I feel like Charlie Brown with the football. Every time I believe JFW is really serious about getting a job, the football is snatched away. Now she’s hoping for luck, a miracle or inheritance from some unknown aunt.
She’s so close, don’t you know. She just needs you to send some love ($$$) her way. Won’t you be her miracle?
I don't think she is serious, it's lip service to her partner. If she were really serious about getting a job, she'd have one by now. There is a labour shortage and a ton of job openings. Not glamorous jobs, not high-paying jobs, but when you have NO JOB you have to start somewhere, and presumably she won't need more than $1500 / month for mortgage, food, utilities and fun money.
Where would all the drama go if she didn't have a justification to write about needing money though?
Would she stop writing entirely? Maybe. I think another book deal is highly doubtful at this point.
"If all goes as planned, I'll finally be behind the wheel of my new (to me) pickup truck! [...] well, in a few more weeks. Needs about 1.5k in repairs and I'm still working on this month's bills but keeping sales goals high each day and hoping for the best"
Well, she only received one comment from foollower Kathy:
"What kind, color, 4WD, bed size, year, miles? Congratulations!!"
Of course Jenna hasn't bothered to respond. And she won't either, cuz the only question she likes to answer is:
Thanks for the new thread, HD! Hope you're enjoying a nice summer as well. Mine's OK so far, considering this is the season I absolutely detest with it's heat and humidity. Yuck.
Found a single flea on one of my indoor cats today. And it is my first time dealing with fleas in 30 years so I've been researching for hours, since flea fighting technology has no doubt changed over time. Anyone have any special tips for nipping this in the bud?
We just dealt with the exact same issue. We decided to do whatever it took to take care of it before we started getting bitten and our cat became even more miserable. I could have died when I found the first flea on him. First, we bought some Capstar and Cheristin flea medication from Chewy. The Capstar is for killing any that are on the cat immediately, and the Cheristin we used a bit later as a preventative for at least the next several months. At the same time we bought a can of Virbac Knockout area spray to hit the areas where he hangs out and sleeps, and also our sofa and guest bed which he lays on a lot. And we have a small dog, who was the likely culprit in bringing them in so we used NexGard on him, which we got from the vet. (can you tell I don't EVER want to be bitten by a flea inside my own home?) Good luck!
I've used 20 Mule Team Borax to treat flea-infested carpets. Sprinkle the powder liberally over the surface of the carpet then sweep with a stiff brush to ensure the powder gets to the base of the carpet. Let the powder sit for a day or two before you clear it away with a vacuum cleaner.
Also, I put Advantage II on my cats monthly and have no problems even though they are indoor/outdoor. Also I think I had to use a Zodiac spray in the house and a bomb once.
Advantage will do it - but make sure it's from a vet and not the frontline stuff you can get from a pet shop. My friend's dog was killed by that stuff.
Thanks guys! Got some stuff and it appears to be working.(Advantage + carpet spray)
HotFlashHomestead - Curious about the Capstar tablets, how did you manage to get those pills down your cat's hatch? Our feisty cat is solid muscle and about 12-14 lbs of NO damn way.
Didn't she just say a month ago that she is no longer offering logo sales?
Yet today on Twitter: "First logo I sell today is $150 instead of $200! Support a farmer, help her get behind the wheel of a 1998 GMC!"
Also note her deceptive use of the word "FIRST" -- trying to make it sound like people are chomping at the bit for her fantastic logos...so don't miss out on saving $50!!! Heck, she likely does one logo a month, if that. Get a job girl.
After all these years, she's just as mentally twisted as she was when she first started her long game grift. If anything, the addition of a partner who could pay half of her bills, mortgage, etc. has given her more play money for the useless junk she has been buying for the past 10+ years. She is addicted to begging and won't ever change. The more she begs and receives, the more money she has to flex with (eye roll). Someone would have to be half a moron to be attracted to a begger. A partner will be the only thing that could save her future, which otherwise would consist of zero savings for retirement and not enough work credits to get medicare. She must be clawing onto her girlfriend to try to keep her around before she realizes what her future looks like with a loser.
Hi HFH! Haven’t seen you around lately and missed you, especially your insight and wisdom. Your posts are always thoughtful, never insulting, just realistic. I try to emulate you when I post.
Thanks! I check in once in awhile, just to see what's going on. There were a couple of people here who were making super personal, pretty vicious attacks on JW as well as accusing other people (who disagreed with anything they said) of actually BEING JW, so I took the exit. I honestly think most of the issues I had with JW (namely giving workshops and writing books on stuff she was in no way an expert in, accumulating a following and then attempting to instruct others) are in the past. She seems to have a stable partner who has helped (in a major way) her do better, and I have a feeling the animals are being treated better now too. So I wish her nothing but continued improved mental health and the stability of a relationship with someone who brings out the best in her.
it has been an intense summer due to the heat but I refuse to not love every second of my life so it is what it is. On our 90 plus days it is a little hard to think things are good but I force myself same as 20 degree days in the winter.
Our phony farmer (would that be foney farmer in Jenna speak?) seems to trying to be a kitch "vintage" seller these days. All the stuff is worse than crap and flea market finds. Had to laugh at the prices though. Lets just face it she is so hip (said no one ever). Well today is August 1st wonder if July house payment got made on time well not on time we know that didn't happen but at least in July?
The stuff she chooses to display in her den of mold and animal poop, shows that she has zero decorating taste. Few people have such unoriginal, boring and cheap taste. Not to mention who would want to put anything in their home that has been in the filth she lives in. Disgusting.
Hmmmm, no snarky remark in reply. No reply at all, but that's not a surprise. Here's a person who says they work in HR saying Jenna should stop complaining about the job application process because it'll get her eliminated from the candidate pools:
She'd never say "good point" or "thank you" in response to solid advice, but is the lack of a snarky come-back an indicator that maybe she's taking a tiny bit of this advice on board?
Who can forget her humble-brag "10 Signs You Might Become A Homesteader", a post clearly intended to affirm her life choices and seek kindred spirits?
Reason 7 for becoming a homesteader (like her, lol):
"...If you hate working for other people and do it poorly...let me state that again. You hate working for other people. You hate it. You hate it. You hate it. You absolutely hate it. You hate it. You hate it. You hate it. You hate it..."
Lol, no red flags there. I'm sure she'll make a wonderful employee.
She is sabotaging herself, consciously or unconsciously. As much as she hates working for someone else, I can assure her that no employer wants someone like her as well. She is not doing any potential employer any favors by applying for jobs. She is better off trying to live off Shannon and leave unsuspecting followers alone.
She should continue to tweet about how much she hates working for others while she is applying for jobs to warn potential employers. It is disingenuous to apply for a job when you know you are going to hate it. I was a hiring manager and tried to weed out these people. No employer wants to deal with a problem employee. And I’m guessing she was a problem employee at her previous jobs.
There are a lot of people who don’t want to work for others who go on to be successful entrepreneurs. But it’s a mistake to assume you are working for yourself. You are actually working for the people who pay you, your customers. And there’s the rub. She treats her customers like crap. Like she’s doing them a favor. She takes money up front and either doesn’t deliver or delays. And when people ask “where’s my stuff” she sends them a snarky reply. I think we’ve all seen how she wants her money - through donations. Getting paid by existing. I do hope Shannon is prepared to support her.
Any company could do a simple Google search and find plenty of reasons to not hire her. She has earned such a garbage reputation for taking money from people and failing to care for her animals that no decent company would have anything to do with her. IF she gets any offers, it will only be for a position that no one else wants from a subpar company.
Anon 820 EXACTLY. If you go into business for yourself, you end up having a hundred people to please instead of just a few.
