O.M.G.......is she still here?

So then the question is why.
It is obviously not to gain business.  She shuts down her social media so no one can see it.  If she's counting on repeat business..she can contact those 3 people privately.  She has no website nor on Facebook.  I don’t think anybody is buying from her anyway...or has for a very very long time.
She is not doing all sorts of things.  Not farming, not cleaning up the property, not gardening, not doing logos, not doing pet portraits, not making soap.
I'm not complaining at all.  I've been done with her for a long time.  For a while I was amused with her as a psychological and sociological case study.  Now I think she's a liar at best and stupid at worst.

I'm not even sure what her point is anymore.  I mean what is she?  Homesteader, no.  Farmer, no. Animal person, no. Artist, umm NO. Internet influencer, hahaha, no.  She's not even a medical case or victim for people to feel sorry for.


  1. The lying is pretty obvious based on the cause and effect that has never come to pass, and now she can't deny she has another earning adult living in her house, who she says has a freelance income at the very least.

    She's not cash poor if she's buying a used truck she doesn't need for "moving livestock".

    1. She's not poor if she's buying sheep off craigslist just in time to burn hay all winter.

      She's not poor if she's spending money on hobbies and entertainment.

      She's not poor, she's just terrible at marketing. She has one note and she keeps singing it. It's the only thing she knows how to do.

      She quit / was fired from her last real job because the farm needed her - ie, she chose to breed sheep and it wasn't going very well. So rather than scale down her breeding operation, she quit her freaking job.

      When she gave up her flock of sheep because she needed a break or needed things to be more manageable, did she go back to work then? Nope. She took up falconry instead.

      She's not poor, and she's not honest or transparent, which doesn't work well when that's your whole brand, to share the details of your oh so cool life.

    2. Anyone who owns $150+ worth of Taylor Swift apparel is NOT broke.

      And I cannot believe she is once again asking for $200 a day, which is 6K a month. Most medical professionals don't make that much, even though they are providing important and very necessary services. She is delusional.

  2. Here's the atrocious ad copy from instagram:

    "Hey there Instagram Travelers! I am trying to make a sales goal every day, to keep this farm on track with its bills and needs. To encourage you to message and order - I'm offering 2 people a deal of 10 bars of soap and 2 full color pet portraits for $150. That includes shipping in the US! Please send a message and get a supply of soaps to keep forgive as gifts and 2 portraits! Sometimes this is soap and art farm to make it between pig harvests and summer chickens so every sale helps us and the animals!"

    helps us and the animals... but screw those farm rescues, right?

    also: " a supply of soaps to keep forgive as gifts" and "Sometimes this is soap and art farm"

    the first one I'd pass off to autocorrect, the second one tells me she just doesn't give a crap.

    Anyway, we're well into *gotta pay the bills* schedule. This phase of the begging cycle will last until early May, so get your eyes ready for rolling.

    Once she's beaten the soap / cartoon schtick to death, she'll start selling phantom pig shares again. She sells them at least four times a year, and she only talks about butchering once or twice a year.

    1. In the bigger arc of her cycles, now that she is soliciting on Instagram, that will become her new Twitter until she wears people out. She has held back on Instagram, like she did with Twitter while she begged on Facebook.

      Anon in GA

    2. "a supply of soaps to keep forgive as gifts" <<-------------- I think what she means is that the gift giver will have to beg forgiveness from the recipient of those crap soaps.

      And I don't get the "Instagram Travelers" thing -- why would anyone traveling need pet art and that much soap?!

  3. never thought about she made her blog private. There is no place on there to join. Should work wonders for her "business". Good googly moo does she ever think ahead?

    1. She doesn't have enough interest for a private blog.

    2. Yeah, she mentioned a while back that a new website was coming and her blog would be "archived". Probably a good move, honestly, given her purpose on the internet is to market soap and cartoons with retweets of how she farms alone with no help so won't you help her an her animals by buying soap or a drawing?

      I don't think she likes writing anymore, because she writes about herself, and in doing so, writes about a selfish, self-centered, short-sighted adult who takes very little responsibility for her state of affairs.

    3. Where is this private blog?

    4. When the bleg is "archived" I wonder if all the horrific animal abusing posts will be conveniently "lost" forever? Well, no worries, as all those posts have been "archived" right here!

      You're welcome Jenna!!

  4. When I think of all the hats I've worn in my life...wife of one, mother of seven, chauffer, chef, budget manager, decorator, seamstress... you get the drift. And all of them without even leaving home. If it sounds boring to Lazy J., believe me it was never boring. In all my years, I have never been bored. Not once, not ever. And we even got to travel to Europe many times. And guess what Lazy J, our kids are now very good friends ours. Now, out to the garden and chicken coop for a good coop cleaning. And FFF, go find just one hat and wear it.


  5. She's really run out of things to say and has nothing to show for 10+ years homesteading, and I use that term very loosely.

  6. I've been reading her blog for years. I bought Made From Scratch when it came out and was enthralled; here's somebody who's DOING it! I thought the book was funny and insightful, and if the bread recipe was a little meh and she had no idea what she was doing with bees, I was rooting her on. Would have liked to have signed up for her wool share to support a farmer as I'm a knitter; as a broke woman, couldn't see my way to clear to it (and boy did I dodge a bullet, I was better off unraveling thrift-store sweaters for my hobby), but still applauded her and her little farm. Years later...I marvel at her but for totally different reasons. "WTF is she doing????" is all I can think when I run across her on Twitter/Instagram. I'd love to have the land, the supporters, and the freedom she had, and she can't make a go of it? And instead of getting to grips with expenses and the necessary budget cuts to make it work, and acknowledge and learn from knowledge gaps to get things right and FARM, she's let it sift through her fingers and she's selling out to farm soap and little drawings. Okay, lots of people have to diversify on their farms especially when things are bad and markets are down, but people in her orbit who have cash right now for fancy soap and custom art are NOT going to be spending it on her. 1) she makes it too difficult, and 2) anyone who's desperate to get fancy soap and custom pet artwork is spoiled for choice among far better options and talent. Anyone like me who wants to support small farms is actually BUYING things from small farms - seed starts, meat, cheese for me recently - not spending our $$$ on someone far away who's selling useless tat. If I need soap I'll make it myself for a lot cheaper than her fancy bars (I'm not too good for Michael's melt'n'pour) and I'll take a picture of my dog on my phone. Done and dusted. There's no way in hell that 'farm' supports the two of them, either with meat or crops, and she's barely a gardener - no mention of starting seeds indoors and hardening off, no mention of weeding anymore (which I never shut up about - what's working for me, how much of my weeds I was able to eat myself, how much my back hurts, we have great chats among the neighbourhood gardeners), no mention of canning, preserving, or drying. This rant serves no purpose other than I've had a rare drink and finished BBC's This Farming Life (which is incredible and has given me so many ideas), and I'm steamed at this person who takes up airtime & money now and opportunities & community engagement in the past - I hate that people think that farming is easy because someone like Jenna makes it look easy (because they don't do any farming!). Jenna, if you read this, from a former fan to a former farmer, sell your animals, go back to work, try something new. Farmer, my back foot!

