It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
And still a filthy feral farmer who is an animal abusing beggar.
ReplyDeleteStill fat
DeleteStill ugly.
Still alone.
Still posing.
Still stinky.
DeleteStill stubborn.
Still stuck in a rut.
Still a rotten “righter.”
And most of all: Still not an authentic farmer.
There haven't been any NEW photos of Gibson posted on social media since August 2021.
ReplyDeleteThere have been 8 new photos of Friday posted in just November 2021 alone.
Gibson is also FFF's current Twitter profile photo which feels, IMO, like it's in memoriam.
I think that he must be in very rough shape for her to not take any photos of him. It's possible he may have passed away but I can't imagine FFF not using his passing as a pity party opportunity.
The only reason she wouldn't announce his passing is if it was due to him not getting proper vet treatment or for some reason due to neglect. The same reasons she wouldn't post photos of him if he's very sick. She doesn't want anyone showing up to check on him.
She posted a photo of Gibson on instagram today with the caption "first snow" implying it was taken today.
DeleteI think it is from today, as the red barn in the background somehow looks like it's in worse shape. It's been looking ready to fall over since she bought the place, but since she has done nothing to it for the past 10 years, not even a coat of paint, the water damage has changed the planks of wood into different colours. There is a dark spot over the open door that looks like rot, and of course it looks like everything is rotting from the ground up.
DeleteSo yeah. Very possibly a today photo of Gibson.
I think the dog laying in the window with the cat nearby on the couch is either Friday or an older video.
DeleteIMO, regarding the pic of Gibson and the barn, the barn looks just like it did (just with less snow) in this blog post which is from 2018:
The pic of Gibson with the turkeys is 3 years old, according to FFF's tweet on twitter. I think that in both the photo of him in the snow with the barn in the background and the pic of him with the turkeys he is about the same age. Which makes sense that the turkey photo is 3 years old and the blog post pic where the barn looks the same is from 2018, also three years old.
I think Gibson is MIA.
There is a picture of Gibson and Shannon taken in October….
DeletePosted in october, who knows when it was taken. Shannon has lived there for at least a year.
DeleteWhat I find most suspicious is that Gibson is nowhere to be found in any of the recent photos of Friday.
Older photos always showed the two dogs together.
I lean towards Gibson being very sick, sick enough she doesn't want any photos of him on social media.
She would use his death as an opportunity to get sympathy unless he died in a horrific way that she couldn't possibly spin for her woe is me narrative.
Photo of Gibson posted on Twitter today.
DeletePosted today but who knows when it was taken.
DeleteGibson definitely needs a welfare check asap. He could be in bad shape and suffering while FFF drinks herself into a coma and watches GOT for the umpteenth time.
There is also a shadowy video of Gibson and a cat by the window while it's snowy outside. I think he's still alive at least.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn’t be surprised if the dog was dead. Cue the canine campaign for a new pricy puppy. She’s done this before with loans. JW has misappropriated funds that were donated to her for other purposes. Like fixing her faux farm’s infrastructure.
ReplyDeleteMy bet is that Gibson's still alive, but possibly not as energetic or photogenic and so he's moved to the bottom of the pile. Over the years, we've seen she has little empathy for animals - they exist to compliment her, make her feel "special" and relevant to social media. Gibson is older, and as I remember, has/had Lyme disease. Friday is probably easier to drag around for photos and also fits into the *laugh* grrrl narrative FFF now is pushing.
ReplyDeleteWe see her selfish behavior all the time with the animals. They are toys and props, hobbies to be picked up and discarded when she's bored. Guess it is Gibson's turn now. Sadly, her old horses must have some serious arthritis by now, and they receive minimal care. I genuinely feel sorry for them.
Since FFF is whining to her friends on an overtime basis, I hope they give her this advice: re-home the horses, sheep and pigs. Drop expenses and get a part time job. Use photos of other people's animals for IG cuteness - believe me, idiot followers won't care.
She can’t get rid of her pet props, because they’re photo ops for manipulative marketing.
DeleteI agree with every point, PDD
DeletePDD - Gibson not being photogenic is probably spot on. My cat that just passed, he was a hot furry mess. He stopped grooming himself over a year ago and was shaggy and had a few mats. He would NOT let me brush him. I was looking into a groomer to find out if they sedate animals like him but his health declined too rapidly.
DeleteAs for the horses, is there a point where a responsible owner will stop riding a horse, perhaps due to them being a certain age or other reason? Or will she just continue to let her and her friends ride them until they are showing obvious physical ailments?
“This morning I woke up to a wonderland of snow, enough to cover everything but not enough to make life difficult. The fire is roaring, the coffee is peppermint mocha, the animals are good, the vibes are cozy AF and I am going to bake some bread. Welcome Winter!”
ReplyDeleteThe hidden meaning is: “Look at me!!! Don’t you wish that your life was magical like mine?!” Wait for a few months, and then she’ll shift to “Winter’s Bottom 3.”
That’s what bothers me most, things are great, then terrible and have been all along.
DeleteThe message is “look at how special, unique, and better than yours my life is.” Then it’s “I’m a poor FARMER, help pay my mortgage!”
Hannah, more of her manipulation. To attract followers she opines how wonderful and magical life in the country can be - if only people follow her formula.
DeleteThen, pig shocker adds various mini crises to generate sympathy from the same followers. "Oh, no", we're supposed to think, "She's so close to achieving success, but only if we pitch in and send her money. "
Classic scam artist methodology. And she's been doing it for at least 10 years.
Was it Anon7 who described the way pig shocker words her stories to tether people to her potential, and thereby coerce them into $$$ donations and pity-buys??
PDD. I wrote the original comment. I think that it was Anon7, but others here have made similar statements.
DeleteThe "keeping people tethered to her potential" comment came from someone else here. I don't remember who (sorry!) but I thought it was a genius observation about her. And so true.
DeleteThere are right now so many Anons here, it's kinda hard to keep track of who is saying what and also difficult to know if you are talking to the same person you were commenting with before.
It would be super cool if some of you Anons adopted a fun moniker so we can tell who's who, for easier conversation. In the past there have been some real funny user names that we all got a kick out of!
Most of my anxiety comes when I’ve made poor financial choices. Serenity comes back when I get myself back on track. I’m guessing most of her anxiety is financial. A steady income would let her sleep at night but she’s the living embodiment of doing the same things over and over yet expecting different results.
ReplyDeleteShe’s the definition of a stupid person who refuses to change her life.
DeleteShe has a lot more than bad financial decisions that should keep her awake at night.
DeleteTen plus years of animal neglect and abuse doesn't bother her at all.
However, if she doesn't have extra money to indulge herself or if someone calls her an unattractive fat ass, she gets her shit stained granny panties in a wad every time.
If she had a conscience, she would have changed her abusive ways after the first animal welfare check.
The financial problems are mostly lies created to justify her begging.
Whenever she has an "emergency" she begs for money to cover it and magically has the money to cover it within a few days. Obviously, she has the money, she just wants to see how much money she can weasle out of other people. It's part of her whole "the world owes me" narrative.
Surrrrrre she sold the fox scribble for $275. That is hilarious!
ReplyDeleteFFF thinks that if she says someone paid that for one of her garbage drawings, the next fool will pay at least that for the next one. Delusional much?
“Sure, Jen.”
