It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
You too! All is well except for the summer heat which really needs to fuk off already.
ReplyDeleteFrom the last thread, Anon 9:46 wrote:
"I don't even know where to begin. First, why is "now" the time to support her? She's been begging for the past twelve years. It seems like it's always the time to support her."
My theory: Before Shannon, the Pig Shocker was hardcore begging for donations due to her refusal to get a real job. So you'd think now that with having a girlfriend who is bringing in additional income, that things would be more affordable and little to no begging, right?
Wrong. That could be true ONLY IF those two were still living the mostly frugal way Jenna was when she lived alone. In essence, if they were living a bare bones existence like before, with no new fun activities and luxuries, they wouldn't need additional income. Because another body in that house wouldn't up the operating costs that much. And since Shannon grows a ton of their food now, that probably saves them money. So two incomes should suffice.
So WHY is she STILL begging for money?
Because she's living high on the hog, now that she finally found someone and is in love. And when a relationship is new, couples tend to do A LOT more new things than usual: Travel and adventure, new furniture, restaurant meals, movies, new camping gear and clothes, fun new hobbies, etc.
Money that they don't seem to have. Sure, paying the monthly bills is now easy and doable with a second income. I will bet they are probably making the mortgage/bills each month with a tiny bit left over. But now they need even MORE money to fund their newfound couples lifestyle.
And STILL asking online strangers to pay for it.
That’s was well-put. Unfortunately, her begging for over a decade has become a bad habit that would be almost impossible to break. And she’s shown no signs of change other than pretending to look for off-farm work.
Delete“That not that’s”
DeleteLabor Day may be a good time to post this. My parents always stressed to us to work hard and save while we were young, because you never know what may happen. I took their advice to heart and opened a small IRA when I got my first full time job. I invested what I could. Even during lean times I always made a monthly deposit. I was never a high earner, but my invested money quadrupled or quintupled during my working years.
ReplyDeleteAge related health issues forced an early retirement, but I was prepared. Debt free with passive income that I planned for all my working years.
Age and retirement creep up faster than anyone can imagine. And a desk job in front of a computer is no guarantee that you can work into your 60s, 70s or 80s. I was in a pain management class with two graphic designers - one in her late 30s, the other in her early 50s. Neither of them could work because of chronic neck and back pain. No unemployment for either of them as they were freelancers. They were desparate and both contemplated suicide.
The time to prepare for retirement is in your 20s. The earlier you start, the less you have to put aside. Let time and the magic of compounding do the work. That is how you make money in your sleep.
So here is my Labor Day message for Jenna. You missed out on some prime earning and savings years, but it still isn't too late. Get a full time job with benefits and start socking money away. Stop depending on other people to support you or "keep you warm". The only person you can depend on is YOU. I'll say that again because it is that important. The only person you can depend on is YOU.
Me again. I’d like to add that when I deposited money in my retirement account i thought of it as sending a gift to my older self. My older self now thanks my younger self. I’m afraid the old Jenna will want to smack the young Jenna upside the head.
DeleteYour wise words would be ignored by JW. She’s stubborn, stupid, and selfish.
DeleteThis is very true. I think it's important to acknowledge with the skyrocketing cost of living which has increased 4x over inflation, many people working their butts off are barely managing to pay for housing and food. We are in the midst of a crisis that is likely to get worse in coming years.
DeleteJenna is sitting pretty in a house she owns. As poorly as she's maintained it, she has not seen her housing costs increase by 4-fold the way I and many others have in the past 10 years.
She is *significantly* better off financially than many millions of people right now, because she doesn't rent - she owns. She'd better do all she can to hold on to it at this point.
It makes her solicitations for hay and firewood utterly tone-deaf in a way it has not been before - because before, even though it was a result of her choices, Jenna was arguably cash strapped and hanging on by her fingernails.
Now, Jenna has 10 years of equity into a property that is going to ride the rate of inflation for years to come.
National debt has skyrocketed due to social programs necessary for covid, and therefore the national banks are not going to increase the interrest rates for a while yet - meaning the housing market will likely continue to escalate for years.
People are being evicted from their homes because they couldn't pay rent during the pandemic. People are being evicted because their homes are getting sold by landlords cashing out, or the homes are being turned into air bnbs.
Jenna's cost of living has a ceiling, because her mortgage is going to cost what it costs and doesn't increase anywhere near the way rent is increasing.
To boot, food costs are going to continue to inflate because the labourers who harvest most of our food are migrant workers who had high casualty rates due to working conditions during covid. Everything related to food is costing more, and this is happening independently of the inflation of housing.
Long story short, Jenna is actually wealthier than her target audience - people who wish they could be property-owning farmers - and new followers who are younger are up against a much steeper cost of living that she currently is or ever was.
That said, Jenna is nowhere near as well off as she could have been if she'd never quit her day job.
DeleteAll well said Woe is Wog. I own a house in a gentrifying neighborhood and am watching scores of long-time neighbors be displaced. She is beyond tone deaf and, as always, appears just as lazy as ever even with her garden and canning pictures. In my toughest financial days, I never made 1 late mortgage payment because it is the only path to security for me.
DeleteAnon in GA
Anon in GA, that is a shame to see so many people being displaced. I suspect when we sell our condo, it'll be because a developer has made an offer on it and the old property next to ours. We'll have to see where we end up then, if our strata votes to sell. But at least we won't be out on our asses as has happened when we were renters and the owners wanted to cash out.
DeleteI completely agree, mortgage payments bring one closer to security, and I too, in my most dire days of rationing a loaf of bread and peanut butter, never ever once paid rent late. I have always paid for my housing first, because it's the foundation of everything else in life, unfortunately. With each year we feel more and more lucky to have been able to purchase a home when we did.
Our neighborhood is mostly single family homes, but only 20% are owner -occupied. The rest are held by small time investors and/or family members who inherited but have done little to nothing to the property. The median household income is $28,000. There are flippers who do so-so work and cash out with $45-50K when they sell, investors with patient capital waiting until they can really make money and are renting with no lease so they can put people out right away, and Section 8 property owners who range from decent folks to the truly horrible like the owner of a house next door to me. There are literally hundreds of eviction filings submitted in my county and waiting for the moratoriums to end. The nonprofit I work for has provided emergency rent assistance to 500 households during the pandemic trying to stave off eviction by keeping folks from getting too behind.
DeleteBut please, somebody paypal the $ to keep 2 young-ish able-bodied women warm this winter....
Anon in GA
Anon in GA I forget you work with a non-profit that provides these services. Yeah, vulnerable populations end up in our ER at a higher frequency too.
DeleteJenna seems to have little concept of how incredibly fortunate and privileged she is, relative to many millions of others in North America.
But please, spend $25 on three bars of soap so she can buy a bundle of firewood.
Okay, so she posted a photo of some shelving with food / kitchen stuff on it... and there is a bottle of Mr Boston 100 proof vodka in the center of the top shelf.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't care or mention it if she hadn't made a point several times in the last year to talk about being sober.
I myself have an alcoholic beverage maybe 4x a year, but I can easily go for years and not notice I've missed it, which is why when we get a bottle of something like vodka, it sits around for years. That's probably what this bottle is doing.
But it's still funny, given the history here.