Her hatred of working for other people again could easily be tied to undiagnosed ADHD, and a common comorbidity called "oppositional defiance disorder", basically your brain just knee-jerk says NO whenever anyone else asks you to do something. It's a real thing, and it doesn't have to control your life once you know why your brain is the way it is.
Jenna's pattern of cutting off her nose to spite her face and taking pride in this destructive personality trait by calling it "stubbornness" could really just be a symptom of a lifelong struggle with an unrecognized, undiagnosed neurodivergence.
Donning "hating" working for others as a personality trait is a mistake, instead of being curious about why she isn't successful when she has to collaborate with others. Change isn't easy, but coping tools can take you very far in life.
One more thing, anon 820: I think this year will tell if Shannon is willing to support Jenna long term. The honeymoon is over, Jenna's off her best behaviour. Jenna is telling the world she can't pay her bills, and Shannon is having to deal with whether she's comfortable having their private lives posted about in this unflattering way.
Shannon may have family members or friends who started to follow Jenna, and get concerned that Shannon's using her car to do all the farm work while Jenna can't afford to keep a vehicle running, let alone a 30 year old beater.
Shannon may start getting some anxiety herself, living month to month, or paycheck to paycheck, hoping next month things will change and Jenna's job will materialize.
Ultimately this next year or two will determine whether Shannon actually IS prepared to support Jenna financially, and it'll show whether Jenna is willing or able to change her ways.
It would be a damn shame for this partnership to break up because Jenna can't / won't get her shit together, but that would be better than Shannon staying with a partner who struggles to pay her own very basic bills according to her social media account.
I think there are plenty of potential employers out there for Jenna, and places she could be successful at. I think she's just kind of a snob about where she applies. For all her "feral farming" salt of the earth down home aw shucks mannerisms, she sure avoids blue collar work like the plague.
It's too bad too, because blue collar work is probably where she'd do well. It would rebuild her self-esteem (her ego is a common symptom of low self-esteem) and she could build an identity around something other than being a "writer / author / falconer".
Yes. For all her posturing about how much she likes physical work, she could find plenty of it in the blue collar sector. And for all her moaning about how much she hates to be stuck at a computer, it's the only work she's looking for. Strange, isn't it?
Yes, Anon 1:20. And she's already whined about the sorts of jobs she's applying for, before even getting an interview. There is such a massive labour shortage, she could be employed by the end of next week if she really wanted a job and was willing to work a dirty job without the social cache of "influencer" or "published author".
The social politics of a blue collar job are often more straight-forward too.
She's applying for the hottest, highest-competition niche job right now, when warehouses, grocery stores, building centers are all crying for workers.
She likes farming so much, work at a grocery store! Stock produce, learn how to butcher the meat. There are plenty of blue-collar jobs that dove-tail with her rural animal-hobby lifestyle and some of them are union.
WIW. Obviously she is too special to work blue collar jobs. She has the temerity to cry poverty whilst searching for online providers of quail to feed captured raptors, yet another one of her privileged hobbies.
Her ambition has always been to be another Jon Katz. To make a living writing about her life. Even Jon has written many times that publishing has changed and it is almost impossible, except for a very few, to make a living as an author.
And yes, with the labor shortage, she could get a job almost anywhere. Road construction or repair comes to mind. It pays well, she could be outdoors and it involves hard physical labor which she claims she loves.
Also, road construction work could be a real win-win for her. Out in the open, with her safety vest, hard hat, a stop/slow sign in one hand, and a "Hungry/Anything Helps" sign in the other.
She doesn't have a unique story anymore. In the decade since MFS was published, it's now common to have a side-gig just to pay the bills. People no longer aspire to go off-grid or romanticize homesteading, because it's getting harder for middle-class people to afford ANY property and no one has the time to garden or can. Young people are glamorizing living in their vehicles to save money. Jenna's story is no longer about a young person trying to create their future from traditions of the past, her story has become how to pay her mortgage on her multi-acre property without having to hold down a job.
She's beaten to death the idealism of her lifestyle while at the same time showing that it *doesn't work*. She CAN'T pay the bills (so she says) and that squawking has dampened any residual romanticism she might have been able to market.
She's also published several subsequent memoirs that have not done well. I don't know if she just had an excellent editor for MFS? There is a big difference between her first book and the others.
So why would a publisher want to pick up her next installment? She has 300 followers now, give or take.
Even if she self-published again, she wouldn't sell enough copies for it to be worth the hours put into writing the first draft. Her writing is a vanity project, a self-aggrandizing hobby to prop up her fragile identity as someone different from all us poodles / sheep.
She claims she has a job interview. We'll see. Meanwhile she's busy "inventorying" the falconry supplies - she says this like it's a big job. Wouldn't you be checking the condition of your gauntlet, leash, and jesses at the end of last season? what is that, six things?
Reminds me of the to do lists including changing the bed sheets. BIG BACK PAT.
Her latest onion flower post is a cross posted social media update. Phoning in august, indeed.
I hope everyone's having a good summer. I entirely neglected to plant a balcony garden this summer, but I have a few basic herbs going, and the farmers markets are exploding with amazing produce! Cherries, peaches, grapes, plums, all the citrus. I love this time of year. From now until November I think is my favorite time of year to eat!
Inventorying falconry supplies? Yeah, like about six items. As for the job interview, I'm glad she's finally applying for real work, but she has made it clear how much she hates work, especially working for someone else. I feel badly for the company she is interviewing with. As part of a hiring team, we put our hearts and souls into finding the right person. It takes a lot of time and money to hire and train. We only want people who really want to work for us, not someone who see us as a last resort. And we tailor our questions to try to weed out those people, but some are clever enough to slip in. If she gets this job, I wonder how long she will last?
Something is so wrong with her. She got home from a "run" to find the kitchen turned into a kimchee factory. She ran somewhere while someone else did something useful. And what is up with the amazement with an "onion flower". I thought she was doing this for years..... And a lovely garden with edible produce this year. Hmmmm....another shot or two in her foot every time she opens her mouth.
"Our garden is such a powerhouse of yummy this year!"
"Shannon made Kimchi this weekend"
"We are making spicy pickles."
IT'S OFFICIAL: The shit show that was CAF is now The Super Shannon Show. Meanwhile, all Jenna does is take pics and tweet about it. That has to burn a bit.
If Shannon has to do EVERYTHING by herself, she might as well be by herself. Why anyone would spend their time overcompensating for a hatchet faced, morally bankrupt, scamming "partner" is anyone's guess. Often crazy attracts crazy. Perhaps Shannon has severe mental problems as well. Otherwise, their arrangement (it appears to be more of an arrangement than a relationship) doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
l'll never be able to understand what a seemingly normal person like Shannon could possibly see in the human garbage that is the Pig Shocker, who has not even one single redeeming quality.
Unless you consider the house/property itself. Perhaps Shannon is playing the long con in which the next step is to marry, wait a few years, then conveniently shove Jenna off a cliff whilst hiking. Whoopsie. CAF is then hers.
Anonymous 6:00. Your caustic comment sure sounds like something they Whack would’ve said. All that’s missing is calling her a hag with sausage fingers. And I do agree with what you wrote.
"I think farming has ruined any ability to sleep in."
*record scratch*
Wow, if that's not a Freudian slip I don't know what is. Cuz what she's really implying is that she used to sleep in, but now that Shannon has taken charge, the Pig Shocker can no longer wallow all morning in her famously unwashed sheets.
Now she has a pair of non lazy eyes upon her at all times. So no more spending 80% of her day planted in front of her computer trawling Taylor Swift fan sites for the latest news. I wonder if the linoleum lines on her butt have faded away?
Also, correct me if I'm wrong but it seems there hasn't been a single "terrifying" disaster so far this year. No root canals, no power outages, no frozen pipes, no cancer scares, no mortgage foreclosure threats, and no dire hay or firewood crisis.
