October 2021 is almost in the books.

I hope you all are doing well!

I hope JW continues to rot in her own self created hell.  
I hope Shannon comes to her senses and flees.


  1. I sometimes wonder if Shannon is of good reputation or she is one of the FFF. She has now been there long enough to see the M.O. of this grifter. Does she go along with it or is she gently trying to change her? If this is the case so far she is failing.

    1. I think that Shannon has her own mental health issues, and is also too scared to survive on her own.

    2. I still have my suspicions that Shannon is pulling a long con on Jenna. A scenario in which she cozies up to her, gains her trust, convinces her to marry...and then waits a few years before busting out divorce papers and taking over half the farm, if not all of it.

      Cuz if a somewhat valuable property wasn't involved, why would anyone in their right mind suffer the likes of Jenna? Nothing else makes sense.

    3. Anon7: that's crossed my mind too. Even if it isn't intentional, if they get married and after some years the bloom falls off the rose, Shannon would be entitled to half the assets. Jenna would have to buy her out or sell the farm. Especially with all the improvements Shannon is bound to make over the years.

  2. “This week is my girl’s birthday! Let’s hear it for the person who puts up with me!”

    1. Shannon deserves a moron’s medal for living with the filthy feral farmer for over a year. No wonder she looks tired.

    2. It's not the best photo.

      I'd say the bloom is off the rose at this point, for Shannon. She *knows* what life at Jenna's is like, and she seems to be okay with it, though it also seems like she's managed to hold Jenna accountable / responsible more than anyone else in Jenna's life has been able to do.

      I think Shannon really is someone Jenna wants to keep around, and that she actually *tries* to change her behaviour a bit to that end. Will it be enough? To be continued...

    3. Pre-Shannon, Jenna absolutely would have trapped a replacement hawk this season. No question. She'd feel entitled, like, "what am I making all these sacrifices for if I can't do the fun things I want?"

    4. Shannon is a Scorpio so there will be only so much bullshit that she'll put up with.

      If you have any passing knowledge of basic astrology, you'll know that Scorpios do suffer fools gladly, but only for so long. What happens is that they hit a breaking point and then hit you hard with their stinger, unleashing a torrent of unsurmountable grievances.

      Case in point: When I was a teen I spent a ton of time with my cousin as we got on so well. We never fought about anything. But then one day I did something that annoyed her, and while we were discussing it, she suddenly busted out a bunch of infractions and/or slights from the previous 6 months.

      I was flabbergasted cuz memories can fade and thus leave one defenseless.
      I even asked her, "Why didn't you tell me at the time that I upset you?" And she just smirked. Cuz that's what Scorpios do, lol. They gather ammunition and then hit you with it all at once. And to be honest, it's a great tactic that really works. That is why it's hard to win an argument with a Scorpio. So watch out, Jenna!

  3. I wonder how long until they are at each other’s throats over finances. We all know JFW is irresponsible. Little is known about Shannon. Seems like she quit a good job in Boston to adopt the live like fiction lifestyle. The market is saturated with freelancers and it doesn’t appear she has a job in town. And since there has been no end to Jenna’s begging, my guess is that they aren’t doing too well.

    1. Gotta say that since Shannon entered Jenna's life, the amount of manufactured emergencies has lessened. Probably cuz there is now someone there to call her out on her bullshit lies.

      But unless Shannon is the type to only check her social media accounts a few times a month, then she's HAD to have seen Jenna's constant daily begging. And yet somehow she is OK with that? Most people wouldn't be.

  4. I agree. I also wonder why Shannon accepts being called “my girl” instead of partner etc… She sure has a longer fuse than most of us when it comes to tolerating a lazy loser like JFW.

    1. The Pig Shocker should just call her what she really is: A farmhand with benefits

  5. JW begs almost daily all year, but can somehow afford a custom cake. It must be her “Live like fiction” finances.

    1. Yeah, that's a $100 cake. I got my wife one for her birthday last year.

      I doubt they'd be "at each other's throats" about finances, I think it's more of a slow burn.

      I believe Jenna stated at one point that Shannon's Boston job went remote so that she *could* move and do the same job from Jenna's. I could be wrong - is she saying Shannon's a freelancer?