DeleteShe never posts pics as proof of anything. It’s all a bunch of bull.
DeleteUNPOPULAR OPINION: Gotta admit, that auctioned coyote painting is not bad. Is it worth $275? Hell no. And I'll bet more than half those "bids" were artificial and came from her. It's called "shill bidding" and people used to do it on eBay all the time back in the day.
DeleteBut that painted illustration would be great for a children's book. So why doesn't she pursue that type of career? It's honest work.
Pig Shocker: We know you read here. So take some advice and call some publishing companies, show them your portfolio, and try to get a real job as a children's book illustrator. It's something that you might actually be good at. And you'd still get to sit on your ass all day while you draw and paint while making a legitimate income! It's a win-win!! DO IT!!!
I wonder if Gibson was in an accident and that’s why she isn’t posting about him. I think if he was sick she would use that for pity, but if it were an accident, she would get blame.
ReplyDeleteSo yeah, photo of Gibson posted today. I agree with PDD that he is no longer photogenic and that's why he rarely shows up in photos until we notice.
ReplyDeleteNone of the photos posted of him are clear, they are all side views. Reminds me of hey photos of Merlin after the grey on his face clocked as bald patches in her terrible photos.
It is not that hard to take a decent photo, and given she claims her livlihood is social media, she should have taken some free online courses through her local library by now.
“Most weekend mornings I start the fire, make coffee, do the chores, and come inside to play World of Warcraft or watch TV. Sunday stuff.
ReplyDeleteI just wrote instead. I think I'm book pregnant.”
We “think” you’re stupid and a liar. You’re publishing poison now due to your rotten reputation.
“1,000+ words, taking a break and will go back for more.”
Delete“Sure, Jen.” No one cares, cunt.
Keep on writing, moron. No publisher worth their salt will touch a manuscript from someone who promised patrons to write and publish a book and instead took the $15,000 and waddled away.
Delete(I would have said took the money and ran but we all know that JW doesn't run. She just talks about it).
Anon 2:06: Good call on the Birchthorn fiasco and potential publishers giving her a hard pass. She clearly wasn't thinking of her future when she pulled that scam.
DeleteBook pregnant?!? That means that in addition to the book she's been trying to write for years, she's now gonna write about her great lesbian adventure and subsequent breakup? Gee, can't wait. Can't wait to hear about who's turn it was to feed the animals on that freezing ill-fated January morning. Or who's hairs were more responsible in clogging the shower drain. Where tha fcuks the popcorn?
“Today is all about Yuletide goodness! Friday brought home the pine boughs In Annie’s old harness Christmas tree.”
ReplyDeleteBut nothing about Gibson again.
He’s on Instagram, detective.
DeleteSounds personal "Hannah."
DeleteOnce again, it might be posted on Instagram but who knows when the photo was taken.
FFF hasn't included him in any recent photos of Friday which means it doesnt look good for Gibson.
FFF can post old photos all day long. She's been doing it for years.
Reminds me of when she kept posting old photos of her livestock when she most likely didn't have any livestock at the time. The loser has to keep up appearances and hope that her Foolowers are dumb enough to fall for it.
It’s not personal, “anonymous” it’s just that people like you make people with legitimate concerns appear kooky.
DeleteHannah. I wrote the original comment. It was my first one regarding Gibson. Several others here were wondering about him. (2:02 isn’t me, but I agree with what they wrote.) I’ve supported what you’ve said before, so your sudden snippy attitude is a surprise.
DeleteTwo different Anons posting, detective.
DeleteA dog that is MIA and lives with a psycho who has been investigated for animal abuse multiple times is a valid concern.
Whether "Hannah" thinks so or not.
We'll see what a welfare check comes up with.
If he's fine, fantastic.
After 10+ years of animals disappearing, it isn't difficult to see when FFF is hiding something.
I've lost count of how many animals have disappeared/died over the years and none of the deaths were due to old age. Not exactly a stellar record.
Okay. Check her Twitter, Gibson is there. Is that photo three years old, too? If you want to spend your energy doing this and give her something to feel victorious about, who am I to stop you?
DeleteVictorious? That's hilarious!
DeleteAnon 2:59, I agree.
DeleteEveryone who supports FFF and pretends to go along with the comments on this site, eventually show their true colors.
Nobody is supporting the FFF here. Whenever someone doesn’t quite agree with you, you accuse them of being JW or a supporter. Why can’t you just accept that different people are going to have different opinions? We all have one purpose here, but we might see things differently.
DeleteActing cunty to Anon 10:06 for posting a FACT that Gibson wasn't mentioned in a recent tweet and disagreeing are two different things. That tweet was very black and white.
DeleteAnon 10:06 simply stated that Gibson wasn't mentioned. Which he wasn't.
Replying with "He's on Instagram, detective," didn't even make sense.
What does Instagram have to do with not mentioning Gibson in a tweet?
Obviously the reply was just pushing the "there's nothing to see here" narrative about Gibson.
Jenna has painted herself into a corner because if she posts any current photos of her animals, she knows she runs the risk of being reported for animal abuse/neglect. Yet, her social media gets boring really quick when the “farmer” doesn’t show any of her farm!
ReplyDeleteShe usually works around this by posting old photos and extreme closeup photos.
I agree. She's been doing it for years.
DeleteHad she not posted so many recent photos of Friday without Gibson, it might not have been so glaringly obvious. Once again, FFF pretty much reports herself by being an idiot.
She's hard up for that adrenaline rush of getting likes and comments on social media and doesn't stop to think what she is portraying to everyone.
The various recent photos of Friday (there's at least eight recent photos) including Friday in her hoody, Friday sleeping in the living room by herself, Friday sleeping with The Beast, Friday outside in the recent snow, etc. All photos without Gibson anywhere to be seen.
Compared to earlier photos with Gibson and Friday always together and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what she's hiding.
When someone does a welfare check, they will ask for vet records if he passed away or if he's sick. Who wants to bet there won't be any?
Only FFF would strap a harness to her dog to "bring home pine boughs." I guess her fat ass couldn't manage to carry it from the car?
ReplyDeleteI'm shocked she didn't make Merlin drag it across the yard.
I wouldn't be surprised if that's an old photo. I also wouldn't be surprised if Friday has had the green coat since last year and FFF didn't want to show that she was wasting donation money meant for mortgage payments during a pandemic on things like a dog coat.
Anon 4:53 pm, lol, talk about a curated photo. Judging by all the trampled-down snow, poor Friday must have been told to SIT, DAMMIT, so she could pretend the dog dragged in the handful of pine boughs. It took more time to rig a "harness and lead" than it would have taken to carry the armful of greens to the house.
DeleteBtw, the dog looks at her with a WTF expression. Gibson in the background wants to leave.
What a poser 😂
So both here and on the other thread I saw mention of a car she bought. What kind of car? And what happened to that truck she bought?
DeleteI just checked out the blog and noticed the mention of a car, too (along with the health insurance). What car?
DeleteShe’ll probably say that her car was “found at the dump” again.
DeleteJenna mentions in her coldantlerfarmny website "Dispatches" for November that she got a small loan to buy a car. (After Shannon took off.) Seems she can get off her ass if she is forced to. Maybe the loan was from Patty? And she mentions she signed up for healthcare to start in the new year.