Anyone else notice something funny about these pantry shelves? What are they lacking?
Canned fruit and veg!
What did she do all summer? There is NOTHING canned AT ALL except for a sad jar of salsa.
Maybe the canning shelves are somewhere else, has she ever posted them?
She'll post a photo of a store bought pie, and of a chicken she cooked, but where is the winter squash? Weren't there berries and peas and beans all growing? Corn?
Cue to the pics of canned food that Shannon probably did. She’s shown pickles recently, and bragged about them. But I haven’t seen evidence of anything else. I also think that she’s a dry drunk.
DeleteI have some garden boxes by my house and a box in a community garden, so I "put up" in small batches. Normally, I don't really keep count or have a certain goal- I just preserve things from my excess as I go along. I had to re arrange the shelves where my canned stuff is stored and counted up what I had done this year through the end of August: 30 half pints and 30 pints of vegetables, broths, jams. Plus another 8-10 pints of dehydrated vegetables and fruit. This week, I am adding ketchup (what a waste of time and tomatoes!! - it took 8 lbs to make 2 half-pints.), 8 pints of salsa, 8-10 pints of diced tomatoes, and 7ish quarts of butternut squash. It's only me, so this will definitely be great supplements to my groceries, and I do it after working my more than full time job.
DeleteAnon in GA
Such a disconnect calling herself a farmer with no farming business plan and doing non-farm related work that doesn't support herself either. She needs to choose if her goal is to be a farmer and then even tailor any needed "off farm" work to best support her farm goals or if her goal is to live a freelance life that happens to be on some property where animals and gardens are her hobby and build her freelance business accordingly.
DeleteI know what she really wants is to play all day have other people fund it; but her inability to make the choice means her begging message is even muddled.
Anon in GA
After 10+ years at playing farmer, I seriously doubt she has the self-discipline and drive to become a real one. She's formed very entrenched habits over the years that would be extremely hard to break, and none of them include the hard work necessary to actually run a well-maintained farm.
DeleteHer faux farm was always just another one of her “Live like fiction!” bullshit beliefs.
DeleteSelling the idea / dream of a lifestyle is a single-tier multi-level marketing scam. It's hilarious, because she sort of kind of wanted to "teach" people how they too can live the dream, (which is how life coach types scam people with their courses by promising them life changes and them blaming them when their course doesn't work)
DeleteThen she didn't want to actually have to RUN the workshops and the reviews were just really bad, so instead she wants you to pay to vicariously live through her while watching what precious little she posts or chooses to share.
She was trying to sell a lifestyle by saying YOU CAN DO IT TOO but then it switched to selling her story, but then her story is such a trainwreck it's not that sellable anymore.
This whole time, she's been lurching from one avoidable, manufactured crisis to another (which is doubtful, because if all of them were true she would have lost the property years ago).
I think she should rebrand as a redneck. I say this having come from a community of rednecks. Fencing made with old car parts instead of wood materials? Redneck. Peeing in the yard instead of fixing your plumbing? Redneck. Old truck that doesn't run? REDNECK!
There are good and bad rednecks - and honestly, I'd rather be in my redneck communities than stuck in the city because rednecks look out for each other. There are hard-working, resourceful, responsible rednecks, and there are good-for-nothing, alcoholic hick rednecks.
Choose your own adventure, Jenna.
But if she stops trying to be a "farmer" and embraces the "redneck" situation, including the manual labour / blue collar job factor, it could end up going really well.
I know lesbian rednecks who work in construction / trades, in fishing, logging, mining, and yes, in home depot.
Goddamn Jenna, the solution is RIGHT THERE.
"I am so EXCITED to share that we recently paid the August mortgage, which yes, is still a few weeks late on paper but this is the FIRST TIME IN YEARS I am enjoying early September with all of the summer months behind me PAID FOR! YES!"
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, you're supposed to pay for your housing, nearly everyone does, no one gives a crap you paid your own damn bills.
Second of all, just last year, you posted the farm was in the "best financial shape ever". You had last summer paid off AND you were spending thousands of dollars on a broken truck you don't need.
The lies continues. No one is celebrating you being below average.
clarify: below average - meant to say you're doing the bare minimum and not actually trying despite saying you're trying so hard all the time.
DeleteYou're not trying. Or you'd be employed right now. You're not trying, which is way below average, because truly marginalized people are the hardest damn workers you'll ever meet.
in terms of privileges, she's actually above average.
DeleteHer whole life is lies.
DeleteI’ve never seen anyone on social media bragging about paying either their rent or mortgage on time. Yet she’s done it multiple times like it’s an accomplishment. It makes me cringe with embarrassment for her behavior. She acts like she should be given an adult award for being accountable.
DeleteYes, the participation award for paying her mortgage. Something most Americans do every month. And she wants a medal for it?
DeleteShe’s a case of prolonged adolescence. And she’s nearly middle aged. Time for her to grow up, put on her big girl pants and get a job.
ReplyDelete“You got yourself a pet? You want it drawn by a farming lesbian? I mean, if those two answers are yes you better DM me, because I am drawing pets RIGHT NOW! Dm to order!”
She acts as if being a lesbian is a strong selling point for business. It’s a sexual preference not a personality.
Delete“I have been applying to several jobs every day since July 4th weekend using Indeed. I have heard back from 2 employers in that time for a second-level interview. One company folded in that time, another declined.”
ReplyDelete“I have a University degree in design, 10+ years corporate experience, wrote 6 books, published pieces in regional, National, and International Press outlets. I can whip up marketing or SEO copy in no time. And yet,”
Delete“I can not find work through this site. I have applied to jobs doing everything from mindless 10hr content farms to marketing copy for brands I adore. Nothing. Does anyone have job hunting sites that aren't software based? Is my farming gap of years making me unemployable?”
DeleteShe's not unemployable, she's discovering she can't compete for remote work in the field her ego and self-identity wants her to work in.
DeleteIf she really needed the money, she'd be working in a local retail / grocery store outlet by now.
What a farce, "unemployable" my foot. I think she might be trying to convince Shannon that she needs to pay for everything indefinitely.
She could find a job this week working for Walmart, as an example, but JW believes that she’s too good for ordinary employment.
Delete“Get some inked pet art, help cover firewood costs, you get a cute piece of original nifty and I get to be warm! Win win!!!”
ReplyDelete@I am sorry this thread is a few days old, but it is so important to share. I'm a third of the way into Winter Prep and working towards half! Sharing here is the closest thing I have to a farmer's market and so I do, please RT if you can!”
ReplyDeleteOh, FFS. Such a con artist. Every week, the quaint town of Cambridge, NY holds a farmer's market. It's also offered online sales.
But sure, let her tell us how she doesn't have access to a farmer's market, living in the wilderness, on the side of a mountain and all...
Anonymous 10:02. Yeah, it’s all part of her lie-style. She’s too lazy to do any markets. When we lived locally I never once saw her selling anything from her faux farm.
DeleteShe probably has to pay $50 - $100 for a table for the season.
DeleteShe also doesn't actually produce enough of anything to make a table at a market worth having. Based on the silence regarding the garden these last couple of months, I'd guess an animal got into it and decimated it again. I don't think she knows how to test or maintain the soil which could also be contributing to poor yields.
