Where fore art thou, Shannon?

Has girlfriend come to her senses?


  1. I KNEW that Shannon would eventually leave. She lasted a lot longer than we’d predicted. It was just a matter of time. It has nothing to do with any of Jenna’s bullshit lies about “she couldn’t cope with winter and stresses.” Now, she’ll go back to being a lazy loser who will watch endless reruns of Buffy, and try to find another stupid victim to be her next “girl.”

    1. I think that Shannon was sick of living with a liar who wouldn’t support herself without begging. She probably paid for more than her fair share of the mortgage, too. In addition to gardening, cooking, mending and chores.

  2. Looks like she just deleted the tweet about Shannon leaving this morning with a packed car and the cat. Good choice. I can't imagine imediately posting about my partner leaving me on social media. I would just want to crawl into a dark hole for a bit.

    1. I noticed that too. Guess that she’ll have to get sympathy from sycophants another way. Let the begging begin again.

    2. “I hope Shannon comes to her senses and flees.”

      Talk about a prediction that came true. I wouldn’t be surprised if Shannon has been reading regularly here, and that our comments have helped her leave.

    3. Presumably the first effect of this will be that she has another vehicle crisis. AFAIK, she doesn't have a working vehicle right now.

  3. I wonder when the ex deleted both her instagram and her twitter accounts.

    1. I don’t think that Shannon is addicted to social media like Jenna is.

    2. "I don’t think that Shannon is addicted to social media like Jenna is."

      True. That is obvious by how much she got done around the place. She wasn't sitting in front of screens all day like FFF.

  4. Shannon moved in way too quickly during the Covid crisis. I don’t think that she knew how hard it would be to deal on a daily basis with Jenna. She should’ve just waited awhile, and dated her before living together. It was like the classic lesbian U-Haul joke that rarely ends well.

  5. Sounds like she gave up a good job in Boston. I hope she can get back on her feet and have learned something from this experience.

    1. Shannon is also a freelance graphic designer who has Boston connections. Clearly, she had a plan to fall back on in the event that it didn’t work out with JW.

    2. Anon 7:45 I think you're right, and in that case, good for Shannon. She learned the dream Jenna's selling is sawdust, she made a plan and got herself out of there. She wasn't going to sink with that ship, she wasn't going to pay more than her fair share. Good for her.

      I have been concerned about Shannon having tolerated intolerable behaviour from a partner myself in the distant past. I could see the pattern. It took me two years to get out, so I'm glad Shannon set the expectations and followed through to protect herself.

      It was the only reasonable thing to do, given the best Jenna could come up with as far as employment after a 4 month search was a $200 / month gig.

  6. You know, if a person you "really really loved" couldn't go through a second winter of high stress and difficult living conditions, don't you think this would prompt a normal person to make adjustments?

    1. Sit down and discuss with partner. Make plan to improve living conditions.
    2. Get 1-2 outside paying jobs to bankroll some cash.
    3. Continue free-lance work on the side to make extra money.
    4. Limit animals until it makes financial sense!!!
    5. Use the G-D oil furnace that's already in the home. Forget the insanity of babysitting a wood stove.
    6. FFS, buy a garden hose.

    Go to her place. Stand outside window, holding boom box, playing Taylor Swift songs. Do what it takes!

    Assuming *cough* FFF's post holds a scrap of truth as to why JJ departed.

    My $0.02

    1. Yep. But worse, if she did just two of those things -- sell or give away the animals (including the horses) and use the oil furnace -- things would be so much simpler and easier. Then Shannon could have focused on the garden and her cute crafts and they would have time to figure the finances out and not be so stressed out about the nonsensical wood and hay deliveries.

    2. Your comment was spot-on. In her deleted tweet yesterday, Jenna said that “I loved her.” I found the past tense usage revealing. If you truly care about someone, then the feelings of fondness don’t disappear the moment that they leave. It lingers. It appears that the FFF was using Shannon for various reasons. Which is why she didn’t want to make either changes or adjustments to accommodate her happiness and comfort.

  7. It’ll be interesting to see if Pember Patty starts cozying up to Jenna now that she’s single again. She’s always been a dumb enabler. Wonder why WiW hasn’t commented yet about her breakup? She seems to have a soft spot for Jenna.

    1. I think WiW strongly believes FFF would benefit from therapy and that her questionable actions are the result of undiagnosed & untreated mental issues. Maybe that comes across as sympathetic.

      On the other hand, I believe while FFF may have untreated issues (narcissism comes to mind), she's basically a self-absorbed scammer, who knowingly misrepresents her life to use people.

    2. PDD. I agree with what you wrote. One can’t keep making excuses for someone who had been begging, scamming and using people for over a decade. I’ve read that narcissism is almost impossible to treat in therapy since it’s considered a character defect.

    3. It’s “has been” since the scamming is still ongoing.

    4. PDD - Your use of the word "misrepresents" hit the nail on the head. If I could use just one word in describing JW's actions, it would be misrepresents.

      Years ago, I got sucked into her "live like fiction" fantasy, although I had the good sense to observe from a distance. I thought here was someone who wasn't afraid to take the bull by the horns, to live creatively and by her own rules.

      Turns out, it was all smoke and mirrors. I now think that she was writing about how she wanted her life to be, not how it truly was. Like if she wrote about it enough, it would come true. Magical thinking. I got really close to taking a leap and quitting a perfectly good job for more freedom, but I see now it would have been a leap into hell. So glad my common sense took over.

      I don't even know if she can distingush between reality from fantasy anymore. I'm so glad Shannon cut her losses and left. I agree with WiW that with the right counseling, she might get back on track.

    5. Unfortunately, there’s no kind of counseling that will alter her animal abusing behavior. Kudos to Shannon for finally breaking free from Jenna.

    6. The fact that she’s always overused the words luck and magical makes her life seem more like wishful thinking than reality.

    7. I just found out, 30 mins ago.

  8. I think this is a great way to get out of "farming" without losing face.

    1. Could you please elaborate? Thanks.

    2. I'd be glad to elaborate! Gonna do some magical thinking here.

      Remember when Jenna mentioned that they were looking into what was financially workable and what they needed to cut back on? What if this is a whole lot of drama, and Jenna's way of getting out of "farming" without actually calling it quits and losing face with her fans?
      She's been failing miserably for over 10 years. She decides that LOVE is more important than farming, and decides that being with Shannon is more important than "farming" could ever be?
      She sells/gives away the animals, puts the property up for sale, and gives up her miserable life for an apartment with Shannon and tomatoes on the balcony. She did it for love, doncha know!
      In the end, she doesn't have to admit defeat, but can bow out gracefully.
      She can still draw and make soap in an apartment and her fans will eat it up.

    3. Anonymous 11:16, whatever it takes. Fingers crossed this IS a face-saving exit.

      I'm sure we'd all be happier once the animals are placed in better situations, especially those aged horses. My heart breaks for them.

      An apartment, two dogs, two cats, herbs on the balcony, a few tomatoes and weekends away may be their perfect life.

    4. I asked you to elaborate, and appreciate your response. Thanks.

      What you say makes sense, but maybe Shannon is just sick of Jenna. Period. And doesn’t want anything to do with her now. Time will tell. I also think that JW has a huge ego, and it’d be a big blow to admit that she’s a failure at farming.

    5. Anon 116: This is what I thought would happen! That's why I posted previously about whether and under what circumstances Jenna would follow Shannon.

      Trouble is, Jenna would *really* have to pay her share of the damn bills if she followed Shannon elsewhere, and that seems to be an appropriate deal-breaker for Shannon.

      Sigh. Another missed opportunity. The train wreck continues.

