Super Bowl Weekend

I'm not really a football person but my localish team is playing is what it is.  Go Kid!


  1. HD. I always appreciate you hosting the blog. I only seconded what WiW suggested about pinning that post. I’m not trying to take over your turf. Thanks.

  2. Ok, so we know Shannon and JFW definitely read here because we've all been wondering if Shannon is employed. According to JFW, she has some sort of work from home job.

    Soooooo....if she is bringing in income, between the two of them, they should be able to cover the bills and JFW can stop begging.

    But...maybe all those conference calls are just sales pitches and there is little to no money coming in. If that is the case, there are plenty of jobs in town to be had. is all a big lie and they are living off donations.

    As usual, nothing adds up.

    1. I think that Shannon is just like Jenna in terms of self-entitlement. And a normal adult wouldn’t be attracted to an animal abusing, scammer and beggar.

    2. Yeah, that's what I just don't get. If I met someone who didn't have a job and who begged online strangers EVERY SINGLE DAY to pay my bills and/or donate free money, I'd be super wary. And to be honest, I probably wouldn't want to be friends with them. I know that sounds harsh, and maybe I'm old fashioned, but I just think that if a person wants something they should work for it. Period.

  3. “First real run today! Felt great! Missed it!!”

    Sure. She. Did. I can’t imagine JFW freezing her fat ass off on a run in this kind of cold weather with wicked wind chill, too.

    1. She ran from the couch to the fridge....

    2. Duckmama. It’s more waddling than walking. We’ve watched her around town.

    3. Wait...didn't she say on the bleg that it just snowed yesterday? Can you run in snow? Or if it's turned to slush, can you run in that?

  4. HD. My thanks, too, for continuing to host CAST. We love you ❤❗

    Also, totally clueless about Superbowl, so good luck to whichever team you want to win! Stay safe everyone.

    1. My thanks to HD too!

    2. Totally clueless here about football/Superbowl too. But not for lack of trying, as I've asked people to explain football to me cuz I can't figure out what the hell I'm watching. And those whom I asked were all like, it's complicated. I even tried to learn via Wikipedia but that didn't help either. And all that starting and stopping every few feet. Why?????

    3. I don’t understand it either. There is way too much screwing around. And all the announcers yammering away. I went to a very small high school that didn't have maybe that started my problem. My parents weren't into it either.

    4. My family laughs about American football with its many downs. They prefer European "football" or rugby, where athletes play until they drop from injury, exhaustion or are eaten by their teammates. 😜

      On a sidenote, local restaurants offer take-out specials for "Superbowl Sunday". Even though we don't watch the Superbowl, for fun and to support neighbors, I bought an "snack package" from a nearby seafood place. Really glad I did - the food is enough for several meals, lol! Way too much for a single evening of snacks.

      Let this wet your appetite (or creative culinary juices). My package for two contained:

      *Large grilled flatbread with spicy shrimp, red pepper, Romano and spinich.

      *Shrimp scampi.

      *Buffalo chicken wings.

      *Assorted crudites with ranch dressing.

      *Artichoke dip, with root vegetable chips.

      *Bottle of light white New Zealand wine.

    5. The food is the best part. Although, I don't really do that either. I am very unusual around my parts. Everybody I know is a huge fan. This is only the third time "my" team, Kansas City, has gone to the super bowl so everybody is loosing their durn minds. We won last year and it has been continuous.

    6. HD wrote: "There is way too much screwing around."

      Thank you! Football FINALLY explained in it's entirety. Seriously, we don't they just keep running? It's like they're all stopping to check their jocks or something.

      PDD - Thanks for the tip about tip about take-out specials...I had no idea. Definitely something to look into next year since we almost always order take-out on Sundays. BTW, that's quite the deal you got!

  5. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you: "Chunky patches of happy flakes filled the air as we split up the morning work of feeding and caring for the animal crew." Chunky patches of happy flakes. You can't make this stuff up, kids. It writes itself.

    1. Didn’t see that stupid tweet today, but it’s more of her overwrought purple prose. Her rotten writing has become way worse the past few years. The lack of careful editing, and making major grammatical mistakes are also glaring.

    2. Chunky patches of happy flakes sounds like something you'd hear in a cereal commercial.

    3. It sounds like a hack who calls herself a writer.

  6. If two able bodied women can do “farm” chores, then they are capable of finding work so they don’t have to beg.

    1. Yes...and if just one of them worked an actual job they'd not only have money to cover the bills, but there would be money to save for vacations and road trips too. Those types of adventures are great fun when you've just met someone new and become a couple.

  7. Twitter Twaddle - Broken Record Edition:

    "And if you don't want to buy anything but do want to help this farm I thank you more than you could possibly know. Contributions here are for 13 years of sharing my story on barnheart dot com!"