DeleteShe has enough eggs for the two of them and maybe an extra dozen once in a while to sell, she doesn't seem to have enough meat products to sell regularly, she doesn't have any value-added food products to sell at a market like baked or canned goods.
She's not actually a "farmer" regardless of what she calls herself or the property. She's clinging to this image she's created for social media, and the reality is she's a person with average abilities who owns a larger property / home than most.
“For years I was able to focus on the mortgage, the winter supply prep, or to keep myself sane just lose myself into falconry. This year, thanks to a second loving human on this farm, all of it is coming together in good time. I feel really lucky, and excited for trapping season!”
ReplyDeleteSubtext: Shannon is paying for everything.
DeleteSubtext. Look for her to work less and play more.
DeleteSubtext: She plays while poodles pay.
Delete“No one over 60 realizes how people under 45 would rather do anything else, at all, than talk on the phone to anyone, really.”
ReplyDeleteSpeak for yourself, antisocial and cantankerous cunt.
SMF wrote "I can whip up marketing or SEO copy in no time."
ReplyDeleteHahaha. Based on her social media feeds, how can companies pass her up?? Let's help write marketing copy...I'm not the best at this, but maybe these will inspire other shamsters.
Patagonia. "Buy our clothing. Never leave home, because only shallow losers whose homes don't need them travel."
Amazon Prime. "Your shopping secrets are safe, bitches!"
Wood Burning Stove Association. "Nothing says I need charity like begging for firewood. Keep it for show while the whole-house heat system keeps you toasty."
Frozen Quail. "Taking your captive hawk out to hunt is a real pain. Feed it restaurant-quality quail. No one will know."
S**way. "When I need to fatten my pigs, I count on old rotted deli meat. You should too."
SMF not JFW? Maybe I missed something. The only thing that she “whips up” is lies. And your copy concepts are perfect for her. They made me smirk.
DeleteSMF = small minded farmer
DeleteGatekeeper extraordinaire
I appreciate your response to my question, thanks.
Delete“So ready for Spooky Season! Give me your best paranormal shows, movies, etc. I want ghosts, demons, werewolves, monsters and witches! Please do not suggest anything with people murdering other people, super gory, or hunting women. I can't take those in my elder years.”
ReplyDeleteShe’s only received several recommendations a day later. Guess that Google doesn’t work for her fat fingers.
DeleteShe's the perennial pre-teen. Literally grifting for a living for 10+ years.
ReplyDeleteAnd Shannon is shamelessly enabling her to remain an obstinate perma-teen. Even though she’s almost 40.
Delete“Last Day For This Sale!”
ReplyDeleteGo fuck yourself, Jenna. Everyone knows about your manipulative marketing by now. You’re trying to put pressure on people to buy your crap art. Only fools would fall for your act.
“Sure, Jen.”
DeleteHurry up and buy a sketch she can draw while at the laundromat! From her soiled clothing to your living room! Who wants 'em?!
ReplyDeleteAnd she drove her girlfriend’s car to the laundromat, too! Probably because her new truck is still waiting to be worked on at the mechanics. Hence the push for pet pics.
DeleteSome of the reasons she may be having a hard time finding a remote job:
ReplyDelete1. She has been out of the work force too long and her skills are outdated.
2. There are younger applicants with more current skills.
3. Potential employers are reading her blog and tweets and see her attitude towards work.
4. She doesn't really want a job.
5. The applicant pool for remote work is HUGE.
6. Many employers are suspicious of long gaps in work history.
Anyway, just my guesses. She would be much better off, as another posted said, of finding blue collar work.
DeleteShe has said many times she's not interested in a "career" aside from publishing navel-gazing memoirs.
DeleteJust get a frontline job. She intentionally left the desks and fluorescent lighting behind to do good old honest labour. Be a labourer then! Absolutely no shame about it!
It makes no sense for her to be hung up on only wanting a computer job now.
She quit her career years ago to become a beggar on her faux farm.
DeleteThe logo "sales" are back:
ReplyDeleteThis logo for a local renovation and design business used the outline of her own Friesian horse! Simple, elegant, and perfect for what they needed. Right now I am offering the next 3 people who buy a logo from me 25% off! Support a farm and look better for doing it! DM to start!
They’ve never ended.
DeleteThe irony is glaring. She quit a good job saying she didn’t want to be stuck at a computer, yet the only jobs she’s applying for are computer jobs.
ReplyDeleteThen she posts her muscle photos, boasts about how she likes to work up a sweat doing physical labor but she won’t get a job as a laborer.
The answer is right there in front of her. It seems she really doesn’t want to work.
JW is a spoiled, suburban born brat who believes that she’s too good to do common labor. Yet she brags about being a farmer. She’s a huge hypocrite and liar.
DeleteMy $0.02. She has spent the last 10+ years, fully expecting others to fund her lifestyle. She will not easily find an outside job she enjoys and is good at.
DeletePDD, I think you’re right. I believe her early success was more of a curse than a blessing. She was a one hit wonder at an early age. She got lucky and the money came easily. She has been trying for years to make it happen again but doesn’t realize that it’s over.
DeleteMost of her fans have moved on, following successful homesteaders. She had a golden opportunity to become one herself, but she wasted it.
Who knows what will happen now. But it’s not looking good for her.
I also think that she didn’t expect her Birchthorn book to be such a total failure. She was used to easy success in publishing. So it probably was a big blow to her huge ego.
Delete“Back on my bullshit. A seagull dreaming of an oyster platter.”
ReplyDeleteThe first sentence is the most truthful one that she’s ever written. Even though Jenna meant it as a joke.
She’s so QuIrKy! #notlikeotherboringpoodles
Delete“I am finishing up some illustration, design, and soap work before heading out to do some errands but after that! TRAPPING!!!”
ReplyDeleteI feel sorry for her next bird victim. It’s all about her hipster image, and has nothing to do with hawk conservation.
I also want to add that her being self-labeled as a falconer is similar to calling herself a farmer. It’s all pretense and posing, and part of her manipulative marketing.
DeleteYes, time to trap a beautiful bird who is free and doing well in the wild and teach it to be free and do well in the wild.
DeleteYup, makes sense to me. May she have zero luck.
I'm with you Jude I pray she doesn't get a bird. It makes no sense to me for sure. They have a much better chance to survive in the wild instead of that living room.
I’m the OP, and agree with what you both wrote. She has no business bagging birds for fun.
DeleteAnd what the hell is a "mini-mews inside the house"? Back in the day, my husband and I both worked for NYSDEP and never heard of a bird rescuer keeping a bird in the house. He had a red-tail for awhile..OUTSDE.. until it went to the next place for rehab. (car hit) By outside I mean in the shed where all the birds went temporarily. I can't imagine having a hawk in the house shooting s---t whenever and wherever it has to.
“No luck trapping tonight. Didn't even see a 'tail. Better luck tomorrow!”
DeleteHer whole life revolves around luck rather than taking responsibility for her own stupid choices.
“Quick trapping loop around the block, so to speak. Wish me luck!”
DeleteLet's all share a moment of silence for the hawks of Cambridge and their potential fates. Cuz it's like the Hunger Games there right now, as in one seriously unlucky hawk will be trapped. Who will it be?