DeleteShe talks in her Dispatches from summer about how old Merlin is. He was 16 when she got him 10 years ago. That she can't ride him all that much. That he is going to have to be retired out to pasture one day soon. Is she going to keep that expensive to feed horse when she is so broke all the time? I love horses, but..... the cost of hay etc.
The Pig Shocker's tweets have taken on a different tone since Shannon fled. From what she writes about, I'm getting a sense that she's trying to prove that everything's OK (i.e. I'm doing just FINE without you!) as if she imagines that Shannon is lurking to see what she's up to.
ReplyDeleteAlso, she is now all the sudden mentioning Patty again? For over a year she's barely tweeted anything about Patty, but now that her girlfriend bailed she needs someone to talk to/sponge off of. How opportunistic.
And she has a Venmo now? Is this just for donations? What is the problem with PayPal?
Their breakup: I think it was Shannon's birthday cake that was the last straw for her. It was obvious that Shannon was doing most ALL of the work there, including coming up with feed innovations, fixing infrastructure/fences, and even taking time to create/paint that rainbow garden fence. Cooking, cleaning, and mending clothes too.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, Jenna's tweets indicated that she mostly sat on her ass doing pet portraits and only got up to take pics of all Shannon's hard work to post online. At least that's the feeling I got reading all that she tweeted in the time they were together. Plus you have Jenna's inability to get a real job. And as others pointed out on the last thread, they were using Shannon's car, her phone, her gas, etc. Eating the fruits of her garden...and probably making her pay half the expenses too.
All the while she see's Jenna still begging online and not doing much for an income except spamming Twitter with her crappy sales. And then she presents Shannon on her birthday with a fancy-ass cake that had to have cost at least $100. Money they can't afford to fritter away, especially given how they were always somehow behind on the mortgage every. Single. Damn. Month.
So what happens a week or two later? Shannon flees. I'll bet it was a big dramatic fight too. And the cake was the catalyst for much needed change in Shannon's life, finances, happiness...and to give her olfactory nerve a chance to recover. Permanently.
I agree the combination of the birthday cake and the lack of any job / refusal to work jobs she could actually get was the last straw. I think the truck purchase the Shannon who seems to have a practical risk aversion. I think buying the truck was a big red flag, they had a few come to Jesus conversations about reasonable expectations in a partnership, and the cake was the kicker.
DeleteThe cake was an appeasement / appeal to Shannon to try and live bomb her and reel her back in. But to Shannon it would be a also in the face. Posts about mortgage being paid late and then a store bought cake?
Why the f did Jenna not simply BAKE A CAKE?? The homesteading queen missed that golden content creation opportunity?
So yeah, I think that moment Shannon knew she had to have an untimatum conversation with Jenna that likely would end the relationship.
Of course she didn't want to do that on her birthday, or until she had made plans to have a place to land.
Shannon changed everything about her life to live with Jenna, but Jenna refused to change anything to stay with Shannon.
I'm relieved for Shannon that she got out of there, but sad too, because she was a good egg, and the whole CAF stoey could have pivoted in a more positive direction with her there.... But not while Jenna is steering straight towards destruction.
How long before Jenna buys another puppy, do you think?
So many typos sorry.
DeleteAnon 7 and WIW I agree. I think it was a culmination of a lot of stuff and it could have been something little that was the last straw.
Delete“Logos are on sale right now if you want to give one for the holidays! $50 off! Which means you can get a custom logo design gift certificate for $150 and that includes unlimited revisions until you are happy. Logos can begin design work in Mid Jan! DM for more details!”
ReplyDeleteHere’s her usual manipulative marketing technique of people must wait to have work done. The FFF is SO busy that her lousy logos are in high demand. And she’s still not directing anyone to the site that Shannon helped create. That’s very unprofessional, and also a way of avoiding taxes, plus too much scrutiny. What a “scrappy” scammer.
yep, here we go with her selling services far in advance of being able to deliver them. She'll spend that money long before she starts on their product.
DeleteWiW. Which is why what she’s doing I’d consider criminal behavior.
DeleteAnon 12:21
DeleteI consider it criminal behavior too.
In the eyes of the law, if people are dumb enough, to not do their due diligence by giving FFF's name a goog and decide to pay her ahead of time, it's most likely not against the law to accept payment in advance. However, ghosting people after they pay or not sending the item within the the promised time period is considered illegal. That can be reported as fraud.
There's a link on the previous thread that people can use to report her.
The site would probably crash if everyone who has been screwed over by her used the site to report her.
Over the course of ten years, I can't imagine how many people have been scammed. I would bet there's more victims than satisfied customers for sure.
Anon 10:24 wrote: "And she’s still not directing anyone to the [logo] site that Shannon helped create."
DeleteDefinitely agree she is trying to avoid taxes. And perhaps also trying to avoid signing a legal business contact for logo commissions.
On Twitter she squeals "Unlimited revisions until you are happy" -- But what if she gets a super picky customer who is not happy with her work/revisions? No contract, no problem...she can tell them to pound sand and they probably won't be able to do anything about it.
“Good morning from Cold Antler Farm. Living up to her name, this farm.”
ReplyDeleteIt should read as “This farm is living up to its name.”
Pieces of property aren’t labeled either he or she. And her stupid sentence sounds like an asinine attempt at ESL, not something written by a native speaker born in Pennsylvania.
DeleteDid she change the name to Animals Are Dying To Get Away From Me farm?
DeleteMore like its living up to its reputation.
The same reputation Big Girl has had for years- work refusing, money begging, customer scamming, animal neglecting, no girlfriend keeping, garbage writing, farm faking, shitty car owning, substance abusing, teeth rotting, fat ass.
“I learned today that once you memorize the bridge to Death by a Thousand Cuts you never forget it. That shit came right back to me in the car.”
ReplyDeleteToo bad that she doesn’t get that no one gives a “shit” about the boring details of her “dumb little life.” She’s shouting into the void trying to get attention for doing nothing but breathing.
These updates are all in the line of "look I'm fine without you" and also "you let your worries drive you from me, come back, I'm fine!"
DeleteLook I'm decorating the house with lights and pine boughs.
Look I have health insurance and a car (as though that indicates I have my shit together).
Look I'm singing in the car.
Look I have firewood and hay iN aBuNdAnCe.
Look I feel warm and safe (not stressed and terrified, it's fine here I promise, come baaaaaaaaack).
"Things could be a lot worse. And they aren't."
You nailed it, WIW. I'm still trying to come up with a name other than Anon. I do agree too many anons are confusing. So far today I only had time to consider for half a second "Stained Granny Pants," but that was too much--even for me.
DeleteHa ha Anon 7:51. Yeah, that's why I settled on a handle finally, because my comments were getting mixed into all the other anons.
DeleteHere's a couple of suggestions:
Lie Like Fiction
Fibbin' Swiftie
Poops In My Backyard
Pipes Done Froze
Our Lady of Perpetual Root Canals
Tardy Mortgage
Door Wolves
Oh I want to change the last suggestion to:
DeleteDing Dong Door Wolves
Life o' Lies (conveniently shortens to LOL)
ReplyDeleteWiW, I LOVE Tardy Mortgage and Pipes Done Froze.