      Watching all this go down, I'm back to the theory that Jenna's not actually short on cash, and has been paying her mortgage on time just fine, which means Shannon's okay with Jenna's behaviour.

      As I get older I notice that there people who will just float their way through life, telling fictional stories about themselves to get others engaged and hooked in.

      The stakes are pretty high for Shannon at this point though, because the cost of housing has increased rapidly since Shannon gave up her own place. That plus inflation, it would be a significant financial setback for Shannon to try and get back to independence, if she ever wants to.

      I'm was really rooting for this couple to do better, I was rooting for Jenna to get a job, but I think this is it folks.

    2. Maybe she found that cake at the dump that she gets all her other stuff from.

  6. Jenna has been lying for so long that it’s become her norm. You can’t buy a custom cake for $100, and then have the chutzpah to complain about being broke. And I doubt that her friend either baked it for barter, or gave it as a gift.

    1. And by sharing the custom cake pic she’s humble-bragging about buying it. It’s bad optics. Keep your pricey purchases privately. Otherwise, Twitter followers will see you for the thief that you are in reality.

    2. Yep, I'm surprised she didn't claim the cake was for barter to avoid suspicion, but maybe the baker follows Jenna's social media. I'd be pissed as a business owner if someone told the internet I'd let them barter for something that I make a living doing.

      Bakery cakes are nice and all, but it completely contradicts Jenna's narrative of the "worst sales month on record". Did she just spend half her first paycheque on a cake?

      "Sure I got a $200 / month job, babe, and I spent $100 on something we don't need, but I spent that money on YOU!"

    3. She just can't resist any reason to share something like the cake purchase, regardless of how it makes her look when she's been spending the last two weeks talking about paying the mortgage late and please by my boring snowflake soap and BOGO logos because I'm poor!

    4. Exactly. "Worst sales ever" but then shows pic of a fancy cake. She is the queen of bad optics.

    5. Aww, c'mon. She probably found it at the dump.

    6. Anonymous 1:14. I literally, laughed out loud at your comment. I always thought that she lied about finding new bikes etc… at her local dump. She pretended to score items that were probably purchased with poodle donations.

    7. LOL anon 1:14! I nearly snorted my tea!

  7. Twitter Twaddle:

    "Good morning from Cold Antler Farm. I just asked my girlfriend "did you stir your skins today?" which is a totally normal thing to ask your partner. Right? Right."

    Please show yourself out. Humor is not your strong suit.

    So Shannon is tanning rabbit hides now. Is there anything that this chick doesn't do? So far, she's been responsible for a proper full garden, fixed fences, better eating apparatuses for the animals, and more. Much more. She probably wipes Jenna's ass too.

    IDEA: Shannon should write a book: How I Saved Cold Antler Farm

    Seriously, Shannon, if you are reading this, here is your chance to cash in on your experience at CAF thus far. You can write about what a hell hole CAF was when you arrived. Regale us with your tales of prying Jenna's ass off the linoleum floor, tearing her away from the internet, and getting her to go outside more than twice a day. And impress us with how you convinced her to stop shitting behind the barn.

    Also...does she now shower more often than once or twice a week? Do you guys buy coffee creamer or does she still steal it from Stewarts? Is she still terrified and feel unsafe in her town because the locals think she's selfish, broken or trouble? Her foollowers will want to know, and they will buy your book. Do it!!!

    1. Your comment cracked me up. Her humor always falls flat. Shannon is like a modern little pioneer woman. It’s obnoxious and overkill.

      So far JW hasn’t tweeted today. Maybe she’s comatose from eating too much cake. She probably pigged out on it while “hunched over like a yeti at the top of her stairs.”

  8. “10 months booze free today.”

    I don’t buy this bull. Her whole life is lies.

    1. It’s just more humble-bragging and virtue-signaling from the filthy feral farmer.

  9. It must kill her to work for someone else. After a new *cough* part-time gig, she already complained about the huge effort in her life, working PT in addition to her many strenuous tasks, such as *big sigh* doing dishes, making coffee, going to the post office and buying groceries.

