to Jenna's hawk-chalk covered table. She had ideas, innovations, and cool whimsical endeavors like the bright rainbow pride garden gate. (Which was a nice touch to that dismal feedlot.)

      -She was not a lazy freeloader. She had a job. And a car. And she had gas in that car. She also presumably contributed her fair share there, both monetarily and physically.

      -She also seemed to be a really good cook, as all the Instagram photos showed food that appeared way more appetizing than anything Jenna ever made. Also, she was a real homesteader who was into canning -- which was something I don't ever remember happening at CAF before.

      -Shannon also solved a lot of long term CAF issues: Broken fences, animals escaping, feeding apparatuses, chicken coop renovation, etc. And she probably did a whole lot more that we don't know about.

      -Last but not least, Shannon was pretty damn cute. And she looked really healthy like someone who takes care of their body with hard work and outside exercise...basically she looked like someone who doesn't sit on her ass all day. And with Shannon, Jenna finally had the love and romance she had been pining for. A partner who would bring her a jacket before she even realized she was cold.


      Merry Christmas, Pig Shocker. Get a job if you want to keep the next one around.

    2. I agree with all of the above, Anon 7. I think Jenna knew that Shannon was out of her league, but stranger pairings have made the long haul, and it was up to them to decide what they needed from each other.

      It was not a good sign when Jenna was tweeting things alluding to being worthy of unconditional love. I was thinking "uh oh. You partner is not a dog. You actually do have to bring assets to a relationship for it to work."

    3. How about that, a positive post about Shannon, now that she's come to her sense and fled. For the year and a half she was at CAF, most of this blog was convinced that there was no real difference between Shannon and Jenna except that Shannon was younger and and in better shape, she was just as much a scam artist as Jenna, her " relationship"with Jenna was actually an attempt to swindle Jenna out of her property, etc.

  19. Tweets re the money to pay the pesky mortgage:

    "SO CLOSE!" and "I am so damn close. I just want this paid so I can enjoy the holiday week ahead."

    OMFG shut up loser! No one cares. You are the epitome of sad cringe.

    Jenna, answer me this: What if the internet just *poof* disappeared? What would you do then? What would you do without followers to beg for funds?

    AND THIS: "I just want this paid"

    Excuse me? Demanding much? It also sounds snotty and whiney.

    ALSO: "...so I can enjoy the holiday week ahead"

    So if internet strangers don't come thru and pay your mortgage, you won't enjoy the upcoming holidays? Do you EVER hear yourself and how fucking awful you sound?

    Take a look at the latest headlines to see real people who won't be able to enjoy the holidays because they are either dead from a massive tornado, or their home was blown to smithereens 3 counties away. THOSE are people who have a VALID reason not to enjoy the holiday week ahead.

    But boo hoo hoo little you, as you are just SO CLOSE to paying the mortgage for a house that is still standing, yet if you miss the due date, your holiday won't be enjoyable...it will be ruined according to you.


    1. *applause*

      The recent past few years have been devastating to many families. There are many billions of damage in forest fires, floods, avalanche damage, and now tornados.

      There are thousands of people who have lost everything they worked their whole lives for.

  20. Looks like comments have to be approved now. Good idea.

    BTW, that "Big Mommy" person, is that Jenna herself trying to undermine the integrity of this constructive website that only serves to warn others of her scams and animal abuse?

    Cuz it sure seems like it.

    1. I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating. Everyone has a signature style of writing. I’m fairly astute at determining one’s identity. And I don’t think that Jenna is making those cruder comments. I’m not saying that she hasn’t ever responded here. But BM comes across as sexually psychotic. JW is nuts in a different way.

    2. I agree with Anon 6:58. Writing styles are like fingerprints. It’s not Jenna but someone deeply disturbed.

    3. Anonymous 11:17. I appreciate your response to my comment. I’ve been here for years. BM (could also be called be Bowel Movement, is by far the sickest creep I’ve ever encountered. They’re putrid and repugnant.

    4. Correction: (could also be called Bowel Movement),

  21. Can’t figure out who would give JW a $4,200 loan for a car, when she is so obviously in debt, yet still trying to capture a hawk, which is an expensive hobby, instead of spending every moment trying to find work.

    1. I think that it was either her parents or Pember Patty. And they’ll never be repaid.

    2. Oh it's absolutely PP knocking loose some of those dividends from invested embezzled money she stole while she was a public servant.

      It's either that, or Jenna has just scammed a new subset of people on a different platform similar to the kiva loan, except now she has venmo so she has zero accountability to pay it back.

      She has no business taking a loan from anyone when she claims she can't pay her mortgage. How is she saying she'd ever pay it off?

      Cars also have maintenance needs. I put $100 / month aside for my vehicle for repairs and maintenance.

      She can't afford a car, but suddenly she's pretending it'll open job opportunities for her?

      What now? Does that mean she's claiming to be looking for "off farm work"?