How cool is that? It's almost as if Shannon brought all the luck in the world with her when she moved in!
Too bad there's not some sort of invention where you can use a computer to access some sort of online cyber universe where you can find answers to just about any question one can think of. Imagine how useful that could be!
So for the first time in years, Jenna has left her property to visit her family, and brought Shannon along.
Shannon enters and a year later, Jenna's looking for a job, the animal care is adequate, the panic posts reduce, and she's repairing her relationship with her family of origin.
Better half indeed. I hope Shannon's getting enough from the relationship, but that's her standard to set.
If Jenna gets and keeps a job, maybe the drama train will finally stop.
I must admit, in the year since Shannon moved in, everything at CAF has been less fraught. Sure there's an eyeroll once in a while, but overall, things seem to be moving in the right direction.
Maybe Jenna's realizing that her new life with a partner is better if she has steady income, less drama, and more free time to go visit family or socialize. The bloom is long off the homesteading fad, the housing crisis has made Jenna's whining about mortgage payments look tone-deaf and privileged, along with her talk of paying for heat and hay.
Maybe she's less concerned with looking cool to strangers online and more focused on what she's bringing to the table to equitably contribute to her now shared household.
Maybe the CAF story ends with: "And then I met Shannon, and she fixed everything - or made me want to fix it, finally, myself. ~ Fin ~"
When has J ever been known to tell the truth? She is a compulsive liar. Her normal m.o. is lying 24/7 to hide all of her dirty secrets. This is the same asshole who claims to love animals as if she hasnt been investigated for animal abuse many times, had multiple hawks "disappear," wrote a blog post about purposely shocking her pigs etc. I wouldn't expect her to post the truth about her fictional "perfect" relationship. She isn't capable of being truthful. We won't ever know the true state of her "farm" or animals or relationship. S might be able to help a lot of things but she can't change a person's severe mental problems. If anything, rather than straightening up her life, J has just gained another victim. How long it will take for her girlfriend to realize it remains to be seen.
Statistically, a large number of lesbian relationships fail pretty quickly, even in the best of circumstances. And being that Shannon scraped the bottom of the barrel to find Jenna, I can't see it lasting. Especially with her propensity for calling everything on that farm an asshole...it's only a matter of time before Shannon receives that moniker and flees. Which would really suck for all those poor animals who are right now receiving much better attention and care, thanks to her efforts.
"I may be able to get some hay in barter, or some firewood for pork."
Aren't all those pigs pre-sold? And isn't that the point of selling pigs that aren't even born yet???
Next sentence:
"There’s also dead and downed wood to cut around here which I think we can barter with friends or have a work party towards as people are opened up from summer vacations and travel."
What the heck is she trying to say here, any guesses? Since she needs firewood, you'd think the simple thing would be to cut and stack that dead wood. No?
Is the "have a work party towards" intending to ask her friends and family for free labour again? Does she mean the free labour will get to take home some of the firewood as a thanks for helping? What on earth is she wanting to barter?
And she's selling the family drama now, I'm sure they all appreciate this: "I haven't been back to my hometown, or my parent's home, in over a decade. It's because of complicated reasons you can learn more about in my next book"
and this:
"I never would have thought I could bring a girl home to meet my parents and she would be accepted with such love and kindness. Not because my parents are homophobic or anything, but because I never thought I would allow myself to be open to love."
Um, she tweeted quite a bit about her parents being homophobic and having a trump sign on the lawn. And she never thought she'd allow herself to be open to love? THEY MET ON A DATING APP. For heavens sake how more "open to love" can you get??? They were both looking, and they met online - which is FINE!
Jenna was also dating men before and after she got her house - which is also fine! She bemoaned the lack of a partner for nearly a decade! Sounds pretty open to love to me!
Whatever. She'll re-write history with some meet-cute at a book store in Chicago where she was signing copies of her last bestseller.
Note her new posts get about 100 views, which indicates her actual reach.
As the page hits increase over time, this is due to automated traffic that hits every site. The page views in the first day or two indicate the real humans reading her words.
Maybe the next book will be called Starting From Scratch. That's what she's doing.
Lol, her next idea is to sell her personal family drama? *snore* Her story in particular is not at all noteworthy. A lot of people have conservative parents who don't approve of their lifestyles. Being gay and having homophobic parents? That is a very common tale. She should stick to the Lesbian Equestrian Werewolves idea. The kids who read the "Twilight" books are all grown up now. Maybe they'll be interested in drivel like that.
History shows she doesn't like to work, prefers shortcuts to lasting improvements, and has long used others for donations, discounts, pity-buys, and to tackle that nasty four-letter work - WORK. Scads of local people built and improved her property - at least until they tired of being used.
Creating "parties" to gather fallen wood is an example of having others do her work. Collecting fallen wood should be easy: you spot wood, pick it up, then burn it at a later date!
Looks like hurricane Henri is going to take a swipe at New England this weekend. I wonder if she ever got her basement flooding situation worked out.....guess we'll see soon.
I'll bet she's quietly seething that she can't use Hurricane Henri to grift funds for a bunch of fake emergencies. But she can't pull that shit now that she's under Shannon's watchful eye. What a bummer for her as she could have tweeted about flooding, barn roof ripped off, downed fences, injured animals, etc. Suck it, Jenna!
So now coming from a lesbian, she's saying that the person who is prepared for emergencies must be a lesbian. THIS from the least prepared lesbian for all the years until her girlfriend came into the picture, was so ill prepared for even winter that she was " Terrified " of most everything.
Not to mention that remark she once made about being the BEST, most strongest person to survive an apocalypse. Only to later run to Twitter for help when her power went out for a day. Yeah, ok scammer.
p.s. Shannon made the pickles. Jenna just took a pic for Twitter and proclaimed herself Queen. The queen of piss and vinegar maybe.
In her instagram stories today, a snip of a tswift song with lyrics "I'm the mess that you wanted" along with an overlay of text saying "I could defend a dissertation on reputation."
Couldja now?
Because the past shows a lot of dodging responsibility and making excuses for her choices resulting in her claiming to be in dire straights and not being able to pay bills.
I have noticed a bit of a tone shift to more of a "fundraising" rhetoric rather than an appeal to save her from herself. Buy a logo and get unlimited revisions until you're happy! Yeah, that's something credible designers say.
I guess she's not going to ask Shannon to pay for her beater pick-up, her hay-burner feed, or her "firewood", but just remember Shannon, this is the mess that you wanted!
I'm going to make a prediction: I predict Shannon's industriousness leads them to actually start an Air BnB in the next couple of years. It would be a far better source of income.
Unlimited revisions? Kinda tempted to buy a logo and request revisions well into 2025.
Excellent prediction, an Air BnB, I could see that. But since Jenna is "terrified" by the idea of strangers in her house, where would guests sleep? In the barn? The chicken coop? Back of her broken down truck? Crammed into the hawk mews?
And just imagine the online reviews:
"While the food looked delicious, I lost my appetite upon seeing the filthy, grimy, blood stained hands that served it to me."
"The clean bedsheets REEKED of lavender, sweat, failure, and cheese."
"Dinner was rather annoying, as the short one whipped out a fiddle and played Mariachi style a mere TWO FEET from our table."
"There was a problem with the toilet. I was handed a shovel and directions to a spot in the woods."
"While background music can be nice, hearing back-to-back Taylor Swift CDs on repeat really sucked."
"We found an unbelievable and unacceptable amount of dog/cat fur on the blankets, sofa, chairs, the food, just EVERYWHERE."
"As we were leaving, both dogs leapt into our car and wouldn't come out."
The mechanic should be charging her for every day she leaves her truck there. They aren't a storage facility, and with no payment to start work she is just using them (color me surprised...)