    In terms of earning money, this part-time gig only pays $200/mo, a laughable number, which is equivalent to working 3 hours/week at $15/hr. (excluding deductions). She would need to work multiple WFH side gigs to pay for her half of the bills.

    A normal person would hold multiple free-lance gigs if WFH was the goal. But with FFF, who knows?

    Her life has been one long stream of slack work habits and incompetence. She's been largely ill-prepared, rationalized bad decisions, took the easy way out and always, always used others.

    Look at Antler Stock, her early "busy bee" attempts to hold multi-day homesteading seminars. Her seminar experts were almost all connected to others, especially Pember Patty, and I have no doubt PP helped organize the seminars. PP loved enabling her scrappy VerYork protégé. FFF had little to offer Antler Stock attendees, except the simplest activities (pumpkin carving, anyone?). On the other hand, administration of Antler Stock, her responsibility, was a giant pile of 💩💩💩.

    She didn't obtain permits or liability insurance, and her insurance agent would have choked to see attendees engage in dangerous activities, such as ax throwing (with children wandering around), tree cutting w/o safety protection, etc. There weren't bathrooms, and she wasn't licensed to prepare/serve food. Far-away attendees could not use rest facilities, enter her home, camp on-site or enjoy lunch - after spending $$$, they were on their own! Hey, no refunds!

    No wonder Antler Stock crashed and burned.

    The 2008 back-to-the-land movement that she grabbed onto is fully mainstream, with considerably better homesteaders out there. Actions she promised to take (solar energy, sustainability) never happened. Her "rural skills" never improved, and so the heinous homesteader has been left behind. She needs a new con.

  10. I just keep shaking my head at her statement 10 months booze free (of course she didn't say pot free). I mean who announces this to the world? What must potential employers think? Hmmm this girl could fall of the wagon at any time. After all she has "quit" drinking many times before and fallen back into drinking.

    1. Who can guess why she appears to continually and publicly self-sabotage? She hates working for employers, so maybe she simply makes it easy for them to reject her.

      She operates businesses.
      It makes no sense to discuss her money problems, the multiple threats of losing her property, poor planning and even forgetting customer orders. What normal business owner does this??? SMH


  11. “So many holidays ads hit me today. On IG, here, emails, banners...”

    The irony is that JW bombards her followers with “ads” all year long, but she lies and calls it sales. She has zero self-awareness.

  12. "Local Farm Types: Anyone know of folks that sell and deliver square bales? Most of my regular guys are out?"

    Ughhhhhhhhh. Gotta find hay for those hay-burner pasture ornaments of hers. Didn't she mention selling the sheep since she wasn't breeding them??? What about that goat she got "for free" a year ago, is she spending mortgage money on his feed?

    She literally never sits down and does the math. Shannon needs to get her girl on board or they're both gonna sink! (assuming any of her "worst sales month on record, haven't paid October mortgage" is true.)

    I was looking at an old post of hers from 2017 where she was talking about how she had not been able to come up with enough funds in "one fell swoop" to catch up her back mortgage payments, and she needed to do that before the house went into foreclosure. Thus followed a flurry of "sales".

    She's already been saying the mortgage is behind for years. again. yet no trouble with foreclosure!

    Sheeeeeeees a scammer! And if she doesn't want people having this logical assessment of her publically posted personal life then she should *keep her finances to herself*.

    1. There are a bunch of cute women couples on tictok who are travelling shearing sheep, farming their own homesteads, using social media effectively... In the past few years Jenna has become so out of touch.

    2. WiW. I really respect your intelligent comments, and am glad that you finally called JW out as a scammer. You sometimes seemed too easy on her. We were fans of CAF for years, but finally came to the conclusion that she’s a sociopathic POS.

    3. She does not need to put the word out. Her “local guys” should know.

      What I think she is really saying is that her “local guys” don’t want to do business with her and don’t want to refer her to someone else. Probably having a lot to do with not getting paid.

      And if she can’t afford to feed the animals she shouldn’t have them.

    4. Anon 4:06 - I've been commenting on here for what, two years now? I've always agreed the CAF math does not work out, that she would have actually lost her property to the bank by now if any of what she's been saying were true, and that she must have secret income either in the form of a consistent gig, or possibly disability funding.