    3. I don't think it was her parents because they made a point of *not* bailing her out pretty early on. She'd be posting about needing money for dental work, then putting the dental work off because her cat got sick and her mother posted in the comments to go get her teeth fixed. It's implied that her parents were objecting to Jenna's priorities and were not going to enable her, even when her cat's life was on the line their message was get your teeth fixed and stop spending money on vet bills / animals you can't afford.

      With farm animals it's implied if you can't pay for their care, you sell them or have them put down. With pets you can often find a rescue that will pay for the vet care and rehome the animal to someone who can afford such incidentals.

  22. “Looking for am AMAZING gift for yourself or friends for next fall?! HOW ABOUT a 1/4 PIG! Heritage breeds raised here, traveling butchers harvest at the farm. My pigs have ONE bad day and zero hauling them to slaughterhouses. Support happy meat and keep a farmer on her farm!”

    Her hovel is little more than a shit-pit. It’s never been an authentic farm. Guess that “AMAZING” in childish screaming caps is her latest stupid fixation. And her poor pigs have much more than “ONE bad day” living in her filthy feedlot. What a calloused cunt way to express their being butchered. But she once made the insensitive statement: “I put the laughter back in slaughter!”

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. "Backup Drama Llama "December 16, 2021 at 6:07 PM

      More bogus CAF math:

      So her online gig pays $200/mo or $2400/yr.

      If Stewart's pays $10/hour, she'd work 240 hours to get equivalent pay. Divide this by 52 weeks a year and she'd have to work a GRAND TOTAL OF 4.6 HOURS PER WEEK.

      Such a liar. Unbelievable as always.


    3. Oh here is the rest of it. This is a misthread. I'm going to repost as separate comments and delete this.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I really don't know what happened to my post above, I posted in two parts, and the second part didn't make it, but a chunk I never intended to copy / paste is there. Weird.

    2. Her most recent bleg post is full of her typical delusions and terrible life-coachy advice.

      Here are some classic Jenna-isms repeated in the latest post, and their contradictions in the same post:

      "I qualified for Health Insurance through Healthcare.gov with assistance, something I always qualified for but didn’t apply for correctly in the past because when it comes to finances I am a great falconer. So I will be covered for the first time in a long time. When you are making it by just a few claw marks ahead of danger in a pandemic - this is a game changer. "

      When it comes to finances I am a great falconer. We know you suck at finances, it's because you refuse very good advice. That's the "game changer" you need.

      "I got a small loan for the $4,200 vehicle - and while I do have that to pay that back, the car is 100% paid for and I own the title"

      The car is not 100% paid for if you have to pay it back. That's what "paid for" means, and you don't own the title if you have to pay someone else back for it. This is why you suck at finances.

      " It’s a long story how I got that loan but it’s queer magic and amazing community" I'd bet it's not that long a story. Someone(s) bought your sob story and gave you the vehicle at an agreed upon price which you'd pay in installments. It's probably not someone who would sue you if you don't pay them, hence why you're already considering the car paid off.

      It's not "queer magic" whatever that is, which sounds suspiciously like you're appropriating the phrase "black girl magic". Someone bailed you out, yet again. You should be kissing their feet, not crowing about magic and community.

      " I am working on a new book with a new energy. " No you're not. You've been claiming to be writing a new book for 5 years. No publisher is buying it because your story is not unique or inspirational.

      " I have sales now set up in google docs and monitored." This is on par with updating the internet you have changed your sheets. Also, I know that Shannon set this up for you, and it's going to be difficult for you to keep going. Maybe go get an ADHD evaluation finally, because little executive functioning celebrations like this is not normal.

  24. Jenna needs to do some of those yoga poses for gas. She's full of hot stinky air again.

    Child's pose, Knees to chest, etc.

    1. Unfortunately, her “hot stinky” psyche can’t be corrected by either doing yoga or running.

  25. "The plumbing in the house is totally repaired and I can shower on a cold morning without any water pooling at my feet instead of draining or worrying about flushing". Come baaaaaaack Shannnon, the toilet flushes! The shower drains, for real!

    "My yoga instructor reminded me of something..." See Shannon I'm still doing yoga! Come baaaaaack.

    "Now that mattress is in the spare guest room, and my new mattress is on my bed. My good friend Patty loaned me a giant wool and fleece comforter for winter. I am rested. I am warm." It doesn't suck here, Shannon, I promise! Come baaaaaack.

    "On Jan 1 2022 it will mark one year of not drinking." I'm still sober like I said I would be Shannon, come baaaaaaack.

    "I’m excited for spring’s return. I know we are days away from the darkest night of the year, but I am excited. Already planning spring chickens, turkey poults (here I go again), and piglets. I am getting seed catalogs in the mail. I am making a new garden plan to expand and improve on what was started here last year." See Shannon, I listen to you! I'm going to keep doing the things you told me to do, I'm even talking about getting an off farm job now, come baaaaaaack.

    Do not go back Shannon, not unless she actually gets a full time job and fucking keeps it for at least six months. Anyone can pull things together for a few months to convince you they've changed.

