Turn, Turn, Turn

It is such an interesting contrast.  Her and real people.  For real people, spring has sprung. The weather is warmer, soil is being worked, seeds and plants are doing their thing.  Animals are frisking.  This is the busy time.  Even if you aren't farmy....you are starting projects and shaking off the blah of winter.

Not her.  Same old crap.  If one can’t be interesting in the spring...it ain't gonna happen.


  1. Two grand on a broken vehicle and she's talking about sales "throwing some hope at May".

    Would May be hopeless without sales? She implies so.

    If anyone cares you threw away 2k on a depreciating asset you don't need THAT DOES NOT RUN, it's because it's appalling you're asking other people to pay for the repairs it needs.

    Same shit, different blog.

    1. Wait, what? The new truck doesn't even run? Did she buy it like that?

      Her new website has an issue with my browser, so I can't see the bleg posts. Can someone post a direct link (to the bleg, not the site) or maybe copy and paste the actual post?

    2. Yes, she sold a truck that did not run to buy another truck that does not run. Excerpt:

      "The money from these boxes will go towards getting the 1998 GMC truck this farm bought this spring from a neighbor repaired, registered, and safely on the road. This farm needs a truck to make things like hay pickups, livestock transport, trailering, and firewood hauling possible. Right now the truck is parked at my mechanics and already it needs new brakelines, ball joints, and has a starter issue. It will most likely be registered as a farm vehicle but I still need it able to start and drive safely for local pickups and deliveries."

    3. Thanks WIW.

      Wow, buying a truck like that makes zero sense. What an idiot. I can't of a single reason for her to buy a non-running truck, unless of course it's a current truck trend amongst wannabe hipsters, or lesbians, or both.

  2. Beg, beg, beg.

  3. At the end of the day, I do prefer to believe the best of people, though I am not foolish enough to discount past behaviour.

    With that healthy skepticism in mind, did I see a flicker of honesty in the last post? Is she no longer pretending to live off the farm???

    "And every month I need to evaluate if I need to take on more off-farm work..."

    MORE off-farm work she says.

    This is a subtle but important difference in the rhetoric of the new vs the old blog.

    She's not selling "the dream" in exactly the same way.

    She even goes so far as to give permission for thought and discussion about maybe pivoting in the future. "
    I know I may not be able to live here forever. I need to be open to change and allow myself a flexible dream. Maybe in ten years I’ll have an apartment in town, a malamute, work at another farm, and plant a small herb garden by my front door. Maybe I’ll own 200 acres and a flock of 100 Scottish Blackface ewes. Maybe something entirely different!"

    That's quite a change from the "stubborn, scrappy" persona that has less marketing value with every passing year.

    Good for you! I want to have a bit of optimism here. She's got a good partner who seems to keep her grounded and supports the animal husbandry with her initiatives, and I'll bet Shannon also helps Jenna hold space for alternatives to just doing the same thing that has barely worked the past 10 years.

    Thanks to the pandemic, working from home is a new form of normal. There is literally no reason for Jenna to pick up an honest-to-goodness job. End the cycle of crying once and for all, and move into her 40s with some dignity and grace.

    One can hope.

    1. My one big cringe from the last post was the closing line, in life-coach style, "If I'm here, you can get there."

      Once again she's recycling clichés. The whole "if I can do it anyone can do it" inspo-garbage was overdone ten years ago, because it steam rolls over the real and valid barriers people have in their lives.

      The flip side of that thought is the people who do "it" - whatever the "it" may be, are special or more hard working or determined or deserving than those who don't / can't do "it". While Jenna has not employed that specific tact, it's the toxic shadow side to the "if I did it anyone can do it".

      Everyone has different resources and abilities. Even if someone wants to buy a farm property and emulate Jenna, it's emotional snake oil to sell someone the idea that if I did it, so can you - it's right out of the MLM sales handbook.

      Still, it's preferable to the cycle of crying so maybe I'll just shut the hell up.

    2. WHOOSIE:

      I said: "There is literally no reason for Jenna to pick up an honest-to-goodness job."

      I MEANT to say, "There is literally no reason Jenna CAN'T pick up an honest-to-goodness job."

      Meaning, so many jobs are work from home, so WORK FROM HOME already! Do it! Earn up some vacation and farm sitter money, get off the ferris wheel of crying!

    3. "More off farm work" is a strange thing to say. Or a slip up? Perhaps the energetic and non-work shy girlfriend wrangled up some part time gigs off Craigslist? (BTW, cracking up at "emotional snake oil")

      One thing's for sure: Shannon is a boon to that feed lot, as those animals are finally getting proper attention and care. And Jenna seems a lot less depressed and angry which hopefully means she's stopped calling all the animals "assholes" and they are happier now.

      Sure hope it lasts, as a large number of lesbian relationships fail when one of the pair is as dishonest, narcissistic and stubborn as Jenna. Can you imagine her downward spiral if Shannon got fed up and left, leaving her to face having to do all that hard "farm" work she never did in the first place? Yikes to that thought.

    4. Yeah, my concern is now with Shannon, honestly. But their cost of living is super-low at that place, which reduces a lot of the pressure in relationships.

      I think it's true of any relationship that if one partner consistently isn't putting as much into their shared life as the other, the relationship is going to fail.

      I think in the first couple of years, especially when you're younger than 40, you're more optimistic about people changing. Who knows if that's the case here. For everyone's sake, I hope Shannon sticks around and helps to continue to elevate the animal / property care, or helps to shift the whole household into a better direction.

      Whether "more off farm work" was a slip up or an honest admission of Jenna's income, or a reference to Shannon's income, it's being a lot more honest than pretending to live off "this farm's" animal and vegetable products, which was always bullshit.

      I will cheer any shift into honesty for CAF phase 2: the Shannon Enhancement

    5. While Shannon appears to be a mild mannered person, she must have shaken her head at least once at the myriad years of Jenna's neglect, lack of initiative, and the whole shit state of CAF.

      Lately, everything out of Jenna's gob has been "Shannon did" or "Shannon made" -- so if she doesn't start pitching in soon, that's gonna start a whole ball of resentment.

  4. I wonder what she meant by "off farm work". Did she literally mean getting in her car and driving to a job, or did she mean "other than farm work" such as working for a company remotely or selling art. I'm inclined to think the latter. I've always thought she had some kind of work from home job other than self employment.

    1. I would take that to mean she literally leaves the farm for a few hours to do who knows what. Like maybe borrows Shannon's car (since it already has gas) and (it actually runs) and drives to wherever to do whatever.

      Maybe she got a job at the bakery picking sprinkles off the day old donuts to repurpose for the next day's donuts? Seems like a suitable job for her.

    2. Any honest work is an improvement I'll support.

      Jenna is far from the first farmer to feed pigs donuts (not that I'm defending her). In the late 1990s I worked at a Tim Hortons and the day olds would go into big bins for sale to pig farmers. A colleage of mine whose family was hungry got disciplined for stealing from the pig bins, which makes me so angry to think about over 20 years later. She never touched the current day donuts, she was stealing from the gross old donuts that were sold for pennies on the pound.