      I've always agreed her behaviour is toxic, harmful to her friends which is why many have withdrawn from her, and I've been watching how this thing with Shannon plays out knowing Jenna's pattern of wearing people out by needing other to do for her what most of us do for ourselves.

      She vacillates between scammer and sketchy and has for years. She lacks empathy for the animals in her care and has cluelessly blogged about abusing and neglecting them. It's reprehensible.

      I am interested in *why* she continues to make decisions that perpetuate this never-ending crisis. I do tread carefully around using language like "sociopath" which is a diagnosable mental condition, just like bi-polar or adhd. I agree something is going on in her brain that contributes to this behavior, because it makes more sense than Jenna just being a bad person. However, we do not have any kind of access or the qualifications to actually diagnose her. You can't just google a medical condition and say "yep, that's her" because if we were actually in a position to diagnose her, we sure as shit would not be doing so on the internet.

      I have said multiple times I really, REALLY wish Jenna would go to a therapist already. I really think she should be evaluated for ADHD based on my loved one's experience with it, that it's a fairly common form of neurodiversity, that it's often missed in women and is very high among queer women, and most importantly it's easily TREATABLE. All that disorganization, poor planning, illogical decisions, impulsive purchasing - even the alcohol abuse - could be undiagnosed moderate to severe ADHD. It would be a logical explanation, and a really good thing if she were diagnosed and treated successfully.

      So yeah, I don't jump on the "sociopathic POS" rhetoric because I genuinely don't think that's fair or true. It's not because I'm soft on Jenna or don't see her actions for what they are, I am just mindful of stigmatizing things that affect other people, and are also *not someone's fault*.

      Avoiding evaluation and treatment though, that IS her responsibility - however the mental health care system in the US is a freakin' mess. It's not accessible for someone whose disposable income depends on whether internet strangers make a small purchase from her non-scalable business. Even if she were diagnosed, how the hell would she pay for meds?

      If she was fired from her last job, or left it on impulse to start a farm - either way, that's a classic thing that happens to someone with an undiagnosed but profound mental illness.

      It's sad, and the animals are the most vulnerable involved of course. But with Shannon there, things seem to have improved, because Shannon ensures the care is up to snuff, that Jenna doesn't impulsively trap another hawk when she can't afford to feed her sheep, that she look for real employment if they want to build an actual life together.

      A partner often is the difference in whether a person sinks or makes it.

      But, sadly, if it is an undiagnosed and untreated mental illness, that's going to place a huge burden on Shannon to keep the ship afloat. Maybe Shannon can help steer Jenna towards diagnosis and treatment - that's often how it happens.

      At the end of the day, watching this unfold, I am rooting for positive outcomes.

    5. I appreciate your thoughtful response. But I think that Jenna’s just a garbage human being who preys on people for her own selfish purposes.

  13. Walk directly off the earth. Shannon too. Thanks.

  14. So she bought 28 bales of hay. With the animals she currently has, that will last about two weeks. The closer we get towards winter, the harder it will be to find hay. I have sheep, goats, and horses. My hay purchases for winter have been lined up since May. But the checks I write are always good so there's that. Where is all this hay she supposedly had lined up for winter? Why isn't Patty bailing her out like she usually does?

    1. Pember Patty was once a major enabler of Jenna’s, but seems to have almost disappeared when Shannon came along. And the math at her faux farm never adds up.

  15. “I just spent 30 minutes cleaning up a spot in my house I have felt too overwhelmed to deal with for the past decade and it feels like I just won something.”

    She has the chutzpah to call herself a writer, but can’t use commas in her stupid sentence.

    1. Jenna’s generation often received stupid participation awards in school for just doing what was expected of them. Apparently, as an adult, she expects them too.

  16. “Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! Last night a friend of a friend helped with my farm's evening chore. It took us maybe 15 minutes? She was helpful, polite, and when we were done she seemed so upset that this was a life people choose. She wasn't rude, it wasn't for her.”

    This entire thread is full of humble-bragging and virtue-signaling that her life is so much better than the ones that others have. It’s obnoxious.

  17. “Shannon mended this old wool sweater using this book and the results are the most beloved item of clothing in this homestead now.”