  26. Sorry about the mis-threading. When I can't see what I posted I'm working half-blind. I'll deal with it!

  27. Jenna: "I've been sober a year this January."

    Also Jenna: "I met friends at the brewery in town..."

    She also thinks her smartphone is giving her ADHD. That's not how it works. People with ADHD tend to become addicted to things like smartphones and alcohol because the brain is chronically craving both stimulation / dopamine, and also sedation to slow the revving engines.

    1. What a stupid tweet, and rotten writing as usual:

      “I've not been out much since the pandemic. Tonight I met friends in town at the brewery. They must think I'm on coke.

      So nervous. Fast talking. Can't sit still. Distracted.

      Either smartphones are giving us all ADHD or I need huff melatonin before suitable for public spaces.”

  28. Sounds like she was willing to sit back and let Shannon take care of everything. So glad Shannon wised up in a hurry and got out of there.

    1. The best decision that Shannon made all year was to dump the lazy, lying loser.

  29. "Already planning spring chickens, turkey poults (here I go again), and piglets" Does she never learn - she cannot responsibly take care of the livestock/props. It's a death sentence

  30. Jenna is currently seeking a roommate in earnest on an app. I cannot post the contents of the ads here, since it would violate the terms of use of said app. But she's trying to maintain a rather stable online presence as she searches for a new roommate.

    1. Can you please tell us what app it is if possible? Thanks. And nothing about her is “stable.” I hope that prospective roommates discover this site before making the massive mistake of moving in to her hovel.

    2. WOW what a saga that would be if she got a roomie.

    3. There is no way she'll get anything but a desperate roommate. All they have to do is google her full name to find her twitter saying she can't pay her mortgage. Who'd risk moving into that???

    4. "RoomMate" is one major app she's probably using.

    5. Roomie, Roomster, and SpareRoom are others.

    6. She could also be back on Lex. I think that's not just for dating but other types of connections as well.

  31. “Getting firewood delivered to resupply what I have already used this year, just a little under a cord. But it is costing me $150 so I am going to try and earn that back today so I can still get this mortgage paid. I wish things were easier. And they will get easier.”

    Boo fucking hoo, bitch. Her life will never be “easier,” because the lazy loser refuses to get a job to support herself. This stupid tweet is a pathetic plea for free funds. It’s her manipulative marketing. No one else talks about money and amounts the way that JW does almost daily. She’s completely created the chaos in her existence. And we “wish” that she’d STFU.

    1. How could life possibly get easier for her? She has *affordable housing*. There are multiple job postings in her area and she could walk into a part time job doing something that requires only a high school diploma and be able to pay for her needs.

      People across the continent are struggling to pay for basic necessities due to inflation and the housing crisis.

      Her lack of effort is insulting. Grow up.

  32. Small point, but she says Patty is so wonderful for taking her old mattress and grungy chair to the dump for her, and then in her "Dispatches from the farm" she says the old mattress is in the guest room. Oops.

    1. I also noticed that lie. It looks like her old, stained, stinky mattress was probably too disgusting for even the local dump to take. Her new roommate, if she finds that fool, will really want to sleep on it. What a clueless cunt.

  33. She's paying for a yoga instructor? And news flash, EVERYONE is getting seed catalogs and planning a garden for spring, which if you grow your own seedlings begins in January so let's see it. Also, please don't make drug jokes - that's inappropriate.

    1. I think "my yoga instructor" is hyperbole for someone she follows on youtube. There are plenty of free online yoga classes.

    2. Two drug jokes in one day. How's that sober life there, Jenna?

  34. Can’t pay her mortgage but is shelling out $100 for online yoga classes. There are thousands of free yoga classes on YouTube!

    1. wait, what!? Did she say she's paying $100 for yoga!?



      **** one thousand face palms ****

    3. and she is virtue signaling about doing underbelly yoga right along side her firewood / mortgage tweets.

      Yeah. Potential roomies are gonna look at that and run screaming if they have any sense.

      You know what would be hilarious? If she got a roomie who was a bigger scammer than her.

      It's tough to evict someone for not paying rent, they can freeload off you for months.

  35. “Prepared for the snow all day today. Stacked a cord of wood. Body is exhausted. Ready for my Underbelly Yoga and a pan pizza with my pigs' sausage.”

    Poor, tired little Jenna. So scrappy and brave. What a heroine. Living all by herself on the side of a mountain. Solo again. With no one else to warm her new mattress. “AMAZING!!!”

    1. She also wrote pigs’ in plural like she’s bragging about butchering multiples to stuff her fat face.

      She has extra funds to finance yuppie yoga, yet is still begging for mortgage money. Her whole life is lies.

  36. Babbling Blubberblogs!! She really is a "poser" and "Stretching" the truth!

  37. Jenna posted on instagram a photo of Shannon's beanbag chair under the lion head with the caption "rest more than you think you need to."

    Below in the comments, she claims the taxidermy lion head was a gift and a "long story".

