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June 22, 2024
Autumn is coming in at full force.
It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
and the very same to all of you. Oh and pig shocker is now so afraid of men and it is getting worse. poor dear. Several posts back she said she could only spend $3,000. on a truck now she is moaning about she only has $2,000 to spend (this was before the stimulus check came out). She can never do that math thing can she?
ReplyDeleteWell now she's bummed out again. The cold, grey, pandemic, the ice, the stress, the fear???? What fear?? Are we afraid again? I guess people not sending more money, everything sucks, poor lil me again. I think it's so poods will find a crowbar and open up their wallet again.
ReplyDeleteRemember when she stated she'd be the best prepared/last one standing in an Apocalypse? Lmao...she can't even pay her mortgage or buy animal feed without the help of internet strangers.
DeleteIf her life sucks so much, how can Shannon call her an “influencer”.
ReplyDeletean "influencer" is a social media public figure who has tens of thousands of engaged followers.
DeleteJenna's situation reminds me a bit of Julie Powell (except Julie Powell's book was a bestseller and she got a movie deal). Julie had one great hit on her hands, but then completely whiffed it with her second book, which revealed that Julie was actually a pretty despicable person.
I think Jenna's first book a lot of people could relate to, and they could create this idea of Jenna as a person in their minds.
Jenna on the blog, and in her later books, and in-person at the lessons and workshops, turned out not to be the person people felt they admired and related to. Instead she was inexplicably rude, off-putting, and irresponsible.
I compare the two because I remember being shocked after reading Julie's second book, where she describes herself, her situation, her abuse of her husband and her sarcastic attitude towards him, her attitude towards the child she helped conceive by selling her eggs, her attitude towards her parents, and ultimately her attitude about her marriage. She described in detail the craigslist tryst she had cheating on her husband. Finally, her attitude towards butchering, which the book was set against, was kind of *messed up* - similar to Jenna's attitude about slaughtering the pigs. It didn't sit right. And I'm not squeamish, nor a vegetarian.
DeleteI had a similar experience of shock and distaste as Jenna revealed more about herself, her attitudes, and her behaviour. Then she feels victimized rather than taking a good look at herself.
So she says people hate on her because they are jealous of her living the life of her choosing. Who the hell would choose her life? She’s always whining about how horrible things are for her. It doesn’t add up.
ReplyDeleteShe says anything she can at any given time to get any money she can.
Delete*facepalm* at FFF's mood tweets. Tweets for sympathy, tone-deaf as usual.
ReplyDeleteEver notice that mid-month her mood seems to shift into an asking for sympathy mode?
Here's her mood cycle:
5th - 10th of the month: I love my life, I'm doing exercise and hawk things. I'm so unique and interesting, you want to me be.
11th - 15th: reduction in tweets, or an increase in retweeting others.
15th - 25th: anxiety / fear / stress / illness / injury / repairs needed
26th - 31st: tHe MoRtGaGe whaaaaaaaah! Other bills all coming at once! Sales pitch retweet, peppered with "situation reports" - this repair is done / not done, this medical appointment is coming up
The 26th - 31st is prime juicing time, my guess is the donation cycle ramps up when she hits a manufactured crisis, but she can't be in manufactured crisis constantly, so she runs up to it from the 10th - 26th.
31st - 5th - mortgage is late / not paid, or it was paid but these other bills are overdue. OR, the 31st - 5th is just radio silence because this is when she does weekend overnights and takes a break from the cycle of pretend or manufactured crises.
That's quite the pattern. And ya gotta love how she *just* manages to make the mortgage! Each and every month.
DeleteAlso, to bring forward the truck purchase discussion from the last thread, no, she does not need a truck to "move livestock".
ReplyDeleteMove what, where? The chickens to the butchers?
Does the butcher collect the pigs on location? I thought they did. Maybe you have to bring the chickens in though.
Regardless, GURL, you do NOT need a truck! It's a lifestyle signaler, about as useful as the cross bow and the hunting rifle you just leave in the living room leaning on a wall. You *want* a truck to prop up your image.
If you really need a pickup once every two months, you can rent one! It costs a few hundred a year and it never breaks down. There are dozens of truck rental places in her region.
DeleteWIW, solid analysis on "mood cycles" from the VerYork hovel. It's really all so predictable now - and truth be told, FFF is unbelievably boring. Shamsters are much more entertaining to read than their source material! 😁
DeleteRegarding her need for a truck, you're right, of course. The amount of feed she buys could easily be put into the back of a car / SUV. I see people at the feed store do this all the time. And with delivery costs a measly $10-15, she can have whatever she wants delivered. If she has an old truck, she would pay the same $$ in fuel costs.
A truck is only needed to haul small amounts of hay (like when she begs hay off PP), crates of animals (she hasn't done this in eons) or trash to the dump. But in her mind (and she hopes that of her readers) an old pickup truck marks her as hipster farmer.
As a rural livestock-owning female, her whole drama with animal-feed is off-the-charts crazy. There is nothing more predictable than animal feed, so it's easy to plan purchases and store feed. Storage systems vary. I have a friend who joined a feed cooperative and gets feed delivered twice yearly - stored in a small outside grain silo. Most buy grain by 50-lb bags and store grain in old chest freezers or metal trash cans. There's no reason to "run out" of feed.
Her hay crises are also laughable. Hay use is totally predictable, and hay storage is super simple. Normal people arrange for hay a year at a time, either having it all delivered or delivered over time. Super frugal people may even pick their own out of the field (cheapest and a truck would be needed to haul home). They store the hay off the ground and under cover. How? Use re-purposed free wooden pallets, put hay on top and cover with tarp. Or store hay in shed. Or store hay in an EZ style portable building, supported a bit more for NY winters. Or store hay in an unused portion of a barn. Then, even an incompetent like FFF could squirrel away enough hay in the summer-fall to take care of winter-spring.
Btw, notice how little she talks about livestock? Their days? Their lives? She is so over them. At best, they're photo opportunities, but mostly they're an unfortunate obligation. By now, JJ is pressing for a more normal life - travel, nights away, outside activities. All of this would be easier if FFF got rid of the animals. She could entice the readers with photos of other people's critters. After all, it's painfully obvious her enablers don't pay attention to details - they just want pretty animal photos.
Go on, PS, do the right thing. Re-home your animals, and head out on the road with your younger self. You'll be glad you did. (And so will we.)
I would be so happy if she retired the "farmer" schtick and decided to embrace a new phase of life. The only reason she doesn't is ego, I think. That's why she's so focused on image.