      Anyway, my understanding that questionable and contrary to her free-range healthy pig marketing as it is, that occasional donut feeding was common practice, no?

    3. Our local farmers, business people who sell free range, healthy, all-natural pork, do NOT feed pigs day-old highly-processed donuts or leftover sandwiches that contain nitrate-laced meat. They feed carefully-sourced pig chow, supplemented by their own browsing, vegetable scraps, apples, acorns, etc. Their farms would pass any inspection, in any season.

      Before her roommate arrived, I doubt the same could be said about Dead Animal Farm. Ads that spoke about all-natural and happy animals were hypocritical at best. FFF notoriously used hyperbole to sell her lifestyle and her products. In other words, she misrepresented and lied about the farm, the products and certainly the animals.

      Over the years, she:

      Lied about wool shares.
      Tried to sell multiple halves of an animal (illegal).
      Promised subscription "perks" to people who paid extra money - unmet.
      Sold books that weren't delivered.
      Sold art that wasn't delivered.
      Used captured raptors to promote her brand and sales.
      Seemed weirdly unable to learn from her mistakes and move forward.

      I don't remember which Shamster first said it, but part of FFF's m.o. was to tether people to her "potential", telling them she is "almost within reach" of the next goal...if only they can help her financially.

      Gardens weren't planted. Fences inadequately installed. Overgrazed land. Breeding failures. Expensive , little-used herding dogs. Pet horses. Horse cart, custom bows, pack goat. The promise of sustainability. Solar energy...

      There are too many roller-coaster peaks and valleys to be taken seriously. The peaks only occur when others do the work. The valleys take place when she's burned out the volunteers, because ten years has shown her to be fundamentally inept at farming. Yet throughout it all, and probably because it is a habit that she cannot break, her hand has been out for donations.

      PayPal and paying poodles- it means so much.


    4. All great points, PDD. Especially about the peaks/valleys...it's definitely a cycle with her.

      As for the begging/donations thing, that was supposed to be temporary (PayPal) but now it's a lifeline that she can't give up...even with another able-bodied person living with her. And being that Shannon also works freelance, there is no way that farm is still at poverty income levels. So why won't she ditch her habit of relying on donations?

  5. Twitter Twaddle - The Fruits of Shannon's Hard Labor Edition:

    '"Morning at the farm: new garden ready for fence and planting, hay nets and apple blossoms for the small herd, and morel hunting in a damp spring woods!"

    Just look at all the new things Shannon has been doing! And in addition to her hard work ethic, it seems she also brought some sophistication to CAF, cuz just a year ago the Pig Shocker was Subway's best customer, but looky now she's traipsing thru the woods for fancy fungi!!

    As for the photos that accompanied that tweet:

    Look at those garden beds -- those took some serious effort. Shannon no doubt hauled all those logs and rocks from the woods whilst her girlfriend pretended to run a 5K each day. Go Shannon!!

    1. Shannon is doing some great things for that farm, which begs the question....why didn't Jenna do them herself? To me this just shows how lazy, inept and incompetent a farmer Jenna truly is. Jenna had ALL THAT TIME (10 freaking years) to do this herself and Shannon comes along and makes garden beds, hangs up hay nets for the animals, builds efficient chicken coops, starts kaleyards, etc. WHY WASN'T THIS DONE BEFORE???

      Shannon had to do it because it was painfully obvious that nothing was done at that farm that should have been done. Jenna didn't do the things she was supposed to be doing. Too busy fantasizing about Taylor Swift, throwing money at booze, hanging out at the bar or the "farmer" matinees, going on horsey rides, flying her hawk, sunning at the swimming hole.....in other words, anything BUT farming.

      Jenna better hope Shannon sticks around. The farm needs her!

    2. Shannon's Farm is right. It's about a year of effort from her good self - and the property and animals have benefited

      However, not to be a cynic, but we've seen this before. Bursts of energy, fencing, initiatives and farmy projects, invariably undertaken by others, with FFF sitting around, taking photos or taking credit. Remember all the neighbors who stepped in to help? Tyr's good hands? PP? Jon Katz?

      Then < yawn > project activity stopped when workers realized they'd been used (again and again) and backed off, leaving FFF to do what she did best - do the minimal, wallow in pity, and beg for donations.

      Maybe this time will be different...

    3. Yes, she has a pattern of getting other people to do her work for her. She even once proposed having people pay HER to do her work. Either Shannon will get tired of it or it will become Shannon’s farm.

    4. WOW those garden beds actually look decent!

    5. This is now a Shannon fan blog.

    6. Maybe not a Shannon fan, but definitely an acknowledgement of the positive changes she has made.

    7. Lol at "Shannon fan blog" :D

      As long as the animals are benefitting and are happier, I'm all for it. But as Anon 7:04 wrote above, "WHY WASN'T THIS DONE BEFORE???" I don't understand why that wasn't a HUGE red flag for Shannon to run far away. Unless she was running from a much worse situation that made the CAF shit show look somehow appealing.

      The pre-Shannon CAF situation was a sad manifestation of laziness, apathy and cruelty that should have scared away the average person.

  6. not a Shannon fan but at least she brings a different "normal" to the mix. FFF is just bat shit crazy and Shannon smooths it down some, for now at least. You can't hide bat shit crazy forever you know.

  7. Twitter Twaddle:

    ''Shannon mapped this garden out because she does this thing called “planning” I keep hearing about."

    Of course she did. Also, ''planning" sure is a strange way to spell ''not being a lazy arsehole"

    The Pig Shocker is not doing herself any favors by pointing out all the things her GF is doing lately, as the contrast is astonishing. GF has done more in a year for that feed lot than PS did in 10 years.

    1. And she calls herself a "farmer"!!!

      Planning is integral to farming. It's the whole POINT of agriculture.

      Remember when she used to brag about running the farm without a business plan, as though that was something to be proud of?

    2. The most ''planning" she's ever done is figuring out when to start calling local shops for the availability of ''lettuce starts"

  8. After a visit to Mass to visit a friend who gifted her comfrey, Jenna asked where she should plant it -- and "under a fruit tree" was the advice given. To which she replied:

    ''Shannon planted them under our 10 year old apple trees!"

    Yes she did...while Jenna lazed in her hammock and critically barked out exact placement instructions. I really hope she's paying Shannon at least minimum wage for all that she does.

  9. I say this again: Jenna needs to be evaluated for ADHD. Women are typically missed for this diagnosis, because people in Jenna's age cohort were flagged as children based on behavioural and academic performance concerns.

    Queer women are diagnosed with ADHD at higher rates than straight-identifying women, (my theory is that queer women are more likely to seek out therapy because being a minority is emotionally challenging).

    Jenna has a hard time maintaining friendships, and has openly talked about "addictions" and "being sober". Self-medicating with alcohol and other substances is very high in the ADHD diagnosed population.