  9. Who/what is WiW? I guess I'm not "in the know." LOL

  10. I haven't written in months. I get weary of the same ole crap. It was obvious Shannon was carrying the bulk of the load. I have a feeling some kind of 50-50 ultimatum was thrown down as in "Get ANY job, but work and earn money." It was obvious FFF hadn't changed any of her habits--that Shannon was created better environments for the animals, feeding them, planting a garden, putting up food for the winter, I could go on and on. We saw the excuses being offered up as to why she couldn't (wouldn't) work. From the beginning, years ago, I said, "Wait until she's 50, or 60+--when health issues start cropping up and bodies hurt more doing manual labor. And there you are, living in some twilight world and no pension, no social security, no health insurance. She must have aged out of two financial groups by now; i.e. they've got her number. I never wished Shannon anything but the best. She has many talents. What I couldn't figure out was what she was doing with such a self-made loser.

    1. Yes, it appeared Shannon did the lion's share of the work. She is young and apparently didn't know JW well enough until she lived with her. I'm glad she high-tailed it out of there and I wish her the best, although I do feel sorry for the animals now. She sure improved their quality of life.

    2. Maybe Shannon fell in love with the illusion of a modern homestead rather than the reality of CAF. I’m sure that she never realized, until later, just how lazy Jenna is when it comes to supporting herself. I also never understand what attracted her to JW.

    3. Correction: understood not stand

    4. Anon 4:21. Yes, many of us former fans also fell for the illusion of what we thought was CAF. Until we stuck around long enough to learn the reality. That’s probably what happened with Shannon.

    5. I agree with what y'all have said here. I think Shannon's first impression of Jenna was a woman with a hawk on her fist. You know Jenna used one of those hawk photos in her profile. Photos of the dogs, and the horses. If I came across a profile like that in my mid-twenties I absolutely would have clicked.

      Jenna would have said the right things. She "made it work" and "did what it took" to keep her "farm." If anything, Jenna knows how to sell herself and her lifestyle to naïve people just hearing that shit for the first time. Hook, line, and sinker, Shannon bought it.

      Then Jenna had to warn Shannon against all the haters she has because she's soooo successful online, attempting to inoculate Shannon against the inevitable criticism she'd encounter about Jenna.

      Jenna would have made promises to Shannon about how well they'd do together. After all, if Jenna could "make it work" all these years on her own, surely if Shannon joined her they could spend less time working and more time doing the dreamy farm stuff together.

      And then the reality started to seep in. Trail rides and camping trips didn't make up for spending their scant money on hay for pet sheep. Thousands spent on an inoperable truck could have been better used to cover the mortgage, or the heating costs. Yet still the hay is being purchased in the most expensive way possible.

      Shannon is FROM a farming family. The powerful voices in Shannon's ears are probably her own family saying something like, "I don't care if you date women, but you have to get yourself someone who has sense enough to plan for the hay they need well in advance, or get rid of the animals that cost you in hay. That's farming."

      And then there would be heart to heart talks, with Jenna making promises and not following through. Shannon covering more than her share for just another month, next month will be better when Jenna gets a job... and then she never does.

      "Winter stresses" - when Shannon doesn't have the money to do winter maintenance on her car - which sorely needs it after a year of substituting for a farm vehicle - because Jenna won't downsize her animal hoarding lifestyle.

      When there are zero savings and Shannon is the only one who seems to mind.

      I've been noticing indications in Jenna's posts these past six months that show Shannon has been talking to Jenna about this stuff. All reasonable things.

      I wouldn't say I have a soft spot for Jenna, not more than a stranger on the street. I do try to observe and understand people. I just have enough experience with people who behave in destructive / self-destructive ways to be familiar with the common reasons for these behaviours. Being mindful that we can't diagnose Jenna of course, but being unable to maintain relationships is *classic* ADHD. Her behaviour reading as narcissistic is also a common perception of people with this diagnosis.

      I'm also an eternal optimist. Where there is life, there is hope, and Jenna could wake up tomorrow and decide to reach out for some real damn help. I'll bet her estranged parents would pay for the psychological assessment and treatment Jenna sorely needs.

      Unfortunately, experience has also told me that people who need help rarely realize they need help. We're likely to see a downward spiral. At the very least, I hope Jenna stays sober.

  11. It’s SO sad that their lesbian love story of “Veryork” didn’t work out well for Jenna. She’ll probably be back to doing dumb, dyke wolf memes on the Gram again for amorous attention.

  12. Couldn't handle winter stresses? More like she didn't want to foot the bill for a partner who was too lazy to contribute and instead relied on grifting to pay for her half of expenses. When one person does ALL the work in a relationship, that relationship is doomed.
    At the same time, everyone should remember that pig shocker is first and foremost a pathological liar. Perhaps the donations were way down because people knew she had a partner to contribute to the bills. Perhaps pig shocker is throwing out a false narrative to get the donation money rolling in again.
    It wouldn't be the first lie she told to get a hold of other people's money.

    1. I take everything she says with a grain of salt. I think it’s mostly false or embellished narrative to get people’s sympathy and money.

    2. Anonymous 6:57. Welcome back, Whack! It’s good to read your cutting comments again, like in another recent post where you called her a hag. Most people have a signature style, and you are no exception. Hope that you’re doing well.

  13. If it is true, I'm very sad for the farm and especially the animals. Shannon really did a lot for them and lit a fire under Jenna's lazy butt to make sure there was hay in the barn and they were properly fed and tended to.

    1. VERY sad for the animals. Shannon showed them love and for many of the animals it was the first time they were ever treated well. The winter will be very hard for the animals now that they will have to essentially fend for themselves.
      I hope they have someone local who is aware of the situation and will check in on them.

  14. and to think Shannon paid for half of the wood and hay for this winter and she won't be there to use it. A win for FFF as usual someone paying for her foolishness. I doubt since Shannon is from Boston that another winter on the farm was a big deal. Not like Boston is warm and cozy in the winter time. I think she just couldn't take anymore lies about worst sales ever etc. and her refusal to get a real job. Heck $200. a month for what she is doing now my grandchildren make more than that babysitting on weekends in a months time. Probably something big came up and she saw the writing on the wall. Run Shannon run as far as you can.

    1. Right. New England winters can be brutal so I don't believe the excuse that winters were too hard for Shannon. More likely the reason Anon 8:13 gave - that she saw the writing on the wall. I wonder if the reason JW was applying for remote jobs last summer was to appease Shannon. And maybe she gave the tired excuse, look I'm trying, I'm really trying. I'm so close. Life isn't fair, I can't get an interview, no one is getting back to me, yadda, yadda, yadda.

      Prepare for some major financial drama. Winter is coming, her animals are aging and will be needing expensive vet care, home repairs, etc., etc. All the grown up things most of us deal with except most of us are responsible and have jobs to take care of those things.

      "If I always do what I've always done, I'll always get what I always got". She does the same things over and over expecting different results. Time for her to grow up, and yes, professional counseling would be a good place to start.

    2. Anon 8:13 I totally agree, you're right.

    3. 8:55 "I wonder if the reason JW was applying for remote jobs last summer was to appease Shannon. And maybe she gave the tired excuse, look I'm trying, I'm really trying. I'm so close. Life isn't fair, I can't get an interview, no one is getting back to me, yadda, yadda, yadda."

      I think that's *exactly* what happened.

      There comes a point where "trying" doesn't freakin' cover it. You have to CHANGE.

  15. Maybe the last straw with Shannon was that latest Hawk perched in the living room. And the six-foot projectile you-know-what out its behind.

    I also suspect one of the reasons Shannon moved in with Jenna was a chance at cheaper rent. With the pandemic and all. Graphic art sales must have been low, with so many businesses on hold last year. Maybe she couldn't pay her rent in Boston.

    I actually was sad for Jenna. But I don't think she should leave that property. It only cost about $150,000. That's really cheap. Unless you can't get a job nearby.

    1. not that she can't get a job near by but more like she won't take a job near by.

  16. Oooofffff. This is really sad. Shannon had outlasted my prediction, I thought she'd be out of there after a year. It's been what, a year and a half?

    It's sad news for the animals at the farm, and it's sad news for Jenna, who despite having a live-in partner for over a year, was unable to make the changes necessary to maintain that relationship.

