It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
I’ve thought for years that nothing seems to profoundly impact JW. She really doesn’t mind losing love, but her fear of the farm’s foreclosure strikes terror in her heart. Her emotions appear frozen and stunted, too.
ReplyDeleteNot surprising losing the "farm" strikes terror in her. It's the core of her "live like fiction" fairy tale identity.
DeleteWithout it as a backdrop, she's a nearly-forty person who's unemployed and unemployable.
Sure, she wrote books that captured a fad, but the movement has since passed her by. Back-to-the-country authors and bloggers are everywhere, and they're farming in better ways. They are also far more successful.
Also, it's unlikely she'll fulfill any early promise as an author. She's lazy in research and her sloppy tweets and half-baked writing show how heavily-edited her books must have been. She hasn't generated interest in further book deals, and by ripping off her Birchthorne supporters, she's probably poison in the self-publishing world.
She has created her own tiny prison. By refusing to do what it takes to make her business financially solvent, and by being unable to learn HOW to live in the country, she spends her existence crashing from crisis to crisis.
She could turn her life around (and for the sake of the animals I wish she would) but as others have said, she's been living this way for years and is unlikely to change.
Oh you are so right about her being unemployable at the age that she is. She had a chance, a very GOOD chance to build big off her initial success, but her laziness, her disdain for advice, and her addiction to social media and internet streaming services brought her to ruin...while the animals sadly suffered.
DeleteA tiny prison indeed.
Maybe Jenna is happy to be alone she can scam, drink and be lazy all she wants.
ReplyDeleteThat’s a good point. She won’t have Shannon’s watchful presence around anymore. I fear for the animals. But bring on the Buffy reruns.
DeleteYup. The minute Shannon drove off, Jenna broke the sound barrier running upstairs to fish out her hidden bottle of whisky.
DeleteTrue. Did they even spend a single day apart after Shannon moved in? I don't think so.
DeleteI know Shannon has to be stung. After everything she did for Jenna, their relationship just wasn't worth Jenna changing a single thing, even though Shannon had changed literally everything about her own life.
Twitter Twaddle - Wag the Dog edition:
ReplyDelete"Good morning from Cold Antler Farm. It's the eve of deer season and this mountain feels like a militia moved in. So many ATVS, people in full camp, trucks, blinds, my goodness. I'll be out there too at dawn, wish me luck!"
How is she getting around that mountain to witness all that activity without a truck? The only vehicle on that feed lot was Shannon's car and it disappeared when she fled. Her property is only 6 acres, so this "militia" in ATVs and trucks can't be on her how is she getting around to witness all that she tweeted?
Drama. Lies. Fabricated stories and manufactured crises. This shit just never stops with her.
Bonne chance, Shannon. Smartest decision you've made in leaving the Pig Shocker in the dust.
She owns a tiny, street level piece of a much larger property, which is 100 acres-plus. No doubt there's a lot of private land used by fall hunters.
DeleteRemember, despite her obfuscation, the "mountain" she rides her horses on, takes drunk friends to, hikes, camps and maybe *cough* hunts is NOT hers. More 💩💩💩 from the fake feral farmer.
Anon7, I neglected to mention how nice it is to see you post again!! Hope all is good with you.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Poods, for your thoughts. It's been a tough two months for me, as my 20 year old cat with dementia took a turn for the worse about a month ago. He really started to decline. Every time he got up, I got up too to watch him so he didn't hurt himself. And whenever he went over to the shitter (AKA litter box [Randy Quaid Vacation movie reference]) I had to go over to push his little tush into the box so he wouldn't pee on the floor.
DeleteHis constant howling at all the hours of the day and night was alarming. But we just loved him and tried to help him thru his confusion. The vet was also cunfuddled as my boy wasn't quite at the point to be put down. So we all just patiently and lovingly helped him as much as we could.
Until we couldn't. It was late Saturday night when it happened. He had been fine that day. He ate his dinner as usual. But then later he went to get up, either to go get water or go to the shitter as he usually did. But my son and I were shocked when he tried to get up and his back legs just collapsed. I spent the next couple of hours, my back hunched over, holding up his lower half of his body walking him to both the shitter and his water bowl.
I then carefully laid him in his bed and kept watch all night. The next day he wasn't moving much and it was a Sunday, so the vet wasn't open. He wasn't eating, but I kept him hydrated with water from a large medicine syringe. And I petted and stroked him. Alot.
Monday came and both my vet and the animal shelter were still both closed. And he was crying and actively dying. I called a 24 hour pet hospital but because of the ongoing pandemic, they could not take new pet patients. So I just sat with him. And hydrated him. And tried to comfort him.
Tuesday came and I hadn't really slept since Sunday night. And he was really doing bad at that point. Real bad. I was going to take him to the vet Tuesday morning. but then I heard his "death rattle" breathing. Which I know is the end. So I called the animal shelter, and my goodness, they were so compassionate, they came and sadly took him away. I couldn't go to be there as he was euthanized, because of their pandemic rules. But they were so nice. To me. And to him. And I will be picking up his ashes on Saturday.
So yeah, I'm pretty darn sad. But I like to think I gave him a good life. Fifteen years ago I went to that same animal shelter to adopt a tiny female kitten. But then I noticed some older cats in cages over off to the side. And no one was paying any attention to them. And I felt bad for them. So instead of leaving with a kitten, I brought home a five year old male cat. And I will never regret that decision, even though he was mean, scratchy and bitey at first. He became a joy who will be sorely missed.
Anon7. I appreciate your thoughtful comment. It made me a little teary. I’ve done the same thing for beloved animal companions. The tender love and care for your cat is a stark contrast to how JW has callously allowed livestock to die. Additionally, her bird victims have sad endings. Plus, deliberately and sadistically shocking poor pigs for sick kicks is why we call her an animal abuser.
DeleteAnon7, I am so sorry you and your kitty went through all that. Older cats can crash so quickly. The pandemic made it nearly impossible to have easy access to usual "vet care", but it sounds like you did all that could reasonably be done. When their time approaches, they need comfort most of all - as you did. He knew you were there for him!
DeleteAdopting senior kitties is the way to go IMHO. They need love and care and they offer so much in return. Thank you for making such a difference in your cat's life ❤ .
I echo PDD's comment that it's good to have you back commenting, Anon7.
DeleteI'm sorry to hear about the loss of your boy. We love all our animals, but it is especially hard to lose one of the special ones, which yours surely was.
Hound Doggy wrote: "I also found her comment on her blog interesting."
ReplyDeleteThe Pig Shocker's new-ish website (Made by Shannon of course) does not appreciate my browser still.
Can you post here what was written there?
“A Break
DeleteI am going to take a break from blogging for a little. Shannon moved out and we are broken up. I need some time.”
That’s all she wrote in her last post. The “I loved her” was in one of the two deleted tweets about the breakup.
She’s taking a break from blogging but not from tweeting.
DeleteAnon 7 - your comments on the last post made me laugh out loud several times! You sure have JW's number.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad for Shannon that she realized the way things have been living with Jenna is exactly what to expect from her in the future. Either Shannon would carry everything forever, or she'd have to leave.
After they made it past the year mark, I thought it might take another year before we really started to see the cracks, but looking back I agree with others' comments that the cracks were showing in Jenna's comments about the lifestyle not being easy or for everyone.
I think Jenna knew she was on shaky ground with Shannon, and if that didn't motivate her to shape up and get a real damn job then I think it's safe to say nothing will.