DeleteThere are other farmers I follow whose skill ranges vary and some of whom make questionable decisions, but you can tell they love what they do because you get the updates on the animals and the production regularly. You see the whole barn, the yard, you get the good, the bad, and the ugly updates. They take criticism and suck it up, they respond when appropriate and ignore if needed.
You really can't fault an honest human who's being as responsible as possible and makes the occasional mistake, but who also owns up to it.
It's pretty clear Jenna's actual interests are participating in online hiking / running challenges, going camping and on other trips away. She said this was a part of the reason she rehomed her first batch of sheep.
But she's settled into this cycle of frivolous spending combined with panic alerts and calling out for sales. Even her hawk updates this year, despite this particular hawk having a good outcome, you didn't get to see much of anything because she's so afraid of criticism, yet she doesn't want to share *nothing* because she wants to try and keep a potentially money-giving audience engaged.
PDD wrote: "Btw, notice how little she talks about livestock? Their days? Their lives? She is so over them."
DeleteMy goodness, you're right. Hardly anything at all written about them these days. She mentions Taylor Swift more than she does Merlin...or that other brown one.
WIW - Agreed...she only wants a truck to preserve her image and her "brand" *eye roll*
Hey...what do y'all think she's gonna name this new truck? The old truck was "Taylor" -- maybe this one will be Karlie? Cardigan? Yeti? The possibilities are endless.
Oh! I know!!
She can name it after her grifting AND her girlfriend: Shananigans!! <----Yep, this.
How do we know the latest hawk had a good outcome? With other falconers, I see beautiful videos of raptor releases. With FFF, I saw a photo of leather gear in a heap and her statement that the bird was released. Was there video evidence that I missed???
DeleteCoupled with her very questionable past handling of hawks, how do we know she did the right thing?
She's advance selling chickens now, as well as pork. Just... stop.
ReplyDeleteYou'll see she also is raising money for "butchering" again, but the pricey cost of the advance sold pork and chickens is supposed to include the cost of butchering, feed etc.
I would love to hear someone call her out on that. "Hey, Jenna, wasn't the money I paid you supposed to cover all costs?" But no one ever does cuz they're dumb as rocks to be buying her donut-fed pork in the first place.
DeleteBTW, in the 3(??) or so years I've been following this shit show, I don't think I've ever seen even ONE tweet from someone who bought her spam shares. We've seen tweets about her soaps, her artwork...but nothing at all about her so-called pork.
I'm trying to remember, I feel like I may have seen one? But it also may have been a friend of hers "vouching" for the farm or pork, rather than specifically saying they got it and it's awesome.
DeleteI think the feedback she gets about the pet portraits, when they finally arrive, is genuine, because people know they're getting the cartoon version of their pets and that's what they want.
I've seen the occasional tweet from someone happy with a logo - but having checked most of the companies whose logos she's produced and shared, it's easy to see that 3/4 of those companies / farms don't actually use her logo.
I actually think the comox electric logo is great, but they don't use it. It makes me wonder if she never provided it in the technical specifications they needed for their materials or website? Or was just so late in providing it, that they had to go with something / someone else?
But yes, never any tweets about the fabled pork shares. I can only conclude she has very few satisfied / repeat customers, and if she does have one or two who are happy, they're very shy.
WIW, I only remember one dead pork enthusiast - the slow food woman who went biking with her then-husband. Maybe also PP and the Diane Arbus wannabe?
DeleteHmmmm...perhaps no one tweeted about her pork cuz they didn't survive the meal they made from it?
DeleteOn Twitter someone thanked the Pig Shocking Hawk Killer for inspiring them to get into falconry. And in the comments another person asked this:
ReplyDelete"Morning Jenna. Please may I ask a question? Do you ever see your previous birds when you’re out and about in the countryside? I’m interested in how they would respond to you."
#1 - I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a response since Jenna doesn't usually engage with her foollowers unless flattery or money is involved.
#2 - Last time I checked, I found that dead birds are unable to respond to anything. Or anyone.
It's typical that a released single season raptor would never interact with a human again, but the facility that I did some falconry training at had a red-tailed hawk who was a rescue/rehab after being hit by a car. He escaped the facility before his intended release date, and seemed to be doing fine on his own and travelled hundreds of miles away before the radio tracker finally fell off.
DeleteThree years later, he returned to the facility! He was skinny, and a bit worse for wear. Clearly he decided he was no longer up for feral life. He flew to a handler's glove, and has been incorporated into the breeding program. They can't let him just hang around the facility because they only fly one bird at a time, and he might be a threat to the smaller birds (kestrels).
It goes to show their intelligence. Maybe he wasn't successful at breeding in the wild and decided he'd return to the humans because that life was pretty good, all things considered. He clearly viewed the rehab facility as a resource he could return to.
They will hang around and come back sometimes, but it's pretty rare. The org has rescued / rehabbed / released hundreds of raptors over three decades, and only this one bird ever returned after release. He was one of the few to "escape" during a free-flight exercise, ie to not only refuse to return to the glove, but to just up and leave, so that means he knew where he "came from" and how to return there.
Most releases happen at least a hundred miles away from the facility, so this is probably why they don't typically return to the easy food. I believe all falconers, even the questionable ones, follow this rule of driving a bird quite away from their home base to release them.
Very informative post, WIW. Interesting story, the little hawk guy returning to what felt safest to him.
DeleteIt was really cool. There's a difference between habituating wildlife to humans (feeding wildlife, or letting them get your garbage) to the point they have no fear of people and associate them with food, and being a rescue / rehab facility that intentionally avoids habituating the wildlife in general - but it seems that the wild and the domestic raptors (the hawks bred for falconry) are all treated the same, so maybe falconry is technically habituating them. It doesn't result in the birds becoming a nuisance or destructive like the bears, raccoons, squirrels, gulls etc. and it doesn't affect their ability to survive in the wild.
DeleteAnyone else finding her ongiong trucking buying situation kinda fishy?
ReplyDelete3/13: "I think I may have found a truck! It's $1000 more than I planned on spending but it seems really solid, a 2003 F150. Hoping I can pull this off!"
3/13: "Now this dude is holding out for a better offer. Will know by Sunday night. What a rigamarole."
3/14: "TRUCK BUYING SALE! Yes! this farm is coming up lucky! The mortgage is current and I found a used F150 I can actually afford but holy crow I'm broke as a goat after I buy it so offering SALES on everything I have to offer."
3/16: "Still offering sales on everything in this thread while I make up the cash to buy a used truck!"
3/18: "Sharing this again because I am still offering all these sales and trying hard to prepare for a truck..."
Her 3/14 tweet shows her offer was accepted. But 5 days later she still hasn't paid for it even though she said she had the money? When you buy a vehicle from a private party, do they normally give you a week or more to pay up?