How about
Liza Lot
Game of Scams
Wogs to Riches
PayPal Pretender
Flim Flam Farmer
Game of Scams 😂
DeleteLMAO at Game of Scams :D
Delete“It only took me a decade to learn how to use my woodstove but I finally realized how hot it SHOULD be to heat a home, and I haven't been stoking it with coals correctly and now in a few hours this house is 70 degrees and it's a GAME CHANGER”
ReplyDeleteWhat an incompetent cunt. Her new stupid overused phrase is game changer.
Sounds to me like she is stealing Shannon's thunder. Like, it really took her a DECADE to learn -- coincidentally at the same exact time Shannon was there and literally running that whole place?
DeleteAnd she used the phrase "GAME CHANGER" again. Yep, Shannon is the one who taught the feral CAFidiot how to properly use the wood stove. And she was the only one on that feed lot who had any farm/homestead know-how. And now she is gone. Good job, Pig Shocker. Hope the animals survive.
“Also, 6 soap orders went out to the post yesterday and I am almost done with current orders.”
ReplyDeleteIt looks like “Big Mama” is trying to appear like a busy little beaver. What a winner!!’
DeleteWinner winner, NO chicken dinner made by Shannon, you lazy grifter.
Delete“Some happy news! Yesterday I mailed in my first-ever artist's grant application with a local arts council. If I am awarded a grant I will be paid to create original bird illustrations for a small gallery show with a local bakery and sell originals and prints! Wish me luck!”
ReplyDeleteWe wish you the misfortune that you deserve, twat. I hope that they see what a stupid scammer you are. Your rotten reputation is known by locals.
DeleteI just sent them information with a warning about JW. You might consider doing the same.
We just sent one too. If enough people do it then they’ll pay attention. “ Where there’s smoke…”
DeleteHit her hard where it hurts: money. Why should she benefit from a grant after ripping people off for years?
Delete“Things are looking up around here, Q!”
DeleteShe’s really trying to paint the picture that her faux farm is just great since Shannon dumped her fat ass. Give her a few more months of battling winter weather without another pair of hands, and the extra income that person contributed. JW will be back to whining, and begging for more free funds.
Those people in the Twitterverse can see by her constant flip flopping of "woe is me vs my life is great" that she is coo coo for cocoa puffs.
DeleteHow her ex girlfriend put up with it as long as she did is beyond me.
Hopefully the ex's reputation hasn't been damaged beyond repair because of it. Hopefully JW doesn't imply (unknown to the ex) that the ex was involved in any of her scamming or animal neglect.
It would be hard to argue that the ex had no knowledge while living with FFF but FFF has been manipulating people for years and knows how to scheme and hide what she's doing.
If there's any chance of that, I hope the ex gets out in front of it by reporting FFF therefore showing that she did not cosign any of FFF's criminal behaviors.
She should just legally change her name at this point, as anyone with a brain can DuckDuckGo her and find the scammy animal abusing reputation she's earned.
DeleteShe can barely spell her current name. Learning how to spell a new one could take years...
DeleteIt would have to be something very simple and very easy to spell, like
Ima Cunt.
After several (dozen) writing and spelling lessons and a year or two of practicing it and Big Girl should be good to go!
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteCan anyone give a tutorial on adding a name to comment with? Anon in GA
ReplyDeleteYou need to create a Gmail account. Just sign up for an email account. It doesn't matter what the email address is.
DeleteEasiest way to create a profile here:
While you are signed in to your new email account, open a new tab and come to this site to post a comment.
Where it says "reply as" select "google account"
It should offer you the google account that is already open in your browser, but it also may bring you to a pop up bubble asking you to sign in again.
Once you posted your first comment you can click on it to change your posting name and photo, or you can do that in the email account you set up.
You don’t have to get a Google account to use a name like I did above. You just click
Deleteon Name/URL in the drop down choices, and then put it whatever you want to.
Your suggestion worked! Thanks for the idea.
Deleteaka PDD
PDD. You’re welcome. I learned that option by experimenting. BTW: I’m Big Mama, and just tried another new name.
DeleteThanks for both of the explanations.
DeleteOMG, these new names are awesome!!
DeleteSpeaking of Winter's Bottom, will 2021/2022 be WB #3 or WB #4? I kinda lost track.
Anon7. I believe that it’s WB#3 since she started using that stupid label.
DeleteThis may be a highly UNPOPULAR opinion, but I'm not going to contact the local arts council about pig shocker. It's one thing to notify animal authorities / hawk license authorities if animals are being harmed or used in unauthorized ways - I think that's legit. And I totally support doing almost anything to move FFF away from animal husbandry because she's so bad at it.
ReplyDeleteLet her do crap art, mediocre logos and melt-n-pour soap all day long. She's not harming animals. If she wants to move away from animals, I say go for it.
Lousy, overpriced art is between buyer and seller - and art is in the eye of the beholder. If someone doesn't get their delivery on time (scammed), that's bad. They must create a fraud report. If she doesn't deliver to the local arts council, you can bet her name will be tarnished in that community.
Members of the arts council with local grant money will make up their own minds. When the time comes, I sincerely hope they select wisely and give money to a more deserving person. They'll have to do their own due diligence.
I appreciate your viewpoint. But I’ve contacted the council regarding giving her a grant. Frankly, she doesn’t deserve it.
DeletePDD, I agree with you. Who cares if people buy her art. She would be better off being an artist than a pretend farmer. I like dealing with facts and in my opinion some anonymous posters are making a lot of assumptions based on their feelings , not evidence. The name calling is once again hateful and makes this site sound a little crazy. Now go ahead and call me a Jenna for having a different opinion.
Anon 11:08 I totally get it - for my part, I choose to focus my direct contacts for environmental, animal and falconry issues.
DeleteHer reputation isn't good, and she's not the sort of person I would want associated with my business or organization. Cambridge art council will hopefully do their due diligence.
Btw, I often wondered how her former roommate handled FFF's awful online reputation. After all, JJ offered graphics design services to larger businesses. Any contracts manager would think twice about hiring a designer whose partner publicly admitted to poor judgment, significant financial problems, animal neglect, substance abuse and misrepresentations.
Businesses are risk-adverse and hiring a subcontractor who lives with a person who exhibits risky behavior is not what they do. Perhaps this was another reason for the breakup.
Thanks to Big Mama for explaining the name/url function. I had no idea.
DeleteAnon 11:08, I respect you for taking a stand.
Someone who bilked money from Kickstarter patrons shouldn't be given a grant. There's too many great artists out there who don't use other people just for their money and then screw those people by not giving them the product they were promised.
The council should see the Kickstarter page and how many people weren't satisfied. As well as the Pig Shocking blog post and the ones about her being "livid" for being investigated for animal neglect.
I doubt that is the sort of person that they would want their organization associated with and rightfully so.
PDD, I always enjoy your comments and that when you disagree you are still respectful.
DeleteAll commenters should look at you as a good example of how to have varying opinions while not stooping to the low of being cunty to fellow commenters.
Those who are here to push the JW agenda seldom have the chops to have a productive conversation.
It's a stark contrast to those who are here to get the word out about JW and the animal neglect/abuse happenings on her property and the years of scamming.
Agree with PDD. Report any and all animal welfare concerns.
DeleteAnd let her customers deal with bloody eyeballs from viewing her art.
I agree, PDD. I won't be sending any emails either. These grant councils are sometimes mandated to distribute a certain $$$ amount of grants, and have to choose between the people who actually apply. They might have other criteria as well, like whether or not the artist has received the grant before. It's slim pickin' some years.