Back to wondering how Jenna *actually* pays the damn bills, because there's no way she was doing it with arts and crafts before Shannon arrived.
Being late on the mortgage when there are two people paying the bills for a place where the mortgage can't be more than $1000/month is crazy.
Shannon knew this. Someone commented from Shannon's perspective about the truck "what the hell was that!?"
It's obvious to everyone, and Shannon too, that truck was a ridiculous purchase at a time when they should have been saving money for the inevitable expenses of fall.
So much for the farm being in the "best financial shape" it's ever been. I think this past summer with Shannon's industriousness and planning is the most productivity we'll ever see at JW's property.
Even so, I think the garden failed. They did not post any harvest videos, except for a few veggies worth of recipes, I don't think they had much success. Maybe the wildlife got it again. But Shannon wasn't willing to stick around and try again.
I think it's not that Shannon was averse to hardship or challenge, which Jenna implied with her deleted tweet. I think there are many obvious solutions to the "stresses" in Jenna's life, and Jenna refuses to engage with those solutions.
That's stressful. I think the breakup fight was some variation of:
"I don't want to live another winter with no heat and frozen pipes. It's time to get a job in town and downsize the animals so we can afford to use the furnace, load up on firewood, and fix some of the things that need fixing around here." (reasonable expectations totally doable)
"I have not come this far doing things my way to change now. It's all for nothing if I get a service industry job. Everything would be over. I cracked at my old job. I can't do it." (JW's I'm too special and unique for modern life narrative)
"Well I can't do this. If you're really not capable of getting a part time job in town and you're not willing to sell the hay burners, then I can't do this." (Your narrative is impractical and your expectations of me are unfair)
"If I can't do what you want, and you can't do what you want, then I guess you should leave." (toxic you're the problem not me why won't you accept me vibe)
"Are you fucking kidding me? That's what you heard me say? Fine. I will leave. Have a nice life." (You're turning this around on me after all I've done around here? We're done.)
With no vehicle, how is she supposed to get a deer home? *eyeroll*
ReplyDeleteI’d be shocked if she shoots a deer. She only wants to appear as a fierce feral hunter. Although she’s the one who said “I put the laughter back in slaughter.” Spoken like the sociopath that she appears to be.
DeleteI had a gut feeling about financial tension between the two of them. The fact that there was no change in JW’s begging even though she wrote that Shannon paid half the expenses…it just didn’t add up.
ReplyDeleteJW is incapable of sustaining any intimacy due to her selfish nature, and unwillingness to change her lazy “lie-style.”
DeleteWIW I was thinking the same thing. How do you get the deer home (no running truck/car etc.) and no way to get to the processor to have it cut up and wrapped. I still say though she will swear she got one this year. She can't possibly be a looser in 2 things this week wouldn't fit her image of a fearless feral farmer nor living like fiction. Well I take that back since fiction is false (or a lie) and that she sure does live.
ReplyDeleteJenna's version of hunting is taking her gun for a walk for a couple of hours.
DeleteShe has no strategy to hunt, and no plan if she stumbles on top of one and by some miracle shoots it successfully.
She also has no “strategy” for any kind of long-term financial solvency. Why would she, though, when dumb enablers support her lazy, fat ass for free?
DeleteShe finally got a cell phone.
ReplyDeleteGood news: We never have to hear her brag about not having one!
Bad news: not so fast, she won’t be able to afford it for long
Also bad news: her writing is so bad (drinking?) she writes like English is her second language
“ And I’m tweeting this hunt because now I have a cell phone because all these friends and businesses used my ex’s phone to contact us and got used to it snd being alone without a cell for 911 is scary now so I caved”
Why in hell is getting a cell phone "caving???" What happened to her landline? Incidentally, a landline is much more reliable for emergencies (except if you're outside "hunting"). You must remember to charge a cell phone for it to work, and landlines work even if the power is out.
DeleteYeah, because every deer hunter I know tweets on their cell phone while hunting. /s
DeleteWhat a stupid poser she is.
I recall that stupid article that she was slammed for in the comments Ms. Little Hovel on the Prairie depends on technology for her entire existence, but pretends to be picky about cell phones. Like that makes her superior.
Correction, added missing period to sentence: “I recall that stupid article that she was slammed for in the comments. Ms. Little Hovel on the Prairie depends on technology for her entire existence, but pretends to be picky about cell phones.”
DeleteJW likes to humble-brag and virtue-signal about many things, but once she changes her mind, then the formerly disdained item/idea is okay. She’s a huge hypocrite.
DeleteIt's more like she has had one for years and it's just another lie.
DeleteShe expects her foolowers to believe that suddenly she's scared to be without a cell phone in case of emergencies, but for the last 10 years of hiking in the woods, running on country roads and driving a pos vehicle that constantly broke down, she wasn't worried one bit.
No way. She's had one the entire time.
It won't be long until she is begging strangers online for money to keep her cell phone on just like all of her other bills. Otherwise she never would have mentioned it.
I’m sure she’s always had a cell phone.
DeleteAnonymous 1:56. We once saw her in town talking on her cell phone. If her mouth is moving she’s lying.
DeleteNot surprising Anon 7:14. She has always been too stupid to maintain her lies. Her plan is just to deny, deny, deny. When everyone knows she's a compulsive liar her many denials mean nothing.
DeleteIt's hilarious that she expects anyone to believe that she has multiple people trying to contact her for business or otherwise.
The only people trying to contact JW are the ones she scammed out of money and I doubt they have her cell phone number. I wouldn't be surprised if she had so many people calling her landline demanding refunds that she had to yank the phone from the wall and keep it unplugged.
All phone numbers are public information and are listed on credit reports and background checks. Once a debt collector finds a working number, they add it to the credit report to help other debt collectors contact the dead beat. Soon, her cell phone number will be listed as well as debt collectors have multiple ways to search for any phone number in that person's name.
“Going out more and more through the day to walk, sit, and look but have pet portraits and freelance edits to wade through first. I know it's Saturday but yesterday I missed a lot thanks to a road trip.”
ReplyDelete“Back inside from Hunting and back to work. No luck out there, but the animals here on the farm liked having super early morning breakfasts.”
What an attention whore, and pathological poser. She capitalized “Hunting” for no reason other than to look even more stupid than usual.
I reread her "comment" 3 times and I still don't understand it! And she is working as a proof reader now or write for a magazine or something like that? Good Lord is this an example of what day drinking and smoking a joint will do to you? She should have listened don't do drugs.
DeleteAnonymous 6:33. It looks like she’s been buying bourbon, and binging on it during the day again.
DeleteI would not be surprised if the drinking is a major reason she refuses to get a job. Most employers don't want their employees boozing on the clock.
DeleteThat could also be a major reason that Shannon left her.
JW might be without a vehicle because legally she isn't allowed to drive and may have done something to lose her license.
Her entire life might be in the shitter because she refuses to stop.
Anon 1:17 - I believe you are correct. Years ago, my husband lost his job and got a temporary consulting job, mostly working from home. I was worn out from working full time, raising kids and taking care of the house, but I carried all the benefits, so couldn’t quit. No amount of pleading could make him get off his duff and get a real job.
DeleteI then found out he was drinking on the sly. He was very sneaky about it, but I finally discovered the reason he liked working from home.
Long story short, he got a DUI, spent a night in jail and finally joined AA.
But yeah, I think alcohol is a factor with her.
Alcohol could explain her bulging belly.