Delete“Morning from WINTER IS COMING LAND! Goal for today is $300 in sales since yesterday was luckless. To encourage you I am offering pet portraits (BOGO) and soap boxes on sale! DM or visit to order milk soaps, farm goods, logos, etc!”
ReplyDeleteShe’s still a “luckless slinger.” And begging about winter worries in September is pathetic.
DeleteI don't want to jinx things, but gotta ask, were we spared that ridiculous Hobbitron/Hobbiton fake map bullshit this year?
Delete“Also, sorry about the barrage of sales and promotions for the farm. When sales are bad I panic and keep retweeting, which only annoys folks. I won't post solicitations today.”
ReplyDeleteShe should be ashamed of herself for being a beggar at almost 40. The fake apology is a bunch of bull. It’s a false front to appear concerned, and also a reminder that she wants free funds.
And one more time here. Why the hell is she still begging if Shannon is paying half the bills? If those two can’t make ends meet, I’m sure there are plenty of jobs to be had in town.
DeleteI think it’s bullshit to tweet that their mortgage and bills aren’t being paid. Jenna has been blatantly begging for years now. Clearly, she prefers being a lazy loser over working even a part-time job.
DeleteToo bad her "panic" doesn't compel her to find a real solution, AKA a real job.
DeleteIs Shannon also too good for a blue collar job? There is no reason for two able bodied women to have to beg non-stop. (Yes, Jenna is begging for two).
ReplyDeleteWhy would either woman work when dumb enablers keep supporting their faux farm?
DeleteI doubt Shannon has time for even a part time job being that she does nearly ALL the work on that feed lot. Meanwhile, the Pig Shocker merely tweets about it.
DeleteI'm confused and actually I am pretty good at math BUT the "righting farmer" said that after this weekend she had 50 bales of hay put up for winter so she was 1/2 way there, earlier she was 1/3 of the way there etc. I may be wrong but she said before she had 100 bales of hay for winter. Can anyone help me out? Her fuzzy math is something else.
ReplyDeleteHer whole life is lies.
DeleteShe includes the hay that is at Livingston Brook Farm, which she apparently hadn’t paid for yet.
DeleteOne of her infamous maneuvers is to wait to pay for products. It’s one of the reasons that she has a rotten reputation with locals. Many people have been burned by her in business transactions.
DeleteIs she still stiffing suppliers? And by naming the suppliers she is hoping someone will pay her bills. She used to do that with her vet and mechanic. She also used to post about stuff she wanted and write later that someone bought it for her. Will she ever be self sufficient?
DeleteShe’ll never be self-sufficient by choice. It’ll be done under the duress of losing donations.
DeleteSo that is her MO these days? Ask Patty to front her hay and then pay when she is able? She is almost 40 FFS!! How embarrassing that she still can't afford to feed her animals.
DeleteAnd now she has a second source of income (GF's) too. Those two have to be wasting it on luxury goods they don't really need.
While catching up on her bullshit Twitterings, I'm again struck by the contrast between now and just a few years ago. She's such a busy little bee now! Finally got up off her lazy ass and has so many new activities. Well, good for her as long as the animals aren't suffering.
ReplyDeleteBut it makes me think back to when we tried to surmise how much time she wasted daily by watching TV, mountain stomping, internet use, farmers matinees, trips to the bar...
I think we totally underestimated, as it seems clear now that she only spent about 20 minutes feeding the animals at dawn and dusk, while the entire day and evening were wasted by overdosing on pop culture whilst drinking and putting off customer orders. I wonder if she realizes she wasted at least 5 years of her life on non-productive pursuits?
So funny that you posted this, and days later Jenna posted about getting charged for HBO.
DeleteI wonder if she's now lying to Shannon. I hope not, but we haven't seen her take accountability for anything yet. This HBO freak out could very well have been the result of a couple's discussion about finances over credit card statements.
"wHaT? I have *never* paid for HBO! I'm calling them right now! Those bastards won't refund me for 5 years of HBO subscription! Woe is Wog once again!"
I understand that Shannon is doing most of the work around the “farm” (I use that term loosely). But what about actually working to bring in income? Is she depending on the begging? If they can’t pay their bills, there is plenty of work to be had in town and neither seem interested.
ReplyDeleteTwitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete"Just spent 3 hours on the phone today with verizon because I found out I have been charged, without my knowledge for HBO for over 5 years on my DSL line. I called to get refunded for it, they refused. I am livid."
Well maybe if you had spent those 5 years doing actual farm work instead of binging HBO you wouldn't be in this pickle?
Sorry, did you not look at a bill in 5 years? Honestly, she refuses to adult in any way.
DeleteAnon in GA
I’d bet that’s her blatant begging disguised as a sob story.
DeleteShe’s used manufactured crises before like her teeth, truck, and even vet bills. This is just a new variation to avoid getting a job to support herself like a normal adult.
DeleteHer hyperbolic “3 hours on the phone” is probably more like minutes between tweeting and drinking coffee.
DeleteHey, wasn't her favorite TV show, Game of Thrones, on HBO? You know, the show she slavishly followed?
DeleteGame of Thrones lasted EIGHT seasons, with its finale broadcast in 2019. Once again, she's living like fiction - aka lying.
She even ludicrously claimed in a barf bio to be “a real life extra” on the show.
DeleteI took that "real life extra" to mean that she lived like they do, primitively. Like she could easily fit into that period in time because of her lifestyle. Also a lie.
DeleteAnonymous 10:40. That’s a good observation. Which is why we call it her lie-style.
DeleteShe's saying she never looked at her bill statements for over 5 years and is now asking for five YEARS of refund???
DeleteThat's not how life works. Gurl. You've got to look at your bills, or suck it up and pay for things that you didn't notice!
I bet she subscribed for game of thrones, meant to unsubscribe after the series ended, and either forgot to unsubscribe or forgot to check the charges had come off.
It's not that an HBO subscription is going to make or break the mortgage, but she has so many little things like this. Stuff that's not a problem unless you're constantly talking about "luck" and "sales" and being "right up against it".
To Shannon I'd say: people don't change as much as you think or hope they might. The pattern that has established early on in the relationship is typically how things will continue, regardless of what they say.
You never know what changes life may bring, but in general, what you see is what you get with people.
Jenna is an unemployed or precariously employed person who follows the dopamine in life. She believes the terrible advice of life coach memes and tries to emulate them and be an "inspiration", and she ignores solid practical advice.
Shannon should look into the common law marriage statues of the state, because if she's paying her money into the mortgage of that property, and has lived there over a year now, where I live that would make the property half Shannon's.
It would also make their debt mutual. Jenna should be more motivated now than ever to get a town job and pay her fair share. If Shannon is being taken for granted / advantage of financially, she could walk away with half of CAF.
"Everyone is too busy podcasting and I hate that."
ReplyDeleteNo responses, no likes or comments. So, other people are creating content that is getting engagement and she doesn't like that? Is this comment passive-aggressively directed at someone?
Also, she consumes podcasts. (So do I.) She's recommended some, requested recommendations for new ones. She has said she loves podcasts.
Who is "everyone", why does she think they're "too busy" and how does it affect her so that she "hates it"?
She bragged about using the public library - yet HATED when other people borrowed books instead of buying hers.