DeleteIf FFF gets a grant, whatever. She'll blow it on some internet impulse purchase and it'll be gone before the mechanic storing her truck can say "what's up?"
An artist's grant is dispersed not on merit necessarily, but whether the applicant meets certain criteria. It's not going to be a long term solution for her, and it's not likely to be much money or for long.
If she gets the grant and doesn't pony up the goods, well then she'll never get the grant ever again. I really don't care. Similarly, I don't really care that people buy her arts n crafts. If they find value in it, that's subjective and their prerogative. If she was still pissing people off we'd see them tweeting at her about their pig shares or missing soap. We don't see those tweets when we search on twitter (they'd show up even if FFF blocked them) so I don't think she's failing to deliver goods *right now*.
Without Shannon there to keep her on schedule / routine, we could see her complaining about customer complaints again, but that's on them for not doing a simple google before ordering from her.
Like PDD, I care more about whether the animals are getting adequate care, and that the grant council will decide for themselves.
I'm also not willing to give FFF any more reason to view herself as a victim of trolls, instead of her own choices.
FFFSS, thank you for the kind remark. I have great respect for people on this site, many of whom were trying to educate or warn others about FFF long before I showed up. Shamsters are the best!
DeleteWe're here for the same reason and we're on the same team. Pfft - so we communicate differently; that's human nature. You're each part of my online family and if your comments are pointed or a little spicy, they're still worthwhile.
Even FFF is weirdly welcome IMHO. The majority of us (I think) would love for her to pull herself up by the scruff of the neck, work smarter, save money, get on firmer financial footing, re-home the animals, and please quit the ongoing lies and embellishments used to extract cash from good-natured people.
Wow, PDD, you are a class act, welcoming FFF here. You are right - we would love to see the FFF get a full time job, re-home the animals and stop depending on others to fund her lifestyle.
DeleteAnd I also like how you are willing to agree to disagree. I think the "spicy" language actually backfires, making FFF seem like the victim, but that is my opinion and I respect you for respecting it.
The only thing that backfires is when people post criticism on here of anyone who criticizes JW.
DeleteThe whole point of this site was/is to spread the word about the fake "farmer" who neglects her animals and scams people for a living. Some like to go into further detail about her and it is what it is.
After so many years of her scamming enough money to keep her head above water (which in turn gives her the opportunity to own the animals and continue to neglect them) she has opened herself up to much worse criticism than what is posted on here.
Neglect your animals for over ten years, including the ones she traps for "conservation" who have died under her care, and the very least that I will call Big Girl is a fat ass.
PDD, I think most of not all of us started out as Jenna fans and want to see her turn things around.
DeleteShannon bailing was a not unexpected disappointment, in line with 10 years of disappointing outcomes.
If FFF was incapable of change, I don't think I'd be as interested in what is going on with her. As I believe, where there is life there is hope. We'll see what happens next.
In my opinion she’s a fat, ugly scamming cunt. And I’ll call her one. If that offends anyone then so be it. She’s been getting away with ripping people off for over a decade. JW is a garbage human.
ReplyDeleteIt says more about you that the worst thing you can think to say here is misogynistic, fat-phobic, discriminatory word trash.
DeleteWhatever. Everything that comes out of her fake fat face is “word trash.” And I’m SO upset about a stupid stranger’s opinion. GFY.
DeleteFilthyFF, I am lmao! Perfect way to describe that jackass!
DeleteShe is beyond garbage and hates when anyone tells the truth about her.
The only thing that ever bothers her is when people tell the truth about her being a hideous looking, fat ass.
Anyone who claims to do the amount of physical activity that she has claimed to do for the past ten years, sure as hell doesnt look like THAT.
Hell, if she only took care of her horses and livestock the way they should be taken care of she would be in decent shape, just from that alone.
Instead, she does the bare minimum and spends the majority of her time on social media while drinking a week's worth of (what would be for most people) normal daily caloric intake.
Want to neglect your animals and be a fat ass? Follow the JW Trough Eating and Drinking plan.
If there were feed buckets for people, she would have one with Taylor Swift plastered all over it strapped to her face 24/7.
High five and keep speaking that truth FilthyFF!
Anonymous 3:48. Thanks! I appreciate your response. I’m not going to coddle that cunt with politically correct lingo. She doesn’t deserve any respect. I’m neither an enabler nor supporter of stupidity. Your comment also
Deletecracked me up.
to excuse your own verbal diarrhea as other people's problems being "politically correct."
DeleteYour shit-talk is as weak as FFF's sales pitch.
I'm not offended. You're the one wallowing in filth here, by choice.
Also, SMD.
Typical of you. You’re probably also Whatever. “Sticks & stones…” Boo fucking hoo.
DeleteYour sour puss face is too pinched to suck a fart out of my hairy starfish -- which I'm sure you'd love to do.
DeleteFilthyFF you struck a nerve lol!
DeleteYou can call Big Girl an animal abuser all day long and it doesn't bother her at all.
But call her a fat ass and Big Girl goes onto a thunderous tizzy.
But that's to be expected from a drunk who spends her days and nights knee deep in a bottle of of cheap whiskey. So much so she can't be trusted to feed her animals or keep their pens cleaned.
Big Girl has to know that everyone on social media knows she's completely full of shit about "running" and doing any sort of labor on her property from hell. Which would be why her tweets and posts rarely get any likes or comments. Everyone has her animal abusing, scamming, fat ass on mute!
All of the recent work on the property was done by the ex girlfriend before she grabbed the cat and squealed out of the driveway far away from Big Girl and her nightmare of a life.
How many photos are there of The Beast working around her place that were taken by the ex? A big fat zero. lolololol
OOOOOO my! We've got a chubby chaser! You'd love to get up in that fat ass! ��
DeleteI got you, twat-obsessed fat-fetishist. ��
DeleteMy recommendations is that Fat Ass (lol) should create a profile on a dating app for blind people asap. Maybe then she would have half a chance of manipulating someone into dating her. When the date asks Fat Ass what smells so bad Fat Ass can lie and say they are standing outside near animal manure. When really the stench is because Fat Ass has her pants off.
DeleteFor extra funsies they could play a game called Pig Shit or JW's Snatch. The vision impaired date loses either way.
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DeletePDD Here
ReplyDeleteLol, Shamsters, I guarantee if we were out having drinks and the subject of FFF came up, I'd spew serious cussing, many spicy words and a lot of laughs.
Carry on, my friends!
And I’d join in!
DeleteAs would I!
DeletePDD so many shamsters crack me up! Most have great senses of humor.
DeletePlay It Again Fat Ass reminds me of FFF "jamming" at the bar on her "fiddle." Talk about sounding like a dying animal. I'm sure her neighbors don't know if another animal is being tortured next door or if Big Girl (that nickname is hilarious) is practicing her "fiddle."
Does anyone have the link to that ear piercing performance?
I don't know what's worse, her fiddle playing or her face!
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DeleteLooks like someone let the Beast out of her cage!
DeleteSpeaking of spreading cheeks, I bet the ex girlfriend has found herself some hot bitches who are much better at cheek spreading than Fat Ass ever was!
The ex was hot (much too hot for that troll)!
The amount of acting it must have taken for the ex girlfriend to fake a tiny amount of pleasure with Fat Ass should have earned the ex an oscar!