    In general, people who are diagnosed as adults are seen to be lazy, irresponsible, inexplicably disorganized, and self-sabotaging.

    Sadly the divorce rate is extremely high, but those are typically male ADHD and nonAdhd female partner.

    Her impulse shopping, her inability to manage deadlines and multiple projects, there are so many symptoms here that rings bells with me.

    I have multiple loved ones on the neurodiverse spectrum, including ADHD and autism, and I think there's a reason Jenna's irresponsible behaviour perpetuates when it would take less energy for her to actually get her shot together.

    She may be literally incapable of getting her shit together.

    This is not to excuse but to provide a feasible explanation to this runaway train that has temporarily been put back on track by Shannon.

    I think that Jenna doesn't do what she should for a reason other than being a crappy human, and I think she has developed a learned helplessness as a result of her experiences of "trying" and failing so hard, so many times. Her only success has been to have desperate for sales and beg for bail outs.

    So that's what she continues to do.

    A diagnosis would not change her behaviour or mentality overnight, but it could make a huge difference for the second half of her life, if she took responsibility for managing it.

    1. As far as I'm concerned she should feel no shame in having mental issues and afflictions...but when animals are involved, it becomes everyone's concern.

      And as you pointed out, her actions could just be those of an awful person. Hard to tell with her. But then again, I would think that most normal people don't purposely shock pigs for shits 'n giggles. Or to satisfy their anger.

    2. Yes and I would never suggest her attitude towards and treatment of the animals is excusable at all.

      She regularly seemed to be angry with the animals. I remember she was talking about "asking" Merlin to perform in harness, he was new to her, unfamiliar with her inexperienced handling, and she called him an asshole.

      These are the things she has publicly written about - some of it is in her published books.

      She is easily frustrated.

  10. Reminds me of my lazy ex. I kept picking up the slack because if I didn’t do everything, nothing would have gotten done. That got old really fast.

    I’m wondering if Shannon found this as an opportunity to have a farm of her own. She may put up with Jenna’s crap since the home is in Jenna’s name. (Cannot call it a farm).

  11. Shannon, Next time you are inside, please take the sunglasses off the poor mounted animal heads.. It stopped being funny around 1978. Not to mention hugely disrespectful.

    1. Extremely disrespectful to the dead animals and just shows her lack of empathy to animals dead or alive.

    2. Yes, and remove the headphones from them as well. Utterly disrespectful. She probably sticks Santa Claus hats on them too.

  12. An actual state of the union update, without mention of bills or mortgage. As I check the schedule of the cycle of crying I see we are on pointe with the "you know you want my life, it's all sunshine and rainbows" post.

    Seems she's pitching yet another version of her next book - the harrowing tale of how she survived the pandemic, paid the mortgage, and Shannon moved in? I guess?

    1. Love how she stated that she'll publish it herself if it comes to that. Like that worked out so well for her the first time.

  13. "Okay friends, farmers, and readers: This farm needs to earn $300 to not fall behind. Today I'm offering the following sales on what the farm has in soaps, art, design, and food!"

    She's selling pig shares for *FALL 2022*
    "Shares of pork! Going into fall 2022 right now. You are ordering a share of a live pig you co-own and a min of 25lbs a 1/4 or 50lbs a half share from happy pigs! Pickup at the farm here north of Albany, but within a beautiful few hours drive of Boston, Philly, and NYC!"

    who runs a business like this??? What the hell? A year and a half away! She's selling pigs that aren't even BORN YET.

    Why wouldn't she expand her operations, make it possible to maybe, I don't know, raise more pigs at one time? In what universe does a pig farmer sell feeder pigs that aren't even a sparkle in the boar's eye?

    This is so unethical it riles me up.

    You don't have pigs to sell, Jenna. She is either so backed up in pig orders, or had no intention of ever fulfilling the orders she takes. Fall 2022.

    She's totally transparent here, inadvertently I'm sure, that she has no intention of using the pig sale money to actually pay for the feed and butchering of the pig you purchased a share in. That money's going straight towards "not falling behind".

    Her rush $175 for a logo this week or $100 in 8 weeks is a perpetual flaw in her business model too. Is she bumping the orders of someone who paid $100 6 weeks ago to get the rush order out? How many times can she do that before she's just hopelessly behind and even the 8 week orders are late?

    Mark your calendars, in 6-8 weeks she'll be posting about rude logo clients and just send a nice email to ask about your work and she's so behind!

    The begging phase of the cycle of crying starts again. That was quick.

    1. I think she is hoping people will forget by the time Fall 2022 rolls around. She has the worst marketing plan ever; well it's based on needing the money NOW and then abandoning the whole idea when the time rolls around.

      She knows what she's doing.

    2. I agree, it's a conscious choice to sell pigs that won't be born for a year yet. It's a choice to not expand the pig operation yet to sell shares in pigs over a year in advance. I don't know who the heck ever buys them. Who buys a quarter share in a pig over a year away?

      You can just go to the local butcher and order from there. You'd get your share a whole lot faster, also from local small farms. You wouldn't have to freaking drive to the farm to pick it up, either.

    3. **UPDATE** on the "this farm needs $300" comment:

      "$27 away from this goal!!!"

      Just when you think she can't sink any lower...she's now begging for $27 bucks. She can't freakin' come up with that paltry amount by herself? How about raiding the household coin jar? Or checking the sofa cushions? Glove compartment? Purses, backpacks? And Shannon doesn't have a few bucks to spare? C'mon, man.

      What's she gonna do if her foollowers don't come thru, steal the Subway tip jar?

    4. And the logos...she used to charge $400, and then had a sale price of $250. Now they are offered at $175...or just $100 if you can wait for her to forget!

      Oh, how the mighty prices have fallen. Just goes to show that she had hardly any logo requests if she had to drop the price down that far.

      I mAkE A LiVInG dOiNg LoGOs!!!

      No you don't.

  14. if you read her drivel of a post it is horrible and she works a grand total of maybe 3 hrs. a day she fits in in between running, "farm" work etc. hell she could do better at McDonalds but even part time that would be more work than she could possibly handle that's for sure. As I tried to read this newest post my mind just keep drifting off it was so stupid. Oh and it appears she is going to try another self published book IF her agent can't get it published. Stay tuned folks for that different begging from her regular begging. She is talking again in words wrote like what is 12,000 words anyway? A chapter? A book? what the hell.

    1. I felt the same way about the latest flowery post. Why didn't she do even some of it before this year?
      After all she's been there "10 years now" It's just more bs too make herself feel special.

    2. And there's no shame in McDonalds or Walmart or any other type of gainful employment. This narrative of "falling behind" and "trying" - girl, the only thing you're trying to do is trying not to have a job.

      To that end, she doesn't want a business either, since she doesn't seem to run any of her services as an actual business. The new website didn't accomplish the very basic and needed purpose of removing barriers to buying her products / services. You still have to send her an email.

      I still think this is likely because she sends people her paypal donation link for them to pay her. That's the only reason to do what she's doing. It's so easy to just set up an online store or calendar for people to purchase services - but then you'd have to admit it's business income, and people could dispute the payment if you didn't deliver.