    - DaffodilAnonymous

    1. And to think there was a time when the Pig Shocker thought her story was sooooo unique and amazing, that Hollywood was gonna come a-knockin' for a movie deal. Hahahallywood, lol.

      CAF is a 100% missed opportunity for everything.

    2. DaffodilAnon - That's the truly sad part of CAF. The potential was there. She just didn't manage it well, and she made bad choices, followed by more bad choices, followed by snotty remarks to people offering sound advice.

      She should not have quit her job. She should not have bought a purebred puppy she didn't need. She should not have done a Kickstarter and then delivered a poorly written, poorly edited book way behind schedule and after she spend all the money raised.

      There are some here who want to see her crash and burn finally, and there are some here who want to see her actually do something GOOD for a change.

      And you're right - there is absolutely no way they are living off of cartoon and melt n pour soap orders. There's no way they're paying the bills with pig shares and chickens. There is another income source, and that's part of the dishonesty at CAF, because the math never works out.

      That is the train wreck - her continued poor judgement and how she dodges responsibility for her situation like Al Capone dodged taxes.

  7. I follow a hobby farmer on YouTube who has almost 2 million subscribers. His most popular videos are him feeding his animals, building stuff for his goats, and essentially boring "farm stuff." So many folks who can't do this kind of thing enjoy seeing small farms with happy animals. The idea she can't market normal "farm life" is absurd and leads me to believe the farm isn't really functional any more.

    1. Her problem is that no one is gonna want to watch a video of someone hauling buckets 'n feed twice a day, and lounging in a hammock for the rest.

  8. crank out the tissues again folks she is having a melt down and asking for help with books, audios, etc. or how you get through scared times. Well it is the end of the month and she is about to hit us with a big old beg a thon.

    1. She was doing that 10 years ago. People left very helpful suggestions in the comments section on her blog. Trouble was, she didn’t want advice. She wanted handouts. Nothing has changed.

    2. A big 'ol beg-a-thon followed by an announcement of some trip they'll be going on. But it's cool cuz:

      "Shannon's car already has gas in it!"

      "And Patty's gonna watch the animals!!"

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Anon7 EXACTLY! All of this is leading up to a road trip or weekend hike in early May which will be posted during the "you know you want my life" phase of her Cycle of Crying™️

  9. The Cycle of Crying (courtesy of Woe Is Wog)

    Maybe this should start every thread, lol, so we know where we are in the begging cycle.

    "5th - 10th of the month: I love my life, I'm doing exercise and hawk things. I'm so unique and interesting, you want to me be.

    11th - 15th: reduction in tweets, or an increase in retweeting others.

    15th - 25th: anxiety / fear / stress / illness / injury / repairs needed

    26th - 31st: tHe MoRtGaGe whaaaaaaaah! Other bills all coming at once! Sales pitch retweet, peppered with "situation reports" - this repair is done / not done, this medical appointment is coming up

    The 26th - 31st is prime juicing time, my guess is the donation cycle ramps up when she hits a manufactured crisis, but she can't be in manufactured crisis constantly, so she runs up to it from the 10th - 26th.

    31st - 5th - mortgage is late / not paid, or it was paid but these other bills are overdue. OR, the 31st - 5th is just radio silence because this is when she does weekend overnights and takes a break from the cycle of pretend or manufactured crises."


    1. Great idea! I could set my watch by her tweets.

      And oh, she's not begging for April, just May. Progress!!

  10. HD wrote: "I'm not even sure what her point is anymore. I mean what is she? Homesteader, no. Farmer, no. Animal person, no."

    I believe she was once an earnest beginning homesteader who dabbled in farming but then burned out after too many failures, yet is too proud and stubborn to admit defeat. So now she's stuck running a trainwreck shit show.

    As for her not being an animal person, I agree. Remember when she bitterly said, "Fuck PETA" on her bleg after shocking those poor piggies? Anyone who even *thinks* that should not own animals.

    1. You're absolutely correct, Anon7.

      I agree, I think she burned out after too many failures, and has now defaulted to doing what's easy and what will keep up her social media presence.

  11. Oh Lordy, lordy, we are at the end of the month so.......

    "Woke up to a broken pipe under the kitchen sink filling the place with water. Trying to repair it ourselves because plumbers are a fortune. What a start to a Monday...."

    WOW you called it. According to her "beg schedule".....

    "The 26th - 31st is prime juicing time, my guess is the donation cycle ramps up when she hits a manufactured crisis, but she can't be in manufactured crisis constantly, so she runs up to it from the 10th - 26th."

    And there you have it, the 26th is prime time for a manufactured crisis indeed. Jenna you are so damn predictable!

    1. Oh WOW...WIW was right! The timing is just utterly unbelievable. Especially when the Pig Shocker followed that crisis up with this tweet:

      "No sales all weekend."

      So duh, of course she was gonna launch her next biG mANuFaCtUreD eMErgENcy!!!

    2. CYCLE OF CRYING! Continues in perpetuity.

  12. But this is what really steams me, and beyond angers me. Self-serving tweets like this:

    "So I turned off water to the house. We need to remove and replace the leaky part. I have no idea how yet. A friend is cutting down dead locusts that are dangerous by our campfire area. This morning is chainsaws, water, and me trying to hold it together."

    Wow. So she's "trying" to "hold it together" yet it's just a fcuking broken pipe. Jenna, set down your day-old donut and just deal with it. Or just put Shannon to task.