"My truck is still in the shop, being worked on as a last priority at the garage since I am pretty sure the head mechanic already knows I'm pretty skint on funds at the moment and so I am saving up whenever I can to get the brakes and windows repaired so I can have a farm vehicle here we really need before winter. "
Long time Shamster here. She has stiffed mechanics before. I’m pretty sure she has quite the reputation of not paying, not paying in full or dragging out payments. I hope the mechanic is smart enough to not start work until she has paid upfront. Just like she expects her client to do.
Any mechanic whom she has not paid in full, could and should file a mechanics lien on the truck and keep that hunk of junk. They should charge her storage fees and when she doesn't pay them, they should file a mechanics lien for that too. No one wants that craptastic piece of shit truck but at least it would be out of circulation and not costing the mechanics time and parts to fix something and not get paid for it.
Notice how she walked Merlin DOWN the hill but rode him UP the hill.
"Took Merlin out for a soap delivery this week, a nice walk down the mountain road to a neighbors estate. I decided to walk with him, not ride, for the trip down the road. Merlin is getting older, grayer, but still game for some riding here and there. He is in good health in general with good feet, but I can sense our time as regular riding partners getting thinner.
When we were done I hopped on his back and road home. A lovely ride, up mountain, walking and trotting under the dappled light of the trees."
saw that right away when I read it also. She walks down the hill but rode it up the hill poor Merlin what a work out for him. Sure didn't make sense to me and from her fuzzy math he is now 26 years old. Poor Merlin must have thought holy crap what have I done to deserve this punishment (at least she didn't shock him).
Yes and she really should get a job as editor or proof reader after all she "road him home". Oh I can't stand the fun in her "righting".
"FIRE(wood) SALE! Get 2 inked pet portraits for $60! Goal is to sell 4 pairs of pet art today towards our first delivery of firewood for winter heat! Get original pet art and keep two lesbians warm." Does she not realize how bad she sounds? Plus she is surrounded by woods and she can't even pick up the deadwood that is in EVERY forest? I am cringing for her.
“I need to finish my work. I need to focus on making income today. I need to think about winter heat. I need to think about hay. I need to think about covid variants. I need to pay for truck repairs. I need to get hired for off-farm job.
And all I can think about is Texas.”
It’s all about JW. She only added Texas at the end as a fake show of “woke” concern.
“Good morning from Cold Antler Farm. Chores are done, coffee is hot, and hoping for some decent sales to add towards the firewood/repair/hay fund. Feeling optimistic, and believing in magic today.”
No one cares, cunt. “Magic” is another weird word like her using “luck” to get free funds.
“I am offering everything I can raise, grow, design, and draw in hopes of making another winter happen safely on this mountain. I would love for this to happen soon as possible to stop soliciting here and focus on other things, but right now it's impossible not to think about.”
It’s only “impossible” because she refuses to get a part-time job locally that’s not considered a status symbol by her standards. She’s been whining about not having enough money ever since the beginning, but won’t do the one thing which would help her hovel become solvent.
Yes, she would like you to send her money as soon as possible so she can go out and play. It’s the same tired begging, month after month, year after year. Go get a job for crying out loud. Everyone is tired of your begging.
There is a labour shortage. If she even is looking for work, she's being too picky. If she really, REALLY needed to pay for shit, she'd have a job by the end of the week.
She just doesn't want to do a job that doesn't fit her current self-image.
As economics get more dire, as the housing crisis intensifies, her whining about fundraising is looking worse with every year. She has a stable place to live - a place she owns, by the way. Selling "the dream" is sooo 2010. The world has changed, and people have been in survival mode for years.
I think her sales are dying. I think she's selling less every month, I think she's not getting much repeat business, and I think she's racking up debt to her partner who no doubt is taking up the slack, so she's got to look like she's hustling / trying.
That might fly with the internet, but it's not going to fly with your partner if the deal you have is splitting costs equally.
"If you're willing & able to support this farm: now is the time."
I don't even know where to begin. First, why is "now" the time to support her? She's been begging for the past twelve years. It seems like it's always the time to support her. Secondly, why should anyone feel the need to support a grown, educated, able bodied woman?
"While I am applying for off-farm work..." - Yeah, I'll believe it when/if it actually happens.
"Get original pet art and keep two lesbians warm." - Does she even know how bad this sounds? What does buying art have to do with lesbians. And why do two grown, educated, able-bodied women need someone else to keep them warm?
The lazy loser is trying to put pressure on poodles to pay for her living expenses. Again. She’ll never stop her money mooching. It’s pathological. And mentioning the “two lesbians” is irrelevant. It’s disgusting at how disingenuous Jenna has become. And she’s almost 40. She’s shameless. I don’t understand why Shannon hasn’t dumped her fat ass by now. You couldn’t pick a worse partner. Neither one wants to work off-farm, or it would’ve happened already.
"Neither one wants to work off-farm, or it would’ve happened already." - You got that right. There are plenty of jobs to be had for anyone who wants one.
She could’ve walked in to Walmart a long time ago, for example, and easily gotten a part-time job. But her sense of superior self-entitlement, and believing that she’s too good for local labor, is what’s preventing her from even trying. It’s like a form of mental illness that she’s been unwilling to change. Talk about misplaced pride.
I know the word "farm" has many different definitions, from 5 chickens in your backyard to 1,000 acres of crops, but it still jerks my chain that she calls what she misuses and abuses a farm.
It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
I feel like Charlie Brown with the football. Every time I believe JFW is really serious about getting a job, the football is snatched away. Now she’s hoping for luck, a miracle or inheritance from some unknown aunt.
ReplyDeleteShe’s so close, don’t you know. She just needs you to send some love ($$$) her way. Won’t you be her miracle?
I don't think she is serious, it's lip service to her partner. If she were really serious about getting a job, she'd have one by now. There is a labour shortage and a ton of job openings. Not glamorous jobs, not high-paying jobs, but when you have NO JOB you have to start somewhere, and presumably she won't need more than $1500 / month for mortgage, food, utilities and fun money.
DeleteWhere would all the drama go if she didn't have a justification to write about needing money though?
Would she stop writing entirely? Maybe. I think another book deal is highly doubtful at this point.
Twitter Twaddle - Wishful Grifting Edition:
ReplyDelete"If all goes as planned, I'll finally be behind the wheel of my new (to me) pickup truck! [...] well, in a few more weeks. Needs about 1.5k in repairs and I'm still working on this month's bills but keeping sales goals high each day and hoping for the best"
Well, she only received one comment from foollower Kathy:
"What kind, color, 4WD, bed size, year, miles? Congratulations!!"
Of course Jenna hasn't bothered to respond. And she won't either, cuz the only question she likes to answer is:
"Do you have a Patreon? PayPal? Venmo?
Thanks for the new thread, HD! Hope you're enjoying a nice summer as well. Mine's OK so far, considering this is the season I absolutely detest with it's heat and humidity. Yuck.
ReplyDeleteFound a single flea on one of my indoor cats today. And it is my first time dealing with fleas in 30 years so I've been researching for hours, since flea fighting technology has no doubt changed over time. Anyone have any special tips for nipping this in the bud?
We just dealt with the exact same issue. We decided to do whatever it took to take care of it before we started getting bitten and our cat became even more miserable. I could have died when I found the first flea on him. First, we bought some Capstar and Cheristin flea medication from Chewy. The Capstar is for killing any that are on the cat immediately, and the Cheristin we used a bit later as a preventative for at least the next several months. At the same time we bought a can of Virbac Knockout area spray to hit the areas where he hangs out and sleeps, and also our sofa and guest bed which he lays on a lot. And we have a small dog, who was the likely culprit in bringing them in so we used NexGard on him, which we got from the vet. (can you tell I don't EVER want to be bitten by a flea inside my own home?) Good luck!