DeleteAnon 2:40, I never considered that but you are right! Alcohol abuse would explain why she always appears so bloated and unhealthy.
DeleteIt would also explain why she has had so many rotten teeth.
I wouldn't doubt if she got a DUI and isn't allowed to drive for a certain period of time.
In the past, she always threw a total tantrum on social media when her truck broke down and she had to go without it for a few days. Now she doesn't have one at all and she hasn't been constantly ranting and raving about it. Something is rotten in Denmark (just like her mouth).
Anonymous 4:24. I wrote the bulging belly comment. I think that you’re right. I have alcoholics in my family, and they always make a big deal about not drinking. Only when they briefly quit. Just like she does. It’s like JW is trying to prove publicly that she can stop drinking. I’ve also noticed that she hasn’t been bragging about running lately. Clearly, her health isn’t good. She’s had an obese body for decades.
DeleteYou’d think that losing her first lesbian relationship would be a big deal to her. Instead, it’s “back to NO business as usual” for the fraudulent farmer.
ReplyDeleteI guess since she was using Shannon for financial gain, the only thing she misses about Shannon is whatever $ she contributed.
DeleteThat was extremely obvious when she immediately tweeted about needing to pay last month's mortgage not long after Shannon escaped.
Not surprising at all considering how cold blooded she has been to her sweet, innocent animals.
Shannon's family must be absolutely relieved that she made it out alive.
She doesn’t need to either use falcons for hunting food, with a grocery store in town, or kill deer to survive. It’s just animal props for posing.
ReplyDeleteSo she mooched off Shannon’s cell phone, too. I wonder if Shannon had a premonition about the upcoming plumbing crisis and high-tailed it out of there before the repairs went on her credit card.
ReplyDeleteShe also mooched gas off Shannon’s car.
DeleteAnyone notice that Gibson hasn't been in any recent photos? She's taken a lot of photos of Friday by herself.
ReplyDeleteAfter all the years she spent with him, could he have passed away and JW didn't mention it?
Or is he in really bad shape so she's not posting any photos of him?
I’ve been wondering about Gibson too.
DeleteShe did recently mention buying him a hoodie and him not liking it.
DeleteYeah, buying clothes for your dogs is really a top priority when one’s mortgage is a month behind.
DeleteWhat farmer buys a "hoodie" for a long-haired dog - a dog who's not a working dog and only goes outside for brief periods? No one. This is reserved for faux feral farmers.
DeleteIn fact, reviews of the hoodie show short-haired dogs wearing it, which makes sense. Not long haired dogs.
In full disclosure, do I use coats on my dogs? Yes. Raincoats for sloppy days, and fleece lined parkas for 10F snowstorms. In reality, the parkas are more for my benefit, as it's easier to brush off all the snow.
I have NO PROBLEM with people dressing dogs (and cats) in cute outfits. I do have a problem with someone who begs for money and followers because she can't pay her mortgage, and then wastes it on unnecessary crap like this.
I have a border collie / rough collie cross. He is such a good boy. He doesn't get cold in the weather but he hates getting wet! He doesn't even go into the lake father than his elbows.
DeleteI got him a rain slicker.
But my pup is exercised regularly. He's a working dog who gets exercised a lot, so his metabolism is high and he easily regulates his own body temp.
Friday had not been a working dog. I think Jenna just keys them have the run of the property which is not exercise for a dog. If Friday is getting cold a lot I think that speaks to get muscle mass (which is also why thin and older folks have a hard time starting warm.)
If Friday likes wearing coats, at least Jenna is doing something to make her a bit more comfortable.
Lots of photos of the dogs laying around, literally zero of them working. Rare photos of the dogs camping / hiking. My whole phone gallery is the dog on hikes.
Fine get the dog a coat, but if she's cold is probably because she isn't doing anything.
Excuse the typos
DeleteGibson Watch 2021 has begun.
DeletePDD here.
DeleteWIW. I hear you and generally agree, but I think FFF doesnt give two figs about the dogs- she bought the hoodies as impulse buys. They give her something to write about, and they look cute in photos. As always, it's all about her.
After all, she's never mentioned Friday (or Gibson) shivering, never previously gave them any weather protection. The VerYork queen of rural living was able to make herself hideous capes and cloaks, but couldnt be bothered to make anything for the hounds.
If I couldn't pay my mortgage, I sure as heck would fabricate a repurposed dog coat before spending ~$35 at Chewy (larger coats cost more, plus taxes plus shipping). My opinion is this is more attention-seeking from FFF.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeletePDD I agree. I have made my dogs sweaters from repurposed wool sweaters I bought from a thrift site and felted. It's easy to make one... Which is a party of the point of "homesteading" - minimizing costs, using and reusing what you have.
DeleteIf I have time to make a dog sweater, the cost is about $3 if I'm buying a second hand damaged wool sweater to felt.
DeleteWhat the heck happened to made from scratch?
DeleteMade from Scratch was what she wanted to be at the start of her faux farm. Now, it’s a crock of crap.
DeleteCan you imagine Jenna rolling up to your deer hide with a rifle? You'd hear her coming a mile away.
ReplyDeleteShe walks with a weighty waddle around town.
Delete“I have NO PROBLEM with people dressing dogs (and cats) in cute outfits. I do have a problem with someone who begs for money and followers because she can't pay her mortgage, and then wastes it on unnecessary crap like this.”
ReplyDeleteExactly. No one would begrudge her buying anything for either her animals or self, but it’s bullshit to be a month behind in your mortgage payment. And then have the chutzpah to be bragging about frivolous purchases. Canine coats can wait, but the bank won’t.
When you can’t pay your mortgage you stop spending on ANY unnecessary purchases and that includes doggie hoodies. And you certainly don’t write about them while begging for $.
ReplyDeleteShe is either financially solvent and lying about it, or really, really (I hate to say it) stupid.
I’ll say it. She’s stupid. And also a pathological liar.
DeleteShe's definitely stupid, no doubt about that and she looks as though she was beaten with an ugly stick. She has a festering personality and refuses to change or try at all to be a decent human being.
DeleteShannon can (and no doubt will) do so much better than JW.
She has always been incredibly selfish and consistently puts her wants ahead of what her animals need or any bills that need to be paid. She goes for immediate self gratification and doesn't have the self control or maturity it takes to be a successful adult. I'm shocked that Shannon was involved with her for over a year and I think that JW successfully manipulated her and made Shannon feel sorry for her.
Anonymous 6:33. I also find her repellent on every level. I’m glad that Shannon finally broke free from the filthy clutches of her ugly man hands. JW has failed at farming, and hobby homesteading, but she’s a master of manipulation.
DeleteHang on. She says she is behind on the mortgage and she BOUGHT A NEW CELL PHONE.
$200-$300 right there.
DeleteNah, she’ll lie and say “I found it at the dump!”
DeleteWhen you can't pay your mortgage, you also start skipping meals, reducing meal portions, preparing cheap food, etc. I love the idea of repurposing sweaters for other needs. It sickens me to think she can lie and lay claim to never having a cell phone when she's stood out in public in her town and used one in the past. I'm still confused about her finances. We all know she wasn't able to pay for necessities once she quit her job--and she wouldn't have enough work quarters in, AND is too young to draw social security. I find it hard to believe her relatives would finance this lifestyle indefinitely, although I have known some families that do just that: anything to get the problem person out of their lives. With Shannon gone (and may she find happiness,) where is the money coming from? THAT is one truth you will never see revealed.