    Again it's not a long story, Jenna. If it were a tale worth telling, you'd have sold the story by now.

    I am not confident but I seem to recall she claimed to have gotten that at a garage sale? I'll have to look up that discussion here. I know we've talked about it.

    1. As I remember there was a time that FFF followed a Canadian homesteader, who seemed pretty bada**, with Bohemian decoration, strong drink, a barn full of livestock, mounted taxidermy, goth body art, wood stove etc.

      The fantasy ended when FFF was called out for stupidly & deliberately removing baby livestock from their mothers, so they could be used by FFF as social media bottle-babies.

    2. Yep, PDD I remember that. It was Twwly who called her out for using a baby goat (I think) as a furry social media prop. Ugh.


      ^^^The post in question is buried somewhere in that Instagram.

    3. Twwly, unlike FFF, was a productive and prepared farmer. When her situation changed in life, she did what was needed: sold or gave away excess animals and took an outside job.

      This, friends, is called adulting.

  38. Okay no, we did not find reference to where Jenna got the lion head. We guessed it might be a garage sale since she'd been talking about garage sale shopping recently and claimed to have gotten the bean bag chair there.

    So I'm guessing Shannon enjoyed being curled up in her bean bag chair. Shannon come baaaaaaaack Jenna not-so-subtly broadcasts.

    I think it's yet another lie that lions head was a gift. She bought it for her dead animal collection, and likely knew nothing of the puppy-mill like conditions and canned hunting this lion likely was born into.

    "It's a gift" is code for "don't criticize me having this, I'm not attached to anything bad about this in any way and it was a gift so there is some sentimental value you are not allowed to question."

  39. "Here are so many chickadees and juncos, but zero titmouse, red breasted nuthatch, finches, and less woodpeckers and cardinals/jays."

    Shannon was the birdwatcher. More code for "Shannon come baaaaaaaack"

    1. WIW, I agree...all the things that the Pig Shocker has written since she was dumped are clearly written with Shannon in mind. And to change her mind.

      It's so ridiculously obvious. And who could blame her, as Shannon was a find. And a keeper.

    2. I'm sure all Shannon needed from Jenna that she didn't get was the reasonable expectation that month to month and normal life event bills could be paid without undue drama.

      Remember Jenna crowing about the farm being is the "best financial shape" ever?

      That was because she assumed Shannon would be backup paying the bills forever. I was in a relationship like this when I was in my 20s. It's hard to leave someone who keeps saying they'll change, that next month will be better.

      I can't say I'm glad Shannon left, I'm not. I'm disappointed that Jenna couldn't do what was necessary to make things work, because she was clearly better off with Shannon in her life, and Shannon seemed to have realistic expectations of rural life which she enjoyed.

      Jenna's posts about "planning for the future" and "looking for remote work in earnest" seemed to follow a couple of come to Jesus discussions with Shannon about what she expected and needed from a partner. Perfectly reasonable expectations.

      It's sad, but it seems Jenna was scamming Shannon too, stringing her along just like her twitter followers *hoping* things will get better, just oozing learned helplessness.

  40. All Jenna has to "sell" herself is her lifestyle. I think she snagged Shannon by selling the dream of her lifestyle, and Shannon reasonably assumed that Jenna was a functioning potential partner.

    I think Jenna set a boundary / expectations, and I think Jenna didn't take it to heart. Her posts seem aimed right at her ex to me.

    Here's your favourite sitting spot. I'm doing the birdwatching and yoga you taught me. Is the paid mortgage really that important? Still here....

    1. Totally agree she sold a great (false) dream to Shannon. And I'll bet in the beginning that the Taylor Swift freak actually put on a good show trying to look all industrious and successful.

      But then one day, 300+ days later, Shannon found herself once again alone in the morning sun, tending to the vegetable garden whilst Jenna was upstairs still asleep. And noped outta there shortly thereafter.

  41. "People warned me about back pain and sore knees as I trot towards middle age, but no one told me that aggressively reaching too far can render my shoulder unusable for days."

    Welcome to your 40s Jenna. Shit starts breaking and it doesn't go back. Now is about when traditional homesteaders start offloading the heaviest labour to their children, but nevermind. You don't do heavy labour anyway.

    I'm sure the downward dog will magically fix that shoulder, you don't need physiotherapy like the rest of us.

    1. Lol, remember that video on Patty's Instagram that showed the lazy Pig Shocker slowly dragging bales of hay towards the barn uploader thingy? Then, she notices the camera and mightily picks up the next bale and slams it down on the conveyor belt.

      Pepperidge Farm remembers.

    2. Anon7, I remember that and think the video clip is on her friend's Instagram, one of several after hay was delivered to PP. She "helped" stacking hay, which mostly consisted of her standing around until she spotted the video camera/phone.

      If y'all remember, in almost every work activity (with other people present), she stood "near" but didn't actually "do" the tasks. This happened with fencing, repairs, construction, even driving her own horses. Earlier AntlerStock photos were filled with others doing the more meaningful farm demonstrations - never her.