    Shannon has lost 1.5 yr of her life to trying this relationship out, which happens when you're young.

    My guess is this is not a surprise to Jenna. They would have had several conversations setting expectations.

    "Winter stresses" is Jenna's euphemism for "unpaid bills". Shannon was unwilling to tolerate perpetually unpaid bills / no savings / no plan for the future, or she was unwilling to be party to whatever scam Jenna's running.

    It's too bad, because Jenna had a real chance at happiness here. It's such a shame.

    If Jenna's posts about % of bills paid are true, then why on earth would a partner stay for that? She refuses to get "off farm work" in a time when there is PLENTY of essential service job postings, in a time where there is a housing crisis and people can't afford to pay their bills with minimum wage, Jenna's cost of living is easily covered with a full time minimum wage job. That plus Shannon's income would have meant a comfortable, happy life for them.

    Instead she insisted on applying only to jobs that catered to her identity as a cool person / writer who writes about the physical labour of farming, not someone who actually performs blue collar work.

    No self-respecting person would tolerate that in a long-term partner. The only person who could tolerate Jenna's instability is someone just as unstable themselves. Maybe that'll be the next person.

    It's such sad news Shannon is leaving, and a terrible shame Jenna couldn't meet the reasonable expectations I'm sure Shannon clearly communicated this summer (then the job search began "in earnest").

    1. And the animals will pay the price.

    2. WiW. I love your thoughtful posts.

      I think the reason Shannon left is the same reason everyone else leaves. Her fans, her heathens and her friends. JW misrepresents herself and takes far more than she gives. So glad Shannon cut her losses and left. We never really got to know much about her and many of us wondered if she was complicit, but I can see now that she was probably doing more than her fair share and probably contributing more $ as well.

      I wish Shannon the best.

    3. I really appreciate you saying so, Anon 5:03. I agree, and I too wish Shannon the best. I think the only thing she could do was cut her losses and get out, or it would have been more of the same, forever.

    4. More of the same forever is right. JW never learns. She does the same things over and over expecting different results. Anyone who offers helpful advice is a naysayer. She’s her own worst enemy.

    5. Anon 5:36 In the end, Shannon refused to enable Jenna at her own expense. It would have been harder to leave in another year or two, it's good Shannon cut her losses now.

      Next time Shannon dates, on her list will be: "Get yourself a girl who PAYS HER DAMN BILLS"

    6. she recently said a few days ago on twitter that they had been together just a year so she has been through a winter there and like I said on an earlier post she is from Boston so not like she isn't used to cold weather.

    7. Shannon showed her strength in many ways but especially when she left JW for good. Shannon always had a sweet smile on her face and seemed to be a good person.
      I also wish Shannon the best and if she continues to have the sort of moxie it took to try to improve JW's life, I have no doubt she will be successful in her future endeavors.

  17. “This bundle makes an amazing gift, books will be signed and personalized by me how you like. Sales are needed right quick so share if you know people that like eating food and generally-accepted hygienic practices!”

    She’s already back to begging with her stupid attempts to come across as a country bumpkin. No one says crap like “right quick” anymore. And her humor always falls flat. It looks like Shannon didn’t have any lasting positive effects on Jenna’s disingenuous “lie-style.” What a lazy loser.

    1. I wonder if she was counting on Shannon to pay the mortgage in full for November and now she's *hooped*.

  18. Shannon has gotten herself out of a relationship with a narcissist -- a really hard thing to do -- and I commend her for taking a step to protect herself and build a normal life and the possibility of finding a relationship with someone who is able to value her as a person and partner.

    Anon in GA

  19. My dark side is observing that TSwift dropped an album and you KNOW Jenna bought it. I wonder if that was the point of no return for Shannon? No one wants to feel like a mom in the relationship telling the partner "no".

    - please don't trap another hawk, we can't be buying hawk food when there is not enough firewood.
    - no you can't breed the freakin' sheep, we haven't the money for vet bills, meds, HAY or anything else a breeding operation needs.
    - no I will not cover all of the mortgage payment this month, AGAIN
    - Is that the new Taylor Swift album?

  20. Alright, in the spirit of much-needed dark humour, how long do you think it'll be before Jenna:

    1) finds a new live-in girlfriend

    2) says she's in danger of losing the property?

    I think she'll be dating someone new within 6 months, but she'll be saying the mortgage payment is 3 months behind in December to goose sales.

    1. In the world of marginalized queer folks, Jenna being a property owner is actually a huge asset. If she wants to find someone new, she will. It's just a matter of time and logistics.

    2. Always glad to have Wog around for the summations. I think enough of us have been following this situation for years: believing at first (but not for long,) then the schadenfreude of a shitstorm FFF called her life. The lies never stopped and to some extent,, I think they are still going. I don't believe for a second that Shannon left due to winter stresses. She was raised in New England on a farm? She knows what she's dealing with. She's young, so I think she bit into the myth. Too bad she didn't discover this site sooner to learn about unpaid bills, but buying sheep, a horse, another horse, chickens that died in the driveway, throwing axes in her front yard, all of those "lessons" when she didn't even want the people on her property (just give me your money.) I've never known anyone who required so many root canals. I think there were heart to heart talks this year after Shannon undertook (in good faith) so many major repairs in terms of the house, garden and animal husbandry. Coming from a farm where life is very pragmatic, I could well see her saying, "We need to get rid of some animals. We can't afford to raise and slaughter pigs for profit. Or have sheep. That truck? I mean...what the hell was that about? She "needed" a truck. She needed to keep flaming the fantasies and all that go with it like her kilts and custom made bows. Someone could do a doctoral thesis on her online scamming. Exhibit A. I don't even look at her sites anymore. I get the news I need here. This talk about counseling and change? At her current age ? She's set in her ways. All of these bad habits have become part of her psyche. Look at how many people she's burned over the years. She obviously does not want to work. I agree with everything you've all written above me. A full-time job minimum wage would cover all of her needs. If Shannon sees any of this, she knows we wish her well. And I will add, just be glad you got out as soon as you did. Five years of your life? Ten? With someone who will stealing from people through her lies, show no ambition, live in squalor? She may wind up back in her parents basement. God help them.

    3. "She may wind up back in her parents basement." Yep, unless her parents have cut her off.

      She visited them last December with Shannon and mended fences, didn't she? They'll be sad to see this potential daughter in law leave.

      If ever Jenna were going to ask for genuine psycological help, now is the time. I don't think that's realistic to believe though. In general, people just keep on doing what they've always done.

      If Jenna doesn't end up in her parents' basement, she'll end up exploiting other people for what they can bring to her property. There will always be poor, houseless people who have no better options than to pitch a tent on a rural property in exchange for labour. It's pretty common here in BC. There are a lot of "communes" who exploit the vulnerable in this way.

  21. We all knew it was just a matter of time....
    I would bet that Shannon had prospects lining up to date her the second she pulled out of the driveway. Her ex on the other hand, not so much.
    The odds of anyone putting up with a person who refuses to get a job or do any work at home, aren't great. Most people want a partnership rather than a dependent.
    The timing is interesting, IMO.
    First the hawk, who was supposedly doing so well, is "released" (wink wink). Now when has Jenna ever released a hawk so quickly, especially one doing well? Makes me wonder what really happened and if that was the final straw that made Shannon finally realize exactly who she was living with.

  22. "Today I stood 20 yards away from an 8 point buck on my property. Magical!"

    She knows donations are dependent upon people wanting her "magical" life.

    I have a photo of a buck from last year sitting beside (eclipsing) my condo's picnic table. We have deer in the city. They use the cross walks. It's hilarious.

    Whoop de doo, Jenna, you saw a deer. Are you getting your rifle?

    Don't forget to stir the rabbit skins.

    1. If only she paid as much attention to the animals living on her property who have to depend on her.

  23. Here is an old tweet of Jenna claiming Shannon wrote a comment here: https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm/status/1357015808350822400

    "Shannon left a long comment on that blog explaining a lot, because she was pissed, and they of course did not publish it."