ReplyDeleteI’ve wondered if even Shannon found out the truth about Jenna’s true source of income.
DeleteI have always thought that there is a possibility that she receives some sort of disability for mental illness. Anyone who could scam people online for 11+ years would have no problem giving the right answers to a dr to receive benefits. It's despicable but I wouldn't put it past her.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who lived with her for a year, would know that she doesn't work to pay her bills. They might not agree with what she does but they would have to know that if she doesn't have a job or isn't selling a ton of soap or her pet scribbles then she's doing something sketchy. Perhaps her ex hoped she would stop after she had a roommate to split expenses with or maybe she was lied to and found out recently that she is still actively scamming. How anyone could find that sort of laziness and lying attractive is beyond comprehension.
As for Gibson, I wonder how long it has been since he has appeared in a photo? I remember that JW posted years ago that Gibson had been bitten by a tick and remained sick to where he couldnt go on hikes or go outside of the house much. Of course she didn't mention taking him to the vet or that he was receiving treatment for it. The poor thing has probably been suffering ever since while she spent her money on booze and streaming services and T.S. merchandise.
She posts pictures of him on Instagram.
DeleteJW is clearly mentally ill. She’d never admit to receiving any additional income from the government, because it would make her pathetic pleas for help invalid.
DeleteAnon 6:28, exactly! She has always paid her mortgage on time or else that house would have been foreclosed on a long time ago. There's no way she has been late on payments multiple times a year for the past 11 years! She would have had to agree to a payment plan to pay off the back payments. Once a payment plan is in place, if she's late again they automatically start the foreclosure process. Most mortgage companies will not offer a payment plan more than one time. If she was/is still constantly late, the bank would have taken the house back by now.
DeleteIf she's paying her mortgage every month and keeping her lights on, she has a monthly source of income coming from somewhere and it sure as hell isnt from soap sales and pet cartoons.
Anonymous 8:04. I appreciate your response to my comment. Jenna is a disingenuous scammer who is manipulative and cunning. If what she’s written about possible foreclosure was true, then her faux farm would’ve been seized by the bank years ago.
DeleteAfter over a decade it’s beyond belief that she still hasn’t paid for last month’s mortgage amount.
DeleteI've been thinking that for years too, and I agree with all the above posters about her supposedly chronic late payments being cause for foreclosure years ago.
DeleteJenna's version of life is a fantasy, it's not reality, and she knows it.
I think Shannon had to learn some hard lessons about what people say vs what they do, and how people will take advantage of you even if it means the end of the relationship, because getting a free ride for one more month is worth more than the whole partnership.
Jenna has zero insight about herself, and therefore zero desire to change her behaviour. Instead she'll spend a few hours changing the draft of her next "book" to include the recent "heartbreak", and probably have to edit out all mention of Shannon by name because I doubt Shannon would sign a release at this point, for their relationship to be exploited and only told from one side.
Looks like Whacko’s back posting as anonymous.
ReplyDeleteThere's a lot of anonymous posts on this thread, including yours.
DeleteHowever, the only person who comments on here about "whacko" is JW.
Which is typical of JW when she is too drunk to step away from social media and, now that your ex girlfriend isn't there to parent you, here you are as you don't have any self control.
What set you off this time? The bulging belly comment? We all know that any comments regarding your appearance result in you running to this site to post.
Or was it our concern for Gibson? Don't worry, I'm sure that someone will be by to check on him. There are way too many caring people who post on here to just ignore the fact that Gibson is MIA and might need medical assistance.
Or is it that people are starting to figure out that you definitely receive some sort of income and it's most likely from the government because you are mentally ill?
Or is it because we are happy that your ex girlfriend was smart enough to leave you? She most definitely won't have any problem finding a new partner. While you, on the other hand, wallow away all alone inside your little shack that is falling down around you.
Instead of lurking and occasionally posting on this site as anonymous, you could be working to earn money to pay your bills or taking care of your animals.
But that's not fun. You have always been about doing what is enjoyable rather than doing what is necessary.
Yep. Say what you will about Whack. But she comes across as intelligent, and is often funny when it comes down to astute observations about JW.
DeleteAnonymous 7:49 I have seen a few posts on here that I thought was the FFF. The way she posts here matches the way she tweets and posts on the blog. She always comes here when we post facts that she doesn't want her Foolowers to see.
DeleteYep, it's Whacko. She always accuses people of being JW if they don't agree with her.
DeleteWe all know that the FFF has nothing better to do than hang out on a forum specifically created to warn others about her. She wonders why her girlfriend left her and yet she keeps up the same behavior.
Deletewell true to her mo she has gotten a new kitten and thinks nothing of the expense of that. If she is almost 2 months behind in her mortgage payments (Oct. and now Nov.) how can she take on the expense of a new cat? There will be vet bills for all the shots and check ups one more mouth to feed etc. She just doesn't make sense PLUS she has never been fond of cats to begin with. Shaking my head in wonder of this woman.
ReplyDeleteShe didn’t actually SAY that it was her new kitten yet. But it’s kinda implied by its presence. Her “movie dates” with animals are pathetic.
DeleteI write under Anonymous and have for years, as have others. I used to put numbers behind my name to make it more precise, but I got lazy--not FFF lazy. I've always thought she popped up and commented because 1) she is addicted to social media; 2) she has no social life; and 3) she loves the attention. I thought when Shannon appeared, she'd be putting more effort into her relationship to ensure it's success, but, sadly, "no." I haven't had a pet in decades. Whenever I did have one, it was with the knowledge I would be able to be responsible to the animal as a living thing and make sure all of it's needs (and beyond) were met. You read the sad story above about Anon7's cat. My last pet, a cat, had diabetes and I was committed to caring for him until the end. That basically meant no travel for two years, twice daily insulin injections at the same time every day and weekly visits to the vet for blood work to make sure he was as stable as possible. Diabetic dogs can be stabilized much like humans, but cats are like bouncing rubber balls going every which way, hence the increased vet visits. They also slip into hypoglycemic shock with greater ease. We had several episodes of that. Point being, I had the money, and I made the time; i.e. I sacrificed in my life, to make sure the cat had the best possible life until the end. To think she's gotten a kitten (and all of the expense into the future that can mean) it would truly show what a psychopathic shitstorm she is. Sorry, but I have issues with irresponsible people. Like the doggie coats. Or the new Taylor Swift release. No, FFF, she is not singing about YOU.
DeleteOn instagram she said it wasn't hers. I guess someone dropped the cat off for a movie date? If she just had a friend with a kitten over for a movie, why wouldn't she say that?
DeleteSeems she also bought a small used car. And is thinking about trapping a hawk in order to have a "winter project". And she's planning to get a "roommate" because having "two people" on the farm was a "game-changer". I guess the roommate will be expected to engage with the farm as much as Shannon appeared to?
very interesting! A room mate? Does she also have to sleep with FFF? And she will be expected to do all that Shannon did? I don't do intsgram but I sure was laughing over this one. Also who drops off a kitten for babysitting purposes? Seems she is spiraling down faster since Shannon said adios and good riddens.
DeleteI would guess that she has had the car for a while. Same as the cell phone.
DeleteI'm sure she will say that she found the kitten as well as kitten food at the dump. She won't ever change and Shannon was smart to move far away from her.
No, not her kitten. PP is babysitting the kitten and Jenna posted the cute animal pic.