      She's avoided genuine labor for so long, I believe the pattern is ingrained. That's why having a live-in was such a game-changer: full-time enabling for FFF - a live-in Pember Patty.

      PS That device for raising hay into the barn is called a hay elevator.

  42. Unless Pig Shocker is getting a roommate over 80 - or a desperate or irresponsible roomie who'd been kicked out of prior residences - she should expect any potential roommate to do a background check / internet search on HER before moving in.

    There are myriad red flags from old VerYork. Coupled with public displays of anxiety, mania, depression, alcohol, deception, unhappy clients and serious financial "anemia", no normal person would move in.

    Drugs? Alcohol? Sloppy home? Online discussions of fraud? Repeat tweets on foreclosure and late mortgage? What sane person would upend a life to join that craziness???

    1. She's specifically using a queer dating app to look for a roommate - one that doesn't happen to be a bastion of sanity.

    2. Does she want a roomie or a romance?

    3. She wants someone to make her coffee, lunch, and dinner, and someone to fix fences and repair anything else that is FUBAR. She also wants someone to darn her sweaters, make her a website, and drive her everywhere.

      Basically another Shannon.

    4. She absolutely wants a replacement Shannon, because having her was a "game changer".

      It's your life, Jenna. It's not a game. Sharing your life with a person is not adding another chess piece to the board, it makes your life more complex.

      I think she believed having Shannon around simplified her life, and if that's how she felt, it was because Shannon was taking care of her more than she was taking care of Shannon.

      Buying a birthday cake when the mortgage is supposedly overdue is not taking care of your partner.

  43. “I painted a full moon scene with a kestrel at dusk. Bidding starts at $50 and I am auctioning it with hopes I can cover yesterday’s hay costs as I work towards a mortgage payment. Shipping is $18.”

    Breaking news from the faux farm. Here’s your chance to own an original, stupid scribble made by the scrappy scammer. It’s already been bid up to $100. Maybe it’ll go for more like the crappy coyote pic supposedly did. She’s gotta add the pathetic plea for mortgage money, too. “Feel sorry for me!!!”

    1. hhhmmmm yesterday it was wood cost today it is hay cost? Can't keep the story straight much Jenna.

    2. The coyote one wasn't too bad, but this hawk one looks like it was torn out of a children's coloring book.

      Which again, would be a great career for her to pursue: illustrating children's books.

    3. Specific reference to a kestrel AGAIN. She's after that one she spotted and is trying to trap it. I hope it stays away, kestrels are tiny and delicate.

  44. “It is on 8x10” canvas, watercolor and ink, and the winner of the bidding also gets to hear a secret I’ve been keeping…..

    DM to bid!”

    She made this stupid tweet over 5 hours ago, and no one has responded. Not even with a lone “like.” I wish that she’d share the “secret” of her lazy loser lifestyle. And how she suckers sycophantic supporters and dumb enablers in to giving her free funds.

    1. The secret she's been keeping? What could it be??

      Being that we're all creeped out by the stuff that we DO know, I don't think any of us could stomach stuff she normally doesn't share.

      Did she launch an Only Fans account?

      Is she preggo?

  45. “Snow is falling steady now.
    Chores are done.
    Dinner is in the oven.
    The house smells amazing.
    Both wood stoves are roaring.
    I am so warm.
    I just made hot cocoa.
    Sitting down to read a gay romance Christmas novel.
    This is how you winter.”

    No one cares about the loser’s little list of pathetic activities. Her stupid tune will change soon, once winter weather takes its toll. “Shannon, come back. I need your help in making my mortgage payments!!!”

    1. Yow! Now she's got two woodstoves "roaring". Hope her insurance is paid up. And no wonder she uses so much wood.

    2. She needs all that wood + plus two wood stoves in order to warm her cold dead heart.

      Because anyone who shocks innocent little piggies and leaves an animal to die in a wheelbarrow has a cold, dead, heart.

    3. This is the first I'm hearing of that house having two wood stoves. Did it always have two wood stoves?

    4. There's always been two. I think the second one is on the back porch.

  46. “I dreamed I was in a crowded movie theater. Movie stops, lights cut on, a swat team bursts in! They find me, scan my face, and it's a rich relative who hugs me...

    I think it's nice that my brain is allowing me to have "heartwarming" anxiety dreams this close to Christmas.”

    Here’s her usual mention of “anxiety” right around when her mortgage payment is due. Clearly, it’s manipulative marketing for free funds. And the stupid, sarcastic “nice” is her “humor” falling flat as usual.