    She thanks people? Riiiiight. She hardly ever thanks anyone for anything. And on Twitter, even when she's not flat-out begging but simply asking for advice, she doesn't thank those folks either. All those times where she requested foollowers to send pet pics, and they did, she didn't comment on any of those submissions. She only makes those types of posts in the hopes that people will also see her begging tweets and feel compelled to donate tO sAvE tHe FaRm!!!

    1. she only thanks her blue check accounts the others are just peasants who owe her for 13 years of "righting" (you know maybe once a month if the old account is getting low then we through up a post). She would never ever thank a regular old person. Anon7 you must have lost your mind for a minute or so.

    2. She plays while poodles pay.

    3. Lolz...yes, she does go out of her way to thank the blue checks! Hey, is it just me or has anyone else noticed that blue check accounts don't interact with her as much as they did just a few years prior?

  8. “BEHOLD! THIS SHIRT! sent in a random package years ago by my mom. We just found it while cleaning. Vintage, 70s, amazing.”

    Yeah, it’d go great with her hideous cowgirl skirt. She has no sense of style.

    1. So... She hasn't cleaned since the 70s? Sounds about right.

    2. OMFG...You made me picture that shirt paired with the cowgirl skirt...hahahahaha. No.

  9. On the last thread, Shannon referred to Jenna as an “influencer”. Who is she influencing with what? She’s not a farmer, not a homesteader...what can you learn from her? The only thing she really has been successful at is getting people to give her money.

    1. You can learn how to be a lazy lifestyle loser who uses manipulative marketing for free funds.

    2. Seriously, she’s influenced me to continue becoming the exact opposite kind of person: loving towards animals, financially responsible, and accepting accountability for my own actions.


    3. Lol, influencer. Anon 1:48 - Can you quote exactly what she said? I'd search for it myself, but I still don't know all the posts that were hers.

      But I will say that the Pig Shocker has influenced me never to shock pigs. Not that I would anyway.

    4. Anon7 - Here it is.

      "AnonymousFebruary 3, 2021 at 12:44 PM
      Her job is a freelancing graphic designer that also sells soaps and artwork.

      Have you never been on twitter or instagram? This is how many millennials are living. There is a whole category of people called "instagram influencers" that make money by posting pictures."

      And she still doesn't get it. We could care less if she makes her money selling soap, artwork or logos. And we could care less if she is living the life she chooses.

      But what we really care about is the fact that she is doing this by living off other or deceiving others. She has a very long history of taking money for product and either not deliving or delivering after being frequently "reminded".

      Also her sales pitches consist of sounding the alarm on some type of crisis, preying on the kindness of strangers who believe they are helping out someone in need, when in reality a college educated, able bodied, middle aged woman should be capable of supporting herself. And now with a live in partner, doubly so.

    5. Thanks for that, Anon!

      First off, the Pig Shocker is barely a millennial...she's borderline Generation X. Which is old enough to know better than to beg online for a living.

      Second, it seems JJ doesn't quite understand how the Instagram Influencer thing works. You are supposed to build up a lot of followers, like, a lot a lot. She only has 1,200 or so. And most companies who pay influencers to promote their stuff are looking for accounts with 20,000 - 50,000 minimum.

      Third, JFW doesn't make a single penny off Instagram. Or her bleg. She only makes money on Twitter...and it's ONLY cuz she "earns it up" by BEGGING. CONSTANTLY. And of course, the few sales she makes. But the bulk of her Twitter income is the monthly mortgage beg + the latest emergency.

  10. “Bittersweet to share I sold my truck, Taylor, to a teenager rebuilding his own old Ford. She'll be taken apart to make another truck whole, but her engine is staying in the other truck (named Jane). Feels like giving up an organ. I am really going to miss her.”

    Bet that the begging will begin soon once she spends the extra money.

    1. Look at how fast she spent the Birchthorn book money which was approximately $15,000, and the profit from her truck sale was for a lot less.

    2. She can share Shannon’s car. How convenient.

    3. Three months after she received the Birchthorn money she was crying wolves at the door.

    4. And the Kiva loan was also quickly squandered, and not on fixing her faux farm’s infrastructure. Which was what it was intended for.

    5. Last week we were accused on Twitter of making things up about her. Yet she’s deliberately taken funds fraudulently multiple times from both individuals and organizations. That makes her a conniving criminal.

    6. She did not get asking price if she sold that thing for parts!

    7. Hold she sold the truck without procuring a new one first? How is that going to work for "farm life" with the girlfriend only having a small car? How's she gonna transport feed/hay or animals if need be? Are they gonna cram animals into the trunk for a possible emergency vet visit?!?