    Behold all the anon comments. There is no moderation on this site. Anyone can post at any time without even a blogger account and just appear as anon. Shannon did not post anything.

    I wonder if a contributing factor to Shannon staying with Jenna for so long was because Shannon really is not on social media much. She doesn't see the blog, I doubt she checks it. She'd take what Jenna says at face value. She doesn't check Jenna's social media or she'd have been on to her much sooner.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Not to be nosy, but what did you delete?

    3. Anon 4:22 - I thought jenna was scrubbing all mention of shannon from her blog, instagram, and tweets - but it turned out that I was using my search tools incorrectly. It looks like all she changed is the description of the blog, and deleted the first tweets about the breakup.

  25. On instagram, Jenna has also cofounded a new thing:

    "Welcome new followers! With the announcement of @thehomesteaderscollective there are a lot of new faces around here! I wanted to take a second to introduce myself and my farm. I'm Jenna Woginrich, proprietor of Cold Antler Farm in Jackson, NY. I live in southern Washington County, a Hobbit Shire of rolling hills, mountains, and farmlands between the Hudson Valley and Adirondack Park. My small farm is only 6.5 acres - but busy as hell. Here, tucked into the side of a small mountain, I raise animals for our own table and loyal customers (pork, chicken, rabbit and eggs). We also garden, can, mend, repair, hike, backpack, hunt, collect mushrooms, run fences, ride horses, and train hawks. I am a licensed Falconer as well, training mostly red tailed hawks (a sturdy native species) for hunting alongside us.

    I am so grateful to meet you, and if you are curious you can find my books on homesteading, chickens, and rural life anywhere books are sold!"

    This happened before the breakup, by a couple of days.

    1. She’s perpetuating the fantasy and trying to reel in new victims.

    2. Jenna’s just “grateful” if “new victims” send her unearned donations. She always mentions the stupid “small mountain” like it’s something special to brag about.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. PDD. Why did you delete, too?

    6. PDD here. I wrote a longish comment on all the lies and misrepresentations FFF used in her nauseating & self-congratulatory introduction to THC. I used way too many caps, so I'll rewrite and re-submit.

      It WAS therapeutic however.

  26. For a minute there I thought Jenna had deleted all reference to Shannon on her blog and twitter. I was mistaken... But Jenna has changed the description of her blog, speaking about herself in the third person.

    1. Her life is like that stupid sappy song “Alone Again (Naturally).”

  27. I missed the whole thing about the hawk. Someone above wrote that JW reported the hawk was doing well but then suddenly released. Did she have the hawk inside again? Does anyone think it got sick or died?

    1. Also, what was her reason for its sudden release?

    2. Just like the hawk, her whole life is lies.

    3. Per Jenna, the reason the hawk was so easily trainable was because it had been injured/rehabbed/set free. She said that she was advised to release it since keeping it under strict weight control (keep it hungry so it is more motivated to hunt, how messed up is that) is not healthy esp for a bird that recently recovered from an injury.
      My theory is that every hawk has died except for the first one where she documented its release. She hasn't shown photos/video of the other hawks being released, which makes no sense to me...unless they died.

    4. StandingOnTheMoon, I am with you on this. She was under close observation with hawk no 1, and its safe release was video documented (as is done by falconers). The second died in her house. With the next two, one "escaped" (wearing its gear) right before a major snowstorm (she barely searched for it) and the other was suspiciously "freed" after it scratched her face. She allegedly released Auburn (obtained from a student) but again without evidence. The next one was released when JJ was there, so maybe true (FFF would have been on best behavior). Last one was also released without evidence; JJ was still there, so don't know truth of the release.

      All I know is for a person who obsessively took photos and videos of hawks in captivity, it is HIGHLY suspicious she did not follow falconer protocol and video-document their safe releases.

    5. I completely agree. I would not doubt that the latest hawk also died. There's no way Shannon had not read online about JW's total and complete lack of care of her animals. I believe JW manipulated her and convinced her that it was all fodder, jealousy (which is hilarious) and simply lies told online by people who don't really know her.
      I think that Shannon gave her the benefit of the doubt.
      Since JW was the licensed falconer, the care of the hawk was completely JW's responsibility. When the latest hawk died, Shannon could have seen the animal abuser in JW with her own eyes for the first time.

    6. When she had the latest hawk, she talked about how calmly it sat with her while watching a whole series. Lord Of Rings or something very long. It had been captive and taken care of by people and never would be a very good hunter. How could a roommate deal with that mess?

  28. “Good morning from Cold Antler Farm. It's crisp and even a little snowy. It's going to be a tough month here for a lot of reasons, but my #1 priority is getting the October mortgage paid asap. I will be announcing sales and promotions soon!”

    Boo fucking hoo. Please feel sorry for the filthy feral farmer who got dumped by her “girl.”
    “PayPal, it means so much to this farm!!!”

    1. Scammer’s Sob Story Check List:

      1. Mortgage a month overdue
      2. Girlfriend breakup
      3. Foreboding forecast of “tough” times
      4. Her “#1 priority” is money mooching for free funds
      5. The stupid “sales and promotions!” are almost daily and nothing new

    2. Scammer's Regret: the untimely escape of a person who

      *Built and managed website for FFF

      *Launched her new blog

      * Planted, expanded, weeded and harvested vegetables

      * Canned or otherwise preserved food (instead of merely talking about it)

      * Fixed animal fences

      * Repaired chicken coop and other structures

      * Introduced hay nets so horses didn't have to eat on top of their manure

      * Brought organization and planning ideas

      * Used personal car for "farm" use after FFF'S piece of crap was sold

      * Paid, paid, PAID - likely more than her fair share - to support the faux feral farm.

    3. PDD, you nailed it! Some things never change and Jenna is one of them. I am so glad for the "room-mate", as Jenna called her a few blogs ago, escaped. I would have been so annoyed at being called that. She has a lot of talent that was wasted at that "farm". Good luck to her in her bright future.


    4. Jude, I’d also be annoyed at constantly being referred to as “my girl.” It’s stupid, sexist, and demeaning.

    5. Also under Scammer’s Regret: Having to endure the odious ordeal of sexually servicing the filthy feral farmer. Which was probably the worst aspect about living at her hovel.

  29. “I am going to take a break from blogging for a little. Shannon moved out and we are broken up. I need some time.”

    Unfortunately, her blogging break won’t apply to begging.

  30. “I am rewatching Hannah Gadsby's Douglas and it is so damn joyful.”

    I find it affected how she often uses the formal “I am” rather than the casual contraction “I’m.” It comes across as try-too-hard and pretentious.

    1. She could use that time to work a part time job in town. I’m sure there are plenty to be had.

  31. "Growing up is just being constantly embarrassed."

    If that's your experience of adulthood, then you need to review what you're doing. Being an adult is having the freedom and the responsibility of making choices for yourself. If you're making embarrassing choices, fix your shit.

    1. Constantly? Occasionally maybe, but I agree if you are constantly embarrassed, you are doing something wrong.

      And I hate to break this to her, but she is already grown up. Physically anyway. She is almost 40 years old. She reached adulthood years ago. WiW, I agree that she desperately needs professional help. Seems she has serious case of arrested development.

    2. Her entire existence is an embarrassment.

    3. Anon 5:43, while hope springs eternal, I am skeptical Jenna will ever get the psych eval, meds and therapy I'm sure she'd greatly benefit from.

      If you can't function as an adult, basic functions like earning your keep and paying your bills, which people with severe developmental delays are still capable of doing with minimal oversight, then she is asking for the wrong kind of help.

      We'll see how the lies spiral out from here, because if she couldn't pay the mortgage with Shannon living there, then it just doesn't track that she'd be able to pay her way alone now, if things have deteriorated that far.

      I've been in Shannon's shoes, and watched an ex who argued they were incapable of paying their share magically get a job and start making rent the moment I kicked them out. They did quickly move on to another victim to use, so we'll see who will be Shannon II in 2022.