Or a combat medal at the very least...
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DeleteLooks like the girlfriend left and now animal abusing man hands needs some attention. At least HD can pass on her IP addy and give her the proper attention that she deserves. WGAFA, I bet Shannon has already found a few women who have jobs, don't smell of failure and lack of personal hygiene and are fantastic in bed. Shannon probably tells the new ones all about the old one who flopped around like a dying fish. Then they probably cry from laughing so hard.
ReplyDeleteThe Anons are on fire tonight!
DeleteI love a good laugh!
Only Big Girl would be dumb enough to post trolling comments on a site that she claims is harrassing her!
Apparently she doesn't understand how IP addresses work. Lmao!
No one on here would ever post a trolling comment on her blog. We don't have to seek her out. Instead she comes here and harrasses us.
Big Girl has all of three readers who are only reading her blog posts because it's like a car accident. It's hard to look away from the constant shit show. It's like the documentary about the inbred family. Gross but you can't help but watch it for a few minutes.
I wonder if she's related to the inbred family? She looks just like one of the women.
Maybe they have a daddy brother in common somewhere on the single branch of her family tree.
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DeleteWGAFA, yes she most definitely is a moron.
DeleteDaddy Brother cracked me up!
That is one scary documentary.
What's even funnier than Daddy Brother is that she really does look like a couple of them.
(Queue the banjo music)!
Clearly, I’m not the only one here who loathes JW, and aren’t afraid to express their disdain. You folks were on fire. Thanks for making my morning fun. I almost spewed my cup of coffee!
ReplyDeleteLol! FFF had all day to think of replies and instead came up with some of the lamest ever posted on here.
DeleteIt shows with the ex gone, she doesn't have anything better to do than play online while drunk (or methed out).
It also shows that she isn't spending the amount of time with the animals that are required to give them decent care.
She used the animals as an excuse not to work years ago.
Now she keeps getting investigated for neglecting them.
The ex got out while the getting was good and for good reason.
Gibson is probably wasting away in the corner while FFF hunts and pecks at the keyboard all night. Pathetic.
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Delete“Hey there! Anyone on here use a peloton, mirror, nordictrack - any of those fitness devices paired with apps? I am writing an article on them and wanted to ask a few quick interview questions (can be entirely anonymous!)”
ReplyDeleteI hate her condescending “Hey there!” It’s obvious by her obese body that JW doesn’t use any of the above fitness machines. What’s happened to her stupid “5K runs” that she obnoxiously bragged about for months? Guess that it’s time for her to “hibernate, eat cheese, drink bourbon, and watch GOT reruns” for the tenth time. Shannon is probably elated that she’s done with the drama and trauma of living with a lazy loser.
What Mickey Mouse publication would ask that land monster to write about fitness equipment?
DeleteNow if they asked her to write about people badly in need of a tummy tuck but can't afford it- she's their girl.
Laughing out loud at “land monster.” Remember how her nasty nickname in high school was “the beast”?
DeleteAnon 6:03, yes!
DeleteI remember cracking up when I first read about her high school nickname "the Beast."
They couldn't have described her more perfectly.
She has spent the rest of her life, so far, living up to it.
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Delete“I have one, maybe two spots open to create an original 8x10" canvas piece like this if anyone is interested? Pick an animal you want running through the forest with a lantern, or an animal illustration of your own choosing! Can ship one before Xmas!”
ReplyDeleteShe’s hoping that more fools will bid on her stupid scribbles. Supposedly, the coyote crap piece sold for $250+. What a bunch of bull. I wouldn’t waste any money on her art. There are so many more talented people who aren’t animal abusing scammers.
Any soap makers here? She has a link to order soap (still have to send a message though). But she describes her process and not only is it incorrect as described, but dangerous. First, she calls it hot processed. It is not. Then she says the oils are poured into the milk/lye mixture. All my reading and experimental soap making has said NEVER pour anything into the lye, you always pour the lye mix into the oils or you risk splashing and burns. I think a lot of people are right; she's doing melt and pour because she can't even describe the process correctly.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely melt and pour. As usual, don't follow her instructions - she knows not what she's talking about.
DeleteA friend bought her soap once, and said that it didn’t last long. She also mentioned that the scents smelled cheap. What a shock. Not.
Delete“a half dozen bars ships anywhere in the US, and the sale helps keep this place solvent. Get a great gift and support a female farmer trying her best!”
ReplyDeleteHere she goes again. Her faux, failed farm hasn’t been “solvent” in over a decade by her own admission. Using the pathetic plea of “support a female farmer doing her best!” is a complete crock of crap. JW is a lazy loser who leeches off people for free funds.
Correction: “trying her best” not doing. Which would be obvious by her constant scrambling to make her mortgage payment on time, and not be a month behind.
DeleteIt’s ironic how she wants to come across as a success story, but always misses the mark with her whining. She can’t have it both ways.
DeleteHere’s the issue. One can’t be both victim and victor either at the same time, or when it’s convenient for public person posing.
DeleteAnons, that's the conundrum. To be successful in vlogging, blogging or writing, one must be honest with the audience. Every discussion of social media success stresses the need for integrity and honesty, and sadly, she's almost always dishonest.
DeleteShe cannot be an animal lover if she callously leaves a "beloved" sheep left to die in wheelbarrow.
She cannot be a chicken expert if 50% die from neglect, predation or freezing because she couldn't be bothered to put them in their coop on a cold night.
She cannot claim to be the person who would survive a zombie apocalypse if she cannot successfully hunt, can't cut wood and cannot figure out how a woodstove efficiently works.
She cannot seriously present herself as the real-life heroine of her fantasy world if she literally needs everyone else to fix her problems.
She cannot portray herself as a strong, successful woman whilst repeatedly posting immature and tearful posts with her as a continual victim of an unfair world.
Her behavior creates a huge disconnect and it all but guarantees readers cannot trust what she shares, and so they won't stick around.
What she is - a nearly 40-year old woman who chased the dream of a rural lifestyle, penned a handful of rural living homages, but discovered the dream was more appealing than its reality. Her interest in farming waned a long time ago. Her roommate accomplished more in a year that FFF did in 10 years. If she can find the courage, it's time to give up the animals and try a new adventure. If she's honest with herself on such a journey, that would be worth a read.
Whew. Someone sane is commenting again. The past several days some of the responses have bordered on psychotic. That was well-put. I appreciate your thoughtful response. JW refuses to even learn how to use a chainsaw, because it’s “too terrifying!” So she continues to rely on people like Pember Patty, and her former pagan group, to do her own work. She wants to be the fierce and feral warrior woman with a bow on her horse, like the posed pic, but in reality is a scared, arrested development teenager. Her whole life is lies.
Delete11:14. It’s like the inmates temporarily took over the asylum with crazy comments.
DeleteThough it seemed the following week after the breakup, Jenna posted on instagram about changing the ending to her last book. She wasted no time in writing Shannon out of her life.
DeleteIt's such a shame she couldn't work it out with her.
I wonder who will be the next ex-CAF?
Anon 1:08 I think her anti-success story was blown out of the water by that old "I made it" thread on the reddit forum "get motivated".
WiW. That particular post on Reddit, and the other one which was related are good examples of what a fraud the FFF is.