  11. well the shirt sure can't be hers if it is 1970's as she wouldn't have even been born then. I am sure there must be other shirts out there that are as equally ugly but she seems to think it is wonderful, but we are used to her cowgirl skirt and her monkey dress so that seems about right.

    I like how she told us the name of the teenager his truck is named Jane. Well we will give him a pass as she even said he is a teenager but she is so far away from being a teenager but she also named her truck. I guess she is on the same wave length which is not a good thing.

    1. It just goes to show how little Jenna appreciates gifts that were given to her by Ma Wog.

    2. I wonder if that teen's eyeballs have recovered after meeting with her...

  12. Ridiculous hyperbole. “I sold the broken down truck that needs so many repairs for parts! 😭 Heartbroken! Losing an organ!”

    Grow the fuck up.

    Has she ever experienced a real loss, deeply?

    Her histrionics are about so many life events - bills, repairs, normal health events.

    Has she actually experienced a real heartbreak? An actual loss? Real grief?

    I don’t wish tragedy on anyone, but it is hard to take these mini-dramas that she frames as life changing / life or death / do or die.

    1. You’re not fighting the good fight, you’re living in a home you own, collecting animals you claim you can’t afford to feed or vet.

    2. Remember a few years back when she kept referring to minor conveniences as "terrifying"??? Yeah sure, as if power outages and broken trucks are the same as something like 9/11...which was truly terrifying...even for people who weren't there.

      But hey, anything for attention from deep-pocketed Twitter foollowers to donate to her PayPal!!

    3. She feels so badly about selling an old, old, old truck? Did she feel the same regret about the dead frozen chicken, the current ones stuck in a tree during a snowstorm, or the little dead chicks she buys (I hope) and feeds to her hawk?


    4. Good point, Jude. I don't think she's ever expressed the same "heartbreak" over losing an animal - either selling them, or them dying.

    5. Also in that bleg post she wrote this about the truck:

      "It was so associated with me in this town folks waved from their porches when I drove by."

      But back in May 2019 she wrote this about the town folks:

      "I drive a big ol' red pickup with a rainbow decal on it and everyone knows what that means. [...] Reactions were mixed. Small things started to happen. [...] People that used to wave when I drove by stopped waving."

      So then...people started waving from their porches again? Did they throw her a parade too? Either way, it's interesting how her narrative flip flops depending on her needs. (i.e. needing a free used truck)

  13. “Just paid a plumber 125 bucks to tell me my house is cold. How's your day going?”

    It’s going great, thanks. We’ve earned enough money from our careers to coast, and not worry about bills. Unlike JFW who is unwilling to work at another job to make ends meet. And if she used her heaters and furnace instead of firewood then they’d be warm.

    1. But then she’d have no cause to complain about the cold. It’s another lying excuse to begin begging again. Did she ALREADY spend the truck sale money?!

    2. Why can’t shannon pitch in?

    3. Anon 2:43 - LMAO at your answer!

      As for their finances, remember that GoFundMe link JFW posted for her sick friend or whoever? JFW and JJ gave $100 (two individual $50 donations). Which is nice...I'm not knocking that...

      BUT...why are two work-shy women still online panhandling when they clearly had some extra money to give away? It doesn't add up.

    4. “I am more productive dealing with plumbing issues and a cold house on a 7 degree morning than I was in a heated, modern, office building.”

      What. A. Crock. Of. Crap.

    5. Shocked at her unbelievable incompetence at fixing anything.

      Correct me if I'm wrong, but has she EVER done ANY repair work on her own???

      Her greatest accomplishment seems to be operating the yellow wall phone to call the: plumber, car repair, carpenter, firewood delivery, hay supplier, handyman, neighbor, bartender, Pember Patty, Pember Patty and Pember Patty.

    6. PDD. For someone who brags about being a hardcore homesteader for “almost a decade,” Jenna’s inability to maintain her hovel is pathetic. If not for Pember Patty and her husband, along with former friends, she would’ve been worse off than now.


    7. PDD - Sorry, but you are wrong. Remember that time when she fixed the electric fencing and then celebrated by pouring extra water on the grounding rod?

      Well, being that she smiled as soon as she heard a squeal of pain, I'd consider that a successful repair job.

  14. The twat:
    Some mornings Shannon takes the dogs out and does all the AM chores herself and as someone who has farmed alone ten years this is the most amazing experience!

    Sounds like Shannon is now taking on more and more farm responsibilities. I think Jenna wants a farm hand rather than a live-in GF. And Jenna you haven't "farmed". You've thrown hay over a fence.

    I hope Shannon soon realizes shes being used. Shannon run far far away!