DeleteI've used 20 Mule Team Borax to treat flea-infested carpets. Sprinkle the powder liberally over the surface of the carpet then sweep with a stiff brush to ensure the powder gets to the base of the carpet. Let the powder sit for a day or two before you clear it away with a vacuum cleaner.
DeleteAlso, I put Advantage II on my cats monthly and have no problems even though they are indoor/outdoor. Also I think I had to use a Zodiac spray in the house and a bomb once.
Advantage will do it - but make sure it's from a vet and not the frontline stuff you can get from a pet shop. My friend's dog was killed by that stuff.
DeleteThanks guys! Got some stuff and it appears to be working.(Advantage + carpet spray)
DeleteHotFlashHomestead - Curious about the Capstar tablets, how did you manage to get those pills down your cat's hatch? Our feisty cat is solid muscle and about 12-14 lbs of NO damn way.
The element of surprise. He's never been pilled for any reason, so he was relatively trusting and I moved fast lol.
DeleteSo I'm guessing you popped it into his mouth and held it closed 'til he swallowed?
DeleteI shoved it onto the back of his tongue and then rubbed under his chin. Then let go quickly lol. He's old and missing a few teeth so that helps.
DeleteDidn't she just say a month ago that she is no longer offering logo sales?
ReplyDeleteYet today on Twitter: "First logo I sell today is $150 instead of $200! Support a farmer, help her get behind the wheel of a 1998 GMC!"
Also note her deceptive use of the word "FIRST" -- trying to make it sound like people are chomping at the bit for her fantastic logos...so don't miss out on saving $50!!! Heck, she likely does one logo a month, if that. Get a job girl.
After all these years, she's just as mentally twisted as she was when she first started her long game grift. If anything, the addition of a partner who could pay half of her bills, mortgage, etc. has given her more play money for the useless junk she has been buying for the past 10+ years. She is addicted to begging and won't ever change. The more she begs and receives, the more money she has to flex with (eye roll). Someone would have to be half a moron to be attracted to a begger. A partner will be the only thing that could save her future, which otherwise would consist of zero savings for retirement and not enough work credits to get medicare. She must be clawing onto her girlfriend to try to keep her around before she realizes what her future looks like with a loser.
ReplyDeleteHi HFH! Haven’t seen you around lately and missed you, especially your insight and wisdom. Your posts are always thoughtful, never insulting, just realistic. I try to emulate you when I post.
ReplyDeleteThanks! I check in once in awhile, just to see what's going on. There were a couple of people here who were making super personal, pretty vicious attacks on JW as well as accusing other people (who disagreed with anything they said) of actually BEING JW, so I took the exit. I honestly think most of the issues I had with JW (namely giving workshops and writing books on stuff she was in no way an expert in, accumulating a following and then attempting to instruct others) are in the past. She seems to have a stable partner who has helped (in a major way) her do better, and I have a feeling the animals are being treated better now too. So I wish her nothing but continued improved mental health and the stability of a relationship with someone who brings out the best in her.
Deleteit has been an intense summer due to the heat but I refuse to not love every second of my life so it is what it is. On our 90 plus days it is a little hard to think things are good but I force myself same as 20 degree days in the winter.
ReplyDeleteOur phony farmer (would that be foney farmer in Jenna speak?) seems to trying to be a kitch "vintage" seller these days. All the stuff is worse than crap and flea market finds. Had to laugh at the prices though. Lets just face it she is so hip (said no one ever). Well today is August 1st wonder if July house payment got made on time well not on time we know that didn't happen but at least in July?
The stuff she chooses to display in her den of mold and animal poop, shows that she has zero decorating taste. Few people have such unoriginal, boring and cheap taste. Not to mention who would want to put anything in their home that has been in the filth she lives in. Disgusting.
DeleteHmmmm, no snarky remark in reply. No reply at all, but that's not a surprise. Here's a person who says they work in HR saying Jenna should stop complaining about the job application process because it'll get her eliminated from the candidate pools:
She'd never say "good point" or "thank you" in response to solid advice, but is the lack of a snarky come-back an indicator that maybe she's taking a tiny bit of this advice on board?
Who can forget her humble-brag "10 Signs You Might Become A Homesteader", a post clearly intended to affirm her life choices and seek kindred spirits?
DeleteReason 7 for becoming a homesteader (like her, lol):
"...If you hate working for other people and do it poorly...let me state that again. You hate working for other people. You hate it. You hate it. You hate it. You absolutely hate it. You hate it. You hate it. You hate it. You hate it..."
Lol, no red flags there. I'm sure she'll make a wonderful employee.
She is sabotaging herself, consciously or unconsciously. As much as she hates working for someone else, I can assure her that no employer wants someone like her as well. She is not doing any potential employer any favors by applying for jobs. She is better off trying to live off Shannon and leave unsuspecting followers alone.
DeleteShe should continue to tweet about how much she hates working for others while she is applying for jobs to warn potential employers. It is disingenuous to apply for a job when you know you are going to hate it. I was a hiring manager and tried to weed out these people. No employer wants to deal with a problem employee. And I’m guessing she was a problem employee at her previous jobs.
DeleteThere are a lot of people who don’t want to work for others who go on to be successful entrepreneurs. But it’s a mistake to assume you are working for yourself. You are actually working for the people who pay you, your customers. And there’s the rub. She treats her customers like crap. Like she’s doing them a favor. She takes money up front and either doesn’t deliver or delays. And when people ask “where’s my stuff” she sends them a snarky reply. I think we’ve all seen how she wants her money - through donations. Getting paid by existing. I do hope Shannon is prepared to support her.
DeleteAny company could do a simple Google search and find plenty of reasons to not hire her. She has earned such a garbage reputation for taking money from people and failing to care for her animals that no decent company would have anything to do with her. IF she gets any offers, it will only be for a position that no one else wants from a subpar company.
DeleteLOL she changed it from the "you hate it" to "enough said". So she's making a tiny effort to clean up her google footprint?
Anon 820 EXACTLY. If you go into business for yourself, you end up having a hundred people to please instead of just a few.
DeleteHer hatred of working for other people again could easily be tied to undiagnosed ADHD, and a common comorbidity called "oppositional defiance disorder", basically your brain just knee-jerk says NO whenever anyone else asks you to do something. It's a real thing, and it doesn't have to control your life once you know why your brain is the way it is.
Jenna's pattern of cutting off her nose to spite her face and taking pride in this destructive personality trait by calling it "stubbornness" could really just be a symptom of a lifelong struggle with an unrecognized, undiagnosed neurodivergence.
Donning "hating" working for others as a personality trait is a mistake, instead of being curious about why she isn't successful when she has to collaborate with others. Change isn't easy, but coping tools can take you very far in life.
One more thing, anon 820: I think this year will tell if Shannon is willing to support Jenna long term. The honeymoon is over, Jenna's off her best behaviour. Jenna is telling the world she can't pay her bills, and Shannon is having to deal with whether she's comfortable having their private lives posted about in this unflattering way.
DeleteShannon may have family members or friends who started to follow Jenna, and get concerned that Shannon's using her car to do all the farm work while Jenna can't afford to keep a vehicle running, let alone a 30 year old beater.
Shannon may start getting some anxiety herself, living month to month, or paycheck to paycheck, hoping next month things will change and Jenna's job will materialize.
Ultimately this next year or two will determine whether Shannon actually IS prepared to support Jenna financially, and it'll show whether Jenna is willing or able to change her ways.
It would be a damn shame for this partnership to break up because Jenna can't / won't get her shit together, but that would be better than Shannon staying with a partner who struggles to pay her own very basic bills according to her social media account.
Lol, she may have edited the bleg post to "Enough said" but did not bother to edit the accompanying video:
Delete(The comment in question is at the 6:49 minute mark)
She actually says she hates working 14 TIMES. Yikes. And her voice is nails on a chalk board. Consider yourself warned.