DeleteHere’s the other one:
“Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! Shares of heritage pork are almost sold out for 2022! If you'd like a 1/4 or 1/2 pig for next winter check out or DM! My prices INCLUDE butchering, smoking, & boxing. All you need to do is come pick up your frozen share!”
ReplyDeleteShe’s already trying to sell shares from pigs that might not even be born yet. And she wants money up front for meat that won’t be available until “next winter.” There’s also no pics as proof that the shares are sold out. She’s faking a feeling of urgency. This is why we’re here. JW is an unethical, scamming cunt.
Pig shares are one of the few things that bring in more than $100 / person. I don't think she's tried to sell pork shares since before Shannon moved in, though I could be wrong.
DeleteI do recall she'd try and sell pork shares every few months in the years before Shannon.
Without Shannon's financial contribution, and while claiming to be behind on the mortgage before Shannon left, she'll be selling pork shares into 2023 in no time.
Didn’t she do the same sell in advance crap with wool shares years ago?
DeleteAnon 4:39
DeleteYes she did, without ever having harvested wool from the sheep before. She literally pre-sold wool she had no idea about.
People who sell fiber tend to take better care of the coats than Jenna did - some will even put light slick jackets on the animals so that the fiber is protected from dirt and straw.
Most also have a processor they can send the wool out to, because processing the wool by hand is a massive, labor-intensive pain in the ass.
My understanding of what happened is Jenna did not even test-run her wool process before selling shares. She assumed the external processor would be able to make the wool usable, regardless of the condition it arrived in.
You also need an experienced shearer to get wool that is appropriate for spinning yarn. I don't think Jenna got a shearer (or maybe she tried shearing them herself??? people go to college to learn how to shear so I hope not.) A shearer who is not experienced in specifically shearing sheep for fleeces to be used would be shearing the sheep for hygiene only, and would not be taking the time and care to ensure each pass of the shears did not overlap with an area that had already been cut, thus creating a lot of smaller cut fibers mixed into the longer hairs, which would cause the whole thing to felt.
Experienced shearers travel to do this for a living. (I follow one on tictok!) they aren't cheap, but they produce excellent fleeces.
Whatever product Jenna sent to the processors the processor either rejected right away, or was not able to produce a usable fiber from the product she provided.
Money of course was spent, no refunds, sorry folks, that's farming!
If you remembered you even bought a wool share, you could email Jenna for a refund, but she did not reach out to the purchasers claiming to have lost all the records.
I think it was also the breed of sheep she raised. Scottish Blackface are not known for their fine wool, it's more for heavier items such as carpets. Different wools are used for different types of items and of course, our expert farmer didn't do her research. She wanted sheep, she bought sheep without thinking of the quality of the end product.
DeleteLambchop - I forgot that part. She was selling untested wool from sheep that weren't even meant to produce product for spinning. Omg. Classic Jenna.
DeleteFrom her last blog post:
ReplyDelete" I stopped trying to hunt a deer. I didn't have the heart to stay out for hours in the cold just to kill the first soul that happens upon me just because he happens to be a guy with antlers. I do still kinda want to trap a late season hawk, to give me a project for winter that isn't just pouring my heart into a laptop."
Just, facepalm. That's not how you hunt deer. Anyone with any proximity to a hunter knows hunting deer is straight forward but requires some organization, including a plan for *after* you shoot the deer.
She started out slaughtering chickens and pigs on site. She was trying to learn the butchering. Now she just ships them off to the butcher for processing - and I think her getting very ill from cross-contamination is what caused her to lose interest in butchering.
Since she could not butcher a chicken properly, what's she going to do with a deer? As far as I know farm animal butchers don't process wild meat to follow health regulations.
Her writing is run-on sentences, and poorly structured. I hate how stupidly she expresses herself. The syntax is clumsy and convoluted.
DeleteShe doesn’t need another bird victim for a project. Here’s proof that her interest has nothing to do with conservation. It’s all about boredom.
I remember she got campylobacter from improperly butchered/cooled chicken. She would not be able to field dress and drag a deer out of the forest by herself. No way.
DeleteTo your point about taking it to a butcher, there are in rural areas (like mine) certain butchers who will cut up wild game for hunters. I was actually at the shop, and there was a pickup truck at the back door with a buck deer in the back for them to process. I'm sure they probably have a special license to do so. I don't know any other places here that will do that.
Thank you for the info, Anon 105. Campylobacter - right, that was it.
Delete“You know I think it’s kinda nice how my shoulder blades take turns ripping muscles off bone so while one hurts too much to carve a roast chicken the other can overcompensate till it tears. #wegotasystem”
ReplyDeleteCue the need for a doctor visit, but poor disingenuous Jenna doesn’t have insurance yet. “PayPal, it means so much to this scammer!”
Blair Braverman, the woman behind #uglydogs, writes an advice column of sorts. A person wrote that she'd moved to a remote cabin in the woods (Walden II) because she thought living a rural lifestyle would let her tap into her inner-most, nature-loving self and write a stupendous memoir. The problem? She discovered she hated living remotely, wished she hadn't done it, had writer's block and needed advice.
ReplyDeleteBlair offered solid advice. As part of the advice, she wrote this, which I believe absolutely applies to a certain faux feral farmer who's also stuck:
"I think that a lot of writer’s block comes from trying to write something you don’t really mean. Fiction, memoir, whatever—you have to feel it. You have to care. The work needs to have stakes for you. That’s how you get electricity on the page; your readers feel the risks you’re taking. Readers are smart. They sense, even when they don’t understand. Even when they don’t know. And there are few things more dull on the page than a performance."
The faux feral farmer hasn't felt it for a long time. She offers 💩 performance, nothing more.
“Still available! The person who wanted to claim them never got back to me yesterday. Claim them soon!”
ReplyDeleteThat’s a bunch of bull. This is more manipulative marketing trying to sell soap.
“I casually browsed ottomans *once* on Wayfair during Black Friday and the emails haven't stopped since, the tone and frequency is getting concerning. I think if I don't buy one soon someone from that company will show up at my door and kill me.”
ReplyDeleteWe wish. Then the animal abusing would stop.
Her hyperbolic “humor” always falls flat. She’s not either funny or witty.
Delete“Morning from Cold Antler Farm! Sun is out and the mild weather is going to pull me into the woods later, I hope! But for now chores are done, snow is melting, and a good bit of progress made on the intro to this book...I am already on my second cup of coffee.”
ReplyDeleteNo one cares, cunt.
“After a few weeks of real cold, a snowstorm, and stoking a fire all day and night - this day in the 50s is such a quiet thrill. I have the glass doors open and listening to birds and no fire till tonight!!”
ReplyDeleteWait until winter weather settles in again. She’ll be back to bitching about being “terrified!!!”
She is still demanding that people email her to get an update on logos. No email shown on her website. Why would anyone with half a brain pay her money when there is no price list, order form or phone number and email. Now customers are at her mercy as far as deadline dates. The customer has to do all the work. Also better for her to hide personal information for tax reasons.
ReplyDeleteHere’s her stupid tweet:
Delete“Pretty much caught up on soap orders. Got a very fancy color-coded google doc for that now.
Pretty much caught up on pet portraits too! If you are waiting on an update please message me!
And as for logos, you guys I need to catch up on this week. Working on it!”
I think that she’s also licking her wounds of being dumped by Shannon, and trying to come across as being unscathed by the breakup.