  47. "Someone just drove by filming my farm in a Nissan SUV and I got the plates. It's the same trolls. Convinced this farm is hurting animals, convinced I am a horrible person. They created a blog about me, call the police on me, then report on the blog that I am the type of farm that gets the police called on for welfare checks. My neighbor, a town sheriff, is sick of this. The cops, animal control, state police are sick of this. I am sick of this. Because every year they send someone her from Market and age, or state police, or animal control. Every time the authorities are sorry our time is wasted. It's a few days before Christmas. This is how she is spending her time. Trolling in person at a place that has never once, EVER, been accused, reported, recorded, or guilty of any sort of abuse but the kinds they make up. It's like me and my farm is their Q Anon, and no one can convince them I am not some satanic monster out to destroy animals' lives. They think they're being vigilantes. As if every friend, professional, vet, farrier, butcher, neighbor and local business is also in on it"

    1. Interesting choice of wording:

      "...trolling in person at a place that has never once, EVER, been accused, reported, recorded, or guilty of any sort of abuse ..."

      because when she rented at a DIFFERENT place she WAS accused of animal neglect / abuse to the extent that the landlord told her to leave.

      The FFF knows how to word her posts in such a way that she appears innocent in her fabricated hate stories.

      She forgets. She isn't a private person posting. This isn't commentary on a private individual. She operates multiple businesses and she uses social media to promote a false brand and generate donations & purchases.

      It's 100% appropriate for the public to comment on a business owner who appears to lie and misrepresent for money.

  48. “Someone just drove by filming my farm in a Nissan SUV and I got the plates.”

    “It's the same trolls. Convinced this farm is hurting animals, convinced I am a horrible person. They created a blog about me, call the police on me, then report on the blog that I am the type of farm that gets the police called on for welfare checks.”

    “My neighbor, a town sheriff, is sick of this. The cops, animal control, state police are sick of this. I am sick of this. Because every year they send someone here from Market and age, or state police, or animal control. Every time the authorities are sorry our time is wasted.”

    “It's a few days before Christmas. This is how she is spending her time. Trolling in person at a place that has never once, EVER, been accused, reported, recorded, or guilty of any sort of abuse but the kinds they make up”

    “It's like me and my farm is their Q anon, and no one can convince them I am not some satanic monster out to destroy animals' lives. They think they're being vigilantes. As if every friend, professional, vet, farrier, butcher, neighbor, and local business is also in on it.”

    Kudos to whoever here took time to drive by her hovel. It looks like poor, scared little Jenna got her super-sized panties in a twist. What a conniving, gaslighting twat. She doesn’t deserve to have either a home or animals. There’s plenty on her shit-pit to report, and we’ve done it in the past.

    1. Here’s what I find funny. Every time that JW mentions this site it attracts traffic to it. And then newbies will discover why she has such a rotten reputation. A simple search on her name will reveal much more than just this blog. She’s been a horrid human for years, due to having a defective character, and also making dumb decisions. Her victim narrative is a crock of crap.

  49. WOW scary red van guy has upgraded to a silver Nissan and she has his "plates" number. I am guessing that is his tag number but you know we do have to embellish the hyperbole. I also want you all to know the State Police and her neighbor the sheriff are tired of her being turned in also. She is just a sweet widdle girl and you people are making her upset. She may have to visit the local pub again soon and play her fiddle just to show how much she is loved in her town! That is this week they love her other times they hate her because she is gay. Your choice.

    1. Her hyperbolic bullshit is just another asinine attempt to come across as a victim for manipulative marketing purposes.

      I’ve never seen anyone else who is a hobbyist homesteader have haters like JW. And there are good reasons for it.

  50. “Oh Jenna, how horrible for you.
    I hope that the police can do something to stop these people.
    Some people need to get a life and not waste time harassing others.
    So glad you're not on your own.
    Be strong and take care.”

    Whoops. This stupid sycophantic supporter doesn’t know that Shannon dumped her fat ass. They’re another dumb enabler, and always trying to virtue-signal.

    1. What a shame for Jenna that Shannon will no longer come here, and try to comment on her behalf. Last year it was very obvious when the ex was defending the “honor” of her former roomie. Her responses had a silly style. They were laden with lousy religious references, and she also seemed prone to teenage hysteria.

    2. Here’s another stupid response from an ugly old enabler. Just like Jenna her spelling sucks:

      “You should contact the lagal aid people in your county and get a restraining order against the.”

    3. Having critics doesn't equate you having "trolls" Jenna, and comparing this blog to Q Anon which is an actual cult and tried to overthrow the US government is absurd.

      Most posters here stick to actual commentary and provide a historical memory of her narrative since she's always trying to change it.

      Literally no one here has said that "everyone is in on it". You have enablers and you know it, and we also criticize those who shield you from the natural consequences of your choices. You have critics and you deserve criticism when you're posting constantly claiming not to be able to pay bills, yet you refuse to drive your gift car into town to get a regular blue-collar job.

      It is reasonable to argue you have no business owning farm animals and multiple pets when you claim to struggle to pay your mortgage, your heat, your animal feed.

      When you post about being behind on the mortgage and barely able to afford hay, it's reasonable for a community member to become concerned and drive by on a public road to lay eyes on the animals you are currently claiming you're struggling to afford to feed.