DeleteFunny, but I notice she rarely names PP. She writes about 'friends' or people in town, or 'local' farmer. I suppose this allows her to pretend she has multiple friends, which is really kinda pathetic. Make no mistake though, when the world's least competent farmer needs help, PP is everywhere in the background.
PP delivered hay with her little red trailer; stores hay for the LAF fake farmer; and she promotes those childish cartoons. What do you bet she also got pig shocker her used car, purchased with a "small loan"?
I actually feel sorry for PP...moving into winter with the giant sucking sound that is Jenna. She was "so close" to personal freedom.
I’m also sure that PP will feel forced to invite the newly single FFF to yet another Thanksgiving meal. So that Jenna can have the chance to wear her ugly lemming dress, black butch boots, and “you can put lipstick on a pig” makeup.
DeletePP will have to get a second turkey and a truckload of extra sides to feed the Cambridge Mooch AGAIN this year.
DeleteAnonymous 6:57. I feel sorry for the other guests who have to watch the pig stuff her fake fat face.
DeleteI sometimes read Jenna's Dispatches from her "coldantlerfarmny" website. In October everything seemed so upbeat between her and Shannon and all about Shannon's help on the farm.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I am reading between the lines and after the fact, but I noticed some telling things in her October posts.
On Oct 28, Jenna wrote about how it was Shannon's birthday week, and how she'd been there on the farm through four seasons. She also wrote in October about that rehabbed hawk flying around the living room (gross) and she earlier wrote about various animal parts in the freezer for the bird. So gross. No wonder Shannon left.
Jenna ends her post of Oct 28 with:
"I love you, Shannon Marie. I hope you stick around another year."
Who would say that unless they knew that there was big trouble between them? Apparently there was doubt she would stay with Jenna another year. I think Jenna was making a last ditch effort to GUILT and confuse Shannon into staying with her and all her messes, when Jenna knew Shannon was gonna bolt down the road with all her stuff and her cat in tow. "Stick around" sounds so casual and tough to me. Shannon seemed intelligent and sensitive.
"I hope you stick around for another year " is not something you would say if things were going's also very "take me as you found me" ie. Don't have any expectations of me.
DeleteI can’t bring myself to read any of her crap posts. But that doesn’t sound like a person who is in love, and also committed to a relationship.
DeleteCan you imagine the daily insanity that Shannon put up with for a year?
DeleteShannon was likely paying the majority, if not all, of the expenses while JW sat on her ass and drank herself into a stupor.
JW might have managed to manipulate Shannon into believing her excuses and lies but little by little she must have realized that JW is completely insane and hiding a lot of dark secrets.
It must have felt like living in a horror movie once Shannon realized that she had been sharing a bed with a monster for the past year.
Her comment on instagram about trapping a hark for a winter project proves the reason she didn't get another one sooner was Shannon's common sense.
ReplyDeleteGotta get a new pet prop for more manipulative marketing.
DeleteThis comment makes it obvious hawk welfare (or conservation) has nothing to do with the reasons pig shocker captures raptors.
DeleteShe does it because she's bored and wants attention or wants to feel special.
God forbid she uses her time to properly take care of animals or become financially solvent.
SMH again
PDD. She’s doesn’t care about conservation. It’s all about her posing and pretense. She’ll probably post that pic of the bird on her beefy bicep again.
DeleteI think the most recent hawk died and that was the final straw for the ex girlfriend.
DeleteIt wouldn't be the first hawk to die inside that house.
The whole recently rehabilitated for an injury story doesn't track. How did she find that information? Was the hawk banded and if so why did she watch movies and play for it for days before reporting that she had trapped a banded bird? If it wasn't banded there's no way in hell that she would let someone who knows anything about falconry anywhere near the hawk. A hawk that needs minimal training is a lazy falconer's dream bird.
A lot of real falconers have video of their releases. The fake, FFF falconer doesn't. We all know that's because most of hers don't live long enough to be released.
The hawk either died or because the FFF had been repeatedly reported for neglect, she was required to contact the NYS DEC to inspect the bird and where it would be living. Either she didn't pass inspection or for some other reason they seized the hawk.
Shortly after she claims to have released the hawk, her girlfriend packed up and left her ass. Coincidence?
I don't think so.
"Hey everyone! I regularly have raw sewage back up into my only bathroom. Wanna come live here and pay me rent!?"
ReplyDeleteJenna would be a terrible landlord.
She’d be a nightmare housemate. And it wouldn’t work out.
DeleteOne month tops for any new roommate. They likely wouldn't stay longer than two weeks either. Jenna would do absolutely nothing to accommodate a lodger.
DeleteYet she’d expect the new lodger to contribute more than money for her hovel. I could see her asking them to do her chores. The same way that her defunct pagan group did, while she lazily laid around and directed them. Which is why they all finally quit.
DeleteRoommate = witness. She managed to con her ex girlfriend into believing whatever lies she came up with to explain her past scams and animal abuse. A roommate that she doesn't have a romantic relationship with could not be trusted to keep her secrets or fall for her manipulation. They would take one look at any animal neglect and report her and FFF knows that. She doesn't want any witnesses.
DeleteYou know, with all the flooding of raw sewage that house has seen, Jenna has *not once* had a remediator in to repair it. It's not a big deal if it stays in the sink or shower, but she's described it as flooding out on to the floors.
ReplyDeleteAre there not laws in NY about having professional remediation in the event of a sewer or septic backing up?
For those who don't have instagram, yesterday she posted:
ReplyDelete"November has been rough. In the last week especially. There's been heartbreak, big life changes, lots of perspective about the past few months. I've been rotating between a lot of emotions and trying to be quieter with them.
But despite all this there's been amazing community and kindness, even solutions for some of these problems. Lots of hope and work and love!
My girlfriend and I broke up, ending our relationship. I'm considering a roommate if I can find a right fit. Having two people here was a game changer.
The plumbing shit the bed, and it turned out a professional had to come help unclog the septic (too much rain and tp = bad news) but now everything drains and showers are extra great!
I lost access to a vehicle and was able to get a small loan for a used car. Now there's a car parked outside the farmhouse again. I can get around, to feed stores and appointments or to the laundromat.
I finally caved and got a SIM card and prepaid cell plan for a used iphone 6. I'm adjusting to it beeping all the time, but now all the people, appointments, and businesses who got used to texting over the past two years can continue to. And I feel safer, a lot safer, having a 911 machine while outdoors on my own.
The mortgage is caught up to this month. I'm still working a part time SEO writing job and looking for more similar work. I have Slack on my phone now so understand people can and do change 😁
I have been embracing things I have neglected over the summer, at least in spirit. I'm watching Thru Hiking vlogs with morning coffee. Hunting at dawn. My friend Patty and I are going to harness up her team of horses for a carriage ride. I might even trap a bird again to have a winter project? Other friends and I have plans for walks and movie nights and the upcoming holidays.
The farm is settling into winter - finally prepared with a lot of hay and firewood. I am grateful for the help I had preparing.
I'm starting the book proposal over, keeping the writing. This story keeps changing but the woman writing it is the same - someone trying to figure out the best life for her heart and spirit. I am excited for the trails ahead."
It’s more like trials ahead instead of trails. Whoever loaned her money can kiss the payment back bye. They’ll never get it. The 911 machine line is stupid and makes no sense. It looks like Shannon was only valued for her vehicle, and help as a loser’s lackey.