    "It's just so frustrating because the day is shot and people are waiting for work and deadlines, and you know .... life." [...] "I am just overwhelmed."


    "India Breaks Another Global Covid-19 Record As Hospitals Run Out Of Oxygen"

    "Indian Hospitals Swamped By Coronavirus"

    "India's Covid-19 Surge Is Spreading Like Wildfire"


    Jenna Woginrich, who has been vaccinated, but is still living all alone on the side of a mountain in a cushy touristy-town in the middle of nowhere, is lamenting over a broken pipe in her kitchen. A kitchen that has food. Probably lots of food, compared to the average kitchen in India.

    And she's worrying about a broken pipe. But at least she has water. Yet she is freaked out by DEAD locusts. Umm...Aren't LIVE locusts usually the problem?

    But yeah, let's worry about dead locusts who pose no threat...and the pesky mortgage...and the bills that she doesn't have money for. Because she won't work a real job. Meanwhile, people across the world are fighting, and dying, for any breath they can take.

    1. I assume the "locusts" she is "worrying about" are trees that are resinous and burn pretty hotly. They are often used in fence building, because their high-BTU wood is hard. Only an idiot (like her) would put a campfire next to locust trees...and then need someone ELSE to remove them (instead of simply relocating the campfire).

      FFF is a real piece of work! More excuses to not deliver promised product. PayPal her...it means so much.

    2. Yes if you're such a goddamn scrappy farmer, get out your own chainsaw and do it yourself. Why do you ALWAYS have everyone else do your work for you??? It never fails.

      Or move your stupid campfire site. How hard is that?

      I agree, I think it's just excuses to not do the work she was paid for.

    3. "it's just excuses to not do the work she was paid for."

      Yep! That's what "overwhelmed" is code for. This is part of the cycle of crying too - do a big sales push to get an influx of cash and then OH NO! I cAnNoT dO tHe WoRk because *life*.

      Hey, maybe if you'd saved some of that $2k you spent on the truck you don't need, you wouldn't be so fake-overwhelmed right now, because you could hire help if you don't have the time / skill to do the work yourself.

      THIS is why Jenna has earned her critics.

  13. looks like there is a hate site out there and FFF isn't happy. She is posting a picture of a tweet she got from them. Would love to see what they have to say about her scamming ways.

  14. Jenna Woginrich Rainbow flag
    Can any of my contacts here help me with this stalker. They have run a website about me for years, convinced I abuse animals and that my farm is a scam. I want to get a lawyer, send a cease and desist, and track the IP address. Please help this is getting scary.

    Go to her instagram account to see the rest of it. The man in the red van is at it again, or her other stalkers over the years.

    1. Oh I believe that was real, and it's completely over the line.

      Jenna deserves the criticism of her cycle of crying, her poor husbandry practices, her very obvious and traceable lies. If you're going to call yourself a public figure and post constant BS, you're going to get people calling you on that BS.

      NO ONE deserves threats, stalking, or bullying.

      That's what this is. The screen shot of the anon email sent to Jenna:

      "One of my pet projects is sending links to people. You'd be surprised if you knew how many twitter followers have been alerted about your animal abusing, and also long con scamming. I especially enjoyed relaying them to clue check accounts like Dr. "

      That first half, okay, it's very weird someone would feel the need to tell Jenna what she's doing, but the "I especially enjoyed" part is kind of sick, honestly.

      Here's the rest:

      "You'll always be a fat, faux farming failure. Hope that you liked that big (check) that I sent you in a Christmas card. GFY, ugly, lying, sociopathic cunt."

      Way, way over the line. I'm not saying that to defend Jenna in any way, because much of what she's done is indefensible. But emailing someone the equivalent of a nasty anon note in their locker is total bullshit.

      Besides, why give her a reason to further her victimhood story? Why just HAND that to her?

      Stop it, please. It's not a good look, it's not a good argument, and it doesn't do anyone any good. It just makes Jenna look sympathetic.

      I seriously doubt Jenna actually feels scared or intimidated by it, I'll bet she and Shannon laughed their asses off before she posted that "this is scary!" instagram story.

    2. The lawyer / IP tracing is total bullshit, by the way. This "I have stalkers" is a part of her cycle of crying - don't contribute to it.

      She has CRITICS, but don't let her legitimize her victim stories by attempting to actually victimize her (sending her hateful emails.)

      Yes, she wrote about intentionally and unintentionally causing harm to animals. Yes, that is awful, and yes she deserves to be condemned for her continued lack of remorse and her refusal to change. Sending her hate emails isn't going to move the needle, and it just gives her ammunition.

    3. What I would love, is if every time she posts about her trolls, people find this blog and actually see that there are legitimate observations and criticisms here, borne from over a decade of following her blog and books.

      Let's make THAT a reality.

  15. You’re done with her? Then why are you still posting on this hateful joke of a blog? The anonymous is particularly cowardly. I’m sorry you’re too chicken shit to follow your dreams, but that’s all she’s doing. Her animals are healthy and well cared for, and it’s actually absolutely none of your business how she’s living her life. I hope you’re able to find a life of your own, rather than being obsessed with hating on hers. You’re in need of help otherwise.

    1. Hey Melanie,

      A while back, we took some time to put together a collection of comments and links explaining why there are so many here that are critical of Jenna and her strategies.

      Jenna is not simply a woman following her dreams, and the fact she started out that way is what has caused many of us, who are long time followers and former fans, to become persistently critical of what she's up to now.

      Here's the link to the post with the collected information:


    2. Melanie, you're kind of falling for Jenna's victim schtick right now.

    3. Also, is she really living her dream? This cycle of crying that includes "anxiety" and being too stressed about routine home ownership expenses to do the work she was contracted to do? When she could have easily afforded to pay said predictable expenses if she had not purchased a truck she has no need of?

      That was her dream? Really?

  16. You’re done with her? Then why are you still posting on this hateful joke of a blog? The anonymous is particularly cowardly. I’m sorry you’re too chicken shit to follow your dreams, but that’s all she’s doing. Her animals are healthy and well cared for, and it’s actually absolutely none of your business how she’s living her life. I hope you’re able to find a life of your own, rather than being obsessed with hating on hers. You’re in need of help otherwise.