Seems strange...like she already bought it earlier this week but is still milking it as a "potential purchase" so she can rake in more sympathy cash. This would make sense, as why would you stop donations from coming in by announcing you were already in possession of the truck?
Yes, it's just a reason to change the language of her marketing. It's never, "buy my stuff because it's awesome" it's "buy my stuff because I'm *trying to hard to exist* and I have anxiety and also I'm awesome and a real life game of thrones character!"
DeleteSo the "I need a truck" sale is just a change of language asking people to become attached / invested in her potential again.
I think it's because her stuff isn't really sellable on it's own. Her "products" are below average both looks-wise and quality-wise. And none of her pics makes her crap look desirable, for me at least.
DeleteSo she goes with her gut punch pity puchase ploy: "Buy my stuff or I'll starve" or "Buy my stuff or the farm gets it" (Lol, wondering if the Shammer who coined that second phrase is still around?)
Well, well now you know how all your customers feel when they don't get the logos/merch they ordered MONTHS AGO from you....or all the Birchthorn backers that were taken to the cleaners.
ReplyDelete"Since I'm ranting: if you decide after hiring me you can't afford a logo/pet portrait and are not going to pay for it-just tell me you can't. Waiting on 3 payments from folks who promised to pay and never did and as a freelancer this is financially & emotionally crushing"
Okay did this really happen or is this another desperate beg???? Whatever, karmas a bitch.
I thought she demanded payment up front.
DeleteIf not, yeah, karma’s a bitch.
Does she even know how hypocritical she sounds? After years of taking money and not delivering, delivering late or delivering shoddy products, now maybe she’ll see how it feels.
Delete"financially and emotionally crushing"??? Oh grow up.
DeleteDon't spend your spare cents on a truck you don't need then.
And yes, she's ALWAYS taken payment up front. This is either a lie or it was a SINGLE negotiated deal for maybe a bigger commission, that she didn't deliver on so now they won't pay. Or she got scammed by someone that offered her half up front, and the other half on completion, and then they just took her proofs and ran with it.
Which sucks and happens to everyone, which is why you have your business shit together, you have contracts, and you take 'em to small claims.
Or it's a straight-up lie to try and goose some extra donations.
DeleteAnon 2:26 - I thought the same. She always gives a discount if you can wait two months. Otherwise full price. Up front. For either option. She's just pulling the "stiffed freelancer" card for sympathy and donations.
DeleteHey Jenna, it sucks when the shoe is on the other foot, doesn't it?
Also, why on earth does she not have direct deposit? Why doesn't Shannon? She must have a chequing account because that paypal money has to go somewhere, and the mortgage payment has to come from somewhere.
ReplyDeleteI am inclined to call bullshit on this too - she's angling for donations.
"Ladychicken" on twitter commented that she doesn't know many (anyone) who isn't set up for direct deposit and has not already received their stimulus checks.
Delete"I counted on this to pay April bills" - you'd think a "farmer" would know.... not to count their chickens before they're hatched....
DeleteAnd shouldn't her "farm" be self-sufficient anyway? Isn't that one of her whole selling points, to go off the grid and back to basics and not be dependent on an employer to buy life's necessities?
DeleteHer story, as she tells it, instead of having A JOB, she has multiple freelance clients. She still has a job, she's just precariously employed - BY CHOICE.
So instead of saying "get a job, Jenna" we should be saying, "Get a marginally BETTER job, Jenna!" Like basically any minimum wage job anywhere would solve this whole situation she claims is emotionally and financially crushing.
Victim language, right on schedule.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you have PayPal, the money is deposited into a banking account. Therefore you have a bank name, routing code, account name and account number. This is all the IRS needs to direct deposit tax refunds. I call 💩 .
DeleteMy favorite part of that tweet thread:
Delete"Holy Shit. We don't get our 1400 stimulus checks until May 15th?!"
Bwahaha! Listen, you fully able-bodied lazy-do-nothing, you wouldn't be in your current yet forever ongoing shit situation if you actually relied upon YOURSELF for your income, rather than the kindness and stupidity of online strangers, gov't funds and gawd knows what else. Get. A. Job. Either one of you.
PDD - I sell online and use PayPal. It's attached to a personal bank account and also a credit card for backup purposes. But I hardly ever transfer money to the bank account. Instead I have a nifty PayPal debit card and use it to make purchases, pay bills, etc. Sometimes I just withdraw the PayPal funds from an ATM just to have some cash on hand.
DeleteLol WIW.
Delete"I was counting on this to help with the April bills and mortgage. This is such a blow."
It's not really a blow. It's a welcome opportunity for her to have just one more thing to whine 'n bitch about. Seriously, I'll bet the moment she saw that news, the first thing that came to mind is how to parlay that delay into a desperate donation drive.
And let's be honest here: Even if she did receive that money in time, she STILL would have spent the entire month of April begging as usual.
Sometimes the people who order pet portraits are lucky and receive a dISnEY aNiMAtiOn StYLe portrait that actually kinda sorta resembles their pet. Others are not so lucky:
1) Neither dog looks like their photo. It's like the drawing debut of two new breeds.
2) The big dog somehow grew long ears? And it's gold fur markings changed sides too. Sneaky!
3) The big dog is barrel chested/top heavy but was drawn as being slender with a big butt?!
4) The big dog's paws magically tripled in size! And it now has a super looonng tail!!
5) And that little dog, she did him dirty. Should have just drawn a cat or possum instead.
6) The little dog has small black beady eyes but she drew large expressionless triangles. Why?!?
Either the Pig Shocker needs new glasses, or she just doesn't give a shit once she has the money. If I were her customer I'd be super pissed off if she sent me this. It is not even close. And her customer will eventually come to that conclusion once enough guests come over and ask, "Who are the dogs in this drawing?" Well, you get what you pay for I guess.
DeleteAnon7, I thought the exact same thing! Puppy love must mean suspending belief for the sake of "art". The cartoons barely resemble the dogs. Shapes and markings are way off and the eyes aren't even close.
Btw, does anyone else notice she draws the same cartoon dog shape over and over? It's always a triagular-shaped sitting dog, something easily slapped together. Gawd! There are so many better artists on Twitter. Why would anyone select pig shocker???
I noticed that Supercharger's tweet says nothing about how much she loves the drawing, just that this is what she received: "A portrait of my kids by @coldantlerfarm
Delete& the real kids." No "LOVE it!!!!!" at all. Nothing. She knows the drawing isn't even close and maybe this is actually a warning to others.
Just heard about a dog breeder scam in our area. I don’t think the breeder started out with the intention of scamming, but it gradually escalated.