    4. Anon 2:49, I do recall it had a "Leave Brittney Alone!" vibe to it.

      She had fallen hook line and sinker for all of Jenna's victim stories at that time. I think over the year though, Shannon came to understand the criticism here is valid, and she saw for herself that Jenna isn't doing everything she should be doing to pull her weight. I have no doubt Shannon found herself paying for *everything* and even had frustrating conversations about Jenna not selling useless animals and not abstaining from trapping another hawk.

  51. "Backup Drama Llama "December 20, 2021 at 3:30 PM

    Lol, I think we've established no one in this group is interested or inclined to drive by the VerYork hovel. Especially in winter's bottom - who would drive there. It's clearly more of her pre-holiday victim narrative to pry donations and pity buys from kind-hearted and gullible readers.

    Amusing, though, that she had no problem in the past, taking photos of an unattended mansion, informing readers of the property and that its owners had marital problems.

    Such a hypocrite.


  52. “Bad day.
    Watching Klaus again to cry at whale lights.”

    Boo fucking hoo. No one cares, cunt.

  53. I've noticed when Jenna is not getting the uptake on her "sales" that she wants, she posts about anxiety and then posts about her "trolls".

    "Bad day.
    Watching Klaus again to cry at whale lights."

    I guess her post about the drive by looker did not translate to $$$.

  54. "Bad day.
    Watching Klaus again to cry at whale lights."

    Didn't post about crying post-breakup. I'll assume she did some level of grieving in private even though she posts about nearly everything that she thinks... but she is posting that the mean trolls who are actually former disillusioned fans of hers made her cry today.

    It sucks to have critics, Jenna, but there has always been good advice in these comments, and more than a few of us would actually celebrate if you turned things around.

    Get a job. Pay your own bills. Stop the drama.

    Seriously. What would any of us here have to comment upon if you just stopped the perpetual soap opera?

  55. Jenna is currently giving live updates on the "double-feature" she's watching tonight, two animated movies, just like Shannon enjoyed.

    No LOTR tonight, I see. So much TV tweeting lately. All the folks following her for farming content must really enjoy watching TV too.

    1. Watching a lot of TV, like stupid teenage reruns, has been one of her media addictions for years. With Shannon gone now there’s no need to hide her behavior and laziness any longer.

  56. Jenna made a meme (sheep this time, not wolves) and @'d one of underbelly's yoga teachers. They responded and reposted her meme on their instagram page.

    Jenna has presumably been doing this yoga with Shannon for over a year, yet this is the first time she's talking about the specific (paid) program she's taking, understandable, since it draws criticism when she claims to not afford life.

    It occurs to me that Shannon's probably still doing underbelly yoga herself, since she was the one that introduced Jenna to the practice.

    So Jenna's meme and getting re-shared means that her social media is likely to pop up on Shannon's instagram feed, which I think is Jenna's motivation for tweeting about a paid service at the same time she's tweeting about being late on the mortgage.

    1. I mean... Jenna is probably still using Shannon's login.

    2. I wouldn’t be surprised if Shannon isn’t following Jenna any longer.

    3. Oh she absolutely would not be following Jenna anymore, which is why Jenna would be working to still get on her feed.

      And I LOL'd - it might take a few months for Shannon to change any shared passwords... or Jenna possibly purchased the subscription recently, herself, after Shannon changed her password, which is why she's talking about the specific company all of a sudden.

  57. Seems she realized tweeting about this forum draws attention to it, because she deleted the tweets. She also deleted the 'bad day, going to watch a movie and cry" tweet.

    1. WiW. I don’t know what your screen says, but the tweet thread was still up this morning.

    2. "Backup Drama Llama "December 21, 2021 at 11:40 AM

      The tweets are still up and generating lots of drama. I cannot imagine anyone from this site visiting her, so I assume she brought up an imaginary sighting to feed a frenzy. Or perhaps a tourist drove past and snapped photos - happens where we live all the time.

      It does make me wonder if some of the "Anonymous" posts were from her. I know the styles are different, but she-doth-protest-too-much.

  58. Comments from up above:

    Anon7 wrote: "remember that video on Patty's Instagram that showed the lazy Pig Shocker slowly dragging bales of hay towards the barn uploader thingy? Then, she notices the camera and mightily picks up the next bale and slams it down on the conveyor belt."

    Woe is Wog wrote: "No! I never saw that!"

    Well, here ya go: (Video is the 4th slide)


    The fake farmer only works hard if she knows she's being watched.

    (BTW, I can't believe I was able to find this cuz last time I looked, there was no search feature on this blog. But now there is...it's that little magnifying glass at the top of the page. I did a search for "conveyor belt" with zero results. Then searched for "Patty" with one result which is weird cuz she's mentioned in just about every thread here. Finally I searched for "Instagram" and again received just one result...but got lucky as it was the exact thread I was hoping to find.)

    1. She’s more of a hefty hindrance than helper. I also saw that Patty’s sweet son is getting Christmas cards from all over the world. Jenna must be jealous. But she only cares about the cash inside not the sentiments.