    Little Ms. Hovel on the Prairie is so self-sufficient!!! Funny how Jenna has bragged before about buying new Taylor Swift stuff, falconry equipment, camping gear, and even canine crap etc… But somehow that’s okay, because an occasional item gets fixed. What a fucking hypocrite.

    1. I wish that she’d STFU about how Shannon does it all like cooking, gardening, and now, mending. Jenna acts like “my girl” is the Second Coming of Martha Stewart.

    2. Let's be honest. The casual misogynistic way she writes about her "girl" would result in pitchforks, if written by a man.

      She treats her "girl" like an unpaid farm hand, and FFF's words could have been written by 1950s misogynistic male describing the hard-working "little lady of the house".

      I'm of an older generation, but I don't have any gay friends who refer to their partners in this manner. Is borderline rudeness the new normal?


    3. PDD. Exactly. “Borderline rudeness” is “normal” for the filthy feral farmer. JW comes across as a sexist lesbian who is stuck in a dated era. If Shannon doesn’t mind being treated like she’s a possession, then they’re both happy.

    4. It’s too bad that Shannon can’t redo that ugly, wannabe hipster living room. The decorated trophy animal heads, and goofy Goodwill Mona Lisa surrounded by little lights looks stupid. All of the surfaces appear coated by human detritus and dust. You’d think that she’d have a funky photo of Gertrude and Alice in an amorous embrace by now.

  18. "So point of this: does anyone else feel content in a life other people see as misery and is that bad?"

    Classic humble brag, and again quite out of touch. Jenna *thinks* her life is a noble struggle. She presents her life like an exciting roller coaster full of ethereal, whimsical highs and terrifyingly dark lows... but the truth is she's a property owner in a country where the housing crisis means hundreds of thousands are working more than full time to barely pay the rent and squeak by every month, doing very little they enjoy, sometimes focused solely on ensuring their children are fed and safe.

    Jenna said her guest was polite and the life was "not for her". She didn't say she thought the life was a misery, or bad.

    Jenna's privilege doesn't make her charming, or down to earth, or humble - and is she content? She doesn't seem content.

    1. Such a disingenuous question by Jenna and you called it exactly, WiW. She underestimates people's intelligence.

    2. She also once said “It’s okay to live a life others don’t understand.” Which makes her disingenuous question even more ridiculous. Jenna just wants affirmation from sycophants for her choices.

    3. She's epitomizes discontent. A content person wouldn't dismiss others who live different lives, be they older white heterosexuals (especially males), religious people, those who work in cubicles, folks who aren't Taylor Swift fans, vegans, or people who aren't "woke".  A content person wouldn't denigrate people who travel or take faraway vacations. 

      With her pitiful humble-brags and online "requests", her insecurity is fully evident and almost continually displayed. 

      Mail a holiday card; drop a note of appreciation; post photos of cute animals; tell her what to read; suggest a new streaming service; send money. She's so unhappy... Paypal *sniff* . It means so much.

      PS As I remember, she basically appropriated the phrase "It's okay to live a life others don't understand." from a slightly longer quote on growing older. What a shock (not).

    4. Anon 1000: I remember that, and how ridiculous it was to say in response to people logically questioning her choices after she freely shares one dire fabricated emergency after another.

  19. “A piece of hay fell out of my hair and into my breakfast burrito and I ate it.”

    Only a filthy feral farmer would find that funny, and then brag about it like it’s cool not crude.

    1. She’s also snickered in the past about pooping on her property, rather than paying a plumber to fix the toilet. And Jenna has written previous posts on wearing the same stinky kilts for days, and then offending locals with her stench. Her hygiene is horrid.

  20. “20 minutes till my weekly pitch meeting and 5 pigs just escaped.”

    What a fucking farming failure. She still has horses and pigs escaping after damn near a decade. So Shannon will probably be responsible for their return. After all, she’s little more than a helper/housemate who has “benefits.”

    1. Livestock is loose! Let's pause to tweet about it!

      Or, you know, it happened days ago and she's presenting it like a charmingly chaotic hallmark movie. All ok! Made my meeting! Such a scrappy farmer, am I!

    2. She once thought that her “dumb little life” would be interesting enough to make a movie about. It’s more like a disaster documentary.