ReplyDeleteA $500 deposit was required and the prospective owner was put on a wait list posted on the breeder’s website. Turns out the breeder was taking more deposits than she had puppies and the money was spent immediately.
The wait list began to grow and people started requesting refunds. The breeder stated the only way to give a refund was if someone else made a deposit!
People began reporting the breeder to the FTC. Then the breeder lashed out at the clients, blaming them for ruining her reputation and threatening to sue them for defamation of character!
Does any of this sound familiar?
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteYep. And I don't think Jenna intended to become a scammer either, I think it just became a slippery slope, and it seems like long before she started the CAF farm she wasn't delivering on art commissions as "oakpaw" on deviant art.
DeleteShe's just so used to abdicating responsibility, it's become a total mindset, and she was doing it in the early days of the blog, too. The neighbour called animal control because she was just not a salt of the earth farmer like her, and didn't understand that barnyards are messy eyesores. (Clue: they're not SUPPOSED to be disaster areas.)
I'm sure the first few people she screwed out of artwork she wasn't thinking "hey, I'm going to steal money from these people", she was thinking "I didn't have time, and I can't refund them because I don't have the money / I had to pay rent, why are people so mean and life is so hard?"
Same with that dog breeder - she didn't have a viable operation set up to begin with, so as soon as the money hit the bank account it was gone - when it really should have been held in reserve until the service was rendered. She certainly never should have started taking deposits on more puppies than the was able to produce, but it probably snowballed after a couple of years of trying to live off of a business that isn't making any money.
That breeder probably set out taking the dogs to the vet and doing the health screenings, and found that even with the sale of the puppies, that ethical dog breeding is still basically a break-even venture most years, and a money pit other years.
Similar with farming animals, whatever profit you're going to turn isn't *really* a profit if you're reinvesting it, which Jenna should have done. It was the most foolish thing she ever did, quitting her day job.
You'll notice that despite the gut-punch "blow" of the paper stimulus cheques being expected in May instead of right now, and despite losing a couple of clients, she is *still truck shopping*!
ReplyDeleteShe's not REALLY poor, y'all, just entitled.
Now she's complaining that hay is $10 a bale? Really? Anyone living around her can verify that or is she blowing smoke up enabler's asses to remind everyone how hard she has it.
ReplyDeletePoor baby.
We pay $5.25 a bale (40-50 lb bales) for first cutting hay, and that was pretty typical for southern New England. Craigslist currently has hay for sale at $6-7 per bale. Unsurprisingly, she's exaggerating or outright lying for poodle sympathy & cash.
DeleteI'll repeat that a horse person waiting until March-April to buy / reserve horse hay is incompetent. Hay this time of year is at its highest price. If she hasn't reserved her hay at better prices, it's because she's burned local suppliers and they won't deal with her.
Amazing how ten years of faux farming has taught her nothing.
That is what I thought, she's trying to scam for extra funds. And I also thought that her hay was covered. A few months ago she bragged about finally having hay in the barn that will last the season for the first time in years.
DeleteLying bitch.
Yep, such a liar, easily contradicted. And here is where we can start to see how Shannon is complicit. Shannon comes from a cattle farming family, doesn't she? (Maybe I just got that impression based on an earlier post, but she is definitely from a farming background and has more practical skill than Jenna.) So, Shannon would know the cost of hay and where to get it.
DeleteAnd presumably Shannon sees these tweets complaining about the cost of hay, bemoaning the cost of a new truck etc.
At what point as a romantic partner do you give your head a shake and ask *why* is my SO lying on the internet about the cost of hay? What will they lie to ME about?
She most definitely wrote that she had hay covered (for once.) We know she's a pathological liar. Some day her real source of income is going to come to light.
DeleteDoes she ever have anything positive to say? Whining about hay, whining about her stimulus check, whining about trucks, whining about her clients...It never ends. If this is the life she has chosen, then she should keep her darned mouth shut and stop looking for handouts.
ReplyDeleteHer positive posts are humble brags reserved for the second week of the month, see above schedule.
Deleteour "humble" Pig Shocker sure is quiet on the front lines last several days. Appears she has plenty of money. Also she keeps wanting people to chip in for :righting" when she hasn't updated her blog in weeks which is usual. The stimulus must have kicked in and they are having a grand old time.
ReplyDeleteYup, hardly any begging for a change. And not much tweeting either except for this:
Delete"Bears. Can't beat 'em."
No...more like "Bills. Can't pay 'em" <-----(She should put that harsh reality in her bio)
This logo she did...I can't believe someone actually paid money for this:
It's so...uh...under...whelm...ing. Apparently, this "Gentile Decline" website focuses on climate change/global warming. But other than their name (made with the most uninspiring font), this "design" doesn't reflect that. It's like they didn't know what they wanted design-wise and left it all up to Jenna. Big mistake.
For whatever they paid, how come they didn't receive a well thought-out design that incorporated a globe? Or some color to represent global temperature change? Or anything other than just two letters and a wonky arrow? Man, I'd be pissed about this logo.
And I'll bet their email conversation went something like this:
GD: Greetings, I need a logo for my website that focuses on climate crisis and possible solutions. How much would that cost?
JFW: Well, it costs a ridiculous amount of money if you need it right away. It also costs a ridiculous amount of money if you can wait two months for me to start.
GD: Ok...looks like I'm screwed either way. But let's get started anyway. I have literally no idea about design/color so I'm hoping you'll have some great ideas.
JFW: No problem! Will do!! Don't forget to PayPal me!
GD: Hi, I'm wondering how my logo is coming along?
JFW: Logo? Oh um...are you sure you commissioned me to do that for you?
GD: Quite sure, yes. Can you give an estimate of when I can see a draft?
JFW: Yeah, sure...ummmm... (*stops typing and hits SEND*)
JFW: Hi there - Sorry for the delay. Had a huuuugge power outage here.
GD: Your power was out for two weeks?
JFW: Yeah...pipes froze too. Living rural and all alone on the side of a mountain is tough, and so I wasn't able to make your soap order yet.
GD: Uhh, I didn't order soap. I ordered a logo.
JFW: HOO! Silly me! Ok, I'll start working on that and let you know soon.
GD: What do you mean "start"?? It's been almost three months!
JFW: Oh sorry, my bad...getting all my customers confused! Actually it's done and I'll email you the draft for your approval. But gimme a few days because I have to take my truck to a mechanic, unfreeze some pipes AND get a root canal. Busy week for me!
GD: Eh, erm...OK I guess. But please hurry.
(*JFW switches off Netflix and begins to drip the sweat of anxiety and terror*)
JFW: SHANNON!! Stop working on the barn roof, I need your help with a logo! NOW!
S: Calm down, woman. Okay, show me what you designed so far.