      There's still the potential for a low-key scam here, though I haven't heard of anyone not receiving their commissions from her in the last year or so. Perhaps Shannon helps her to keep track of / stay on top of things.

    3. Anon 7:37 - My mind was wandering as well. Gotta admit though, it was nice to see she's doing much more for the sake of the animals. Even if it took some prodding from the GF.

      I also found it to be such a contrast from what she used to write about, which was a bunch of trivial pop culture Taylor Swift nonsense that made it obvious that the bulk of her day was spent sitting on her ass in front of her computer, animals be damned. All those daytime hours of Netflix and farmer's matinees have been replaced by actual outside work so that the GF won't think she's lazy. Oh, but give her time...

  15. By the way, shouldn't she be setting up a begging fund for the new knees she's going to need in a few years by running 5 miles a day. WHY? Maybe the "red van man" is behind her.

    1. Can you legally set up a GoFundMe for virtual running injuries?

  16. The mention of the geese "bitching and thinking they're better than everyone else " is obnoxious but typical.

    She will anthropomorphisize farm animals in order to describe their personalities and behaviour, which I do too - but it's telling when she can't resist casting some of them as jerks / assholes / stuck up bitches.

    It's not funny and it shows how little she understands or appreciates their natural behaviour.

    Whatever. As long as Shannon keeps the quality of care up, the geese won't care about being called bitches.

    1. Q: Why did the CAF chickens cross the road?

      A: They were just following the pigs, sheep and horses.

      I'll be here all week. Not. But seriously, all the new pics seem to show a lot of new fencing, so hopefully CAF animal escapes will become a thing of the past.

  17. Twitter Twaddle - Gatekeeping Edition:

    "Watched someone on Instagram upset about 2 ticks found on her dog while backpacking in the PNW. Girl, you are not ready for Upstate NY."

    Seriously?!? People can't freak out a bit over ticks? Especially since they can carry Lyme disease? Or is she implying that Upstate NY ticks are much more hardcore, and thus more cool?

    My first time encountering ticks was also in the Pacific Northwest. Walked over to a tidal lake island with my GF and we sat down on a log. A few minutes later I saw she was covered in ticks. And I was too. Like 20-30 ticks. You've never seen two chicks tear their clothes off faster. Or scream louder.

    Guess my sorry loser ass isn't quite ready for upstate "VerYork" ticks either. My bad.

    1. Well you know Jenna is the toughest one around. She can handle anything and everything thrown her way. (

  18. Lol, the VerYork farmers still can't figure out how to water using a garden hose...

    "...We check everyone’s water and top off/replace where necessary. The gardens get watered too, with buckets lugged to their plots pure into watering cans. (this farm still doesn't have an outdoor hose set up.)..."

    Who will tell them if they cannot run a pipe outside (which is simple to do), they can buy an adapter that connects any inside faucet to a garden hose?

    SMH again and again.

    1. That labor is completely unnecessary.

      Hoses are cheaper than any of the recreational gear she has purchased. You can't tell me that house doesn't have a garden tap at the very least.

      Hook the hoses up to a drip irrigation system, put it on a timer - set it and forget it.

      Hauling water for the hoofstock - WHAT!?

      Ridiculous. Get a salvaged bathtub, plus hose.

      Is she actually hauling buckets?

      Is she lying about that?

    2. Yes she is hauling buckets like Laura f'ng Ingalls. She is very proud of it too as it is ALWAYS mentioned. This way she can claim how hard she has it and how hard she works. What a jackass.

  19. In case the fake feral farmer complains about hay availability, first cutting was last week.

    Instead of spending poodle-cash on a truck she doesn't need, she should reserve 2021-2022 hay, while prices are low.


  20. I'm curious regarding the mountains she refers to riding her horses on, camping in, and living on the side of. Is the land in that area privately owned or public? She lives on 6 or so acres, so she does these riding/hiking/camping activities with the permission of the landowner(s)? I did see a 97 acres parcel on her street just went under contract, which gives me the impression land tends to be privately owned in that area immediately surrounding her property? But I'm not familiar with her area.

    1. The farmhouse plus a few acres was split off from the main property and sold a decade ago. Owners have had the rest of the land for sale for several years. At one point, they subdivided into four building sites, hoping to sell smaller parcels, but it looks like nothing previously sold.

      IDK, maybe having a neighbor who's publicly posted about: pooping in the woods; discarding butchered pig waste on the forest floor; parasite-infested soil; letting unskilled people ride horses while drinking; having overgrazed land where livestock escaped; etc....wasn't an incentive to buy one of the adjacent building lots???

      Hmmm, if an investor does purchase the 97 acre/4-building lot property, there's definitely going to be more to the story. Get your popcorn ready.

      Description of property now under contract to sell.


  21. From what she said the landowners sold her 6 acres of their hundred or so, and they let her roam around their property.

  22. That is generous of them. If the rest of the acerage ever changes ownership that arrangement might not work. Some folks would not be ok with allowing it for liability purposes.

    1. Anon, truer words were never spoken! I can't imagine the liability of risky behavior from an uninsured person (and random / urban friends) on another person's land.

      The new owners might slap up "no trespassing signs" faster than you can say Faux Feral Farmer.

    2. Here I always assumed she was hiking and v camping on public land.

  23. Famous artist Maurice Sendak (deceased) owned 160 acres in Cambridge. Jenna had permission to hunt and hike on it. She mentions it in July 18, 2015 blog entry. Probably not the acreage for sale, however.

    1. He died in 2012, and his property is definitely not the acreage for sale.

      The land she uses to hike, ride and camp belongs to someone else. She's almost always referred to it as "her mountain" because hyperbole and lies have become habit at "that farm".


    2. yes but she is a world famous "righter" you know so there is that.

    3. That's interesting, because Jenna made a big deal out of telling some other Hunter he couldn't hunt on her land.

      Interesting the culture differences. Here, hunters are allowed to hunt crown land and private land as long as they arent trophy hunting. My aunts can't tell hunters not to hunt their property, they put orange collars on their horses so they don't get mistaken for deer.

    4. I guess you are in Canada. It’s creepy to think of some dude rummaging around your property for a deer, but creepier to think of Jenna’s continual behavior. Look up 2012 Jon Katz posts for a long history of manipulation.

    5. Here in US, hunters typically ask permission to hunt on private lands. Private lands are often posted "no trespassing) to keep hunters away. We have state-owned and federal lands, but I'm not a hunter so I don't know the specific regs for public lands.

      FFF has also hiked in parks, because she posted about it, but most of the time I think she's on the neighbor's property.


    6. Hannah, right you are. It's weird to me that so much hunting land would be considered private property. We just have so much "crown land" up here.

    7. Hunting land is public and regulated for hunting at only certain times. Your private property can only be hunted with permission.

  24. well she is over on her twitter telling parents how to raise children. Many of you here just might need this FFF advice, she is so good at everything she does. Go read it "it means so much". Now I shall go and barf some where.