    3. Anon 6:24 - it would have been if she'd been able to follow through with any of her grand plans. She failed though. Lots of people experience failure in life... but most of us learn, pivot, adapt. she didn't.

      It's also become surprisingly common for the average office worker to do exactly what Jenna wanted to do... and do it better. Nearly all of the small farmers I follow on youtube or tictok are still doing office work from home to supplement their farm income. The other farmers I follow are multi-generational farmers with much larger operations that's not really attainable for a single person to establish without corporate sponsorship. They survived the industrial revolution and adapted - they run their farms on annual operational loans and at least one person working off farm full time to pull in a salary and health benefits.

      The average hobby homesteader works at least part time and manages their livestock more efficiently.

  21. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenna-woginrich-3bb05b8

    Her dated profile is from approximately 13 years ago, so it looks like she’s still working at Orvis. It’s just another example of Jenna’s laziness, and fraudulent proclivity.

  22. Anon mentioned earlier that Jenna has not said whether she's sober from pot. She retweeted a joke about the munchies earlier, but I notice in her instagram stories, she's taken a screen shot of that same tweet and shared it. She thinks it's that funny.

    1. She has no humor, and it always falls flat. It’s also likely lies by omission.

  23. “Why is it that an uninvited catastrophic thought can pop into my head and my emotions feel like it actually happened?

    So then, for my next trick, WHY CAN'T I imagine fantastic thoughts and feel the emotions like they are really happening?!

    Why is my default brain negative?!”

    It’s because you’re an attention seeking twat who wants to whine about bullshit that hasn’t happened.

  24. “I want you all to know I got 5 pigs back in their pen bribing them with kitchen scraps in a bucket and made my meeting with SF in TIME!!!”

    No one cares about your hyperbolic crap.

  25. reading through the FFF tweets and she is talking about 20 min. till a pitch meeting and the pigs got out of the pen. Well this MAY have happened but who the heck stops to tweet about it if you only have 20 min. to get them back in? Also I guess there is only clock changes in New England as she was talking about how no one understands how dark it gets there early when the time changes. I think I made a mistake an turned my clocks back--should I have not since I don't live in New England?

    1. The escaped pig story is hyperbole, if it happened at all. Pigs possibly walked through an unsecured doorway, walked 10 feet; she spotted them, grabbed food and coerced them to return.

      Of course, FFF HAD to enhance the story to make her disappointing life seem more exciting.

      Crashing around right before a work meetings? Check. I'm always amazed how little focus she brings to paying clients. Her articles, drawings and logos always have a rushed, last-minute quality to them. She counts on client pity, stolen ideas and purple prose to substitute for the hard work good writing and graphic design requires.

    2. Oh FFS. I live at 48 degrees north. She's only at 43 deg. In December, our sunset is BEFORE 4:00 pm. (Now ours is at 4:10. Hers? 4:35) She really needs to quit whining.

  26. “Trying to navigate my state's health insurance website is so infuriating as a small farmer. It simply isn't set up for us.”

    It sounds like she’s setting the sickness stage for more money mooching.

    1. I'm upset at her suggestion that "small farmers" are too dense to figure out a health insurance website.

      I know small farmers with degrees in accounting, civil engineering, biology, mycology, animal science, agriculture, business, etc. Local farmers often support the community and town government - many work for their towns or volunteer on committees. They deal with complex business and money issues each and every day.

      It's unbelievably dismissive of her to suggest "small farmers" somehow need technical information presented to them in a simpler way.

      Her condescension knows no limits.

    2. I’m sure that Shannon was tired of her condescending crap. Living with the filthy feral farmer must’ve been like a living hell.

  27. also thought with her "wineing" about the pigs getting out she was "righting" about it to set the stage for loosing her job or quitting because the farm needs her.

  28. I wish she’d stop claiming to be a small farmer. She is not. Having a few pigs doesn’t equal the work, dedication, steadfastness, sacrifice, and selflessness exampled by actual, even casual, small farmers. It’s a label she cashes in on.

    1. She’s never been any kind of real farmer. That would require too much work. Jenna’s just a hobby homesteader. And a poor one at that. It’s all an act bound up with a “Live like fiction” narrative that she created years ago to look cool.