  17. You’re done with her? Then why are you still posting on this hateful joke of a blog? The anonymous is particularly cowardly. I’m sorry you’re too chicken shit to follow your dreams, but that’s all she’s doing. Her animals are healthy and well cared for, and it’s actually absolutely none of your business how she’s living her life. I hope you’re able to find a life of your own, rather than being obsessed with hating on hers. You’re in need of help otherwise.

  18. You’re done with her? Then why are you still posting on this hateful joke of a blog? The anonymous is particularly cowardly. I’m sorry you’re too chicken shit to follow your dreams, but that’s all she’s doing. Her animals are healthy and well cared for, and it’s actually absolutely none of your business how she’s living her life. I hope you’re able to find a life of your own, rather than being obsessed with hating on hers. You’re in need of help otherwise.

  19. I just glanced at her twitter and she's posted a helpless "I don't know what to do and I'm scared!" message.

    Sigh. The poorly conceived anon emails appear to have actually contributed to her cycle of crying. Maybe don't give her MORE reasons to present herself as a victim? That's what she does with these emails, every single time.

    She knows it's only one person sending her those emails. She knows who it is, too. She's already gone down the cease and desist / report to the police path. All she can use these emails for is social currency, so that's what she's going to do, every time she gets a nasty email - she's going to post it for sympathy, and people will send her donations or buy her bullshit.

    STOP, please.

    1. Jenna could easily STOP receiving these messages by changing her spam settings. It's easy and I did it for my own business email, because basically anyone who has a blog that attracts more than 1000 followers is going to get trolls. It's EASY to shut them out.

      Allowing these emails and then posting them for views is a CALCULATED move on her part! You're playing right into her hand.

      She could block anon emails with a few clicks if she wanted to. She does not. Because the hate mail HELPS HER.

    2. She hasn't gotten much sympathy on this one either. Interesting.

  20. I notice that Jenna has cropped the date out of those screenshots. I wonder if she has *actually saved these emails* to post and cry about during the crisis phase of her cycle of crying?

    Were these sent earlier in the month and she's just posting about it now?

    Or is someone playing right into her schedule?

    1. OR is she posting it herself from ,maybe her girlfriend's computer to get more sympathy donations?

    2. I'm more inclined to think she's doing it herself. She's a total liar, so who knows. IF she didn't have sales this weekend and IF there will be plumbing expenses and IF it’s the end of the month and IF she's planning a trip, then a little extra "panic cash" could come in handy.

    3. That's a fair point, HD. We've caught her in so many lies, there's nothing to prove she isn't sending these emails herself. The timing during her manufactured crisis week is a little too on the nose.

    4. One thing it does do whenever she posts an anon hate email is it drives a couple of her followers here. Not sure how great a strategy that is in the long run...

    5. I mean... Someone who hasn't posted in a long time and was known to be a loose cannon probably harasses her regularly.

    6. Hmm, I did think of that.

      We never established who that person was, or if they were real. I don't mean to get conspiracy-minded, but false flags were previously used to establish victimhood. Remember the infamous job application that was mailed to FFF, but addressed/partially completed in her own handwriting???

    7. Anon 713 - that's who I was thinking of, as the rhetoric is consistent, but it's easy to replicate if you just go back and look at old comments.

  21. I remember earlier this year there was a lively discussion on CAST, because FFF posted that she was stalked by someone who slowly drove past her house, and she accused this group. Recently, FFF posted an undated "anonymous hate email" and CAST appears to again be the focus of her ire. This is crazy.

    As an open blog, anyone can post on CAST, including FFF herself and her friends/associates. To me, however, it's unlikely a regular CAST contributor (aka Shamster) would send such an ugly email to FFF.

    From everything I've seen (and with the exception of a few past "questionable" unknown posters), Shamsters only react to FFF's public posts and photos - a person who owns a business and who uses social media to solicit business, sales and donations. Additionally, she heavily promotes her activities and her "rural lifestyle" to promote her "brand" as part of her business strategy. Last time I checked, commentary, humor and criticism of a business (and its brand) is fair use.

    Written in February, 2021, this is still relevant.

    "...As far as I know, CAST has never seen photos that weren't public information or made public by the homeowner herself. Since I've followed CAST, there have been parody songs, limericks, comments, jokes and opinion all shared - based on social media and the personal experiences of Shamsters themselves.

    It's also odd that CAST is being criticized by an individual who attempts to justify "earning up" money by a social media influencer who has spent years gate-keeping & dishing out cynical, manipulative and highly questionable commentary.

    We have seen plenty of criticisms of suburban women ("poodles"), rural men (characterized as simpletons), white males, cis-folk, religious people, non-farmers, the elderly, people with 9-5 jobs, etc etc. In fact, her blog and Twitter feed has been a smorgasbord of snarky comments on anyone who doesn't mimic her lifestyle.

    Shamsters don't care how people earn a living as long as it is done honestly and doesn't harm animals (or the environment). They don't care about marital status or gender identity. Many are single farmers and/or LGBTQ. There isn't any personal issue at stake.

    Instead, we see people who have become frustrated as they've watched a publicly advertised business owner spin hyperbolic/deceitful tales year after year, collecting sales/money/donations from kind-hearted people who believe what they read and "try to help". To take money under false pretenses - or not deliver agreed-upon product - isn't noble or normal. It's dishonest and fraudulent, and anyone who thinks this is acceptable behavior, is naive or equally skewed.

    If larger monies were involved, there would undoubtedly be serious consequences."

    Anyone who criticizes CAST would do well to remember that what Shamsters comment and criticize is a money-making BUSINESS and its social media BRAND. This happens each and every day throughout America.

  22. I think it's bs. She's trying to get money period and this is as low as she can get.

  23. New blog is live... and the first post is: The Kailyard! BWAHAHAHAHA! Nothing changes.

    Here's the text so you don't need to click:
    Got started on the kailyard this month. The kailyard is our cold crop garden. It's an old Scottish term for where the greens grow that can handle.... well, Scotland. Upstate New York isn't exactly the Highlands but it's a harsh place that had snow on it up until.... a few days ago. Kailyard it is!

    "Right now the farm only has lettuce, brussel sprouts, and onions transplanted from six packs and the rest is either volunteer plants from last season or newly sown seeds. Radish, spinach, and peas were planted today. Hoping this bed tucked behind the barn where less sunlight causes cold crops to bolt will be spared the woodchucks and deer. I'm not scared to set up an electric fence if needed!"