ReplyDelete“Watching Jurassic Park while I draw coyotes for money. Tell 13 year old me I fucking made it.”
ReplyDeleteTell normal adults that you’re a loser.
Still referring to her teen self since she’s stuck in junior high at almost 40.
DeleteHer pathetic bragging about being successful, because she’s watching an old movie during the day while doing stupid scribbles is laughable. This from a woman who can’t make her mortgage payments on time, and is often behind by a month or more.
DeleteJenna is juvenile in many ways. I can’t count how many times she’s mentioned her thirteen-year-old self. Clearly, she has an emotional arrested development. People who are truly successful are confident enough about it to keep quiet. Only an obnoxious braggart broadcasts their “magical!” life constantly for reassurance from stupid sycophants.
DeleteHer humble-bragging and virtue-signaling about not being conventionally employed is ridiculous in a culture where many can say the same about themselves. Especially, since Covid.
DeleteShe’s also trying way too hard with her “I’m such a bold, badass butch” by using “fucking” for no good reason in the context of her tweet.
DeleteThe stupid swearing is part of her teen twat mentality. She thinks that it makes her look cool not crude.
DeleteIt falls flat for sure, as PDD stated above, you can't try and sell your lifestyle as a dream or success when you're consistently posting about being afraid of *losing everything*.
DeleteIt's like the above referenced reddit post where she bragged about quitting her job to buy a farm and live life like a game of thrones extra - and she "made it". It's a meaningless statement, when clearly her definition of "making it" doesn't include any stability or savings for the future, and an apparent dependence upon the one neighbor left willing to solve her problems for her.
That's not inspiring, and it's not "making it" if you can't handle basic life tasks on your own such as maintaining reliable transportation, paying for maintenance on your property when needed, and oh yeah, PAYING YOUR MORTGAGE ON TIME without fanfare.
I maintain doubt she's been behind on the mortgage all these years, and it's just a story to goose sales or donations, and that siren song of hers backfires and undermines anything she says about "making it", loving her life, this farm made me who I am etc.
Latest blog post: "The story of the chickens, raised here and then driven in a Ford Focus to be processed - stinking up the poor hatchback. The young man who got his compact car stuck in a ditch while foraging for roadside apples. How I helped him take apples from the good trees on the sheep hill while he waited for a tow, and brought back the bottle as a thank you. The butt nutts in a basket under the kitchen table, how they overcame an entire garden by August. The bread, quietly braided without a song in the farmhouse."
DeleteThe whole post seems written with not-subtle subtext of "Shannon I'm fine without you, come baaaaaaaack" but the above paragraph actually made me laugh - it's so absurd!
Her reference to the chickens driven in a ford focus and stinking up the hatchback - that was Shannon's car. I figured the interior was destroyed by the processing runs. I still don't understand why they didn't just rent a pickup for those runs.
"butt nutts" is referencing Shannon's nickname for the squash.
"the bread quietly braided without a song in the farmhouse".
That's what made me laugh - I'm still cracking up writing this. I want me some Songless Quiet Bread!
You can see what she was trying to go for here, taking a ham-fisted flail at creating a Normon Rockwell scene from her life, "I'm alone, but I'm content and it's beautiful".
The title. The title folks. She named her last post "Leftovers". She may as well have named it "left behind".
"The chicken that was raised here in a farmhouse, moved outside to brave the mountain hillsides, ate and ate more, and slept in a little coop built by a team of people I love. And then here it still is, feeding me, telling me its story. Still here after all the changes and lives reshelving where souls go."
Brave the mountain hillsides? Jenna, you live in a house, a short drive from town, surrounded by hills no taller than 2000 feet. They may technically be named mountains, but they're nothing to brave. (By comparison the nearest mountain near me is over 7000 feet and is home to wolves and cougars.)
Even so, writing her chickens are braving the big bad wilderness brings up memories of when she used to order twice the chicks she actually needed because she lost so many to local small predators like raccoons, fox, and mink.
Reference to the coop "built by a team of people I love" we all remember Shannon overhauling that building for the first time in a decade.
If this is what she wrote in her latest book proposal, I know what else she can re-shelve.
The post is an example of why she’s still a rotten writer. I hate her stupid, overwrought purple prose. She’s never mastered the craft of writing. Her nonsensical word salads are annoying and meaningless.
DeleteShannon made a very smart move to dump her fat ass and flee back to Boston.
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DeleteI wish she would talk to her 70 year old self more often. Reality is going to hit her hard.
ReplyDeleteNah, that would be the wiser woman’s approach to life. Jenna wants to continue trying to impress her teen self.
DeleteDo you think she'll live to 70? After 20 years in health care, I've seen a lot of people die in a variety of stupid ways due to one reckless choice.
DeleteJenna does not have the normal amount of caution and seems to be more impulsive than average. Homeowners in their 40s who own ladders end up in the ER and the morgue a lot. People who chop wood end up in the morgue. People who *drink* end up in the morgue (after passing out on the toilet and wedging themselves between the throne and the wall.) So many people die beside toilets, just ask any paramedic or funeral director who provides removal services.
I think Jenna's at a higher risk than the average person of making that FINAL impulsive stupid decision, given how many stupid decisions she's publicly posted.
WiW. I wrote the comment above yours. I was going to say that it’s doubtful that Jenna will live that long. I wouldn’t be surprised if she died before even reaching 60.
DeleteAnon 644: Especially if she's by herself most of the time. There's a lot of reasons married / partnered people live longer.
DeleteShe is totally invested in this lying 💩💩💩.
ReplyDeleteOn May 26, 2017, she posted a book "proposal". She wrote:
"This is the book I really want to write and I'm looking for a publisher...please help spread the word." *
(You Can Do The Things You Thought You Could Only Read About.)
Book Proposal by Jenna Woginrich
Live Like Fiction is a how-to guide written by a geek gal who decided to put down her book and pick up a bow...
Passions like horseback riding, falconry, historical reenactment, martial arts, archery and others. These things can be part of YOUR REALITY, RIGHT NOW...You can make your passion as part of your life...and without any experience or much cash. This book guides beginners in following these hobbies inexpensively and safely...THE RESULTS ARE MAGICAL.
This book will also share the story of a woman with low self-esteem who realized she could become the heroine from those stories. It changed her life...
Start understanding what you are capable of on an epic level.
On page two, Jenna posted her magical biography with her most BADA$$ photos. On the bottom of her biography,, she wrote
"She wants to write this book and show others this life is possible, affordable and worth it."
I. Can't. Even. It's more of the Reddit story (I made it and so can you) and she seriously wanted to write a book about it. She's either the most tone-deaf or biggest fabricator I've seen in a long time.
*Her tacky book proposal had her favorite bada$$ photos, and bright red text for her most important points. I substituted ALL CAPS to give you the idea.
That's a fill in the blanks from any life coach's website. It's almost a funnel sales page. She did not come up with this by herself, she just decided this was the angle she wanted to try and sell.
DeleteAnd you know what? If she hadn't been posting so much about how desperate for cash she is all the time, she just might have seen able to sell the idea she "made it".
I am chuckling right now. Inexpensive?
Her “Live like Fiction” fantasy is fueled by delusional thinking. And it’s paid for by other people. I think that she’s both “tone-deaf” and a “fabricator.” Basically, she’s a big bullshitter.
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