DeleteShe photographed other people's homes (and informed readers when a mansion was unoccupied) - yet HATED when others drove by her house / maybe took photos.
She enjoyed overnight trips away from the "farm" - yet HATED others who traveled because their homes "didn't need them".
She flaunted her latest craze (Vegan, celtic, pagan, swiftie) - yet HATED others who were more mainstream or didn't share her latest fads.
She crowed about how much she HATED working for other people - and RIDICULED people who did, calling them poodles and worse, but always took their money.
And on and on.
She has always appeared deeply resentful of individuals who achieve more and appear more successful or happier.
Living with someone like her could get old really fast.
"Conversations are rising if we should sell the sheep or keep them. We aren't breeding them this fall and right now they are eating more money than they earn. It's up in the air at this point. Right now catching up, staying solvent, and starting to save money if at all possible is the goal. "
ReplyDeleteIt occurs to me that Shannon is saying to Jenna much of what WE have been saying to Jenna for years. She never should have bought those hay burners, while claiming to struggle to pay for hay.
How frustrating it must be to be paying for the mortgage while your partner is feeding superfluous pasture ornaments and paying for HBO?
Absolutely WIW. The secret is simple: spend less or earn more.
DeleteShe's never properly managed animals. If the animals didn't suffer from her ineptitude, it would be almost funny to watch.
After all, when raising animals for butchering, there's nothing more predictable than feeding a quality animal a set amount of nutritious food to achieve the desired finished weight in a predictable time frame.
But PS could never figure this out. I assume it's because she bought cast-off babies (or, barf, allowed relatives to breed) then expected them to more-or-less live off played-out pastures, and she was probably SHOCKED that their quality and weights didn't match that of other area livestock.
She didn't promote as a CSA, wasn't included in Washington County farm lists and didn't showcase locally. Instead, her business model was to lament her victim hood on the Internet, hoping for pity sales and donations.
If experienced farmers, who breed their own animals and raise much of their own feed, must continually watch $$$ (and work outside jobs), it's unlikely a dilettante like PS can make it worthwhile by selling a few animals.
Her roommate is right - best to lighten the load (spend less) until they can figure out a way to earn more.
“BIG NEWS! Meet Agnes Amaranth Eastwood, my new hunting partner! She's the largest bird I've ever trapped, but so far a gentle giant who has already seen all three extended editions of LOTR. She's doing so well this first weekend together! Welcome to the farm, Agnes! #falconry”
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, she’s trapped yet another bird victim, and called it a pretentious name. What a posing cunt. “Welcome to her faux farm!”
It’s just a matter of time before this bird meets its unfair fate at the hands of an incompetent twat. The same way that the others died. She claims that they were released, yet hasn’t posted pics as proof.
DeleteI don’t think that the big, brave feral farmer has ever hunted on her own. She doesn’t even use a chainsaw on her shit-pit property because it’s “too scary!”
DeleteThe only thing the privileged fake feral farmer has ever successfully hunted is the Amazon Prime website for frozen quail and rat deliveries.
DeleteWell, last year's hawk survived, hopefully this one will too.
DeleteDo we know for a fact that the hawk survived?
DeleteAnon 442: She documented the release in the spring, so it survived that long.
Delete“It is not only sad, but terrifying, that we are constantly told to be unsatisfied with our lives. All of us.
ReplyDeleteI feel like being happy here with a small life is an act of rebellion.”
Again, with the stupid word “terrifying.” Like anything in her overly privileged, white woman’s existence is even slightly scary. Her “dumb small life” (previously referenced by her in those terms) “is an arrogant act of stubborn self-entitlement.”
Jenna's ego has to view herself and her choices as some heroic uNiQuE figure.
DeleteThere's nothing "terrifying" about her life. There's nothing rebellious about keeping to yourself on a property you own. There's certainly nothing unique about selling arts and crafts over the internet.
The only thing that’s terrifying to her is losing donations.
DeleteShe’s interfering with wildlife again, which will make me hate her dumb dull fucking ass forever. I’ve read her “explanations”of why she does it, but they aren’t valid. What a cruel joke.
ReplyDeleteThe only reason that she traps birds is to appear as an imitation hunter. This presentation is part of her manipulative marketing. Her “explanations” are only Jenna’s justification for doing an unnecessary activity.
DeleteIf her job interview today is honest labor and if it will put an end to the begging, and if she has every intention of fulfilling her obligations to her employer in exchange for pay, then I wish her luck.
ReplyDeleteI’d be shocked if she went to work again. She’s just too lazy to sustain employment. I think that it’s part of “keeping people tethered to her potential,” and then continuing to give her donations.
DeleteAnon 445: And now Shannon is "tethered to her potential".
DeleteJenna will get a job next month, next month will be better, it's just tough right now but next month things will turn around. How long is she going to put up with being the only person paying the bills?
It's been over a year. Maybe by year 2 of the same Shannon will realize that Jenna can't or won't hold a job?
Jenna has been out of the workforce now for 14 years. Who would provide her references? She wasn't even in the workforce that long before she left it. She has what, 5 years of experience with a 14 year gap?
And she will explain that gap by saying she was living off of published book and etsy sales? How is she going to sell that to employers?
She claims to have had interviews, we'll see.
Well, the addition of another falcon to the menagerie ensures Jenna has no intention of getting an "off farm" job this winter, which shows how she is not taking the job search seriously. She claims to have been looking since July - four months now.
ReplyDeleteAre you watching this Shannon? Because Jenna has no intention to help you pay the bills. Watch her actions, not her words. She got another hawk and with that action has demonstrated she has no intention to get ANY job to help pay the bills, only a very narrow specific type of job she's unlikely to get, because she's prioritizing her hobbies before her responsibilities, as usual.
Her critics have valid points, and this is a big one.
Better get used to paying all the bills all of the time.
correction: hawk not falcon
DeleteWIW wrote: "correction hawk not falcon"
DeleteNo worries...I don't think even Jenna knows the difference, lol. And a great heads up for Shannon there, as a new bird will certainly eat up a lot of time better spent actually working a real job. Actions not words indeed.
good point.
DeleteShe's reinstated the use of pagan words for seasonal events again, using them without explanation for the average reader. Similar to referencing taylor swift lyrics in her posts without context and sneering at anyone who asks, her readers are just supposed to google these phrases and then feel like Jenna is cool or authentic for using them?
ReplyDeleteIt's so weird because if this WAS an authentic faith practice she lives on a daily basis and a culture she wants to share, she's be providing the explanation of the word / phrase in the post. Instead it's meant to be a sort of dog whistle to people who idealize her lifestyle, and I'm afraid that pool is shrinking.
She also just busted out her trusty PayPal link:
Delete"If you want to support 14+ years of free writing about my adventures online, you can do that as well! Writing on yearning, finding, and keeping a little 6 acre mountain homestead."
Seems like it's been awhile since she's outright begged via PayPal, so why now? Oh, it must be because it's expensive season (i.e. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas) and she'll need extra funds for decorations, fancy gifts, travel, big xmas tree, etc.
Also, what is up with the "14+ years" of writing claim? Last time she begged for donations, the years "righting" was closer to 10 years, yes?
Twitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete"I also do logos! This is what I did professionally before I quit to farm like the fool dog I am: you can get a flat rate logo for $200 and that includes unlimited revisions. For a VARIETY of businesses! Ag, home, craft, industrial, trade, etc."
So...several years back she was charging $400 for a logo. Now her rate has been slashed to $200. Normally when a graphic artist gains years of experience their rate would increase over time. So what does that say?
And how pissed her past logo clients must feel that they paid double that rate to her when she was a less experienced pRoFeEsSioNaL. What a rip off.
More Twitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete"This year has been my worst ever for allergies. Sinus pain so bad in my jaw/ears/throat it feels like I'm stuffed with angry bee-filled cotton."
Translation: Time to see the doctor! So send money folks!!
Also, isn't she long overdue for a root canal? Or a cracked tooth?
And even more Twitter snore:
ReplyDelete"If you are not familiar with falconry and unsure what I am even talking about, I wrote about the sport here, and the birds. Trying to get on top of the knee jerk reactions to training a wild juvenile bird."
Sounds like she's received some criticism for her latest ego-driven bird exploits. And sounds like the age of this poor Agnes is in question, as she claims it's only six months old yet it's the largest she's ever trapped? Also, in recent updates she states that just after 4 days the bird is already acting as if it's been working with Jenna for months?
I agree...that sounds like Agnes is a lot older than six months and does not need falconry/hunting assistance from a human. Especially a garbage one.
Juveniles are often larger than adults. It's the same with bald eagles. It is counter-intuitive. She didn't clarify how she determines how old the bird is, though. Here's how you do it, and it takes an experienced eye, though it'd be obvious to someone who is experienced:
"Most adult Red-tailed Hawks have a rusty-red upperside, though the lighting might affect how much of it you can see from below. Juvenile Red-tails often have brown tails crossed by darker horizontal bars, and in the West, many adults have some narrow barring on their red tails."
It's possible she got a juvenile that has already had human contact. If it was a wildlife rehab, they usually band birds they release, but my understanding is that there isn't a lot of regulation for wild animals that aren't endangered in the US.
It could be possible she's simply re-captured a bird she's previously released, and she has mis-identified it as a juvenile. She has made very obvious mistakes in the past, and we have no idea what her skill set is, given falconers are basically self-regulating and I don't think she's had a mentor in years.
It's a good sign the bird isn't stressed and will survive the winter at CAF. We'll keep our fingers crossed.
and she pointed out she hasn't even made the Sept. mortgage payment!!! Also the bird has watched 3 series of Lord of the Rings oh and she talks about having to clean up bird poop all over her living room. Yeah right she is living the best life ever.
ReplyDeleteThe cynic in me isn’t holding out much hope that she will get or stick with a job. She’ll either use the interview to show “she’s really trying” while continuing to beg, or will get hired and quit soon after claiming she hates working for someone else, and continue to beg.
ReplyDeleteI hope she proves me and everyone else wrong.
She sits on a tree branch, in the open, for 20 minutes, and calls that hunting. Are. You. Kidding. Me?
ReplyDeleteShe truly has no idea what she's talking about.
My father used to hunt rabbits when they were common in northern ontario, and it was a pretty easy undertaking, but you have to know how to move and sit quietly, sometimes for hours, until you get frostbite.
Why is she hunting for rabbit, anyway? Wasn't she breeding flemish giants for consumption a while back? If she likes to eat rabbit, they're super easy to raise.
So much posing. She doesn't need a hawk to hunt anything, it's a hobby, therefore she doesn't need to have the hawk hunt any specific thing, since her participation in falconry is supposedly for conservation.
I suspect there were some dishes to be done and instead she picked up her gun and claimed to go hunting.
Good point. But also, is anyone aware of her ever successfully hunting a rabbit with a gun?
DeleteWhat has she ever successfully hunted?
DeleteI don't remember ever seeing a successful hunt. In fact, she posted about many failures as a "hunter", so many that I thought she'd given it up. This would be excellent for animals as she is exactly the type of hunter to wound an animal and be too lazy / incompetent to find it and put it out of its misery. Shamsters, correct me if I’m wrong, but I think she mentioned doing this reviled practice at least once?
DeleteAs for her use of a captive raptor to "hunt", it's more attention-seeking garbage for city people and rural voyeurs. If she was truly interested in helping a young raptor survive the winter and catch its usual prey - voles, rodents and squirrels - she wouldn't be worried about catching rabbits, a far larger and less available animal for opportunistic hawks. That hawk would be out daily, looking for small mammals.
On the other hand, if she intended to actually use a raptor to hunt rabbits, there wouldn’t be any pretense of “conservation”. People who hunt with raptors do so to put food on their tables, and they proudly display their many kills. SMF posted two “examples” of her hunting “prowess”: one showed a collection of tails that suspiciously looked as though they were pulled off flattened road kill; a second photo, taken by our Diane Arbus wannabe, showed a dead animal on the snow, in front of a hawk – all posed perfectly, with a few drops of red blood on the white snow. It looked a little too “staged”.
No, the outdoor poser of VerYork should stick to cartoon drawings, leave hawks alone and continue to use her roommate to handle all animal decisions on the property. This would work better for all.
Shannon is paying 1/2 the bills and Jenna still can't make a mortgage payment on time?!?!
ReplyDeleteBecause either Shannon is NOT paying half the bills or Jenna is not pulling her weight or both.
DeleteI think you hit the nail on the head. So even if she makes it today it means she isn't ready for Oct. and the month is half over.
DeleteShe’s been living hand to mouth for over a decade, but still refuses to get an off-farm job to support herself. It’s easier to accept free funds, and be a middle-aged lazy loser.
DeleteIt's completely pathetic, if true. I don't think it's true, I think it's just her usual perpetual "going out of business" sale.
DeleteWhy wouldn’t you believe that it’s true? She’s a fuck-up at finances.
DeleteAnon 2:55: My personal theory is that she's had adequate income all along, and that the medical / house / animal crises were exaggerated to prod for donations, to pay for fun things.
DeleteMy thought is that if things were really as bad as she claimed, months behind on the mortgage for years on end, the foreclosure process would have kicked in and she would have been kicked out.
WIW. True. We pay our mortgage on time, every time. If we paid several days late, or fell into arrears for months, I have no doubt there would be consequences.
DeleteHer trumped-up crises are to generate pity and prompt readers to donate money or make pity buys.
I'm loving how she is so upset about the new law proposed to check bank accounts with $600. deposited to them (just to be clear I think it is a stupid law) but now if this passes she knows the gig is up with all her "donations". Seems to have caught her attention though. Pass the popcorn...
ReplyDeleteThe filthy feral farmer is upset again over anything having to do with money.
DeleteOoh, you're soooo right! I was wondering why she re-tweeted that. Lol, she's worried that she'll have to scramble to explain a bunch of ill-earned income. Suck it Jenna!!
Delete“I hate that our medical industry is for profit.
ReplyDeleteI hate that right now if I want some antibiotics for lyme prevention it will cost over $100 for a 5 minute phone call.
I hate that it's making me angry at myself for hiking.
I hate all of it.”
And we “hate” your childish whining. Go fuck yourself, Jenna. ( And go get a job so that you can afford to pay for prescriptions.)