    1. To me it sounds like she is mad at the world. As usual, for her own unhappiness.

    2. As a gay, I tire of the "I had no role models growing up as a gen X"


      Jenna didn't have a Disney princess?

      Okay, if that's how your gay childhood failed you, sure, go off about representation.

      Or just be a good role model, that helps too.

      Have some appreciation and respect for the generations who have gone before us, how they were oppressed and brutalized, how queer folks the world over are still subjected to prosecution, brutality, torture and execution.


      Not so we can get a disney princess. That's kind on the priority list, Jenna.

      Good gawd girl. LEARN about queer culture and history, don't just tweet about it.

    3. So here is an example from my facebook feed, off the kind of conversation Jenna is trying to participate in. Note how well written and moving this brief post is... the person who posted it isn't a public figure or an author.

      "I grew up with a favorite aunt who devoted her life to supporting the LGBTQIA+ community. She was born with a spinal deformity, had MS, lived in a wheelchair most of her life and passed away of cancer before 55.

      I remember her as innocent. Kind. Loving. Funny. And so many more things.

      But most of all, she made queerness ordinary. She became a therapist in San Francisco late in life for the sole purpose of helping the gay community heal from the impacts of AIDS.

      She wasn't queer, at least not that she ever shared with me.

      She never would have called herself an ally. She would have just laughed and made a joke about how drag queens and show tunes were just way more fun.

      She lived battered and bruised by life. But was never a victim.

      I wish she could see how much she embodied the strength of of her chosen community.

      And we are Jewish.

      She taught me about the pink triangle and I'll teach my daughter.

      And maybe in another 26 years she won't be the only person in her Jewish family to tell the whole truth.

      I'm Jewish. And queer. And I stand on the shoulders of countless giants that endured unimaginable harm to make it possible for me to say that to the world without fear."

    4. We have Pride month for our ancestors, and for the brutally oppressed today. We have Pride to change laws, and fight bigotry.

      If a queer disney princess ever happens, it'll happen after all of the work is done.

      But there is no way in hell that'll ever happen. The queer-leaning representations in the Disney catalogue are all evil, just like the lesbian characters in all TV shows are either killed or have their lover killed.

      Because that's the cultural warning on repeat right now - if you're gay, you can't be happy. You're evil, or you're doomed to experience tragic heartbreak.

      Jenna sniffs out the very surface level interpretation of conversations being had online and throws in her two cents. And the Internet moves on with it's day.

  25. Oh yuck, gay or straight, what does her twitter retweets have to do with anything farm related? To me, just a gardener with rabbits and chickens, I never look at stuff that doesn't interest me . Who cares.? And yet, from her "inclusive farm" she decides what is right and wrong and what to listen to for music. (Good luck with that one, small mind. Not everyone loves your "music".) I prefer
    Bach, Beethoven and Bowie.


    1. "Small mind" is a perfect description, lol.

      Dead Animal Farm where little is learned, and the only gates closed are those in the small minded farmer's brain.


    2. There's only so much you can say about pancakes, and you have to fill up your followers feed so they don't forget you.

  26. Blarg. The new blog post is just like the old ones.

    Jenna, you mean the animals are HALE not HAIL. They are not frozen spheres of ice falling from the sky.

    The stilted language, the strawman (other people don't like being uncomfortable but I LOVE the thing you hate *smug*. I don't mind being smelly and dirty! Oh you softies in air conditioning, defying nature! I am SO much more crunchy than thou. Behold my earthmother connection!)

    1. Stop propping yourself up, Jenna. No one cares if you think you're better than other people because you enjoy heat exposure and other people prefer air conditioning.

      There was a little caveat that she is trying to have some self awareness about her ability to enjoy the heat is an advantage, but she doesn't quite connect the full circle into realizing that none of what she's bragging about is a virtue.

      The folksy farmer affect is back too. Same as it ever was. Tone deaf as usual, and I think she's already run out of things to say.

    2. Lol, WIW, good comments.

      Probably due to the impact of JJ, SMF (small-minded farmer) has heaped up the folksy, we're just poor dirt farmers, narrative. I'm betting JJ told her to write positive, farmy, dispatches (using old photographs) to appeal to readers. The problem is SMF is no longer interested in farm life. It's obvious; she's more excited about virtual challenges, running, HBO movies, lazing, day trips and Taylor Swift. Less excited about actually working a farm, gardening and taking care of animals, e.g. living the rural life.

      As with her hastily slapped-together articles, there's no research done and no useful information for the reader who "might be" genuinely interested in farm life. With the exception of her god-awful, sugar-laced recipes, there's no substance to the writing.

      So she writes about what she can slap together and loves best - herself.

      Yes, she's a miracle woman; she adores heat. She sweats. She stinks. Her armpits are discolored. She's dirty. She wishes her filthy self in a public river. Yuck! Her story is predictable and boring.

      I don't really GAF if she loves or hates hot, sticky weather. Some do. Some don't. She turns it into a poorly thought out gate-keeping exercise in her supposed rural virtue.

      And, of course, she lies throughout her writing. She doesn't NEED to fill a wood-burning stove 24/7 - she has a whole-house furnace that she keeps on low setting.

      She denigrates people who use AC, then admits she has AC (of course), but it's for the DOG (hehe).

      Please, she should do everyone a favor and sell the house, become a vagabond and write about her next adventures.

      Isn't she tired of pretending she's a farmer??? She's an embarrassment to farmers everywhere. I live in the country, with many farmers as friends. No one is as insipid as SMF. I grow more vegetables, take better care of animals, preserve and can, repair fencing properly (like a real homesteader), can troubleshoot car repairs, operate power tools and I'm probably typical.

      It's awful to imagine her readers think she's what rural people are like.

    3. Isn't she tired of pretending to be a farmer... AMEN TO THAT!

      I have a dog I walk. It's a neighbour's dog as I am at my strata's pet limit with two cats. I also don't have the time to care for a dog full time, so I enjoy my neighbour's border collie. He was a pandemic puppy and is a year old, and in need of some diverse stimulation and training.

      So I take him on long likes with me and we do training as we go.

      It took me a few months, but his recall is solid now, he heels perfectly, we're doing exercises and training to help him become more aware of his back feet so we can shape that into more complex behaviour. I love dog handling, and with this breed, so much can be accomplished in so little time.

      Jenna doesnt train her dogs. They're border collies on a property with sheep that don't herd.

      She doesn't train her horses. She's more interested in a Netflix show with the word "mare" in the title than her own mare.

      She doesn't invest in the basic plumbing necessary to keep a garden watered.

      She grows out pigs and chicks for slaughter, basically.

      Isn't she tired of it?

    4. I wonder why she gave up on the herd training? Maybe her being constantly out of breath in those videos is why?

  27. oh and on her twitter account she has a bad tooth again! I forget the time line but here it is in all her glory must be needed for the rest of June mortgage payment.