DeleteFor all the panic, anxiety and supposed sleepless nights Jenna's talked about in the past, she sure is putting on a big show of being totally fine without Shannon. Shannon was a huge loss to her and the animals. You can bet Shannon isn't pretending to be just fine and dandy. She put so much time and effort into the property and the shared dream of a life together, only to find it unsustainable and to be treated as disposable.
DeleteJenna putting on a show of being upbeat and optimistic in the wake of a breakup, vs Jenna being in a constant state of stress and panic about normal bills.
DeleteShe just signed up for Venmo too (a cash transferring app) I wouldn't be surprised if she got a little windfall of pity donations.
Wanna bet that Patty gave her that car? It's a LOAN sure.
If I learned anything driving shitboxes for 10 years before I could afford better it's that they're more expensive than a decent car and totally unreliable.
I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating. Her whole life is lies. Jenna has zero conscience, and preys on people for profit.
DeleteWIW. We just posted at the same time. She’ll sign up for any apps which will give her free funds from poodle people.
DeleteWIW, how revealing that she includes these gems in describing the end of her "love affair" :
Delete...I lost access to a vehicle...
...I'm considering a roommate... Having two people here was a game changer...
...(I bought replacement smart phone) now all the people, appointments, and businesses who got used to texting over the past two years can continue to...
Loss of her live-in partner has been reduced to loss of car, farm help and cell phone.
PDD: exactly. First of all, it's a be grudging "you took these essential things from me when you left " followed with"I replaced them all within two weeks of you leaving and I am happy not having an off-farm job, my life is great I am happy no really, you took nothing that I could not easily replace."
DeletePoodle and Woe: THAT is the first thing that grabbed me in today's quotes. She cites the material things (and labor) that is missed, nothing about the woman. Shannon probably hadn't hit the end of the driveway and she was tweeting about what she needs NOW. Patty has to be involved in the car. No one in their right mind would give her a loan. Forget banks. Her credit rating is as fouled up as her septic system. Patty is an enabler and she most certainly knows what that means. I would grow weary of that feral thing always scratching at my back door. As for deer tags, I could see her wasting her money on that. It's another status symbol in her twisted mind--something to legitimize her.
DeleteAnon 103 - I was curious and looked it up, and I'm surprised to see the deer management permits and hunting licenses are totally inexpensive. Under $50 total.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePatty is babysitting the kitten, everyone. That's where the kitten came from.
ReplyDeleteThat’s what we thought. Patty is always around to enable and comfort the filthy feral farmer.
DeleteJenna probably posted the kit pic as a dating message that she wants “a little pussy” for Christmas. Ugh.
DeleteI doubt it.
DeleteWiW. You never know what her motivations are, aside from mooching money.
DeleteIf Shannon who was bonded with Jenna couldn't deal with the "winter stresses" why on earth would a roommate put up with it?
ReplyDeleteThe only reason I can think of is someone desperate in a housing crunch, which happened to me. I was stuck paying this terrible person's mortgage for nearly two years until I was finally able to find another place to live. I had the crappiest basement unit, she had all of upstairs, and I paid far more than she did. I just didn't have a choice. It was nearly 10 years ago and I'm still salty about it.
Sadly, there will always be desperate and downtrodden people to exploit, and "farms" near me have long taken advantage of idealistic youth and vulnerable older adults by offering them a place to stay at the limit of what they can pay, and telling them to make up the rest in labour.
“I still love waking up on mornings so cold the grass cracks, lighting a fire, feeding the animals, and coming inside to coffee. I love it as much as the first day I stayed home to farm.”
ReplyDelete“Well, isn’t that special?!” Jenna Woginrich is as much of a farmer, as Hilaria Baldwin is Spanish. FYI: Baldwin was born in Boston, but both of them are basic bitches. Who are lying and trying to be something that they’re not.
Lol, Hilaria Baldwin is more Spanish than FFF is a farmer. As a child, Hilaria's family frequently visited Spain, her brothers moved there in 2011 and she speaks Spanish fluently.
DeleteThe fake feral farmer has learned almost nothing about farming and rural survival but play-acts that she does.
She's an ignoramus wrapped in lies.
PDD. Check out the Reddit sub on Hilaria Baldwin. I’m an active reader there. She’s a total fraud, and doesn’t even speak Spanish fluently. Nor did she spend a major amount of time in “her homeland,” as she’s purported to the press. That being said, she’s still more authentic than the FFF.
DeleteShillary Fraudwin is just a richer version of Jenna Woginrich.
ReplyDelete“As someone who lives in a house older than the Civil War and constantly worries it will collapse around her - watching you tubers explore abandoned mansions built in 2008 feels comforting.”
Her hovel will eventually “collapse” due to lack of infrastructure maintenance. And it will be far from “comforting.”
If she's talking, she's lying.
DeleteIn 2010, she wrote that the house was 144 years old, which means it was built after the Civil War (which ended April 1865).
I doubt she knows when the civil war took place.
DeleteNext she will claim that the pilgrims landed in her backyard and built her barn. ��
"Next she will claim that the pilgrims landed in her backyard and built her barn."
DeleteLOLOL! That made me laugh out loud! Frankly, in the condition that barn is in, it looks like it could have been built by the pilgrims!
You have to get a hunting license in NY right?
ReplyDeleteThere is no way in hell she paid for deer tags. She knows she's not going to get anything.
It's becoming clearer why Shannon left. She probably felt used. Her cell phone pinging all day with calls and texts for JW, while Shannon paid the bill. Her car being used by JW while Shannon paid the insurance, upkeep and probably car payments. Who knows what else she paid for while JW was binge watching whatever she binge watches. Heck, she may have even paid for her own birthday cake if JW used her credit card.
ReplyDeleteThey took chickens to slaughter in Shannon's car. It probably trashed the interior. That was Jenna's justification for buying a truck that doesn't work. The whole point of getting it running was to be able to truck chickens to the butcher, which is ridiculous. Rent a pickup and run it through the car was before returning it every 6-8 weeks when you need to do a chicken run.
DeleteI have a daughter Shannon's age and I often wonder if her mother (or parents) begged her to leave. I know I would have.
DeleteAnon 455: I think so too. On the previous thread I think I commented that I'm sure her parents must have had a few frank discussions with Shannon about the stability of her living situation. If they saw Jenna posting about being late on the mortgage, then they would know that their kid is not saving, and is probably paying more than their share.
DeleteIt might have ranged anywhere from "you can come back home whenever you want" to "we are very concerned about your future and this Jenna person doesn't seem to have any long term plans aside from using up your car and your credit balance."
I noticed Jenna has stopped complaining in the past year about her clients demands. When she used to get more work, she was always complaining about her clients sending her bitchy emails and why don't they understand that timelines have to be flexible, she's always behind and "that's farming"?
ReplyDeleteShe hasn't complained about a client in a year.
She also hasn't advertised that famous discount on logos if you can wait six months.
She isn't talking about a backlog in work at all. Before, she was just selling her work and spending the money before she delivered the work, which meant she could not refund the client if they were unhappy or wanted to cancel because she was late. Now she's having the same firesales and claiming to be delivering a short turnaround.
What this means depends on what she was really doing before: because she was complaining about clients, I think she really was getting commissions and selling services many months in advance.
Since she's not complaining, and not giving specials on services if people can wait, I think she's not getting anywhere near the sales / commissions she was getting even a year ago.
She claims to continue looking for work, but I doubt she's doing much more than clicking on the job boards once a week.
If what she has been saying the past 10 years is true, she should have lost that property a long time ago.
DeleteAnd if what she's saying now is true, that her only steady income is $200/month, then she'll lose it for sure in the upcoming year.