    There is a portal to leave comments on the post, and there is a view count. 81 views... 3 likes.

  24. Oh wait, just this minute she also posted another, this time with promises:

    "Hello friends! Welcome to the new website and the new blog! Picking up here at this new home for all things Cold Antler Farm! The blog will be updating Tuesdays and Fridays with news, pictures, details, stories and song dispatches from the front lines of farmsteading as a couple in Upstate New York. There may be bonus posts from time to time but I am committing to two updates a week. I'm excited as all get out! The website will be growing - from what is for sale from the farm stand to news, speaking events, falconry, book updates, classes and more as we emerge back into normal times.

    As for us: let me catch you up. For over a decade CAF has been a solo operation. I started homesteading and named the farm Cold Antler in 2007, and thirteen lucky years later - I met Shannon - right before the pandemic hit. She moved into the farm last August and her energy, spirit, cleverness and work ethic have made this farm so shiny sometimes I just need to step back and take it all in. She is amazing. And now the blog is our farm's story.

    It's the end of April at Cold Antler Farm here in Jackson, New York. The snow has melted, the earth is being turned up and planted, and the animals are shorn, shedding, and producing like gangbusters! Let me tell you all about it:

    The sheep were shorn by Mary of Can Do Shearing earlier this month. She's a badass mother, shepherd, and business owner over in Vermont. The three ewes that are the foundation of the new flock are named Gwynne, Masha, and Ludmila. They are of unknown origin, a hardy mixed breed of wool and meat ancestors - but we assume (with Mary's expertise as well) a combination of Dorset, Tunis, and possibly Icelandic. They are little chokers and have good feet. Excited to breed them for the first time this coming fall with a farm neighbor's rented Icelandic ram!

    Cade the pack goat is all grown up and learning the halter and pack. He's a real snorting spitfire of a Nubian wether. More on him as we share more outdoor posts hiking and backpacking.

    The horses are almost shedded out. When the sun hits Merlin and Mabel just right they seem to shine and it fills my horse-girl heart with some serious butterflies. Merlin is certainly showing his years. Almost 27 (possibly 28?!) he is now gray in the whole face and losing some muscle in his rump but still a solid trail pony. Mabel is now around 18 and has turned into a wonderful companion and friendly trail horse in her own right. She's solid and true - if a little bossy/moody at times. Mares.

    As for the production: the farm is about to take its first crop of broilers to the butcher in early May and have some free range whole chickens available for pickup soon. And if all goes well the two Flemish Giant does we were gifted this winter will be having kits. Another crop of meat chicks was just added to the farm this week so if you can't snag your Sunday roast now - you can in about 8-10 more weeks! Email to reserve yours, locals!

    The first cold crops are in the garden - kale, lettuce, brussel sprouts, onions, radishes, etc. Old dead locust trees have been cut down and will be terraces for our expanded kitchen garden. The five new golden wattle shoats are growing well, all stock from Hill View Farm - amazing neighbors and good friends.

    April has always been a month I need to get through. It makes me uncomfortable, the slow growth of a northeast spring barely winning a race against winter's decay. But when you're emerging from a pandemic it hits different. We made it. We're grateful. Our town, friends, and farming community have been amazing and comforting during this winter. And this April I don't feel the same cloud, but hope. Things are green, awake, and feeling optimistic. More to share on Friday, and wish us luck with the growing season ahead!"

    That stilted "aww shucks farmer" tone is back.


  26. She now has a "contact us" form. This is used to prevent people who want to contact you from initially knowing your email address.

    If she EVER AGAIN gets an anon hate email, we'll know it's for sure her making it up or allowing them through on purpose. All she has to do is start using a new email address and all those scary emails go nowhere.

  27. Honestly, good for Shannon, getting the new website sorted out. It isn't designed to improve sales, because there's no order form, which would be *so easy* to set up. She's putting these obstacles in the way of sales on purpose. She would not be doing this if she REALLY were living off those sales.

    The things she chose to change (her "farm story") and the things she chose to keep difficult for her potential customers so that she could continue to clock the income as "donations" and avoid paypal disputes says a lot about her intentions. This isn't just momentum from a 10 year headlong skid, the design, story, and store choices were fully intentional.

    1. She's going to make the old CAF blog private by the end of the year. I'm calling it right now.

    2. If / when she makes the old blog private, the archive will live forever here: http://web.archive.org/web/*/coldantlerfarm.blogspot.com

    3. The Wayback machine has gaps in coverage. Be sure to alert them to your favorite posts, so they are properly archived.

  28. Actually *facepalm* she does not hide the email address she's using for this website very well, and it's an old, well-established address (the dogsinourparks one). I guess she sees no need to prevent receiving future hate emails! This would be a perfect opportunity to just cut off the old email addresses and establish a new one protected by the contact us form, but NOPE!

  29. Three things:
    1) After all the burst pipes and plumbing problems, YouTube and Home Depot's manuals weren't your first stop for making sure it never happened again? The flipping public library can inter-library loan plumbing manuals if you're too cheap to buy them. For a 'scrappy farmer', there was a whole lot of thumb-up-butt syndrome apparent in her broken pipe tweet. I hope they did manage to get it fixed but come on; is it an immediate problem that needs fixing or do we have time to tweet about it first? If the former, get on with it, if the latter, it's not a problem.

    2) I'm glad that the pinned tweet has finally changed, but sorry to see that the focus is now once again on her and not on her sheepdog. I fully think she's ruined her working dogs - are they supposed to have been herding THREE sheep all winter? On that postage stamp? Those are working dogs, they want to WORK; they must be bored to tears and she ought to sell them to someone who'll actually train them and work them.

    3) Very, very clear that Shannon is the driving force behind the changes to the farm. I think she really wants to make a go of the place, unfortunately I do think that Jenna is the one resistant to change, as farming is a lot of work! I don't know that I could call a garden, chickens, three sheep, two horses, and a goat a 'farm'....hobby farm would be a stretch. Although I guess they have rabbits now too - hopefully they can get a good price from them if they breed them, Flemish Giants are good producers and if they're clever they'll get more selling them as breeding stock or pets to others rather than for slaughter. Flemish Giants are ridiculous prices near me, and they were lucky enough to have them 'gifted' (don't know if I believe that one, who gives away valuable livestock to that joker?). When I compare her management practices to what even other farmers on Twitter that she retweets, she really comes across as a rank beginner.