JFW: Well, I did a "G" and a "D" which are the initials for Gentle Decline, and then I wrote the name below the initials. Black on white. Simple font. Whatcha' think?
S: I dunno...it sort of neeeeds something. Like something indicating a decline. Maybe an arrow?
JFW: GREAT IDEA! (*draws a downward sloping arrow*)
S: No, make it more dramatic. Add some angles or something. Ok, that's good.
And there you have it folks...the story of how Gentle Decline got their simple logo with a rough arrow that looks more like an EKG. But at least the arrow isn't pointing straight up, so there's that.
and don't forget Anon7 you can buy mugs and t-shirts with this great logo too!!!! You know if your eyes don't hurt enough just looking at the logo on a screen.
DeleteIf you check out Gentle Decline's blog, the logo makes perfect sense.
DeleteFirst the business name seems to have been "taken" from the exact title of music created by VOW, an antifacist band. If it's not original to him and not his to use, I'm sure VOW (and their producer, Sludgelord Records) won't mind that he took their name, added a crap logo and intends to profit off it!
Second, the person who requested the logo is perfect for FFF - an unemployed writer with ponderous, rambling essays. However, unlike FFF, he tries to proofread, and he has been looking for gainful employment. He also knows the difference between affect and effect! Compared to her, he's a g-d PhD of writing!
At the end of the day, I wish him luck. And I do admit to a huge chuckle wondering if a stolen business name had its logo created by a fake feral farmer.
That logo flat out sucks! Probably took 5 minutes to manipulate the font (make G and D bigger......um wow) and then put an arrow into the D. No color either?
DeleteJust came across this gem. A review on Goodreads about her "made from scratch" book:
ReplyDeleteOkay, I DID stop reading after she KILLED the Queen bee from the group of bees she mail ordered. She let the Queen Bee die an awful death. Queen bees are mailed in a little box to protect her from the journey and is surrounded by the rest of the hive. She just dumped the whole thing into a bee box and the hive had no chance of surviving.
So typical Jenna. Jumping into something that she has no business doing. Not taking the time to DO IT RIGHT! What a fucking idiot.
Then she charged people to come to a bee-keeping workshop and when she opened her hive, she discovered her queen was missing - what a rip-off!
DeleteAnd, if I remember correctly, her whole hive was dead or gone!
DeleteI remember reading that and how sad / incompetent it was. What a shame. It's another example of her pattern of behaviour: buy the thing, do it the way you think it should work, do not ask for advice or take any training courses but instead read the oldest book you can find with the most quaint illustrations. Declare self expert. Fail. Blame everyone but self.
DeleteLol, a bee-keeping workshop with no bees?!?
DeleteWas this in a bleg post? Does anyone remember what year? I want to see this.
Looks like she bought a truck. It is in her Instagram stories.
ReplyDeleteI guess I missed it. Good to know she was not nearly so panicked and stressed financially that she claimed to be. She never is.
DeleteAnother frivolous purchase. Another depreciating asset to run into the ground.
Did she say how much money her foollowers paid for it?
DeleteThe Gentle Decline logo should be used as her new logo for her "farm". It describes "this farm" perfectly.
Spot on, Jude :) It's funny too that the company name is "gentle decline" yet the arrow indicates a stock market crash.
DeleteGentle decline is a downward slope or curve.
I could also do that logo in Canva in 5 minutes flat. What a rip off.
Let's ask that dead chicken how gentle the decline was when it went from breathing to being frozen stuck to a driveway.
DeleteAnd ask the pigs how gentle that electric fence felt!
Picture of the new truck is up on instagram. Looks like a late 80s early 90s GMC sierra.
ReplyDeleteAnother vanity vehicle to prop up her image and justify her quest for donations.
At least it doesn't have a heartbeat.
I thought she needed a BIG truck to do BIG farm stuff? Surprised she chose something so tiny and non-hipstery.
DeleteTwitter Twaddle - Begging Edition Number 2,537,492
ReplyDelete"Are you interested in hiring a small farmer to draw your dog? Maybe not. Maybe you would rather just look at your dog and tell her she is beautiful. Please give her a pat from me in that case. But if you want me to draw it in exchange for monies, please DM."
Finally...she finally says the word "money" -- well sort of, as "monies" sounds so much cuter and less desperate than outright begging for "money" doesn't it? *vom*
And while I don't doubt her desire to pet someone's dog, I do believe she'd want to slap the owner for not buying a pet portrait. "hOw DaRE YoU nOT sUPpoRt mY fArM???"
still not a mention of her new truck on her twitter account. I am guessing she is afraid donations will dry up if she mentions it. There has been nothing on twitter for days and days now. She does mention we should all be donating to her "righting" for 13 years even though it goes weeks in between posts. Yeah right.
ReplyDeleteYeah, that really is strange there's been no mention. It could also be buyer's remorse cuz that truck is puny and doesn't serve her wannabe hipster brand.
DeleteAs for her recently quiet Twitter, I had the feeling those two snuck off on a mini vacation or road trip...in the new truck. Both paid for by her foollowers of course.
The twit:
ReplyDelete"I'd be thrilled with a free swarm!!! These are harmless. Easy to move, and a beekeeping dream!"
Okay, except you have no f'in idea how to keep a hive. You killed the Queen Bee and the entire hive at some point, remember idiot?
As I mentioned above, I'd love to see the bleg posts regarding these fouled up bee incidents if anyone remembers what year.
DeleteAnon7, the queen bee fup is in the first book, made from scratch.
DeleteYou are meant to feel bad for the farmer, not the bees.
As above, *vom*
Then it happened more than once, because I went to a bee-keeping workshop at her house and it was well after Made from Scratch was published. I’ll have to figure out what year that was.
DeleteThen it happened more than once, because I went to a bee-keeping workshop at her house and it was well after Made from Scratch was published. I’ll have to figure out what year that was.
DeleteThanks guys. Never read that book. Or any of her books. But I'll see if I can find an excerpt on Amazon's "Look Inside" feature.
DeleteTwitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete"Geese live to be forty."
Not on your farm they don't.
And she's once again trying to push the "I run 5Ks everyday" narrative:
ReplyDelete"And to anyone who will certainly send me a message complaining I am spending $20 to join an app race - you think that's a waste of money? It's WELL WORTH the motivation to work out by creating accountability. Also, you think I didn't spend $20 a month on booze? I did. Often."
Here Jenna, you dropped this -------------------> 0
$20 a month...sure Jan.
I saw this 🙄
DeleteWe are all quite sure you spend more than $20/month on booze.
Maybe don't cry poor so much when you clearly have truck money, booze money, vanity fake marathon money.
You have money for shit you don't need, clearly, so pay your damn mortgage snd shut up about it!