    2. If you want to see a real, organic farmer raising pigs (and cows, and geese, and chickens) right in her town of Cambridge, check out John Boy's Farm.

      They even did an award-winning documentary about him. (FFF's wet dream)



    3. Thanks for sharing the link to John Boy's Farm, the story of a hard-working and successful office guy who became a hard-working and successful farmer. He cares about animals, people, food integrity and the environment. I definitely will see the documentary made about his interesting life.

      Unlike Dead Animal Farm, his documentary probably won't highlight day drinking, livestock abandoned to snowstorms, farmer matinees, crapping in the woods and continual whines coupled with inaction.

  29. She is not a farmer, she is not a farmer, she is not a farmer.

  30. Ummm...she just said Shannon left. Packed her stuff up and left?

    1. I wish that Shannon would show up here, and describe what life was like at her hovel.

  31. Can we have a new thread, please?
    Shannon left!!!!!

    1. Now, I get to gloat about Shannon dumping Jenna. I was waiting for it to happen.

  32. I'm actually crying. I really wanted it to work out.

    1. And I couldn’t be more pleased that Shannon left. It’s reinforced my belief that Jenna is incapable of maintaining an intimate relationship. She’s always been a user.

  33. I can only speak for myself here. The reason I went from a fan of CAF to a critic is that I think JW misrepresented herself. I felt stuck in a dead end cubicle job and she seemed to show there was another way of living, full of adventure and excitement right "out her front door" as she used to say. I eagerly followed her blog to find out more about how to do it, but became quickly disillusioned when I saw that things were not how they seemed on the surface.

    I don't know, maybe that is what happened with Shannon. I was hoping it would work out too. That they would become financially solvent and make something of the homestead (can't call it a farm). Like Anon 8:37, I'm sad too.

    1. I’m doing a dance of delight that Shannon has left. Good for her.

  34. I also was hoping it would work out, but I absolutely knew it would not. Why? Because JW is a USER. It's a rare person that will put up with being used for a long period of time. Shannon fixed up the farm infrastructure, took better care of the animals, and probably contributed more than her share financially. What did JW do? It appears that she was just along for the ride, the same as when she had Antler Stock, the same as when haying with PP, and on many other occasions. There's many pics of her just standing around while everyone else was doing the work.

    As usual, JW is not being honest. I'm sure it had little to do with "she couldn't take another winter," and everything to do with the fact that it was a lopsided relationship in every way (that I could see from postings, anyway).

    The life-long pattern of the FFF strikes again: Make a contract (business, personal, or otherwise), use the person/business up until she isn't allowed to take anymore, breaking her end of the contract. Wash, rinse, repeat.

    1. Yes, it seems everyone eventually leaves. Her fans, her heathens, etc.

    2. I agree. I’m also sure it had nothing to do with winter.

    3. Her whole life is lies. I’m happy to hear that Shannon dumped her fat ass.

  35. It will be interesting to see what happens.
    Will the animals be neglected again?
    Will Jenna start drinking again?
    I hope she gets some help (therapist). With Thanksgiving, Christmas and winter coming up, being alone and processing a breakup can shake up the most balanced person.
    I also hope this is the catalyst for Jenna to spread her wings a bit and take another path (without animals and without scams, please & thank you).

    1. She’s never stopped drinking. It’s all a bunch of bull.

  36. I've certainly been a big critic of FFF practices on animal husbandry, and I detest the fabricated crises to extract money from well-meaning folk.

    However, for the animals' sakes, I am sorry JJ left because it seemed animals were better looked after and much-needed repairs were made with her around.

    It isn't rocket science to see a repeat pattern of FFF using people to do her work/make improvements, followed by collapse. Think back to the many, many people, including Jon Katz, who were drawn into her circle. It might be that her roommate was affected in the same way.

    Like WIW has suggested many times, I hope FFF gets therapy, quits dragging animals into Dead Animal Farm and works hard to be more truthful and financially solvent.

    This would be a journey worth reading about...and supporting.

    1. Her asinine, arrogant attitude won’t allow her to get therapy. I think that she’s a lost cause.


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