By that logic she should really hate that the music industry is also for profit.
DeleteCase in point: Taylor Swift music and merchandise. Cuz over the past several years, we've all watched the Pig Shocker shell out HUNDREDS for crap like Taylor $weatshirt$, cardigan$, CD$, $treaming, book$, etc.
She probably wasted close to 1K in the past 5 years for stuff that doesn't matter. Yet now she's bitching about $100 medication to stay healthy. As always with her, she HATES spending money on vital necessities but has no problem throwing money at crap she doesn't need -- all the while begging on Twitter for donations for animal feed and root canal bills. Ugh.
It takes an embedded tick 36 to 48 hours before there is a risk of Lyme disease bacterium. Is she saying she cannot tell if there is a tick on her before that time frame??? Yuck!
DeleteLyme treatment is often doxycycline antibiotics (also used for animals). A doctor normally won’t prescribe antibiotics unless there are Lyme symptoms.
Antibiotics of choice can be used as a prevention, but it's preferable to keep ticks off of you in the first place. How hard can that be for a fake feral hiker?
The tick crap is just another lie to ask for more free funds for doing nothing but breathing.
Delete“I can't wait until I never need to post something for sale on this site ever again.”
ReplyDeleteBitch, puhleeze. Don’t insult our intelligence. That’s never going to happen now. She could’ve cut this crap out years ago by just getting a job.
No shit. She's ironically singing to the choir here, as all of her foollowers and critics also can't wait til she shuts the hell up.
DeleteHere in the US we have special national days for just about everything:
ReplyDelete-National Pizza Day
-National Squirrel Appreciation Day
-National Taco Day
-National Bloody Mary Day
-National Hangover Day
...etc. These are real days BTW. (Source:
So why oh why can't we have a national "Jenna Woginrich Is A Fraud Day"? Or a "Jenna Woginrich Sucks Day??
We can call it
Delete"Refuse to Work and Expect Others to Fund Your Lifestyle Day"*
*reserved for college-educated, privileged property owners
“Today's the first day of my new part-time job writing SEO copy for an app's blog! It's just a couple hundred bucks a month and a trial period, but it is SOMETHING and could lead to more. So wish me luck with this and hope I nail it and the app gets 17 jillion downloads.”
ReplyDeleteWhoop dee fucking do. No one cares, cunt. Fat chance that she’ll last long.
It looks like none of her followers took time to wish her luck. Why would they bother when she acts like it’s an amazing achievement to get a gig online?
DeleteUpdate: Only one person today left a brief response, out of almost 5,000 followers, many of whom have her muted. That’s pathetic and insulting.
Deleteshe could get paid way more working at a convenience store and even if it were part time more than around $50. a week she is making. Heck my 14 year old granddaughter makes more than that in a weekend babysitting (not that I recommend FFF as a babysitter).
DeleteYou’re thinking like a normal adult, not one who is stupid and stubborn. But those jobs you’ve mentioned lack the social status that’s important to Jenna Woginrich.
DeleteSomeone in my town with a Ph.D. in languages works at a gift shop, but that’s been way beneath her all her life.
DeleteYeah, $200 a month isn't much of a job, it's another freelance gig and a temporary one at that.
DeleteSix months of job hunting and this is what she comes up with. Post your resume on indeed and linked in, select "accepting offers" and treat getting a job LIKE it's your job. 8 hours a day. You need 8 hours a day for job applications these days. I find each new position I apply to takes at least 4 hours of inputting information into the system, tailoring my resume with their key phrases so it makes it through their HRM system and actually meets human eyes.
You have to put so much time in, but when you have NO JOB, you can't be picky about where you apply.
I have a job, and I'm looking for other opportunities. I've been applying for new positions for 2 years with only 1 interview (and the offer was not as good as my current position so I didn't take it.)
It's tough out there for well-paid positions, but for the retail / restaurant / grocery store jobs? You can still just walk in to apply. My wife was facing up some cans when we were grocery shopping, and the manager approached her and offered her a job. They need people. She got her current retail job after 1 week of looking, and she enjoys it so much, she's getting promoted instead of looking for other work.
There are key roles in health care that really need people, and require only a high school diploma. Scrubs are cheap, and housekeeping is hard work, so is stocking. Heck, she could take an at-home transcription course and get paid buy the word to do medical transcription from home.
But hey, Shannon's paying for everything now, less the $200 a month salary and occasional arts and crafts sale Jenna makes on twitter.
The same thing happened to me. I was decorating a church for harvest and went into a local craft shop. I started discussing wreath making with the woman working there. She said (seriously) "Would you like to work with me?" The jobs are out there, if you want or need them. It may not be your dream job, but it pays the bills and gives more equity in a relationship so one person isn't carrying the other like dead weight around her neck.
DeleteI don’t understand why Shannon, or anyone else, would tolerate supporting another adult who has her own home, is college-educated, and also able-bodied.
DeleteThere are a lot of jobs out there, and Jenna has such low overhead right now. She could be putting hundreds or thousands away a month in savings if she changed a few things.
DeleteHeck, maybe she is already - it wouldn't be the first time she's fibbed on the internet. I doubt she's making much though, because she posts obsessively every time she buys something for herself. She hasn't posted about buying TS swag, trail runners, or camping gear in a couple of months, which makes me wonder if Shannon really is paying for everything and she's holding Jenna a bit more accountable.
If Jenna has managed to make the necessary payments on that property alone for 10+ years, and now that Shannon's there Jenna mysteriously makes even LESS money?
This is Jenna's version of tapping her friends for free labour until they stop giving her shit for free all over again. That behaviour is on the edge of abuse - taking advantage of what someone has to offer and not following through with reciprocation.
Dynamics like this can deteriorate in a relationship. I'm still not sure whether Shannon is on team scam artist, where Jenna would be secretly making plenty of money just fine yet continues touting the tiny violin online, and Shannon KNOWS IT, in which case Shannon is no better than Jenna, OR
Alternatively, and I think this is more likely, Jenna is being willfully incompetent and refusing to step up and do what is necessary to contribute fairly in a relationship. She thinks because Shannon's accepted her stories of woe for this long, she'll continue to believe her forever.
Jenna might like the *idea* of saving for the future, but Jenna lives in the moment and is unable to manage her impulses and properly weight consequences in the future to behave responsibly now. There are plenty of legitimate mental illnesses that could cause this, and a part of being a grown up is getting your ass to a professional to figure out why you're failing at basic adulting. It's very possible Jenna just needs some medication and some supportive therapy and this whole situation could turn around.
But if Jenna keeps this up, and Shannon isn't in on a scam, then this relationship is going to have some rocky years.
So, I have a poll:
ReplyDeleteIf Shannon wanted to move across the country for a job opportunity, would Jenna sell the property to follow her or not? Why or why not?
I think she would, but only if the destination was still rural and Shannon would pay for their living expenses.
That's a hard call and one thing holding her back might be her horse and the dogs. The other animals? Pfft. When younger, she moved with greater frequency, but she wasn't carrying as much baggage (probably.) What would she get on that property if she did sell. She's made no major improvements to the place over the years. I agree she would want rural and not even settle for suburban rural, and "yes," Shannon would be paying.