  28. I didn't see a tweet about a bad tooth. But that doesn't surprise me. I think she may have interrupted her usual cycle of crying when her new blood launched. This is the time of months she usually posts the "look at my awesome life" content, not the hyper sales mode she is in now.

    Seems like she may have tapped out her small tribe on soap.

    She produced a bunch of animal watercolours for Pride month for sale, and only one sold, so she's today pushing these are "not prints!" as though her originals are valuable? Maybe she should have produced prints of the one carton which sold.

    There is a whole proven mechanism for artists to sell their prints and generate passive income.

    But I doubt she'd take advice from anyone when she seems to think NOT PRINTS is a selling point.

    There are very good reasons artists sell prints.

    1. Maybe the “not prints” comment is to justify someone spending $55 for a random animal portrait?

  29. “I've written down an income goal of $500 today, which is insane and impossible, but damn if I'm not already $85 in and going to try like hell. I am not falling behind on this farm again, never again.”

    1. “Cracked a tooth. I hate teeth.”

    2. “Cracked a tooth. I hate teeth.”

    3. Sorry for the duplicate.

    4. She shouldn’t make promises that can’t be kept.

    5. Oh the tooth tweet was June 3 https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm/status/1400598543476400132

      So interesting comparison. Here's her tooth tweet from June 3 2021:

      Before noon: farm tended, 11 comps designed, ram delivered, hay put up in barn, lawn destroyed by trailer mishap, tooth cracked, one omelet.

      and here's a tooth tweet from Sep 8 2015:

      Septic tank backed up in the shower. Tooth cracked in half. Behind on work. Shit day.

      That got me curious so I just searched for all her tooth tweets and found a rare gem - one in which she actually posted proof of her dental work. https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm/status/1049020290058129413

      Found another remarkably similar one to the "earning goal" posted today:

      "To stay on track this month, and to cover the price of a tooth repair today, I am making it a goal to earn $500 today. That is an insane amount of money for me to make in one day. But if I do I can relax and feel safe this month. So, here I go trying." That was Feb 2020

      She has mentioned dental repairs on 21 separate occasions on twitter.

    6. Now it is very possible for people to have crappy teeth. One would think, if you had crappy teeth, you'd be sure to get yourself some dental coverage one way or another, because dental repairs can run into the thousands easily. At the very least, you'd build $100 / month into your dental repair budget.

      But the observed coincidence of Jenna historically talking about dental problems in the same day as talking about financial problems / goals is consistently suspicious.

      "Tooth hurts" - oh poor girl! I wish I could help you.
      "I'm poor" - there's something I can do, have some money poor thing.

      Intentional or not, this has gone on for over 10 years and is far past the point she should be taking responsibility for it. Taking responsibility means being proactive, being prepared, and breaking the pattern of talking about money woes on the heels of talking about dental problems.

      You are a grown up person. You have tweeted over 20 times about tooth problems. Start a savings account for your teeth, start one for your car, and start one for your house. I use tangerine and have separate savings accounts for each. I know I need to put x dollars into my main bank account every month, and from there it automatically disseminates to bill payments and insurance. What is left over in my "spending" account I can use to buy groceries, animal care items, clothes, gas, and whatever else I want. I watch the balance in that account to make sure I don't overspend and everything else is taken care of automatically.

      That way when the inevitable in life happens - my body or car or home or pets need repairing - the money is *there* and the conversations I have are not inclusive of my financial status.

      What? Don't have enough income to save, you say? Hmmm. I'll bet there are local establishments that will pay you by the hour to labour for them. Plenty of farmers have jobs that pay the bills including the medical ones.

      And remember, you have a whole other adult human to share bills with now! There's absolutely no reason to be posting about being financially behind, Jenna. Grow up please. You're too old for this.

    7. Before you imagine I'm some privileged person, with a high-earning spouse, my wife and I are two women who have earned the *average* income of two women in our country without university degrees. The two of us together earn less than the average single person with a degree, according to statistics canada.

      You have a degree, right?

    8. Of note - in Canada, on average, a man with a high school diploma earns the same as a woman with a degree. This is data from statistics canada, resulting from a 50 year study.

    9. And your partner has a degree, right?

    10. In addition to tweeting over 20 times using the word "tooth" there are also about the same number of unique times she's tweeted using the word "dental" and / or "dentist".

    11. I just don't see how it's possible to have so many cracked teeth and root canals as she claims she's had. There are only so many teeth one's mouth. She HAS to be bullshitting about 3/4 of her supposed dental woes.

      But hey, anything to make that pesky mortgage payment, right?

  30. Twitter Twaddle (from May):

    "I'm one of those people that runs to help with period cramps now, in case the Navy SEALs need a recruit."

    What a stupid, self serving, and insensitive thing to say just days before Memorial Day.

    1. I sure couldn't get the connection between period cramps and Navy Seals. Have a son who trained with them and there was no mention if you were brave enough to run through crams. Probably just me I am not hip enough.

    2. yeah, um, good for you for not having endometriosis, I guess? Or PCOS? Or a being the 1 in 10 women who has debilitating menstruation symptoms for a variety of reasons?

      This manner of engaging with social media is outdated. It's no longer fashionable to post a flex or a humblebrag. People did it too much in the 2010 - 2020. Post pandemic, no one cares if you ran or baked sourdough or went on vacation.

      Despite our nations slowly returning to more normal activities, millions of people have lost someone to covid. Nearly everyone knows someone who has long-haul syndrome and can't work. People lost jobs, housing, and lives. No one cares if you jog while you bleed.

      AND - as if she'd ever join the military. She can't take common-sense advice, does she think she'd make it through basic?

      Hell, maybe she would but she'd have to undergo a major personality transplant to get through it, and that is something I've seen happen to people who joined.

      Go for it, Jenna. Maybe a tour of duty will give you some perspective.

    3. "I changed the sheeps' water because too much pollen was resting on the top layer and left unchanged it might breed a fungus the next few days with all this humidity."

      Uhhhhhh - the animals don't get fresh water daily? She talks about hauling buckets, I guess she doesn't haul fresh buckets to all animals every day???

      How do the animals stay watered in the winter time? Do they just get one chance a day to drink when a thawed bucket is brought to them? Does anyone know?

      Yet another navel-gazing post of Jenna talking about herself. The comment about changing the sheep water was meant to show how much she knows about farming - she knows if you leave pollen in a water bucket *for days* it gets fungus! She didn't realize that this statement would actually reveal that she doesn't normally change out the water daily.

      I don't have livestock. Is this a normal thing farmers do? I have always given the animals in my care fresh water daily. At the barns I've worked at over the years, while there were troughs of standing water that collected rainwater or were filled with hoses (ahem), there were on-demand waterers too.

      I assumed with all Jenna's talk of hauling buckets that she was watering all the animals every day by hand, but maybe she's topping up standing water troughs with buckets?

      Or is she just swapping out buckets every day?

    4. a rare recent photo of the property: https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm/status/1402337914239991813

      How much longer can that outbuilding stay upright?