    1. DaffodilAnon, yes, it's pretty clear Shannon is bringing a LOT of hard work and vision to the property and to the animal husbandry. It's also clear that Jenna's been on her best behaviour in terms of animal care since Shannon moved in - fine with me. If that's what it takes - I just worry Shannon will burn out when she notices that much of the physical and emotional labour is on her. That's been my concern for her since she moved in, but she's her own person and I certainly haven't dated exclusively angels either. When you're in your 20s, which I am guessing Shannon is, you overestimate your ability to fix situations and romantic partners.

    2. Jenna's ability to organize / motivate / self-sooth is not going to improve with age, not unless she engages some professional help. The deficit used to fall on the animals. Now it falls on Shannon.

    3. Jenna NOT play the victim? Whatever would she do then?

      DaffodilAnon - Cracking up here at "thumb-up-butt" syndrome. And excellent point about taking the time to tweet about "emergencies" instead of getting on them ASAP. Who does that? Oh wait, fakers do that.

      WIW - Not only is Shannon living at a home that is not hers, she's also in the throws of new love and is on her best (and hardworking) behavior. But once the bloom is off the rose and the stanky stink of Jenna's laziness becomes more obvious, they'll no doubt start the bitter arguing phase of who does more around there. And you know what that leads to.

  30. So, her prime begging week is off with a bang. The anxiety / mean emails thing, the plumbing / repairs crisis, and the timing of the new website launch - they saved it for begging week, I'm sure, = a big push for donations aka "sales".

    The fact she's constantly pushing these discounts and promotions, yet you STILL have to DM her to order and pay with her paypal donation link is a freakin' joke.

    Yesterday she was behind on work and oh so overwhelmed. Today, she's launched her website and is pushing a new discount / sale on her cartoons n crafts.

    Contradictions abound, as per usual.

    I don't think we'll see any more surprises in terms of household things breaking, but I predict more anxiety talk to SQUEEZE the last drops of orders, and then she'll take a week off to go camping or hiking and post photos about how magical her life is, how it's summer, and all the great things she has planned for this warm season.

    I haven't firmly outlined her annual cycle of crying, but par for the course in spring is to make lofty declarations about what she will grow, maybe plant things, do one post about hauling buckets of water to the garden, and then some wild animal will come eat her garden and she'll be foiled again! Nothing left to do but swim in a river.

  31. I do think her new website looks great. But I do think Shannon seems to do the majority of the work. I doubt Jenna would have even had the new website up; that's all Shannon's doing. I think Jenna needs Shannon more than Shannon needs Jenna.

    1. Knowing Jenna she's probably gotten Shannon to bite her nails for her.

      Or maybe even put her in charge of the lavender sheets shower ritual!!

  32. Squeeze Week of the Cycle of Crying continues:

    "No sales the last 4 days so still offering this. Still trying to make the May mortgage on time! twitter.com/coldantlerfarm…"

    "I got 4 sales today! Some small orders, one of these 3 for $100 too. It's some hope and I'm 20% of the way towards my goal! Not a bad Wednesday!"

    Note the "not a bad Wednesday" is a part of the "you can influence how I feel" pattern of begging.

    Aaaaand of course PAYPAL! It means so much!

    "And if you simply want to pitch in towards the free resource that is the blog and contribute towards the writing or farm it is best done via http://PayPal.me/jennacaf"

    - the free resource that is the blog???? Oh Jenna. You're self-aggrandizement is showing.

    1. How is her blog a resource? She doesn't give any advice on planting or farming because she does neither. Training her horses, how does she do that? Maybe a little groundwork before she gets on, that's hardly training. Anyone can do that.

      And what writing does she speak of? Writings on faux farm emergencies, red truck people, guys at the laundromat, etc. She blogs maybe once every two months. She does nothing all day. Shannon does it all. Why should people kick in money for such a loafer.

      The rest of us work jobs Jenna; we have our own bills to pay. You work your farm, you pay your own goddamn bills.

    2. Resource for what?

      Maaaayyybe it could be said that the first 5 years of her bleg were somewhat informative, but once the cheese slid of her cracker it became a treasure trove of advice for creating crises to separate hard-working people from their money.

      And her "Winter's Bottom" posts were a great resource on how to sell disaster for profit and gain!

  33. I just saw an interesting u-tube channel called "Sow the Land". I was trying to figure out how to split green cherry wood with a rented splitter when I ran across it. It's interesting, as this couple and their kid have been homesteading for about 5 years.
    I don't think you can split huge rounds of green cherry until it is dry?
    The family has chickens, gardens, pigs etc. and a lot of how-to videos.

  34. The new website is nice but why put it up before it’s complete? No samples of art or soap. No way to buy online. Still have to dm her. It’s just like the begging blog, but fancier.

  35. I don’t know any other business owner who markets their products by whining about how pitiful their life is. Or how few sales they had or how much they need to pay their mortgage, blah, blah, blah.

    She lives off people’s pity.

    1. Yes, exactly this!!!

      And since being pitiful is her only marketing angle, she has to ensure she presents a pitiable front on a regular basis.

      Any professional would market the attributes of their products. She's tossed in some clay or coffee into her melt n pour mixes, and tried to market them, but the only story she's really good at telling is Woe Is Me.

    2. It's her marketing angle cuz her products aren't very good. Not a whole lot of repeat buyers it seems.

      As for her "red clay soap" did she ever specify where/how she procures that clay? Does she dig it out of the ground at her 6-acre Superfund site? Scrape it from the underside of her truck?

  36. Melanie, if you really want to help her, give her lots and lots of your hard earned money. Nobody here cares about how she lives her life, but we do care about how she wants other people to pay for it.

    1. How true, Anon. Melanie should give the VerYork ladies as much money as possible. Perhaps she can take a loan or second mortgage to help them out! And Melanie must tell her friends!

      You see, now that I've thought about the VerYork situation from Melanie's perspective, it really isn't fair that an artiste (and her partner) should live life worrying over pesky nuisances like the mortgage and truck expenses. Big-thinking social media influencers must be free to opine on living in the wilderness, captive animals, poodles, scary men, binge watching tv, starter-gardens, Taylor Swift collectables and artfully-curated close-up photos.