    1. I came to comment on her stupid tweet, too. It gives Jenna more time to beg when Shannon does the dogs and chores.

    2. I still suspect Shannon is possibly playing the long con to wrest the entire property away from Jenna. Cuz I still don't know what she see's in an animal abuser who's always broke. Or maybe she's a secret Swiftie who's after Jenna's extensive Taylor Swift CD/DVD/memorabilia collection?

      BTW, after the honeymoon is over and they start arguing like couples do, I wonder (if they got into a really heated argument) if Shannon would use some of the allegations she read here as ammunition? Cuz that would be a boss move. And guaranteed to enrage Jenna, lol.

  15. “Oh, New Yorker piece.
    Open tab, a sentence read.
    Finish you, never.”

    Oh, rotten writing.
    More mindless and dumb drivel.
    Please foreclose faux farm.


  16. she is either day drinking or trying her hand at a poem can't quiet decide which either way really really stupid. Something about the NY Times. Just weird.

    I'm still waiting for a picture of her in that 70's shirt too, I need a good laugh.

    1. It’s her asinine attempt at haiku.

    2. Fortunately, the ugly shirt is too tight for her obese, bulging belly.

    3. Looks like WHS is posting as an anon these days.

    4. Nope. I made the comment, and am not Whack. She has an obese body and that’s a fact. JFW is fat not fit.

  17. “This month I am trying to pay the mortgage on time, no more falling behind! But it's going to take some Heroic sales in the next week or so. If you want to order soap, chickens, pork, a logo, pet portraits or like that - now is the time!

    * soap/art orders take a few weeks”

    Yet she can’t make the “Heroic” effort to get off her fat ass, and get a job to support herself like a normal adult.

    1. It’s obnoxious how she acts as if making a mortgage payment on time is an accomplishment rather than her own obligation. She doesn’t deserve to have a home.

    2. So wait...all those other months (and years) she wasn't trying to pay it on time? This makes no sense. Unless she means she's going to work harder at having a bigger perhaps having a job? Nope. She means she's gonna beg even more.

      Oh, and out of her nearly 5,000 foollowers, only 5 people re-tweeted it.

      Lols, good luck with that Jenna!

  18. Twitter Twaddle:

    "Just got a nice card in the mail from a lady who tried 2 bars of soap last year, said she loved it so much she wanted more and wrote me a $50 check to send back some! Made my day!"

    OK, they way this is worded makes it sound like the lady wants a another 2 bars and the rest of the money is a gift. Because if she wanted all of the $50 to go to soap+shipping then it's just another ordinary sale, right? So why make a special tweet about it?

    And if that's correct, how many bars do you think the Pig Shocker is going to send that nice lady? Take into consideration that the greedy one is gonna want to pocket as much of that $50 as possible. So, let's do some math:

    $50.00 - $8.00 (shipping cost) = $42 left over

    $42.00 - $6.00 (Price of 1 bar) = $36 left over

    $36.00 - $6.00 (Additional bar) = $30 left over

    $30.00 - $6.00 (Additional bar) = $24 left over

    $24.00 - $6.00 (Additional bar) = $18 left over

    I'm stopping here cuz I don't think the Pig Shocker would be happy with a sappy $18 gift.

  19. "Why can't Shannon pitch in?"

    Cue the tweet - shannon does all the morning chores herself sometimes!

    I think this was meant to show she *does* pitch in, but it just proves our point that she should not be acting like either of them are doing anything heroic these days, least of all paying the mortgage.

    1. I meant pitch in financially when Jenna was whining about her plumbing. Why should her fans pay her bills when there are two able bodied women living in that house.

    2. oh so true!!!! If she pulled it off and made it through ten years of living alone even if she was constantly behind in her mortgage she held onto the hovel so now it should be only half the trouble for her. I would say it was a win win for her. Now all her bills are only half of what they previously were.

  20. She acts like she’s the only one who has ever had to call a plumber, get a car fixed or pay a mortgage.

    And she should be ashamed of herself begging during a pandemic. People are struggling financially and here she is, an educated, able bodied, middle aged woman with an equally able bodied roommate, begging for other people to pay her bills.

    Shannon made comments about us focusing on Jenna while a pandemic is going on, but I would suggest that they leave people alone and stop pestering them for money. Other people are struggling too.

    1. No chance that we’ll leave either her livestock alone, or her unethical business practices. Shannon is like a little yapping terrier trying to protect its odious owner.


    2. She should be held accountable for her actions, particularly during the pandemic, when people are struggling and stressed. The greedy grifter has a home. Which is more than most can say now.

  21. On her Instagram story she’s wearing a brand new $110 pair of Merrell rainbow edition hiking shoes that are brand new, and limited edition. No chance they’re used or have even been on sale yet. Here’s a link to the shoes:

    They were just released recently, they’ve been all over my Instagram and Facebook ads the past few weeks. She must be having quite the financial struggles when she buys shoes like that!