I think there are plenty of potential employers out there for Jenna, and places she could be successful at. I think she's just kind of a snob about where she applies. For all her "feral farming" salt of the earth down home aw shucks mannerisms, she sure avoids blue collar work like the plague.
ReplyDeleteIt's too bad too, because blue collar work is probably where she'd do well. It would rebuild her self-esteem (her ego is a common symptom of low self-esteem) and she could build an identity around something other than being a "writer / author / falconer".
Yes. For all her posturing about how much she likes physical work, she could find plenty of it in the blue collar sector. And for all her moaning about how much she hates to be stuck at a computer, it's the only work she's looking for. Strange, isn't it?
DeleteYes, Anon 1:20. And she's already whined about the sorts of jobs she's applying for, before even getting an interview. There is such a massive labour shortage, she could be employed by the end of next week if she really wanted a job and was willing to work a dirty job without the social cache of "influencer" or "published author".
DeleteThe social politics of a blue collar job are often more straight-forward too.
She's applying for the hottest, highest-competition niche job right now, when warehouses, grocery stores, building centers are all crying for workers.
She likes farming so much, work at a grocery store! Stock produce, learn how to butcher the meat. There are plenty of blue-collar jobs that dove-tail with her rural animal-hobby lifestyle and some of them are union.
Or she can work at a real farm. But ironically, I get the feeling she believes it is beneath her.
DeleteNote the silence at the beginning of the month again. We are at the silent / you know you want my life part of the cycle of crying.
ReplyDeleteand right on schedule she's posting about falconry. I guess she got the bills paid? Find out in 5-7 days when the cycle of crying begins again!
DeleteWIW. Obviously she is too special to work blue collar jobs. She has the temerity to cry poverty whilst searching for online providers of quail to feed captured raptors, yet another one of her privileged hobbies.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteShe recently stated she didn't make the July mortgage payment (surprise!)
DeleteHas she since announced if it was paid? Like WIW said, we'll find out how much we need to cough up in about a week or so. Tick tock...
HD. Help. I only posted once.
ReplyDeleteHer ambition has always been to be another Jon Katz. To make a living writing about her life. Even Jon has written many times that publishing has changed and it is almost impossible, except for a very few, to make a living as an author.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, with the labor shortage, she could get a job almost anywhere. Road construction or repair comes to mind. It pays well, she could be outdoors and it involves hard physical labor which she claims she loves.
Wonder what the status is for that book she's been writing and continuously editing and re-writing for the past, what, 3 years now?
DeleteAlso, road construction work could be a real win-win for her. Out in the open, with her safety vest, hard hat, a stop/slow sign in one hand, and a "Hungry/Anything Helps" sign in the other.
DeleteShe doesn't have a unique story anymore. In the decade since MFS was published, it's now common to have a side-gig just to pay the bills. People no longer aspire to go off-grid or romanticize homesteading, because it's getting harder for middle-class people to afford ANY property and no one has the time to garden or can. Young people are glamorizing living in their vehicles to save money. Jenna's story is no longer about a young person trying to create their future from traditions of the past, her story has become how to pay her mortgage on her multi-acre property without having to hold down a job.
DeleteShe's beaten to death the idealism of her lifestyle while at the same time showing that it *doesn't work*. She CAN'T pay the bills (so she says) and that squawking has dampened any residual romanticism she might have been able to market.
She's also published several subsequent memoirs that have not done well. I don't know if she just had an excellent editor for MFS? There is a big difference between her first book and the others.
So why would a publisher want to pick up her next installment? She has 300 followers now, give or take.
Even if she self-published again, she wouldn't sell enough copies for it to be worth the hours put into writing the first draft. Her writing is a vanity project, a self-aggrandizing hobby to prop up her fragile identity as someone different from all us poodles / sheep.
Yep, that ship has sailed. BTW, what is MFS?
DeleteShe claims she has a job interview. We'll see. Meanwhile she's busy "inventorying" the falconry supplies - she says this like it's a big job. Wouldn't you be checking the condition of your gauntlet, leash, and jesses at the end of last season? what is that, six things?
ReplyDeleteReminds me of the to do lists including changing the bed sheets. BIG BACK PAT.
Her latest onion flower post is a cross posted social media update. Phoning in august, indeed.
I hope everyone's having a good summer. I entirely neglected to plant a balcony garden this summer, but I have a few basic herbs going, and the farmers markets are exploding with amazing produce! Cherries, peaches, grapes, plums, all the citrus. I love this time of year. From now until November I think is my favorite time of year to eat!
Hope y'all are enjoying the harvest.
The tweet where she made the job interview announcement received a whopping 45 LIKES as compared to the typical 5-15 likes her tweets normally get.
DeletePretty telling that her foollowers are enthusiastically hopeful she'll finally take a stab at a real job and stop begging so much. Lol.
Inventorying falconry supplies? Yeah, like about six items. As for the job interview, I'm glad she's finally applying for real work, but she has made it clear how much she hates work, especially working for someone else. I feel badly for the company she is interviewing with. As part of a hiring team, we put our hearts and souls into finding the right person. It takes a lot of time and money to hire and train. We only want people who really want to work for us, not someone who see us as a last resort. And we tailor our questions to try to weed out those people, but some are clever enough to slip in. If she gets this job, I wonder how long she will last?
DeleteSomething is so wrong with her. She got home from a "run" to find the kitchen turned into a kimchee factory. She ran somewhere while someone else did something useful. And what is up with the amazement with an "onion flower". I thought she was doing this for years..... And a lovely garden with edible produce this year. Hmmmm....another shot or two in her foot every time she opens her mouth.
"Our garden is such a powerhouse of yummy this year!"
Delete"Shannon made Kimchi this weekend"
"We are making spicy pickles."
IT'S OFFICIAL: The shit show that was CAF is now The Super Shannon Show. Meanwhile, all Jenna does is take pics and tweet about it. That has to burn a bit.
If Shannon has to do EVERYTHING by herself, she might as well be by herself. Why anyone would spend their time overcompensating for a hatchet faced, morally bankrupt, scamming "partner" is anyone's guess. Often crazy attracts crazy. Perhaps Shannon has severe mental problems as well. Otherwise, their arrangement (it appears to be more of an arrangement than a relationship) doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
Deletel'll never be able to understand what a seemingly normal person like Shannon could possibly see in the human garbage that is the Pig Shocker, who has not even one single redeeming quality.
DeleteUnless you consider the house/property itself. Perhaps Shannon is playing the long con in which the next step is to marry, wait a few years, then conveniently shove Jenna off a cliff whilst hiking. Whoopsie. CAF is then hers.
Anonymous 6:00. Your caustic comment sure sounds like something they Whack would’ve said. All that’s missing is calling her a hag with sausage fingers. And I do agree with what you wrote.
Delete“that Whack not they”
DeleteAnd more Twitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete"I think farming has ruined any ability to sleep in."
*record scratch*
Wow, if that's not a Freudian slip I don't know what is. Cuz what she's really implying is that she used to sleep in, but now that Shannon has taken charge, the Pig Shocker can no longer wallow all morning in her famously unwashed sheets.
Now she has a pair of non lazy eyes upon her at all times. So no more spending 80% of her day planted in front of her computer trawling Taylor Swift fan sites for the latest news. I wonder if the linoleum lines on her butt have faded away?
Also, correct me if I'm wrong but it seems there hasn't been a single "terrifying" disaster so far this year. No root canals, no power outages, no frozen pipes, no cancer scares, no mortgage foreclosure threats, and no dire hay or firewood crisis.
ReplyDeleteHow cool is that? It's almost as if Shannon brought all the luck in the world with her when she moved in!
Right on cue, Anon7 - she's posted asking for your tips to help with anxiety.