If she IS sober, and not an alcohol-dependent, this is the proof she doesn't need the booze.
DeleteThough, I wouldn't be surprised if she were a daily drinker, or returned to it soon enough. I think she's self-medicating, and a lot if this shit show is lack of impulse control run amok.
Well mentally and emotionally she is still a teenager so there's that.
DeleteStill no mention of the new truck. I can't believe she posts the last time she drank? First who cares and second seems like someone who has a very serious drinking problem she has done this many times before but always goes back to drinking so it isn't likely she will stay dry and sober. Still hasn't updated her blog in eons but hey can't you throw in some money for all her "righting"?
ReplyDeleteshe is still hawking her "if you want to throw in for the last 13 years of "righting". I have to laugh she hasn't even updated her blog for a month now but you know I am just gonna throw a bunch of money at her for her "righting". It means so much.
ReplyDeletePosted she's saving towards "April's mortgage". Uhhh, the one due on April 1?
ReplyDeleteMaybe you shouldn't have bought a truck if you didn't have mortgage money???
Aren't her fans sick of hearing about her mortgage by now? Does she not realize others have mortgages too?
ReplyDeleteBack when she was allowing comments, she would whine incessantly about her finances, but when people started to call her out on her purchases, she would snap that her finances were none of their business.
When you make your finances public and beg for other people's money, yes Jenna, they become other people's business.
It occurs to me that Jenna can't actually sell her cartoons or her soap based on merit. It's not the best product for the best price. It won't save you time or money or improve the quality of your life. Even if it did one of those things, you could get better logos or cartoons or soap usually cheaper, usually from a local artisan.
DeleteJenna's only selling point is her begging. That's why it rankles the responsible among us so much. It's always about "trying hard to catch up" or "trying hard not to fall behind" or "support a queer women-owned farm" or "support 10+ years of tweets".
By the way, it's not like her content offers any value at all anymore. She doesn't create recipes to share, she doesn't offer any more how-to's because she didn't like the criticism when she did things poorly so she just doesn't want to do them at all.
She has very little on offer of value, currently. So that's why she writes about her mortgage and bills so much - to distract from her shitty products, because she's just a lonely dirt farmer heroine, and doesn't she deserve your love (*cough* money)?
By continually referring to herself as a "small farmer" FFF counts on casual readers being AMAZED that a real-life farmer can draw logos and create art, so much so that they are willing to pay hard-earned money - and maybe wait forever - for such a product.
ReplyDeleteShe's like a joke dog that sings show tunes; it doesn't matter how bad the songs are; it's enough that it sings.
It would be unthinkable to admit she's a failed third-rate writer and graphics designer who slings outdated Disneyesque cartoons and poorly-done clip-art logos for inflated prices.
She won't change. Poodle cash will stop if she isn't a "small farmer" who must beg for donations and pity sales because, you know, she lives on the side of the mountain... in the middle of nowhere... hoping to feed her animals... and pay her mortgage... despite being mostly paralyzed by fear and terror of her bad life choices.
Well pretty soon she'll have a new website courtesy of Shannon's basic tech knowledge. I know that my sales nearly doubled overnight just by removing the barrier of "email me to book". So she'll likely see a spike in sales after the launch, then she'll immediately be "behind" - then she'll start forgetting orders.
DeleteAt least there will be proof for the IRS that she could be paying income tax on sales, and she should be colleting and paying sales tax. If she were really living off those sales, then the income tax and sales tax per year would be significant. She's not living off that income though, that's just fun money.
Lol @ joke dog. Yes, that's the problem: Her casual readers only see the glitzy cute animal prop pics and don't look further...otherwise they'd see the grim reality and neglect.
DeleteFor example, cidiots like me never would have noticed the bark missing from trees where the poor mange-ridden pigs were rubbing their itchy bodies for relief. Or goats forced to live on 3-4 feet deep of their own pee/poop sodden hay.
Her brand has become poor, pathetic starving artist. Her sales depend on pity rather than the quality of her products.
DeleteI'm surprised her brand hasn't become "Two queer farm chicks" or something like that. Sure, she's mentioned it in a few tweets, but I think she's holding back because it would be much harder to beg being that there are now TWO able-bodied women on that farm. It's like she just won't fully let go of her "Living all alone on the side of a mountain in the middle of nowhere" schtick cuz the donations and pity purchases would dry up.
DeleteOkay, instagram stories say, "Morning chores are becoming more fun as the new sun pigs get more comfortable in their new home!"
ReplyDeleteThe pigs pictured are not piglets. They're at least 6 months old, aren't they? She posted photos of pigs earlier this week and I figured they were the latest batch of piglets she's growing out.
But did she just buy 6 month old pigs? To grow out to 9-11 months and slaughter?
I do not understand.
Remember, last year she was selling this batch of pigs as being ready "late fall 2021".
What exactly is a "sun pig" anyway???
DeleteIs it a pig that is outside and not stuck in a dark barn lit by a small light bulb?
BTW, any time that she posts pics of newly acquired animals my first thought is, "Welp, those poor doomed animals" -- and there's a reason for that. Look no further than her bleg stories.
Hey, she got vaccinated! Back to being terrified about nothing!
ReplyDeleteRaise your hand if you remember this time last year when the Coronavirus was raging and the Pig Shocker tweeted "Uh-oh...feeling feverish today..."
DeleteYeah, nice try for a donation drive, faker.
Still hasn't mentioned she bought a truck on her twitter account nor has she updated her blog in more than a month but hey just throw in for 13 years of "rightin'" from the feral farmer. She has had her vaccination so she should be ready to roll after 2 weeks. What a gal.
ReplyDeleteOh just wait for it. See above mentioned blogging schedule. This is the week where she posts nothing, or does lazy photos of the animals / hikes / hawks, check out my lifestyle you know you want it. Maybe we get a photo of a reheated store bought pie, or something productive that Shannon is doing.
DeleteThe vague, ominous tweets don't start coming until NEXT week when she has anxiety for no reason, which is just to prime the pumps for the following week when she says she hasn't had any "luck" in days, so she's *trying real hard*.
I think this week or next her new website will launch, so I wouldn't expect any more activity on her blog. Her new site will have a "blog page" that never gets updated, so she'll default to exclusive social media posts, for which her audience will also be asked to donate.
oopps woe is wog I forgot the schedule!!! Gezzz we all know how that goes. So this week we are busy being quiet and next week the scared wittle girl comes out then we really ramp it up after that. Got it.
Delete"...or something productive that Shannon is doing."
DeleteIf Shannon REALLY wanted to do something productive (and humane) she could re-home the animals and then torch the place.
Annnnd right on schedule!