    1. Of course, she’ll claim to have found them at her town dump in just the right size. It’s a miracle like the bike. She’s a sucker for stupid status symbols, but won’t ever admit it.


    2. This is where the social media sales / donations money really goes.

    3. WiW. Which is why her whole life is lies.


    4. They are totally fug!

    5. LS - LIES!

      Crikey. 10 years and all she has to show for it is a telemarketing script.

  22. Does anyone know what kind of “work” Shannon does? Any college?

    Jenna mentioned that they were both freelancers but if Shannon is pulling in income, why isn’t it going towards the bills and why is Jenna still “up against it”?

    Or did Jenna lure her in with the promise that she could quit her job and live like fiction while others paid for it?

    1. Ironically, Shannon Doyle is a graphic artist type just like her sugar mama. I’ve seen her site before and it’s boring.

    2. I wouldn't be surprised if she invited Shannon to live with her rent free. People can arrange their relationships however they want, but adults usually split the cost of living when they move in together. Thing is, it kind of messes up her story on why she needs sales soooooo bad and poor lonely FFF on the mountainside struggling to pay her mortgage and hold on to her dream...

  23. “I don't know how or why this happened but I've been writing every day and it's good. Reworking a manuscript from scratch. Excited to share this story.”

    Oh joy. Jenna is writing a new book. Good luck in trying to find a reputable publisher. Her public profile is poison now.

    1. She's taking another stab at selling her "my farm made me become myself, a lesbian" book now with a new happy ending of getting a girlfriend.

  24. Maybe she can learn how to use commas correctly.

    1. She can't spell correctly. Why on earth would she punctuate? *so judgmental* Commas are for editors you don't pay. Sheesh!

  25. “People going on vacation blows my mind. Not during covid. Just going on vacation. I'm envious.”

    Remember how she put down people who travel and vacation? She’s ranted about it before on her blog and Twitter, too. I knew that she was only envious, and she’s finally admitted it. Wait for the next crappy crisis to try and get trip funds. Guess that she’s too lazy to work a job. Which would help her have a savings account. It “blows my mind” how self-entitled she is about handouts from followers.

    1. I remember her cruel and viscous jabs at people who took vacations. Yeah, it was envy.

    2. She’s also envious of those who have direct deposit bank accounts, because it implies that they have steady income unlike her lazy fat ass.

    3. It sounds like she's looking for encouragement via her enablers so if someone calls her out for begging whilst vacationing, she can say, "They told me I needed to go! For health reasons!"

      I wonder where those two would go if funded? I'm thinking anywhere snowy or cold is out. But she aDoREs HuMiDiTy so perhaps the South? Or her old TN stomping grounds where she can show JJ the exact spot where she abandoned her dignity and shame?

  26. I'm curious...

    Does anyone think Jenna will create a website for her products now?

    I know her primary reasoning for not doing it before was because she was too busy, especially being one woman trying to complete orders and take care of all her animals herself...

    But now there is help with the farm chores, as well as two woman with graphic designing skills living there. I'd think she wouldn't have any further excuse not to make a legitimate website for sales. This way when she tweets about needing sales, she'd be able to direct them to a website with options to purchase ready to go wares, and a custom order option where a customer can choose specific scent and style soap that's not already up for sale. That's what I would do if I were in the soapmaking business. I'd also do bulk production of my best selling products to list on the website so it's ready to order.

    I hope that the two of them are able to work together to try to make her look more professional on that front. I still try to see the best in people, and I'm hoping that we continue to see improvements with her life.

    I know, I know, I know. I may be too optimistic, but with so much crud going on in the world, I'm hoping to see positive changes where they can be made.

    -A Concerned Homesteader

    P.S. Grandma recovered from covid, so we are breathing a little easier over here right now.

    1. It would be nice but I don’t see it happening. For some reason, she refuses to put up a website. Maybe because she would actually have to do work or pay taxes. I don’t know.

      I do know that there is a lot of competition in freelance graphic arts. It’s feast or famine and sometimes it’s hard to pay the bills. That is where a part time JOB comes in. Guaranteed steady income. I guess those two feel they are too good for it.

    2. My theory is that not having a website was never about not having the time to create one. Websites are incredibly easy and cheap for a layperson to build now, even online stores. It's all drag n drop design from multiple services like weebly or squarespace. She could set sales limits etc., instead of saying she's afraid of becoming inundated with sales and "falling behind". Those excuses are just lies in my opinion.

      My theory is she wants people to DM her so they have to pay her through her paypal donation link. That way they can't complain to paypal if they never get their product (and paypal can't take money out of her account if they do complain, because the payment was really a "donation".)