With the rising cost of goods, people sympathetic to Jenna's cause have less money for hand made soap and custom cartoon portraits of their pets. People aren't commissioning new logos for their farms if they don't need them. Jenna's little cottage business has dried up.
As well, without Shannon there setting the pace for the day, Jenna's schedule is going to deteriorate. She won't have set working hours anymore, and no one to body-double with / aka motivate her to do the work that's waiting.
It's that time of year when the holiday cons start flowing through cambridge.
ReplyDeleteIf you ordered some crappy soap or pet scribbles and paid upfront and never received what was paid for, you can easily report the fraud and try to get your money back. Same applies if you were asked to send money via an app like venmo for a bs reason. If you were lied to so you would give someone money, that is considered fraud and a scam. This is the link:
There's a few pages online to complete and then its off to the races and you will be one step closer to shutting down the begging/scamming FFF.
The ex girlfriend could put a major dent in the FFF's fradulant practices. If she completed the online fraud report and listed everything she knew the FFF was participating in to con people.
She could literally help to put a stop to all of it.
We’ll use the form to report her for fraud. And Shannon should, too.
DeleteDONE!!! Happy Holidays, Jenna. (Said with a smirk.)
DeleteNow she could say “Get yourself a girl who has the courage to walk away from a lousy living situation.” I like turning her stupid sentences around to mock her inanities.
ReplyDeleteJENNA NEVERS LEARNS AND CHANGES AND MOVES AHEAD!!!! No matter what, even seeing a productive garden planned and put into place by an industrious adult, didn't register with her. "Planning, I've heard of that," like that's a real joke. Not to mention that her new plans are like her old never carried out plans. NEVER CHANGING OR MOVING AHEAD. Same shit, different day.
She’s been stuck in a rut for years, and has no desire to dig herself out.
DeleteAnd even Shannon leading by example and industry didn’t budge her fat ass.
Deleteoh yes she is reading here again she posted pics of both dogs Gibson and Friday on her account. Just a happy accident I am sure. Once it was mentioned about Gibson she had to post a pic of him being okay.
ReplyDeleteAlso the picture she bragged about her parents having taken with her "gurl" in it and the whole family will this now have to be redone?
She’ll cut Shannon out of the pic if possible. And Jenna definitely reads here regularly.
DeleteShe also posts on here...
Delete“I worry about breaking rules far too much.”
ReplyDelete“Sure, Jen.” You mean like the “rule” of paying your mortgage not months behind?
Clearly she is nuts. Breaking rules is how she has lived her life for the past 11 years.
DeleteSomeone who walks the straight and narrow doesn't have as much interaction with law enforcement (in multiple states) and various animal protection agencies as FFF has had.
They don't have animals dying left and right on their property.
They dont sell lamb pelts and meat claiming to have pregnant ewes that were never pregnant in the first place and keep the money paid ahead of time for the pelts and meat.
They aren't too drunk and more interested in being at a bar instead of helping previous pregnant ewes during the birthing process resulting in dead lambs.
They don't claim that hawks they have trapped who later "disappear" to have been "released" yet for multiple hawks they don't have video proof of the releases.
They don't claim to have possibly shot a deer while hunting and then decide to go home and warm up and eat some soup before going back to track a possibly injured and suffering animal.
They don't ask for payment up front for various junk and services and then never send the item or provide the service to the customer.
They don't go so far as to delete their facebook account to avoid customer's messages asking why they haven't received what was promised to them.
They don't fundraise for money to write and publish a book and then bounce with the $15,000 that was raised leaving patrons in the lurch. They don't claim to have rotten teeth without money to pay for dental care or money for emergency vet visits or home repairs when really they just want money for booze, streaming services and T.S. merchandise.
They don't sell pork to the public that has worms in it and isnt fit for human or animal consumption.
They don't blame their pigs for escaping the lousy fencing they haphazardly threw together and then purposely shock them once they are caught and put back in the pen. They dont write on their blog about shocking the pigs and grinning when they squeal.
There is SO much more that the FFF has done which would never be indulged by a person who is afraid of breaking the rules.
Anonymous 2:56. That was well-put. She has zero self-awareness, and has duper’s delight in breaking rules.
Delete“Happy Thanksgiving to all the queers going home this weekend. You are in my thoughts.”
ReplyDeleteClearly, she’s only concerned about queers having a happy holiday.
Jenna has been posting OLD photos of Gibson. One from a past summer, one from years ago.
ReplyDeleteGibson Watch 2021 continues
End of October looks like the last possible real time photo.
DeleteShe’s always posted old pics as proof of nothing.
DeleteThat doesn't sound good for Gibson. She hasn't posted a recent one of him in a LONG time, just Friday by herself.
Deleteit's been at least a month since the last photo that could possibly have been taken in real time.
DeleteIf he had died though, wouldn't Jenna would have tweeted something along the lines of a "hard farm day" at the very least?
She would definitely use a pet's death to try to get pity from her Foolowers. However, she knows announcing that might lead to an animal welfare check of her remaining animals.
DeleteOr if she announced that Gibson is very sick, someone could request a welfare check to make sure he's receiving treatment and not suffering.
With the recent hawk "release" and whatever horrible conditions her animals might be living in since her ex girlfriend left, she might not want to chance anyone showing up to inspect the other animals.
To me, it's a lot more sketchy if she isn't mentioning Gibson and is only posting old photos of him. The photo she posted of Friday looking at the mouse near the stove would normally show Gibson near her in the photo. Instead he's nowhere to be seen, same as other recent photos of Friday.
Jenna is disingenuous, and will lie about anything. Including a dying or deceased dog. I wish that Shannon would report what she’s seen at her hovel over the past year.
Delete“Okay now I’m excited.”
ReplyDeleteThe pig is drooling over Pember Patty’s pies. Save some for the other guests, fat ass.
She’s been mooching off Patty for years. And even sending visitors to stay with her, because JW’s shit-pit is worse than a fleabag motel.
DeleteI wonder what it's like to have one friend in your life and not have any friends from childhood or from her home state.
DeleteIMO that's always a sign of someone who burns bridges and has screwed over friends they have had previously.
Of course there could be other circumstances but for the majority who have one friend made recently, considering their age, it's a sign they are bad news.
PP must be either desperate for a friendship, share some sort of secret with FFF or is just incredibly stupid. From what I've seen online it isn't the latter.
PP seems very resourceful, hard working and takes great care of her family and animals.
I don't understand how someone who appears to take fantastic care of her animals would hang out with and even promote someone who barely keeps her animals alive.
After 11 years it couldn't be that PP hopes to teach/help her to do better. That ship has sailed. The only positive change for FFF's animals was under the ex girlfriend's care and had nothing to do with FFF. She just sat on her ass and indulged in the same addictions as she always has.
The only thing that makes any sense is that PP considers FFF charity.
Even so, I would never allow someone like FFF to be around my children or animals. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing what is taking place with the animals living down the road from me. To me, someone who sees abuse and neglect and doesn't report it, is just as guilty as the perpetrator. If you see something, say something. Always.
JW is loathed by locals including Jon Katz for good reason. We’ve wondered why Patty puts up with her bullshit for years.
DeleteI have a lot of respect for PP. She has a dependent child who will never leave home, and she seems to take care of her property and community.
DeleteBut I do think she's lonely. It's not easy having a disabled child to care for the rest of their lives, and it can be extremely isolating. It's hard to maintain friendships when your life and priorities are so different and your world by necessity is so small.