      With enough solid financial backing (hey, money angels, I'm looking at you), we may soon be treated to Birchthorne II, the story of how farming made a frightened girl the brave woman she is today, or the remainder of that scintillating tale of gay werewolves who ride horses and fight nazis.

      PayPal...always...and a lot of it...because it means so much to people who are obviously too special to also work poodle jobs to meet expenses.

    2. Lol, more like how farming made a frightened girl learn how to successfully beg and grift.

  37. she is promising to "right" lots of times now that she has a new website. Just like she has so many times before. It was almost 2 months since she has written till now so I say we should have a contest and see who guesses correctly how long this will last. I say give it 3 weeks tops.

    She must be on one of her emotional highs everything is coming up roses right now.

    1. *facepalm*

      "They are more than bursts of color and song - they are proof positive we made it through another winter."

      Girl, you are not a survivalist. There has never been a question of whether you'll "make it through" winter. Look at all the unnecessary crap you bought this winter - that's not a struggle for survival there. Oh, the imaginary drama. She's still talking about frozen pipes, as though that isn't an easily fixable problem and as though the Texas disaster didn't happen this past winter. THOSE are some frozen pipes.

      I'm glad Shannon has gotten Jenna into birding. I was raised a birdwatcher, which got me a summer job as a student doing wildlife surveys, that had me memorize the calls of 50 locals species so I could do bird counts.

      I am surprised, though I shouldn't be, that she wasn't into actually observing wild species before now. Perhaps Shannon's guidance will teach her some subtlety and appreciation for *leaving things be* in the natural environment, rather than collecting them.

      Birding would be a way for her to let go of the "farm" idea. Get a job, live a less frazzled, more honest existence. You can travel a lot to go birdwatching, and it meshes nicely with camping and hiking.

      Note the "Jon Katz" name drop - that's a way to build up her new website's google ranking - by creating content that links her with other popular content.

      She is not dumb. She knows what she's doing, and the way she phrases things is a choice driven by a purpose.

      Other than the frozen pipes WE SURVIVED WINTER, I enjoyed the birding blog post.

    2. I think I'll give the frequent blogging until August. The longer days mean more "feral farming" content. She's burning through her material quickly right now - notice the "you know you want my life" content week is starting early due to the influx of sales thanks to the launch of the new website.

      We'll see some more truck repairs and probably some fundraising for new farm projects / gardens / animal pens etc. Then the firewood and hay content returns in August and that's when I think the content will slow down. Just a guess. We should start a pool.

    3. I give it a few months, as her favorite time of the year is coming: Summer! (With all it's time-wasting pleasures to distract from properly caring for her animals.)

      WIW - I haven't been to the new website yet...what did she say about Jon Katz?

  38. We also have some real numbers to show how much traffic Jenna's new website is ACTUALLY getting. This is better than twitter followers or likes on instagram.

    She has between 100 - 200 views on her new posts. That's a nice little tribe, and I can say so because I have a customer base this size too. Based on her average sale and frequency of sales, we can say this is "proof positive" (as Jenna said in her birding post) of what CAF's "donation" income actually is. It's about where I thought it would be, at a maximum of $1000 / month, but likely averages $300 - $500 which is why she tries to pump it up with manufactured crises.

    I'm being generous with that $1000 estimated monthly earnings. Of 100 - 200 followers, $1000 / month would be 10 people buying $100 worth of things. She has these fire sales all the time, so her average sale would be between $25 - $50. How many pet portraits does one person need? Soap would be the only product she could sell repeatedly in a year to the same customer.

    She. Has. Other. Income.

    Maybe that other income is none of our business, but it becomes our business when her only marketing angle is sUrViVaL HALP MEEEE. The soap / cartoons / animal products are fun money, not survival money.

    Further evidence of Shannon's positive influence: "She is far more into planning, working smarter (not harder), and getting things right the first time. What that leaves us with is a lot of things actually getting done right."

    We noticed.

    Think we should start calling it "Shannon's Farm"?

    1. Oh yeah, you are spot on. It's definitely "Shannon's Farm" now, as all the positive changes around that feed lot have all been due to HER influence and hard work. And that must anger all the foollowers who donated to help with all the Pig Shocker's non-stop manufactured crises over the years.

      So now, these CAF foollowers are seeing firsthand how small and easily solvable all Jenna's "emergencies" were if she had just gotten off her boozy lazy ass and shown some initiative. And they must be mighty peeved to see that she never needed their hard-earned money to survive. She only needed someone like Shannon to kick her hammock-lazing ass into gear.

      And that might be why her Twitter likes, re-tweets and comments have become fewer recently. Plus, they must find it disgusting that she's STILL begging, but now it's for two.

  39. Twitter Twaddle:

    "My stats!

    Jan - 40 miles
    Feb - 44 miles
    March - 87 miles
    April - 101 miles

    No alcohol the whole dang time!"

    Nice to see she's getting some decent mileage out of that new truck. And good to see she drove all those miles sober. Now that's progress!

    1. well dang I am so dumb I never knew you drank while running (yeah I thought it was water all this time). Boy it appears I know nothing.

  40. I see the paganism is back again.

  41. Here we go with the price of hay. And she didn't "make her goal" income in time for may, whatever that means, so squeeze week continues after all.

    I wonder if the cost of hay really is that high, or if she is getting gouged for the delivery fee plus the only person willing to deliver hay to her COD after burning other suppliers.

    1. I mean, really, the cost of hay? If there were comments, I'd remind her that REAL farmers know when to get this taken care of during a farm year. I'm sure not paying for it.

    2. Haven't looked at FFF's most recent hay complaints, but probably not surprised. Waiting until NOW to purchase hay (1-2 months before this year's hay is cut) is stupidly irresponsible. Farmers baled first cutting last June, and second cutting probably last August. Sensible farmers bought what they needed last year - or made arrangements for the year - when prices were low and hay was around. For non-horsey people, waiting until now to purchase hay is like waiting until a snow blizzard to buy a snow shovel. Or waiting until a region-wide power-outage to buy a generator.

      That she didn't do this says she doesn't have a good relationship with local hay suppliers. Whatever happened to the "year's worth" of hay she had stored at Pember Patty's barn??? Was she lying then... or now? As a 10-year "experienced" homesteader, she appears totally incompetent, plain and simple.