      I also think that she counts all of her poodle money as "donations" despite calling them "sales" on social media. There is no way in hell she is paying income tax on soap and cartoon sales.

      If she had a website with an online store, she couldn't use her paypal donation link, she'd have to set up a sales link and record them in paypal as sales, not donations. Once she has money in paypal tagged as "sales" not "donations", paypal generates reports you're supposed to use in your income tax.

      (source: I earn 1/3 of my income through paypal sales.)

      So no, I don't think she'll ever set up a proper website.

      Didn't she get into trouble for selling stuff on Etsy and not delivering?

    3. WiW. I agree with what you wrote. I heard that she was banned from Etsy for not delivering promised products.

    4. Anon 5:57 - yup! It's yet another thing in FFF's story that doesn't make logical sense. If you rely on a source of income as sales to make your living, you remove as many barriers to sales as you can, and you automate your marketing.

      You don't tweet about it incessantly and make people DM you for details.

    5. She wants to look like she's trying / not outwardly begging, but she also doesn't want to have an actual business.

    6. ACH - Nope. Cuz then she'd have to report that income. Also, I can't wait to see what her response will be when she's asked again why no website. And someone will ask.

      And wonderful news about Grandma! Our elderly family member recovered too!)

      WIW - Totally agree. All good points. She'll never make one.

  27. Y'all. I'm on the lookout for a used truck. I don't have a lot to spend, and buying something with a monthly payment is out of the question so looking for an affordable used 4wd gal that is safe and sturdy, doesn't need to be pretty. Putting it out there. Maybe you know of one?

    1. That didn’t take long. Let the begging begin again.

    2. ** cough cough ** please give me a truck ** cough cough **

    3. "I don't have a lot to spend" -- Yeah, maybe cuz you just frivolously purchased new $100 shoes?

      "A monthly payment is out of the question" -- Why let that stop you? Your monthly mortgage payment is also out of the question, being that you can't pay it and have to rely on internet strangers.

      So c'mon, feral farmer and future chosen survivor of the apocalypse, put on yer new shoes and chase down all those $1,400 stimmy checks soon to be lining your foollowers pockets!

    4. Why is a monthly payment out of the question? That is how the majority of Americans pay for a car or truck.

  28. Jenna created a website for her now defunct Tyr's Good Hand group - complete with merch. She knows how to do it. She always says she doesn't have time, but this site went up almost immediately after the group was formed. Cold Antler Farm not having a website is a calculated choice.

    1. Exactly. She doesn’t want a business site for several reasons. It’s completely unprofessional the way that she uses Twitter to sell stuff. “DM to order!!!”

  29. “How long after Love Story came out was Emily kicked out of her band? Months? A year?”

    Not one follower responded to her stupid question yesterday. And “Behold!” is her latest annoying and obsessively used weird word. She’s used it in tweets about a chicken, and an ugly shirt.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. She likes to tweet things she doesn't want to google. She'll say it's because she wants the human interaction, but it's really because she likes people to do things for her. "Fetch me this thing, from the internet!

    3. She should just cut to the chase and say "Donate!"

  30. Here is a clip of her blog post of March 20, 2017 about why she doesn't want to travel. You can read the rest on her bleg.

    "If you want to feel out of place tell your friends you don’t want to travel. The looks you’ll receive in return will run the gamut from shock and disgust to quiet pity. Admitting this is pretty much declaring ignorance and isolationism. It’s tripping down the stairs while crawling back into your doomsday bunker. Good, self-actualized people travel. If they don’t, they want to.

    Somehow getting on a plane and going far away became the highest form of purchasable enlightenment. To experience real life is to experience it somewhere else. As a homesteader I chose the opposite. I haven’t left this farm for a single night in over five years, but I think my experiences have been just as life changing as the inkiest passport.

    To love travel is to love the feeling of being uncomfortable in a controlled environment. It’s a very expensive roller coaster ride. You board the plane knowing that some new experiences will slide out of your comfort zone, but they are usually still choices you made. We’ve all seen the Instagram feeds of zip lines, SCUBA trips, long hikes, and drinks on the beach. Whatever the itinerary it’s understood there’s a safe hotel room booked, plenty of cash set aside for meals, and soon they’ll be home again to explain to you how the temperature of beer served in restaurants varies based on region.

    I see these pictures and feel nothing. No sense of envy or desire. I always saw travel as something anyone can do with enough money, time, and the will to book a flight. By its nature travel is flirting. There is no commitment to the destination, only pleasure. Guest is a title travelers learn to accept. That word makes me cringe."

    1. Her writing / her attitude has so devolved from her first book, where she came off as humble, hard-working, willing to do what it took to achieve her goals.