      That person left me $5k in credit card debt. I hope Shannon didn't get screwed over anymore than is obvious to us.

    4. If there was ANY chance of JW changing or working to improve herself, I think Shannon would have stuck around. Shannon getting fed up enough to move out speaks volumes.
      Shannon had been doing everything on that property for over the past year while her lazy roommate stood by and took crappy photos of Shannon's hard work.
      Shannon had to spend 24/7 listening to JW's grating conversations while observing JW's disgusting habits. Shannon had to take care of all of the creatures on the property and has most likely spent a significant amount of money covering JW's expenses.
      It's amazing that she tried for so long.
      IMO the reason Shannon stuck around as long as she did had ZERO to do with JW. I think she stuck around for the animals.
      Shannon knows that the animals will suffer if JW is the only person living there.
      I hope that if Shannon witnessed any animal mistreatment by JW or if JW ever confessed to Shannon about what really happened to the animals who disappeared or died, that she takes the time to send some emails to people or agencies who can help get the animals off of the property and into better living situations and put a complete stop to JW ever being able to own livestock or pets again.
      Shannon is the only person at this point who has knowledge of what really happens behind closed doors on that property.
      If she cares for the animals, and I believe she cares for them immensely, I hope she tries and succeeds in helping the animals get as far away from the hell they were living in at CAF before their savior Shannon arrived.

    5. WiW - I hadn’t thought about it before, but with JW’s credit trashed, I’ll bet she convinced Shannon to use her credit card. It’s sounding more and more likely. My sister lived with a loser who couldn’t or wouldn’t keep a job and she ended up maxing out her credit cards to “help” him. It ended up being the last straw for her and she left.

  32. "Okay, it is just me here at the farm now. I'll be okay, but I am still trying to cover the October mortgage while preparing for winter. Getting that payment out is all I care about this week so I'm offering sales on everything in this thread!"

    Shannon would have paid half the October mortgage payment because she was living there. Did Jenna use that money to buy hay? I'd be pissed too. This isn't how you adult, Jenna.

    Shannon jumps ship and it's immediately sinking.

    1. She never stopped begging, even with Shannon living there and contributing financially. She's going for the sympathy donations now, big time.

    2. And she’s always been begging even at the beginning of her faux farm. Shannon leaving changes nothing. Jenna is still a selfish and immature user.

    3. JW is basically blasting on social media that her babysitter/caregiver left her so she needs someone else to take Shannon's place STAT.
      Not because she loved Shannon and misses having a partner but because she needs someone to pay all of her expenses and care for the animals as well as take charge of all improvements and upkeep of the property.
      JW didn't do any of the above pre Shannon and it's obvious she plans on finding her next mark to take over all of those responsibilities post Shannon.
      JW was tweeting about trying (yeah, sure) to pay the mortgage by herself before Shannon's side of the bed was even cold.

    4. She’s a total loser who refuses to support herself like a normal adult, and wants others to pay for her lazy “lie-style.”

    5. She wants a mommy, not a partner.

    6. Anonymous 10:12. Exactly. And she should be a sugar mama.

    7. Anon 6:22
      "lie-style" is great! ��

    8. Anonymous 5:24. Thanks! I came up with “lie-style” awhile ago, and it suits JW.

  33. “The plumbing backed up and flooded the back room last week. I thought we fixed it this weekend, friends drove over with drain cleaners and such. But I need a professional because it just backed up all over again and I hate this entire month.”

    Fuck all the way off, Jenna. You’re a lying cunt. This has happened before when you either need mortgage money, or want to buy something stupid like a Taylor Swift sweater. You manufacture a crisis. It’s no wonder why Shannon dumped your fat ass.

    1. “Sure, Jen.”

    2. Jenna has been shitting in her back yard for years. Way before Shannon came onto the scene. The amount of money she has received to fix plumbing problems over the years, would be enough to take the walls down to the studs and redo the entire thing. New toilet, new shower, new sink, new pipes. Instead, she uses that money for entertainment. Booze, food delivery services, streaming services, hawk equipment, hawk food, whatever substances she appears to be on, etc.
      Now that Shannon has finally escaped, Jenna will start rotating scams, more frequently and with increased urgency. Today the plumbing, tomorrow dental work, then something will be wrong with one of the animals who will need an emergency vet visit, emergency roof repair, the furnace will break, the basement will flood, something to do with transportation or repair, more wood, more hay, and on and on and on.
      I would not put it past her to claim or allude to Shannon either stealing from her or that she was supposed to have been paying certain bills (most likely all of them) and then after Shannon left, Jenna found out those bills were never paid. Which put Jenna way behind and everything will be shut off or foreclosed upon within a short period of time.
      Of course anyone with a lick of sense would know that if Jenna goes that route, it will be a total and complete LIE.
      We all know who the scammer is in that household and it wasn't Shannon.

    3. Woe-And-Bitch never learns her lessons in life.

    4. Anon 6:51, exactly. Look for epic displays of fabricated woes, men in scary red vans, surprise animal welfare checks, day drinking and farmer matinees.

  34. My guess is whatever savings Shannon had are gone and her credit cards maxed out. This guess is based on a family member who lived with a loser who couldn’t hold a job and then wouldn’t look for one.

    JW’s explanation that Shannon left because life was too stressful is probably the tip of the iceberg.

    Maybe the plumbing issue was the last straw. Who knows? There were probably too many straws to count. So glad she made her escape.

    1. Shannon has to be a saint to have endured the torture known as JW for over a year. Everyone else who came to visit JW barely lasted a weekend. The only thing that kept them from leaving immediately was JW's friend who entertained JW's company every time someone came to visit.
      Most of the women probably figured out that a single woman without a job should have been able to make her home presentable enough to have someone stay over. Instead, JW and company would eat, drink and sleep at the friend's home. Beyond bizarre. Red flags all over the place.

  35. Her latest series of stupid tweets tonight is a crock of crap. The animal abuser is trying to come across as a caring mouse savior. Describing her dirty man hands with sausage fingers as “stout” made me cringe. Of course they’re “warm,” moron. Anything to distract from being dumped by Shannon.

    1. If there's winter prep to be done, animals to feed and love on, job applications to complete, bills to be paid, customers waiting on orders that are years old by now, etc, one would think that JW would be taking care of at least one of those items on the list.

      Instead, she is supposedly saving a cold mouse (did she say it bit her?) and is hanging out with the mouse inside her house. It sounds like a demented Dr Seuss book.

      By all means, let's slip further into fantasy land by obsessing over a mouse.
      IMO she is throwing out a false narrative in an attempt to show herself as a caring, animal lover. One who runs to rescue any animal in distress, even a tiny, insignificant mouse.
      Could she be trying to get a head of her ex partner and what she might say on social media regarding how JW treats her animals ?

      Meanwhile, if hawks continue to disappear (I've lost count of how many hawks have disappeared or supposedly "released" without witnesses at this point) a mouse could end up being the only animal allowed on her property.

      I predict that since Shannon no longer lives on the property, (and her living there could have been a condition that allowed JW to have livestock on her property as JW has shown time and time again that she is incapable of properly caring for her animals and perhaps by having Shannon there, the livestock were allowed to be kept on the property on a trial basis)
      I would not be surprised at all if the livestock moved off of the property soon. What lie will JW use this time to explain why the livestock is no longer there?
      Just like JW would never release a hawk back into the wild so soon after capturing it, she would never decide on her own to sell or give away any animal on her property (as she claimed to do a couple of summers ago after her animal husbandry practices were reported and then investigated).
      JW would have to be forced to find new homes for all of her animal props.
      Let's see how she spins it on social media this time.

      Shannon, if you read these posts, I would encourage you to find a reporter to speak with at the NYT who will help you get the word out about the horrors you have witnessed or confessions you have been told over the course of this past year. JW knows a reporter at the NYT who has written a few articles about JW and the hawks.
      It would be a huge service to all of the future hawks and animals that JW will continue to collect and then discard when she gets bored or loses interest or is injured by one of them.
      That is when all of the animals on JW's property will be in serious danger..