Deleteshe received two dozen replies
So she wants tips to help with anxiety...hmmmm.
DeleteToo bad there's not some sort of invention where you can use a computer to access some sort of online cyber universe where you can find answers to just about any question one can think of. Imagine how useful that could be!
HAY AND FIREWOOD! It's almost time for CAF BINGO folks!
ReplyDeleteSo for the first time in years, Jenna has left her property to visit her family, and brought Shannon along.
DeleteShannon enters and a year later, Jenna's looking for a job, the animal care is adequate, the panic posts reduce, and she's repairing her relationship with her family of origin.
Better half indeed. I hope Shannon's getting enough from the relationship, but that's her standard to set.
If Jenna gets and keeps a job, maybe the drama train will finally stop.
I must admit, in the year since Shannon moved in, everything at CAF has been less fraught. Sure there's an eyeroll once in a while, but overall, things seem to be moving in the right direction.
DeleteMaybe Jenna's realizing that her new life with a partner is better if she has steady income, less drama, and more free time to go visit family or socialize. The bloom is long off the homesteading fad, the housing crisis has made Jenna's whining about mortgage payments look tone-deaf and privileged, along with her talk of paying for heat and hay.
Maybe she's less concerned with looking cool to strangers online and more focused on what she's bringing to the table to equitably contribute to her now shared household.
Maybe the CAF story ends with: "And then I met Shannon, and she fixed everything - or made me want to fix it, finally, myself. ~ Fin ~"
When has J ever been known to tell the truth? She is a compulsive liar. Her normal m.o. is lying 24/7 to hide all of her dirty secrets. This is the same asshole who claims to love animals as if she hasnt been investigated for animal abuse many times, had multiple hawks "disappear," wrote a blog post about purposely shocking her pigs etc.
DeleteI wouldn't expect her to post the truth about her fictional "perfect" relationship. She isn't capable of being truthful. We won't ever know the true state of her "farm" or animals or relationship.
S might be able to help a lot of things but she can't change a person's severe mental problems. If anything, rather than straightening up her life, J has just gained another victim. How long it will take for her girlfriend to realize it remains to be seen.
Statistically, a large number of lesbian relationships fail pretty quickly, even in the best of circumstances. And being that Shannon scraped the bottom of the barrel to find Jenna, I can't see it lasting. Especially with her propensity for calling everything on that farm an asshole...it's only a matter of time before Shannon receives that moniker and flees. Which would really suck for all those poor animals who are right now receiving much better attention and care, thanks to her efforts.
DeleteI'm just reading through the bleg posts now.
ReplyDelete"I may be able to get some hay in barter, or some firewood for pork."
Aren't all those pigs pre-sold? And isn't that the point of selling pigs that aren't even born yet???
Next sentence:
"There’s also dead and downed wood to cut around here which I think we can barter with friends or have a work party towards as people are opened up from summer vacations and travel."
What the heck is she trying to say here, any guesses? Since she needs firewood, you'd think the simple thing would be to cut and stack that dead wood. No?
Is the "have a work party towards" intending to ask her friends and family for free labour again? Does she mean the free labour will get to take home some of the firewood as a thanks for helping? What on earth is she wanting to barter?
And she's selling the family drama now, I'm sure they all appreciate this: "I haven't been back to my hometown, or my parent's home, in over a decade. It's because of complicated reasons you can learn more about in my next book"
and this:
"I never would have thought I could bring a girl home to meet my parents and she would be accepted with such love and kindness. Not because my parents are homophobic or anything, but because I never thought I would allow myself to be open to love."
Um, she tweeted quite a bit about her parents being homophobic and having a trump sign on the lawn. And she never thought she'd allow herself to be open to love? THEY MET ON A DATING APP. For heavens sake how more "open to love" can you get??? They were both looking, and they met online - which is FINE!
Jenna was also dating men before and after she got her house - which is also fine! She bemoaned the lack of a partner for nearly a decade! Sounds pretty open to love to me!
Whatever. She'll re-write history with some meet-cute at a book store in Chicago where she was signing copies of her last bestseller.
Note her new posts get about 100 views, which indicates her actual reach.
DeleteAs the page hits increase over time, this is due to automated traffic that hits every site. The page views in the first day or two indicate the real humans reading her words.
Maybe the next book will be called Starting From Scratch. That's what she's doing.
Lol, her next idea is to sell her personal family drama? *snore* Her story in particular is not at all noteworthy. A lot of people have conservative parents who don't approve of their lifestyles. Being gay and having homophobic parents? That is a very common tale. She should stick to the Lesbian Equestrian Werewolves idea. The kids who read the "Twilight" books are all grown up now. Maybe they'll be interested in drivel like that.
DeleteHistory shows she doesn't like to work, prefers shortcuts to lasting improvements, and has long used others for donations, discounts, pity-buys, and to tackle that nasty four-letter work - WORK. Scads of local people built and improved her property - at least until they tired of being used.
DeleteCreating "parties" to gather fallen wood is an example of having others do her work. Collecting fallen wood should be easy: you spot wood, pick it up, then burn it at a later date!
Her public boasts of "bartering" (or offering to barter) for goods and services is laughable. Bartering with a slapped-together sketch, dozen eggs, or loaf of bread in exchange for labor is ludicrous. Perhaps out of politeness, it's accepted the first time, but that gets old fast, especially after seeing $$$ spent on stupid 💩 . The financial balance is always off with CAF Math, unsurprisingly skewed in favor of FFF, and people figure that out sooner or later.
Looks like hurricane Henri is going to take a swipe at New England this weekend. I wonder if she ever got her basement flooding situation worked out.....guess we'll see soon.
ReplyDeleteI'll bet she's quietly seething that she can't use Hurricane Henri to grift funds for a bunch of fake emergencies. But she can't pull that shit now that she's under Shannon's watchful eye. What a bummer for her as she could have tweeted about flooding, barn roof ripped off, downed fences, injured animals, etc. Suck it, Jenna!
DeleteSo now coming from a lesbian, she's saying that the person who is prepared for emergencies must be a lesbian. THIS from the least prepared lesbian for all the years until her girlfriend came into the picture, was so ill prepared for even winter that she was " Terrified " of most everything.
ReplyDeleteAnd Really? She made the pickles?
Not to mention that remark she once made about being the BEST, most strongest person to survive an apocalypse. Only to later run to Twitter for help when her power went out for a day. Yeah, ok scammer.
Deletep.s. Shannon made the pickles. Jenna just took a pic for Twitter and proclaimed herself Queen. The queen of piss and vinegar maybe.
In her instagram stories today, a snip of a tswift song with lyrics "I'm the mess that you wanted" along with an overlay of text saying "I could defend a dissertation on reputation."
ReplyDeleteCouldja now?
Because the past shows a lot of dodging responsibility and making excuses for her choices resulting in her claiming to be in dire straights and not being able to pay bills.
I have noticed a bit of a tone shift to more of a "fundraising" rhetoric rather than an appeal to save her from herself. Buy a logo and get unlimited revisions until you're happy! Yeah, that's something credible designers say.
I guess she's not going to ask Shannon to pay for her beater pick-up, her hay-burner feed, or her "firewood", but just remember Shannon, this is the mess that you wanted!
I'm going to make a prediction: I predict Shannon's industriousness leads them to actually start an Air BnB in the next couple of years. It would be a far better source of income.
Unlimited revisions? Kinda tempted to buy a logo and request revisions well into 2025.
DeleteExcellent prediction, an Air BnB, I could see that. But since Jenna is "terrified" by the idea of strangers in her house, where would guests sleep? In the barn? The chicken coop? Back of her broken down truck? Crammed into the hawk mews?
And just imagine the online reviews:
"While the food looked delicious, I lost my appetite upon seeing the filthy, grimy, blood stained hands that served it to me."