      Here she is in 2017, six years later, shitting on people who travel? Why? And I doubt anyone "looked at her with disgust" when she said she didn't want to travel, unless she said something as rude and judgmental in person as she said in that post.

      Scenario 1 Jenna tells:
      Friend: I want to go to x y z. Where do you want to go?
      Jenna: I don't really want to go anywhere, I'm a homebody.
      Friend: *curls lip* you're such a rube!

      I doubt that happened.

      It was more likely Scenario 2:

      Friend: I want to go to x y z. Where do you want to go?
      Jenna: I think travel has became the highest form of purchasable enlightenment.
      Friend: *stares with open mouth*
      Jenna: *senses judgement but has no insight*

      She always introduced these stories with an angle of victimhood too. "My friends judge me for not wanting to travel. My neighbours stopped waving to me when I put a pride sticker on my truck. I'm such a scrappy misfit just tryin' to make it in this cookie-cutter world!"

    2. What a bizarre bleg post. Why state all that when it just makes her look like an envious weirdo? But upon re-reading with a monetary view, it may have been written to elicit sympathy and a gift of an all-expenses-paid vacation from a deep-pocketed foollower.

      I mean, she once thought that she and her farm story were soooooo amazingly special that Hollywood was gonna hand her a golden ticket to movie deals, fame and fortune.

      (BTW, I looked but can't find the bleg post where she wrote that.)

    3. But I did find this back-patting post from July 2010:

      "BIG NEWS!!! So I have big news: Cold Antler Farm is going to be a movie! CAF will be the subject of an independent documentary about the making of a small farm. Legally, I can't delve into details about the production, but I can send you to a site to learn more about it and contribute if you like towards the filmmaking process. What it is—is a crew of filmmakers coming to here throughout the first year. They will document the beginning stages of one small Northeast farm. They'll film the new ram, flock and lambs. They'll capture everything from roto-tilling to farmers markets and fairs—making a visual journal of a girl trying to makes things happen. They're interested in capturing the challenges along the way and the back-story that's lead up to it: a sort of lifestyle story about what this life choice means to me and how I got here. Quite the goings-on, quite!"

      ...followed by:

      "*There's no cash involved for me (it's actually illegal to pay people to appear in documentaries) so please don't think this is some sort of financial boom. I don't want this to come across as a some sort of hubristic announcement of a movie deal, with celebrities and fat checks. That's not the case at all."

      Gotta LOVE how she made sure to mention there's no money in it for her. In other words, poodles, keep the donations flowing! means so much!!

    4. Anon 7 - Oh yeah, I definitely read that too. I wonder if she deleted it? I'll see if I can find it.

    5. Here's one mention:

      "I knew if I kept going eventually I would either collect the readership, or that magic book deal, or something like a TV or movie option, or something that would pay off. "

    6. I found an old entry from 2013 where she explicitly states falconry was intended to be a book deal:

      No Hawk
      So there was no hawk trapping. Turns out I needed alot more than a NY State Apprenticeship Liscense, which I didn't realize having never done this before. It took a year to get my liscense, but that was just the FIRST step in forms, permits, and such. I needed a Federal license, too. And to apply for my federal paperwork I need forms back from the state... It's a huge pile of red tape, and we figured it out this morning around a pile of hawk traps.

      I'm upset. This may mean Falconry is out this year unless I somehow can wrangle the State and Federal government to pull out all the stops, and this isn't exactly a high priority for any bureaucrat. Which also means no chance of a falconry book deal, which really effects the farm's bottom line as that was my best chance for another contract before Yule. So it's an emotional and financial blow, and frankly I am bummed out. It's not a real problem, of course, but it is a huge let down. I left my house a few hours ago thrilled to start on this journey. It may very well end up being another year.

    7. WiW. Yeah, her hawks are only more pet props for photo ops to further the illusion of being a feral farmer. Apparently, she didn’t know that “ liscense” is spelled license. And it’s affects not “effects,” in that context. Years later and she still makes the same stupid mistakes.

    8. I left the above comment. She’s always been a pretentious posing POS.

    9. I wonder what happened with that doc movie business? They probably found her too insufferable to work with.

    10. Anon7 - Did you look under March 20, 2017? I copied and pasted from her bleg. The title is, "I Don't Want to Travel".

  31. Twitter Twaddle - The sensitivity-bankrupt Pig Shocker re-tweeted this:

    "Taylor Swift has given us more Covid relief in the past year than the federal government."


    Learn to read the room. I don't think that the 2,379,312 MILLION DEAD worldwide would care about new Taylor Swift music.