    2. Anonymous 7:57. Your comment is correct, and I appreciate what you wrote.

  36. Yeah. It sounds like she left the mouse cage in a drafty spot and the poor thing nearly froze to death, or at least went into hibernation.

    It's not a sweet story, Jenna. This is one of the reasons why rodents live in groups, to keep warm in the cold. They can't regulate their body temperature that well with such a small body mass.

  37. She's posting lyrics from a ts breakup song like a teenager.

    1. She has a perma-teen’s mentality emotionally, and is stuck around the age of a thirteen-year-old.

  38. “Honey the mouse made the night!!”

    No one cares, cunt.

  39. “GREAT NEWS! The best plumber in town, Jeff, who is booked till Jan with appointments said he could stop by tonight to help with the septic if I dig it out before he gets there. I happily agreed!

    PRO TIP: don't dig up a septic tank the day after your covid booster shot...”

    Isn’t it amazing how the damsel in distress is always rescued by a responsible adult?

    1. Sure she did dirty digging. Naturally, there are never any pics to post as proof of her manufactured crises.

    2. “It is dug! What took me 20 minutes in the middle of winter took over an hour with breaks and so much sweat I had to change but it is DUG! FLUSHING TONIGHT BABBBBYYY!!!!”

      Can’t use “it’s,” “scrappy” scammer?

    3. I have a theory that she avoids contractions to make her stupid stories and statements seem more important than they are.

    4. what does getting a COVID booster shot have to do with anything? There is no reactions to them they are literally half the dose of a regular shot. Of all the people I know who got one not one person (some in their 90's) had a reaction. More oh poor poor me. "You took a bad time to leave me Lucille" (Kenny Rogers song playing in the background as she digs but she is subbing Shannon's name. Maybe that was the final straw for Shannon not digging up her shit pit.

    5. She said she had to dig up the septic last winter. What is getting replaced? Or is all she doing opening the hatch for it to be emptied?

    6. Anon 7:08 if it backed up once already right before Shannon left, it could be one of the bale of straws that broke her resolve to stay. Why would you want to stay in a literal shithole?

      Also, why is it continuously backing up? Something needs a bigger repair / replacement. My parents place backed up christmas eve once. It was horrific too. But they got it fixed and it never happened again in 10 years.

    7. JW’s multiple septic system issues are like her recurring root canals. I believe that it’s all a bunch of bull.

    8. How ironic that she's digging up her own shit to solve her shit problems.

  40. Here we go again, spending $ on stupid things when supposedly the Oct mortgage isn't paid yet?

    "I used to make fun of dogs in clothes. But my girl Friday has fallen in love with her hoodie. She loves being held, swaddled, under blankets, etc. So I bought the dogs each an $11 hoodie off @chewy last week, and while Gibson isn’t thrilled with his, she never wants hers off."

    1. Jenna likes to call both dogs and people “girl.” In addition to spending money on luxury items when her mortgage hasn’t been paid yet.

    2. I never get used to the random chronology she uses for these little missives. It feels like it isn't that hard, to be like, hm, wouldn't it be better ordering if I:

      "I used to make fun of dogs in clothes. But Friday just loves being held, swaddled, under blankets, etc. So I bought the dogs each an $11 hoodie off @chewy last week, and while Gibson isn't thrilled with his, Friday has fallen in love with hers. She never wants it taken off!"

      It feels like it almost takes effort to always write it in just a slightly weird order, so you're left wondering: "Did Friday see the hoodie online and fall in love with it and that's why you ordered them? Or did Friday already have a hoodie, love it, and now you've purchased two *more* hoodies?"

    3. Anonymous 11:23. I think that Jenna tries to justify her stupid spending, because she’s been called out for being a beggar. So she over-explains frivolous purchases.

    4. I think she over explains when she spends a ridiculous amount of money on something so she lies and says it cost next to nothing. Just like when she found everything at the dump. Clearly she purchased the items but didn't want her frivolous spending to effect future donations.

    5. Still can't believe that up until the moment Shannon fled, that she was still always behind on the mortgage, despite TWO able bodied persons to pay the bills. Preternatural shit for brains always buying unnecessary crap and then holding out her hands to buy more crap whilst ignoring the mortgage bill.

      How does one even?

  41. Assuming her sewage pipe woes are not more FFF deceptions, what *hellscape* has she created with the home's infrastructure?

    When she bought the VerYork property, she bragged it contained new windows, new furnace, new wood stove, new artesian well, water pump and newish septic (9 years old).

    Since then, she "doesn't" use the new furnace, she almost burned down the house with the wood stove (as I remember), she hand-carries buckets of water and she's broken/clogged the septic system multiple times.

    Septic systems are intended to last up to 40 years; hers is half that age. According to her posts, she's had major problems every two years, including January 2021, when ever-enabling Pember Patty got her plumber friend "Dan" to try and help.

    We have a older septic system. With the exception of one time when a city visitor clogged the pipes with God-knows-what, there haven't been any problems. It works as designed.

    So I wonder: are her septic problems imaginary or is she filled with so much 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩 that the septic is doomed to fail???

    1. Pember Patty also had her husband help the incompetent twat with her plumbing problems before. Her hovel is a shit-pit, literally, after almost a decade of destruction due to her stupidity.

    2. It seems like the septic system is the ONLY thing that Shannon didn't repair.

      C'mon Shannon, you did everything else there! Sheesh lazy girl.

      PDD - I'm getting the feeling that Winter's Bottom is gonna make a huge return this year. Complete with stupid stats about "outdoor temps" and "indoor temps" and "frozen pipes" status.

      I can't wait.

  42. “Just can't focus today.”

    Boo fucking hoo. Please feel sorry that I got dumped, and send me more money.

    1. She’s blaming the booster shot for her lack of focus.

    2. "Just can't focus."

      So the animals are suffering already.

      "Oof, I forgot the water bucket. I'll try again tomorrow, pigs."

  43. “Consider getting some holiday goodies from Cold Antler Farm! Every sale helps! Also, so close to my goal and making October!”

    Help me more to make my mortgage payment.

    1. The only thing I'd consider paying her for are the hairy details on what made Shannon flee.

  44. “Welp $250 gone but the plumbing is PRISTINE AGAIN!!!”

    Fuck off with your weird “Welp.” No one needs to know how much you spent on the septic system repair. I’m shocked that you didn’t include the plumber’s number, like you’ve done before with bills, so people will pay for your stupid over-usage of toilet paper. You should’ve figured that tissue issue out years ago.

    1. Yup. There's no reason to offer that info. It's a pathetic cry for help.

  45. I’ve noticed that she’s lost more followers again since Shannon dumped her.

  46. She can’t pay the mortgage but she’s using premium toilet paper? Doesn’t she know how bad that sounds?

    1. She doesn’t care about the poor optics, because dumb enablers have been supporting her fat ass for years.

    2. Sounds like she upgraded the TP when Shannon moved in. Bamboo toilet paper nearly $1 / roll. That's more than double what I pay for TP.

      It's not a big deal if you can make a roll last a while, but with my wife's extremely high use of TP, we'd be paying more for TP than we do for electricity if we were paying $1 / roll.

    3. Totally agree Anon 1:24.
      JW could announce that she's wiping her ass with (many) dollar bills and some sucker would still donate money to her.

    4. She just begged re: the septic lines a year or two ago. It's either not true or not the toilet paper.

      Anon in GA

    5. Anon 1:11: Agreed. She should be using a spreadsheet to keep track of her lies.

  47. “Also: I would like to add I tend to use too much TP anyway, a bad habit I can't break, so I was using the wrong TP and too much of it for over a year and the pipes became bamboo....

    Fun week here!”