  59. have you ever noticed FFF has always said she lives alone on the side of a mountain (you know all alone and so scared all by her widdle self) but when talking about the silver Nissan driving by all of a sudden she has neighbors (or if she needs something and they do something for her).

    She is so scared but she has a town sheriff that lives right next door to her (and boy is he sick of the trolls riding past her hovel). Which is it Jenna all alone or you have neighbors?

    1. That was well-put. It’s like I’ve said before on a previous post. She can’t be both victim and victor at the same time. Jenna wants to be a “public person,” but can’t handle the heat of any critical scrutiny.

  60. I still see the stupid tweets as of today. Only the bad day one was deleted. She’s also losing a steady stream of followers again. Maybe some of them are coming here to read about her rotten reputation.

  61. Jon Katz writes about how people take photos of his house all the time. She really shouldn’t advertise where she lives if she doesn’t want that kind of attention.

    1. Probably hyperbole on her part.

      I have hikers, dog walkers, bicyclists, bikers, people in cars - trucks - SUVs look at my house, my barns, my animals and my gardens. Sometimes they take photos (or sketch), wave or walk up to my place.

      It's what people do when they visit rural areas. It's especially what people do when they see farms or animals.

      If she's genuinely worried or threatened by the physical presence of the person in the silver Nissan, she should absolutely report it to the sheriff. It's what I would do.

  62. Poor, scared little Jenna has protected her tweets for privacy again like last year. Fortunately, we have sleuths here who follow her. Her huge ego won’t allow her to do it for long. Otherwise, she might miss more begging chances, and also the ability to get attention from blue check accounts.

    1. Whatever will she do if her idol Taylor Swift wants to finally follow her? LOL!!!

  63. Well she hasn't locked down instagram. She posted in stories today an article of a hiker who had called police / search and rescue because he'd become lost on trail, was not prepared to overnight, and it was getting dark.

    She posted this with a graphic of "dumb juice" pouring over the article.

    Could she be... trolling this hiker? For not being prepared? And not taking responsibility for his own well-being? And not taking reasonable steps to ensure his own survival? And wasting resources of others as a result of his own poor decisions? HMMMMMMMMM???????

    1. WiW. Do you follow her on Twitter? Jenna is a huge hypocrite when it comes to judging others, but is super sensitive if it’s done to her. And she’s hardly an expert on hiking, farming, writing, gardening, fiddling etc…

    2. I don't. Twitter is so spammy, a lot of people use the "lists" function to follow people, rather than actually clicking the follow button, so you don't attract "follow back bots". A lot of Jenna's follower numbers are likely just bots.

      These bots target people with a few thousand followers, then systematically follow every one of their followers. So if you follow people on your main or business account, and get inundated with bot follow requests, you miss the real people who found you for the reasons you want them following you, through your blog or business or whatever.

      It's the reason you see large twitter accounts with huge follower numbers but don't follow back more than a few dozen people. For those accounts, their followers are mostly real.

  64. Place your bet on the day she makes her Twitter profile public again. I am down for January 8

    1. I will give her a bit more time since she doesn't get "scared" at the beginning of the month so much we don't hunker down to real begging to a bit farther in so I will take Jan.14th. Either way as the saying goes she is cutting off her nose to spite her face. She is so brilliant.

  65. Lately she keeps losing followers. And with her account protected the numbers will continue to decline. No one new can even explore her stupid tweets, and then decide if she’s worth their time. So she’s “shooting herself in the financial foot” which will adversely affect her income, like the ability to make money from fake “fire-sales,” logos, pet portraits etc…

  66. The other thing I have noticed, is that she is addicted to the attention she gets if she asks a question, with multiple answers. No Twitter, no attention. She will be back on shortly. It’s like the film Magic, where Anthony Hopkins was a ventriloquist who couldn’t make his dummy “Fats” stop talking. She is addicted to people saying, “oh poor Jenna.” She should be spending any spare time on figuring out how to pay back that loan and less time on the internet.

  67. She always plays to an audience, then gauges if the message is well received. Cutting off Twitter will eliminate casual visitors who send $$$ her way. To compensate, I predict she'll comment on "very" popular sites, hoping to skim off readers. Who knows, if her comments are sufficiently provocative, she may attract followers.

    Some past backfires for her:

    * Complained about people who used the library and suggested they stole money from authors like her.

    * Victim-blamed Mollie Tibbetts and suggested that she (FFF) would have protected herself...unlike Mollie.

    * Poked fun at the farm-related death of a local government official, with snide jokes from online pals.

  68. Jenna's latest blog post is the longest one she has written in a while & maybe ever, but it is such a word salad that at the end of it I have no idea what I just read!

    1. Do you follow her on Twitter? It’d be nice if someone could do updates of her stupid tweets if possible. At least, until she makes her account public again. And her rotten writing has gotten way worse as the years go by. Her putrid purple prose is overwrought and nonsensical. I still say that she’s drinking, and lying about being sober.


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