      Maybe Shannon will get her folks in to help prop the thing back up, replace some of that rotting wood and paint it. I can't believe it's safe to house animals in at this point, I'd hate to see it collapse on some livestock.

  31. You can hire JW as motivational speaker, according to the recent website update. What would she talk about? You too are just a series of bad decisions away from panic-tweeting about normal life expenses?

  32. ************************************************* from instagram:

    This fall I'll be able to take on a falconry apprentice, and I must admit, getting someone started in falconry with the wide eyes and big smiles of a beginner is going to make this entire sport full circle for me. I can not wait!"

    Great. just great.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Why are there no prices on a dozen eggs, a processed chicken, or a share of pork? And yet, the books and soap are priced. You have to email and wait to buy what, I am sure, is way overpriced?
    I will never understand her ways. Nor do I want to.


    1. Because if she removed barriers to sales she'd actually get MORE sales which is more WORK and she doesn't want that.

      There may also be her desire to change the price of what she's selling depending on who's asking.

  34. Well for all of you who have been waiting with baited breath as to why her next book is about the word is out on twitter it is about how Taylor Swift (surprised) helped to turn her into a as she put it "U-Haul Dyke" (I have never heard this expression before but I am some what sheltered obviously. So it is about Taylor Swift good Lord........

    Also yes Jude I always see she never ever posts prices for those thing. It is probably just as well since it would through most into shock.

    1. It's a reference to the chiche / joke that queer women move in together on the second date.

      What does a lesbian bring to a second date? A u-haul. The other joke is that if a lesbian wants to date someone she has to break up a couple. I think you have to be a member of the community to see the humour.

      The badly written tweet was about someone ELSE writing about how TSwift helped her become a u-haul dyke, and Jenna saying she ALSO talks about TSwift in her book because of course she does.

      This was about Jenna bank-shot tweeting off of another more popular tweet to try and gain social media traction again. Who knows, maybe she will.

  35. This truly useless bag of trash reposts about people not knowing who the kardasians are. I wish she would go somewhere and care about that non-publicly. It’s evident to anyone she’s not a farmer 👩‍🌾 and sells herself as such to the witless. She’s not a homesteader, maybe kind of a fat and older white girl with backyard pigs?

  36. It looks like some “kind of a fat and older white girl with backyard pigs” got her big bitch panties in a twist. Maybe shifty Shannon is white knighting for her meal ticket again. Boo fucking hoo. Hannah was right.

    1. My comment was directed to the asinine Anonymous 2:56.

  37. I'm guessing Anon 2:56 is Shannon. She reads and responds here. By now, Shannon should know Jenna is not a "farmer". She cannot sell anything unless it is accompanied by a pity story. She is not an "influencer" of any sort.

  38. I have a real problem with her tweet regarding "someone over 60 looking disgusted because we raise our own food and then drove away in a car worth more than my house." or something like that

    So many things wrong here. She is either making it up or bragged to someone who didn't ask her in the first place. How judgmental. I am over 60 (and then some) and don't believe that anyone would act that way for that reason. That person probably drove away as quickly as possible in any vehicle.

    And by the way, child, no car is worth more than my wonderful safe home.


    1. Nobody is disgusted by someone raising their own food. If anything, they were disgusted by the condition of her house. And if their car was worth more than her home, that says a lot about the condition of her home.

    2. She is a liar. And she is also showing her envy. Who the heck would be disgusted by someone raising their own food. It makes no sense. She was jealous of the person's car and wealth, pure and simple.

    3. Here's the tweet: "Every once in a while when I mention that we grow a lot of the food we eat, the person's reaction is pure disgust they can't hide. And it's always someone over 60 that drives a car that costs more than my house."

      It's just hyperbole.

      Her property is worth, what, $250K? At least? (Excuse me while I cry in Canadian real estate crisis.)

      So she's saying she's getting the rich brush off from people driving cars worth over $250K?

      I agree with Anon - if the average retired person's car is worth more than her house, her house is in a sad state of disrepair and will be sold as a tear down when Jenna's through with it.

      More than likely though, Jenna's exaggerating again. Just like the looks of disgust she suddenly started imagining when she put a rainbow sticker on her truck.

      I don't think Jenna realizes how off-putting her behaviour is, and these "looks of disgust" she talks about might really be a "WTF" look for something she just said or did.

      That kind of complete lack of attunement to social cues is pretty typical ADD / neurodiversity (just sayin'!)

    4. Wonder if it occurred to her that their look of "pure disgust" was due to her opening her mouth to speak?

      Cuz I imagine a mouth filled with cracked rotting teeth probably has quite the stench. Unless she lied about all those dental woes for donations. Then it's anyone's guess.

    5. It's probably how she relates to people. For years she's been making statements which position her ... questionable actions .... as somehow superior to cultural practices.

      She replied to someone that the "disgust" she guesses is related to poverty and "not being inspected" which would allude to drinking raw milk, processing your own livestock etc.

      Depending on how she phrases it, yeah, she may have just said she does something disgusting.

      Just like when you work in healthcare and you don't talk about the nitty gritty to regular folks, people in agriculture learn to read the room as well.

      Jenna doesn't know how to do that.

  39. probably someone who had owned the house before and they can't believe the condition now would be more like it. Oh and is she a mind reader now? Who would go to that conclusion as a first thought? I know of no one who would think oh that is disgusting she is raising her own food. Good Lord she is bat shit crazy.

  40. It is lazy fiction - - Jenna does this all the time. She used to say how "poodles" (working, self sufficient people) would look down at her...but then would turn around and wax poetic about what a tight knit community she lives in. She changes the narrative to suit her mood. "Live like fiction" indeed...
    She shits on people who like to travel, people who like to hike light (without carrying a burrito kitchen on their backs), people who don't like heat/humidity, people who follow recipes and don't wing it like her...the list goes on & on. She's the one looking down on others in an attempt to feel superior in her very small life.

    1. Just like all the times she bounced back and forth between "I LOVE my town!" and "I am not safe here because everyone sees me as a threat."

      Sure Jan.

  41. Late on the mortgage, so she says.

    1. And she expects some logo sales to make up the difference between what should have been paid first, and instead what is paid last. She is only paying *half* the mortgage she used to pay, presumably. There's no excuse and no reason her mortgage payment should ever be late.

      But I doubt it really is. She starts running short on fun money so she does the old mortgage song and dance.

      If I imagine, for a moment, that Jenna really IS behind on her mortgage, how would Shannon feel about that? Knowing her partner hasn't paid her share of the rent yet?

    2. It is beyond disturbing how HER mortgage problem becomes everyone's problem:

      "2 days left to make the June mortgage on time!"

      "This is the last day to make this month's mortgage on time!"

      "So the goal wasn't meant on time."


    3. Paying for the roof over your head should be the first thing you do. This is not a normal problem to be lying about...

  42. According to one of her latest bleg posts the fauxrm now has FIVE gardens. While it's nice to see that she shut off Netflix and got her butt out into the yard, it's also kinda disturbing to see the contrast between now and a few years ago. As anyone who as followed her antics for the past few years can't help but see that this is what she should have been doing all along. so it's rather sad that it took another human to kick her ass into gear.