    She could “break” her “bad habit,” but would rather wipe her big butt with too much toilet paper. Which cause clogs. JW often uses “fun” in an annoying manner, and fails at even being slightly sarcastic. Anything to try to evoke pity from people.

    1. “Which can cause clogs.”

    2. What surprises me the most is that she used actual toilet paper to wipe.

      I figured she just used the shower curtain or her dirty sheets. Huh.

  48. Remember how she bought that expensive cake for Shannon’s birthday recently? She already knew that her mortgage was a month behind at that point. JW could’ve saved money by doing her own baking. I think that she counts on her begging to bring in donations, and has done this for a decade.

    1. I've no doubt Jenna knew this was coming, and has been doing things like this to try and get Shannon to overlook what she's tolerating.

      My ex, for example, made a really amazing Christmas the week before our relationship ended. "I thought things were fine!"

      Users like this will literally steal money from you to buy you a present and expect you to think they're sweet.

    2. Oh wow, good points, both of you. Yes, she possibly sensed Shannon's growing disillusionment and then wasted mortgage money on a cake meant to distract her.

      With the holidays upon us, I wonder how poodle cash she spent on pricy gifts for Shannon that she'll now have to return?

  49. Per Google search:
    "The larger your home, the larger the septic tank you're going to need. For instance, a house smaller than 1,500 square feet usually requires a 750 to 1,000-gallon tank."

    "How deep is a 1000 gallon septic tank? A 1,000 gallon concrete septic tank is typically 4' 8" deep."

    JW expects everyone to believe that she dug out the tank buried 4 ft underground in an hour? That is hilarious! I think she posted about the repair purely for Shannon's benefit (i.e. I am getting off of my ass and finally getting the toilet/plumbing/septic repaired). IF she is finally having the plumbing repaired, it won't be cheap. Which shows that when she needs to spend money she has it and isn't broke.

    Also NY state has many rules and regulations regarding residential septic systems:


    Anyone want to bet that JW couldn't possibly afford to have it repaired adhering to the state regulations? She might be able to afford some short cuts but that leaves her open to failing inspections while continuing to pollute the groundwater on her property, surrounding properties, the creek, etc.

    How long have we discussed JW using her yard as a bathroom? It's been YEARS. Now suddenly, after her girlfriend turns tail and runs, JW feels the need to immediately get her plumbing repaired.
    I can't help but think that JW knows a shit storm is coming her way. IMO she is preparing for Shannon to report her and for her property and animals to be seen by outside eyes. I can't see Shannon walking away without later trying to get help for the animals she left behind with JW.

    1. All she did, if anything, was to remove the dirt covering the septic tank cap, so her sewage savior could run a snake back up the sewer pipe (towards the toilet) and clean out her expensive bamboo toilet paper blockage.

      The lids are usually 2 ft diameter, so she dug less than a person digging a garden. If she wasn't an idiot, she could have snaked her own line and saved $250. Or, here's a thought...not plugged it up like a 10 year old.

    2. The fact that she had to take multiple breaks and sweated through her clothing after minimal digging speaks to her lack of physical prowess.
      Sitting on her ass while watching Shannon do all of the physical chores/repairs for the past year didn't exactly leave JW in tip top shape.

      I would bet that JW hasn't had the tank cleaned out in a very long time which contributed to her plumbing issues.
      However, that's IF the plumber story is even true. Ya never know with a liar like JW. Could be another made up emergency in an attempt to get donation $ to spend on her various extra curricular activities.

    3. I don't understand how heavy rains contribute to the plumbing / septic problem - isn't it a closed system? How is rain affecting it???

    4. Anon 2:39 wrote: "I think she posted about the repair purely for Shannon's benefit (i.e. I am getting off of my ass and finally getting the toilet/plumbing/septic repaired)."

      I agree. I haven't yet read back her tweets from more than a few days ago, but from what I did read, I got the feeling that everything she's tweeted about is false bravado about getting things done for once. Like she's trying to say something or prove something to Shannon, who smartly fled that shit show.

    5. Woe is Wog, yes heavy rains can affect septic systems. What happens is, the area around the drain field gets saturated with rain water, which makes it impossible for water to flow out of the septic system like it's supposed to. This can cause a backup.

  50. I thought y'all might appreciate the comment my wife made when I told her about the most recent CAF developments and how Shannon has now left. We were following her together back in 2009 - 2012 before my wife gave up in disgust.

    "Hey, do you remember Jenna and Cold Antler farm, and how her first girlfriend moved in last year?"
    "Well they broke up."
    "Of course. (sigh) Stupid bitch."

    I'm the delusional one in my household when it comes to CAF antics. Really, my wife has a much better read on people, and she wrote Jenna off nearly 10 years ago.

    This is just not going to have a good ending, but I do want to know how it ends.

    1. Your wife summed it up perfectly! Lol!

      I feel the same way. We have known for years that things won't end well but at the same time we want to know how the nightmare ends.
      I for one, hope that the animals currently living on the property are taken away from JW and given to new owners who will give them a much better life. As for JW, I see a cardboard box or a family member's basement in JW's future.

    2. Your wife is a smart one!

      I find it kinda funny that this breakup happened the same week Taylor Swift released a 10 minute version of a breakup song, lol. Saw her sing it on SNL. What are the odds?

  51. I grabbed a bunch of snippets from the bleg posts regarding toilet, pipes, septic.
    It's every winter, but here are 5 pages of highlights, concluding with when Shannon moved in:

    January 24, 2011 at 8:50 AM
    All animals were in the barn and coop as of bedtime, these walked out of a whole in the side of the barn on their own volition.

    the shower is backed up with two inches of standing water. we're beyond boiling water.
    TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 2011
    The pipes are un-froze but the drainage is still blocked and the septic guy who came by the farm yesterday said the proper fix would cost hundreds of dollars, so I'm waiting out the thaw and showering at the office before work.
    You want to know what the funnest part of cleaning out a shower filled with septic tank back up is? Here's the answer: none of it. Absolutely none of it was fun. I spent over an hour scooping, trashing, mopping, scrubbing, bleaching and trying to clean out the only bathroom shower this place has and I did it fighting back tears. This was the last thing I needed.

    Septic tanks are part of living in the country. They need care and upkeep just like any other working part of a farm. Mine was overdue for a checkup and this was my big fat reminder. I called the guys who pump out tanks and it looks like three hundred bucks till its all said and done. As far as home improvement bills it could be much worse, and that is the positive spin I hope to take on this lump of bad luck.

    I don't think I'll ever shower without flip flops again.

    1. Continued /2

      SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2017
      My truck still isn't running but that doesn't mean the farm doesn't need provisions - so I arranged for feed and hay deliveries and a friend drove me into the town of Shushan to get some heating oil for the furnace (which keeps the water heater happy). When I got home with the heating oil I saw 200lbs of feed in the back of the truck along with a 40lb bag of performance dog chow. I was grateful for Ron Decker and his local feed delivery service, and that I could just tape a check to the front door. A yellow hand-written receipt was in its place.

      I was in my basement restarting the furnace when I heard the cascading water start to pour above me. It was more confusing than anything else and I ran up the concrete steps from the basement to see what was happening. It wasn't the spring of trickling groundwater at all. It was the washing machine (which was turned off by the way) shaking and when I opened the lid I saw it was nearly filled to the brim with water?! I turned off the water to the machine. Thank the gods it instantly stopped. Why is my water haunted?!

      Thanks to the fine people of Twitter it was suggested that the valve froze open or was pushed open by other pipes that froze sending pressure through? I have no idea what caused it to happen but I was very grateful that I got there before my kiddie pool became a cistern. Now on top of all the other chores and stresses I had a washing machine to bail out and a room to heat up enough so it wouldn't freeze. I took a few deep breaths. I could hear the furnace heating the water and knew that problem was solved. I did that. Jenna from a decade ago could not do that. And the same gal who restarted a dead furnace could stop a water ghost.

      So I bailed out my washing machine and cursed a lot. I felt better.