ReplyDeleteOn instagram, she's posted a photo of a black and a white ewe, which I assume are current photos of her sheep. Prior to that, she'd posted a photo of Gibson and a meat bird chick that's about 1/2 way grown.
Her instagram stories includes a black and white photo of her feet in the running shoes (special edition you'll remember.)
Also included is a slow motion video of a campfire with a pair of feet in sandals.
This is her "you know you want my life!" week! No belly-aching about bills for 7-10 days. Gotta act like it's the first time she's ever been asked to pay a bill every month, so she's got to take her requisite 1.5 week break from the Cycle of Crying.
WIW - You are definitely on to something. (Here's the schedule WIW figured out):
Delete"5th - 10th of the month: I love my life, I'm doing exercise and hawk things. I'm so unique and interesting, you want to me be.
11th - 15th: reduction in tweets, or an increase in retweeting others.
15th - 25th: anxiety / fear / stress / illness / injury / repairs needed
26th - 31st: tHe MoRtGaGe whaaaaaaaah! Other bills all coming at once! Sales pitch retweet, peppered with "situation reports" - this repair is done / not done, this medical appointment is coming up
The 26th - 31st is prime juicing time, my guess is the donation cycle ramps up when she hits a manufactured crisis, but she can't be in manufactured crisis constantly, so she runs up to it from the 10th - 26th.
31st - 5th - mortgage is late / not paid, or it was paid but these other bills are overdue. OR, the 31st - 5th is just radio silence because this is when she does weekend overnights and takes a break from the cycle of pretend or manufactured crises."
Yeppity yep yep yep. Right on schedule indeed. And also trying to look super busy/successful with this tweet from today:
"Well folks! It is Friday and this week had me working on 6 different logos, shipping over 50 bars of soap, and I'm heading to the PO now to send out 6 pet portraits."
Well, that amount of work (if true) would equal a decent chunk of change, so no need to beg much. But no doubt she'll be back to hardcore begging in a few days according to the schedule.
'The Cycle of Crying'...
Delete�� �� �� �� ��
As per above schedule! Instagram was updated with a view from a hilltop with a dog backpack and the back of Gibson's head, captioned "will walk for dope views".
ReplyDeleteTwitter has been crickets of course.
We are in the cone of silence, with sporadic photos meant to inspire awe or awws. She's sure sellin' that lifestyle we all should want! In the past week there has been an uptick of lifestyle photos on instagram. Lots of photos of pigs, farm animals, eggs, campfire and baking.
Horse update:
ReplyDelete"We are weeks away from grassy hilltop rides like this picture of my girls, Mabel and Friday, but this morning lots of deshedding, mane and tail grooming, mucking, groundwork, worming and general horse focus going on. Merlin is feeling his years, but will be a nice trail pony all summer for light rides. Mabel is strong and in her mid teens and ready for the same."
Ever get the feeling she's just cobbling together a bunch of horsey words to make a sentence?
"Mucking" by which I assume she means "mucking out" should be done every day. But she includes it like it's a seasonal activity along with de-shedding and worming. Is she cleaning the yard? Surely that's not what she meant - the yard gets groomed and picked up more often than once a season.
My aunts have the family horses and they do a spring cleaning of the dirt paddock in front of the barn every spring. I haven't heard them call that "mucking" - they muck out the barn, not the yard. Yard and paddock maintenance is more about grooming the dirt so the water drains out properly. Sure you're removing some manure while you do that, but you do that on a daily basis, no?
The other "Merlin is feeling his years" is rather vague. But that's her MO at this point. After all, she can't pretend to barely be able to afford to feed her sheep, goat, or pigs if she's giving expensive supplements and vet care to Merlin. We can either assume she is giving him a proper senior horse's care, and is not talking about spending that money, or she's not giving him the proper care and is saying he's "feeling his years".
How old is Merlin now, anyone know? Is he in his 20s?
Oh, I just checked twitter and she did indeed mean mucking out the horse paddock.
DeleteWIW, she does the bare minimum with her animals. Responsible horse owners frequently muck paddocks, daily or several times per week. It keeps parasite and fly counts down, and it supports equine health.
DeleteGrooming is also done daily, if not weekly. In this part of the world, horses have been shedding out for weeks. If she didn't shed them out earlier, her horses were likely very uncomfortable in the warm weather.
No wonder her Pony is "showing his age". His breed should be in excellent health for decades - less likely if given inadequate care.
FFF is a despicable owner. There are worse people, but FFF is NOT one to emulate.
Agreed. I love horses but have never kept them, and my knowledge is limited. My aunts' horses have generally lived into their 30s and been ridable for trail rides until their mid to late 20s. Is Merlin older than 20 yet? I can't remember how old he was when she got him. 16?
DeleteI understand she's not feeding him up the way his previous owner was (for performance) that she modified his feed years ago because he was getting too much energy.
Since she devotes all of her days to "farming" there's no reason those horses aren't groomed daily.
This is where I get suspicious of FFF. If she were doing what she's supposed to do for them daily, then why would she be announcing it when she rarely writes about daily chores anymore?
It's so weird. Other farm blogs who do post about daily chores are often just photo blogs, but you can sign up for your daily pic of the pigs or whatever. Jenna wrote months ago (or years?) about why she doesn't write about the farm because it's all the same activities and she has nothing new or interesting to say about it.
But she'll post about how many miles she's walked / run, which clearly shows where her focus is.
The truck she just bought needs repairs. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
ReplyDeleteClaaaaasic Jenna.
I just saw this WIW that she has never once mentioned in a tweet that she got a new truck till now and it needs repairs. I mean who does this but our FFF? Oh and she is so worried about the J and J shot she got. Her worrying is her mantra for sure and this should be good for a few bucks at least.
ReplyDeleteI really side-eye her twitter feed every time she talks about her anxiety. If she legitimately had an anxiety disorder, rather than some self-diagnosed or made up thing, she would be *in therapy* and possibly on meds.
DeleteJenna's "anxiety" certainly doesn't keep her from activities she enjoys. It seems its only purpose is to elicit sympathy from her readers.
Also, side note: everyone on the planet has anxiety about the pandemic right now, and many many people, over half the population in Canada, are within a few hundred dollars of financial insolvency.
But talk some more about how your vanity truck that you just blew two grand on needs repairs, Jenna.
Two grand plus repairs just so she can "move livestock".
DeleteI think "move livestock" translates to moving themselves via new truck from hiking spots, to B&B Inns, to the brewery, to vacation destinations, to Subway, etc.
DeleteWIW, her anxiety is laughable because it's contrived and reserved for sympathy begging.