"The clean bedsheets REEKED of lavender, sweat, failure, and cheese."
"Dinner was rather annoying, as the short one whipped out a fiddle and played Mariachi style a mere TWO FEET from our table."
"There was a problem with the toilet. I was handed a shovel and directions to a spot in the woods."
"While background music can be nice, hearing back-to-back Taylor Swift CDs on repeat really sucked."
"We found an unbelievable and unacceptable amount of dog/cat fur on the blankets, sofa, chairs, the food, just EVERYWHERE."
"As we were leaving, both dogs leapt into our car and wouldn't come out."
"The WIFI password was: PayPalMe/JennaCAF"
Oh Anon7 you are hilarious :)
DeleteMore CAF BnB reviews:
"There was no guest bath, we shared the main one... there was no linoleum and the subfloor was... spongy."
subsequent review:
"There was no guest bath, but a home hardware bucket with a toilet seat lid, labelled in sharpie Composting Toilet."
That stupid Snoopy pic really highlights her ugly man hands and stubby sausage fingers. JW is repellent on every level. She’s a garbage person.
ReplyDeleteThe mechanic should be charging her for every day she leaves her truck there. They aren't a storage facility, and with no payment to start work she is just using them (color me surprised...)
ReplyDelete"My truck is still in the shop, being worked on as a last priority at the garage since I am pretty sure the head mechanic already knows I'm pretty skint on funds at the moment and so I am saving up whenever I can to get the brakes and windows repaired so I can have a farm vehicle here we really need before winter. "
It’s a different truck, but the same stupid sob story. She’s a conniving cunt.
DeleteLong time Shamster here. She has stiffed mechanics before. I’m pretty sure she has quite the reputation of not paying, not paying in full or dragging out payments. I hope the mechanic is smart enough to not start work until she has paid upfront. Just like she expects her client to do.
DeleteAlso, her post is a thinly veiled beg. Woe is her, all the time.
DeleteThere’s nothing subtle about her blatant begging anymore. Which is why her whole life is lies.
DeleteAny mechanic whom she has not paid in full, could and should file a mechanics lien on the truck and keep that hunk of junk. They should charge her storage fees and when she doesn't pay them, they should file a mechanics lien for that too. No one wants that craptastic piece of shit truck but at least it would be out of circulation and not costing the mechanics time and parts to fix something and not get paid for it.
ReplyDeleteThree bars of soap for $22? What What?
ReplyDeleteGive up on the "farmer image" already. Ain't happening. The old truck that doesn't run....who buys it...Oh never mind.
Notice how she walked Merlin DOWN the hill but rode him UP the hill.
ReplyDelete"Took Merlin out for a soap delivery this week, a nice walk down the mountain road to a neighbors estate. I decided to walk with him, not ride, for the trip down the road. Merlin is getting older, grayer, but still game for some riding here and there. He is in good health in general with good feet, but I can sense our time as regular riding partners getting thinner.
When we were done I hopped on his back and road home. A lovely ride, up mountain, walking and trotting under the dappled light of the trees."
Side note: ROAD home. Wow.
saw that right away when I read it also. She walks down the hill but rode it up the hill poor Merlin what a work out for him. Sure didn't make sense to me and from her fuzzy math he is now 26 years old. Poor Merlin must have thought holy crap what have I done to deserve this punishment (at least she didn't shock him).
DeleteYes and she really should get a job as editor or proof reader after all she "road him home". Oh I can't stand the fun in her "righting".
"FIRE(wood) SALE! Get 2 inked pet portraits for $60! Goal is to sell 4 pairs of pet art today towards our first delivery of firewood for winter heat! Get original pet art and keep two lesbians warm."
ReplyDeleteDoes she not realize how bad she sounds?
Plus she is surrounded by woods and she can't even pick up the deadwood that is in EVERY forest? I am cringing for her.
“I need to finish my work.
ReplyDeleteI need to focus on making income today.
I need to think about winter heat.
I need to think about hay.
I need to think about covid variants.
I need to pay for truck repairs.
I need to get hired for off-farm job.
And all I can think about is Texas.”
It’s all about JW. She only added Texas at the end as a fake show of “woke” concern.
“Good morning from Cold Antler Farm. Chores are done, coffee is hot, and hoping for some decent sales to add towards the firewood/repair/hay fund. Feeling optimistic, and believing in magic today.”
ReplyDeleteNo one cares, cunt. “Magic” is another weird word like her using “luck” to get free funds.
“I am offering everything I can raise, grow, design, and draw in hopes of making another winter happen safely on this mountain. I would love for this to happen soon as possible to stop soliciting here and focus on other things, but right now it's impossible not to think about.”
ReplyDeleteIt’s only “impossible” because she refuses to get a part-time job locally that’s not considered a status symbol by her standards. She’s been whining about not having enough money ever since the beginning, but won’t do the one thing which would help her hovel become solvent.
Yes, she would like you to send her money as soon as possible so she can go out and play. It’s the same tired begging, month after month, year after year. Go get a job for crying out loud. Everyone is tired of your begging.
DeleteThere is a labour shortage. If she even is looking for work, she's being too picky. If she really, REALLY needed to pay for shit, she'd have a job by the end of the week.
DeleteShe just doesn't want to do a job that doesn't fit her current self-image.
As economics get more dire, as the housing crisis intensifies, her whining about fundraising is looking worse with every year. She has a stable place to live - a place she owns, by the way. Selling "the dream" is sooo 2010. The world has changed, and people have been in survival mode for years.
I think her sales are dying. I think she's selling less every month, I think she's not getting much repeat business, and I think she's racking up debt to her partner who no doubt is taking up the slack, so she's got to look like she's hustling / trying.
That might fly with the internet, but it's not going to fly with your partner if the deal you have is splitting costs equally.
I thought Shannon was paying half the bills. So why is Jenna begging as much as ever. Is she begging for two?
ReplyDeleteHer paltry poodle income is shrinking with every passing month.
DeleteShe posts other people’s work to her instagram account without crediting the artist. I wish I was surprised.
ReplyDelete"If you're willing & able to support this farm: now is the time."
ReplyDeleteI don't even know where to begin. First, why is "now" the time to support her? She's been begging for the past twelve years. It seems like it's always the time to support her. Secondly, why should anyone feel the need to support a grown, educated, able bodied woman?
"While I am applying for off-farm work..." - Yeah, I'll believe it when/if it actually happens.
"Get original pet art and keep two lesbians warm." - Does she even know how bad this sounds? What does buying art have to do with lesbians. And why do two grown, educated, able-bodied women need someone else to keep them warm?
Why don't those two get freakin' jobs already?!!!
The lazy loser is trying to put pressure on poodles to pay for her living expenses. Again. She’ll never stop her money mooching. It’s pathological. And mentioning the “two lesbians” is irrelevant. It’s disgusting at how disingenuous Jenna has become. And she’s almost 40. She’s shameless. I don’t understand why Shannon hasn’t dumped her fat ass by now. You couldn’t pick a worse partner. Neither one wants to work off-farm, or it would’ve happened already.
DeleteI was willing to give Shannon the benefit of the doubt, but now it seems she is complicit.
Delete"Neither one wants to work off-farm, or it would’ve happened already." - You got that right. There are plenty of jobs to be had for anyone who wants one.
DeleteShe could’ve walked in to Walmart a long time ago, for example, and easily gotten a part-time job. But her sense of superior self-entitlement, and believing that she’s too good for local labor, is what’s preventing her from even trying. It’s like a form of mental illness that she’s been unwilling to change. Talk about misplaced pride.
DeleteI know the word "farm" has many different definitions, from 5 chickens in your backyard to 1,000 acres of crops, but it still jerks my chain that she calls what she misuses and abuses a farm.
ReplyDeleteAnd what’s worse is when she mislabels herself as a farmer.