      It was soon after that fresh hell that hay was delivered. While stacking the bales the farmer said in a nonchalant tone, "Hey, You wouldn't want a baby goat by chance, would you?" And without giving it any thought at all I said yes. So they drove back to their farm in town and returned with a week-old Nubian buckling that was dumped at their farm this morning by a local who pity-bought him at the Auction and wasn't allowed to keep him. I figured with everything going wrong I better accept the homeless goat of New Year's Eve the Universe was throwing at me. I needed the karma, if nothing else. He is all black save for white ears and nose, a reverse panda.

      So as I type I have a flooded mudroom, a possibly-ruined washing machine, a 56° house, a -13° night ahead, a dead truck, am low on firewood (thanks to extreme cold and two stoves running at once), AND Friday is in heat.

      But you know what? I have never felt more calm and capable with the problems being thrown at me. My animals are well. I have plenty of feed and hay. I have a living room that feels like a movie set with all the cages, baby chicks, perches, dogs, cats, and now goatling and I'm okay.

      This is my 8th winter on this farm. I know how to solve these things (or at least deal with them) and I know who to call if I don't. I have locals who know me and care about, friends a phone call away, and professionals who can repair the truck on a payment plan, deliver feed, get hay, or unload goats. And I am smiling right now knowing that soon as I post this I'll be sitting back with a goat in my lap drinking from a bottle and firelight keeping us warm enough to pass for comfort.

      It'll be okay. And if it won't be - at least there are baby goats.

      8AM Stats
      Outdoor Temp: -3° F
      Tonight's Low: -11° F
      Indoor Temp: 52° F
      Truck: Still won't start
      Pipes: Refroze again
      Toilet Bowl Water: liquid so far

      6PM Stats
      Outdoor Temp: 2° F
      Tonight's Low: -13° F
      Indoor Temp: 56° F
      Truck: Still won't start
      Pipes: Refroze again plus ground water eruption
      Toilet Bowl Water: liquid so far

    2. Continued /3

      THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 2018
      Dan the Plumber is here at the farm today. We're trying to get water back into the house. I'm checking in here quick since he just ran into town for parts. It's been two hours so far and while one of the four busted pipes has been repaired, we have more to go. Their position in the wall is tricky. I am really hoping that we can at least get water into the kitchen faucet. It's stressful and frustrating. I didn't realize the damage was this bad but I guess I should be grateful that a repairman is here and the water heater/furnace are okay. It could have been a lot worse. And it sounds like it was for a lot of people around here based on the stories he was telling me. At least I knew how to shut off water to my house when it came pouring out of the walls...
      FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 2019
      the dogs will be curled up with me in a backpacking sleeping bag on the daybed by the woodstove. I mean that. Friday literally climbs inside the bag with me and together we are a furnace regardless of how much ice may end up in the toilet bowl.
      WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 2019
      The bad news: the pipes that froze yesterday didn't thaw out despite the space heaters and two woodstoves. While trying to refill buckets to use to flush the toilet the cold water stopped working all together in the last faucet that worked and a pipe burst in the mudroom. I raced down to the basement to shut off water to the upstairs from the water heater and inspected the pipes.

      Here's some more good news: It looks like the pvc pipe that replaced the broken pipe from last January lost a fastener/connector and that is what caused it to explode open and break free from the replacement pipe. It wasn't a bursting of metal - but a blockage that caused enough backup to force the weakest point open. (Basically instead of a dam breaking, some asshole pulled out the stopper.) I am hoping to get on the phone with my plumber and find out what that piece is and if I can do it myself on Youtube before calling in hired help.

      SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 2019
      And flushing the toilet... The amount of rain water has either flooded my septic system to the point of super slow drainage or it is blocked. I need to call a plumber but I'm not doing that until I mail in my health insurance bill for the month. In the meantime there's a lot of peeing in the woods.
      THURSDAY, JULY 18, 2019
      A TOILET TO FLUSH! The plumbing was repaired yesterday by the fine people of Ed's Plumbing who arrived and got it sorted through the septic system yesterday between rainstorms.
      WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 2019

      FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2021

      Besides my running and the lack of a truck that does: mostly we are getting through a very hard winter. Hard in the way that the plumbing entirely stopped draining and it took 2 visits from a professional team of plumbers, my own work of digging out the septic tank from frozen ground, and a really hard thaw day to remove the clog. But now we have a shower again and that feels like a real lifestyle upgrade. Firewood and hay both also had to be bought in this month, that cost with the plumbing bill was a real smack to the moxie but I can’t tell you how much a hot shower helps you lick your wounds.

      FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2021

      Despite some hardships this old house always sets up: like frozen pipes and bad winter drainage (we do need a plumber for the drainage but I DID fix the burst pipe last week myself!) and weekends in deep cold mean adapting our routines and the house (like staying up all night with wood stoves and dripping pipes) but together we have made it.

    3. Thanks for taking the time to compile all that, WIW. It really shows that "pLuMBiNg aNd SEptiC pRobLemz" were a cash cow for her, donation wise.

      Especially the difference between 2019 (when it was supposedly fixed) and 2021 (when it supposedly broke again). What. A. Liar.

    4. Her whole life looks like a “lump of bad luck,” but it’s due to dumb decisions that only she is responsible for making. Like quitting her career to buy a fake farm etc…

  52. You can bet any talk of getting a job went out the door with Shannon.

  53. HOLY SHIT. Shannon bailed?!?!!!

    I know I shouldn't be surprised, but I kinda am. Cuz who leaves someone right before the holidays? Things must have been reeeaallly bad for that to happen.

    Were there any clues on Jenna's social media that this was coming?

    Does anyone remember what that deleted tweet said?

    And most importantly: Did Shannon take or leave that blue oversized bean bag chair???

    1. I’ll paraphrase it. The two deleted tweets said that Shannon couldn’t cope with winter weather, and stresses from her faux farm. Obviously, it’s all lies.

    2. And the “blue oversized bean bag chair” will probably be either discarded at the dump, for another fool to find, or repurposed as a dirty dog bed.

    3. Anon7 - Can't remember exactly but it was something like, "she found my life too stressful, winters too hard. She packed the car and took her cat...I loved her."

    4. I KNOW RIGHT!??? I wasn't expecting it to go down the way it did. I was wondering when you'd weigh in!

  54. OK...just got thru reading most of this thread and managed to respond to some comments despite my state of shock. But still just flummoxed as this seemed to come out of nowhere. Like, weren't there just some recent pics showing a content Shannon?

    It's like Jenna had Shannon fooled. But fooled until she wasn't.

    And again, it shouldn't have come as a shock, as we all have been commenting on how much work Shannon had done at CAF. Like she did EVERYTHING there according to Jenna's posts.

    So there's that, which would build animosity of course. But then something big must have happened. I wonder what?

    1. I think that it was likely a cumulative effect of living in her hovel for a year. Shannon also saw how lazy and immature Jenna is in reality. And there’s no denying that JW is an animal abuser and beggar.

  55. I wonder if the "friend of a friend" mentioned in the tweet about this friend finding the life too stressful wasn't Shannon after all. Isn't that the oldest trick in the book to use that term to get advice about one's self? In this case, validation for her "lifestyle".


    1. Jude. I think that makes sense!

  56. “Good morning from Cold Antler Farm. It's the eve of deer season and this mountain feels like a militia moved in. So many ATVS, people in full camp, trucks, blinds, my goodness. I'll be out there too at dawn, wish me luck!”

    The FFF hasn’t hunted with any success before, because she’s inept at everything that she tries. It’s all part of her public preening and posing as an inauthentic farmer.

    1. I’ve noticed that her hyperbolic bullshit isn’t fooling her followers as much now.

  57. I think that we need a new thread to continue our commenting on Shannon.

  58. who wants to bet she gets a deer this season? Doesn't have to be true but to prove to Shannon that she is oh so useful she will say it anyway. You know like see what you have missed from me Shannon? I am a feral hunter. yeah sure you are Marcia....


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