ReplyDeleteAfter all, FFF is the person who victim-shamed Mollie Tibbetts, invited online strangers to go hawking/riding with her, posted her address, gave detailed information about her parents, hosted on-site farm events and publicly bragged about personal habits, such as sleeping in the nude & dancing naked in her back yard.
Yet, she played for sympathy over her fears of red van man, laundromat man, people who drive in front of her house (which sits next to a state road), people who watch her "run" along the road, people who look at her oddly, question her, criticise her, go on vacations, travel, complain about orders, and generally disdain her "faux feral farmer" schtick.
She's a disgrace - an awful example for anyone to follow.
Ugh the Mollie Tibbetts comment. Didn't she say something about how she would have fought back harder or something?
DeleteTwitter Twaddle: Big Bullshit Edition
ReplyDelete"Wanted to share this video because I think the biggest myth about backpacking is you need to drop 1k to go out for a weekend with top-end gear."
"Also, while a decent tent/bag/pack will cost around $200 each for entry level gear - you buy it ONCE. And then every single trip you go on from there is just groceries, gas, and permits."
Obviously her and the GF are planning to go on A LOT of day and weekend hiking/backpacking trips but she doesn't want her foollowers to know that their pity-donation-poodle-cash is going towards that rather than her "bills" and the mortgage.
Yep! And we know FFF spends FAR MORE than $200 / year on her outdoor hobbies (excluding "farming" activities).
DeleteThat new tent alone last year would have been over $200, and she's not buying it "once" - because there's a different tent in the camping photos year to year.
That ridiculous latte setup would have been nearly $100 by itself.
Similar to how she says falconry is inexpensive, you buy the gear once, and then you see the new gauntlet / jesses, the new bag to carry falcon food.
I think she likes the novelty of the new thing. And I wouldn't care she was spending money on all this shit she doesn't need if only she would stop crying poor every other week, "trying like hell" to get / remain solvent.
She isn't trying like hell when she drops two grand on a truck she doesn't need, which also needs repairs.
Her own recreation just pokes holes in this farmer survivalist story she tries to sell. You can't have it both ways. You can't be fighting to pay bills each month and terrified of losing your house, and then be buying new albums or fan girl sweaters or junker vehicles or sheep you don't need.
All great points. Not only does she have a new tent, but also an entire closet full of pricey hiking gear. But Jenna always wants "bigger and better" but on someone else's dime.
DeleteAlso, remember the bleg post she wrote about obtaining her last truck? It was all about what a great deal it would be! And how low maintenance it would be! But she didn't have the money for it. And after her poodles helped her obtain it, there were sooooo many problems with it: Brake lines, transmission, new tires and on and on...
Le bleg est morte. It's coming up on two months and zero updates. Probably since no one is reading it...or "throwing in" to read sob stories about terror and anxiety.
ReplyDeleteI'm wondering if that mysterious website shannon is supposed to be making is going to come together.
DeleteI made my website in a weekend using weebly. There are plenty of other website builders any layperson could use.
If they were going to do it, it would've been up by now.
Perhaps they set up a "Only Fans" site instead.
DeleteUrp, I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Hey, off topic question: Does anyone have info/experience in using tin foil to scare off crows? Specifically, does it scare other birds as well? Can't find an answer on the internet.
ReplyDeleteReason I'm asking is cuz I have mourning doves that nest every year on my covered porch, and this year I've have one very determined crow, Lucifer, who has launched 7 attacks in 5 days. He lands and tries to raid the nest, eat the babies, and so far I've been able to scare him off by standing on the porch whilst holding a broom. I practically spent the entire weekend running over to the porch cuz he's smart and changed his angle of attack, as well as the time of day.
Super frustrated here and want to put tin foil up but I don't want to see the parents abandon their babies if they are too scared to fly past it. Any advice or info on this?
I have no experience with scare crows. I'm not sure what method would deter the crows, but wouldn't scare the doves. He'll likely observe and figure out when you aren't there to protect them.
DeleteI did see mention of playing recorded calls of distressed crows could help deter them. Not sure how helpful that suggestion is, but I don't think a distressed crow call would scare doves.
Apparently crows avoid fake dead crows or "effigies" - do you have any crow Halloween decorations you could make look dead? Hopefully the doves won't see that as a threat...
I'm reading about crows not liking shiny things - pie plates or old CDs hung from string can deter them.
I have no idea, but let us know how it goes. I'm interested :)
Another Jenna Gem: "Got asked to do a blurb for a rescue farm. No thanks. I am all for rehoming abused animals, healing, and ethical farming. But creating a petting zoo of common livestock to make white ladies feel better while local food pantries have hungry families in serious need of meat... No."
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, whoever asked her for a blurb read her first book and nothing else.
So my understanding of Jenna's stance on animal welfare now has gone from the original Buddhist vegetarian shepherdess of her original book / early blog, to someone who says kill all the animals while there are still hungry people about.
A "petting zoo of common livestock" serves many valid purposes. They weren't ever created to "make white ladies feel better", nor were they created to supplement local food pantries.
Many non-production farms serve important educational purposes, and the animals aren't always suitable for human consumption anyway. For example, the Winchester Farm in downtown Toronto serves the important purpose of teaching city kids where their food comes from. This is the only place these kids will see "common livestock" possibly ever in their lives.
Her sledgehammer swing of a point is repeating others' ideas (once again) observing how dedicated and passionate people can be about animal rescues and not engage in humanitarian causes, as well as criticism of the animal rights lobbyists who compare animal welfare issues to slavery or genocides which is absolutely over the line, and all of this was well-discussed at least ten years ago.
She's making needless judgmental, reductionist comments as usual. I can't imagine how rude she was to the actual person who reached out to her.
Just goes to show you that deep down in her sawdust heart Jenna hates animals. Has a deep disdain for them.
DeleteThe twit:
ReplyDeleteI know $200 x 9 is nearly 2k. Which is not what my mortgage costs. But I am sure I won't make this goal (most days I don't make my income goals) but striving towards it may even out to what I need with a little extra for truck repairs, gas, feed, groceries, life. You get it.
Why the F would anyone care what her mortgage costs, what her gas costs, truck repairs, that sort of shit???? I have my own needs to worry about. I couldn't care less whether those two make it or not month after month. Welcome to the struggle Jenna. Get used to it.
Bitch, we all know you lie about not barely having enough to make ends meet, so shut the fuck up about needing a little extra. You don't need anything from anyone.
And: normal businesses don't announce daily income goals. Maybe they'll have a followers goal during a promotion, or limit a sales item, but these endless updates on her income vs expenses is irritating. Everyone has to pay bills. Jenna's bills are fewer than most. And you'll notice the math doesn't include whatever income Shannon is bringing in.