    1. Just it too late to cram her back inside Ma Wog?

    2. Ma Wog wouldn’t want her back even if it were possible to do a reverse birthing process.


  32. I haven't seen this addressed here (I don't think) but sites like eBay, ETSY, Discogs, etc. Anything involving sales and the exchange of services, now has to report to those sites their date of birth and social security number, plus a valid bank account. Let me give you an example. On eBay, since it's inception, you could sell items, create a store online within that system (and other variables) and have your buyers pay you through PayPal and have your payment deposited INTO PayPal. Now the government is cracking down. If you sell over $20,000 per year, or over 200 items, for example, then eBay (or other selling sites) have to report you to the IRS. The dollar amount and sales amount of items can vary from state to state, apparently. I am still learning about this.

    Here is one piece of it:

    Update your account details by February 14, or your ability to revise or relist existing listings, or create new listings will be disabled.

    eBay now manages the end-to-end selling experience on our marketplace, including payments. This means:

    Simpler to get paid: Receive your eBay earnings in your bank account, not your PayPal account. We will initiate payouts within two business days of payment confirmation.

    Simpler fees: Your eBay selling fees, expenses, and charges will be automatically deducted from your earnings before you get paid. No more PayPal payments processing fees or separate monthly fee payments!

    Update your account details by February 14, 2021 to continue revising or relisting existing listings, or creating new listings. Learn more here.


    Why is the way I’m getting paid on eBay changing?
    We are updating the payments experience on eBay to enhance the buying and selling experience on the marketplace. We believe this is an opportunity to deliver a more seamless experience for both buyers and sellers, while offering a greater choice in payment and payout options.

    Is there anything I need to do right now?
    Please update your account details, including adding your bank account information, by February 14, 2021 to ensure there are no interruptions to your ability to create new listings and avoid potential payout delays. Learn more and get started here.

    How are my fees changing?
    Your eBay selling fees and expenses will be automatically deducted from your earnings before you get paid. The remainder of your earnings will go directly to your bank account, not your PayPal account. You'll no longer have to pay PayPal payment processing fees and no more separate monthly fee payments. Examples of eBay selling fees include: insertion fees, listing upgrades, and store subscription fees.

    So I am guessing PayPal has alerted her of these changes? From what I've read in forums, they don't necessarily scoop you up on the spot, but the way you list can be removed or disrupted, and eventually it does catch up with you. For example, someone in the forum was alerted last August, did nothing and now in February it's affecting them.

    In the forum some are arguing, "I'm only cleaning house and selling the stuff that I own already." Doesn't matter. A lot of this is about sales tax violators. Some say they won't go this route, but I've been through this before with another online company, and they have you over the barrel on a lot of issues. Time will tell.

    If you are more curious you can always go to the eBay forum or community sites where plenty of people have posted pages of the federal and state laws covering all of this. The reason I'm dumping it in here is, we all know someone who sells online, and this may put a crimp in her future sales if they go after her.

  33. “With the month nearly halfway over I am still working to make the month's mortgage payment on time! If you like the idea of a pair of queer farmers raising pork and chicken, lamb and wool, gardens and bunnies support this little farm by purchasing some soap or a pet portrait! DM!”

    “Also raising chickens (whole roasters), pork, wool for spinning (later this summer) and teaching archery! This farm needs sales ever month to get through, just like any other business, and DM if you are interested in any of that!”

    “Or if you just want to pitch in towards the writing at barnheart dot com it's (PayPal link)”

  34. Did she shower Shannon with tokens of her affection on Valentine’s Day? Maybe she found a new Taylor Swift sweater at her dump to give as a gift.

    1. Maybe she gave JJ her own PayPal account...

  35. I am just wondering since she will have wool for sale come late spring will the first be on the list all those she stiffed way back when she was doing wool shares before? Would only seem right that she would FINALLY pay them back.

  36. What a stupid, navel-gazing twat:

    “I have never once pronounce the s at the end of exercise. Ever. I always say exer-SIZE. Am I saying it wrong or is this just some English bullshittery?”

    No one cares, cunt.

    “Does anyone know of any essays, studies, or books about why queer women are so drawn to Nature/Hiking/Farming? RT to help me research please.”

    The lazy attention whore won’t use Google to search for her own information.

    “Goal today is to spend zero money and put 100 in the bank. Get yourself some art, or futures in pork or chicken, or handmade soaps! DM to do any of that! Hoo! Capitalism is our self-created hell!”

    Her faux farm is a “self-created hell!”

    1. Wtf does she mean by capitalism being a self created hell? No wait, I know. It means earning a living. Jenna wants to live in a world of handouts where people give and she receives.

    2. I think if she could receive welfare she would and without shame. For all I know she tried and failed to get it.

      Yeah Jenna, the majority of us have to work for a living. Suck it up, shut up and work.


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