Jenna's world is also small, and Jenna clearly needs her. She's probably the only person in PP's life who visits regularly, and for all her enabling, PP does offer a sympathetic ear with complete lack of judgement.
I think without Jenna, PP's life would be duller and smaller, and given the choice she'd rather keep Jenna around, even if it means looking after her like another dependent child who will need lifelong support.
WIW, that makes sense.
DeleteI just don't understand how someone who appears to be very caring of her family and her animals, even if desperate for friendship, how she could have any positive feelings for someone who has repeatedly disregarded her animals' needs and let them live in inhumane conditions. Even after authorities had to intervene so many times, FFF does what's best for herself and doesn't care what happens to anyone else.
PP might not be able to help or change FFF but to continue to want to hang out with her and maintain a friendship is bizarre and not a good look for PP.
Shannon and Patty both seem slightly naive, and maybe too trusting. Perhaps that’s why’ve given Jenna so many chances. Unfortunately, narcissistic people who have defective characters can’t improve.
Delete“Why they’ve given…”
DeleteI don't doubt PP takes good care of her animals and her son, however, I don't have a lot of respect for her otherwise. Remember, she was a board member for a local museum, I think it was, and fleeced them out of thousands of dollars by awarding the remodel contract (at a huge inflated price) to her husband! That's what PP and FFF have in common. PP is probably as much of a pariah around town as the FFF. Two scamming outcasts.
DeleteYes, she left her job as a library director under suspicious circumstances. If you google her name, you can find out about it online.
DeleteAnon 9:09
DeleteBirds of a feather always flock together and in this case have a mutual understanding of the grift.
DeleteThis was quite the local scandal for nearby Granville. Comments from neighbors showed not a lot of love lost for the departing Director. Some residents suggested an earlier audit would have revealed more. It's an interesting rabbit hole to peek into.
Her latest scamming technique is fools bidding on a crappy coyote drawing. She keeps announcing the pricing increase like she’s auctioning off a valuable antique instead of a worthless, stupid scribble.
ReplyDeleteShe will still be doing the same thing to raise money when she's 60 unless the state steps in. There's a very real possibility that this could be in her near future:
Anonymous 3:21. I hope that happens. She doesn’t deserve to either have a home or animals.
DeleteBritney Spears 2.0.
Delete“Applying for health insurance is making me go mad. I called the state about it, to find someone to talk to in person, they can't believe I don't understand this form. I am so worried I will mess it up and keep messing it up. I think I have some sort of form-filling problem?”
ReplyDeleteToo late. You’re already crazy, cunt. You’re the “problem” not the form.
“Is this part of ADHD? Because I probably have that.”
DeleteGrasping at psychological straws to explain her stupidity.
How many times has she supposedly applied for health insurance and then shortly afterward posts that she couldn't make the payment and lost the coverage?
DeleteIf she has money for the stupid things she throws her cash at, she has money to make the payment. But something tells me that she gets free insurance and the whole can't make the payment is another FFF LIE.
Keep in mind, if someone receives disability they usually qualify for free Medicaid or free medicare.
How many insurance companies do you "call state" for?
The only insurance that you would call state for is Medicaid and Medicaid when paired with disability payments is FREE. Looks like FFF screwed up by saying she's getting insurance through state. Most other types of insurance you would call the company and it has nothing to do with the state you live in. What a moron.
I wonder if Medicaid with possible disability benefits is aware of the income she receives online from donations and selling her various crap?
DeleteThe amount may vary from state to state but there are income restrictions on receiving those benefits. Make too much and lose the benefits. Fail to disclose income and lose benefits plus face possible legal action.
She’ll use Shannon dumping her for sympathy from sycophants.
DeleteThere’s also no need to be broadcasting this bullshit online. Unless it’s to appear poorer than she really is for manipulative marketing.
Delete"Most other types of insurance you would call the company and it has nothing to do with the state you live in."
DeleteIt depends if the state has expanded Medicaid or not. If so, you would call the state about their plans. They are subsidized and offer different plans at different income levels. You would pay monthly premiums according to your income. I have no idea if NY is that way, but my state is.
According to FFF, her income is below poverty level which would make it free. If she is paying a premium every month, that means that she is lying about how much money she makes and her income is more than what she portrays. Either way, she is either lying about having to pay for insurance or she is lying about being destitute.
DeleteWhen well-intentioned readers suggested she ask for a poverty discount for her root canals, she pointedly replied that she wasn't poor, people, she was BROKE
DeleteI took this to mean she obtains money, wastes it on stupid 💩 then begs for more.
PDD. Then by her own admission she’s been broke for years.
Delete“I don't care how corny it is, tell me the holiday move that never fails to make you feel a little better about humanity? Mama needs her medicine.”
ReplyDeleteBig “Mama,” I think that you meant movie, moron. And learn how to properly use question marks.
Sounds like big mama is already drinking her medicine.
DeleteShe has numerous animals that need daily care, not to mention needing to winterize their areas, and once again she is looking for movies recommendations. How many real farmers with livestock, with winter weather hitting any day now, have time to sit on their ass and watch holiday movies? Those poor animals have a rough winter ahead of them. Shannon could prevent their suffering by simply making a few phone calls.
After pigging out on Patty’s pies, Big Mama probably binged on a bottle of bourbon. Then she watched reruns of either Buffy or Gilmore Girls. I also hope that Shannon reports BM for animal abusing.
DeleteClearly Big Mama is still on the sauce.
DeleteShe probably never quit and that was one of many secrets her ex girlfriend was expected to keep on the down low.
The ex girlfriend must have practically had a script to follow trying to keep track of Big Mama's many lies. Who was told what lies and who Big Mama was steering clear of because she had screwed them over and owed them money, what lies she had told PP or other neighbors, what she had told various agencies who stopped by to ask about the livestock, what happened to the most recent hawk and the story Big Mama came up with to cover up what happened, and on and on and on. It must have been exhausting and a super shitty way to live. Big Mama essentially made her ex an accessory to all of her criminal activities.
No wonder the ex packed up her cat and left.
She gave us the gift of a new name. Big Mama was born on Black Friday. I think that she’s been drinking daily since Shannon dumped her fat ass.
Delete“No big deal. Just googling why every time I take a step it feels like I'm on a rope bridge swaying 200 feet above a ravine....
ReplyDeleteOh, It's life.”
No, it’s your loser’s life. Pathetic pleas for free funds.
“I know. I've also been told to "just think about it logically" when I get a rough patch of anxiety and it's like telling someone with depression to smile and cheer up...”
DeleteIt’s time to whine.
“Good things about today, stress aside:
ReplyDeletePeppermint Mocha Coffee this morning!
Filled out an Artist's Grant Application!
The first true snowfall of the year is covering the farm and it looks beautiful. Tonight I am starting a rewatching of game of thrones from the beginning.”
There she goes with watching reruns again. Of course, she once publicly proclaimed herself to be “I’m a real life extra on GOT!” She doesn’t deserve a grant for anything. JW will blow it on booze and Taylor Swift sweaters.
“The blog of author Jenna Woginrich of Cold Antler Farm. Where pop culture meets agriculture! Here she writes about her adventures following her feral life as a self-employed writer, homesteader, archer, falconer, equestrian, martial artist, hunter, spinner, brewer, geek, and real-life Game of Thrones Extra. She loves movies, music, running far, and eating animals. On twitter @coldantlerfarm”