    Just a year ago she was tweeting disaster after disaster in the hopes that donations would follow. Now, not so much. Is it because Shannon is there and she can no longer create fake catastrophes without being called out?

    Also, from her own tweets and bleg posts it sounds like Shannon is doing 80% of the work there, which is why there has been so much change to write about. For the sake of the animals I hope it lasts...cuz just imagine when the relationship runs it's course -- the improvements will stop and the animals will be back to neglect.

  43. I’ve often thought that she is shooting herself in the foot and that is the reason she can no longer get published. Any reputable publisher will read her social media and see she writes one thing in her books and quite another on her blog and Twitter. The constant whining about her mortgage and pity begs show she is not self sufficient. And the constant insults she hurls at people plus the childish obsession with celebrities is off putting.

    If she would just get a job, keep her finances to herself and pull herself up by her own bootstraps, maybe she would have something worth writing about.

    1. You're 1000% correct.

      Her first book was so compelling. But following her actual blog and social media for years has revealed the true story: she feels entitled to a lifestyle and thinks the internet should pay for it, that she owes nothing in exchange for her lifestyle, and that every thought that crops up in her head is gold and should be shared.

      There are plenty of others who have gotten an internet ego, and have crashed and burned as a result.

    2. I was discussing Jenna with my wife the other day. My wife, who does not post or read here, but who also read MFS back when it was first published and initially liked Jenna, is now just disgusted at the squandered opportunities.

      As an artist, my wife knows how rare it is to get the kind of exposure Jenna received. Even the timing of Jenna's first book was potentially perfect. At the time, people who blogged about doing a risky / crazy / obscure thing for a year DID get book contracts and some of them got movie contracts after that.

      All that is in the past now, which could be fine. Jenna could just live her life and take responsibility for paying for her choices, rather than constantly overshare about her fictional financial affairs.

      Literally no other "public figure" I can think of does this.

    3. Excellent observation, Anon 9:38, as what she wrote and how she lives her life do not match up.

      Books: Quit your job and be successful and happy like me!!!
      Social media: I'm broke and scared...please pay my mortgage for me!

      As for keeping her finances to herself, was she not taught how not to talk about money?

      WIW wrote: "and that every thought that crops up in her head is gold and should be shared."

      I think that is the most annoying thing about her.

  44. About hauling buckets:

    My friend bought a beautiful property last year, and her garden system is inspired. She has set up rainwater collection / storage system that she allows to gravity water her garden on a drip system.

    She has no connected plumbing or anything, she just has a system of collection barrels on the highest point above her gardens.

    I'm thinking of setting up something similar on my balcony.

  45. Twitter Twaddle - "How the f*ck is this even happening???" Edition

    "This fall will be the first year as a General Falconer I am able to take on an apprentice. I have been looking forward to helping a beginner get started so so sooo much! This may be the year I get to help someone train her first bird!"

    Jenna Woginrich, by her own woeful account(s) is not a good responsible falconer. At least one bird has died, others were lost, and all were used as props. And now she's going to teach others to do the same? *sigh* I worry for the hawks of Cambridge.

  46. More Twit Twad Twit Shit - Sad and Pathetic Edition:

    "I know over promotion is exhausting for you followers. I know that. But I don't know what else to do. It's what sucks about choosing a life without a direct deposit. I don't get paid unless I ask you to buy what I have to offer."

    She says she knows that, but she's still gonna do it anyway, because lazy she is. And the "I dOn'T kNOw WhAT tO Do" is such bullshit. She KNOWS that if things got really hairy she could GET. A. freakin. JOB. Or force Shannon to get a job on top of the monumental work she already does at CAF.

    And...in the comments of that tweet were 5 enablers telling her that it's OK to beg as much as she does. And that they don't mind at all. What are they, hoping she'll send them some free soap or something for offering support?

    1. Well, maybe those 5 enablers can support her, but I doubt they want to do it. What they don't realize is that they are doing her no favors by encouraging an unsustainable lifestyle.

      She doesn't know what else to do??? GET A JOB ALREADY!

      As for Shannon, she can get a job as well.

      Two able bodied, educated women should not have to leech off others.

    2. She’s tweeted this kind of crap multiple times before. It’s just Jenna’s justification for being an online parasite. The only thing that bothers her is lack of free funds.

  47. She's drinking beer again. So much for the sober bandwagon.

    1. saw that it is suppose to be non alcoholic beer but it still contains alcohol in it. Won't be long before we bring on the whiskey.

    2. She’ll be back to buying bourbon before too long.

  48. Is it high summer on the first day of summer? I think she just takes a word or phrase that sounds good and goes with it without putting much thought to meaning.
    Entire blog posts are about major themes of transformation and celebration, but nothing is very believable. I guess she feels she has to be inspirational and grandiose in “look at my humble and beautiful life,” and hasn’t let go of that. She has sold it to a lot of people, so maybe we are the fools.

    1. Hannah, her whole life is lies.

  49. Excerpt from the last post: "I am going to try and make as many sales as possible this week to get the June mortgage in before the month ends. Waiting on possible shares of pork to come through, or if I am lucky, some takers on the logo sale. Besides one soap sale this weekend it’s been luckless in that department. And I think people aren’t in the mindset to spend money at the end of a pandemic/high vacation season. But perhaps I’ll get some of that luck back. The farm depends on me earning half of what we need to run this place. Having it split in half has been a huge relief of burden, and why I am not months behind like in the past. But the fear is the same, the anxiety to always hustle and ask and scrap together the bills."

    For the first time she's admitting she's paying only half the bills now.

    So what happens when Shannon gets tired of paying more than her share?

    I stayed with someone for a year with them not paying towards the bills once. I was young and didn't have great boundaries.

    Either Shannon is doing her part and Jenna isn't making her half the bills, or Jenna's lying to try and get some summer vacay fun money. Oh excuse me, gas money to go camping.

    1. There’s that weird word, luck, again. She’s overused it dozens of times over the years. I can’t believe that a middle-aged adult is still so stuck on stupid, magical thinking. Shannon is either desperate or deluded to put up with Jenna’s disingenuous approach to supporting herself.

  50. Well, she's talking about applying for jobs. I hope she gets one and stops belly-aching about normal bills once and for all.

    "I am waiting to hear from two different sources of new work, too. I applied to be a social media manager (remote position) and a copywriter for a local marketing group. Both are part-time but can really help tie in the loose ends so I am not in this position at the end of the month again. Wish me luck with that, as either gig could be a huge help!"

    1. She’s done this applying for jobs criticism shield many times before, and it’s all a bunch of bull.

    2. Once prospective employers vet her online, then they’ll read about her rotten reputation.

    3. I dunno, Anon. If getting and holding a job were necessary to keep her relationship, I think she'd do it.

  51. If Shannon is paying half, it sounds like Jenna isn’t paying her fair share. Kudos to her for looking for steady work. Ten years late on that, but better late than never.


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