DeleteCan you see her trying to lug that hawk cross country? Goodbye Agnes. Fly free as the wind. Whatever happened to her rides in that cart to go get ice cream with Patty? One of my favs never heard from again? Throwing an axe in the front yard. Having her guests go into town to use a bathroom. Better yet. Go in the woods. Did anyone on here ever go to one of those fiasco lessons gatherings?
Shannon is her sugar mama. So she’d probably follow her.
DeleteAnon 1:30 - What? She didn't let people paying for her courses USE HER BATHROOM???
DeleteI didn't hear about that. I did hear the bathroom plumbing had problems off and on and she took to the woods herself on more than one occasion, which isn't a terrible thing if you know how to dig a pit toilet. It's not a long-term solution though, and not acceptable for people paying - what was it, over $100 for a few hours? - to not have a toileting plan for them. WOW.
My thought is, if Shannon was paying, she'd follow, even if it meant downsizing all the animals but the dogs and cat. I don't think the horses would hold her back. She's been talking about Merlin getting older and not being as ridable as he was.
DeleteBut I think the reason she'd stick with rural is because it's too expensive to live in a city on a single person income with the housing crisis exploding. If they were moving to a city AND Jenna absolutely had to get a full time job, I think that would be a deal-breaker. I think Jenna needs a partner who understands Jenna is not going to be a financial contributor.
Life isn't that black and white of course, but it does throw you curve balls. I'm honestly surprised that since her first book was published, she hasn't had a major curve ball in her life, in terms of a health crisis, a death in the family etc.
My wife and I have each lost a parent after long illnesses. She lost her brother too. I've had two major surgeries. I'm 42, and I'm not unusual. Jenna's been rolling life's dice for a long while now.
I think that she’ll be hit hard with accumulated crap once she’s over 40. She complains about not being lucky, but she’s been fairly fortunate so far. I hope that she pays the price for years of begging, lying, using people, and also animal abusing.
DeleteI don't think she'd follow Shannon anywhere unless Shannon won the lottery. Jenna is stubborn and stupid. Plus, her whole persona is built upon her supposed success story:
Delete"I quit my job and bought a farm!"
"I've made it on my own and have been here for 10+ years!"
She's not gonna give up that narrative so easily. Especially if it's not HER idea. Cuz in her demented mind, Jenna is not a follower, she's a leader. And I just don't see her walking away from the fruits of her many years of grifting.
“Bittersweet news: I released Agnes back into the wild. Details on the farm dispatch page if you are interested.”
ReplyDeleteTranslation: I decided that I'd rather spend money on snapping up all of Taylor Swift's re-recorded albums, including "Red" -- released just this week!
DeleteNo hawk needs “help,” you trash.
ReplyDeleteHer stupid tweet was all about virtue-signaling and humble-bragging. I’m relieved that the bird was released. Maybe Shannon’s influence had something to do with it, because Jenna usually makes dumb decisions not wise ones.
DeleteIs there evidence the hawk was released or must we rely on the word of a person with a long history of living like fiction?
DeleteIf the bird was released, wonderful!
If the bird was a victim of the fake feral falconer, I'm sorry for it. These birds shouldn't be subject to an attention seeking dilettante who holds them hostage, keeps them hungry and "teaches them" to hunt, a skill they already possess.
Going forward, I truly hope her roommate stops FFF from engaging in this abusive and cash-wasting past time.
Agnes: “I never needed her help. It was a nightmare being trapped in her dirty hovel for a few weeks. She tethered me to her hot lamp, like the last victims, and forced me to watch Buffy reruns. I also had to listen to the sickening sounds of Jenna and Shannon having sloppy sex. I’m happy to be freed to fly!”
DeleteAnon 12:22, No photo evidence she released the bird back into the wild, just words on the internet.
DeleteShe claims that another local falconer indicated to her the bird had been previously injured and rehabbed. Had Jenna not released the bird after this assessment from another falconer, I'm not sure what the consequences would have been.
DeleteI do think that she is deferring to Shannon in not catching another hawk this winter, because it's true, if she's shirking her half of the financial responsibilities, she has no business at all spending money on a hobby.
Jenna's going to have to pull this out of the fire this winter and break her habit of spending time and money on fun while expecting others to work and pay, or she'll be sending a strong message to Shannon that this is who JW is.
From that bleg post:
Delete"I am not going to trap another bird this season. With a new job, winter prep still not fully completed, and money I could save not ordering hawk foods and falconry supplies - it was an easy decision to make."
So, she FINALLY admits that falconry DOES cost money. This after years of saying how it cost practically nothing. Effing liar.
Almost everything in life costs money. It’s like when Jenna was justifying their camping trip expenses, and stupidly stated “But Shannon already had the gas in her car!” But what about the replacement finances, moron?!
DeleteTwitter Twaddle - Assholery Edition:
ReplyDelete"Tomorrow I snagged an appointment for the last bit of our firewood, now to come up with the dough!"
Seriously, what kind of asshole books an appointment for something they cannot afford? It's truly unbelievable that she pulls shit like this. And then she tries to make it other people's problem by acting all helpless. HoWEveR wiLL i cOMe uP wITh tHe MoNieS?? Cuz there is no other reason to announce this to internet folks other than to get sympathy donations or pity purchases.
I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating. It’s more manipulative marketing for free funds. No normal adult does this kind of begging behavior. She’s a sick fuck.
DeleteAnd now that Jenna has a job, and also her housemate’s help, she shouldn’t have to be begging at all. Funny how she hasn’t been bragging about which app’s blog she’s creating content for. Like she did when briefly writing backpacking pieces for Outside online. Maybe she’s even lied about getting a gig.
DeleteAlmost 40 years old and still begging for firewood. And she’s living on a 6 acre wooded lot with free firewood for the taking. The two of them should both be ashamed.
ReplyDeleteThis year especially, there is an unbelievable amount of free firewood available in the Northeast. People with downed trees are laughed at if they want someone to buy the wood. Neighbors give away piles of firewood to keep properties clean.
DeleteIf she is begging because she needs to buy firewood, she's LAF, woefully ignorant or lying.
Why doesn't she turn the thermostat higher on her whole-house oil furnace and be done with it?
well that didn't take long she is already complaining about her new "gig" all the work she has to do and of course we don't understand. She is working so much harder (as she says) since she is working for herself. And yet she is still begging for firewood.....go figure.
ReplyDeleteShe even made another stupid long list to prove how BuSy the feral farmer is now.
Delete“Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! Me and Merlin, 2014! Sent to me by my friend, Karen H!”
ReplyDelete“Sure, Jen.” You just wanted to share the “busty gal” pic again. You deliberately bent over the horse to highlight those thick thighs, and ugly, saggy cleavage. I always feel sorry for him, and having to bear the weight of your huge fat ass. UGH.
No one has left a response on the unflattering photo yet. LOL!!!
DeleteShe was hoping for sexy statements like “Damn, gurl. I wish that you were single again!”
“Hey all, I am writing a piece on young people (under 16) who are having mental health issues over data security - fears that their privacy, money, or online life isn't safe in an increasingly-digital world. Would any parents be available for an interview on this subject? DM!”
ReplyDeleteNothing about “I’d appreciate your time and input, thanks!” It’s always just what Jenna wants at the moment.