      As a last point: if she doesn't have a relationship with hay suppliers, or burned them in the past, or walked in off the street as an unknown, of course a supplier can charge her whatever they want.

    3. There wasn't that much second cutting available around the Jackson area due to weather last year, but I found it for $5 or 6 a bale. I got some first cutting also and that was $4 for really nice first. Now second is about $8 or 9 if you can find it. Unless her sheep are pregnant, first is fine and I know some of that is available and that is about $7 picked up on the farm. If we get some dry weather soon, first cutting should be available the third or last week of May as it is growing really well.

  42. First camping trip of the season posted on IG. In some alternate universe, Jenna & Shannon have scaled the farm back to pets only, have picked up jobs and stopped the tired cycle of crying, and are spending their weekends and vacations exploring the backcountry. I'd be here for that all day.

    1. When her pigs fly.

    2. Who watched the animals while they were gone? I (for one, but many others) remember her authoritarian blathering about how you cannot leave a farm when you have all of these responsibilities to livestock. Oh well.

    3. You cannot leave the farm for part time work because the animals need you constantly, but you can leave for 24 - 48 hours to go camping. Yep, that logic tracks.

      Whatever would she do if PP could no longer mind the animals while she went on these overnights? She'd wear out her other friends pretty quickly.

  43. if you read her twitter twit she went ALONE on her camping trip. Shannon went elsewhere. Also they will have money for Shannon to take private riding lessons so she can keep up with the pro Jenna. Ahhhhh ain't love grand?

    1. oopps I was wrong it was from her "dispatch" from the trenches post on her new site.

    2. "Shannon went elsewhere"

      $100 says that they did head off on that camping trip together, but the car ran out of gas so Shannon was left pushing it back to the nearest gas station whilst Jenna wandered off to take "glorious" self-serving pics that she thinks the internet will salivate over.

  44. I’m not upset that you’re a woman living alone, doing what you want, Jenna, I’m upset that you are fundamentally a liar and tremendously wasteful. I’m sure she reads this blog, so I’m replying directly to her.

    1. Exactly. If she does what she wants on her own dime, fine. But it's the lying and manipulative behavior to get other people to fund her so she doesn't have to work.

    2. Agreed, Anon 12:17. And the article made it sound like she's completely self sufficient. No mention of her DAILY Twitter begs for the mortgage and bills. And zero mentions of the MANY desperate measures and campaigns she makes for her manufactured eMeRGeNcIEs.

      But if anyone with a brain reads that article and then decides to check out the Pig Shocker's Twitter feed, they'll see for themselves the daily desperate need for PayPal...which means so much!!

  45. This is not a revelation to anyone here, but here is the classic pile of bullshit she sells to other publications. Looks like Patagonia took the bait.

    https://www.patagonia.com/stories/the-flight-of-the-farmer/story-98198.html Some of these photos are 10 years old.

    So, shall we play spot the lies? How many things in here have we seen contradicted by her twitter posts? Bonus points if you can find and link the actual tweet.

    1. I'll start. Jenna, you have queer people critics. At least two of them here including myself, and I think another one posts as an anon every few months. No one cares that you're gay, or that you're living a non-traditional life. Literally no one has ever said you should be married and having babies. You're not rebelling against gender roles.

      People tell you, when you post about anxiety and late mortgage payments, to *get a job* because this is an easily solved problem you have created for yourself.

    2. "At least two of them here including myself, and I think another one posts as an anon every few months"

      Don't forget about me! Queer here!!

      As for the Patagonia purple prose author, it's no other than fellow Twitter twit Kristen Schmitt, a longtime CAF foollower and/or sycophant. Jenna probably bartered some soaps or a wonky pet portrait in exchange for a flattering and dishonest article.

      Tomorrow, if I can stop vomiting long enough while reading all of Schmitt's word vomit, I'll definitely be back to play Spot The Lies.

  46. Looks like Jenna's taking a fresh swing at selling the lifestyle. Her favourite lifestyle prop: the hawks. Hamish seems to have done okay, so that's good, but how many dead and disappeared hawks have there been? At least three.

    She reminds me of a life coach or a youtuber who rents a lavish house for a photo shoot and posts "all this could be yours if you just BELIEVE! Leap and the net will appear! YOU are your own biggest obstacle!" Then proceeds to sell you a course or overpriced swag.

    It's smoke and mirrors, but that's easy to see when you just scroll back in her twitter feed to see how much she claims to struggle financially.

    1. That new article...good grief. I didn't see a date so I figured it was an old article, especially since the pics are ancient.

      I really at am a loss for words right now except to say, "Lies, Lies, Lies, Yeah!" No wonder her nose keeps getting bigger. Keep it up, Cambridge Pinocchio!

    2. It's not dated because it's intended to be "evergreen" which is also why so many old photos were used.

      But the one of the hawk on the snow is from this past winter, and the author of the article tweeted it so that's confirmation that it was recently published.

      These types of articles you can get written about yourself by contacting the publication and pitching yourself. Sometimes you even pay them to publish an article about you, and SOMETIMES you even send them the first draft, and the "authour" edits it and publishes it.

      How do I know this? I've done it too :) It's not a terribly effective marketing effort, but it is a strategy to bump up your - say it with me now - google analytics.

      This article was timed to coincide with the launch of her new website.

      If it weren't the same shit on a different day, I'd be glad Jenna was actually stepping up her business game a bit. I'm just disappointed she's still selling this lie of a lifestyle dream other people could accomplish if they only *believe*.

      SHE. HAS. OTHER. INCOME!!!! That's what pisses me off. Her whole schtick is a scam. She's NOT living off of the produce her farm produces or the sales of her crafts or meat. THE MATH DOES NOT WORK, and she's lying about it.

      This also explains why she had to post about hiking just before this article on Patagonia, the outdoor company, came out.

      Same scam, different day.

    3. She absolutely has other income but no way she’s going to reveal it. It would dry up the pity sales and donations.

  47. Already the new website has gone down the road to twitter begging. Didn't take long. Buy my soap, I need to pay my mortgage," this farm" needs its rickity old truck fixed up. Apparently, it's not yet road worthy!!!

    Definitely, nothing has changed.


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